Pedro Afonso #forced-birth #wingnut #dunning-kruger

Those who advocate legalising abortion consider it a right; a civilisational achievement. French President Emmanuel Macron himself has proposed that the “right to abortion” be included among the rights guaranteed by the European Charter of Fundamental Rights. However, this is not just a question of one right, but rather a conflict between two rights: the mother’s right to abort and the unborn baby’s right to live.

Some 15 years after abortion was legalized in our country, we know that there are many people who believe that an embryo or fetus is not a human life (at least up to 10 weeks), and that it is a woman's right to decide to have an abortion. In the case of the Roe v. Wade ruling , abortion is admissible up to the stage of viability of the fetus; that is, until its ability to survive outside the mother's womb, which prolongs the possibility of abortion. Note the weakness of this argument: even “the viability of the newborn” is only guaranteed through the care of third parties (by the mother, father or other people who replace them). This would mean that, based on this line of argument, infanticide could be legalized.

If we do not consider that life begins at the moment of conception and that an embryo is unequivocally a human being, then the value of intrauterine life and its defense becomes extremely volatile. Ultimately, the beginning of all rights and guarantees, as a human person, ends up being established by arbitrary criteria that may vary over time, for reasons of convenience.

Excluding cases of antisocial personalities, the decision to have an abortion is a difficult one, made under tragic and often traumatic conditions. Over time, various psychological and psychiatric problems may arise that justify clinical monitoring. Anyone who says otherwise is falsifying the truth of the facts, as they have certainly never heard individual accounts of this experience, nor witnessed the suffering of these people in real life. For a woman, even when performed in a legal context, an abortion is never forgotten. Defending it as a human right is a civilizational setback, as it is denying the first of fundamental rights: the right to life.

Pedro Afonso #forced-birth #wingnut #dunning-kruger

The draft ruling by the US Supreme Court (ST) — cleverly made public through a leak —, which defends the change in the jurisprudence of the Roe v. Wade (1973) ruling, preventing restrictive state regulations on the practice of abortion, has relaunched the debate on the legalization of abortion.

The various protest initiatives, some of which have involved violence, directed at pro-life movements and even some US Supreme Court judges, are signs of coercion and intolerance that are unacceptable in a democracy and a State governed by the rule of law. In today's world, it is very difficult to discuss this issue and challenge political correctness.

Let’s start with the use of euphemisms. Many people don’t realize that language can be corrupted to give a positive spin to an ethically reprehensible concept or behavior. The use of the term “termination of pregnancy” conveys the idea that the pregnancy could be resumed at any time, but that is not possible. It is an irreversible decision; it is not a suspension, but an end. But today, society is full of euphemisms: “voluntary termination of pregnancy” (instead of abortion), “gender self-determination” (instead of gender dysphoria), “assisted dying” (instead of euthanasia), etc.

The main argument used by those in favor of legalizing abortion is the woman's choice (curiously, the man's choice is never mentioned, since there is also a father); in other words, freedom. The use of the word “freedom” is a kind of safe conduct to do whatever one wants, offering legislative support to a veritable nihilistic avalanche that is currently being observed in the Western world, with the approval of political parties (probably, in our country, the next legislative initiative will be the legalization of euthanasia).

In this case, the political strategy is simple and clever: freedom is used as an absolute argument. No one dares to attack “freedom”, otherwise they are labelled with a series of unflattering epithets, such as “fascist”, “retrograde”, “oppressor”, etc. In fact, this is the same argument used to defend euthanasia. There are those who argue that the various rights that a person has are inviolable, including the will to end one’s own life. However, not everything I choose is suitable for me, just as not everything I intend to choose is ethically acceptable.

John Williamson #fundie

Kamala's attempt to make abortion a tenant of her campaign fails. A Catholic woman wins millions from Blue Cross after they attempt to force her to violate her faith! CVS and Walgreens have turned their drug stores into abortion clinics!! Will the abortion loving Bob Casey ever give up?
Hear these and many other Pro-Life stories tonight at 7:00 p.m. on Pro-Life America Radio.

Tune in at the link below:


Please call, write and email Walgreens to tell them what you think about the dangerous abortion pill. Call, write and email at least once a week. Sample letter below:

Walgreens Phone: 800-925-4733

Tim Wentworth, CEO
200 Waukegan Road
Deerfield, IL 60015

Dear Mr. Wentworth:

I am boycotting Walgreens because you sell the dangerous abortion pill in Pennsylvania. It is much more dangerous than a surgical abortion. How do you know whether the woman has an ectopic pregnancy without an ultrasound? You are setting yourself up for a massive lawsuit!

Sir Netflix #fundie #wingnut #pratt #dunning-kruger

A classic Athiest moment. Talk about their moral superiority, when really, they have no basis for their morality.

An athiest can’t say incest is wrong because they have no basis for that statement other than their own opinion which can be considered wrong. A Christian, Muslim, etc. can because those are the rules of the faith. They DO have a basis to say it’s wrong.

And if he wants to discuss deaths caused by religious fanatics, how about the deaths caused in athiestic countries like Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union, and North Korea along with China? Yeah, guess he forgot about those places that easily dwarf any numbers by Catholics.

Also, Catholics created universities and hospitals.

Jake Paul #fundie #wingnut

The truth and god won in America

This is a massive step in the right direction to heal the major issues going on in the world currently. America is saved.

To democrats…

I hope some can see that the truth won in this election

Voting for “bad orange guy” is an emotional decision and not the truth

I see some of my democratic friends are freaked out. It’s not your fault… Try to use more discernment in media and start by telling the truth to yourself first and then the world will become more clear to you.

Now let’s all unite and work towards building a better America however we can. A truthful America.
5:25 PM · Nov 6, 2024 · 1.2M Views
3,828 Reposts 117 Quotes 59K Likes 756 Bookmarks

Lauren Boebert #conspiracy #crackpot #ufo

On Wednesday, Boebert put in an honest day’s work in D.C. questioning UFO experts about the existence of secret underwater alien bases and the veracity of “rumors that have come up to the Hill" about government experiments creating “hybrid” humans with enhanced capabilities.

“The American people are being kept in the dark,” she said during a two-hour House Committee on Oversight and Accountability hearing titled “Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena: Exposing the Truth.” The hearing’s focus was about government transparency regarding UAPs and UFOs, and whether there needs to be more of it.


Boebert went to town asking the panel about “rumors that have come up the hill”—the sources of which she did not cite—of “a secretive project within the Department of Defense involving the manipulation of human genetics with what is described as non-human genetic material for the enhancement of human capabilities, hybrids.”


“Are there any accounts of UAPs emerging from or submerging into our waters which could indicate a base or presence between the ocean's surface?” she asked. “Are there any technological capabilities that have been observed in these oceanic UAPs to defy our current understanding of physics or human engineering capabilities?”


In closing, Boebert vowed that she “will not relent until we get those answers to the American people.”

Alex Jones #wingnut #conspiracy

Citation From the November 7, 2024, edition of Infowars' The Alex Jones Show

We have, just like the communists do but we do it as patriots, truth and reconciliation commissions. It's all over television for years, and we destroy the Democratic Party, we destroy the U.N., we destroy the NGOs, and we regain America's soul at the same time. Now that's my plan, and I can tell you that's a common sense plan. And I can tell you that that is the plan that is being prepared right now. And you heard Flynn say, yeah, Alex. Let's, let's not tell 'em too much. We don't wanna be caught flat footed. They know

And I'm gonna say this again. If we don't hit them hard with this, A, it's the right thing to do, God's watching. We weren't given this victory, God's hand wasn't on Trump for nothing[…]
Now, you already see the Border Patrol, and the DHS, and the NGO people that were contractors going public all over the place for years, saying we're not part of this. Those people are heroes. And so it's not the Border Patrol, it's not mostly even the employees -- they hate it -- then they hand them off to people literally on airfields, and in fields, and in parking lots at Walmarts at 3:00 AM, and there's not paperwork

And so that's where the investigation starts. And so, those whistleblowers are all in Congress, more whistleblowers, hearings. You bring it out, and then Trump will have control of the Justice Department. And then these criminals that have been hijacking the government that committed these crimes just like the Nazis, they have to learn they're not above the law. Nuremberg two

Because if Trump goes after little stuff like Hunter Biden and all the things the media tries to get us to focus on, that's a diversion. Sure. Put him in prison too, but we'll get to him later. Trump says we're gonna find the missing children, and that's what the task force is going out or doing when they're going out with the gangs and the human traffickers

Brian J. Ford #crackpot #dunning-kruger #pratt #god-complex

Too Big to Walk: The New Science of Dinosaurs

Ever since Jurassic Park we thought we knew how dinosaurs lived their lives. In this remarkable new book, Brian J. Ford reveals that dinosaurs were, in fact, profoundly different from what we believe, and their environment was unlike anything we have previously thought.

In this meticulous and absorbing account, Ford reviews the latest scientific evidence to show that the popular accounts of dinosaurs’ lives contain ideas that are no more than convenient inventions: how dinosaurs mated, how they hunted and communicated, how they nursed their young, even how they moved. He uncovers many surprising details which challenge our most deeply-held beliefs – such as the revelation that an asteroid impact did not end the dinosaurs’ existence.

Professor Ford’s illuminating examination changes everything. As he unravels the history of the world, we discover that evolution was not Charles Darwin’s idea; there were many philosophers who published the theory before him. The concept of continental drift and plate tectonics did not begin with Alfred Wegener a century ago, but dates back to learned pioneers hundreds of years before his time. Ever since scientists first began to study dinosaurs, they have travelled with each other down the wrong path, and Ford now shows how this entire branch of science has to be rewritten.

A new dinosaur species is announced every ten days, and more and more information is currently being discovered about how they may have lived: locomotion, hunting, nesting behaviour, distribution, extinction. Ford brings together these amazing discoveries in this controversial new book which undoubtedly will ruffle a few feathers, or scales if you are an old-school dinosaur lover.

Socrates #conspiracy #crackpot #wingnut

Today, everything is political: education, money, food, sports, pets, healthcare, the weather, clothes, trees — you name it, it’s political. Why? Because the political Left controlled America for decades, that’s why. Leftists make everything political. Why? Because they’re angry, emotional, unhappy, creepy people with an axe to grind. “I didn’t ask to be born!” says the leftist. Really?? Too bad she wasn’t aborted. She went on to become a Senator. Lucky us.

Socrates #conspiracy #crackpot #pratt #racist #wingnut

The Colossal Rape of the West [...] the biggest crime in modern history, involving hundreds, if not thousands, of people, as far away as China and Iran.
1. [...] Trump sends the global Judeo-Left into hysterics in June 2015: he announces his presidential candidacy which includes saying “horrible” things about sweet, innocent, illegal Mexican aliens, and saying that he wants to pursue “America first” policies. OMG! Shades of [...] Charles Lindbergh!
2. [...] Trump wins the American federal election in Nov. 2016, sending the global Left into more hysteria.
3. The elite American Left launches an all-out effort to remove Trump from office. This includes federal government spying on Trump, fake impeachment efforts and especially “framing” Trump for “colluding with Russia.”
4. The Left tries to impeach Trump several times on ridiculous charges, but [...] fails. These [...] efforts are led by Jews, both in and outside of Congress.
5. Realizing that Trump cannot be impeached based upon leftist lies, the Left unleashes Covid-19 upon America and the West in Jan. 2020. Significantly, this virus-unleashing goes a long way in preventing “Trumpism” (i.e., right-wing populism) from spreading across the West and re-invigorating the Western world both politically and economically. A glorious, patriotic, 50-year “Western revival” was murdered in its crib. Yet, few people noticed. (Never forget: Jews don’t think locally. They think globally).
6. Using Covid-19 hysteria as a cover (“you must remain 10 feet away from all ballot counters”), the Nov. 2020 American federal election is stolen. [...] [T]he Left has committed so many felonies that it will take decades to investigate and prosecute all of the crimes.
7. Joe Biden, who was not legitimately elected, signs dozens of bills into law and appoints many dozens of radical federal judges. [He] also destroys Trump’s great American economy and ends America’s energy (oil) independence.
(To be continued…)

John C. Wright #conspiracy

We do not need further debate on political philosophy. Wokeness is not a political philosophy, nor is the Democrat party seeking any rational political goals.

Politics seeks to know how best to provide for defense against invasion, deterrence of crime, enforcement of oaths, establishment of justice, cultivation of civic virtue.

Monarchy is in disrepute, for Liberal theory holds all just powers of the State derive from the consent of the governed. Liberalism has two branches: Liberalism and Wokeism.

Classical liberalism holds that he best tactics for political order is to mistrust in the goodwill of the powerful, hence to limit the government by regular votes, separation of powers, checks and balances, and in all other things, to leave men at liberty to pursue godliness and goodness each man as he sees fit.
Classical liberalism is further subdivided into right and left.

Rightwing liberals, in America called republicans, mistrust the government’s oversight of the marketplace, and fear for the rich, who are easily outnumbered by envious mobs wishing to plunder them.

Leftwing liberals, in American called democrats, mistrust the marketplace, and fear for the poor, who are easily exploited and outmaneuvered by the rich and powerful.

Wokeism is not in the classical liberal tradition. It is in the esoteric theosophical tradition from which Marxism also springs. Wokeism is cultural Marxism.

Wokeism holds that the social order is produced by economic forces beyond human control, but that man suffers a painful evolution through violent stages of revolt and rebirth from feudalism to capitalism to socialism to Wokeism, envisioned as a utopia where human nature itself is changed to angelic, no man suffers greed or lack of charity, and the restrictions of cause and effect, the disutility of labor or the scarcity of resources no longer apply.

Since utopia is both perfect and inevitable, no credible reason for opposing it can or does exist: all opposition is “reaction” that is, unthinking bigoty, rooted in fear or selfish class interests.

eatmypussy & Jane_Merrydaughter #transphobia

RE: Are we nearing mass peak trans? Is the tide turning?

( eatmypussy )
Recent legislation has made me extremely optimistic. (Almost all gender critical legislation is coming from the Republican Party though, as Democrats continue to double down on gender ideology and alienate voters). Regardless of which party is passing it, we should celebrate the progress we've made in the U.S to protect women's sex-based rights!

When it comes to gender critical legislation, we've come a long way from 2019. A few examples:

- 25 states now ban TIMs from competing in women's sports. This is a huge change from 2019, when 0 states had this legislation in place.
- 22 states ban the chemical castration of minors ("puberty blockers") and ban butchers from performing double mastectomies / phalloplasty / vaginoplasty on children. A HUGE WIN for child safeguarding!!
- 10 states have some version of a bathroom bill on the books which enshrine in law that bathrooms and locker rooms are single-sex facilities
- 7 states ban the teaching of gender ideology in K-12 schools (unfortunately, teaching about LGB is also censored as a result, as the TQ have linked themselves via the alphabet soup)
- 3 states have passed the WoLF sponsored Women's Bill of Rights in 2023, with more posed to pass it this year
- 2 states restrict drag performances from being performed around children
Half the country has made enourmous progress on this issue. I hope the Democrats will be forced to come around eventually as more of their base peaks.

( Jane_Merrydaughter )
I think the popular feminist schism has occurred at last, and that is a major development.

We are

Sex feminists


Gender identity feminists

I also think the TQ+ tail is falling off the LGB as people tease out for themselves that sexuality and “gender identity” have duck all to do with one another.

It’s pretty much double down or think your way out.

As a sex feminist, trans men and women in detransition are welcome to hang at my wimmins camp, and let this be a lesson to us all about why single-sex cultural and institutional spaces are critical.

I love that the final question in the Kathleen Stock lecture at UATX is a women’s college student asking about a revival of women’s colleges.

I say “Let’s go.”

Ground up.

If Bari Weiss can do it, why not a band of merry sex feminists of Ovarit?

Rev. Joel Webbon #sexist #elitist #fundie

While Webbon does not think that women should have the right to vote, he explained during a recent podcast that he currently allow his own wife to vote so that she can "concede" her rights back to him by casting her vote in accordance "with the decision that I make for our family"[…]
"If we ever got to the point where it was on the docket and it was something, ironically, that America was voting for—voting to take away the vote of women—me and my wife would both vote on principle, with conviction to take away her vote," Webbon said. "I believe in representative government at every single level all the way down to the household. It doesn't go down to the individual; it stops at the household"[…]
Webbon said that if he votes and his wife doesn't, then his household is losing half its vote and so "in prudence" he allows his wife to vote to ensure that he gets his "full household vote"

"We currently live in a wicked time with wicked rulers who are dominated by feminism and hate men," Webbon declared[…]
In an effort to assure women that he is not just "picking on them," Webbon added that unmarried men, men without children, and men who do not own property should also be stripped of the right to vote

"We should repeal the 19th Amendment because we love God and because we love women," Webbon said. "But beyond that, it's really more than just that. Universal suffrage is not God's design, so there's a lot of men who shouldn't be voting either"

"You need to be a head of household," he stated. "You need to have a stake in the country as it presently lies, but also a stake in the future. That's why marriage is important because it indicates child-bearing, these kinds of things, future generations. A stake in the country also in terms of ownership; land owning males"[…]
"Leaders should vote and God has given it to men to be leaders, and certain men have abdicated that leadership and therefore they should not have the right to vote either"

2002AM1488/II (“卐 2002AryanMaxxed1488's Reincarnation 卐”) #sexist #psycho

[RageFuel] A letter to the females of my generation.

Well, the jig is up. You've had 20+ years to get your act together, and now everything you whores have been doing for the past 5-odd years have come back to bite you in the ass in the worst way possible.
Do I feel sorry for you? No, not at all. Did you feel sorry for my 15, 16, 17, and 18-year-old self whose only companion during those dark years was his PS4, while you sluts got to party it up and fuck young Chads? No, you didn't, so why should I feel any sympathy when you dumbshits get your pretty little princess powers taken away?
You've had your fun, your years of being the "cool people" while I had to rot in darkness.
I almost didn't want to vote this year, until I reflected on the suffering I've endured since 14.
Knowing that pain, the decision quickly became easy.
And also, when abortion is outlawed nationwide, (which, by the way, is gonna be sooner than you realize) those coat hangers are gonna make you suffer.

MaryDyer, crodish & Elle_x_oh #transphobia

RE: Are we nearing mass peak trans? Is the tide turning?

( MaryDyer )

Public support for LGBTQ is declining (likely due to the TQ)

It’s absolutely due to the TQ. Public support for stuff like gay marriage was at an all time high until the freaks started changing the meaning of words, demanding access to spaces that they are rightly excluded from, issuing violent threats to anyone who didn’t bow down to their demands, dismantling common sense protocols like safeguarding of children, teaching a new, warped, regressive, highly controversial ideology to children as though it’s undisputed fact, making an effort to alter the very way that humans identify and address one another, as well as the ability to perceive and react to threats, defending literal rapists and murderers simply because of their magic genderfeelz, etc.

( crodish )
I've seen increased homophobia all around too, and not just trans-flavored homophobia ("lesbians can like dick" etc). Shit like "this is why we should never have let the gays marry" and "slippery slope is a fallacy my ass". The downfall of it constantly being marketed as "the LGBTQIA2S++" is that the LGB are forever collateral damage. Also doesn't help that as many LGB people want nothing to do with TQ rubbish, that there ARE LGB people who have been caught up in it, along with the spicy straight and queer with extra steps crowd. It's a fucking ugly mess. Everything wrong with the "LGBTQIA" movement can be traced back to "TQ" roots. They've made everyone associate "gay lifestyle" with "pedophilia" and "weird" again, the VERY THINGS gay people were fighting so hard to destigmatize.

Sorry I could rant about this forever.

( Elle_x_oh )
While I can appreciate the global move against trans creep and the efforts of all sane people fighting against it...I can't wait for the day when the members of my family, who at the moment don't talk to me, actually peak themselves.

Daniel Scranton #ufo #magick

“Greetings. We are The Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have some very good news for all of you there on Earth. As always, help is on the way. You are undoubtedly aware of the 11/11 date on your calendar, and you know that November 11th brings with a portal that you can receive energies through. The energies coming to you now are for support and to assist you in stabilizing yourselves on all levels and in all possible ways. We are talking about mental and emotional stability of course, but we are also talking about aligning your chakras, aligning all of your bodies, and aligning you to the help of Mother Earth that is coming up from her core.

This is a very delicate time for so many of you, and it is a time where you’re doubting things that you’ve learned, and you’re calling into question when e.t. contact will occur and whether it even will occur, and that is why it is so good that you are the ones who are open to receiving energies from the likes of us, the Pleiadians, the Sirians, and all of the beings that you know of who are showing up to help humanity at all times and in all possible ways.
[Y]ou are being asked [..] to be the wayshowers and lightworkers that you were born to be. As you anchor in the energies of 11/11 through the giant portal those energies are coming in through, you are doing so for everyone on Earth, everyone throughout the galaxy.

You are doing so because you know that change starts with you, and this is a month of transformation. This is a month of great change there on Earth. It can all be change for the better if you all show up in the ways that you know how to. As those who are awake, you do have a certain responsibility to lead, and when you take care of yourselves and you stabilize your energies, and you align your chakras, you receive all the inspired ideas, and you feel ready to act upon them. That’s what’s most important in these times of uncertainty.

It is time for you all to rely more heavily on yourselves and what you can access when you stabilize your energies with the help of this 11/11 portal and with the help of all of us who exist in the higher realms and who will not leave any of you behind. This is a universal ascension, and when you are on the leading edge of it, you do understand that there is still more ascending of the human consciousness to be done.

We are The Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Jesse Watters #racist #wingnut

You’re going to have cameras out there making sure that they capture the images of ICE coming along and taking these people away, and they deserve to be taken away. Sometimes you have to do tough stuff. AOC is going to be there tying herself to migrants. It’s going to be hysterical. But sometimes Dad has to do the tough thing — doesn’t make it always look great, but it’s the right thing to do.

Persimmon64 #transphobia

I don't care why dysphoria exists...

Dysphoria, as these people like to think of it, doesn't exist. It's a made up concept, sort of like the whole "multiple personalities" schtick. No, you do not have this fictional condition that makes you unable to function in your own body.

What you're experiencing are feelings of self-consciousness, envy, shame, anxiousness, and dissatisfaction that every person on earth feels, except unlike most people who deal with these feelings in healthy ways and learn to let them go, you've obsessed over them to the point where it's all you think about.

That is what "real dysphoria" is. Self-centeredness to the point of not being able to function correctly.

Either that or sexual compulsions brought on by paraphilia that you indulge in to the point that they become a behavioral addiction that, like all other addictions, is hard to break and causes you "discomfort" when you stop indulging in it.

Edit: I'd also like to add that addictions tend to take over all of your thoughts and begin to consume you and you end up centering your entire life around them. These people don't need "gender care." They need addiction rehab.

Like many other addictions (food, drugs, hoarding, alcohol) this addiction may have come about due to adverse childhood experiences. Regardless, that's no excuse for allowing your addiction to derail your own life and the lives of others. Stop using examples of little gay boys calling themselves girls because they don't understand homosexuality yet, are afraid of being bullied, and don't actually know the physical differences between sexes, therefore associate being men and women with superficial sexist stereotypes to excuse your own perversions or your own behavioral addictions.

Leave the rest of us alone and get some help. Seriously.

fauxgnaws #dunning-kruger

The way I think about it is these people won't do 2 minutes of research to find out if they are wrong about something.

So that's the level of sympathy I have for them, under 2 minutes' worth.

When some lefty says "dictator on day 1" or "fine people" and I say hey you can find out you're wrong in 2 minutes by reading the actual quote and they don't do it they get no cares from me.

Nick Fuentes and unnamed Internet trolls #sexist #forced-birth

Women are facing a barrage of deeply misogynistic comments online following Donald Trump’s US presidential election victory[…]
In the wake of the former president’s shocking political comeback, women have reported men are writing “your body, my choice” on their social media posts, among other troubling reproductive rights remarks

The slogan “my body, my choice” was originally popularised by feminists defending reproductive choices as rights in the Sixties. However, the phrase has now been co-opted for the adverse effect[…]
Nick Fuentes, the white nationalist podcaster known for his long history of antisemitic and misogynistic remarks, wrote on X/Twitter as Trump’s victory emerged: “Your body, my choice. Forever”

The phrase has gained fast popularity on TikTok, where numerous women have been told their bodies no longer belong to them following the presidential election result

“‘Your body. Our choice’ and ‘We own your body now’ comments are starting to pour in,” Hannah Cor, advocate for women’s healing and liberation said in a post on the app

“Men no longer have or be quiet in their hatred for women,” she claimed. “They can hate us out loud and lose nothing”

Meanwhile, influencer Camila Guadarrama revealed: “I had to delete a video because I was being threatened and several men [were] commenting saying they couldn’t wait until I get [raped] or [they were saying] ‘your body my choice”

Various ALLOD Commenters #wingnut #racist #conspiracy

Aleck L Gunther II: HILLARY WAS RIGHT!!!!!!


Wayne Leigh #wingnut #crackpot #conspiracy #racist #dunning-kruger

Based on y chromosomes, the Germans have a haplogroup L1 all to themselves and their kin. This should be the main contributor to the substratum in their language. Uralic and Finno-Ugric people likely originate from N haplogroup, although they are very mixed now. So it's unlikely the substratum language in Germanic is Uralic. The R1b haplogroup in Germans likely originate from the Bell Beaker people who might be related to the Basques, so it might be worth also to find traces of Vasconic as well in German. Despite the baseless assertions of Aryanists, R1b is clearly not part of the Indo-European invasion.

Wayne Leigh #dunning-kruger #conspiracy #wingnut #racist #moonbat

The politically incorrect answer would be that like the rest of R1b, they were descended from the neolithic farmers who came to Europe from anatolia speaking various related languages. The Bell Beaker people were a development from these farming societies. When the R1a came conquering from the steppes, some mixed races speaking predominantly Indo-European languages were created, such as the Celts. But the languages of the ancient farmers continue to exist well into Roman times till they were eventually subsumed into the majority. Languages such as old Iberian, Etruscan and Basque. Eventually only Basque held out. Its pretty much the the Han colonisation of South China. All the Yue were Sinicized except the Vietnamese. Yet their DNA is still closer to Vietnamese rather than Han. No one would identify O2a as DNA of ancient Han, but its a third of the southern Han. The only thing which stopped West Europeans from identifying R1b as neolithic farmer as against being steppe nomads are their self-identification as Aryan conquerors rather than members of a conquered race.

Dana Perino and Greg Gutfeld #wingnut #psycho

Fox News hosts on The Five called for prosecutors in Donald Trump’s many criminal cases to face the death penalty on Thursday, just as it emerged that the Department of Justice plans to wind down Trump’s federal cases before he takes office

“A lot of the people that were on this and wanted it so badly, how are they going to survive? Do you think they need therapy?” co-host Greg Gutfeld asked

“Yes, they definitely need therapy, and maybe also the death penalty,” co-host Dana Perino responded

“Yes, I think the death penalty,” Gutfeld said

Trump previously said that he’d fire Special Counsel Jack Smith “within two seconds” as president

Smith is prosecuting Trump in two federal cases, one for hoarding classified documents at his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida and another connected to his alleged attempts at election interference following the 2020 race. The DOJ is set to wind down these cases in compliance with a longstanding department policy that a sitting president can’t be prosecuted

There are currently ongoing state cases against him in New York, for giving hush money to a porn star, and in Georgia for election interference. Trump cannot pardon himself for state crimes

Mike McDaniel #transphobia

The Trans Superiority Narrative (TSN) is a topic I’ve often broached on this scruffy little blog. It’s the assertion that trans are superior beings, more in touch with their “authentic selves” than mere men or women, and are therefore deserving of “trans rights,” rights beyond and above the mere human rights of natural law and the Constitution. Their whims override the rights and concerns of others and must be protected and exalted, even written into law to prevent discrimination and the “trans genocide” we are assured is ongoing.

There is, of course, no such thing. The “genocide” consists of speech, anyone daring to speak up to say the trans superiority narrative is lunacy. Forcing men into women’s bathrooms, shower rooms, and athletics is dangerous, immoral and perverse. Enabling the TSN is woke nonsense, and trans are mentally ill. Rational Americans point to the chemical sterilization of “trans” children and their surgical mutilation as barbaric and equally insane, and they’re right.

Wyie Naout #dunning-kruger #conspiracy

As much as can possibly be legally brought against them, if they did that.

As for what Trump actually said was that “there are fine people on both sides”.

Liberals lie that “both sides” are defined as one side being Neo Nazis/White Supremacists, and the other side being anti Nazi/ White supremacist.

That definition is a deliberate lie.

There were some Neo Nazis that did not want the statue torn down.

But there others on that side who were not Neo Nazis or White Supremacists of any kind, and who had nothing whatsoever to do with the racist, haters, who were also there.

Those others were the “fine people” on that side of the issue, who Trump was talking about.

The idiocy of the claim by liberals showing that Trump was not saying anything in favor of the Nazis, is that even they admit that he said there were fine people on both sides.

By their definition, that would have mean that Trump was (supposedly) saying “there are fine Nazis, and fine anti Nazis”.

You can’t have it both ways.

No one who sides with Nazis ever says anything good about those who are clearly against Nazis.

It would be like Nazis themselves, saying that some of the Jews we all want dead and call “subhuman”, are “fine people”

No one with a brain, would be stupid enough to believe that any Nazis would ever say such a thing.

Gizortnik & Wizardslayer #dunning-kruger #pratt

They talk about Trump's rhetoric, while they've been living under what is very nearly a fascist state, as all of the claims they say he might do, are shit they are actively doing.

Sometimes I really try to have sympathy for them, but then they remind me that they think the shit they do to the rest of us, every day, is fundamentally evil; only because they are scared that someone, one day, might do it to them even though none of us ever do.

No one wants to put the retards of SNL in prison. However, more than a large swathe of the Left would like to put Steven Crowder in prison, or Nick Di Paolo in a fucking grave. They did put Dankula in jail; and it is now normal for comedians in the anglosphere to be fined tens of thousands of dollars for jokes.

I have no sympathy for you animals. Get the fuck out of the way.

So the left is terrified exactly because of that. They know if given absolute power all the horrid things they would inflict on political enemies. They think everyone is like them and So the next logical step is that if they lose they're all getting sent away.

various commenters #transphobia

JK Rowling is on a roll today!

( MardyMcMare )
She sounds a lot freer now compared with her carefulness just a couple of years ago. She knows she’s on the winning team, and has the support of millions of women. I admire her so much!

( LizardQ )
I think she genuinely tried to extend good faith to trans people...and they gave her nothing in return. They went full mask off. These fuckers seriously kill any goodwill that comes their way with their absolutely insane demands. People are waking up. JK is amazing. So eloquent and always spot on. She rules.

( Spencer_Shayy )
It's sad, but it's the path most traveled. At one point, we all tried to extend an olive branch to "trans" people - only to be beaten, threatened, insulted, degraded, dehumanized, and attacked by them in return.

"Trans" people create "transphobes".

( MardyMcMare )
”Trans" people create "transphobes".

This is so true. The more I “get to know” them - as I was advised to - the more repulsed I feel.

( Spencer_Shayy )
Yup. It wasn't "TERFs" who made me hate "trans" people. It was "trans" people. Their horrid behavior, their vile beliefs and evil ideology... they go against everything I stand for.

( Gray )
Relatable. I felt a lot of empathy at first for those feeling gender dysphoria because of course I could relate to it. I think a large majority of women and girls in the world do relate to not wanting to be female at least a few different points in our lives, for a variety of reasons. I still even feel some empathy for the TIFs who aren’t too far gone and unhinged. But the type of mental illness that TIMs is very different. It’s terrifying. And the way that TIPs and TRAs rally together to be abusive towards primarily the women who speak up against them. It disgusts me so much. I don’t have much empathy left for them no matter how much I try.

( proudcatlady )

Man isn’t a slur

Well they can be forgiven for thinking it is. If someone called me a man I’d be super offended. Worst group of people on the planet.

Raven #homophobia

At some of these conventions, cosplays can range from being intricate to being raunchy. A lot of people wear costumes barely even covering their bodies. It is inappropriate—especially in the presence of minors. One convention, in particular, is notable for this lack of moderation.

Dragon Con is one of the largest and most popular multi-media conventions, celebrated annually in Atlanta, GA ( It is “the largest multi-media, popular culture convention focusing on science fiction & fantasy, gaming, comics, literature, art, music, and film.” I had the opportunity to attend this year for the first time, and while I was amazed by the creativity of the cosplays, I was less impressed with some of the panels and other activities presented in full view of minors.

One such event I attended undercover was a 'Dorian Gray' panel that promoted LGBTUHD4K+ positivity for minors. This panel allowed both minors and adults to be present, and a child was heard crying from the back row. A few notable moments from the panel included a woke lesbian describing how she “wrote a story about two lesbian girls, as minors, who were on the cross-country team together.” The panelist then detailed how, as a minor, she showed it to a trusted teacher who said it was “a great piece of literature.” It was highly disturbing.

Another panelist at the event also described she and her friends, as minors, were all OUT AS BISEXUAL in high school and how popular they were for broadcasting and exploring their sexuality.

Mike Davis #conspiracy #crackpot #psycho #racist #wingnut

But during my three week reign of terror as Trump acting attorney general, before I get chased out of town with my Trump pardon, I will rain hell on Washington, D.C. We’ve talked about this, Ben. I have five lists, ready to go and they’re growing.

List number one, we’re gonna fire. We’re gonna fire a lot of people in the executive branch, in the deep state.

Number two, we’re gonna indict. We’re gonna indict Joe Biden and Hunter Biden and James Biden and every other scumball, sleazeball, Biden, except for the five year old granddaughter who they refused to acknowledge for five years until the political pressure got to Joe Biden.

Number three, we’re gonna deport. We’re gonna deport a lot of people, 10 million people and growing—anchor babies, their parents, their grandparents. We’re gonna put kids in cages. It’s gonna be glorious. We’re gonna detain a lot of people in the D.C. gulag and Gitmo.

And list number five, I’m gonna recommend a lot of pardons. Every January 6th defendant is gonna get a pardon, especially my hero horn man. He is definitely at the top of the pardon list.

Tucker Carlson #ableist #crackpot #forced-birth #fundie #sexist #wingnut

If you're making the case that, “You know, sometimes we need to have an abortion” - okay. If you're making the case that abortion is an affirmative good, you are evil. You're practicing child sacrifice. And that is exactly what they're doing as every culture before us has. But to see the Treasury Secretary - that dwarf, Janet Yellen - get up and say, “You know, you can do your part to help the American economy by killing your child.” That's no different than the Canaanites, actually. So if people who don't see that clearly, that's exactly what it is. Worshiping abortion, the killing of kids? Not as something that like needs to happen, unfortunately, but is something that is good, that's pro-abortion, you know […] And I have to say - I'm sure I'll be attacked for saying this - but I really believe it. People are like, “Oh, well, we had another hurricane. Must be global warming.” No, it's probably abortion, actually. Just being honest. Like, you can't do that. You can't kill children on purpose knowing that you're doing that in exchange for power or freedom or happiness or whatever you think you're getting in return. You can't participate in human sacrifice without consequences. You just can't. Sorry.

[deleted] #forced-birth

We do not want to force ten year olds to give birth, as childbirth is a natural process and thus cannot be forced, and a pregnancy at this age falls under life threat exceptions.
Things Pro-Choicers Say
Also, there are millions of pro-life women worldwide, some of whom I know personally, so showing a female wojak was inaccurate.


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"That's fucking
'You shouldnt
kill your kids'
"l want to force
10-year-olds to
give birth!"
vatermark {don't steal DIs :
"You shouldnlt
kill your kids."
•stop regulating
'Stop regulating

Ann Barnhardt #conspiracy #wingnut #transphobia #forced-birth

[From “Musical Interlude: “If We Make It Through December””]

Will the Secret Service successfully assassinate him under orders from the CIA? Third time’s a charm, and all that

Who will provide security for him since the Secret Service is comprised of treasonous and incompetent CIA patsies?

Will he free the Jan6 political prisoners immediately upon being sworn in?

Will he pardon Hunter Biden?

Why was Bruce Jenner at the campaign headquarters last night wearing a dress and makeup?

Another wave of inflation is coming- it’s inevitable. What, if anything, can or will he do about it?

BigPharma is still out of control. And we’re all still waiting for him to apologize for “Operation Warp Speed”

Will his radical pro-abortion wife get her way?

Will his staff and cabinet appointments be as awful as last time?

Keep praying, folks

Jim #wingnut #sexist #psycho #fundie

[From “How to restore a reproductively successful society”]

This might seem premature when there is a substantial ruling class faction that intends to steal the election again and implement a brutal totalitarian terror state similar to Starmer’s Britain and Zelensky’s Ukraine, and no namefag of the Christian Right anywhere in the Global American Empire dares raise the issue of the destruction of marriage, but I expect victory in the not very distant future, even though I also expect war internal or external or both, and also expect a high risk of democide — that they will attempt to immanentize the eschaton by physically erasing legacy Americans and the past

After victory, possibly after a horrifyingly bloody and costly victory, have to restore sex, children, and grandchildren[…]
If women are not forced to choose at most once and only once, you get the game of players and bitches. At which only a small minority of men can succeed, and even successful players suffer burnout[…]
When the sexual revolution was proclaimed from above, the promise was pornotopia[…]
Forcing a woman to choose once and only once is potentially harsh. She might unknowingly make a very bad choice. She might be forced by circumstances to make a very bad choice. But in an environment where female choice is restrained, it will generally be restrained by parents exposing her only to pre-approved suitors[…]or they might just marry her off kicking and screaming[…]
We have to implement virgin marriage[…]
Why do you think a lot of societies apply female circumcision, despite its known adverse affect on male sexual pleasure?[…]
If you have strong laws punishing adult affluent white men, but not punishing underage girls, which laws are not actually enforced against underclass males, she will find an underclass alpha to do it, teaching her than underclass males are alpha and sexy, and middle class males are beta and unsexy. Recollect the Pakistani problem in today’s England

ApricotThoughts, Mari11 & Wsbfom01 #transphobia

Can men breastfeed is asking the wrong question

( ApricotThoughts )
Men want to "breastfeed" for the same reason they want to "menstruate." The are both faux/foe activities (foes to women and children). They are simulating women's experiences to experience sexual arousal, if not in the moment, then afterwards.

These men breastfeed with the baby as a sex toy. Once they've established "sex toy" status for the child, when does it stop? Wide open for continuing sexual abuse, even at a low level - the child has been sexualized, how does a man with a sexual fetish walk that back for the sake of the child?

Taking pictures of themselves doing this is porn for other men.

( Mari11 )
That’s the biggest red flag to me. I’d never publish photos of my toddler breastfeeding because I know there are gross freaks out there that would use it for nefarious purposes. I’m suspicious of anyone who publishes those sorts of photos on social media (some mums are just naive I guess but I’m sure these men doing it must know)

( Wsbfom01 )
Men have breasts yes, but the breast tissue is not as developed compared to a woman. If you have to induce both the growth of the breast tissue along with the production of milk with massive amounts of hormones and other medicine can you really say that it’s healthy and safe? Where are the studies showing that the milk produced by a transwoman is sufficient and healthy for a child? Is it really ethical? The study they love citing is based on a group made up of women who were not pregnant , trans identified females and trans identified males.

Woman who can’t produce milk are simply told to give formula and even women who breastfeed have to stick to a specific diet.

I don’t see the point of supporting this abomination just for the sake of “gender euphoria”. The funny thing is that if they ever manage to normalize this they’ll immediately want something else, menstruation , giving birth etc. they’ll never be satisfied , because they’re chasing something unattainable.

George the Magician and bubble extraordinaire #wingnut

Media meltdown, these new stations are now blaming that Biden should have dropped out Sooner... the same media that was telling you, he was fine and he could do the job. You see the problem with the fake news,????? They lie, they lie, they lie. They live in a very comfortable world. Things that affect everyday Americans do not affect them. And therefore they're gonna tell you everything is okay. The reason why Trump was elected was because of the border, inflation, and the chance that we may have World War 3 because of Biden's administration, giving billions of dollars to Iran who now is close to having a nuclear warhead, good job, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, you lost the election because of that.
And the media's Lies have helped the american people to see how biased they are....But we need to wake up america and start watching THE # 1 NEWS Channel
is now become FOX NEWS ....
I hope you'll just watch 1 hour to see all the lies the media has been telling you and trump is
bad. and for media lying to the american people....they too are responsible for TRUMPs Presidential landslid...... As you can see, not only did over a hundred million vote for him, wake up they also won the majority of the country that is how bad the democrats have become WATCH FOX NEWS.
The truth, .....Why so many biden supporters voted for trump.

Wayne Leigh #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #racist #wingnut

As you have yourself supplied part of the answer, it is obviously not. Besides it's geographical concentration, the other obvious facts are (1) the age of the haplogroup is obviously far older than Indo-European, and the main migration route was via Anatolia, not the Steppes unlike the R1a. (2) the R1b were in Western Europe much earlier than the R1a. They founded locally the Bell Beaker culture, which originated from the coasts of Iberia. (3) the people in Ibera, large areas of France and Northern Italy spoke non-IE languages right into historical times, only switching partially to Celtic, then almost fully to Romance languages in the days of the Roman empire. (4) Basque, which retains its old pre-IE language also have the highest concentration of Rib, and lowest for R1a. All the assumptions that R1b is IE does not hold water, in the face of these data. What we can, however, say is that R1a and R1b split nearly 20 thousand years ago, before IE existed. The languages they spoke also evolved independently. The R1b folks arrived in Western Europe, and replaced most populations except in Scandinavia and the Balkans, where they mixed with the local Germanic (I1) and the (I2) Balkan natives. The arrival of of the R1a from the Steppes later on led to the mixing of the R1a and R1b in central Europe to produce Celtic, an IE language with tantalising links to Basque. The colonization of large areas of Europe by the Celts resulted in widespread language replacement, though much of Ibera and France remained old pre-IE. Only the Roman conquests successfully converted these areas to IE speaking, with the exception of its last remnants in the Basque territories. It is pride and refusal to identify with the vanquished that led people to insist that R1b is IE.

Wayne Leigh #conspiracy #racist #wingnut #crackpot #dunning-kruger

This belief is very popular, probably because white people want to identify with Indo-European conquerors. But it totally, absolutely, doesn't make sense anymore than the Chinese insisting that the neolithic Liangzhu civilization (O1, related to Austronesian/Daic) on the Yangtze delta is Sinitic (O3 from Sino-Tibetan). It is impossible for R1a and R1b to both be the source of Indo-European since they are geographically far apart. Looking at the y-haplogroup map of Europe its obvious that Indo-European must have originated with R1a, and that R1b folks underwent a language switch along the way. The R1b must have arrived in Western Europe before the Indo-Europeans, and they founded the famous Bell Beaker Culture, before the Indo-European Celts (themselves a hybrid of R1a and R1b from central Europe), and the Romans subsequently assimilated them. The Germanic people are even more complex, being originally I1 before being first absorbed by the R1b Bell Beaker people, then the R1a Indo-Europeans. The Basques, Etruscans and others speak remnants of the old R1b languages. This should be the honest conclusion untainted by the desire to be the conquering race. White doesn't necessarily mean Indo-European, and Indo-European doesn't necessarily mean white.

Katie Cruz #crackpot #dunning-kruger

[From “The 5 stages of MAP Grief”]

Denial: “No I’m not a MAP”

Anger: (Overcompensating) “Those fucking horrible pedophiles!!”

Bargaining: “Ok I’m a MAP, but I’m the only good one”

Depression: “Everyone hates me. I hate my life”

Acceptance: “I’m a MAP, and it’s a normal orientation”

John C. Wright #fundie #pratt

Donald J Trump has been elevated to the purple by the prince-electors at Aachen, and coronated in Rome by the Pope, so that he is now Imperator of the Holy Roman Empire, and of the Empire of Man, Rex Quondam Rexque Futurum.

All Glory to God and to his anointed!

The Tribune Assembly of the Commoners in America, who retain a quaint custom of confirming the Electoral determination by local ballot, have also granted His Imperial Majesty the Mandate of the Commons.

Outlawing abortion and contraception is good. Getting rid of the minimum wage will allow low-skilled workers to find jobs. Better. Locking up rioters and looters, best of all.

JD Vance will be Executive-for-Life, and Elon the first Transhuman Immortal of the Noosphere. So far, so good.

Purple haired girls will no longer be allowed to twirk and grind in public, as shown in the first scene, and modest dress codes will be decreed by the National Census Office. No more tattoos nor face piercings. Sounds awesome.

Also, involuntary concubinage will ensure a reverse of the demographic decline, hence the return to the fertility levels needed to colonize Mars.

The warning from the future also shows the cities destroyed by Democrat mismanagement being slowly abandoned for the new and beautiful cities Trump will erect in the Western United State on what is now federal lands.

Not sure I see the downside here.

Jeb Smith #wingnut #elitist #fundie

[From “Can Conservativism be Maintained in a Democracy?”]

American conservative media pundits argue that in order to restore liberty and conservative ideas: all the citizens need to do is defeat the Democrats and replace establishment Republicans with true conservatives. We are never told how this is to be achieved when the overwhelming majority of voters are raised by a government teaching them to hate conservative ideas while our culture promotes progressivism[…]
Even the times under the Articles of Confederation, and later under the Constitution were not the libertarian paradise[…]Just as the Tories warned replacing a king with politicians would do, it quickly became far more tyrannical under local and federal representatives than under King George[…]
American Christians celebrate our perceived conservative and Christian form of governance, but compared to the Middle Ages we would be viewed as secular and progressive[…]
By their nature, democracy, representatives, and legislative branches are progressive. Under medieval kingship, the law and government have no professional legislative branch. Law did not “evolve” or grow; it remained intact and protected[…]
So long as the democratic state exists, liberty and property rights need diligent protection. Even if you play great defense and win 95% of the time, the other 5% will drastically transform society[…]
Conservatives must be aware that the progressive ideas of the past are now being embraced and advocated by their own leaders and politicians. They reject only sections of the current progressive agenda[…]
Republican Party under Abraham Lincoln defeated the libertarians and reactionaries of the South and destroyed the last remnants of the Founder’s Republic[…]
What the Founders meant by “we the people” differed significantly from Lincoln’s or the modern Republicans’ belief in urban masses and voter expansion. The former meant the large landowning aristocratic representatives of sovereign states

Liz Wheeler #wingnut

Hilarious (and sad) to see all the posts from liberal women screeching about losing their rights & men hating them.

Name me a single right you’ve lost since Trump was elected President? Be specific.
8:09 AM · Nov 7, 2024 · 40.1K Views
327 Reposts 6 Quotes 2,521 Likes 15 Bookmarks

Mike McDaniel #pratt

*Harris lost not only because she’s a liar, but because she’s a fraudulent human being. Enough Americans still dislike having people piss on their heads and tell them it’s raining.

*Trump won, in part, because Americans quickly realized everything D/S/Cs said about J.D. Vance was a lie. He’s an impressive, authentic guy, and they could easily see him becoming President in a crisis.

*Election night I watched various talking heads suggest Republicans must be gracious in victory. Inclusion. Healing. Nonsense. These are people who were salivating at the thought of turning America into a socialist/communist tyranny. They wanted to destroy Normal Americans, cancel them, bankrupt them, jail them, kill them. They still do. If they want to be legitimate Americans again, they’re going to have to earn it. Much more on this in the days to come.

*The idea D/S/Cs always win the popular vote, so the Electoral College is illegitimate and must be destroyed just flew out the window, not that they’ll admit it. Their screams of rage over this issue alone are delicious.

*D/S/C’s attempt to end run the Constitution by their illegal pact where states give all their electoral votes to the popular vote winner just blew up in their faces. That too is delicious.

various commenters #transphobia

RE: The idea that people who don't support gender ideology are on the far-right

( LunarMoose )
People live in such bubbles. If I went to a local coffee shop in my very liberal town and said anything mildly GC - chances are I'd be asked to leave.

Add to that, the media are captured. They are all 20 somethings who don't believe in journalism. I watched libs of tiktok and Taylor Lorenze (sp?) talk about trans-trends in kids. Libs was disappointing (she wasn't in command of the facts) and neither was Taylor (a left wing 'journalist'). She had NO CLUE. I don't think she's ever even researched the issue - despite the fact that she writes about it all the time.


( worried19 )
It's a deliberate attempt to paint us as villains. Because to most liberals, conservatives are villains, so if someone doesn't have the "approved" view on gender ideology, TRAs have decreed that it must be because we're conservative in our hearts.

I'm a moderate overall, and I think moderates, liberals, and conservatives should be able to agree on how badly gender ideology is affecting women and children for many of the same reasons. It's wrong to sterilize kids. I think all sides can agree on that because we all believe kids have the right to grow up with their bodies intact and not altered by hormonal disruption.

( Gwenllian )
I think it is because the gender brigade have attached themselves like a rabid limpet to the left, they automatically view any dissent as being right wing.

Ironically their ideology of womanhood being a commodity they can purchase is capitalism on steroids. Their pursuit of privileges that take away women's rights, history and ability to protest is downright fascism. They attempt to convert lesbians and gays using brutal medical means. Forced speech and behaviour. Disobedience is punished severely through violence and censorship. They try to indoctrinate young children to their ideology. They disregard safeguarding procedures in favour of male sexual fetishes.

So it makes me in the hell can they consider themselves left wing?

( Autumn-Aprodithe )
Gender ideology is all about letting men in drag invade our spaces as a birth right. I'm not right or left, I am a Matriarchy supporter.

various commenters #transphobia

( dragonheart )
The idea that people who don't support gender ideology are on the far-right
One thing that I have noticed being discussed in TRA circles is the notion that the "rise in transphobia" or any "transphobia" (aka critical thinking) is a result of far-right politics; the consideration that center or left leaning people could be gender critical and have "transphobic" opinions doesn't even enter the conversation at all.

I haven't actually come across any far-right gender critical people - conservative sure but nobody who I would consider extremist. It seems to me that the majority of gender critical people I come across are actually left leaning or somewhere in the middle depending on other factors.

Do you think TRAs purposefully ignore this fact because they can't as easily brand left-leaning people as hateful bigots or they are just delusional about it and think that left-leaning people all engage in groupthink and automatically support gender ideology?

( hellamomzilla )
I hate this formulation because I feel that opposition to the systemic politicization of trans theory isn’t basically political. I feel that opposing it is a reality, scientific situation.

I am opposed to this not because of my political leanings but because it’s all lies. Humans come in one of two sexes, the end. THAT is the basis of my disagreement with the idea that anyone can change her sex. Sure, as we all know, there are political ramifications, but at base, I’m standing on biological truth. I also get why most of the political fighting against the lie of trans is freedom of belief/speech, but I kind of hate it. Understanding the reality of human reproduction is not an OPINION.

( Eava )
You won't find far right or conservative gender critical people. [...] You will find plenty of far right people who are anti-trans, pretty much every legal organization that takes on cases is Dominionist Christian like the ADF, and any anti-trans belief is labeled "gender critical" because the media and TRAs don't understand feminism.

Believing sex is real and men can't be women and women can't be men isn't a gender critical belief, it is one common among right wing Christian extremists like the Duggars and other Quiverfull adherents.

( BellaBlue )
I self-identify as a Gender Critical Conservative. I'm right here.

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