
rod777 #fundie

Liberals: Are They Even Human... Or A Different Species ?

Liberals...They Are:

Weinstein, Bergdahl, Snowden, Alinsky, Antifa, Manning, Hillary, The Media, The DNC—

Always those who Kill Babies, and The Elderly. Without Regret, or Excuse, Continuously Anti-America, Anti-Family, Anti-Right.

They Stand For Nothing, Refuse to Submit to Anything Except Their Own Desires, Always Choosing Against, and Not For, Never on the Side of Right, Never Duty, Honor, Country.

Confused About Evil, Ruled by Fear, the Solution Always Appeasement, and Surrender. Never Pride in Country, Allegiance to No One, and to Nothing.

Empty Carcasses With No Direction. Full of Hate, Despising Everything, Good For Nothing.

Liberals They are Not Like Us, They are a Different Species, Dangerous, Evil, Without Compassion, Deceitful, Liars, Corruptors of Good, Everything They Touch is Soon Ruined. Serpent Seed.

Unable to Change, Unwilling to Be Transformed. Unable to Co-Exist.

Leaving Our Survival as a Nation, Country, Culture, Neighborhood, and family, One Choice, Their Eradication.

They Have Infiltrated Your Schools, Your Government, Your Churches, Your Institutions.

They Have Soiled Your Children, Stolen Their Innocence, Robbed Them of A Glorious Past, and Left Them Without a Future Filled With Hope.

Vote Yes...It's them or us..

wetwareproblem #fundie

hey there! i have a question i'd like your input on, if you have the spoons to discuss these two topics. (trigger warning: harassment, violence, fasc*sm.) i know you have policy of no harassment, no verbal violence, etc, against people who have done horrific things or have dehumanizing and violent opinions, on tumblr. but i also see you endorse physical IRL violence against fash. this is a duality ive struggled with- how to justify "do not engage" and also "fight them off the street". (1/2)

(2/2) (cw: harassment, violence, fasc*sm, cont’d); im going with “engage offline if Very sure, and if its safe to do so andor if consequences seem worth bearing” and “do not engage online” as a compromise, since i can’t be certain online most time. or else, “do not engage online unless absolutely sure, witnessed with own eyes or ears, that this person is Active threat” but with that, theres risk of creating “acceptable targets”. inb4 slippery slope, but im legit worried. (ok2 publish if u want)

Okay. SM here. I’ve gotten special permission to answer this one, since it’s really more in my wheelhouse overall.

Well. To begin with, we’re in the kinda unique position of having dual policies on a lot of things. I endorse the “bring a bat” mentality— from a distance, but it’s Ashlyn who would actually show up with one. (We’re still negotiating boundaries on who wins in conflicts like these.)

But speaking more generally? The key questions to me as regards morals and ethics are “What impact will this have,” and “How do I win?” I want to see a world in which marginalized people are less marginalized, where we’re accepted as full and equal members of society as we are. How do I bring that about most effectively?

Hate-mobbing has a lot of black marks against it from this angle. It’s an escalation - responding to speech with violence. It makes people miserable and harms their mental health. It more often than not makes them double down on hateful politics. And it’s poisonous to rational thinking and winning strategies.

To expand on that last part: The fundamental problem with saying “But this time I’m right, so the hateful tactics that oppressors use on me are justified here” is that, by and large, the oppressors are saying the same thing. The Slymepit, Gamergate, Swarmfront? They all think of themselves as oppressed by a conspiracy of marginalized people. They think that justifies the shit they do. They’re sitting there going “Well, sure, it’s evil when those uppity SJW types do it, but this time I’m right!” And frankly, it feels really good to say that, to engage like that. it feels like vindication, like justice. Revenge usually does. So it encourages you to think a little less about it and lash out a little more.

But revenge isn’t justice. Revenge doesn’t actually accomplish our goal of making the world better for marginalized people. And it does make us gloss over an important question, one that requires the exact sort of difficult and careful and considered thought it discourages:

How do you know that you’re not falling into the same trap as those guys?

Finally, particularly here on tumblr, it fails the “winning” test. A lot of people spewing bigoted rhetoric - a lot of them - are kids just making their first forays into forming political opinions. They’re going to fuck up and do/say/think something wrong. Sometimes it’s going to be terrible. But if we respond with a hate mob, not only are we bullying a child, we’re making sure that kid’s first exposure to us is a rage-filled mob that wants them to die because they said the wrong thing. These kids could have been talked around or educated, but now they’ve seen that and they know we’re The Enemy. They’ll always be looking for the knife in every word we say.

When we’re talking about fighting fascism, though, we’re looking at a different situation. We’re looking at people who have already been hardened. There’s no talking someone around or educating them by the time they’re ready to engage in actual violence against you. They won’t listen to a single word you say - if you’re an Acceptable Target for violence, then they already see the knife in everything you say or do, whether or not it’s actually there.

(And yes, this should be taken as a general warning against Acceptable Targets, because you’re not immune to this way of thinking either.)

So with words off the table, we’re left with the question: how do we actually stop the violence? Police and authorities aren’t going to help - they’re complicit in it, when they’re not actively engaging. The only people we can rely on are our siblings in this fight. And the only tool that has been shown to get the job done is violence.

I know this seems like I’m just going back on the Acceptable Target principle above, but— well, to me, at least, there’s a clear line. You can’t turn to violence as an acceptable tool without endorsing its use to resist your violence. And yes, that works both ways - if you’re going to engage in antifa action, then getting hurt might be the cost of doing business, and you have to be willing to pay that cost when it comes. But frankly, sometimes that price is worth it.

So it seems that the only point of confusion remaining is “Why is fascism categorically violence?” And sure, a lot of it doesn’t look like things we associate with the word ‘violence.’ A lot of the time it’s holding rallies, distributing leaflets, etc.

But every one of those leaflets, every one of those rallies, is a veiled threat. The core of fascism is and always has been “surrender what we want or we will take it by force.” And people who have been targeted by it know this. They see that, and they know that they can be hurt or killed anywhere, at any time, by someone like that. They are less safe, and their mental health is directly impacted, long before the first blow lands.

Fascism is violence against marginalized people for simply existing, and the tool that stops it is violence against oppressors for harming innocents. And y’know what? All things considered, I’m okay with that.

Nathan "Leucosticte" Larson #fundie

So, it appears I’m officially withdrawing from the race tomorrow

I’ll be going down to the registrar and submitting this form. (For an explanation of why I’m dropping out of the race, see my earlier post.)

I’m endorsing Jennifer Wexton for Congress. The reasons are as follows:

First, I think in times like this, when we’re displeased with the direction in which the government is going — and especially when, as now, society is on an unsustainable path — we should vote out the incumbents. The only exception might be when the incumbent in question is an unusually good politician, like Ron Paul, who introduces proposals that, if enacted, could radically benefit our society. Barbara Comstock doesn’t meet that threshold, so she should be voted out.

Either Comstock is a moderate, or she hasn’t demonstrated much political courage. This is dereliction of duty. It’s supposedly the role of a member of the Republican Party — the whiter and more conservative party — to defend our culture against decay, not hasten the decline. But we’ve seen her continually take the side of career women, e.g. by pushing legislation against sexual harassment, rather than advocate that women should be in the home where they will be protected by male family members. For this betrayal of correct moral values, she should be electorally punished, even if it means elevating Wexton to high office. In the words of Corneliu Zelea Codreanu, “If I had but one bullet and were faced by both an enemy and a traitor, I would let the traitor have it.”

To advance the cause of patriarchism, we should at every opportunity seek to purge out the female politicians and cuckservative politicians from the Republican Party. The best chance would have been in the primary, when Shak Hill was trying to get nominated; but since that didn’t happen, it will be necessary to get rid of Barbara in the general election instead. Then, in 2020, it will be possible to nominate someone better.

Remember, there’s no such thing as a patriarchist Congresswoman; any woman who runs for office, rather than staying at home to take care of kids, is obviously a feminist. The Independent Women’s Forum, to which Barbara Comstock belongs, is a moderate feminist organization. She spends her time on programs like the 10th Congressional District Young Women Leadership Program, which teaches high school girls to devote their years of peak beauty and fertility to “ambitious educational and career goals” rather than getting married, having kids, and putting family first.

This type of feminist enculturation leads women down a path to worry and unhappiness. Today, one out of five adult women is taking a psychiatric drug, a rate that is double that of men. Women take anti-anxiety pills to help them deal with the stress of shouldering responsibilities that in times past, men used to handle for them; and they turn to antidepressants when they find that having a career is not as satisfying as devoting themselves to taking care of family.

Third, Wexton and her fellow Democrats might be slightly better than Comstock and her fellow Republicans on issues like cannabis legalization that are of interest to libertarians. Many incels and volcels co2uld end up devoting much of the remainder of their lives to LDAR’ing. Given that feminism has destroyed much of the incentive for male success and accomplishment by rendering relations between the sexes so dysfunctional, there will be many men with decades of basement-dwelling, vidya-playing, 2D-anime-masturbating, and shitposting ahead of them; and they could benefit from some relatively harmless copes such as cannabis. After all, it’s not like they have a wife and kids (or the potential to, through betabuxxing, get a wife and kids) they’d be neglecting by spending their time getting high.

But of course, those members of society who are fortunate enough to live a somewhat decent life can also benefit from cannabis legalization by using it to enhance their experiences. A lot of them will probably use it as a substitute for harder drugs like opiates anyway, so it’s actually going to improve public health. There’s really not a lot of downside to pot legalization, but for whatever reason, Comstock never advocated it. Probably she figures, since not a lot of women get busted for pot, legalization is not really a women’s issue, so therefore she’s not going to care about it. That’s how those female politicians roll; but Wexton, being under the dominion of Democratic party bosses, might feel compelled to support pot legalization, as part of their strategy to seem pro-black and pro-Latino while also siphoning some of the pot consumer vote away from the Greens and Libertarians.

Fourth, it seems doubtful that patriarchist libertarians can bring about the more drastic changes we want to see in society by directly pushing back against the leftists. What happened to my candidacy was proof of that. As Roosh V pointed out, as soon as you move beyond engaging in “controlled speech,” i.e. what the establishment doesn’t mind your saying, and into the realm of truly dissident “free speech,” that’s when you will get shut down.

So what we will need to do instead, perhaps, is elect candidates like Jennifer Wexton whose radical (compared to Comstock’s) brand of leftist, feminist, “progressive” egalitarianism will move society toward the brink all the more swiftly. Once civilization collapses, then we can build a new and better civilization along capitalist and patriarchist lines. Wexton is the accelerationist choice.

Right now, the Alt-Right is embracing accelerationism more and more, as they see how hellbent the left is on censorship. The premise behind accelerationism is that our state of affairs has to get worse before it can get better. Andrew Anglin told his supporters, for example, to join the leftists in pressuring the major Silicon Valley tech companies to kick Alex Jones off of every platform. The goal is to force Alex Jones onto platforms that are less-regulated by the establishment, where he can speak more freely. The people who manage to follow him into these darker recesses of the Internet will be a more radical group.

Similarly, when I drop out of the race, I won’t be speaking at forums run by groups like the League of Women Voters or the NAACP, where there’s a left-leaning audience and a left-of-center moderator like Stephen Farnsworth. I don’t mind speaking to hostile audiences, but in the age of Antifa, the era of trying to persuade one’s opponents is obviously over. It’s all a fight for supremacy now.

I’ll be going underground. The darkweb seems to be where the future is at for those who want to share unorthodox views. Anglin had to spend his time there, and apparently, so will I.

What’s isolated from the mainstream can develop without interference from it. Meanwhile, the mainstream’s ability to argue against our ideas atrophies, as they sit in their own echo chamber. Polarization accelerates, as the country divides into rival factions that will meet again when guerrilla warfare breaks out.

various commenters #wingnut #racist

( @Nature_and_Race )
Poland: "It's okay to stay White"

Russia: "Poland is next in line for de-Nazification"

( @VanguardUlster )
@Nature_and_Race I predicted this months ago, Putin’s Talmudic hate will plunge the European continent into another fratricidal brothers war

( @Diversity_is_our_weakness )
Weak. One lawmaker doesn't represent the Russian government. The EU is already "de-nazifying" Poland more than Russia ever could.

( @KekistaniDiaspora )
@Diversity_is_our_weakness "The EU is already "de-nazifying" Poland more than Russia ever could."

This. I live in the EU. These people think a few fancy pictures of WNs are a representation of wider society. It's fucking not. If the war is over, these WNs will be the first to be labeled "Russian assets" by the EU. And it will be the pinnacle of irony because these WNs never have an issue calling everyone "doooginist" now who see the writing on the wall.

( @IoannesAugustus )
@Nature_and_Race was he responding to the "ok to stay White" statement, or the Russia is a cancer one?

( @Nature_and_Race )
@IoannesAugustus -- By saying that Poland must be "de-Nazified", he's implying that Poland has a "Nazi" problem. Does it really matter what his reasoning is? It's Jewish and Liberal as fuck to run around justifying violence toward White people by accusing them all of being "Nazis".

( @IoannesAugustus )
@Nature_and_Race I won't defend the Nazi comments. They're stupid and inaccurate and obviously used to generate emotions. But calling a nation a cancer is worse. How is that not calling for violence against a White nation?

( @Zealous_Apostle )
@IoannesAugustus @Nature_and_Race It's not bad nor innacurate to call the antifa nation invading white countries to 'denazify' them a cancer to the world.

Greg Johnson #fundie

Confessions of a “Transphobic”

I never had a chance to read Gavin McInnes’ article “Transphobia is Perfectly Natural,” since Thought Catalog has taken it down. (But we can read outraged reactions from around the web.) McInnes has apparently been hounded out of his job as chief creative officer of something called Rooster, which I am too unhip to have heard of.

I am sure McInnes’ article is somewhere out there on the web, and I am sure someone will send it to me eventually. But I don’t want to read it until I have written my own take on the subject matter. Frankly, I am jealous that McInnes wrote on this first, since I have been kicking a similar idea around for years. I did not write it out, because up until May of this year, I was living in San Francisco, and the trannies there are far scarier than the antifa. Like the lesbians of Berkeley, they can reduce a man to a skeleton in under 30 seconds.

“Transphobia,” like “homophobia,” is an inherently dishonest term. “Phobia” derives from the Greek “phobos” or fear, and phobias are by definition irrational fears. But transphobia is neither irrational nor a fear. It is an emotion, of course. But it is a completely natural, normal, and healthy emotion. Which is as rational as any emotion gets.

Specifically, transphobia is a perfectly natural feeling of revulsion at men who have their dicks chopped off and women who have their tits chopped off — among many, many other things — in order to “change their sex.” Of course, one’s sex is determined by one’s chromosomes, so “sex changes” do not change anyone’s sex. They merely transform a man into a butchered simulacrum of a woman, or a woman into a butchered simulacrum of a man.

Again: sex-changes are futile, because one cannot change one’s chromosomes. One can only butcher and drug one’s body to look like someone of the opposite sex. And when many transsexuals finally awaken to the horror and futility of what they have done, they kill themselves.

The revulsion I feel toward transsexuals is not based on “meanness” or “ignorance” as liberals would have it, but on sympathy. When a healthy person sees another in pain, he recoils in horror because he feels the pain of others (which is the literal meaning of sympathy — suffering with others). I love my penis, and the thought of losing it fills me with horror. And when one sees self-inflicted suffering, it is natural to feel loathing and anger as well, because it didn’t have to happen. And by hurting themselves, self-mutilators hurt the rest of us as well. I am a bit overly sensitive, perhaps, but I even cringe at the sight of tattoos, partly in pity, partly in revulsion.

The kind of people who don’t feel sympathy and horror at radical forms of self-mutilation are, frankly, sick. They lack elementary sympathy for the pain of others. They may even take pleasure in the pain of others. Or, like most liberals who champion trannies as the next great minority crusade, they take pleasure in the discomfort that sexual mutilation causes “those people” — conservatives, Christians, rednecks, hicks, etc. — the hated others of the liberal loveys. Trannies and other freaks are just tools in the culture war. But in this case, the enemy is not the Right side of the culture, but nature herself — mental and moral health, which apparently drives today’s Left to paroxysms of sadistic rage. Because they’re evil, of course.

After a healthy person feels sympathy-based revulsion at sexual self-mutilation, the first thought that pops into his mind is, “These people must be crazy.” But let’s just withhold judgment for a bit and ask the transsexuals themselves what they think. Interestingly enough, they too claim to suffer from mental illness, namely the feeling of being a man trapped in a woman’s body, or vice versa. So the real issue here is not whether these poor people suffer from a mental illness — they admit it themselves — but rather what sort of treatment they should seek. Self-mutilation is not the cure for mental illness, but just another symptom.

If a man thinks he is Jesus, we do not crucify him. If a man thinks he is Napoleon, we do not crown him emperor. If a man thinks he is a woman, why then should we go along with it? Shouldn’t we try to help him get over his desire to mutilate himself, just as we help anorexics to stop starving themselves, and cutters to stop carving themselves?

And since when is it consistent with the Hippocratic oath — the “First, Do No Harm” part — for doctors to mutilate healthy bodies and turn them into parodies of the opposite sex?

What would I do with transsexuals? First of all, let me say that I have actually known two people who have embarked upon this path. To all appearances they were good-looking heterosexual men who dropped out of sight and then re-emerged as not-so-good-looking women. But all their likable traits and shared interests were disconcertingly intact. So transsexuals are not some abstract other. They are very real to me. This is me being real: having a real reaction to real people undergoing real, drastic transformations. I feel compassion and revulsion toward the transsexuals themselves, and righteous indignation toward the people who enable and exploit them.

So what would my policy be?

First, I would simply say “No.” Every decent society should provide healthcare for the mentally and physically ill. When people are mentally ill, they cannot make responsible decisions for themselves. Thus a decent society needs to exercise paternalism in the interests of the mentally ill. And the primary interest of the mentally ill is to get better, to triumph over their delusions, not to be humored in them, much less aided in radical and futile forms of self-mutilation. Again, self-mutilation is a symptom of mental illness, not a cure. Compassion and responsibility require that we simply say “no.”

Second, the mutilation of healthy bodies is contrary to the proper aim of the medical profession. Thus every doctor who performs sex change operations should be stripped of his license and drummed out of the profession. Sex changes should be outlawed, and any doctor who performs them should be jailed. Indeed, the same treatment should be meted out to doctors who perform any and all forms of genital mutilation.

Third, we must keep a sense of perspective. I don’t hate transsexuals. (I am rather proud of my book Confessions of a Reluctant Hater, so if I did hate them, I would have no problem admitting it.) Transsexuals aren’t evil or threatening. They are not “sinners.” They are simply sick people who should be cared for, not hated or harmed.

The truly evil people are those who exploit these unfortunates for gain: the doctors who mutilate them for money and the Leftists who use them as the latest totems of diversity, progress, and enlightenment — thereby revealing that their true enemy is not injustice or inequality but nature, health, and sanity. Craziest of all, though, is a society that consents to be ruled by such monsters.

saltrat88 #racist

Why do I have an 88 in my name?

Alright I’m gonna make this my end all post about what 14/88 is, misinformation about it, why I used it, and just who the hell I am, so listen up.

The 14 when seen in subcultures, and their ilk, typically is a reference to The 14 Words; We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.

There is a great many ignorant people everywhere you go and they come in every size shape color and male or female. The most common misconception about the 88 is that it’s the 8th letter of the alphabet “H” so 88=HH or Heil hitler, this is ignorant. This came about from trendy kids wanting be part of the Skinhead culture (biker and prisoner clubs too) and someone made it up because they had no clue what it really meant. The 88 is actually a reference to David Lane’s 88 Precepts.

“The 88 PRECEPTS, written by David Lane, is the manifesto of the White Racialist organization, the Bruder Schweigen (“Silent Brotherhood”), also known as The Order. It teaches a set of precepts based on the Laws of Nature, which, when understood, will benefit and preserve a People as individuals and as a Nation.” [taken from here] This is indeed National Socialist literature.

Ok you with me so far?

I came to tumblr because I refused FB a long time ago and I was tired of never finding good memes and political banter to share with friends. I help race diesels at the Bonneville Saltflats and I’m building a rat rod to drive to the salt——Saltrat, I have a ‘66 IH p/u lowrider truck——Saltrat66. I posted many things about hanging rapists and pedophiles and the progressive twats on this hellhole of a site had me kicked off. Like a phoenix from the ashes I rose again as H8musheen because I was angry. Again I got ostracized for my zero tolerance stance on rapists and pedophiles. And after great consideration I decided to show the hypocrisy and intolerance of the ‘righteous’ tolerant left by adding two simple numbers to my name. I’ve been involved in the Skinhead culture for over 30 yrs now. I’m a first gen American. My family came here from Hungary in 1952 to escape communism. Grandpa was a Nazi soldier in Hungary during the war until he was ordered to do something he refused to do. I’ll spare you folks the long version but he escaped a nazi prison and managed to find his family in a camp in Hungary and escape. Much like Poland Hungary was beaten into submission from first the nazis and then the commie soviets. I grew up in a different cultural household than many of you can fathom. I learned about the horrors of communism and blessings of capitalism. I am damn proud of my family, my blood, and my motherland. I believe everyone should be proud of their family, their blood, and their motherland. I’m not a champion for everyone else’s heritage, but I am for my country. The sniveling commie pinko fags on this god forsaken site are spoiled brats that are too far removed from real war, real strife, and real oppression. I’m about the last generation to know about these things firsthand from family that lived through it. They have no idea or even empathy for the struggles and battles older people fought for us to be here. They cry for tolerance and that they’re offended by whatever. It’s crazy people talk. So I added the 88 to my name to expose their hypocrisy and intolerance, and to offend them. My family fought and many died fighting both nazis and communists and I sure as fuck ain’t either one. I know a lot of “neo-nazi” information, bands and songs, people, and organizations. As a kid in Palo Alto I went and protested and fist fought American Front skinheads when they’d march down University Ave. I fought white power skinheads in the PNW in the 90’s. I am close friends with an actual member of the Antifaschistische Aktion for close to 30 years. I have my finger on the pulse of current politics too. I am not an anti racist anymore and haven’t been for quite some time. I see the hypocrisy in the anti racist and anti fascist movements and refuse to be a party to it. I have a very politically incorrect sense of humor and so long as I’m not cutting someone down undeservedly I don’t really give a shit if anyone likes it or not.

Now frankly I think modern neonazis are the same as the anime crowd, the cosplay kids, and the hobbit nerds. If that’s your thing and it doesn’t affect me I don’t care what you do. I suppose that’s the libertarian in me. Just as you can find good things about communism you can find the same good content in national socialism. Their biggest common thread is that neither will work long term, in my opinion.

If you want to be a black or white separatist and live with your own people that doesn’t bother me at all. In fact I think it could be a really good thing. The 14 words are sound. If you want to change ‘white’ to something else and appreciate your own 14 words I would not be offended or bothered by it at all, I expect the same courtesy. I despise hypocrites. If it’s good for you it’s good for me too. I will not do something or advocate for something I feel someone else should not be able to do. And I will bust your chops if you try to do it to me.

I guarantee you won’t find anything on my page saluting nazis, commies, or antifa. I do not think my white skin makes me better than anyone, but I sure as hell won’t be slighted because of it. I work my ass off if you do too I have empathy and charity for you. If you wish to change my way of life I will fight you ruthlessly.

I drink too much, I smoke too much, I cuss too much, I don’t shoot guns enough, I don’t hunt enough, and I don’t fish enough. I’ll tell a nigger joke or a honkie joke. I don’t care if you’re offended if you don’t care that I’m offended. I don’t go to church for my own reasons but I won’t try to stop you. I believe there are males, females, and confused people. What you do in your own privacy is none of my business but I’ll criticize you if you take out in public. I was raised to respect women and defend the weak but to take no shit. I believe in taking care of the people closest to me first and then working outwards. I use that same model for spending my money. I work too damn hard to provide for my family to give any to strangers while I know people in need. Once everyone I know is no longer in need then we can worry about strangers.

Our amazing military personnel leave their homes and loved ones to fight in foreign lands so that we won’t know war at home any time soon. You folks are heroes! I have no respect for anyone who won’t recognize the sacrifice and valor of our Warriors.

Well that’s who I am. If you can get along with those convictions I’m happy to chat. If you can’t get along with them just go away and we’ll be fine. If you attack me for them I won’t pull punches.

So don’t call me a fuckin nazi,GOT IT

Tamara Scott #fundie

— those who come against Christianity want to destroy Christianity.

Our Founding Fathers created a Christian nation. We definitely have a Christian background. The Declaration of Independence. We celebrated it just July 4, and two days later, this city council is having an atheist come speak?! Can you imagine the men that sacrificed their families and their fortunes, and they mentioned not just several gods in the Declaration of Independence, but the one true God — four different times.

There’s no mistaking that America was founded on Judeo-Christian principles. And they did it because they knew what made better Christians made better citizens.

Because law only punishes crime but Christianity changes the heart and prevents it. And once you take those principles out, that’s when you start seeing what we’re seeing today, Jeff.

You see the Ferguson. You see the riots. You see the Antifa. You see the Resistance. And when you take away that heart of prevention, then government has to become more authoritarian and coercion—

Mat Staver #fundie

Mat Staver, the head of the anti-LGBTQ legal group Liberty Counsel, returned to his favorite analogy last week, saying that the Southern Poverty Law Center’s labeling of his group as an anti-gay hate group is part of a persecution of Christians in America reminiscent of the treatment of Jews in Nazi Germany, and linked the removal of Confederate monuments throughout the country to a larger “civil war against our values” happening in the U.S.

Several years ago, the SPLC started adding anti-gay groups like Liberty Counsel to its lists of hate groups, noting that its decision to label these groups as hate groups was generally “based on their propagation of known falsehoods” about LGBTQ people and specifying that “[v]iewing homosexuality as unbiblical does not qualify organizations for listing as hate groups.” However, this has not stopped many of the anti-LGBTQ groups whom the SPLC has listed from claiming that they are merely on the list because of an opposition to marriage equality.

In an interview on VCY America’s “Crosstalk” program on August 22, Staver said that SPLC knows that these anti-LGBTQ groups “are not violent organizations, they know that they are Christian organizations, and they know that they oppose any kind of hatred or violence. They just don’t agree with us on the issue of marriage.” (SPLC has never claimed that Liberty Counsel or its anti-LGBTQ allies are “violent organizations.”)

When the host of the program, Jim Schneider, asked how far the nation would let this sort of thing go, Staver issued a dire warning.

“I think that’s a question that everyone listening here needs to answer,” he said, “I think we’ve crossed the line and we can’t let this go any further. We’ve got to push back, it cannot happen like this. You know, if you go back into the 1930s, what ultimately happened back then with the Jews—and history, you know, there’s other histories you can point to—but they began to ultimately ban Jews from public employment, then ban Jews from their private employment, then put a Star of David on their ID and a Star of David on their passport, restrict their travel, restrict their income opportunity, and eventually you know what happened, we had to fight a World War II over that issue.”

(Speaking of travel restrictions, Staver went on the radio to defend President Trump’s travel ban for residents of several Muslim-majority nations earlier this year.)

Later in the interview, Staver lamented the “coarsening of discourse and a lack of morals and integrity” in American political debates, which he chalked up to “the erosion of our Judeo-Christian values” and what he claimed is intolerance of dissent.

“That is so much different than anything we’ve ever had before,” he said, “and continuing on this way, I think it’s almost, it’s like a civil war against our values, it’s a war against the very essence of who we are.”

He continued: “And there’s a number, like Antifa, that’s an anarchist group, they call themselves anarchists. I mean, an anarchist is somebody who wants to create anarchy, this is to just to completely destroy all the institutions. And you see this happening with the monuments. You know, I understand the concern people have against the Confederate monuments, I get all that, I understand that, I have a lot of people, a lot of friends that are affected by that. On the other hand, I have a lot of friends who say, ‘Look, this is part of our history.’”

He added that “if we want to start taking down our history, our monuments, because certain people were not at the same level that we want them to be today” the only monuments that would remain would be those of Jesus Christ.

Hunter Wallace #fundie

[From "National Review’s Hilarious Take On Charlottesville"]

This article is so wildly cucked it could have been published by the SPLC:

“UVA’s president, Teresa Sullivan, deserves credit for seeing this in advance. In an August 4 letter to our community, she warned that “the organizers of the rally want confrontation; do not gratify their desire.” She quoted an event advocate as hoping to “create a massive polarizing spectacle in order to draw as huge a contrast as possible.” The organizers got what they wished — not just in the deaths of Heather Heyer and state troopers Berke Bates and H. Jay Cullen, but also in the others injured. —”

Where to start?

1.) When I said I wanted to “create a massive polarizing spectacle in order to draw as huge a contrast as possible,” I obviously didn’t have violence in mind. Instead, I assumed the police would do their job and keep both sides separated, we would have our big rally and it would be broadcasted live on social media. It would be highly triggering and would erode politically correct taboos, but it would be a relatively peaceful event like the previous rally held in Pikeville, KY in April.

2.) If I believed that Charlottesville was going to devolve into a violent spectacle, why didn’t any of us come armed? I didn’t have a shield, a helmet, goggles, a gas mask, a gun, a knife, a stick, etc. No, I assumed that the police were going to be well prepared to handle the situation. A few of us carried shields in order to deal with any projectiles which we were told might be hurled into the park.

3.) How on earth did we cause the police helicopter to crash? Did we have a rocket launcher?

4.) The people who were walking around with semi-automatic weapons were neutral Patriot groups. They were peacekeepers who weren’t there to take either side.

5.) We came to protest the removal of the Robert E. Lee monument. We had a constitutional right to assemble in Lee Park. The ACLU and a federal judge agreed with us. “Constitutional Conservatives,” however, sided with the Democrat governor and the Democrat mayor and violent Antifa who bullied the police into standing down and unleashing anarchy in the streets.

It was obvious who failed in Charlottesville – the police failed to keep both sides separated and stood idly by while the violence escalated. This was used as an excuse to declare a “state of emergency” and nullify the federal court order which allowed our free speech rally to take place.

Jim #fundie

Trump’s CIA director, Pompeo, tells us that Julian Assange, the leader of wikileaks is “on the wrong side of history.”

That is commie language, commie thinking. To say that history has a side in earthly political struggles is history reified and personified as the Jewish God.

Probably he is a cultural Marxist rather than an old style Marxist, since old style Marxists are mighty thin on the ground these days.

Personifying “History” is characteristic of Jewish descended leftism via Marx. Puritan descended leftism via Harvard immanentizes salvation, rather the immanentizing the deity.

This ideology puts one on a course that necessarily results in the murder of very large number of people. Pompeo is ticked with Julian Assange for exposing, and thus disrupting, various color revolutions, but the biggest color revolution that is cooking right now is in America itself, which revolution, if it goes through, will likely result in the deaths of Trump and all his family, and probably most republicans in office. If you favor color revolutions, you favor antifa, you favor killing Trump, his family, and Trump supporters.

The Marxist does not think of himself as intending to murder the peasants, and the cultural Marxist does not think of himself as planning to send all hetero males to the Gulag. Rather he thinks that if it was not for “bullying” all nine year old boys would be gay and they would all be fucking in the classroom a great big pile. When a great big pile fails to ensue in the classroom, escalates the war on “bullying”, until it eventually starts to look remarkably like sending all cisgender males to the Gulag.

The original Marxists were going to emancipate the peasants from the landlords, and utopia and abundance would ensue. Utopia and abundance failed to ensue. Obviously invisible intangible landlord oppression. Therefore, war on kulaks, which liberation of the peasants looked curiously similar to war on the peasants. And thus, today, instead of war on kulaks, war on cis hetero patriarchal oppressors. They are liberating us from being “bullied”. They are indignant at our lack of gratitude. And the war on bullying inevitably escalates.

“ohh mai gosh, people like you, cishet white privileged DUDEBROS, are the reason women and POCs are oppressed, wow just wow, the white race must be abolished (don’t worry, only as a social construct, I have nothing sinister in mind *rubs hands*), so listen now, fratboyrapist microaggressor douchenozzle, we’re sending you and your associates to the gulag – k bye!”

The Czar failed to support Pyotr Stolypin, and appointed a bunch of lefties to the council of ministers, who, when the Czar was away at the front, refrained from any serious effort to restrain revolutionaries who intended to kill the Czar and his family, and who when trouble broke out, resigned in favor of the revolutionaries. Giving Pompeo power and taking power away from Bannon is a similar error. Politics is war by other means, and for the past couple of decades has been drifting closer to war by the usual means.

Eileen Kuch #racist

I couldn’t say it any better, and I agree with you 100%. The US Supreme Court consisted of four Jews and five Gentiles when the issue of “gay marriage” crossed their desks. The Separation of Powers Clause in the Constitution assign certain powers to all three Branches. Passing legislation belongs only to the Legislative Branch; signing legislation into law and enforcing it belongs to the Executive Branch; interpreting the law belongs to the Judicial Branch.

In the case of “gay marriage,” Congress was deliberately bypassed and the issue handed to the Supreme Court, a violation of the Separation of Powers Clause of the US Constitution. The nation’s highest court legislated it into law, in a 5-4 decision–therefore, two of the five Gentiles had to have voted with the four Jews to enact “gay marriage” into law. Chief Justice John Roberts had some financial skeletons in his closet; thus, he voted with the Jews for the legislation; and Justice Kennedy’s a Liberal (there are rumors he may retire).

What’s happening here and in Europe is the evil work of Jewry. George Soros (Jew) and the Rothschild Clan (Jews) are responsible for the Black/Muslim invasion of Western Europe and for the rise of Antifa in the US. Most of the Federal Judges who’ve been blocking Donald Trump’s entry ban of Muslims from certain Islamic countries are Jews. Every pornographic movie, website and print matter are run by Jews. Editor Mike S. King wrote about the moral decline here in the US just this past month.

Just imagine, Br. Nat, a library where a class of kindergarteners are seated, listening to some creepy critter dressed in women’s attire, giving them a lecture about homosexuality, lesbianism and transgenderism. This is what Mr. King slammed in one of his latest articles. Weimar Germany in the 1920’s was just as decadent as the US is today. Transvestites, as well as scantily clad women, entertained audiences in theaters in the cities, and all they lacked back then was the technology to equal the decadence of the West in the 21st Century.

By 1933, all that came to an end, when Adolf Hitler became Chancellor. The Transgender Bathroom Executive Order signed by Barack Obama has recently been rescinded by Trump (thank God), but the decadent “Gay Pride” parades continue on, and a Federal Judge (cough, cough) recently blocked Trump’s ban on Transgenders in the military. It was Obama who opened the military to them. I’m sending you $20, as I’ve been doing for some time now. I hope this will be of some help to your mission.

Jared Taylor #fundie

Press and politicians are blind to the truth.

If you get your news from NBC, this is what you learned about yesterday’s Unite the Right rally: “Charlottesville White Nationalist Rally Violence Prompts State of Emergency.” That’s right: The problem was white nationalist violence. It was as if the demonstrators had behaved just like Black Lives Matter or masked antifa: looting, burning, stopping traffic, and roughing up bystanders. Of course, what caused the violence was hostile counter-demonstrators, many of them wearing helmets and carrying shields. If they had not been there, there would have been no violence, and the rally would have taken place as planned.

Of all people, it was Donald Trump who came the closest to getting it right, condemning “hatred, bigotry and violence on many sides.” This, of course, earned him near-universal condemnation. As former Vice President Joe Biden explained, “There is only one side,” and the problem was Unite the Right. This prompted a storm of retweets and similar sentiments. Virginia’s attorney general Mark Herring tweeted that “violence, chaos, and apparent loss of life in Charlottesville is not the fault of ‘many sides.’ It is racists and white supremacists.” Actress Leslie Grossman probably expressed the only-one-side view best.

Here, one side is demonstrating peacefully, though provocatively; the other side—the good side—is committing violent aggression. (Swastikas were extremely rare in Charlottesville, but they make for better “anti-racist” graphics than Confederate flags.) So this is the moral calculus of Joe Biden, the Virginia attorney general, and the rest of the Left. It wouldn’t matter if every hand lifted by Unite the Right was in strict self-defense; the violence is their fault. Racially conscious whites deserve violence simply because of what they think.

Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe saw only one side, in a widely praised speech, telling Unite the Right, “You came here to hurt people, and you did hurt people.” Is Terry McAuliffe a mind-reader? Would they have hurt anything or anyone if counter-demonstrators had not showed up with shields and batons, screaming and throwing smoke bombs, determined to shut down the demonstration–and hurt “Nazis”?

One young white man did crash his car into demonstrators, killing one. We don’t yet know his motives, but even if he deliberately hurt people, there was just one of him, and everyone associated with Unite the Right has condemned him.

What about the police? They were clearly either incompetent or determined to shut down the rally before it began. The swarms of uniformed men on the scene did very little to separate demonstrators from counter-demonstrators. Television has broadcast one fistfight after another, with no police in sight. Besides the driver of car—who is charged with 2nd degree murder—those swarms of police made only three arrests. What were they doing?

The fighting, which started before the rally even had a chance to begin, was the excuse for police to declare it an “unlawful assembly” and call it off. Jason Kessler, who organized the rally, has rightly pointed out that this meant counter-demonstrators exercised the “heckler’s veto,” successfully silencing people with whom they disagreed. Instead of excerpts from pro-white speeches, the only thing media consumers therefore got was Confederate flags and brawling.

But Joe Biden tells us there is “only one side” to this story. Actually, there are three sides: Unite the Right, which gathered peacefully but defended itself; anti-racists who shut them down; and the police who let them do it.

There is a clear pattern to these events that not one mainstream outlet has noted. There is confrontation only when anti-whites harass and try to stop pro-white events. The reverse never happens. Lefties and non-whites can mount the most brazenly anti-white events, unmolested and with full media approval. It would be hard to imagine a clearer example of this contract—and of the entrenched bigotry we face—than yesterday’s events.

Jason Kessler is scheduled to make a statement to the press today at 2:00 p.m. He is smart man and a brave man. I’m sure we can trust him to make an excellent case for our side.

Update: Mr. Kessler set up microphones in front of the Charlottesville city hall to make his statement. Counter-demonstrators made such a racket that it was impossible for the press to hear what he was saying. Protesters edged closer and than attacked Mr. Kessler; police escorted him away for his own safety. Once again, a pro-white message has been stifled by anti-white thugs.

Michael Greek #racist


Right on target, as always Dr. Hill!!

There is a WAR going on against ALL of us – people of European descent – and the sooner we realize this, the better!!

Our enemies do NOT make any destinction between Southern Nationalists or National Socialists or the KKK or the Traditionalist Workers Party etc—

When you say something even remotedly pro-White, you are automatically labelled a “Nazi” —.and that’s it!!

There is no point at trying to justify yourselves or trying to prove that you are not a “Nazi” etc etc—

(As if the brainwashed White masses know what Nazism really was in the first place)!!

So, why bother at all ?? There is no practical point at that!

There is a genocidal agenda against the South in particular and against the European Race in general.

So, we don’t have the luxury of excluding anyone from the struggle.

The only thing that matters right now is the building of a strong Movement.

And Charlotesville showed that such a Movement is being formed.

The common struggle, the common fight and the spirit of brotherhood will bring everyone together and will function as a magnet for many more to join.

Here in Europe these “common united front” tactics have been applied for years, and they have shown very good results.

Show strength in numbers, show organizing skills , never back up and – last but not least – NEVER APOLOGIZE!!

NEVER APOLOGIZE—this is the Alpha and the Omega in the War of political propaganda.

You have an entire system focused on you right now—.the whole degenerate mechanism of Babylon is upon you—.Politicians, mass media, Hollywood, traitor churches, antifa scum etc etc—.this proves that the System is AFRAID of you!

If you back off now, if you start apologizing, if you fail to maintain unity and concentration to the Cause, Charlotesville will mean nothing.

But if you remain tough, un-apologetic, united and organized, Charlotesville will be remembered as the birth place of the Second American Revolution—.the Revolution for the survival of an entire Race.

Make no mistake about that, and make sure that there will be more Charlotesvilles in the near future!!


Marcus Cicero #fundie

[From "Charlottesville To Rename Street After Heather 'The Hulk' Heyer"]

Funny historical speculation here, everyone.

Could there be a chance that thousands of years ago, there was once a civilization that crumbled much like our modern one – complete with non-White migrants and morbidly-obese Communists marching through the streets of major cities.

And maybe, just maybe, there was at that time an incident like Charlottesville in which one of these fat slobs died of a heart attack, and was eventually deified and mourned with statues in its honor.

Who knows?

Perhaps this is what those things we call “fertility statues” really are – monuments to a dead ancient Antifa.

I can definitely see the resemblance between the two—


So, Susan, now you’re telling people that your daughter was murdered?

Pretty interesting considering the fact that you were the one who told us all that she died of a heart attack – almost certainly generated by obesity, menthol cigarettes, and the strain of pushing all that bulk through 90+ degree summer heat while dressed in black.


unny how we’ve heard literally nothing from Fields since his arrest nearly two months ago.

Is he being denied his rights to fair trial and gathering of evidence?

Is he even alive at the moment?

I honestly couldn’t even tell you the answers to these questions.


I’m telling you straight up that history repeats itself.

We need an inquiry into these fertility statues to determine whether they were meant to honor an ancient Heather Heyer, and if so, they need to be stricken from the books as nasty icons not worth $5 on Ebay.

Clif High #crackpot #wingnut #conspiracy #transphobia

By the end of this Summer, the majority of the People will be actively turning to engage in the War with the CCP. The majority will be aware that the CCP launched the attack in secrecy. The majority will be buying ammunition, weapons, and foods.

May, as forecast, will be Bloody! Bloody! Bloody! The financial slaughter will make you puke when you realize that ALL the money is gone, and you are left sitting at that desk as the populace turns in Shock, Horror, and the beginning of Anger to point at YOU. Remember, YOU don’t really understand the money system you use to create these social engineering changes. What are YOU going to say?
Without the money, what will they see? Trans will be revealed to be an attack on the soul of the nation by the CCP using Lin Biaos Army of Hairy Crabs...and YOU fell for it! You fell for ALL their weaponized MBP, trans, and ‘climate crisis’. Then you were so infected, you pushed it out on the populace, and spending their money to do it. We, the People, will see who has been sleeping with our enemy!

By the end of this Summer, ALL of the ill people making up Antifa (tranifa) will be in disarray! Their funding will be gone! No MORE EBT CARDS! NO MORE GOV’T SUBSIDIES IN ANY FORM! There will be no more cover being made by the political structure for them. True, there won’t be police out there to arrest them, BUT, also there won’t be police out there to protect them from the Populace. Will they be hunted down for past crimes by their victims? Who is that releasing all their names and locations? Will it be MI (military intelligence) who know that the CCP is paying for the tranifa attacks.
Legislator, be advised, The Storm is now visible. Prepare yourself as best you are able.

Any Q~uestions?

Get out of FRN <Fed Reserve Notes> while you can. Tens of Millions of Patriots are buying Bitcoin, Silver, Gold, Lead, Arms, Foods. Anything other than FRNs.

thormemeson #wingnut

Its stuff like this that makes me very glad I turned AOC into a dictator of a failing state it confirms just how much of a fraud the left are.
Protecting democracy? Let me guess a sign of dictatorship is neutering centralized government in favor of giving states the right to rule.
no actually that what the say in fact alt right leader Richard Spencer endorsed Joe Biden for president. In a series of tweets, he wrote.
“The MAGA/Alt-Right moment is over. I made mistakes; Trump is an obvious disaster; but mainly the paradigm contained flaws that we now are able to perceive. And it needs to end. So be patient. We’ll have another day in the sun. We need to recover and return in a new form.
I will never flip on my fundamental principles. (My principles were never voting for the supposed ‘the lesser or two evils’ or ‘stopping big government.’)
Walking into certain defeat, even death, is not heroic. It’s foolhardy. I have no sympathy for martyrs. I admire winners.”
In all you fascists only change in one area what you call people who stand in the way of your control. Hitler cried jews, you cry alt right or cis white male.
The far right aren't burning cities to the ground dude thats the left wing antifa. In all these far right supporters are they these one that turned out to be staged?
Pick a city Chicago, NYC, LA, and even Dallas. The lincoln project is staffed and funded by Democrats dude its about as right wing as my cat is a pony.
You're clearly delusional those cities crime riddle hell holes NYC has murders walking free. In all its pretty clear you aren't going to facts and data.

Henry Makow PhD #wingnut #racist #sexist #transphobia #quack #conspiracy

Modest Proposal -- Humanity acknowledges that it is
comatose and agrees to pull the plug. It agrees to be sterilized
in exchange for a truce from Communist Jews and
their Freemason flunkies. (i.e. Satanists, Zionists, Liberals, Antifa, Transsexuals, Feminists.)
I have a solution to mankind's problems that should satisfy everyone.

Humanity volunteers to be sterilized in exchange for the satanist Jewish bankers and Freemasons (Communists) ending their war against God and man.

This means that within a short century, the planet will be rid of useless eaters (us) and become a playground for sick Satanists/Communists and their preferred number of perverts.

What does mankind get out of this?

1. Satanists/Communists call off their "vaccine" and climate change hoaxes, chemtrails, geo-engineering, 15-min cities, CRT, lockdown lunacy, and vax passports.

They will curb their Antifa/BLM goons before whom we cower in fear like little girls. We avoid violent "Dark Winter" dystopia and enjoy relative peace and freedom.

2. We will not be force-vaccinated, writhe in pain and die a premature death.

3. The toxic psychological war against gender, race, religion, and nation will be suspended. We will retain some vestige of human dignity during our twilight years on the planet.

4. A reasonable number may be spared sterilization in order to provide a pool of servants, human sacrifices, organ donors, and sex slaves for the Chosen.
What do Satanists/Communists get out of this?

1. They will not have to listen to useless eaters whine and winge on the Internet as our miserable fate slowly dawns upon us.

2. They will not have to deal with a Warsaw Ghetto-like uprising as humanity finally realizes it has nothing to lose from violent resistance.

3. Satanists inherit the planet, its resources, and everyone's property. They can start planning their paradise and not worry about imposing their farcical "Great Reset" on recalcitrant masses.
This is satire but it's scary how much sense it makes.

Revisionist Historians for World Peace #wingnut #racist #conspiracy

It should be quite evident by now to every US citizen that these once United States of America are under withering assault by forces both foreign and domestic.
And, that all of those powers of darkness have the exact same objective: the complete destruction and permanent collapse of the American Republic.

While these extremely dangerous enemies are waging numerous types of warfare against the American people every day of the week, there are three primary types of nationwide war campaigns which are the most pervasive and perilous in 2023.

The first is an ongoing Color Revolution being conducted by the entire U.S. Intelligence Community. The brazen 2020 election theft by the communist-run Democrat Party and coordinated by the CIA, FBI and NSA, which saw POTUS Imposter Joe Biden criminally installed in the Oval Office, is just one of countless examples of this.
The second is a multi-decade Chinese-style Cultural Revolution being conducted by the Uniparty (i.e. the Democrat Party, RINOs and all other traitorous political parties), as well as by Deep State, Corporate America, all public University Systems and many private ones, the largest NGOs and the rest of cultural marxist-controlled Civil Society.
The third is a Russian-style Bolshevik Revolution which is being very stealthily set up in all 50 states so that, when the trigger is pulled, a violent overthrow is all but guaranteed by those who decide the D-day date. Domestic terrorist organizations such as BLM and Antifa are just two of the military arms that will be let loose in all American cities.
Which means that the entire Patriot Movement needs to first wise up, and then arm up, because these various revolutions are about to heat up as never before. With the approaching 2024 POTUS election, the Khazarian-controlled Democrats have no choice whatsoever but to steal the White House—AGAIN—that is, if there even is an election held on November 5, 2024.

@AthenasWrench & @Librty_abuv_all #transphobia

( @AthenasWrench )
Violent trans activists and antifa try to heal through police to get to the women. I will keep saying this until it sinks in - trans is a hate movement. They are missing no rights they want the privilege of being able to identify into that which they will never be. They hate us.

( @AthenasWrench )
*break not heal

( @Librty_abuv_all )
Trans is perversion, just call it what it is a group of perverts.

Rep. Matt Gaetz & various commenters #wingnut

( Rep. Matt Gaetz )
On our first day of Republican control of the House of Representatives, we should take over the January 6th Committee and release every second of footage that will exonerate our Patriots!

( @islandlifeboi )

( @Logaems )
@RepMattGaetz How about just RELEASE THE PATRIOTS and imprison the coordinators in the democrat party, FBI, AntiFa and others who infiltrated the peaceful protest???? Put Pelosi in the DC GULAG for a couple of years before bringing charges against her!!!!

( @Sheyandaar )
@RepMattGaetz And jail everyone responsible for imprisoning patriots for political reasons.

( @DBKilroy )
@RepMattGaetz Just release the Patriots. Later, you can release the footage, at the Dems trial for perjury and treason. First things first: release the Patriots.

( @Jihad_Countermeasures )
@RepMattGaetz What have you done over the past year to get the illegally imprisoned and tortured Patriots out of the domestic enemy gulags?

( @firebreathingmick )
@RepMattGaetz Can you get them out of jail immediately? We don't have time for bullshit and committees.

( @bobomaj78 )
@RepMattGaetz I would be happy with treason and sedition charges on the whole committee .

( @John_Madison )
@bobomaj78 @RepMattGaetz That's what will happen, committee and BS show hearings and in the end they will die in the gulags.

( @trendkill1967 )
@RepMattGaetz If you’re in control of the committee, why not just release the video and shut down the hearings?

Gary D. Barnett #wingnut #racist #transphobia #homophobia #conspiracy

We are currently living in a grotesque environment of absolute ignorance by the bulk of society so fantastic, that it leads to not only the expectation and embracing of absurd conduct, but also to the full and total normalization of heinous and criminal behavior, violence, theft, gross immorality, and perversion. Obviously, there has always been crime, and the most violent crime, has always been committed or sanctioned by the State itself.

During the past few years, the amount of openly allowed violent behavior has been allowed to rise to monstrous levels, but the theft, immorality, perversion, brutality and disorder, have escalated out of control over the same period. This extreme behavior was for some time happening simultaneously all around the country, and has been ongoing in some regards for years. It began in this cycle with the fake ‘covid’ lockdowns, as the group improperly called “Black Lives Matter,” (BLM) were allowed by this government and its so-called enforcers, to run amok, causing destruction of property, businesses, committing theft, burning, looting, violence, and in some cases death. The bogus claim of ‘racism’ was implemented to excuse this horrid behavior. Another criminal group call Antifa, followed the same pattern, and both are little more than terrorist groups.

To add insult to injury, bring in the depraved transgender nonsense, the promotion by government and media of the so-called ‘LBGTQ+’ crowd, under the ridiculous and idiotic moniker labeled ‘pride,’ and more disorder, perversion, and child abuse is the direct result.
A violent and immoral society can only breed more violence and immorality; leading to the normalization of criminal behavior, which in turn leads to the downfall of all societal cohesion. Allowing a top-down governing system to exist, one that sanctions violence, commits violence, protects the felons, and facilitates crime in order to divide, is anathema to any free society of normal human beings.

Random Facebook Idiot #conspiracy #wingnut

You’re not going crazy.

Everything really is more expensive. The dollar is weaker than it's ever been in any of our lifetimes. BRICS+ is about to take over 80% of oil production globally. The US dollar is in free fall. Bidenomics is killing our economy.

We are already in WW3. It's happening right now.

Covid was a biological weapon.

The shots are neither safe or effective. It's population control. They cause heart problems, sudden death, turbo cancer, blood clots, and it's still killing many of our athletes and young people.

Russia invaded Ukraine to shut down globalist and American bioweapons labs which were preparing to start another pandemic.

Maui was an inside job. They left the power on with downed lines in hurricane winds, turned off the water, and barricaded people in a burning city and told them to go home to die. It's a land grab. Hundreds of children if not thousands are dead.

We've been in a cultural civil war for nearly a decade or more. The war is going hot, as people are finally awakening to the fact we're in the middle of a global authoritarian communist regime takeover.

The 2020 election was rigged. Biden was not fairly elected, and he's not in power. This is Obama's 3rd term.

Someone murdered Obama's chef and they swept it under the rug.

The weather is changing, but not for the reasons they're telling us. It's because of the sun, solar cycles, and geo-engineered weather modification being conducted by several world governments with competing intentions and purposes.

Canceling communists is the only acceptable form of cancel culture. In our grandparents age, their preferred method of dealing with communists was to shoot them.

January 6th was a false flag. Political prisoners are still in jail and being tortured by our government without a fair trial. The FBI and Antifa were responsible for the majority of the violence.

Trump is being politically prosecuted. Lockdowns and Covid restrictions are coming back.

Do not comply.

various commenters #wingnut

( @Nature_and_Race )
We already had Trump in office once, for four long years.

And all under his leadership, our cities burned to the ground, our statues were torn up and destroyed, Conservative voters were murdered in cold blood, an election was blatantly stolen, and peaceful protesters were thrown in prison as "domestic terrorists" and "insurrectionists".

Trump didn't have anyone arrested. Trump didn't declare Antifa or BLM terrorist organizations. He did, however, pardon a bunch of black criminals who hate America...

He didn't do a goddamn thing for us. And he won't do a goddamn thing for us if he's reelected.

@Nature_and_Race Right down this country needs the biggest narcissist there is out their....short of a hitler, with his brown shirts to pummel antifia and lbm and the alphabet people. and to round up all politicians that went against the constitution and their oath of office

( @Frenlycoofer )
@Nature_and_Race why the fuck would I want something short of my good Uncle A

( @Bannedguy )
@Nature_and_Race When he made his other "big announcement" recently, literally the first thing I heard him say was "blah blah blah, I did everything to help nonwhites, and I'll do it again. Blah blah, where's a jewish dick I can suck on?" LOLOL fucking orange nigger!

( @handfulofdust )

"Mommy can we have Hitler for Christmas?"
"No. Best we can do is a spray tanned New York Democrat with tiny hands."

( @Littletoad2020 )
@Nature_and_Race He also pardoned a bunch of Jewish criminals, but didn't pardon their 'Gentile' co-criminals. We never got that border wall that he promised us and the entire time he was in office all we heard was a long trail of Trump blaming "Democrat Obstructionism".
White middle class America suffered as much, if not more under Trump than any other President.
America is already toast, in the words of Hillary Clinton "What different does it make now?"

( @gemSStoned )
@Nature_and_Race was Adolf Hitler a narcissist? im pretty sure he fought and bled for Germany in WW1 and openly stated he would die for Germany, i wish anti Hitler people would just fuck off and die

( @rua_patriot1st )
@Nature_and_Race Are Jews STILL Paying (owning) NAZIs (sell-out$) in Ukraine to Fight for them ??

various commenters #wingnut #racist

( @Nature_and_Race )
"Alright, lads, another brown foreigner just murdered a bunch more innocent White children. We need to get out there and demonize and vilify any and all White people who are upset about it."

- Mainstream media

( @Europman )
@Nature_and_Race mainstream media is the enemy of White people

( @Plainsight1 )
@Nature_and_Race I think MSM should be called JNP. Jews and Parrots. I think it's more accurate.

( @Jordan )

The mainstream pro-stabbing stance is strange.

( @Nature_and_Race )
@Jordan -- They did this same thing back in 2017 and 2018 when brown muslims were mowing White children down with vans all across Europe.

( @AFutureForWhites )
Just embrace the rapes, stabbings, beatings, shootings and other violence, Whitey. How dare you not be on board with it all. You're not normal if you don't agree with it.

-the (((media)))

( @Rodger_james )
@Nature_and_Race Instead of burning migrant hotels maybe next time they should burn journalist businesses, cop stations and politician homes the way blm and antifa did. Hey it worked for them.

( @RWIS )
@Nature_and_Race "Mainstream Media"

Justin Mohn #psycho #wingnut

Pennsylvania man arrested after allegedly killing his father and displaying his decapitated head on YouTube

Jan. 31, 2024, 3:21 AM PST

A Pennsylvania man has been arrested after allegedly killing his father, before displaying his decapitated head in a gruesome YouTube video while spouting right-wing conspiracy theories.

Justin Mohn, 32, is accused of killing his father, Michael Mohn, police told NBC News. While police did not release the victim’s age, public records show him to have been 68.

Mohn was taken into custody about 100 miles away from the crime scene on suspicion of first-degree murder, abuse of a corpse and possessing an instrument of crime with intent, according to a court docket released early Wednesday.

He was arraigned at 4 a.m. and denied bail, Middletown Township Police Capt. Pete Feeney said.

In the YouTube video, which was titled "Mohn's Militia - Call To Arms For American Patriots" and is cited in a police complaint, Mohn is seen wearing gloves and holding his father's head in a plastic bag. Later, the head can be seen in a cooking pot.

Mohn says his father was a federal employee for 20 years and refers to him as a traitor, calling for the death of all federal officials and attacking President Joe Biden's administration, the Black Lives Matter movement, the LGBTQ community and antifa activists. YouTube removed the video, which is more than 14 minutes long, hours after it was posted.


James Fullord #dunning-kruger

Stop Your Parents "Posting Hard-Right Memes About Cement Milkshakes” AKA Inconvenient Truth

That link goes to an article that displays the official warning that the despicable Antifa custom of "milkshaking" dissidents might go from assault to aggravated assault with a weapon:

They then claim that police haven't proved it:

"PPB's tweet is referencing the homemade vegan milkshakes that Popular Mobiliization, one of the left-leaning groups, handed out to hundreds of attendees during the day’s events. Several people ended up throwing their 12-ounce milkshakes at people associated with the alt-right and at PPB officers—but most people consumed the coconut milk-based treats.

PPB did not immediately offer proof to substantiate this claim."

So there was a criminal conspiracy to riot, people did throw milkshakes provided by the conspirators, and Andy Ngo was almost beaten to death. And that's what Buzzfeed wants people not to talk about.

Vic Biorseth #wingnut #racist #fundie #sexist #homophobia #transphobia #conspiracy

So Kamala "Commula" Harris is the Marxist Machine's pick to run instead of "Criminal" Joe Biden. The Machine has spoken. And her chosen running mate is "Tampon" Timmy Walz, who worships at the altar of homo-transsexualism weirdness and who, as a total surprise and without notice, bugged-out of his military unit just before deployment.

If you wonder why these life-long communist American politicians are so anti-life, anti-property, anti-liberty, anti-speech, anti-press, anti-gun, anti-bourgeois middle-class, anti-Christian, anti-male, anti-family, antisemitic, anti-capitalism, anti-American borders, anti-law and order, anti-normalcy and anti-American constitution, look no farther than the Communist manifesto:
That's why they oppose everything that is; every established thing, every "normal" thing, every ordered and orderly thing, every human institution, from corporations to religions to governments, from sexual relationships to families, from schools, to even any sense of individual property ownership, independence or liberty.

At its core, that's what communism is.
Just look at who they associate the closest with. It's a veritable freak-show of perverts, misfits and malcontents, from BLM and Antifa to Drag Queens, prancing faggots, transvestites and freshly released criminal illegal aliens giving the finger to the news cameras.
It doesn't get any more Islamo-Commie-Homo than the Commula and Timmy show. They stand with Islam because Islam stands against America, and all religions other than Islam. Of course they stand with Communism against constitutional America, because they are communist. And they stand with homosexual and all other forms of sexual impropriety because they are hedonist to the bone.
As long as Iran chants "death to America" the Machine, including Traitor John Kerry, Comrade Obama peace be upon him, the Soros family, the WEF, the UN, the EU and COMINTERN will be supporting Iran and opposing Israel, and all Jews everywhere.

Erik Carlson #wingnut #racist #conspiracy

As I write this, rumors are flying about Tim Walz. While these are unproven claims and should be treated as such, even the narrative of a Vice Presidential candidate being involved in any sort of abuse is damaging to the story of any campaign.

Additionally, as alleged victims come forward, the Deep State seems to be creating fake victims, who will be proven fraudulent. In so doing, every CNN, MSNBC viewing brainwashed cult member will believe ALL the accusers that come forward are frauds.

But if the allegations are true, why did the Democrats pick Walz to run as Kamala’s VP?
Q mentioned that Trump was now working with Putin and Xi to take down the Deep State Cabal. According to this logic, Trump hasn’t always been working with Putin and Xi.
It is obvious to most that Biden has been a CCP puppet for quite some time. It seems that Trump handpicked Biden to run against him in the 2020 Election, and again, according to Q, Trump and Xi are working together. Did Xi give Trump the receipts on the dirt he had on Biden, allowing Biden to be more easily controlled during his pretend presidency? If we fast forward to a few months ago, Biden was forced out as the Democrat nominee for 2024. As Kamala took Biden’s place, Walz became the VP candidate.

It appears Walz has been a CCP puppet for decades as well. He first went to China in 1989, and has made countless trips there since. There is strong evidence that the CCP controlled and funded the BLM and ANTIFA riots of 2020 that started in the state Walz was and is the governor.
What if Xi, who I and many Q followers believe is working with Trump, forced the Deep State to add Walz to the Democrat ticket, knowing Walz had the alleged history that is now being exposed? What if Walz was added to the ticket knowing his past would be exposed right before the election, too late to make any changes.

If this is true, it is brilliant. Would you expect anything less from a Trump-led plan?

John C. Wright #fundie #dunning-kruger

However, no one passing a high-school civics class can be a Dem operative, and no one not a Dem operative can be a Operation Mockingbird asset in the Fake News, hence the Minitru Media portrayed this immunity ruling as if it were a dangerous novelty rendering the president above the law, allowing him to gun down passersby at will: the pundits and media anchormen proceeded to shriek, and gibber, and vomit pea-soup, and rotate their heads like owls on national television, gnawing and clawing and cutting their own flesh and calling on Baal in their unholy phrenzy. A disturbing number of plump blue-haired cat ladies believed this blither, or pretended too, and joined in the hysterical antics, frothing and falling and writhing underfoot like rabid howler monkeys.

The indictments also charged Trump for actions which, under the Constitution, any US Citizen has a right to do, such as assemble lawfully in a public place, and petition the government for the redress of grievances. This includes speaking at a rally to encourage the public to protest a stolen election, and to ask certification be delayed until after an investigation and audit.

In this case, on January 6th, the FBI agents and Antifas staged a riot during the peaceful rally asking for this investigation and audit into the insolently fraudulent theft of the 2020 election. Without provocation, police opened fire on the innocent crowd with rubber bullets and tear gas at one point, while other officers invited protestors into the Capitol building. One rally-goer, a female veteran, was shot from behind without warning, murdered in cold blood on national television.

Unable to invent a plausible reason to try President Trump, but confident his abuse of office would never be meaningfully punished, the bogus charges invented by Jack Smith included conspiracy to defraud the United States, conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding, obstruction of an official proceeding, and conspiracy against rights.

The action for fraud is based on a phone call Trump made to a state governor, asking him to take steps to recover ballots that went suddenly missing from the count. This is not only unlawful, it is the duty of the Executive Branch to see to it that the laws of the United States are faithfully carried out, and this include election laws that penalize felonious destruction of untallied ballots.

Paula #fundie

It is so hard to understand why the damn Regressive Liberals defend these savages? They are similar — they both want freebees and want total control of the population. They both hate white people. Now with antifa & blm, the liberals now have a fighting army to kick the crap out of anyone that offends them. Muslims kill when will the libs start that?

Buster Himen #fundie

Know Your Enemy: The 5 Types of White Liberal Men

There are a few types of liberal White males that exist and today we're going to cover five of them. They are creepy, they are emotional, they are illogical and they all play an important role in erasing us.

The most integral part of the struggle for White survival is for you to understand who your enemy is and then study them; know them like the back side of your hand. Understand the way they think to make yourself a more formidable debater. Understand how to exploit the loopholes, double-standards, and fallacy in their emotional pleas to erase the White race from planet earth.

Now here we are, the five types of White liberal men.

1. The Blue Pill Beta Male.

These are the kinds of men who you find identifying as feminists because they think it'll get them laid. Little do they know women really aspire to be with an Alpha male. Perhaps that is why the majority of feminists have rape fantasies to the point they invent terms like "rape culture." Nonetheless, these men typically surround themselves with social justice warrior White females with multicolored hair, nose piercings and oversized eyeglasses and kowtow to their social outrage causes.

2. The White Husband Who Gets Off Watching His Wife Bang Black Guys.

These types of White liberals are particularly gross. The problem they have is more or less rooted in a serious psychological disease that stems from an addiction to hardcore pornography. They need to find something more and more taboo and the only thing they can eventually achieve satisfaction on is by abusing themselves by handing their wives, and sometimes daughters, off to Black men. They also have an inherent inferiority complex. They buy into the Jewish poison that White men are inferior sexual providers to their women as propagated in the Jewish media commercials, television shows, movies and music. A part of this, particularly among the younger generation of White communists is as some sort of penance for the since of their "racist ancestors." Seriously, there is a whole corner of the internet dedicated to this filth. They aren't open about their hatred for White people but you can bet they were amongst the first to line up to vote for Barack Obama, twice.

3. The Academic White Communist.

Under any other circumstances like not having wealthy parents, they would have become a gutter rat ANTIFA activist. But their parents who have worked hard their entire lives to accumulate a savings account and send their kids to university end up with a child who get indoctrinated in "gender studies" and "white privilege" sociology classes. They buy the malarky of their Jewish communist professors who are burnouts from the 1960s hippie movement. Bring it all down, man. They use words and phrases like "structural racism" and "white privilege" and express particular concern about "rape culture." He may even go so far as to post pictures to his Tumblr and Twitter accounts of himself holding up sharpie markered signs saying "this is what a feminist looks like" or notes about his "White skin privilege." What these people do is regurgitate the kind of far-left nonsense that their professors teach them. They live so well, their life is so great, they have so many opportunities that they need to find something wrong with the world and adhere to neo-Marxist nonsense.

4. The Union Worker.

I'm having a hard time with this one simply because it is tough to consider drywall hangers, carpenters, painters, plumbers and other craftsmen as "liberal" by the 2015 standard. Your average unionized contractor more than likely does not want his daughter marrying Tyrone and certainly does not buy into the "White Privilege" bullshit but for all intents and purposes he is as dangerous to the future of the White race as number's 1-3 on our list and I'll tell you why. The union worker primarily votes Democrat and by default liberal for purely economic reasons. Whether you realize it or not, the "union thug" who votes blue to save his pension and platinum health benefits and 6 weeks of vacation is almost as harmful to White society as the ghetto waste in the Section 8 housing development who is eating McDonalds, smoking Newports and drinking Miller High Life on your dime. Would you believe these two people are voting alongside these people? The sheer greed of many White males to vote such a way to preserve their own arbitrary wealth has been and continues to be devastating and will ultimately be what gets Hilary Clinton elected in 2016. Sure, voting Republican would send his son to fight Israel's wars but holy cow, you can thank this type of White liberal for Barack Obama.

5. The One Who Is Starting to Get It.

There comes a time when every man has to take a long, hard look in the mirror and answer to himself. There is undoubtedly a contingent of well-intentioned White male liberals who realize that no matter how much Social Justice Warrioring around they do they will still be considered the ultimate scum of society. All of the men on this list, perhaps with the exception of number two who is who he is because of childhood abuse and perverted pornography addiction, will in due time realize that they just aren't welcomed and certainly aren't needed anymore. The feminists truly hate men so they no longer need the pity points since enough of the idiots in America believe in farces like "rape culture" and "gender inequality." The campus chapter of the Black Panthers and Muslim Brotherhood will capitalize on the emotionality of White women and no longer need White men to kiss their ass. The mass expanding non-White population in America will be enough to get Democrats elected and the pensions of union workers will be unfunded liabilities and the first thing to go when the shit hits the fan.

You can bet your bottom dollar that a ton of White liberal males of all ages in all corners of the United States are starting to take long and hard look at the lunacy of the world around them. They're evaluating all of the time they have wasted being a Social Justice Warrior and eventually take that step toward being a conservative with a brain instead of a conservative with no heart.

Wayne Dupree #wingnut #conspiracy

Here’s how November’s election could lead to a new Civil War in America. I pray I’m wrong, but fear I’m not

I believe the Democrats will resort to cheating and creating chaos in order to stop Donald Trump winning another four years in the White House. If they do, the result will tear our nation apart.

The Democrat leadership is well aware that their anointed candidate, Joe Biden, is suffering from rapid, advancing mental decline, and that, without cheating, they have no chance of reclaiming the White House. Is it possible that they can steal a national election? Ask anyone associated with John F Kennedy’s election back in 1960 in the state of Illinois. As a character in Oliver Stone’s movie, Nixon, said: “They [the Democrats] stole it fair and square.”

What surprises me the most about this election is we live in a fast-moving technology age in 2020, yet the Democrats want to use the antiquated system of the post office to mail in ballots. Why? Because it’s easier to cheat that way. And who will be counting the votes in places like Portland and Seattle, anyway? BLM or Antifa?

The Dems want to muck-up this election so badly that the Electoral College is unable to meet and declare a winner.

How will it go? Here’s my prediction…

The Dems will demand that Trump/Pence leave the White House until the election results can be sorted out. They’ll have Rep. Nancy Pelosi sworn in as a “placeholder” president until the vote count can be officially verified, which, not surprisingly, will never happen as long as Trump is winning.

Trump will refuse to step down and leave the White House, claiming that as the election results have not yet been verified, how can he be declared the loser?

President Pelosi (from her temporary “Oval Office” in a room in the basement of the House of Representatives) will declare Trump and all his supporters as “enemies of the state” (oh wait... she already DID THAT!) and order the military to evict Trump from the real Oval Office forcibly. Some military brass comply. Other military brass do not comply. This fractures the military hierarchy into competing factions, resulting in chaos (which is the whole point).

Democratic Party leaders order their supporters, who have already been besieging the White House en-masse since before the election, to storm the building by force and remove Trump, or to burn the place to the ground.

Republicans take up arms and head to Washington to “peacefully” protect Trump and prevent the White House from being overrun by rabid Leftists intent on burning-looting-murder.

And when those two opposing groups clash in DC, shots will be fired, and Civil War number two will begin. Leftist minions in every major metropolitan area in America will come out of their basements and make the current riots seem like a practice run. It will go badly for anyone unable to protect their home and family.

I hope I’m wrong about all this, but I worry deeply that it may well just play out this way.

Our only hope lies with the beauty of our Electoral College system, and my belief that the American people will ultimately choose the party of peace, security and economic growth over the party of division, rioting and socialism. And that they deliver a clear, big and uncontestable win for the Trump-Pence ticket.

The Democrats can cheat all they want in their tyrannically controlled states like California, Oregon, and Washington because they are going to win them anyway. But the other states, not so much, especially the red ones where people are watching. It's the purple battleground states like Florida, Pennsylvania and North Carolina (where both Democratic and Republican candidates receive strong support) which we need to worry about and have our people out in force to watch them.

I heard Hillary Clinton recently telling Biden never to concede. She still doesn't understand how the presidential election works. You can stuff ballot boxes all you want in Democrat strongholds but the Electoral College requires winning States and to some degree counties.

Democrats stuffed ballot boxes in 2016 and won the popular vote by over two percent but lost the election by 14 percent. You have to win States, not population centers, to capture the White House.

The desperation of the Democrats is clear for all to see. Everything they’ve thrown at the unsinkable and unflappable Trump has failed miserably. Everything from their Mueller Russian collusion hoax probe to the sham impeachment has fallen apart. Now with a solid record behind him, achieved despite seemingly impossible odds and rabid opposition, President Trump looks set to crush the Dems yet again in November.

It will be even sweeter this time around.

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #racist

[From "Don't say "Red China" anymore, it's "Peoples of Canada's First Nations China" now"]

Millions of people around the world are expected to be killed from the Wuhan Flu. Hundreds of thousands already have

The country that birthed the disease (either through poor biosecurity, medieval-calibre animal markets, or a deliberate act of war) is the one seemingly least impacted by it.

Around the world free market economies (with a half dozen quotation marks around many of those words) are effectively shut down, which probably will cause the largest global recession in history. It might last for many months or possibly even multiple years.

Oil futures even temporarily reached negative value (with another half dozen quotation marks around many of those words) while Alberta oil is effectively without value due to the pipeline fiasco of the past few years.

So what, pray tell, does think is the big problem we have to worry about? Why, lazy Red Indians not getting their way over land that was never theirs, obviously.

As has been the case for over a century and a half, since Canadian Confederation, the territory of ostensibly sovereign indigenous nations within Canada has been consistently used for major infrastructure projects that non-indigenous Canadians don’t want to see run through their own backyards. This partly explains why it was so easy for indigenous protests to nearly shut down the Canadian economy in February: railways, highways, pipelines, canals, and other strategic infrastructure already cut through indigenous territory.

Taylor Noakes, for those who may not have known, is "a freelance journalist from Montreal" and an occasional CBC and National Post writer who "focuses on the intersection of history, architecture, urban planning and public policy". In other words, a hardcore leftist who hounds Jason Kenney by lying about subsidies and who writes about how "rule of law" should be subject to protest (but only when his friends are the ones doing it). It also means he's probably not stupid: he knows that what he wrote is wrong.

Like all leftists, Taylor Noakes is a liar. Always. He's always lying.

The reason railways, highways, pipelinies, canals, and other long thin things always "cut through indigenous territory" (which, by the by, isn't sovereign and nobody other than far-left activists ever believed that) is because lazy Red Indians claim their territory is the entire country. Remember that in B.C. various tribes including the Wet Soup One Indian Bands claim their territory is largest than the actual land mass of the province. The same Noakes who lied by referring to oil as having negative value in reference to the article about oil futures I posted above is welcome to explain how with negative land space in B.C. available to them, Coastal Gas is going to build a pipeline without some Red Indians whining about it.


Wickham indicates that the five clans of the Wet’suwet’en nation are unable to continue negotiations because their consensus-based meeting system would require congregations of more than 50 people, which have been outlawed as part of Canada’s social distancing guidelines. Though the Wet’suwet’en have complied with the regulations, the same rules do not appear to apply to pipeline workers. Moreover, Wickham indicated that both the federal and provincial governments are unwilling to discuss either the pipeline or the presence of the RCMP in indigenous territory during negotiations.

Finally some good news out of all this. The federal and provincial governments should have been unwilling to negotiate with these lazy Wet Soup whiners from the very beginning: white landowners never got this treatment and therefore red land-sitters (the land is actually owned by the federal government who has the complete right to build on it at any time). Meanwhile what's this lie about "their consesnsus-based meeting system"? Strangely enough this wasn't on their list of demands on February 21st, and didn't seem to be in effect when useless tit of a cabinet minister Carolyn Bennett met with a half dozen chiefs in a closed door meeting. This sounds like another ridiculous lie promoted by deceitful Red Indians and their stooges like Noakes.


Companies leaving for the bad political landscape is due to two dishonest and disgusting actors: Red Indian savages and the far-left Antifa thugs that associate with them, and the cowardly idiotic Shiny Pony government. It's a fun little game that deceitful liars like Noakes like to use. Step one: have the savages make a big stink about a project. Step two: have the craven idiots in leftist governments take appeasement action. Step three: have the savages get even more...well, savage...and cause maximum damage and disruption. Step four: have the leftist government negotiate a deal that makes the project completely impossible. Step five: when the investors say "to hell with you all" use that as some sort of compelling evidence that clearly the project wasn't that great in the first place.

Henry Makow, PhD #conspiracy #racist #sexist #homophobia #magick

On page one of my book Illuminati: The Cult that Hijacked the World (2008), I wrote, "If this were a movie treatment, it would be rejected as implausible. Our leaders are not chosen for their intelligence or achievements but rather because they are able to win the peoples' trust and willing to betray it. They are chosen by a small Satanic cult -- Cabalist bankers and Freemasons -- that controls the world's finances and media...Many "leaders" are kept in line by having them indulge in horrifying occult rituals including human sacrifices, sexual orgies, pedophilia, rape, torture, and murder...The Illuminati goal is to degrade and enslave humanity, mentally and spiritually if not physically. [Their] influence is like cancer that extends throughout society." Does the Coronahoax make sense now?

It's no wonder our "leaders" are criminals, Satanists, and perverts. These are the only people the central banking cartel can trust. The Rothschilds are Satanists (Cabalist i.e. Masonic Jews.) Their cartel is a criminal fraud. They create the medium of exchange ("currency", "credit") out of thin air as a debt to themselves and charge interest.

All the policies deemed "progressive" -- gender-bending, multiculturalism, miscegenation, migration, attack on marriage and family, (homosexuality, pornography, promiscuity), BLM, ANTIFA -- are designed to undermine the target population, people of European and Christian descent who the Cabalist bankers regard as the last remaining obstacle to their hegemony. They are promoting sodomy in public schools. They are all about promoting sickness. "We corrupt in order to control," is their credo. We are being inducted into their cult as their servants.

CH #fundie

I was alerted to a potential bombshell in the de Jesus Cruz shooting story by Ricky Vaughn’s Gab feed (@Ricky_Vaughn99). David Hogg, one of the self-proclaimed survivors who made an infamous tape while hiding out in a closet during the shooting, may have been caught lying on tape.

The media is telling us David Hogg interviewed his classmate in a closet DURING the shooting. In this video, he clearly states the time as 9:30 A.M.


But, as the timeline from the Sheriff’s office shows, the shooting did not start until 2:21 P.M.

What the hell is going on here? These student activists are LYING to us.


Folks, I have archived the video, so they cannot get away with this.

We need the truth, the public deserves to hear the truth.


I am NOT saying this is a false flag. I am NOT saying that these are crisis actors.

I am saying that these student shitlib activists are LYING to us, and we need answers. The public deserves to know, just what the hell is going on?


Here’s what I think happened: They had a drill that morning in order to scare kids into gun control. During the drill, they made these videos.

Then, that afternoon, there was an actual shooter.

They lied and said, “we made these videos during the shooting.”

First of all, why did they lie to us?

Second of all, were FBI agents online posing as Siegetards and goading this idiot, Cruz, into doing a school shooting that afternoon?

That way, they would have all the video and students who were anti-gun activists and media-trained all ready to roll for their massive anti-gun psy-op.

David Hogg, who is the face of this group of charlatans posing as “concerned activists,” is the son of a prominent FBI agent. What the hell is going on here, folks?

If true, this whole post-shooting “march against guns” activist movement is a HUGE chaimstream media-driven hoax, probably financed by that agent of Satan himself, George Soros.

More suspicious details about David Hogg that lend credence to the claim he’s a hired crisis actor tasked with pushing a major social movement to repeal the 2nd Amendment:

Hogg works for John Podesta’s Center for American Progress
From that same link, an antifa member claims Hogg didn’t go to Parkland HS; he went to school with him at Redondo Shores HS in California
Hogg really is the son of an FBI agent

Most hilariously, Hogg is seen feeding shitlib boilerplate scripted lines to a “schoolmate” in a video “interview” he supposedly shot “during” the Cruz shooting.


The whole hacktivist clown show has the feel of a top-down, rather than bottom-up, managed movement. A BIG LIE. Who’s behind the scenes, funding and directing the show? (((Curiouser and curiouser))).

Crisis actors and false narratives. It’s not like the Degenerate Leftoid Mob doesn’t have experience recruiting kids to tell whoppers. Turning out an army of child soldiers to shill for the cause du jour is the Left’s specialty.

America is drowning in lies. This age of chaos and spiraling decline will end, but not before the globohomos have tried every gaslighting weapon at their disposal. When the truth outs, the rats scurrying for cover will be a marvel to behold.

Pasco Cruz #wingnut #conspiracy

Is AOC Really an Undercover DOD Asset?

I know this clip was from a few days ago, but I had to point out the look on her face. Does that not look like the victim of some MK-ultra mind control programming to you? That blank stare?

Plus, just the flat-out craziness of what she said lends even more credibility to the notion that she is in fact an undercover(willingly or unwittingly)GOP operative that was installed within the Democrat establishment by the Golden Dawn/General Flynn inspired Justice Democrats. Created to destroy and sabotage leftist politics in perpetuity. The extremity and cringiness of the policies that come out from the Justice Democrat think tank serve as kind of mocking performance art.

Pelosi & her DemonRat establishment has really been getting their asses handed to them of late with the sabotage of the party by the progressives and the execution of so many of the Veteran rats. RBG is the latest victim(EVIDENCE: wrinkled flag on her coffin👇).

All of that would certainly explain this ritual suicide that I’m constantly asserting must be taking place by the leftist establishment as the only way for me to come to terms with what I see as the inexplicable and nonsensical politics of certain DemonRat leaders. Far more than the lamestream media would like to admit with their assinine polling statistics that audaciously show Biden with these double digit leads over Big T. Literally NO ONE is showing up to the Joe Biden rallies and most of the “protestors” and “activists” out there running around for ANTIFA & BLM are Soros bankrolled ex-cons. Kinninigan even suggested that many of them had came directly from the cloning center and out onto the streets. They could care less about politics.

ACTBAC members #racist #psycho #wingnut

Donald Trump supporters were seen during a car parade in which “neo-Confederate” members shouted “white power” and other obscienties at bystanders.

About 200 cars took part in the convoy that passed through Elon, North Carolina, on Saturday, the Elon News Network reported.

Members of a neo-Confederate organisation called Alamance County Taking Back Alamance County (ACTBAC) were said to have set-up the pro-Trump parade.

Founded by Gary Williamson, ACTBAC has been designated as a neo-Confederate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center, Elon News reported.

Megan Squire, an academic and researcher on right-wing extremism, videoed the procession as it passed through the campus at Elon University.

Some members of the parade shouted the phrase "white power”, as another commented on Ms Squire’s Black Lives Matter sign, saying: “no they fucking don’t, bitch! Go back home cunt.”

Another driver, whose vehicle was adorned with at least two American flags, was said to have yelled “fuck black lives!”.

Ms Squire, recording the procession as it passed in downtown Elon, was told that “maybe you’ll be hit by a train next”, as a second ACTBAC member shouted “choo, choo, Trump train”.

The same vehicle accused the academic of being a member of Antifa – a far-left organisation president Trump has baselessly blamed wildfires and property damage on in recent months – as they shouted “four more years bitch”.

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #racist

[From "Memo to @vexwerewolf, @chittlins, @Fire_Badger, @Elegant_QueenK, @chrysoleggyon, @baneslay, @anthonyackee2, @gmiller1643, & @anya_something"]

Today, looking at all the evidence, a Grand Jury decided that the officers involved in the death of Breonna Taylor did nothing criminal and would not be charged.

So naturally, niggers and their unhinged ANTIFA co-conspirators in Louisville immediately began trashing the city.
"Vex" falls into the basic far-left drivel about how caring about property owned by innocents should be less important than life held by criminals.
[…]Claiming that we should be okay with hardworking innocent people being wontonly deprived of their property in favour of the "life" of somebody who has no respect for that property (and life) of the innocent is ludicrous.
The "root cause of the problem" is tribalism. When a nigger is killed by police, regardless of the justification, niggers turn violent and riot. How do you cure this root cause? Sadly, I don't know the answer. The psychology of how to fix the ridiculous racial cohesion that niggers maintain is beyond my considerable talents.
None of these are examples of "systemic racism": no matter how many idiotic screeds by far-left idiots @brandy_mancari or anybody reads, it does not exist and no examples of it can be found.[…]US prisoners are majority nigger because niggers are orders of magnitude more likely to be criminals and tend to also be dumb enough to be easily caught. Low income housing is "under-funded" because it's folly to waste money giving housing to people who have never done any of the actual labours that would justify them receiving any money. I would argue low income housing is overfunded because the ideal level of funding is zero.

Chuck Lowe #wingnut

Great is truth, but still greater, from a practical point of view, is silence about truth. By simply not mentioning certain subjects... totalitarian propagandists have influenced opinion much more effectively than they could have by the most eloquent denunciations.

Aldous Huxley

The American Main Stream Media obfuscates, spins and lies as a part of it's job to support the Fascist designs of the Progressive left.

Hence, while cites are literally still smoking from the fires lit by the BLM/AntiFa Fascists they support, Chris Wallace asks the most transparent "When did you stop beating your wife?" question in the history of this country. His insistence that Trump demand that the Proud Boys not engage in violence, while the legions of Brown Shirt-BLM-AntiFa shithells have literally been in the streets, violently attacking people, buildings, business' and the Rule Of Law for the last 3 years and especially the last 3 months, is the ultimate, gas lighting of the American people.

The evil Triumvirate of the DNC, the 4th Estate and the Deep State want to "Burn it down", in order to rule over the ashes of what was once your hopes, dreams and economy.

Fuck these people, they are literally devils.

Stonetoss #racist #wingnut

Body Count


[Panel 1: Someone kneeling on a black man's neck. The black man as a fentanyl needle in his arm

Panel 2: Man in the background hildst a rifle while guy on skateboard appears to have a heart attack

Panel 3: judge Ruth Bader Ginsburg dies in a chair while sitting beside the other judges

Panel 4: Trump coughs with a mask on while an antifa member prays "please let us have this one"

EmpathicDesign #wingnut #psycho

See what I did there in the title? ;)

So, it has come to my attention just how ugly leftists are. And I mean that in every literal way possible.
They're physically unattractive, when they talk it's always a few octaves louder than required when presenting a point, they always look like they drank raw lemon juice just before they speak and it's as though they have mastered the usage of every other vital function but the ones that matter i.e they know how to talk, but their ears are used conditionally, they know how to think but feelings entangle into their thoughts and do not separate before coming out their mouths.

Oh, and they support criminal activity i.e AntiFa, BLM and illegal immigration, and they protect pedophiles, rapists and murderers. They also historically supported slavery and condemned its abolition.

Why are these people not being lined up at the execution range en mas and by the truck loads? There will be absolutely no negative repercussions for getting rid of these monsters; evil is not meant to be condemned or imprisoned, it's mean to be destroyed entirely from reality. Duh.


Jared van Niekerk #racist #sexist #wingnut

What whites are doing now is completely abnormal. What is the state of mind of a college admissions officer whose job is to practice discrimination against people who might as well be his own sons and daughters? Blacks who work in admissions behave normally; they advance the interests of people like themselves. Whites thwart the interests of people like themselves. This is an aberration of gigantic proportions but Prof. Farron almost seems not to notice.

The last few paragraphs are especially thought-provoking. The one thing that sets whites apart from all other races, is our limitless capacity for self-loathing. I could understand that unattractive white females or beta male whites would want to pull down other whites to their level by embracing feminism, Antifa or similar ideologies for losers. As Rush Limbaugh said: feminism was invented to give unattractive women access to the mainstream. I can also get that white loser beta males and bullied boys would embrace some leftist ideology that offered them the lie that everybody was equal in every way, but even attractive white women and successful white men seem to have been infected by this cancerous type of extreme altruism, the desire to see their own race annihilated.

Pastor Shane Idleman #fundie #wingnut

The upcoming election is causing increased division among Christians. It leaves many people confused when some Christians denounce Trump and elevate Biden. Their reasoning goes something like this: “How can you vote for Trump based on his character?” But the real question we should be asking is, “What direction is the country heading, spiritually speaking?

Obviously, character is important, but, if a man has decent character according to some, yet believes in infanticide and in euthanizing the disabled, do we look at his character over his policies? Of course not.

God doesn't judge a nation based on the character of one man, but He may judge it based on the spiritual health of her people. Policy often speaks louder than character—although ideally, they should match.

The president is hated, not because of his character, but because of what he stands for. He is a disruptive force. If the abortion industry, George Soros, most of the media, antifa and Hollywood are on your side, are you sure you're on the right side?

I don’t want to hear about someone’s “character” when they think it’s okay to kill a child, even at 9 months, and they reject the “born-alive” bill. I’m not concerned with nice tweets when they promote real hate, support sexual perversion and want to burn down our cities — and on and on it goes.

Ekklesia #god-complex #fundie #wingnut

[This whole twenty-page “document” is a goldmine of insanity; here’s one representative excerpt:]

As God’s Ekklesia, we bind every anti-Christ spirit from operating within the United States of America. We uproot, tear down, overthrow and destroy the following organizations, charities, funds and their anti-Christ agenda. We hereby decree:

The immediate death, dismantling & destruction of the following anti-Christ organizations and funds. We decree the following to all be stripped of authority, power, influence and finances:
o Democratic Socialists of America, and all their local state chapters (DSA),
o Communist Party USA
o Party of European Socialists
o Young Democratic Socialists of America (YDSA)
o Democratic Socialists Labor Commission (DSLC) oDSA National Electoral Committee (NEC)
o DSA Fund
o National Political Committee
o All DSA committees
o DSA Ecosocialist Working Group and all DSA Ecosocialist organizations
o DSA Religion and Socialism Commission oAll chapters of the communist party
o The Council for a Livable World
o All socialist, communist, Marxist, fascist, far-leftist, anarchist and radical Islam groups & organizations working to weaken and destroy the USA
o All hidden communists, socialists, far left, radical Islam groups and anarchist groups
o Planned Parenthood
o The Muslim Brotherhood
o The Lincoln Project
o The illuminati
o The Clinton Foundation
o ActBlue Charities and all other charities and not-for-profits that exploit donors and misappropriate donations to be used for dark political purposes.
o Antifa, Black Lives Matter, Black Militia aka ‘NFAC’, and any other organization that endorses and promotes violence, destruction of property, lawlessness, rebellion, hatred, racism, treason, division, and the defunding/abolishing of law enforcement.
o The Deep-Church that works in tandem with the Deep-State to undermine America’s God-given purpose and identity.

Jay Matters #wingnut #dunning-kruger

1) Hitler enacted a program of euthanizing the mentally ill.
a. Democrats support euthanasia.
2) Hitler Burned the Reichstag down.
a. Democrats are burning US cities
3) Hitler created the political police.
a. Antifa and Occupy are democrat enforcers
4) Hitler created the Wansee conference to determine race and ethnicity by birth.
a. Democrats are focused on racial and ethnic “justice”.
5) Hitler killed his political enemies within the country.
a. Democrats leveraged the tools of government to persecute the Tea Party and Trump supporters.
6) Hitler fabricated stories to demonize military leadership not to his liking and oust them.
a. Democrats fired and set up several generals who dared oppose Obama.
7) Hitler set up the Hitler Youth program to indoctrinate the children
a. Democrats use the UNIONS to indoctrinate our youth.
8) Hitler seized personal firearms, disbanding gun clubs and disarming political “undesirables”.
a. Democrats have been scheming to take your guns for decades.
9) Hitler authorized “Chrystalnacht” whereby Germany seized the property of Jews to redistribute to non-Jews.
a. Democrats have been try to redistribute America’s wealth for decades.

Klas_Vegas #ableist #crackpot #wingnut #dunning-kruger

[Letter]We need to speak about Kevin (antifa/autism content)

I have worked ten years (socialwork) with people with autism and when i look at the pictures of the arrested antifa members from philly I see direct that at least two of them has autism (diagnosed or not). Today every scientist in the autism field knows that autism shows in facial traits, that an ocular inspection is the most secure way to identify autism and that it shows already in the first year long before the infant says it's first word.

Look att the man to the right. His face is so wide that I can bet my left ball that he is autistic. I have seen the exact faceshape among so many with autism. The case is closed. The man in the middle Joseph Alcoff, just look strange without me being able to pin point what is wrong with single picture. But he has glasses, over 80% of all the autistic people I have met has had glasses and had often severe eyeproblems. And I immidiately recognise the baby face so common among people with autism ( many people with autism I have met have to show ID well in to the 40's here in sweden to buy alcohol or cigarettes).

With autism comes almost always lack of "theory of mind" (inability to understand others, lack of empathy) and a "mixed intelligens". I really can't understand why we let this people with severe mental health issues run our daily lifes and tell us what to do and not to do.

I have the same problem with mass-shooters that has all shown clear signs of autism. But I have only read one single call from a psychiatrist that the choseen path with"autism as a gift" is absurd considering the mass-shooters and all the existing documentation they have on autism and violence.

The connection between violence and autism is well documented since hans aspergers very first writing but evryone in the field pretends that it doesn't exist.

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