
Hunter Wallace #wingnut #sexist #racist #homophobia #transphobia

[From "The Center Right Is Worthless"]

Why should anyone support conservative liberalism?[…]
In spite of the mainstream Right, which upholds consensus antiracism in our culture, I have developed a positive sense of White racial identity.[…]
Of what value is the mainstream Right on sex?

What is the GOP going to do about young women who are out of control and older women who have become cat ladies and gone crazy? To ask the question is to answer it.[…]
The Supreme Court with Neil Gorsuch on the bench read transgenderism into the Civil Rights Act of 1964 this summer. Conservative liberalism couldn’t conserve the definition of marriage under Obama.[…]Insofar as we are up against the forces of sexual anarchy and gender fluidity in popular culture, we are on our own.
The GOP’s biggest accomplishment in this department is dumping the Mississippi State Flag and presiding over the destruction of hundreds of our monuments.[…]
Obviously, the GOP under Trump isn’t of any value to us in this area. Sheldon Adelson hit the jackpot when Trump got elected in 2016.[…]
Several generations ago, the GOP surrendered the public school system to blacks and progressive pedagogues, which is why I have to scrape up money from you to pay for my own son’s private school tuition. Now, the GOP is running on school choice so that the black kids in the “failing schools” can transfer to the private schools we pay for in addition to the public schools.[…]
Yeah, Donald Trump was elected in 2016 to restore “law and order,” but he spent his first term boasting about all the black felons he let out of prison with criminal justice reform and allowing Antifa and BLM to do whatever they wanted and burn down the country.

Donald J. Trump #psycho #wingnut

[he’s commenting on the Biden bus attack]

In my opinion, these patriots did nothing wrong. Instead, the FBI & Justice should be investigating the terrorists, anarchists, and agitators of ANTIFA, who run around burning down our Democrat run cities and hurting our people!

Shawntheimmortal942 #sexist #wingnut #racist

Who am I kidding? The media took their report about Trump being peed on seriously so why not shoot yourself in the foot some more!? I think there’s some foot left, just throwing millions of dollars at it! A fucking gamergate movie? Seriously? Anita and Zoey are so desperate for attention since most people are paying attention to COVID, the election, BLM and ANTIFA rioting so they want a slice of the victim pie and they’ll falsely accuse ANYONE of sexual assault to do it like the strong women they are! Get ready fandango and any other movie streaming sites, you’re gonna be busy changing the rating system again and deleting negative reviews-I mean...”review bombers”.

The Cominator #wingnut

The Reds in Weimar during the time of Stalin (although he wasn’t dictator yet) were disciplined brutal tough and masculine. Antifa and the leftists militants is a larp of this. Some deputized proud boys with local bikers and rednecks bolstering their numbers locally when needed should be able to take them if the state doesn’t intervene in their favor. The strength of the modern left is their massive dominance of institutions not their muscle. Thats why Trump needs to cross the Rubicon if need be before January 20th if all legal options for keeping the Presidency fail. The only real muscle the left has is warriors serving institutions who will follow any priestly order. Cops are far more inclined to do this then soldiers historically.

There are no riots in Florida and most Southern cities because of well armed rednecks and bikers who are fucking hoping they riot and stand your ground laws. The 1920s and 1930s German reds would have fought them anyway.

I hate the old left and the new but the left of the 1920s and 1930s were at least real men… not so anymore.

John Horvat II #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy #transphobia #homophobia

Achieving Christendom Is America’s Best Chance at Overthrowing Abortion, LGBT Reign of Terror

Christendom Is the Solution for the Emptiness of our Nihilistic Society
Grave moral problems are tearing the country apart. For many, this is apparent in the form of broken homes, procured abortion, shattered communities and lost Faith.

Many people get it right when pointing out the problems. However, they get it wrong when looking for solutions.

Some get it wrong because they look for solutions that address symptoms, not causes. Others search for a way out that involves the least possible effort. In these politically correct times, people are told not to offend anyone by their proposals. Thus, they automatically exclude the only real solution, which is a return to Christendom. They are willing to consider any other solution, no matter how absurd or improbable—anything but Christendom.

Christendom! It may seem shocking since its days seem long past. We are supposed to be in a post-Christian era. However, the urgency of our times call for it. We need a Christian civilization if we are going to overcome the present crisis. It needs to be at least considered.

A Rejected Proposal

Because our problems are moral, our solutions must also be moral. The rich treasury of Western thought and traditional Church teaching prove that the natural law and Christian morality are the norms that are best suited to our human and social nature. We find our greatest happiness inside institutions and social structures that take us to the end for which we are created—God.

Thus, we should naturally tend to favor Christendom. Everyone, Christian and non-Christian alike, finds the best conditions for prospering inside a family of nations that facilitates virtue and promotes social harmony in this vale of tears.

But everyone avoids this conclusion. We have long been conditioned to reject this line of thought. This Anything But Christendom (ABC) Syndrome curiously applies alike to the political left, right and center. It embraces both secular and religious America. The most rigid tyranny bars anyone from thinking outside the materialistic box.

The ABC Syndrome and the Political Spectrum

Each political sector has its reasons for denying Christendom. For radical liberals, the ABC Syndrome makes sense. They resent any moral limits to their acts and do not care if there are harmful consequences. Individual pleasure reigns supreme regardless of self-destruction or the death of babies. Thus, a Christian moral code represents an unbearable restriction on their desires to do, think and be whatever they want. Their variant of the ABC Syndrome is to allow Everything But Christendom. Use any letter of the LGBTQ+ alphabet, but never use C for Christendom.

Those on the right have a different approach. We find Christians who truly desire a Ten-Commandment-based moral code, for example. However, they dare not propose Christian morality because the people and media who oppose it appear to be numerous. For them, it has no chance of winning. Thus, they subscribe to the Anything But Christendom approach on how society should be run. Every concession must be made to accommodate others who refuse to accommodate them. Christians dance around all the issues touching on Christendom, but no one dares say the word.

And then there are the radical moderates who want to appear non-radical. In their radicalism, these extremists purge all moral references from the debate. They prefer to tweak the status quo, hoping to avoid the Christendom issue altogether. As society falls apart, this effort proves elusive and ineffective.

Imposing the Christian Will Upon Others

Three main fallacies are used to justify the ABC Syndrome. The first is the mistaken belief that proposing Christendom imposes the Faith on non-believers.

Liberals think that establishing any moral limits means imposing Christianity on others. And yet they have no qualms whatsoever with imposing their anti-Christian will on Christians, on Christian feast days such as Christmas, and the Little Sisters of the Poor. They have no scruples about stuffing a Drag Queen Story Hour world of perversion down the throats of society, despite protests from concerned parents.

Christians cannot impose their Faith on those who do not believe because Faith is a gift from God. It cannot, by its nature, be imposed. However, Christians can and should enact reasonable laws based on the natural law that call for moral restraint to form a just and harmonious society.

Eternal and Natural Law: The Foundation of Morals and Law

Since Aristotle, moralists taught that this natural law is valid for all times, places and peoples. By advocating such moral limits in the law, Christians merely obey the nature of all law, which restricts what individuals might do for the sake of the higher common good.

In proposing Christendom, we are not imposing but returning to an order that conforms to our human nature and which favors our development and sanctification. In submitting their Everything But Christianity agenda, the left imposes on society a destructive system that brings it to ruin.

Hopelessly Outdated

The second fallacy is that Christendom is so far removed from society’s current state that it is impractical to propose it. The Christian agenda is hopelessly outdated for postmodern times, it is falsely claimed.

There is nothing more outdated than today’s anti-Christian agenda. As Catholic thinker Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira notes, there is nothing new about divorce, procured abortion, nudity, and moral depravity. Most “modern” proposals are merely recycled pagan vices from antiquity. Moreover, what could be more foreign to our American Christian heritage than the sudden appearance of transgenderism or the current mainstreaming of Satanic movements?

Indeed, most Americans identify with a return to our Christian roots. They have problems adjusting to the latest barbarisms proposed by a neo-pagan culture. The debate should not be centered on the age of the ideas proposed but their merits. The automatic exclusion of ideas because some claim they are outdated is foolish and wrong. The only thing that matters is if they are true or false.

A Long Time Frame

Finally, there is the fallacy that it is impossible to change society quickly, especially when most people seem to subscribe to the opposite of a Christian civilization. At best, a Christian restoration is a futile effort, they erroneously claim.

Again this argument sidesteps the merits of ideas. It focuses on the practicality of implementing them. However, this fallacy is as flawed as the other two.

Captivating ideas like homeschooling, for example, have drastically changed individuals and families in a short time. As the last elections have proven, voters will change their positions when convinced of the need to change.

Societies, too, can quickly and radically change. Consider the Sexual Revolution. Within the space of a decade, the sixties radically changed the mores, fashions and manners of that generation and all those that followed. Most people in the fifties were not hippies, but many adopted hippie ways in the seventies as these became mainstream.

The history of the Church is full of fervent missionary efforts in which whole peoples, burdened by their paganism, were quickly converted to the Faith by the efforts of men and the action of grace. These peoples changed their lives wholesale, adopting Christian ways in a short time.

People change their ways when times are empty, and ideas are exhausted. Indeed, it is in times like ours that grand ideas like Christendom have their greatest appeal.

Where Christ Is King

Thus, the time is ripe to debate Christendom. It should be done openly, unapologetically and enthusiastically. Many do not know what Christendom is. Indeed, the ABC Syndrome represents old liberal prejudices that distort the true nature of a Christian society. For too long, our shallow, materialistic society has suppressed the notions of wonder, sublime, and the sacred that correspond to the deepest desires of the human soul.

By engaging in the debate over Christendom, we address the emptiness of our nihilistic society that finds no meaning or purpose in life.

Above all, the failure to debate Christendom is fatal since it means the continued descent into an anti-Christendom of anarchy and unrestraint. This anti-regime is already seen in the dark yearnings of Antifa, anarchists and Satanic movements that call for a world without morality. They advocate the destruction of our nation and the persecution of those who keep the Faith.

Science Confirms: Angels Took the House of Our Lady of Nazareth to Loreto
These topics need to be discussed. We should not be afraid to proclaim our desire to see Christ as King. Numerous popes have described this Christian society as one that affirms the social Kingship of Christ. In his encyclical Quas Primas, Pius XI says that “Once men recognize, both in private and in public life, that Christ is King, society will, at last, receive the great blessings of real liberty, well-ordered discipline, peace and harmony.”

Only Christendom can be a truly just society for all.

S.D. Wells #conspiracy #wingnut #racist #quack

WARNING TO AMERICAN JEWS: A “Left-wing Holocaust” will target you if the Democrats gain the White House and Congress in 2020
Once installed, socialism will quickly become communism, and communism will quickly morph into genocide. Radical Islamic Muslims and psychopathic Left wing extremists with knives and Molotov cocktails will hunt down Jews like the Third Reich. They will have UN forces and FBI swat teams invade homes without search warrants (think post-Boston Marathon Bombing illegal searches and Roger Stone early morning raid here). Folks, the litmus tests are underway now. As the Democrat leaders are the terrorists, they will label everyone who supports Trump as a terrorist. They always call the enemy exactly what they are themselves. Need examples?

Bernie Sanders, the self-proclaimed communist, already has key campaign field managers pushing for support for re-education camps for all Trump supporters, who they claim are white supremacists, in order to cover up the real Demoncrat scheme. The Left now believes that only violence and genocide of the Right can solve their “problems” with “Amerika” (the country they despise).

New York Jews are already doubling down to secure weaponry before the Holocaust, that may start in New York City, as gun permit applications surge. Meanwhile, the insidious Leftist politicians write laws to force vaccinate all Orthodox Jewish children at gunpoint while telling Jews they will have to register all their guns soon or face prison time.

Trump cannot drain the swamp fast enough. The Department of Justice itself has over 100,000 employees, tens of thousands of whom swore their loyalty to Obama (and still do) and his communist regime, including the FBI, ATF and DEA. These people will do anything to protect their jobs and their crooked ways.

Currently, the Left is preparing for the complete genocide of minorities in America, including Blacks, Jews, Christians, and even Hispanics (after they all vote for more tyranny). Just as Hitler made all the Jews register their guns before the Nazi SS Gestapo Agents went door to door to confiscate them all, the American Democrats are colluding to do the same, with funding from a multi-billionaire Nazi sympathizer infamously known now as George Soros.

Soros is the new Hitler, running the whole gambit from his secret lair, pushing violence via Antifa and impeachment hoaxes under the guise of Russia/Ukraine collusion. Bill Gates is leading the charge to force-vaccinate the sheeple with cancer and neurotoxins that will kill people and maim others to keep them from reproducing. This is not just population control, it’s population reduction through vaccines, and it’s real. That’s why Bill Gates pushes mostly for forced vaccination in Africa. Talk about white supremacy.

smarmyanarchist #fundie

respectability politics is how we get people saying the entire BLM movement is a hate movement because some of the protests became riots or because some of the protesters chanted “fuck the police”, but when it comes to Neo-Nazis, they’re happy to engage them in “polite debate” because they appear “dapper” and calm/reasonable. it’s how people genuinely believe that “antifa are as bad as fascists” because we use violence against them.

it all comes back down to this bizarre preoccupation with how nice and polite someone seems, rather than the content of their ideas and their overall goals.

Edago #psycho #transphobia

[Submitter's note, the following is a PM from furaffinity, the link leads to a tweet from the reciever of said PM]

**RE: Why hello there!**

Just so you know, i am a furry too, but i am so sick and tired of all the rubbish the far left has done to me directly and inderectly i stopped being a social justice warrior.

If you wanna pretend there are 200 genders be my guest, but do not have a little temper tantrum and call people a nazi because they do not share the same beliefs or opinions as you.

If you have not guessed by now, i am the guy you called a nazi on dead by daylight...

I hope you know that when you behave that way you turn people against you. I used to be a fan of communism and i loved Obama, but when i saw how the democrats reacted when Trump won i was both horrified and ashamed of them.

Just some friendly advice... Instead of calling people names like Nazi when they fail to agree with you or respect your safe space, act like a grown adult and agree to disagree.

I also just wanted to share this video with you because it reminded me of you and GEN Z in general.


I never got hooked.. (wink) Have a nice day, and see you during Trumps re-election!

**RE: Videos for you**

[Links to "Punch the Nazi" by Ruka Ruka Ali & "Come be PC" by Chris Ray Gun]

It did not send the link in the previous message so here, i just wanted to share these two videos since i thought you would get a laugh out of them! I hope to play with you again on dead by daylight soom... Maybe with me being the killer so i can show you what happens to Antifa in my neighborhood OwO

CertifiedRabbi #racist

No, I'd disown them. And I'm pretty sure that almost everyone secretly finds interracial relationships to be weird and offensive, they've just been brainwashed and browbeaten into pretending that it's perfectly fine.
My White older brother married a girl from Hong Kong that he met at UC Berkeley, and it pisses me off every time that I think about it or when I see his wife and his weird looking hapa kids even though I'm friendly and smiling on the outside when I'm around them. And White/East Asian interracial relationships are probably the least offensive interracial pairings since both Whites and East Asians have high IQs and civilized genes.
Engaging in miscegenation with blacks will have a dysgenic effect on our race and is equivalent to beastiality in my mind. You might as well be having sex with a gorilla. Why would you want to give your offspring an inferior brain and hideous phenotypical features? I can sort of understand why liberal "anti-racists" would want to be in a relationship with a black person in order to make a political statement, but genuine attraction? Their skin tone, hair texture, facial structure, and behavior is just so unappealing. Fuck liberal street cred; you could never convince me to find a black woman attractive even when I was borderline Antifa.

Kyle Chapman (aka RealBasedStickMan) #fundie

[OP of "AMA - Based Stickman Kyle Chapman here, hows it going The_Donald?"]

My names Kyle Chapman, otherwise known as Based Stickman. I came to fame through my actions at the Battle of Berkeley, March 4 Trump Rally. While I am reluctant to embrace this celebrity, I am more than proud and willing to support my president and help lead the fight against BAMN and Antifa.

Hopefully I will inspire others to do the same.

So with that said, ask me anything!

Verification Pic


Hey I appreciate your support from everyone. It's people like you who are going to turn the tides of Neo-Marxism and usher in a resurgence of a warrior spirit to Western Society and re-institution of our constitutional republic and traditional western values.

Our brethren in Europe, they're struggling right now. Their societies are under vicious attack from Islam, Globalization and Neo-Marxism. Our European Brethren are in a struggle for their very existence. Let's send them our prayers and support their causes wherever we can. People like Farage, Wilders, and Le Pen are leading the fight for the preservation of European civilization. Let's support these brave warriors and saviors of the West.

Thank you all, please follow me on Twitter @BasedStickman_, and on Facebook Based Stickman.

CertifiedRabbi #racist

My first real red pill occurred when I was 14-15 while I was doing research online about IQ. I already knew that I had a high IQ when I was accepted into a very prestigious private boarding school in New England, but I wanted to learn more about what exactly IQ is. And it was during that research online that I accidentally stumbled across the raging debate over racial IQ differences. After a lot of painful and uncomfortable research and soul-searching, I very reluctantly came to the extremely disturbing conclusion that the toothless, racist, inbred, skinhead, neo-Nazi, KKK pieces of shit really did have science and reality on their side.

But rather than just ending my red-pilling process there, it's probably a good idea to go over more of the details on my background in order to provide additional context to my current worldview since I think that it will help to dispel lazy stereotypes about most Alt-Righters being born into trailer parks or whatever.

My parents grew up in very liberal, wealthy families in the sister cities of Detroit and Flint, Michigan - two cities that were eventually completely ruined by black people during their lifetimes. But they first met each other at a law school that won't be named because I've already provided way too much doxxable info. After they graduated, they White Flighted to Fairfax County, Virginia - which is considered to be a part of the larger Washington, D.C. area (another city that was ruined by blacks) and is where I spent about half of my childhood.

Despite my parents being very liberal, they were actually quite socially conservative in many ways - such as their decision to not allow my siblings and I to watch TV or play video games growing up because they (correctly) thought that it would rot our brains. And the private boarding schools that I attended also didn't allow us to have TVs in our dorms. So, what do you do for entertainment when you can't watch TV or play video games? Read lots and lots of books. I had already read all of Carl Sagan's books, all of Stephen Hawking's books, all of Jared Diamond's books, and many other similar popular science books by the time that I was 13. So, I was an absolutely massive science fanboy growing up.

I was also super liberal and politically conscious growing up because my parents and grandparents were heavily involved in donating to and campaigning for the DNC for decades. Some of my earliest memories were being dragged around the Presidential campaigns of Clinton and Gore back in the 1990s and getting a behind-the-scenes look at the Clinton/Gore administration - which was pretty cool.

That's why I was so fucking incensed to see these racist, redneck fucktards dare try to claim that the science was on their side. I wanted to completely annihilate their arguments, and so I read a small mountain of books and at least a hundred blog posts and online articles and watched several documentaries on this topic before coming to the literally physically painful conclusion that the evil, subhuman racists really did have the data on their side, and that my liberal side of the debate was spouting half-truths and flat-out lies in a desperate attempt to combat White supremacy and uphold their liberal egalitarian paradigm.

I basically went full Kraut & Tea for about half a year or so researching this topic in my free time, except that I actually had the intellectual honesty to admit that the racists were right. I actually genuinely and naively believed in the liberal mantra of being open-minded and following the evidence regardless of how unpleasant it might be to my own sensibilities - and it caused me to realize that racism, social Darwinism, and eugenics is scientifically justified...

So, that was quite the traumatic red pill... But I actually managed to remain a loyal shitlib for several more years despite that paradigm-shattering realization on such an important issue. And that's because it's extremely hard to escape the liberal ideological bubble. My brain had basically been marinating in liberal propaganda my entire life. And simply being a Republican was enough to become a social pariah in the kinds of far-left social circles that I existed in. My family and friends were liberal as fuck, the communities that I lived in were liberal as fuck, the private boarding schools that I attended were liberal as fuck, the authors that I read were liberal as fuck, the popular culture that I consumed was uniformly liberal as fuck, the news that I consumed was liberal as fuck, the university that I attended was liberal as fuck, et cetera.
Reading books from far-left ideologues like Noam Chomsky in middle school and high school actually caused me to become even more far-left in my teens. I was even borderline Antifa at one point. But it was traveling to former and current communist countries, walking through museums that were dedicated to exposing communist crimes against humanity, and reading critiques of the left (e.g., The Black Book of Communism) which caused me to gradually become disillusioned with the left as I started college.

But the last straw that finally broke the camel's back was the brutal murder of my liberal White best friend by a pack of 15 MS-13 illegal immigrant gang members when we were both sophomores in college. I had never even heard of MS-13. While researching them online, I came across a random blog post by conservative pundit Michelle Malkin that was basically sounding the warning bells about the dangers of MS-13 in the Washington, D.C. area and condemning the left for allowing violent illegal immigrant gang members to spread across previously idyllic American communities.

That blog post - which she probably didn't even put that much thought and effort into - completely broke me mentally. I could barely even look at the screen while reading it because I knew that just a few weeks ago I probably would have left an angry comment on her blog calling her a racist, right-wing asshole and hoping that she got hit by a bus for writing something that was so blatantly ignorant and bigoted.
I had also strongly supported open borders, multiculturalism, diversity, tolerance, sanctuary cities, and amnesty. I was basically a global citizen of the world that supported a UN on steroids because I didn't think that global problems like climate change and inequality could be solved without much stronger global governance. I basically viewed nation-states as being these primitive, tribalistic relics that were enabling disease, income inequality, war, environmental destruction, and xenophobic racism.

After reading that blog post, I finally realized that my best friend's blood was on my hands because I had supported those dangerously retarded leftist policies. And I also finally realized that my leftist views were helping to completely ruin one previously serene White community after the next and sacrificing countless innocent White lives to the altar of diversity and anti-racism. I became completely radicalized against my former leftist comrades after I realized that they had taken advantage of my ignorance and innocent altruism by brainwashing me with such a dangerously suicidal and delusional ideology.

When I first left the left and joined "the dark side", I actually started out as a fucking neocon because neocons still dominated the conservative movement - and because I was reading lots of neocon journals and books as I was exploring right-wing ideology and right-wing critiques of the left. I also became an Islamophobe because I was reading Robert Spencer's Jihad Watch blog on an almost daily basis. And I even briefly became a non-Jewish Zionist because Zionist propaganda is omnipresent in the mainstream cuckservative movement, and especially in the Islamophobia community.
Robert Spencer and other Islamophobes constantly denounce racism and routinely spout the talking point that criticism of Islam has absolutely nothing to do with race; but brown- and black-skinned Muslims flooding into the White Western world and leeching off of our welfare states, filling our prisons, turning underage White girls into sex slaves, slaughtering us in terrorist attacks, aggressively shoving their way of life onto us, and openly declaring their desire to rule over us is obviously a racial issue.
That realization caused me to seek out moderate White "racialists", which is how I discovered Jared Taylor's work. The flawless logic of his arguments and his relatively moderate approach towards pro-White activism completely changed my perceptions of White nationalists. I quickly became a closeted White nationalist and race realist (I have to pretend to be a liberal in real life in order to avoid being socially ostracized). And then Richard Spencer's work impressed me back in around 2014, which caused me to join the Alt-Right.

As to the JQ; I was very close-minded and dismissive towards the JQ my entire life, even after I became a White nationalist. I basically viewed the JQ as extremely counterproductive conspiracy mongering which didn't have any merit and would only scare people away because it reeked of Nazism; but it was during a debate with a fellow White nationalist about 4 years ago where he recommended that I read Kevin MacDonald's Culture of Critique, and so I did. That's one of those paradigm-shifting books which completely transforms how you view the world. I checked his references to see if they were actually true, and I was shocked to see that they were. I'll never look at Jews or the world the same way again after reading that book.
So, yeah - that's a really long-winded explanation for why I left the left and joined the Alt-Right.

Internet Tough Guy Award

This is indeed not the reality of shooter games.

thisisnotmyreality #fundie

[Commenting under "Antifa forms a hit team, distributes hit list"]

Find a high spot (hilltop, rooftop, etc.) and bring one of these

10 points for every masked 'protester' you take out.

20 points for headshots

50 points if you hit multiple targets with a single shot.

CertifiedRabbi #fundie

The three big ones for me were realizing that racial IQ differences were real, illegal immigrants murdering my White best friend, and reading Kevin MacDonald's The Culture of Critique.
After learning that I had a high IQ when I was 14, I wanted to know more about what exactly IQ is. And it was during that research online that I accidentally stumbled across the raging debate over racial differences in IQ.
I wasn't the average 14-year-old. Despite my parents being very liberal, they were actually very socially conservative in a lot of ways. One of the ways in which they were very socially conservative is that they didn't let my siblings and I watch TV because they thought that it would rot our brains. I also attended boarding schools that didn't let us have TVs in our dorm rooms. So, what does an insanely bored kid do when he can't watch TV or play video games all day? Read books all day instead.
I had already read all of Carl Sagan's books, all of Stephen Jay Gould's books, all of Stephen Hawking's books, all of Jared Diamond's books, and a small library of other popular science books by the time that I was 13. So, it's pretty safe to say that I was a massive science fanboy growing up.
That's why I was so fucking enraged to see these toothless inbred redneck neo-Nazi KKK pieces of shit dare try to argue that science and reality was actually on their side. I basically went full Kraut and Tea... I wanted to utterly annihilate their scientific arguments, and so I read a small mountain of books on the topic of IQ from both sides of the debate. I also read hundreds of online articles and blog posts and watched about a dozen documentaries on this topic before coming to the literally painful conclusion that the redneck neo-Nazi skinheads actually did have science and reality on their side, and that my liberal, anti-racist side of the debate was actually spouting bullshit half-truths in a desperate attempt to combat White Supremacy.
But despite that paradigm shattering red-pill, I still remained a loyal libtard for about 6 more years because I simply wasn't ready to join the "dark side" yet. My leftist indoctrination was way too deep to abandon the left overnight. In fact, I actually became more extreme politically over the next few years. Reading Noam Chomsky's books, among others, turned me into a proud Marxist. I was even borderline Antifa in my late teens and almost joined in on a lynch mob after this girl in my high school argued that not all Nazis were evil because they were just following orders (long story).
However, I was starting to become increasingly disillusioned with the left after traveling to current and former communist countries and seeing how fucked up they were, and because I was reading right-wing books and blogs in order to better understand my political enemies during the Bush era.
The straw that finally broke the camel's back was the brutal murder of my White best friend by a pack of 15 MS-13 gang members when we were both sophomores in college. Every single one of them was an illegal immigrant. While researching MS-13 online right after my best friend was murdered, I randomly stumbled across this blog post that was written several months prior by conservative pundit Michelle Malkin where she was basically condemning the open borders left for allowing MS-13 to spread to the Washington, D.C. area.
That blog post completely destroyed me mentally because I knew that if I had read it just a couple of weeks ago I probably would have written a comment under her blog entry telling her that I hope that she gets hit by a truck for being such a retarded and evil racist piece of shit.
I felt like my best friend's blood was on my hands because I had supported open borders, mass immigration, diversity, tolerance, multiculturalism, amnesty, sanctuary cities, et cetera. I was so far left that I even opposed the idea of nation-states themselves because I thought that they were extremely primitive, and because they supported the "othering" of foreigners by encouraging xenophobia, war, racism, inequality, et cetera. I was basically a globalist. A proud citizen of the world...
The murder of my best friend by brown-skinned illegal immigrants not only caused me to finally leave the left, but it also caused me to completely turn on my former leftist comrades. I'm now completely dedicated to tearing down the left's entire power structure because I finally realized that I had been manipulated into supporting my own racial demise. The left has already fucked up enough previously idyllic White communities and sacrificed enough innocent White people to the altar of diversity. They need to be completely destroyed before they completely destroy White Western civilization.
The murder of my best friend also cemented my red-pilling about racial differences in crime rates and overall standards of living in general. If we allow brown-skinned "Hispanics" (Amerinds/Mestizos) to take over America demographically, then obviously we'll eventually have the same problems that brown-skinned "Hispanic" countries have because their problems are largely rooted in their inferior genes. It's a very simple and glaringly obvious observation, and yet I wasn't capable of recognizing it because I had been so thoroughly brainwashed by (((modern anti-racist liberal ideology))) since infancy.
And reading Kevin MacDonald's books about 4 years ago is why I put triple parentheses around modern anti-racist liberal ideology...

Jesse Lee Peterson #racist #wingnut #fundie

Exclusive: Jesse Lee Peterson challenges the true racists in government

Somehow in this country, white people became the only ones called “racist” (even though “racism” does not exist; it’s either right or wrong, good or evil). Everyone is encouraged to hate white people. The Civil Rights Movement, which I regret participating in, only brought destruction. Blacks forced white private businesses to service them, and whites began catering to blacks. Then other immoral people came in and used black people for their own agenda, to bully the weak whites. Women who hate men, radical homosexuals, illegal aliens and others seduced black false leaders, comparing their wicked causes to blacks’ supposed “struggle.”

I often ask black and Hispanic liberal guests on my talk shows, “Do you love white people?” Rarely can they simply answer, “Yes.” But when I ask them if they love blacks or Mexicans, it’s suddenly an easy answer – “Yes!”

This month of July is my second annual celebration of White History Month. America is great thanks to white people. But it’s so overrun with blind white-hating people that we now have a Muslim woman with a head rag in Congress! Rep. Ilhan Omar, D.-Minn., is an evil, America-hating, Christian-hating “social justice warrior.” But she falsely claims, “I probably love this country more than anyone that is naturally born.” Her kind of “love” is the same emotional, egotistical spirit as angry single black mothers who raise thugs and defend them when they commit crimes.

I’ve been saying for years that if anyone does not love this country, they can leave! If you hate white people, and you believe in so-called “racism,” even though whites let you into this country, go back to Africa or wherever you came from! Same with the white communist antifa members who hate American freedom – get out of my country!

Order Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson’s book, “The Antidote: Healing America from the Poison of Hate, Blame, and Victimhood.”

President Trump rightly said the same thing in a few tweets last Sunday. He suggested that these “progressive” Democrat Congresswomen “go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came.” He’s right. But they won’t, because they’re hypocrites – including Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib and Ayanna Pressley. Not only will they not fix their own communities, they want to mess up ours! They only offer abortion, immoral socialism, false victimhood and hatred of white people, men and Christians.

Although the president defended white female Democrat Nancy Pelosi against false accusations of “racism” by Cortez, Pelosi turned on Trump, paying back evil for good. In order to help “women of color” who hate her, Pelosi led a controversial vote condemning what she falsely called “racist tweets,” denigrating the president. In response, Trump pointed out that “this was the first time since 1984 that the Speaker of the House was ruled Out of Order and broke the Rules of the House.”

Thank God, a beautiful crowd in Greenville, North Carolina echoed the president’s sentiments, chanting, “Send her back!” – referring to America-hating, Israel-hating Ilhan Omar. The children of the lie, including the liberal media, Democrats, RINO Republicans and Never Trumpers, of course freaked out over the lack of political correctness. These deceivers hate good people, and support America’s enemies. Weak, cowardly establishment Republicans begged the president to distance himself from the “send her back” chant, which he obliged to a point. But when pressed by media, the president stood by the people of North Carolina as “incredible patriots.”

President Trump loves America, and said that these Democrat women “can’t get away with” denigrating its people. “I’m unhappy that a Congresswoman … can call our country and our people ‘garbage.'” He referred to Cortez (the socialist), who trashed the opportunities offered by this country, and called the late President Reagan and working white people “racist.”

Trump said, “I can tell you this, you can’t talk that way about our country, not when I’m the president.” These are the words of a real man. Not a weak, pathetic person concerned with silly notions of “racism,” “sexism” and whatever else they come up with – Trump stands on what’s right. He’s a straight, white, conservative Christian man of power – everything the children of the lie hate.

Ilhan Omar promised to be the president’s “nightmare,” which really means she wants to be America’s nightmare. Trump said, “She’s lucky to be where she is. … And the things that she has said are a disgrace to our country.”

I say shame on us for allowing such a woman to come here. But this is what evil wants. It’s time for the people on the side of good to stand up. Thankfully, President Trump is doing that.

There’s nothing more important than rebuilding men. There are no men in the Democrat Party – only weak beta males. Women run the Democrat Party, which is anti-American and of Satan. We saw what happened when men disappeared from black homes. The black community worships “mama” while they kill one another. Now other races, including whites, follow in blacks’ footsteps of self-destruction, by following women. Whites have turned to weakness and surrender, thinking the people of color will love them. That’s not the way.

Watch and learn from this president, who makes evil unwelcome again.

The Rev. William H. Grimes #fundie

Sermon 26: Safety in the Church
By The Rev. William H. Grimes
Luke 22:36 says "Then said he unto them, But now, he that hath a wallet, let him take it, and likewise his scrip: and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one."
Recently, the "March for Our Lives" Soros funded rally happened. They want to take away our God given right to defend ourselves, our families, and our congregations with the means of firearms. Even liberals in the Episcopal "Church" have been getting involved with this movement. Episcopalians don't want their congregants to be safe anyway, since they may object to guns but don't object to grown 6'4 men in drag using the same bathroom as little Susie and her mom. THIS IS A CONTRADICTION AND AN ABOMINATION UNTO THE LORD! SAY AMEN IN THE HOUSE OF THE LIVING GOD! YOUUUUUUCCCCCCCCHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!

David Mendacino #wingnut #racist

<commenting on 20th anniversary of WTO protests in Seattle>

The WTO crowd of yesteryear became Antifa of today. The irony being it only took a populism to get them to shift with the wind. They were nationalists back then until they embraced the low information religion of identity politics and tried to conflate nationalism with racism because it became more profitable to pander towards non citizens.

Grust #conspiracy #wingnut

CNN (short for Cable News Network) is a news channel often bundled with cable packages.

Why It Sucks Now:

1. Completely biased reporting in news. Until around the early 2000s they were actually considered to be the least biased news channel, especially during the impeachment of Bill Clinton (when most other news networks were making him out to be either a degenerate pervert or an unfairly persecuted saint), but they've moved massively to the left since then.

2. Often ignores most newsworthy stories that go against their interests.

3. Completely sided with Hillary Clinton in the 2016 elections, doing everything to get her to win, rather than act neutral to both parties.

4. When a GIF of Donald Trump wrestling a man with a CNN logo for a head emerged, CNN tracked the man down and made him issue an apology, threatening to release the man's identity if he didn't. This led to a large backlash against them, leading to attempts at damage control.

5. Despite the immense backlash for threatening to blackmail the man who made the tweet, CNN doubled down on its decision saying that anyone who makes "hate speech" or "bigoted" comments should be "reigned in."

6. Tracked down a pro-Trump supporter through her Facebook page and publicly shamed her. The woman received harassment and violent threats as a result.

7. Has pretty much devolved into nonstop Trump bashing, with very little actual news in between.

8. Has dismissed and even defended the violent, terrorist actions of Antifa.

9. Recently has bullied a kid for wearing a MAGA hat.

10. Because of them, Trump supporters have spawned the infamous “#FakeNews” hashtag.

11. The Trump/Russia collusion, while a good topic to discuss, is overly supported by CNN, all just because of the Democratic Party lost the 2016 U.S. Presidential election.Thanks to the bias CNN is notorious of, the topic is left with flimsy evidence or the lack of evidence to back any electoral rigging, all leading to this conclusion: there was no election rigging in the 2016 Presidential Election.
*Even this result CNN refuse to accept, only to continue to milk this conspiracy theory out even if the final results are out. CNN Supervising Producer John Bonifield even admit that this story is only made/investigated in hope of raising CNN's ratings.

brendan1903 #wingnut #conspiracy

So again we have the useful idiots...sorry Trotskyite and Bornman and George H W Bush Nazi Brownshirts are at it again, making themselves look like idiots, buffoons and straight up laughing stocks. I know that these people were brainwashed by the far left controlled education system, and the mainstream media telling them fascists and white supremacists are under every tree but to see these people beating up conservatives and engaging in other disgusting activities, while the Jihadi Troika and the idiot Latina bartender being pushed by the 'Justice Democrats' and Soros to lead the nation if the Donald leaves make all sorts of anti Jewish statements and proclaim their love for terrorist groups [I support a single Jewish state with religious freedom and respect for all, the Nazi terrorist group known as Likud, the Muslim Brotherhood front organization Hamas and the KGB puppet Fatah can all go kick rocks to me.] and a president who has a settlement named after him in Israel, went to the Wailing Wall wearing a yarmulke and openly condemned white supremacists is considered a Nazi because of active measures and other propaganda operations done by intelligence agencies, Communists and fascists against the American people.

Pretty sick huh?

George W Bush was best buddies with Putin the poisoner who invaded Ukraine and is helping Assad stay in power, to be fear the Trotskyist neocons started it all by using the US Armed Forces, PMCs and intelligence agencies to fund, arm and train Neo Nazis and Islamic extremists to go around and cause chaos so as to make the world wide worker's revolution easier. Clinton gave away 20% of the US' Uranium to the Russian Empire in Uranium One. Iraq and Afghanistan were both fought to remove obstacles for Iran and to hand both nations over to Russian and Chinese conglomerates.

For Christ's sake the ex CIA head and Nazi sleeper agent George H W Bush, may his and his stooge Castro roast in hell, helped China become the superpower it is today!

And no one is talking about these issues!

Pop culture, the cult of wokeness and pathological skepticism have weakened society and the modern intellectual class so much to the point that the Fourth Reich is rising up now and most people don't even see it! Most people don't know this but one of the major foundations of Nazism, as well as one of its biggest supporters, came from the psychiatric community. The labor camps and the T4 euthanasia program which disposed of the mentally ill and dissenters to the regime were run by psychiatrists and the orders that killed so many innocent men, women and children, came from psychiatrists themselves! The same psychiatric community that is declaring everybody who opposes or questions the mainstream version of an event and ticking off every perversion under the sun, is the same group of people who supported eugenics and helped in the atrocities of the Third Reich!

Never forget!

Antifa, SJWs and many of the people on RationalWiki and genuinely believe that they are fighting fascism, and that anybody who opposes their 'social democratic' utopia is a tinfoil hat wearing nut or a goose stepping fascist. What these people don't realize is that their ideology is just a modernized version of the basic ideology of fascism and National Socialism and their behavior is no different from Hitler's Brownshirts that the Fuher used to create fear and use that, along with the false flag Reichstag bombing, to seize power in the German Republic and create the totalitarian Greater German Reich. Hitler's ideological mentor Trotsky, and his boss Lenin also used ignorant anarchists, progressives and Communists to commit acts of violence and terror in order to destabilize Russia, and once the Bolsheviks seized power the two men wiped out any opposition to their rule through purges and deliberate catastrophes.

Stalin as evil as he was, was against the globalist agenda and a proud nationalist, so after he realized Hitler was nothing more than a less smooth and more violent Trotsky he managed to convince FDR that fascism wasn't worth the effort but the Red Army had already provoked Japan into attacking, so the generals running America saved the day and Old Joe got poisoned some years later for his resistance. Reagan and the Iron Lady were set up in a similar way, they were portrayed as monsters and the worst evil imaginable and these lies beamed into the heads of young impressionable students, so instead of thanking these three world leaders for doing what they had to do in order to keep national sovereignty alive, we rail and curse at them like idiots. P.S Some of the propaganda against Reagan came from the KGB itself.

Just like what we see in the Demonrat Party.

Bernie was cool in 2016 but he's too old now, so Predator Pelosi and Alexandria Ocasio Cortez battle it out while Omar hopes the public doesn't see that she fucked her brother and is a conwoman, Talib is wondering how much money Hamas and Hezbollah are sending over and Presley...sigh.

Meanwhile Fuher Bi Bi drops white phosphorus on any opposition to the Nazi Likud Party while handing over American military technology to Il Duce Winnie the Pooh so he can oppress his own people better with the help of Big Tech up in the Californian People's Republic - run by the CPSU, the KGB and the Workers' and Peasant's Red Army, that provides AI research, access to American satellites, and ways for the Chinese government to improve its totalitarianism in means that would make IngSoc proud.

Does any one see something wrong here?

Tulsi Gabbard is the only Democrat worth a damn but she still hangs on to socialism, must be the military experience.

Trotsky even had the swastika as well, although he prefered to use it on his soldiers' uniforms and on Soviet currency instead of a red flag.

The party program of the Nazis as well as some of Hitler's and Mussoloni's speeches sound very similar to the rhetoric used by that of SJWs, of course they wouldn't notice that as they're too busy whining about insignificant Neo Nazis and alt right edgelords on some socialist echo chamber site or complaining about some imaginary oppression.

Seriously this is the same shit the CIA and Castro used to fuck up Latin America in the 70s and 80s. The Cubans indoctrinated and funded the street thugs, ignorant academics and guerrillas and unleashed them onto the streets to cause chaos, while the CIA sent in the death squads and the black ops boys to wreck things even further. It's how Iran Contra got started.

Articles exposing the fascist origins of 'social justice':……

Russiagate - the Big Lie of the 2010s:………

Epstein the eugenicist:……

Ignorant Skeptics and Debunkers Pushing for Thoughtcrime and Psychiatric Incarceration of Dissent:…

CIA collusion with Lamestream Media:………

Suppression of evidence on 9/11 nuclear smart missile and guided drone attacks:…

Big Tech's attempts at controlling free speech ('The medium is the message."):…

Moonman #fundie

[Alt-right rap song Fat and the Furious: Charlottesville Drift]


They tried to shut us down, cancel our permit
My people in the rally, all covered in spit
James driving shift, white polo outfit
If the break lights lit then you must acquit
When obese antifa are in attendance
This car grill does fat acceptance
Turned a closed rally into an open circuit
Elon Musk is asking how we sent that hamplanet into orbit
Because you blocked traffic and attacked him with crowbars
he sent more commies flying with less deaths than the USSR.
What a backflip, stop the crocodile tears
that's the most acrobatic Heather's been in years.
Remember, antiracist is just antiWhite in code
Should have dropped feminist studies and learned to cross the road
Now an ugly bitch is dead and a hot car is being toed.
You cried tears of joy when they passed Obamacare.
You died just the same, now we'll save on welfare.
Trump's new plan to pay off America's debt:
Every alt-righter gets a brand new corvette.
Used to burn crosses, now we burn rubber.
Turned a girl who made powerpoints instead of kids into flubber.
You said you like to try new food when you travel.
So we sent you on a trip to taste some gravel.
That's the healthiest meal I remember these drug addicts eating,
so it took me by surprise that your hearts no longer beating.
My homeboy Herschel made a call to Hack on Triple J
Made Tom Tilley light a tikki torch on the side of Triple K.
Fat and the Furious: Charlottesville Drift,
The paramedics who responded probably got the gift.
Make fun of the alt-right for watching anime - like Initial Drive
If you normies had tuned in maybe she'd still be alive.
Good thing you had Vice journalists within reach,
they haven seen that much shit lying around since a Liberian beach.
When I first saw the pic of Heather dying on us,
I was confused and asked "Is she stuck under that bus?"
The alt-right just had the National Guard deployed
Now jobless lefties want to make us unemployed.
I'd say they were trying to bring us down to their level,
but now that's 6 feet under meeting brimstone and the devil.
I suspect she was retarded before that car gave her brain damage,
It had dodge written on the front - she wasn't up to the challenge.
Even with the jewish media demanding that Trump must disavow
he still defends the alt-right and the Chad Plough.
To all you black pilled faggots saying the movement is dead,
even the President says its fine to park your car on a red.?

The “Proud Boys” Idiot Bunch #wingnut #conspiracy #ableist

[WONKETTE HEADLINE: Proud Boys Tore Down A COVID-19 Memorial, Because Caring That People Died Is For Commies ]

In recent weeks, the covidiots have turned. Now, those at anti-lockdown protests are not only demanding their right to defy stay-at-home orders and social distancing protocols, they're not only asking that they get to risk other people's lives, they are demanding that everyone else join them. They grab at the masks of reporters who cover the rally and at those belonging to counterprotesters. They get in people's faces. They scream. If they were leftists this would be a super big deal and Tucker Carlson would have had a thousand fainting spells by now, but they're not.

One thing that would be very big news if these people were liberals but is not because they're not is that last week, during an anti-lockdown rally in Spokane, Washington, a bunch of Proud Boys trashed a memorial to COVID-19 victims. A memorial made out of crosses meant to represent people who have died from the novel coronavirus, two of which they broke. Crosses. You know, like the one Jesus hung on?

The memorial had been put together by activist Tom Robinson, who runs the Stronger Together Spokane Facebook page. Robinson also attended the protest as a counterprotester, where he planned to simply stand with his memorial and not bother anybody. This did not work out as planned, because these people are the biggest assholes on earth. A video posted to the group's Facebook page show the protesters harassing Robinson, screaming at him to take off his mask and otherwise acting like the school bullies in a John Hughes movie.

The primary antagonist in the video was a Seattle Proud Boy who called himself "Milkshake," but whose real name is Daniel Lyons Scott. "Milkshake" wore a midriff bulletproof vest and a Hawaiian shirt — aka "big luau," get it, official shirts of "Boogaloo Boys," the far-right fanatics hoping that the pandemic will lead to a race war.


Here’s the video
[Sadly I couldn’t post a video link]

The video also features a man old enough to have grey hair taunting Robinson and claiming that he "knows" that this is all a hoax and a very aggressive woman wielding a flag. Here are their pictures, should you happen to live in the area and want to avoid people who will probably infect you with COVID-19. Or, you know, if you work in human resources.


Tom Robinson told the Spokesman-Review that he felt afraid for his safety and so left the area. When he returned, he found his memorial had been destroyed.

Soon after, Seattle area Proud Boys Zac Staggs, Josh Hanks, and Daniel "Milkshake" Lyons Scott posted a video to TikTok in which they actually bragged about tearing the memorial down, writing "Antifa made a fear propaganda cemetery. We cleaned it up. We don't stand for COMMUNIST FEAR" as a caption on a picture of it. The image then switches to a picture of the crosses in a pile on the ground, with a hand doing the "OK" symbol now associated with "White Power" over it. Because of course.

[TikTok of the fromage-for-brains doing just that. Jerks.]

Charming people, no?

Robinson has since put the memorial back together, replacing the two crosses broken by the Proud Boys in their attempt to stamp out "communist fear." Most likely, unless these douchenozzles keel over and die from COVID-19, everyone involved will remain at an impasse. Because that's just how things are now.

The Distributist #wingnut #dunning-kruger

More needs to be said about the self-identity of western progressives. I would maintain that the defense of this identity (and its virtue) explains most of the insanity coming from the left today.

I notice two tricks, in particular, being used by leftists here.

First trick, linguistic, is the creation of loose words for their own political radicalism. These words are used to organize and galvanize when new, when discredited however they disappear and seem to apply to no one. We can see this in labels like “AntiFa” which the left has defended for years but now seems to be a figment of our collective imaginations. It also applies to general terms (“SJW” and “woke”). Who coined these? The left. But to hear their account they are right wing smears. This is process is complemented by the second trick, historical, that defines “progressive”, as by its essential nature, to be good, honest, and always winning. As such their history curves around counter examples and a self flattering triumphalist narrative is constructed. Whereas real identities (religion, ethnicity, and nation) refer to real things and therefore have real messy records of good and bad actions, the progressive identity need not worry itself with such troubling nuance. Any evil doer who called themselves a “leftist” or “progressive” in the past is vetoed from their history by definition. The inquisition & crusades will forever be part of “Catholic history”, but Eugenics and the Gulags are not and never will be part of “progressive” history. Progressivism is of course a religion. But these deceptive tactics give it the ability to do things we don’t usually allow. The first is the construction of impossible to meet historical moral standards. Since the left can never be held to account this is a fun excercise.

The second is an ability to shift standards in order to maintain its dual illusions (“always right and always wing”). For this reason neither the progressive moralist nor prophet ever need to doubt their work. But also as a consequence, the ideology itself is mercurial. Many have said that progressives see “progress as God” (e.g. it cannot fail it can only be failed) but the problem is deeper. The “God” the progressives worship has no nature, it is shifting, and ephemeral. There is no there there. Progressives have created for themselves and identity that always wins and that is always good, but the price they pay is that this identity is entirely EMPTY. It has nothing in it.

As such the progressive is the culmination the ne plus ultra of the rootless and stale modern condition, as sad as that is.

Can we not all strive something more authentic in our own identities?


Conservapedia #conspiracy #wingnut #elitist #racist

2020 Leftwing riots were an effort by the DNC and mainstream media to spark a race war in the United States in advance of the 2020 presidential election.[3] After the killing of a Black man while being taken into Minneapolis police custody, white liberal racists and social justice warriors nationwide began rioting, knowing that African Americans would be blamed for the violence.[4] The violence was discovered to have been pre-planned[5] and well financed. Democrat leaders and mainstream media refused to condemn the loss of innocent lives and property. The Antifa terrorist organization and other violent socialist groups hijacked peaceful protests and were responsible for the looting, burning. and lawlessness. The Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) is a key support group.

After the killing of George Floyd by a Minneapolis policeman using a "non-lethal" choke hold approved by the city's Democratic administration,[6] the communist-dominated New York Times called for a movement to defund the police nationwide.[7] Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential campaign spokesman immediately echoed the sentiment.[8]

It is certain the riots were non-spontaneous; the delivery of unbound pallets of bricks placed at strategic points in front of government buildings and affluent shopping districts in metropolitan areas throughout the country on the morning the riots broke out demonstrates a high degree of logistical coordination and financing.[9] The evidence suggest a classic communist revolution, which much of the world has suffered at one time or another over the past 100 years, but the American people has been isolated from and remains somewhat naive in dealing with such threats to preserving their freedom.

150 federal buildings were defaced and 750 police officers injured nationwide in the liberal Democrat/Socialist violence.

Michael Williams #racist #wingnut

A Young White Man’s Struggle with Identity

This is part of our continuing series of accounts by readers of how they shed the illusions of liberalism and became race realists.

I am a white man in his mid-twenties who grew up in a middle-class home. My mom was a liberal public school teacher and was passionate about helping “oppressed” immigrants and minorities. She taught at inner-city schools and worked as a missionary in Haiti and Mexico. Looking back, I realize I was deeply influenced by her — especially since I had no real father figure. I was taught to not see color, and that in general, the reason why minorities and immigrants struggle in America was because of racist whites.

I was a rebellious teenager, and made plenty of trouble for myself throughout high school. Eventually, my bad behavior made my mom decide to pull me out of my majority white school and enroll me in the almost exclusively black school she taught at. She thought the black kids would “straighten me out” and “show me what it’s really like to have it bad” — but that isn’t what happened. Instead, I ended up coming to admire the black “gangster/thug life” and started using drugs and causing as much trouble as ever.

The next year she sent me back to the majority white school I had been pulled out of, but the trouble didn’t stop. I began using more and more drugs, and became addicted to Oxycontin. After that it was a downward spiral. I was willing to do anything to get the drug, and I started hanging around bad characters. By the end of high school, I was selling drugs and robbing people in order to fund my addiction.

Not long after I graduated, my parents kicked me out and I started “couch-surfing,” while still selling and using drugs. This ended with me going to a treatment center for a year and a half — but once I left, I quickly picked up my bad habits once again. I started selling crack and other drugs in a black ghetto, and my life was centered around getting high. But I soon found that I was not welcome there, and even hated. Not because I was dealing drugs, but just because I was white and operating in black “turf.” That period of my life was marked by many fights, a lot of close calls, and a revolving door of jail cells, treatment centers, and homelessness.

In the midst of all this chaos, I fathered a child with a black girl. Though nobody in my white family was bothered by this, some of my black “friends” and relatives of the mother openly voiced their disapproval of interracial relationships. Regardless, becoming a father motivated me to grow up, become a man, and change so I could be a good dad to my daughter. I sobered up and started working any job I could get.

My change in lifestyle made me start to think about race. As I was working hard, my “homies” still came around, but they never wanted to do anything but get high and get into trouble. A lot of my “friends,” most of them black, drifted away from me because I was doing something positive with my life instead of destroying it with drugs and crime. That was too “lame” for them. One of my closest black friends began constantly lamenting the fact that I was changing and wasn’t “the good old guy who just wanted to kick back and get high” anymore. But he still hung around, so I would say things to him like, “Hey I know we both have criminal records and drug problems, but if I can get sober and work to have a decent life, so can you.” I tried to be a positive influence, but he always had excuses.

One day, I told him, “I’ll help you put your resume together and I’ll take you to go apply to some jobs.” He said he would do it, but when I picked him up, he just wanted to get high and went on a long speech about oppression saying, “You don’t know how hard it is for a black man in America, it might be easy for you to just go and get a job, but not for me.” I asked him, “What makes you assume that it was easy for me? Just because I’m white?! And second, how are you going to cry victim when you haven’t even honestly tried to work hard or change? I’m offering to help you get a resume together, but you want to get high instead? No one is holding you back but yourself.” We argued and then went our separate ways.
Many blacks would rather live the “thug life” than work hard to make an honest living. Yet they make excuses, blame society, the police, and the white man for all their problems. Some blacks are hell bent on destroying themselves and everyone around them because they feel like victims, and they will never take any personal responsibility. I came to realize that the only thing I had ever had in common with blacks like that was a victim mentality and the desire to get high. Once I stopped being a victim and sobered up, none of them wanted anything to do with me anymore. Now that I was doing positive things with my life, they weren’t even happy for me, just envious.

I moved on and kept to myself in the years that followed. And after a few years of hard work and self-improvement, I got back together with the mother of my child and we moved in together. I was proud that I didn’t make excuses for myself, and did the hard work I needed to do to get my family back together, and made myself into the man and father they needed me to be. I don’t regret any of this. I did not want my child to grow up without a father, like I did. Fatherlessness is a huge issue in America today, leading to all kinds of dysfunction.

With my life in order, I turned my focus to education and the pursuit of truth. I dove into topics such as psychology, history, economics, politics, and ultimately — race. The more I learned, the more unconvinced I was by the “blue-pill” liberal worldview I grew up believing. When I discovered race realism, I was impressed by how many facts and statistics lined up with my own experiences living as a criminal in “the hood.” From there, I discovered the alarming realities of the “great replacement,” liberal censorship, and the violence committed by antifa and Black Lives Matter. The more I dove into the facts, the more I saw that Ben Shapiro, Jordan B. Peterson, Charles Murray, and Jared Taylor were telling the truth. Simultaneously, I realized how insidious the Left was in trying to smear, censor, shame, and shut down these thinkers. It was at this time that Donald Trump was elected, and I began seeing the protests, riots, rage, and unrest coming from the left. A political line in the sand was being drawn, and the Left was no longer open to dialogue: they were only interested in taking power by force.

White liberals claim to be on the side of minorities and other “oppressed” groups, but they know nothing about them. As a white man who lived the thug life in the hood for over eight years, I know that they hate the white liberals’ pandering, and when white boys imitate them. Most of them hate the idea of assimilating into white America: they want their own jurisdictions, culture, and rules — and they hate when whites intrude, peacefully or otherwise. Believers in the “melting pot” theory have never lived in a black community, but they like to imagine that they are great “warriors” and activists for justice and equality.

As a white man, and as a father to a black and white child, I felt that fully understanding racial issues was an absolute must. My daughter’s mother and I had many conversations about these matters, and — fortunately — she agreed with almost everything I was discovering about race. She saw the destructive tendencies of blacks firsthand. When she worked hard at her job or studied hard in school, other blacks were jealous and treated her with contempt for “acting white.” She has never been able to understand why most blacks have such a big chip on their shoulders, hate whites, and maintain a victim mentality when they never experienced slavery or Jim Crow themselves.

She doesn’t make excuses for her own shortcomings and has never cared that other blacks claim she isn’t “really black” or hated her for her success or for having a child with a white man. Because of this, our family remains strong and united. Some may accuse her of hating her own race, but the truth is simply that she refuses to buy into the lies and propaganda that blacks must fight against whites in order to succeed. She loves her own people, family, and race. She also appreciates and respects white culture and realizes that whites built this country and made it prosperous. She loves America, and doesn’t want it to change, so she supports the national identity of America as a white nation, and has no desire to see it taken over by blacks, immigrants, or “social justice warriors.” I believe more and more blacks are waking up and coming to support America instead of hating it.

I may have a mixed child, but I am a full supporter of the US, the white race, our culture, and our honor. I will die before I see our great country defiled and overtaken by leftists and foreigners who hate our culture and want to replace it with theirs. My grandfathers both died to defend this land, and it is my duty to do the same if the time comes — and every day it feels more and more like that day will come during my lifetime. The increasing amounts of censorship, indoctrination, government largesse, and white ethnomasochism that we see can make the future look bleak. But there is hope in the fact that if people wake up to the truth now — and stop being afraid to speak their minds — we can turn things around and preserve this great country — maybe even make it greater.

Anthony Smith #wingnut #racist #fundie #conspiracy

The rioting in Minnesota is the result of a perfect storm of liberal progressive policies and cultural Marxism. In fact, the rioting and creative destruction is the expected and desired outcome of years of communist ideological subversion, specifically through diversity politics and mass immigration. Ultimately, the root cause is the result of the failure of multiple Roman Catholic Popes to consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary as requested by Our Lady at Fatima.

Sound extreme? Take a closer look at the facts and then decide yourself.

The (Deliberate) Transformation of Minnesota

Minnesota has a long history of Democratic party politics. It was the only state that did not vote for Ronald Reagan in either of his two presidential campaigns. The Minnesota Democratic Farmer-Labor party (“DFL”) was formed in 1944 and has its roots in socialism. It has a history of on-again, off-again relationships with communists and modern socialists such as Bernie Sanders. In the 2020 Democratic Presidential primary in Minnesota, Sanders received 29.89% of the vote – second only to Joe Biden. Socialism is not a marginal movement in Minnesota.

Minneapolis was historically a city of predominately white Christian citizens. The percentage of white citizens in Minneapolis remained at 99% from 1910 until 1950. Non-whites started coming to the city in large numbers in the 1970s and 1980s. In 1980, the percentage dropped below 90% to 87%. By 1990, the city was more than 20 percent non-white. By 2019, only 60% of the population of Minneapolis was white.

The early migration may have been tempted by Minnesota’s generous welfare programs. That does not account, however, for the massive influx in recent decades. That change has largely been the result of the immigrant resettlement programs, which have deliberately placed large refugee populations in Minnesota communities. As recently in 2018, the census bureau reported that since 2010 populations of people of color had increased faster in Minnesota than the rest of the nation.

There is no natural reason for people from Sub-Saharan African to migrate to Minnesota. Yet, the state has 52,333 people who report Somali ancestry — the largest concentration of Somalis in America — according to data from 2017. This is not a stable group of people trying to assimilate into American life — more men and boys from the Somali American community in Minneapolis have joined – or attempted to join – a foreign terrorist organization over the last 12 years than any other jurisdiction in the country.
Minnesota was merely a petri dish where the virus of cultural Marxism was fed to generations of students, church-goers and citizens for decades. It was almost inevitable that the revolution would start there. The ideological subversion of the United States is likewise well-advanced. We are now watching the new Jacobins tearing down statues of Columbus and trying to erase American history. Major corporations, celebrities and politicians all rush to swear fealty to BLM and Antifa, and donations pour in to support radical organizations. The Church stands silent. What can we do to get rid of this spiritual virus?

The solution is prayer. We must pray for the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary over communism. Regardless of whether the Holy Father consecrated Russia to the Immaculate Heart correctly or not (no Pope ever consecrated Russia by name to the Immaculate Heart), the current situation is the manifestation of the prophecy of Fatima – that Russia would spread its errors across the world.

Pray the Rosary daily for the end of atheistic communism!

Various Incels #sexist #racist #psycho

RE: [LifeFuel] Based niggers throws black foid into the dumpster



So a group of Black Men threw this Black girl in a dumpster last night as they all laughed and recorded her

HAHAHAHAHA The look on her face at the end.


That's all she's thinking about. She's not thinking about hoe embarrassed she looks online because she's still getting the attention and knows one simp is watching that and will find out where she lives and go "I'll fuck her." and she will fuck her troubles away.

This won't change anything about her.


This is what happens to worthless cunts, based, no simping


She looks so happy to be in her rightful place :)


to where she belongs. turns out niggers can get rid of the trash they leave behind.


jfl white mayo fags need to get on nigger levels

Cumskins are too soy and beta for that.

they are submissive faggots but love to hate on blacks while sitting infront of a screen, watching bulls breeding their white wives


Now it’s battle of “who’s most oppressed”. Will niggers defend their own men, or rush to their gross women?

Whites are restrained by Jews. Some of them do shit like the guy who shot up antifa in New Mexico when they tried taking down the conquistador statue.

Blacks can do what they want because the media won’t kill them and then push the narrative they’re all bad. If a white does anything the media will just racebait and the pushback against whites will be worse.

i get that, but shouldn't whites run numbers game at this point?
i just know that enough white people dislike blacks in burgerland. rise up you pussies.

Not really. Jews really do have control of white westerners. If a race war were to happen it would be whites killing whites.


Blacks living up to the stereotypes.
Should have shipped them back to the Black Continent after the abolition.
Unfortunately (((they))) killed Lincoln before he was able to do that.

And other whites were sold the lie that, given enough time, they would integrate to the western culture and become civilized.
We can clearly see now that it will never happen.

John Ward #wingnut #quack #conspiracy #dunning-kruger

Is It Time for Civil Disobedience Against The Covid19 Cult of Failed Advice?

This is today. It is not 1933. But the global mob rule we are witnessing is as old as the hills. As old, in fact, as the ancient Greeks who warned that the Herd Instinct, when married to Herd Ignorance, would inevitably lead to the Führerprinzip.

Plato predicted this earlier than most, but latterly George Orwell offered us a more exact description. For some forty years now, the Internationalist bourgeois Left has treated Nineteen Eighty-Four as a blueprint. Bizarrely, the globalist/blocist Corporate State builders have been doing exactly the same.

So for example, the Guardian’s Executive Editor instructed her journalists in 2016 to call Climate Change doubters deniers. This same collective noun is now being extended to Covid19 empiricists. But at the same time, unelected bureaucracies have promoted those like top UK civil servant Sir Mark Sedwill and US Global Pharma creature Dr Fauci to positions of enormous power and influence….using completely unregulated censorship at will to dub contrarian Covid19 commentators ‘Science deniers‘.

In recent years, one socio-political issue after another has been treated to the same formula of rigid ‘framing’. Those with doubts about the multicultural model of society are diversity deniers. Supporters of Brexit are Little Engander globalism deniers….and racists to boot. Those noting the spread of Islamic Jihadism and Pakistani rape gangs are Islamophobes. Critics of some elements of male homosexual lifestyles are homophobes. Attacks on the radical feminist creed are the work of sexists lasciviously obsessed with male rape.

Over time, such framing has trickled down in an even more simplistic form to the mass electorate, creating a knee jerk mode of acceptance I call ‘Estuary pc’….such that, in 2012 I employed a plumber who actually said, “In terdayzz mult-culchural-siety, that is a totelee hunacceptable dibollikal libe’ee”.

The link back to the shot of Hitler Youth at the head of the post is extremely pertinent: for acceptance is now turning into not just unquestioning obedience, but also demands that contrarians be told to shut up ‘for the Common Good’.

During the development of the official coronavirus narrative, we have all been treated to the Holier than Thou fascist who begins with “It’s people like you that…”. Who has not coughed in a queue for shopping and been greeted by glares from others? During the 2016 Brexit referendum, the day after Jo Cox’s assassination Leave supporters were treated to threats, and screams of “murderers” – Nigel Farage (not even remotely connected to the alleged assassin) was accused of being responsible for inciting the attack.

The metamorphosis of ideology into creed is rapidly creating a self-styled mob of Spanish Inquisitors – precisely the sort of bullying that led to the furious Groupthink of Krystallnacht eighty-five years ago. Whether that mob be Momentum, The London Times, Antifa, the New York Times, Channel Four, Common Purpose, Black Lives Matter or the BBC, there is an enthusiasm for – an asumption, in fact – that the Bertold Brecht Weltanschauung of The Good Lie is not only acceptable, it is essential. The naysayers must be silenced.

So much for diversity.

Such does not exactly provide rich soil for the discernment of lies and promotion of more effective (as in, less tunnel-vision) policy. 84% of Brits now see Lockdown and the wearing of masks as ‘necessary to control the virus’, even though the masks on offer are close to useless and lockdown has been shown to achieve little beyond approaching national bankruptcy.

Nor is the climate of ignorant fear a good one in which to put forward obvious contradictions between policies in use and the “science” they are supposedly led by.

And finally, the construction of informed conjecture about the real purposes of whipped-up Covid19 fears is so far beyond the closed mind, it is dismissed at Twitter – the ancestral home of bullying – with insults like “you thick c**t”.

All this darkness accepted, here and there one sees some signs that the largely silent Thinkers – estimated at around 16% of the adult population – are beginning to wonder whether this virus has rather more to do with globalist finance, multinational Pharma profits and surveillance permissions than anything remotely approaching “science”.

This therefore seems to me like a good opportunity to take one overriding element of the majority approach to Covid19 – a fairly easy one to understand – and leave both the Mob and the Establishment with a question they will surely find it impossible to fend off.

From Day 1 of the Covid19 saga, we have been watching a tug-of-war between two sets of medical interests.

The highly regarded French newspaper France Soir has been creating a Covid19 drug-trials niche for itself by raising all kinds of methodological anomalies in relation to the Recovery trials being headed up by Peter Horby. The articles are compelling because the paper’s director of publications Xavier Azalbert is that rare thing, a distinguished scientist who then switched to journalism. But although the telling findings fly over the heads of most of the population, Azalbert’s overview about who the politicians listen to in the field of virology is a fascinating one that, for me, represents a genuine insight.

Neil Ferguson (the man of multi-billion Pound mistakes) is an epidemiologist, and professor of mathematical biology. He has never been a medical practitioner in his life.

Peter Horby is an epidemiologist, and Professor of Emerging Infectious Diseases and Global Health. He has never been a medical practitioner in his life.

Anthony Fauci’s first degree was in classics. He went on to medical school later. The sum total of his clinical experience was a two-year hospital internship from 1966-68. He has never been a general practitioner in his life.

Chris Whitty, UK Chief Medical Officer, worked as a doctor and researcher in Africa and Asia and is a practising NHS consultant. He has never worked in general practice, and his total experience in the current century has been as a Professor, administrator and public sector office holder at Gresham College and the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM). In 2008, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation awarded the LSHTM £31 million for malaria research in Africa. At the time, Whitty was the principal investigator for the ACT Consortium, which conducted the research programme. I probably don’t need to remind you of the lingering ethical doubts relating to that “vaccination” programme.

Ferguson, Horby and Fauci also have a long history of being funded by Big Pharma.

In short, the front line of Anglo-Saxon advice to government are all people Low in clinical experience and High in Big Pharma funding. They are model builders, theorists and fund-attracters laden with multivariate conflicts of interest, and little or no depth in the vital process of patient obervation. Their careers, needless to say, are all littered with groundless alarmism, major mistakes in counsel and the belief that vaccination is the answer to every problem….even a virus which, many practising medics contend, is highly unlikely to ever work on a mutating coronavirus – let alone within two years to include drug trials.

This is the tug-of-war team that has a monopoly on access to government. The other team – the practical, experienced medical practitioners – are variously depicted as minority nutjobs, eccentrics, headline-chasers, small-time and narrow deniers – there’s that word again – who are a constant risk to millions of human lives, and must be ignored. In fact, never mind ignored – for the good of the cause, they must be smeared, censored and refused access to the debate.

In fact, it is the Horbys and Faucis that are the tiny minority infecting genuine medical science with their corrupted ideological creeds and flakey models.

So now, here is the $64 trillion question that the Establishment war-tuggers and the hopelessly general political class they blind with science can’t avoid: why are you listening only to atypical academic twaddle-theorists with conflicts of interest who have at best been hopelessly wrong and at worst lied about Covid death stats and ruthlessly manipulated drug test trials?

This is in no way an unfair framing of the question. Ferguson’s death toll estimate was wrong, Horby’s drug trial of HCQ was fiddled, the entire process of lockdown was unaffordably broad, economically unaffordable and incompetent in the area of protecting the vulnerable, there is an inquiry going on into PHE’s massively overestimated UK death toll, and the Horby trials are being redone at yet more public cost. Dr Fauci has deliberately misled the American People about HCQ, and his conduct has been the subject of some excoriating criticisms by the practitioners’ supporter, the American Medical Association.

As I said, for the time being – until such time as the public mood changes – keep it simple. To those who are awake, the reasons why all these dubious activities – the Bigging Up of Covid19 – have been undertaken are clear. Nevertheless, park the power, money, geopolitical and Alt State hegemony madness and focus on this one question: why are you still taking the advice of the folks who’ve fucked up?

Yesterday, Chris Whitty flatly stated that “Coronavirus cases are rising in the UK because ministers pushed lockdown easing measures to their limits”. He openly rubbished Boris Johnson’s plan to get the UK back to normal by Christmas, insisting that “relaxing rules further will absolutely, inevitably lead to a resurgence of the virus.”

Whitty put his foot down: lockdown loosening measures had to be ‘stopped now’ and maybe even ‘pulled back a bit’ because they risk allowing another large-scale outbreak in the future.

This was based on a daily death toll figure of 38. Out of 76 million. In the US on the same day, the light use of lockdown produced 5 deaths. Out of 330 million. Lockdown has been at the very best a questionable policy, and a certain gdp disaster for a Britain that can ill afford one.

Whitty is not interested in even considering that his strategy (which, let’s face it, not a single government anywhere knows how to emerge from) is flawed, that the dangers are wildly overstated, and that Britain must move on or collapse. And Boris Johnson’s Cabinet shows no sign of even considering that Whitty is a Pharma tool and, economically, a dangerous fool.

Steve Straub #wingnut #racist #conspiracy

[A meme with a picture of antifa activists on top and Republicans at a rally below, entitled:]

Democrats: Violently riot in the streets and destroy the country they hate

Republicans: Work hard, pay their taxes, andpray for the country the love

[and this text below:]

n fact if Republicans were smart (questionable) they’d be repeating “jobs, not mobs” over and over.

It’s a slogan that is simple, easy to understand and is 100% accurate.

Democrats have devolved into the party of “mobs” while Republican control of government created the best economy of our lifetime. At least until the China declared war with the USA via Covid.

Why anyone would ever want to vote for Democrats and pick the mob, over jobs is beyond me.

Yukon Jack #conspiracy #ufo #crackpot #racist

Most people on the planet have been taught Genesis as a fact when it is a fictional tale of origin. Our origin is of utmost importance if you want to understand why we are slaves. If you note, the Antifa Zionists are actively destroying United States “origin” monuments. Why are they doing this? They are replacing history with their propaganda to control us. The same is true for Genesis, it is a tale of origin written by Jewish supremacists to control other races.

We were indoctrinated by the fairy tales in the Holy Bible to believe that God made man with some mud. This is nonsense to say the least, but it is believed to be truth by half of the planet. In this essay we will examine how lifeforms come to be based on our current knowledge of Genetics. All life on earth uses DNA strand coding, so this means new life is only made by changing DNA sequence.


What I think is that the human being is an ideal slave specie that is not limited to earth. I believe that humans are all over the galaxy, that once you create a human form it can be transported to the next planet and exploited. Humans can be convinced to do hard manual labor and build civilizations, transforming primitive planets into assets of space empire.

You need to wrap your mind around the Gorilla vs. You. The Gorilla who is far dumber and much stronger than you can never be convinced or trained to dig a ditch. A Gorilla will never ever pick up a shovel under orders of a human being and be a work slave. But we do dig ditches and even enjoy our slavery. This is why you exist, as a slave to a more advanced race.

Are humans an illegal and exploited hybrid specie illegally created by evil space aliens? Yes! That is why we have incorrect tales of origin, so we never learn our true condition as slaves or why we were created. Our immoral origin is also the reason why we hate and curse god on a daily basis.

No other specie curses god on a daily basis, hundreds of million times a day humans raise their fists to the heavens above and curse their existence. That should tell you a couple of things. First we are evil by design, and don’t belong here. And we should stop breeding because we are in hell. There is no point in bringing new life into hell. Just think about it, if earth is a prison planet then why make more prisoners?

JonFreeman #racist #wingnut

You own a store.

You're making do.

Then an angry mob chanting "I CAN'T BREATH! JUSTICE FOR ALL! BLACK LIVES MATTER! THEY'LL LISTEN TO US NOW" busts down your windows and door and steals every goddamned thing.

Then you see a fucking asshole online say "OHHHHH, IT'S ONLY PROPERTY. INSURANCE WILL COVER IT! BESIDES, THAT STORE OWNER IS WEALTHY AND I'M A VICTIM OF SOCIETY! PROPERTY ISN'T AS VALUABLE AS HUMAN LIFE" ... and you're reading this as you're looking at the now empty shelves ... representing thousands of dollars (if not hundreds of thousands, as is the case of jewelry stores) of stolen inventory that the insurance won't cover (if you're lucky, they'll reimburse you several months down the line ... after you've closed up shop since you can't make rent since you don't have anything to sell or any money to buy new inventory with)...


Or ... are you gonna skip town and move to a city where the locals don't burn down their own community every time they get upset?

Don't kid yourself, the rioter holding the baseball bat and stolen goods would change their tune instantly if it was their shit getting stolen. And the armchair NPC activist would also change their tune in an instant if their goods were pillaged in these riots.

Besides, with new autopsy report shows he had corona and fentynol in his system possibly shading it more to reckless manslaughter as opposed to 1st degree murder ... well, violent riots targeting citizens are never justifiable, and now it's possible you're going to have a good portion of america eating their words and saying "THE FACTS WERE WRONG, BUT OUR MESSAGE WAS RIGHT" as cities continue to burn.

Peaceful protests, yeah sure knock yourself out. But every time BLM rears its head, looting happens, with or without the help of antifa. It's not a coincidence at this point, it's tradition.

American Patriot News quoting Buck Sexton to sound like they didn’t pull this nonsense directly out of the wrong end #wingnut #racist #sexist

Buck Sexton, the host of “The Buck Sexton Show,” said Friday that the upheaval in the country brought to you by the Black Lives Matter protests have done nothing but destabilize, weaken and drive a wedge between races in the country and if it continues it may cause irreparable harm.

Like most movements that start with a sincere goal, Black Lives Matter has been hijacked by antifa anarchists and the Democrat Party. After weeks and weeks of violent protests and cities like Seattle and Portland literally being taken under siege, the only palpable results are a few empty statue pedestals, ravaged cities and a historic surge in violence in major cities.

“BLM has made everything worse for everyone in the last two and a half months or so,” Sexton said. “Nothing has improved. Nothing is better. And increasingly, we have to look to who should be held responsible for this. And I would argue that the Democrat Party, Joe Biden and the mainstream media are to blame.”

Sexton pointed out that even adherents of the BLM movement are very specific about what black lives actually matter to the movement. It is not the 12 people killed each weekend in Chicago alone due to gun violence, they are only concerned about the black individuals killed during interactions with police.

Sexton said the term “racist” is being tossed around by “smarmy beta male white liberals” at places like MSNBC in an attempt to silence anyone with the backbone to examine the BLM mission statement. He said it is the height of irony that liberal pundits making millions a year, living in expensive neighborhoods and sending their children to $50,000-per-year private schools are the ones talking about the changes needed in society.

“They’re frauds,” Sexton said. “And they’re cowards and they’re hurting the very communities that they pretend to help.” And they are—right now—waiting for the next video that could show a police officer using excessive force just so they can start the process all over again.

But the Black Lives Matter movement will continue because it is now sponsored by major corporations doing their best to avoid the cancel culture pandemic and benefit from the political cover from politicians like Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., who blamed the dramatic increase in crime in New York City to hungry citizens stealing bread to eat.

Sexton said the new orthodoxy is now in place and “we’re supposed to just accept it.”

Andrew Anglin #wingnut

China never did any of this insane stuff to their population. They never locked people in their houses. Even in Wuhan, they didn’t lock people in their houses, they just closed the roads into the city. Life went on largely normally inside of Wuhan. Life was always normal in the rest of China, and they just made people wear masks and told them to stay home if they were sick.

In fact, China now has the moral grounds, according to the theories of the US government, to begin funding terrorists in America to overthrow the government in the name of democracy, given that the US government has engaged in this insane program to lock everyone in their houses and collapse the economy, which is totally unprecedented throughout all of human history.

I’m not saying China should do that, I’m just saying it follows the same reasoning that the US was working with by funding these antifa lunatics in Hong Kong.

The bigger problem, however, is that the West simply isn’t going to have the money for this nonsense anymore. China is now officially the adult in the room and the man holding all the cards.

Gary D. Barnett #conspiracy #wingnut

“The end goal is to get everybody chipped, to control the whole society, to have the bankers and the elite people control the world.”

~ Aaron Russo—Unsourced

This country has been through so much in its history, with so many committing crimes against humanity in this immoral governing system. There have been aggressive wars and the continuous murder of innocents, false flag events, foreign and domestic terrorism, recessions, depressions, financial upheavals, scandals, corruption, thieving taxation, divisiveness, and loss of liberty. But none of this is comparable to what is happening today, and what those in charge are planning. This illegitimate ‘pandemic’ plan is truly the epitome of evil, and is being allowed to go forward without resistance by a blind population voluntarily participating in their own self-destruction. Nothing of this caliber has ever happened in the history of this country, and nothing has ever been a bigger threat to liberty. In fact, if this plot is allowed to continue, we will face an apocalyptic loss of freedom, and will be relegated to a life based on servitude.

What we now face is a war against all humanity, a war without end. We face constant surveillance, forced vaccination, and home imprisonment. We face a total loss of normal interaction and communication with others. We face complete restriction or elimination of travel. We face the prospect of a total loss of medical freedom. We face having to present papers in order to move about or transact business. We face the possibility of being chipped, and the requirement of implants and tracking device mandates. We face the elimination of normal employment leading to financial ruin. We face starvation and extreme poverty. We face gene-altering technologies. We face all this and more in what has been mistakenly called the freest country on earth.

The recent ramping up of this ‘virus’ propaganda has reached a level that should have been unimaginable to most, but instead of question and dissent, the general population has taken this all in stride, and have acquiesced to most every order given. Any that properly disagree with the state’s false narrative, and any that choose to fight against this tyranny, will face extreme prejudice because those seeking the truth will always be a small minority in this land of obedient order takers. Mass compliance of state guidelines leads to the shaming and threatening of those sane individuals not obeying politicized orders, and this pathetic and submissive behavior by the masses is the epitome of the common American mindset today. What once was a land of intelligent, freethinking individuals has turned into a society of manageable fools.

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There were many causes that led to the demise of intellect in this country, and government schooling with control over the young from the age of three until out of college was possibly the most determining factor in that transition. With that indoctrination and dumbing down, the population became much easier to control through distraction, divisiveness, and bribes. When analyzing this phenomenon, it is apparent that cell phones, television, gaming, and constant texting and chatting instead of face-to-face contact now consume people. The race card has been played over and over again, but never with such gusto as has happened with the suspicious ‘death’ of someone being called George Floyd. The division caused by the political and media hype and the purposely created BLM and Antifa rioting and looting, has led to mass chaos and idiotic group think. In order to keep the public at odds with reality, and to solidify devotion and support for the state, it was necessary to offer bribes in the form of bailouts, direct cash payments, high unemployment largesse for all, and promises of future ‘universal basic income.’ With these things in place and with the promotion of fear, the submissive herd has been calmed. This seduction of the public has been successful for the ruling class in many ways, but the ease and speed in how it was accomplished is most disturbing. But then, the ignorant mob has always been easy to buy off, and easy to fool, and if this continues, our future will be one of slavery.

The basis of all governing authority and rule relies on the voluntary compliance and acceptance of that authority by those being ruled. Without willing submission by the general public, no dictator, no group of elitists, and no oligarchy could ever gain or hold power over the people. This truth has been lost to the collective mob, and only lives in the hearts and minds of the few. So long as the common people seek ‘leaders’ to guide them, they will be led. In other words, so long as people vote, so long as they wave their flags, so long as they pledge their allegiance to the state, they will remain slaves to whatever political system they allow to exist.

The people at large have not only allowed this takeover of humanity, but have embraced it. The people’s appointed masters are seeking total domination over all of society, and apparently will stop at nothing to advance their agendas of death and control. They promise continued tyranny by demanding compliance of every order handed down by fiat. In the false name of safety, they claim as all totalitarian monsters claim, to protect us all from ourselves by requiring blind obedience to the new god called the state. They claim we will be held by force in this state of madness and isolation until we all wear deadly masks, distance from each other, and take a new untested and poisonous vaccine. Even then, they intend on continued tracking, tracing, and isolation of any that do not allow the injection of this toxic concoction.

What have we become? What purpose is there in life if thinking and acting as nature intended is outlawed, and deemed treasonous? What joy will remain if this insanity continues? When will the people that gave this horrendous government its power take it away? When will Americans reclaim their freedom?

There is little time left in my opinion, as the state is attempting to gain total control over the next few months, and will use this coming flu season as the impetus to advance even more draconian measures meant to cause massive death and destruction. It seems likely that if compliance by a large majority is not forthcoming, or if mass control has not been fully achieved during the winter, then a real lab-created virus may be released to insure that the panic continues, and that a new fear will be sufficient enough to cause complete societal submission.

“Insanity in individuals is something rare – but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule.”

~ Friedrich Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil Ch. 4

Shawntheimmortal942 #racist #wingnut #conspiracy

You gotta love it! These people use BLM/ANTIFA’s tactics against them and it’s beautiful! BLM and ANTIFA are on thin fucking glass because like Salty Cracker said, these “progressive“ politicians can go on and on about being ”for the cause” and “on your side” but the minute you come down to their neighborhoods and try to burn it down...don’t be surprised when they turn their backs on ya( it happened in CHAZ/CHOP when you assholes went to the mayor’s front door despite her saying “it wasn’t a riot, it’s summer of love!”)because they are letting you burn these cities down and they expect you to stay on your side but you BLM/ANTIFA fucks keep pushing and pushing and pushing until people start to push back. Now you can say “Well, we’ll vote them out and get true progressives into power!” You obviously don’t know the definition of insanity, huh?

John Horvat II #fundie #racist #homophobia #wingnut

All Souls Matter

Such rhetoric oversimplifies the position of countless Catholics perplexed by the call to join the BLM revolution. They are far from being the cold, heartless and oblivious Christians Mrs. Bruenig paints in her op-ed. They are filled, however, with legitimate concerns that need to be addressed.

Of course, these Catholics can pronounce a lowercased “black lives matter” without any problem. The Catholic Church was the institution that, for the first time in history, broke the back of “systemic” slavery that was the fate of most people in the ancient pagan world. The argument the Church advanced back then was that everyone is created with an immortal soul redeemed by Our Lord Jesus Christ. And thus, all souls matter.

For this reason, the Church went forth and taught all nations, races, and peoples baptizing them and instructing them on how to live lives of Christian virtue. The Church has a long and honorable history of seeking after the salvation of souls wherever they might be, even to the ends of the earth. She never wavered in her conviction that all souls matter.

Thus, Catholics are by their nature anti-racist. They ardently desire the salvation of all souls, without exception, regardless of race. Of this, there can be no doubt.

Attached to Unacceptable Causes

The doubts come when it is time to pronounce the uppercased brand: Black Lives Matter. Attached to this label are causes and philosophies that clash with the Church’s solicitude for the salvation of souls. Reluctant Catholics wonder how BLM activists can fail to grasp that the message being transmitted by the movement is: Not all souls matter.

The cry of these three volatile words implies an endorsement of the breaking of God’s moral law since the BLM movement enthusiastically embraces the LGBTQ+ cause and Planned Parenthood. The echoes of this catchy slogan resound on the violent streets of Portland, Oregon, where cursing Antifa and BLM rioters burn Bibles and U.S. flags, destroy property and injure police officers of all races. Intertwined in the motto’s short syllables is a Marxist class struggle narrative in bitter conflict with the Church’s social teachings and responsible for the death of tens of millions of lives…and the eternal damnation of countless souls.

Is it any wonder that Catholics cannot bring themselves to utter these three words that can represent a spectacular clash with the Great Commission, which affirms that all souls matter? Justice demands that the BLM subversive and immoral positions be rejected since they contain falsehoods by which souls might well be lost. Unless the movement abjures these evil influences, it cannot command the respect, much less the allegiance of those Catholics who sincerely want to help.

The Distributist et al #dunning-kruger

The Distributist: “Force is more effective than voting” - FOR THE LEFT

None of my right wing friends should be under any illusion that they can get away with any amount of force or violence.

Settler's Lament: Force is effective when you have allies on the establishment who will protect or promote you.

Scholar-At-Arms: Force will only work for the Right if things come to an out-and-out civil war.

Davis M.J. Aurini: But if it gets to the point, you've got to ask yourself why the Cathedral sent a general to lead us.

Doc Yellow Pill: Antifa is the adjunct of the Cathedral.

Davis M.J. Aurini: Caveat: explicit, 'chimpout' violence only serves the left. My own people are famous worldwide for our far-right, religiously inspired shadow states.

Southern Daily News: Physical force absolutely not, however don't be afraid to be stern with your beliefs. To stand firm in the face of the anti-white narrative.

Iron (Ken): Voting is just the sanctification of force/initiating force by proxy. The Marxist left can't achieve their goals via legitimized force so they have specialized in alternatives out of necessity. The Right is generally intrinsically opposed to that mode of action.

smarmyanarchist #fundie

how incredibly privileged and sheltered do you have to be to think that when dealing with a group of people that wants you dead, a government/media that allowed them to rise to power, our priority is “seeming to be in the right” to “impartial observers”??? first of all if someone is “impartial” about fucking nazis they’re wrong, period, and will never do anything tangible to support human rights. i mean shit they can’t even condemn fucking nazis. second of all who is still under the impression that violence isn’t an effective way to keep nazis from becoming more powerful? survivor after survivor of the Holocaust has said that debating their oppressors was useless. every time an alt-right fuckface gets punched or doxed they talk about how they’re afraid to show their faces in public or talk about their plans for “ethnic cleansing” publicly. this means they don’t have the social influence to gain yet more followers and sympathizers. this is exactly what we want. this is how we stop them. this is how we could’ve stopped a Trump presidency, and the decades-long political decay that allowed it, if we weren’t so naive.

who is still under the impression that the corporate media won’t control the narrative to the point that the facts are irrelevant to public opinion? did yall ignore Ferguson? did yall ignore the election? are yall ignoring the fact that there are people who support a gag order on scientists because they’re reporting scientific facts the current regime doesn’t like? the assumption that we can count on fair treatment by these supposed “impartial parties” is glaringly false if you put any amount of critical thinking about the context into it. “oh but mlk was successful!” mlk was demonized and assassinated by the govt and then years after his death turned into a Nonviolence Figurehead that white Americans bring up solely to delegitimize protests they don’t like, erasing the majority of Dr. King’s message and beliefs in order to do so; pretending his work is “done” although we still have to march for the worth of black lives. besides which, the govt of that time supported him because they wanted people to turn away from the black nationalists and militants. Dr. King’s success was due largely to the fact that people were willing to be violent in pursuit of justice. i’m not even saying violence is always the most effective way to protest- i’m saying that sometimes it is, and when that’s the case, your scorn should be directed at the people who created the conditions so dire that average citizens are willing to riot and vandalize. not the people acting out of desperation and rage.

in order for nonviolence to work, your opponent must have a conscience. america has lost its conscience long ago. america stopped considering it “wrong” to generalize entire peoples long ago. america stopped considering it “wrong” to take away people’s rights in the name of “safety” long ago. in today’s america it’s considered wrong to be too rude to people advocating genocide because “it’s their free speech!!!” even if you ignore morality, the fact is that nonviolent resistance to the rising fascist movement has failed. we absolutely must be willing to protect our fellow human beings by any means necessary, or accept the fact that we’re turning a blind eye to atrocities.


DeAnna Lorraine #wingnut #psycho

During her livestream broadcast yesterday, QAnon conspiracy theorist and failed congressional candidate DeAnna Lorraine urged conservatives to form militias around the country so that they will be ready when they finally receive the “green light” to grab their guns and take back the streets.

“I think a lot of us are waiting for a green light where someone—whether it be President Trump or someone else—says, ‘OK, everyone grab your guns, you go here, you go there, you go there, and let’s organize and fight back,'” Lorraine said. “It’s not necessarily so realistic for Trump to just shout that out on Twitter. That would be kind of a precarious position for him to put himself in, if he literally says those words and gives that green light that we’re all waiting for. So, I believe that this is the time for us to stand up and get organized in small or large groups, city by city, and start taking back our cities.”

“If you get word of a statue about to be knocked down, or a building about to be defaced, or an anarchist about to come and do something or loot or riot, we’ve got to organize and go there,” she continued. “We’ve got to create our own and execute our own militias”

“We got militias,” Lorraine added. “We have Proud Boys. We’ve got a lot of underground veterans and militias that are there and that I know that have been training for years, because I know some of them personally. We’ve got a lot of Proud Boys, we’ve got a lot of Proud Girls, we’ve got a lot of MAGA guys and girls. We’ve got a lot of people, so we just need organization because we are unfortunately outmatched. It’s pathetic when you think about it because we are being run over by little, skinny, soy boy antifas who don’t probably even know how to swim.”

Mick Williams #fundie

Today's Laugh 12-1-18


Caption 1: "The left vs. conservatives" (something is randomly labelled "Antifa" and two men with masks and turbans are labelled "Mao" and "Che". Both appear to be fighting.)

Caption 2: "The left vs. literature"
A sign in the background reads "Banned from School" and the following list appears: "RUDOLPH" - promotes bullying; "SANTA" - capitalist; "LORD OF THE RINGS" - Racist portrayal of orcs as inferior; "DANIEL BOONE" - nationalist; "LITTLE HOUSE" - sexist; "GRINCH" - belittles deformities; "LASSIE" - animal exploitation; "SCROOGE" - promotes Christianity; "FROSTY" - climate change denial.

Just Mat:
They guzzle sewage from hell while finding everything good, wholesome, beneficial to humanity, helpful and just plain enjoyable and fun as evil. Actually, they are the type who can never be "happy" until they have made everyone else (except their own filthy ilk) miserable. And they use the bludgeon of illegally passed laws supported by illegal judges to beat true people over the heads with. I say "true people" because these things have lost every shred of humanity and have become vicious rabid (but sentient and trained) animals. And that fact that they can still think on some level makes them a threat to people.

Mick Williams:
I think there are 2 main reasons why they can't debate: one is not having a leg to stand on; the other is being a product of the leftist education system. They don't know history or logic.

Mick Williams:
When you throw punches like girls, it's necessary to outnumber conservatives 20 to 1.

Lady Checkmate:
Smh. Those cry-bullies will only physically attack others when they outnumber them 20 to 1 (cowards) and those monsters would rather sexually exploit children than show them wholesome tv shows and cartoons. They support sexual deviants reading books to preschoolers at the library (priming them for child-rape), but take issue with those same children hearing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. SMH. Children need to know that God loves them and He has a plan for their lives. But, the child-rape advocates don't want children to know the Truth, so they fight anything wholesome, pure and righteous. They're disgusting filth.
Matthew 18:6 (KJV)
6 But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.

Mick Williams:
Yep, and a lot of these guys wearing millstones are going to be dressed in drag--former child cultivators.

KW Miller #racist #wingnut #conspiracy

Submitter’s note: this is from a series of tweets, I’ve only linked to the first one. If there’s a way to link to the whole series, let me know.

- Osama Bin Laden wants Joe Biden to win.

- Xi Jingping owns Joe Biden.

- Terrorists and ANTIFA want Joe Biden to win.

- ISIS wants Joe Biden to win.

Georgian Southern Nationalist #wingnut #elitist #homophobia #transphobia #racist

[From "GAXIT! Free Georgia Now"]

After a Kemp victory last November, Georgia’s political future has become clearer[…]It’s now been proven that the Peach State still has enough genuine Georgians to keep an anti-White zealot like Stacey Abrams out of the governorship. Georgia’s monuments largely still stand intact, a new anti-child sex change bill (SB 40) has passed, the “Heartbeat” law has successfully returned, and gun rights have been expanded. On the other hand, long-term demographic issues are not looking great[…]it’s imperative for Georgia to secede before the next gubernatorial election[…]
A major component of a Free Georgia will be ensuring that Southerners (bonafide Georgians) are running and managing the state. Enacting the county unit system in all statewide elections will be critical. This is a topic that has been discussed by the Georgia League of the South and at Identity Dixie but[…]it’s an important step to curtail the carpetbagger-dominated Metro Atlanta[…]
Southern Nationalists could convince a squeamish representative to push for pro-Southern policies. It’s during this period that Southern Nationalist advocates would focus on restoring, and then solidifying, Georgia’s pro-Dixie cultural and social foundation

For starters, one should look at the vast potential of Stone Mountain[…]Largest (currently) monument to the South’s efforts in the War for Southern Independence[…]
We could easily morph whatever remains of the Georgia National Guard into a new “Army of Georgia,” fastened with the old 1956 Georgia flag[…]This new unit would be used for home defense[…]
This brings me to the idea[…]that Georgia is a purple or “non-White” state; thus, the Left would “rebel.” In truth, I could envision a few violent riots in Atlanta, like we saw with “Cop City” but the new “Army of Georgia” would quickly and efficiently remove such threats. Antifa cowards will flee Georgia

various commenters #wingnut #racist

(submitters note: regarding

( @TheMadPiper )
@Nature_and_Race Well, there was that one time in Pittsburgh. Maybe, for their own safety, Jews in the US should exercise their right of return to Israel.

( @Johnnybravo88 )
@Nature_and_Race it'll stop when White people get so tired of it that they actually do what they're accused of..... on a nationwide scale.

( @AlbertCurtis )
@Nature_and_Race Allow me to ask the real question: why should JEWS matter to any of us at all? I am not a JEW! Are you?


( @thesoupfascist )
@Nature_and_Race Remember when they canceled abortion and antifa was openly posting about burning down churches and the media didn't care one bit?

( @RealAnnyIrish )
@Nature_and_Race Jews invented hate-hoaxes, they not only lied about the holocaust they also lied about the pogroms in Russia by claiming all sorts of atrocities that were bold faced lies completely manufactured by jewish journalists.

( @ALEngineer )
@Nature_and_Race avoid jews at all costs

( @eagleeyes007 )
@Nature_and_Race yup just like the fake attacks on negros they make it up and plaster the lies all over mainstream media

( @AngryWhiteCringeNat )
@Nature_and_Race pfft. IF ONLY this were true. Blatant fukn lie

( @Javanka_is_Rasputin )
@Nature_and_Race Another FBI false flag/gay OP right before an election.

( @celticoddtree )
@Nature_and_Race they count their own & blacks own hoaxes to blame Whites so they can add them to their list as true

( @CaptXenon )
@Nature_and_Race no one wants to blow up their synagogues. We want to deport them to place where their filth will not affect us.

( @genukem )
@Nature_and_Race Jews, all of them, deserve to be exterminated. Man, woman and child.

( @RoarLyinz )
@Nature_and_Race Here we go……..phase 3 of someone blame White people commences. We’re just a few days away from a prominent joo reminding blacks that, “black people let’s not forget that we both hate White people.”

( @kameltoe_harass )
@Nature_and_Race No loss if every fucking gogue in the country was smoked, just saying. its like , I dont care if rats live or not, but when they are in my food source and home, they will be removed. ( dead or alive - though alive they will come back )

Matt Weiler #conspiracy

he also may have been setup.. powers that be are pushing for a civil war. An ex cia guy predicted a mass shooting over the next few weeks two days ago on a radio show i listen too.. there may be another mass shooting in the next month framed as a right winger.

Some sources close to the investigation said there was antifa literature in the hotel room. MSM won't touch it.. CIA does operations like this in countries all over the world. Look up operation Gladio in Italy.. all declassified

SoulSurfer #conspiracy

Metal Gear Reveals Scarlet Lucifer (Woman Riding Beast) New World Order

Metal Gear Peace Walker - KGB Agent, Final

Note: To Understand this you must understand Allegories; Predictive Programming and Symbology. If you do not then this is a waste of your time so click X. It requires researching and studying.

Starting with Gun Control

False Flag Predictive Programming Alert!!

Army without Borders= Antifa and ISIS.

V is also for Venus, and also represents the Jesuits (Guy Fawkes) Vendetta against King James (The Church of Christ)
In 1605 Jesuit Guy Fawkes tried to blow up the King James Parliament. The infamous gun powder plot. Why do you think pope is calling for an end to protestants?

The woman rides the beast. The machine is also part of the beast.

A Couple of scriptures to reflect on:

The King James Bible Warns us Clearly

1 Thessalonians 5:3King James Version (KJV)

3 For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.

Now you know why the Jesuits hated King James. While the man may have had sins, he did one good thing with creating the very tool that is warning us.

Do not listen to those who will ridicule this topic. They will lead you to your demise. This is a warning the way I see it and these people, the Illuminati Jesuits are insane. They basically told us their plan through a video game. And only those with eyes to see can see the message. I hope you are awake; if not then God help us all.

I know some will ridicule; but this is mostly for those that see and know. The more you research the more you will become in tuned with the truth; and the truth will rise. What your heart treasures there your heart will be. Treasure truth and allow the truth to manifest. This is how I see. (It is also called synchronicity.)

Pinochet-Heli-Tours #conspiracy

[Commenting under "Are these antifa types and anti-capitalist protesters professional provocateurs? It seems like the evidence is mounting they often are."]

(((George Soros))) is the man who funds most BLM and loony leftist protests. He profits from collapse.

raziel71 #fundie

I did not say no Christian have ever committed murder.There is also a big difference between murder and defending yourself from someone that tries to kill you. An of course, a real Christian would not murder anyone. I dont consider catholics Christians, if you know anything about history. But, you are deflecting from the main point, the Texas massacre murderer was an atheist that also liked antifa and though that Christians were stupid. All in his FB page. The others in the last 20 massacres were mostly atheist, or democrats, or left leaning. This is easy to look for in the internet. Lanza's mother a democrat, same for the Columbine teenagers, the muslisms in California and Florida registered democrats, which by the way, tend to be atheist. You have no argument because the facts are clear.

Brian Niemeier #conspiracy #wingnut

Everybody remembers the disastrous Charlottesville rally from back in 2017. Not everybody remembers it the same way.

Ask most people, and they'll tell you how a bunch of neo-nazi troublemakers descended on the town and started a riot that ended up getting innocent people killed. The Left loves this narrative, and they wave it around as a call to action against the fascists they say are overrunning the country.

People who actually investigated the debacle have a vastly different picture of what took place. They know, for instance, that officials herded the right-wing protesters into what was essentially a kill box with only one way in or out. Police stood down, putting the protesters in direct contact with the Antifa counter-protesters, who were conveniently bused in for the occasion. A Lefty with a gun spooked James Fields, who drove into a crowd. Soon afterward, a morbidly obese girl died of a heart attack. Fields was duly made an example of with a life +419 years sentence.

If it looks like it, sounds like it, and smells like it, you call it what it is--a setup.

A setup that worked so well, the powers that be are now roping a new set of protesters into round two. Only this time, it won't be twentysomething dissidents, but NRA Boomers, in the Left's kill box.


Unfortunately, the mainstream media coverage of Charlottesville was tailored to keep guys like Van Cleave from learning anything that might actually help defend the second amendment. So in all likelihood, we'll see another riot with the blame placed squarely on "gun nuts".

The up side is that power-drunk Leftists don't realize that giving Joe Boomer and his AR-15 the same treatment as torch-bearing weirdos won't play well on Main Street. Dissenters' main problem right now is that not enough normies understand that our rulers hate them. A big swath of them are about to learn.

For a thrilling fictional account of underdogs fighting back against an oppressive nanny state, read my explosive military thriller series!

Internet Tough Guy: The Poem

EthicalFunTime #fundie

[OP of "[POEM] The Great Cleansing"]

The Great Cleansing by /u/EthicalFunTime

So many choppers in the black of night
reflections on the pale moonlight
of falling leftists, splashing in
feeding sharks, I'll call that a win.
I'll say it once, I'll say it twice:
it's time to zyklon-b these lice
Santa Claus is coming to see who's naughty or nice
the guillotine's coming to separate and slice
Though there is an aphorism:
"Some people do prefer their scaphism."
lathered with milk and honey over a stagnant pond
seeing them suffer stiffens my wand
Over main street many leftists splatter
and then met with children's riotous laughter
alas, look! A wave and nod from the pilot!
and then he flies off into the twilight's dark violet
lined up in the streets antifa is decimated
only one survives, blinded and castrated
to send back a message to terrorist scum:
you'll never steal our personal wealth and income.

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