
Like homophobia, but for transgender people

Tainted Slav #transphobia #wingnut #dunning-kruger doomer.boards.net

Ah, and yes, classic hate speech, let's attack people who are different

[Tainted Slav]
you know I wouldn't have been that negative and openly not comfortable about them if more than a half of troons acted NORMAL, and not like whining attention seeking bitches that, in fact, have changed their gender to have that exact attention and complain even more?
But nah that'd be some srazy shit to think, I know, sounds insane, truly, and we never achieve normalcy because trans don't want normalcy, obviously.

Dolphin Barn #crackpot #elitist #fundie #kinkshaming #magick #transphobia #sexist reddit.com

{Context: This guy is an indie game developer who was recently banned from his own games steam community because he keeps posting alti-right transphobic screeds in his game’s patch notes. This is one of many examples}

some men still wont fight. they're weak. there's no accounting for weak men. weak men lack character. strong moral fibre is hard to come by. it's earned through hard work and sacrifice and it cannot be had via onlyfans or pornhub. no, those fuckin' things are demonic posessions waiting to show you a succubus tiddy in the hopes you'll waste a load on her instead of spending that energy studying how to weld or grow a potato or learning a new language or how to program a computer. listen, kids ... get off them porntubes and do something with your life becuase no one is gonna give you a goddamned thing and this whole mess we call civilization is only getting harder. we need solutions and we need smart men who can work hard and implement those solutions. masturbating to egirls isn't gonna solve the energy crisis is it? get to work.

.. or play video games and have a relax and then get to work, fresh, tomorrow. i can't possibly know whats best for you in your individual situation.

really... don't let strangers on the internet tell you how to live your life. if you want to be told how to live your life, read the new testament. the internet will only give you lies.

Grace Christian School #fundie #homophobia #transphobia yahoo.com

Florida Christian school says students living gay or trans lifestyles will be asked to leave

A private Christian school in Florida told parents ahead of the coming school year that students will only be identified by their "biological sex" and said that students who are found "participating" in gay or transgender lifestyles will be asked to "leave the school immediately."

"We believe that God created mankind in His image: male (man) and female (woman), sexually different but with equal dignity," the email sent by Grace Christian School Administrator Barry McKeen to school community in June reads, according to NBC News.

"Therefore, one's biological sex must be affirmed and no attempts should be made to physically change, alter, or disagree with one's biological gender — including, but not limited to, elective sex reassignment, transvestite, transgender, or non-binary gender fluid acts of conduct (Genesis 1:26-28). Students in school will be referred to by the gender on their birth certificate and be referenced in name in the same fashion," the email continued.

The private Christian school is located in Valrico, Florida, which is less than 20 miles outside of Tampa. NBC News obtained a copy of the email, which was sent to parents on June 6 with the subject line, "Important School Policy Point of Emphasis. ... Please Read."

The email to parents states that the policies on gay and transgender issues are not new, but that parents "have to agree to all policies and procedures before your student may start school in August."

"Students who are found participating in these lifestyles will be asked to leave the school immediately," the email added.

McKeen spoke to Fox News Digital later on Sunday and explained that the rule applies to any student partaking in sexual activity outside of a marriage.

"We don't expect any of our students who are not married to be sexual, whether it be bisexual, heterosexual or homosexual," McKeen said on Sunday. "I tell people, if a kid came in the doors, exclaiming how he was having sex with his girlfriend that student would be expelled as well."

One mother said she pulled her high school daughter, who identifies as lesbian, from the school following the email.


I'm not a fascist, but...

...I'm totes a fascist

Dalton Clodfelter #wingnut #fundie #homophobia #transphobia rumble.com

Once we take our country back, we will have federal agents kicking down the doors of every treasonous Democrat, every treasonous globalist, every homosexual couple that has molested a child, and they will be arrested, and they will be sentenced to prison. I believe in a far right-authoritarian government. No, I am not a fascist. No, I am not a white supremacist. No, I am not a Nazi. But I do believe that hierarchy, structure, and authority are very important. I do believe that our society needs these things in order to progress and maintain its cultural framework.

I believe that our society needs this in order to rid itself of the sexual immorality and blatant degeneracy running rampant all throughout the country. Once we take control, we will identify our enemies, and we will stomp them into the dirt. They will not be able to return to power. We will rip them from their offices. We will rip them from their homes for being degenerate liars, degenerate treasonous domestic terrorists because that is what they are.

We want to take back the country and reestablish a Christ-like nation. A nation where the national religion is Christian. A nation where the national language is English. A nation where pornography is banned, homosexuality is banned, and transgenderism is banned. Where you will never see a college that isn’t a Christian college. The only college acceptable that you are able to go to is a Christian school because every school in these United States should teach Christian values. Every school should teach the 10 Commandments in elementary school. Every school should promote what it means to be a Christian to the youth of America. It cannot be any other way. There should be no secular teaching in the schools.

Russ Winter #wingnut #fundie #transphobia #homophobia #conspiracy winterwatch.net

Even some loyal regular readers may dismiss Winter Watch’s focus on satanic forces and our use of the term “satanists,” but that’s how this spectacle manifests itself. There are more avowed Satanists than most people could possibly imagine. Others may not be Satanists openly, but they endorse inverted principles and, in most cases, without really knowing it. They dwell in a satanic mindset and world view. Thus, they are, at minimum, defacto untermenschen Satanists.

The defining theme of the Satanist, defacto or otherwise, is extreme selfishness, psychodrama and gaming. The BTK Killer Dennis Rader spoke openly about “demons within” and admitted his issue was lack of restraint and extreme indulgence selfishness. Serial killer Israel Keyes relished in it.

The gaming psychodrama aspect of Satanists is what we write about constantly. In our article on dark triads, we highlighted three personality traits: narcissism, Machiavellianism and psychopathy. This is the ticket to be a member of the lording and ruling caste, or what we call the Crime Syndicate or organized New Underworld Order (NUO).

Gaming (aka black magik) is feigned theatrics, feuds and shit storms. Satanic dark triads attract flying monkeys and cultish bootlickers. Satanists describe themselves as members of a “meta-tribe.”
hey aren’t up to even the minimal standards of a moral society that protects the young from predatory forces. There is a huge difference between what mature adults do sexually in private versus this public sexual grooming of children over the airwaves.

These Satanic PJWs have no concept of that. Satanic discordian untermenschen are hyper-tolerant and are hyper-moral relativists. As Satanists, they follow the Allister Crowley dictate of “Do What Thou Wilt.” This is evident in those comments.

PJW Satanists don’t get the big picture about the sexual and pedophile grooming of children. Children are easy targets of abusers, and this PJW chortling and mocking enables and normalizes that.

Prussian Society of America #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia #quack prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "Video Clips to remind about the Truth about Trump and his Supporters"]

You can boast on and on about Trump being a Christian and Conservative President, but in America’s history, he is also the most Liberal of all Conservative Presidents that the country ever elected into office

Let these video clips be a reminder as to why Trump was just an actor and a Jew puppet the entire time in office, but of course the Right Wingers will always wish to correct you by saying “Oh, but he HAD to do that because the Liberals would do this”[…]
Even if the bastard were just paying Lip Service for his ratings and tolerance in office, it’s still disingenuous and demonstrates how low the Moral Standards are in Americans

Trump Pledged to defend the LGBTQ Community:
Trump: I will protect LGBTQ citizens from hateful rhetoric of radical terrorists

Trump Promoting the COVID Vaccines:
When Trump has told his supporters to get vaccinated

Donald Trump Endorsing the COVID Vaccines:
Donald Trump endorses COVID vaccines at Alabama rally

Trump Capitulates to Mask Wearing:
Trump Signals Strongest Support Yet for Masks

some incels #elitist #sexist #transphobia incels.is

[ ionlycopenow ]

Took 2 months of being single for a HT normie I know to start saying incel-ish things

Now, this high tier normie has been single for 2 months and is now saying very incel-ish stuff, his whole demeanor has changed, he’s now more sulking/down, more negative, less motivated to ever do anything, more unconfident, and he out of no where has been saying very mysoggykneestic things.

Was strange to see it takes sexhavers just a single digit amount of months with no gf before they just lose all confidence and start saying incel-ish stuff, complete 180 in personality in negativity.

Makes me try to imagine how they would be if they were in the shoes of someone who has never had a gf or sex, ever.

[ ItsOver4cel ]

They literally wouldn't last a day as an incel
Not having a gf is hardly the worst of my problems at this point

[ shii410 ]

This should have become consensus after quarantine when normies and females started bitching and having meltdowns after like 2 weeks of "social distancing"

[ HedonisticRecluse ]

One of my 6'4 white freinds (chadlite) has girls stare at him everyday, I blackpilled him and he agreed with me lmao

Wdym by blackpilled him?

Told him that women only liked him because he was tall, white and 6'4, and then told him since im a manlet curry that I would have way worse chances, he agreed with me. I rant about women to him sometimes and he mostly agrees and would tell me his own experiences.

Another high tier normie autist freind I have tells me how most of the girls he fucks on tinder are the excat same copies of each other :feelshaha:.

[ Balding Subhuman ]

Yeah that happens. These are some reddit comments from a FtM. She went from 5'3 girl to 5'3 truecel best part is, before transitioning and living as a subhuman she would probably had mocked incels for being entitled


[ GayAlienSkullCel ]

literally the same with 6'4" friend. We look similar but I am incel while he is slaying even though he has a boring quiet personality and works as a package handler for $12 a hour.

Omg, 12 dollar a hour is incel-tier wage at USA, and here I am rotting making 0.50 dol a hour in bolivia

卐 ангел смерти 卐 #wingnut #conspiracy #racist #transphobia #ufo blackpill.club

(((They))) are fighting for a grey alien leftist NWO filled with Trannies and forced vaccinations. Jews pray to their grey alien gods everyday in their Kabbalah rituals that one day israel will take over the world and form a global ZOG tranny empire. I wish Hitler won WW2, then we wouldn’t have to deal with (((them))). These are who the jews are working for

@CroneInAMillion #transphobia twitter.com

I consider this ad to be hate speech against my beliefs. Gender critical beliefs (that sex is real, significant & immutable while gender is a sexist, restrictive social construct) are protected in law. Who shall I report for this hate speech?




please note
is encouraging people to report fake hate crimes (e.g. statements of fact) and then using the inflated nonsense "hate crime" figures for political ends. This is stirring up social tensions as well as wasting police resources.

@janeclarejones #transphobia twitter.com

To all the people endlessly recycling the claim that good comedy should only be aimed at people in power, not vulnerable minorities.

People without power would never have been able to force everyone else to pretend that humans aren't sexed.

All Gervais did was highlight the reductio ad absurdum of sex denialism.

And not even by extrapolating.

Simply by directly quoting examples of that absurdism.

Do not pretend that people without power would have been able to make people mouth these absurdities.

Do not pretend that people without power would have been able to get the liberal and glossy media to write a bunch of pieces about the 'virulent' and 'violent' hatred exhibited by simply pointing to the absurdity of sex denial.

Everyone knows this is absurd.

You don't have to make jokes.

You just have to REPEAT THE ABSURDISM.

Power is being able to make everyone pretend that something that is blatantly absurd is not absurd.

And being able to demonise people for simply pointing out the absurdity.

This is what I wrote in the introduction to my book about the process of writing 'The Annals of the TERF-Wars.'


And then, they will accuse you of hatred.

And people will listen to them.

Because they are so powerless.

People who have no power got everyone to pretend that humans aren't sexed Part 1 of ?.

I know why comics like @rickygervais & Dave Chappelle love making trans jokes - it's great publicity and trans people actually have no power. So, you can hit them over and over- and you'll just get new, lucrative special out of it and get right-wing love and pretend you're brave.

Christopher F. Rufo #conspiracy #homophobia #racist #sexist #transphobia #wingnut nitter.net

SCOOP: A left-wing NGO has laundered radical gender theory into more than 4,000 American schools, promoting an agenda of "anti-capitalism," the "abolition of the police," and encouraging children to adopt sexual identities such as "non-binary," "pansexual," and "genderqueer."

In a political manifesto, the GSA Network endorses calls for the “abolition of the police,” the “abolition of borders,” the payment of “reparations” to minorities, the “decolonization” of native lands, and the overthrow of the “cisgender heterosexual patriarchy.”

The GSA Network trains adults to use cult-like programming techniques to recruit children into “gender and sexuality” activism. First, the children must rank themselves as members of “groups w/ systemic power (privilege)” or “groups w/ less or no systemic power (oppressed).”

Next, the oppressor children must “[do] the self and collective work to analyze how we contribute to the oppression of Trans, Queer, Non-binary / Gender Non-Conforming, Black, Indigenous, youth of color” and “commit to dismantling these systems for collective liberation.”

The adults tell the children they must “implement the use of pronouns,” “offer a land acknowledgment,” “listen to the Trans community,” “center conversations around Black liberation,” and “use your privilege (and your physical and monetary resources) to support [the oppressed].”

The GSA Network trains adult and child leaders to keep the program a secret from parents. “Know what you do and don’t have to tell parents/ guardians/families,” the organization advises in its official handbook.

These clubs often use the language of “LGBTQ inclusion,” but the central organization is driven by pure left-wing radicalism. As @SwipeWright/@buttonslives have documented, many clubs are intentionally concealing the truth from parents.

School districts that encourage adult employees to secretly discuss sexuality with children are creating a dangerous system. Clinical psychologists are already warning that some of these practices resemble “the steps predators take” to abuse kids.

XX_Power , femlez34 & pennygadget #transphobia ovarit.com

Should the LGB use right/conservative platforms to address grooming, child abuse in the LGBTQ+?
(124 votes/ 67% yes
62 votes/ 33% no)

( XX_Power )
Yes absolutely but our conservatives are considerably less batshit than the American ones. Either way, abusing, sterilizing and butchering children should be NON PARTISAN. If one side explicitly makes themselves the pro mutilating children party, well how could it be wrong to side with their opponents?.

( femlez34 )
Normally I would say no, but when we're talking about protecting children and the most vulnerable women, we don't have any time to waste. It's not like most of us want to be speaking on Fox news, it's that we've been banned and de-platformed everywhere else! Left leaning platforms want to just sweep this under the rug, maybe if we keep making it a topic of national conversation they'll be forced to include us at some point.

( pennygadget )
I voted yes. As someone who used to be active in the Tea Party and have far more right wing views than I do now, I know a lot about this. Part of the reason I came back to more moderate stances is because I saw left wing people like Lierre Keith appear on outlets like Fox News and Steven Crowder's show. I liked what they had to say and sought them out on their own platforms. I never would have done that if they didn't appear on the platforms I actually watched.

If the LGBs want to change hearts and minds, they won't get there by only singing to the left wing choir. They need to get ahead of this groomer shit by telling conservatives who might not know better that organizations like Stonewall and Pink News don't represent the majority of normal LGB people. And, by getting their voice out there, they might entice other people like me to reevaluate their politics in general and step outside their political comfort zone.

I became very right wing in my 20s because I felt betrayed by the left and how it was moving away from basic liberal values like free speech. And I see a lot of other people on the same trajectory right now because they were excommunicated from left wing circles for bullshit reasons. This is why its so vital for sane feminist and LGB activists to get their voices out however they can.

Marjorie Taylor Greene & Various commenters #wingnut #transphobia #racist gab.com

( Marjorie Taylor Greene)
My preferred pronouns are:

@repmtg stop White replacement

@repmtg what about White people?

@VictoryValhalla @repmtg Republicans are big tent anti-nationalists. Always have been. There just used to be more White people so it just seemed liked they used to care about us.


@repmtg I'd prefer no/women/in/men's/anything as well

@repmtg Deport/the/jews

@MichaelHill1951 @repmtg THE only policy that would deliver positive consequences.


spoilerNo, there's no such thing as a
"trans kid." If a child believes
they are a Lion, what are you
going to do? Feed it raw steak
and house the child in a cage? A
CHILD cannot want to be
transgender unless they are
being told that they are. A young
child does NOT understand the
full complexity of their decision
and role play.

@repmtg mine are fuck the niggers/fuck the jews

@repmtg Pretty sure your preferred pronouns are: dumb bitch/popularity whore.

@cycledance #transphobia gettr.com

Affirming children as the opposite sex is child abuse.

We have to say no to these kids. No to social transition. It's not harmless. It messes with the head more than hormones and surgery. Give kids a chance to desist.

Letting people dance around in their delusion is cruel.

n3847 #transphobia ovarit.com

I say wipe out "transitioning" and Gender Ideology all together. I'm tired of these creeps and this inane whining from AGP men who need to shove themselves in w women. Ugh, get away CREEPS! Go compete w men and leave us alone. Tired of this.

@ASTwistedFemale , @Amanda504 & @tradwife_radfem #transphobia gettr.com

Bring back men bullying other men tbfh

I’m working on that myself.

I will not stop reaching out to right wing men & even our left wing Allies to be their #brotherskeeper

Get these dudes in check! We need men in this movement!

They will not listen to women because they can beat us & get away with it but they will listen to men who promise a true beat down that will cripple them for the rest of their lives.

Reach out to men! Appeal to their protective instincts!

We need them to stand up for the women & children in their lives!

This is not just a feminist issue this is a societal issue. What kind of society do they want? One where their wives can be attacked in the bathroom/changing room & all have to accept it because “trans”?

@KCMott are you down to beat the everliving shit out of some creepy tranny pedo men in dresses or what? #brotherskeeper

Lol this gif won't show up with the gify functionality so I had to link it.

@Gaufre_Bleue #transphobia gettr.com

You cannot defend what you refuse to define.

Sex in humans is binary and immutable.

ONLY female humans can get pregnant.

ONLY a female human might need an abortion.

The descriptor for an adult, human, female is...WOMAN.





@ljlyon , @CatherineWheel & @So_Fasrus #transphobia gettr.com

This goes for Julie Bindel and JK Rowling as well as all women who think there's such a thing as true trans. Women who think the problem is that some extreme trans activists have gone too far and we need to show compassion for the true transgender. Women who advocate for a compromise for a 3rd option for Trans Identified Males to have their own facilities separate from male and female only facilities and sports. There's No Such Thing A Transgender. The entire idea of Trans. What. The. Fuck. Evers. (vestite, sexual, gender, female impersonators, drag queens, all paraphilia) and all affirmation surgeries and chemical cross/wrong sex hormone protocols should be banned. This is a crime against humanity and is a misogynistic hate crime making a mocking parody of women.

I think we all start out thinking there's some compromise to be had. But these are men (and sick men) we are talking about. There is no compromise, only capitulation. The longer you study this movement, the more disgusted and discouraged you get by your own naiveté.

"a misogynistic hate crime making a mocking parody of women" I notice many GC activists have moved position on their previously transideology-compromising language, of late, and are showing regret for the accommodations they've made. Ditto regarding their willingness to pity-placate autogynephiles.

ceci n'est pas une femme

Utah Parents #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #elitist #pratt #transphobia deseret.com

After a girl beat their daughters in sports, Utah parents triggered investigation into whether she was transgender

After one competitor “outclassed” the rest of the field in a girls’ state-level competition last year, the parents of the competitors who placed second and third lodged a complaint with the Utah High School Activities Association calling into question the winner’s gender.

David Spatafore, the UHSAA’s legislative representative, addressing the Utah Legislature’s Education Interim Committee on Wednesday, said the association — without informing the student or family members about the inquiry — asked the student’s school to investigate.

The school examined the student’s enrollment records.

“The school went back to kindergarten and she’d always been a female,” he said.

He told committee members about the events in response to their questions of whether the UHSAA, which sanctions and oversees high school activities, receives such complaints and how they are handled.

Spatafore said the association has received other complaints, some that said “that female athlete doesn’t look feminine enough.”

AsianBoss #transphobia blackpill.club

How you would rate this Tranny?
I thought he was a woman

You will never be a real woman. You have no womb, you have no ovaries, you have no eggs. You are a homosexual man twisted by drugs and surgery into a crude mockery of nature’s perfection.

All the “validation” you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back people mock you.

Your parents are disgusted and ashamed of you, your “friends” laugh at your ghoulish appearance behind closed doors.

Men are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of evolution have allowed men to sniff out frauds with incredible efficiency. Even trannies who “pass” look uncanny and unnatural to a man.

Your bone structure is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a drunk guy home with you, he’ll turn tail and bolt the second he gets a whiff of your diseased, infected axe wound.

You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake smile every single morning and tell yourself it’s going to be ok, but deep inside you feel the depression creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight.

Eventually it’ll be too much to bear - you’ll buy a rope, tie a noose, put it around your neck, and plunge into the cold abyss. Your parents will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment.

They’ll bury you with a headstone marked with your birth name, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know a man is buried there.

Your body will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy is a skeleton that is unmistakably male.

This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.

Babylon Bee #wingnut #transphobia babylonbee.com

Boston Children's Hospital Throws Child Off Roof After She Claims To Be A Bird

BOSTON, MA — This week, Boston Children's Hospital made history by throwing the first child off the roof based on the child's "felt need to have their birdhood affirmed." The child is now back in treatment in Boston Children's Hospital for broken bones, but the hospital is standing by its decision to fling the child off the roof to affirm their right to flight.

"Common questions from parents include: ‘Are you sure we should let little Johnny try to fly?' or ‘Could we try from a lower jump point before committing to the 2nd story?' or ‘Where are you taking my child??'" A promotional video posted by Boston Children's Hospital this week features a mild-mannered doctor describing the "species-affirming care" children can receive. "We always give parents the same answer: always affirm your child's felt needs, never correct or counsel them. If they want to fly, don't take their wings!"

Boston Children's Hospital has released several videos with doctors elaborating on the mostly-natural procedures to affirm flight in children, explaining the hospital's careful attention to sufficient height in the buildings they throw the children off, so that flight-attracted children can fully commit to their new lifestyles.

At publishing time, Boston Children's Hospital had expanded its trauma care wing to handle the influx of children with broken legs, spines, and tailbones. Some parents have protested that they were not made fully aware of the potentially irreversible harm of throwing their children off roofs, but these parents have been tagged as "potential threats" by the FBI.

Various Femcels #psycho #sexist #transphobia thepinkpill.co

So what is the future

What are we going to do? Is there even anything we can do? Have we given up and preparing to die with minimal damage to our soul and body (avoiding males and their slaves) and not bringing our daughters into it?

As individuals it depends on what our options are... For me I may become a nun one day just so I can live the rest of my days only among women without having to worry about males invading the community since most traditional religious institutions like the Catholic Church do not and probably will never bow down to TRA junk and accept the trans women are women garbage from TRAs...

As far as what we are going to do as a whole in the future... I think we should look for a way to reproduce without the male sex being involved. If parthenogenesis becomes possible for humans we can start deciding if keeping males around at all is worth it or not... Personally I think we would be better off without the great majority of them at least... Women need to wake up and stop birthing so many moids into this world... Especially ugly moids which the vast majority of moids end up becoming... 🤢🤮

that nun thing is pretty smart, nowadays even nursing homes for old women are filled with troons...

Ideally, make enough money to build a female only country with a military and create a bioweapon to eliminate males. Bioweapons are cheaper and easier to manage than nuclear weapons, so this can be achievable its just a matter of resources, team work and execution. Also, it will be a pity if I just die and not bring some males down with me.

I'm hoping in another five years or so some of the branches of the womyn's land movement will see the error in including men and I'll buy into one of those.


Women's communes. Unfortunately, the TIMs have infiltrated many of them.

I would love for a blackpilled to become a millionaire to raise funds for what she believes in. Millionaire moids do this a lot. Perhaps it would be possible in South Korea where the pessimistic, and separatist radfem is more popular.

Colin Wright #pratt #psycho #transphobia #wingnut nitter.net

“A good portion of children do know as early as from the womb” that they are transgender.

At Boston Children’s Hospital “we see a variety of young children all the way down to ages 2 and 3.”

This is literally a sick cult that mutilates children. That's not hyperbole, it's absolutely true. The best time for outrage was over a decade ago. The next best time for outrage is RIGHT NOW.

This has gotten so out of hand. If you're not outraged, you're not paying attention.

Yeah, yeah, sex isn't a spectrum blah blah blah. A person's sex is defined by gametes and reproductive anatomy blah blah blah.

While these details are important to understand, don't let these finer intellectual points distract you from what's happening on the ground:

Gender nonconforming children are being indoctrinated into a cult that is mutilating and sterilizing their healthy bodies with hormones and surgeries based on the pseudoscientific belief that it's possible for a person's body to not "match" their mind.

Matt Walsh #transphobia #wingnut nitter.net

Trans activists have doxxed me, threatened to kill me, defamed me, and tried to silence me. Because of this reaction I've taken time to reflect and reconsider and I've now decided to triple down and be even more radical in my opposition to their agenda. Thanks for the motivation!

"We will try to dissuade you from opposing us by justifying and confirming all of the absolute worst things you already thought about us"

This tactic has never worked on me, folks. Not sure who it would work on, but not me.

sojourner_truth_ & GraceHoward1729 #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Dumb take? I dread the day men invading our spaces stop calling themselves "women" and start claiming they are "transmen" instead

( sojourner_truth_ )
TIMs lie. Literally, that's what they do. They lie about being something other than male, that's their defining trait. They also lie about all kinds of other stuff. So, when I hear sad sobbing and violin music about some poor TIM who was so distraught over using the women's bathrooms, I hear them pulling the heartstrings of the Be Kind crowd. Inevitably, some handmaiden will bleat out "Oh, you poor poor dear! Come and use the women's, don't be silly!" It's a cunning and calculated manipulation. I hate that women still keeping fucking falling for it in 2022. I automatically doubt any such sob stories from these wolves in sheeps clothing, no matter how pretty or nice he pretends to be. He'd keep his crossdressing in the bedroom if he were so nice.

When you're telling your granddaughter about the good old days when women had our own rights and our own single sex spaces, it will sound like a fairy tale about flying on a broomstick or something, because these TIMs are stealing everything from us. I wish women would stop feeling sorry for them while they are robbing every woman and girl of their human dignity, safety and rights. Men's purported attacks on TIMs are not our problem.

( GraceHoward1729 )
They feed off of being called women and being 'seen as' women. It's their fetish. Pretending to be women and getting women to pretend too is the 'right' they are fighting for. It's a men's sexual rights movement. They won't give that up and call themselves 'trans men' for access. It's complete capitulation they want. Kat Blaque is a misogynist and I can guarantee he uses female spaces with glee; the story is bogus to further the narrative that these fetishistic entitled men are somehow 'oppressed' and 'marginalised' by parodying women and purposefully violating women's rights and boundaries.

99% of sexual offenders are male. This is why our goal is 100% of men out of women's sex-segregated spaces. We're not fighting to keep women who pretend to be men in women's spaces, we're fighting to keep men who pretend to be women out of women's spaces.


@Bertie007 , @raygin & @WesternWitch66 #transphobia gettr.com

They're all #perverts & #paedophiles any bloke who goes about pretending to be a woman has already crossed a line into perversion in my book#menarenotwomen

Absolutely "sex swap" activism is paedophile activism.

Bloody right they are, every last one of them, and am sick of idiots sucking up to their pet trannies.

incoserve #transphobia #conspiracy abovetopsecret.com

The issue here is not even a matter of tip-toeing around the feelings of a"a small minority of people." These people are not a small minority. They are a group of seriously mentally derranged individuals, people with real mental problems who are demanding not only that their mental sickness be normalized and mainstreamed, but that everyone else participates in it.

I am a normal human being. I am not mentally sick. I can distinguish between male and female. But I am expected to play along with their mental sickness and afirm their delusions. Eventually, if I am a good and tolerant person, I will fully agree with them and see the delusion with my own eyes. At some point I am expected to embrace my own gender disphoria, as well.

I recetnly experienced something like this here. I was verbally attacked and accused of many evil things because I refused to tacitly approve of a lifestyle that I believe to be destructive and immoral.

You see, first we were told to be "tolerant. Then we were told that we had to be "inclusive." Then we had to afirm. Now we're told that we must participate. It will never end until they have converted us all into transgender, pedophilic pervets.

@janeclarejones #transphobia twitter.com

Spotted today in the city… 🤦🏼‍♀️😂😂🙄

It's not a question of what women SHOULD be.

It's a question of what they ARE.

Sticking to the minimal definition of what they ARE is the only way of nobody telling us what we SHOULD be.

Our *existence* isn't a fucking social norm.

*YOU* are the people who want us to be redefined by the idea of what we SHOULD be.

So far here are some of the options offered and/or performed as evidence of what we SHOULD be:

- The ones who are penetrated
- A palimpsest
- Blank blank eyes and an expectant asshole
- A void
- Frankenstein's monster
- People who get to go to pyjama parties and paint our nails frosted pink
- BIMBO!!! *squeee*
- Spinny skirt
- 'Suicidal ecstasy'
- General all purpose fuck toy
- Head tilt

Think we'll stick with 'female' if you don't mind.

crodish #transphobia ovarit.com

Dumb take? I dread the day men invading our spaces stop calling themselves "women" and start claiming they are "transmen" instead

I know it's a stupid take, and I'm sorry, but I'm trying to wrap my head around it. I hate that no, not all of us (me mostly) will be able to discern this. I hate that this is a plausible situation that can come from "transmen are free to use female spaces because they are female, regardless of how much they have masculinized themselves" and that scumbag men will likely once again use it to their advantage.

Like right now, there's probably zero chance in hell that TIFs would actually want to admit they are female by using the ladies, or that TIMs would admit to being any sort of man, but I can see the AGPs who don't care either way adopting this.

Males can already stealth in as "passing" transwomen whom we've never noticed (they're already doing it when they don't pass as "women"), they sure as hell would have no problems pretending to be bearded, balding transmen, too.

I remember a positive interaction twitter thread posted by a GNC woman who said she had been confronted by another woman who told her she was in the ladies, thinking she was a man. The OP told the woman she was actually female, the woman then clocked her as female after she spoke, and all was well and good, because the woman did recognize the OP was female, as she said.

I keep thinking about how if it was me and if my shit clocking senses couldn't tell, if I would have made a fool out of myself insisting she was a man (if it was a TIF instead of a GNC woman). Or if it was some skinny feminine AGP with a beard and he'd lied and said he was actually a transman. And I would be more mortified about insulting a masculinized woman that she looked like a man that I'd likely let it go. And if it would start the whole thing about being overly suspicious of anyone remotely non-conforming, or even "truscum trans" who used the right-sexed toilets, or detrans people whose appearances have been permanently altered.

....can we have a rewind to thirty years ago where I would have no idea even if the tiny minority of "passing" transwomen were actually stealthing into our toilets who ACTUALLY only wanted to pee, where we had unspoken assurance that 99% of the people using single-sexed spaces WERE that sex and I didn't have to think about it?


@AngrySheBird #transphobia gettr.com


Trans woman : My sexual fetish is pretending to be a woman.

Transsexual : I modified my body to better enable my sexual fetish. Don’t you trust me yet?

Old school transsexual: I’ve been enabling my sexual fetish for a long time and I’ve not raped you yet, I’m one of the good ones, can’t you tell?

MsElleWM #transphobia #sexist twitter.com

"You said you’d be around lily cade, confirmed rapist, over a Trans woman with no violent history.
That’s not sensible."

"Imagine you are a cat. Not a furry but a real one. You have the choice of being alone with a cat who has fought others or a dog. As a cat you would choose the other cat. Same with biological women. We choose to avoid biological males for our own safety"

Buckdharma2 #transphobia #sexist twitter.com

Most women can fight off Lily Cade, most women can’t fight off a man determined to rape us.

If its a stranger in a bathroom it most certainly is about activating fight rather than freeze, and it’s a hell of a lot easier when your attacker is female. Your body knows when it has a fighting chance, hence most women freeze when attacked by a man.

SakuraBlossoms #transphobia ovarit.com


Fixed it!

❌ He is a transgender
❌ He is transgendered

✔️ She identifies as transgender

❌ He transgendered last year

✔️ She started pretending she was a man last year

❌ He changed gender

✔️ She started making people call her a man

❌ He was born a girl

✔️ She is a girl

❌ When he was a girl

✔️ When she didn't deny her sex

❌ Before he became a boy

✔️ Before she became deluded

❌ Being trans means you're gay

✔️ Identifying as trans usually means you're a straight homophobe

❌ Did you get the surgery?

✔️ Did you become a victim of medical malpractice?

@ninapaley #transphobia #dunning-kruger twitter.com

Stories from young male detransitioners make me want to add this 3rd to Blanchard's "two types": autoandrophobia, hatred of one's self as a man. One might be autogynephilic or homosexual in addition, but autoandrophobia could be a sole motivator.

Especially in young people, body-hatred and self-hatred is a not-uncommon phase. ROGD in girls is largely autogynephobia, hating one's self as a woman; I'd classify my young self as such, though it was decades ago when transing teens was not a thing.

dsar9013 & Kloxx2011 #sexist #psycho #transphobia blackpill.club

Incels don't seem angry anymore
I remember back in 2014-15, pretty much every incel wanted to go on shooting sprees and hated normies, wanted to go ER etc. I know now, some were joking, but there was a lot more anger back then in general, even if society as a whole was no where near as bad as it is now. Maybe because back then incels were millenial? Seems like most incels now are just cucks, and don't really talk about going ER, or hating normies... I wonder if it is because incel zoomers are just more cucked than millenials? Or if incels just got used to it, maybe they are coping with onlyfans or twitch thots, pretty sad state of the incel community though.

With the fact that foid streamers and onlyfans being wildly successful I can see that a lot of incels are turning to cucks and severe simps.


With the fact that foid streamers and onlyfans being wildly successful I can see that a lot of incels are turning to cucks and severe simps.

I think this and the incels to tranny pipeline is basically the main reasons, but just incels in general are more depressed, less angry and pro violence, it's a soyification of the incel community, it's very depressing, I had hoped one day me and my incel brothers would rise up in rebellion against society, but that doesn't look like it will ever happen now. Incels are just too cucked nowdays.

Florida Agency for Health Care Administration #transphobia politico.com

Florida bans Medicaid from covering gender-affirming treatments

The move by the Florida Agency for Health Care Administration came after the agency published a report claiming there was not enough scientific evidence to prove that the treatments improved health.

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. — Florida’s Medicaid regulator has finalized new rules banning health care providers from billing the taxpayer-funded program for gender-affirming medical treatments, a move that comes as the state has sought to block such therapies for young people.

The Florida Agency for Health Care Administration on Thursday added new language to the rules governing the state’s $36.2 billion Medicaid program. The new rules declare that the program does not cover services for treatments such as puberty blockers, hormone therapies or surgical procedures as a treatment for gender dysphoria, which refers to the feelings of discomfort or distress some transgender people experience when their bodies don’t align with their gender.

The updated rule will take effect on Aug. 21.

The new rule is the latest step by Gov. Ron DeSantis to restrict gender-affirming treatments. Last Friday, Florida’s medical board voted to start the rulemaking process that could lead to the banning of gender-affirming medical treatment for youths. And the Republican Florida governor has become increasing vocal in his objections to such treatments.

The American Academy of Pediatrics and the American Medical Association support gender-affirming care for adults and adolescents. But medical experts said gender-affirming care for children rarely, if ever, includes surgery. Instead, doctors are more likely to recommend counseling, social transitioning and hormone replacement therapy.

A coalition of LGBTQ and health rights groups, including Lambda Legal, Southern Legal Counsel, Florida Health Justice Project, and National Health Law Program, said the rule will leave thousands of transgender Floridians without critical care when they need it most.


hmimperialtortie & XX_Power #transphobia ovarit.com

Wearing transface

( hmimperialtortie )
Yes chucklefuck, they’re women mocking you perverts. Get used to it.

( XX_Power )
Ah the trans, their only weapon is "no u" because they never learned to debate and also the main tenet of their cult is literally "men are women".

So blackface and womanface are defined by one oppressor group appropriating the struggles of the oppressed to mock them. White people aren't black people but they cover themselves in dark color, men aren't women but they cover themselves in tacky ugly makeup to try and look like us.

But what could transface be... Dressing up like... Like you're trying to impersonate the opposite sex? Oh no, that's the trans 🤭 dressing up like you're trying to look like someone who's trying to badly impersonate the opposite sex? ... Okay

Incels Wiki #ableist #dunning-kruger #homophobia #pratt #racist #sexist #transphobia incels.wiki

Homocel hypothesis


The homocel hypothesis is a model of male homosexuality that suggests that inceldom coupled with the blackpill (social exclusion, sexual frustration and hopelessness) eventually causes gayness. A similar model about "peripheralized" men (incels) making themselves into the female to get some crumbs from higher status men[1] has been proposed by clinical psychologist Frank Muscarella in 2001 (alliance formation theory).[2]

Another related model is the trans-vestigiality hypothesis which states that incels turn gay and feminine to evade aggression from larger males, and then steal their mating opportunities as "sneaker males".


Resources are scarcer and hence more important in harsh ecologies such as the winter in Northern/Eastern hemispheres, so one would expect k-selected males there to exhibit more homocel and homosocial behavior to get some crumbs in dire conditions. Evidence for this may be that U.S. Asians are three times more likely to report a homosexual orientation than the country's average.[9] Homosexual orientation is in fact also related to IQ.[10]

Since autists overwhelmingly are socially excluded, have low social status and frequently experience inceldom, the homocel theory may explain why autists are 10x more likely to be homosexual,[12] or to transition to another gender, with research finding much higher rates and severity of autism among transsexuals.[13] Disabled men are also twice as likely to have an alternative sexual orientation.[14]

66% of men who were homosexual change their orientation to heterosexual five years later which might point to homocels seeing opportunities to ascend in accordance with Muscarella's alliance formation theory.[15]

@bernie_eee #transphobia gettr.com



Nouvelle Alliance (New Alliance), Front Canadien-Français (French Canadian Front), Vincent Filteau, Alexandre Cormier-Denis #wingnut #racist #fundie #transphobia #elitist #conspiracy antihate.ca

Billing itself as a home for a broad political coalition of sovereigntists, Nouvelle Alliance (New Alliance) held its first public event in March 2022, announcing its identity as a separatist group

They recently began giving out membership cards, all adorned with pictures of men wearing shirts with slogans like “Québec for Québécois” and “Québec in French”

Their launch manifesto, published on May 1, celebrates the heritage of those who “colonized the Laurentian valley, took possession of and developed the land through sweat and blood”

“This manifesto is an open act of bravery against the undermining work of anti-nationals, to whom our political landscape has been left with impunity for too long”[…]
Several of Nouvelle Alliance’s founding members – including its president François Gervais – previously formed the leadership of the Front Canadien-Français (French Canadian Front), an ultra-nationalist and radical traditionalist Catholic group[…]
Public commemorations of historical figures such as Lionel Groulx and Maurice Duplessis[…]
Duplessis was premier of Québec[…]during an era known as “the Great Darkness”[…]Groulx, a catholic priest and historian, was a vocal supporter of a movement to boycott Jewish businesses, and accused Jews of spreading communism[…]
The FCF proposed a political agenda in opposition to “individualism,” “mediocre egalitarianism” and communism, while promoting “order, hierarchy and uncompromising patriotism”[…]
Vincent Filteau[…]has several social media posts which praise white nationalist streamers, describe immigrants as “threats to Québec’s survival”[…]politicians in support of transgender rights as “psychotics and degenerates of the worst kind”[…]
On Instagram, the group once praised [Alexandre] Cormier-Denis, who believes "ethnonationalism is the only political position that makes sense," once sharing a meme describing him as a "modern patriot"

@CallieMac88 #transphobia twitter.com

Allison Bailey is the very definition of ‘intersectional feminism’. The fact that MRAs & their neo-lib feminists have gone after her proves gender woo woo is not a civil rights movement but a totalitarian, misogynistic & lesbophobic movement.

Gregory Hood #enbyphobia #racist #transphobia #wingnut amren.com

Euphemisms blur the truth. Here’s the ACLU defending racial discrimination against whites and Asians.

BREAKING: We filed an amicus brief today urging the Supreme Court to protect universities’ ability to consider race in college admissions.

Ending these considerations would ignore our country’s present-day racial inequality and threaten diversity on campuses everywhere.

The Supreme Court could ban “affirmative action.” Leftists will try to discriminate against whites anyway. We must always identify it clearly: racial discrimination.

It will be a hard fight though. Corporate America is on the other side.

Mainstream conservatives are willing to take on absurd gender theories. It’s sad it’s even necessary, but one reason America’s in this fix is because conservatives didn’t fight racial egalitarianism. Conservatives might disagree with me, but at least some leftists are on my side.

Many whites may be claiming to be “trans” or “queer” or “non-binary” because it means they can play at being victims. That may not work much longer.

White people can’t be non-binary because it’s white supremacy that upholds the oppressive gender binary

The Los Angeles Times has an odd view. Is it “imperialist” now for migrants to travel for a better life?

"Californians and other Americans are flooding Mexico City."

This isn’t Europe. Recently, a growing number of tourists and remote workers have flooded the nation’s capital and left a scent of new-wave imperialism.

One almost admires the insult to Europeans. Still, we can’t let anyone get away with claiming demographic change might change a society. That’s a racist conspiracy theory.

The South African Freedom Front Plus party is protesting a poster that suggests apartheid still causes violence in South Africa today.

It’s bizarre to blame today’s crime on apartheid. The new South Africa is an explicit repudiation of the white republic, but South Africa is now an embarrassment by comparison. The “education” campaign blaming whites for black failures is a clumsy justification for taking their property. We have the same thing in America.

Zeeshan Ali #conspiracy #enbyphobia #fundie #transphobia #wingnut youtube.com

Demi Lovato's LGBT Drama

As-salamu alaykum guys and welcome to another episode of Smile 2 Jannah.

The LGBT community has been leveraging certain aspects of our society, be it government, education, Hollywood and even media in general. The music industry has been utilized by the LGBT, we've already had movies like Lightyear and Doctor Strange and the list is of course growing, but there are also musicians that are being utilized by the LGBTQ community.

You've got Demi Lovato, she transitioned in 2021. For this individual to transitioning is easy, she's got money, access to the best health care, the best minds around her.

But what about the millions of people that follow this individual? Millions of people that unfortunately and sadly don't believe in a higher being, so they try to compensate for that void by attaching and latching themselves onto sports teams and celebrities? There are people who take what these individuals say as gospel.

Let's look at a 2021 UCLA research, it says that most non-binary adults are born in the United States, about 96%, 58% are white and 82% faced emotional abuse as a child. Another research that is very, very interesting, only 13%, yes 13% of those who detransition received help from LGBT organizations compared to 51% of those who transition, so the community is only there for people that conform to their ideals.

"What is a woman?" by Matt Walsh, definitely a documentary that you guys should see, every household should see this documentary.

Now, what does the Quran say about all this confusion? So the Quran chapter 16, verse 97, gives a clear distinction between male and female and then it goes on to say that they will be judged on righteousness alone. So we have all these organizations trying to tell us that our life is predicated on who we want to have intercourse with, it's just, everything seems to be related around pleasure, but, the Quran tells us otherwise. The Quran gives us depth, gives us substance, it gives us purpose and it tells us that nothing matters other than the righteous deeds that we will do, and it also has made clear that we have our roles.

Dave Blount #fundie #homophobia #transphobia moonbattery.com

[From "Lightning Strikes Near White House"]

Liberals didn’t take the hint when lightning struck an icon of their anti-god George Floyd, so…

Several people have been transported to local hospitals and are in critical condition after getting struck by lightning outside the White House

Four people suffered life-threatening injuries in Lafayette Square, near St John’s Episcopal Church, which was set on fire by Black Lives Matter rioters in 2020

Chris Vagasky, a meteorologist and lightning expert who works as an analyst for a company that makes weather instruments, told The Washington Post that there was a “6 stroke flash near the White House that hit the same point on the ground” which means that six separate lightning strikes hit the same exact spot in a fraction of a second

The evil emanating from the White House is most conspicuous in its aggressive promotion of abortion and the surgical transsexualization of children. Given the fate of Sodom and Gomorrah, worse than lightning strikes can be expected. A large meteor would be more appropriate

South Carolina State Senator Josh Kimbrell #wingnut #transphobia #enbyphobia wistv.com

State Senator Josh Kimbrell is calling for change, threatening to defund libraries across the state if certain books are not removed from the kid’s sections.

He held a press conference Monday, at the Spartanburg Public Library, following what he claims are hundreds of complaints against books that teach children about gender identities. During the press conference, he added that the books are hiding behind “being educational”.

Examples of the books in question are “You be You”, “The Pronoun Book”, and “My Own Way”.

“I do not want tax money to be used to put this stuff in the hands of kids against their parent’s wishes”, said Kimbrell.

Protestors lined to streets outside the library making their voices heard against Kimbrell. One mother of an LGBTQ+ child said, by taking away inclusive books you are taking away free speech.

Jodi Snyder said, “this is our library too and our library is inclusive, diverse, and loving and we protect our children by making sure that they are learning about all people and all backgrounds and all socioeconomic backgrounds and all orientations. Josh Kimbrell is trying to ban books. That’s banning freedom.”

The director of the Spartanburg County Library said since the start of the year, he has only received six complaints about LGBTQ+ positive books. He said if anyone has a concern over books to please fill out a complaint form your branch.

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