
Not nearly as smart as they think they are

Canadian Anon #dunning-kruger #racist #wingnut #transphobia boards.4chan.org

Why do leftists claim to represent science while being so ignorant of biology and genetics?

They hate biology. They hate the fact that there are different genders and races determined by genes. They hate that differences in IQ and other abilities are strongly affected by DNA. They even hate that obesity is bad for your health and deny that too.

Why are leftoids anti-biology?

Do you have a PhD in biology anon? Why are you so sure you know what you're talking about?

nobody cares if a fancy man in a white lab coat with a fancy piece of paper lies about health info to protect his ass from woke ideology getting him fired because he's a coward
>appeal to authority fallacy, tiresome etc

Yeah, fuck off with your distorted view of the scientific "establishment". The idea with the most evidence at any given time is the one that is most supported by academia. There is no significant link between IQ and race, not a genetic one anyway. There is a difference between sex and gender. Cope and seethe.

>muh appeal to authority fallacy

It's not an appeal to authority. It's me saying that no matter what proof you come up with to relate genetic IQ and race it will have already been explained 30 years ago.

>my fallacy isn't actually a fallacy - let's unpack this!

Andrew Anglin #quack #dunning-kruger #conspiracy dailystormer.in

[From "WHO and CDC Declare Measles a Global Threat, Say It Can Cause “Permanent Brain Damage”"]

The regions affected are those with the poorest sanitation in the world

This seems very obviously to be a total scam

It’s amazing that the media is just lying like this

New York Post

A combined report from two major public health bodies has declared measles an “eminent threat” to the global community

Released on Thursday, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO) feared that a record decline of measles vaccination rates and persistent large outbreaks meant that the respiratory virus was an “imminent threat in every region of the world”[…]

It’s totally new! Totally different! Never seen in hundreds of years!

Okay, Jews



spoilerNomber of deaths from measles worldwide in 2000 and 2020, by region

several Doomer Boards members #senpai_noticed_us #wingnut #dunning-kruger doomer.boards.net

It's interesting, if nothing else. Fucking soy bugmen *want* to post on 4chan or the farms, but can't because it's superbad heresy: the solution, make their own shitty off-brand GMO version.

I can't say I disapprove, cuz laughing at fucktards on the internet has been a hobby of mine for 20+ years now. But it did get me thinking about how web 2.0 has ruined even these simple pleasures in subtle ways. They've removed the context from the comedy, they are no longer part of the spheres they are laughing at. They are sitting in the parking lot that reddit paved over their own fucking community with, looking down at the savages that refused to be conglomerated into these depersonalized industrial supersites, and they are deeply puzzled over the behavior they are witnessing there.

Does anyone even know who anyone else is these days? Or is it just a chain of indistinguishable, interchangeable userhandles marching past your screen in a never-ending parade? There's no investment, swipe left for retardation, turn up tomorrow for more and different retardation, repeat ad infinitum ad nauseum.

There's also a fucking deep and worrisome lack of comprehension skills on display over there. Bitches, listen: if you're going to troll, try to read and comprehend the entire fucking sentence before emptying your septic brainpan all-over a clean sheet of internet. Thanks for your subscription, but the darknation technical support line does not issue refunds.


Another thing - we don't censor, there is literally no need for external archives so you can go give your true opinion on a post (that's the reason why the farms exist: you can't call dew out on his bullshit on DW, you are forced to go elsewhere to state your opinion). So what's this two degrees of separation in aid of? You can fucking call me a cunt here and no one will bat an eye, you can state your insipid political opinions right here on this very forum and - this is the important bit - you can defend, stipulate, articulate to your hearts content about how the original post was wrong.

Of course, they won't do that, because they are moral and intellectual cowards with shit debating skills.

several Doomer Boards members #senpai_noticed_us #wingnut #transphobia #dunning-kruger doomer.boards.net

Some tr@nny idiot is reposting based comments from Coomer boards to his shitty libtard kiwi farms copycat with six active users, skipping his dilation schedule again. Oh no!

Hey "DSC" since I know you're reading this, go post some more of my comments. I have some based ones too and I see they're shamefully underrepresented on your shitty website. The one where I show girls at the club my medical record was funny as fuck until 40oz made me edit it to please the proboards jannies. Or the numerous quality threads I made about my cock and anus.

i'm glad to see myself there. maybe i should produce more quality content for their shitty site, so they'll have at least some decent posts.

These people have yet to prove they're actually against harassment, btw.
Not sure why they hate Kiwi Farms so much since their site is literally Kiwifarms' unattractive bugman cousin.

marriedtosister #crackpot #dunning-kruger #elitist literotica.com


Consensual, adult, real incest, particularly between siblings is one of the most beautiful things possible in the world IF that's something that you're interested in.

So many of the creation stories in human history begin with it for a reason, because it can be so natural, so perfect. It is inconceivable to me that there could be a better, more beautiful, more amazing experience than for them share a sexual and romantic relationship.

4. New spouses take decades and go through many struggles to try and learn each others cultures, values, inconsistencies, and issues, and half the time end up in divorce. If a brother and sister understand each other well, they could skip over decades of that difficulty, and go straight to exploring the best that life has to offer together.

6. You share 50% of your DNA, sometimes more, sometimes less. The probability that your sexual organs are JUST PERFECT for each other, made to fit like a lock and key is astronomically (yes I mean this figuratively) high.

7. As a whole, the probability that a brother and sister's bodies just work together an are perfect in all the right places are also very high because they are pretty much made from each other.

8. The sex is absolutely mind-blowing between a brother and a sister, who decide to pour decades of sibling love, lust, insecurity, fights, conflict, differences, unresolved disagreements, and an underlying deeply rooted friendship - and take the step of joining their bodies together. There is absolutely NOTHING comparable to the feeling of having that catharsis.

14. She doesn't have to change her last name. (Half joke).

17. When you fight, there is an upper limit on the hostility. Some don't even consider divorce at their worst. They are tied together beyond an oath.

18. There is something absolutely amazing, exciting, hot, and unattainable-in-any-other-way, about having "forbidden" sex with your sibling. It makes the sex a THOUSAND times better.

21. Their silences are well understood. He spoke her language before she could speak coherently. There isn't a human being on the planet who knows her better than him, or vice-versa.

Anonymous #conspiracy #crackpot #dunning-kruger #racist boards.4chan.org

it means the following - the real history of Europe is a tightly kept secret

the current inhabitants of Europe are recent invaders who arrived by sea
the cathedrals were not built by Frenchmen
the people that now inhabit Eastern Europe used to inhabit all of Eurasia

what you see on that map is the male lineage that invaded Europe no more than 250 years ago
when they arrived, the Ashkenazim were along for the ride - and they settled in what history books call "Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth"

there is evidence to back up what I'm saying

Can you give more information. I though AshkeNAZIs came from the former Soviet Union.

What did Franco mean by the 'uninvited strangers'? Reptilian shapeshifters?

Here's the story I was able to piece together

The people now known as Balto-Slavs (the term itself was invented in 1848, so it's anachronic) used to inhabit pretty much all of Eurasia.
A single unified culture.

And then the invaders arrived.
The origin is unknown, the year is uncertain - but I'd guess it's around 1800.
Maybe it was 1812.

The inhabitants of Western and Central Europe were outright kiled or deported to Eastern Europe.
And the people who call themselves "deutches" established a Reich (literally means "realm") in Eastern Europe - in history it's known as "Catherine the Great's Russia" (the term "Russia" is likewise anachronic)

But the Brits had other designs, so they assembled an international coalition and attacked this Reich from all sides - the event is known as the Crimean War.

The Ashkenazim were part of this invasion - when the Germans settled Eastern Europe in great numbers, they were there.

That's why people think of them as having Eastern European origins.

Veronika Kyrylenko #conspiracy #quack #dunning-kruger #crackpot thenewamerican.com

[From "Florida Leads Nation in Rejecting Covid Propaganda and Federal Diktats"]

Americans have been told time and again how to protect themselves from infection and disease[…]The Covid vaccines, of course, play a central role in all of this[…]
With the number of breakthrough infections demonstrating the shots’ ineffectiveness, and with more and more adverse reactions recorded in the government’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), many everyday Americans wonder if the government will ever address the elephant in the room

Luckily, the critical voices of officials occupying high-level healthcare positions are getting louder and clearer

On October 7, Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo recommended against men aged 18 to 39 receiving mRNA Covid shots because of the 84-percent increased relative risk of them having a heart attack within 28 days following inoculation. The analysis was drawn up from Florida’s reportable disease repository “Merlin,” the State Health Online Tracking System, and death records data

Vaccine proponents, of course, claim that Covid infection itself poses a risk of cardiac complications greater than the risks associated with the shots. The Florida Department of Health (FDH) stresses that this is not the case[…]
The Florida Health Department’s guidance reaffirmed its earlier recommendation for parents and guardians to spare their little ones from Covid shots, adding that the youngest of Americans, who became “eligible” for mRNA inoculations from Pfizer and Moderna in June, should not be getting them either[…]
Big Tech’s reaction was predictable. Twitter swiftly removed the updated guidance posted by the Florida surgeon general as violating its coronavirus “misinformation” policies[…]
Fortunately, American parents, regardless of their own vaccination status, are not willing to get their little ones jabbed with experimental concoctions, according to official data

subhuman #dunning-kruger #racist #sexist #wingnut incels.is

White people are like the boogeyman for low IQ ethnics

I see ethnics as like small children. They are watching their world fall apart with the unraveling of traditional society and social relations, the replacement of traditional morality and religion with Western values, immigration to foreign countries. Many ethnics struggle to find meaning in this and redefine their place in the pageantry.

Zizek says the fantasy of all ideologies is to have a cake and eat it. For ethnics, the fantasy is to enjoy the gross pleasures of the Western world (shallow pleasures, sexual consumerism, white women), while at the same time restoring a traditional hierarchical society that will stabilize their lives and confer meaning upon them. Their fantasy can never be realized however. The liberal values that gave rise to the things they so covet are directly opposed to the traditional society they want to resurrect. I see this a lot with ethnicels on here (not going to name names) raging against Western degeneracy, but at the same time rejecting getting an arranged marriage because they are too enticed by the pleasures of Western degeneracy or want a white woman and so on. JFL.

Zizek points out how the Nazis fabricated an ideological enemy in the figure of the Jew. The figure of the white man provides a convenient explanation for an ethnics suffering. Ethnics are besieged by a multitude of problems that they don't know how to make sense of, except by projecting it onto a single object. It's the white man that is disturbing their way of life. The white man is stealing from them by taking their women. And so on.

The ethnicel fantasy is then: it is possible to get a white woman or slay ethnic women, but the white man is preventing me from doing so.

Most ethnicels should not even be here. Lots of self professed "ethnicels" are tall, rich, or have a good face. Many have actually ascended. What draws above average ethnics here is not that ethnics have it harder getting girls, but that they are in a crisis of identity that makes them identify with us. The oppression they face is concocted in their own minds. It's clear that we do not share one struggle with these "cels".

MTG #homophobia #transphobia #conspiracy #dunning-kruger twitter.com

Tragically, 300 Americans die of fentanyl poisoning everyday in America and Biden says and does nothing.

Tragically, 5 people were killed in a shooting in Colorado and Biden immediately demands a ban on assault weapons.

The solutions are this:

1. Secure the border and stop the drugs.

2. Defend our right to keep and bear arms so that people can defend themselves from killers who could care less about laws.

DasFeuerDerWahrheit #conspiracy #wingnut #crackpot #dunning-kruger deviantart.com

Made jokes with friends just jesterday.

" The paralells to WW2 were not enough!

Somehow Poland must be involved in the shitshow as well. "

Fun fact is Hitler officially opened the war also with mobilizing against Russia.

How they slapped France in just 3 days or so happened as a side-effect almost, regardless of the beef Hitler still had with France because of the "Versailler Vertrage". :D

The false-flagging of the global Russian-haters is so pathetic.

It is wierd how no one is falling for this level of bs, but people are super divided about the possibility that Humans truly have so much influence over the climate.

Something which I also do not believe in. :woohoo:

And the vehicles among Humanity which have the most influence, ten-thousand fold more than simple CARS, are vast transportation & container ships which no average Joe has influence over anyway.


DasFeuerDerWahrheit #racist #conspiracy #wingnut #dunning-kruger #pratt deviantart.com

O' I tend to phrase things differently. ;)

Being racist is actually normal and inevitable. It is just the norm of being able to classify the ehtnicity of someone visually.

Everyone is a "racist".

But not everyone is a race hater. Big difference.

And I doubt many peopel truly care. It is only that the tiny, mentally ill minority of the collective left spectrum, has their ugly mug & existence so much more amplified than all other race hater groups combined.

Even white one's, or latino's or even such with Asian indivuals. B-)

It is just that the FED Mafia has decided it is the most profitable to antanogize white people now since they tend to have the most wealth which the "Elites" would like to "redistribute".

No matter how many pandemics, wars and climate-agenda's they have to push for it to happen until the working-class is finally as poor as those in 2nd and 3rd world countries.

This is the true goal behind just everything. :relaxed:

Kenneth Ruskin #dunning-kruger #sexist #transphobia #wingnut youtube.com

RE: transmaxxing manifesto v6 thoughts n words

Manifesto sounds like feminist cringe. Which is funny, since films like Jubilee (1978) accurately predicted the relations to come in the post-industrial fallout. Incels and feminists deserve one another, they have so much in common and you can barely tell them apart. Perhaps the one infiltrating the spaces of another can be seen as a final synthesis of the loser dialectic, the fleshy arm of the incel troon strangling a fat lesbian woman in sports finally making them relevant in the media while the Rowlingite kicks out the dressing room prowler with steel tipped boots. Both fighting to be the favoured bioleninist vanguard of capital and client group of oligarchs. It's nice to sit back and enjoy it, even if it gets stale after some time. Personally I root for the incels since they are the underdogs and don't have as much unearned social privilege, punching up against the harpies, but one shouldn't get too invested in it.

Matt Walsh #dunning-kruger #elitist #homophobia #wingnut mediamatters.org

Daily Wire host calls the US soccer team “treasonous” for using rainbow colors in one of their crests at the World Cup

Matt Walsh: “If I was in charge of the country, they wouldn't be allowed back into the country”

As noted earlier, this rainbow crest is being used alongside the traditional crest, in part because of the extremely cruel anti-LGBTQ laws in Qatar.

MATT WALSH (HOST): The corporate gay pride stuff is just sheep's blood on the door signaling that they are the chosen people so the angel of cancellation passes them over. But as far as symbolism goes, I think it is appropriate that they should change the colors of the American flag with the colors of the LGBT flag. I mean, it's horrendous, it's traitorous, it's treasonous -- if I was in charge of the country, they wouldn't be allowed back into the country -- but it's also appropriate because the LGBT nation, LGBTistan we may call it, is, after all, the country that corporate America as well as the United States government seeks to represent. It is the nation that the left pledges its allegiance to. It is the country that wishes to colonize the world and export its ideas and values to corners of the globe that have no interest in them.

Now, I've often said that the alphabet club is a religious cult. And it is that, certainly. But maybe, on second thought, it's better understood in this way, as a country. It has its own flag, its own national holidays, its own myths and traditions, its own sports teams, and it has its own government too, which is formerly known as the United States government.

Now some people predict that we will eventually in the future become two countries, there's going to be some civil war. But the point is we're already two countries. There's one that salutes the Pride flag and despises the American flag, and one that salutes the American flag and has no use for the Pride flag. At this point, it's only a matter of making the split official, I suppose. Something that we will probably never do, but we should.

Anonymous #dunning-kruger #elitist #fundie #sexist boards.4channel.org

Fucking succubus as a Christian man is cucking Satan

Fucking a demon is possibly the most based and redpilled thing you can do.

You are fucking a demon, a demon who's Satan raised it to destroy humanity, who never thought that it would be spreading its buttcheeks and getting cummed in its asshole, who probably thought his spawn would grow up to steal human souls like him, but instead is getting fucked in the ass by God's greatest creation that is human, moaning femininely, and taking seed of a said alpha human into its womb. It's not only just been humiliated, but has been put into its rightful place by Christ's sons. If only Satan could see this, what he would be thinking inside of his head, that he raised his little spawn just to be a cumdumster for a humanchad.

You, by fucking a demon, is meta-physically cucking Satan and the entire demonhood, stripping them of all their honor and pride all in the name of Christ's superiority. It is the most alpha thing you can possibly do.

From satan's perspective he is accomplishing his goal by having you condemn yourself.
you think he has any honor in the first place?

Honor? No. Pride? A lot. And nothing hurts a prideful man more than fucking his daughter.

Don't fall for sex = bad propaganda. It was an attempt of Satan to save face because his whore daughters couldn't resist the seed of Christian men.

The only permissible way to have sex is within marriage. I don't remember marriage between a demoness and a human being legal according to the Christian faith. So you're condemning yourself to sin for no reason.

Nothing in the good book says that you can't marry a succubus and turn her wayward ways on the path of redemtion paved by Lord Jesus Christ himself.

Tokarev309 #moonbat #dunning-kruger reddit.com

The USSR quite literally stopped, what many believed at the time, an unstoppable Nazi army, which was very open about its genocidal goals. How how how is Stalin "the bad guy" in this instance? The efforts of the USSR saved millions upon millions of lives, but Liberals, blinded by fantastical propaganda, still cling to outdated fascist propaganda.

Apis mellifera #dunning-kruger #transphobia kiwifarms.net

they don't get told "You have underlying trauma you're not dealing with/Your logic is flawed and we need to deal with how you picture male and female/ You're an emotionally manipulating piece of shit" like they should

You've hit the nail on the head. This is my issue with the Trans Rights movement, and including it in with the LGBs at all.

Transsexuality/Transgenderism is treated as something innate to a person, rather than a very complex and troubling mental illness. I am living proof that even the most traditional case of "Gender Dysphoria" is not something you're born with, even if it can manifest in very early childhood, and every time I try to speak publicly on this matter I am told I wasn't "really trans", that "putting people on cross-sex hormones and cutting them up is totally a good idea, guys!"

When you affirm someone who is deeply unwell it does a couple of things:

1) If they are the insecure or self-absorbed sort, it encourages rabid defense of one's "identity" and further closes them off to future help.

2) It pushes vulnerable individuals down the path of hormones and surgery, because everyone is telling them they were just born broken, and they'll be stuck like this forever, unless they undergo dangerous and experimental body modifications, which don't even help in the long run.

You know why the 'true GD' trannies, the ones who aren't doing it for a fetish, feel a sense of "relief" when they start developing secondary sex characteristics of the opposite sex? It's because they're tortured by all this baggage they attach to their sex, from unresolved trauma, and this "relief" is a method of dissociation. Which fades quick, for as long as a transgender-identifying individual possesses any evidence of their past and their natal sex- name, pronouns, breasts or lack thereof, skeletal structure, they'll be reminded of whatever trauma or conditioning caused this, and they'll eat themselves alive trying to cut it out.

Hormones and surgery can't cure this, and if people say it did for them, they are lying or still caught up in the temporary relief of cutting out some part of themselves that offends their ill psyche.

This treatment plan helps nobody. Obviously.

Joseph Kay #dunning-kruger #racist #wingnut amren.com

Ending Racial Blackmail

Thanks to the Supreme Court, affirmative action is back in the news.

Racial preferences are blackmail. They are unearned benefits to bribe blacks into good behavior. We pay the blackmail, but it fails to deliver tranquility. It’s a terrible deal. When you pay the Danegeld, the Dane never goes away.

It is time to pull the plug on today’s doomed-to-fail racial preferences.

The benefits would be huge. As Charles Murray’s Facing Reality makes clear, the boost in average IQ across many professions would be enormous, and we would see a jump in productivity. No more incompetent nurses or doctors. Professors could teach demanding courses. Military enlistments would increase.

The worst aspects of black behavior — everything from the riots to illegitimacy and welfare dependency — appeared after the civil rights movement, not before.

There is a growing nostalgia among blacks for the pre-integration era now lost. As a recent article in Washington Monthly put it:

In 1985, 60 black-owned banks were providing financial services to their communities; today, just 23 remain. In 11 states that headquartered black-owned banks in 1994, not a single one is still in business. Of the 50 black-owned insurance companies that operated during the 1980s, today just 2 remain.

This parallels the demise of black-owned taxi services, supermarkets, publishing, cosmetic firms and mom-and-pop businesses.

It is easy to forget the countless black-owned enterprises that were bankrupted by integration. According to Black Excellence, thousands of black-owned and black-run firms thrived, especially where there was Jim Crow.

Millions of decent jobs might await blacks if the US returned to an era when millions of black-run businesses catered to blacks. During the pre-civil rights era, black labor force participation often exceeded 90 percent.

Ending affirmative action may have consequences far beyond eliminating the most prominent feature of today’s racial spoils system. It could start a mutually beneficial and jointly desired racial disengagement. Black businesses and universities would be reinvigorated while white institutions would no longer be pressured to hire people they don’t want.

Dan Bongino #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #pratt #wingnut rumble.com

Dan Bongino: Taking The COVID-19 Vaccine "Was The Biggest Mistake Of My Life!"

Dan Bongino: "I don't ever try to fake it with you all. When I make a mistake, I admit it, learn from it and hope that others can also learn from my mistake."

"I should have waited. It is one of the greatest regrets of my life. I freaked out, man. I had cancer. I thought I was dying. I just wanted to see my youngest daughter's wedding. I don't expect any of you to forgive me for being stupid about it. I don't. Or to forget it. But gosh, it was the biggest mistake of my life! I just should have waited."

Struggles_with_zen #sexist #dunning-kruger reddit.com

Mansplaining is a sexist expression used instead of saying patronising or any other valid description, used to associate all men by implication with negative behaviour that can equally apply to either sex.

If you don’t think it’s a big deal just think of how many words gain a negative connotation when you add ‘man’ in front of them.

Child - Manchild

Flu - Manflu

Explain - Mansplain

Handle - Manhandle

Spread - Manspread

This wouldn’t be acceptable with any other characteristic. But our society finds it acceptable to demonise men in general. It would be nice if at least most men woke up and objected to this underlying animosity that’s permitted.

Various Anons #dunning-kruger #psycho #sexist boards.4chan.org

(Greek Anon)
2022 is the year of the femcel


Why are young women struggling to find a partner? Are men’s standards too high? What is going on?

(Canadian Anon 1)
I love rejecting women. It feels so great to know that she thought she could get anyone until she met me. I'm very kind with the rejection too. I tell her "you're cute but keep working on yourself. The right guy will come along one day" and then I leave. The cope and begging for days is hilarious

(Australian Anon)
incel problems:
I haven't talked to a person in 2 months
femcel problems:
Chad hasn't read my message for 6 hours

(US Anon)
The idea of femcels existing among women is laughable. Even fat women have easy times on dating websites. This is all just horse shit women trying to make what is their fault into the world's issue. Truth is most women want to be prideful whores who only accept being fucked by 5 percent of men. This isn't even the top "5 percent" of men, because often it's violent criminals and the unemployed who they attach to.

(Spanish Anon)
bitch mistakenly took volcels for femcels

women live in delusion and will ignore any suitable male unless she is raped by someone who doesn't give a fuck, then they start paying attention

there is no such thing as femcels, even the most retarded, stinking, inbred, useless, eat-shitter of a swampy hole will have idiots lining up to bang her

(Canadian Anon 2)
I predicted this would happen. The first wave of strong & single millennial women are hitting the wall/biological clock screaming. Unfortunately for them all the men they should've given attention to either went younger/Asian or just don't want to be with them out of spite.

(Hungarian Anon)
I banged a 14 year old legally and she was not a virgin

Young women are having sex, old hags arent

(Canadian Anon 3)
My wife will be a well raised teenager when I finish my university mid 20s. Can't wait to meet her dad before meeting her. Men must court women and stop dating. See how she acts. Ive abandoned women on the highway before when driving to dinner because she was fucked in the head. Do the same. Women are GRACE GOBLINS stealing your GRACES from HEAVEN. Dont let them steal your SEED.

Neurotoxin #sexist #dunning-kruger blog.reaction.la

"Female sexuality is anti-social and dysgenic. It must be restrained for the good, and indeed, the survival, of the human race.

We begin with the truism that evolution selects for reproductive success and not any other trait. There is no restraint on evolution selecting for horribly anti-social sexual tendencies if such are reproductively optimal.

Observed fact: Women are fiercely attracted to men who play defect in the iterated prisoner’s dilemma game that is society. (Defecting in the classic prisoner’s dilemma is always better than cooperate no matter what the other player does.)"

RDETalus #dunning-kruger #wingnut doomworld.com

Receiving threats is basically part of the job description for well-known public figures such as politicians and journalists. You're going to find a million bajillion people on the internet making every single sort of threat imaginable. Really not worth your time

Various Kiwifarmers #dunning-kruger #homophobia #psycho #sexist #transphobia kiwifarms.net

Dylan James Mulvaney, a gay man interprets 'girlhood' in all glorious technicolor.

Dylan Mulvaney is an American musical theater performer who transitioned to save his career from the inevitable fate of an ageing twink at just 24.

The sheer comedic absurdity of Dylan's physical presence is never more apparent than when set against the great outdoors, so he takes ample opportunity to flap around shrubbery or scamper about rocky paths wearing ankle-breaker heels.

After graduating in 2019 Dylan was cast in The Book of Mormon national tour, but he found no more meaningful work when it ended with the pandemic in full swing. Which leads to Dylan staring down the barrel of 25 years old with the dead eyes you see on the right. He looks like that for a few months before changing pronouns on TikTok in September 2021 and blossoming into the manic transfeminine imp we see today.

He needs a good old fashioned slap in the face.

I think your take on why he trooned out is interesting.
He's a prime example of the twink ultra fag to troon pipeline.
Maybe he did troon out to get attention and revive his career.

(Myrtle the Turtle)
Agreed. Twinks have a short shelf life. 18-22 is the typical lifespan, possibly 25 if you have good genetics and a good plastic surgeon. After that you better bulk up, become a man or risk become an annoying fem gay. Methinks Dylan had some kind of breakdown during covid and went to the troon pipeline as a coping mechanism for getting older or something. Most zoomer girls don't go for the 1950s-60s housewife look so clearly his only idea of women is what he's looked at in magazines or movies from that era.

Wonder if he got sexually assaulted or something because he went from instagay to deranged fairly quickly.

(John Flynt's Axe Wound)
This fag has one of the most punchable faces on this site.

He disgusts me on a visceral level. I’m not sure which is worse: AGP coomers or screeching flamers like Dylan.

(Luigi Cadorna)
This man might legitimately be the most sexist person alive. Who the fuck thinks women act like this? I know most troons play their absurd stereotypes of women up to eleven but this fucker blows out the amplifier.

woodchip #wingnut #dunning-kruger #conspiracy descentbb.net

TC touches on it. First off in the espionage act it quite clearly states that if you are in possession of classified documents you are guilty of a felony. While Mueller gave HC a pass because he didn't think (but didn't know) she intended to use the information that is no excuse as the Act specifically states intent is not to be considered. Trump an the other hand, as POTUS can change the classification of most any documents on his say so alone. I believe he did so. So there it is in a nutshell. HC committed a crime and got let off because she is a Dem, Trump doesn't get let of because he is a Rep.

TruNews/Richard D Wiles/Robert F. Kennedy Jr et al. #conspiracy #fundie #quack #crackpot #dunning-kruger #mammon greatestreset.movie

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Beast Rising

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Executive Producer:
Richard D Wiles

Prince Charles, now King Charles III, told the opening session of a World Economic Forum virtual meeting on June 3, 2020, that world leaders had “a golden opportunity to seize something good” from the coronavirus pandemic. The future King of England saw Covid-19 as the way to “reset” human civilization and to recognize “the interdependence of all living things.” Reuters reported that Prince Charles’ speech was “part of a launch event for ‘The Great Reset’, a project involving the WEF and the Prince of Wales’s Sustainable Markets Initiative, aimed at rebuilding the economic and social system to be more sustainable.”
One month later, World Economic Forum founder and president Klaus Schwab published his book Covid-19: The Great Reset. It was a manifesto for a radical restructuring of human civilization. Indeed, the world dramatically changed in 2020 and 2021. The globalists told us that mask mandates, mRNA gene-therapy vaccines, vaccine mandates, vaccine passports, school closings, social distancing, working from our homes, and online censorship of criticism of these things were part of the “new normal.”
The Greatest Reset: Beast Rising is a Christian response to the World Economic Forum’s globalists who think they were born to rule the world. Hopefully, this is the first film in a series of documentaries about the Greatest Reset – which is the Second Coming of Jesus Christ and the full manifestation of His kingdom. Christ is coming, but the Antichrist must come first.

Order your copy of the greatest reset dvd, shipping Winter 2022.

Anti-Sex League Award

ilovethiswebsite & Pinkpillisacope #dunning-kruger #kinkshaming #pratt #sexist thepinkpill.co

Normalization of sex normalizes rape, sexual abuse etc. Agree or disagee and why?


Its an interesting point though I can't completely follow the argument.

Agreed. Unfortunately for us, morality is an abstract which gives too much leeway for moids to do whatever they want and to label it however they want. The moment people become "sex positive" then the lines between what is wrong and right are blurred. Moids who are using kinks as borderline abuse to kinkmaidens who are too oblivious to see.

Recently things that used to be adult movie plots are being used as an excuse to "spice up" the bedroom. Moids began demanding anal as a joke which turned into a meme about eating ass and now we are too deep into the cult because everyone drank the kool-aid of being hip. I mean I have seen it as a movie trope but people with a rape fetish have websites they can go to and book "surprise sex". We crossed the line a long time ago, not to be a prude but I think the only solution is celibacy, abstinence and staying the fuck away from men.

People think sexual desire is fun and normal when they got 99% of their sexual interests from an industry that wanted to harm women (and also produce as much as possible)

Not shaving was popular during the 70s. Then, as the porn industry got big, they realized it was more of a hassle to clean the various body fluids off of the actors hair when filming scenes. It could also obstruct the view of the ~action~ so porn girls started shaving everything, and other women followed suit. Same thing with blowjobs, they were used to humiliate the porn actress, now most women willingly humiliate themselves.

One thing women should remember is that porn didn't make men, but men made the porn.

Various Commenters #dunning-kruger #pratt #racist #wingnut nitter.net

Asians in NYC are the among the poorest and least socioeconomically and politically advantaged.

Their academic success and achievement has been an ideological embarrassment and a source of identitarian embarrassment, so they must be punished and opportunities taken away.

Contemporary intersectionality-based progressivism is the whitest whiteness of all the historical iterations of whiteness to ever whiten the whiteness of the white.

*the terms 'white' & 'whiteness' are safe words we don't have to worry might bring scrutiny of twitter moderators.

Socialism benefits inherited wealth over earned wealth. A group of migrants whose children start performing on par, it's clear they earned that success which blows up the entire socialist ideal system. So the playing field gets reset to ensure inherited wealth is advantaged.

I don't see how people AREN'T redpilled by specialized schools full of poor Asian kids being blamed on white supremacy. The level of reality denial is just beyond belief.

But people (including woke Asians) twist themselves into knots to rationalize it by saying Asians are succeeding by "participating in whiteness" or something (doesn't exactly explain how they're doing BETTER than white people, but whatever)

Is it all Asians, or a specific ethnicity that is doing so well?

I mean I know if you disaggregate Asians into subgroups, you have some doing better and worse than others. But the same is true of subgroups of white people or black people, which are also broad categories -- don't think it really changes my point.

This drives me nuts. "By saying Asians are successful you're perpetuating a 'model minority myth' because not every Asian individual or subgroup is successful!" Ok now do white people

Joshua Conner Moon #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #transphobia t.me

Hello! You might notice the site is down. This is because Zayo, the ISP that I have been trying to get online since December, was serving requests for less than 12 hours before succumbing to a few angry emails.

Simply getting the Kiwi Farms back online is not my main concern though.

Zayo is an Internet service provider. They are a big company with presence across the world. If Zayo is arbitrarily blocking entire networks because of individual sites, and they are doing so with no recourse, the Internet is doomed. We are watching in real time as the very foundations of our interconnected world buckle and fold.

The reality of a Tier 1 provider like Zayo censoring the Internet is very dire and I hope you will pay attention.

Without them, should you manage to peer, you are not on the Internet if you cannot handle DDoS attacks yourself. DDoS mitigation has never been made a core part of the Internet, and I believe that weakness is deliberately encouraged by governments, as the US government routinely utilizes DDoS attacks to censor networks like Tor.

I do like my website, and after spending time on other communities I know that nothing will ever replace it if the circus of sex pests and psychologically disturbed slacktivists have their way.

I also am very sad to see these state of affairs. Without breaking the law, without piracy, and without incident (like Tarrant and Jan 6 with 8chan), we have been censored at some of the highest reaches of the Internet. A handful of very mentally ill people sending nasty emails, threatening the families of datacenter employees, and calling in favors with friends in high places have very effectively snapped the neck of the interconnected world.

Every year the diversity of websites online shrinks, and the centralization of services grow. Those who should want to fight a tech oligarchy instead cheer it on and help consolidate its power. I am helplessly watching the Internet, and the freedom it has brought our entire species, die a slow death. It hurts. The Internet is being murdered by shortsighted parasites, and they will never realize how big a mistake it is until there's no going back.

Indracel #sexist #dunning-kruger incels.is

I find it amusing how foids say that they "fuck(ed) someone". It's like someone saying "my car drove me" instead of "I drove my car". You stupid toilet, you were fucked. You were the object that was being acted upon.

Being fucked isn't a bidirectional thing. One person fucks the other, and the other person is the slut who takes in all the fucking. Foids fall under the latter category: when they open their legs and let men stick their dicks down their rancid meatholes, foids are are the ones being fucked senselessly like filthy, depraved whores. A foid isn't "fucking" a man when she deepthroats and chokes on his cock, she's acting as a biological cum dumpster who only exists to pleasure him and get him to cum so she can swallow all his sperm up like the disgusting semen receptacle all toilets are :lul::lul::lul: It's why a foid's roasted beef flaps are so disgusting: us men were never meant to put our mouths near that scrunched up pile of fish meat, we were supposed to fuck that thing senselessly from a distance.

Ultimately, foids cannot fuck people. They fundamentally play the role of sex toys that get fucked, used, and thrown to the side by other men. They will never be anything more than sex slaves who are anatomically and behaviorally designed to pleasure their male masters during sex. Hell, the only way whores can gain any upper hand in sex is by mimicking the body parts of their male overlords with plastic strapons, but even then they won't truly feel anything or gain the kind of pleasure they crave when they take their proper roles as submissive sluts and get spitroasted by chads.

It's one of the reasons why no one is impressed when a foid has been fucked by hundreds of men: because like all other meat, she has an expiration date. Toilets need to thus refrain from laughably suggesting that they are in any way our equals in sex and that they "fuck" other guys. Because they can't fuck other guys, they can only pleasure them before they toss her aside.

PPEcel #dunning-kruger #psycho incels.is

An open letter to the families of the victims and survivors of the Parkland school shooting

Dear Normies,

Four years ago, as poor Nicky Cruz here was being arraigned, he offered you a deal. He would plead guilty to 17 counts of first-degree murder and another 17 counts of attempted first-degree murder right then and there if you didn't pursue the death penalty.

You said no.

Now you want to stage press conferences and say that the "jury failed you" and that you're "disgusted by the jury"? Now you're mad "at the system" and think that the verdict was "insane" and that "justice wasn't served today"?

Sweaty, that's an entitled mindset. So I humbly present to you the following advice:

Be less entitled and selfish.

Yes, it may have been upsetting to hear graphic testimony describing how your sons and daughters were ruthlessly shredded by a semi-automatic rifle. But as I said, you are not entitled to a death sentence.

Demonstrate empathy.

Nicky Cruz also deserves empathy. Imagine the torment and bullying that he must have experienced for there to be enough hatred within him to make the fateful decision to slaughter your sons and daughters at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. Thankfully, three jurors showed him the empathy he deserved, even though you showed none.

Accept that life isn't fair.

Because it isn't. Your offspring are dead. Nicky Cruz will be placed in protective custody and he will receive three hot meals a day, showers, and mail from his fans and admirers. He may even be allowed a tablet, radio, and TV in his cell with good behavior.

Acknowledge your privilege.

The fact that you were even able to reproduce accords a level of genetic privilege that many others do not have. Some of you can always create a replacement child, right?

Be grateful for what you have (left).

Repeat after me:

“Someone somewhere has it much worse than you, so don’t complain.”
“Learn to be happy with yourself. Don’t make your well-being dependent on your (lack of) children.”
“Having non-dead children won’t solve all your problems.”
“People with living children have problems too, you know? The grass is always greener on the other side of the cemetery fence.”

Various Commenters #dunning-kruger #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: A More Diverse America Turns Against Racial Preferences


When Proposition 16 was put on the ballot, Californians voted it down by a 14-point margin. Even a state that voted nearly 2 to 1 for Joe Biden affirmed its opposition to racial preferences.

Even more surprising, 68% of Hispanics, 63% of Asians and 59% of blacks also opposed it.

Do you suppose they understood the question?

Bingo. Blacks and much of the Latinx (ironic) believe the media propaganda that Blacks and the Latinex are the victims of "racism." They honestly have no idea that these "preferences" help them.

(ilya muromets)
They might have understood the implications of having incompetent personal that got admitted in colleges by virtue of their race alone?

Maybe they have just enough intellect to understand those implications?

(Marc Zuckurburg)
In related fake news, kids have stopped liking ice cream.

I can believe Asians are against racial preferences but I highly doubt that many Blacks and Hispanics are against it.

(Darien X)
No way, it’s probably a red herring to throw everyone off the scent.

I honestly don't think most Black/Hispanics understood the realty of the situation that they benefit immensely from said racial preferences in college admissions and assumed it benefitted Whites...

They can do all the polls they want but there is no real world indication that blacks oppose preferential treatment for jobs, education, or anything else that benefits them. None. Zero. Nada.

(Darien X)
Absolutely not. Like you said, they probably didn’t understand the question. All other indicators like blacks voting over 90% Democrat say otherwise. Since when did they refuse freebees?

(Jay Alexander)
I think they probably misunderstood the question. When they saw "racial preferences" they probably thought it meant racial preference and privilege in favor of Whites. If the question made it explicit that they were using preferences to boost black and brown representation and to increase "equitable outcomes" then I suspect the responses would have been precisely the opposite.

They obviously don’t understand that it’s for them and their colorful allies.

Gregcyber #conspiracy #crackpot #dunning-kruger #fundie #psycho #racist #sexist stormfront.org

Re: Taylor Swift Will Release Midnights Teaser During Prime Video's Thursday Night Football

from a previous Taylor Swift video:


Long ago she would be burned in a fire till death for mating and or promoting sex with the African Apes and African Dogs or any Bestiality.
It was in the bible long ago to kill these animals that mate outside of their own race, when the white race was pure.

But somehow, religion promotes Bestiality now.

Exodus 22:19

19 “Whoever lies with an animal shall be put to death.

As sperm from mammals is the smallest cell in the mammal's body and sperm is programed to invade cells and release its DNA Package into the living cell. Kind of like a virus.

This has to do with Males DNA being sharded with the other man or beast.
Aids is a DNA Package that finds compatible cells to host the DNA.
DNA and sperm are smart cells and when sperm finds a male-on-male cell, the DNA, by nature tries to kill the Male on Male.

Africans have a corrupted blood cell, Sickle Cell Disease and think, black tight curly hair follicles that are not found on any other mammal.

The African she lays with is her lust for sex pleasure, and she created the life forum just for sex.
What she did not know, is the power of nature, taking in the male's sperm of a beast (serpent) would change her DNA into a beast.
Females have more pleasure nerves in the reproductive glands / organ then male mammals, and the sperm from the male mammal is like the tree of knowledge.

If the female takes in enough male sperm, by drinking by mouth and using her Birth Canal to take in male sperm, where the eggs (fruit) are, and repletely over one time or many times, depending on how foreign the two life forums are, the male's sperm will slowly program the female's DNA to conceive and reproduce life, that's the power of nature.

Males and Females are God like; they create life in their own image, like a female can create corrupted life forums and then share it with the males.
The Great redeemer hides the sins of man and beast.

If a female seeks pleasure any way she can, the female is the slave master and will enslave her man, sons, father and brothers for she lusts of comforts.

basementLDARcel #sexist #psycho #dunning-kruger incels.is

Incel Trait: getting excited about mass shootings.
It's always funny whenever a mass shooting happens, normies always wanna give up gun rights. Meanwhile, niggers shoot each other to death in the city every day and normies don't give a shit. This proves normies are actually sociopaths who only care about an issue when it affects them. This is why normies deserve to be killed in mass shootings, or better yet, when little kids get killed in mass shootings, because those kids will grow up to be bratty teenagers

On top of that, all the parents have to deal with losing a child, imagine the misery and despair they will feel. Why should us as incels care about children, when we are denied the opportunity to reproduce? It makes no sense. And going back to the gun rights, it goes to show normies don't care about the gun rights, or even understand how rights work. they will claim stuff like "when the second amendment was created we didn't have access to high powered AR-15s". Well, we also didn't have the internet when the first amendment was created, so by that logic no one should be able to say stuff online. Which is ironically what normies think in regards to this forum, they think us saying mean stuff and "Go ER (in minecraft)", is illegal, when it's not.

Fuck normies, I hope the next mass shooter reaches double digits in kills.

Various fundie parents #biphobia #conspiracy #crackpot #dunning-kruger #fundie #magick #transphobia #god-complex #homophobia nbcnews.com

A mural painted by a high school student came under fire when parents alleged it was promoting LGBTQ imagery and witchcraft.

Earlier this year, a Grant, Michigan, high school sophomore won a contest “to brighten up” the middle school health center, according to a statement from Grant Public Schools (GPS). GPS says the student received approval to paint images of “smiling children” and as well as the message “Stay Healthy.”


At a school board meeting on Oct. 10, parents accused the student artist of promoting witchcraft by including the Hamsa hand [a Latin American good luck symbol] as well as the video game character that bears the likeness of a demon. Parents also objected to the use of LGBTQ colors.

“I put my art up there to make people feel welcome,” the student artist said, her voice breaking, in footage captured at the meeting by WZZM-TV, a local news station based in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

One man at the meeting called the mural “hate material.”

Another adult at the meeting said, “I feel like (she) did a really good job finding excuses to defend the things you put on. None of us are that stupid.”

The student artist left the meeting in tears.

Gregory Hood #dunning-kruger #racist #wingnut amren.com

Government in Los Angeles Is Tribal Warfare

Miss Martinez used words about blacks that wouldn’t be allowed at an American Renaissance conference or in comments to AmRen articles. She resigned, but said that she hoped her career would inspire “all little Latina girls across this city.” Even in disgrace, she claims victimhood.

Kevin De León, partially responsible for making California a “sanctuary state” and who eagerly stokes white guilt, was brutally realistic about black political power and demographics:

When you’re at the side of the curtain, it’s like this big voice, it sounds big. It sounds like there’s thousands. And then, when you actually pull the curtain, is that you see the little Wizard of Oz. You know what? It’s the same thing.

I wish whites understood black protests as well as he does.

Miss Martinez was also blunt about other groups. She said that California state representative Adrian Nazarian and council member Paul Krekorian — both Armenian — know they don’t have the numbers for “an Armenian district in the Valley” but still “want as many Armenians in that district as possible to be able to play.”

The crime is not that Miss Martinez is practicing politics, but that she was honest about how “Our Democracy” works. And why shouldn’t Hispanics get more power in line with their population?

Critics say that the problem is that the discussion reflects a “zero-sum” outlook on local politics. Instead, political leaders should focus on “coalition building” between Hispanics and blacks. A coalition against whom? Whites. Thus, even in a scandal where no whites are to blame, “white supremacy” is still the problem.

Whites have no obligation to save these squabbling children from themselves. Instead, the challenge for us is to develop white representation and build power. Still, we can be thankful to the Los Angeles city council for confirming what we knew along: Los Angeles is no longer an American city but a tribal free-for-all, where different “communities” battle for the scraps we left them. They don’t even take their own rhetoric seriously, so neither should we. Let’s turn our back on them and build a future for our own people in a country of our own.

Maryam_ #crackpot #dunning-kruger #elitist #moonbat #sexist thepinkpill.co

Why do men keep on having mental breakdowns over their version of the blackpill while women are apathetic to ours?

Ours is doomier and theres a lot to talk about, like, a lot to talk about in terms of general society and the world. Its like reaching enlightenment. Everything makes sense after blackpill feminism. Why does capitalism happen? Men. Wars? Men. Why do I have to wage-cuck my soul away? Men. What happens when we dont wage-cuck? Men. Since wage-cucking leads to climatic genocide, why do we wage-cuck? Men. Why am I depressed all the time? Men. Why am I in this planet? A man spawned me. I am a product of a mans seed. Fucking hell

Incel blackpill is such a boring ideology it makes me want to kill them for being retarded to something so obvious. Like... water. Shut the fuck up. Even the race theories men fucking love with their whole hearts are somewhat interesting though the moment you start to treat various type of caucasoids as different races altogether your ideology just sorta fucking dies at the gates lol.

And yet... men have a stronger reaction to their blackpill than women do for our blackpill. Both are technically just "water is wet" tier but men have mental breakdowns and go on shooting sprees at the thought of women possessing eyes. Shooting sprees, suicidal thoughts, creating incel forums... is male lust really that much of a problem for men?

Like... you should have known your place from the beginning. El em ay oh. You should have always known this. The bigger blackpill is the realization that you didnt know this. The actual blackpill is the fact that men were not aware that they were supposed to be good-looking, and that the female dating pool is filled with people that cant even get the basics of attraction right. Thats insane. Thats fucking crazy. Thats how little we are as women. Men cant even do the basics for us.

The male blackpill is so remedible too. Get plastic surgery, you egotistical smegshit. Thats it. How the fuck are women supposed to plastic surgery men into becoming better people for the benefit of humanity?

[deleted account], Bijouu & Pinkpillisacope #dunning-kruger #pratt #psycho #sexist #transphobia thepinkpill.co

([deleted account])
I can't believe the feminist movement is being attacked by men in dresses

I mean, of all fucking things.

Imagine if a white guy walked into a BLM rally wearing blackface demanding to be called "my nigga" and calling black women racist for not wanting to date him, and then proceeding on tearing down flags and assaulting and sending death treaths to people who don't take him seriously. He'd have his ass handed to him.

Can we at least try to be a bit more scary? If we can't scare off a bunch of mentally ill men in dresses how can we ever expect to fight the patriarchy?

I can’t believe it either. How can you take a good look at the average tranny and not laugh your ass off to begin with? Transwomen are clearly mentally ill, cross-dressing creeps, and women are simping hard for them catching themselves on fire to keep these delusional clowns warm. What a joke. I know women are self-sacrificing slaves for men, but there’s a line and this crosses it.

I wish women were more selfish, scary and violent, but we’re not and we’ll always be second class losers because of it. I wonder what annoying bullshit will happen next after men in dresses are done dominating and humiliating us. Female robots claiming they’re the real women? AI taking its chance to dominate us as well? The possibilities are endless when it comes to female humiliation and suffering.

Modern feminism became a meme the moment they let in anyone who could say the word "feminist". Feminism became the punchline to a joke that they use in conversations, they were allowed to say sexist shit and then mutter about being "very feminist btw". Now it is too late. You can barely mention women's health problems because "muh vagina" is not inclusive. You invite a clown, you call it a party but if you invite all the clowns it becomes a circus.

Tulsi Gabbard #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #fundie #pratt #wingnut nitter.net

I can no longer remain in today’s Democratic Party that is now under the complete control of an elitist cabal of warmongers driven by cowardly wokeness, who divide us by racializing every issue & stoke anti-white racism, actively work to undermine our God-given freedoms, are hostile to people of faith & spirituality, demonize the police & protect criminals at the expense of law-abiding Americans, believe in open borders, weaponize the national security state to go after political opponents, and above all, dragging us ever closer to nuclear war.

I believe in a government that is of, by, and for the people. Unfortunately, today’s Democratic Party does not. Instead, it stands for a government of, by, and for the powerful elite. I’m calling on my fellow common sense independent-minded Democrats to join me in leaving the Democratic Party. If you can no longer stomach the direction that so-called woke Democratic Party ideologues are taking our country, I invite you to join me.

Small Name, Big Ego Award

Simon Charles Smith #dunning-kruger #conspiracy amazon.com

Simon Charles Smith is a mathematics and physics graduate. He’s been a maths teacher, political activist, retired local councillor, and captain of Warwickshire’s county chess side. He has sufficient scientific background and political insight to realise that mainstream funded science is as dismal as our economic and financial system. He argues the case we don’t need to be scientific geniuses to know we are being lied to and manipulated by the media to serve the purpose of the misnamed "elites" in moving towards a neo-feudal world; a world over which, they hope to rule supreme...

Books by Simon Charles Smith
- Fake Aliens and The Phony Nuke World Order 29.07.2018
- Covid 1984 Cornwall 2020: Two Weeks Camping In Treen 07.10.2020
- TH€ CUR$€ OF $KINWA£K€R RANCH 28.09.2022

Jeffrey Joseph Wolynski #crackpot #dunning-kruger vixra.org

Expanding Earth, Semi-Aquatic Dinosaurs, Earth Atmosphere in 3-5 Bar, Exoplanets and Stellar Metamorphosis

Some information is tied together regarding expanding Earth, stellar metamorphosis, semi-aquatic dinosaurs, exoplanets, Earth’s atmosphere and the idea that the Earth was covered by large shallow seas at one point in its evolution. This is to tie together some really big ideas which make more sense than currently taught plate tectonics, nebular hypothesis, land dinosaur theory, and the idea that Earth has remained this way almost its entire existence.

GLPers #conspiracy #quack #dunning-kruger godlikeproductions.com

Scientists Have Discovered a New Set of Blood Groups (Vaxxed?)

[Article extract omitted]

"Strange antibodies" Well then.. They are discovering all types of new antibodies and types of blood now all the sudden? Wonder why?

Interesting read.

(AC #84292080)
Explains the massive uptick in miscarriages.

By design? I think so.

Poor lady though.

Of course they're going to try to paint this as normal.

Just like hot showers cause heart attacks and it's normal for young children to have heart failure.

Anything to normalize what's happening.

The fact you can't see this is the reason society is at the impasse.

It's people like you that make vaxtards possible.

(AC #78551315)
That's like blaming a chef at a restaurant for making you fat.

Nobody forced you to get mRNA jabbed....oh wait, I take that back....Joe Biden did force you.

Carry on, Moveon.org stalwart.

(Justin Castro)
3 new blood types discovered so far are Clotted, Semi Solid & Solid.

(Tie Nylon)
"Just like healthy adults suddenly dropping dead, these "new" blood groups have actually been around for thousands of years..." - Your doctor, probably.

Stonetoss #wingnut #pratt #elitist #dunning-kruger stonetoss.com

Shoehorn Theory


spoilerFirst panel: white duck person with red hat and Gadsden flag shirt: “Yeah, I support free speech, private gun ownership, non-interventionism, and limited government”

Second panel: white duck person with pink hair and pink shirt looks shocked and/or horrified

Third panel: white duck person with pink hair and pink shirt looks angry and fearful, whispers into hand: “Just like the Nazis did…”

Gregory Hood #dunning-kruger #racist #wingnut amren.com

The “Great Replacement” is a dangerous conspiracy theory. Just listen to Rep. Mayra Flores:

Hispanic Texans are now the state’s largest demographic group.

Latinos can turn the tides and start the red wave!

A red wave? Our view is that our rulers import a helot underclass that votes progressive.

What if we were wrong?

Mr. Liu, himself part of a group with higher incomes than whites, said:

We go on treating whiteness as the ideal and social baseline of American life.

Whiteness is the baseline of American life. If Hispanics or Asians accept that and don’t “reckon with class divides and inequality,” there can be no Left that is built on victim morality, aside from blacks, who would be increasingly isolated and despised.

Hispanic social dysfunction far outpaces white, so they could be part of the victim class, but they are mostly ignored in the media’s incessant focus on blacks after BLM.

Hispanics are an artificial group.

Africans became “black,” much as Europeans became “white”. This didn’t happen with Hispanics.

Activists invented the category to get “our just share of political influence and Federal funds,” and there’s no consensus on who is included. Are Portuguese and Brazilians Hispanic?

“Ethnic” Americans — meaning whites from southern and eastern Europe — could conceivably have become a category if activists had pushed for it. Patrick Buchanan toyed with the idea. If so, we would be hearing many tales about the supposedly awful discrimination against Irish and Italians. (The American government’s campaigns against German-Americans during the world wars would probably would still be ignored).

It’s not whether “Hispanics are white” or whether “Hispanics can become white.” Hispanics aren’t any more real than “ethnic Americans.”

Support for the Democrats is lower among those for whom their Hispanic identity is less important. If the GOP really wants to win over Hispanics, it needs to end Hispanics as a demographic category.

However, elite attitudes ultimately triumph; even having to talk about drag shows for schoolchildren shows how powerful they are. With enough time, even “Latinx” could catch on.

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