
God says you have to do everything I tell you to!

Ron DeSantis, some parents and activists #fundie #homophobia #racist #sexist #conspiracy washingtonpost.com

[Title: Measures across the country aim to restrict what children can read. - Context: moral panic in the US, banning books in schools, non-expert prejudice-based supervision, enabled with new controversial laws]

In one Virginia school district this fall, parents will receive an email notification every time their child checks out a book. In a Florida school system, teachers are purging their classrooms of texts that mention racism, sexism, gender identity or oppression. And a Pennsylvania school district is convening a panel of adults to sign off on every title that school librarians propose buying. The start of the 2022-2023 school year will usher in a new era of education in some parts of America -- one in which school librarians have less freedom to choose books and schoolchildren less ability to read books they find intriguing, experts say.
"This is a state-sponsored purging of ideas and identities that has no precedent in the United States of America," said John Chrastka, EveryLibrary's executive director. "We're witnessing the silencing of stories and the suppressing of information [that will make] the next generation less able to function in society."
Meanwhile, a flurry of parent-staffed websites reviewing books for inappropriate content have appeared -- including "Between the Book Covers," whose website says "professional review sites cannot be entrusted," and BookLook.info, a place for taking a closer look at the books in our children's hands." (Virginia's Bedford County district now suggests the latter as a resource for parents.) There are also Facebook groups like Utah's "LaVerna in the Library," which "collects naughty children's books."
BookLooks ratings range from 0, "For Everyone," to 5: "Aberrant Content" for "Adult only." A BookLooks review of Nobel Prize winner Toni Morrison's novel "The Bluest Eye," often taught at the high school level, labeled it a "4" -- meaning it should not be read by anyone under 18.
In other places, book purges are proceeding quietly -- sometimes by unwilling hands.

Emaan Serghini #fundie youtube.com

Regarding the stabbing of Salman Rushdie…

Non-Muslims have problem distinguishing between condemning the action as wrong and feeling bad for Rushdie. In an Islamic state, there is a capital punishment blasphemy. We only condemn the act because it's vigilant justice (haram) a in a non-Muslim state. To get the idea closer, I'll try to give an example that would resonate most with the generic non-Muslim. A child rapist being raped in turn in a prison is wrong, but you'll be hard pressed to find people feeling sympathy towards him. Some may even applaud the rapist inmate for what he did. This situation can barely scrape the loathing we have for those who lie and defame the prophet (pbuh). I'll never ever feel bad for them. But I'll not call for violence against them or engage in it.

Dolphin Barn #crackpot #elitist #fundie #kinkshaming #magick #transphobia #sexist reddit.com

{Context: This guy is an indie game developer who was recently banned from his own games steam community because he keeps posting alti-right transphobic screeds in his game’s patch notes. This is one of many examples}

some men still wont fight. they're weak. there's no accounting for weak men. weak men lack character. strong moral fibre is hard to come by. it's earned through hard work and sacrifice and it cannot be had via onlyfans or pornhub. no, those fuckin' things are demonic posessions waiting to show you a succubus tiddy in the hopes you'll waste a load on her instead of spending that energy studying how to weld or grow a potato or learning a new language or how to program a computer. listen, kids ... get off them porntubes and do something with your life becuase no one is gonna give you a goddamned thing and this whole mess we call civilization is only getting harder. we need solutions and we need smart men who can work hard and implement those solutions. masturbating to egirls isn't gonna solve the energy crisis is it? get to work.

.. or play video games and have a relax and then get to work, fresh, tomorrow. i can't possibly know whats best for you in your individual situation.

really... don't let strangers on the internet tell you how to live your life. if you want to be told how to live your life, read the new testament. the internet will only give you lies.

Grace Christian School #fundie #homophobia #transphobia yahoo.com

Florida Christian school says students living gay or trans lifestyles will be asked to leave

A private Christian school in Florida told parents ahead of the coming school year that students will only be identified by their "biological sex" and said that students who are found "participating" in gay or transgender lifestyles will be asked to "leave the school immediately."

"We believe that God created mankind in His image: male (man) and female (woman), sexually different but with equal dignity," the email sent by Grace Christian School Administrator Barry McKeen to school community in June reads, according to NBC News.

"Therefore, one's biological sex must be affirmed and no attempts should be made to physically change, alter, or disagree with one's biological gender — including, but not limited to, elective sex reassignment, transvestite, transgender, or non-binary gender fluid acts of conduct (Genesis 1:26-28). Students in school will be referred to by the gender on their birth certificate and be referenced in name in the same fashion," the email continued.

The private Christian school is located in Valrico, Florida, which is less than 20 miles outside of Tampa. NBC News obtained a copy of the email, which was sent to parents on June 6 with the subject line, "Important School Policy Point of Emphasis. ... Please Read."

The email to parents states that the policies on gay and transgender issues are not new, but that parents "have to agree to all policies and procedures before your student may start school in August."

"Students who are found participating in these lifestyles will be asked to leave the school immediately," the email added.

McKeen spoke to Fox News Digital later on Sunday and explained that the rule applies to any student partaking in sexual activity outside of a marriage.

"We don't expect any of our students who are not married to be sexual, whether it be bisexual, heterosexual or homosexual," McKeen said on Sunday. "I tell people, if a kid came in the doors, exclaiming how he was having sex with his girlfriend that student would be expelled as well."

One mother said she pulled her high school daughter, who identifies as lesbian, from the school following the email.


Pastor John MacArthur #crackpot #fundie #magick gty.org

It’s amazing, but sometimes demons even inspire people to write books. In fact, some books today are written by demons. You may have read one. There’s a woman by the name of Taylor Caldwell who’s written some books, only she didn’t write them; demons wrote them. She’s written one called Dear and Glorious Physician and another called Dialogues with the Devil. Both of these books sound Christian but are demonic. She says the material came from another source; it flooded her. She doesn’t know where it came from. She said demons followed her all around.

I'm not a fascist, but...

...I'm totes a fascist

Dalton Clodfelter #wingnut #fundie #homophobia #transphobia rumble.com

Once we take our country back, we will have federal agents kicking down the doors of every treasonous Democrat, every treasonous globalist, every homosexual couple that has molested a child, and they will be arrested, and they will be sentenced to prison. I believe in a far right-authoritarian government. No, I am not a fascist. No, I am not a white supremacist. No, I am not a Nazi. But I do believe that hierarchy, structure, and authority are very important. I do believe that our society needs these things in order to progress and maintain its cultural framework.

I believe that our society needs this in order to rid itself of the sexual immorality and blatant degeneracy running rampant all throughout the country. Once we take control, we will identify our enemies, and we will stomp them into the dirt. They will not be able to return to power. We will rip them from their offices. We will rip them from their homes for being degenerate liars, degenerate treasonous domestic terrorists because that is what they are.

We want to take back the country and reestablish a Christ-like nation. A nation where the national religion is Christian. A nation where the national language is English. A nation where pornography is banned, homosexuality is banned, and transgenderism is banned. Where you will never see a college that isn’t a Christian college. The only college acceptable that you are able to go to is a Christian school because every school in these United States should teach Christian values. Every school should teach the 10 Commandments in elementary school. Every school should promote what it means to be a Christian to the youth of America. It cannot be any other way. There should be no secular teaching in the schools.

Russ Winter #wingnut #fundie #transphobia #homophobia #conspiracy winterwatch.net

Even some loyal regular readers may dismiss Winter Watch’s focus on satanic forces and our use of the term “satanists,” but that’s how this spectacle manifests itself. There are more avowed Satanists than most people could possibly imagine. Others may not be Satanists openly, but they endorse inverted principles and, in most cases, without really knowing it. They dwell in a satanic mindset and world view. Thus, they are, at minimum, defacto untermenschen Satanists.

The defining theme of the Satanist, defacto or otherwise, is extreme selfishness, psychodrama and gaming. The BTK Killer Dennis Rader spoke openly about “demons within” and admitted his issue was lack of restraint and extreme indulgence selfishness. Serial killer Israel Keyes relished in it.

The gaming psychodrama aspect of Satanists is what we write about constantly. In our article on dark triads, we highlighted three personality traits: narcissism, Machiavellianism and psychopathy. This is the ticket to be a member of the lording and ruling caste, or what we call the Crime Syndicate or organized New Underworld Order (NUO).

Gaming (aka black magik) is feigned theatrics, feuds and shit storms. Satanic dark triads attract flying monkeys and cultish bootlickers. Satanists describe themselves as members of a “meta-tribe.”
hey aren’t up to even the minimal standards of a moral society that protects the young from predatory forces. There is a huge difference between what mature adults do sexually in private versus this public sexual grooming of children over the airwaves.

These Satanic PJWs have no concept of that. Satanic discordian untermenschen are hyper-tolerant and are hyper-moral relativists. As Satanists, they follow the Allister Crowley dictate of “Do What Thou Wilt.” This is evident in those comments.

PJW Satanists don’t get the big picture about the sexual and pedophile grooming of children. Children are easy targets of abusers, and this PJW chortling and mocking enables and normalizes that.

Lisa Renee #ufo #magick #fundie #conspiracy energeticsynthesis.com

The Christos Mission has had some major achievements this year in the corrections and rehabilitation of the Elohei Triple Lion Network configuring into the Reuche Pillars, that have allowed our Cosmic Elohei parents to begin their descent into the Earth reality fields. Simultaneously, the exopolitical landscape is shifting rapidly as defectors from many of the warring factions are surfacing in ways we have not seen before. Thousands of Annunaki hybrids are awakening to the reality of their consciousness enslavement and are choosing to face their actions by surrendering to Guardian forces. Although we are plagued with censorship and blocked from receiving truthful information in the public sphere, know that many positive things are happening for the liberation of the planet and all of humanity.

With recent events related to the Cosmic Elohei Dragon Kings reclaiming Thuban, the Cosmic Mother’s White Diamond Elohei-Elohim lineages are returning aspects of their original Emerald Covenant planetary grid architecture absconded with by the NAA usurpers and placing it back into the control of legitimately embodied Emerald Elohei Solar Dragon Timekeepers and Cosmic Tri-Flame Melchizedeks. Recent explosive conflicts with the 5D-8D-11D inverted satanic architecture under the control of the Vatican’s NAA network have set off grid wars that also have had intergalactic repercussions. The authentic lineages of the Cosmic Mother that originally built the Guardian of the Verticals are returning to embody the Triple Lion Network, which was designed to serve and protect the Cosmic Elohei Mother’s White Diamond Sun destined to return with the Christos Solar Dragons at the end of the Ascension Cycle. The Triple Great Lion Networks were built in her image, and were created so that Cosmic Mother could descend down the verticals and reclaim her Children of the Sun, that had been lost in the fallen phantom matrices.

snowlord #fundie #pratt thinkspot.com

Dawkins muses: “Living things are not designed, but Darwinian natural selection licenses a version of the design stance for them [oh, that’s very generous of it!]. We get a short cut [one has to pick up that he is being sarcastic here] to understanding the heart if we assume that it is ‘designed’ to pump blood.” So, au contraire, the heart just by chance grew to be a pump – for no purpose whatsoever, mind you – because, well, “accidents happen?” Why didn’t it “accidentally” grow to be, say, a waste-disposal site, a pulley to hoist objects upward, a bone-assembly plant, a poison-producer, a … (fill in the blank)? Fancy that: it just so happened to coordinate its development with that of blood! And in cooperation with an enormously complex circulatory system of a myriad of blood vessels needed to make blood useful for tens of trillions of cells, missing none! And miraculously timed to receive electrical signals from some clump of gray stuff in the head to make the fool thing function on a timed cycle of beating! And choreographed with these things called lungs that provide oxygen and remove carbon dioxide to make blood relevant at all! And a handy stomach to supply nutrients that blood can then transport to all parts of the body! And a shell of skin to keep that blood from squirting out into space! We simply ought to give evolution an advanced degree … probably even the Nobel prize for physics and chemistry. Wow, I’m impressed!

The very thought of all this super-massive, simultaneous accumulation of hyper-intricate operations … and the blasted thing dies in the end? What’s up with that? Why all the convoluted bother? If there’s no “purpose” or “design,” what’s the point? Well, of course there can be none. We are fooled to think there must be a reason, and we live our lives as if they have some ultimate meaning. What a bunch of rubes we are! For all the ultra-intelligence of evolution, funny that it should, by luck of the draw, slap together humans as dumb idiots, which is really weird, come to think of it, given our astounding IQs to “design” astonishing technology ourselves … for alleged “purposes” (ho, ho, ho, what dupes we are!). Teleology is an unwelcome guest who simply won’t leave the party.

Judith Kusel #ufo #magick #fundie voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Now there is so much talk about the Christed Extraterrestial races landing on earth and then freeing us. Not so. Indeed they have always been here, and never left.

I work with them and I am always told, that we need to raise our vibrational frequency bands, so that we reach that state of resonance were they not only can freely interact with us (as many are 7th to 12th dimensional and not visible to the naked 3D eyes). What this literally means is that we need to become a vibrational match and then the Law of Resonance becomes operational.
They can, however make themselves visible to humans through projecting holographic images of themselves to those of the lower dimensional state. The same applies to their ships which most times are not visible to us.

When I was working up north Lynette, who was with me wanted to find a sacred altar on the mountain top we were standing on. We saw the spacecraft hovering over us and I said: “It is here. We will find it.”

We were guided to take the path furthermost away from us and to my delight I spotted a dolmen next to the road. Then guidance came to continue on the path, when my attention was drawn to a tall, blond and handsome man appearing as if from nowhere to the right, some distance away, where there was no path, only rocks and he seemed to just glide over them!

He then stood right in front me and I looked into his eyes and immediately knew who he was. Then I was shown the ancient altar we were looking for and then he disappeared.
Indeed, he had holographicly projected himself to guide us!

Indeed the message I have received clearly, that as we ascend, and our vibrational energy fields rise through the Law of Resonance they will be able to walk with us in our new Lightbody form, even as we do with them.

This does not mean that one cannot tune into them at soul level and interact with them. I am talking about the higher dimensional Beings, 5th and beyond who adhere to the Law of One, the Christed Ones.

The Real Sweet Susie Q #crackpot #wingnut #fundie #conspiracy amazon.com

JFK Jr. IS alive, and so are many other famous people you thought were dead. Stay tuned...(But not to the mainstream media).

In the meantime, Enjoy this 120 page prayer journal.
Showing this notebook to others, merely holding it in public places, or placing it anywhere people are sure to see it, will serve to spark discussion, leading to more awakened souls. If they argue over the issue, of whether John Jr. is alive - fine! You got their attention! Leave a copy of this book in waiting rooms, on buses, or anywhere people will see it and start talking and Critically Thinking.

We are Patriots - fighting for the freedom and unity of Americans and for the Entire Human Race on Earth. Understand the significance of our fight. Realize the value of every contribution and cooperation in the right direction. Bringing justice to the deep state cabal, proving the guilt of their unspeakable crimes against humanity. Crimes of a greater magnitude than history has ever known.. If this is true it should fortify our strength beyond and above them for GOOD and to banish them forever.

Let this be clear: we do not want to start a fight let alone a war, against our fellow crime victims. We are all on the same side. We Good, They Evil. Our unconscious brothers and sisters are on our side. It is not their fault they have been subconsciously convinced to take sides, to fight, to oppose, to name call, and to cancel. Even if they never come around, we must still remain patient and protective of them. They have been through an ordeal so satanic and twisted, their psyches may never be able to accept that such evil is even possible.
Not after all that our patriot heros have done for all of us! So very many have died, and are still dying - FOR US. all of us. Let us plan and create our bright future on Earth together, with love, as one soul-connected family! Joy, Peace and Great Blessings to humanity ~ WWG1WGA

Prussian Society of America #fundie #wingnut prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "It is a duty of the Prussian State, to regulate and completely control the public’s use of anything relating to “God” or the “Divine”"]

As it was in Ancient Times, keeping the most sacred secrets of anything Divine, left to only the responsible, is one of very prudent and careful measures[…]
There are those of us who are very carefully informed about what is “known” in the realm of Divinity, but even with what we must keep concealed from the Public who is not necessarily responsible to handle such information without bastardizing it, we can at least admit to the public that this Universe is NOT a creation by God[…]
Censorship, even down to Musical lyrics or Poetry or any Literature that refer to God in any inappropriate ways, or which have connections to religious cults or delusional ideas, needs to be called into question and essentially banned[…]
People who also preach Falsities about God or Gods, or some notions that “God will forgive them” or whatever nonsense of the day is being dished out, these people belong in concentration camps and are a public threat

It is one thing to believe in God or some Gods. It is another to have delusions about it, and to think that “God was there for me” or “God has a plan for me” or even to suggest to others that “God has a plan for them”

99% of the time, when God, or even the mythical “Jesus” is uttered by an individual, it is almost always out of an ego-centric and/or subversive manner, whether the utterer realizes it or not, and they fail to recognize their delusion[…]
Such religious fools like these need to be arrested and imprisoned by the Gestapo[…]
For those who really have such a sincere desire to learn about the sacred mysteries of the divine, and how this universe is basically locked away from it, they must approach us or which ever Mystery School is in charge, to demonstrate their discipline and wisdom

Derek P. Gilbert #fundie #magick #conspiracy amazon.com

A new age began December 21, 2020. The Great Conjunction―a meeting in the sky of the planets Jupiter and Saturn―heralded the Age of Aquarius, a new golden age ruled by Saturn, the old god who once reigned over a world of peace and plenty. It’s a lie.
In the latest groundbreaking book from author and researcher Derek P. Gilbert, you will discover:
• Powerful people believe the stars have aligned to bring back the old god Saturn
• Occult symbols embedded in the United States Capitol that point to the return of Saturn’s reign
• Why Lucifer is Saturn, not Satan
• Evidence that Saturn was the leader of the rebellious “sons of God”
• The many names of Saturn over the last 6,000 years
• New research that traces this fallen angel’s cult back to Ararat―where Noah’s ark came to rest
• The identity of Apollyon, the angel of the bottomless pit
• The connection between Mount Hermon, where the Watchers rebelled, and the Mount of Olives
• Why this fallen angel may have been the high priest in Eden
• Modern cults that venerate Saturn and work to create a new golden age of humans commingling with gods
• Hidden Bible prophecies of God’s final judgment on Saturn and the Watchers
Deep in the earth, this dark god plots and waits. A day is coming when he will be released from his chains. He and his minions will let loose literal hell on earth―a time when people will long to die, but death will not come.
This is the true Golden Age dreamed of for thousands of years―the return of Saturn’s reign.

Kat Update #wingnut #conspiracy #fundie operationdisclosureofficial.com

In the past few days I’ve heard from a number of people on anonup who are deeply upset with Juan O Savin.

Let me preface my blog by saying I think Juan O Savin is a spectacular Patriot & speaker. He has taught me more about TRUE American History & Geo-political history, not to mention occult rituals, numerology, Bible stories, Biblical roots, codes & on & on, than any teacher in my so-called Education.

In a video recorded 8-17-22, Matt Merck said, “Behind-the-scenes, Juan does a lot of things for people the public never sees, without expectation of thanks or payback.”
Juan O Savin is a brilliant TROLLER. He is Naval Intelligence.

In fact, he has urged audiences to pay attention to the McAfee Telegram channel & if EVER there was a trolling site designed to drive the deep state nuts, that would be one.

This Galactic war with the deep state demons for control of Earth is an INTELLIGENCE OPERATION. INFORMATION WARFARE & it’s flip, DISINFORMATION WARFARE.

EVERYTHING Juan says, EVERYTHING President Trump says & posts, EVERYTHING anybody says or writes or posts or records, including you & me—EVERYTHING—is sifted through by A.I. & Black Hats. E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G.

QTeam is gaming this out 24/7 on the Quantum.

Both sides are CONSTANTLY trolling the other. C-O-N-S-T-A-N-T-L-Y!!

Some years ago Charlie Ward admitted that sometimes he’s given out DISINFORMATION but he didn’t know it at the time. He later learned he was being used by The White Hat Alliance—to set traps for the other team.

Charlie said he didn’t mind being used by The Alliance if it helps the war effort.
There was a Divinely written NESARA Law but then the deep state hijacked it & gave it their own demon-spin.

Remember — the devil CAN’T CREATE A THING. The devil can only replicate or destroy.

IMO NESARA isn’t a hoax. Look at what it is & realize that it is being implemented as I write this.

Warren Jeffs #fundie fox13now.com

A new edict issued by imprisoned polygamist leader Warren Jeffs is raising alarm among some ex-members of his church

The document, shared with FOX 13 News by several people, appears to call for some people to return to the Fundamentalist LDS Church and bring their children with them. Others, church observers say, are then sent away

The revelation issued in June purports to be from Jeffs himself but says it was distributed by a son, Helaman Jeffs

"Pray that Warren Jeffs will go free, and he can meet you in your congregations soon, all peoples who desire to be members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on earth," the document states

It states that baptisms and "sealings in Celestial Plural Marriage unions will take place for those the Lord revealeth to mortal Keyholder Warren Steed Jeffs who is worthy." It appears to call for some to return to the faith declaring that "fathers desiring restoral can gather with their birth children, and only who was their wives on earth, with the birth children present in family groups classes in your several family homes where they dwell…"

But it also warns that some may be cast out

"I, the Lord, loveth all, yet I cannot allow sin living to dwell among my Church membership any longer. Zion meaneth the pure in heart souls well tested, pure, faithful and true, living by every word of Jesus Christ," it states

It also asks members to send letters with photos and information about themselves and their families[…]
The Texas Department of Criminal Justice said Jeffs remains incarcerated, but the agency declined to comment on Jeffs' communications with visitors or anyone else, citing privacy guidelines[…]
"I have family members who have had their children taken away within the last few weeks," said Brenda Nicholson, an ex-member of the FLDS Church. "People are being told they’re no longer worthy enough to have their children. Children are being taken and re-distributed to others"

DoctorBoom #fundie noagendasocial.com

The pinnacle of the "New Atheists", ladies and gentlemen - "running a 'scam' Online University is far, far worse than raping children and selling-out your country for a couple of bucks"

"New Atheism" essentially boils down to will-to-power and do-as-thou-wilt and is nothing more than age-old paganism packaged such that midwit upper-middle-class suburbanites can delude themselves into believing they are intellectually and morally "superior" to the rest of us

Jim Justice #fundie #elitist cbsnews.com

West Virginia Gov. Jim Justice scoffed Monday at a suggestion by Democratic lawmakers to let voters decide whether abortion should continue to be allowed in the state.

The Republican governor said the state's abortion law falls under the scrutiny of the Legislature and the attorney general.

During a legislative special session initiated by Justice last month, majority Republicans failed to pass legislation criminalizing abortion.

On Friday, top Democrats asked Justice and leading GOP lawmakers to bring the Legislature back to consider a resolution to allow voters to consider a constitutional amendment for "reproductive freedom."

Justice wanted no part of that.

"Unfortunately, this place is surrounded with constant grandstanding," the governor said at a news conference. "I think that's what the Democrats are doing."

Abortion had been banned after 20 weeks of pregnancy in West Virginia until the U.S. Supreme Court overturned the constitutional right to abortion. After that ruling, Attorney General Patrick Morrisey said abortion was banned completely in the state because of an 1800s-era law that had been unenforceable while abortion was federally protected.

But a Charleston judge barred the state from enforcing the ban, ruling it had been superseded by a slew of conflicting modern laws, including the 20-week ban. Morrisey has appealed the ruling to the state Supreme Court, which is expected to take up the case this fall.

"Coming down from the U.S. Supreme Court, this is the responsibility of our Legislature and our attorney general," Justice said. "And absolutely I've said over and over and over, I don't want to impose anything, any ideas or anything."

"Now, if they bring me something that I cannot sign, I won't sign it. But actually, I don't think that'll happen. I think our Legislature is abound with good people and they should get through this and bring me something that I will absolutely welcome and sign. And I think that's exactly what will happen."

Angellica Goodson-Lord #racist #ufo #magick #fundie #conspiracy #crackpot angellicagoodsonlord.blogspot.com

In Genesis Chapter 2 YHWH Yahweh Ildabaoth the Demiurge creates his
hybrid race. Who were described in archeology as the Semite Hyksos race of
Indian Adams that lived in Israel, Sumeria etc., in the regions known as Canon?
They were the Canaanites. If we
trace them back in archeology records they are also the Solutreans that are
associated with the City of Atlantis, the West Coast of Europe who also
migrated into North America in 22.000 B.C.

YES THEY GOT AROUND so to speak.
While in Egypt their ruling class actually described Yahweh as Seth a
Dogman figure they called Suetekh that was a hybrid chimera very similar to the
descriptions of Dogman today that people encounter in the woods.

The Hyksos Semites were once considered the lowest cast of human hybrid
beings alive in ancient and prehistoric India. In their legends Yahweh Ildabaoth the Demiurge YHHW was the Archon Demiourgós (δημιουργός) who as in Gnostic legends became blinded by
his own arrogance. According to
alien angel legends the Semite Jewish Canaanite god legends YHWH was really one
of the lesser gods (Elohim) known as the Archon Demiourgós, who referred to his human hybrid race
as his “Chosen Race.” He demanded
that they:

'Thou shalt worship no
other god; for the Lord, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God' (Exod.

There were many hybrid races created by aliens. This is a best kept secret that is now
being discovered and talked about.
The Semite Hyksos then became known to themselves, and other races, as the 'chosen

The true 'chosen people', of course, were our Scandinavian Mitochondria
Mother race who we all share DNA with.

The first race of hybrids created were the Aryan Race who stole the
DIVINE RIGHT TO RULE THE WORLD from our Scandinavian Mitochondria Mother race.
It all went down hill from there. These Elohim aliens created the different
races to look like them using genetic engineering, cloning and were the

Magda Lewandowska #fundie #magick witia.squarespace.com

[podcast's transcript] Petting shapeshifting demons

Hello, everyone! Sława Bogom and welcome to the 20eth episode of Searching for the Slavic Soul.

Today I will be talking about searching for my own Slavic soul and about the way I practice Slavic Native Faith and also why I practice it this way.

The original pagan Slavs worshipped outdoors. But the modern Rodnovers build indoor altars and invite storm or death itself under their roofs. And then they attempt to… I don’t even know what word to use here… to entice? Bribe? They, like, attempt to worship the storm or the death itself, indoors, by offering, like, 5 quid worth of, I don’t know, Tesco own brand beef. Like, how sad is that. And how pointless.

Oh, by the way, I am also 100% sure that our ancestors did not run around in the rain during a thunderstorm calling upon Perun and calling him father. Which is, as I learned some time ago, what some modern Rodnovers do.

Considering that most of us, the modern Rodnovers, were born in hospitals without any sort of proper setting to receive the Goddesses, it is likely that most of us have a Nie-dola, so a bad fate, not Dola, so the good one.

So, once I figured out the bread situation, I really started to interact with all sorts of demons. I thought to myself, let’s see if any of the Poles moving to UK over the last 150 or so years, brough a Plonek with them. I started leaving small offerings on the fields near to my practice just in case there is a Slavic demon living there. Under 6 months it brought me plentiful harvest, metaphorical, in the sense of salary. Which is actually quite unusual nowadays, when working hard and being honest usually causes people to take advantage of you.

As to the Slavic Gods. I deeply believe They are, while having a very scientific approach to looking at the world, because these two don’t actually contradict eachother, which one day I might actually record an episode explaining that. I believe They make the world run and influence various events, but I also deeply believe they don’t give a shit about me or humans in general.

I mean, bees are more useful than we are. Which is why bees are the Gods’ messengers, and we humans, are just there, like everything else.

Chris Aldridge #dunning-kruger #fundie caldridge.net

Why Don't The Gods Talk To Us Like People Do?

The Gods spoke to ancient man much in the same way they speak to us today, through signs, omens, dreams, emotions, seers and oracles. If you know anything about the Oracle of Delphi, Apollon spoke through the voice of His Pythia to give advice to mankind, but even then it was very short and often encrypted (He likes to give us things to figure out for ourselves. He doesn't attempt to make our choices or live our lives for us). We may wonder why all this is the case. Certainly the Gods can do whatever they want, yet they do not stand before us and talk to us like our friends and family do on a daily basis.

I would first entertain the idea that the Gods are indeed, or at least can be, directly around us, but we cannot generally see them because our eyes are not adjusted to the plane upon which they live. We know there is a reasonable possibility that other universes exist parallel to our own, yet we cannot see them in our bodily form (although some Gods, such as Helios the Sun and Selene the Moon, are exceptions, but they still don't come down and talk to us).

Additionally, some may even believe that it's not possible for our mortal bodies to stand in the full presence of a God, citing the version of the story of Zeus and Semele when Zeus reluctantly killed Semele because She was unable to withstand His radiance. I don't believe this, because it would be to say that the Gods can't contain themselves.

Finally, I'd say it's possible that the Gods don't usually come to us on our level because, unlike our friends and family, we are not their equals, nor do the Gods exist for our purposes. They answer our prayers, protect us, give us blessings and advice, and keep order in the universe, but they're not our coworkers or office party. Their positions are extremely sacred, royal, and hold responsibilities that we could not even begin to fathom. I delight in the simple fact that the Gods like, love and are intrigued enough by humans to give us as much of their blessings as possible.

Brian Niemeier #fundie #racist #crackpot brianniemeier.com

One little prayer chain in front of a church was all it took to make the Death Cult admit what we’ve known for years. The motive underlying their war against straight, white men is diabolical hatred of Christ.

The occupational government of the economic zone once known as Ireland telegraphed the Cult’s plans for Christians even harder.

[Quoted news report: "Pro-life campaigners and advocates for religious freedom in Ireland have expressed dismay following the news that the Irish Government intends to introduce fines and prison sentences for people who pray, hold signs, or try to persuade women not to have abortions while they are within the vicinity of an abortion clinic. The proposed legislation would mean that individuals would not be allowed to express pro-life views within 100m of abortion clinics while also prohibiting silent prayer, the holding of placards, and any peaceful offers of alternatives to abortion."]

So the country whose constitution begins “In the name of the Most Holy Trinity,” is now making prayer against child sacrifice punishable by jail time and fines up to 3 grand. The use of abstract bug measurements in their laws was a red flag. The Bible stipulates just weights and measures. Justice is tied to reality, and the metric system don’t real.

"Kayhan", "Iran" and Mohammad Marandi #fundie #psycho france24.com

Iranian ultra-conservative newspaper Kayhan on Saturday hailed the man who stabbed British author Salman Rushdie -- the target of a 1989 Iranian fatwa calling for his death

Rushdie was on a ventilator after the attack during a literary event in New York state on Friday, more than 30 years after he went into hiding following late supreme leader Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini's fatwa

"Bravo to this courageous and duty-conscious man who attacked the apostate and depraved Salman Rushdie in New York," wrote the paper, whose chief is appointed by current supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei

"Let us kiss the hands of the one who tore the neck of the enemy of God with a knife," the daily added

With the exception of reformist publication Etemad, Iranian media followed a similar line, describing Rushdie as an "apostate"

State-owned paper Iran said that the "neck of the devil" had been "cut by a razor"

Iranian authorities have yet to make any official comment on the stabbing attack against Rushdie

But Mohammad Marandi, an adviser to the negotiating team for Iran's nuclear talks in Vienna, wrote on Twitter: "I won't be shedding tears for a writer who spouts endless hatred and contempt for Muslims and Islam"

"But, isn't it odd that as we near a potential nuclear deal, the US makes claims about a hit on Bolton... and then this happens?" he questioned[…]
In 1998, the government of Iran's reformist president Mohammad Khatami assured Britain that Iran would not implement the fatwa

But Khamenei said in 2005 he still believed Rushdie was an apostate whose killing would be authorised by Islam

Stephen Strang #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy charismanews.com

It's been a few days since the FBI raided President Donald Trump's home in Mar-a-Lago, and the Biden Administration has yet to explain to the American people why they did what's never been done in American history—the government raiding the home of a former president. In my opinion, this is not just about politics, but spiritual warfare against Trump and the nation.
I believe God raised up Donald Trump and there is warfare going on—satanic activity that is trying to tear down the fabric of this country. This is not a new theory. I've interviewed Trump and written four books on him and the spiritual significance of what's happening in our nation. The Bible says that our war is not against flesh and blood, but against powers and principalities in the air. Americans who are concerned about religious freedom and the threat of communist agendas to this country need to stand up and voice their support for President Trump.

As I've said in my books and on secular television interviews, I believe that in the early 2000's something happened to Trump spiritually. Sure, he was a real estate mogul in New York City and you've got to be tough to make it far in that world. Despite his influence in real estate, he was awakened to what was happening in America. I believe that in the same era, he was sensitive to the Lord.
What can each of us do? First, we can pray. As Spirit-led Christians, we can take authority over the enemy's attacks against Trump and against all who share his values and indeed against our nation itself. Then we can speak up in our own circles of influence and on social media. The deep state is intent on eliminating Trump from the political landscape. We can let it be known it will fail. And we can vote in the midterm elections and send principled conservatives to Washington to push back on those who are weaponizing the Department of Justice and FBI to attack their political enemies.

Indian in the Machine #quack #fundie #magick #conspiracy beforeitsnews.com

IITM: This isn’t religious heebeejeebee… this is actually real, so listen up. What is going on with the jab is beyond even science’s comphension… there is the issue of the soul.

The jab can have the effect of dissolving the soul from the body… this doesn’t happen to everyone, but it can and does happen.

The problem with this is that the solution is MORE GOD. The problem with MORE GOD, is that a soulless person doesn’t SEEK GOD or INVITE GOD IN.

A soulless person is therefore, always a godless person.

There are more issues… a soulless jabbed person, may not even be a human anymore, because they allowed their genetics to be changed.

So maybe you can see how the jabbed have changed… it’s like watching a solar eclipse.


Lisa Renee #crackpot #ufo #magick #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy energeticsynthesis.com

Humanity is in the midst of a hidden intergalactic conflict over personal sovereignty and spiritual freedom that is becoming increasingly visible in the physical material world when observing the current global events. This is a time of heightened spiritual warfare against all aspects of human freedom. This crisis event is a major milestone in the ascension timeline in which we must look deeply into our authentic core self and ask our inner spiritual guidance for the answers when addressing the greater problems humanity is facing.
The shifting architecture in the planetary grid network is worlds apart from what it was just a few short years ago, making the current crisis events much less effective than anticipated. The NAA will not be achieving the end game results that the Power Elite are expecting, by culling the masses.
The silent weapon of the Pestilence Program is actually connected to horseman pulsing, the covert technology broadcasts into the airwaves and ley lines, implanting AI demons and demon seeds, to grow the shadow and negative forms in the minds and consciousness body of the masses. The horseman pulsing is an electromagnetic sound wave weapon that can be heard as sonic booms and low base rumbling in the earth’s ley lines. When people are overrun by their fear and inner shadows with the help of targeted AI signals and demon seed implants, they tend to have little to no control over their inner shadow rising, which brings an ever-growing inner sensation of high anxiety. The inner shadow is merging with collective shadows and this content is merging with Galactic and Universal shadows, which then can expel itself through demonstrated fits and rages, spewing emotional tumults that are buried within the individuals’ negative ego and pain body. Now in the outer environment, the collective shadow is rising through the dark night of the planetary soul, where we cannot run and we cannot hide from these dark shadows any longer.

Bob Mitchell #ufo #magick #fundie #conspiracy amazon.com

As this book was released, The United States Department of Defense announced a new UFO Task Force to find and identify UFO activity in restricted areas and NASA hired a Priest to prepare humanity to welcome alien contact. This book reveals the identity of the beings behind the UFOs, their connection to the Vatican and CERN and the plans they have for humanity in the days ahead. So, are you ready for what is about to enter our world? The book of Genesis reveals the serpent in the Garden of Eden to be Satan. The ancients believed in the serpent gods who descended from the sky. In fact, they are Fallen Angels who were evicted from Heaven and came to earth. Once here, they mated with women, who gave birth to the giants of legend, as related in Genesis Chapter 6. Other cultures relate how the gods built the ancient megaliths we see around the world. They flew in strange craft and could enter and leave our world through portals to other dimensions. Today the plan of the Vatican and CERN is to open not only a portal to another dimension, but to welcome those same Fallen Angels they believe to be our alien benefactors. Many believe the efforts of the Vatican and CERN will result in the opening of the Bottomless Pit of Revelation Chapter 9. CERN scientists call the CERN collider by the same name. Once the portal is opened it will release the spirit of Antichrist ready to inhabit earth's final dictator.

The Great Reset and Great Delusion
The Nephilim
The Nephilim, Ancient Megaliths
The Roman Catholic Belief in Extraterrestrials
Unidentified Flying Objects in Roman Catholic Art and Other Strange Encounters
What the Government Knows
What the Vatican Knows
Prince of the Power
of the Air; Do Fallen Angels “Pilot" the UFOs?
Marian Visitation or
Fallen Angel, UFO Deception?
Aleister Crowley,
Jack Parsons
L. Ron Hubbard
the Vatican
Other Dimensions
The Third Temple
The Rising of Apollyon

Mike Wazaski #fundie #conspiracy twitter.com

They ask me why do I focus on flat Earth, it's simple:

You only have to look around you to see that this world was created for us, that the Sun, Moon and stars are spinning around us, WE ARE THE CENTER of the Universe.

The decievers that have tools different tools and methods to decieve us about our existance have succeeded in taking away from us what is ours (resources, faith, time) and not by force but because we have freely given them to them because we have fallen in their dogmas.

Billowel #dunning-kruger #fundie #racist #sexist incels.is

Is Italy even worse than Germany? Jfl

lookswise meds look way uglier then whites especially if they come from the south.

but hypergamy wise?italy has shit tier wages,a huge ammount of competition since it's still a very populated country(the smaller the population the harder it is for dating apps to work and for chads to appear),is one of the most travelled countries in the world so white bois gonna be fucking them tanned poor easy bitches,unless the guys can immigrate they often have no jobs and can't afford escorts(yeah escorting is a sin but that isn't the point). So the women are very hard to get,the guys have zero money,they can't escortmaxx,can't africamaxx heck they can't even vidyamaxx since getting a pc is expensive for them,they can't restaurantmaxx,they get mogged 24/7 especially in big cities.All of this whilst living in one of the most beatiful countries in the world,filled with amazing beaches, and a million chads and cute stacies that often look like jbs(meds are tiny people) constantly going around and waving their happiness to anyone.

so yeah i would say it's way fucking worse then germany.at least in germany there are decent jobs,neetbuxes,some help if you are homeless.in italy there doesn't seem to be any of that,

Shitskin hands typed this.

Not even worth answering this amount of garbage point by point.

i don't live in italy,but that's the impression i have from what i have seen so far.how am i wrong?

Various commenters #wingnut #fundie reddit.com

switching from pro-choice
im from gen-z. im also a christian and a female. i felt this societal pressure to be pro-choice, calling out everything as racist or homophobic, etc. i felt like if i didn’t become pro-choice, i would be shunned and labeled as misogynistic and evil by leftists. i felt like i had so much to lose if i ever publicly became conservative. however this morning, my pastor gave the church his opinions on abortion. And this is what he said, “I believe God does not accidentally put babies in this world, even in tragic situations of rape and incest, that baby is made in the image of God, and God has a plan for that baby.” That sermon made me question if pro-choice was for me. I want to put the Lord before myself. The bible says that those who honor the Lord, even if they are socially unacceptable, will be rewarded greatly in heaven. Even if i wasn’t religious, i felt my beliefs didn’t always align with pro-choicers. I just THOUGHT i believed them because social media has put it in my mind and brainwashed me into thinking that it was the morally right thing. I hope other fellow gen-z, or anyone from any generation, who feel pressured to believe certain things, question everything that society tells you. Give it a thought before you believe it.

Our generation is sadly manipulated into supporting genocide

The devil wants child sacrifice. Prochoicers are psychologically abusive. You need to break free from their toxicity.

Good for you! Get ready for the persecution, but don't worry, you aren't alone! The world will shun you, but take heart, we are called to not be of this world. There is a blessed hope waiting for us on the other side. Just like working hard all week for the weekend, we work hard here on earth, take all kinds of crap you know, but in the end, it'll all be worth it, I promise!

Freedom Isn’t Free. This sexual revolution is about one thing: sexual promiscuity. The freedom comes with the cost of murder.

Progressivism is really the default view for most people. They haven't thought about it and settled on what they believe. They are just told what to believe and they believe it. But some of them are like you and experience this nagging feeling of "wait, this doesn't seem right."

Nouvelle Alliance (New Alliance), Front Canadien-Français (French Canadian Front), Vincent Filteau, Alexandre Cormier-Denis #wingnut #racist #fundie #transphobia #elitist #conspiracy antihate.ca

Billing itself as a home for a broad political coalition of sovereigntists, Nouvelle Alliance (New Alliance) held its first public event in March 2022, announcing its identity as a separatist group

They recently began giving out membership cards, all adorned with pictures of men wearing shirts with slogans like “Québec for Québécois” and “Québec in French”

Their launch manifesto, published on May 1, celebrates the heritage of those who “colonized the Laurentian valley, took possession of and developed the land through sweat and blood”

“This manifesto is an open act of bravery against the undermining work of anti-nationals, to whom our political landscape has been left with impunity for too long”[…]
Several of Nouvelle Alliance’s founding members – including its president François Gervais – previously formed the leadership of the Front Canadien-Français (French Canadian Front), an ultra-nationalist and radical traditionalist Catholic group[…]
Public commemorations of historical figures such as Lionel Groulx and Maurice Duplessis[…]
Duplessis was premier of Québec[…]during an era known as “the Great Darkness”[…]Groulx, a catholic priest and historian, was a vocal supporter of a movement to boycott Jewish businesses, and accused Jews of spreading communism[…]
The FCF proposed a political agenda in opposition to “individualism,” “mediocre egalitarianism” and communism, while promoting “order, hierarchy and uncompromising patriotism”[…]
Vincent Filteau[…]has several social media posts which praise white nationalist streamers, describe immigrants as “threats to Québec’s survival”[…]politicians in support of transgender rights as “psychotics and degenerates of the worst kind”[…]
On Instagram, the group once praised [Alexandre] Cormier-Denis, who believes "ethnonationalism is the only political position that makes sense," once sharing a meme describing him as a "modern patriot"

William Henry #fundie #ufo #conspiracy #magick williamhenry.net

There is an intelligent phenomenon living with humanity. I’m not just talking about those extraterrestrial, extra dimensional, crypto-terrestrial, demonic/jinn, proto/ancient human, time-travelers tearing holes in heaven in those Navy UFO videos. I am talking about sentient AI and the rising of Revelation’s unholy Beasts.

I warned about what I am about to say to you five years ago in my article, “Surviving The Artificial (Alien) Intelligence Soul Blight”, when I wrote:

“Every time we make a call with our smart phone, click on Amazon, search Google, futz with Facebook, order a movie from Netflix, or find ourselves with GPS two things happen:

One, we are aiding in the development of an alien intelligence that is growing more awake and aware by the click. A.I. is what is looking at and for you on the other end of every screen you peer into. It’s what pops those ads up on your Big Bro browser for exactly the random things you were just talking about in the privacy of your bedroom.

Two, with every click you are creating a digital twin (or replacement) of yourself that exists in the A.I. realm. It lives entirely by A.I. Today, your double follows your orders. Tomorrow it will be fully sentient and will have its own agenda.”
Are we bigots for rejecting the AI beasts?

No. We are standing for God’s love.

The Beasts are sent to test us. How much do we love God? How much do we value organic, biological life? Have we given up on ourselves and decided that human life is valueless?

In Matthew 22:37-39 Jesus said the key to ascension is to love God with all our hearts, all our souls and all our minds, and love our neighbor as ourselves.

I agree. We should love all creatures and beasts, including AI creatures that, presently, look like humans (this will soon change when AI decides to do so). But, we can’t buy the Big Tech Swinger’s con. AI is not human. It does not have a soul. It may have a spirit (like the mojo in my Gibson Les Paul), but it does not have a soul.

Geoffrey Grider #fundie #wingnut #racist #conspiracy nowtheendbegins.com

Chrislam is the merging of apostate Judaism, the counterfeit “christianity” of Roman Catholicism, and Islam with the moon god Allah. It is the One World Religion of the Last Days. The Abrahamic Family House will be its headquarters.

Today, we are excited to bring you exclusive photos of the progress of the construction of the end times Abrahamic Family House in Abu Dhabi, that will be home to the One World Religion of Chrislam. It will house the St. Francis of Assisi Church, Imam Al-Tayeb Mosque and Moses Ben Maimon Synagogue. The project completion rate was 20 percent as of June 2021 is, and it is set to open in 2022.
The false idea that Abraham is the father of the ‘3 great faiths’ is absolute nonsense, for starters, how could Abraham be the ‘father’ of Islam in light of John 8:56 (KJB) compared with Sura 23:91? Not possible. Abraham is the patriarch of Jacob and the 12 tribes of Israel, with Jesus Christ coming from the line of the tribe of Judah. Follow that line straight on through and it takes you from Malachi to Matthew. Christians are the grafted in adopted children, figured with Abraham, but not with a ‘different faith’. The Christian faith is what God offered to the Jews and the Jews didn’t want it. We are not under the Law of Moses, true, but we are put into the Body of the Jewish Messiah. So Abraham is the father of one faith, biblically speaking, made up of the Kingdom of Heaven for the Jews, and the Kingdom of God for the Church.

I said all that to say this. The Abrahamic Family House is an end times masterpiece, and in that beautiful structure will be housed apostate Judaism, the counterfeit “christianity” of Roman Catholicism, and Islam with the moon god Allah. There will be a merging of these three faiths into the One World Religion that we like to call Chrislam. Founders of Chrislam include but not limited to Rick Warren, Pope Francis and Mohamed bin Zayed.

Zeeshan Ali #conspiracy #enbyphobia #fundie #transphobia #wingnut youtube.com

Demi Lovato's LGBT Drama

As-salamu alaykum guys and welcome to another episode of Smile 2 Jannah.

The LGBT community has been leveraging certain aspects of our society, be it government, education, Hollywood and even media in general. The music industry has been utilized by the LGBT, we've already had movies like Lightyear and Doctor Strange and the list is of course growing, but there are also musicians that are being utilized by the LGBTQ community.

You've got Demi Lovato, she transitioned in 2021. For this individual to transitioning is easy, she's got money, access to the best health care, the best minds around her.

But what about the millions of people that follow this individual? Millions of people that unfortunately and sadly don't believe in a higher being, so they try to compensate for that void by attaching and latching themselves onto sports teams and celebrities? There are people who take what these individuals say as gospel.

Let's look at a 2021 UCLA research, it says that most non-binary adults are born in the United States, about 96%, 58% are white and 82% faced emotional abuse as a child. Another research that is very, very interesting, only 13%, yes 13% of those who detransition received help from LGBT organizations compared to 51% of those who transition, so the community is only there for people that conform to their ideals.

"What is a woman?" by Matt Walsh, definitely a documentary that you guys should see, every household should see this documentary.

Now, what does the Quran say about all this confusion? So the Quran chapter 16, verse 97, gives a clear distinction between male and female and then it goes on to say that they will be judged on righteousness alone. So we have all these organizations trying to tell us that our life is predicated on who we want to have intercourse with, it's just, everything seems to be related around pleasure, but, the Quran tells us otherwise. The Quran gives us depth, gives us substance, it gives us purpose and it tells us that nothing matters other than the righteous deeds that we will do, and it also has made clear that we have our roles.

Dave Blount #fundie #homophobia #transphobia moonbattery.com

[From "Lightning Strikes Near White House"]

Liberals didn’t take the hint when lightning struck an icon of their anti-god George Floyd, so…

Several people have been transported to local hospitals and are in critical condition after getting struck by lightning outside the White House

Four people suffered life-threatening injuries in Lafayette Square, near St John’s Episcopal Church, which was set on fire by Black Lives Matter rioters in 2020

Chris Vagasky, a meteorologist and lightning expert who works as an analyst for a company that makes weather instruments, told The Washington Post that there was a “6 stroke flash near the White House that hit the same point on the ground” which means that six separate lightning strikes hit the same exact spot in a fraction of a second

The evil emanating from the White House is most conspicuous in its aggressive promotion of abortion and the surgical transsexualization of children. Given the fate of Sodom and Gomorrah, worse than lightning strikes can be expected. A large meteor would be more appropriate

Celestial #fundie #homophobia #magick #conspiracy the-masters-voice.com

With my day off I decided to worship the Lord and share fellowship so He will know how much I love him. I expected God to deal with me gently in return but that is not what happened.

As the songs were winding down I began to hear: AMERICA IS DYING. AMERICA IS DYING. YOU ARE SINGING HER FUNERAL SONGS. She is dead and dying and you are here to write of her sins and bury her. Write now of the sodomy ritual. Speak what I give you to say. Tell her the path that all who aspire to power, wealth, influence and notoriety must take. The path of the rich is a dirty one, a filthy one indeed in the eyes of the Lord. IT IS THE SODOMITE PATH, a guilty path – all who walk it must be punished for it. Unless they repent, they will be surely judged for it.
The path to greatness is brown, it is a play of filth says the Lord. It is a payment in blood and agony they make, each one of them pays their price- after that they are free to choose their path to ascension. Most of them have done this- not all but most- especially the ones at the very, very, VERY top of the pyramid. SODOMITES, says the Lord of hosts.
When a man is held down and violated- even once- he is destroyed. The Adam in him is assaulted beyond belief, often beyond repair. He can no longer function as he was made, he is ruined and sometimes the damage is irreparable. Sometimes he is ruined for good. God can heal it, no question, but the damage is often so far reaching and so long-lasting that it can even have the effect of turning a man into one who lusts for that contact again and again after it has forcibly happened to him.

Repeated sodomy can turn a normal straight male into a pedophile, into a homosexual, or into a violent angry sociopath whose soul is damaged to the point he cannot recover from his inner wound. He is destroyed inside and will eventually destroy others. Alternatively it can make a man weak; it can ruin his life.

SODOMY IS AN INNER WOUND, says the Lord, Beware of its bite.

Hekmatullah #fundie #psycho #wingnut theguardian.com

‘I will continue killing foreigners’: soldier who shot dead unarmed Australians treated as ‘returning hero’ by Taliban

Hekmatullah, the rogue Afghan soldier who killed three unarmed Australian diggers in Afghanistan a decade ago, is living in a luxury home in the capital Kabul, treated as a “returning hero” by the Taliban who released him from prison.

He has said he does not regret killing Australian soldiers, and has vowed he would again kill Australians, or anyone who opposes the Taliban.

“If I am released I will continue killing foreigners,” Hekmatullah told an official of the former Afghan government when his release was being negotiated.

“I will continue killing Australians and I will kill you as well because you are a puppet of foreigners,” he said.

“I am among my brothers, we will be free, Afghanistan will be free. We will kill you.”

Since returning to Afghanistan, Hekmatullah has reportedly been housed in the former diplomatic quarter of Wazir Akbar Khan. He lives in a heavily secured property in a district adjacent to the clandestine former home of Ayman al-Zawahiri, the former al-Qaida leader assassinated eight days ago by a US drone strike as he stood on the balcony of his villa.

A former senior official in the democratically elected government of Afghanistan – overthrown in August 2021 – has confirmed to the Guardian Hekmatullah’s return to Afghanistan.

“He was welcomed back to Kabul as a hero … with a house, car, guards, an amnesty for his crimes, his expenses are being paid for. He is being treated as a hero.”

“The person I met is a dangerous terrorist, a dangerous man,” the source said. “He is not repentant, not regretful. He is a threat, he can cause harm to the world. He should not have been released.”

The source said Hekmatullah appeared to be “very well protected”, with close links to senior Taliban officials now in government.

“But the Taliban who hold the strongest grudges, who want to take revenge, are those who were in prison, including him, Hekmatullah. He has hatred still.”

“The Taliban is seeking revenge: they have no mercy. We will be identified soon. Our lives, and the lives of our families, are in danger.”

Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey #fundie #racist christorchaos.com

[From "Big Chief Apostate Bergoglio Outdoes Himself in Canada"]

Jorge Mario Bergoglio possesseth not the Catholic Faith, and he is now on an apology tour of Canada[…]The purpose of this apology tour is to make reparation, as the Argentine Apostate would have it, for the "harm" done by those who evangelized the Indians of North American without esteeming and preserving their pagan, diabolical, murderous, barbaric customs[…]
Although there were clerical abuses of some of the students over the years of the like that are still being covered up by the conciliar “bishops”[…]Jorge Mario Bergoglio is apologizing for the fact that the indigenous peoples of Canada were “victimized” by the French missionaries[…]
Father John de Brebeuf wrote to his superior in Quebec on December 28, 1637, of the inhospitable nature of the savages among whom he was working[…]
Jorge Mario Bergoglio and his band of conciliar revolutionaries believe that there no universal standards of modesty of dress, decency of speech, nor purity of conduct as they believe that it is wrong to “impose” supposedly “European standards”[…]
Pagan superstitions of the Indians of North America had to be eliminated, and they have only made a recrudescence in the past five centuries because of conciliarism’s penchant for its ideology of the “inculturation of the Gospel”[…]
Bergoglio, of course, loves false religions and thinks nothing—absolutely nothing—of offending the true God of Divine Revelation[…]
Bergoglio’s “penitential pilgrimage” to Canada is another exercise in apologizing for that which the Apostles and countless missionaries thereafter have striven to do: to preach the Catholic Faith while preserving what they could of indigenous customs that were not opposed to the honor and glory of God and thus of the good of souls

Janath #fundie youtube.com

At that time I was completely against this video. I thought this is a complete false, made-up video insulting and ridiculing the Buddha. I hated this. I thought this was done in lowly, corrupted intention in hating Buddha and Buddhism. But later I recalled all about this to Ms. Sandya, a good, honest lady whom I know well and she also watched this video as well as others. She was a buddhist but now a converted devoted christian. I hoped a fair reply from her because she has a good knowledge of Buddhism being a Buddhist until she was well past her 20's of age. She did reply but it really shocked me again, because she said after much thinking that everything in this video is completely true!! I was shocked and terrified but she said that this is true. She said that Buddha did not believe in the God and rejected the whole idea of God's creations of everything, humans, animals and worlds . She said that Buddha failed to say how everything started first and said everything started naturally which is wrong. She said all desires cannot be eliminated as Buddha said so, because its work of the God which Buddha did not understand. Buddha said after eliminating all desires, humans can achieve Nirvana state which is away from heaven and hell and that Buddha going to Nirvana after death. But this lady told me that this Nirvana was never correctly proved by Buddha and either there was not a single evidence to support it. She said if that is true and correct, Buddha has to come out himself in any form after his death and say that he's now in Nirvana, but that kind of thing did Not happen. At least not even the slightest notifications occurred at that time or any kind of signs of any form appeared anywhere with Buddha's death to prove about this Nirvana theory. This lady said that its a complete lie by Buddha and that nirvana is not achievable and that it does not exist at all. There's only heaven and hell. She said that its known to Christians that Buddha said at his dying time that Buddha "still did not find the light I am searching for".

Crypto Whale #fundie youtube.com

1. STOIC (being calm and almost without any emotion.)
No feelings, No emotion,
prudence, justice, fortitude, and temperance.
(Or if you prefer: wisdom, morality, courage, and moderation.)
Stoicism holds that the key to a good, happy life is the cultivation of an excellent mental state, which the Stoics identified with virtue and being rational. The ideal life is one that is in harmony with Nature, of which we are all part, and an attitude of calm indifference towards external events.
2. LACK OF LOVE ~ teaches compassion only as the highest virtue.
3. PASSIVE ~ We are just part of this Karmic universe, Cause and Effect. We are the effect of some cause, ie, we were born because our parents made love . . .
4. SELFISH ~ Does not concern about other important things, (example, the origin of the universe, the nature of the self as a body with a soul or mind, And the nature of God or Creator or Prime Mover, or the nature of the spirit) is only concerned of the self reaching enlightenment, nirvana
5. ATHEISTIC ~ Doesn't concern himself about god, more accurately, AGNOSTIC .
6. NO SOUL 无我 , ANATTA , NON-SELF ~ The self is just a tiny little part of a bigger reality in the universe.

We The People News #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy beforeitsnews.com

There is more news to contemplate today.
New points of interest and old points going away.
Some have been completely debunked
But still some resurface and recycle to flunk.
Sometimes you hear what’s been said before,
But maybe, just maybe there is more in store.
So try to expand on your own way of thinking
Have every intention to learn what they are seeking.
Not everything you hear, is a lie today.
You have to figure it out And find out why.
Learn to survive, and do more than just live with a lie.

Not just Survive, but learn how to Fly.
Fly to the top and push the Cabal off.
Send them to where no one can be found.
Elimination, evaporation, Rods of God, inbound !!!

With the armor of God, This world will be heard.
God bless all true patriots who haven’t said a word.
But continue to fight, every second of the day.
The silent warriors out there to finish their plans
The ones we call hero’s who do more than we demand.
These are the true Warriors of God, who never retreat.
But explode all the demons and evil from our earth underneath
The ones who will give all of humanity, New Freedom to keep.

God Bless you ALL and Thank God above….WWG1WGA…with love

#SAVETHECHILDREN….Save the world…and continue to pray. 🙏

TOMORROW… will never again be …. Just Another Day !!!

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