
God says you have to do everything I tell you to!

Lori Alexander #fundie #sexist lorialexander.blogspot.com

Think back with me in America before 1950 when there was no birth control. Most men married early since being promiscuous could easily lead to pregnancy and most men didn't want this responsibility without marriage. If they did get a woman pregnant, they would marry the woman whom they impregnated since this was the proper thing to do. There was no such thing as "safe" and legal abortions. Once a woman had a child and was married, she was home full-time with her children since this was what women knew they were supposed to do. If they had a job, they were fired once they got married so they could be at home and care for their husband and home until they did become pregnant. Most families had anywhere from five to more children. The average number was around six. The children were disciplined according to biblical principles and taught the Bible in school. Most people owned guns but no one went into classrooms and shot children dead.

Men knew they were the providers back then since everyone knew once a couple got married, they would probably begin having babies and the mothers needed to be home caring for them. Little girls grew up knowing they would probably get married and have children so they were ready and most were excited about having their own husband, children and home. Their mothers had prepared them for this very important role. Life was easy when there weren't a lot of "choices" for them to make. Therefore, they were content in their role of being home with their children while their husbands worked hard to provide for them. Was it a perfect time in the history of America? Of course not. Racism was an ugly and evil practice in America that should never have existed. Life on this earth will never be perfect but men worked hard to provide, women worked hard at home and cared for their children, and the family unit was strong, thus our nation was strong after the Civil War which ended slavery.


I have stated before that I hate birth control and the destruction it has caused in our nation. Sexual promiscuity keeps getting worse. Millions of babies have been slaughtered. Women can put off having babies to pursue careers as long as they want. Most couples only want one or two children; not enough to "multiply" as the Lord commands. Many more bad and ugly things have come from birth control than good.

Republican Party of Texas #wingnut #fundie #homophobia #transphobia texasgop.org

[From "Report of 2020 Platform & Resolutions Committee"]

21. Environment:We oppose environmentalism that obstructs legitimate business interests[…]Abolition of the [EPA][…]
26. Minimum Wage[…]Minimum Wage Act should be repealed[…]
65. State Sovereignty[…]Federal government has impaired our right of local self-government[…]Texas retains the right to secede from the United States should a future president and congress change our political system from a constitutional republic[…]
71. State Electoral College[…]Electors selected by the popular votes cast within each individual state senatorial district, who shall then elect all statewide office holders[…]
73. US Citizenship: We support a change to the 14th Amendment to eliminate “birth tourism” or anchor babies[…]citizenship only to those with at least one biological parent who is a US citizen[…]
86. Amend Texas Constitution[…]Strike the following words[…]“but the Legislature shall have power, by law, to regulate the wearing of arms”[…]
95. CPS: We call for the eventual abolishment of CPS[…]
109. Hate Crimes:We urge the complete repeal of the hate crimes laws[…]
136. Scientific Theories:We support objective teaching of scientific theories, such as life origins and climate change[…]
145. Sexual Education[…]Prohibiting the teaching of sex education[…]
175. Defund Big Government, Not the Police:Any large city or county that cuts its police budget by
more than 10 percent should be required to cut its property tax[…]
232. Israel[…]We oppose the creation of a Palestinian state[…]force Israel to give up land that God gave to the Jewish people as referenced in Genesis[…]
253. Natural Medical Right[…]Right to refuse vaccination or medical treatment

Linda Harvey #fundie #homophobia #transphobia missionamerica.com

How Homosexual Friends Can Influence Our Kids
(continued from https://fstdt.com/C9T$X3$NZSF6B )
Christian Faith. The biggest danger is what this friendship will do to genuine Christian faith. Your child will hear the assertion over and over that the friend is not only well-adjusted, but sure that he could never be anything other than homosexual, or is really trapped in the wrong sex body. This is certainly a firm belief, but it’s not based on reality. The long-term evidence is that homosexuality and gender confusion arise out of dysfunction, including experiences like child sexual abuse, poor relationships with parents (especially the same sex parent), and peer difficulties. An introspective personality, and the availability of pornography may then turn a slight attraction into obsessive fantasies. It may influence the person with a shaky gender identity to fantasize about "becoming" the opposite sex (which can never actually happen).

The claim once made about the elusive “gay gene” has been quietly dropped by most of the pro-homosexual organizations, because it can’t be supported by science. Instead, the approach has begun to be, “Well, it doesn’t matter—if this is what we want, it must be natural and okay.” But dangerous behavior that arises out of unhappy, unhealthy circumstances does not call for affirmation. It cries out for a solution. Rather than blessing anal sex between 14- year- old boys—which is what "LGBTQ" advocacy groups believe is normal—most parents readily see that this is tantamount to insanity.

The Bible informs us that homosexual behavior is common among paganized cultures, along with lots of other very destructive actions. We are becoming a paganized society and, sure enough, all types of sexual (and other) behavior is more commonplace. Rather than being just a set percentage of people, homosexuality is instead one of a cafeteria selection of behaviors that adolescents especially are now trying. As we grow further separated from the truth of God, we are “exchanging the truth of God for the lie” (Romans 1:25) and worshipping ourselves and our own instincts, wherever they take us.


Lori Alexander #fundie #sexist lorialexander.blogspot.com

Did you know it is human nature for women to be lazy and go from house to house? “And withal they learn to be idle, wandering from house to house; and not only idle, but tattlers also and busybodies, speaking things they ought not” (1 Timothy 5:13). Women don’t want to stay at home but be out and about continually being away from the home and finding entertainment, a career and fulfillment instead of being where the Lord has called them to be. Do you see that the root of feminism is against God’s plan for women? Its entire mantra was to get women out of the home and it has accomplished what it set out to do.[…]

Ohio Republicans #fundie #wingnut wksu.org

The Ohio House passed a resolution (House Resolution 194) late Wednesday night that urges the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom to add Canada to a religious freedom watch list.

Republican Rep. Tim Ginter (R-Salem) backed the resolution for the way Canada handled lockdowns of churches and actions it took against religious leaders during the pandemic.

“This resolution is not the result of a singular incident or even a handful of incidents. It's a persistent pattern of religious rights violations that has driven us to this point,” Ginter said.

Rep Reggie Stoltzfus (R-Paris Township) said religious leaders who violated COVID protocols in Canada were jailed. And he says that's not a behavior Ohio should condone. He said this resolution would send a strong message to Canada.

"While Ohio has stood up for religious freedom and protected the right to attend religious services, it is clear Canada has not done the same," Stoltzfus said.

Stoltzfus said this behavior is "very similar to what we see in Communist-controlled China."
The resolution passed along party lines with Republicans voting for it, Democrats voting against it.

Alexandra Bruce #fundie #conspiracy forbiddenknowledgetv.net

Most people will agree that Satanism is the antithesis of Christianity. So first, we must define what Christianity is.

In a sentence, Christianity is the impulse to express Brotherly Love towards our fellow man.

Satanism does not have that impulse, at all.

In the most simple terms, Satanism can be described by the pop culture phrase “Pimps & Hoes”.

If these words upset you, good. We are talking about the nature of evil and if it makes light of it, even better.

These animals are nothing to fear.

While the rich and powerful Satanists want you to believe they are witches and warlocks, they are nothing more than Pimps & Hoes – cannibals, feeding off their people like predatory animals – completely devoid of the impulse for Brotherly Love.

Satanism is base level animal tribalism, an animal hierarchy comprised of the Pimps at the top, the Hoes they control and the Tricks they both exploit.

This is the Law of the Jungle, which has existed for millennia, a Survival of the Fittest, dog-eat-dog world, where the nice guys always finish last.

It is the Patriarchy that the anti-Christians claim to oppose, which makes no sense.

Because we are only able to transcend this ruthlessness with the Christian impulse of Brotherly Love, where everyone is equally welcome.

There’s a lot of talk about a battle being waged between Good and Evil.

But this sort of Black and White duality only exists in our mind.
Our free will allows us the choice to either transcend spiritually, which requires a personal relationship with God – or descend into the animal kingdom and forever remain a beast, which is what the Pimps & Hoes are ultimately selling. But we don’t have to buy it.

Satanic influence has always been with us and it is nothing to fear.

These Satanist pimps are not gods. They are merely animals playing mind tricks and spinning lies.

Jeremiah Jameson #fundie #conspiracy endtimesprophecyreport.com

“And the great dragon…that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world“
—Revelation 12:9

YES, the deception is ubiquitous and so thick it cannot be seen through without the assistance of a merciful God.

YES, we are most certainly living in a multi-layered, slickly-produced, self-reinforcing, make-believe world which has been pulled over the eyes of the masses.

NO, it is not a computer simulation–otherwise Satan’s Mouthpiece (the Corporate Media) would not be writing about it.
Jesus was no liar: the end times are a time of overwhelming deception.

This deception presents a false set of events and circumstances to the world AS IF they were real and not a totally-manufactured counterfeit meant to deceive and mislead.

The delivery systems of this carefully constructed facade are TV, education, crossword puzzles, books, magazines, church sermons, movies, the Internet, music, so-called “Christian” books and music, comedy shows, radio, advertising, media, jokes on late night TV, computers and, especially, the ever-present smartphones.

In short, ALL sources of worldly information work together to deceive and fool ALL who depend upon them.

So, YES, the reader IS living in an artificially-constructed reality. No doubt, he has already found this to be true by his own means.

OR perhaps he has learned it by mere “chance” or “luck“?

YES, the Bible has many things to say about this suffocating false reality which will blanket men in the end times.

YES, there is a way to successfully break free of this deceptive illusion.

A few have done it.

NO, it is not a computer simulation.


Magda Lewandowska #elitist #fundie #magick witia.squarespace.com

Hello, everyone! Sława Bogom!

While focusing on weeding out Judeo-Christian influences from Slavic tradition, we missed the pagan influences, which still contaminate and distort the culture, tradition and beliefs of the Slavs, or, more specifically – Rodnovers.

There is a lot of Rodnovers, followers of Slavic Native Faith, who do not speak a Slavic language. And, you know, it’s brilliant that Slavic native Faith or Slavic culture transcends the cultural and linguistic borders. The problem could be when these people decide that, while not having a lot of understanding of Slavic culture, they can teach about it.

Patricia Robin Woodroof lives in Northern America, never lived in a Slavic country, does not speak a Slavic language and has zero understanding of Slavic. well of Slavic soul, really. She does not know and does not understand how it is to be a Slav, what does it mean to be a Slav, what are the core values, ideas or concepts acquired while growing up or living among Slavs, within a Slavic culture, she assumed that Slavic native Faith is kind of like, I don’t know, Wicca with Slavic Gods added.

There are ways of looking at the world which one cannot experience through English language. One of these things is grammatical gender.

When you a Slav, let’s say from Poland and speaking Polish, and you sit down to have a cuppa, you brew herbata (female), you put your herbata at stół (male) and then you sit on krzesło (neutral). So, if you are Polish, the single act of having a cup of tea automatically puts you in a balanced state where all the male, female and neutral elements work together.

Slavic magic is grounded in words. Knowing a Slavic language gives one the ability to perceive and describe the word, the interactions within the word and even the very nature of the elements of the word – in a way pre-Christian Slavs perceived and talked about it. A Slavic language that is used properly is absolute necessity in Slavic magic.

Pat claims to be able to understand Slavic magic – magic based on language – without having the slightest idea about this language. What are people, who listen to her thinking? That one can talk in English to casts Slavic spells? Like, really?

Allie Beth Stuckey #fundie #wingnut twitter.com

I don’t think we’re talking enough about the fact that pro-abortion activists are terrorizing pregnancy centers across the country that serve poor families with free resources. These are dangerous domestic terrorists and should be charged as such.

BabylonBee #homophobia #transphobia #fundie babylonbee.com

Oh no! Everyone's calling everyone else "groomer" and now we're all confused! Are you a groomer? Is your neighbor a groomer? Let the experts at The Babylon Bee help you sort it out. Here are all the warning signs you may be a groomer:

1. Do you talk about sex with 5-year-olds behind their parents' back?

2. Do you begin sentences with, "Don't tell your parents, but..."

3. Do you encourage kids to cut off their sex organs?

4. Are you a Disney Executive?

5. Did you quit your teaching job after they passed the Parental Rights Act in Florida?

6. Does taking other people's kids to a drag show and calling it a "field trip" seem ok to you?

7. Do you drive around in a windowless van with "FREE GENDER-AFFIRMING CARE" scrawled on the side?

8. Have you ever helped a child acquire sex hormones without their parent's knowledge?

9. Does David French think you're a "blessing of liberty?"

Tally up your number of "Yes" answers and consult this chart:

1-2: Oh no! You're a groomer!

3-4: Wow. Definitely a groomer.

5-6: Yep, still groomer.

7-8: There's a Law & Order SVU episode with your name on it.

9: Ok, we're calling the police.

Babylon Bee #fundie #homophobia babylonbee.com

ISRAEL—Archeologists excavating in the Jordan Rift Valley have uncovered what they believe are the rainbow logos used by companies to promote Pride Month in the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. Samples have been sent to the University of Cambridge for further analysis and, if verified, could prove to be one of the most obvious finds in biblical history.

"It's kind of big news that we found the exact locations of Sodom and Gomorrah," Dr. Henrietta Tombs told journalists with National Geographic magazine. "But the quality of artifacts we've found also indicate a super perverted society of groomers, which was to be expected."

According to the Israel Antiquities Authority, researchers have unearthed special edition LGBT wheels, casks of Pride Wine, and rainbow-colored pottery vessels that once contained fig cakes. In addition, a slew of nude statues were discovered in Sodom's town square, which experts are calling "remarkably gay."

At publishing time, archaeologists also believe they have found the remains of Zoar, another of the ancient "cities of the plain" of which Sodom and Gomorrah were a part. Unfortunately, the artifacts found are shockingly homophobic.

munkeeBrainStu #fundie #conspiracy #crackpot #dunning-kruger ifunny.co

Why is the word globe not in the Bible? Why does God stop the sun in the sky for a day for Jacob, instead of stopping the movement of earth? Why is the sun moved back an hour in the sky instead of the earth rotates back an hour, when the shadow on the steps was brought back an hour? Admiral Byrd proved flat earth in 1945, but the truth was covered up by govt. A year later, globes were put in schools for the 1st time. Also that year, 10 nations shot missles straight up. All were destroyed when they hit the Firmament, about 10 miles up. This info got hidden, too. Gps is based on flat earthmcap. Flat earth map on UN flag. Both organizations deny this fact. Satan has deceived all the world. Globe is his biggest, most believed lie

BabylonBee #fundie #homophobia #transphobia babylonbee.com

1) Repent - The best thing you can do during Pride Month, or any month.

2) Read all the verses in your Bible that mention pride - Then, repent again.

3) Participate in the ceremonial exchanging of the Ukraine flag profile pic for the rainbow flag profile pic - It is a time-honored tradition.

4) Buy a Mustang - Become an honorary gay.

5) Put some frogs in water treated with government chemicals - This will make them gay.

6) Use the urinal right next to another dude - Don't make it weird; just do it.

7) Reclaim the rainbow as a symbol of God's promise to never flood the earth again - Then be really annoying by complimenting all the gay people for embracing the Noahic covenant.

8) Listen to some gay artists like George Michael, Elton John, or Maroon 5 - This will show you are an ally.

9) Go to your local library and host a "Sodom and Gomorrah Genesis 19 Reading Hour" for the little ones - We must honor our LGBTQ history.

10) Repent one more time just to be sure - You can't be too careful when you're living in a nation that blatantly defied God for decades after He blessed her and made her into the most prosperous nation on earth!

Dillon Awes #fundie #homophobia youtube.com

What does God say is the answer, is the solution, for the homosexual in 2022, here in the New Testament, here in the Book of Romans?

That they are worthy of death! These people should be put to death!

Every single homosexual in our country should be charged with the crime, the abomination of homosexuality, that they have. They should be convicted in a lawful trial. They should be sentenced with death. They should be lined up against the wall and shot in the back of the head! That’s what God teaches. That’s what the Bible says.

You don’t like it? You don’t like God’s Word, because that is what God says.
Here’s the thing. Here’s why reprobates, here’s why homosexuals, are so dangerous to society: They’re not like other sinners in the sense that every single day that they are alive, they’re being filled with more and more and more unrighteousness.

That is a scary thing. You want to know why we say that all homosexuals are pedophiles? And let me make that very clear: All homosexuals are pedophiles.

And people say, “Well, what about all the straight people that molest children?” They’re fags!”

I don’t care what you call them. If a person is with a child, you’re a fag. You’re a reprobate. You’re a sodomite. I don’t care what kind of classifications our government wants to give them. All homosexuals are pedophiles.

Now, here’s the thing. Here’s what I’m not saying. I’m not saying that every single homosexual that’s alive right now has committed that act with the child already. Because it could be that they haven’t had the opportunity yet, and they will at some point later in their life.

This is why we need to put these people to death, through the proper channels of the government, because the Bible says that they are being filled.

So here’s the thing: Yes, maybe not every single homosexual has been with a child yet, but what about tomorrow when they’re filled with a little more unrighteousness? What about in a week from now when they’re filled with a little more unrighteousness? What about 20 years from now? What are they gonna be like?

You look up the statistics on these sodomites that abuse children, they’re with so many children, it’ll make you throw up. Disgusting. These people are not normal. They’re not your average everyday sinners. They’re what the Bible calls reprobate. They’re rejected by God. They have no hope of salvation.

A.L.L #quack #fundie ewtn.com

"Since 1973, there has been no legal requirement for physicians to report maternal abortion deaths and complications. Most states report incomplete data, and the Centers for Disease Control, which compile and summarize the information, receive only sketchy numbers from California, Texas, Florida and Illinois which between them account for more than half a million abortions annually which is one-third of the nation's total."

"Doctors themselves admit that physicians who perform large numbers of abortions are virtual pariahs within their own profession. When a maternal abortion death does occur, it will naturally reflect discredit not only upon the guilty abortionist, but upon the pro-abortion movement and on the medical profession in general. In many cases, maternal abortion deaths only come to light when a relative of the deceased woman takes legal action."

"As an example of reasons for this prevalent degree of under-reporting, the State of California reported no abortion deaths at all in 1983 and 1984.[19] However, at least four women Patricia Chacon, Inez Herron, Cora Mae Lewis, and Yvonne Tanner died of abortion-related complications in California during those years"

"Many women who obtain abortions are ashamed or embarrassed by the circumstances under which they got pregnant and/or by the act of killing their preborn child. Therefore, about one-third of all women obtaining abortions cross state lines or travel to another city in order to maintain anonymity.
If such a woman returns to her home town and then dies of abortion-related complications after several hours or days, her death is extremely difficult to trace if no family member or friends know that she obtained an abortion, or where such an abortion occurred."

"According to the United States Bureau of Vital Statistics and the Centers for Disease Control, the last time 1,000 women died of illegal abortions in the United States was in the year before penicillin became widely available to the public in 1942. In the ten years preceding Roe v. Wade, deaths ranged from 90 to 150 per year.

Menno Mafait #fundie #crackpot quora.com

Using fundamental science, I gained knowledge and experience that no one else has:

• I have defined intelligence in a natural way (http://mafait.org/intelligence/);
• I have discovered a logical relationship between natural intelligence and natural language (http://mafait.org/intelligence_in_grammar/);
• I am implementing these laws of intelligence in software, which is published as open source (http://mafait.org/download/);
• And I defy anyone to beat the simplest results of my CNL reasoner (http://mafait.org/challenge/) in a generic way: from natural language, through algorithms, to natural language.

The Laws of Intelligence embedded in Grammar are demonstrated by:

• Programming in natural language (http://mafait.org/screenshots_programming/);
• Reasoning in natural language (http://mafait.org/screenshots_reasoning/):
• drawing conclusions (more advanced than scientific solutions),
• making assumptions (with self-adjusting level of uncertainty),
• asking questions (about gaps in the knowledge),
• detecting conflicts and some cases of semantic ambiguity,
• displaying of justification reports for the self-generated knowledge;
• Multilingualism (http://mafait.org/screenshots/), proving: Natural languages have one common origin.

Menno Mafait #crackpot #fundie quora.com

The invalidation of the theory of evolution as the explanation for the origin of intelligence, language and laws of nature:

• Despite centuries of exhaustive research, the theory of evolution still hasn't provided a satisfactory explanation for the origin of intelligence, language and laws of nature. Let alone, how they are related;
• According to the biblical world view, God has created laws of nature – including laws of intelligence – to make his creation run like clockwork. Being based on Natural Laws of Intelligence embedded in Grammar, only Thinknowlogy implements the intelligent function of words like definite article “the”, conjunction “or”, possessive verb “has/have” and past tense verbs “was/were” and “had”. Other Controlled Natural Language (CNL) reasoners are limited to sentences with present tense verb “is/are”. They don't accept the words mentioned above.

I am using fundamental science instead of cognitive science:

• Autonomous reasoning requires both intelligence and language;
• Intelligence and language are natural phenomena;
• Natural phenomena obey laws of nature;
• Laws of nature (and logic) are investigated using fundamental science (Basic research - Wikipedia).

Dr. Jerry Bergman #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy answersresearchjournal.org

Friedrich Engels Introduced Darwin to Karl Marx and Changed the World


Friedrich Engels was in some ways as important as Marx in helping to establish the revolution called Marxism (Communism) that has changed the world. It was Engels who brought Darwinism into Marx’s life and the socialist/communist movement. His role, and the influence of Darwinism, were both important, although Darwinism is a more important part of the radical-left movement today than in the days of Marx. The contribution of both Engels and Marx were intertwined; thus Engels’ work cannot be discussed without covering the contribution of his close co-worker, Karl Marx.

* Abstract
* Introduction
* Friedrich Engels Meets Karl Marx
* Materialism and Darwinism
* The Need to Eliminate God
* Marx: From “Christian” to Darwinist
* Conflict and Struggle Incorporated into Marx’s and Engel’s Bible
* Friedrich Engels’ Role in the Darwinian and Communist Revolutions
* Other Socialists Led by Darwin
* Engel’s and Marx’s Ideas Inspire Scores of Books
* The Importance of Human-Ape Ancestry in Marxism
* The Influence of Pierre Trémaux on Engels and Marx
* Engels Influenced Lenin and Mao Zedong
* Summary
* References

Keywords: Friedrich Engels, Karl Marx, Darwin, Communism, Marxism, Atheism, Christianity, Hitler, Lenin, Virchow, Thomas H. Huxley, Hugo de Vries, Lamarckian, Karl Kautsky, Paul Lafargue

Warren H. Johns #fundie #crackpot answersresearchjournal.org

A New Flood Chronology Based on Seven-Day Creation Cycles


Many attempts have been made to decipher the chronology of the Flood by uncovering the calendar behind the detailed dating of key Flood events. This study begins by linking Flood chronology with Creation chronology, which simply has a sequence of seven literal days ending with a sabbath day. The seven-day cycle becomes the key to establishing Flood chronology with its seven-day cycles throughout the narrative. Four times the seven-day Creation cycles are mentioned in the Flood account (Genesis 7:4, 10; 8:10, 12). These are interpreted as weekly cycles starting with a first day (Sunday) and ending with a seventh day (sabbath). This means that the last day of a seven-day wait for the Flood, according to 7:4, 10, was a sabbath of rest, the last day before the fury of the Flood was unleashed. Based on this template of seven-day cycles, the Flood started on a Sunday and ended on a sabbath (Saturday) 370 full days later. The final sabbath in the Flood account was marked by an animal sacrifice and the establishment of the everlasting covenant signified by a rainbow (Genesis 9:15–21). All datable events are then assigned to days of the week. The assigning of days of the week to important Flood events has possible implications for the developing new Flood models or modifying existing Flood models. Chapters 1–2 of Genesis are then inextricably linked to chapters 6–9. The Flood narrative cannot be correctly interpreted without interpreting the seven Creation days as literal days because of seven-day cycles being buried throughout the Flood narrative.

Keywords: Chiasmus, chiastic, mabbul, kataklusmos, 7-day cycles, Creation week, de-creation, literal days, chronology, dischronologization, covenant, historicity, Masoretic Text (MT), Septuagint (LXX)

Benjamin Fulford #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut #fundie benjaminfulford.net

Recently a member of the Earth Liberation Alliance delivered a handwritten note to a senior Jesuit that read: “Satan has returned to the original creation and received absolution, thank you for keeping the candle burning all these long years.”

The alliance has received intelligence that Satan was defeated years ago and what we are seeing now happening across the planet is a mop-up operation to remove his local field agents notably the top members of the Rothschild (red shield of Satan) family.

Here is what Queen Elizabeth II -a senior member of the alliance- had to say on the occasion of her Platinum Jubilee:

"Many happy memories will be created. We remain very deeply committed to our shared causes East and West. The general stewardship of the geopolitical landscape had been predominantly Western, the Opioid device by our Rothschild among many families at the rub of the falling out which was not our design but they make money where they can and pretend to be not what they are – in the end, common is common and royal and imperial rise above it."

Elizabeth II R.
In another major sign that a new Age is about to begin, Italian and Catholic media have been rife with unsourced speculation that the 85-year-old Pope Francis is about to resign.

Of course, the real Pope Francis is long dead so what we are talking about is the defeat of the people controlling the current fake rubber mask/CG pope. The P3 freemasons -who forced his predecessor to resign- say Francis will probably be the last Pope ever.
This does not mean the battle is over yet. The people of North America are now being held hostage by the criminals running the fake Biden and Trudeau regimes. Several parts of Europe, including France and Ukraine, are also still under Satanic control.

So a military, information, legal and economic hybrid war is being waged by the alliance to liberate the people of these countries.

John Piper #fundie #sexist thetransformedwife.com

A woman asked John Piper if it was okay for women to become police officers. He answered her here. I will give a few comments from his article and then respond.

“And here’s my conviction: to the degree that a woman’s influence over a man — guidance of man, leadership of man — is personal and directive, it will generally offend a man’s good, God-given sense of responsibility and leadership, and thus controvert God’s created order. To an extent, a woman’s leadership or influence may be personal and non-directive, or directive and non-personal. I don’t think those would necessarily push the limits of what is appropriate.

“That’s my general paradigm of guidance, and you can see how flexible it is, how imprecise it is, so let me give some examples. A woman who is a civil engineer might design a traffic pattern in a city so that she’s deciding which streets are one-way, and therefore she is influencing, indeed controlling in one sense, all the male drivers all day long. But this influence is so non-personal that it seems to me that the feminine/masculine dynamic is utterly negligible in this kind of relationship.

“On the other hand, a husband and wife relationship is very personal, and hence the clear teaching of the New Testament that the man should give leadership in the home, and that she should give glad partnership in supporting and helping that leadership come into its own.

“On the other hand, some influence is very directive, and some is non-directive. For example, a drill sergeant might epitomize directive influence over the privates in the platoon, and it would be hard for me to see how a woman could be a drill sergeant — ‘hut two, right face, left face, keep your mouth shut, private’ — over men without violating their sense of manhood and her sense of womanhood.”

Vitarius #fundie #psycho #sexist incels.is

Catholic women who have relationships with non-Catholic men

Devout Catholic women are very rare (Proverbs 31:10), which already makes things very hard for us devout Catholic men. But then you have these Catholic women marrying unbelievers, making our lives even more hard.

By marrying unbelievers, these women even put themselves and their children in spiritual/moral danger: "Bad company corrupts good character" (1 Corinthians 15:33).

These women are even worse than race traitors who complicate the lives of men of low value races by marrying white chads.

Their unbeliever husbands/boyfriends must be exterminated.

you are being kind of cuckish by the whole exterminate their boyfriends kind of thing,when really women are the only ones at fault.if 99.999% of a gender just wants to bang some small percentage of the other chad,it's not a mens issue it's a womens issue.

catholic women who marry man outside of the faith are disgusting pests who no one should respect.they are less then whores for at least whores have something to show to despite their degeneracy(much money for their children),whilst catholics whores have nothing to show apart from divorces from 8 men and 3 kids one of them who is a tranny soon to become statistic and the other two are whores whose they only church they belong to,is to the church of satan.

now,i am not saint,nor did i ever claim to be so,but it blows my mind how some people have everything yet fuck it up.

My logic is "if we kill the unbelievers, these women can remarry, and this time to Catholic men".

What about women who meet Christian men who are Protestant/Orthodox?

When I wrote this thread I had all "unbelievers" in mind: Atheists, Protestants, Jews, Orthodox, Pagans... Catholic women should marry Catholic men, basically.

Anonymous #fundie thefactofcreation.blogspot.com


You've been seduced by the Dark Side.

If Archaeopteryx did have feathers, there is a recent counter-example discovery of a similar yet older creature, Xiaotingia zhengi, in China. Researchers now conclude that these two creatures are NOT related to modern birds, but to extinct Velociraptors.

There are no valid transitional forms known of true macro evolution. You have many examples of fossils - dead things - that have been interpreted as transitional forms. But realize that these are INTERPRETATIONS and nothing more. There is no solid evidence of change going from one species to the next. After all, you'd have to change the DNA code to change the organism, right?

Researchers have tried real time, but they’re unsuccessful. If you look at the mutation experiments on the fruit fly, drosophila melanogaster with its generation period of 11 days, you'll find that virtually all mutations are harmful if not lethal. They've been breeding fruit flys for decades with NO transitional forms and NO change in species. Think about it – you’d have to not only modify, but ADD beneficial DNA coding to effectively change the organism. Fruit fly mutations have formed an additional pair of wings, but they’re useless. How many protein sequences would it take and what is the probability of generating enough nucleotide changes to produce sufficient amino acids and then proteins for additional flight muscles? Don't be sheepish on the math here gentlemen. Can you prove to me that you can accurately calculate biological probabilities? Just saying "it's possible" denies the fact that it's not probable.

Let me repeat: There are no proven transitional forms. In fact, biological history is full of JUNK SCIENCE in terms of human transitional forms. Let me summarize these historical frauds which were once hailed as so-called "missing links".

Con jobs: Piltdown man was found to be a pig's tooth in 1952. Ramapithicus was later identified as an ape. Australopithicus has also been later identified as an ape (now extinct). Nebraska man was later identified as a pig's tooth. Peking man, Java man, Homo erectus, Cro-Magnon man, Heidelberg man and Neanderthal man are all inconclusive. And Neanderthal man - who had a brain larger than ours - shows me we're the ones who have been conned.

Charlie Kirk #conspiracy #fundie #wingnut twitter.com

We’re witnessing the last gasps of a dying civilization Currency is worth nothing Language is obsolete Sovereignty is non-existent Culture is being assaulted God-Given Rights being ignored Total breakdown of the family American Cities are dying What are we going to do about it?

Paul Bury #fundie #conspiracy familyfriendlygaming.com

It astounds me that the more we talk about pointing people to God the more the forces of Satan attack us. We have been upgrading a plethora of things here at Family Friendly Gaming as we have been attacked from a variety of angles. Hackers trying to destroy our YouTube channel, email, and more. Haters falsely accusing us of things to authority areas to get us blocked and banned. Do they get joy out of being so evil? How do they sleep at night knowing they are openly serving Satan? Does it make them feel good to try and destroy what others have created and built up?

My reaction to these attacks might surprise you. I feel bad for the people doing these evil, vile, and wicked things. I feel pity and sympathy for those who are not capable of creating anything. I cannot comprehend their desire to destroy and ruin. We fix the damage these evil people create, we shake off the dust from our cloaks as a testament against them and we go right back to doing God’s will for our lives. I am not angry at them. I do not hate them. I want them to turn from their evil, vile, and wicked ways. I want them to embrace the light we are shining. I want them to repent of their evil ways and turn to God. I want them to embrace obedience to God out of their own free will.

If they are expecting some rant and rave about them they failed. This article is the one public response they are receiving. This is more about letting you know the vicious hate filled attacks we experience from those who claim to celebrate and tolerate diversity. They instead lie, steal, and destroy. I set the record straight and expose their evil deeds to the entire world. God will judge them. God will punish them. I will do nothing against them. I am way too busy doing God’s will and making this a better world to live in. I comprehend they fear that. I comprehend these haters are cowards. I understand that their hateful attacks are an attempt to silence us. I understand that these criminals are self-centered, and self-absorbed. I also understand they are openly serving Satan. They hate us because we choose to obey God. Their attacks will not stop us from obeying God.

John C. Wright #transphobia #fundie #dunning-kruger archive.ph

He is in fact a foundling, a poor little black girl, who is the sole source of the regenerative ability of the Time Lords, hence the true founder of their society, not Rassilon.

This clip does not show, but I have it on good authority that the scientist and mother of the Doctor, a super-scientist who isolates the regeneration gene code, of course, of course, is a strong female character, and the first female space explorer of Gallifrey.

In some other context, in the hands of another writer, at some other point in time, making William Hartnell into a little orphaned black girl who is also the sole source of the immortality of the Time Lords might have been a perfectly legitimate science fictional flourish to a beloved and long-running series.

But that is not the context here. We live in a day and age when a professor in a lecture hall can be forced by threat of lawsuit not to call his students “mister” and “miss” — a male student insisted on being addressed by a female pronoun — and the professor is not allowed gracefully to obey but to announce his protest to this prohibition in his syllabus. He must obey without protest.

I have not seen the episode, nor, indeed, the season, nor ever will I.

Doctor Who is dead to me. Farewell, faithful childhood friend from Gallifrey!

I will recall your wonderful adventures forever. The hacks who scribbled you over with clownish graffiti of political correctness, I will not hate forever, for I have it from Dante that the coldest and lowest place in Hell is reserved for betrayers.

Theo Tsourdalakis #fundie #dunning-kruger #pratt quora.com

What role does our Neanderthal ancestry play in our aggression today?

zero role.

What exactly do you think Neanderthals were?

Humans have always been human.

Neanderthals is part of the macro evolution myth which is devoid of credible scientific evidence.

Evolutionists have a vivid IMAGINATION but are really poor on credible scientific evidence.

Dr John Sanford (Geneticist and inventor of the Gene Gun) said :

“The bottom line

is that the primary axiom [of Darwinian/Macro evolution]

is categorically false,

you can't create information with misspellings,

not even if you use natural selection.”

Dr Ben Carson; ex Director of Pediatric Neurosurgery at one of the world's greatest hospitals (John Hopkins), a groundbreaking surgeon, best-selling author, and recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom said:

"I think one of the most damning pieces of evidence against evolution is the human genome.

You can see that you have very complex, sophisticated coding mechanisms for different amino acids, and various sequences that give you millions of different genetic instructions -- very much like computer programming, which uses a series of zeros and ones in different sequences, but gives you very specific information about what that computer is to do."

@TommyRobinson1 & @timbooker #fundie #racist #wingnut gettr.com

( @TommyRobinson1 )
Bit strange isn’t it???

A RABBI advocating for murdering babies???

I know it’s a contentious issue but his pro abortion issue is also racially and religiously motivated.

He’s an anti White, anti Christian, pro abortion rabbi.


Killing babies is murder plain and simple. Since when is letting each state make their own rules going back to the dark ages? Wow. That rabbi is a bitter person with a hatred of Christians. He forgets what the Torah says also

Well if his argument means anything -thank God that some Christians read the Word of God ,believe it is inspired by God and stand by it or the World would be more doomed than it already is.
God won't look on at this evil for much longer before judging the nations.
Abortion is murder and if you can murder babies or even condone it then there is not much hope left for you-
Only the mercy and grace of your creator which you will only recieve when you repent of your evil and start walking in God's ways.
Thank God that Tommy Robinson stands for Truth and the unborn even while the mainstream Church is failing us.

Lori Alexander #fundie thetransformedwife.com


Since I wrote about the devastating effects of Dr. Spock’s child raising book, I thought I would share what others think about spanking children. It seems we are constantly being told how the “studies” prove that spankings are bad for children and just plain wrong. In fact, a 50-year study proved that spanking children is just as bad as physical abuse. “We as a society think of spanking and physical abuse as distinct behaviors. Yet our research shows that spanking is linked with the same negative child outcomes as abuse, just to a slightly lesser degree.”

I know this isn’t true since parents have been spanking their children for centuries. I decided to look at the comments on the Facebook that shared this study (which isn’t a Christian site) to see what others had to say about this article and I was pleasantly surprised!

“And for 50 years society has demanded that there be no spanking and look what has happened to our kids. No respect of adults or other people’s property or lives. I for one am glad I was not listening!” (Inger)

“Watch nature. A mother bear will cuff her cub to keep it in line! All animals control their young with physical means, and GOD did tell us if you spare the rod, you spoil the child. A spanking is not meant to be a beating, just enough to get their attention.” (Joan)

“Funny how back in the day when a parent could discipline their children and not have the law or society call them out for ‘beating’ their child, we never had school shootings, or all of these disrespectful little thugs running around….” (Chrissie)

Unknown #fundie beliefnet.com

The Scripture does not even envision married couples who choose not to have children. The shocking reality is that some Christians have bought into this lifestyle and claim childlessness as a legitimate option. The rise of modern contraceptives has made this technologically possible. But the fact remains that though childlessness may be made possible by the contraceptive revolution, it remains a form of rebellion against God's design and order.

Couples are not given the option of chosen childlessness in the biblical revelation. To the contrary, we are commanded to receive children with joy as God's gifts, and to raise them in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. We are to find many of our deepest joys and satisfactions in the raising of children within the context of the family. Those who reject children want to have the joys of sex and marital companionship without the responsibilities of parenthood. They rely on others to produce and sustain the generations to come.


Roosh V #fundie #ableist #conspiracy #sexist rooshv.com

[From "Marrying A Woman With Mental Illness"]

Diagnosable mental illnesses are so commonplace that it’s inevitable for a single man to meet a woman who is “mentally ill.” Should he still consider her as a wife or try to find another woman? This is a difficult decision that must involve God, his priest, and Christian family and friends[…]
Every man and woman born in this fallen world will have severe problems with their passions until they are purified by the Holy Spirit. Maybe you are prone to lust like I[…]
When evaluating a woman with an active passion, you must ask yourself several questions. Is she actively struggling against the passion? Has the passion’s control over her declined from its peak?[…]
Since I have so much experience with pride and anger, I believe I can handle it[…]But how about a woman who is slothful?[…]
To have a passion is not to be mentally ill[…]Medical industry has so broadened the definition of mental illness[…]huge percentage of the population is “verifiably” mentally ill[…]
Many women on anti-depressant medication take it because they are “sad.” Winter came around and they weren’t having fun in life[…]Another woman was “tired” from her busy schedule and didn’t get “enjoyment” out of casual sex and other secular activities. Another woman started being “depressed” when she couldn’t find an office job she enjoyed. In cases like this, I believe the problem is not mental illness but a lack of Orthodox faith and coping mechanisms[…]
Should you marry an immature woman who is on anti-depressant drugs? How about if she took them in the past but does not take them anymore?[…]
It is my opinion that most people diagnosed with mental illness are merely immature, but there are people with what I’d call “severe mental illness”

The Sirius Network & Mystery School #crackpot #ufo #magick #fundie texashealers.com

The Sirius Network & Mystery School

Sirius Network & Mystery School(SNM) is supported by the Church of the Divine Spirit and founded on the universal teachings of the ancient Mystery Schools of Lemuria, Atlantis, Egypt and on the Holy Qabalah. And it also merges new teachings for the extraordinary time for we live in now—from the Ascended Masters, Archangels, Elohim, Devas, Elementals, Dragons, Fae, as well as from our Galactic Brothers and Sisters including Pleiadian Emissaries of the Light, Sirian Archangelic League of the Light, Arcturians and Andromedan Emissaries of Light. SNM shares its teaching with everyone through the classes that it offers and through the writings & recordings that it provides.

SNM is just one of the western traditional mystery school systems - often referred to as "Western Shamanism." Our studies feature Stargate Activation, Energy Medicine, Qabala, Christian Mysticism, and Quantum Physics. The Qabala is a dynamic system of Judeo-Christian theosophy, mysticism, and theurgy founded on ancient teachings and based on the tradition practiced by the ancient Essenes (whose members included John the Baptist and Jesus). All of our workshops, classes and programs are Overlighted by our Spiritual Guidance Team that include the Christ, the Great White Brotherhood, the Sirian Archangelic League of Light, Devas, Ascended Masters, the Christed ET’s and the Order of Melchizedek, who assist you to awaken to your Higher Self and Agape.
Stargate Transmissions are done by healing the body and mind from a quantum level. That means from a level which is not manifest at a sensory level but at a Divine Level. Our bodies ultimately are fields of information, intelligence and energy. The StargateTransmission process is a means of re-charging our "Life Force Battery" with Cosmic Chi or Fohat generated the Elohims and Deva Realms through Multi-Dimensional Doorways called Stargates .

Daniel Holdings #fundie #wingnut #ufo #conspiracy daniels-books.com

Midnight Strikes and God’s judgment is being unleashed as the most terrifying events in all of human history are now playing out on planet earth. There has never been a time like this as society breaks down and shatters itself into an unrecognizable shadow of its former self. Cataclysmic earth changes as well as unprecedented astronomic events will also overtake humanity. In the wake of this destruction is mounting evil and devastation such as the world has never seen. How can mankind cope with such overwhelming events?

With warning and preparation Midnight Strikes is a book for both Christians and Nonbelievers alike as the epic conclusion to the biblical narrative unfolds. The Church waits for the “rapture” and is unprepared for the cumulative evil and destruction that they too will have to walk through. For the Prepper, there’s not enough ammo and food storage, or a bunker deep enough to hide from the events befalling our nation and the world.

These materializing developments are dissected in detail in never before heard conversations between author Daniel Holdings and preeminent Radio Show Host Steve Quayle. In The Holdings and Quayle Interviews, Steve discusses all of the things that the Lord showed him about what would happen at the End of the Age.

With in-depth analysis affirming each point, Daniel draws the Watchman’s thoughts out as the men discuss:

– Earthquakes, Volcanoes and Celestial Catastrophes Beyond Comprehension

– World War III And The Invasion and Destruction of America

– The Mark of the Beast, False Prophet and the Antichrist

– The Economic Collapse of America and the World

– Unprecedented Persecution of Christians

– Coming Hyperinflation and Famine

– Total Surveillance of Americans

– FEMA Camps and Martial Law

– The Great Falling Away

– American Civil War 2.0

– Ancient and “alien” technologies and other mind-boggling sights will also be revealed.
Time has run out, the End of the Age is here – Midnight Strikes.

William Henry #ufo #fundie #magick #mammon amazon.com

The Secret of Sion represents the culmination of William’s unique search in Gnostic literature and sacred art that maps the path, called the Way of Light, that leads to the gate of heaven. His quest led him ‘through the worm hole’ where he peered into the promised land of Sion, a place at the center of our galaxy that is inhabited by ascended humans. His journey is presented as an invitation to follow his path in the form of the greatest collection of third eye opening and soul rising ascension art ever assembled, one that illuminates the esoteric mysteries of the greatest cosmic story ever told.

The Secret of Sion reveals:

* Jesus is an avatar of a race or tribe of advanced and wise humans, called Perfect Light Humans, who dwell at the center of our galaxy and travel via wormhole to and from this cosmic center.

* Jesus will return the same way he left…via stargate.

* Members of the race of Perfect Light Humans have remained on earth for thousands of years. They are the most ancient of aliens.

* Encoded within ascension art is a Stargate technology called ‘the Kit’. It includes the Star Crown (of Rose Thorns), a mysterious anointing oil and a robe of light called the Beaming Garment.

* The Kit is periodically reassembled in preparation for the return of the Avatars of Sion.

* Sion is rising and with it a new, new world order.

* The connection between the Mayan image of the serpent rope from the center of the galaxy and Christian Last Judgement art that shows a serpent linking earth and the Throne of God.

The old ways, the old days are over. Humanity is crossing a threshold and emerging into the light of Sion. It’s time to put our fear behind us and embrace the Way of Light. It’s time to reveal The Secret of Sion.

Dave Blount #wingnut #conspiracy #sexist #homophobia #transphobia #fundie moonbattery.com

[From "Uvalde as a Symptom of Liberalism"]

This isn’t about the availability of guns or the uselessness of local authorities. Uvalde is a symptom of a more serious problem: the engineered collapse of civilization

For decades, progressives have pumped raw sewage into the cultural water supply. First among their crimes, they have used feminism, the welfare state, the LGBT agenda, and the glorification of moral degeneracy to destroy the nuclear family

As John Daniel Davidson suggests, Salvador Ramos was a product of his culture:

A broken home, no father or father figure in his life, no church or community of any kind, no real friends except those he met through social media. Here we have, in brief sketch, not just a profile of a school shooter, but an indictment of our entire culture. It was the same in Parkland, and Sandy Hook, and many other places

Start with lack of family, lack of faith, lack of anything meaningful to believe in because leftists have torn down everything with more depth than political correctness. Add in the increased alienation inflicted in the name of Covid[…]
Applied liberalism. That’s the answer to [url=https://notthebee.com/article/check-out-this-thread-on-school-shootings-over-the-past-200-years-and-wonder-where-things-went-wrong]this mystery[url]

Rusty Thomas #fundie thetransformedwife.com

Once the church was seduced by Margaret Sanger, the angel of death and founder of Planned Parenthood, to embrace birth control, which separated sex from procreation, it paved the way for the world to embrace abortion on demand and all its adjacent evils (homosexuality, child molestation, the rape culture, and other deviant immoralities).

Sex with no commitment produces a people who treat their spouses or sinful partners (sex outside of marriage) as mere sex objects. Most, in this compromised state, refuse to muster the responsibility necessary to raise children.

Perhaps, it is past time for Christians to put the ax of God’s truth to the root of this bloody idolatrous tree. The church must first repent of the anti-child mentality inspired by the Devil himself, who came to kill, steal, and destroy.

The same reason why the world murders their offspring is the same reason why some Christians do the same or falsely believe that a barren womb is now the blessing and a fruitful womb is now the curse.

The American church, for the most part, rejects the Biblical truth that children are gifts, blessings, and God’s reward to faithful parents (Psalms 127:3-5). No, they believe children are burdens that interrupt our hectic American lifestyles that seeks personal fulfillment without being encumbered by the sacrificial love necessary to advance God’s Kingdom in the earth.
Who is afraid of the big bad baby today? Here is a clue. It is not just the unregenerate world inspired by demons, but tragically, those who name the name of Christ. To say this ought not to be is a huge understatement.

God has never withdrawn His cultural mandate, “Be fruitful and multiply, subdue and take dominion.” Time to get back to God, His word, will, and way. With all our seeking of God’s blessings, remember one of them is a fruitful womb within the confines of holy marriage.

SwytheQ #homophobia #fundie deviantart.com

If you need a holiday to make you feel good, your doing life wrong. Holidays are not accomplishments, not cures for depression. Same with your sexuality, race, identity.

Your freedom is also not an accomplishment worth my, or anyone else's time and energy. The whole point of freedom is to earn your right to govern your own affairs outside of the interference of others.

Shoving it into my, or anyone else's, face is no different in effect then Mormon's going door to door. It's annoying, and should be considered as a trespass.

Your superficial and shallow identity is not a point worthy of any respect. It solves nothing. It carries nothing into space. It is just there, and its not worth anyone's respect or time.

In fact it discounts people of merit. People who spend countless nights struggling to overcome skill deficits in order to create something. People who sacrifice relationships, money, and health to merely know something.

It discounts people who truly care and awards attention seeking peacock behavior. The artist striving to write a good story who is told by his editor to be more "representative" is completely ignored in favor of token work that will be forgotten in a sea of editors following the trends.

It awards pornography, hypersexualized behavior, victim complexes, dwelling on trauma. Even addition. Yeah that link there is a study that shows the the LGBT groups are the largest group of perverts in the room.

Pride month is the ultimate of favoritism and nepotism. It is corruption incarnate. It shall proceed the fall.

We should be celebrating our scientists, artists, and inventors for making our lives better through their labor. Not our sodomites, narcissists, and masochists who all have higher blood parasite levels and recently caused a monkey pox outbreak.

Linda Harvey #fundie #homophobia #transphobia missionamerica.com

How Homosexual Friends Can Influence Our Kids
(continued from https://fstdt.com/XL6QM2Q.96HT)
But depending on how close the friendship is, some real dangers exist, particularly if your child is not a Christian or is not well-grounded in the faith. Several parents have called us and tearfully related their experiences about a child who was eventually drawn into a homosexual relationship this way, when there was no previous sign of same sex attraction. There is even more vulnerability if the homosexual is a few years older and viewed as a mentor of some kind. And of course, you should never allow your child to become close to an adult who is a homosexual, even if that person is a relative, nor to a male identifying as a female or vice versa. The role modeling alone sets a poor example.

However, even if the homosexual friend is of the opposite sex, there are still some very serious dangers. Some women, for instance, are drawn to homosexual men as friends. There’s even a name for women who have lots of male homosexual friends in the “gay” community— the “fag hag.” Men with gender identity issues are sometimes drawn to women as friends, and your daughter may be the tender-hearted person who responds. However, just because a guy declares himself to be attracted to men does not mean he is incapable of having sex with women. In fact, ex-homosexuals I know relate that it’s extremely common for “gay” men to sometimes have sex with women, either “straight” or lesbian. (This is just one more of the many testimonies to the fact that no one is “born” gay).

Why does this happen? The reasons could be loneliness, or his “once last chance” attempt to prove masculinity, or an attempt by the female to “save” him from these desires by her intense love. And your son or daughter may have a secret crush on this person, believing that eventually the “gay” friend will love them in the same way. Alcohol is often a factor that may suddenly transform the friendship into a hook-up, just like it’s happening among heterosexual students.

Leo Lyon Zagami #wingnut #fundie #conspiracy leozagami.com

As many of you will already know, San Francisco Archbishop Salvatore J. Cordileone announced on Friday that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi will no longer be admitted to Holy Communion due to her support of abortion:
In the last few hours, another shocking event happened as the archdioceses of San Francisco’s Internet service provider suffered an attack only a few hours after Archbishop Salvatore J. Cordileone’s announcement became public and, a “Letter to the faithful on the Notification sent to Speaker Nancy Pelosi” was published on the archdiocese’s official website currently not available.
This attack further demonstrates the Satanic evil nature of the Jesuit Demoncrats and their Luciferian court of Illuminati headed by Nancy Pelosi and her Bohemian Club husband. This is proven by the immediate reaction of Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), who also writes for America, a weekly Christian magazine published by the Jesuits of the United States headquartered in midtown Manhattan, who immediately went on Twitter to support Pelosi and mock Christians for opposing abortion ranting about how babies in the womb are not to be considered a life.

“Oh… for people saying you’re harming a life, I believe this is life, well some religions don’t, so how about that!” AOC said in disdain mocking Christians and clearly supporting Catholic Jesuit stooge Nancy Pelosi the speaker of the House.

Jesuits are clearly not in line with San Francisco Archbishop Salvatore J. Cordileone action against heretic Nancy Pelosi and might have conducted themselves the hacking attack on the archdioceses of San Francisco’s website. Remember abortions are human sacrifices that Satan’s illuminati need to accomplish their evil take-over of America.

Subho Deep Thakur #wingnut #fundie quora.com

[Context, for those that don’t know or remember, basically Hindutva is hindu fascism. Think of it as the indian counterpart of the USA evangelist fundie.]

Hindutva is a wrong narrative put up by some people against the Islamo-Marxist narrative. It is a conditional secularism. The Islamo-Marxists wants it to be unconditional so that they can meet their prerogative to break the norms of Indian culture. And they shall achieve it by demonizing Hindu values.

Hindutva is a counter to such low mentalities.

Billowel #fundie #magick incels.is

RE: Magickmaxxing is your last chance

Even if you dont get laid by it its a great cope and you can get good results with it and improve your life i will teach you in another posts how to get into deep trance and meditative state also i will teach informations that you cant find free anywhere i will teach you how to astralprojectmaxx

sounds like a quick way to invite a demon into your house.even something like a stupid ouija board is supposedly enough to invite a demon some times.

Yup i invited them into my life and my life is only improving im talking about high ranking kings not imps

you are absolutely crazy if you think a being who is fully focused on sin and sin alone,will want to help you as if they were not a thousand times worse then any human you have seen here on earth.

Conference on Exorcism - Fr Ripperger

magic bullshit is no joke.never fuck with that kind of stuff ever

They are misunderstood Abrahamic religions demoized them yes they are not fully nice but they are not mindless evils nothing is fully black or white

you have already fallen into their talk.wouldn't be surprised if you have already been possessed,but haven't realized it yet. they aren't misunderstood.christ has made it pretty clear that demons rejected him and that they are only after that which is sinful.you are not the first one who was given just a tiny bit of happiness,money,sex etc etc by a demon only to be completely destroyed later.you have taken the bait,and haven't realized it.

the devil & demons are a representation of different aspects of the divine
if not then why does God create them and allow them to exist?

you are very confused.by that logic god is both evil and good,left and right,tall and short,smart and dumb etc etc etc simply because he allows it to "exist". clearly that's impossible as anythingcan't be two opposites combined. demons are angels who have rejected god.they are literally in hell right now, and you think they are nice people?

without god we can't even exist.

Linda Harvey #homophobia #transphobia #fundie missionamerica.com

How Homosexual Friends Can Influence Our Kids

A question came up recently from a concerned parent: “How might a homosexual friend influence my child? Or someone who is confused about gender?" This has been an issue in a number of situations we’ve encountered over the past few years, in discussions with both parents and students.

While we recognize that young people who have unstable feelings are really in need of heterosexual friends, and it’s a delicate matter to try to split up friendships once they form, there are very real risks if the friendship is a close one. The first line of defense is to separate your child from the friend, if you can do it without open rebellion. Sometimes this isn’t possible if your son or daughter is an older teen or in college, so other alternatives need to be considered. There may be some things that you can make your own son or daughter aware of if they are open to the discussion.

Because there are increasing numbers of kids who are “out,” I am advising every parent to prepare a student in advance when—not if—they have a relatively close association with someone who is a declared homosexual or who is trying to live as the opposite sex. A situation may arise tomorrow where the resident of the dorm room next door, or a lab partner, or the person who works the same shift at the pizza parlor, or the brother of your child’s best friend, may announce he or she is “gay,” "non-binary," or the opposite sex. What are the risks? And, are there any opportunities as well?

Sexual involvement. The first thing you need to decide is whether there is any risk of sexual involvement, and rule this out (hopefully). If it’s a same sex friend this is of course more risky, because the friend who confesses a “crush” on your son or daughter may really mess with his or her mind or emotions, particularly if it’s a vulnerable time in your child’s life. The relationship may start as an attempt to “help” the friend, or may mask an attempt to demonstrate sophistication and a lack of bigotry among peers.


Prussian Society of America #wingnut #elitist #racist #fundie #magick prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "Discovering the reality that most people are indeed, worthless"]

I believe that more and more people[…]are coming around to recognizing just how much more worthless the majority of humankind is

There are many theories about Human Origins[…]and there are many people alive today who deny that the original Human Creation had been cut from Divine Fabric[…]
There are some topics I am reluctant to speak of in great depth outside of our inner circle relating to some religious matters and Human Genetics[…]
Christian Bible[…]is a watered down version of a story told about the Genetic Altering of the Original Humans, but without letting others know that Humans existed long before the alleged figures “Adam & Eve”

Adam & Eve, were actually metaphorical figures for an extraterrestrial invasion of Mankind, and it essentially was the downfall of Man[…]
Religions[…]diverts Divine Mankind from knowing that it had been subjugated by very vicious and horrifically oppressive entities and other altered Humanoid species, and that the takeover by these beings, including their inter-breeding into the Divine Population, is what caused Mankind to fall[…]
You will always hear about people claiming “prophecy is being fulfilled”, when in fact the Bible, similar to the Protocols of Zion, is just a blueprint to explain to you what the World Controllers are intending[…]
Mankind has been under subjugation by nefarious forces for Aeons, even during periods of Human history when times were relatively good[…]
Keeping Humans ignorant, including Divine Humans, has been an on-going project and one of necessity by those who control the World Order[…]
Egalitarian views have brainwashed most people to believe all people deserve rights or are equal or deserving of equity in this world[…]
If the ratio of worthless people begins to breach 20% of the population, your civilization is in trouble

Douglas S. Winnail #fundie #homophobia tomorrowsworld.org

(continued from https://fstdt.com/2K2B9HZZ_$MWK)
Yet the Bible—which speaks out against prostitution—reminds us that biblical events were recorded as a warning for future generations, especially for those living at the end of the age (1 Corinthians 10:11). Jesus said that social conditions at the end of the age and just before His return would be as in the days of Noah and in the days of Lot in Sodom (Luke 17:26–30). In Noah’s day, “all flesh had corrupted their way” as a result of widespread wickedness, and God brought that world to an end with a great flood (Genesis 6:5–13). In the days of Lot, Sodom and Gomorrah were totally destroyed because of the magnitude of their sinful ways—which included homosexual perversions. Yet this was only about 400 years after the Flood. The ancient nations of Israel and Judah, with knowledge of these recorded events, chose to follow in the footsteps of Sodom and Gomorrah (Isaiah 1:10; Jeremiah 23:14). As a result, they were conquered and carried away into captivity by Assyria and Babylon.

Today, most in the West appear to be blind to the fact that we are repeating the mistakes of history. In the ancient Greco-Roman world, infanticide was common and acceptable. Today, abortion is legal and takes the lives of millions of babies each year. In the Greco-Roman world, pornographic art, sexual promiscuity, prostitution, and homosexuality were common throughout the Empire. Today, pornography has become a billion-dollar industry and is spread worldwide via the Internet. Sexual promiscuity is rampant, human sex trafficking is the second largest criminal activity in the world, and homosexuality and prostitution are defended by courts and promoted by graduates of Harvard University. Yet when Harvard was founded in 1636 by Puritans, it was intended to train ministers to know God, know the Bible, and live accordingly (“Shield and ‘Veritas’ History,” HCS.Harvard.edu).

The-Great-Work #crackpot #wingnut #fundie #conspiracy thegreatwork208716197.wordpress.com

According to the Blacks Law Dictionary 4th Edition, DOG-LATIN, is the language of the illiterate, it is the: LATIN-ALL-UPPERCASE-TEXT usurped into the English Descriptive text, appearing under the grammatical rules of Descriptive English Text, (ALL UPPERCASE SYMBOLIC TEXT without the hyphens) and not appearing under the true correct grammatical rules of Latin and done in order to deceive the illiterate, being the ignorant masses.
DOG-LATIN is the “Babylonian” language of the VASSAL, being the third party, debtor of the debtor. (Vassal of the Vessel) It is found on the ledger, (TOMB-STONES) and by you being attached to it, renders the presumption of conformation “SIGN” that you have sinned and you are dead. You are no longer the servant of the God of living man, you have become the servant of the underworld, the Gods of the dead Corporation, the servant of the VATICAN, the debtor of the debtor, subject to the Justinian Corpus Juries, (Language of the DEAD). The VATICAN holds the souls of the dead and the DOG-LATIN is the language of the DEAD.
Dog Latin is the poison in the text, the counterfeit contract, the false charge, the deception that tricks the unsuspecting illiterate ignorant masses into accepting the debts of another.

A man can not live in the sea without a ship, and if you enter into the legal world of commerce, (Maritime Jurisdiction, law of water) you must be able to trust your ship that holds your estate.
The: Power of Rome, is alive and well in the modern systems of governance that govern the “citizens” of the world today but is it right? is it Just? … Or is it the system of Satan itself, a system of hidden slavery in order to control the masses via a private CONTRACTING system in order to forgo true Justice? being a system to remove man from the common law of the public jurisdiction in order to subject such a man to fall into private foreign contracts in order to forgo common law justice without arousing suspicion…

Hunter Wallace #fundie #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia #sexist #racist occidentaldissent.com

[From "TAC: The LGBTsQewing Of America"]

Editor’s Note: That’s one of the many “blessings of liberty” above that we have covered over the years

We used to live in a White Christian culture

In the vast majority of cases (unless your parents were recent immigrants), this is likely why you exist. You exist due to the reproductive choices that your ancestors made

Those choices were shaped and channeled by the dominant culture. In the South, where evangelical Protestantism shaped our culture for centuries, we had customs like the one drop rule. We had legal segregation and anti-miscegenation laws. Southern culture valued racial purity[…]Homosexuality was discouraged. Divorce was rare and hard to get. Abortion was illegal. White identity was valued. The White and Black family was strong through the Jim Crow era. The norm used to be that most people got married to someone of the same race and religion and reproduced themselves[…]
Culture used to be overwhelmingly local. The states and local communities made their own laws and largely governed themselves. The rise of the mainstream media (film, radio, television in that order) from the 1910s through the 1960s shifted cultural power away from, say, the segregationist editor of the local newspaper to liberal elites with a modernist sensibility who were on television in New York City, Los Angeles and Washington[…]
Christianity went from being the hegemonic dominant culture to a kind of respected sub-culture to just another lifestyle[…]
Much like feminism (the “New Woman” was inspired by modernism) and abortion (nothing is owed to future generations because everything is owed to the Self) and gay marriage (any “marriage” is as good as any other and people should be allowed to express themselves), the “trans” craze only makes sense in a deeply modernist cultures

Douglas S. Winnail #fundie #homophobia #transphobia tomorrowsworld.org

(continued from https://fstdt.com/TJHFMKR$PRV$7)
It was into this pagan cultural environment of murder, sexual immorality, perversion, and exploitation for personal gratification that Jesus and His Apostles began to preach the Gospel of the Kingdom of God and promote biblical moral values. Jesus stressed the importance of biblical marriage and denounced fornication and adultery. He also taught that porneia—deviant sexual behavior—was not only evil, but a legitimate cause for divorce (Matthew 19:4–9). Such behavior is totally contrary to the law of God and will keep people from entering the Kingdom of God (1 Corinthians 6:9–10; 1 Timothy 1:8–9).

The coming of Christianity and the spread of biblical principles throughout the Roman world elevated standards of sexual morality, halted infanticide, enhanced the status of women, strengthened the family, and eventually led to abolishing gladiatorial combat in the arena (see How Christianity Changed the World by Alvin Schmidt). Even while the Gospel of the Kingdom of God was corrupted over time, biblical principles of morality continued to influence the cultural values of Western civilization—until the last few decades. Again, we need to ask: How do these historical examples relate to us today, and what lies ahead for Western nations?
Today we are witnessing a sexual revolution that is deliberately rejecting the Bible and biblical morality and returning to the sexual promiscuity and depraved perversions of the ancient pagan world—under the mistaken notions of tolerance, progress, and social justice. Yet history shows that individuals and cultures that go down the path of gratifying immoral lusts and ignoring our Creator’s laws come to a terrible end.

Many voices in government, universities, the media, and even religion are championing the causes of abortion, homosexuality, and transgenderism. A Harvard group even published a recent paper on the supposed benefits of legalizing prostitution—such as “tax revenue” (“To Protect Women, Legalize Prostitution,” HarvardCRCL.org, October 1, 2019).

YeshuaBenDavid/Jerry Derecha #crackpot #magick #fundie #conspiracy adrenogate.net

all the women here are soulless LILITH’S children SUCCUBUSSES created to suck the last 10 humans souls and keep them trapped into the matrix ,
So YBD says that our “mission” is to identify Lucifer and then wake up the others as to the truth about the nature of our false reality. So basically we need to snitch on the parasitic Nephilim clown Lucifer who created this place. I hate snitches, but NO PROBLEM. My only other response to that would be: “what other people?”. Lol. I’m serious. He says there are only 10 of us left, while I feel like there are far fewer than that and that I might be the only one.

Let’s play a game. A thought experiment.

So only 10 “real” humans with 9th dimensional Angel DNA are left in this place. 9 male, 1 female. When he said that, my heart dropped because I have dreams along those lines all the time about this sole female spirit that’s out there somewhere.
So let’s do the Math. If there are 10 humans left, let’s count: YBD, Myself, Unk, TO2, Rose Hannah and Gian Luca. That’s 6. So that means there are 4 dudes out there who still need to wake the fuck up so that the rest of us can leave this place and crash this simulation. Come on guys. Fuck…. The Progenitor shouldn’t be that hard to identify. He leaves his mark EVERYWHERE. Just open your eyes and stop being a little bitch.

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