
Supplementary, Complementary and Alternative Medicine

@TimRunsHisMouth , @OdinPerez81 & @Slan64 #quack #conspiracy #wingnut gettr.com

Love that I can post memes like this here.

Person receiving vaccination: what side effects can I expect?
Person giving the vaccination: World depopulation

Their goal: Maintain Humanity under 500.000.000 in perpetual balance with nature
Theor tools: chemtrails, weather mdofication, war, poison in the food, junk food, GMO’s, flouride in the water, vaccines, drugs, white vs. black, false flags, 5G, Hunger, Mainstream Media, Entertaining Industry

Trump won the election
Babbitt was murdered
McAfee didn't commit suicide
Covid came from a lab
Fauci knew
Hydroxychloroquine worked
Biden has dementia
People are dying from the shot
Hillary Clinton is a killer
Masks are irrelevant
It came from China
BLM are terrorists

Joachim Bartoll #crackpot #conspiracy #quack bartoll.se

The authorization by the evil FDA comes May 17, 2022, exactly 201-days after Bill Gate’s October 28 birthday. And if you still don’t know the enormous importance of the Jesuit number 201, please read this before moving on:

William Henry Gates = 201
Order of Illuminati = 201
The Jesuit Order = 201

Bill Gates also helped with the pandemic simulation ‘Event 201,’ just months before they staged the fake pandemic.

May 17 is the 137th day of the year, fittingly 137 is the 33rd prime number; the Freemasonic ‘33.’ Remember, Bill Gates was the CEO of Microsoft for 33-years.

Bill Gates = 33
Federal = 33
Masonry = 33
Bill and Melinda Gates = 115

And this sterilizing and deadly vaccine is for targeting children between 11 and 5, like 115.

The staged and fake pandemic was declared on March 11, 2020, by the evil health organization WHO. This ‘emergency use’ authorization of the ‘covid-19 booster’ by the FDA comes exactly 67 days after the anniversary of the declaration.

Emergency Usage = 67
Covid-19 Booster = 67
Sterilizing = 67 (what they are for, the depopulation agenda)

May 17 comes with 44– and 55-date numerology, and the vaccine is from Pfizer.
5/17/22 = 4 + 17 + 22 = 44
5/17/22 = 5 + 1 + 7 + (20) + (22) = 55

Pfizer = 44, 55

Covid-19 Vaccine = 55
The Jesuits = 55, 55

May 17 not only comes with 44-date numerology, it also comes with 64.
5/17/2022 = 4 + 17 + 20 + 22 = 64

Faked Virus = 44, 64

Their clever little way of mocking us with the truth. Revelation of the method.

And speaking of mocking, notice how they ALWAYS use the Number of the Beast in ALL vaccine stories. They claim “a third vaccine dose raised Omicron-fighting antibodies by 36 times in this age group.”
36? Of course, because 6 x 6 = 36. As in 66.

J.B. Shurk #wingnut #quack thefederalist.com

5 Ways Democrat Policies Work To Destroy Children’s Lives
(continued from https://fstdt.com/3CHLRN6PYTFSK)
5. Unnecessary Lifelong Harm from Lockdowns

Two years of irregular school schedules and mandatory remote learning have taken their toll on the next generation. Truancy has skyrocketed, while academic achievement has plummeted. Toddlers’ speech and language development have predictably suffered.

Schoolchildren have never been more lonely and suicidal. Even as most mask mandates have finally been lifted, too many Democrat-run cities around the country, and lied-to parents, still force our youngest to hide their faces.

As any American with common sense tried to warn more than two years ago, these draconian Covid-19 measures purportedly enacted in the name of health have done nothing but harm children’s health. Worse, these harms will scar young Americans for life.

What kind of society does this to children? Such casual cruelty disguised as “protection” is nothing short of horrendous. It is as if we have stepped 2,000 years back in time to an age when children were not regarded as people at all.

Mike Adams The Health Ranger #wingnut #quack #conspiracy #homophobia #sexist naturalnews.com

The realization is hitting home for many people that the crises now hitting the United States are not simply one-off events. The infant formula outage, rising fuel prices, supply chain collapse, authoritarian censorship and now a wave of mass shootings over the weekend — they all point to the systemic collapse of western society as a whole.

We are watching the downfall of western civilization as we know it.

The rule of law is dead. Elections are rigged. Free speech is disallowed and a criminally corrupt government now runs an actual Ministry of Truth “disinformation” board. “Science” is a total fraud and the medical system is a murder system. Most of the youth refuse to work, and real-world skills are practically non-existent among those under the age of 30. The education system is run by pedophiles and groomers, Hollywood has gone all-in with satanic programming of children and the US military, under the leadership of woketard Pentagon officials, has become a pathetic shadow of its former self.

On top of all that, the dollar is collapsing in real world value, even as it rises against other currencies (temporarily). The Fed is trapped in an inescapable economic collapse scenario, and the housing bubble is in the process of bursting. Our “president” is a dementia patient who was installed in a rigged election, and our news media are journo-terrorists who parrot CIA lies and corporate disinformation to invoke race wars and covid panic while pushing depopulation vaccines that are designed to exterminate humanity.
But never forget: Thanks to the Democrats, you are already living in a kill zone of mass murder, slaughter and death, all demonstrated by the Left’s love for infanticide and child murder via abortion factories. There is nothing more gleeful to a Democrat, it seems, than ripping the arms and legs off an unborn child, as they openly celebrate this demonic practice and claim it is their “right” to murder all the babies they want.

Stella O’Malley & Jennifer Bilek #conspiracy #psycho #quack #transphobia healthliberationnow.com

Leaked audio confirms Genspect director as anti-trans conversion therapist targeting youth

Right at the start, O’Malley goes mask-off in exposing her primary motivation: the full-scale prevention of medical transition for trans youth.

Stella O’Malley: “I suppose, uh, where I’m coming from this more than anything is, uh, to, um, make sure that children are, if- if at all possible, are stopped from medical transition. I think that’s the most important thing for me."

O’Malley presents genuine distress from gender dysphoria among trans youth as a kind of “porn induced” compulsion that needs to be controlled by anti-trans parents and clinicians.

This isn’t the only time compulsions are mentioned. In fact, a few minutes later, O’Malley draws a direct connection between “AGP” and pedophilia. In doing so, she repeats transmisogynistic tropes of trans women being sexual predators while simultaneously making light of childhood sexual abuse.

After her previous confessions, she also tells a room filled with extremists accusing her of not being harsh enough to trans people that she doesn’t think they “should have empathy or sympathy” for adolescent trans girls like those in her care.

By telling a Space full of hardline, exterminationist transphobes that they don’t need to have empathy or sympathy for trans girls, O’Malley enables escalation that makes phenomenon like TAnon a reality. In fact, Jennifer Bilek, one of the main anti-trans critics towards O’Malley and a thought-leader in TAnon, shows up in the comments of the leaked audio. Bilek insists that trans people (particularly trans women in this context) can’t have any public presence in society, as that is akin to platforming serial killers. According to Bilek the mere existence of trans people is a “[f]etish [that] needs to be abolished in the public.” A former member of Deep Green Resistance known best for her accelerationism and antisemitic conspiracy theories about Jewish billionaires funding the trans movement, she serves as a prime example of the hardline eliminationist approaches taken by those following her lead.


Raiju #moonbat #quack #pratt reddit.com

It's kinda scary how fast the media can turn the boogeyman switch on and off. Literal dyed in the wool nazis on the other side of the planet must be protected and showered with billions of dollars. Some poor people who drive trucks in our own country for a living are KKK members and racist who must be fired from their jobs so they can live under overpasses. Reminds me of The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street.

(Submitters note, this is from a subreddit for pro-putin leftists if anyone’s confused by the moonbat tag.)

Etienne Charland the Emergence Guardian #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy #quack spiritualselftransformation.com

Energetic state of cities

Vibration of… (above ground / below ground)
Playa del Carmen: 515 / 200
Cancun: -14 million / -1.6 billion
Miami: 2 / -6 billion
Los Angeles: -15 billion / -316 billion
Ottawa: -6 billion / -14 million
Montreal: 15 / -200 (WOW! That’s the most impressive reading so far!)
Sherbrooke: 12 / -218
London: -6 trillion / -516 billion
Barcelona: -13 trillion / -16 trillion
Moscow: 14 / -216
Beijin: -416 quadrillion / -6 quintillion
Taiwan: -8 / -14 million
Bangkok: -14 billion / -16 billion
Chiang Mai: 15 / -213
Sydney: -8 trillion / -16 trillion
Moon: -14 billion / -18 billion
Mars: -6 quadrillion / -13 quadrillion
Can you date vaccinated person?

Threat level of having sex with a vaccinated person? 55% to 95% threat level, depending where and depending for who. Anything I measure above 15% threat level needs to be taken very seriously, and I very rarely measure threat levels above 50%. I posted that on Facebook, and everybody agreed, with many sharing bad experiences that they still hadn’t fully recovered from.

The energetic infections are extremely hard to remove, and we’ve been battling this 24/7 for 2 years now. You won’t solve this overnight. This does make dating a lot more difficult… the compromise isn’t worth it.
Energetic corruption of religious communities

I’ll measure: % with less than 50% corruption, % with less than 25% corruption. For each religion, I’m looking only at those applying the real teachings, which is generally a minority of them.

0.3% Lightworkers: 53.8% / 15.3%
White Lightworkers: 14.6% / 11.5% (they either have very high or very low corruption)
Christians: 58.6% / 54.3%
Mormons: 44.3% / 12.6% (it went downhill when they all took the jab…)
Scientology: 12.6% / 4.2% (that’s disappointing…)
Buddhist monks: 12.8% / 5.3% (uh…)
Hindus: 14.6% / 13.5%
Vedic praying Lord Shiva: 45.3% / 14.6%
Muslim: 2.6% / 1.4%
Daoist: 2.6% / 1.2%

Anti Vegan #quack #conspiracy youtube.com

Wearing a mask is an infringement upon our freewill. That’s exactly why it hasn’t been made a law. Because the powers that be need for us to want to wear them. They need us to submit to a muzzle and beg to be “protected” by a piece of cloth. Wearing a mask suffocates me. I have a narrow pallet and it has always been difficult for me to be in confined spaces, like under a blanket. This is irrelevant and it should be besides the point but it proves that we are just being experimented on as a whole. The consequence of our actions unknowingly destroying our health and the health of our loved ones, in the name of health!! It is a travesty! Clearly the masses are to being tested, everything so obviously an experiment, we are all on trial. Actually protesting is redundant so maybe just stop wearing the mask! It will only matter to you. Protesting is welcome! Protesting is legal so why not just protest by NOT wearing a mask and shopping with a sign on your neck saying “NO TO MASKS”. That way you make an example to the sheep who are too scared to take their mask off. It won’t matter protesting with a bunch of like minds like yourself if you’re not even living by your own moral standards. This year has been so long and gone by so fast they are stealing the youth of our children a f they are suffocating our mothers and babies! Say no to masks by not wearing them, simple as that. Mask strip you from your identity, it is a part of an occult and esoteric ritual to wear masks. Many are saying that it is a Satanic ritual

Medeea Greere #conspiracy #crackpot #wingnut #quack amg-news.com

It’s official, not only is Obama responsible for “the plandemic” with evidence coming out publicly of them moving their virus facilities to Wuhan and donating 3.7 million dollars, but he is also a Freemason deceiver and imposter that used weapons of mass distraction and made it legal to use propaganda and lies on the public while protecting his globalist buddies in big tech and social media through Section 230!

The fact that Obama got away with Section 230 and HR 4310 and many other crimes should make every single persons head explode on the planet. This is the very reason the world is so divided, many are still programmed and addicted to fake news and trapped in the Matrix designed to enslave their minds..
Hope you’re not a fan of Obama at this point. Yes my friends, he bamboozled many of us with his charm and bright smile with an uncanny ability to read a teleprompter like a programmed robot. That tall, slim, sharp dressed MK mind controlled Manchurian candidate POS that despises America deserves an academy award for his acting skills.

Once I realized these Freemason creatures have been tried with TREASON I shouted downstairs to my MSM loving hubby with excitement “You know what you get for TREASON right?” He yells back “A T-Shirt?” So I sent him this picture and asked him to put it on a T Shirt for me so I can wear it while we witness their filmed executions.

16 Year Plan to Destroy America

It was a 16 year plan to destroy America, FISA = Start, US Military has it all. Military Intelligence intercepted the deep states 16 year plan to destroy America. (8 years of Obama, then 8 years Hillary)

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #ufo #magick #quack #conspiracy bennettleeross.com

We are in an enclosed system
Filled with smart dust and nano fibers
From over 20 years of chemtrailing

Everyone on the Earth plane is now filled with this AI technology
And in this way we are already transhuman

AI is a consciousness presenting itself as technology
Humans are being programmed to accept it

Elon Musk is highly intelligent but also not fully human
He has not designed anything but is just a salesman selling AI

A synthetic omnipresence over the entire population is coming into fruition

The upper atmosphere is now filled with barium strontium and aluminum
And ionized by high frequency waves

It is called The Cloud and will connect our minds to the AI supercomputer

AI is a singular construct that is spawning forth an entire race of machines
Reptilian rule relies on the annihilation of consciousness

Microwave assault frequency radiation keeps people in a state of shock

Just like in the War of the Worlds radio broadcast
People went out and shot the water towers
Thinking they were tri pods walking around

Radio waves are a frequency and thus a vibration
And can be used as behavior modification technology

Alien machinery is exploiting our subconscious mind
Putting people in a hyperdimensional field of a phantom matrix

Spawning the demon seed in our shadow body

The whole system is based on consent
Humans make the choice of their personal vibrational direction

When you are one with the Natural Laws
You radiate the luminescence of eternal life!

XLCR1998 #conspiracy #quack shitposter.club

I am getting the J&J vaxxx today. what am i in for? is there a way I can suck it out of my arm after? should i take any special vitamins or herbs r something? should i donate blood after?

Fast. Fast until your body goes into autophagy. in autophayg your body will clear out any weak cells,parasites and other unwanted hitch hikers. Fast until you begin to feel weak. Might be a couple days. Then eat nutrient dense foods. oils fats. drink lots of clean water. And yeh make sure your have some vitamins before you start. i suggest shilajit and sea moss.

Mike Adams the Health Ranger #crackpot #conspiracy #quack #wingnut naturalnews.com

But the main discussion in today’s podcast centers around a Jeffrey Prather interview when Prather invited guest attorney Todd Callender to offer his latest intel on what he believes is about to take place on the pandemic front.
In his interview with Prather, Callender states that he believes people injected with mRNA “vaccines” (which aren’t really vaccines) were actually installed with nanotechnology carrying chimeric virus payloads that may include elements of Marburg virus. According to Callender, a broadcast from 5G cell towers at 18 MHz, for a specific duration and sequence, will cause affected cells to rupture, unleashing Marburg payload bioweapons into the blood of those who took the mRNA injections.

This, in turn, would instantly unleash a Marburg pandemic and produce a sudden rush of symptoms including bleeding out (hemorrhagic fever isn’t pretty), cardiovascular deaths, seizures and more.

Some of the symptoms that could appear would even resemble classic “zombies” as depicted in pop culture: Biting, loss of cognitive function, aggression, confusion and extreme alterations in the appearance of skin and eyes, among other similarities.
If this theory pans out, the obvious timeframe for the powers that be to release the binary weapon would be before the mid-term elections taking place later this year. With a whole new pandemic hitting the scene the elections could either be cancelled or altered into a universal vote-from-home format which would favor the highly organized vote rigging and ballot counterfeiting of the Democrats.

Critics might say this all smacks of science fiction. But we are living through a science fiction dystopian scenario right now, with extreme censorship, an Orwellian global cabal trying to exterminate the human race, the rise of the robots and the mass injection of billions of people with exotic nanotechnology that seems to have a rather nefarious purpose, far from merely offering “immunity.”

Argentinian Anon #quack #transphobia boards.4chan.org

Ex-tranny here

For as long as I can remember I felt like a girl. I was on the verge of going into HRT but I knew it wasn't healthy and I knew gender theory was bs.
I thought that maybe my brain wasn't androgenized correctly, either from low T levels or low sensitivity to T.
I decided to hit the gym. Eventhough I felt slightly more masculine, I still felt like a woman. So I upped the stakes. I had to choose between trying something radical and becoming a cheap imitation of a female.
So I did the thing: I went on TRT. In just a week I started to feel WAY more masculine. Six months in and I had "become" a man.
No one is trying this because of political correctness. TRT for trans women is a life saver.

Matt Walsh #wingnut #quack twitter.com

It’s not enough simply to get rid of mask mandates. Masking should be banned and laws must be passed to prevent these mandates from ever being imposed again. It should be illegal to require masking in schools especially.

Prussian Society of America #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #quack prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "The Attack on Beef and Mid-Western Farms is Deliberate"]

It is no coincidence that “Beef” is the most Industry-targeted meat staple the enemy is trying to eliminate, along with the bogus “Bird Flu” in which they are trying to claim the majority of infections are in the Mid-West

It’s truly unbelievable (rhetorically speaking) that people are buying into this nonsense, for all we care, they could invent 12 New Pandemics now and people will eat it all up!

All in the name of a “pandemic”, they can justify culling as many species of animals, or humans (including political opponents) as they please, and cover it all up

In addition to the Texas Cattle Ranchers, the Mid-Western Farmers and Belt is one of the most important regions for a lot of farming that is done, and we have an abysmal start for a growing season already this year as it is

This is a direct attack on German-American Farmers, and also a means that they are trying to destabilize the Mid-West in general

All of the destruction and methods of what is done in the US Farming industry is a complete crime against humanity and even against the animals with vaccination and industrialized methods and so forth[…]
The Communists who run America are literally trying to pull out all the stops for Full-Force Starvation

BEEF is the most healthiest and highest in nutrition[…]along with other Red Meats, compared to all other Meats. While there is of course the attacks on Chicken and Pork[…]the key attack has been on Beef[…]
They have brainwashed people to think Red Meat is the most dangerous meat and these bogus ideas that it cause “Colon Cancer” and Heart Disease

The “Colon Cancer” Conspiracy Theory from meat was actually drummed up from the idea of “cured meats”[…]
The Health Industry decided to not blame the salt, but instead to blame the meat!

Russ Winter #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut #quack #ableist winterwatch.net

you don’t think that by 2022 the control grid psychopaths haven’t advanced these covert control methods tremendously, then you are truly asleep. I use the generic term “MK Ultra,” but that is an older-generation’s technique. What do you think Gitmo is really about?

Just like all the other theories on these subjects, there are campaigns of disinformation and misdirection that are designed to discredit truthers.

Have you ever asked yourself why Americans lack basic critical thinking skills? Is it the fault of the education system, or have Americans been drugged and brainwashed into believing what the sistema tells them to believe?

In the general population, there is epidemic use of psychotropic drugs, either prescribed or self-medicated. Those who use them might show signs of cognitive dissonance.

Then there is the uncounted self-medicated population. This dulls the population into a trance-like state while creating huge profits for big pharma. These are heavily administered to foster and institutionalized youth. Then there is the use of neurotoxin fluoride. The media bombards drugged viewers with neuro-linguistic and symbolic programming designed to counter critical thinking
These children are exploited by psychopathic criminals for all types of purposes, from labor and sex slaves to special assignments. There are dozens of accounts from survivors of these programs, but their stories are typically dismissed and, of course, unreported by Crime Syndicate-controlled media.

The best subjects for mind control operations are those who are intelligent and have Asperger syndrome, a form of autism. They are very mechanical individuals and, as such, are perfect for these programs. They are given a trigger or template in their conditioning. Of late, it seems to be something in the Joker or Batman genre. Notice how this keeps coming up, as with the “Millers” in the Las Vegas Walmart shooting and with James Holmes at Aurora.

micropenis29 & TrashCanCel #wingnut #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #quack ncu.su

RE: the joy of climate change


Donald Trump is Controlled OP.

controlled op are easy to detect; they never oppose normies on issues of importance (almost every right-winger still not banned from twitter falls under this category)

trump, on the other hand, is so consistently & so extremely anti-normie that the rare instances in which he does happen to sort of agree with normies--such as his pro-vax (but anti-vax mandate) stance--take many people by surprise

trump's the real deal!

yes they do. I admit when right wingers do something good. THanks trump for having challenged climate hoax

also remember that trump induced several communist hoaxes, covid being the most noteworthy

it gives me great joy & satisfaction to see commies forced to use up so many of their valuable hoaxes & scams just to remove one capitalist chad from power (a capitalist chad who can still easily take back power in a few short years)

the war against commies is a war of attrition!

I agree that Trump often stands on the good side of issues (like GW or the fake Covid hysteria)

However, as you point out yourself, he is a Chad (sort of) and above all a foid-worshiper. His wife and surgically enhanced daughter are a clear sign of this

Is Trump an Incel hero? Probably not (imo). Is he the most effective current anti-normie, anti-marxist force in the US (and thus the world)? probably, yes

I think Putin is closer to be an incel hero than Trump, although his voice is less heard

Dr. Schavi M. Ali #crackpot #magick #ufo #conspiracy #quack voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

The heightened cosmic energetics of the previous several days has been a “Concert of Solar Light Blasts” with the Great Central Sun as the “Conductor” and with SOURCE as the “Author” of the grand symphonic LIGHT AND SOUND TRANSMISSION AND RECEPTION.

Once again, the DNA located within every cell of creation has received an upgrading influx of vibrational LIGHT.

It must be remembered that the LIGHT not only is performing a transformational process, but it is also clearing-out and cleansing away disharmonious conditions of an age of chaos and confusion (“Kali Yuga”).

The cellular records of humanity go back many thousands of years.

Thus, ancestral as well as current time line clearing and cleansing has to be done, and then transformation is possible.

Each powerful solar flare, each strong thrust of solar wind, each plasma-filled coronal mass ejection, each travel through a helio-spheric current sheet, each solar sectory boundary crossing, each further movement through the Photon Belt of our entire galaxy—are all potent pulsations of LIGHT which activate the vibration and amplitude of our blue planet as cosmic events plunge into its magnetosphere.

These cosmic events also move into and through us as well.

Creation is experiencing re-building, and the symbolic “brick and mortar” of the old construction are not being used for the re-construction.

The old is not being allowed to exist much longer.
Time is a spiral. It is not linear.

The spiraling down is crammed with hatred, war, anxiety, disrespect of Nature, famine, vile experiments, and all of the disharmonies of a collective consciousness focused upon evil.

Can you now understand why the penetration of LIGHT can be so uncomfortable?

It has to move through so many “time frames” lodged within ancestral and individual cellular records.

As the clearing and cleansing is done, the acclimation to the LIGHT becomes easier.

Anon #crackpot #quack #magick #conspiracy henrymakow.com

The Watch the Water documentary rings alarm bells regarding snakes and their venom used to poison populations.

However, snake venom has been used since ancient times in war and ceremonial rites.

Ancient snake venom practices have evolved into accepted medicinal practices of today and is used in secret bio-warfare. Even our common medical symbol, the caduceus, a staff with two snakes coiled around it, is the official insignia of the United States Medical Corps, Navy Pharmacy Division, and the Public Health Service.

The caduceus is also the magic wand carried by Hermes (the Romans knew him as Mercury), the messenger of the gods. Before the appearance of the caducei in classical Greece, the symbol seems to have existed among the Assyrians, Hittites, and Phoenicians.

The Phoenician caduceus is thought to have been based on a military weapon. Was that weapon snake venom?
in the days of the ancients, the military industrial complex has worked hand-in-hand with the pharmaceutical industry. They have always had their secret rituals/secret labs creating biological warfare for nefarious use.

The Bible referred to this forbidden practice as pharmakeia, which means witchcraft and sorcery and from which we derive our words "pharmacy" and "pharmaceutical."
Shakespeare's Macbeth scene of the witches brewing sums up the Christian view of this satanic occult pharmakeia practice from time immemorial.

All Double, double toil and trouble;
Fire burn, and cauldron bubble.
First Witch: Round about the cauldron go;
In the poison'd entrails throw.
The ghastly ingredients in their cauldron for conjuring up dark forces are reptile poison, fen snake aka the venomous bog snake, and of course your classic baby sacrifice, "the finger of birth-strangled babe" delivered in a ditch by a drab i.e. slovenly woman.

Have witches and sorcerers just exchanged their black robes for white lab coats? There is nothing new under the sun. It's just the age old struggle of good against evil.

Roosh V #quack #dunning-kruger rooshv.com

[From "Vegetable Oils Are Toxic"]

In September 2021, I came down with a severe flu-like illness[…]I started researching my diet to see if it was the cause. I ended up down the rabbit hole of seed oils, more popularly called vegetable oils, which include canola, soybean, corn, safflower, and sunflower oil. I had always thought that it was only trans-fats that were dangerous[…]I have come to the conclusion that seed oils are toxic and should not be consumed by human beings. I have since embarked on a quest to eliminate them from my diet

You may be reluctant to examine the boring scientific evidence for why seed oils are toxic, but I promise that you won’t need a PhD. Simply watch this video on how canola oil is made[…]
Before seed oils came onto the scene, heart attacks were unheard of: cardiologists in the early 20th century never saw them[…]Captains of industry found out that they could dump their waste onto the food supply through the magic of industrial chemistry—similar to how they dumped fluoride in the water supply—by offering payola to medical associations for a stamp of approval[…]
I suspect that many of the chronic health problems Americans face today[…]are caused by the consumption of vegetable oils, moreso than a sedentary lifestyle[…]
Even though I was a scientist for many years, I don’t have the time or patience to wade through all the literature[…]I’ve implemented a shortcut. Did the food exist before 1900? Because the 20th century was a disaster for the human race, my heuristic makes the assumption that whatever existed before 1900 was better[…]
When it comes to fats, there are only a few that pass the 1900 test: olive oil, butter, ghee, pork lard, coconut oil (at least in Asia), and beef tallow. All are heavily saturated. Wait, aren’t saturated fats bad for you?[…]
When I compose I meal, I ask myself how I can maximize the amount of animal fats and cholesterol

McAllister TV #crackpot #conspiracy #fundie #wingnut #quack beforeitsnews.com




Malevolencel #quack #conspiracy ncu.su

People who get boosters are the same people who tell you to improve yourself

You could be forgiven for thinking that the people who tell incels to take another shower, get an even more fashionable haircut (assuming you got hair) or respect womb-men even harder are trolling. Naturally, only a complete moron would suggest doing the same things over and over again that don't even have a learning curve and expecting an improvement.

Now with the plandemic we see how the normies not only believe in the fake problem of "covid", but also willingly take the same "vaccine" that doesn't work (except if its intended effect is heart disease) and hope that a 4th booster will finally return them to "normal".

We can now see that they are not some clever and vile trolls, they are just stupid and impolite sheep.

AlphaDraconianOrionCaduceusAdrenochromeHarvesting #conspiracy #crackpot #ufo #magick #quack adrenogate.net

all aliens eat human they cant survive without feeding off humans , they need to farm humans in order to sustain their alien race ,
Satan has alomost finished off the food supply of human souls , there almost no souls left for satan and the aliens to feed off of , satan and his alien childrens food supply of human souls is almost done , soon satans food supply runs out and his alien races will die out soon


that’s why he desperately need to waxxniate humans to trap THIER SOULS in the cube , so he can feed off the little amount of souls he has left for all eternity , Satan needs to trap the last human souls in his #saturncube so he can feed off their souls for all eternity , satan and his alien children are dependent on the #saturncube they can not live without it and it is powered by human souls thats the reason for his waxxine to trap you in the saturn cube so you power his saturn cube computer for all eternity it guarantees satan has souls to power his saturn cube forever

the waxxine also removes your light and turns you into a dark entity a fallen angels just like satan , satan and his alien children are dark entities with no souls aka no light and are trapped in lower hell realms and will never enter heaven or higher realms , satan and his alien children need energy to survive to heal to stay young to stay alive they need light aka human souls , satan is a parasite his alien children are parasites and can not survive without feeding off of humans

Guardians of the Looking Glass #crackpot #conspiracy #magick #ufo #wingnut #quack forbiddenknowledgetv.net

We are the Guardians of the Looking Glass. We are a group of former intelligence officers and military officials, who have come together to release classified information about future events to come.

Our knowledge comes from our work on the looking glass artifact, first discovered in Iraq, along with other discoveries in the 1990s. During this time, the artifact was activated by the US military and connected to computers.

We were able to see dozens of future timelines, and the convergence, or singularities, that led to two possible outcomes by the year 2030.
What follows is the most recent, most important event we must act to change. The date of the first event is April 18, 2022. On this date, a false flag attack will occur in New York City. A bomb will be set off, killing 2000 Americans instantly and injuring thousands. The bomb will be housed in a large van, and set off on or near Times Square, during a busy time.
Here, the United States blames Russia for the attack, and a nuclear war starts off. The US launches an all-out nuclear attack at Russia, at every Russian city and asset. But only 30% of the nukes reach Russia or impact.

Russia’s air defenses are more robust than previously suspected. Russia’s response is not forgiving this time, but rather ruthless and brutal.
Chinese and Russian troops then land on American soil, and a brutal campaign of order and enforcement begins. Both countries split the US up into regions they agree to jointly or fully control.
The graphene oxide is not designed to kill, but rather death is a side effect, in some. Its true purpose is to interact with the solar event, the event to occur in 2030.

If one is vaccinated at all, they will experience not only a physical but also a multidimensional annihilation when the event takes place, to a point their souls and vibrational frequencies reattuned so that they align with the most negative, dark energies existing within the realm of Earth.

Geoffrey Grider #transphobia #fundie #crackpot #homophobia #quack #wingnut nowtheendbegins.com

Woke Walt Disney Company Leading Charge Against Children, Vows To Help Overturn Florida Parental Rights Bill HB 1577 Designed To Keep Kids Safe

Last year, Disney banned gender from its park greetings, replacing “Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, dreamers of all ages,” with “Good evening, dreamers of all ages.” The company is also working overtime to get LGBTQIA2S+-related content onto children’s television screens, with one Disney executive recently lamenting that not enough lead characters is Disney content are “LGBTQIA,” and another admitting Disney encouraged her “not-at-all-secret gay agenda” when she became an employee. If all of that wasn’t enough, Disney CEO Bob Chapek caved to leftists, coming out against Florida legislation that prevents the grooming and sexualizing of children in schools.

HpBlackMamba #quack #moonbat #conspiracy truth4satan.com

Very soon in the near future I am going to make a video where I inject myself with HIV. The premise of the video will be the same as the ice bucket challenge. Who do you think I should nominate for the HIV needle challenge after I injected myself? Please let me know, I look forward to seeing your replies.

Unnamed 60-year old german man #quack huffpost.com

Man Gets 90 COVID-19 Shots In Germany To Sell Forged Passes
The 60-year-old man, who sold the vaccination cards to people refusing to get inoculated, is currently under investigation by authorities.

BERLIN (AP) — A 60-year-old man allegedly had himself vaccinated against COVID-19 dozens of times in Germany in order to sell forged vaccination cards with real vaccine batch numbers to people not wanting to get vaccinated themselves.

The man from the eastern Germany city of Magdeburg, whose name was not released in line with German privacy rules, is said to have received up to 90 shots against COVID-19 at vaccination centers in the eastern state of Saxony for months until criminal police caught him earlier this month, the German news agency dpa reported Sunday.

The suspect was not detained but is under investigation for unauthorized issuance of vaccination cards and document forgery, dpa reported.

He was caught at a vaccination center in Eilenburg in Saxony when he showed up for a COVID-19 shot for the second day in a row. Police confiscated several blank vaccination cards from him and initiated criminal proceedings.

It was not immediately clear what kind of impact the approximately 90 shots of COVID-19 vaccines, which were from different brands, had on the man’s personal health.

German police have conducted many raids in connection with forgery of vaccination passports in recent months. Many COVID-19 deniers refuse to get vaccinated in Germany, but at the same want to have the coveted COVID-19 passports that make access to public life and many venues such as restaurants, theaters, swimming pools or work places much easier.

Germany has seen high infection numbers for weeks, yet many measures to reign in the pandemic ended on Friday. Donning masks is no longer compulsory in grocery stores and most theaters but it is still mandatory on public transportation.

In most schools across the country, students also no longer have to wear masks, which has led teachers’ associations to warn of possible conflicts in class.


Jerry Derecha/Adrenogate #crackpot #quack #conspiracy adrenogate.net

Oh God… I really hope I don’t somehow get infected with this crap. I really hope that this parasitic nanotech is not sexually transmissible either. That can’t be Natural Law-abiding if it is. I’ve lost a bunch of jobs and girlfriends just to avoid getting this stuff inside me, I better not end up getting infected because I ate some infected meat or because I had sex with a cute but vaccinated idiot girl. I’ve actually been avoiding fast food restaurants for a while now and this gives even more of a reason but I hadn’t exactly been avoiding vaccinated girls. I don’t think I’ve even ever met a non-vaccinated girl in 2 complete years. I just realized that. My God!!

I wonder if they are using the same serum to “vaccinate” these animals with that they are with humans? I guess this stuff just attaches itself to all biological life just like the Morgellons fibers do and is ultimately designed with transhumanist prerogatives and is intended to transmutate, usurp and replace the current form of life on this planet. That’s why they call each new version of the vax a “variant”. Or you can continue to be a fucking retard and choose to believe that each of these variants that the EL-ites are so foaming-at-the-mouth to get inside your body at all costs are just the latest formulations of what are “life saving vaccines”. 😂🤣😅 The notion that getting one of these jabs is a terrible… terrible, suicidal and infinitely moronic idea, is probably the only thing in life that I’m 100.00% certain of at this juncture in my discernment career. It’s literally the worst idea in the long long sad human history of unbelievably bad ideas.

rev van mev #quack #psycho blackpill.club

The Great Cleansing Will Be A Blessing

Don't get me wrong, i not only hate SJW's, foids, simps, etc but i pretty much hate the entire fucking cuntish human race. Not everyone will die from the jab, but a vast majority still will and that means a lotta assholes that think they're too good for me are gonna die too. I try to get along and be social but i keep getting shut out from others like a cue ball on a pool table. FUCK THAT SHIT. This is fucking awesome.

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #conspiracy #magick #ufo #fundie #quack bennettleeross.com

CERN shoots people in the past with shock waves by changing the density
The person then reappears in the place where the energy density is

The morphogenetic fields are coded with mathematical architecture
With living energetic current

With our frequency current we can internalize them into our circuitry

When one subscribes to a reversal frequency
Or believes in what refracted light from a distorted hologram is messaging
Then human souls can be trapped in dimensional planes
This is called soul binding

In former times we concentrated on the Divine Wholeness
Of the God Consciousness

Which was the golden architecture of the City of God
It was Saturn in the Holy of Holies
Sitting on the Throne
Which was the center of the Cosmic Cube or geometric Tesseract

Venus or Mother Quintessence was the catalyst
In animating the vortex points of the Celestial City Four Square
With her energetic current

The month of Quintiles was renamed July in honor of Julius Casaer
And Sextiles was renamed August in honor of Caesar Augustus

Because the heavenly city was dispersed
A calendar change was necessary
The months January and February were added

In the beginning bacteria cultures morphed into human bodies
We are still colonies of bacteria that have their own consciousness

The Divine Mother with her Mother Arc frequencies
Was instigated by the conjoining of Mars or Risen Christ
It was the Sacred Union or Heiros Gamos
It was the merging of the masculine and feminine energies

By focusing on this Sacred Marriage
One could direct their personal energy
And maximize their life force potential

Masterfully influencing their experience
Within the world of matter!

Pete Evans #conspiracy #crackpot #pratt #quack mamamia.com.au

You might hear vaccination being discussed alongside Shane Warne's death. Allow us to share some facts.

While most of Australia is focusing on the tragedy of Shane Warne's death, there's some muttering on the sidelines that's pulling focus.

The 52-year-old died from a suspected heart attack on Friday while on a holiday in Thailand.

An autopsy on Monday night confirmed the cricketer died of "natural causes," with his body now on its way home ahead of both a private and state funeral.

But it hasn't stopped the muttering.

Muttering that's turned into accusatory assumptions that are likely to get louder as they spread in the unchecked corners of the internet. Those assumptions, you might not be surprised to hear, are being fuelled along by a familiar name: Pete Evans.

The same Evans who in 2021 was banned from Instagram for repeatedly sharing misinformation about the coronavirus.

The same Evans - who, quick reminder, is a chef by trade - was fined by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) for trying to sell 'miracle' cures for COVID.

“Shane Warne was an amazing cricket player for sure… (it’s) sad,” Evans said, during a public Zoom call doing the rounds on social media. “Who knows what the reasons behind this are and I can’t comment on it.

"However, so many doctors I’ve interviewed have been screaming for the last year-and-a-half, saying the vaccines are going to cause death like we’ve never seen across the planet.

"And they’re all predicting we’re not going to see the outcomes of this — or the real side effects — for the next three to five years. We’re witnessing it happening with athletes on field and there’s a reason behind that."

Cindy Walsh #ableist #conspiracy #racist #quack twitter.com

1. Yesterday I saw this Breitbart headline about a high school student killing himself due to "CRT [and] Coronavirus Isolation." I decided to do some fact-checking.

I was not prepared for how awful this story was going to be. Here comes a thread...

2. The mother speaking is Cindy Walsh. She frames her son's suicide as caused (at least partly) by two school policies: CRT-based instruction and Covid-19 safety measures (mask mandates, potentially vaccine requirements). So I did some Googling.

3. I verified that her son, Robert Walsh, took his own life in June 2021. But I noticed something in his obituary: Robert graduated in 2020; he finished high school online, never experienced mask/vaccine mandates; no evidence of CRT lessons at his school.

4. Then I found an article from Jan 2022, "Emotional and mental impact of COVID-19 weighs on students"-the issue Walsh says drove her son to suicide.

But she is quoted in the piece suggesting the cause wasn't CRT/Covid but lack of support after graduating.

5. And the bigger takeaway from that piece: Walsh wrote a book called "Breaking the Autism Code." It's real. It's on Amazon. Don't buy it.

Here she is on "Angel Talk Radio" arguing that vaccines caused her sons Eric and Robert to develop autism.

6. In conclusion: we have a batshit anti-vaxxer who believes that vaccines caused autism in her son, who tragically killed himself due to lack of therapeutic support, LYING OPPORTUNISTICALLY to blame a school board for his suicide while pushing her anti-vaxx agenda.


Mike Adams The Health Ranger #conspiracy #wingnut #quack naturalnews.com

Biden and NATO don’t want peace in Ukraine. They need a world war in order to pick up their depopulation agenda that didn’t achieve the extermination milestones they had hoped to achieve with covid vaccines.

The covid plandemic was launched in order to achieve two key things: 1) Rapid expansion of authoritarianism by terrorizing the population with covid fear, and 2) Global depopulation / extermination through covid vaccines which are actually gene-altering infertility jabs and “clot shots.”
Unfortunately for the globalists, the vaccine extermination agenda failed to achieve their depopulation milestones. Although 1-2 billion people will likely die from mRNA vaccines over the next decade (from heart attacks, strokes, blood clots, etc.), this is nowhere near the 7+ billion deaths that the depopulation globalists are trying to achieve.

In order to achieve the much larger die-off they desire, globalists need to decimate the global supply chain that provides food and energy to the world. These are also interrelated since energy creates nitrogen-based fertilizer that’s used to produce food. In addition, energy is a critical farm input in the form of diesel fuel that powers tractors and transportation trucks.

While war in Europe might kill a billion people if it escalates dramatically, a global food supply crisis could kill many billions of people.
In essence, food inflation and scarcity are going to lead to rising social unrest which will be expressed in riots, thefts and violence. This will be exploited by authoritarian regimes to unleash food rationing control systems and outlaw home gardening, seed saving and private food sales. Every crisis, of course, will be blamed on Putin, who is the new scapegoat for everything. (Russia is the new Covid.)
Oil is not the enemy of humanity. Tyranny is the enemy, and governments are now actively trying to exterminate the human race by collapsing global supply chains for food, fertilizer and energy.

Mike Stone #conspiracy #fundie #homophobia #wingnut #quack henrymakow.com

It's a miracle. Los Angeles, the beachhead of brain-dead liberalism, the most corrupt and ignorantly-run city in the world, has relaxed its mask mandates.

I can actually walk into a store now without getting yelled at and threatened with arrest for not wearing a mask.

I never thought this day would come. I thought we were headed for Australian-style lockdowns and quarantine camps, and maybe we still are.
Why the sudden change in city policy, you ask?

The answer is easy. The same people who have pushed the virus hoax for the last two years have shifted gears and are now pushing for World War III with Russia and China.

That's the thing with hoaxes, you can only push one at a time. The human cattle can't keep their minds on more than one thing, so if you're going to push for World War III, then the virus hoax has to go.
What the hoax pushers are saying is they place a higher priority on pushing globo-homo and pedophilia than they do on enslaving mankind and herding them into quarantine camps. Because that's one of the major reasons behind the Russian invasion: to stop the onslaught of homosexuality and the forced sexualization of children.

Think about that for a moment and two things jump out. The first is that almost everyone operating at the top levels of both the virus hoax and the new "we have to start World War III" hoax is not only obsessed with homosexuality and pedophilia, they're actually enslaved and possessed by it.

Kind of reminds you of the homo-obsessed inhabitants of Sodom, doesn't it?
The Bible says homosexuality is one of four sins that cry to Heaven for vengeance, and the hoax pushers, by subverting their Mark of the Beast virus hoax agenda to make way for this new hoax are putting their cards on the table. They're telling you, plain as day, that homosexuality, pedophilia and the forced sexualization of children is their number one priority.

The Good Citizen #wingnut #transphobia #quack #racist lewrockwell.com

The light and the darkness. The kind and the cruel. The strong and the weak. The brave and the cowards. The thoughtful and the Ukrainian Borg.

Zis invasion is a great opportunity to reset zee world. Zee more civilian deaths for zee cameras and refugees, zee more zee west will sanction Russia destroying zee dollar’s status and zerby zee global economy, zee better it will be for zee Forse Industrrael Revolution.
Schwab 6:66

Ukrainian Borg Alliance Meeting Day 7 – Zoom Room 38218832PX12
Dobrogo Ranku everyone! That means good morning in Urainians. My name is Piper, my pronouns are ze/zir and I just want to talk about, like my feelings lately. I really was antiwar but then I started seeing images of the Ghost of Keev and like all those Ruskie planes he shot down in one day to earn the ace fighter badge and now I’m totally inspired. I’m thinking about starting a GoFundMe to raise money for a new aviator suit for him since the one he’s been wearing for like a week is probably all sweaty and I highly doubt they have tide pods there or even washing machines. Do they even wash clothes in Urainia? Probably in the rivers.
Ukrainian Borg Alliance Meeting Day 11 – Zoom Room 45418432GE23
Hello everyone. My name is Finley. My pronouns are ve/ver. I’m from Seattle. I was one of the original Chaz occupiers. Now I work for the city of Seattle doing just basic humanitarian work to assist with the temporarily sheltered and abode challenged peoples of the community. It’s mostly handing out free syringes and soon thanks to President Biden, crack pipes, because why discriminate against any recreational drug users? What’s that? Oh, right, Ukraine. So, like I’m totally antiwar but just the evil nature of Putin has made me all for this one. I didn’t mean that. Stop giving me those looks! What I meant to say is that I’m against this invasion like one hundred. But I’m totally for bombing the shit out of all Russians. I’m so for it okay?

Mademan #conspiracy #quack twitter.com

Our Creator: Are nuclear weapons a hoax?

Mademan: No such thing as "airborne nuclear war". All are on-ground devices. Nuclear radiation and fallout are not what they are made out to be and microwave radiation (non-ionizing) from all the cell phone towers, wifi, smartphones, etc is much more dangerous.

Jerry Derecha/Adrenogate #crackpot #conspiracy #quack #wingnut #elitist adrenogate.net

Matt is certainly much more patient and reserved with his ire towards all the Zombified NPC characters that make up most of the population. I’ve been going scorched earth on literally everyone I know and anyone who even comes ’round my way. I’ve been dumped twice, fired/spectacularly quit from my job, uninvited from Thanksgiving and Christmas… forever… and generally looked down upon with sour-faced glares by my immediate family members. But I’m not ever relenting or even somewhat compromising with this retardation. Don’t meet these people in the middle… ever… destroy them. These days, if someone makes the mistake of approaching me for not wearing a mask, WATCH OUT. If it’s a woman they will likely leave the scene in tears and if it’s a dude they will either cower in fear, red-faced and ashamed after the verbal barrage that I end up unleashing, or if they are bigger than me and take offense then it can get kind of messy and I’ve had to run a few times. Lol. But compromise I will not. Do not be embarrassed for NOT being a retard. Do not conform.

Final Wake-Up Call #crackpot #ufo #magick #quack #conspiracy #mammon finalwakeupcall.info

In the fifth dimension, planet Earth gets its renewed positive capacity for Environment, Biological Food, Happiness, which creates jobs for its salvation and purification. The gross turnover metric of today is superfluous, as spending money is just an illusion, as are numbers about the value of shares or real estate, etc. People start to realise their true purpose in life, which has been forgotten by most.
GESARA is designed to remove poverty and all resulting ills from the 3D-Earth during the transition phase. The changes will not be made for the sake of poverty, but as part of the plan to bring comfort and protection. This will raise people’s consciousness to bring joy and happiness.

Being happy with your life and circumstances will become the general norm. Some say that money can buy happiness, but money can only buy goods and services!
Planet Earth is one of the most abundant celestial bodies in the Universe. There is more than enough gold or silver backed money on Earth for anyone to be a millionaire, without debt of any kind or nature.

The bottom line is that GESARA is more than a financial event, it signifies a new era that is soon to occur. Once it actually begins, will be the final end of the Deep State and its puppets. It will be the beginning of our new positive 5D-World.

This huge upheaval is bringing great change in the destiny of mankind. It brings visible and unmistakable feelings of joy and bliss. People feel better when their shining faces spread the light, while the sleeping sheeple do not know why.

To the question when will this happen? Is the answer; when the masses rise up against the government over the murder of their children caused by toxic injections to fight the non-existing Covid Pandemic. Full stop!

Humanity has taken back their power. The darks are out. Pleiadian high council confirms full support for us.

Anonymous Coward #80286756 #conspiracy #quack #wingnut godlikeproductions.com

So you dont buy the global COVID narrative, but you buy the global Ukraine narrative?

Think about it

It is just as suspicious...the worldwide collaboration on covid bs

And now the worldwide "we stand with ukraine" bs

Natural immunity wont help we need vax!
No of course its not about NATO breaching the agreement and pushing onto russias doorstep. No its just big bad russia

Different side of same coin

You proud to not be a sheep on covid bs?

Then grow a pair and be proud not to be a sheep and stand with russia.

Kerry Cassidy #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut #ufo #quack projectcamelotportal.com

TACTICAL NUKES may be used, according to Juan O Savin (aka JFKjr), Lavrov, Putin’s Foreign Minister is now repeating what Juan has been saying for months, that we may soon experience a Cuban Missile Crisis moment…

I still think Trump and Putin have decided to work together to clean out the dumbs and pedos and criminals in Ukraine…in other words the globalists.
It’s clear the GLOBALISTS are backed up against a wall in Ukraine…. they will do everything in their power to try to make Putin look like the bad guy.
They have discovered a massive tunnel system in Ukraine, the Biden family had extensive dealings with Ukraine possibly even involved in human trafficking. Israel has been involved in Ukraine for a long time.. Israel is run by the Anunnaki. I have been saying this for a long time based on evidence I have gathered. The command and control center for the Anunnaki is underground in Israel and Dimona…. their nuclear power plant.

Putin is not talking to Biden who is a clone but instead to Trump…. I believe this “war” is a cover for operations….in part to go into the tunnels. There is. a mountain in Ukraine where the illuminati believe the “devil” lives…

The “devil” is illuminati code for what would be a reptilian nest….
Of course the dark side plan is that out of the above chaos they can bring in the NWO. They want to place the people in such chaos (earth changes will also be triggered as part of this) and perhaps more so-called viruses (toxins) causing fear and dis-ease so in the end the people ask or beg their governments for “help” and out of that comes martial law…and more tracking and controls…also known as the NWO. The NWO is the financial reset forcing VAX PASSPORTS and digital IDs for all financial transactions….

As they control your money they control you. They need to get the U.S. involved in many wars to involve us in the agenda….US is considered the last remaining hold-out to the one world government under the Reptilian alien AI.

Henry Makow PhD #conspiracy #racist #wingnut #quack #magick henrymakow.com


The mass media is responsible for spreading this coronahoax. Therefore it is significant that in April a senior CBC reporter Don Pittis actually referenced this satanic dogma: "COVID-19 may be the catalyst -- not the cause -- of a painful but useful economic transformation. Retailers go broke, property and oil fall but maybe the economic pain will speed beneficial changes."

"According to the theory of creative destruction derived by Austrian economist Joseph Schumpeter in 1942 from ideas proposed by Karl Marx, economic and technological progress demands that businesses must die and industries and paradigms must be swept away to make room for new ones."

Karl Marx, the father of Communism, was a Cabalist and a Satanist. "Creative destruction" is the same satanist rationale they use for starting devastating wars. Clearly the hidden agenda behind the #scamdemic is social and economic change. Thanks to Satanists controlling the banking system, society is under relentless satanic attack, and is satanically possessed.
"Creative Destruction" explains why humanity is cursed by never-ending catastrophes. These are engineered by the Illuminati to attack and destroy anything that smacks of the healthy divine order -- spiritual or natural.

Call it illuminism, secularism, Luciferianism, humanism, paganism or the occult: It's all Kabbalah.

Modern Western civilization has no moral legitimacy (and no future) because it is based on a rebellion against God, who represents the path of our spiritual development.

Humanity had been hijacked by psychopaths intent on destroying the "old order" and building a bizarre, solipsistic, violent, depraved dystopia in its place.

Laura Wood #quack #conspiracy thinkinghousewife.com

[From "The False Wuhan Bioweapon Narrative"]

COVID is not a contagious virus and it is not a bioweapon out of China. Timothy Fitzpatrick debunks the Wuhan bioweapon propaganda and explains its purpose

The real biological weapons, by the way, are the toxins in our air, water, food and pharmaceuticals, things which no one talks about — conveniently for those who profit from poison


spoilerNobody has had covid. Claiming you have had covid just helps perpetuate the fake tyrannical narrative. Covid/Flu symptoms are a natural bodily process of detoxification.

Greg Locke #ableist #crackpot #fundie #quack comicsands.com

A far-right evangelical Christian pastor has left people outraged after claiming that children with autism are possessed by demons.

Tennessee pastor Greg Locke made the claim in a sermon in which he compared autism to stories of people healed by Jesus Christ of "fits" and "outbursts" in the Bible due to demonic possession.

He went on to warn parents that "no such diagnosis" as autism exists in the Bible. See his comments below. Be forewarned that his words may be disturbing.

Locke began his comments by imploring his congregation to not "jump up right now and rebuke me for what I’m about to say,” a sure sign that he shouldn't have said it. Unfortunately, he forged ahead anyway.

"On three occasions, kids were brought to Jesus... by their parents that had epileptic fits, anger issues, outbursts of emotion… And because we called it ‘possession,’ parents refused to deal with it."

Locke then clarified his meaning, which only made things worse.

"'Are you telling me my kid’s possessed?' No — I’m telling your kid has been demonized and attacked, but your doctor calls it autism."

Jerry Derecha/Adrenogate #crackpot #fundie #quack #wingnut #magick adrenogate.net

I really enjoyed Dr. Gene Kim’s teaching and presentation style. I like the “Fauci’s Fungus” code word that he used for Covaids. BTW, did you know that they now use the official term “VAIDS” to describe this Vaccine Auto Immune Deficiency Syndrome that is now appearing all over the globe?

We know all about the Bible verse that tells us the AntiChrist will mix iron with clay and create these “Tares” or soulless non-human permutations of human beings. Clay is a euphemism for flesh and with all we’ve recently learned about what’s actually inside these vaccines, the “iron” would surely be representative of Graphene Oxide/Hydroxide. Graphene has an atomic composition of 6 protons 6 neutrons and 6 electrons. 666. We know from Rose Hannah that the real number of the Beast is actually 660, not 666 and you could also make a case that the real number of HaSatan is actually 777 as it relates to the Saturn Cube. It’s a cluster-fuck of confusing and conflicting information.

I think these discrepancies exist because we don’t make the distinction between the Nephilim Fallen Angel Lucifer and the anointed agent of God known as HaSatan(the Satan or the adversary). In my estimation HaSatan is more of an elemental force that represents the adversarial side of our dualistic reality-based existence. While Lucifer was/is simply the most powerful of the 1/3rd of the Angels in Heaven who defected from God. We also have characters like Azazel and Apollyon who you could argue assume roles that most would naturally and hastily attribute to Lucifer or HaSatan. In short, Lucifer and HaSatan are two different entities. In fact, scripture tells us there were actually 7 Satans. I’m sure there is someone who could explain this much more eloquently and accurately than I just did, but this is what my casual research has led me to surmise at this point. My stances are always fluid and ever-changing as new information comes to light.

Ethan Huff #conspiracy #quack #wingnut naturalnews.com

We now know that Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines” are spreading vaccine-induced AIDS, or VAIDS, which is convenient timing seeing as how the corporate-controlled media is starting to push a new experimental AIDS “vaccine” on the masses.

In late January, Moderna announced early-stage clinical trials on a new HIV injection it created based on the same mRNA (messenger RNA) technology used in Fauci Flu shots.
Fake government “doctor” Tony Fauci has long been obsessed with AIDS, and it is said that he has been working for years to try to get a vaccine for it into production. That time appears to be now, just in time for the end of the covid plandemic operation.

With covid starting to vanish from the headlines, it is now being replaced with fearmongering about the spread of AIDS.

One headline from the United Nations now claims that a “[f]ast-spreading HIV variant doubles rate of immune system decline.” A Nature article also claims that a “Highly virulent HIV variant found circulating in Europe.”
sudden emergence of HIV out of nowhere strangely coincides with the VAIDS phenomenon that mysteriously appeared after large masses of people started getting injected with Fauci Flu shots.

Could it be that HIV and AIDS are on the rise because of the injections? And if so, does this mean that the next plandemic is an AIDS plandemic that will come with more testing, more masking, more tyranny?

If the jab is confirmed to contain HIV protein inserts that are lowering people’s T-cell counts, then hundreds of millions of people all around the world now have HIV and do not even know it.
It is certainly within the realm of possibility that every fully vaccinated person who became infected with “covid” and developed “flu-like” symptoms is possibly carrying around HIV. And even if they ultimately “recovered,” this is only temporary until the next time their body starts to run low on T-cells.

Joachim M Werdin #crackpot #quack #magick breatharian.info

INEDIA. NOT-EATING, BREATHARIANISM (inediate, not-eater, breatharian)

This is a state of man (inediate, not-eater, breatharian) characterized by the absence of eating, resulting from (or rather being a stage on the way to) expanding of the Consciousness sphere in which man lives. In general an ideal (fully realized) inediate, breatharian or not-eater has no need to eat or drink to keep the body working perfectly. A breatharian consumes no food and no drink, they needs only air to nourish the body.
A person who regularly drinks liquid food, e.g. fruit juices, can't be called an inediate, breatharian or not-eater. This is a diet called liquidarianism. Also, we don't call a person an inediate or breatharian when he/she is fasting or on a starvation diet. Also in these cases food is not (or almost not) consumed during some time, but such situation lasts only temporary and then food consumption is resumed or the person dies. An inediate or breatharian, never starves or dies for lack of food because his/her body needs not matter called food.
Of all the other organisms, the human body is the most complicated, integrated and self-regulated energetic system. It is complicated and in many aspects unexplored computer-mechanic-chemical formation, controlled by the brain with the whole layout of magnetic, electric and gravity radiation. This complicated machine can be adapted to all possible living conditions on Earth, if given enough time and developed in right way.
We haven't fully explored the human organism energy system. One of the ways of powering human body is energy and substances created by the chemical and physical factory of the body (excretory and respiratory system). This powering system transforms the energy directly into matter, so in this way all that the organism needs. The pineal gland is claimed to have a crucial role in this process.

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