
Point Refuted A Thousand Times

Various TERFs #transphobia #pratt ovarit.com

RE: Trans surgery ‘may be judged’ a mistake by future generations- The Australian

( BlackCirce )

Writing in the prestigious journal, Archives of Sexual Behavior, Melbourne psychiatrist Alison Clayton argues that transgender mastectomy may with time be seen as “dangerous medicine” like discredited past practices such as psychiatric lobotomy, which won a Nobel prize in 1949.

It’s unethical and conceptually incoherent to treat mental disorders with surgery. If a mental disorder has such a concrete connection to a somatic structure or process that it can be adequately treated with surgery, it should moved to the speciality of that structure. “She’s upset because she has breasts, therefore removing the breasts will cure her distress” is not a valid clinical reasoning.

Psychiatrists treating gender identity are getting high on their ability to marshal the big guns: anesthesiology and surgery.

( Snowball )

“She’s upset because she has breasts, therefore removing the breasts will cure her distress” is not a valid clinical reasoning.

Indeed. It's only a short step from that to "She's unhappy because she hates her life, so killing her will cure her depression".

( SulphuricMirror )
Yeah, no shit. This is going to be the scandal of the 21st century, certainly a very major one, right at the start. It will be in history books for a long time just like Thalidomide and lobotomies and Nazi experiments and Big Tobacco and so on already are. This will not be looked back on Kindly by future generations, at all. It will be recognized as a war on womankind, and a war on homosexuality. Because that's what it is. It will also be recognized as a mass-psychosis, and the fact that it was funded by a just a few very rich fetishistic men may not be what is most remembered about this, but I'm sure the most detailed, honest accounts of what's happening now will include that. There are receipts, after all. Books will be written, just like you can find books now about the Satanic Panic and recovered memories crazes.

BlackCirce #transphobia #pratt ovarit.com

they aren’t actually trying to put down women they’re just trying to gain inclusion in women’s spaces.

Why do males need access to women's spaces? Why would a grown man need to be included in women's sports or access a women's rape shelter? Men's sports are already accessible to men who identify as women. We have no experiences in common and this is demonstrated by transgender males and their handmaidens insisting over and over that we shut up or change how we speak about women's experiences. If transgender males were women, they'd be included by default. When "white feminists" talk about menstruation, or abortion, or pregnancy, or rape, I'm included as a black woman, and so is every other color of woman.

If they aren't trying to put us down why do they threaten us? Why do trans males rape and kill lesbians? Why do they get us fired from our jobs? Why do transgender males rape transgender females like Eli Erlick (allegedly) did? Why do they insult us, our bodies, our sexualities, our struggles? Why do transgender males behave interpersonally and politically identically to other males? I call bullshit sis.

chad kincham #conspiracy #quack #pratt christianforums.com

Once upon a time, in 2002, there was the SARS-CoV-1 virus, for which they developed a vaccine.
Animals given the vaccine developed a robust antibody response, which is what they wanted.
But when the animals were exposed to the live virus, they all died from the pathogenic priming effect, so they discarded the vaccine.
Fast forward to 2019 and the SARS-CoV-2 virus, in which vaccines were developed in a rush and released as experimental vaccines - and guess what essential step was skipped? Animal trials.

A Nobel prize winning virologist predicts mass deaths within 2 years among those vaxxed.

The UK recently released a report showing that most COVID deaths are among the vaccinated.

One of many reports on UK COVID deaths:

UK hospital data shocks the world: 80% of COVID deaths are among the vaccinated… COVID deaths up 3,000% after vaccine wave

(Note: Here is the link he posted - doesn’t look like a very authoritative source to me https://stuartbramhall.wordpress.com/2021/09/28/uk-hospital-data-shocks-the-world-80-of-covid-deaths-are-among-the-vaccinated-covid-deaths-up-3000-after-vaccine-wave/)

@Strobe_Lightly #transphobia #pratt twitter.com

dont let them pit us agsinst each other! lesbians and trans people are strongest when working together.

On the contrary. The vast majority of ‘trans women’ represent a very real and physical threat to women in general and lesbians in particular. I’ve never known a group of people so intent on colonising women’s spaces and undermining their rights. It’s anti-feminism writ large.

Neetgod #conspiracy #pratt #racist #sexist #transphobia neets.me

Again there is no such thing as a black incel

The evidence is mounting and no I'm not a cuck advocating black supremacy. I'm simply pointing out that atleast in California there is a interracial phenomenon happening here. White men are in a state of disarray. Its different in some parts of the country but my city has the most interracial relationships in the fucking world. I need to move the fuck out of here. When I lived in the bay it was different. I was worshipped. But in the valley I'm human garbage.

1. Every user that is black here is not an incel. Let that sink in. Every white user here is an incel. I seen a picture of Lain And he is model tear looks. But he cant even get laid wtf is going on here
2. All the black men that live in my apartment complex have gf. Not one white man does.
3. I dont care what some stupid ass app stats say i know what I seeing is real there is a series problem for white men in California especially in the valley where I live
4. I see blacks with snow bunnys more then whites with whites I'm not making this up and its driving me insane. I hate snow bunnys for race trading so much.
5. Now I know what it's like to be a asian man it's a living hell. Your essentially being genetically weeded out in a cold silent war. It's over. Tranny max or bust for the white man in 2021.
6. If you disagree that's fine but you will not change my mind no matter how many stats you have cause i live in the real world I know what I see is very real.

Three South Carolina state representatives #transphobia #sexist #pratt wistv.com

Lawmakers are reintroducing a bill that will ban transgender women from playing women’s high school sports in SC.

A bill pre-filed by two Greenville representatives and one Aiken representative signed onto the bill that adds a section to the state code of laws that transgender women/girls may not participate in women’s secondary and post-secondary sports.

Also mentioned in the proposed bill, it is stated that transgender men/boys MAY participate in male sports.

The biological gender of the student will be confirmed using their birth certificates.

The bill has been filed in the past by Representative Ashley Trantham (R-Greenville) who has sponsored it again for this upcoming session.

The two other representatives are Rep. Melissa Lackey Oremus (R-Aiken) and Rep. James Mikell “Mike” Burns (R-Greenville).

When asked about the bill in February, Rep. Trantham said:

It’s not that I’m not compassionate about what they’re going through. But I would also point out, we have to think about how this is going to impact our girls. I mean they have to be able to have a level playing field and we just know based on the science that when we allow biological males to compete with our girls that we’re taking away that opportunity.

The bill has far to go and has to be signed by Governor Henry McMaster in order for it to become a part of state law.

Unknown Commenter #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #fundie #pratt #wingnut boards.4chan.org

these last two years have been an actual nightmare

I'm unironically having more fun than I ever have in my life.
I love this shit. I was raised on dystopian cyberpunk fiction and tinfoil conspiracy stories like X-Files and Tom Clancy. I spent my teens years browsing /k/ and LARPing innadeaert with my hooligan buddies. I played a bunch of Source games and got addicted to the gloomy, bleak, grey, mournful, empty feeling of games like HL2.
I live and breathe this shit. Not only do I get absolutely rock-hard for post-apicalyotic, blackpilled, hopeless nightmare settings like this in fiction, I've been a serious prepper for over a decade now. What's more, I was even raised in a heavily-religious house and told about the Prophecies of Fatima and the Book of Revelations and the 3 Days of Darkness etc. as a child, along with being armed with a TON of prayers.
Now the entire world is in the midst of a nightmarish totalitarian PSYOP, American cities are starting to resemble post-collapse Eastern Europe, a Chinese bioweapon is loose, billions of people have been placed under house arrest and surveillance, we're approaching civil war, an unelected president was sworn in with 20k troops guarding him at the capitol, propaganda is blatant and everywhere in the most nightmarish THEY LIVE form possible, and they may unironically be implementing a mark of the beast system. I could go on and on, but this is MY SHIT.

Neetgod & Neet Cel & WeebHunter3000 #pratt #racist #sexist #wingnut neets.me

The white man is the new jew

Funny thing is the white libtard is the one oppressing his own race. 70 percent of blm members are white.

1. There now denying medical infusions to whites so they can prioritize for ethnics
2. Oakland and la are now giving basic universal income to ethnics but excluding whites
3. Whites are excluded from college admissions because there white. Even though there more qualified.
4. Most white cunts prefer niggers now
5. ESPN announced they will only do internships for black only whites are excluded
6. The media constantly paints white men as white nationalists terrorist
7. These are only a few examples

(Neet Cel)
The (((poles))) are the tru Jews of Europe

It’s the Jews bro, always has been.

@BevJacksonAuth #transphobia #pratt twitter.com

It is time to call out those who say affirming “gender identity” is kind or progressive. It’s the opposite. We hear daily more stories of young people – mostly lesbians – who’ve been deceived into thinking that changing their bodies would relieve their confusion & distress.
They are victims of the most heinous form of conversion therapy we have ever seen. It is time to call it out, to halt these experiments on kids, and end this madness.

TheFoxAndTheFound #homophobia #pratt #racist #wingnut reddit.com

RE: Anon remmebers


spoilerYou didn't see the 70s or the 80s or 90s

You know they took something but you don't fully understand what.

The best way to understand what they took is so to watch Beethoven from 1991

Things you'll see

- nuclear family
- Three kids
- Beautiful small town America
- Happy music
- No pessimism
No politics
- No race baiting
- No gay indoctrination
- No trans indoctrination
- No underlying "message" about race
- Positive vibes
- Little worries because US is #1

You can really feel the optimism of 90s America. Peak United States power. Peak economics.

And then social media happened

No, protected demographics got the equality they wanted and realised that equality wasn't enough, and by the time we realised just how far they would go to enact their revenge for shit we didn't do, they had achieved too much momentum.

I regret ever voting yes on gay marriage and I regret ever holding my hand out in friendship to any demographic other than my own.

This is what racists were like in 1968 lol

To my horror, turns out a lot of the things that bigots said would happen over the last century should we allow the march of progress is definitely happening.

PGTips4Lyfe #interphobia #conspiracy #crackpot #pratt #transphobia ovarit.com

I doubt women's sports will be saved. I think that even if they make some guidelines drawing a line in the sand, the line will be weak and modern medicine will make it very easy to "stealth trans" and include intersex people, who may become the new major talking point for inclusion as self-id inevitably is seen as the naked wrong it is (at least for sports).

So womens' sports may indeed be doomed, even if it will peak a lot of people. Why? Theres too many nefarious countries wanting medal prestige at any cost. Think about what China already does to its dissidents. They also punish family members of dissidents, just for being related. No doubt they will trans some number of children in brutal soviet-type experiments and get a rash of gold medals on these stealth trans athletes, either they will force it or it will be coersive due to how poor and desperate their own population is. They may already be doing this or have been doing this. I really wish it wasn't doomed. but that's how it is. Right now is when we need some kind of trans male she-hulk because its a slippery slope from here I think, and if we got some team of Kobe Bryants from Belarus or something beating the shit out of the competition that might peak people enough.

But I digress.

The end of it is only going to happen when the massive scale of child abuse (via child medical experiments) is exposed. However, god only knows this coud take decades or even a century. Think of how long the Boy Scouts of America lasted before their shit was exposed. Think of the Catholic Church. And the trans religion truly is a new religion. The most dangerous one yet, possibly, as it literally has no morals, no obvious tenants besides self-destructive transgression and no central organization.

Various TERFs #conspiracy #crackpot #pratt #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Pedophile-apologist TIF claims we should respect a group’s preferred terminology

( yougonnabebleedin )
Pedophille acceptance?

( remove_the_veil )
Yes, absolutely. Queer theory is all about breaking (or rather, getting rid of) all sexual boundaries. It views anything that is considerd the 'norm' or 'traditional' as inherently oppressive and in need of 'queering' (aka, transgressing). Even things that are put in place for a reason, like safeguarding. We all saw those posts hand-waving the Wi Spa incident, claiming, 'well if you don't like a penis in your changing room, don't look!' Notice also how keen gender ideology is to break up families and replace them with 'glitter' families. How the current trans movement claims that children can 'consent' to surgery on their genitals. That's only a small leap away to 'children can consent to [insert every sexual situation you can think of here].'

And I realise this may sound like a stretch to some, but I think one of the many sinister motives in trans'ing children (and preventing them from going through puberty) is to attempt to create a group of people who are legally adults but who still look like kids.

( hmimperialtortie )
That’s exactly what I think it is. Permanent quasi-children, undeveloped physically and mentally.

( notyourfetish )

And I realise this may sound like a stretch to some

It's not a stretch at all. Pedos are a real issue. I'm surprised people would think it was far fetched. This has been my assumption from the start.

Pedos and AGPs tend to overlap. That's why we see a lot of TIMs talking about "sexy" children and other pervy shit. They want to make it normal for grown-ass men to sleep with children and they want kids on puberty blockers to stop them growing up. It will be a free for all for these predators soon, if it isn't already.

( remove_the_veil )
Yeah, it's not a stretch to me, but I've had some skeptical reactions to that assertion in the past. It feels like a no-brainer to me. But some people think if you believe in a 'conspiracy of pedos' you are some kind of right-wing bigot nutjob. And I'm like, no.... I just know the lengths pedos will go to access children (or a 'simulacrum' of one).


Various 4channers #dunning-kruger #pratt #psycho #racist #wingnut boards.4chan.org

(Canadian Anon 1)

White Students Not Allowed at Pennsylvania School District's Drone Camp

The worst part about the states white hate is that it bled into Canada

We used to all hate brown people now we welcome them and want to push the whites out

(Catalonian Anon)

That's a ten million dollar settlement just waiting to happen.

LMAO. hahahaha the law does not apply when it protects whites. you're still in the year 1990 brotha.

(American Anon 1)
Nothing will happen.
Why? Because no one will sue.
This is illegal, but there is not ONE organization to sue them
If it was reverse however, there would be 100 organizations pouring in and sue the school to oblivion
This is the weakness of our system

We don’t have any organization who defend whites for discrimination like this

(Canadian Anon 2)
You naive moron

Discrimination laws do not apply to white people and there is countless precedent to support that

(American Anon 2)
America has privileged/protected classes which maintain special rights as a form of repayment for lack of representation previously. It’s the same reason nonwhites can have work organizations designed for their needs and networks, but a white based one is illegal

(American Anon 3)
>White kids not allowed to attend drone camp.
>White kids decide to make their own drone camp.
>Black kids get mad because all their drones are mysteriously broken or stolen
>Black kids demand to be allowed to attend white kids drone camp, Citing general systemic racism for being the reason that they have no equipment.

(American Anon 4)

They're going to create so much pressure that they're going to end up with mainstream support for pro-White organizations.

If only you knew how cucked whites really are

(American Anon 5)
whites will go fucking extinct with the last one whining about how its unfair rather than burn down buildings and kill the people in charge of genociding them. congrats bitch. once youre dead from the vaxx your kids are going to be rape meat

Ahmad Greenman #dunning-kruger #moonbat #pratt twitter.com

A key test of Europe's "strategic autonomy" blather would be to solve this, militarily if needed, without the Anglo-Americans.

Serbia 'threatening third Balkan war', warns Kosovan prime minister

Serbia was isolated in 1999 , Russia and China were irrelevant and weak. not the situation in 2021. Euro federalists have to understand Serbia has Russia+ China on their support. And they did not forget what Europeans did to Serbia in 1999.

China and Serbia strengthening military ties

Russia, Belarus, Serbia kick off Slavic Brotherhood joint counter-terror drills

Serbians like Russian and Chinese were slaughtered and killed by Nazis and their puppets/allies . Jasenovac concentration camp is something we will never forget nor forgive.

ZUBY #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #pratt #wingnut twitter.com

The 'vaxxine passports' are going to fail catastrophically and all of the people who advocated for unethical coercion, segregation and discrimination are going to be the bad guys in the story.

Like they always are.

There are people who still think this is all about health and public safety.

The way some people try to label everyone who doesn't want THIS particular injection an 'anti-vaxxer' is hilarious.

They think it's clever but it really demonstrates their own stupidity, lack of empathy, and inability to comprehend basic nuance.

He spreads vaccine misinformation, and it's clearly done for clicks/views/$. Just boring now

Yeah, it is ME spreading 'vaccine misinformation'. Not the politicians, media pundits, or globo organisations that have lied to you from day one and every day since.

I don't know how you can live with yourself being this disingenuous.

Cognitive dissonance is crazy.

Good morning to everybody, except those who support discrimination, segregation, and unequal treatment of their fellow citizens.

If you support medical tyranny, outright segregation, mistreatment, trampling of human rights, and/or aggression against peaceful people, then you are indeed my enemy.

They've drawn their lines. I will draw mine. I am not the aggressor in this situation. I advocate for liberty.

Globally, governments and their cronies have been imprisoning innocent people, trampling civil liberties, implementing segregation, and disregarding humans rights. For 18 months+

But people would rather talk about transgender bathrooms, what foods are racist, and the weather.

This is pretty damning. I recommend reading the whole article.

So much dodgy stuff has occurred over the past 20 months. I don't think people fully appreciate how serious some of it will prove to be.

More whistleblowers in the medical world are starting to speak up and expose shenanigans.

It feels like this whole thing is unravelling. Slowly, but surely... Give it time.

Various Commenters #dunning-kruger #homophobia #pratt #psycho #sexist #transphobia #wingnut patriots.win

RE: We're reaching levels of tranny mental illness that shouldn't even be possible.



I take solice in knowing at least one of them will commit suicide in the near future.

If we're lucky, both.


how are there men out there that want to have sex with another man but to have their penis and balls cutoff first?

Gee when you put it like that it almost sounds like a mental illness 🤔

How dare you perceive reality correctly

Trans people don't exist, it's just extra kinky homosexuals. Change my mind.


I'm not sure what I just read. Trannies hate gays? I'm not even going to try and comprehend this shit.

homosexuality is more or less normalized (ugh)

trannies arent anywhere close to that level of acceptance (yet)

The insanely unrealistic expectations, the mood swings, the lack of disclosure until after the fact... are we sure this isn't a woman or is it just the hormone therapy?

I’m not sure if the never-stick-it-in-the-crazy rule applies here. Confused.

I’m pretty sure the toss-off-a-roof rules DOES apply, though.

Roof, parking garage, mountain top...whatever is handy.

That's a 41%er homophobe. 🤡

41% isn't high enough.

It's a good start...


The trans community is the most hateful, degenerate group of scumbags I've ever seen in my life.

Look at those horrid, beastly, things that trotted out front of Netflix protesting Dave Chappelle. Those nasty dudes are all sorts of messed up. It always starts with getting diddled at some point as a kid and then they go on to recruit and perpetuate the sickness.

Not all faggots are pedos, but all pedos are faggots.


I wish the earth was flat so we could throw them all off the edge.

The whole planet is an edge if you have a helicopter.

Got Questions Ministries #fundie #pratt #sexist gotquestions.org

Roe vs. Wade legalized murder, because abortion is murder. The growing baby is not a part of its mother, so killing it means killing a separate entity. A distinct human being. God abhors murder, as seen in many places in Scripture (e.g., Genesis 9:5; Exodus 20:13; Revelation 22:15).

Christians should view the Roe vs. Wade decision with sadness and outrage. We should do everything within our legal power to overturn it. Ironically, Norma McCorvey (Jane Roe in the landmark decision) was befriended by a pro-life leader whose love and patience broke through her fear and anger. McCorvey eventually reversed her opinion on abortion and joined the movement to overthrow Roe vs. Wade.

We should all follow the example of the man who befriended McCorvey and realize that behind every abortion there is a hurting mother. God loves that mother as much as He loves her baby. While Roe vs. Wade was a savage blow to pre-born children in America, the women who’ve had abortions since that court decision need to know there is hope and healing in Jesus Christ. God can forgive all sin.

Wayne Allyn Root #conspiracy #fundie #pratt #wingnut facebook.com

(about the covid vaccine)

What happened to the war cry of Democrats: "My body, my choice"? It only applies to murdering babies, but it doesn't apply to dangerous experimental shots that we don't want injected into our bodies.
Weren't Jews injected with experimental drugs by the depraved Nazi government? Wasn't that a key part of the Nuremberg trials? That no government could ever again inject experimental shots into the bodies of unwilling citizens? Isn't that a basic human right?

Raginbakin #pratt #racist reddit.com

Hello, my name is Average Foreigner living in Asia. I live here in Concrete Jungle with my wife; her name is Lu and she likes white people very much. We met on Interpals; she was looking for an English partner and I just wanted an Asian girlfriend. I work as an English teacher because I cannot do anything else; that's okay because all I am required to do is act like a big idiot and humiliate myself in front of children. I have been learning the local language for X years now but I will never master it because I have no reason to; who cares anyway because the whole world uses English. All the locals tell me they are jealous of my large penis; this would never happen in the West as there I was considered too weird and awkward to ever go more than first-base with a girl. I feel like a God, my white-skin radiating like the sun's rays over a desolate wasteland. Everywhere I go, the locals kowtow to me because they like my foreign money and when they are even slightly rude to me, I get very angry and post on YouTube about how this country is racist and needs to embrace more diversity. Their traditions are beautiful, but only as much as it entertains me because I cannot be shitted to learn the nuances around a thousand year old culture that isn't my own. I am turning forty this year; that's okay though, as the young women will still lust after me for virtue of my blue eyes and blond hair. Truly, I live in a wonderland; more foreigners should come and date a coked up, sixteen year old girl like I do.

Mmmm_Brains & roundabout #transphobia #pratt #sexist ovarit.com

RE: So it's all about being able to "pass"

( Mmmm_Brains )
The reason it all hinges on passing is because it's entrenched in trickery and rape rhetoric. It gives them this rush to know they've forced someone to acknowledge their fetish, that they've also tricked them. It's really a form of sexual harassment, because we're all participating in someone's sexual fetish/deviency, quite unwillingly too.

( roundabout )

It's really a form of sexual harassment, because we're all participating in someone's sexual fetish/deviancy, quite unwillingly too.

I agree with that but, for exactly that reason, I don’t think it “all hinges on passing”. I think they get less of a kick from “tricking” us (rarely happens anyway) than they do from forcing us to go against our instincts (including that of self-defence), against our reason, and against our volition. It’s about power, like it always is with men.

Various Commenters #pratt #transphobia #wingnut reddit.com

RE: Oh no, how could it be?


Young Americans Are Becoming Less Comfortable With LGBTQ People, GLAAD Finds

Yup. I'm gay and I've lost respect for the LGBT community. I don't want to be associated with it anymore. I've put myself back in the closet because I'm so sick of not being able to join any LGBT group without seeing giant lists of sexualities, kinks, and pronouns.

Imagine if 98% of the world were constantly saying they were straight, had "straight" as part of their display name, straight flags around their names. It would be fucking annoying as all shit. That's what trying to deal with any LGBT group is now. I'm done. I'm now a bigot. Internalized homophobia or whatever.

Every time a less liberal gay group starts up they get attacked and doxed by the ultralibs.

Who's willing to bet that it's not the LGB aspect that's losing support, but it's actually the T and and all the attention seeking bullshit that comes after the T as well? It seems like the support for lesbians, gays and bisexuals is increasing with each generation, but when it comes to transgenders they seem to be stuck in a rut in which they can't get out of.

I swear, ever since the fucking lgbt fetishizers came along, it's been ruining the hard work the community has been doing. It's a real shame.

Pople warned this would happen ever since the first obnoxious SJWs began appearing on Tumblr over a decade ago. Year after year I recall seeing people who said "treating people like shit is going to make them reject the LGBT."

I mentioned seeing in a Tumblr-adjacent community back in 2014 how someone said that the vicious behavior of TRAs makes it very hard to care about trans issues. And was proven right almost immediately by a horde of shrieking TRAs tearing that person apart, claiming they don't want "fairweather allies."

DefinitiveRight, Gemjunior & Vox Nihili #pratt #racist #wingnut amren.com


Over a third of white students lie about their race in college admissions, indicating that young Americans are seeking strategies to avoid being negatively impacted by left-wing and anti-white racism on the part of American colleges and universities.

A survey that polled 1,650 white college prospects indicated that 34% lied about their race to make themselves more competitive in applying for college admissions and financial aid at universities. 81% of the students that admitted falsely indicating a non-European race or ethnicity said they hoped to improve their chances at grants and admissions, recognizing the pervasive preference for non-white students on the part of colleges and universities.

Nearly half of white men admitted to claiming to be another race in college admissions.

Okay so now I am really confused! Mama Kamala, AOC, Maxine Waters, and Cori Bush all say because I am a cisgender white male of European pure race ancestry I have undue privilege and in fact my kind run this country as evil monsters?

So is this not the case? Should I wear blackface tomorrow to get a job and speak in ebonics?


How is there white privilege if these students are trying to pretend they are not white?

That is the same type of question as “Why are all the Africans in Africa trying to walk, run and swim a zillion miles to come INTO such a hateful, racist country where they are being LITERALLY HUNTED DOWN AND MURDERED in the streets in cold blood by the racist White man and police just because of the color of their skee-in?” Hmmm… and so we ponder….

(Vox Nihili)
How sad that it has come to this for this generation. While wanting to get a leg up, or at least even the playing field, by claiming non-white ancestry is understandable, I suspect some of them do it to some degree or other out of shame for their whiteness.

Remember, even saying IT'S OKAY TO BE WHITE is not okay. These kids have been psychologically abused.

Various Commenters #pratt #racist #wingnut reddit.com

West*rn Europe 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮


"immigration is not bad" just fucking look at Sweden.

Only cucks say that, Sweden rape rate went up by 200% in 2015 when the mass immigration happened


Lmao we are the Lowest 😎💪🏻 And they call us criminals...

They didn't count stealing territory #kosovojesrbijaa #raskajecrnagora 😤😤😤


Fucking hillarious that w*stoids always talk about how unsafe Eastern Europe is

Sweden is very dangerous because there's so many kurds

True. If westerns had our mentality and stopped being soft hoes they wouldn't be fucked by a bunch of immigrants, when everyone violent then no one is violent.


Pretty sure the higher the income inequality is, the more robbery there will be. we are all equally poor so it's not so common 🙃 Nothing to rob, politicians took it all 🙃🙃🙃

No. Income inequality and Sweden and Norway is virtually the same. I could tell you one policy that is vastly different in both countries though……..


wonder why swedenistan is so high

Cause Middle Eastern immigrants,multi culturalism sure went good for them.

so strange, the more homogenous a country the lower the robberies...

Hmm, I wonder who’s responsible for those robberies in such diverse countries! Surely not…


I mean, Russia is claiming to have lot less street agressions than west Europe. But Russia don't Dela with "ordinary violence".

So ... Not gonna follow this one ;)

We have a ton of migrant on migrant wars in Moscow. Pretty crazy to watch.

Carl Benjamin (Sargon of Akkad) #pratt #racist #wingnut youtube.com

Critical Race Theorists are lying about Critical Race Theory and I would know, because I've read their goddamn bible, all 500 pages of it and I'm about two-thirds of the way through.

I'll be quoting extensively from this in this segment, these serpents are just going to lie to your face and pretend like their ideology is not what it seems.

I think it's an opportunity to gain a greater understanding of how the past informs the future, and, of course, that in turn should allow us to intervene and find the necessary solutions in regards to combating racial disparities.

That's not what CRT is.

Kimberly Crenshaw who wrote the introduction to this says that Critical Theory is, "An attempt by a collection of neo-Marxist intellectuals, former New Left activists, and ex-counter-culturalists in law schools to oppose the classical liberal argument that race is irrelevant to public policy." Crenshaw tells us, "With its explicit embrace of race consciousness, Critical Race Theory aims to re-examine the terms by which race and racism have been negotiated in the american consciousness, and recover and revitalize the radical tradition of race consciousness among African Americans and other People of Color, a tradition that was discarded when integration, assimilation, and the ideal of colorblindness became the official norms of racial enlightenment."

It's race supremacy for non-white people, that's what it is, and so what this leads them to is being pro-segregation, because integration is a form of black genocide. They also want to return to the separate but equal doctrine, only they want the society to be run and segregated by blacks, so it is just an inversion of the entire Democrat policy from like the 20s. That's what it essentially boils down to, it is expressly neo-Marxist in their approach, and they're very clear about this, they're crystal clear about this, so there's nothing to do about racial unfairness and it's not about racial disparities.

hmimperialtortie #crackpot #transphobia #pratt #sexist ovarit.com

(Submitters Note regarding context: A trans woman tweeting “Cis people are afraid that trans people will criticize them. Trans people are afraid that cis people will kill them.”)

RE: No, we're afraid that you will rape/murder us because you're men.

( hmimperialtortie )
Nobody’s murdering you disgusting male freaks except your pimps and johns, and that’s only the miniscule minority of you who are prostituted gay men. You AGP perverts are the rapists and murderers.

Various TERFs #pratt #transphobia #sexist ovarit.com

RE: A transgender woman filed a discrimination complaint alleging she was denied admission to an assisted living facility | Maine Public (https://www.mainepublic.org/courts-and-crime/2021-10-21/a-transgender-woman-filed-a-discrimination-complaint-alleging-she-was-denied-admission-to-an-assisted-living-facility?_amp=true)

( IrishTheFrenchie )

but an administrator denied her admission because of a concern that she wanted to stay in a room with a female roommate.

There is no age when men stop raping women.

( Srfthrowaway )
Yup. You know this man would have also demanded female PSW for intimate care.

( Pugsnotdrugs_411 )
On the slightly less nefarious spectrum of entitlement, he could just be doing this solely for validation purposes. But I guarantee it's because he wants to flex his power over women and god forbid, because he wants to commit a sex crime.

( ProxyMusic )
This is the next frontier in the march of the invading trans tyrants. Trans orgs have been "training" people involved in running LTHCFs and home health agencies for a number of years now. It's part of the strategy of making inroads in areas where the persons being encroached upon and put at risk are those who are most vulnerable and least able to fight back - kids in school; women in prisons; women in shelters & rape refuges; women acutely ill in hospitals; elderly, infirm and disabled women in nursing/care homes & rehab facilities, or who rely on health aides & helpers in their own homes.

( bellatrixbells )
Ok so let me get this straight. This elderly man needs to be housed in an assisted care living facility and demanded a female roommate for validation purposes. That was denied because females deserve their dignity and privacy, so now he's suing the state for a human rights violation ?

This guy is basically suing a state for not letting him violate the privacy of women.

Doesn't make any sort of difference that he's dressed up as a mock woman for years. I wonder if he dumped a wife and kids to live his fetish full time ? "Oh, but he's been using women's facilities for years" So ? He shouldn't have been doing that in the first place. Fuck him.

BTW OP next time you upload a link with a misgendering title, I suggest you change it to proper pronouns :) I wondered who was she-ing this man hahah

Various Terfs #sexist #transphobia #pratt ovarit.com

RE: "It so weird to me that after realizing we are men, we are more willing to accept our femininity."

( AnneLister )
Adopting the sissification fetish from their brave and stunning transwomen sisters, I see.

( GynyHappyPeople )
That was my thought.

It’s a sub of trans identified females acting out trans identified male fantasies. So many “catboy” selfies.

( AnneLister )
TRAs make me so embarrassed on behalf of cats.

( tacocat )
Jesus. These people need to get off the internet.

( MonstrousRegiment )
When I saw the post title I instantly imagined some new variation on trans-identifying men who understand that they're autogynophiles! What a disappointment!

( gncautistic )
So they're totally fine with being feminine and a stereotypical woman just as long as you call her a ''he''? this shit you can't even make up! Calling themselves ''femboys'' is so gross. TIF's also can't keep their fetishes a secret.

( ComplicatedSpirit )
There’s so much to unpack. Internalized misogyny, the conviction that all things must be “gendered,” the anxiety over conforming to “masculinity” or “feminity” and what they’re identifying and presenting as. These people have serious problem and they’re turning to fucking Reddit and Tumblr to validation rather than help.

( hmimperialtortie )
And this is yet another example of why I’m really over TIFs and my sympathy for them has almost completely evaporated. Stupid, stupid, stupid.

( Jacknife )
Can't they just cut the crap and act out AGP as cis women?

Notorious Inkler #dunning-kruger #elitist #pratt #psycho #racist incels.is


Well that's a new one

Isnt your skin white too?

He is pissed off because he is just a Polack. Slavs are literally the slave race off rich european countries. 70% of all prostitutes are from EE and they suck dicks for practically pocket change. The vast majority of EE men work minimum wage (or at least low paying) manual labor jobs.

However, this thread is just low quality bait, but I give him a bump for the effort anyway.

Is that why Putin hates the west?

Could be idk.

Have you enjoyed some of that slav pussy for pocket change

Yes and I only paid 50€. She was a solid 8/10 and I coomed on her tits without paying extra. She was also really friendly.

Brutal ngl

It's the truth. The funny thing is that soys will use this as an argument to justify immigration, but they simultaneously admit that immigrants are nothing more than modern SLAVes. I'm so glad that McDonald's introduced those touch screen panels to order and pay your food because I don't have to interact with some low IQ immigrant anymore.

slav's seem to cope a lot with masc stuff, white knighting, and other thugmaxxing stuff. seems like the lower iq you are, the more likely you are to thugmaxx

damn. and to think tesla was a slav

Yeah, there are always exceptions to the rule. This post wasn't just an insult, it's literally the truth.

lol your future is just as bleak as slavs once your will run of wealth, future is painted with chink colours

Keep coping, Polack. You are the slave race of Europe and this will be the case until the day I die

you were raped by slavs literally just like your pathetic nation at fall of the berlin

Few foids were raped by slavs 70 years ago. So what? EE is a shithole. We lost two world wars but we're still the economic powerhouse of europe. You made this thread at 3:40am local time. Do you even have job? I could get you one. 10€/h in a brothel, cleaning rooms.

@SatiriaNews #pratt #transphobia #sexist twitter.com

We read the article. It’s ideological gibberish. Complete drivel. Utter nonsense. One slogan after another.

You & every one of your ancestors for millions of years was born from an egg produced by a female & a sperm produced by a male.

“Keep on sloganeering I guess”.

Cope. I mean, seriously—you can drop the pretence that anti-trans activism is somehow *really* about the rights of women, or that it's *really* about safeguarding children, or *really* about free speech.

No-one gives a shït what you wear or call yourself, sweaty.

Trans activists are getting people fired from their jobs for even questioning your deranged cult that says male child molesters are women and must be placed in women's prisons purely on their own say-so.


You have a penchant for being incapable of saying anything remotely on-topic. Where did I mention anything about what people wear or call themselves? Incidentally, people DO care what others wear and call themselves—if they didn't, they wouldn't be freaking out over pronouns or an innocuous ad featuring a gender nonconforming kid; deadnaming wouldn't be an issue, because people wouldn't engage in it maliciously. But sure, "no one cares"—except, well, for those that obviously do.

No-one cares what you call yourself.

They care about you imposing your brand new, white western colonial gender religion on them.

No-one has to comply with your demands that they bow to your "gender" in all questions over everything.

You literally just demonstrated that YOU care.

Yes, we care about deranged idiots lying to vulnerable kids that they can change their sex, and that anyone who even questions that hates them & deserves violence.

None of this is stopping you wearing whatever clothes you like & calling yourself whatever you like.

HellaHella #transphobia #pratt ovarit.com

APP (autopedophilia) often overlaps with AGP (autogynephilia).
The combination of the two is at the heart of transgenderism. People do not want to look at this degeneracy, because every normal sane person feels sick. Instead, people choose to believe 'gender dysphoria' pity party narratives.

Lebensmüder #pratt #transphobia incels.is

These people live better than us

Doubt it.

Imagine having an infected, feces covered hole (implanted by Mengele-esque Frankenstein doctors) between your legs because you fell for a Psy-Op/meme.

Imagine waking up every day to the smell of that Fournier gangrene while having to injure yourself in order to prevent that wound from healing.

Imagine doing it to get a girl as a transbian and then only matching with other mentally unstable men in dresses.

Imagine knowing that all of that is now irreversible and that you have to spend your life now as a perpetual/castrated freak simply because you were groomed on Discord as a child.

There are some things worse than inceldom and trannies are that thing.

Various Commenters #pratt #racist amren.com

RE: Jason Whitlock Attacks Obama, Tells Tucker Carlson Former President ‘Rejects the White Side of His Family’


BlazeTV host Jason Whitlock made a baffling comment about former President Barack Obama on Fox News Thursday night.

I saw that last night. It was only "baffling" to Josh Feldman of Mediaite.

A bi-racial man with a white mom, who demonizes the white race, has serious Oedipal issues. Freud would have been salivating at the prospect of analyzing him.

If there is so much white privilege why does bi-racial Obama identify as black?

Maybe because “white” Obama could not have gotten into Harvard. Undergrad or law school.

He certainly would not have been President if he was considered white.

(A. Ryan)
This is nothing new as there are plenty of examples of mulattoes rejecting their white side. This is probably for the best because black genetic traits are dominant, and they wouldn't pass as white in society. If any person is to blame, it is Barack's mother for being a mudshark.

Barry's race-hustling career was 100% based on affirmative action, so it's logical he'd self identify as a Negro

Actually all American blacks should thank the slavers who brought their ancestors here. But, they won’t.


I’ve often noticed this attitude seems pretty common among mulattoes for some reason. Talk about ungrateful.

Halle Berry is a good example of this. She said her award was for all of "the nameless, faceless, women of color. Her white mother who raised her solely by herself, was sitting in front of her in the first row of of the auditorium. Her black father was never in the picture.

(Occidentale Lumen)
The half-breeds are among the worst. Obama is archetypal.

As a symptom of our plight, there is now no status to be gained for a mixed-race person to claim or even acknowledge the White side. We have become moral pariahs in our own land.

Which is why we need a new one. All our own.

Various Commenters #pratt #sexist #transphobia reddit.com

Yet another example of them claiming they’re better than actual women…


What’s with these people and trying to convince themselves that they are prettier than bio females? Do they secretly know that they look terrible at the back of their minds and then do this to delude themselves into thinking otherwise?


It’s cope

Totally. My uncle is now my aunt and she straight up looks like me in a dress. She sounds like if I was trying to mock a woman's voice. She buys expensive clothes, expensive makeup, expensive haircuts. Still just me in a dress though. There's no fixing being too tall with broad shoulders and a man-face.

There's no way she can't see it. She's choosing to ignore it to cope.

I'm guessing that they are trying to get out in front of the inevitable fact that men won't want to date them because of how they look. They are preparing people to say that trans women are just as beautiful as real women, even though trans women often look like lazy drag queens. Very few of the self-promoters on Twitter, Tik Tok, or Youtube are actually "passing", as they would say. They know they still look like men and they are trying pre-emptively shame people into never actually admitting it.

Same self serving bollocks as the "body positive fat acceptance" movement.

They deep down can't stand themselves so they create a fantasy for themselves and lash out at anyone who calls it out.

Their delusional enough to think their a sex they are not in reality, they have a section of society telling them and feeding their mental illness - why is it shocking they think they are pretty or better than actual women? You do not fix mental illness by feeding that mental illness - transgenderism is a political tool, nothing more.

Every time you call a trans person their preferred pro-nouns you are feeding a mental illness, you are making them worse.

The_Trouvere #pratt #racist forum.literotica.com

Blacks have impacted our society in negative ways. Systemic racism is the current alibi for black failure when there is no evidence of racial discrimination. Whites and Orientals are discriminated against with affirmative action policies.

Blacks are not innocent victims of irrational white hostility. By every objective, measurable criteria blacks tend to be significantly less intelligent than whites. Blacks have an illegitimacy rate that is over twice the white rate, and a murder rate that is nearly eight times the white rate.

Those who blame these facts about the Negro race on white racism cannot explain why black rates of crime and illegitimacy have risen since 1964, when the Civil Rights Act was signed, and when the War on Poverty was declared. They cannot explain why black academic performance has improved very little, despite expensive government spending programs like Head Start and No Child Left Behind.

Speaking of white racism, no one should be surprised that a race that is accurately associated with low intelligence, crime, and sexual irresponsibility arouses feelings of hostility. I have known many Orientals and Hispanics. I have never known one who liked blacks. For economic reasons immigrants often need to live in or near black neighborhoods. They do not like what they see. They do not feel guilty about it.

Intellectual standards are reduced for blacks in order to achieve a student body or a work force that "looks like America."

The average black IQ in the United States is 85. For whites the average is 100. It is not possible to achieve anything close to equity without lowering standards for blacks. Because affirmative does not increase the number of opportunities, lowering standards for blacks means raising them for whites, and for Orientals, whose average IQ is 106.

I have worked with blacks who owed their presence to affirmative action. Their inferiority was noticed and resented by white co workers.

APTheunissen #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #pratt stormfront.org

Conspiracy theorists lack critical thinking skills: New study

I guess when you lack some real, valid arguments for your case, resorting to dumb-shaming or other fallacies of relevance that are elaboratedly clad into a sciency sounding article, is the best you can come up with:

The more people believe in conspiracy theories, the worse they perform on critical thinking tests, a new study has confirmed.

This doesn’t mean that conspiracy theorists are necessarily lacking intelligence, but rather that they lack the skills to objectively analyse and evaluate a situation.

The good news is that people can be taught these skills, and to an extent be brought in from the dark side – but of course it’s complicated.

For example, there’s a persistent conspiracy theory that shady figures in the US government were complicit in events of 9/11 – where airliners were flown into the World Trade Centre towers, the Pentagon and a field in Pennsylvania – and the attacks weren’t simply the work of Islamic terrorists.

Well, that blaming shady figures in the Islamic world for having people fly into the WTC and even managing to destroy building 7 without having a plane flying into it, is as my critical thinking skills tell me, a conspiracy theory, too.

Linking this to the scamdemic is of course unintentionally comical, too. You got no evidence of virus, no evidence that the proposed virus causes disease, but still you insist that there is some new virus making the rounds causing people to get sick... Your proof? "There are sick people and uncle doctor said, it's Covid"... Question begging any one... By affirming proposed consequences.

Wayne Allyn Root #conspiracy #fundie #pratt #quack #wingnut townhall.com

The Government and CDC Are Lying About COVID-19 Vaccine and Ivermectin; The Question Is Why?

It's been quite a week. I've been in the media business for decades and I've never before witnessed such lies, exaggeration and outright fraud. All with the intent to force everyone to be vaccinated. The question is why?

Let's start with the vaccine itself. The results in Israel prove what a sham, charade and fraud this all is. The U.S. government and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention argue that the vaccine is our only chance to survive. And that people are hospitalized and dying with COVID-19 because they are unvaccinated.

Both arguments are pure fraud.

First, are you aware that anyone who dies within 14 days of getting vaccinated is considered "unvaccinated"? No wonder they claim everyone who is dying is unvaccinated. If you die from COVID-19, whether you're vaccinated or unvaccinated, they just call you unvaccinated.

If a businessperson in the private sector tried that scam, they'd spend the next 20 years in prison for fraud.

The CDC has also been using stats of COVID-19 deaths going back to January to make the claim that the deaths are almost exclusively among the unvaccinated. That's because earlier in the year almost everyone was unvaccinated. That's called rigging the numbers. The CDC must be using the same Democrats who rigged and stole the 2020 election.

Wayne Allyn Root #conspiracy #fundie #pratt #wingnut townhall.com

As a nationally syndicated radio host, I get thousands of emails a week. The ones I'm getting right now are downright tragic. I'm getting heartfelt letters of anguish from police officers, firefighters, paramedics, nurses, corrections officers, active-duty military, military fighter jet pilots, even Navy SEALs.

They're all getting ready to quit or be fired because of vaccine mandates. They do not want the vaccine. Even if they have to give up their pensions. Even if they are one year away from retirement and a six-figure pension.

They've studied the vaccine. They know the dangers. They know it's crippling, killing and weakening the immune systems of millions of Americans. They've seen the Project Veritas undercover videos of U.S. government health care workers admitting the COVID-19 vaccine is killing and injuring Americans -- and admitting our government is covering it up.

ScornedStoic #dunning-kruger #pratt #sexist incels.is

If teenage girls are not responsible for their actions because they are young, then I am not responsible for any failure to date in my teens either.

Overwhelming hypocrisy.

When teenage girls are complete sluts and treat you like shit for asking her out, make fun of you, and fawn over your bullies;

You aren't allowed to hate women for this, they were young and their brains were still developing.


You were awkward as a teenager, and couldn't get dates despite trying over and over again? (Volcel users who haven't asked out, gtfo this site.)

Well that's clearly no one's fault but your own, you have no right to be mad at anyone but yourself, if you hold onto even the slightest resentment or anger from that time you are a creepy incel who deserves his fate because after all, the fact that you were young and inexperienced is irrelevant. Oh, and don't even think about trying to date teenage girls now that you actually have experience and know what you're doing, or we'll fucking lynch you. You chose to be incel in your teens so you deserve your fate.

But don't you dare even think of judging girls for their past, you loser virgin, they were children and had no idea what they are doing. They bear no culpability, but being an incel is a choice.

It's fascinating how women ended up with all the rights but barely the responsibilites of men, at least on a social level.

Greta Thunberg or the former Parkland bullies should be taken seriously despite their age, but if you criticize them you attack children. They only want the best of both worlds, the respect for adults, but the lenience for children.

Absolutely, agreed. If they're going to act like adults and put themselves in the public sphere, they deserve to be treated like adults i.e. no pulling punches.

Darren J. Beattie #pratt #racist #sexist #wingnut twitter.com

China bans any video game with
* Any non-gender conforming character
* Any gay relationship
* Effeminate men
* Any game where you have to make moral choices between good/bad

"If regulators can’t tell the character’s gender immediately, the setting of the characters could be considered problematic and red flags will be raised.”

China is serious about its culture war.

Serious countries don't whine about racism, sexism, etc.

The entire purpose of the American regime is to coddle the fragile feelings of women and minorities

That's why America is a laughing stock on the world stage

This is relevant to all of the low-IQ whining about Chinese influence on American box office

If Chinese tastes governed our entertainment industry, we'd be healthier and better off

If China keeps this up, the Globalist American Empire will declare war

A big part of American ruling class' hatred of Russia is that Russia is a major power that rejects the woke ideology at the core of American regime

Now that Xi's China is rejecting America's woke poison in key respects, interesting to see how this plays into cold war 2.0

Used to be conventional wisdom that Russian rejection of wokeness more threatening because Russia is plausibly European and therefore a model for Western nations

China's rejection wokeness could very well have an opposite net effect, in the sense that it could be used to dupe conservatives into partially defending wokeness out of anti-China "patriotism"

This would be the foreign policy equivalent of Dems are the real racists

Similarly, Cold War 2.0 against CCP can be used to dupe conservatives into rallying to defense of mil industrial complex that has essentially declared them domestic terrorists

Insane, yes. But I think you can always count on conservatives to be duped. It's what they live for!

Various TERFs #transphobia #sexist #pratt ovarit.com

( Only_Women_Are_Women )
I don't believe in forcing people into the military, as is standard in many countries (Korea, Israel, Turkey), but a few years in the Peace Corps, say, would do this man some good. Unless he molested their kids. Would he be subject to local law?

( SamuraiGhostCat )
I don’t think it’s the Peace Corps is the right job for narcissists and sociopaths tbh. And like you said, too much risk not only to the children there, but women too. These men need to be kept away from all society in general.

( Only_Women_Are_Women )
You're right. I shouldn't punish others. I'm just trying to think of some actual hardship that might make something click in their brains.

Maybe put them on "trans island" (it wouldn't need to be an actual island) and make them grow their own food, build their own shelter, deal with actual survival like some people today are STILL struggling with, sadly. But like our own ancestors did not that long ago. [Not to say Farmer Jones who was up at dawn working the fields didn't also find time to rape the animals, because I'm sure he did.....]

Make these men dig a well and maintain it. Something where they get physically dirty and sweat and do NOT use their penis.

( proudcatlady )
This was the norm for men for most of human history and they still sucked, big time.

( GoodGoneGirl )

Maybe put them on "trans island" (it wouldn't need to be an actual island)

Let’s make it an actual island. Far, faaaaar away from women and girls.

( SamuraiGhostCat )
Antarctica... or maybe another planet.

( hmimperialtortie )
Prison with hard labour. Back to the old days of breaking rocks.

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #racist #pratt #homophobia 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "Happy Residential Schools Are Awesome Day!"]

If you've been following the endless hyped blather on outlets like CityTV, you'll know that today is the day one of the days whiny Red Indians have started to "commemmorate" the tragedy of…checks notes…being provided a free education
It was over a half-decade ago that I took the entire "Truth and Reconciliation" racket to task [url=http://3edgesword.blogspot.com/2015/07/a-couple-things-wrong-with-standard.htmlby highlighting some of these same public education factoids[/url]

What are you talking about "reneging on the deal"? The Residential School program was intended to fulfill the deal: a modern education (functionally fairly similar to the British boarding school system, frankly). If you don't believe me, notice that the Canadian taxpayer is being asked to "live up to treaty obligations" by providing an ever-more-expensive modern education system[…]

That bit about today's modern education system is especially apt when you consider that Red Indians in Leduc Public typically skip school 50% of the time[…]As adults they make less money than educated whites or asians and then complain about that. One minor inference might just be this complete and utter contempt they hold towards education is the cause of their suffering
This brings us[…]to the ridiculous day they created today to "commemorate" schools which weren't actually bad[…]None of the complaints[…]holds any water, with the possible exception of sexual abuse. But was sexual abuse more common with nuns in stuffy 1920s Canada than it is today when faggot "educators" are molesting kids under the guise of "orientation"?
What was wrong from converting them to a religion that, as the picture at the top of this post implies, would cure them of their barbaric savagery? To avoid offending 2021 atheists?

@Julio_Vichon , @CAMOKAT6 , @TomasTorrens10 & @Littlegoblin17 #transphobia #pratt twitter.com

( @Julio_Vichon )

How is gender different from chakras, souls, auras and zodiac signs? At least the zodiac is based on things that exist, like birthdays and stars. 🤔


The difference? No-one has ever masturbated to the thought that they might be a Sagittarius rather than a Scorpio.

( @TomasTorrens10 )

It’s much newer, rooted in neurosis as much as necessity and explicitly political. By comparison chakras and souls are ancient ideal objects that properly engaged with can functionally and practically deepen ones understanding of reality.

( @Littlegoblin17 )

honestly I put zodiac and genders on the same level of crazy- especially with so many zoomers taking zodiac VERY seriously and as honest truth (same with manifestation)

chakras and souls I might not believe in but jfc they somehow make more sense than the other two

CornusKousa #pratt #wingnut forum.literotica.com

RE: More Dems fear Trump supporters and unvaccinated than Taliban

There won't be any civil war.

There already is.

You can keep living in denial of the observable and demonstrable reality going on around you.

But it's not going away Peck. The civil war started in earnest in 2018.

There are not enough of them and they are not qualified to mount one, nor do they command the resources, nor is there sufficient support on the ground for such a thing. No red-state governor is going to announce secession.

Welcome to not 1861 anymore peck.

When are you going to figure out it's 2021 and NOBODY lines up in big fields so they can gun each other down anymore???

Uh I'm a democrat and I'm worried about the taliban, sure, but I'm also worried about similar zealots of the right wing in this country threatening to do the same thing the Taliban would to me in what they call a 2nd American civil war.

And just like with the Taliban and 2/3's the fuckin' planet that's only because control freaks in the US gov REFUSE to leave them the fuck alone and mind their own god damn bidniz.

The Taliban and for the last 3 years any US citizens who aren't ride or die Democrats woke to the evils of whiteness, western liberalism and capitalism, have the same fucking problem, a US federal government with a full blown case of Nosy Nancy and Kontrol Freak Karen psychosis gone full batshit SJW crazy.


I'm more worried about the zealots on the Left.

The idiots on the right isolate themselves instead of attempting to "convert/convict" everyone else...

^^ Ding ding ding ding......

Who are the absolutely deranged control freaks looking for and even trying to just create any authority they can to force their politics down the throat of a bunch of people who don't want it?

Not the right wing.

starwars #transphobia #pratt ovarit.com

To believers in the TRA cult, same sex attraction doesn't exist. They think people are attracted to each other based on gender identity, and if you're attracted to someone with the same gender identity, you're gay. If you're only attracted to those of the same sex, then that's a preference and not an innate sexual orientation according to TRAs.

A problem with the TRA worldview is that homosexual behavior has been observed in many animals species and that homosexuality in animals is completely based on sex, not gender identity. Of course, this is how homosexuality works in humans as well, because gender identity doesn't exist at all in humans or other species. But how would TRAs explain homosexuality in animals?

Do they think animals experience homosexuality based on gender identity? If so, all studies of homosexuality in animals have to be thrown out, since they were conducted based on the animals's sex rather than gender identity.

Do they think homosexuality in animals is based on sex, but based on gender identity in humans? If so, why?
Why did humans evolve gender identity to begin with when other animals did not? Why did gender identity evolve to become a more important factor in sexual orientation than biological sex in the human species? If TRAs think animals can have gender identity as well, why didn't gender identity evolve to replace same sex attraction in animals like it did in humans?

I've had religious fundamentalists tell me "We should behave better than animals" when I point out homosexuality exist in animals. I wonder if this is how TRAs view gay people as well. A dumb animal doesn't know what it's doing, but they expect a human to know better. I also think TRAs have the religiously rooted worldview that humans are special and above animals. That's why they don't even sit down and think why humans (supposedly) have gender identities while other animals don't. There's nothing in science, biology or evolution that tells us humans are special, unique or above other animals.

Why aren't TRAs angry at scientists who study homosexuality in animals? I've seen biologist on twitter get attacked by the trans mob for saying biological sex exist. How long until gender stereotype worshipers feel invalidated by gay animals?

Admin #dunning-kruger #pratt #quack #wingnut thecovidblog.com

Volodymyr Salo: 19-year-old Ukrainian student gets Pfizer mRNA injection behind his family’s back, dead seven hours later

Same song in Ukraine as everywhere else

Ukraine had a 1.7% “fully vaccinated” rate on July 1. The country had a seven-day average of 936 new COVID-19 case on that day. That’s the lowest seven-day average in the country since late July 2020. Ukraine is 12% fully-vaccinated today, with a seven-day average of 5,921 new COVID cases. That’s a 532% increase since July.

Yet somehow all the “vaccine” propaganda is still effective with the masses. Ukraine is still on an “adaptive lockdown” until at least October 1. Regional authorities have the power to tighten or loosen mask mandates, social distancing and other COVID measures based on the local situation. But gyms, movie theaters and large gatherings are essentially shut down across the country. Government employees and teachers face injection mandates in the coming weeks.

Meanwhile Scandinavia continues being the voice of reason in Europe. Sweden has been the target of propaganda by mainstream media because it neither locked down, nor issued mask mandates throughout the so-called pandemic. It’s seven-day average for COVID deaths has been near zero since June. Sweden experienced no real COVID-19 spikes throughout 2020. Norway Prime Minister Erna Solberg is now referring to COVID-19 as a simple “respiratory illness.” The country is lifting virtually all COVID-19 restrictions starting today.

Italian actress Ludovica Bizzaglia said she was proud to coax young people into getting mRNA injections behind their parents back. Mr. Salo was a young adult. But his family tried protecting him from the propaganda. COVID continues destroying families in two ways – disagreement on “vaccines” and death/maiming by vaccine. We’ve reached the most critical stage yet in all this.

Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.

Various TERFs #pratt #sexist #transphobia ovarit.com

Why are schools allowing autogynephiles around children

MEN shouldn't teach young children. Especially not ones with public sexual fetishes.

Y’all already know how I feel about men 😭

I absolutely agree with the second one (obviously) but not with the first one. You know there are nice men and men in typical womens positions and viceversa is actually a good thing for gender abolition... I don't want a world where only women have relationships with children when I know there are respectable and normal men out there who would never be inappropiate with children.

He’s a nice man who would never do that to a child is what everyone says after it’s revealed that yes he would do that to a child

I mostly agree with this. But I think it's dangerous to have males teaching/supervising very little children who often need a teacher to help them in the toilet, to change a diaper, to bathe them after an accident, etc. The risk of abuse is just too high. And I think even most fathers would agree with this policy.

Once children are older, have the vocabulary to complain if they're abused, and don't need help in the toilet anymore; than male teachers are okay. But I'd be anxious if a man I didn't know was supervising my infant at a daycare.

Not worth the risk when we're talking about children's safety tbh

Yeah until we can impose actual consequences for ALL inappropriate behaviors (such as being weird, leering, and grooming; not just actually physically harming a child), men should not be allowed to teach.

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