
The woman-haters, man-haters, and non-binary-haters

Hasnain Danish & unnamed others #fundie #psycho #sexist ansa.it

Saman's uncle 'killed her for refusing marriage' - brother

Boy's evidence in Pakistani girl's suspected murder deemed credible by GIP

An 18-year-old Pakistani girl who has been missing from a town near Reggio Emilia since the end of April after refusing an arranged marriage in Pakistan was strangled by her uncle, who confessed to her younger brother, a preliminary investigations judge (GIP) said Monday.

The GIP adjudged as "credible" the brother's testimony that the uncle, Hasnain Danish, confessed the murder to him but refused to say where her body was, judicial sources said.

Saman had a violent argument with her family the night before she disappeared, according to an arrest warrant for the five suspect relatives published Monday.

A young member of the family reportedly told police "I think he (the uncle) strangled her, also because when he came home he didn't have anything in his hands".

Saman's uncle referred to a "job well done" to a friend in an Internet chat room, Italian police said at the weekend, saying he was probably referring to her murder and the disposal of her body.

Abbas also reportedly overheard her family saying that murder was "the only solution" for women who did not obey the Pakistani Muslim way of life, and she suspected "they are talking about me", the paper said.

Saman's parents, her uncle Danish and two cousins have been placed under investigation for homicide and disposing of a body.

The parents flew to Pakistan at the beginning of May, and the uncle and the other cousin are believed to be somewhere in Europe.

incelerated & RREEEEEEEEE #conspiracy #sexist #wingnut incels.is

I see a lot of support for teen pregnancy online. There are even programs and websites for supporting pregnant teens. But if a Muslim girl the same age gets married suddenly it's the worst crime in humanity and they start their media campaigns and international pressure.

Forget 12, it's considered the worst crime if she's 17. Most "child brides" are actually 17 at the time of their wedding. They don't just resort to media campaigns, but they also set up NGOs and send them to non-western countries in the hopes of raising the AoC or at least the minimum age of marriage to 18. They have succeeded doing this in Pakistan for instance. It used to be 16 and now it's 18 and you will get thrown in jail and pay a fine if you are involved in it. If you are the father giving her away, if you are the man trying to marry her, if you are the imam who will make the marriage lawful, etc. Even if she wants to marry on her own accord.

So fucking ragefuel.
Fuck leaders of Muslim countries for being so corrupt and letting our countries be so weak against the violent savage West.
I don't know how you guys cope with this stuff, it stays in my head for days every time I see shit like this.

Yes, it's definitely ragefuel and I am not someone who easily gets mad. In the case of Pakistan, it's because there are millions of Pakistanis with dual citizenship, usually from America, England and Canada and they infect the country with their western liberalism, think of feminism, socialism, LGBT, etc. There are now many Pakistani liberals, you can find them on Twitter and they put pronouns in their bios and they are also overly sexual. No shame whatsoever.

turbocuckcel_7000 & RREEEEEEEEE #conspiracy #sexist #wingnut incels.is


12 y.o. girl from Ukraine became pregnant.

this is what it looks like all over the balkans

its why childhood ends and you become an "awkward loser" so early in the balkans, it's because everyone is already fucking at an early age and you stand out like a sore thumb if you don't

the hilarious thing, is everyone still considers a relationship between a 30 year old man and a 20 year old woman to be "rapey" or "abusive" or some shit, when the woman has already had 7-8 years of uninterrupted sexual activity with other men.


I always wondered why western media targets Pakistani muslims the most. I can't think of one sunni muslim country the western media had stereotyped with evil intent more than Pakistan.

The western world has a bone to pick with Pakistan for a plethora of reasons. The main reason is that we have atomic bombs, something we were not supposed to have. The west is hell-bent on destroying Pakistan from within as they cannot do it from the outside. Militarily, we are probably undefeatable due to the decades of experience we have with taking out terrorists that work the USA, England, Israel, India and even Afghanistan. Pakistan also has enemies not from the outside only but also from the inside. We have corrupt judges, media, journalists that work for the west, corrupt politicians that work for foreign interests. Our judiciary system is modeled after the western system and thus it is a flawed system that has no place in a country that was founded in the name of Islam. Democracy is not for us. It is not wise to let the masses decide, that is utterly idiotic.

TerfSedai & Only_Women_Are_Women #kinkshaming #sexist #transphobia ovarit.com

( TerfSedai )
I was just thinking the other day that men always want to enter women's spaces, but how come the human pups never want to attend doggie daycare!?

( llkit )
Believe me it could be much much worse.

( Only_Women_Are_Women )
When they are actually having sex with animals and children as they march along. If we don't have a MASSIVE pendulum swing back to reality soon, by 2030 I'm sure the age of consent will be 12, tops, and sex with all animals will be legal.

Instead of "emotional support animals" men will be allowed in public with "sexual support dogs" -- and total nuclear annihilation of the planet will be the best choice.

Anonymous #psycho #sexist boards.4chan.org

All white women will be extinct within a decade or two, since we will have artificial wombs. The only benefit females provide is ability to birth children. Otherwise they are just inferior to men and are a waste of resources. After artificial wombs are up and running, the remaining white women will be burned in power plants and converted into energy for our sex bots.

C.T. #sexist #wingnut #crackpot chechar.wordpress.com

[From "Preface to our next book"]

As a Sanskrit saying goes, from the corruption of women all evils follow. And as I have shown in many articles on my website The West’s Darkest Hour, feminism goes hand in hand with a thoroughgoing feminisation of the Western male. Both are two sides of the same coin: a folie en masse that has been destroying the fair race throughout the West. Feminism’s third wave began with the sexual revolution of the 1960s that has caused the disintegration of the family and the fall in birth rates due to the emancipation of women from all family responsibilities. But in this compilation we will also talk about the first and second waves, which explain the third and which long precede what happened in the 60s

Feminism, ‘the great destroyer’ as William Pierce called it in an interview abridged for this book, has been corrupting whites ever since Nietzsche complained that Europeans were beginning to abandon the institution of marriage. George Lincoln Rockwell said something similar in a passage of one of his books, also reproduced here. Today’s suicidal ethos among whites cannot contrast more with the pamphlets that the SS gave to its soldiers so that they could procreate abundantly with their wives or Aryan lovers
Instead of National Socialism what we see in the United States is a small group of diligent pro-white advocates often referred to as white nationalists. Rarely do their proponents declare intellectual war on feminism
This book comprises eleven texts, of which I am the author of the first

Various Commenters #pratt #racist #sexist stormfront.org

Re: No mass protests after Honolulu police shoot, kill man (negro married to white woman)

I don't wish to turn anyone's stomach but I'm continually baffled by why a natural-blonde white woman would want to get naked with a gorilla beast and breed offspring. None of us may ever know, but maybe some of us can gain insight from this collection of photos.

All she ever wanted to do was forever end racism by filling herself with the hot seed of a proud black man.

I am guessing a lot of these women are filled with so much hatred of their men that they date and reproduce with negros out of revenge. IT is sick.

(All white is all right)
Self-loathing slut and whore rolls around in the gutter for kicks.

Come on feminists on this site and try to shame me for calling her that.

I have no answer as to why a white woman would go with a black man but then I have no answer as to why white men would go with Asian or black women either.

The only reason there are no protests at the killing of that black man is because there was no white involved, nonwhite on nonwhite crime gets a free pass after all it's normal for them.

(White gold)
Beautiful white women like her feel like saints when they breed with blacks. Look how she virtue signals. The fact he was killed by police must be a dream come true to her as now she can play a saint to her “martyred” pet/husband.
I pray she takes her kids back to Africa. There they don’t seem as taken with white attention whores like her as unfortunately in the states she will be given plenty of coverage, scholarships for her kids, and maybe even a sympathy phone call from Biden.

Adil Khan #psycho #sexist telegraph.co.uk

A member of the Rochdale gang who raped and groomed girls as young as 13 has said he should not be deported because he had not committed “that big a crime”.

Adil Khan, 51, and fellow gang member, Qari Rauf, 52, are fighting deportation by the Home Office, where they would be sent to Pakistan following convictions for serious sexual offences against young girls.

Khan, speaking through a translator, told an immigration tribunal hearing on Tuesday: "We are not that big a criminal. We have not committed that big a crime. I'm innocent. I'm not committing any crime. The journalists made us out to be big criminals."

Khan, Rauf and two other men were among nine Asian men convicted of sex offences in the northern town against vulnerable girls in 2012.

From early 2008, girls as young as 12 were groomed with alcohol and drugs and gang-raped in the rooms above kebab shops. Police said that as many as 47 girls were groomed as part of the gang's activities.

Khan was sentenced to eight years in 2012 after being convicted of trafficking a child for sexual exploitation, but was released on licence four years later.

He also fathered a child with one of his victims, who was 13 years old. The two men were four of the gang with dual UK-Pakistani citizenship, and could therefore be stripped of their citizenship and deported, after Theresa May ruled it would be “conducive to the public good” for the men to leave the UK.

Andrew Anglin #sexist #psycho dailystormer.name

[From "How to Kill Your Wife on a Cruise: 'Dump Her Off the Side and You Slide'"]

Many men want to murder their filthy whore wives to protect their children[…]Calling this “murder” is wrong, as it is actually an act of self-defense
This man’s wife was trying to divorce him, and he was absolutely in the right to pull the curtains on her worthless life. But he forgot that rhyme, now he’s gonna do the time

Jeff Hunt briefly composed himself before speaking at a sentencing hearing for Kenneth Manzanares. Manzanares was married to Hunt’s daughter, Kristy, and last year pleaded guilty to second-degree murder in her death

I can pretty well guarantee this man is divorced or otherwise totally ruined by his own wife, the bitch’s mother. Why would he defend his whore daughter who is trying to destroy his grandchildren?

A good father would have pulled his son-in-law aside and said “over the side – you slide” before they left on this trip. He would want to protect his grandchildren, not his cock-crazed, family-destroyer whore daughter
It was good he did it in front of the children – they are girls and they need to know that the wages of divorce is a humiliating death
It’s a rough thing that their mother did what she did – but the death is much better than a divorce, where the girls would just get molested by boyfriend after boyfriend while their father was prevented by the state from protecting them

The Bible is very clear that whores must pay the ultimate price. Kenneth Manzanares was justified under Biblical law
[Citation of Leviticus 20:10 against adulterers]

Various Commenters #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #racist #sexist #wingnut stormfront.org

RE: Kamala Harris Humiliated During Her First Trip Abroad To Guatemala And Mexico – She Was Greeted With "Go Home" and "Trump Won" Signs That Were Ignored By The MSM

Why should we celebrate this?

Will these filthy Mestizos tell their damned fellow Orcs to stay in Guatemala and Mexico and NOT travel to the U.S?

another told the vice president that “Guatemala is pro life”

Yes the ban on Birth control has caused their population to explode. This has contributed to the economic and social conditions - along with the corruption of their drug trafficking Conservative government - that has pushed their people to flee to / invade America for Lebensraum.

American Conservatives really are stupid.

I've written about this topic before and the fools on the American political Right who fund all these groups in central America opposed to 3rd world non-white Birth control.....

"Cum-Swalla" Harris is a two-bit slutty whore who slept her way to the pinnacle of "success" in the sleazy, low-rent word of politics.

Anybody who sells her very soul to the Devil to achieve success in the dirty world of politics is the utter epitome of scum and filth, and the very lowest of the low.

The whole world knows the election was stolen except CNN, MSNBC, Youtube and Twitter.


I feel like I'm missing something here. Why would Mexicans support Trump? Trump called them murderers and rapists, and wanted to build a wall to keep them out of the US. This must be a very small group. I wouldn't expect it to be the general sentiment in Mexico.

Because Trump made it possible for the mexicans to keep their laborers...their laborers are not fleeing to the US...duh...lol...lmao...

Gymcelled #pratt #psycho #racist #sexist incels.is

Blackpill 11 year old boy (tallfag) impregnates his live-in nanny - Media doesnt call it rape or pedophilia

Double blackpill here.

First off he was taller than the adult female at 11 jfl, how hard must he have mogged other boys at his age?

And of course the media is super soft on this, they dont call it rape or pedophilia, great double standards

Check 0:30, look at how tall he is and how she's admiring him
and jfl, ogress with a NW2 hairline what the fuck

Just be a normie athletic white boy and you're set for life. Lol at the 15 year old white"cels" of this forum

Most youngcels will ascend or shouldn't be here, they should be trying their hardest to make it
But there's a huge difference between normie face and let's say Eggy face

She was charged with sexual battery and got sentenced to 20 years in prison. Wdym media doesn't call it rape or pedophilia?

They're soft as fuck in the video, even just the title lmao. Wouldn't be like that if the genders were reversed

Danecel #dunning-kruger #racist #sexist #wingnut incels.is

Using the incel argument with race included can make even the most SJWiest person turn into a right wing nazi, it offenses everyone

The secret to this is to use an incel argument from the perspective of an ethnic black guy or middle eastern guy that can't get laid.

This move makes both /pol/ alt right types and SJW's angry, and pisses of normalfags

I have offended dozens of white people by this.
Even the SJW's know deep down that we're right and that they prefer a white man, even through they proclaim to hate white people. It kind of hijacks their movement and completly destroyers them. I have though about joining a SJW communist group and then say that white people are racist because they don't date outside their races. And maybe talk about the inequality in dating.

The incel argument is enough to piss most people off but adding race to it can make even the SJWiest person into a right wing nazi if you continue to piss them off enough.

There have been many debates here and we all come to the conclusion that white people have it easier in dating since they can date black women or asian women easier.
It doens't mean that whites can't be incel.

BladingEagle #racist #sexist #transphobia #wingnut incels.is

JFL I am so unique and different

>I want open borders
>I want one mixed race world
>I want all firearms to be banned
>I want to ban "hate" speech
>I think POC are oppressed
>I think trannies are oppressed
>I think racism is mental illness but gender dysphoria isn't
>I think women should have abortions
>I think people should take vaccines
>I think nazis were the worst people
>I think blacks are being killed by police for being black
>I think white men have all the power
>I think women are oppressed
>I think Myanmar is evil for opppressing Rohingya people
>I think fascism is a real theat to humanity

But above all I dye my hair red and listen to alt rock. Aren't I the most unique free thinking person in the world with no one controlling my thought process?

This are all the points nearly every redditor will agree with especially our detractors. They are unable to hold a single unique opinion that goes against the popular narrative but at the same time they also consider themselves to be always right and the intellectuals of modern age.

Various TERFs #moonbat #sexist #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Why isn't opposite-sex rape a sex-based hate crime?

Because it’s men (98.7% of the time) doing the raping and women (87% of the time) being raped. Men abusing women is the status quo and recognizing it as a hate crime would make a lot of people (men) uncomfortable and men being uncomfortable is the greatest crime against humanity that is humanly possible.

Have you ever called the cops for any reason? They are beyond useless at BEST, they will actively harm, rape, stalk, or kill you at worst.

You expect these woman-beating racist murderers to arrest anyone over rape, never mind as a hate crime? Rape is barely a crime at all. The majority of rapists will never see any consequences.

Can’t have a hate crime when the victim isn’t counted as human.´

But if a TIM gets raped by a man, it's a hate crime.

Go fucking figure.

Or a woman refuses to fuck a TIM, that’s a hate crime too in their lexicon.

I have often asked this question and never can seem to get a coherent answer.

If a white dude waits outside a bar for a black person to come out so he can beat them up...that's a hate crime.

But if a dude waits outside a bar for a women to come out so he can rape her...the cops will blame her for drinking and ask what she was wearing.

Men hate us and no one gives a shit.

Various TERFs #moonbat #sexist ovarit.com

RE: A group of women bought a big territory on Alaska to create a women-only community

Yes! Here's to a return of the womyn's lands of the 1960's and 70's (some are still in existence, but they're rapidly dying out). Hopefully they can stay legitimately women-only.

I agree, I think they are slowly fading away. Had we found a community already dedicated to holding space for women's healing and wisdom we would've joined and put our efforts into that community. But I also think it's better to have more communities for women to give them more options. We'll always be female only😊

Fantastic. This is exactly what needs to be done. Teach girls to put money aside for land and let's start building oaseses of female separatism and autonomy.

I want this so badly. I want to do this so, so badly.....

I hope they stay safe. I just don’t trust men to not find them and do unspeakable things...


Good luck. Homesteading in Alaska is hard work, and the success rate of the people that want to do it is very low.

Men have built a ski slope snow dome in the middle of the Dubai desert. Women can do anything they want in Alaska...with money of course. If these women had the money they needed - invested or donated by other women - they could do what ever they wanted and succeed.

The TIMs showing up to use this for validation in 3...2...


BummerDrummer #racist #sexist #wingnut incels.is

A huge underlying problem is that k-pop spaces are ripe for political brainwashing. Idk why k-pop specifically but the fact that it’s average fan age is quite young and like you said, female, is going to be very consequential in future elections I think with radicalizing people to the far left.

I shit you not, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a more progressive vitriolic anti white community than k-pop Twitter (I assume because of all the black foids there). They make black supremacists/Afro centrists look like a joke. I remember seeing an entire hashtag built around bullying this white kpop stan that posted their face (quote tweets full of ratios, white racial slurs etc.)

Its a community built by a core base of obese black females (who are undesired even, or atleast undesired by chads) who have nothing better to do and it’s turning thousands of people into weird monstrosities every day. Crazy shit, man.

starcrapoo #racist #sexist incels.is

Anyone who lives in SF, Seattle, or Portland knows that Asian men are the most privileged group out there.

We are not the "cool" guys. We have the lowest crime rates and are the highest earners. Socially conservative. Shuns divorces. Mind their own business. Works hard.

Foids don't get cool points for dating us. They get "cool" points for dating edgy white dudes with tattoos, piercings, and deals drugs. Hipster hispanic + black dudes.

Asian + Indian men = lowest of the low in the eyes of liberal foids.

You know what I see? Cambodian and Hmong and Filipino guys will be poor as shit and short, but they manage to thugmaxx and get women. If Chinese and Korean men were more low inhib they'd actually be doing much better.

Yea I notice exactly the same as a ricecel in my 30s. SEA males are objectively uglier, poorer, dumber, and shorter than east Asian males but they are more masculine in behavior and looks.

Therefore, they do significantly better with non-Asian foids or just foids in general.

TAPriceCTR #sexist #wingnut reddit.com

RE: Study finds that Democratic-appointed judges sentence men less harshly than Republican-appointed judges

hopefully this will blunt the trump favoring on this sub. republicans talk big game on men’s rights. actions? little to show for

Dems are soft on crime in general. And?

If that were true, why are violent crime rates actually higher in red states? Mississippi for instance has one of the highest homicide rates in America. That kinda tells you that so-called "tough on crime" policies don't work and only enable it. They also disproportionately target low income white men and men of color, which is something MRAs should be deeply concerned about because the feminists sure aren't despite what they claim.

As Tim pool has taken to pointing out, red states have blue cities.

As an MRA I want women to be sentenced like men, and men to be convicted like women. Once convicted PROPERLY (not through the guilty by feelings crap jurors are doing lately) I'm a supporter of tough sentences. It's totally consistent to stand on both "prosecution bears the burden of proof" and "tough on crime" positions

Various MRAs #sexist #wingnut reddit.com

RE: False abuse claims are the new court weapon, retiring judge says

Want a divorce? want to make him suffer? just throw unsubstantiated claims of abuse to the family court judges.. they'll eat it up give you full custody of the kids and force him to pay child support to you on top of getting half his assets, money etc and likely also keeping the house..

Don't you just love this Patriarchal system we live under and how it's always there to take care of men? /Sarcasm


Judge : do you have any proof

Karen : ( crocodile tears )

Judge : there there your tears say more than any evidence ever could

If I were the president I'd make these courts illegal

What one would expect when there are no consequences.


The Social Workers are also very good at stirring the custard, more often than not they will be the one inventing abuse against the father to support the wife getting payments and full custody.

Its disgusting.

They’re overwhelmingly female and feminists!

Canadian divorce laws have recently changed to add language about the welfare of the children. There is expanded definition of family/spousal abuse, and custody of children is based on certain factors, but removes language that would try to give both parents access. This means you can have all access to your children removed based on your history of behaviour.

Women’s groups are applauding the changes, so it won’t be good for dads/husbands. It should start to see a floodgate of unprovable accusations that sway the court to award familial assets and child support without any access or recourse to change it. The new law will cancel dads.

Jim #sexist #dunning-kruger #crackpot blog.reaction.la

[From "Mate guarding game"]

The common wisdom in the manosphere is that mate guarding in hopeless: “She’s not yours, it was just your turn”

Even though a minority of men do get laid, laid by the overwhelming majority of women, none of them get what men actually want. This is the black pill and the council of despair

It also happens to be overwhelmingly true in our society. Owning a woman, in our society is difficult, dangerous, and illegal
As long as a women is free to keep endlessly cruising for an upgrade, men are not going to invest in her and her children. This is the cause of our failure to reproduce. Men and women are afraid. Men are afraid of women’s freedom, and women are afraid of their own freedom

Men are highly motivated to possess a woman. But women are also highly motivated to be possessed
If you move to protect your investment: curfew, restricting some out of the house activities and requiring her to get your approval for all out of house activities, making her log you into her Find My Iphone on all your devices, unpredictable video calls, and unpredictable in person visits to her out of the house activities, (brief in person visits, hovering and following her around is needy) she is going to test you for that strength with a massive shit test, that may well have go all the way to giving her a beating. Or several as the shit test keeps on going

Viking Defender #crackpot #elitist #homophobia #psycho #racist #sexist stormfront.org

RE: Blacks - Human or Animal?

I actually reckon that Asians look much more simian than African Negroes. Asians don't look human at all to me, more like monkeys, and Japs just look like E.T! Whenever I see S.E Asians and Curry Negroes walking about on a street with their long skinny limbs, puny frames and small round heads it always feels more like I'm wandering about in a zoo. Negroes have low intelligence, but from what I've carefully observed for a long time now, most whites are just dumb degenerate race-traitor race-mixing libtards anyway. And at least physically speaking, African Negroes are WAY superior to Asians. As with all Germanic races, African Negroes are generally taller, bigger, athletic and stronger than Asians, which quite frankly are just effete gay-looking creatures to me (as well as many other WNs I know who say the same thing). Lots of African negroes hate Jews too, unlike what I've ever heard coming from Asians, who for the most part usually sycophantically grovel to Jews rather than reject them. Not that I'm trying to defend negroes, not at all, but rather that I have an even bigger dislike of some other non-white hominin species than negroes. I really can't stand gooks the most, if not for their Asiatic behaviour, just their physical look alone is enough to feel averse to them being anywhere around me at all. And those scrawny gay-lady-boy-breeding Asian females are by far the BIGGEST threat to white existence, and are in reality the greatest contributors to white genocide, given degenerate white rice kings are chasing after them in droves. So looking at the bigger picture, in terms of our destruction, female Asiatics are in effect acting as our real exterminator, more so than Negroes.

MiddlePower5 & IndependenceLower759 #sexist reddit.com

Why do girls LOVE ASSHOLE and JERKS.?

I have dated women, and it seem good at start but when they see that im more of the emotional/caring type they seem to lose interest, she told me i am so kind and cute blah blah blah, and block me, but this particular woman, has lots of friends that are drug dealers, and long list of criminal records, why the fuck are unstable and fuck the police type and criminal people more attractive than stable and kind people? Its not that i am uninteresting, i have unusual interests that interests womens. Its just that im not a jerk to others nor a criminal


1.It's an evolutionary thing. Choosing an aggressive asshole was more beneficial in primitive times because they'd go into a fight to protect the women and children, get more resources, etc. Some people operate mainly from their monkey brains without being conscious of it.

2.Daddy issues.

3.Because "bad boys" are different in their eyes and don't treat them well (which is something that they are used to and has become boring to them) These women seek excitement (high highs, low lows) plus the validation of turning the bad boy "good only for them".

4.The allure of chasing after someone you can never "have".

5.Common ground.

cskeyyy #crackpot #dunning-kruger #psycho #sexist reddit.com

Male suicide is misogynistic, and here's why

Moid suicide is just a scrote's final, desperate attempt to lash out against women. When you actually break it down, who suffers most when a scrote kills themselves? It's gonna be the women in their lives who end up performing EXTENSIVE emotional labour for those affected, especially since moids aren't capable of processing grief themselves (men are actually lacking in emotional range to experience complex emotions such as grief but let's just call what they feel "grief" to save time). At BEST suicidal moids are not considering the workload their suicide will bring to the women in their life, which is MISOGYNY

The motivation for male suicide (scroticide) is also inherently misogynistic. First of all you're a moid living under patriarchy, so...like...why are you complaining?? Why are you pretending that your life is hard? Women are living under constant fear of being raped and murdered DAILY but you want people to care about your problems? What problems? Dying in super mario?? Sis, I can't...

As we all know, the only thing a scrote requires to be happy in life is sex. YA'LL THEY ARE LITERALLY KILLING THEMSELVES BECAUSE THEY FEEL ENTITLED TO OUR BODIES

Ya'll, I am tired. I am tired of playing unpaid therapist for these useless scrotes who think they're entitled to me - to my body, to my energy, to my soul. From now on, I point blank refuse to feel sorry for any moid who kills themselves, and I encourage ya'll to do the same. Put yourself first

And to the scrotes are who are gonna read this and tell me I'm a bitch, or a c*nt, or whatever other incel slur you feel like throwing at me - I don't care. Because I'm tired of playing mommy for you.

Snake Baker #sexist #conspiracy dailystormer.name

[From "Australia: Biggest State in Country to Adopt Orwellian “Consent” Laws"]

“Affirmative consent” is one you’re going to want to watch out for. Feminists have been pushing for this forever

But at this point, everyone has already stopped having sex anyway, haven’t they?

Australian feminist Rachael Burgin, writing for the leftist site The Conversation, is very excited about this new way to empower women by removing responsibility from them:

New South Wales Attorney-General Mark Speakman has [i][…][/i][url=Echobox=1621920779-1]announced a suite of reforms to consent law, following a two-and-a-half year review by the Law Reform Commission
Affirmative consent means that consent is actively sought and actively communicated

Consent Theory means that you have to ask a woman if she wants to have sex. As that obviously isn’t going to happen in real life, as it would be a total vibe killer, any woman will be able to say that any sex was rape
The larger goal of the system is just to remove sex from human existence. They want men to be afraid of sex. Obviously, this is working – most men no longer even think about sex. Firstly, most women are so fat they’re out of the game. Secondly, if you find one that isn’t fat, you’re playing Russian Roulette

Arthas93 #conspiracy #psycho #sexist #wingnut incels.is

RE: JFL Imagine being this delusional hahahhaahahahhahahaaahhahahahhaahhahaha

lmao how delusional can women be? Even someone on IT had to disagree with this post.


Foids have no idea how fragile is the pedestal in which their "rights and privileges" balances upon.

And how fleeting this whole "female liberation" is.

Western Civilization is at it's end, it has grown too degenerate, too weak, too corrupted by leftist/communist ideologies and politics.

Here in South America, just a few years ago, Venezuelan women had a very good life, in fact they had one of the highest "quality of life" levels on the continent.

Government programs covered them completely, tax payers paid for their every need, the legal system was completely rigged in their favor.

Then, the socialist paradise became a hellhole.

Now those same women are eating rotten dog carcasses from trashcans to not starve.

They are prostituting themselves and their daughters for shelter, food, water, clothes, make up, alcohol, drugs and other menial things.

Foids are always 1 economic hardship away from becoming property again.

This is what women are capable of accomplishing without men:

The Venezuelan women selling their bodies to survive

Venezuela: Teenage Girls Turn to Prostitution to Fight Starvation

Ah, those articles are a little old, many parts of Venezuela are effectively in the stone age now. The situation is far worse today amid the whole covid fake virus bullshit.

Human Race Survival Resistance (HRSR)/MissionaryJapan #crackpot #ufo #wingnut #conspiracy #homophobia #transphobia #sexist humanracesurvivalresistance.wordpress.com

Under each planet’s prince are the Draco hybrid human world rulers. Under the Draco hybrid human world rulers are you, who are the earth matriarchal rulers feminist witches’ adrenochrome blood industry victim 800 million annually abducted human specie earth farm children. The reason why all Hollywood celebrities and music singers are seen on other planets’ satanic rituals sacrificing human children, and Pedogate Pizzagate “White House Pizza Night” LGBTPB (Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transvestite Pedophile Bestiality) orgy child sex magick “bisexual Draco” “quadsexual Pleiadian nephilim” “multisexual Mantis” “hermaphrodite Pleiadian Watcher fallen angel” spirit cooking ritual raping sodomizing them, and drinking their terrified-adrenalin-filled adrenochrome vampire blood, and skewering and roasting them, and eating them, is because all nephilims and chimeras and their fallen angel devil fathers eat humans since Noah’s days Atlantis. <...> It is not only Hillary Clinton who is seen regularly on the other planets’ Illuminati NWO cities, but also witches like the COVID-19 90% depopulation biochemical weapon prion vaccine manufacturer Umbrella company’s CEO Tom Cruise on these planets drinking adrenochrome. End of transmission… The Illuminati NWO nephilim & chimera alien incarnate avatar feminist witch rulers globalist elites also MILAB abducts millions of humans every year using created accidents (intentional planes crashed, created explosions, weather wars natural disasters, etc.) to teleport or time travel wormhole out the humans right before the crash or explosion or disaster…

Meus & andinocel #racist #sexist incels.is

SuicideFuel Slavs get mogged by every race

East Asians are smarter and have older cultures.
Indians and Spics have better family values and Indians are in many high positions in the US too and Spics will literally replace whites in the US.
Western Europeans invented more shit and have cooler and more influential cultures
Scandinavians are better looking physically and also live in rich countries.
Muslims, again better family values but they are also like 2 billion and have much more influence.

Literally the only race that does not mog Slavs is niggers JFL and even they have heavily influenced music and sports and foids think they have big dicks.

The Slav pill is absolutely brutal. We are literally the most pathetic race on earth and only known for corruption, poverty and alcoholism. Even our fucking leaders hated us and tried to genocide us JFL. Never began.

There is no way spics mogs slavs - you guys are taller than us, for starters.

In terms of face, slavic guys aren't great looking but you guys can ogre max and are white (side note: it boggles my mind me how many white nationalists don't view slavs as white)

Spics do not necessarily have better family values --- single mothers are very common, and once hispanic foids move to the US they almost immediately pick up SJW woke buzzfeed type garbage

And finally, your culture may not be as old as East Asian or Indian culture, but your history goes back to at least the iron age -- on the other hand, we're basically mongrels descended from conquered savages that were forcibly converted

Brett Stevens #sexist #wingnut amerika.org

[Legalize Rape III]

Right now it is taboo to mention that casual sex = sex work, but unpaid. In the future this will not be so. People are recognizing that chastity protected more than a woman’s future choices; it protected society. Once you let casual sex through the door, everyone becomes a whore.

Treating rape as a property crime just formalizes that arrangement, instead of allowing women to operate in the pocket between how things were, upon which our legal system is based, and how they actually are now. No one cares when a whore is raped like no one cares when a thief is robbed. These are people who violate the common sense and logical values by which the good people in our society (mostly) abide.


Again, how is this different than casual sex? A man meets up with a woman in a bar, and it becomes clear that she drinks too much and goes to bars to have sex, has a boring job and a lonely life, is personally disorganized and slovenly, and has no clue where her life should go. It is pretense that this woman is that much better off than a heroin addict.

Feminism has made itself powerful by portraying women as victims, rather than accepting that the poor choices of women — casual sex, delayed or denied family, excessive drink, entering the working world — have created a world of misery for women. No wonder they are looking for someone else to blame, and have settled on the mythical Rapist as their target.

Various Commenters #racist #sexist #wingnut summit.news

RE: Sweden Goes From Being One of the Safest Countries in Europe to the Second Most Dangerous

Sweden's citizens need to dump their idiotic, self-hating, feminist leadership and vote in people who have some balls (either men or women). Like the Dimocrats here in the States, these a-holes are hell bent on destroying their nation in order to remake it into their socialist, intersectional utopia.

(Joe Eliott)
I love when swedes say they are welcoming to immigrants so they can't understand why immigrants are not nice to them. Pathetic fools. Leftists basically have the intellect of children. They believe all these fantasy notions while reality is completely different. Keeping your head in the sand has never been a good strategy for success.

Wahmens have ZERO use as politicians.

(Robert Grant)
Once the muhumadums fully take over, the feminists gays alphabet soup androgynous creatures etc will be thrown off tall buildings, and Satan's children the muhumadums will rule until judgement day.

American Democrats... "Hey... this is working so good in Sweden... let's bring more "refugees" from the Middle East. MS-13 won't mind sharing the ghettos with them. And we better defund the police so that the "refugees" aren't profiled."

(Harry Truman)

Those women leaders in Sweden have done such a good job haven’t they? Sweden is so fxcked.

Women leaders of Sweden, don't count on us males to fight for you. Go protect yourselves from the evil you have allowed into your home.


It is sad to see the land of the Norsemen so emasculated.

Once a nation puts Leftists in power, it's only a matter of time until the only testicles to be found in that country are on women's jewelry.

Brett Stevens #sexist #wingnut amerika.org

[Legalize Rape III]

… My point was that consensual casual sex treats sex as a commodity and makes choice of partner arbitrary, which means that we should no longer treat rape as the life-wrecking crime it once was, but as a lesser crime related to theft.

That blew up the SJWsphere. My Facebook account was deleted ... I was unfriended by all sorts of people on social media. I had transgressed the ultimate boundary, sinned the ultimate sin, and was destined to be exiled from the good graces of good people forevermore.

Except that I was right, as a sex worker admits:

“If sex is just a service, then rape is just theft. If sex is to be equated with any other service, then we cannot complain about the rape of a woman in prostitution any differently than we could complain about someone having their sink fixed and not paying the plumber.”

“Rape is disappeared here. In ‘sex work’ ideology, we are dealing with theft, not rape.”

When women stayed virginal for marriage, rape was a terrible and destructive crime.

Now that women are far from virginal by marriage and proud of this fact, and having sex constantly, rape looks more like “unrewarded services” instead of a life-wrecking act.

What this means in converse is that casual sex is the equivalent of rape: it destroys their lives, but by their own hands, and their quest for a scapegoat is why feminists are angsty about rape despite being unlikely to face it in their lifetimes.

If women stopped getting blind drunk and having sex, most “rapes” would vanish. But as long as they engage carelessly in casual sex, a few of the wrong penises are going to sneak into the great stack of dongs they will have given entry by the time they hit “the wall” in their late 30s.

Brett Stevens #sexist #wingnut amerika.org

[“Legalize Rape, revisited”]

Feminists, being the ideological blockheads they are, have been screaming for years to reduce rape from a crime requiring violent submission of the victim to an issue of mere choice. But the violence has a purpose: it provides a trail of evidence.

Evidence, you see, is how civilized societies determine culpability. With the definition of rape as a mere revocation or unclear consent, there is no trail of evidence. Under the feminist rule, a man accused would be a man convicted, every time.
That is an obvious injustice.

The equal injustice however occurs in cases of actual rape. ...


This is a sick comedy where 18th century morals are used to justify destroying a man’s life for a crime without evidence.

This is why we should legalize rape, if our citizens are so foolish as to insist that casual sex remain accepted.

Make it a property crime. She has gone to the club to have sex; that fact is undisputed. She either revoked consent or he never achieved it; either way, it is not a case of her virtue and marriageability being destroyed, but that she had sex with the wrong man.

She is thus entitled to some monetary compensation equal to the value of what is lost. But it is no longer virtue being lost, more like a few hours of time. Pay her at the day rate.

Yes, that is cold and many of you are outraged. But your outrage is a sham. It is the outrage of someone who has been living in denial. This is the face of casual sex: sex is cheap and consent is cheap, and so rape should not be an expensive and life-destroying crime.

This outrages feminists who are secret authoritarians who desire any power they can have, believing that having external power will assuage their internal void of soul. Not so, ladies.

IncelFromFinland #crackpot #psycho #sexist incels.is

From an evolutionary standpoint, getting raped is nowhere near as bad as being an incel

Human behaviour has evolved through billions of years to maximise the survival of their genes. That is why they are so protective of their offspring and why they love their relatives.

So let's look at rape vs being an incel. If a woman gets raped, he risks having his kids carry genes from a genetically perhaps not as fit male. He also will not get the father to offer resources for them.

Compare this to life-long inceldom, which kills your entire descent. It's not even remotely close. Being an incel is something far worse than getting raped and therefore being an incel also means much greater psychological stress and pain.

Is this news to you?


Leda Fisher #moonbat #racist #sexist thedickinsonian.com

Should White Boys Still Be Allowed to Talk?

When you ask a question at a lecture, is it secretly just your opinion ending with the phrase “do you agree?” If so, your name is something like Jake, or Chad, or Alex, and you were taught that your voice is the most important in every room.

American society tells men, especially white men, that their opinions have merit and that their voice is valuable, but after four years of listening to white boys in college, I am not so convinced. The list of what white boys think they are qualified to talk about is endless. Most often their opinions aren’t even original. White boys spout the narrative of dominant ideologies and pretend they’re hot takes instead of the same misleading garbage shoved down our throats by American institutions from birth.

I am so g****mned tired of listening to white boys. White men debate the pain of other people for fun and then take away their rights. You do not speak alone, you speak with the weight of every other white man who has spoken over a woman, erased the contributions of queer people from history, or denigrated “broken English” as unintelligent. You speak with the weight of policies and laws meant to forever define intelligence by how it measures up to the bros of America.

So, should white boys still be allowed to share their “opinions”? In honor of Black History Month, I’m gonna go with a hell no. Go find someone whose perspective has been buried or ignored and listen to them, raise up their voice. To all the Chrises, Ryans, Olivers, and Seans out there, I encourage you to critically examine where your viewpoints come from, read a text that challenges you without looking for reasons to dismiss it, and maybe try listening from now on.

Various TERFs #moonbat #sexist #transphobia ovarit.com

Peaking is so good for mental health!

Literally, I feel so much better. I’ve lost a bunch of weight, it just melted off. It’s easier to move, my laughter comes easily, my smiles are genuine, I feel really really great. Maybe leaving radical left politics in general was also a factor. Those places can be toxic - “no discussion, no debate” etc. Now I can grow. I’m not stunting myself.

It's been hard at times but I've experienced this too. Certain gender critical ideas helped me understand myself and name my experiences within the first, like, three months more than gender ideology or Tumblr brainrot did in five years. The extremely woke left reminds me of the exact inverse of evangelical Christians: the same lane of collective insanity but exact opposite beliefs.

Yes, 100%! Hitting peak trans and becoming GC woke me up to the nature of my sex-based oppression and gave me the framework to assess my own experiences and the language to name female oppression.

I finally see the rampant misogyny of men on the left and of liberal feminism, of not just the bullshit about transwomen being women on the basis of sexist stereotyping and belief in gendered brains, but also the rhetoric that prostitution is work and porn is empowerment and BDSM is hot and WAP is a feminist master-piece. It's all so gross to call all that feminism but lefties are taught to parrot woman-hating nonsense.

I absolutely think "woke think" has completely rotted the left's ability to think critically, and like you said, it's like a fundamentalist religion where they must adhere to dogma or be pilloried as a heretic.

Greg Reese #crackpot #quack #conspiracy #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia #sexist forbiddenknowledgetv.net

In 1978, one year after the CIA’s MKULTRA was exposed to the public, nearly 1,000 people died in Jonestown. The Chief Medical Examiner reported that nearly 90% were homicides and yet, the American media called it a “mass suicide”. Jonestown became known as the place where people “Drank the Kool-Aid.”

Jonestown seems to be a CIA beta test for the COVID vaccine agenda being rolled out today. Jim Jones applied many known mind control techniques: separating people from their families, creating a lingo to distort the truth, demonized the questioning of authority.
The main ideology of Jonestown was that America is a racist nation and capitalism is evil and they sought to create a utopia of equality and fairness. We know all about this ideology in 2021.

The slow destruction of the family unit can be traced back a century, to Planned Parenthood, to the 1964 War on Poverty, to gay marriage, all the way to our current trend of transsexual child abuse. This has created generations of lost souls, ripe to be exploited by the charlatans and sociopaths who wield the power of pop culture and Mainstream Media.

The cult is given their own lingo to distort the truth. They are “woke”. And to be woke requires absolute conformity. If you question the authority, you are silenced. You are labeled a “racist” without any evidence. Or a “science denier” without any scientific explanation, whatsoever. And above all, you are taught that human civilization is killing the planet. You are taught tat the only way to save the Earth is to de-populate. You are taught that humanity is a virus.

Mischiefclarity #elitist #god-complex #psycho #racist #sexist #transphobia stormfront.org

Behavior guidelines for the modern White Woman

1. Be White before all else.
Remember that despite having our own wants and needs as women, we also have a duty to the white race first and foremost.

2. Be a mother and a teacher.
The number one thing we can do as women is to produce offsprimg for the next generation of white people to fight against the armies of jews and colored attackers. We need to teach white kids in schools to be proud of their heritage OVER those of the lesser children and make sure the other spawn KNOW where their place in thebworld is and more importantly, ISN'T.

3. Let men lead the way.
I know this may trigger the "feminists" in the group, but know that being a wife and mother and not crowding male spaces doesn't devalue us as humans. Our men don't try to get pregnant and carry babies they can't deliever, that is what the tranny freaks do. Just the same, we need to do our best in support roles and stay out of things like politics and management whenever possible.

4. Be appealing
We represent the most beautiful creatures on the planet. The white woman is the prettiest sex of the prettiest race, of the most dominant species. We are chosen by GOD to be the ideal object of our husband's desires. If he wants to enhance you with surgery, are you REALLY going to turn down the chance to look your hottest for a man willing to pay?

5. Be a "Karen!"
If there are a bunch of thugs moving into your neighborhood, you are well within your rights to inform the police and demand action be taken, yell at those bratty kids down the street, call the cops on the black guy hanging on the corner watching you like a horny dog, and absolutely demand to see the damn manager when some lazy liberal arts brat ****s up your order!

LegendaryEmu1 #conspiracy #pratt #sexist #wingnut reddit.com

RE: Why do feminist pretend they care about men too?

Its a tactic to deflect criticism. And continue to produce male feminists, who generally turn out to be shitty, shitty people, almost always toward women, which helps keep their cycle and narrative going.

Feminism has been running an impressive propaganda war for quite some time. The idea that it helps men is mostly a way to make it seem better than it is. You see similar things the nazis did, communists, especially the chinese during mao's shtick, oddly enough Canada today and the woke, for about five or so years.

Extremism needs to be cloaked in something more palatable for people, otherwise it will face overwhelming rejection, rather than just widespread rejection. It relies on frankly, ignorant people to form their mob, while the zealots form the core.

Bradford C. Walker #sexist #wingnut bradfordcwalker.blogspot.com

Learning how to sift the real from the ephemeral, the rational from the emotional, is part-and-parcel of maturity for boys into men and this is best done by experience and example- something RPGs are very good at doing when played properly.

This should not be a substitute for doing real things, but rather a place to train in a safe environment; let them crash and burn here, where they can learn without injury, rather than out there where the consequences are real and permanent.

And this, I put to you, is why the Death Cult so badly wants to converge RPGs into SJW trash. It not just "a male space", it's one of the few remaining that have real impact when employed properly; fathers, I implore you, use this to aid in guiding your sons to manhood. You will be astounded at how well it works to begin teaching your boys how to be men when you can point to their own virtual experiences to bring the point home.

Connie Waterman #wingnut #sexist google.com

Threat to military readiness
I do not claim that there is no sexual misconduct in the U.S. military. However, I believe Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D., N.Y.) and other Democrats are encouraging any misconduct claim from women in order to destroy the military accomplishments of men ("For U.S. military, an enemy within," June 13). Since the 1960s, liberals have loathed the military. Liberals destroyed the institution of marriage, Judeo-Christian values, the family unit, work ethics, personal responsibility, and respect for life in the womb. The military is next.

88 forever & Anonymous Posters #racist #sexist #wingnut 88infinity.bdsmlr.com

Kissed my student, no regrets~

The following day after my first ask this week, i joked about inviting him to my house and joked about how I could trust him to visit more than his darker classmates, it took him a minute, but I'm sure he realised what I was saying ♥️♥️

Then I did the same thing - break. I asked him to stay behind. Praised him a little with some idle chatter to loosen him up, and then stole his lips before sending him out~

he'll be on vacation for summer break soon. I want him to be able to say he had his teacher as a booty call before that.

just a kiss? i'm a bit let down... still a good first step!

any chance you could DM me, anonymous slutty teacher?

My liberal, teenage half Asian daughter was complaining last week about white boys at her school and white supremacy in general. I'm her Asian mom, 40's, and her dad is white. She and I have both been liberals our whole lives, but I took the opportunity to educate her in the common sense of sex. I told her that I was only attracted to white men and deep down I know she was too; and that it was natural for the best of men to believe in their superiority. We both blushed and I told her I'd rather her date a right wing, racist white boy who calls us slurs than a pathetic Asian boy; and she gigglingly agreed. Then we hugged and I went back to my bedroom to rub my clit to your blog.

adorable. asian women and girls love white supremacy. anon, you're a good mom 😉👌

Unknown FDS Poster #sexist i.redd.it

I don't usually like making generational generalizations (lol kinda a pun) but I do think that women demand less from men than at any point in modern American history. It seems like for millennial women it's "wrong" to expect a man to pay for a date or to wait until he's proven himself to have sex with him or to actually care about how much money a man is on track to make.

Millennial women are just supposed to be compliant sex dolls who also cook and clean and go 50/60 on all bills—maybe even be the breadwinner in addition to taking care of those household duties. And they definitely cannot expect marriage which they are told is just a "piece of paper" when it clearly isn't.

I feel like we're in a very regressive time when it comes to relationships between men and women. It's like women are being aggressively bullied into having zero standards via memes/ internet discussion, the media, and the dating scene in general. Especially black women. I hate to see it.

Vita #sexist #transphobia ovarit.com

Trans Movement is about enabling men to be Cowards

When perverts flash, grope, and harass women in public, it's upsetting to the women, but it's troubling to men too. Because men might have to step up and do something, say something to those perverts.

Now, all the harassment is done out of sight of the "good guys." The pervs can go into the shelters and restrooms without fear of getting punched by a woman's husband/brother/father/friend.

You know how men turn a blind eye to sex crimes that happen in the family home? This is like the public version of that.

All men are cowards.

Too afraid to fight for weaker people (women will defend other women & children though, at risk to themselves!)

Too cowardly to be fashion-forward (women wore pants and new fashions in public, even if they got ridiculed!)

Too cowardly to face the consequences of their actions (trying to get out of men's prisons.)

Too afraid to face their own vices and weaknesses (AGP can only be treated if they admit they have it!)

My granny has more guts than most men I've met.

When you go through life on easy mode there's no need to become strong or brave.

Jillian Becker #sexist #wingnut theatheistconservative.com

[From “Women crave a life of submission”]

Reality to Feminists: Give up, go home, stay close to the marital bed and the kitchen.

According to this report, tens of thousands of Western women are converting to Islam because they long to submit themselves – to a husband and to Allah. It comes from Radical Islam, by Abigail R. Esman …

Andrew Anglin #fundie #conspiracy #racist #sexist #homophobia dailystormer.name

[From "My Nation Blessed Israel and All I Got Was a Mulatto Tranny Grandchild"]

When I was a child in the 1990s, evangelical preachers and televangelists were claiming that God would “bless” a nation that “blesses” the genocidal Jew state of Israel

Yet, here were are, 30 years later, and America has consistently “blessed” Israel. We have given them hundreds of billions of dollars over the last decades, and we have spent trillions fighting wars for them
Once a religion that condemned the Jews as the murderers and rejecters of Christ, American Christianity has continued a process of being restructured to set Israel and the Jews at the center of it[…]American Christians accepted the reclassification of Christianity as “Judeo-Christianity”
The deal was sealed in 1992 when Pat Buchanan lost the Republican primary to George H.W. Bush
At the same time that we blessed Israel, we also endorsed homosexualism, feminism/abortion, mass immigration and race-mixing, and someone could argue that this is why we are doomed. What I think evangelicals would claim now is that the blessing from blessing Israel couldn’t overpower the curses of endorsing every form of immorality. However, it was the Jews behind all of these corrosive agendas
The Moslems tended to get along much better with the Jews
According to the bizarre evangelical doctrine, during the entire Middle Ages, God was on the side of the Moslems against Christians
The evangelicals mocked the concept of a blessing from God by associating it with blood-drinking Jewish murderers and sex perverts

icanteven #moonbat #psycho #racist #sexist twitter.com

White parents, why are you producing so many young white male terrorists? What is going on in your households? How involved are you with your sons? Are you missing signs their racism is filtering out of commonplace household racism into "I want to murder strangers" racism?

Mom of two white boys here. Getting them to see on a daily basis how entitled they are -- all the breaks they get, that other kids don't, because of how they look or where they are from -- is a struggle. I honestly feel some days like it's a genetic defect.

They aren't angry, thank god. But they do sometimes come home and have the audacity to start out with 'Its not fair...X, Y, Z.' it makes my blood boil. They seem predisposed to believing it's some grand conspiracy to keep them down when in reality, the opposite is true.

My college roommate when on to get her PhD and did her dissertation on how the fragile white male ego is responsible for all the world's ills, and with each passing day I think she's more and more a genius

rope2cope #dunning-kruger #sexist #wingnut incels.is

Incel Meetup in North Korea 2021/2022

Why North Korea?

It's a comfy isolated country where we will be treated like kings by our qt North Korean milf tour guides... think about it... chilling in a North Korean bar drinking NK beers on a nice evening with our QT tour guides just chilling, nobody to judge us since there's nobody around and we can't be infiltrated by normies since the effort to come to NK will be too much... plus it'll be pretty funny.

B-but rope2cope how much will it cost?

Well, I was thinking we could book this one... it's a Bicycle tour around Nork's capital and will cost:

Price : €495 / €595

3 or 4 nights.

I'm thinking the 500 euro for 3 nights of Brocel bonding on bikes and getting a guided around by a qt Nork is lifefuel and will be fun.

This could be us chilling while Nork bar singers dance their little Nork asses away to impress us.

Incel.is Con 2021 in North Korea will happen, even if I make the trip solo... I guess an Incel convention with just 1 attendee will be somewhat poetic if you think about it.

Think about it brocels, live a little.

Please post interest here.

Also maybe we can cozy up to the NK government and be allowed to NEETmaxx there, non-autisticcels could get a job teaching Engrish to Nork universities and schools and we can live in the Supreme Leaders Paradise unmolested and get state sanctioned gf.

None #psycho #racist #sexist #wingnut amren.com

You should wake up about some facts about the birds and the beads. First of all, all women prefer a relationship where they are kept on a leash like a pet.

All women are batshit insane, which is one of the reasons why they prefer to be kept as pets rather than try to do things like men and just fail.

Most women are miserable because they are NOT being kept on leashes.

A few deluded men with power have passed laws that make it dangerous to play out this dynamic, hence it has largely vanished. Thanks men. You will hang for in a few months as the nation collapses.

90% of the world has no such laws and women and men freely interact this way. If we stabilize enough that post Covid travel is possible, go practice. After a dozen or more hot women for less than $100, you will get this. Men always pay. But we set the price and its always low. The going rate in the world btw is $20 on average but if you are going to partake, go premium. You are White after all.

Post collapse America, women will be only too happy to be your pet to the extent you can take care of them.

Or they will die.

We are on the road to fascism. The only question is whether it will be a Latino dictatorship, like Venezuela, or an African one, like Zimbabwe.

Don't be absurd. Spanish speaking people slaughter black people wherever we go.

Soon, you will be told what to do. Which is nothing more than you should have done 200 years ago.

The problem here is you White people want Communism. You might want to examine how Spanish speaking countries that are not Venezuela deal with that.

The part that should really frighten you is our blue eyes and blond hair. You left something behind and now you need it back.

touchdeprivedandfine & sp4cel0ver #psycho #sexist thepinkpill.co

I mentally dehumanize beautiful women

I don't take them as seriously. I cultivate a vendetta against them. I am not the tiktok e-stacy bluepilled dyed hair goth becky who is ferociously bisexual and likes sanrio. I'm bitter and if women are beautiful I usually instantly don't like them.

Yeah i can see where youre coming from. Im also bitter and jealous of beautiful women. But i try to remind myself the one truly responsible for all our suffering - beautiful or ugly. Our common enemy: men. If youre beautiful well you will have simps (often low value or even no value men so not even worthy), but there will also be as many men who think they have the right to touch ur body and openly disrespect u. Misogyny hits us all collectively ugly or not. And if youre ugly, well we’re already well acquainted with what this existence is like. We should really be hating on men. Its like the “dont hate the player hate the system”

Andrew Anglin #sexist #psycho dailystormer.name

[From "Thot Patroller Arrested for MURDER After Dirty Slut Dies Resisting Patrolling"]

Was she in fact resisting patrol by an officer of the Thot Patrol?

The follow-up question is clear: how did Aiden Fucci do anything wrong?

Police have provided zero evidence that Bailey was not resisting patrol

First Coast ABC

Aiden Fucci, the 14-year-old behind bars charged with the murder of a beloved cheerleader, appeared before a judge Tuesday morning

Fucci is charged with second-degree murder related to the death of 13-year-old cheerleader Tristyn Bailey

Sure, maybe there was an act of delinquency. I mean, if he skipped school to give this bitch what she had coming, then I think it is fair that he could have several weeks of detention

Have a look at Aiden, a wholesome boy who was just following standard operating procedure for the Thot Patrol

Compare him to the Thot, a multiple-time slut known for resisting getting patrolled
Maybe instead of blaming the victims, we should support our brave Thot Patrollers, who serve and protect the community from fat skanks?

The Daily Stormer cannot do GoFundMes because of Jewish censorship. I will assume actually that no one would be allowed to do a GoFundMe for Aiden, due to the power of the Thot Lobby in Washington

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