DWarren #wingnut thehill.com

Revisionist history is a hallmark of evil, murderous, godless, Satanic, racist, bigoted, violent, voter fraud, election stealing, democracy destroying, justice perverting, prosperity eradicating, perennially failed, Alt-Left Socialist Marxism. That's why corrupt and criminal Alt-Left Socialist Marxist DNC radicals and useful idiots are perennial enemies of the truth and perpetual proponents of Goebbels-esque, Big Lie, one party narrative, propaganda, disinformation, Alt-Left Socialist Marxist agitprop.

Vox Day #dunning-kruger #elitist #fundie #crackpot #wingnut voxday.blogspot.com

[From “The illogically optimistic atheist”]

I actually agree that a secular person who does right of his own accord is an inherently better person than a believer who does right out of the fear of God. The tragedy of the irrational atheist is that he usually is a genuinely decent individual; it is his own decency that blinds him to the corruption and evil in the hearts of others.

On a societal level, atheism does little harm when it is limited to an abstract-minded elite. But unleashing it on the more carnally minded masses is a recipe for disaster, as both Voltaire and Socrates recognized. What is ironic is that it is actually atheism which is the optimist's fairy tale; Christianity, on the other hand, is a grimly realistic faith which requires the willingness to stare squarely into the abyss and not shirk from what looks back.

Don't get me wrong. I may disagree with them and mock them at times, but I quite like irrational atheists. It's the rational ones who scare me, such as the nihilistic Chinese gentleman who wrote the following words:

Heaven brings forth innumerable things to help man.
Man has nothing with which to recompense Heaven.
Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill.

The reference to Heaven notwithstanding, this is not the composition of a Deist. This is the desperation of a rational man who lacks both faith and Mr. Rasmussen's utilitarian edifice, who sees no reason not to unleash his empty bitterness and fury upon his fellow man.

Governor Greg Abbott #fundie #psycho #sexist #wingnut theguardian.com

The Texas Republican governor Greg Abbott has signed into law one of the most extreme six-week abortion bans in the US.

“This bill ensures that every unborn child who has a heartbeat will be saved from the ravages of abortion,” said Abbott.

Senate Bill 8 bars abortion at six weeks of pregnancy with no exception for rape or incest, a near-total ban as most women are not aware they are pregnant at this stage.

Any individual can sue anyone who “aids or abets” abortion care. “This law is so broadly written it could target not just abortion clinics and staff but anyone that volunteers or donates to an abortion fund or activist organization like ours,” says Aimee Arrambide “Domestic violence and rape crisis counselors who offer guidance, family members who lend money to abortion patients, a friend who gives a ride to an appointment, or even someone that provides an address to a clinic could also face lawsuits.”

In response to concerns over the potential for a rapist to sue his victim’s abortion provider, the legislature passed an amendment that exempts rapists and those who commit incest from taking legal action. However, it only applies to those convicted of rape. Since 91% of women in Texas do not report rape to the police and the small number of those who do rarely see their abuser convicted, the amendment largely failed to allay fears.

Furthermore, the law does nothing to prevent someone associated with a rapist, like a friend or family member, from suing his victim.

“This bill empowers rapists and abusers,” said Representative Donna Howard “And this forced pregnancy act will drive women back into the [pre-Roe] shadows out of fear of harassment through lawsuits that anyone in this country can file.”

Makedon-Slav37 #conspiracy #racist #wingnut reddit.com

My opinion about Albanians

Albanians are the same as Jews. They promote and support leftism for Macedonian, Serbs and Montenegrins but they segregate themselves out of the same laws and politics they voted for. They are literally the worst minority u could have in your country, in every city-area they are above 4% of the population that land becomes politically unstable.

The only positive thing i could say about Albanians is that they are socially right wing. They are against lgbt, against ethnic mixing and they have modesty that was left from the Turks. Other than this stuff they are literally cancer of an ethnicity, they always play the victim complex even if they obviously did something bad. Example for victim complex is the monstrosity mass murder of Macedonians teens in Smilkovci. When u visit and read forums or youtube comments u will be surprised by how much conspiracy theories they will say before they admit some Albanians really did genocide.

And don't get me started by visiting Albanian TV channels, they openly talk about fulfilling their own ethnic radical ideologies. Now u can't find much in English but if u know a little Albanian u will be surprised how much radicalism they openly speak.

But u know i can't get that angry at Albanians as much as i get angry at my own ethnicity, Serbs and Montenegrins. Macedonians would rather get AIDS than to admit they share same Slavic history and tribes with Bulgarians.

My only goal is to find a good wife that will bear me 4 kids. I will teach em to be as greedy as Jews, as loyal as Japanese samurais and religious as Arabs.

Various Comenters #dunning-kruger #homophobia #psycho #racist #wingnut reddit.com

RE: Europeans Were Asked If They’d Feel Comfortable “If Their Child Was In A Relationship With ___?” And Here’s The Result


For Montenegro I guarantee it’s in the negatives. We are:

Racist Homophobic Hate albanians & Bosnians (NOt white) Hate kosovars (albania likes them and they aren’t white) Hate greek & turky (darkskinned and gay) Hate macedonia (aren’t white) they’re monkeys Hate Romania (dark gypsys steal and rape)

We’re a small poor country with big mountains and we don’t care what westerners think

We’re still poor because less people want to tour here because they’re affended by the name - blame niggrs for that Because they’re the only ones that get mad and caused other people to get mad at the word BLACK (so we hate fucking them)

And we are based like Serbs (we ally with them) but just more sleepy sometimes

Do Czechs and Slovaks not give a fuck about political correctness? Because I think in reality the numbers in every country are far lower than declared here, but people tend to virtue signal in these kind of polls.

(Forward_Problem9242 (Czech))
We don’t, publicly. I personally don’t care if some dudes have homosex or someone racemix in their private homes, but I care when they take it out and normalize push it.

"A selected amount of people in big european cities has been asked" is what the titles should have been.

I'm certain that many of these maps aren't fully correct. I live in Spain and there's no way it's as liberal as some of these put it. They replied with the "correct" answers, not with how they would really feel.

Social-desirability bias. It's even worse when such interviews happen in person

(Bryndzove-pirohy (Slovak))
Based us

whitehouse90310 & Ruthless #conspiracy #racist #wingnut stormfront.org

RE: Biden's restaurant bailout limited to only Black and Hispanic businesses

What restaurant businesses do U.S.A Negroes / non-immigrant Blacks / descendants of antebellum slavery own?

The only 'Black' food businesses I have ever seen in the States were owned by Haitians and Jamaicans in south Florida. I know there are African and Caribbean immigrant businesses in Washington DC too. So is it these Black immigrant restaurants that are the bailout beneficiaries?

Restaurants are mostly owned by Asians (south Asians such as Bangladeshis / Bengalis, Indians, as well as East Asians from China, Vietnam etc), and Mestizos from Mexico, Central America etc. There are also many Turkish, Arab, central Asian etc restaurant businesses.

The argument here should focus on the fact Whites are excluded from receiving our own Tax money back as a business 'bailout'.

Proof the scamdemic was planned. jews brought the entire planet to a screeching halt just to screw over whitey. Lockdowns didn't effect jew owned corporations or non-whites on welfare. It screwed over the White working class while making jews and generational welfare recipients richer. The bailouts are all backdoor reparations to put out of business whatever Whites were still able to hold onto and give negroes a lift up. It's like the Holodomor and Zimbabwe tactics combined.

SFR #crackpot #psycho #racist #sexist #wingnut stormfront.org

RE: Georgia: Mudshark gets beat up by her boyfriend's baby mama in a pizzeria. Caught on video.

Its very common to see black women attacking White women because of this.

As is often the case.

And those husky sheboons are built for combat; strong, broad shouldered, aggressive, cunning, deceptive, quick to anger, with vile dispositions, akin to a not-so-gentle version of the endangered mountain gorilla.

Now you know why those poor mountain gorillas are truly endangered, because their neighbors in the wild are African NEGROES.

I’ve been in my fair amount of fist fights, and never was one to beat a person that severely. That must be the primal monkey coming out in them. Have really no sympathy for the race traitor.

Blacks do seem to emulate chimpanzees when they attack. They are extremely vicious and give no quarter. This is why it is wise for Whites to avoid being in close proximity to these horrible, unpredictably violent beasts. And they should always maintain a high degree of SA when this sage advice isn't possible.

And if there is no alternative then Whites need to grow a spine and fight back, harder, smarter, and more viciously till victorious, or the threat subsides, or they can safely exit. Sometimes you just have to fight so when you do, inflict more damage than you take.

Some whites are just feeble and pitiful. Not even loyal to her own men and gets her ass whooped by a black woman. No wonder blacks see whites as weak.

Hence the saying, 'when the shoe fits, wear it'. Some Whites are disgusting, have made stupid choices, and now win stupid prizes. These Whites should be sterilized.

Varg Vikernes #crackpot #racist #wingnut thuleanperspective.com

The three groups that modern Europeans descend from are listed by the geneticists as the Western Hunter Gatherers (WHG), the Early European Farmers (EEF) and the Western Steppe Herders (WSH).

They do their best to give us the impression that we are very mixed, of course in an attempt to make us accept their “anti-racist” agenda; more mass immigration to Europe and more admixture.

One thing I find puzzling is how many relate to this info as if the WHG lived in that part of Europe, the EEF in another, and the WSH came from today’s Ukraine and spread out. As if they just poppet out of the ground there. In the background looms the “Out of Africa” theory, suggesting that Africans migrated to Europe during the height of the last Ice Age and out-competed the Neanderthals already living there – a theory so utterly ludicrous it is only worth mentioning, because so many believe in it. But no, we already have evidence of mankind being present in Europe before, in today’s Bulgaria, and there are no evidence suggesting the Neanderthals came from Africa – or that their forebears, the Heidelbergensis, came from Africa. Any such claims are purely speculative. Remember that.

Varg Vikernes #crackpot #dunning-kruger #racist #wingnut thuleanperspective.com

The amount of non-Neanderthal admixture in a European population can be measured using simply by looking at them: how many non-Nordic features do they have? If they for generation after generation have a purely Nordic look, then we can assume that they have no admixture at all. If they look like Middle Easterners, we can assume that they have much admixture. If they look overwhelmingly Nordic, but have a few non-Nordic features, we can assume that they are overwhelmingly Nordic, but have some (almost no) admixture.

We don’t need the politicized “science” of genetics to understand this.

Finally, yes, today we don’t look exactly like the ancient Neanderthals did, but…. of course we don’t. We have changed with time, with changing climates, with agriculture, with civilization: with auto-domestication. We are still Neanderthals though, only modern ones. And yes, the Nordic looking modern Neanderthals have close to no or even no non-Neanderthal admixture.

Brettus Estevenius #sexist #wingnut amerika.org


Women in the west have it pretty good. If they stumble out of high school with a degree, and stumble down the street to community college to get some kind of certification, they are basically guaranteed a middle class income.


The root paradox of feminism is equality. It believes that men and women should be equal, except that women are more equal because women, as the “underdog,” need more help to be equal.

For 30 years, the feminists have been pretending that their goal is to abolish all sex discrimination, eliminating all gender differences no matter how reasonable. When it comes to domestic violence, however, feminist dogma preaches that there is an innate gender difference: Men are naturally batterers, and women are naturally victims ...


Like all liberal ideas, feminism favors the underdog and so becomes a jihad/pogrom against those who are doing just fine. That means men.

... Men now have no recourse except to treat all women as sociopathic parasites and avoid entering in contract with them. Goodbye, marriage. How many Gen Xers managed to get married again?


Either men and women are equal, or they’re not.

If they’re equal, neither one should be expected to bear the burden of the other. ...


... (It’s paradoxical for a man to be a liberal. Liberalism is defense of the individual against reality; men who are masculine embrace reality and view it as a joyful challenge. If you sit down to pee, by all means be a liberal. But masculine men, gay or straight, have no business being liberal.)


Feminism is female self-destruction. In the name of equality, it has put men in a position of assumed guilt. The male response is withdrawal. The female consequence is loneliness, schizoid neurosis and self-hatred.

Vox Day #wingnut #crackpot voxday.blogspot.com

[[From “From each... to each....”]

"the tax cuts may have helped you," Sen. Clinton said. "We're saying that for America to get back on track, we're probably going to cut that short and not give it to you. We're going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good."

And who was it that was saying that modern Democrats are NOT left-wing? This is the message of Marx, of Lenin, of Hitler, of Mussolini, and every left-wing demagogue since Socrates who would elevate the collective over the individual. It is not possible to subscribe to both human rights and left-wing collectivist ideology. The two are in inherent and fundamental contradiction, which is why decent, well-meaning left-wingers so often find themselves trapped in a maelstrom of cognitive dissonance.

Mark English #sexist #wingnut secularright.org

Another fallacy of progressive ideology is the belief that complex problems of ethics and society are amenable to theoretically-elaborated solutions (based on discursive reason). Strangely, even feminist thinking – typically (and irrationally) hostile to science and mathematics – often falls into this trap. Though core feminist ideas are anti-rationalistic in certain ways, they are presented nonetheless as “theory”.

The errors of progressivism have been compounded and exacerbated by the notion that objective knowledge of the world is not possible. This idea has deep roots in radical social thought and philosophical pragmatism. But it is self-defeating; and perhaps it is the realization of this fact which lies behind the attempt to present traditional – and commonsense – views of objectivity and truth as being not simply in error but also as somehow morally or politically tainted.

Feminism, like other kinds of identity politics, relies heavily on this kind of rhetorical moralizing. We are dealing here with emotional manipulation, ploys designed to promote or prop up ideas which cannot sustain themselves in the absence of a particular kind of value-laden belief system.

If truth is socially constructed then science and rigorous scholarship should not be privileged over the pseudo-intellectual effusions of feminists, critical theorists, et al.. How convenient.

All these various virtue-signalling discourses are not about intellectual inquiry at all – and never have been. For most of the participants, it has always been a power game, pure and simple.

Jillian Becker #wingnut theatheistconservative.com

[From “Biden’s new war”]

President Trump achieved a remarkable development in the Middle East with the “Abraham Accords”, bringing peace, trade, and – even more amazing – good will between Israel and several Arab states. A new era had dawned, in which a settlement of the Palestinian problem was for the first time in a hundred years genuinely possible.

Then along came the crooked “Biden administration” and undid all the good President Trump and his envoy Secretary of State Pompeo had done. “Biden” gave billions to the terrorist group Hamas, and released billions to the mullahs of Iran, who fund not only Hamas but terrorist attacks everywhere in the region.

It was not just encouragement to Hamas to make war on Israel, it was a signal to do so. The Democrats’ anti-Israel White House did everything it could to undo the Trump achievements and return to the disastrous policies of Obama, with greater intensity.

And it is Israel who is blamed for the war! As usual.

Heather Mac Donald #wingnut nationalreview.com

[From “There Is No Epidemic of Racist Police Shootings”]

The persistent belief that we are living through an epidemic of racially biased police shootings is a creation of selective reporting. In 2015, the year the PNAS study addressed, the white victims of fatal police shootings included a 50-year-old suspect in a domestic assault in Tuscaloosa, Ala., who ran at the officer with a spoon; a 28-year-old driver in Des Moines, Iowa, who exited his car and walked quickly toward an officer after a car chase; and a 21-year-old suspect in a grocery-store robbery in Akron, Ohio, who had escaped on a bike and who did not remove his hand from his waistband when ordered to do so. Had any of these victims been black, the media and activists would probably have jumped on their stories and added their names to the roster of victims of police racism. Instead, because they are white, they are unknown.

The “policing is racist” discourse is poisonous. It exacerbates anti-cop tensions in minority communities and makes cops unwilling to engage in the proactive policing that can save lives. Last month, viral videos of pedestrians in Harlem, the Bronx, and Brooklyn assaulting passive New York Police Department officers showed that hostility toward the police in inner-city neighborhoods remains at dangerous levels.

The anti-cop narrative deflects attention away from solving the real criminal-justice problem, which is high rates of black-on-black victimization. Blacks die of homicide at eight times the rate of non-Hispanic whites, overwhelmingly killed not by cops, not by whites, but by other blacks. The Democratic candidates should get their facts straight and address that issue. Until they do, their talk of racial justice will ring hollow.

Dr. Richard Alan Miller #crackpot #ufo #magick #mammon richardalanmiller.com

He’s been involved in research and projects – many at top secret level – that have formed the basis of several modern-day scientific inventions. Miller’s research in the field of paranormal began as a graduate physicist working 11 years with Navy Intel (Anesthesiology). His work includes foundational papers on A Holographic Concept of Reality and Embryonic Holography and work with microwaves and synthetic telepathy. He was used as Timothy Leary’s experimental guinea pig to see what the effects of LSD were when taken by a Mensa level genius.

Dr. Miller was the real-life character that the X-Files’ Fox Mulder was based on – investigating unexplained phenomena for Navy Seal Corp and MRU, which put him in the path of many incredible life experiences, including an encounter with an alien and travel to an underground Antarctic Nazi base.

He conducted ESP experiments with astronaut Edgar Mitchell on the dark side of the Moon, and he developed early protocols and trained Navy Seals in ESP and Super Soldier techniques.
His metaphysical works spring from his mother and grandmother, who were renowned psychic investigators and he himself is a high-level initiate of several traditions and lodges. His grandfather was the magician who trained Houdini.
And all of that is just the tip of the iceberg! Dr. Richard Alan Miller is a ‘whirlwind experience’ to behold.

A pioneer in the annals of metaphysical and paranormal exploration, he is re-emerging as a preferred internet radio guest at a critical time in humanity’s, evolution where metaphysics and practical survival converge.

The Galactic Federation via Aurora Ray #crackpot #ufo #magick #wingnut voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

We are sending powerful photon gamma light rays into the cells of your being through the central sun. These light rays correspond and add information to your DNA repairing and activating your helixes.

Your ancient history is stored within the scattered helixes of your DNA.

We want to communicate the importance of activating these scattered helixes of DNA within your being now as the ascension of earth is proceeding at full speed.

It is of utmost importance for you right now to integrate regular visits in nature into your daily lifestyle. Especially places that have hills or mountains or historic buildings constructed of stone.

As you visit historic sites and monuments constructed of stone these communicate with you and activate your knowledge about your ancient history on earth.

In truth, humans are much older than what you have been taught. What if we told you that you walked alongside dinosaurs…

Information is light, you need this light to rise above the frequency and the drama of the third-dimensional matrix system.
You will return to being a high evolved civilization which you were during the existence of Atlantis and Lemuria.

You will experience peace, love, freedom, and equality for all sentient life on Gaia.

Advanced technologies and thousands of cures for diseases will be given to you.

We would like to assure you that the Galactic Federation is in collaboration with the earth alliance and we are in full control over the situation on earth.

The days of the cabal’s reign and their abuse of power over humanity are numbered.

This is the victory of light.

Rejoice. Do not doubt and trust.

We love you. We are here with you.

We are family of light.

Stop The Cabal #wingnut #quack #conspiracy stopthecabalblog.wordpress.com

COVID-1984 Crimes

Fast forward two decades to COVID-1984 and the British People can bear witness to crimes of genocide never witnessed on these shores in any previous age.

Despite an abundance of prima facie evidence that Parliament has legislated for the current rogue regime to be held unaccountable for mass murder by government policy, there is currently no existing domestic legal mechanism by which government officers can be extradited by the International Criminal Court to be tried for their horrific crimes against the British people.

Therefore, the only potential remedy for bringing genocidal Officers of the Crown to justice is to lay a Private Criminal Prosecution for mass murder by government policy in a Common Law Court.

Eric Dubay #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut #dunning-kruger atlanteanconspiracy.com

International Maritime Admiralty law, the law of the high seas, began in Sumeria, was perfected in Rome and continues to this day. Jordan Maxwell has explained that the way we trade commerce today is modeled after the Masons’/Templar Knights’ 1000 year old system. Notice how regardless of whether you send a product by air, water, or land - you “ship” it. The ship pulls into its “berth” and ties to the “dock.” The Captain has to provide the port authorities with a “certificate of manifest” declaring the products he has brought. Through a legal loophole the royals have created, US citizens are considered property of the queen under British Maritime law. Since we are born of our mother’s water, from her “birth canal,” we are thereby a maritime product, a “shipped” commodity. Our mothers were delivering a product under maritime law and that’s why we are born in a “delivery room.” That’s why the “doc” signs your “berth” certificate, your “certificate of manifest.”
Lawyers or “barristers” have to take the Bar Association “bar” exam just as alcoholics go to the “bar,” sugar-junkies eat candy “bars,” and gamblers hope to get 3 “bars” on the slot machine. These all derive from the Templar’s turn of the 13th century “Temple Bar” in England. Originally the Temple Bar was literally just a bar or chain between two posts next to the Temple law courts. This soon became a huge stone gate and there were eventually eight of these gates built so the elites could restrict/control trade within the city of London. They were taken down during 19th century, but then each stone was numbered and kept in storage until 2004 when they just re-built the Temple Bar in London.

SRomeroS #fundie deviantart.com

(comment on a forum post titled "My Friend is Christian and Doesnt like that im Bisexual")
Well, to start this off, your username is cutie"devil", one of your favorite TV shows happens to be a genre of dark fantasy, Soul Eater, that revolves around a school run by the death, where students should reap the souls of evil humans and a witch, that's believed to gain the weapons the students carry its spectacular power. The whole idea of the anime is Satanic centered and witchcraft embraced.

Based on what I wrote above, I have to agree with A and M on that.

I would recommend general or deep mental health checking(if needed), you have developed this sexual degradation in 2017, I hope it's not too late by this year, don't give a chance for this sickness to grow.
You should be thankful for such friends. You do not need to be religious to agree that this isn't healthy.

MK Itamar Ben Gvir #wingnut #racist #fundie timesofisrael.com

The chairman of the extremist Otzma Yehudit party Itamar Ben Gvir used his first-ever plenum address as a member of Knesset on Monday to insist that the media had carried out a “character assassination” against his late mentor, the radical rabbi Meir Kahane

“They carried out character assassination. Yes, Rabbi Kahane, whom [the media] loves to hate. Rabbi Kahane who immigrated from the United States after fighting to combat anti-Semitism there. Rabbi Kahane who gave his life for Soviet Jewry, and did so out of great love for Israel,” said Ben Gvir
The freshman lawmaker said he would work to reform the legal system, particularly by giving the Knesset more power over the appointment of judges, by passing legislation to allow the Knesset to override High Court of Justice rulings and by dividing some of the powers of the attorney general among other officials in the Justice Ministry

Ben Gvir also vowed to fight against the legitimizing of the Reform movement in Israel; on behalf of IDF soldiers charged with using excessive force against Palestinians; on behalf residents of the south who he said have long suffered due to Bedouin crime, Hamas rocket fire and government neglect; on behalf of the Haredi minority, which he said has become a societal punching bag; on behalf of Jews seeking to pray at the Temple Mount, where the practice is currently outlawed; and on behalf of Israeli residents of South Tel Aviv, who he said have suffered due to the influx of African asylum seekers

Various Commenters #moonbat #pratt reddit.com

Is it morally wrong to let the global south suffering by closing the borders?

Was debating immigration with a leftist, by position has always been we need net-zero or net-negative immigration. No immigrants as they take away jobs from the working class and suppress wages. Nobody should be arguing against this since its true. The leftist responded saying that it is morally wrong to let the global south suffer by closing the borders. Thoughts?

I've done research on the impact of foreign remittances. While the migrants benefit from moving to richer countries, the countries they leave behind are worse off for it. There is the brain-drain, but these inflows of foreign cash also insulate portions of the population from domestic economic conditions and decrease the incentives to participate in politics.

I don't really get it. How does the global south suffer from closing the borders? Does extracting 0.5% of their population - most of which middle- and upper-class - lessen the suffering of the global south?

Opening borders isn’t actually going to address the issue.

The under developed world must be given a chance to develop.

This would require the USA, Europe, etc to reshore their manufacturing and agriculture, giving the opportunity for underdeveloped nations to build their internal markets rather than simply being plugged in the global supply chain and being stuck at the bottom of the global division of labor.

Metalman71 #moonbat #pratt theguardian.com

At least we now know that an astonishing almost 10% of the uk's population are economic migrants from the rest of the EU. No wonder there's been a chronic housing shortage in recent years and public services so stretched.

Meanwhile in Eastern Europe working age populations are falling rapidly leaving a chronic shortage of doctors and other medically trained professionals to treat the aging population who can't migrate elsewhere.

I've asked this question of dozens of remainers and they all dodge it.

Why are British patients more important than the patients in the countries where these EU citizens have come from, and who are now suffering from the lack of medically trained staff in their own countries?

As an example, Romania has lost 5,000 doctors, or 10% of their total, in the last 20 years.

Why are British patients more important than Romanian ones?

Hopefully, that will start to change and more and more NHS workers of EU origin will leave the UK.

As the populations of Eastern European countries continues to fall, and as more and more of their skilled population migrates, their GDPs will suffer accordingly and it will become ever more difficult to make life more attractive for those they want to encourage to stay.

Freedom of movement has been a complete disaster for many European nations which really only benefits a handful of countries like Germany and France.

CTON #crackpot #psycho #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: ‘Anti-White Watch’ Is the Racist Answer to Surging Hate Crimes

Can't have White Americans being pro white and actively and aggressively fighting against their genocide, can we?

Because hate crimes against Whites are not really hate crimes. Let the gaslighting of genocide roll on!

I had a liberal laugh at the idea of white genocide, but then told me he was glad South African Whites were getting killed. I said, "Wait, you just denied whites were being genocided, but now you're glorifying it?" God, I test white liberals with a passion!

What, the left thought that white people wouldn't respond in kind? Every action has consequences, and it's time for people of color to realize that. They're not the only ones utilizing 'social justice wars.'

I wish White Americans would respond as they did to the Tulsa Riots or the Zoot Suit Riots or how we dealt with our Indian problem 100 years ago.

I live in the Tulsa region. It is incessant coverage leading up to the one hundred year anniversary of the riot (now everyone must say Tulsa Race Massacre.) It is insufferable.

Background: A black man was accused of raping a white woman. When white and black men met outside the courthouse to protest, the blacks came with guns and one of them opened fire on the white guys. THAT is what set off the riot. The white guys really didn't give a rip if the blacks were wealthy or not. If whites were so oppressive, even back then, why would they even allow blacks to get wealthy? Furthermore, it shows that blacks actually did better UNDER segregation (they had businesses, schools, 2-parent families, etc) Their neighborhoods weren't perfect, there was crime there, yes, but not nearly as bad as today.

88 forever & Anonymous Posters #psycho #racist #sexist 88infinity.bdsmlr.com

I'm a high school counselor. I'm a middle aged white woman. I've done many questionable things to defend my favorite white male students. I've pressured little girls to retract rape accusations. I've dismissed accusations of cheating and bullying. Most recently, I made a young female Asian student abandon an attempt to slander a group of white senior boys for ripping her clothes off of her body at a school event. They literally left her naked with nothing to cover herself with. I don't ever want to stop.

(88 forever)
wow. you're a hero

My students came back to classes full time two weeks ago. Classes end in two more weeks. I feel like I've gotten blatant about showing off for them and letting them know that I know my place as a Chinese woman in a white world. My skirts are getting shorter, my blouses less buttoned; I'm touching shoulders and backs more as I talk to them, I'm wearing bright red lipstick and resting pens on my lips more. I'm blatantly staring at chests and crotches for the boys and the girls and I'm thinking about not wearing panties at all the last week. It's so wrong, but something about being online most of the year and being home with my husband (also Chinese) has me craving these white teens so very much in ways I hadn't before and I need to tell someone.

(88 forever)
no panties is a good idea, no panties AND no bra is a great idea!

Lurker-Bee et al. #crackpot #psycho #racist #sexist lurker-bee.bdsmlr.com

If a follower was super stubborn about all your evil, racist, sexist posts being "just fantasy" how satisfying would it be to make her/him admit the truth? :3

This happens a lot. I think when people realize I'm surprisingly nice. Most of my examples are of leftie white lesbians. I suppose it is some sort of denial. "she couldn't possibly be a white supremacist, she is so kind and sweet."

Well, eventually they realize. They squirm in discomfort and excitement. This phase is truly adorable.

Whether they are returning in shame or not. They are broken, just enough for me to put back together and make sure bits stay broken. That is the satisfying part of their realization. I get to reshape their mind. Now, they know they love getting off to white supremacy, they love talking to a white nationalist, they love their skin and their heritage (or their new place in the hierarchy). Some still publicly hide their new life (you know who you are), others embrace it. I love being part of people's political and sexual journeys.

Obviously we need to increase white numbers or risk genocide worldwide. Do you support family love and inbreeding to grow large clans?

I adore family love! It obviously has its downsides but I think white biologists should focus on softening or eliminating them. White girls bred by their daddies and brothers should be common!

Do you think all minorities should go extinct?

Of course not! White diversity is sufficient, but I am not heartless. We should keep the races separate and not equal. Should a white man be denied an asian woman pet provided he wants one? I don't think so. Separate but still subservient.

Brett Stevens #sexist #wingnut amerika.org


When we started sending women to work, we began doubling our workforce. This is great in theory but for employers only. More workers devalues the cost of any one particular worker because there are more alternatives. But then the question is what type of job is filled.


When women were placed into the workforce, most of them took jobs that were not already filled. A good portion of these were administrative; not coincidentally, this category has swelled dramatically in the last fifty years.

One reason a category swells is because it can since there are not only people who take those jobs, but people who will depend upon them. Thus it seems cheap at first to hire more, and then more.

If you wonder how we got to the point where most jobs involved four hours of actual work per week, and 36 hours of attending meetings, filling out inconsequential paperwork, reading email, being on conference calls, etc. this is the source: the jobs themselves aren’t important.

When women entered the workforce, we needed to find a way to hire all these new people who would need the income. We diluted job roles in order to make room. This in turn made jobs boring, except for people who enjoy the social aspects of the job, which are all of the non-work parts of the job.

By insisting on this universal participation, we’ve changed jobs from having purpose to being a process of attendance and compliance. Even further, this has diluted productivity. We have made most jobs or most of jobs fully extraneous.

The result is that industry moves more slowly, and has a higher cost in those jobs which are not related at all to the production of widgets. This is the new norm, and most people are afraid to criticize it.

Brett Stevens #sexist #psycho amerika.org

Let’s say your daughter is eleven. She is 1.5 years away from menstruation, if she’s an average girl. She is 5.3 years away from her first sexual experience, on average. But that’s not to say it won’t happen sooner. ... Are you ready to even think about this?

... another question ... a real doozy:

What type of sexual experience do you want your daughter to have?

... what kind of life experience do you want her to have? ...


Everything fits into a new context when it’s your kid. When do you want her to have her first anal gangbang? Your princess, penetrated by many penises. What about her first bukkake? Her first one-night sexual encounter with some guy whose name she forgets by morning? Her first anonymous blowjob at a blindfold party? What about her first three-way, and double penetration?

Your little princess. What kind of future do you want for her?

You can hide beyond, “Whatever she chooses, they’re all equal,” for only so long. At some point you realize there’s a number line between the drunk cocktail waitress aging without grace and taking home whatever man she can grab, and the nuclear family with a loving husband and stability and kindness.

But of course, you don’t get that outcome by sleeping around. In fact, you’re mostly likely to get it by being the 31% of American women who have only one sex partner in their lives. When you haven’t experienced others, you hold nothing over your husband or wife. You give it all to them. There is trust and love uninterrupted by fear and cynicism.

The scary thing is that we all know this underneath our cynical outer selves. Inwardly, we long for the fairy tale. …

You know what you want for your little princess. You’re afraid to say it because it will break a social taboo. …

Gic Serry #racist #wingnut #fundie faithandheritage.com

[From “The Russian Government Discourages Interracial Sex During the World Cup”]

A senior member of Russia’s parliament, and head of the committee for family and children, warned Russian women on the eve of the World Cup, not to sleep with foreign tourists.

Tamara Pletneva said in a radio interview yesterday that Russian women who fornicate with foreigners during the World Cup risk becoming single mothers to mixed-race children:

We should be giving birth to our own children. . . . It’s the children who suffer . . . and have suffered since the Soviet era. It’s lucky if they’re the same race (as the mother) but if they’re of another race, it’s worse.

It is encouraging to see Russian officials beginning to publicly speak about racial issues with common sense and against the prevailing cultural Marxist sentiments that have become almost untouchable in the public domain in most Western (especially Western European) countries.

Speaking of Western European countries, I won’t be rooting for my motherland, Germany, during the competition, and I would discourage all Christian nationalists from supporting the teams from England and France. Why root for multiracial teams advocating their government’s anti-Christian agenda, when you can root for Christian national (i.e. völkisch) teams like Poland, whose captain, Bundesliga superstar Robert Lewandowski, openly declares his faith in Christ?

fschmidt #psycho reddit.com

Anyway, former president Obama not only justified violence against civilians with his drone strike program, but he actually carried them out and murdered numerous civilians. So how can even compare Caamib to Obama, regardless of your political views. Obama is obviously worse than Caamib by any standard.

Matt Walsh #quack #wingnut twitter.com

Wearing a mask when it is not medically necessary is grotesque and unhuman, an attack on society itself. It feeds paranoia and fear. You are treating air like it is toxic and other humans like they are nothing but vessels of disease. It is disgraceful, arrogant, and offensive.

Yogev Nitzan #racist i.redd.it

Thank you for resolutely standing with 🇮🇱 and supporting our right to self defense against terrorist attacks.

India also supporting sir🇮🇳

We Israelis don't need support of some dung bath scums and urine drinkers. Go worship your cows and please stop lifting our balls... FFS! STOP Ruining image of our country by putting your country's flag with Israel 🇮🇱

Basghetti #crackpot #homophobia #sexist saidit.net

RE: Gay man calls men abusive, misogynistic rapists and claims that male sexuality is degenerate and obsessive by default

Ok, I skimmed because honestly male on male sex makes me feel physically ill and I feel like a voyeur or something reading about it, so it looks like he touched on this a bit.

I'm gonna sound bigoted as fuck here, but I'd say for gay men it's on turbo. I'm not the master of knowledge here or anything, so just kinda keep that in mind, but with the history of pederasty-- that leads me to think there's a massive domination thing at play mentally, even more so than with straight men because they're dominating other men. I don't know where the bottoms fall with all of this, but I thought they were supposed to have prostates that make the process at least somewhat worth it. If it's just pain, what's the actual fucking point? You're just gonna have a fucked up asshole and the sphincters there are going to be all ruined like old shitty (lel) hair rubber bands and your butthole is going to leak. There are some nice enough gay fellas out there, but I'm not gonna lie-- I'm looking in the direction of King James VI/I for all of the fanatical witch burning/woman torture shit.

Varg Vikernes #wingnut #elitist burzum.org

[From “War in Europe: Part III - Homo sovieticus”]

The Norwegians don't know any better; they are proud when they get their degrees, thinking they are successful when they do, not knowing how difficult it would be to get the same degree in any other country in the world (Ghana included...). They are lost in the Marxist substitute reality. Naturally they educate very few mathematicians or physicians or biologists in Norway; you cannot cheat with natural sciences. To learn mathematics you bloody well need to understand mathematics too! So Norway after year 2000 educates fewer (!) natural scientists than Norway did in the 1950ies, when we didn't even have senior high schools for everyone. The educational budget is about a thousand times larger today, but... their priorities lie elsewhere, so to speak. As explained above.

After education they are just about all given a job. Norway is proud to be one of the countries in the world with the lowest unemployment rates! Wow! What a feat! Marxism must work then, right? Well, not exactly. The Soviet State of Norway has created an abnormal amount of what I call "artificial jobs", intended only to employ Norwegians and to keep the unemployment rates down. We have socionoms, sexologists, journalists en masse, social-anthropologists and so forth, all sent out to confirm the Marxist myths and to keep the Norwegian people in ignorance. Even the dumbest working-class girls have their fancy degrees and are now allowed to perform completely meaningless tasks professionally.

Even at the university in Norway nobody demands anything from them. You can get a fancy degree in Norway with minimal effort, and all the way you will be followed by the dumbest, slowest and worst students. You see, they too are given the "equal opportunity" to get a fancy degree, and in order to make sure they too succeed the Marxists have removed all real challenges on the way. You can pass a course at the university in Norway by reading maybe three or four books. In my English course at the university in Tromsø I only had to translate four pages of text and attend lectures a once or twice each week to pass. I am not kidding!

Vijay Prozak #elitist #psycho anus.com

[From “The Internet”]

If it benefitted this order for me to die, I would die - and I may have to, in the future. If I had to kill no one, or had to kill seven billion, to fulfil this order, I would do so and then go home, eat a big meal and sleep all night with no worries on my mind. When you do what is right by the whole, you do not worry about consequences, because you know that doing right for the order of the cosmos is more important than personal fortunes! Whether my fortune, or that of the ones I slaughter, is irrelevant. None of us matter as much as having the whole be organized well.

I recognize that mine is not the only consciousness on this earth, but I refuse to place another consciousness before mine except that of the whole, and I recognize that said consciousness is divided into parallel entities we call "lives." I acknowledge the holiness of life and I believe in it and always will. I realize that life's greatest invention, which occurs in our thoughts as well as in nature, is the ability to find ideas that are better adapted than others and promote them. I realize that to pick one idea out of two is to destroy the other; for this reason, I have no compunction about destroying lesser designs or killing lesser people. What matters is the whole.

"I'm not racist, but..." Award

Vijay Prozak #racist anus.com

[From “The Internet”]

I do not hate Slavs. I do not hate Negroes. I do not hate Jews. I do not hate the Irish. I do not hate Italians. But, I am a realist. I know that Slavs are what's left of an ancient branch of Europeans who hybridized themselves with Mongols and Semites; I know that Negroes are an earlier evolutionary branch of humanity who are as a whole one standard deviation of intelligence away from Asians and whites. I know that Judaism is a religion of self-interest, condescendion and ego-drama, and that Jews are a cultureless people who for aeons have bred themselves to be soulless and parasitic. I recognize the fundamentally mixed racial nature of the Irish and most Scots, and many English, and all but a few Italians. I don't hate them, but I refuse to let my feelings blind me to reality.

I also don't hate women, but I recognize their limitations. Further, I don't hate men, but I'm aware of where they fall short as well. I'm even aware of where I fall short, and where I am in the system of things, which isn't as some God-figure above it all but somewhere closer to dead in the middle. I realize that not all of my friends are as smart as I am, and I realize there are smarter people than myself. I can care for someone, and be a friend to them, even if their abilities do not match my own. Or if their race doesn't. Yet I am a realist: I'd deport them in an instant, because that is the right cosmic order and should always be upheld.

_Moon_ #moonbat #psycho #racist #sexist #transphobia saidit.net

Muslim migrant males need to start being shot on sight. I don't care anymore. I immediately clocked them. They're all the same.

I fucking hate them. My experiences with them have been terrible. They're savages who need to die.

When it comes to street harassment and violence, black and brown men are the fucking worst. I don't think this is the fault of Islam. "Westernized" black and brown men are pretty much the same. Even their vernacular is increasingly woke and American. I saw some Arabs use the woke American term "cultural appropriation" to describe a regional supermarket selling kebab ingredients, lol!

Sometimes Islam feels less like a religion to me and more like some sort of ethnocultural bubblegum, keeping 1001 ethnicities (Chechens, Turks, Tunisians, Algerians, Morrocons, etc.) together.

And they all have this weird relationship with white women: on the one hand, they are sexually obsessed with us, on the other hand, they hate us. And non-white women have the same relationship with white men, this love/hate Daddy-issue relationship with white men where they spend all day on Twitter shitting on white men and all night fantasizing about being ravaged by one: https://i.imgur.com/BLtBuGJ.png PNG

Of course, this doesn't mean that white and Asian men are necessarily "better." Usually, they just have more impulse control and higher IQs than black and brown men, so the more complex systems and structures of misogyny (e.g. the international porn industry, transgenderism, economic systems resulting in black and brown men being imported to the West to drive down wages for the working-class, etc.) are filled with more white and Asian men.

Pentti Linkola #crackpot #psycho penttilinkola.com

"A minority can never have any other effective means to influence the course of matters but through the use of violence."
"We will have to...learn from the history of revolutionary movements — the national socialists, the Finnish Stalinists, from the many stages of the Russian revolution, from the methods of the Red Brigades — and forget our narcissistic selves."

"Everything we have developed over the last 100 years should be destroyed."
Traffic is mostly done with bicycles and rowing boats. Private cars are confiscated. Long-distance travel is done with sparse mass transport. Trees will be planted on most roads.
Business will mostly end. Manufacture is allowed only for well argumented needs. All major manufacturing capacity is state owned. Products will be durable and last for generations.
“In democratic coutries the destruction of nature and sum of ecological disasters has accumulated most...Our only hope lies in strong central government and uncompromizing control of the individual citizen."

Universe Inside You/Petra Ortiz (narrator) #crackpot youtube.com

The Book of Enoch Banned from The Bible Tells the True Story of Humanity

In its entirety, The Book of Enoch is made up of five books – The Book of Watchers, Book of Parables, The Astronomical Book, The Dream Visions, and The Epistles of Enoch – containing some 100 chapters. These chapters tell the story of the 7th patriarch in the Book of Genesis – Enoch, the father of Methuselah and grandfather of Noah, the same Noah in the biblical story of Noah's Ark.
Yet, this was not the biblical story of Noah's Ark. In fact, the Book of Enoch provides an entirely different recounting of the events leading up to the Great Flood of Noah's time, that is, a completely different doctrinal history. It tells a story of the Watchers, explained in biblical terms to be fallen angels, sent to earth to watch over humans at some undefined and ancient point in time. Unfortunately, far from merely watching humans, these Watchers became infatuated by human women, and in short order, began to engage in depraved sexual acts with them. The Book of Enoch tells of the children born through this interbreeding between Watchers and humans, called the Nephilim. These Nephilim were as described: "giants and savages that endangered and pillaged humanity," or, said another way, "supernatural, man-eating giants." Angered with what the Watchers had done, those described as gods chained them in a subterranean prison deep within the earth. Enoch became the go-between gods and imprisoned Watchers.

Vox Day #dunning-kruger #wingnut voxday.blogspot.com

[From "Did Hitler save Europe?"]

As more evidence concerning the buildup to Operation Barbarossa surfaces, historians are increasingly being forced to confront the case for a very politically incorrect conclusion about World War II

According to Suvorov, if Hitler had not attacked first, the gigantic military power that Stalin had accumulated on the border would have enabled him to reach Berlin without major difficulty and then, in the context of the war, to take control of the continent. Only Hitler’s decision to preempt Stalin’s offensive deprived him of these resources by piercing and disrupting his lines and destroying or seizing about 65% of all his weaponry, some of it still in trains

Perhaps the most significant fact may be this: the secret protocol of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact gave two-thirds of Poland to the Soviet Union and one-third of it to Germany, despite the fact that Germany was reclaiming a sizable amount of Germany territory that contained German people, while the Soviet action was pure foreign conquest.

Of course, just to stack irony on top of irony, given the horrific state of Western Europe, it's possible that Hitler didn't save Europe by preventing Stalin from overrunning the entire continent, he left it to a worse fate by leaving it under the control of the neo-liberal world order. As awful as communism is for a nation, it's not anywhere nearly as destructive as free imports and free invasion

Geoffrey Grider/Lori DeMonia #crackpot #conspiracy #fundie #ufo #magick nowtheendbegins.com

One of the reasons why we are seeing such mass acceptance of UFOs and space aliens at the highest level of world government is because the Pretribulation Rapture of the Church is right now ‘on deck’ and awaiting liftoff. So many thing happened at the end of WWII, it was a true paradigm shift. Adolf Hitler, a type of Antichrist, was introduced to the world, the United Nations was formed and the Jews were regathered in fulfillment of Jeremiah 29:14 (KJB), and the first space alien UFO made headlines in Roswell.

In June, the Pentagon is scheduled to release what many people are saying will stunning information of human contact with space aliens, but those of us who believe the bible will know the true identity of these beings, the fallen angels from Genesis 6. Jesus said the time of Jacob’s trouble would be like the days of Noah, and that time is almost here now.
And so begins the deception of explaining what has happened when millions of people are suddenly caught up in the rapture. It will be a well prepared narrative. Why? Because as we know the enemy has been preparing the reasons that will be given by distorting this event, not denying it. In fact some call the event that’s soon to occur on Earth their genuine absolute truth, and the rapture of the Bible will be the counterfeit explanation. Isn’t that interesting? They’re not denying that the rapture is an event, or that it’s in the Bible, but they are creating a distorted explanation that’s coming directly from the enemy. New Age writers that “channel” information from beings in other dimensions have been writing about this coming event for many years.

Gregg Braden #crackpot youtube.com

Hidden Beneath The Ice of Antarctica... Lost Civilization of the Pre-Adamites

Could recently melted snow caps reveal an alternative history of Earth? Explore forgotten ruins and new scientific research that may indicate the presence of a pre-Adamite civilization with advanced architecture, hidden beneath the ice. Plus, see how the mathematical codes revealed by these findings may unlock the mysterious origins of elongated skulls found in sacred resting places across the world.

Kaia Ra #crackpot #magick #quack #mammon kaiara.com

The Stargate 1 Curriculum is an authentic Mystery School journey that walks you right into the heart of your own divinity — which innately transforms everything that you believe about your humanity.

This journey will give you the tools to move beyond painful resistances to embodying your own divinity, while teaching you how to be present with the astounding opportunity to embody your sovereignty.

As you take your next leap of faith by enrolling in the Stargate 1 Curriculum, I want to thank you for receiving this much support for your heroic human journey! You are now walking into the sun of your own success.


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Does my enrollment in the Stargate 1 Curriculum certify me to teach The Sophia Code® as a class, community offering, or authorize me to speak on behalf of Kaia Ra and The Sophia Dragon Tribe?
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The Stargate 1 Curriculum is an introductory course of Higher Self initiations and Ascended Master mentorship that prepares you to successfully complete the Divine Feminine leadership initiations of the Stargate 2 Curriculum.

Legendarywristcel #sexist #dunning-kruger ncu.su

It is disturbing that guys who are married never talk about 'morning face'

At 33, i often move in circles where the guys are married with kids. Now ive seen their wives, some of them are good looking and most arent. But even the good looking ones, in the rare instances that ive caught them with less than usual fakeup, look scary. I can only imagine how they look when they wake up in the morning. And yet, this now has become an accepted fact of life for these guys, that they dare not question it. In 2021, you have to accept that your 'looksmatch' is actually a frauding beast, whom you mog to oblivion when fakeup is accounted for.

I think these guys who married their wives for looks, have now convinced themselves that their relationship has matured (JFL) to a point where they like their wives for the person they are.

Prussian Society of America #fundie #racist #sexist prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

Q: Are you a Christian Order or Religious Organization?

A: We are NOT Christian and our Entire Society is also Not Christian. We are a Pagan Fraternal Order and do not believe in organized forms of Worship, such as the Abrahamic Faiths do. In our view, Christianity is an aberration of Spirit. A foreign influence that has encapsulated Europeans in general, but our focus on its destruction lay more on the effects it has brought people of Germany and Baltic Nations. We encourage our Volk to return to their Pagan roots in accordance with Nature’s Demand, away from Manmade Belief systems which have unnatural philosophies and with fake morals and fake hearts which teach philosophies which can only be innate in an individual, but never learned. Return to our Pagan Spirituality is the natural course of Evolution and Renaissance of our Volk.

Q: Does the PSA Promote Odin [WOTAN] or other Norse Religions?

A: Our Society does not Promote Odin Worship, Asatru, or any of these Norse Religions.

Norse Belief systems are at odds with our Practices and Beliefs, because they promote Equality with Women, and sometimes, the Women having a higher status over the Man.

Q: Are you Atheists?

A: No, we are not Atheists, as we do believe in God. However the God-Force and Concept of God in general that we believe in is completely different than Abrahamic Religions, as well as the Buddhists and any Manmade Religion.

Q: Can Atheists join your Organization?

A: Atheists are not welcome into our Society. We view Atheists to also be a religious cult in and of itself, and that they have a worldly agenda of their own, especially in their aim to promote World Communism. Our Society does not promote religious dogma to our Members.

Prussian Society of America #conspiracy #crackpot #fundie #racist #sexist prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

Q: Are you Freemasons or do you have Freemasons among your Membership?

A: No, and Absolutely Not! Freemasons are not only expressly prohibited from Membership and any Involvement with our Society, but they remain as our most grave world enemies and rivals, but also they are the enemy of Mankind. Even a former Freemason will never be tolerated among our ranks. Anyone who is found to join Freemasonry or any Christian or any other unauthorized society which is against the interest of our Society, will be considered as having committed “treason” and is subject to punishment.

Q: Are Women Welcome to be a Supporter or Member of your Organization?

A: Yes they are. The only conditions you have is that as a Woman in our organization, you will not be permitted to be in occupancy in ranks of Leadership or Political Decisions, or anything pertaining to Militaristic Affairs.

Q: Do you believe in Evolution of Humanity?

A: We do not believe in the Evolutionary Theories, they are all false and are easily debunked.

Q: Prussians were always fervently religious, what causes you to break with the Prussian Tradition of Protestant/Lutheran creed?

A: We recognize all forms of Christianity to be antithetical to our Real Heritage and the proper development of our people. Abrahamic religions belong to the Hebrews. If you are not of Hebrew Origins, believing in their religious paths makes you spiritually a Hebrew. Modern Germans must decide whether they are a Hebrew or a German, and to follow their native religion. Today, the people who are descendants of Prussians are not aware of the Prussian Spirit and how it makes us different from other Germans and world’s people, so they are not aware of the significance.

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