
Racism, including ethnic hatred, nationalism and equating religion to race

David Guyll #racist daegames.blogspot.com

Before we get into technical issues, let's address the hamfisted Didn't Earn It influences:
You have two blacks, two "evil paleskins" tucked in the back like it was slapped together for bizarro China, and the fifth is conveniently, completely covered up, probably so WokeC can pull a Gaymes Wokeshop and later pretend that their cheap Strongheart-in-name-only imitation was a woman the entire time. Molliver wasn't so lucky, having been both black-washed and sex-swapped into a mentally ill they/themming black chick, which makes it all the more hilarious that he's a thief.

Frankly, the only thing surprising about the cover, besides the lack of blue-skinned gay tieflings, is that they didn't give the red-head a similar treatment, opting to just wallop her a few times with the "realistic woman" stick, but the issues with this piece of, ahem, "art", go way beyond pandering to troons and hideous hobby tourists. But then, what else did you expect from Tyler Jacobson, a guy who attended a pair of west-coast colleges and works for a company that has long considered surface-level diversity a substitute for quality, creativity, talent and integrity?

Jim #racist #conspiracy #dunning-kruger blog.reaction.la

[From “The Ukraine is not a nation”]

The Ukraine never has been a nation. It has always merely been a province of empire. Ukrainians oft got conscripted to fight in the wars of far away empires, but even when the empire ruled through local satraps, as it does now, the local minions of empire failed to act as if the Ukraine was a nation

Here are Ukrainians celebrating independence day. Notice the near total absence of anyone celebrating. Compare with the enormous turnout everywhere in Russia for victory day

And today the local minions of empire in the Ukraine are not acting as if the Ukraine is a nation[…]
Kiev, thanks to the mighty influx of American money, has more bars and nightclubs than it did before the war

According to CBS news, that it is party time in Kiev is a form of defiance of Russia. The young men in the CBS photos are evidently at no risk of being summoned to the front. The imperial minions in Kiev are acting like the war is a gold mine, and they have struck it rich[…]
If the Ukraine was a real nation, the local elite would not do this stuff, or if they did do it, would be more furtive about it. The local elite has no plans for making peace with Russia. They don’t care and it is not their decision to make anyway. They have plans for moving to the South of France[…]
As the time available to steal stuff grows shorter, and the prospect of long term employment as the empire’s satraps in the Ukraine grows more remote, the imperial minions naturally focus more on stealing whatever is not nailed down, and burning down what is nailed down so that they can steal the nails, and focus less on preserving imperial rule. Global American Empire rule over the Ukraine is collapsing. The battle field is merely a lagging indicator

Paul Craig Roberts #wingnut #racist #conspiracy paulcraigroberts.org

Western Civilization has long been under attack by its own intellectuals and professors. Is there anything left of it?

I defend Western Civilization, but Is there any civilization left to defend when the leaders of Western governments endorse Genocide not only of the Palestinians but of their own white ethnicities and brand criticism of Palestinian Genocide as anti-semitism and criticism of white replacement as a hate crime? Even Donald Trump, whose own right to speak is being throttled, wants to deport those who protest Israel’s Palestinian Genocide. The question increasingly before me is: Is there anything left of the West to defend? How can we make America Great Again when there is nothing left with which to work? Even the leader who wants to make us great again opposes free speech. How can he possibly take the oath of office to defend the Constitution?
I defend Christianity. Yet, Christian evangelicals and Christian Zionists support genocide.

Western morality has been inverted. We now live in moral inversion. How can the indefensible be defended?
How is it that we can defend Israel but not our own whiteness? Why does Israel have a right to exist, but not white ethnic nations?

Bryan K Starr #racist #psycho quora.com

You apparently assume that the Palestinians are somehow innocent in all of this.

They are far from innocent, they teach their children to hate and kill Jews, the women also fully support Hamas.

In earlier times any nation would've just wiped them all out.

That's why they should've thought about all this before attacking Israel, but they're stupid Muslims and as usual, are getting their asses kicked for being stupid.

Israel needs to just carpet bomb the whole area and be done with it.

Vic Biorseth #wingnut #racist #homophobia #conspiracy catholicamericanthinker.com

With Comrade President JoBama O'Biden finally agreeing to debate President Trump, we thought it appropriate to remind readers of our recommended new Presidential debate procedure for what it's worth. We see no legitimate reason for any moderators or rules other than a microphone-controlling time-keeper, which could even be mechanical.

And this webpage is about various universally accepted falsehoods and where they came from, and how they came to be universally believed.

Marxism, Islam and Hedonism are all foreign ideologies or belief systems that are (1) foreign to America, and (2) openly hostile and antagonistic to America's ethos, morality, constitution, government and law. We have labeled this evil triumvirate the Islamo-Commie-Homo movement, and charged it with being rabidly anti-Christian and rabidly anti-American.

The UN's 1948 UDHR (Universal Declaration of Human Rights) is a classic example of socialistic foreign thinking that has seeped into American thought, is being taught as "law" in formal education, and is even pushed as if it were American law by American politicians, political parties, journalists, attorneys and courts of law.
No one "dictates" any law over the whole nation of America other than the sitting American government acting within the rules and constraints of the American constitution. The constitution is the supreme law of the land.

The UDHR seems innocent enough until you get past number 21; then it goes off the rails. Until you get to right number 22, it seems to be almost listing the American constitutional rights, and that's a good thing. But then, it goes all socialistic, insisting that the people of the world, including the people of the USA, have a "right" to have all their wants aned needs taken care of by the state, from the cradle to the grave.

Which is nonsense, in America. We were constituted to be a largely self-governing and self-sustaining citizenry; we take care of ourselves. That's what the right to liberty is all about.

Selwyn Duke, Joseph Rose and Peter Frohwein #wingnut #fundie #conspiracy #homophobia #transphobia #biphobia #racist thenewamerican.com

[From “Putin’s Paradise? As Expats Flee a More Soviet America, Is Russia Now More Like 1950s U.S.?”]

Carlson has some company in his sentiments — American expats[…]
Joseph Rose, stated when asked about life in Russia, “I often say it feels like our positive vision of 1950s America”[…]
Peter Frohwein, 62, would like to start a new family but says that he “wouldn’t seriously consider” doing so in the U.S[…]
Rose, “I do think it was God leading me to where I needed to be[…]I would say that Russia is becoming a bastion of Christianity and that America is becoming the opposite”[…]
The expats did not take issue with President[…]Putin[…]Some[…]see Putin through rose-colored glasses[…]
Koffler points out while addressing the expat situation that Russia is no paradise, calling it “an authoritarian state”[…]Unfortunately, this increasingly describes the “Soviet” West[…]only with a different (rainbow?) flavor[…]
This apparently is what drove expat farmer Arend Feenstra and his wife Anneesa to flee Canada for Russia with their 10 children, as the sexual-devolutionary (“LGBTQ”) persecution in their native country just became too intense[…]
The irony here is that while America was founded by people fleeing religious persecution — people who’d been considered troublemakers in their native lands — now anti-woke “troublemakers” are sometimes fleeing to Russia seeking religious freedom

Of course, it’s tempting to, depending on one’s point of view, call these expats sage or stupid[…]
As for Putin, for all his faults, he has defended the family and Christianity and criticized “transgenderism,” homosexual propaganda, and the moral relativism permeating civilization[…]
What’s more, since demography is destiny, America’s continuous irrational, nation-rending (im)migration renders us an unstable land; in contrast, Russia’s demographic stability ensures that it will continue being Russia — even a century hence

Will the West still be the “West” when that time comes?

Tatsuya Ishida #racist sinfest.xyz

[From “May 4, 2024: Jew Hatred 2”]


Panel 1: a bald man with large ears is singing “I can't make you love me” and “If you don't”
Panel 2: the same man is singing “You can't make your heart fell” and “Sometimes it won't” in front of "JEW" written on a wall with light bulbs
Panel 3: the same man is singing “Here in the dark in these final hours”, “I will lay down the law” and “And take over power”
Panel 4: the same man is concluding with “So I can jail you” and “Yes I will jail you” while sniffling. Below is the legend “Nosferatu - 'I Can't Make You Love Me So I'm Going To Jail You' - Talmud Records”

State of the Nation Editor #racist #wingnut #conspiracy stateofthenation.co

The following exposé is as detailed as it gets where it concerns the concealed workings of the Black Nobility-run global power structure.
It also lays bare those who populate the peak of the pinnacle of the world power pyramid. The bloodlines of these Illuminati families go back to the Babylonian Banking Cartel, millennia before the coming of Jesus the Christ.
All of the mafia crime families described below are relatively low-level on the totem pole of real power and influence because we know their names. In other words, they’re merely mafia muscle for the extremely well concealed power-brokers who populate the ultra-secret upper echelons of the Khazarian Mafia. This ubiquitous international crime syndicate then answers to the even more clandestine and powerful Khazarian Cabal.
What becomes quite apparent from even a cursory scan of the list below is that many of the wealthiest mafia crime families come from the European Black Nobility, and especially from the Northern Italian Black Nobility. That’s because the Roman Empire model was utilized by the Khazarian Cabal to carve up the whole world into crime territories by which to rape, pillage and plunder the entire planetary civilization.
The original Khazarians were a very crude and coarse, crass and cruel people (think: Yiddish–their secret crime language). Being an amalgamation of Turkic, Mongolian and highly inbred Hebrew bloodlines they were also quite ugly, unhealthy and extremely boorish (think: hooked noses and beady eyes). Being exceedingly tribal in nature, the many centuries of practicing incest and multi-generational inbreeding only caused them to become more mentally deranged and emotionally unhinged causing all manner of psychiatric illnesses/psychological disorders. Hence, it ought to be no wonder that the Khazarian Cabal was so determined to intermarry with the highly cultured and refined Northern Italians who appeared to have it all.

Benjamin Fulford #crackpot #wingnut #racist #conspiracy stillnessinthestorm.com

The white hats have won the secret war for the planet Earth. We are now in an interregnum. However, not much will be visible to the public until preparatory work for new institutions and world norms is finished. Public announcements are likely in the autumn.

Nonetheless here are the rough outlines of what is about to happen: The United States of America Corporation will officially declare bankruptcy. The Republic of the United States of North America will replace it. It will build a new capital, possibly in Winnipeg, Manitoba. The state of Israel will also cease to exist. It will be replaced by the state of Judea. The original Judeans (misleadingly called Palestinians) will manage the new state together with the European immigrants. Both peoples will have equal rights and guarantees of religious and personal freedom.

The United Nations Security Council will be replaced with a seven-member World Council. It will probably be headquartered in Laos. The members will be representatives from Africa, the Americas, China, andEast Asia excluding China (but including Oceania), Europe (including Russia), India and the Muslim world. Decisions on issues affecting the entire planet will be reached by a majority vote. Each region will have a veto only applicable to that region.
Israel will now have no choice but to surrender, just like the Ukraine.

The ICC will also definitely be issuing war crimes indictments against the criminal regime of Vladimir Zelensky in Ukraine. Polish intelligence notes they are now rounding up “mentally disabled people, alcoholics and drug addicts, schizophrenics and epileptics,” for slaughter. This won’t last long because only 15 percent of conscripts are currently fighting, the sources say.

By the way, even though the fake Trump being shown on most US screens is a Zionist slave mouthing support of Israel and Ukraine, the real CIC Trump is throwing both under the bus as the source above notes.

Dixie Anon #racist #conspiracy identitydixie.com

[From “Biden’s Handlers and their Origins”]

While most of Biden’s administration is blamed on the geriatric Yankee from Scranton[…], many on the Right seem to forget he has an entire cabinet (his handlers)[…]
Let’s start out with the cackling witch herself, Kamala Harris. Harris’ whoring career and gender is often the topic surrounding her, but one should also consider her racial origin. Her mother was Shyamala Gopalan born in British India in 1938, while her father, Donald J. Harris, is a Jamaican mulatto. Neither were even born in the United States but instead allowed in during the 1960s, met at the notorious UC Berkeley[…]Moving onto the Big Three[…]All three are Jewish[…]
The next member of the Biden administration is Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas, who Republicans recently tried, and like usual, failed to impeach. Mayorkas wasn’t even born in the United States but instead Cuba. His parents were Cuban (and Jewish) refugees[…]
Finishing off with the B-team members of the cabinet, let’s move to the Confederate-hating Sectary of Defense Lloyd Austin. Austin (spoiler) is the only member of the cabinet actually from a Southern state, born in Alabama and raised in Georgia. However, Austin is black and, thus like many of his racial peers, has nothing but hate for traditional Alabama and Georgia[…]Probably win the contest when it comes to tracing his ancestry the furthest back on “American soil”[…]
Traveling north of the increasingly conservative-turning Iowa, we have Secretary of Veteran Affairs Denis McDonough of Minnesota, who supposedly has communist sympathies[…]
No anti-Southern cabinet would be complete without a few New Englanders and Biden, like usual, didn’t forget about them[…]
To sum things up, Biden’s cabinet is everything our Confederate ancestors warned us about. The executive branch is effectively a gaggle of foreigners, Yankees, “people of color,’” and Jews, headed by a career liar who can barely speak half the time

Devvy Kidd #wingnut #racist #conspiracy newswithviews.com

First thing on the madness we’ve been seeing on campuses of lower learning. Two factions. One is ignorant students who are actually enrolled in one of the colleges/universities and second are paid professional cockroaches who travel around the country. Their job is to whip up violence, rioting, spew hatred on college campuses while promoting Marxism/collectivism.

It’s important to remember what started this: Oct. 7, 2023. An UNPROVOKED attack by Hamas on a holiday.
For the psychopaths who belong to Hamas, the most vulnerable are just another target for a bullet. After all, they’re just Jews. Hamas murderers are Satan’s Pimps who shall burn in his Hell for all eternity. Forget the 72 virgins BS. Perhaps the next attack will be on OUR soil by Muslim zealots against Catholics. Or maybe Baptists will be the next target by Hamas cold-blooded murderers.

Will we see thousands of ignorant college students doing what we’ve seen the past few weeks celebrate murder against Catholics at a cathedral or Baptists at some large gathering by Hamas butchers? Wouldn’t bet fifty-cents on that one.

Oh, gosh, we’re only rioting, screaming and yelling against “apartheid” Israel. Just ignore the signs that say: Exterminate the Jews. Be careful what you wish for when it comes to Muslims who lie better than career criminal, Joe Biden and that’s saying a lot.
Never in my life could I have ever imagined seeing what I’ve been seeing for a couple of weeks on college campuses. Signs: Kill the Jews, Death to America, Free Palestine, burning of the American flag. Efforts to fly the Palestine flag everywhere which thankfully has been stopped by real American students on campuses. How absolutely shameful my America should resemble Nazi Germany under Hitler.

Tom Dienes #crackpot #fundie #wingnut #racist #homophobia #transphobia #conspiracy tomdienes.substack.com


The Thinking Mind is a Dimensionless Mathematical Energy, and Matter is Dimensional Mathematical Energy Interconnected by Interconvertible Mathematical Transforms.

God uniquely imbues each human being with the potential to fulfill His divine purpose. Your freewill determines the outcome of either the fruit Light or darkness. Choose wisely for the consequences are eternal!

Attention Canada and the USA!!!

The Western cult of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion is the Trojan Horse for the Destruction of Traditional Judeo-Christian Western Culture!

Islamization colonialism: If you can’t conquer the West by the sword, immigrate, infiltrate positions of power, and breed them out!

LGBTQIA2S+ colonialism: Celebrate & normalize all imaginable forms of sexual perversions, infiltrate positions of power, and destroy God ordained Judeo-Christian morality.
4 ~ Study, research, advocate, and uphold the scientific method as the golden standard for determining empirical facts which govern sound evidence based decision making. The governing “scientific consensus” shall not become as religious dogma, and must be subject to correction based on new emerging evidence, which clearly has it’s premise, rooted in the scientific method. Therefore, openly and transparently correct the “scientific consensus” based on the emerging knowledge. Learn to clearly distinguish between factual, theoretical, and dogmatic statements.

6 ~ Advocate for the health and well-being of mankind at all costs, and work to hold Pharmakeia’s governing officials accountable for their experimental medical crimes against humanity! All "health" authorities, doctors, scientists, politicians, lawyers, and clergymen who willfully chose the cowardly chameleon’s path of least resistance, will be held accountable for turning a blind eye to the scientific method which has proven that their C19 injections (bioweapons) are not safe or effective!

Bryan K Starr #fundie #racist quora.com

You mean Islam.

Hitler admired the fanaticism that Islam provides. These idiots will go kill themselves because they think God told them to.

In theory it is great for warfare, but the muzrats are known for their cowardice and treachery.

They've been getting their ass kicked back and forth for centuries. Greeks, Alexander, Rome, America, whoever.

They make a good fight of it at first but as soon as there's a chance they might lose they break camp and haul ass.

But, with WW2 German soldiers, such fanaticism would've aided the German army very well.

They still wouldn't have won though.

Snake Baker #dunning-kruger #wingnut #racist dailystormer.name

[From “UK: “Conservatives” Pass Total Ban on Smoking (To be Phased in Over Decades)”]

Remember: these people tried to force-vaccinate everyone with a deadly gene therapy

Food might be a little bit more regulated in the UK than in the US, but not by much

Infographic on obesity in th UK

Actually, that’s only half as obese as the United States. But still. It’s a health crisis

Smoking, by the way, is not a health crisis. When’s the last time you heard of someone dying from smoking? People die from vaccines and obesity all the time

So: why are they so obsessed with shutting down nicotine? Is it because it increases both testosterone and brain function?


British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s plan to ban anyone aged 15 and under from ever buying cigarettes passed its first parliamentary vote on Tuesday, although dozens of his own lawmakers voted against it[…]
But 57 Conservatives, including Business and Trade Secretary Kemi Badenoch, voted against the plan[…]

57 isn’t even 1/5 of the “conservative” members of parliament

Britain is a failed state

They are harder on cigarettes than they are on immigrants, that’s for sure

The Armchair Prophet #wingnut #racist #quack #fundie #conspiracy stateofthenation.co

The premise of this prophetic piece is that the Dark Side has never — EVER — been so desperate. And so brazen. And so reckless. As they are right now.
Which is why The Powers That Be are scrambling as never before.
Is this why the USA will see something very BIG happen this May?
Of course, the New World Order globalist cabal is perfectly aware of these HUGE earth changes coming down the pike as well.
A Bigger Than Biblical Earth Disaster is Coming
Which is exactly why these PROVEN genocidal maniacs will now resort to any scheme whatsoever in order to prevent them all from being hanged live on the Internet.
This month of May already started off with what is planned to be the biggest trigger event for the American Bolshevik Revolution.
For those who doubt the inevitability of divinely ordained catastrophism throughout every sphere of life in 2024, just consider what Election Day will bring to the USA.
That, right there, guarantees that the American Republic will undergo unparalleled trials and tribulations with an outcome which is completely unknown at this crucial point.
Which means that the Khazarian perps will use this month of May to set the stage for all manner of warmongering and rumors of World War III, geoengineered weather disasters and Gladio-style false flag terrorist attacks, draconian assaults on both the First & Second Amendments, train wrecks and ship wrecks in any of the 50 states, supply chain disruptions and food supply collapses, as well as their favorite way to bring about the immediate cessation of whole societies—Plandemic 2.0.

The Uniparty election thieves only have 6 months until Tuesday, November 5, 2024; so they have a LOT of work to do to turn the current Bird Flu psyop into a full-blown national epidemic before they morph it into a global pandemic just in time to incite support for the WHO’s cataclysmic Pandemic Treaty being considered by the 77th World Health Assembly on May 27th.

Mike Adams the Health Ranger #wingnut #racist #quack #conspiracy brighteon.com

Brighteon Broadcast News, May 8, 2024 – Trump would deploy U.S. Special Forces troops in MEXICO and issue “kill lists” of cartel leaders

- Alternative cancer treatments and the use of a new AI language model. (0:03)

- UK Border Force glitch shuts down airport entry. (2:44)

- Boeing's faked aircraft inspections

- Israeli intelligence infiltration on US campuses. (7:45)

- US senators threatening #ICC judges over #Netanyahu arrest warrant. (13:22)

- Zionism's control over US government and media. (20:31)

- Russian company acquiring assets of German chemical company BASF. (32:34)

- Israel's actions contradicting US Constitution and Bill of Rights. (40:42)

- Conservatives' shift towards #Zionism and its impact on freedom of speech. (46:44)

- Sustainable living, homesteading, and community building. (1:21:22)

- Integrating technology and indigenous knowledge for a sustainable future. (1:28:50)

- #Bitcoin and central banks' influence, self-custody importance. (1:38:23)

- Buying land and preparing for an uncertain future. (1:41:33)

- #Permaculture and regenerative agriculture as alternatives to conventional farming methods. (1:57:05)

- #Freedom, #censorship, and spirituality. (2:11:44)

- Building alternative systems for political autonomy, peace, prosperity, and self-sufficiency. (2:18:01)

John Anthony #pratt #racist #conspiracy msn.com

the narrative they are regurgitating is ridiculously false. There is no genocide. Their cause-celeb, Hamas, fights, hides, and stores their weaponry amongst civilians, and even dress in civilian clothes - all of which are against international laws of warfare! Civilian lives lost are tragic but are also the direct result of these tactics, which is EXACTLY what Hamas wants because it creates the propaganda these students fall for. The media is no different, parroting these talking points and taking, at face value, the claims of Palestinian health organizations (which are only Hamas in sheep's clothing). Oh, and lest we forget, Hamas broke a cease-fire on October 7th by invading Israel and killing, assaulting, and kidnapping innocent civilians. And by all accounts, the majority of Palestinian civilians approved.

Andrew Torba #fundie #racist #conspiracy news.gab.com

[From “The House Passes H.R. 6090: A Threat to the Christian Faith and an Affront to Free Speech”]

The United States House of Representatives has passed H.R. 6090, a bill that criminalizes basic Biblical Truth. This alarming legislation seeks to weaponize the Civil Rights Act for the enforcement of federal anti-discrimination laws[…]
The bill adopts the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s definition of “antisemitism” which includes the basic Biblical truth that the Jews killed Jesus Christ as “classic antisemitism.” The bill has raised serious concerns among Christians who believe that their First Amendment rights are being threatened. For example H.R. 6090 could potentially make it a crime for pastors to preach sermons that adhere to Biblical passages[…]which explicitly state that the Jews killed Jesus

As a result, churches may become targets for Civil Rights Act discrimination lawsuits, leading to a wave of anti-Christian sentiment and the stifling of religious expression. This legislation follows just a few weeks after we learned, during Holy Week of all times, that saying “Christ is King” is “antisemitic” from many of the gatekeeping establishment voices on the right. It also follows a slew of similar “hate speech” legislation at the state level that is being passed by Republican governors in red states, including Ron DeSantis who flew to Israel to sign his

Are you paying attention yet, Christian?[…]
The New Testament provides ample evidence that the Jews killed Jesus. This is a basic core tenet of the passion story and thus a basic core tenet of our faith that we are required to affirm[…]
The passage of H.R. 6090 raises questions about the true motives behind this legislation. Some have speculated that the recent surge in anti-Israel protests on college campuses, many of which are being led and organized by Jews, are being used to bolster public support and sympathy for Israel and usher in anti-Christian legislation like H.R. 6090

Solid_Officer3975 and DualKoo #wingnut #dunning-kruger #conspiracy #sexist #racist #transphobia #enbyphobia reddit.com

My wife and her friends laugh at the pandering, and don't watch the movie/show. They think it's ridiculous, but they're not emotionally attached to IPs so they just move on to something else.

I have several gay friends, and black friends, and gay black friends, all of whom don't like the disingenuous nature of "inclusion" in modern cinema.

The message isn't intended to be a genuine method of gathering support. It's forced acceptance so there's no space for a nuanced conversation.

Which is why it’s known as Cultural Marxism. This is straight up 1984 type conditioning of the population.


Or in this case… there are more than “two genders”

The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command. His heart sank as he thought of the enormous power arrayed against him, the ease with which any Party intellectual would overthrow him in debate, the subtle arguments which he would not be able to understand, much less answer. And yet he was in the right! They were wrong and he was right.

Driz51 #wingnut #dunning-kruger #sexist #transphobia #enbyphobia #racist reddit.com

It’s weird to me that the ones THE MESSAGE is pandering to fall for it so easily
What I mean is that it’s just so insincere. These movies or shows or games with marketing completely built around having a diverse character a gay character a trans character whatever it is. That’s always almost a guaranteed red flag that the show will have no substance at all and is just going for easy brownie points and a perfect shield to block any criticism. Is that really the kind of representation you’d want? Women want those cardboard cutout perfect at absolutely everything with no struggles at all girl boss characters? A black person wants to see a white character race swapped instead of an original well written character who was intended to be black from the start?

I think the word work has started to lose some meaning with how much it’s passed around, but I think to a lot of people like myself it’s referring to that right there. I think of something like Everything Everywhere All At Once which is about a conservative mother and her struggle to understand her daughter’s world. Arcane is a female driven show with a lesbian as one of the leads. Fallout show we just got has a female lead and I’m pretty sure a trans or no gender or one of those kind of things on the Brotherhood of Steel.

I’ve pretty much not at all heard woke tossed at these things or complaints about female driven stories or any such things. Because they aren’t created to shove a message down your throat and get effortless praise they actually care about these characters. People aren’t inherently shut down to ever accepting these stories they just want them to be written well.

I would just think the ones that they want to represent in these instances would appreciate such examples a hell of a lot more and not so easily be sucked in by something with absolutely no soul like The Little Mermaid remake. Sometimes it feels like a battle that can never be won. No matter how much we try to push back the crap just keeps coming and so many people just keep eating it up with a smile.

Paul S #racist #wingnut #conspiracy henrymakow.com

I don't know what to make of the Catholic Church. They wear small hats, have a weird obsession with making lots and lots of money, constantly engage in strange sexual perversions, live in a tiny, tiny little nation state, are constantly tricking larger military superpowers into waging war against each other, and are constantly the only ones who ever profit from these wars of conquest that the larger superpowers fight.

Does that fit the profile of any other group we know?

People talk about Martin Luther, but nobody ever mentions who Luther's papal counter-party was -- Pope Leo X, a Jewish Pope from the House of Medici who literally purchased the Papacy for himself after the Medicis were kicked out of Florence during one of the Jewish expulsions.

The Catholic Church has been compromised and in Jewish hands for a long time, but I don't know if it's *consistently* been in Jewish hands, or if a behind-the-scenes battle wages where different factions take power from one another. I suspect even the famous Knights Templar were (secretly) Jews sneaking around in Christian costumes -- when's the last time you heard about a group of "Christian" knights inventing modern international banking as we know it?

Whether Jewish or not, I suspect the Catholic Church has always been a simulation of an older, more authentic style of Christianity, on whose foundations it's been built. It's preserved many of those Christian traditions quite well (the Mass, the Eucharist, the feast days, the architecture), but it's always been semi-compromised even from day one. I think the true history of the Catholic Church is yet to be told, and once we learn it, we'll see it's something very different than what we've been led to believe (even by the "alternative" press).

Bezalel Smotrich #racist #fundie #psycho msn.com

Finance Minister and member of the security cabinet Bezalel Smotrich called on Monday for annihilating Israel's enemies, saying "There are no half measures. [The Gazan cities of] Rafah, Deir al-Balah, Nuseirat – total annihilation. 'You will blot out the remembrance of Amalek from under heaven' – there's no place under heaven"

Smotrich also referred to ongoing negotiations with Hamas for a hostage release deal, saying that Israel is "negotiating with someone who long ago should have ceased to exist at all"

He made the remarks at a Mimouna event, a traditional North African Jewish celebration held at the end of Passover. It took place at the home of Rabbi Shachar Butzhak, who is affiliated with the Garin Torani movement – a state-funded group of Jewish religious nationalists often planted in secular populations or in mixed Arab-Jewish towns as a demographic and intimidation strategy

Smotrich, who also is a minister in the Defense Ministry, added that when Hamas is destroyed, Israel must "clear out, with God's help, with one blow, wicked Hezbollah in the north, and really send a message that what will happen to those who harm the Jewish people is the same as those who have tried to harm us in the past – they will be destroyed, destroyed, destroyed. And it will echo for decades to come"

Mike Stone #wingnut #quack #racist #conspiracy henrymakow.com

What we're seeing with the current college student protests is political street theater. It's very similar to the street theater we saw during the virus hoax.

Remember all of those people collapsing on the street in China?

Remember people fighting over toilet paper?

Back then, just as now, almost none of the people who participated in the "pandemic" street theater were aware that they were being used. They thought everything happening around them was real.

Thus we had people donning face diapers and lining up for the kill shot "vaccine," thinking the entire time that they were doing the right thing. To this day, there are tens of millions of people who still believe that the phony pandemic was a real thing, that there was an actual virus going around killing people.
I believe it was Mike King who first went public with the belief that nothing ever happens organically, that every time we see a "color revolution," a street protest, or any sort of mass uprising, it is always the result of a coordinated effort. An effort that is being led by a small handful of individuals.

Thus the students that are out protesting actually believe they are doing the right thing - and they are; it's never wrong to protest a genocide - however, they are unaware that they are being used to create a groundswell of energy against the Democratic Party. Their actions are being coordinated and carried out by a handful of "organizers."
It's this writer's opinion that the protests are actually being orchestrated by the Trump campaign, either by Trump himself, whom I maintain is our acting Commander in Chief, or by other factions who want to see him elected in 2024.

These actions are actually brilliant when you think about it. They are going to get all the braindead Evangelical "Christians" who grovel before the feet of Israel, AND the radical left, who are now super-pissed at the fake Joe Biden presidency, all voting for Trump in November.

Chattanooga Civilization via Erena Velazquez #ufo #magick #racist #conspiracy voyages-of-light.com

We are Chattanooga Civilization greeting everyone on your planet. This our first communication to your kind in a very long time.

We visited Earth millions years ago. Our spaceship had a technical issue, and our commander decided to land on unknown territory. We didn’t know what to expect, so we took our chances to land in the so called North America. The area was covered with many trees and bushes. We didn’t expect to meet anyone in this land secluded by nature. As soon as our ship made an emergency landing, a group of people with painted faces and clothes made from animal skins appeared and bowed to us.
The name Chattanooga has direct origins from our appearance on Earth. Your Native Indians were fascinated with our face look, so they tried to create their own version, but they wanted to make it look more intimidating, so they made war bonnets from feathers and animal skin pieces, which they wore on their heads. We told them, if they continued to advance as a civilization, they were going to develop similar technologies to ours. We are from the 10th dimension, during our interaction with humans we were only in the 7th dimension.
We found a new place to live in a Cryptonic Universe. There are over a couple of thousands of different size of planets and stars, which are livable. Not all of them are occupied. It’s a huge Universe, the space between each planet can be thousands light years away. Nobody bothers each other, because of being in a 10th dimensional reality Galactic Civilizations live in peace between each other. Our planet is named Chattanooga. It has two moons and three suns.

We are not familiar with diseases, humankind goes through on Earth. We live a long time from 150,000 to 500,000 years. The soul can always exit earlier and switch the body, experience life in another dimension or civilization. We are not restricted or stuck in our bodies. The restrictions exist in low dimensions like the 3D Matrix or even lower like 2D.

Harmonica #racist identitydixie.com

[From “Did the Union Prevent a Southern Haiti?”]

One common claim from White Nationalist Yankees is that the Union’s victory in the War of Northern Aggression ended up being a good thing for White Southerners as it helped prevent Dixie from becoming a large-scale Haiti[…]Dixie alone would have eventually become majority black and, with that, would have become a ticking timebomb that sooner or later would have turned into a Haitian-style black revolution or a large-scale massacre of the White population[…]It’s claimed the consolidation and reforming of the United States after the War ensured that the Union remained overwhelmingly White and thus the threat of a black revolution was mitigated

It’s a fear that many White Southerners shared in the days leading up to the War. But many Southerners correctly saw that the radical Yankee abolitionists were increasing the chances of turning Dixie into an ill-fated Saint-Domingue[…]I do not think there was any real danger of Dixie becoming the next Haiti, the conditions between the two were simply too different[…]
Modern White Nationalists who insist Dixie is demographically similar to Haiti are only superficially looking at the problem. At the eve of the Haitian Revolution, Haiti was over 90% black. By contrast, the South[…]was nothing like Haiti. It is true that two states – South Carolina and Mississippi – had majority black populations, but their White population was still comparable. The rest of Dixie was majority White and, in certain areas, like Appalachia, it was overwhelmingly White[…]
So, despite what certain White Nationalists claim, the Yankee army did not save us from becoming Haiti, the conditions were too great for that to happen. By understanding what happened in Haiti, Southerners can better understand that the Yankee army was in no way a force for good (either in the short or long term). It was a force of destruction. It is also why, despite claims to the contrary, a Free Dixie was viable

Tatsuya Ishida #wingnut #racist #conspiracy sinfest.xyz

[Submitter’s note: In recent comics, the riot cops have been shown to be tools of oppression under control of the Anti-Defamation League]


A morbidly obese, non-white woman of ambiguous race, apparently a college professor teaching a class, points to a whiteboard.

Panel 1 - Professor says: “All white people are racist demons.”
Whiteboard says “Wypipo bad kill mayo monkey”, displays a bloody knife and severed head
Panel 2 - Professor says: “Whiteness is a disease, a plague that needs to be wiped out”
Panel 3 - Professor says: “Oh, and free Palestine”
Panel 4 - Riot cops beat her in front of the class

Russ Winter #wingnut #racist #conspiracy winterwatch.net

Postmodernism is a political ideology that developed in the late 20th century. It’s characterized by subjectivism and relativism and deconstructs Enlightenment concepts of reason, objectivity and merit. The root idea is that “everything is a social construct.” Thus, it asks, how can one identify and qualify merit.

The other root idea is that no real effort, insight or knowledge is required to achieve and have value in society. The end goal is leveling and is little different than the Illuminist revolutions described by Nesta Webster.
Postmodernists don’t truly believe everything is subjective, or “not real” (aka Cartoon or Clown World). After “disproving” existing reality, they choose a very specific new reality. They use subjectivism as a strategy to destabilize established thinking and tear down the pillars of Western establishment so that they may recreate society with their own Illuminist vision.

That vision is a socially-engineered “utopia” of anti-meritocracy, tyranny of the minority, pseudo-science, Orwellian double-think and control over speech and behavior.

This is the “everyone is a winner” cargo-cult philosophy. Cargo-cult thinking is the belief that if we simply emulate the visual evidence of achievement through materialism, then real achievement will follow automatically. If you build it, they will come.
The cult, once in ascendancy, can pursue the subjugation of the majority of the population (in this case, by targeting majority “identity groups”) on behalf of a numerically faux-oppressed elite (minority groups), who tell everyone else how they should think and what they can do and say. This is a bizarre “tyranny of the minority” or idiocracy/kakistocracy.
As the plebs inevitably begin to struggle and revolt against corporatism due to the externalities of predatory profit maximization, the Crime Syndicate Owners can opportunistically use postmodernism as an efficient way to suppress them.

DanlBoon #wingnut #crackpot #racist #conspiracy operationdisclosureofficial.com

This is where we are at a stalemate of Resident Biden getting us into actual weapons WWIII war and CIC Trump moving into position of our present financial Republic WWIII war.

We have been going on for weeks and months for the RV, NESARA, GCR, QFS, R&R and EBS to be implemented, yet that has been stalled for our public unknown reasons.
Trump, the White Hats, the Chinese Elders and all the 1,600 world military generals are doing their own things, but are not in a final position of what the real answer is to get this done.
Now it is time for someone to pick up the pieces and get a so-called scare tactic out there providing an incentive for both sides to take advantage of it and it puts it in check of everyone here in America of what we are to do and who is willing to get involved, along with receiving their R&R and NESARA funds.

The Deep State called for the US Military Draft after the attack on Pearl Harbor and it was the Deep State that got us into WWII in the first place, but now we turn the tables on them and get it going for our own reasons and not theirs.

I am not promoting an actual weapons WWIII war, but it can get the illegal immigrants out of the country if they do not want to serve on our USA Republic side, which they will be deported as they cannot serve as Americans, and it also gets the lawful Sovereign Americans to be put in place to know what to do to receive their funding and check them off the list if they do not deserve them.
If we have the med beds then everyone can get in shape to serve in the US Military and there will be no more obese or unhealthy people, male, female and other genders. There will be no excuses this time as there are always positions to serve in public service while being handicapped.
Someone should put this out there so we can protest to get this financial WWIII finished and we The People take control even with our protest about this and get the January 6 protestors out of jail free of charge.

Heather Mac Donald and Megyn Kelly #racist #wingnut #conspiracy angrywhitemen.org

On The Megyn Kelly Show, Heather Mac Donald endorsed the[…]“Great Replacement” conspiracy theory. Mac Donald, a fellow at the right-wing Manhattan Institute, declared that the “Great Replacement theory is real”[…]
While discussing campus protests against colleges doing business with Israel, Mac Donald said that conservatives should “shut down as much of the universities as we can” and “create as many alternatives as we can.” She added that they also must “speak up for Western civilization” and its values: “equality, tolerance, human rights, limited government”

“These are all exclusively Western ideas,” she said. “They came out of no place outside of the West. They didn’t come out of Africa. They didn’t come out of China. They didn’t come out of Arabia. They didn’t come out of India. And now the Left uses the bounty of beautiful Enlightenment ideas to try and tear down the Enlightenment”[…]
Mac Donald pivoted to giving a full-throated endorsement of the[…]“Great Replacement” conspiracy theory[…]
“The Great Replacement theory is real,” she declared. “We have decided to destroy our birthrate and to flood our country with cultures that en masse — en masse — are not compatible. We cannot assimilate the number of people who are coming, and we’ve decided we don’t even want to try”

And she said the “most galling thing” was that “the Left” claims that the U.S. and Europe are “fundamentally hostile to people of color” while at the same time claiming that Western nations are “oppressive” for not allowing in “millions of people” from “Third World places of color”[…]
“You can’t say that the West is endemically lethal to people of color, and at the same time say we want as many people of color to come in illegally into Western countries as possible because that’s where their lives will be improved[…]You get one or the other”

Kelly wholeheartedly agreed with Mac Donald, and mockingly said “That’s right. Or as they now put it, it’s not safe for brown and Black bodies”

Douglas J. Davis #racist #fundie instagram.com

Douglas J. Davis falsely accused his Uber driver of antisemitism because his family was too big for the car.
4 times Grammy Award winner Douglas J Davis booked an uber black car for 4 instead of an suv for 5 without child seats.
And when the Uber driver refused to transport them for safety reasons, the man immediately started playing victim.

Davis to the driver: "Im being harassed. You're racially profiling us".
Driver: "you're saying I racially profiles you? You're 5 people, and you book a black car?"

Davis: "you're threatening me. I feel threatened. You're threatening my children.

You got out of the car, that makes you the aggressor, thats how the law works.
I heard you saying under your breath that they look jewish"
Driver: "you're sick"

Rawal Actual #racist #crackpot twitter.com

In historic terms, better at what exactly?
Military? Hell no.
Religion? Hell no.
Architecture? Hell no.
Art? Hell no.
Science and the Scientific method? Hell no.
Writing? Hell no.
Literature? Not even close.
Medicine? Nope.
Linguistics? Lol no.
Engineering? Nope.

Bureaucracy? Yep. Certainly. They are inventors of an autocratic state run by babudom.

Nearly everything worthy of human appreciation was born in Roman, Hellenic, Persian and Indic Empires. Chinese have been nothing more than footnotes. Nothing beautiful or glorious came out of those barbarians.

I would be glad to appreciate them, there is no evidence of theoretical 'Chinese superiority'.

They are a rice-munching civilization which bred like rats for thousands of years just to slaughter each other again and again, then repeat, copy paste.

Tatsuya Ishida #racist #magick sinfest.xyz

[From “April 21, 2024: Hyperborea 3”]


Panel 1: In a carnival, a young blue-clad boy wearing a yarmulke is standing near a high striker
Panel 2: The boy is taking the hammer
Panel 3: The boy has difficulties trying to lift the hammer
Panel 4: The boy leaves, angry. Meanwhile, a blond girl is walking by
Panel 5: The girl ias seen the hammer
Panel 6: The girl has lifted the hammer
Panel 7: The girl is moving the hammer in the air
Panel 8: The hammer has striken the base of the tower
Panel 9: The puck has striken the bell
Panel 10: White confettis are raining on the girl
Panel 11: The carnie is giving to the girl a doll representing a Norse girl
Panel 12: While the girl has gone to her father, the hammer is displaying a Celtic triquetra

Anti-Language Award

Spooky_Heejin #racist #sexist incels.is

Hoeflation: Dysgenic inbred 2/10 Asian zogbot in the army gets a 9/10 nigtard.

The US military is now letting their zogbot army post their sexual fetishes online. Imagine saying "muh, i let black guys fuck me" for the world to see in your army uniform that's representing the hundreds of thousands of men who died for the country you live in.

This short inbred 2/10 zipperhead is getting with a 6 foot plus nigger who completely mogs her in every way possible. Imagine how fugly the child will look. I guarantee you if it's a son and he doesn't get the bbc genes he's toast and will likely become a member on here. It goes to show if that's the best he can get, then all of us here are fucked forever.

fred kline #racist #conspiracy msn.com

For over a year I have tried hard to understand this concept of inherent white privilege. Every time I read an article; talk to someone; watch a serious video report, I end up with the same feeling: this is some subtle and grotesque manipulation to advance some kind of racist agenda. You can feel the words intended to impart feelings of guilt and shame that is totally without merit. It is at best contrived nonsense, At worst a subtle racist conspiracy. Everyone should categorically reject this provocative propaganda.

Alexander G. Markovsky #psycho #wingnut #racist americanthinker.com

[From “Israel: Terror Can Be Conquered Only With Greater Terror”]

Gangs of Hamas terrorists launched a violent assault on Israel, indiscriminately raping and killing women and children, torturing its soldiers, and taking hostages[…]
The indiscriminate bombing of Gaza appeared more as an act of desperation rather than a well-planned military campaign. It looked effective on TV screens but was often ineffective as a practical matter[…]
It became evident that despite decades of fighting terrorists, Israel has failed at the critical distinction that a war with terrorists differs from conventional wars[…]
Terrorism’s purpose is to terrorize, to break the will, and to paralyze society into submission

Therefore, terror cannot be defeated through conventional warfare. The terror can be conquered only with greater terror[…]
It is a reality of warfare that soldiers are expected to die. However, the deaths of women and children bring the horror close to home and demoralize the combatants and the entire society[…]
To destroy Hamas and prevent even greater tragedy in the future, Israelis must demonstrate unrestrained ruthlessness and unwavering determination[…]
The non-combatants are the terrorists’ mothers, fathers, brothers, and children. They provide moral, financial, and logistical support[…]
Israel shall keep in mind that friends will support it, while the international community will condemn Israel anyway. Therefore, as Nixon’s maxim goes, one pays the same price for doing something halfheartedly as for doing it completely[…]
The initial step involves doing as Churchill did: Continuing to bomb “until every home, factory, shipyard, and hospital is reduced to ruins,” and halting the irrational influx of humanitarian assistance, thereby increasing casualties while depriving the terrorists of vital resources such as sustenance, water, medical supplies, and weaponry. The second step is to offer these necessities only in exchange for the release of hostages

Benjamin Fulford #wingnut #racist #crackpot #conspiracy stillnessinthestorm.com

The pedo-blackmailed and bribed acting troupe that pretends to be the US government just bought itself a little more than a week’s survival time by means of outright crime. The Rothschild/Rockefeller owners of the US Corporation did this by fooling many people with real money to invest in a hallucination of their creation known as Bitcoin. They also stole money Russia earned by selling real products such as gas and oil. However, since the US corporation is burning through a trillion dollars every hundred days, it means the $95 billion bribery bill they just passed only bought them a little over a week of time.

House Speaker Mike Johnson, the traitor who passed the bill is a brainwashed Christian Zionist completely comprised by the KM Deep State. Johnson is now finished politically as are the rest of the Satanists’ slave politicians.
Take NASA (Not A Space Agency) as an example. NASA in Hebrew means “to deceive.” The evidence is now overwhelming that NASA is a giant con job. NASA is a $26 billion per year fraud supported by murder and bribery.
Other frauds continue though. The war in Ukraine and the so-called fighting between Iran and Israel are cases in point. The $60 billion the KM plans to “send to Ukraine” will be mostly spent on buying stockpiles of old weapons to send to the synagogues there for resale on the world’s arms markets, according to Russian FSB sources.
Instead, a decapitation operation against the KM is continuing. We have confirmed that Klaus Schwab Rothschild, the head of the World Economic Forum and the UN has been removed as part of this battle. The other people targeted for termination include Bill Gates, Hillary Clinton Rockefeller, John Podesta Rockefeller, Barack Obama Hitler, Mike Pompeo and the other usual suspects, according to MI6, Russian FSB and Asian secret society sources. It will continue until the KM loses the ability to replace these people with avatars and thus control the power centers they represent.

Sahar Shehadeh #psycho #racist twitter.com

[regarding the Hamas attack on October 7th]

History was made that day. Very proud of my people. Very, very proud.

Would love it if they would do it again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again.

They're not terrorists. I support every decision, and you know what? What they did was history. Very proud. History was made that day.

Shout-out to Hamas.

Boyd D. Cathey #wingnut #sexist #racist lewrockwell.com

But back to the protesters at the Raleigh City Council: Almost all of them were identifiably women (?), and they were some of the ugliest, foulest looking creatures I’ve ever seen—anywhere: Purple stringy hair, 300 lb. female monsters, bulging out in all the wrong places, downright nasty, their noses festooned with ringlets, their mouths spilling out threats and imprecations and demands. If anyone—any rational person, that is—were sympathetic to their position, just their presence there would have probably quashed that sentiment and discouraged a sympathetic response.
That set me to thinking: How did those women become such foul harridans? Certainly, they weren’t that way as toddlers or young girls. And my thoughts centered on two causes which I believe have gotten us to where we are today here in central North Carolina: First, our perverted educational system, abetted by the collapse of the nuclear family and the church, and, second, a massive in-migration to the Tar Heel State since Governor Luther Hodges back in the late 1950s had the idea of establishing what became known as the Research Triangle Park centered around the three major universities in Raleigh, Durham and Chapel Hill. This, in turn, began a six-decade process of attracting highly-paid technocrats, who brought with them their neoteric beliefs on everything from politics and morality to child rearing…. But very little of the Southern “rootedness” and “social bond” communitarianism that had characterized my neighbors when I was growing up.
Our national decline can be traced to a number of factors, including the infiltration and perversion of our educational and entertainment systems, massive immigration (and not just from overseas), the nefarious results of the “civil rights” bills of the 1960s, and, yes, the long-range effects of the 19th Amendment. Humanly speaking it may be impossible at this point to reverse it. Yet, we must continue to try. And may God help us!

Matt Walsh #racist #dunning-kruger #pratt angrywhitemen.org

On the Apr. 17, 2024 episode of The Matt Walsh Show,[…]Matt Walsh claimed that Aboriginal Australians “happen to have, on average, the second lowest IQ of any demographic group on the planet”[…]Walsh cited an anonymous X account[…]

What do these activists mean when they say they wanna decolonize math, given that the entire idea of decolonizing math is completely incoherent? The Arabs were colonizers too. And why are Australians of all people so interested in promoting this idea? Well one possibility is that, by some estimates as the Twitter account i/o points out, Aboriginal Australians happen to have, on average, the second lowest IQ out of any demographic group on the planet

Now that’s the sort of thing that’s supposed to be unciteable, but it’s impossible to talk about certain groups struggling academically without bringing up the intellectual elephant in the room. I mean there might be a reason why there aren’t many Aboriginals working at NASA[…]It’s an important point because it means that decolonization, practically speaking, entails dumbing down these subjects or destroying them altogether

And mainly we see, with this decolonization agenda, the embarrassment that liberal Westerners feel about the fact that their ancestors were far more advanced[…]The liberal Westerner’s constantly looking for ways to even out the score. And we’re seeing that more and more in this country as well[…]
But as we just established, some cultures and civilizations did indeed advance science and mathematics more than others. I mean there were some cultures and civilizations that didn’t advance it at all because they didn’t even have the concepts. And there were others that did quite a bit to advance it. And some of those were colonizers[…]
I mean maybe you could argue that this belongs in some elective history course somewhere, but it has no place affecting courses on the fundamentals of mathematics, which is exactly what’s happening in this country

Tatsuya Ishida #racist #dunning-kruger sinfest.xyz

[From “April 19, 2024: Hyperborea”]


Panel 1: A father is telling a story to his daughter, starting with “Once upon a time, in the land of Hyperborea”
Panel 2: A man wearing a horned helmep and a bard, his wife wearing a crown of flowers and their sons; two other Norses are in the background. Meanwhile, the teller is saying that “A proud Viking race lived in peace for a thousand years”
Panel 3: The daughter is asking to her father “A thousand years? How'd they do that?”
Panel 4: The father answers “Strict immigration laws”

Daniel Kristos #conspiracy #racist #magick #crackpot amazon.com

Ba'al Busters is a channel on Rumble, JoshWhoTV, and more. It deals with True History, Current Events, Real Health, and the Occult, or hidden meaning behind actions, writings, and events. Ba'al Busters Book 1 Priestcraft: Beyond Babylon is a close look at the origins of ancient cults, their practices, and their continued influence on the world. It's a feat of historical forensics, data gathering and puzzle solving to identify who They are. Everyone refers to they but seldom if ever are they given a name. Using history to establish a trend of common activities, patterns emerge, and what's know as Pattern Recognition helps to see the true intent of world influencers. Are the leaders of countries unified under secret oaths, and ancient cult beliefs? We pick up where William Cooper left off with Behold a Pale Horse and his radio broadcast, The Hour of the Time as we explore Mr. Cooper's work and apply it to what has unfolded since his murder in 2001. For some this will be an introduction to Bill. To others, it's a reminder of an old friend who tried to warn us. Until we understand the true nature of what is being done to us, and by whom, we cannot help but be its victims. This is a call to the parents out there, to the noble, and to the brave. Educate yourself and others, and don't be fooled by this Age of Deception in the Aeon of Horus. This book covers the Priestcraft from Sumeria to present, and establishes a common thread from Babylon to the Ba'al cult to the Freemasons. It also provides data on the Hospitallers, Knights Templar, and UN overseers: Knights of Malta. It covers the Sabbatean-Frankists, the Jesuits, and their connection with the Perfektiblisten AKA, the Illuminati. What role do BlackRock, Black Cube, and Kaaba and the Black Stone play? The Dome of the Rock and the Zionist End Times obsession? Find out all this and more!

Charliecharlston #racist tumblr.com

my biggest gripe with the pro palestinian movement is the lying.

you can realise that palestinian arabs did not kindly welcome jews who made aliyah before and after the shoah, they are not indigenous or the canaanites, they have been violent against israelis and jews, a lot of them do support hamas, the nakba was a war started by palestinians that they lost to israel, the palestinian national identity is reactionary to the israeli national identity, palestinians are not genetically distinct grom other arabs in the middle east,

arabs are to the middle east what white people are to the west, and they are not victims just be they face oppression if they live in the west. go speak to any person from the indigenous populations of the middle east and levant and they can tell u all abt what islamism and arabs have done to them snd their families if u refuse to believe us sneaky lying je- i mean zionists.

Athena Kerry #conspiracy #racist vdare.com

In a discussion on the immigration riots of recent months, my philosophy professor said, completely seriously, "Well, I've noticed that most of the people who have a problem with immigration are conservatives from the American Southwest. Why don't we just give it back to Mexico?"

As a daughter of Texas and a Southerner, I am used to hearing slurs directed at my home state and section. It seems to be one of the few forms of prejudice permissable on campus. I call the anti-Texas variant "Texism."

But my professor's statement was not only inaccurate, it was treasonous.

I walked out and stomped around outside for a while to calm down.

On the other hand, this statement is an accurate reflection of university liberalism. And it doesn't just affect the Southwest. For example, I have never heard anything other that criticism of the way the United States grew. I've never heard a defense of "Manifest Destiny." It's all happening in a university near you. I have a feeling that even Texans are falling short in this battle.

The facts: Texas and the southwest were won by a rebellion after Santa Ana rescinded the Constitution of 1824 and asserted dictatorial control over the settlers there. It was not acquired through American conquest as some multiculturalists try to suggest. And as far as resident population is concerned, the Anglo-American "Texians" far outnumbered the Hispanic "Tejanos", who were never more than a minor presence.

Give it back? I don't think so.

Instead of rolling over and "admitting" that the southwest should belong to Mexico, we should do one thing: Remember San Jacinto!

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