
The woman-haters, man-haters, and non-binary-haters

Mmmm_Brains & roundabout #transphobia #pratt #sexist ovarit.com

RE: So it's all about being able to "pass"

( Mmmm_Brains )
The reason it all hinges on passing is because it's entrenched in trickery and rape rhetoric. It gives them this rush to know they've forced someone to acknowledge their fetish, that they've also tricked them. It's really a form of sexual harassment, because we're all participating in someone's sexual fetish/deviency, quite unwillingly too.

( roundabout )

It's really a form of sexual harassment, because we're all participating in someone's sexual fetish/deviancy, quite unwillingly too.

I agree with that but, for exactly that reason, I don’t think it “all hinges on passing”. I think they get less of a kick from “tricking” us (rarely happens anyway) than they do from forcing us to go against our instincts (including that of self-defence), against our reason, and against our volition. It’s about power, like it always is with men.

Lonelyloser & Angry #elitist #sexist thepinkpill.co

We have to start differentiating the difference between femcel and ugly women. Because as a ugly woman i do not relate to normie ugly women.

(Controversial opinion ahead)

In communities likes this i find likeminded women who also struggle with lookism but in real life i haven't met a ugly woman who didn't have one of those three things (1.Bullies other ugly/weird women, 2. Is a huge pickme misogynist, 3. Is bluepilled.) Which makes it hard for me to relate to them which makes me think that we shouldn't group all of us women together just because we are ugly.

Whenever I see a weird/ugly girl being bullied or made fun off by other girls and I check how the girls look like most of the time they just as ugly as her, proving my point. Weirdly enough I've been made fun of for the way that I look more by ugly or obese women than Stacy's.

I've kinda realized that there is no solidarity between women just because we are all ugly, so I do think we as femcels should start distancing/differentiating ourselves from just the ugly label, because even though we are ugly alot of us also suffer from ableism, classism, racism etc etc which normie ugly women do not relate to.

No fucking shit, it’s self projection lol I also think that a lot of women who put down femcels are ugly/fat themselves ngl

Yeah, from what I’ve seen a lot of femcels are WOC, nuerodivergent and/or poor. It would make sense for WOC to be made to feel ugly in comparison to white or East Asians, be ousted for having disabilities because they are easier targets, or not have the same opportunities because they are poor. Another things I’ve noticed is lot of us did also grow up in dysfunctional households which probably did shape our views on ourselves and life greatly.

Hero Vercingetrix #sexist #ableist quora.com

(answering a question if autistic men can be attractive to women)

Well, think about it this way:

Women are generally attracted to men who display leadership qualities. Take into consideration that in most of human history women would favor men who held power, station, and authority. The attractive man would be the man that all others would look up to, and respect.

Given women's propensity to follow, lack of moral compass, lack of self-direction, and tendency to submit herself to power, the moderately autistic guy would not be mentally fit to stand amongst his peers as a leader, much less as an equal. When life becomes more about survival, and bringing home the bacon, people would very likely not have any patience for his weird quirks and tendencies. His inability to read the room, and recognize danger, would likely result in him being killed. His deficiencies would most likely preyed upon by male competitors. A woman in this sort of world would be seeking a mate who could provide security, wealth, and the power and ability to make provision for her welfare.

Prussian Society of America #sexist prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "Men Must Guard Themselves Around Modern Women II/PRUSSIAN vs. ISLAMIC LAW"]

The Modern Woman[…]is a liability, a dangerous threat and an ever-increasing problem that is becoming like a plague and vermin among us, irreconcilable even at the behest of the survival of our species
I see so many Men who allow their wives to control every aspect of their lives[…]whether a Man is “permitted” to stock up on charcoal or whatever commodity
Women who throw away the possessions of Men are part of the “Cluster C Type Personality Disorders”, but it is also a trait of Passive-Aggressive Behavior in these cunts
When the Woman gets to throw an item way, it makes her feel happier and elevated because she has been able to undermine something a Man may have sentiment
Modern Women are also trashing our civilizations and permitting Barbarians in our lands
Our Prussian decree, whereby we forbid the rights of Women to own Property and Bank Accounts, only personal possessions
Most Educated Men of History recognize that the downfall of the West in which Men’s Sovereignty became threatened occurred when Women received the right to vote, and it also by no coincidence that this right suddenly appeared in Germany out of nowhere in 1918
Muslim Men do not have things as good as they may claim even about their Women
Islamic Countries require their Men to be involved in a regulated form of “salary sharing” in which the Man must forego a certain percentage of his salary to the Woman, in addition to other demands, such as giving regular percentages of wealth to the homeless
The Prussian State does demand that Men be proper providers for the Wives, but we do not make laws or regulations on how he is to appropriate his salary. We leave such decisions up to the Man, and that he should use his best judgment for what allowance or stipend he may give to his lady

Various Femcels #conspiracy #psycho #sexist thepinkpill.co

RE: Sick of beckies/low-tier Stacies joining femcel spaces

Im convinced they get some sick high from it .Making accounts to gawk like this is some fckin zoo or to lurk so they can justify being triggered at our "sELfLOaThING" and "WhINinG"🙄 You can never have enough validation or UgGo femcel tears i guess.Look forward to seeing more of them droppin in thanks to the articles being written and people with their superiority bs.

([deleted account])
They do get validation from it. Imagine how good it must make them feel to see girls getting rejected or treated like shit by men, while on the other hand these beckies have simps and orbiters and they never even got rejected by their crush once.

Spot fucking on. They have some twisted superiority complex to flaunt their pretty privilege. Makes me sick. I don't need a reminder that I've been forced to see men's real nature whereas they're still wearing their rose tinted glasses and finding love and comfort in men.

fucking exactly, holy shit femcels are literally fucking zoo animals to these normie bitches,

I wish they would fuck off out of spaces for femcels. They wont because its gets them attention. That's why don't bother with those pages on reddit. Yeah its annoying.

They know are attractive. They want to be most beautiful or hottest women in every room their in. Even though they would never say it when talking feminist issues beauty for women at every age is very important in our society. These young women know it. That's why even though they already have beauty privilege want it to the full max by being flawless gigistacy.

this is so fucking disrespectful

Imagine being such addicted to attention and validation, you intrude spaces meant for ugly women.

dumb whores tbh

Angry #dunning-kruger #elitist #sexist thepinkpill.co

BBF thinks she knows ALL femcels thought processes…

At this point I don't see a big difference between femcels and incels. Both groups are resentful of women. Nine out of ten times, femcels are just sad that they are not objectified or degraded and can't be a sex toy. They don't care about male violence they are angry at pretty women not at men overall because women stole "their" mostly innocent boys. Femcels don't want to kill pretty women only because they don't have biological urges to kill like men do but they can be really hateful and jealous. Really most women's lives revolve around men and sex just like men's lives revolve around women and sex, women just don't want to fuck 24/7 like men. I am starting to think femcels are as delusional and disturbing as incels or even more...

How delusional. Like most Stacies and Beckies’ fuck even normies’ lives don’t also revolve around sex and male validation? Give me a fucking break. Most women are not any psychologically different in this regard. Also, most femcels were bullied by other women who are more attractive than them their whole lives so of course most will resent those women. On top of that, we may not be catcalled but we are also ostracized by men for not being attractive and made to feel as if we should just disappear. These bitches just want us to stay silent about our issues because they don’t to want believe that god, forbid, some women actually have it worse than them.

It proves that BPF cannot support itself without hating on somebody (preferably women), they spend every day calling all women pick-mes (all except BPF ofc), naturally submissive (except BPF), their defeatist mindset doesn’t give room for self-improvement, at least femcels have ascension to look forward to.

I agree with you entirely, at least most femcels actually can improve and are capable of possessing the mindset to find happiness. These bitches are just rotten to the core no matter what.

whyjustwhy #elitist #racist #sexist incels.is

RE: A seperate subforum for whites and first world cels only.

It is quite apparent that ethnics especially currycels are deteriorating the quality of the forum. All shitskins should be perma banned right away or they should be segregated and not allowed to participate in the white subforum.

If this forum needs to survive, this needs to happen asap.

A seperate space for white cels where ethnics or third world cels are not allowed to participate.

This, so much. Despite being a based racist, it is mostly the fact that an african's/asian's life is so different from mine that makes me enjoy their rantings less. Ever since I got Internet at 11 and started playing ClashOfClans, I detested being in a clan where people are not from Europe/Russia/USA, because this is the pool I swim in, and it would make no sence for me to try and find friends elsewhere.
Being incels somewhat unites us but being incels of the same tribe takes it a whole step further.
There is a reason Amazon enforces workforce diversity to stop unionization.
That being said, your idea will never happen. Probably.

Various MRAs #conspiracy #sexist #wingnut reddit.com

RE: "Men's domestic violence against women is a tactic to support the patriarchy or is a result of patriarchy" debunked by research (studies cited)


These papers admit that feminists use the stereotype of 'battering husband' for political purposes

The Stereotyped Offender: Domestic Violence and the Failure of Intervention

The Feminist Case for Acknowledging Women's Acts of Violence

The media put these bitches on a pedestal so their charade is never exposed. Why? The media - specifically the boards of directors that control daily operations - are in on the hoax.

Why everything is caused by/supported by Patriarchy? This reason has been overused to the point that if someone uses this reason it sounds like a lazy answer or an answer to a question they wanna avoid.

Because it's a staple of the doctrine. Everything can be explained by substituting in "the patriarchy" as a bogeyman. It's the cornerstone of patriarchy theory and why it's so critical to feminism.

Without men or "the patriarchy" as scapegoats, there is a real risk of the feminist deception becoming unveiled.

Depending to who I talk to, they seem to consider that patriarchy is every value that existed before. Even those that overlap with other model of family, even values regarding family, they're all patriarchy to them. And if they're all patriarchy they're all wrong.

It's just yet another fallacious loophole to make anything they want seem bad.

When "the patriarchy", together with "toxic masculinity", "incel", "man-spreading", "man-splaining" and many other similar feminist-invented man-shaming curse words are not even real things and don't exist. A classic example is this video where students on a campus all strongly claim that "toxic masculinity" is some terrible problem society has, but then cannot define what "toxic masculinity" is - including a Gender Studies major.


hmimperialtortie #crackpot #transphobia #pratt #sexist ovarit.com

(Submitters Note regarding context: A trans woman tweeting “Cis people are afraid that trans people will criticize them. Trans people are afraid that cis people will kill them.”)

RE: No, we're afraid that you will rape/murder us because you're men.

( hmimperialtortie )
Nobody’s murdering you disgusting male freaks except your pimps and johns, and that’s only the miniscule minority of you who are prostituted gay men. You AGP perverts are the rapists and murderers.

Prussian Society of America #sexist #racist prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "Degeneracy And Degenerate Themes Among Female Musicians As An Increasing Trend/WHY WOMEN ARE DESPICABLE"]

I have been noticing these past few years, some of the horrifying Music which is being produced or otherwise re-arranged by many Female Musicians

I am not talking about “Modern Music” per se, the Degeneracy in the Modern Music is nothing new, and I understand it and where it stands

I am talking about Women behind Classical Music and other styles

And this is not about just American girls either, these are girls WORLDWIDE who are making some of the obnoxious Music and performing works of very respected Artists, and I’ve seen such girls who do this hailing from countries such as Lithuania, Georgia, and elsewhere

For one, these Female Artists seem to be obsessed with introducing Feminist and Political Messages in their Albums, and also cater to audiences which follow their Feminist and Political Values

A lot of these Musicians also seem to pursue “Jazz”, as Jazz is known as a Degenerate Music style, and they will try to introduce Children’s Music, Rock Music and other styles and incorporate it in the most haphazard, cringy and also distasteful way with the Jazz Music
I remember growing up listening to Female Musicians of all kinds, and even through the 90’s and maybe a bit into the 2000’s, I’ve never heard what kind of garbage is becoming a thing now around Women who play and sing Music
Women are becoming an increasing liability and danger around us, and despite what any Man’s opinion may be on a meatbag that is a pleasure to look at, that meatbag is destroying our civilization and the future of having future pretty meatbags to look at and have our way

It is the biggest error that Men of certain Nations, such as the English, Celts, Viking and Americans have done in the Liberation of Women, making them “equal” and giving them “rights”

Various TERFs #pratt #transphobia #sexist ovarit.com

RE: A transgender woman filed a discrimination complaint alleging she was denied admission to an assisted living facility | Maine Public (https://www.mainepublic.org/courts-and-crime/2021-10-21/a-transgender-woman-filed-a-discrimination-complaint-alleging-she-was-denied-admission-to-an-assisted-living-facility?_amp=true)

( IrishTheFrenchie )

but an administrator denied her admission because of a concern that she wanted to stay in a room with a female roommate.

There is no age when men stop raping women.

( Srfthrowaway )
Yup. You know this man would have also demanded female PSW for intimate care.

( Pugsnotdrugs_411 )
On the slightly less nefarious spectrum of entitlement, he could just be doing this solely for validation purposes. But I guarantee it's because he wants to flex his power over women and god forbid, because he wants to commit a sex crime.

( ProxyMusic )
This is the next frontier in the march of the invading trans tyrants. Trans orgs have been "training" people involved in running LTHCFs and home health agencies for a number of years now. It's part of the strategy of making inroads in areas where the persons being encroached upon and put at risk are those who are most vulnerable and least able to fight back - kids in school; women in prisons; women in shelters & rape refuges; women acutely ill in hospitals; elderly, infirm and disabled women in nursing/care homes & rehab facilities, or who rely on health aides & helpers in their own homes.

( bellatrixbells )
Ok so let me get this straight. This elderly man needs to be housed in an assisted care living facility and demanded a female roommate for validation purposes. That was denied because females deserve their dignity and privacy, so now he's suing the state for a human rights violation ?

This guy is basically suing a state for not letting him violate the privacy of women.

Doesn't make any sort of difference that he's dressed up as a mock woman for years. I wonder if he dumped a wife and kids to live his fetish full time ? "Oh, but he's been using women's facilities for years" So ? He shouldn't have been doing that in the first place. Fuck him.

BTW OP next time you upload a link with a misgendering title, I suggest you change it to proper pronouns :) I wondered who was she-ing this man hahah

Various Terfs #sexist #transphobia #pratt ovarit.com

RE: "It so weird to me that after realizing we are men, we are more willing to accept our femininity."

( AnneLister )
Adopting the sissification fetish from their brave and stunning transwomen sisters, I see.

( GynyHappyPeople )
That was my thought.

It’s a sub of trans identified females acting out trans identified male fantasies. So many “catboy” selfies.

( AnneLister )
TRAs make me so embarrassed on behalf of cats.

( tacocat )
Jesus. These people need to get off the internet.

( MonstrousRegiment )
When I saw the post title I instantly imagined some new variation on trans-identifying men who understand that they're autogynophiles! What a disappointment!

( gncautistic )
So they're totally fine with being feminine and a stereotypical woman just as long as you call her a ''he''? this shit you can't even make up! Calling themselves ''femboys'' is so gross. TIF's also can't keep their fetishes a secret.

( ComplicatedSpirit )
There’s so much to unpack. Internalized misogyny, the conviction that all things must be “gendered,” the anxiety over conforming to “masculinity” or “feminity” and what they’re identifying and presenting as. These people have serious problem and they’re turning to fucking Reddit and Tumblr to validation rather than help.

( hmimperialtortie )
And this is yet another example of why I’m really over TIFs and my sympathy for them has almost completely evaporated. Stupid, stupid, stupid.

( Jacknife )
Can't they just cut the crap and act out AGP as cis women?

Roosh V #quack #crackpot #fundie #sexist #conspiracy #transphobia rooshv.com

[From "Modern Psychiatry Is Demonic"]

The secular world makes people ill by denying the presence of God, and then the secular world gives the solution of psychiatry and its obsession of prescribing anti-depressant and anti-psychotic drugs
The whole field of psychiatry is backward rationalization. They study patients with mental illness, theorize on the biochemical state of their brains, and then shovel them with ultra-addictive drugs to make their brains appear similar to those without mental illness, but this is merely studying the effect of a disorder and then declaring it to be the cause
A psychiatrist will study house fires, notice that firemen always seem to be present at them, and then create a solution to destroy all firehouses, the “obvious” source of fires
Having a “brain chemical imbalance” is often the effect of a faithless or sinful state of existence where depression is due to the consequences of secular life
Psychiatric drugs disconnect you from your humanity and make it harder for you to repent before God. Consider that God gave us emotional states to help us orient our lives closer to Him
Feminism is demonic because it inverts the natural order by trying to make man as coming from the woman’s rib instead of the other way around, and here comes the psychiatrist to further enable this inversion with a heavily-marketed drug that keeps the independent woman working
The doctors all work as a team to destroy the human soul, one prescription, vaccination, and surgery at a time, until all that is left is a husk of a human
I believe that a person with symptoms of depression or psychosis should consult with an Orthodox priest for spiritual diagnosis and treatment. I would guess that treatment will include repentance, baptism, receiving communion, prayer, a change of diet, lifestyle adjustments, and in severe cases, exorcism

Various Commenters #elitist #racist #sexist stormfront.org

Latina shoots man who refused to kiss her in Illinois

Mom of 3 charged with murder for 'shooting man for refusing to kiss her'

I would have expected trouble from the guy named Jim Jones but he was the victim this time.

I'm just surprised James Jones could resist an offer like that from a ravishingly beautiful natural blond like here. Odd that she dies her roots brown. Must be the latest trend in Tacoland.

This woman is a walking poster child for abortion. She and her sprogs are nothing but a net drain on the lawful US taxpayer.

The guy would have to be smashed to kiss that ugly mug.

Please go on birth control or get sterilized immediately. Hope the kids don't continue the cycle.

The murderer's kids will most likely continue the cycle. Welfare trash is a lifestyle provided by those who enable them to both leech and even breed children they cannot even themselves afford. And the bums are shameless about it.

Those who should breed often do not. Those who do breed often should not have bred. Sad but true.


Many Latin women are mental.

I concur.

They will stab you (literally) and then a second after cry while professing how much they love you. This really happened to a friend of mine and he is White of Irish, Italian and Welsh stock. The sad part is he ended up marrying her. SMH. Haven't heard from him in years so I don't know their current status. Hope he ended up burying her under a concrete site.

They are jealous white people are more attractive.

(Kevin Rowe)
Long ways off from the Rio Grande, eh chica?

Looking at her nasty mugshot, now kinda understand why Mexican men drink so much tequila before they go home at night. The article sounds like she’s into girls anyway so she probably wouldn’t mind prison. Our tax dollars hard at work housing and feeling illegals.

To koniec #crackpot #psycho #racist #sexist incels.is

I unironically hate white people

Do you hate crackers?

Yes Votes: 23 52.3%

No Votes: 21 47.7%

Total voters 44

they are cucked scum of the earth

they worship foids, fucking pinkoids

When I was younger I looked up to crackers. But they got too Degenerate due to too much money/comfort over time. They are like the Eldar from Warhammer, a race too blessed and lives a life too easy.

i hated always germanic anglo french white crackers

muuhh superior race when east asians and jews have higher iq

Whites have committed many atrocities and actually have pushed some ethnic groups to extinction, but what saddens me more is that many don't know or don't give a fuck about what happened. I do get along with Whites on an individual level, but the history of the Americas, Australia and Africa infuriates me.

I hope I don't have any European blood in me, as it might imply that my female ancestor was a JBW slut or was raped.

colonialism, feminism, woman’s rights, lgbt faggots, modern entertainment, bringing blacks to America

Holy shit you niggas evi

i wish slavs, curries, pakis, east asians, SEAasians, mestizos, BLACK KINGZ massacred some cracker german, american, dane, swedish, english children

As a non white I have to ask why you hate whites/Northern Europeans

cause they think that slavs are subhuman and they bringed degeneracy to slavlands

i wish we would sterilize them


dutch cracker stealing slav women

Add drug legalisation to the list.

crackers confirmed to be subhuman

just look at subhuman faces of germanic subhumans like danes, swedes, norwegians g*rmans

and worst of them angl*s

Southern Europeans are crackers too

lol crackers think they are arabs

slavs and meds aren't white

i'm myself eastern european and i'm mongoloid warrior who will kill blonde cracker babies

Prussian Society of America #wingnut #sexist #elitist #crackpot prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com


Perhaps a day could arrive when Europeans will once again understand[…]why our German Ancestors had no choice but to build a Totalitarian State under the Third Reich, in order to combat against the Totalitarianism of the Bolshevist Agenda

The Formation of a Totalitarian State[…]is a terrifying idea and diversion to the former concept of the former Imperial Germany with a Monarchy

While it may be today that Critics of National Socialism blame the Führer for invading Russia or that he should have waited, perhaps a tomorrow will arrive that he would instead be blamed for not having invaded Russia soon enough!
The majority of Human Masses (Particularly the West) are inundated with a delusional Idea that National Socialism or Hitler’s regime belonged to the same “Dark Triad” of the Fascism and Communist Agenda
As Prussians, we recognize first and foremost that the majority of opinions of people do not matter, and cannot be taken seriously
You are not to participate in the COVID Cult, and we would punish and penalize anyone from fines, to forced sterilization, to euthanasia and cremation in a controlled environment for anyone who has taken the Vaccine
Even as far as voting rights in the Prussian Tradition, Only Land Owners and Men are permitted to vote
The Totalitarian Form of government under the NSDAP Leadership was 100% legitimate and represented the closest possible example practiced to date where the German will could yet be managed
Even before the breakout of WWII[…]Some leaders who traveled to Germany had to say in their actions with Germans, but always noting that they had high respect for the German Officials
The envy and suspicion of unorthodox methods using by the Third Reich, had created outrage in the Pragmatists

@SatiriaNews #pratt #transphobia #sexist twitter.com

We read the article. It’s ideological gibberish. Complete drivel. Utter nonsense. One slogan after another.

You & every one of your ancestors for millions of years was born from an egg produced by a female & a sperm produced by a male.

“Keep on sloganeering I guess”.

Cope. I mean, seriously—you can drop the pretence that anti-trans activism is somehow *really* about the rights of women, or that it's *really* about safeguarding children, or *really* about free speech.

No-one gives a shït what you wear or call yourself, sweaty.

Trans activists are getting people fired from their jobs for even questioning your deranged cult that says male child molesters are women and must be placed in women's prisons purely on their own say-so.


You have a penchant for being incapable of saying anything remotely on-topic. Where did I mention anything about what people wear or call themselves? Incidentally, people DO care what others wear and call themselves—if they didn't, they wouldn't be freaking out over pronouns or an innocuous ad featuring a gender nonconforming kid; deadnaming wouldn't be an issue, because people wouldn't engage in it maliciously. But sure, "no one cares"—except, well, for those that obviously do.

No-one cares what you call yourself.

They care about you imposing your brand new, white western colonial gender religion on them.

No-one has to comply with your demands that they bow to your "gender" in all questions over everything.

You literally just demonstrated that YOU care.

Yes, we care about deranged idiots lying to vulnerable kids that they can change their sex, and that anyone who even questions that hates them & deserves violence.

None of this is stopping you wearing whatever clothes you like & calling yourself whatever you like.

Prussian Society of America #conspiracy #psycho #racist #sexist prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com


There are numerous agents all around us who have been trying to deprogram you and everyone else from fighting back. Suggesting things like “Non-Violent Action” in every form
While it may seem like government agents would be more likely to encourage you to commit violence, the contrary is actually true when it comes to large-scale schemes which have civilization-changing implications
Part of the problem with the general populations, is that they do not understand or see the world from the viewpoint of the Intelligence Agencies, because either they are always thinking the government agents will always use more aggressive tactics to trap them
In terms of civil wars and disobedience, they have much larger implications, and the controllers of this world have needed much time and patience to get their ducks in a row and use all kinds of means of programming people to not fight back
Intelligence Agencies throughout the world, know YOU better than you know yourself
Most people even if aware of things that the controllers do not want them to know, they are still Programmed Automatons without souls, therefore they are not mobilized for action or putting up a fight, because money and their reputation among others is at stake
These Agents who promote Non-Violence often resort to using “Religious Dogma” or putting a “Religious Twist” onto things, especially the Christian religion
It is also no coincidence that for example, Dr. Anthony Fauci is a Jesuit Agent
Most people are so detached from reality that they do not understand why a Civil War is Necessary even before all of this Racial Obsession coming from Non-Caucasians, and the COVID Agenda began
A Civil War has been INEVITIBLE for many Decades between Men and Women

Henry Makow PhD/E. Michael Jones #conspiracy #racist #sexist #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia #fundie henrymakow.com

In "A Goy Guide to World History" Part 4, a handful of thinkers describe how satanist Jews (Communists) have systematically attacked and dismantled the Christian social fabric.

These Jews were taught that this is necessary to prevent anti-Semitism, which they were told is irrational and a mental illness.

In the 45 minute documentary, E. Michael Jones, editor of Culturewars, explains how Satanism inverts truth. Evil is good. False is true. Sick is healthy. Thus Jews (Organized Jewry) who hate Gentiles are the "persecuted victims" while Gentiles who defend themselves are "haters" and mentally ill. Homosexuality is healthy while the nuclear family is sick.

Jones, the author of a dozen books, explains that Western Civilization is built on the belief in Logos, i.e. the Moral Order, God.

Logos uses Ethos (Will) to restrain and guide Pathos (Passions.)

Satanist Jews interpret any restraint on lust as Christian. In fact, Jones explains that, as the terms imply, Western Civilization is based on this Greek principle.

Take away Logos and Ethos, and Pathos runs amuck. You have Satanism i.e. Cabalist Judaism. "Do as thou wilt shall be the whole of the law." This is the Jewish Revolutionary Spirit which Jones believes will destroy society.
As satanic possession, Communism takes many forms. When it failed to mobilize the worker to revolt, it morphed into feminism and mobilized women. Communist Jews promoted sexual "liberation" and "LGT rights" to undermine gender, marriage and family. They promoted multiculturalism and mass migration to undermine race and culture. Satanist Jews always find a fissure to pack a stick of dynamite. Blow up Syria and inundate Europe for example. Civilization must fail so their hegemony will succeed.

Bhaskarjya Mandita #psycho #sexist incels.is

I have beaten my crush's boyfriend.

I have beaten the shit out of my crush's boyfriend. Have I done it right or wrong. He makes me jealous. He was a friend of mine. But as time went by he became my rival. He is a kind of person who is a disgrace to humanity. He have betrayed all my friends just for one girl and when I was beating him none of my classmates came to stop it. He is that so called alpha male who wears his mother's panties.

My height 5'10 he is 5'7 when I asked her why she loves him she said he can play the guitar pretty well. I even wanted to beat my crush. And if he gives a police case I will thus time drag him out of his house and beat him there. I am so frustrated I hate myself, I hate everything.

She likely deserved that more than him.

I know. Man but I don't this I deserve her as he is dumb and dull. She cannot even take proper decision.

How did you dare to beat that poor short guy? What's wrong with you?

This what is awaits all manlets who beat the odds and ascend. A raging ESL tallcel ethnicel will beat you within an inch of your life.

I am subhuman so I dont care about humans

Transcended Trucel #racist #sexist incels.is

If your ethnic, don't read your history!

Seriously don't! I started reading about curry history especially the history past the 1500s and it is humiliating as fuck. Don't read that shit. It will damage your mental health. Don't learn your ancestral history. Literally the last 500 years of ethnic history is low IQ shitskin infighting and getting mogged and humiliated by whites. It is extremely humiliating. The more I read, the more enraged and disgusted I become.

Only ethnics who have done well or at least can be proud to some degree are East Asians(China/Japan/Korea). Every other nonwhite has horrible humiliating history. Their nations are complete shitholes, and the more you read about their history, the sadder and more disappointed you become.

Here are some examples of how far curries fell:

The Mughal Empire had a thriving industrial manufacturing economy, with India producing about 25% of the world's industrial output up until 1750, making it the most important manufacturing center in international trade.

Guess what it is today? 3.5%. Brutally humiliated. Just FUCKING lol. 1/7 the world population yet <1/15 the wealth.

Another ethnic nation for some more diversity that has fallen hard is Brazil.

In the 1850s, Brazil was a wealthy nation who could compete with eurocucks.

Brazilian economic growth, especially after 1850, compared "very well" with that of with the United States and the European countries, according to the historian Boris Fausto. Brazil in the last year of the monarchy was a “prosperous and [internationally] respected” country, according to historian Oliveira Lima.

But in the end brazil is 50% nigger mutts and still became a shithole.

Ethnic history is beyond humiliating and enraging. Reading this shit is not good for my mental health. Don't read this shit! Knowing less = more when it comes to ethnic history especially for the last 500 years. I fucking regret reading up on this. It is so despair inducing beyond words can express.

Various Commenters #moonbat #sexist #transphobia reddit.com

This monster thinks it's okay to walk around with a raging boner in a women's shelter. The shelters response to criticism? Guess. This was all a public spectacle, by the way.

Wow fuck that shelter. They care more about the feelings of men than the safety of women.

They really do. It's terrifying how the feelings of men are valued higher than the safety of women all across our society. And now we can't even escape it in the spaces we've painstakingly carved out for ourselves.

Sadly, they need to toe the line. Canada, but British Columbia especially (here and here), is very woke regarding trains. There's one (yes, one) rape shelter in Vancouver, BC that won't take men in.

As a result, they've had their windows vandalized and a dead rat nailed to their door, and a local politician* was doing everything in his power to try and take away funding that the place needs to survive the last I heard.

* To nobody's surprise, he supported local snart Yaniv, who epitomizes mental illness.

ALL US shelters are going co ed. There are almost no shelters for women and kids any longer. I stopped volunteering at one because I am not about to use pronouns or talk to men in female space where women have been raped.

One of the most aggravating parts of these situations is that they often go above and beyond to protect transgender people over women. In Canada (2021 data )the portion of the population that identifies as transgender is just 0.24%. Assuming an equal split between genders only half would identify as women. So in this case the rights of women (~51%) are being trampled for the rights of ~0.12% of the population.

If a biological woman (for lack of a better term) had made the same comments and behaved similarly they likely would have kicked her out. This Tyler person doesn’t seem to even be attempting to present as a woman. People like that are hurting those who are truly suffering.

Various Commenters #pratt #sexist #transphobia reddit.com

Yet another example of them claiming they’re better than actual women…


What’s with these people and trying to convince themselves that they are prettier than bio females? Do they secretly know that they look terrible at the back of their minds and then do this to delude themselves into thinking otherwise?


It’s cope

Totally. My uncle is now my aunt and she straight up looks like me in a dress. She sounds like if I was trying to mock a woman's voice. She buys expensive clothes, expensive makeup, expensive haircuts. Still just me in a dress though. There's no fixing being too tall with broad shoulders and a man-face.

There's no way she can't see it. She's choosing to ignore it to cope.

I'm guessing that they are trying to get out in front of the inevitable fact that men won't want to date them because of how they look. They are preparing people to say that trans women are just as beautiful as real women, even though trans women often look like lazy drag queens. Very few of the self-promoters on Twitter, Tik Tok, or Youtube are actually "passing", as they would say. They know they still look like men and they are trying pre-emptively shame people into never actually admitting it.

Same self serving bollocks as the "body positive fat acceptance" movement.

They deep down can't stand themselves so they create a fantasy for themselves and lash out at anyone who calls it out.

Their delusional enough to think their a sex they are not in reality, they have a section of society telling them and feeding their mental illness - why is it shocking they think they are pretty or better than actual women? You do not fix mental illness by feeding that mental illness - transgenderism is a political tool, nothing more.

Every time you call a trans person their preferred pro-nouns you are feeding a mental illness, you are making them worse.

buci2003 #sexist incels.is

[RageFuel] I hate Chris Hansen

"Predators" complaining that their lives are ruined.

The comment section is simply rage fuel. They get pleasure from seeing these incels have their lives ruined. That's just fucked. Nobody says that about serial killers, murderers etc. They just hate bad looking men, who havent had a shred of intimacy their whole lives, getting some young pussy. Their made up reasoning being that those men could have ruined those girls' lives. Like how? is it so painful to have sex with an incel? The pain those men face isnt even comparable to any rape victim's "trauma". Fuck this world, I truly hope it burns.

arescel #sexist incels.is

[Based] Women are worse than war criminals and pedophiles.

No thief has ever affected my life.
No burglar has ever affected my life.
No rapist has ever affected my life.
No murderer has ever affected my life.
No pedophile has ever affected my life.

Hell, no war criminal, terrorist organization or dictator has ever directly affected my life.

Women are worse than the worst. They cause more daily suffering than terrorist organizations and child rapists combined because they have a direct negative effect on everything we do, our inceldom and society as a whole.

I cannot think of any holes in my argument. Please enlighten me if you disagree.

jeeperspeepersyo #crackpot #sexist #transphobia reddit.com

How can I learn to accept that society is penis obsessed, that even straight men talk about, draw & appreciate large penises more than they do vaginas, that oral sex is not common on women due to vaginas being unappreciated & that penises are fetishized a lot, so straight men like women with penises

How do most women accept these things and not feel inadequate, insecure or sexually of less value? How do they still feel attracted to men and have sexual desire?

I read about people saying those things on Reddit for example a lot and I have been told them by people on my Facebook friend's list a lot. Men and women and even more women. Even liberal men.

The focus and fetish for men who are into trans women is their penis, the focus and fetish for men who are into women with vaginas is the boobs and butts, not the vagina.

I have also been told by feminists that women have to beg for oral sex especially in certain cultures and with young men and that it's also because society sees vaginas are gross, unclean, fishy, taboo. While penises are not so. And that gay men are more openly negatively insulting & disgusted by vaginas than lesbians are by penises. Because penises are more normalised, default and sexualised.

Is it normal to be sad that society is penis obsessed and that straight men are even penis obsessed, and that vaginas come after penises, boobs and butts?

C.T. #racist #sexist #wingnut chechar.wordpress.com

[From "Spanish-speaking ‘conservatism’"]

Compared to the neighbouring country to the north, I consider Latin America the continent of the blue pill. There is nothing in MSM that resembles, say, Tucker Carlson. One has to search social media to find the voice of an Argentine, Agustín Laje, and his YouTube channel: a kind of Latin American Tucker who in the Spanish-speaking MSM would be inconceivable
Vox is a Spanish political party founded in late 2013. Its president is Santiago Abascal. Vox is the party of the right in Spain: a more conservative right than the caricature that the Republican Party has become in the US today

But Vox’s folk, Laje and the new Spanish-speaking right are limited to criticising the third feminist wave. Although the Spanish and Latin American media call them ‘ultra-rightists’ and fachas (fascists), they are actually progressive. Their criticism of feminism is not radical at all. Like Andrew Anglin, we not only reject the third wave that Vox rejects, but the first and second feminist waves, as can be seen in the sidebar book on Beth’s pretty boobs

The pendulum has swung so much to the left that liberals such as Argentina’s Laje and Márquez, and those of Spain’s Vox party, are seen as conservative. They are not
The so-called conservatives are liberals, and this applies not only to Vox and Laje but to Tucker and Sean Hannity (the latter interviewed a transexual man not long ago). There are no exponents of true conservatism in the media, neither in the English-speaking world nor in the Spanish-speaking world. And by the way, we are not conservatives but racists

ScornedStoic #dunning-kruger #pratt #sexist incels.is

If teenage girls are not responsible for their actions because they are young, then I am not responsible for any failure to date in my teens either.

Overwhelming hypocrisy.

When teenage girls are complete sluts and treat you like shit for asking her out, make fun of you, and fawn over your bullies;

You aren't allowed to hate women for this, they were young and their brains were still developing.


You were awkward as a teenager, and couldn't get dates despite trying over and over again? (Volcel users who haven't asked out, gtfo this site.)

Well that's clearly no one's fault but your own, you have no right to be mad at anyone but yourself, if you hold onto even the slightest resentment or anger from that time you are a creepy incel who deserves his fate because after all, the fact that you were young and inexperienced is irrelevant. Oh, and don't even think about trying to date teenage girls now that you actually have experience and know what you're doing, or we'll fucking lynch you. You chose to be incel in your teens so you deserve your fate.

But don't you dare even think of judging girls for their past, you loser virgin, they were children and had no idea what they are doing. They bear no culpability, but being an incel is a choice.

It's fascinating how women ended up with all the rights but barely the responsibilites of men, at least on a social level.

Greta Thunberg or the former Parkland bullies should be taken seriously despite their age, but if you criticize them you attack children. They only want the best of both worlds, the respect for adults, but the lenience for children.

Absolutely, agreed. If they're going to act like adults and put themselves in the public sphere, they deserve to be treated like adults i.e. no pulling punches.

Padraig Martin #sexist #racist identitydixie.com

[From "What Happened to Strong White Men?"]

As I am writing this piece, I am at a pub in a suburb that is north of Atlanta[…]As I sit here, I am surrounded by exceedingly soft White men, wearing jerseys that venerate black athletes, and cheering on teams for a sport that literally opens with the black national anthem. This begs the question: what happened to strong White men?
The soft jowls of the men around me betray exceeding amounts of estrogen in their diets. They do not seem to notice the beautiful girls at the bar – behind it or sitting beside them. They are dialed into the fast black guys
What happened to our sense of self? When did we sacrifice our masculinity for the sake of placating a feminized world?
Today, that same people sit at bars and worship black athletes who have established their own anthem in a country that was conceived and built by White people

Where are the strong White men? Whereas some are in the military, I have seen none who have taken a brave stance against Covid vaccinations and leftist governmental overreach
When someone asks, “Why are so many White women dating black men?” look around you. Those White women have been taught the feminist definition of masculinity[…]Those White women have been groomed on a healthy diet of Mandingoes and soy boys – the latter does not appeal to their genetically ingrained desire for protection, thus they gravitate to the former

If you have read this far, take an honest assessment of yourself. What are you doing to promote White masculinity?
Do you want to make a real difference? Embrace masculinity. Put down the video game, dial down your sports worship, wake up early in the morning, make your bed, go to work, provide, and embrace masculinity to the fullest. Your people are depending on you

Various Commenters #elitist #racist #sexist twitter.com

As much as I want to believe cities are dysgenic a visit to a rural PA grocery store is a reminder that everywhere is in its own way

Why is everyone so fucking ugly

(Your Humble)
People like to make it out like an agrarian versus industrial thing, but any post paleo diet is going to be dysgenic

(Yung Boomer)
Don’t tell #trad macho redneck rural twitter I said this: Republicans from blue states ought to colonize flyover country with pretty art hoe gfs.

Pennsylvania doesn’t have great looking people.

(Weimerica's Revenge)
America is a genetic toilet where all of the worlds pure bloodlines come to be flushed down the pipes together. Guess who was the one to coin the term "melting pot"

(Besta Posta M.D.)
It’s a class thing. Go to a ritzy area and everyone is beautiful. I used to go see my dad for two weeks every summer in his beach town. I remember the first year I got back and my mother took me to wal mart for weekly shopping and I was like, what the f@ck

(Lord Lightyear)
Part of the premise of cities being dysgenic is that they soak up all (most) of the good genes from rural areas and churn out low birthrates. Cities absorb the high iq and are iq shredders. They absorb the beautiful women and turn madonnas into whores (wives/mothers into sluts).

Darren J. Beattie #pratt #racist #sexist #wingnut twitter.com

China bans any video game with
* Any non-gender conforming character
* Any gay relationship
* Effeminate men
* Any game where you have to make moral choices between good/bad

"If regulators can’t tell the character’s gender immediately, the setting of the characters could be considered problematic and red flags will be raised.”

China is serious about its culture war.

Serious countries don't whine about racism, sexism, etc.

The entire purpose of the American regime is to coddle the fragile feelings of women and minorities

That's why America is a laughing stock on the world stage

This is relevant to all of the low-IQ whining about Chinese influence on American box office

If Chinese tastes governed our entertainment industry, we'd be healthier and better off

If China keeps this up, the Globalist American Empire will declare war

A big part of American ruling class' hatred of Russia is that Russia is a major power that rejects the woke ideology at the core of American regime

Now that Xi's China is rejecting America's woke poison in key respects, interesting to see how this plays into cold war 2.0

Used to be conventional wisdom that Russian rejection of wokeness more threatening because Russia is plausibly European and therefore a model for Western nations

China's rejection wokeness could very well have an opposite net effect, in the sense that it could be used to dupe conservatives into partially defending wokeness out of anti-China "patriotism"

This would be the foreign policy equivalent of Dems are the real racists

Similarly, Cold War 2.0 against CCP can be used to dupe conservatives into rallying to defense of mil industrial complex that has essentially declared them domestic terrorists

Insane, yes. But I think you can always count on conservatives to be duped. It's what they live for!

Various TERFs #transphobia #sexist #pratt ovarit.com

( Only_Women_Are_Women )
I don't believe in forcing people into the military, as is standard in many countries (Korea, Israel, Turkey), but a few years in the Peace Corps, say, would do this man some good. Unless he molested their kids. Would he be subject to local law?

( SamuraiGhostCat )
I don’t think it’s the Peace Corps is the right job for narcissists and sociopaths tbh. And like you said, too much risk not only to the children there, but women too. These men need to be kept away from all society in general.

( Only_Women_Are_Women )
You're right. I shouldn't punish others. I'm just trying to think of some actual hardship that might make something click in their brains.

Maybe put them on "trans island" (it wouldn't need to be an actual island) and make them grow their own food, build their own shelter, deal with actual survival like some people today are STILL struggling with, sadly. But like our own ancestors did not that long ago. [Not to say Farmer Jones who was up at dawn working the fields didn't also find time to rape the animals, because I'm sure he did.....]

Make these men dig a well and maintain it. Something where they get physically dirty and sweat and do NOT use their penis.

( proudcatlady )
This was the norm for men for most of human history and they still sucked, big time.

( GoodGoneGirl )

Maybe put them on "trans island" (it wouldn't need to be an actual island)

Let’s make it an actual island. Far, faaaaar away from women and girls.

( SamuraiGhostCat )
Antarctica... or maybe another planet.

( hmimperialtortie )
Prison with hard labour. Back to the old days of breaking rocks.

Andrew Anglin #sexist #psycho #fundie #conspiracy dailystormer.name

[From "Oklahoma: Slut Uprising as Teen Whores Claim Anyone Distracted by Their Half-Naked Bodies is a Pervert"]

If you thought that sluts had so much power that they couldn’t possibly demand more, then you are a dumb retard

Sluts could have you locked in a medieval dungeon being tortured with an iron maiden, and they would still claim you are oppressing them and that you have to make more concessions

The standard female technique of using their sexuality to oppress and exploit men and then claiming that mentioning that they are doing that is oppression against them is still an active tactic used aggressively

Daily Mail

Thirty Oklahoma high school students were suspended Friday after protesting the dress code, claiming it is sexist

Dozens of Mustang High School students held signs reading ‘Dress codes are sexist,’ ‘My body is not a distraction,’ and ‘If teens midriffs distract you, you should not be working with teens[…]

The male teachers should have raped these sluts
A 16-year-old girl is fully sexually developed. Any heterosexual male is going to be distracted by a teenage girl showing off her body. This is literally sexual harassment of men
Consent theory is now entering into total voodoo realms. “Age of consent” was sold as a way to protect the chastity of teenage girls after the sexual revolution established that any woman could “consent” to have sex with any man without consequences. To say that the age of consent now determines whether or not a man can be distracted by a half-naked teenager just reveals how stupid this all was to begin with

We NEVER should have allowed the sexual liberation of women. It was STUPID and JEWISH
Only men who can resist them are those whose spirits are hardened by the Holy Spirit

Alarming_Draw #sexist #wingnut reddit.com

So it turns out the new Bond film, partly written by a man hating feminist, is basically a nearly three hour long film of apologising for being male...


Bond gets softened up to appeal to female viewers. So Bond becomes A DAD (ffs!). To a GIRL, of course. As if it would have been to a boy.....

And they kill the nasty chauvisnist sexist bond in the end, while lots of the film focuses on the MOTHER telling a story about him to the daughter and a FEMALE version of Bond.

Well done feminists. You killed off the male, just as you always intended.

As for the social media surrounding the film-remember this-the film is literally being touted as 'the last hope to draw audiences back to the cinema after the virus, to save the companies that make films'. So did you THINK they werent going to try flooding the web with fake positive reviews, or to pay people to monitor social media to counter negative reviews?

Extra-Samsaric #fundie #psycho #sexist incels.is

Men shouldn't care whether their foid "loves" them or not

In the Bible, it is instructed for men to 'love' their wives- but nowhere does it say that foids should 'love' their husbands, only that they obey their husbands.

Men shouldn't care about "love" from their foids- only that their foids obey, respect, and are loyal to them. "Love" can be an added bonus, but it is non-essential.

i dont agree. coz if a foid loves you, she'd, like you mentioned, "obey, respect, and are loyal". so i do think it's important especially in modern day when foids can very easily ruin your life with false accusations if they are hostile to you. in the past, it's not as important, as social pressure forces the foid to obey you and be loyal, so its ok to not give a fuck about whether a foid loves you, if she misbehaves, you could just beat her up nowadays you go to jail even if she hits you and you defend yourself

Well, ideally of course, women wouldn't have all this power.

Mohammad Ashraf Ghairat #fundie #sexist jonathanturley.org

Chancellor Mohammad Ashraf Ghairat tweeted this week that women would be barred from campus until a “safe Islamic environment” can be created for their education. Notably, as this picture shows, men and women once studied together in the 1940s and 1950s. However, the Taliban banned women from going to school in their prior government in the 1990s

On Monday, Ghairat tweeted: “Folks! I give you my words as the chancellor of Kabul University: as long as real Islamic environment is not provided for all, women will not be allowed to come to universities or work. Islam first.”

Ghairat later lashed out at the New York Times for reporting this as a ban on Tuesday: “I haven’t said that we will never allow women to attend universities or go to work, I meant that until we create an Islamic environment, women will have to stay at home. We work hard to creat safe Islamic environment soon,.”
The New York Times noted that Ghairat is a 34-year-old hardcore Taliban believer who once referred to the country’s schools as “centers for prostitution”

hunther & Woman15 #crackpot #moonbat #sexist thepinkpill.co

RE: How many males have raped?

All men are rapist. The one who havent rape think about rape or are afraid of the consequences. 99% of men have rape because we live in a world where women are threaten that they must fullfill their duty to give themselves to their husband so they their mongoloids dont end up cheating or she's to be blamed. Plenty of cultures do not recognise marital rape because rape is the most effective mating strategy for moids. And unfortunately 99% of women are married to their rape apes

Most studies dont take about married moids or the culture surrounding the the threats that are taught to us if we dont end up pleasing the moids in marriage.

Another reason all men are rapists is the selective breeding of women and our cattle status.

If women have been selectively bred to be men's slaves (I don't know one person who doesn't atleast acknowledge generational trauma) and are under global male control how is consent real? Hell, I've even heard of conservative politicians who've acknowledged that we're all a product of male rapism because if we were to make abortion illegal whose to stay any of us would be here (male incestual rapism can potentially be found in everyone's family tree).

Recall the metoo movement; some women felt that if there was a power differential at work then whatever happens between the two parties can't be said to be consent free and clear.

this is a great point, and it really illustrates the flimsiness of the consent model. if the mere existence of a power dynamic can put consent into question, then consent is ALWAYS IN QUESTION. particularly in heterosex where it can easily turn life-threatening.

You fucking get it.

We will never be equal so we will never be free and we're always in a position of vulnerablity. How is fucking slaves, bred to be slaves, ever not rape? If the circumstances of coercion is always present due to the inherent power imbalance of the sexes and sex based oppression...

TheDarkWaters & villain_chromosome #dunning-kruger #psycho #sexist thepinkpill.co

RE: Men are retarded

I mean, men are basically a support system for their broken chromosome, which is a parasitic program and dicks are a tool for its self-replication. Honestly, men's attempts at self-reflection and self-analysis will never not be funny to me. The fact that they are taken seriously at all is peak tragicomedy.

Based. The entire macro-behavior of males reflects the microscopic behavior of the Y chromosome. Once you start to see that, it's impossible to unsee.

Exactly, it's like Borg collective. A man as a system is effectively the Y-chromosome and its life support. He does what it prompts him to do. When he speaks - it speaks. Any woman who believes that a man is an individual with free will and not a program executing his imperative, is not looking close enough or is afraid to see it.


Damn this was haunting

explain, this sounds really intriguing

I could write a whole book about that, but surprisingly, the facts are easily available on Wikipedia. You can easily draw comparisons between the "behavior" of the Y chromosome and male behavior.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Y_chromosome - read the Origins and Evolution section, the entire thing is gold, and then compare it to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X_chromosome#Humans - it clearly shows that females are genetically superior

The Y chromosome only cares about itself and its own propagation, not the whole genome (unlike the X chromosome).

The female is concerned with creating life, while the male is concerned with perpetuating himself. Sperm are insignificant, abundant, and cheap. The egg just waits there like a queen, because it's valuable and expensive. Macroscopically, the male is frustrated with his insignificance and dependence on a female to reproduce, but he also venerates the female because of how much he needs her - hence the creation of the love-hate, idolizing-demonizing, madonna-whore dichotomies in which males view females.

rainisthelife #sexist reddit.com

The reason why a lot of men nowadays struggle in the dating world is because beyond money, many of them simply don’t have anything to offer. And now that women are able to make their own money, the true uselessness of men is being revealed. So if it’s money he’s offering, or equivalent benefits, take it. And when there’s opportunity to take more, even from multiple men, go ahead and indulge. And you’ll find that once you’ve striped past all the layers and facade of their resources, there’s nothing left there but an empty, decaying barrel. Feel free to leave that for the birds to pick at. Your work there is done.

Various TERFs #pratt #sexist #transphobia ovarit.com

Why are schools allowing autogynephiles around children

MEN shouldn't teach young children. Especially not ones with public sexual fetishes.

Y’all already know how I feel about men 😭

I absolutely agree with the second one (obviously) but not with the first one. You know there are nice men and men in typical womens positions and viceversa is actually a good thing for gender abolition... I don't want a world where only women have relationships with children when I know there are respectable and normal men out there who would never be inappropiate with children.

He’s a nice man who would never do that to a child is what everyone says after it’s revealed that yes he would do that to a child

I mostly agree with this. But I think it's dangerous to have males teaching/supervising very little children who often need a teacher to help them in the toilet, to change a diaper, to bathe them after an accident, etc. The risk of abuse is just too high. And I think even most fathers would agree with this policy.

Once children are older, have the vocabulary to complain if they're abused, and don't need help in the toilet anymore; than male teachers are okay. But I'd be anxious if a man I didn't know was supervising my infant at a daycare.

Not worth the risk when we're talking about children's safety tbh

Yeah until we can impose actual consequences for ALL inappropriate behaviors (such as being weird, leering, and grooming; not just actually physically harming a child), men should not be allowed to teach.

Various TERFs #transphobia #sexist #pratt ovarit.com

RE: Students stage massive walk-out after a trans girl was blocked from the locker room / LGBTQ Nation

( OneStarWolf )
Crazy to me that any girl would be protesting to put a boy changing in the locker room with them. They're so naive.

( Every-Man-His-Own-Football )
And indoctrinated.

( MiMi2013 )
And stupid. And desperate to be handmaidens. :-(

The boy students , at least some of them, know they're protesting for the erasure of women from public places : From employment, from education, even from any place in public where they might need to use the restroom, AND that this will lead to a society in which women can only survive by finding some man, any man, to marry. That this is the result of allowing any boy or man who wants to , to "identify" as a woman (woman=porn category) has been openly discussed on 'manosphere' sites for years now.

And I have zero sympathy left for trans people at ALL. I do not believe dysphoria is at all common ; where it does exist is mental illness probably akin to body dysmorphia disorder; most trans woMEN are just autogynephiliacs (IOW, rape-y, entitled heterosexual men) , and even they are being replaced by violent sex predators willing to feign trans ness to prey on girls and women (as we see in only too many prisons). In a word : MONSTERS.

GluePrittCel #dunning-kruger #racist #sexist incels.is

Our pain of us blackcels is greater than yours.

Most whitecels for not say the 90% are volcels in disguise. Not far different from their femoid counterparts. They cry that femoids don't want them but they will never date black women. Even worse, they will never date a single mom of their own race. Meanwhile we blackcels have gotten the worst cards of the genetic lottery. Non-harmonous features, not enough height and others bald.

Even our Chad version, the Tyrone, is equal to a low tier white normie for not say an incel tier white guy. This could explain why Tyrone gets only white fat foids in the Anglosphere.

Empiric proves are clear:


Then stormcels will shit on us due to the demographic change in their country despite that was possible to due white volceldom and cuckness. Despite demographic change in America is mainly due to mexicans while demographic change in Europe is due to Asians(arabs, indians, pakistanies etc)

Even the SJW warriors,that were supposed to be anti-racist players, will never understand our pain:


BBC is a merely lie.


And BBC is useless if you don't have the enough face, height or hair in your head for consentment.

Unknown 4channer #elitist #sexist external-preview.redd.it


(Under two photos of a woman taken in 2012 and 2020 respectively. The photo file is named "ageing.jpg")

>send this picture to guy on Tinder, telling him that it could never happen to me, and as a trans girl I'll always be petite and cute and thin because no kids to fuck up my body

>he says he thinks she's pretty

What the fuck is men's problem? It could be a fucking obese single mother of four with a blowed out diseased pussy and they'll be like: is that a heckin' CIS woman? With a VAGINA!!!??? I gotta get me one of those!

IncelCream #dunning-kruger #racist #sexist #wingnut incels.is

Why the Soviet Union is needed

Soviet basically offered different version of society because of this America didn't want it's citizens to become pro-Soviet hence all the Anti propaganda.
This meant USA didn't promote degenerate culture until end of Soviets, it's why housing was more affordable before 1990s and why there wasn't anti white media, if Soviets was still about, America and west would be different because western men would support Soviet en masse, they would give secrets ect and vote differently. This is also why dating was easier back then

This is why I think China will win, as American becomes less white and more anti white it will cause friction with Europe which will slowly become more pro Russian/Chinese

Without Europe America soft power is limited

Will American Ideas Tear France Apart? Some of Its Leaders Think So

Look at these Hungary Censored a question about China

Serbian have Chinese Police

Chinese police officers join Serbian colleagues on the beat in Belgrade

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Will you betray America for what they did to us men?

J973 #sexist reddit.com

My friend asked me for money for an abortion
You would think that being extremely close friends for over 24 years would give her a clue that I don't agree with abortion. I believe it is killing unborn babies. I had my first child at 19, and I did just fine.

My friend chooses to have completely unprotected sex while not being on birth control. In your late 30's you should know better than that. This isn't an accident. It isn't the first time. Her primary form of birth control is apparently abortion. I have a big problem with that.

I am so upset over this. I think, more than she is. My husband does not want any more children, so adopting her baby isn't an option, though, I probably would if it were only up to me. This whole issue has me heartbroken and pretty depressed.

My whole adult life I have been a mother. I love being a mother. My youngest is almost 12. I want another baby, but under my husbands pressuring I got a tubal sterilization, so I know that it's never an option. I am sad for me, and angry about her.

I don't want her to kill her baby. I don't see how she can do it, repeatedly with so little thought. I don't know if I can think of her the same after this. In fact I know I can't. She has been a horrible friend to me over the years. There are too many examples to even start. Yet for some messed up reason, I lived her unconditionally, like a sister. I don't think that I can handle this though. I guess there was a condition, I will probably still love her like a sister. I just don't see it being the same.

I am probably going to have to yell at her for being an irresponsible fucking whore, because if I don't know one else will. I am not slut shaming. I have no problem with the amount of different dudes that she fucks, it's that she is being so unsafe when she has children and could get pregnant.

Thanks for listening to the venting.

J973 #sexist reddit.com

Well.... I guess I am slut shaming, but if you act like a whore than you are a whore. The stuff that she has done around children, including her own is inexcusable.... to the point if CPS found out, she would probably AT LEAST have an open CPS case if not have her children removed.

So, yes I guess I am saying if it walks like a duck, talks like a duck.... it's a duck. If she acts like a whore, fucks like a whore.... she is a whore.

It's really not up to you to decide how much sex a person must have in order to be called a whore. If things are really so bad for her children you should be responsible yourself, and call CPS to get them some help, not trash her uselessly on reddit.

wouldn't call CPS on anyone that I know unless I felt the kids lives were in danger. Their psychological and emotional well-being are not for me to decide. By law mom's are allowed to trollop as many sketchy dudes through their front door as they want to have sex with for beer and cigarettes. It doesn't make it "right" though, now does it? If she wants to maintain that lifestyle she shouldn't have had any children.

And... I can judge her all I want. She is my friend, not yours. I don't have to like what she is doing and I am allowed to tell her so.

Really? CPS takes away the children of people who have "too much" sex? Could you please provide a link or something for that? In a country as obsessed with keeping government out of our lives as the US is, it seems strange that this kind of interference would be countenanced. But well, I don't know a lot about CPS, which is why I'm asking.

I did CPS.... and no, you can't get your kids taken for "having too much sex". Now if you are getting drunk and fucking out in the open in the living room with random people and the kids are seeing that on a semi-frequent basis, you would probably get in trouble for neglect. If you have frequent loud drunken fights with these random men and the kids hear it... you can get in trouble for neglect. She has already had several open CPS cases on her for neglect and Domestic Violence after a guy pressed charges on her from throwing something that apparently hit him in the head.

Envita #conspiracy #homophobia #pratt #racist #sexist #wingnut amren.com

American females tried forcing their black man shagging ideals on the world.
Thank God it didn't work.
American females tried forcing their LGBT agenda on the world.
Thank God it failed yet again.
American females are now trying to force anal sex on infants too.
Hopefully that fails as well.
The Muslims are the good people in comparison
The american females are the demons, the communists, the socialists and vampires of all those around them.

manbro7 #dunning-kruger #pratt #sexist #wingnut reddit.com

RE: If we were living in a male-dominated world (with links)

If men wanted to oppress women they'd be sent to wars as cannon fodder and make up %99 of the casualties to save the lives of the more precious male sex from such brutality and death.

The entire world would revolve around a "Men and children first" narrative. Humanitarian aids would constantly and only discriminate against women.

Men would create a movement to erase the female sex through eugenics (#theFutureisFemale) regularly call for a gendercide of women and call for it's action (#KillAllMen) and wouldn't be punished in the slightest for spreading those ideas. Men would openly associate with these ideas publicly knowing they won't be punished in the slightest.

Despite things like #KillallWomen, only sexism to men would be banned and punished, misogyny would be mocked, refused and denied to even exist by the men's rights movement.

Men's rights would victim-blame female suicide victims with toxic femininity and be obsessed with slut-shaming women and female virgins. Men's right would create loads of sexist terms like "womanspread, womansplain, bagsplain" to attack women for decades, including incessant sexist generalizations for decades. If any women objected to their insane sexism, they'd be attacked with fragile femininity and fragile egos. Oh yeah, and every single sexism the female gender faces would be gaslighted and victim-blamed onto women by calling it all "toxic femininity"

Be a man, and you're already experiencing every single thing written here and by OP. Yikes.

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