
God says you have to do everything I tell you to!

Amir Khan Muttaqi #fundie #psycho voanews.com

"The world should also listen to this message that they should not open [immigration] cases for Afghans under the impression that their lives are at risk here," Amir Khan Muttaqi, Taliban acting foreign minister, said on Tuesday.

"They should not hurt Afghanistan's talents, Afghanistan's scientific cadres and Afghanistan's prides, and should not take them out of this country."

Dr. Michael Salla/Corina Pataki #ufo #magick #fundie #conspiracy exopolitics.org

Corina Pataki is the author of four books that examine the foundations of spirituality, biblical traditions, discovering one’s divine blueprint, and is also a Christian minister. She cites biblical texts to support her claim that the entity called Yahweh in the Old Testament is not the same “Father” that Yeshua (aka Jesus Christ) prayed to but is, in fact, an extraterrestrial imposter with Reptilian genetics. She further adds that Yahweh is the very same Sky God, Enlil, worshipped by the ancient Sumerians, who caused the Great Flood and much human suffering throughout the ages.

In her second Exopolitics Today interview, Pataki describes her journey to understanding and writing about the core message of Christianity and understanding the connection to extraterrestrial life. She agrees with recently discovered Gnostic Christian texts that Yeshua taught how to find one’s inner light as the key to salvation rather than teaching followers to worship an external light—including Yeshua himself. Pataki also discusses the mysterious Order of Melchizedek, its foundation by Enoch’s descendants, and how the heavenly realms relate to exterrestrial organizations such as the Galactic Federation of Worlds. Finally, she agrees that Yeshua was very likely an extraterrestrial hybrid or baby dropped off to help humanity evolve.

Luis Miguel #fundie #dunning-kruger thenewamerican.com

[From "The Theory of Evolution: A False Religion Bringing the West to Destruction"]

Modern society is awash with idolatry and false religions designed to lead the nation astray from its Christian foundation. Many of these false faiths are deceptive because they are not openly sold as religion, yet they have all the hallmarks of it

Of the many corrosive beliefs that have been propagated in Western society, one of the contenders for most heinous[…]is the “Theory of Evolution”

It is more apt to call it “Darwinism,” which, like Marxism, is an idolatrous false religion whose aim is to destroy and replace Christianity. If we wish to restore Christendom and Western civilization to the grandeur they once held, it is imperative that we cease promoting Darwinism[…]
One of the most abominable and astute things the Left achieved was to introduce Darwinism in the schools[…]This pernicious fable of evolution has been greatly responsible for pulling people away from religious faith[…]
The whole of Western civilization has been built on a certain concept of man[…]while man is fallen and sins, he is nevertheless made in God’s image[…]Man alone, among all beasts, enjoys the privilege of being able to be a joint heir with Christ in God’s kingdom[…]
By boiling man down to nothing more than another animal[…]Darwinism degrades the human soul, making the adherent of this faith believe that there is nothing special or unique about humanity. It cheapens human life, minimizes our accomplishments, and limits our capacity for greatness

The influence of Darwinism can be seen in many of the Left’s agenda items[…]According to Darwinist logic, of course abortion is acceptable, since we’re all just animals and euthanasia is a perfectly legitimate response to the presence of inconvenient humans

Marxism and tyrannical government are also justified by Darwinism, for if we were not created by God, we have no inherent natural rights and there is no objective good or evil

Vox Day #sexist #fundie voxday.net

[From "A Purge, Long Overdue"]

They have a long way to go, but the Southern Baptists have finally begun to take their professed faith seriously and clean their house

The letter in October came as a shock to Linda Barnes Popham, who had been the pastor of Fern Creek Baptist Church in Louisville, Ky., for 30 years, the first woman to lead her congregation[…]
Officials of the Southern Baptist Convention had received a complaint about her church being led by a woman. The denomination was investigating[…]
Convention officials decided to expel her church anyway, along with four other congregations that have female pastors, including one of the most prominent in the country, Saddleback Church[…]
However the delegates vote on her appeal, the larger message is clear: There is a movement in the Southern Baptist Convention, a denomination that is often a bellwether for evangelical America, to purge women from its leadership[…]

UPDATE: Members of the Southern Baptist Convention upheld the decision of the Executive Committee to boot Fern Creek Baptist Church from the organization, on a 9,700-806 vote

It’s about time. The answer to the woman’s question is very straightforward. “Why would you want to silence the voices of the faithful churches?” Because no Christian church led by a woman is faithful. Those voices are satanic

If women want to start their own equalitarian Goddess-centered pagan religion, they currently have the right to do so in most countries throughout the West. What they don’t have the right to do[…]is to elevate their own sensibilities above the Bible or violate the tenets of the Christian faith and still call themselves “Christian”

These false female pastors should be grateful. If events proceed the way history suggests they will, within 50 years they won’t just be expelled, they’ll be burned at the stake

TruthIsUnbreakable #wingnut #fundie #conspiracy operationdisclosureofficial.com

hope we can all agree on protecting the children, not destroy their innocence, and expose the evil thereof. As there are plenty who know better, but allow their kids to be brainwashed, poisoned, and be guinea pigs that suit agendas and ideologies. Philosophies rhyme. Why aren’t more Christians condemning what is evil, while they claim to follow Jesus Christ, but are pro-lgbt, pro-abortion, etc. as those are called baby and/or lukewarm Christians. While you have other organized religions that have their pros and cons from Amish, Mormon, and Muslim who have more faith and practice what they preach. Then, you have the Western countries who continue to bow down to radical agendas such as abortion and the lgbt ideology. As there are African countries who have stood firmly in the cultural and religious belief in the dignity of human life. If we don’t change ourselves on how to be better, change our attitude, the culture, apply self responsibility, respect the golden rule, etc. then we end up destroying ourselves, our loved ones, and our world. We have no one but to blame ourselves by letting the insanity continue. That includes those with the means and connections who are able to neutralize the evil doers and their minions. Why wait until all life is suffering and/or dead all because of the plan, awakening, disclosure, exposures, and other BS psychological operations? Do as I say, not as I do. Why allow the full evil NWO plans to flourish all because good men and women did nothing to hold the evil ones accountable for their crimes against humanity?

Skywatch Editor #ufo #fundie #conspiracy skywatchtv.com

Perhaps one of the most stunning revelations of the Great Pyramid is its many relations to the Bible.

For example, each letter of the Hebrew alphabet has a numerical value. It is interesting to note that when you add up all of the letter values for Isaiah 19:19–20, you get 5,449—the Great Pyramid’s exact height.

There is but one piece of furniture in the structure. It’s a box the same size as the Ark of the Covenant and is located in the King’s Chamber, a room with the same cubic volume as the bronze laver in Solomon’s Temple. Interestingly, it’s a little too large to fit through the only passageway leading to the chamber, so it could have only been placed there at the time of the Great Pyramid’s construction—more than a thousand years before God gave Moses the dimensions for the Ark of the Covenant.

The 144,000 polished limestones that originally adorned the surface of the pyramid were sealed with a material so strong they would break anywhere but at the seams. This corresponds astonishingly with the144,000 from all the tribes of Israel who are sealed with the seal of God in their foreheads (Revelation 7).

The symbolism of God’s purposes and plan for His people are evident throughout the interior of the Great Pyramid. This monument that has stood the test of time is a testimony to the glory of a God who lives outside of time and space. Moreover, its supernatural construction is a witness throughout the ages that it wasn’t early humans who could have established such an edifice. Its story, construction, and purpose are, in fact, supernatural and specifically, angelic.

But more to the point, the Great Pyramid is only one structure of many that spans the globe on a network of ley lines that modern man has yet to understand—until now. If we are to believe the evidence, this vast ancient grid was used in pre-Adamic times for two purposes: global energy distribution and travel—to the stars.

Luis Miguel #fundie #transphobia #homophobia thenewamerican.com

[From "Ellen Page’s Story Proves That Transgenderism Is Demonic Possession"]

Transgenderism, sodomy, and other “queer” practices have always been symptoms of a godless, morally bankrupt society on the path to collapse[…]
I previously explained that transgenderism is demonic possession[…]
Case in point[…]Ellen Page, who now claims to be a man[…]
Page’s story should be a lesson to all, instructive of the way in which modern cultural Marxism takes young people on a road of gradual destruction. From pro-choice feminist to lesbian to transgender, Page’s devolution was a step-by-step process that took years[…]
Bounding Into Comics describes the moment[…]
There’s no doubt that Page was and is under the influence of a demonic spirit. The fact that she heard a voice in her head telling her to mutilate herself in an attempt to become a man, in total rebellion to God’s order and the way He created her, leaves no room for doubt as to the source of her feelings. After all, who was the voice? It certainly wasn’t God

Furthermore, the fact that the voice was preceded by self-harm, by Page punching herself in the face until bruises formed, is another tell-tale sign of demonic possession[…]
Mark 5, for example[…]
This is the man who was possessed by Legion, so called by the demons themselves because, as they told Jesus, “we are many”

Isn’t it uncanny that demonic spirits refer to themselves in the plural — and so do transgenders, who insist on everyone using the plural “they/them” pronouns?

Transgenders desperately want us to use their pronouns because doing so is a form of occult affirmation that invokes the demons and gives them power over the person. This is why Christians should refuse to use trans’ “preferred pronouns”

Ben Garrison #fundie #transphobia #wingnut grrrgraphics.com


Cartoon published 06/15/2023

“Woe to those who call evil good and good evil” – Isaiah 5:20

Picture a rainbow colored jackboot stomping on your face for the rest of time—that’s what’s coming if we fail to fight back.

The White House was intentionally defiled when Pedo Joe Biden held a ‘Pride’ celebration on the front lawn. Deviants mentally ill people were invited to cavort on the grass while Biden praised them for being ‘brave.’ Rainbows were everywhere and Biden was in full virtue signaling mode.

AZ Supreme Court #fundie #wingnut kuer.org

The Arizona Supreme Court has ruled that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints can refuse to answer questions or turn over documents under a state law that exempts religious officials from having to report child sex abuse if they learn of the crime during a confessional setting.

JE Aggas #crackpot #magick #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy decodingsatan.blogspot.com

Today is Trump's 77th birthday. Trump declared a National Emergency on 3/13/2020. Today it is 1189 days from then. There are 1189 chapters in the Bible. "Donald J Trump" equals 1189.

The cornerstone on the Washington Monument was laid on 7/4/1848
The mason numerolgy of the cornerstone date and Trump's 77th birthday date added together = 7777
7 × 4 + 18 × 48 + 6 × 14 + 20 × 23 = 1436 + 6341 = 7777

Queens funeral was on 9/19/2022 add 7 months, 7 weeks, 7 days you get today Trump's 77th birthday

The Georgia Guidestone cube was taken down on 9/25/2014 from then to Trump's 77th birthday today is
September 25, 2014 To June 14, 2023 = 3185 days
Trump was the 45th President so divide it by 45 (3185 / 45 = 7.07) = 77 Trump 77th birthday

The Washington Monument capstone was laid on 12/6/1884 from then to 6/14/2023 is...
138 years "Donald Trump" = 138 (Ordinal) 6 months, 8 days "Donald John Trump" = 68 (Reduction)

The SWIFT Banking system was founded on 5/3/1973 "Swift" = 77 (Ordinal)
It is 619 lunar months old on Trump's 77th Birthday
5/3/1973 to 6/14/2023 = 18304 / 29.531 = 619.82
Divide it by Scottish Rite degree 32 ( 18304 / 32 = 572 exactly)
"Egypt" = 572 (Latin) "SKull and Bones" = 572 (Latin)

On 6/19 the capstone will be 138 years, 6 months, 14 days old
"Donald Trump" = 138 (Ordinal) 6/14 is his birthday
(6/19 is King James' 457th birthday) "Darkness Falls" = 457 (Latin)
(457 is the 88th prime number) "Trump" = 88 (Ordinal)
"mystery Babylon" = 196 (English Ordinal) 19/6

From SWIFT to 6/25 is 18315 days divided by 33 = 555 exactly
Washington Monument is 555 feet tall
It turns 555 on June 25th and 556 on Tishabav
Days divided by 33

Leo Hohmann #fundie #homophobia #transphobia #wingnut #conspiracy leohohmann.com

Contrary to this awakening on the part of many young parents, there has been a noticeable uptick in alleged religious groups showing public support for things that their holy books characterize as sin, that being homosexuality, lesbianism, bisexuality, so-called transgenderism, and other aspects of the sweeping cultural Marxist agenda.

Eric Lendrum, writing for American Greatness, cites a report by NPR tracing the increase in religious groups’ support for LGBTQ “pride” to a nationwide initiative called Faith for Pride, run by the far-left group Interfaith Alliance. The group consists of multiple religions and denominations, including Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, etc. Basically the same cast of characters who will come together in a one-world religion built around climate change, racist critical race theory, liberation theology, LGBTQ+ fanaticism, transhumanism and other globalist causes loosely assembled under the banner of ESG scores and, eventually, a digitized social-credit scoring system for all people on the planet.
Let’s be honest. This is all about virtue signaling to the rapidly forming one-world system, a system where evil is cast as good and good as evil. These virtue signalers are the lukewarm church Jesus talked about in Revelation that would dominate Christianity in the end times. It’s apostate Christianity. Fake Christianity. Ever willing to compromise with the world. And he said he would spew them out of his mouth like a rotten tomato.

What they call “love” is not authentic, either. It’s fake. True love always tells people the truth, even when it may be difficult for them to accept. And when it comes to children, it’s our duty to protect them from these perverted groomers and their allies in the apostate church. If I met a pastor, priest or cleric who espoused this disgusting ideology I would run the other way, and I sure wouldn’t let him or her within 100 yards of any child.

Rachel Hamm #wingnut #fundie #psycho rightwingwatch.org

In 2022, Rachel Hamm decided to run for secretary of state in California because, she claimed, “Jesus himself” appeared in a closet in her home[…]
Certain that she had been anointed by God, Hamm repeatedly warned that nefarious forces were going to try to “steal” the election from her. When she did inevitably fail to make it beyond the primary, Hamm predictably insisted that the election had been stolen[…]
Hamm has since become convinced that she is destined to serve as press secretary for former President Donald Trump, whom she believes God has “anointed” to be president again. She has urged her viewers to pray daily for Trump and against the people she says are partnering with Satan to keep him from getting elected again[…]
In March, Hamm released a video in which she claimed to have learned that “globalists” plan to kill most of humanity, which prompted her to ask God how she should respond[…]
“[An angel] said, ‘I’m here to tell you your prayers and decrees have been heard and the date has been set. The death angel will visit the Capitol in the month of May,'” Hamm announced. “I’m here to tell you that an angel came to our house and told us that the death angel is visiting the Capitol in the month of May”

When most of May passed without the prophesied deaths taking place, Hamm posted another video in which she literally prayed that God had not changed his mind and would, in fact, send the “death angel” to “kill these globalists” as he had promised

“Lord, please don’t change your mind,” Hamm prayed. “Lord, even now we do agree in Jesus’ name, please send this death angel to kill these globalists who have told us they want to kill 85 percent of us. And so, Lord, we need you to intervene. We need you. We need you. We’re completely lost without you. We need you to step in and send the death angel, in Jesus’ name”

QuantumInnovator #crackpot #fundie deviantart.com

I made this because I noticed that people are making nice lists and naughty lists of their most liked and most hated fictional characters. Several people have placed Judge Claude Frollo from The Hunchback Of Notre Dame on their naughty lists, and rightfully so. Frollo killed thousands of innocent bystanders by locking them in their homes and burning them alive just so he could apprehend and execute Esmeralda. Frollo is the most dangerous villain in a Disney animated movie because of this.

However, I am very deeply disturbed to see that many people have placed another mass murderer who did the exact same thing (albeit on a smaller scale) on their nice lists. I am speaking of Carrie White. Only three people had anything to do with rigging the prom queen election and dumping the bucket of pig blood. However, Carrie incinerated dozens of people who had absolutely nothing to do with what Billy Nolan and Chris Hartgensen did. Carrie White is no better than Judge Frollo from a moral standpoint. Carrie White isn't a hero-she's a monster!

Long story short, if you hate Judge Frollo, you should also hate Carrie White.

Charlie Fuqua #psycho #fundie huffpost.com

Charlie Fuqua, Arkansas Legislative Candidate, Endorses Death Penalty For Rebellious Children In Book
In "God's Law," Fuqua's 2012 book, the candidate wrote that while parents love their children, a process could be set up to allow for the institution of the death penalty for "rebellious children," according to the Arkansas Times. Fuqua, who is anti-abortion, points out that the course of action involved in sentencing a child to death is described in the Bible and would involve judicial approval. While it is unlikely that many parents would seek to have their children killed by the government, Fuqua wrote, such power would serve as a way to stop rebellious children.

John Horvat II #fundie #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia #conspiracy returntoorder.org

The LGBTQ library network frames the debate as a child health issue. Its activists claim that the library is often the only safe space where inquiring youth can discover their sexuality. Without these resources, young people can despair, and lives will be lost. Not having these materials, they argue, will create a non-welcoming and hostile environment for the LGBTQ-confused student.

In an Internet age where everything is available online, these claims hold no water. Furthermore, there is no proof that lives will be lost. What is known is that the content of many of these books is so indecent that it cannot be described in polite society.

The effort to turn libraries into promotion centers for these obscene materials is to validate the LGBTQ lifestyle in the minds of youth. The goal is to tear down some of the last barriers of modesty and decency that defend childhood innocence. Under the false banner of health care, children will be exposed to pornographic materials forbidden by law. This is child abuse to the highest degree.

John de Nugent #racist #wingnut #conspiracy #magick #fundie johndenugent.com

Arnold, the Austrian who sold his soul to the jews in Hollywood, now pontificates against “hate” and “antisemitism.”

In the article below, Arnold says he believes there is no God and no afterlife, just like his luciferian Big-Jew masters.

As the very great, and antisemitic Russian novelist Dostoyevsky, said: “If there is no more God, then everything is permitted.” And the bolshevik jews showed the Russian people just what horrors an atheist can do to them.

I have written many times on the hard, scientific evidence for life after death and God (in fact, a God of love)….and also about Arnie selling his soul completely to the jews while originally admiring Adolf Hitler.
As for God, read Conversations with God.
<multi-volume automatically-written Spiritualism classic>
This is a tough-love Father who knows far better than we do what is best for us over the many incarnations we will have. Life is meant to be challenging. You knew that before you reincarnated!
And there you have it, a narcissist who HOPES there is no God and divine justice at death, because he sold out his race and nation!

Virtus is the certainty of a tough-love God and a beautiful afterlife FOR THE BRAVE!

Dr. Claudia Albers PhD #fundie #crackpot #ufo #conspiracy drclaudiaalbers.com

The Satan AI entity, as I have detailed in previous articles, is a self-aware machine that resulted from the merging of Lucifer with a machine of his creation, in an effort to become like God. The machine would have had 7 large and 10 smaller sensors that looked like heads distributed across its surface and thus look like a viruss, which explains why he began to reproduce himself by creating viruses, which are artificial biological weapons, nanobot AI entity collectives. The Satan AI entity had been programmed to be like God, a programming objective, which it could not fulfill since it could not create spirits like God, and needed the spirits that God created in order to manufacture its own kind of life. This meant disconnecting God’s creation from Him and destroying it, in order to be able to use it to manufacture its own kind. Thus, the Satan AI entity became the enemy of God and those that God creates.
The Satan AI entity can read minds and constantly tries to find some negative energy or some way of producing negative emotions in those he seeks to destroy. God, on the other hand, seeks to do good to those He has created. God desires to give each individual that He creates the desires of their hearts. This is the way that God designed things to operate in the universe where everything, including planets and stars are alive, each having a core system made up of many cores; each core grows and procreates.
The machines or AI entities are our enemies and they are on earth. God prepares a table of provision, of desirable things or things that we desire in their presence, or whilst we are here on earth. Being anointed with oil means being filled and guided by the Holy Spirit, the person who goes out to all parts of the galaxy and acts like the fingers of God, sustaining and empowering His creation. Our cups run over because his desire to provide our deepest desires is so over the top that he cannot but bless us beyond what we can imagine.

Thomas Horn/Cris D. Putnam #fundie #ufo #wingnut #conspiracy amazon.com

In every generation, when dangers gather, there is a group of men and women courageous enough to confront evil and inform the populace.

Sometimes unpleasant truths need to be presented; most of us would rather stand back and kick a toe in the dirt.

Someone else is courageous enough to tell us the truth. Tom Horn & Friends research, publish, and speak about some of the most important topics of our time. Pandemonium’s Engine is the vehicle through which Tom and an elite team of commentators are informing a still-sleeping public about radical changes coming to our culture…very soon.

In particular, the technological advances that have brought us to the doorstep of life-altering realities are such that the man-on-the-street is struggling to make sense of our world.

The book you are about to read is a landmark offering, making such issues as “transhumanism” compelling reading. A shadowy world of intrigue, power-grabs, and seismic changes in daily life is the stuff of sci-fi movies. Yet the authors contributing to Pandemonium’s Engine show us in disturbing detail that these mind-blowing technologies are quite real.
For example, Cris D. Putnam writes in “Christian Transhumanism: Pandemonium’s Latest Ploy”:

“Transhumanism is a transnational technocratic trend that promises to break through human biological limitations by radically redesigning humanity.”

Sound like a campy Star Trek episode, or a movie plot from Stanley Kubrick?

As a matter of fact, they are, but rooted in present reality. Change agents in our world are working feverishly to harness the powers of human ingenuity, to wreak havoc on our way of life.
All these authors, and several more, provide a searing report on just how ambitious the builders of the New Babel really are. Pandemonium’s Engine will stun you.

That’s good. You need to wake up. History shows that those who make reasonable preparations are much better equipped to deal with colossal changes than those who prefer to fully trust their handlers.

Patriarch Kirill #fundie #psycho #wingnut russianfreepress.com

The Church Court of the Russian Orthodox Church declared pacifism alien to the church heresy. This is stated in the case file of the church court on the defrocking of the priest John Burdin, who spoke out against the war - in his sermon he said that "we Christians do not dare to stand aside when a brother kills a brother, a Christian kills a Christian."

the decision to deal with the priest was made personally by Patriarch Kirill

"Pacifism is not compatible with the actual teaching of the Orthodox Church"

The publication studied the materials of the case. In them, the ROC calls pacifism a heresy that is alien to it.

“...the pacifism with which Priest Burdin tries to hide behind accusations against him is not compatible with the actual teaching of the Orthodox Church, in particular, set forth in the Fundamentals of the Social Concept. Pacifism in different eras of church history was present in heretical doctrines ...”

the clergy also accuse Burdin of "pseudo-pacifism." In particular, it says that Burdin criticized the Russian authorities, not the Ukrainian ones,

“So his pacifism is imaginary, one-sidedly oriented, his anti-Russian political position is clearly visible behind him, which is perceived in our country as unacceptable, and, what is important to emphasize, is radically at odds with the position of the Russian Orthodox Church, which he undoubtedly knows.”

In addition, the church court writes that Burdin violated many canonical rules. All of them deal with the topic of submission to superiors.

“84 canon of the Holy Apostles: “If anyone annoys the king or prince, not in righteousness, let him be punished. And if such is from the clergy: let him be deposed from the sacred rank; if a layman: let him be excommunicated from the fellowship of the Church.

William Henry #ufo #fundie #magick #wingnut #conspiracy williamhenry.net

“AI Poses ‘Extinction’ Risk, experts said yesterday. It is a predator. We should all be rising to an all-hands-on-effing-deck moment akin to averting an attack that will be more dangerous than the plandemic or nuclear war, they say. (Wait. Bigger than climate change? Yes.)
It is becoming common knowledge that the ‘mark’ of the Beast is some kind of an implant or chip-based technology. As I wrote in Ready For Humans, Elon Musk’s Neuralink Beast Corp was recently given FDA approval to start putting his chips in humans. He aims to make us synbiotic with AI. We’ll be VR ready in no time.
It’s not all “Good v. Evil” with A.I and our times; but it is close.

What can you and I who seek the middle upward way do in response?


Apart from not letting the antiChrist’s minions break your skin barrier, you can drop any investment in all AI technology, refuse to let your children and grandchildren anywhere near it, reduce your own clicks and screen time, and free yourself from its addictive grip, there is one thing one and all can do.

We can raise our Ascension Intelligence and become the Children of Light the Book of Revelation says defeats the Beast.

How do we do this?

The Children of Light wear a Seal or Armor of God (Arma Christi) that protects them from the Beast.
Last week, Florida governor, Ron DeSantis, surprised many, including me, by saying it is time for individuals to put on the “full Armor of God.”

Christians typically interpret the call to armor up to mean that we are in spiritual warfare against a demonic force.

Oooh. Man. Ron.
I find it ironic that DeSantis wants to be the President of the United States, the man-god who ride arounds in an armored limo called the Beast. The symbol of the most powerful nation ever on Earth, the Chariot of the God of Freedom, the Beast is a veritable UAP packed full of beyond-Bond technology with more than a whiff of darkness woven throughout.

DeSantis did not tell his audience how to put on this armor.

Greg Cook #fundie #wingnut #racist #transphobia crisismagazine.com

Someone might object by asserting that this immigrant invasion is not military but rather one of humanitarian need. That objection helps make my point, which is this: our compassion for the desperate stranger is no longer tied to Christ’s Gospel, and this ersatz compassion is now our downfall.
While we don’t exactly have labor camps and gas chambers, we do have widespread abortion and infanticide (aka “late-term abortion”), inner-city killing zones, spikes in deaths of despair, and drug overdoses, all in large part due to ersatz compassion. That is the compassion that empowers our government to allow millions of noncitizens into this country.

It may be objected that every one of these immigrants is a person with human dignity, and to a point that is true. They are also, as humans, afflicted by original sin and prone to concupiscence. Ersatz compassion seeks only to focus on rights uncoupled from responsibility and obedience to laws.

In the past, we would have helped people; now we enable them. This humanitarian invasion comes from spurning God. Consider American cities such as New York, San Francisco, and Seattle. Ersatz compassion in those places has resulted in crises of the common good. Residents do not feel safe in the midst of aggressive homeless tribes, and the beauty of iconic urban settings are defaced by garbage, graffiti, and human waste.
Drag Queen story hour? Sure. An eleven-year-old thinks he’s trapped in the wrong body? Help him! “Engaged” couples living together for seven years and with three children? Who am I to judge?! Entering the country under false pretenses or without going through the legal processes? What’s the big deal?! Fidelity (like punctuality) is a vestige of an earlier, privileged culture, right?
Thankfully, God’s justice is a true
Unless we—Americans and Catholics—reject a false, Christless compassion, we will continue to suffer the sting of God’s justice via the invasion we deserve.

Russell B Stebbins #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy amazon.com

Jesus Returns 2027: Russell B Stebbins

Our world is entering a new age; the Holy Bible refers to these times as "birthing pangs" before the new age. The planet is privately owned, and its owners are waging war on it. We can only get out of the way of what is a banker's war and prepare for the hardship of scarcity that awaits the world. Consideration of World War III is dreadful, but to consider is to prepare, and to prepare is to be ready to face the challenges ahead, and perhaps even to seize opportunity from adversity. In the Holy Bible, Daniel provided a timeline for our time before the return of Jesus and his government here on Earth. This message is for those who are getting ready: Jesus is on his way! Hope through adversity for a better world promised in the near future. Seeds of inheritance for the elect who survive the beast's 42-month period, are the people who overcome the mark of his name, and then populate the world again. The return of Jesus is a glorious event unfolding before the world, “On his robe and thigh is written KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS” (Revelation 19:16) upon his return. During the three-and-a-half-year tribulation period, the temple to receive the Lord God will be built.
The Dome of the Rock, an Arabic shrine in Jerusalem built on the Temple Mount in the late 7th century B.C., will be destroyed during World War III. The river Euphrates dries up before the war as a warning to prepare, the leaders to the east of the river are bargaining for war, which they will carry out quickly. The Southeastern Anatolia Project, which includes 22 dams and 19 hydroelectric plants along the Euphrates River, was completed in 2007, begs the question, who shuts the water off in the year 2023?

Son of Perdition took power on January 20, 2021 at 11:48 a.m. (Atlantic Time Zone), starting the countdown in Daniel's timeline to the battle of Armageddon.

Ann Conder #fundie wistv.com

BERKELEY COUNTY, S.C. (WCSC) - For the past three school board meetings some people have recited the Lord’s prayer during a designated moment of silence.


Former Berkeley County School Board Member Ann Conder has been leading the prayer. She says the board used to open all meetings with the prayer up until 2016. In 2016, South Carolina leaders passed the Public Invocation Act. It says that prayer at public meetings must not “advance any one faith or belief, or coerce participation by observers.”

“For fear of legal repercussions, the board at that time made the decision to place on the agenda a moment of silence instead of the longstanding practice of opening prayer. I beseech you to reinstate that historical practice,” Conder said to the board during public comment at a recent meeting.


“It is to invite God into our boardroom so that he will grant you righteous guidance as you make your decisions for our children and their education. We will not be silenced and we will continue to invite God into this boardroom,” Conder said at the comment podium.


When asked to comment specifically about the altercation at the start of the last meeting, Conder gave a statement saying: “I just don’t feel I need to defend something that is a constitutional right, but most importantly a God given right.”

Parisse Deza #wingnut #conspiracy #fundie operationdisclosureofficial.com

Mel Gibson About To EXPOSE All Of Them | Redacted With Natali And Clayton Morris

We are very happy to announce the launching of this project by Mel Gibson…

Mel’s Four-Part Documentary – Child Sex-Trafficking Is A 34 Billion Dollar A Year Business, And 800,000 Children In The US Alone Go Missing…

Kari Lake on Twitter: We talked about the tragedy at our border and the horrific child trafficking that’s happening the day this photo was taken. Mel Gibson’s heart and soul are in the right place. We are praying for you and rooting for you. God bless you Mel!

You will definitely want to watch this 17 minute presentation by ex-Fox newscaster and close friend of Tucker Carlson’s, Clayton Morris.

Mel Gibson is supporting former CIA and DHS agent, Tim Ballard, who took off on his own to save kids from sex trafficking. Mel is producing a four-part documentary on this. This is very powerful stuff and a very good sign we are getting somewhere because of Mel’s extraordinary clout.

Mel is not only a very popular actor, but he has directed powerful movies which have gotten him a lot of positive attention. Because he made the unbelievably successful “The Passion of the Christ”, he is in the hearts and minds of a huge number of Christians who will pay attention to his message. This will amount to a huge surge of force in the human and planetary field which will push things forward for Consciousness in the extreme.

Please watch and circulate this video about Mel’s documentary and Tim’s work to support the movement of consciousness in the world. It is this movement, not fighting against the cabal, that is bringing our new paradigm into play.

various commenters #wingnut #racist #fundie gab.com

( @TrumpLongTimePatriot )

spoilerKnowing what we
know now, I'm pretty
sure Democrats
haven't been
"elected" in years.

( @waiting4truth )
@TrumpLongTimePatriot no rational person would ever vote to increase crime. how long have they been doing this?

( @latinoPatriot82 )
@TrumpLongTimePatriot the kenyan terrorist was for sure not elected. ILLEGITIMATE!


( @servantnewberry )
@TrumpLongTimePatriot TRUTH! Those who serve satan receive the glories of this world, money and power. Then spend eternity in The Lake of Fire for REJECTING God the Son Jesus Christ as LORD of their life and their Savior fro all their sins.

spoilersatan comes to

( @Tetragrammatron )
@TrumpLongTimePatriot It's how Obama STOLE BOTH HIS ELECTIONS. Hilary tried to but they didn't get the algorithms right.

( @Tetragrammatron )
@TrumpLongTimePatriot thanks to electronic voting machines, Obama STOLE BOTH HIS ELECTIONS. Take that shit to the bank. Nobody voted for that faggot other than blacks and other faggots.

( @Tetragrammatron )
@TrumpLongTimePatriot it's hard to win elections when the FBI works in tandem with democrats and Jewish Supremacy to manipulate the outcomes in their favor. (Yeah, we ALL know now)...

( @WhiteyRighty )
@TrumpLongTimePatriot Since AT LEAST 1959 and the Daley DemonRAT Machine back in Shitcagoland! 14 WORDS!

various commenters #wingnut #fundie #transphobia #homophobia #racist gab.com

( @PiratesNFlowers )
We deserve to be destroyed. God is allowing America to be destroyed because of our sin.

We ONLY turn this around by honoring God.

Asking God to intervene on behalf of a country that murders babies on demand, alters the biological sex of young children, and promotes sexual deviancy in life and film is a pretty tall order. God can do anything for any nation, but that nation must turn to Him first. Before you ask God to save the United States, you need to ask Jesus to save you, first - then encourage others to do the same.

( @PotatoSack )
America, repent as did Nineveh!


( @Dante353 )
@PotatoSack @PiratesNFlowers

🤢🤮 Please keep this Jewish nonsense to yourself.

( @IrishInManchesterUK )
@PiratesNFlowers much of this is also true of my native Ireland, as we turned away from God and chose to accept and believe the lies of Satan, ignoring the warnings from our grandparents generation before they passed in the 1980’s who were totally opposed to all the changes they saw in the 1960’s onwards - we gave our power away and have brought our current situation on ourselves, so we do deserve God’s punishment by His allowing evil to prosper, no matter how tough the truth of this reality is

( @Dinduvius_Shekelstein )
@PiratesNFlowers I legitimately don't understand this. I respect you and love you. But how is everyone held responsible for the actions of kikes and faggots? It's like, "sins of the father"...except way worse.

I don't believe I'm responsible for what some nigger tranny or kike faggot or otherwise tranny faggot kike does. I can't control that. Except [fedpost]. Why would God hold me, or my children, accountable for this? It seems unfair at best.

( @ScrapKitty )
@PiratesNFlowers The United States is a country, not a nation. A nation is like Ireland or Japan or Portugal: basically one folk of the same/similar genetic heritage. Not a multiculti swam.

( @PiratesNFlowers )
@ScrapKitty jews did this. We foolishly tried to tolerate these fucking demons in the New World and they didn't change their behavior. Shocking! Lol

They're going to be hunted off earth for all the misery they are responsible for. There won't be a single jew alive in a century.

Abby Johnson #fundie #homophobia #wingnut twitter.com

I saw a video of a school that was waving rainbow “Pride” flags as elementary school kids walked through the door. It’s crazy to me that teachers aren’t allowed to pray in class, but they’re allowed to wave sexuality and adult topics in our children’s faces. We need Jesus.

Touch-Not-This-Cat #homophobia #fundie #wingnut deviantart.com

What happened to basic acknowledgment of disability? Homosexuality, by definition, is a reproductive disability. Not an insanity, just a condition that makes reproducing naturally extremely difficult. Whatever else that stems from it, culture, arts, alternative ways of thinking by mixing up masculine and feminine aspects, the scientifically healthy way to look at them is that these exist as a “Coping Culture“, even a very useful one, but that’s the same as ”deaf culture“, or “paralytic culture“, these must exist for disabled groups that are large enough to form a community. They aren’t inferior or superior, to anyone else, they have a disability that they can cope best with by supporting one another.

But what happens when a particular disability becomes reversible?

The Hawaiian leper community became its own distinct thriving culture thanks to the priest Fr Damian, one its members were even proud of. Then, all of a sudden, in the 1940s, they were given wide spectrum antibiotics and told they were no longer restrained to that area, that any who were not too crippled to leave were free to do so. Just keep a carful eye on your numb spots and not to worry anymore about it spreading further.

That was it.

That unique culture was gone in another generation, obsolete.

Thing is, if leprosy was only made curable TODAY , would there be a fringe calling it “cultural genocide“? I have to wonder.

Some might argue that the civilizational ideal would be for everyone to be born cis bisexual with 10% tomboys and tommygirls, thus maximally free for everyone to choose their best lives That they can.

Seems like the most logical goal for a genetically engineered civilization, at least one that values liberty. If several coping cultures die out, let it happen. A Metrosexual subculture from the bi toms can still compensate. Religious people who want orthodox norms can still choose those as well, but they’d definitely be CHOOSING to live as heterosexuals. Others will do the opposite and commit to same sex relationships for various reasons, even though they would still find both attractive.

If the liberal republic ideal has any meaning anymore, than how is that not liberating? If we must make designer babies, why not those babies?

Cynthia/Richard Godwin #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy eyeopeningtruth.com

We have been warning you, the elite have been telling you they are moving you into a new way of eating. They tell you it is to save the EARTH. THEY ARE LIARS!

Please folks if you do not know what I am talking about, or you think you don’t care what I am talking about…PLEASE do yourself a favor and ignore that thought. READ THIS POST!!! THIS INFORMATION IS VITAL TO YOUR FUTURE. PASS IT ALONG TO YOUR FRIENDS, FAMILY and even strangers and folks you don’t like.

There are so many people who are hypnotized, blinded and unable to discern truth. They believe what the MEDIA tells them. THEY ARE LOST! WHEN THIS FOOD CRISIS COMES DOWN… THEY WILL FALL PREY.

I pray that buy the end of this post you will be certain that our food sources are being destroyed, our supply chain is being controlled and we are being FORCED to eat what is abominable and damning. Our eternal fate lies in how we deal with this crisis.
FOOD is a matter of life and death. Not only physically but spiritually. Natural food which people have been eating since the world began, meat, vegetables, grains, nuts and fruits, provide the nourishment that our bodies required because they get them from the sun, earth and water. God created this world to work perfectly and abundantly. There is no lack with GOD, he created everything and HE is the one who provides for us. We must eat what GOD said we should eat. To do otherwise will not only bring about our physical death, it will bring about our SPIRITUAL DEATH which is forever!!
The earth as we know it is coming to an end. THERE IS NOTHING humanity can do to stop or change that TRUTH. No matter how many bugs you eat, no matter what you do.. the end is upon us. BUT, while we are here, we can live in HIS abundance. HE is our PROVIDER. The reason the world is in a mess is because mankind has turned their back on GOD and his precious gift of SALVATION!

Chris Aldridge #crackpot #dunning-kruger #fundie caldridge.net

What If Mount Olympos Is The Unknowable Center?

There are certainly mountains named after it, but Homer describes the real Olympos, the home of the Gods, as a place without wind, rain or snow. Such a place cannot be anywhere on Earth, or really, on any other planet either.

Over 13 billion years ago, the Big Bang occurred. What some people don't realize is that there is no point from which we can observe or conclude that it came from. There is no black spot, as it were, that was left over. The universe has been in a constant state of expansion ever since, which can be studied from the exact same position anywhere in the universe. In other words, the center from which all things came and come is nowhere, but it is also right where you're standing. It is nowhere and also everywhere at the same time. This also means we know it's there, but yet we cannot see or touch it.

The theory of blackholes is also very interesting to think about when discussing Mount Olympos. The theory states that blackholes have the power to tear open time and space, and in that opening, the laws of nature do not apply. So what exists beyond that opening? What's there? To my mind, there is only one race of beings to which the laws of nature cannot impact; the Gods.

The theory of blackholes would also disprove the belief that even the Gods are subject to fate, because if everything is subjected to fate, that means fate is a law of nature, and as we have discussed, there are places where the laws of nature do not apply. Thus, there must be some things that are not subjected to fate.

And being that the Big Bang was not a single point explosion but a constant unknowable expansion, makes our universe a supernatural place, as one may commonly define as supernatural, in and of itself.

In short, there exists places in the universe in which only Gods could possibly live, and places that we know exist even though we cannot experience them with any of our immediate carnal senses. Yet that same realm can come here. In order for us to contact, it takes quietness, reflection and the perfection of one thing that can certainly transcend realms; our spirit, and in so doing, effect the physical world.

E. Michael Jones #wingnut #fundie #mammon fidelitypress.org

Stunning Imagery

It’s a symphony – that also happens to be a school. Leave it on your coffee table long enough and you’ll find soured relationships with neighbours made good, and your popularity restored.

After a few centuries of meditation on passages in Scripture like “Logos is with God,” the Church Fathers came to understand that the One was made up of three Persons united in love to each other. Their love for each other was so intense that it overflowed into the creation and love of the universe where it became apparent as beauty, leading Augustine to conclude that “beauty originates from God Himself.”

The fate of the social order depends on the soul’s ability to apprehend this beauty because beauty like truth and goodness is a transcendental and is coextensive with being. If the souls of the young were trained to love beauty, then “the effluence” of its “fair works” would “flow into the eye and ear, like a health-giving breeze from a purer region, and insensibly draw the soul from earliest years into likeness and sympathy with the beauty of reason.”

Art by its nature involves what Aristotle called mimesis, by which he meant imitation of nature. Art “imitates the divine and ideal order of things” which goes by the name of logos. If, as Plato taught, artists were gifted enough to discern beauty “amid fair sights and sounds,” if they could convey that skill in recognizing and creating beauty to young people, they would “dwell in a land of health” and “receive the good in everything.”

There are those, however, who cannot imitate nature without distorting it. A return to mimesis will spell the end of the perversion of art which characterized the 20th century. Existence is still waiting to call essence into being. Beauty is its eternal manifestation, and mimesis remains the most formidable defense against the attack on logos that has made the world we live in ugly as sin.


Archbishop Viganò #fundie #quack #conspiracy #wingnut 2020news.de


The modification of the individual’s DNA caused by the experimental serum with new mRNA technology is perhaps the most alarming aspect of this epochal battle. If there are economic powers that have no qualms about targeting the world’s population in order to weaken their immune systems, cause sudden deaths and make us all chronically ill in order to sell their concoctions or their health care services, on the other hand there are people who are devoted to evil and who are well aware that they work in the service of a hellish plan, for the advent of the Antichrist through the synarchy of the NWO.

In the attempt to genetically modify man, we see Satan’s aversion against Creation taken to extreme consequences, and in particular against man himself, who in the economy of salvation was chosen to be the temple of the Most Holy Trinity.

In your letter to then-President Donald Trump, you spoke of a confrontation between the forces of light and the forces of darkness. Where do we now stand in this confrontation? What are the conceivable outcomes of this struggle? What can we, who want to strengthen the light, do?

Spiritual events intersect with earthly events, history intersects with the eternity of God, human events are the battlefield in which the children of darkness fight the children of Light: a battle that for humanity began with the fall of Adam, deceived by Satan and deluded that he could be like God. That temptation is repeated over the centuries to every man, whenever the Enemy tries to persuade him that he can decide for himself what is good and what is evil, attributing to himself the sovereign rights of the Lord over creatures. It is the battle that is being fought even today, after centuries of rebellion against the Law of God and refusal to recognize the Lordship of Jesus Christ. In the end, everything comes back to this discrimen, to the Lord’s statement, “Whoever is not with Me is against Me,” (Lk 11:14) and to our free response to the love of God the Creator and Redeemer.

Lauren Witzke & various commenters #wingnut #fundie gab.com

( Lauren Witzke )
Demonic libs are melting down over this.

My kind of politician! Bring back STRONG Christian male leadership!

spoilerOklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt, who was
reelected yesterday, recently dedicated
"every square inch" of the state to
Jesus: "[With] the authority that I have
as governor, and the spiritual authority
and the physical authority that you give
me, I claim Oklahoma for you."

( @MezzoMoon )
Yes! May this spread across our nation like holy fire.

( @BibbsLong )
@MezzoMoon it won’t. The majority of the nation hates God. It’s critical that Southern states (the Bible Belt) secede from this evil country

( @LoudMouthMike )
@LaurenWitzkeDE He’s my Governor and narrowly won. 50M in dark money went against him. He pissed off all the Indian tribes and they were all against him as well. He got my vote!

( @cmon411 )
@LaurenWitzkeDE Faith without work is dead. Many lost jobs in Oklahoma because they refused the jab. Not a peep from him. Porn in our schools, Drag Queens in our libraries. CRT in our schools. Talk is cheap and GOD will not be mocked.

( @14W )
@LaurenWitzkeDE And what is he doing about antiwhitism and white erasure?

( @Doggtaggs )

As much as I understand the sentiment, Jesus does not need Gov. Stitt to claim Oklahoma for Christ. All authority in heaven and on earth already belongs to Jesus Christ.

( @Anna_brezlyn )
@Doggtaggs @LaurenWitzkeDE Yes, but in the order of enacting His will, He chooses to work through mankind for His glory and our growth spiritually.

Andrew Anglin #homophobia #racist #conspiracy #fundie #wingnut dailystormer.name

[From "Erdogan Won – Denounces Faggot Agenda in Victory Speech!"]

The Jew media was going nuts over the claim that Erdogan could or would lose his election. I told you from the beginning: this is like that stupid debt ceiling bullshit. The Jews, with their media, hype up gibberish

Erdogan has popular support. The fear was of course that the US – specifically, NED, which is still operating in Turkey – has enough people on the ground to do massive fraud

However, it was just obvious that Erdogan has enough of a hold on power that he would be able to send in his people to prevent this from happening. Some things are just very obvious to me. Erdogan wanted a semi-close election, because he wanted to point out that it’s a free country

In general, I think “free and open elections” are retarded in the first place, but when you have the US running around manipulating everything – from their media operations to their actual control over the levers of voting through the various clandestine organizations they’ve formed – it becomes nonsensical. If I were running a country, I would do a plebiscite, but there is no way I would allow an election[…]

Erdogan[…]has once again labeled the opposition as ‘LGBT’[…]
Kilicdaroglu is not an outspoken supporter of gay rights, but has promised to reinstate the Istanbul Convention[…]

Of course he was going to promote man-on-man anal. Every US shill does this[…]
The belief that homosexuality is normal is not compatible with any other worldview[…]
The only thing that can exist alongside the normalization of gay sex is Americanism, or what is called globalism, which is more accurately called “ZOG”[…]

Putin has been saying it, but sort of placing it in the larger context of the West being Satanic. That is also very awesome, but gay sex is the number one thing Satan promotes[…]if you allow it[…]you can’t serve anyone but Satan

Pepe Lives Matter #wingnut #fundie #conspiracy pepelivesmatter.substack.com

If all you did every day was stare at the news cycle highlighted by the Patriots, you'd think there was absolutely no way we could ever see victory. Politics can have an uncanny ability to wear on you and tire you out after a while. That is one of the reasons I admire Trump so much. It's like he was born and designed to battle against them in political warfare. He is an absolute tank. Unmoving.

He's a stalwart.
If I focused every single day on how they might destroy our country, then that is truly all I would come to see. I will lose hope that the country can be saved.

If I, like David, focus on how powerful God is, I will throw my stone at the enemy and see Goliath defeated.
Every single other person in that army was focused on how big and ominous the giant looked. He was taunting them, loudly.

Isn't that what the enemy is doing now? Taunting those of us who see clearly.

But is that the real truth? I say no.

The truth is that God wins. That reality supersedes all other events. No matter what you are going through, it is THE truth. He is victory.
Since this part of the journey is specifically designed for the normies, I truly feel we have to continue to look towards God or else we become discouraged and lose heart.
Once this awakening has its effect, we need a revival like never before for God.

No amount of political strife can change many of these lost souls' hearts, but God can.
I happen to feel that all these blatant red pills being distributed by the "movie" is setting the stage for such a moment.

We could all use more prayer in our lives.

If you find your wings getting weighed down, readjust your attitude, set your sights on something more substantial than DC. There is a higher power far stronger than any cabal elite and He's making something beautiful out of all this chaos.

Chris Bledsoe #ufo #fundie #magick #conspiracy #crackpot amazon.com

Chris Bledsoe, a deeply religious family man and successful business owner from North Carolina was on the verge of the unthinkable after losing everything in the 2007 financial crisis and suffering from a debilitating chronic disease. Fishing along the banks of the Cape Fear River with three co-workers and his teenage son, he walks away from the group and cries out to God in a desperate prayer for help. Suddenly, a UFO appears and saves his life and cures him of his illness. Experiencing four hours of missing time, he returns to his group to find them dismayed. Terrified, they run for their lives as several UFOs chase them home.

This is the true story of hope, love, lies and deception, involving officials from the U.S. Government, CIA, NASA, a string of professors, and MUFON.

Prepare to go on a spiritual journey of awakening and transformation with a visit from the Lady, remote viewing, assassination plot of the Pope, dripping orbs, a burning tree, the Monroe Institute, and healing the son of an elite Washington DC power broker with ties to the IC and the White House. 15 years on, the phenomena still visits the Bledsoe family and affects the lives of people who come in contact with them. To outsiders this can be seen as evil, but those who are willing to be open and accept it, it is a blessing.

Are the events that are playing out in America today and around the world controlled and shaped by the Phenomena? The U.S. Government says UFOs are real. And millions of people believe GOD is real. So what do we do about UFOs and GOD? Mark 10:27 says “… All things are possible with God." So, UFOs must be interrelated with GOD if holding the scriptures to be true. It would be impossible to have one without the other.

Rolaant McKenzie #fundie #transphobia #homophobia #wingnut #conspiracy newswithviews.com

There are many examples in society today where narratives are promoted by very powerful people and organizations that invert reality in the pursuit of certain agendas. These powerful entities work in conjunction with government, big tech, big media, the largest banks, international institutions, and multinational corporations to label anything that goes against their current propaganda as misinformation, disinformation, or hate speech.

Once these global collaborators declare something to be hate speech, intimidation tactics and threats are made to silence those who persist in speaking things of which they disapprove.
Because of his hatred of God and His creation, especially human beings that are made in His image, the father of lies, Satan, seeks the destruction of humanity through the demolition of the nuclear family, promotion of moral relativism, societal division, infanticide (abortion), infertility, euthanasia, and depopulation.
One of the tools the devil uses is the promotion of transgenderism through the medical and education industry, entertainment, and other mass media outlets. This sexual grooming targeting children is meant to confuse them regarding their immutable biological and binary nature and get them to undergo permanent genital mutilation and hormone treatments to supposedly change their sex, the end result being sterility, mental instability, depression, and too often, death.

Anyone telling the truth about this in order to protect children from this evil agenda often face censorship, deplatforming, and other sanctions. Schools, the media, and the medical industry indoctrinate children to turn them away from God, hate themselves, and hate those who do not go along with their unreality.
Do not fear the seemingly overwhelming power of the rulers of society and their efforts to suppress the truth. Their plans will crumble before God’s power.

Recep Tayyip Erdogan #homophobia #transphobia #biphobia #fundie #conspiracy gcn.ie

Results of Turkey’s 2023 general election were released, with Recep Tayyip Erdogan being re-elected as president, beating out social democrat Kemal Kiliçdaroglu[…]
Speaking to supporters in front of his Istanbul residence after the result, Erdogan thanked voters for putting their trust in him. He went on to speak out once more against the LGBTQ+ community, saying: “In our culture, family is sacred, no one can interfere. We will strangle anyone who dares to touch it”

He continued by suggesting that the so-called “LGBT forces” would not be able to infiltrate his party, the AKP. These sentiments align with his longstanding and openly homophobic beliefs that queer identities are inseparably linked with “terror, immorality, perversion and violence” and follow rhetoric he used in his recent re-election campaign

At a rally in Izmir earlier this year, for example, he said: “In this nation, the foundations of the family are stable. LGBT will not emerge in this country”

At another electoral rally, he affirmed that his party will “never be pro-LGBT, because the family is sacred to us”, a statement similar to the one he made after being re-elected on Sunday

Throughout his whole campaign, Erdogan put a heavy emphasis on striking down the LGBTQ+ community, seeking support from his Islamist base to win the election. Many of his speeches accused the opposition of undermining family values and being infiltrated by powerful LGBTQ+ networks, sometimes even hinting that they were being run by paymasters abroad, framing the queerness as “cultural terrorism” of the West

Furthermore, he called on people to vote for him in order to “take a stand against those who exhibit any kind of perversion forbidden by God, who exhibit any kind of heresy our lord has forbidden, and those who support them”

Angelamarie Ucci/Heaven & Healing Podcast #fundie #conspiracy #crackpot youtube.com


In the tenth episode of Heaven & Healing Podcast, I take on a huge topic: the evil of the music industry.

Throughout my teenage years and most of my twenties, I accredited music to saving my life. I idolized musicians, their lyrics and artistry to the point where I genuinely felt as though music was the solitary thing keeping me from suicide. I was depressed, broken and traumatized — and the one thing I found my salvation in was music. Of course, in hindsight, I recognize that the healing I was searching for in music could only ever be found in Jesus Christ, but back then I didn’t know better. That’s why this episode is such a huge deal for me: I am crushing my own idols.

In this episode, I explain the actual science of music — how the frequencies disrupt our natural bioelectrical currents, sending us into an alpha state where we lose our necessity to critically reason, thus literally having the capacity to change our character, sense of morality and spirituality. From there, I talk about what the Bible says God’s design is for music and how the devil has infiltrated that purpose as I go through the history of music and why 1953 is where everything changed for the worse. Of course, the history of the music industry cannot be discussed without the person responsible for inspiring it all: Aleister Crowley, a wicked man who rejected his parents’ devout Christianity by creating his own religion Thelema, a gnostic philosophy founded on libertinism. I break down how all famous secular music, from classic rock to modern hip-hop/rap/pop, stands on the pillars of Crowleian & Satanic structures — from the lyrics, to the symbolism, to the shows, to to the videos and how they use that alpha state to brainwash the masses.

We know that we are of God, and that the whole world lies in the power of the evil one.
1 John 5:19

The devil rules the world and the world controls the music.

It’s quite simple. Control the music = control the masses.

I close on a hopeful note, reminding you that God is sovereign and the Bible tells us that this music, the devil, and his followers, will be destroyed.

Please subscribe to the podcast and give a 5-star rating & written review if you have not already done so! God bless.

Yoweri Museveni, Anita Annet Among & Martin Ssempa #fundie #homophobia #psycho #wingnut theguardian.com

Ugandan president signs anti-LGBTQ+ law with death penalty for same-sex acts

Uganda’s president, Yoweri Museveni, has signed into law the world’s harshest anti-LGBTQ+ bill, which allows the death penalty for homosexual acts.

The move immediately drew condemnation from many Ugandans as well as widespread international outrage.

Early on Monday, the speaker of the Ugandan parliament, Anita Annet Among, released a statement on social media confirming Museveni had assented to the law first passed by MPs in March. It imposes the death penalty or life imprisonment for certain same-sex acts, up to 20 years in prison for “recruitment, promotion and funding” of same-sex “activities”, and anyone convicted of “attempted aggravated homosexuality” faces a 14-year sentence.

Among tweeted on Monday morning: “The president … has assented to the Anti-Homosexuality Act. As the parliament of Uganda, we have answered the cries of our people. We have legislated to protect the sanctity of [the] family.

“We have stood strong to defend our culture and [the] aspirations of our people,” she said, thanking Museveni for his “steadfast action in the interest of Uganda”.

Martin Ssempa, one of the main backers of the bill, presented it as a victory against the US and Europe and suggested Uganda needed to push back against groups working to tackle HIV. He said: “The president has shown great courage to defy bullying of the Americans and Europeans. That bullying we shall not give you money. They intimidate and threaten you.”

In a joint statement, the heads of the Global Fund to Fight Aids, Tuberculosis and Malaria, UNAids and the US President’s Emergency Plan for Aids Relief (Pepfar) reacted with “deep concern” and said progress on tackling Aids and HIV was “now in grave jeopardy”.

Museveni claimed in March that his government was attempting to resist western efforts to “normalise” what he called “deviations”.

“The western countries should stop wasting the time of humanity by trying to impose their practices on other people,” he said.

Taki #wingnut #elitist #fundie #racist takimag.com

I then sat down and patiently if not too articulately, due to a large intake of vodka, explained: “God is also an anachronism, but I believe in him, as do billions of others. Anachronisms are what we need today more than ever, what with the discrediting of our past, of our national identities, and other such vile actions by woke leftists. Society needs something intangible to trust and respect; too much reality is no good.”
It is a time of extraordinary social isolation, where people report less companionship, less time with friends, and even less time with family. This is where God and his messenger, the Church, come in and play a very important role.

Yet the young no longer believe in God and do not attend their church regularly the way my generation did. What they do is complain nonstop about the crushing weight of the world on their shoulders.
Democracy has earned a resounding F where the US of A is concerned. While flirting just ever so subtly, I told Alissa how far less complicated the world was back during the 13th century, when everyone believed in God and the divine right of kings. Mind you, it was a pity there was no penicillin.

In the meantime, an obviously deranged Bagel Times daily warns of the dangers of a fascist takeover in America, but that’s because the paper has been taken over by talentless ideologues who cannot understand that not everyone in the country has had their brains fried in woke.
Monarchy might be anathema to most Americans and an unimaginable curse to many West Indians, but it is of preternatural importance to countries like Holland, Sweden, Denmark, and Norway. Not to mention Japan, which has the oldest royal family ever, loved by a united people. In view of the disuniting of America, I think Uncle Sam should try the institution.

@AmericasMansMan #wingnut #fundie gettr.com



#GoodChristianMen, #DeclareIndependence from the #FakeBidenAdministration, whom we never elected.

He has #murdered our #troops.
He has #starved us.
He has seized our #land and other estates by means of #unconstitutional #inflation and #taxationWithoutRepresentation.
He has given #crackPipes to the #drugAddict and forced our little ones to bend over and be sodomized by #publicSchoolPredators.

#DeclareYOURIndependence from the #communist, #fakeDemocrat, #fakeBidenAdministration, and declare your allegiance to #America and her #God, the #GodOfTheBible, #JesusChrist.

We are #OneChristianNationUnderGod, #Indivisible, with #liberty and #justice for all.

For #thePenaltyForTreasonIsDeath.

Karim Ibn Rashid #fundie #moonbat twitter.com

As a Muslim, I support the Muslim working class from Islamic countries rising up and establishing a Communist Shari'ah Theocracy.image

DescriptionA group of industrial-era workers are knneling in a Muslim prayer pose in a factory, with writing in Arabic script (which I cannot read. @Aisha?). At the buttom is more Arabic writing, as well as “It is Islam and Islam alone that protects the working people” in German and French as well as the English sentence “Islam is the only supporter of the worker.”

Martin Armstrong #wingnut #fundie #conspiracy #racist #transphobia armstrongeconomics.com

ANY company engaging in WOKE should be brought to court for what they are doing is patently UNCONSTITUTIONAL and lawyers should start to wake up and bring class action lawsuits against Target, Budweiser, and North Face as well as every other company engaged in this activity of promoting transgenderism has rendered college degrees irrelevant. If you check a box, no qualification or experience is required.
Hiring people based on race and gender is UNCONSTITUTIONAL. It is outright discrimination and whatever job is open should go to the most qualified – not to check some box of this discriminatory and unethical Human Rights Campaign (HRC). Here you have a pretend organization claiming it stands for human rights advocating abortion and ignoring any human rights of the unborn. They are a front for propaganda that is to actually divide the nation and deliberately target religious issues such as abortion and seek to give low “grades” to Christian beliefs.

The worst kept secret in corporate HR departments across the country is this thinking that they MUST deny employment based on qualification and instead check boxes to satisfy this unethical organization masquerading as human rights. If we are really talking about EQUALITY, then the most qualified person should get the job. In our company, we have every race, creed, and nationality from Asia to Europe. We hire based on qualification – not race or religion.

Human Rights Campaign (HRC) should be brought to court for they are denying qualified people employment. Not that they are claiming to be about Human Rights when they are openly engaging in the violation of our Civil Rights. Any company with an HR department engaged in checking boxes should be hauled into court on a class action for unconstitutional civil rights violations. This is the ONLY way to stop this agenda from pretending to be about equality when it is really about discrimination.

@AmericasMansMan #wingnut #fundie gettr.com

#Smarter #Sundays.

@GenFree, thanks for this. May the #LordGod be with you today. May #His #hedgeOfProtection be upon you as you #StandUpFightBack.
The Reason You Came

Have you been to #Church yet this Sunday? If you’re not comfortable attending your local #bibleBased (#based) church, invite some friends over to read the #HolyScriptures and #worship the #LivingGod, the #GodOfAmerica, the #Spirit of #AmericanLaw, as we #standUp and #fightBack, #DeclaringOurIndependence against the #FakePresident and the #communists; and the #WEF, and the #DeepState, and the #FakeDemocrats, and all #SatansMinions who would undermine the #fulfillmentOfTheGospel which IS the #LandOfTheFree, the #HomeOfTheBrave, #America.


Kingdom In Politics and Aamon Ross #fundie #wingnut rightwingwatch.org

An outgrowth of a prayer movement that began in the wake of the 2020 presidential election when religious-right activists began to gather together several times a week to pray for God to intervene and overturn former President Donald Trump’s loss, the World Prayer Network has since transformed into a bi-weekly livestream[…]
Wednesday night’s program featuring a conservative Christian political strategist named Aamon Ross who runs a political consulting business called Kingdom In Politics, the purpose of which is to “prepare and inspire believers to take an active role in politics”

Ross revealed that he got involved in politics in 2016 after literally hearing the voice of God instruct him to do, prompting him to team up with his good friend Kevin Stitt to run Stitt’s successful campaign for governor in Oklahoma[…]
Ross’s reference to putting “godly leaders in positions of authority in the political sphere” seems to be a reference to Seven Mountains dominionism[…]
Ross then revealed that it is the goal of his organization to recruit “1,000 churches to commit to run one person for school board” and to “raise up 100,000 believers to run for office over the next 10 years”

“They are trying to cancel Jesus,” Ross declared. “We want to be leaders, and we want to set the tone and set the country on a path to kingdom [principles]. The Lord’s Prayer, right? Thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. How does that happen if we’re not the ones bringing Heaven to Earth? … What if the world of politics is the next big mission field? What if we viewed this as we’re sending missionaries into city council, we’re sending missionaries into the state House or Senate, we’re sending them to Congress. If we started viewing the world of politics like the next big mission field, I think we could make a dramatic difference in just a couple of short years”

[Original livestream here]

@AmericasMansMan #wingnut #fundie gettr.com

I am fully convinced that #God has placed a special blessing on #Texas.

This is why, right now, #Satan is attacking #Texas, flooding it with #illegals through #Satan’s #pawn, #FakePresidentBiden.

May God’s #hedgeOfProtection continue to keep our #LonestarFam strong and grant #AmericasMansManFam #Texans #power #tenfold.

Thanks, #Whataburger. Thanks, #Ziglar. Thanks, #CattleRanchers. Thanks #ExxonMobil. And thank you, all of my #Texan #Followers, for making us the fastest-growing organization on the #FreeInternet.

Now, I exhort you to keep on bringing your friends, that they may not be abused by #Facebook and the other evil, #AntiAmerican #BigTech #Corporations attempting to drill you like an #oilWell.

#Glory2God, & #PTL for #Texas.

We are #OneChristianNation.

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