
The woman-haters, man-haters, and non-binary-haters

Various contributors #crackpot #psycho #sexist debate.org

[Debate topic: “Should rape be illegal?”]

Rape of a woman should be legalized God made us for the pleasure of man. Our bodies exist for the service of men. Consent is completely irrelevant issue. Every woman should be glad when she’s raped. I encourage every man reading this to rape as many women as possible. Start with your daughter because she’ll be easiest to control then go further.
I have been raped by many men and it’s been my pleasure to receive their seed. That’s why we exist. I disagree with the 18+ rule. I think every woman of any age should be raped especially if you’re under 18 because it’ll be easier to dominate her and silence the screams. I would gladly help any man who wants to rape a women. Man up folks!

Rape will be uncontrollable soon, like downloading illegal files. In the pessimistic future, when women became 10 times more sexually attractive than strip dancers today, because of their uncontrollable style, uncontrollable rape will exist. Fashion of women will be like strip dancers outfits and rape will be a habit of men.
This future is war between genders instead of gender equality.

I'm a dad, But. . . I tell my daughter about how men have sexual urges that they have to satisfy and that it's very possible she will one day be raped. She understands that it might happen and that makes it less scary for her (and she won't be so scared when I rape her :)). Making rape legal would remove the stigma around it so getting raped would be less of a big deal for feminazis to whine about. Rape will happen no matter what, Legalize it!

Fun for the whole family If you act like a whore and you get raped, It's because you deserved it. No matter how old you are or who you are. Rape is a part of life and it shouldn't be such a big deal - girls are overreacting when they get raped. It should be completely legal and all women should be raped.

Various contributors #crackpot #sexist debate.org

[Debate topic: “Should rape be illegal?”]

Woman are in fact objects It's written in their DNA, women are designed to be fucked by men. They have vaginas with sensitivity, and it gets moist even when being raped because they subconsciously want to be filled with sperm since that is the animal nature within us, just like how men subconsciously want to put their dick inside.

Women are useless without giving their bodies to men, so they should just submit and spread their legs, let their body speak and stop acting like they deserve shit they didn't even do anything for.

No! It should be legal.. Think deeper ALL humans come with urges along with the need and right to satisfy them so in rape, everybody is the victim. The woman being raped, the rapist and their families are all victims in a way.. For a woman being raped would be very scary, for the rapist it sucks having to go to prison just for taking what's yours.. But in the end it's not rape that should be ilegal it's saying NO to men in need. Even if it's ladies raping men

Make it legal As a woman i know rape is okay... If any men rape me ill let them we are servents to me and we just know it. By now its the only reason we were made was to be maids to men... Rape isnt so bad anyway :) i need 3 more words

Yes, but only when a person commits the act to another person or non-person animal... If rape was made illegal for plants, then considering they are incapable of any form of consent, there would be no plant life on earth. All agriculture business would fail and the economy would collapse. Since the only way for a plant to have sex is non-consensual pollination (another way to say plant sex) this is true.

Various Commenters #sexist #transphobia #wingnut saidit.net


Spain passed a bill that allows anyone to legally change their gender, without any requirement. Literally zero requirements. Feminists all across the country are protesting the law, claiming that "many men will legally change their gender".

Remember how feminists successfully lobbied against a gender neutral definition of rape, claiming that men would use it to accuse women of rape? This is the same.

Somehow a moral panic because it pokes more holes in all their fictional theories.

I have no idea how people permit these demented feminists to influence laws and rules based on blatant delusions and a large tendency to ignore actual facts (Like how men are actually the most fucked up and vilefied gender on the western world by most important metrics like suicide rate, homelessness, job related deaths, etc.). Sometimes all this seems so surreal to me when I think about it. The mass mental gymnastics and double standards that come into play here are almost dystopian. Women on the western world are in such a comfortable position that they actually lack real issue's to complain about, and since there is a shortage of real issue's to "fix" then it is time for feminists to create some just like "mansplaining", "maninterrupting", "manspreading", "the air conditioner is sexist against women", "buildings are sexist against women", etc. I am truly disgusted by modern society and tired, very tired.

What makes me laugh the most are the feminists who always insisted 'women are as physically as strong and tough as men', who are now screaming from the rooftops at the idea that men will be able to compete with women in sports cos they know they are going to get their ASSES kicked

Smega-Smuga #pratt #sexist reddit.com

According to this and many other similar studies, sexual activity is waaaay down among unmarried heterosexual men and is for the most part unchanged among heterosexual unmarried women

Because simple awkwardness is seen as being a creep or worse, predator. Any error at all and you are crucified. Doesn't help that radical Feminism was shoved down our throats as kids with concepts like reacting on non-verbal cues and consent is paramount to rape. You have to be so overly direct and clear what you want that it comes off as creepy and unacceptable, because women like the game of non-verbal socio-sexual signalling. It doesnt help that in college this was slammed down our throats by radical Feminist activists preaching about rape culture and scaring young men to even interact with women by trying to do the right thing. Especially with revoking consent after a sexual act because of regret, or drunk sex. Then watching the very thing radical Feminist activists preached to us being thrown out the window in actual dating and causing men to simply not know how to move forward at all because, any misunderstanding is contributing to the "campus rape culture of the white patriarchal colonial imperialist man-pigs". Feels borderline abusive the the amount of socio-sexual pigeon holing and gas lighting thats been rammed down our throats. That's not even taking in to account experience and partner count imbalances based on supply and demand of partners. Why even bother potentially runing your life because men have no legal, sexual and reproductive rights and safe guards, and are automatically deemed guilty until proven innocent.

Mike Stone #homophobia #sexist #conspiracy #wingnut henrymakow.com

It's official. The NFL has gone homo.

Its latest commercial has come out and said "FOOTBALL IS GAY. IT'S LESBIAN. IT'S FOR EVERYONE."

It's nothing I'm exaggerating or making up. They're boldly bragging about it.

I can't say I'm surprised. After watching the NFL, and every other professional sports league, embrace Communism, rioting and looting last summer, watching it go full homo only seems natural.

There was a time when sports provided a healthy outlet for boys. Playing sports meant being outside in the sunlight; exercising, learning about teamwork and staying out of trouble. Those who didn't play sports stayed inside and were brainwashed by the boob tube. (Which probably explains our country's current state more than anything. All those nerds who didn't play sports are now running the nation.)
It's one thing for sodomites to commit mortal sin in the privacy of their own homes. Now they're shilling hard to indoctrinate innocent children into their depraved world. The old line is true: misery loves company. There's nothing a person going to hell wants more than to drag others down to hell with them.

As I've said in the past, I constantly overestimate the intelligence level of the American people. I would think the league's embrace of sexual deviancy would be the last straw for Ma and Pa America, and yet I just know there will be plenty of cucks drooling over football this fall. You know the kind I'm talking about: pathetically fat men, wearing team jerseys and mindlessly screaming from the stands.

I hate to be crude, but they remind of the type of man that fantasizes about his wife or girlfriend getting gangbanged. That's the level of pussyfication and self-loathing I'm talking about.

Various Commenters #conspiracy #sexist #wingnut reddit.com

Remember every single feminist statistic is a lie.

Even things like 'Women in STEM' purposefully excludes medicine and biology from the discussion (while including IT) to make the numbers worse. I mean look at this link and tell me why a woman that researches cures for cancer is not STEM yet a man that fixes your printer is?

The UN and other people you would not expect are in on it. The UN gender gap report caps inequality at 50% against men, so if the government is 80% men, it is unequal but if it is 80% women it is considered equal. This leads to the absurd situation where women can be ahead in 90% of metrics, but because they are behind in 10% it is 'unequal to women'.

If you are in doubt about any statistic please post it below and I am sure someone will be more than happy to debunk it.


Women dominate in STEM. To readjust the narrative universities don't count any Science major in which women dominate. Their goal is to remove men from every field so men won't be able to qualify for high paying jobs which will undo the patriarchy.

“The patriarchy”

Feminists are so intelligent that they are trying to undo something that’s nonexistent

They also do this for false allegations (2to8%) which is just absurd it was misquoted from an old FBI document dating back to 1996 and even then it says proven false cases and nothing about cases that could me false according to one study potentially false cases are 64.7% and since according to them only 2% of cases are false they assume only 2 or 3% of r@p3st ever see a day on prison and then play the victim and say since the convition rate is soo low women are basically discouraged to report r@p3 by the way

Nayenezgani #moonbat #psycho #sexist saidit.net

Many people here are not realistic about things like the Greater Male Variability Hypothesis or the necessity of stereotypical masculine traits like mathematical aptitude. If we were as talented as scrotes, why would they even continue to exist?

Even blackpilled women let their ego get in the way of acknowledging this. I am willing to recognize every uncomfortable truth about my own gender if I can use that knowledge to figure out my next moves. Because they seem to be more heterogeneous, we should prioritize targeting the most inimical ones:

Scrotes with an IQ above 100, or maybe even any scrote with an IQ above 85. Obviously some unintelligent scrotes can be surprisingly efficient in their carnage, but they are at least predictable. I find most female serial killers to be a snoozefest. I'm more of a mass killer than a serial killer person.

Scrotes born after 1980, with increasing emphasis on the youngest. Old scrotes will die sooner and require less attention to manage.

Rich scrotes. There are an estimated 10-20 million USD millionaires in the world, and scrotes are the majority of these.

Physically fit scrotes, especially martial artists. Laws don't matter when you are alone with those creatures.

Women here downplay the importance of stereotypical male talents and pretend they only have value enforced by androcentrism. I LOL at women thinking we need to avoid the tech industry because it is infested by nYggers. We act like we are so scared, but we sure don't act desperate. I would spend 16 hours a day digging trenches and doing construction work if it meant we could be truly independent. Feminists don't even think about hardware. Who among us can operate a semiconductor fab?

We need to be more desperate.

Andrew Anglin #sexist dailystormer.name

Imran Khan is alpha and a chad and I’m 99% sure that T.E. Lawrence is one of his ancestors

The Guardian

Pakistan’s prime minister, Imran Khan, is facing backlash after he blamed victims of rape for wearing “very few clothes”[…]

It is the most simple, common sense fact of basic biology.

It’s the single most obvious thing in the universe, but you’re just not allowed to say it – because it would hurt women’s feelings to say it

If there is a problem that didn’t used to exist that all of a sudden started existing, you look at what changed. In the new problem of a “rape epidemic,” the thing that changed was that women started leaving the house wearing little clothing

This phenomenon of women walking around half-naked sets off a light in the male brain that says “that woman must be trying to get raped, or else she wouldn’t be walking around like that”

We live in a system that is entirely based on stupid lies. Therefore, the more obvious something is, the bigger the social punishment for saying it. “Women dressed like whores deserve to be raped” is about the single most obviously true statement a person could make, and therefore it is considered the highest heresy against the order of falsehood

Peter Wright #crackpot #sexist #wingnut avoiceformen.com

[Alison Phipps recently published an essay titled White tears, white rage.]

After reading Phipps essay I’m immediately reminded of Emmett Till, a 14-year-old African American who was lynched in Mississippi in 1955 after being falsely accused of offending a white woman. White men bashed him for offending a white women’s fragile sensibilities (which it turns out was fabricated by the woman) and proceeded to showcase their “chivalry” via the act of torturing and brutally bashing the boy to death. In this one image is captured the scenario painted by Phipps – the compact that would keep white women at the top of the food chain.

While I won’t join Phipps in her general malignment of white men, the question remains have certain men throughout history showcased white supremacy, sometimes brutally? Yes they have – but to what ends? I’m going to finish with an unpopular conclusion: that white male supremacy, if and when it has existed, has been driven by a desire to protect a culture of white female supremacy. Keep in mind that this conclusion is becoming recognized not only in the rarefied writings of feminists and MRAs, but also among the everyday populace which has in recent times immortalized the ‘Karen’ figure as an example of racist, misandrist, and narcissistic entitlement.

Peter Wright #crackpot #kinkshaming #sexist #wingnut avoiceformen.com


Whether men called her ma’am, m’lady, or some other highfalutin title, the sexual dynamic was always one that positions woman as dominatrix, and the man as liegemen. It resembles sadomasochism. This has been the centrepiece of the women’s movement in which early feminists looked down on their ebony lessers, which we see continued in the spa and nail shops which have exclusively women of color carving the toejam out of pampered and ’empowered’ white women’s nails.

In Three Cheers for White Men, Rachel Fulton Brown waxes poetic about men’s having abetted a culture of worshipping white women, which led to the three evils of misandry, racism, and (white) female narcissism:

1. When white women invented chivalry and courtly love, white men agreed that it was better for knights to spend their time protecting women rather than raping them, and even agreed to write songs for them rather than expecting them to want to have sex with them without being forced.

2. When white men argued that marriage was a sacrament valid only if both the man and the woman consented, white men exerted themselves to become good husbands rather than expecting women to live as their slaves.

3. When white women invented feminism, white men supported them and even went so far as to vote to let them vote, not to mention hiring them as workers and supporting their education.

Fulton Brown copped a lot of flack for praising white men’s chivalry and women’s associated pedestalization. But she was right, even if I would radically differ with her in response to this history — ie. my reaction is one of disgust and rejection of the narcissism and sadomasochism embedded in the heart of the same construct.

Little_Nemo #psycho #sexist boards.straightdope.com

[on the brock turner case]

He had his choice of any set of words in the English language to protect his son. He chose “20 minutes of action.”
I was about to compose a sample statement to show how simple it is to write a tasteful statement that acknowledges the horror of the crime and places responsibility while pleading for leniency. But I don’t need to do take- you can imagine it. It’s not that hard to say something that isn’t reprehensible.

I don’t blame a parent for saying contemptible things in defense of their child. I’m not a parent but if I was I’d be willing to slander, defame, and lie about somebody if it kept my kid out of prison.

Various TERFs #moonbat #sexist #transphobia grahamlinehan.substack.com

(Graham Linehan)
Stop with the 'both sides' bullshit

'Terfs' are ordinary women defending their rights; trans rights activists are abusive monsters

It is profoundly ignorant to talk about “both sides” needing to tone down the rhetoric in this debate. There is only one side that sends death and rape threats, only one side that tries to destroy livelihoods, only one side motivated so transparently by misogyny, envy and spite. If you see someone taking the ‘both sides’ trope out for a trot, ask them to produce anything by me, Jess De Wahls, JK Rowling or Maya Forstater, or any other gender critical person, that even comes close to the poisonous filth produced by the men above.

I get so annoyed when the media says we are as bad as the other.

I heard LBC saying the subject is so divisive. No, it doesn't have to be. The only reason they say we are as bad as them is because they know they'd have a bunch of manic, sobbing, emotionally wounded men in makeup crying of the trauma the media caused them, if they don't.

What is anger inducing is if there was a group of men all dressing up in some kind of uniforms from the second world war and spewing this kind of bile at a specific religion and its people, they would be shut down instantly.

Yet Men dressing in Women's clothes (and usually a caricature of what they *want* women to be wearing) can spew threats and bile with abandon and are applauded and supported by the media. The Women being threatened and attacked and losing their livelihood are dismissed as being "mean".


If you reject the penis you're a TERF.

Funny how the TW don't want to date other TW. Almost like they have a preference. How terfy and bigoted of them!!

Kate Harris #moonbat #sexist #transphobia grahamlinehan.substack.com

My life has been ruined, ruined because of what you and various people did, directly contravening agreements that you would not add the T to a charity that was promoting LGB rights.

It's not important that my life has been ruined because I'm old and big enough and ugly enough to manage it. Can you explain to me why Stonewall is not supporting Keira Bell and every single transitioner whose life has been ruined because of your adoption of gender identity theory and queer theory? How do you feel about the fact that in the US today, there are 36,000 girls who are on a waiting list to have top surgery? Is that something that you can sleep with at night? Because I can't.

So LGB alliance is focused on telling the truth. Having fact-based dialogue, telling the truth to girls, but it's great to be a girl. It's great to be a lesbian. You do not have to cut off your breasts and pretend you're a boy because you’re gender nonconforming. Stonewall, you are responsible for this. And I blame you for not supporting Keira Bell and every other detransitioner. I blame you for supporting men's involvement in (women’s) rugby. How can you do that!? That's clearly dangerous! And I blame you fundamentally for lying. Gender Identity ideology is based on a pack of lies. And everyone on this call who actually considers the background of gender identity theory and queer theory, knows that.

I would finally like to say the LGB Alliance, and I suspect everyone on this call, fully supports the rights of transsexuals to every equality under the law. We don't want them discriminated against at work. We don't want them discriminated against in housing, or in health, and the fastest growing demographic that supports LGB Alliance are transexuals.

Imran Khan #fundie #kinkshaming #pratt #sexist indy100.com

Pakistan’s prime minister, Imran Khan, is facing backlash after he blamed victims of rape for wearing “very few clothes”.

Speaking to Axios about the “rape epidemic” in Pakistan, he made comments that led to huge criticism from women’s rights groups. He said: “If a woman is wearing very few clothes, it will have an impact on the man unless they are robots. It’s common sense.”

Reacting to his statement, more than a dozen women’s rights groups, including the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan, released a statement demanding an apology. “This is dangerously simplistic and only reinforces the common public perception that women are ‘knowing’ victims and men ‘helpless’ aggressors,” they said.

Meanwhile, Maryam Nawaz, the vice-president of the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz and daughter of the former prime minister Nawaz Sharif, said Khan was a “rape apologist” and that people who validated rape had the same mindset as the perpetrators.

Kanwal Ahmed, a campaigner for women’s rights, tweeted: “Makes my heart shudder to think how many rapists feel validated today with the prime minister backing their crime.”

And weekend protests have been organised in the cities of Karachi and Lahore.

It comes after Khan was accused of “baffling ignorance” earlier this year after he advised women to cover up to prevent rape. At the time, his team said his comment had been misinterpreted.

Speaking to Axios, he said these comments were “nonsense” and claimed he was referring to Islam’s “concept of purdah” which is to “avoid temptation of society”, often done through covering oneself.

Natalie F Danelishen #psycho #sexist twitter.com

(Transcript of a video from TikTok)

So this morning, the baby woke up, and had some sort of violence in her heart. I don’t know what it was, but she has been losing her mind all day. And it’s interesting, because I’m watching her lose her mind, and then I’m watching the preteen respond to that by trying to make her happy. And I have had to, like, actively tell him “Stop trying to make her feel better. Stop responding to her tears.”

It’s so interesting to see the conditioning of people responding to white girl tears happening so early. She’s fine, and she’s got an 11-year-old coming after her, trying to make her feel better when she cries. We have to unlearn this whole business that white women crying is going to get them what they want in life, because *lip smack* that ain’t it.

Various Commenters #conspiracy #racist #sexist #wingnut amren.com

RE: NYC’s Spence School Showed Video That ‘Tarred and Feathered’ White Women: Ex-Trustee

(Vox Nihili)

Hispanic tech exec Gabriela Baron fired off a scorched-earth letter — shown to her eighth-grade daughter and classmates on graduation day — seething that the video “openly derides, humiliates and ridicules white women.

“Is Ziwe’s video somehow not racist and acceptable to Spence because it attacks whites?”

I keep saying here, and to any female in my actual life who might be receptive: White women will not be spared. Being female only puts us the tiniest smidge ahead of white men on the 'World's Most Hated' list. Our color is far more important than our sex to our enemies, AND IT SHOULD BE TO US TOO.

Any White women with any connection to reality knows that a White world is the only world in which they are respected.

I think the disconnection from reality is the problem with whites.

(ssbbh 1987)
Sometimes its seems that large portion of white women lives in some kind of a bubble/parallel universe where white women are universally loved and appreciated by everyone for their display of hatred for anything white, lol.
Aligning with POCs/LGBTQ/Feminists will not save you.
Short term, maybe, long term absolutely not.
Just like white gays/lesbians/trans are learning fast that their sexual orientation does not trump race.
You are all still white.

Feminism was the death of White political dominance in America. If using Non-Whites as a political tool will stop, then Feminism will be far and above all other factors that caused the end of the White Race. Nothing has ever destroyed White Unity, traditions, values or strength to the point Feminism has. Nothing.

Various Commenters #pratt #racist #sexist amren.com

(Nathan B. Forrest)

Many of them hate white women more than they hate white men. Why are there so many "Karen" incidents to mock, humiliate, and destroy white women on social media? This is especially true for many black and hispanic women, who seem to have a seething hatred of white women.

Absolutely, non-White would absolutely love a White husband but most Whites find them unattractive. The can't stand White women especially if there is a chance that their man would go for one.

I doubt most black women would want to be with a white man.

You obviously don’t know black women that well.

May be just part of general sadistic propensity of blacks to target whom they see as the most vulnerable easy prey to torture, being cowards at heart. E.g. that incident with the dog leash in Central Park in which a black man threatened and then recorded weak liberal White woman calling police on an "African-American man" so he could post online to destroy the life of "Central Park Karen"...most likely would not have happened if that was an athletic 6'4" White man walking his dog, all else being equal...

When the media promote anti-White hatred, they do so with the full knowledge that they are stoking anti-White violence. And when that anti-White violence occurs, they decline to report on it. The media has already established attitudes of resentment that have made Whites the primary VICTIM---not perpetrator!---of interracial violence. I fear that we will soon see an explosion of violence against Whites. Remember what happened in Haiti.

Only_Women_Are_Women #sexist #transphobia ovarit.com

What scares me is the big bully TIM would probably think he could put his hand on MY neck too, because it would be "woman on woman" -- men in dresses are scarier to me than regular men.

When I see a regular man, I assume he watches a lot of brutal porn and wouldn't care if I got run over by a truck because I'm not "young, beautiful, and fertile" nor am I his mom. But I don't assume he deeply hates me because I'm a woman. I also don't assume he would physically assault me if I called him a name. He'd probably just call me something vulgar and walk away.

When I see an "It's Ma'am," I know 100% he HATES me because I'm a woman. And he would freak out and start kicking things over if I called him a name.

John Derbyshire #sexist #crackpot web.archive.org

Jennifer's bristols. Did I buy, or browse, a copy of the November 17 GQ, in order to get a look at Jennifer Aniston's bristols?** No, I didn't. While I have no doubt that Ms. Aniston is a paragon of charm, wit, and intelligence, she is also 36 years old. Even with the strenuous body-hardening exercise routines now compulsory for movie stars, at age 36 the forces of nature have won out over the view-worthiness of the unsupported female bust.

It is, in fact, a sad truth about human life that beyond our salad days, very few of us are interesting to look at in the buff. Added to that sadness is the very unfair truth that a woman's salad days are shorter than a man's — really, in this precise context, only from about 15 to 20. The Nautilus and the treadmill can add a half decade or so, but by 36 the bloom is definitely off the rose. Very few of us, however, can face up to this fact honestly, and I am sure this diary item will generate more angry e-mails of protest than everything else I have written this month.

** Bristols. Cockney rhyming slang. There is a well-known soccer team in England named Bristol City.

TheViking Hermit & deathzero0212 #pratt #racist #sexist #wingnut youtube.com

(TheViking Hermit)
Critical Race Theory is extremely strange and dangerous in that it makes “white people” out as the ultimate bad guy, while also portraying “white people” as an unstoppable force that no other group can defend against or complete with, thus only policy and handouts can save them… it labels conquest, victory, hard work and critical thinking as “white”, heck even Math and Scheduling is “white”…implying that non-whites can neither conquer, be victorious, work hard, or advance… it’s both hateful of “whites” yet creepily venerating of them.

I find this same creepy double edge thought process in modern feminism where men are labeled as evil, and yet to promote women they compare themselves to and strive to be more, like men. Focusing on careers not family, making short hair popular, acting more aggressive, promoting less feminine and more ‘butch’ body types, demanding more clothing styles similar to that of men, desiring performance an competition at the same levels as men. Almost like to goal is to be men, rather than focus on what women are doing.

True, which is why Critical Theory and Feminism makes no sense. There's never been any logic or reason to their positions, it's entirely emotion-based and tribal. They contradict themselves all the time and many of us have spent the past 10 years making fun of their truly awful positions. However, despite how easy it is to debunk, reason against or disprove most of their points, they are still winning the culture war, mostly through their funding and institutions, fake news, celebrity culture, etc. Like Marxists say, "there is no truth but power." They don't care to speak truth, they only want to win, which is what they are doing...

amerix #sexist twitter.com


Stay away from vulgar women.

A feminine, respectful woman values what she speaks or writes.

A woman who easily says or writes “fuck”, “vagina”, “dick” is a NO.

Vulgar women are damaged women who come with emotional baggage.



Makedon-Slav1488 #dunning-kruger #racist #sexist #wingnut reddit.com

RE: Can I count myself as Slav?

Disagree. We should look into the social aspect of this example not just the genetic one. There are more males compared with females, meaning some guys must marry outside of their own ethnicity or die alone. I would rather prefer African-Macedonian mix if the dad is Macedonian than a Turk or anyone else cucking a Macedonian girl.

He is as Slavic as much as Obama is white. He is mix, and he can pass as Turk because ethnicity is passed from dad side not mom. Plus idk what this guy tripping, more than half of Macedonian Muslims call themselves as Turks in Macedonia. Simple example for this is the mayor of Plasnica, Ismail Jahoski. Plasnica nibbas we having last names with "ski" but they write themselves as Turks.

Macedonians and Bulgarians aren't as Slavic as Poles and Ukrainians for example(we have Balkan blood). So i think what u wanted to say is that u are attracted to Macedonian roots not Slavic in general.

I would not say there is even Macedonian culture tbh as of 2021, because there is no suck thing as culture anymore in Macedonia since the 60s, We only have the language and some Christian traditions left.

If your dad was Macedonian and your mom Turkish i would have said u can identify as Macedonian but your mom is the only who married a Turk so no i would not want u to identify as Macedonian nor Slav. You should identify as mix Macedonian/Turk.

Is that really matters that my dad or my mother? Why one of them makes me less or makes me more?

Society, it's like this since ever. Dad side matters not mom side, u can identify as whatever u like but in reality almost all kids from mix marriages take the dad side ethnicity.

tismcel & thickneckedslayer #psycho #racist #sexist lookism.net

had a fight and possibly sent a guy to gandy ((in minecraft))

so i was flirting and kissing this girl, sve had a boy friend tho, the boyfriend spat on me and told me to go away, so i kicked his head a few times, i heard hes in a coma now

what a cuck
his friends jumped on me (i was super-drunk, 8 shots of vodka, half a wine, 4 beers and a quarter of a 1 liter 21% alcohol drink

so they sucker punched me a few times

if i was sober i would’ve won

BTW were these guys danes or nydanskere

guy i kicked was a dane the group of guys who attacked me were arabs iirc

What did your parents say to your injuries?

my dad is chilling in serbia
i just told my mom i walked into a pole

How would U react when this nigga dies or has permanent brain damage?

i wouldn't care


look at this chad trying to ascend gigachad form by frauding his genetics with bonesmashing

he will let his face get punched untill the maxilla and jaw will be super forward grown and it will look like 10/10 dark swarthy gigachad

he mogs us by being super med and high iq, plus on the side he picks up chicks even if they have a boyfriend. He can never claim rotfraud ever again with his non existant inhibition levels

also reminder that he's 12 years old but looks 30. also 6'3" at 12 years old

literally fucking over if you aren't a half med half serbian gigachad living in denmark cucking all the 16" bideltoid nerdics

too many fucking gigachads on this forum now. might go sui

i can't even hate on you OP

always great to see a psychopath chad start so young

you will fuck many stacies and bash many nerdic/shitskin skulls in the years to come

i salute you

yikerinos #pratt #psycho #sexist #transphobia incels.is

JFL [HONKFUEL] Trannies are absolutely destroying feminism

And there's absolutely nothing feminists can do about it, because the media, corporations and banking elites are behind this one, so even most "feminists" (libfems) support it, social networks are censoring dissenting opinions, even reddit feminist subs got banned and FDS can't say shit about trannies anymore, the media is heavily promoting it, etc.

I know FDSers lurk here so, DEAL WITH IT WHORES. I hope a tranny rapes every single one of you.

We tried telling them that not all men are rapists, but they'd take even that as an attack. They would consistently disregard the suffering of males who get accused of rape despite not doing it, and even censored the keywords "false accusation" on twox to make sure no one would talk about it. Every attempt by males to defend ourselves, even simply advocating for our rights or talking about our suffering, they would see as an attack and censor it and treat us like creeps for it.

So now they get creepy men in dresses raping them LIFEFUEL. Maybe you should've listened when we were nice. Too late now

I hope a feminist gets raped by a tranny and the tranny accuses the feminist of transphobia and gets away with it to add insult to injury.

Extremely based

i love looking at radfem/ anti trans sites like ovarit when they get so triggered because of muh " womanhood". If a dude wants to live as a woman who gives a fuck. It might be degenerate but theres plenty of more degenerate things going on.

They're extremely toxic to society. If they didn't lash out at others, expect to be called mam, pretend to be women on tinder with filters etc, I'd be "ok" with it, but as it is they're just disgusting.

Edmund_Kemper #psycho #sexist incels.is

Serious I distrust women and dislike them (and humans in general) so much that I fantasize about necrophilia because I can get laid without her being annoying

I seriously just puke at the idea of dating a woman and having to deal with her making my life miserable. I have no choice but to do it but I hate it. Now I only fantasize about necrophilia because when I fantasized about sexual intercourse the idea that the woman is alive and will bother me and put pressure on me to have porn actor level performance skills annoys me. A corpse just won’t tell you what to do all the time. I can literally do whatever I want with it. Too bad it can’t give blowjobs.

inb4 someone says “IT bait” idgaf I have to rant about this

Meus #crackpot #racist #sexist incels.is

Blackpill The REAL reason why foids of all ethnic groups love whites (and their culture)

Yeah sure, looks is a factor, I never said it isn't.

However there is another more sinister reason. Whites have by far the most aggressive culture in history with the exception of maybe the Mongols, but they collapsed within like 20 years.

Whites colonized 100s of nations and tribes, even exterminated and enslaved some. This is by no means a white guilt thread btw, but I also don't praise these actions. I just say how it is and am neutral. India, China etc. were great at some point but they never AGGRESSIVELY subjugated other nations.

White are the equivalent of the Chad, the bully of humanity. They also did a lot of great stuff and invented a lot of shit but that makes the aggressive nature of their cultures only even more attractive. They behaved like a truly masculine race, first raping and subjugating fucking everything for 300 years and then saying "Lol I'm sorry, here take some money lmao. I feel bad m'kay? XD".

TL;DR: Noodlewhores and other ethnic whores get wet that whites dominated the entire earth and treated their cultures like garbage for like a century. When they see a white boy, they see the race who cucked ALL other races. And if that Chad is even aware of it and calls her an Asian subhuman whore she becomes literally a waterfall, that's how wet she gets. :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:

Again I neither praise, nor condemn whites, I just analyze things. The better looks is just the cherry on the top of whites being so aggressive and influential historically.

PM_ME_STRIPPERS & iwantroshani #pratt #psycho #sexist incels.is

RE: People who have an older sister


what is it like having one?

the fucking worst and they really dont understand pretty privilege, and/ or they think that having 100 + of the opposite gender swiping on them is not that big of a deal because " insert bullshit female dating complaint here"
And yes, annoyingly enough everytime they break up with chad they will complain and complain and cry that they will be forever alone even though having 10 + boyfriends in their lifetime. Meanwhile here i am sitting in the darkness not bothering to vent because my situation is real and permanent and i know its pointless, wanting to kill myself every day

It's a crap tbh I wish I had an older brother instead to statusmaxx trough him,and would avoided bullying in hs

yea i would of preferred to have an older brother, even if they were chad they would at least maybe have some sympathy and understanding of our situation. If not, not really any loss either way


One day you end up stealing and fapping on her panties

I used to do this with my moms

I was just joking
But it must have been a good coom

They were the good days lol, then I realized how degenerate it was and just quit altogether. I wonder if my mom still wear the panties I coomed in lol


I was a coomer lol. I would go to anything for the coom. I'm much better now tho.

coomers really something else

Lol yeah it's something I'm ashamed of for sure.

New-Ad-2473 #conspiracy #elitist #fundie #racist #sexist #wingnut reddit.com

Identity has 3 components.

1. Ethnic

2. Cultural

3. Religious

If you do not have all 3 you are not truly slavic, you are nothing.

You can be ethnically and culturally slavic but religiously jewish and pledge your loyalty to jewish tribes.

You can be ethnically slavic and religiously Christian but raised culturally to be non-slavic. (Like some slavic national socialist who thinks eastern Europeans are subhuman or some far-leftist that hates white people and wants them all genocided)

You can be an African but culturally slavic and Christian but you are still an African.

Slavs are ethno-linguistic group, not religion.

Okay so basically you're saying that if someone is ethnically slavic, and culturally slavic but religiously jewish and pledge his loyalty to jewish tribes that us slavs should accept him as slavic?

God you are stupid. Its that same logic that lead to bolshevik "slavs" killing 50 million "christian slavs"

So you HAVE to be religious to be slav? Lmao youre an idiot

Yes otherwise you get taken over by high iq jewish slavic people who come with ideas of feminism, equality, peace, love, harmony, equal rights that then get their power democratically largely by women who fawn over ideas of equality, peace, love and feminism

get a life dude. religion doesn't define you

Your identity defines you and religion is a critical part of a strong identity

So what are slav atheists?

If slavs are atheists they should never be seriously considered for any important or high up positions. However in some way atheist slavs are better than muslim or jewish slavs so long as the key people remain Christian who ultimately create the laws and culture

Various TERFs #conspiracy #moonbat #sexist #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Why are men such staunch TRA supporters?


My only hypothesis is so that they can reap the sexual benefits of homosexual sex while being perceived as straight, and because TIM prostitutes are way cheaper.

It gives them a socially acceptable cover for blatantly hating on women.

It's a backlash against feminism. These men have been sitting uncomfortably for a few years while it was socially acceptable to mock men. Now, suddenly, a new villain enters the stage! Every time they've wanted to talk shit about women, but feared being called sexist, can now be expressed because now they have a socially acceptable way to do so!

It's a way of displacing their self-hatred and guilt because they're deeply insecure, and like most insecure men, they lash out at women.

My assumption as to why a man who isn't a TIM would support the TRA movement would be because men love pushing women's boundaries -- and to be able to do that while publicly shitting on women and getting away with it (AND being cheered on by so-called feminists? It's gotta be like hitting the jackpot!). I'm going to assume that any man who's spitting "terf" at women is a nice guy, an MRA, or a misogynist. Or maybe he's the trifecta in the form of a male feminist!

All males are in the brotherhood. Regardless if straight men think TIMS are out in left field or not, they know that they are men.

Men always support other men at the expense of women.

All the men I know are in the "transwomen are men and we all know it, but we humor them a bit to make them feel better" boat - I don't really know any TIM supporting men.

EmphasisAlive #racist #sexist reddit.com

American women are complete garbage compared to foreign women.

Most foreign women are actually decent human beings whom base their standards off of quality of a mans character and his closeness to god rather than the size of his check book and sharpness of his cheekbones.

American women are materialistic and overly individualistic to the point to where it is beyond selfish/narcissistic and down right ignorant.

Especially WHITE American women. They’re the worst.

Foreign women on the other hand tend to be far more compassionate, focus more on the community as well as have a more profound understanding of the fact that humans are interdependent and rely on cooperation than anything else. Thus they choose more humble men whom tend to follow religions that exemplify such traits like Taoism and Christianity, ect.

Rather than lusting after a complete moron who is about drugs, and gangs, and nothing but cash.

Prussian Society of America #sexist #racist #psycho prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "Still Wondering Why Whites are in Decline?"]

"I hate men"

This is your average Western White Female of today, and this is not some kind of exception either

This is your run of the mill Anglo-Saxon/Celtic Female
Those who have a trained eye, you can tell between her eyes, lip movement and jaw shape that she has severe mental illness
This is the type of “blood” that is dominating the White Majority right now, and is why we need a cleansing
In Good Times, a girl like this would be stripped naked, have her head shaved and dumped in a ditch, to be consumed by dogs or other animals

But I also have an even better idea, in that a girl who hates Men to this degree, along with other followers of hers who try making false claims of being “raped”, ought to be banished & deported, sold as a slave to an Islamic country for the natives to have their way with her. Then they can appreciate for themselves just how much they hate White Men
Genetic Specimens like this present a grave danger and threat to the Racial Integrity of a Healthy White Gene Pool, and unfortunately, these are the types of breeds which for a while have been breeding and replacing out the Superior Races
It is no exaggeration to say that the majority of the White Race – such as specimens like these – are under a total Meltdown Mode, as I have spoken of as being something that will only increase, from a previous article

ClutchNes #sexist #crackpot #dunning-kruger reddit.com

What society gets wrong and what needs to change is.....

the concept that females are the prize, no, they are not. Men are prize, NOW MORE THAN EVER. Men are the protector, the provider, those who keep the system running, those who are doing the dirty and demanding jobs.

it's no surprise that women are extremely entitled and don't have to fear consequences to take responsibility for their actions, because society is still pretending that women are the prize. how the fuck are they the prize? they bring nothing but their wet holes to the table, can't even fucking cook or take care of the household, don't bring any useful skills, wasting time on nonsense, overpriced crap and social media, zero to none real hobbies and topics you can discuss with them. I don't get it, fuck gynocentrism and fuck feminism, this world will fucking burn to the ground once the females are in total control.

If we are honest, even back then women were nothing else but trophies, a prize for "decent" men, a tool to control the men and make them obedient tax payers, world builders, career men, because women being the prize NEVER made sense, it should always been that men are the prize, the only difference is how to convince men to still get their shit together and be the best man they can be, REGARDLESS of women - and this is what movements like MGTOW are trying to do, that's the real mindset, philosophy and spirit.

John Horvat II #fundie #wingnut #sexist #kinkshaming #racist returntoorder.org

The new witches are different from the past. The trend involves more than just spells and dark secret rituals. It brings together a macabre brew of sexuality, politics and the occult with never seen before intensity.

Today witches are everywhere. Their posts of spells and hexes populate social media. Books, literature and spell manuals abound. Witches are also visible at Black Lives Matter rallies, protests and other places in the public square.
Now the left is filling the void by going spiritual, but toward darkness. “Woke” witches are appearing online and offline to make common cause with liberal movements. The political left is welcoming the coven into its tent. Marx and magic are coming together, and not even the left’s most secular supporters are complaining.

Marxism thrives upon the idea of class struggle, and the witch easily fits into its false narrative by targeting young women as an oppressed group striving to be heard. Witchcraft infuses energy into the exhausted Marxist dialectic. Its dark fascination allows people to connect with rebel spirits that promise power to the powerless.
Witchcraft, in any form, eventually takes a person to things dark and sinister. Those who dabble in the occult not only play with fire but risk eternal damnation. It will ultimately lead to bonding with the devil and the fires of Hell. The failure to take this threat seriously facilitates the downfall of many, especially young women, who fall for the devil’s lies and false promises.

The best defense against witchcraft is a strong supernatural and sacramental life that fills the postmodern spiritual void with Catholic authenticity.

Noob_master_slayer #dunning-kruger #sexist #wingnut reddit.com

The fact that the majority of suicide victims are men is shocking.

We're often told that over 80% of suicide victims are men, but have we ever thought how crazy that is? The crazy part is that men are saturated with testosterone (over 10x as much as women), a well know anti-depressent and stress busting hormone, but despite the anti-depressing properties of testosterone, men make up 80% of suicide victims?

Do you realize HOW MUCH pressure and misery must be needed to overwhelm the natural anti-depressive properties of testosterone? This is enough evidence for me that men don't have an easy life since their struggles are often dismissed and laughed at, most often by women themselves.

From a biological point of view, given equal struggles, one would expect women to be the majority of suicide victims, since they have a much lower concentration of the anti-depressive testosterone, but what do we see in real life? The complete opposite. This is alone proof that, at least in the West, it is women who have it easier than men.

This is what happens when you're told to "man up" and dismiss your depression.

Male privellege it is, right?

Savinit #psycho #sexist #wingnut reddit.com

The only winning move is not to play

FYI: I'm a gay guy so forgive me if it seems I'm not fully appreciating/brushing over the sexual aspects.

I've been an MRA for about 9 years now, once quite publicly. If you were on Twitter around 2014-2018 you probably have seen my tweets and you might have spoken to me.

I come on here and see time and time again people posting things like "how to convince a feminist x" etc. You need to understand that 95% of these people are not interested in good faith dialouge and you are wasting your time.

Its probably easier for me as a gay guy who also has loner / introvert tendencies to say this - but aside from your mother, any daughters you may have, and any female supporters of men - you need to put some emotional distance between yourself and 'women' as a whole because in general they just don't care about or value you. And neither does society.

The articles you are seeing in the MSM whining about how men aren't marrying, engaging in society or otherwise 'not performing to spec' are what feminism has wrought. Let the masses lie in it. If people look down on you for not jumping through the hoops it takes for you to be a 'high value man' - so what? They've already shown their hand and have nothing but malice for you anyway, so why play their game?

Todays women are miserable for the fruits of modern feminism. And despite all the rhetoric around how useless men are, the feminist movement (and society as a whole) could be destroyed overnight if suddenly all men stopped working the critical jobs that women are unwilling to do that keep our modern world running.

Focus on yourself, practice stoicism and leave the world to it. If it falls apart then maybe that's what needs to happen.

DayBirches #psycho #racist #sexist #wingnut amren.com

There are more Arabs in France the French people.
And it was the white females walked them in through the Gates of Vienna once more.

When your races females spites you on mass.
Gives their wombs to your biological enemies on mass.
You start to see them as the enemies they are.

White women emulate African and Arabian culture.
And desecrate European, American and English culture.

Reap what you have sown white females.
Your Godless and never welcomed once in all of eternity in Heaven.

Women want to be controlled. It's their genetics.
They need it like dogs need a pack leader.

The European men became to civilized to control women and started to listen to them instead of telling them what to do, therefore, Western Women turned to cultures with men that put them in their place.

People were shocked when 50 sades of "whatever" a sado masochistic book became a best seller in ever white country and women couldn't get enough of it?

They're screaming for White Men to grab them by the neck and rule over them as nature intended.

If I saw a white women getting raped by her black buck of the week, I would not intervene.

If I saw a white girl getting gang banged by muslims, I would not intervene.

They are soul destroying demons.

I hope and pray they all go to hell every day.
I wont miss them.

To paint all White women with such a broad brush is unfair, there is plenty of blame to go around among White men.

To see you, reduced to a cuck, and a snivelling apologist is awkward to say the least.
You know you sound like a feminist don't you?

dominic #pratt #racist #sexist incels.is

It's not even funny how hard white women mog other races of women

Everyone knows it except some delusional /pol/cels attracted to moon faced flat asian women.

It's suifuel if you're ethnic. Even if an ethnic got with a white woman by miracle (as is every ethnics dream), the ethnic genes would make the offspring uglier. Still a major fucking upgrade.

My dad was a tall, attractive, light skin Pakistani from a wealthy family, an American university degree, and a high paying American job. He could have picked ANY girl he wanted from back home, and he picked my white mom who was a fat single mom at the time. My brothers mog other Pakistanis and are genetically superior to them.

Ethnic males are so obsessed with white women it's insane. Latinos are incredibly obsessed with white women. Indian men of course also. Asian men, don't even get me started. Black men of course are obsessed with them as well, half the time rappers are rapping about white girls and how dey got da yt gurl an' shieet.

I was researching Dalida. She grew up in Egypt, born to white Italian parents, and came to fame by winning Miss Egypt or some beauty pageant. JFL average looking white woman goes to ethnic land and wins all the beauty pageants.

I genuinely think that a major factor for ethnic men moving to the west is secret hopes for some white pussy.

Inb4 some copers say "some latinas and arab girls look good!" - yeah the ones with a lot of white dna lmfao. And also Japanese draw all their characters as white because asian girls are ugly af. People cope by saying "nooo the Japanese see the characters as Japanese!" Are you trying to tell me the Japanese see this blonde blue eyed Nordic Germanic looking mfer as Japanese?

God I hate being ethnic.

Peterphil #sexist #dunning-kruger fstdt.com

Lmao yes all those men fucking baste’s future wife right now are the real suckers, just training her up and stretching her out while future hubby spends his days relaxing and watchdogging on the internet, waiting for the fruit to ripen.

Sure her uterus will be ravaged up like the projects by the time he gets her but at least she’ll be experienced enough to take his dick once a month.

ilieknothing #psycho #sexist #fundie incels.is

Does anyone know where ER is buried and has anyone made pilgrimage there?

I obviously can't go now since it is in another country. Maybe some time in the future I can make a pilgirimage on ER day, rent a BMW to drive there and place a copy of his manifesto on his grave and circle his grave 7 times chanting "I hate roasties".

BummerDrummer #conspiracy #racist #sexist #wingnut incels.is

Blackpill Journalist hates incels-until she finds out incels are also ethnic. Even ethnic incels are simped over by the jewish system JFL

„Diese Männer sind zwar eine Gefahr, aber in erster Linie für sich selbst“

A journalist comes onto the forum. Originally believing that all incels are white alt right men, she has a vitrolic hatred towards the incel community. After finding out we have a significant nonwhite population, the journalist instantly switches her thinking into one of love; She feels a "Connection" towards incels and think they are poor victims of systemic injustice (Nonwhite incels, that is).

So incels are still supported by the system if they are not white. While white incels are (of course) hated by the journalist. Just lol. And nonwhite people on this forum have the gall to complain about anything. If even nonwhite incels get insane amounts of privilege societally compared to even white upper tier normies (Who are still demonized over their race) what does that tell you?

It is very obvious the system (which we all agree is bad, or should agree is bad) is simping hard over every class of nonwhite persons. Why? To make them a slave class obviously under the jews. It is amazing how quickly people like IT, the media, etc. change their views on incels as soon as the races change. When Incels are seen as white, the system has a genocidal hatred towards them. They are patriarchal misogynists, terrorists and the etc. But when the incels are ethnic, they are all of a sudden victims of "systemic injustice" "white supremacy" and "racism".

it is all so tiresome

FartyMcShitFace #sexist #wingnut reddit.com

What a lot of people don't understand is that whenever feminists lobby for policy that specifically targets women, they actively exclude men from receiving help. Feminists say that it isn't a zero sum game and that both men and women can be helped, but that's not true even in the slightest. Feminist theory states that every issue affects women more severely. So no matter what happens to men in society, actively supporting something which targets a male problem is generally considered sexist.

It doesn't have to be a zero sum game, but they've effectively turned it into one.

Hilariously enough, I was going to cite female-only scholarships despite men being discriminated against in education, and I found this citation on the website:

It seems that scholarships are equally distributed between sexes: 59% of recipients are female and 41% are male.

According to scholarship statistics by race, only 38% of the recipients are minority students, and 62% are white students.

Like, what in the flying fuck? I was looking for simple data on college scholarship distribution, and I was immediately hit with someone saying 59% / 41% is an equal distribution, but only a 3% difference with the white/minority statistic being (stated elsewhere in the article) a shocking imbalance. This is especially mindboggling because men are about 50% of the US population, making them far underrepresented for scholarships, but racial minorities are about 28% of the population, making them overrepresented for scholarships (numerically).

You can't even look up a single statistic without seeing feminist slant.

ImTheTrueFireStarter & bob-object #dunning-kruger #pratt #sexist #wingnut reddit.com

I hate what feminism has done to this country

I hate being called misogynistic because I don’t conform to the notion of a “rape culture”

I hate when men are always seen as aggressors in encounters between men and women

I hate when it is assumed that I am being nice to a girl just because I want her body.

I hate it when women can claim all of this crap about “male privilege” when they have much more actual privileges than men

I hate that women can opt out of parenthood, but a man can not.

I hate that women are always seen as victims in almost every situation.

I hate that actual issues that almost exclusively affect men and boys such as higher suicide rates, higher work place death rates, higher chance of developing a learning disability, lower chance of getting into college and graduate school, false rape allegations, custody disputes, child support, alimony and many other things are overlooked and anyone who brings this up is automatically labeled as misogynist,

I hate what feminism has done to our society.

The hubris, stubbornness, and stupidity of most young woman today is the sole reason I will never ever ever have kids.

I grew up with two sisters (both are smart, good looking and healthy); and the way they absolve themselves of any sort of responsibility or fault without self-reflection has fundamentally changed the way I view human nature. Feminism needs to be dismantled and society needs to address female nature by raising daughters to be HUMBLE and THOUGHTFUL.

I hear plenty of stories about older woman learning to be humble and thoughtful after they've "had their fun", but it's often too late at that age as they've already pumped toxic femininity into the world.

SlutLiberationFront (For the end of sluts and their spread of STDs) #sexist incels.is

[Blackpill] Men are pathetic and weak

Pathetic, weak men, simps have been chasing women like they are the last source of water on a desertic planet.
They have been chasing women for so long that now they have power over us because they know it will always be men going for them.
What are the rules again? Men must pay, men must make all the initial moves, men must take all the shit, men must take all the dangerous job positions, etc etc etc. It has been ingrained in the animalistic brain of women after thousands of years of the same repetitive behavior coming from men.

In the animal kindgom, the female is a prize, and this has transcended to the human kingdom, which is so wrong. We are rational creatures, this should not have happened.
Weak men have been enabling women to gain more and more entitlement and power over sex and relationships. They are the reason everything is the way it is now.
You spoil a brat enough, and the the spoiled brat will act entitled for the rest of their lives. This is the case with women, thanks to weak men.
They chased women like a prize, the only source of life in a dead universe that now they feel they are divinities among mortals (us). They feel untouchable, unreachable, the ultimate prize for the lesser beings they consider men to be. If a man is able to even talk or touch one of them, they are already winning at life and the mere respect of other people for their "success".
They gave women this goddess complex we will seemingly never get rid of.

Thanks a lot fucking stupid simps, weak men, now we have to pay the price and deal with the monstrosities you allowed to be created known as the modern woman.

Various incels #sexist #psycho incels.is

The thought of having a daughter terrifies me

I know it doesn’t matter because chances are I’ll never reproduce anyway, but the thought of managing to get a woman and thinking I’d succeeded in life only to have a daughter (or worse, multiple daughters) genuinely terrifies me.

I know it’s a cope, but with having a son I at least feel like I could give him the childhood I never had and maybe actually have some fun experiences with him, but with a daughter what do you get?

She won’t look like you cos female, she’ll cost thousands more to raise, she won’t be any fun again cos female, and then she’ll cuck you by bringing over young men to your house once she reaches her teens.

Also, studies show that I’m not in the minority, men overwhelmingly state that they want a son more when questioned, and for women it’s more like 50/50. Also couples that have daughters are way more likely to divorce than those who have sons (I’ve seen evidence of this irl)

i would just treat her as an apparatus for further passing on my genes and separate my emotion from it.

The brutal part is no matter how you raise them the result will be the same you can try your best for years but they'll still end up a roastie whore.

mhandanna #conspiracy #sexist #wingnut reddit.com

Gendercide (Androcide) where boys and men are killed for being boys and men - is rising, yet feminists still say "misandry doesn't kill" "kill all men" etc when the opposite is true.


This is the problem with feminism. MRAs will agree with you on maybe even nearly all issues if they just did that... they don't though. Instead of just trying to enact change, they purposefully try and shit on mens issues in order to do so.

And why on earth are feminists wasting energy trying to defend misandrists or kill all men types etc with repeated articles saying why its ok to say kill all men or to hate men etc. Why because feminsim is a hate movement and it is often driven by hatred rather than actually wanting to help women.


One abandons her son cos hes male, the other bans her brother from house who she says is great person and she loves very much but is male so cant come in... only his girlfriend is allowed in.... what happened to these feminsits? Did they get help? NOOOO they went on to become feminists policitians, bloggers, journalists (even a guardian journalist!!), HEAD OF domestic violence charity (no wonder DV is so sexist and misandrist if led by people like this). Maybe feminsits should ask why are these misandrists getting to the TOP of feminism?

BTW, feminsits need to stop crying at criticism of feminism.... I call this feminsits fragility.... Mens issues aren't all caused by feminism or even majority caused by feminism, feminism does however often make things worse, and sometimes yes feminism is solely to blame especially where FEMINISTS LITERALLY, YES LITERALLY wrote the laws in questions.

Reasonable_Amoeba_89 & XenoX101 #crackpot #sexist reddit.com

RE: Misandry is as socially dangerous as mysogany

I disagree.

Misogyny is called out, will get you fired from your job and made a social pariah amongst mixed groups.

Misandry will see you as an empowered feminist, a round of applause and a medal as big as a frying pan.

So misandry is far, far, far more dangerous due to it being socially acceptable bigotry.

Feminists are out and out bigots, transphobes, homophobes, misandrist. There is absolutely nothing in the feminist movement to celebrate unless you hate men and or trans people in which case you’ll find plenty to love.

Are you saying feminism is counter to the trans movement?

Honest question.

I don't say that. Feminists do. Mumsnet Feminism space, nearly half the posts are transphobic. A movement which starts with the supremacy of women is now seeking gender purity and removing anything away form the ideal. We've seen this before in history....


they want to stick it to men because their ancestors didn’t have it as good.

Allegedly. Women's happiness has been in steady decline since the women's rights movement. The responsibility of working a day job isn't as exciting a proposition as once thought. It's why so many women prefer to work part-time as compared to men (as much as three times as many in some cases), and place less value in earning more money or getting a promotion when leaving for another job. Men and women on average are fundamentally seeking different goals from life, and no amount of social engineering can change that. But the lie that women needed saving by feminists is what gave them power, and is why they continue to hold onto this idea in spite of the evidence against it.

Input_output_error #conspiracy #pratt #sexist #wingnut reddit.com

Feminism should be invalidated as feminism has no valid reason to exist. Feminism is a hateful religion that is a blight on our society.

Being against feminism doesn't mean that you're aGaiNsT eQuALiTy or insert another bullshit feminist meme. It means that you don't agree with the rampant sexism that is feminism, that you don't agree with things like the Duluth model or any of the other insanely sexist idea's that they spew like 'rape culture', 'mansplaining', 'the future is female' (yea check that one out, the gist is men should be reduced to be a maximum of 10% of the total population..), 'manspreading', demonstrating against a male mental health gathering, 'Kill All Men' or any of the other insane ramblings of these people.

That some tween, teen or idiot twenty-some calls themselves a feminist because they actually do believe in equality doesn't mean that they are actual feminist. They aren't the ones who help write and lobby for sexist laws, they aren't the ones who write 'feminist theory'. They aren't the ones who get to determine what feminism means. People often try to revert back to the textbook definition of feminism while ignoring what feminism does. That is exactly like saying that the Democratic Republic of North Korea is a democracy and not some backwards dictator's playground. Sure, they call themselves a 'democratic republic' but that doesn't make them one.

TGNInvest #fundie #racist #sexist #wingnut reddit.com

RE: Do you want to marry a Slavic girl or you don’t care ?

I would prefer to have a polish gf but they are weird in Germany. I would consider also having a non Slavic gf but she should be Christian this is the only thing that matters for me

Yes, I want a Slavic girl, specifically Serbian, so I can carry on my culture, genetics, and religion onto my kids, as these are solid factors which help keep your future descendants from melting into the modern we-are-all-one-nation globalist culture. If she is of another European background and wants to assimilate into the Serbian culture upon marriage (rule of patriarchy), that is fine too.

However, I would want her to be take our kids to church every sunday and give them a Christian upbringing. Since what is the point of her being of my Slavic ethnicity if she would raise my future kids to act like degenerates.

I legitimately belive good times are coming for Serbia, the west will crumble sooner or later, just like any other superpower inevitably does, and looking at the youth I think slowly but steadily the national awareness is on the rise, which is a great thing.

Oh for sure, the West is definitely facing lots of economic issues along with all of the internal social issues which have been arising recently.

Yes, the youth in our homelands (Serbia, Srpska, Montenegro) is definitely more nationally aware, but we still have to eliminate some degeneracy from society such as reality shows, glorification of Tito, etc.

I dont really care tbh, my girlfriend is black (which i know isn't particularly liked around here) i know it matters to some people, but not to me.

Serious question: how did you convince yourself that blacks are attractive?

i-take-it-back #elitist #sexist deviantart.com

(the stamp says “dear doctors our women are not your toys stop playing with their lives”.)

This is about selfish doctors who like to perform surgery on our women who can normally deliver their baby.

Surgery = more money.
This subject has been talked here and i believe many doctors are like that all they want is more money, second reason why they will do this thing is that to tell them as an excuse to not to have more than 3 children it will harm them.

I think these surgeries are overused, it's horrible, it makes us look our females like they are freaks and something's wrong with them.
It's horrible what women have to go through due to some greedy idiots.

In future i would love to have children, but sometimes it scares me if my future wife will have to go through this pain and someone will have to cut her tummy. For this reason seeing this cesarean shit it makes me feel like i dont even want to have kids because i dont want to hurt my future gf/wife and see her face this pain.

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