
Racism, including ethnic hatred, nationalism and equating religion to race

Snake Baker #racist #psycho dailystormer.cn

[From "UK: Woman Fined £150 for Feeding Pigeons in the Park"]

This is how the law operates in Britain

In a sane country, this woman would’ve been dragged to the nearest tree and hanged for this atrocity, but in Britain she only gets a fine

I realize some of you might be shocked by this statement, and I would’ve been too at one point in my life, but that was before reading Dick Dastardly’s On the Pigeons and Their Lies, the first book that made me see the world as it truly is

Once you take the pigeonpill, and you realize that these creatures are not just minor nuisances that occasionally crap on your head, but the true incarnation of evil in this world, and the source of all mankind’s problems, there’s no turning back

There can be no mercy for their collaborators


A woman received an ‘extortionate’ £150 fine for throwing two small crusts from a sandwich to pigeons in Manchester city centre

Hazel Kirby’s punishment was triple the fine paid by Boris Johnson for breaching Covid lockdown restrictions at a Downing Street birthday party[…]

We are at fault for not slaying the pigeons

Anonymous #conspiracy #racist #homophobia #ableist #crackpot archive.wakarimasen.moe

>I've literally seen people argue about how ass parasites are interdimensional demons, with Autism being one of the signs that you are "posessed".
Actually it's the opposite. The ass parasites tie the "disgust" function to the "pleasure" function in the human brain, causing humans to love shit and assholes and licking diseased pustules, and mixing with sub races, and annihilating their culture, abusing kids, cannibalism. Anything that a healthy parasite-free person would be disgusted by, the infected gain pleasure from.

It's actually a biological weapon by the machine elves, who the khazarian demon WORSHIPPERS (not khazarian demons retard) actually work with, since the machine elves are the technological assistance race for demons in question.

Autism is actually an evolved human means of protecting themselves from machine elf brainwashing, and what you call schizophrenia is just the ability to see the demons and the machine elves.

It's why the Khazarian demon worshippers have the highest levels of schizophrenia, since they evolved the means to see their masters:
Of course other people cursed with this affliction use it for good.


Kémi Séba #dunning-kruger #moonbat #racist archive.ph

The war between Ukraine and Russia is really a confrontation between those who want to "westernize" humanity against those who want to protect the identity of the various peoples of the world. The West not only wants to destroy Vladimir Putin but also Africa, Latin America and the Middle East. Further destabilization of the West would benefit all those who fight against neoliberalism in all its forms.

Authorities in some African countries claim that Ukraine is trying to recruit its citizens to go to war. What do you think about that?

I think this is a colonialist attitude that the Ukrainians have copied from their Western masters. This is typical of their contempt for us and I am very sorry that there are Africans who have decided to join the side of Zelensky and the Western oligarchy.

Several military movements defending the homeland have come to power this year in Africa, but the West has called for the military to hand over power to civilians.

I don't think it is necessary to hand over power to civilians, especially since some of Africa's best leaders were military men like Qaddafi, Thomas Sankara or Gerry Rawlings. African freedom can go hand in hand with the military. Moreover, we must keep in mind that many African civilians work for the West (which ultimately wants to dominate our countries), although there are others, like us, who are anti-globalists and defend the sovereignty of the people. That is why we ally ourselves with the military who have similar ideas to ours.

What do you think are the main components of Pan-Africanism?

The great linguistic families of our continent are part of a single macro-family. We are heirs of a single civilization that shares the same objectives and the same common destiny.

Moreover, we must create a culturally sovereign Africa far from the stereotypes that the West tried to impose on us. For example, Iranian films are full of references to Persian or Islamic culture. We must defend this cultural component.

LeGrandDuca ! #racist #wingnut youtube.com

As a french i can tell you we definitely treat migrants as kings. they have food, homes, they never go to jail because " muh murder is normal in their culture ", they have welfares etc. I almost wonder why they go to britain seeing how much better than us locals they are treated here

안중근 stan account #crackpot #dunning-kruger #moonbat #racist nitter.net

prayer circle

🕯 🕯
🕯 🕯
all white
🕯 expats will 🕯
leave asia
🕯 🕯
🕯 🕯

yt ppl come to asia to rape our women, kill our men, and steal our resources. then, when we’re forced to immigrate to the west because of imperialism, we get hate crimed. you don’t get to tell Asians how we should feel about yt expats coming in to *our* country

white folks don't even treat Asians like we’re people in the west, but expect to be treated like royalty when they come to Asia

stop bringing your western chauvinism to Asia!

if you get mad at this tweet, remember you’re the reason why we don’t want you in our countries

white people are calling me an “ethno nationalist” because i don’t want sexpats in my country lmao

liberals find out that i’m a korean nationalist and immediately freak out. how many times do we have to tell you that reactionary and revolutionary nationalism are fundamentally different


DPRK citizens can freely criticize their party and government without fear of getting arrested or murdered. can americans really say the same?

Is this fucking satire?

you’re a white person that benefits off of spewing racist and imperialist lies about my country whilst claiming to be a “socialist” and “anti-authoritarian.” your entire career is a satire

how dare you profit off of humiliating and dehumanizing my people. the US murdered 20% of my population and the DPRK continues to be under brutal sanctions and you have the audacity to sit there in the imperial core and make content off of that? fuck you

NuclearRedfield & HikikunDeformis #racist #conspiracy blackpill.club

RE: Blaming joos is pathetic


Those of you that blame jooos look exactly like the nigger-americans that blame whitey all the time.

Muh whitey poisons food. Muh whitey promotes rap music. Muh whitey wants us fat n'dumb that's why whitey promotes public schools. Muh whitey is responsible for negro lowIQ. Muh whitey is causing global warming.

You jooooos obsessed ones look exactly like a nigger or an ethnic when you say muh jooooos caused slavery, muh jooooos own media, muh jooooos promote vaccines, muh joooooos are 1%, much jooooos do usury.

Wow you're stupid. I have seen this moronic argument hundreds of times. I hate to break it to you but the Jews really do control pretty much everything. And enviromental manipulation and social engineering does have a big impact on humans because we're a social animal. I suggest you to get educated before opening your mouth boy. And if you're not a boy and over 25. You're not even a man. You're strickly a male and nothing more.

A mechanical engineer gets tricked by a gypsy who didn't finish middle school because said gypsy is street smart, knows how to cheat and the victim is a more moral and kinder person. Therefore the low IQ gypsy is racially superior to his victim in your case.

Jews as a group created nothing. They lives as parasytes, slave traders money lenders. Until Israel was created they were just nomadic scum like gypsies. Moving from place to place leeching off existing society and robbing it's inhabitants. Very often they would get absolutely destroyed by Europeans. Only in recent history after a few dozen attemps did they gain meaningful power. And even then only because they race mixed with Europeans and became more similar to them in appearance.

They couldn't pull off the same thing in Asia because they are easier to spot there. By now a lot of them are basically Europeans. The main difference is that they are holding on to their vile primitive death cult called Judaism

Ian Connolly & zuuluuz #crackpot #psycho #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: J.D. Vance Asks Ohio Voters ‘Do You Hate Mexicans?’ in New Senate Ad

(Ian Connolly)
Yes I do hate Mexicans. I want a wall built to keep them out ENTIRELY — not so they can come “legally.” They do not belong here, and they must go!!!

They’ve been an unmitigated disaster, and they are a threat to America’s sovereignty and future. In particular, they have destroyed California and all of its cities, Arizona, Colorado, New York City, New Jersey, Chicago, and now Texas. No apologies from me.

The problem with this ad is it could entice Conservatives to continue pushing the stupid position of “we don’t want to keep them out altogether, we just want them to come legally.” In order to not “come across as a racist.”

No other country in the world has caused more damage to this country than Mexico. It’s not even debatable.

If you don’t want to keep certain people out of the United States altogether, you are not a Conservative. End of story.

Here's a question. Why is it "racist" for there to be a wall between the US and Mexico but not between Mexico's border with Guatemala?

You meant Israel and Palestine, right?

No, I didn't but I definitely get your point. I forgot about that actually.

We all know walls are only racist when they are placed between White civilations and hordes of brown invaders! Otherwise, they are perfectly reasonable.

If anything, the wall between the US and Mexico makes far more sense as we're keeping out a completely different type of people for the most part. The Mexicans and Guatemalans are the same race by and large, mestizo. So that shows they don't even get along with each other, other Central Americans.

Ever hear the joke about integration?

How is mixing $h!+ and sugar like integration?

It doesn't do anything to the $h!+, but it sure messes up the sugar!

You can put maple syrup on a piece of feces but it's still just feces with maple syrup on it. How many people are going to eat it just because of that?

Steve Dragon #racist #fundie #psycho quora.com

Goegre Floyd was a rotten criminal. He deserves to be killed and then burn in Hell with Staan. He should have enever even been born into this world. Criminal apes need to be aborted and their little brittle baby bodies stomped on the floor and cast down to Help where they will be raped by the Devil for eternity. Fuck Goerge Floyd! Fuck his gay retarded family! Floyd was a hideous mongrel monster that never meant to be born! His mother should have had hear motherfucking tubes tied to prevent this beast creature from ever having been born at all!

Tatsuhirocel & dsar9013 #racist #wingnut #homophobia blackpill.club

Absoulute state of cuckservatives jfl


Dave rubin and his husband are paying women to breed babies for them.I wonder if they are going to circumsize the babies cus Dave Rubin is indeed (((Juden))).This is the state of cuckservatives they support this but i seen them call people who think atraction to 15 year old girls is normal pedophiles.

Kike scumbags infiltrate and destroy movements from within, they are not conservative they are leftists in denial. As Steve Hoca said there is not ONE mainstream political party in America/the west which is even remotely conservative, so these cuckservatives are just liberals who don't want to pay high tax rates. Even worse the Republicucks support jewish pedophiles like Dave Rubin, which is why he is "having" the babies in the first place, in order to molest them, just as much as Democrats do.

O003npM5 #crackpot #racist #sexist #wingnut boards.4chan.org

Aggressively catcalled by black men


They're not awakening. Even when they acknowledge that a particular group is responsible for a disproportionate amount of aggressive and violent behavior, they're still asking for some kind of method to ignore it so that they're not "racially biased". These people will never wake up.

Not if they're women. Women can't " wake up ". They would do what you said here. Because women obey first the societal instruction, whatever society, or " most people " think. If you live in a society that says women should stay at home, not vote, enrich their families, and make their husbands and children happy, then women would do that and be happy doing it, competing with each other to see who has the happiest family and the cleanest home.
Now society has a whole new set of instructions that they will happily obey, and not being racist is one of them. THEY MUST FOLLOW THE SOCIETAL INSTRUCTION. No matter what it is.
And that's what this stupid bitch is attempting to do here. Yes she recognizes the danger and meanwhile she's desperately trying to be socially acceptable the prime mission of any woman. You change society you change women. We keep letting the kikes be in control the women will do what the kikes tell them to do.

Benjamin Fulford #conspiracy #racist #magick #wingnut #crackpot benjaminfulford.net

The war in Ukraine has taken an esoteric turn with both sides carrying out mass incantations and invoking spiritual powers. “All the evil forces from all over the planet have been gathering in one place in Ukraine for the last stand,” is how a Russian FSB source describes the situation. Meanwhile the Khazarian mafia witches, Satanists and neo-Nazis claim they have been preparing for 40 days “an incantation to cure Putin, and Russia.”

“We are ready. Our rite has been developed by a team of serious practitioners from day one. We did a lot of preparatory work, breaking through the defenses of enemies, carefully planning and selecting rituals,” the witches stated.

In response the Russians “summoned all the Shamans of the North to get the nature gods to protect Russia,” the FSB says.
The Russians have issued plenty of proof they really are fighting Satan worshipers.

For example, after they destroyed a post of the ‘Forward Observation Group,’ an alleged U.S. mercenary unit of former military and special operations currently in Ukraine, the Russians provided evidence they “worship the devil in the truest sense of the word."

It is a fact the US special forces command was headed at one point by the self-declared Satanist General Michael Aquino.

Aquino has since been sent below to meet his master, according to alliance sources, and now it appears some of his disciples have joined him there.
I will never forget when these people invited me to join them they said “there is no God, we are God.” There may not be a God but we did not create ourselves, something else created us so, there is a creator.

Although these people are definitely not God, they remain powerful and dangerous. The Khazarian Mafia politburo is the Octagon group headquartered around Lake Geneva in Switzerland. They control Western leaders such as Boris Johnson of the UK, Emmanuelle Macron of France, Justin Castro of Canada and the fake regime of Joe Biden.

Kerry Cassidy #ufo #crackpot #racist #conspiracy projectcamelotportal.com

The problem with most assessments of the future is that they do not seem to incorporate an understanding that Zionists are actually ANUNNAKI and as such they have an agenda which is as an alien race going back to Enki, Enlil and the whole Sumarian Tablets and work of Zecharia Sitchin…which reveals their involvement here on Earth. Their establishment here on Earth, back in probably 12,000 BC or earlier … of a ‘frequency fence’ in the brains (and DNA) of humanity that has started to break down finally but that 90% of humanity was affected and involves their genetic engineering of the human genome back then to separate our DNA …into junk DNA (to slow our growth)…

The Anunnaki are still here (they never left although some came and went). They are, “walking the halls of the Pentagon” as my witness Bob Dean has said and they are running Israel underground in Dimona. Their presence in Israel was documented by journalist Barry Chamish (who died about 1 year ago) a rebellious but mainstream Israeli journalist who heard that housewives in Israel were reporting that their homes were being invaded by VERY TALL male individuals who would enter without knocking, walk around like they owned the place, and kick any barking dogs out of the way with no apparent sensitivity toward animals.
Now the Anunnaki as a race are humanoid, very tall and also are the LONG HEADS found all over the world notably in South America as well… Brien Foerster has investigated this (a well known alternative archeologist and author) and has a museum somewhere in South America FULL of longhead skulls!!
The Anunnaki were invaded eons ago by the DRACO and so then there was a hybrid race of humanoid Anunnaki mixed with reptilian DNA — called I believe Sirian Anunnaki. Consequently, there is confusion in this sector over the fact that Anunnaki can be humanoid or reptilian-human hybrids.

They are a fierce race and highly intellectual. Khazarian Jews have the Anunnaki bloodline.

Mauricio #dunning-kruger #racist #conspiracy #wingnut chechar.wordpress.com

[From "Two thousand years together!"]

Who is worse, the drug dealer or the drug addict?

When you have a people who have become so dependent on this egalitarian worldview for so many centuries, and failed every single opportunity to break off this addiction, it starts to look like the drug dealer is just doing business, and the drug addict has an incorrigible deathwish

One could write a history of White decline called ‘Two Thousand Years Together’

It’s Whites who like to get high on slave morality. They’ve been getting higher and higher on this Christian drug ever since Constantine

They’ve finally overdosed in 1945, and now the White race is lying comatose on a hospital bed full of Jewish doctors, lucid-dreaming about a perfect world full of brown people

Nature has tested Whites’ spiritual resilience to a poisonous mental software, and they’ve failed repeatedly. The jews were merely the vector for that poison. Time for the final verdict: genocide

Had the Third Reich survived, it would’ve brought a superior human race to this world—the Ubermensch—which would be practically immune to this mind poison; then the drug-dealing jew would have to peddle his pity-loving bullshit elsewhere
It will take a catastrophe of unforeseen magnitude—and centennial duration—for the white human to stop pitying the angry brown subhuman mass that wants to kill him

Abhor pity towards mankind – four words of Savitrian wisdom

crew2 #racist #sexist #wingnut #conspiracy #pratt incels.is

The "black community" and black women in general in the US are the canary down the mine for how society is going in the West

This isn't racism because I have plenty of black pals in real life and some of them agree with me on this. It's just an observation.

Rampant fatherlessness, gang killings, child killings, abortions through the roof, foids who look like shit almost exclusively living off the government tit while refusing to work and only Chads/thugs being accepted as baby daddies, with stand in fathers being expected to be full blown simps on 6 figure incomes if they don't meet the Chad/thug archetype is the future norm for foids in the West. And here's the thing...the black community is practically 100% there already.

BLM is trying to make this shit the norm EVERYWHERE as if it isn't already because that is how you collapse a society and make the plebs all equally as poor as each other. The more stupid white bitches relate to that movement the more they are going to relate to the sort of women who support it and live just like them...which a lot of them already are.

If you don't believe me just check out some Kevin Samuels videos. Every foid he has on there is a 5/10 at best black woman (who just happen to be the bottom of the totem pole when it comes to attractiveness) who thinks she's Beyonce and has 3 sprogs to some Tyrone or thug and is only willing to touch a non Tyrone if he is a fucking high flying CEO with a top of the range car. Fucking crazy.

The future is the lowest value women only accepting the top 1% men and thugs while the rest of us roam around holding our dicks thinking "what the fuck is going on!?"

Prussian Society of America #racist #psycho #wingnut #conspiracy #sexist prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "The Price Americans, especially American Soldiers & Veterans are about to pay, is Frighteningly enormous"]

Of course, not frightening for us Prussians[…]
American Soldiers and Veterans have taken all the disgusting credit away from Germans and in fact many other Europeans and other Nations who have naturally worked to defend Honor and their own People’s[…]
Americans are going to get their assess kicked REALLY fucking hard in the conflict that is now taking place with Ukraine[…]
American Soldiers[…]especially the USMC are the biggest scum of the earth, and they are about to have all of their Uniforms stripped from them, and if Nuclear Weapons don’t get around to it, people will dig up the graves of every US Soldier ever buried and smash the graves and burn the corpses that lie buried in their caskets[…]
The Hatred that will soon emerge for Americans is going to be absolutely epic[…]
Why their is such a Propaganda War to make Putin seem the most evil[…]
It’s curious to see how while the Western People have had no problems also about the damages done to countries like Iraq[…]
The Arab world has mostly been lost anyway, which is all by design in the leadup for Israel to conquer it all[…]
This is why the Western World needs a powerful leader with an iron fist [In Germany][…]
The thing with Russia is that, while they are trying to protect Civilian lives of the Ukrainians[…]we cannot simply assume that the same fate would be given to any expansion of this conflict in Non-Slavic countries[…]
Even if Americans were to live in the future with no Dictatorship that would keep them confined[…]there will be a day when Americans will not be able to ever travel again. They will be shot on sight[…]
The Prussian Society of America does not guarantee protections or security for any group of “Caucasian Women”

Darien X, Karl Ramstrom & Jeff Coffey #dunning-kruger #elitist #psycho #racist amren.com

RE: Student ‘Feared for Life’ After Being Chased by Woke Mob Targeting Allen West

(Darien X)

I have never met a Black person in my life who wasn't Racist.

Almost 100% of even the “nice” ones are two faced, they put on a front when with whites. I’ve known some that act like us when one on one, but then like jive ghetto negroes once around them. Their true selves.

(Karl Ramstrom)
I have no sympathy for this - or any - white person (student or otherwise) attempting to use a "person of color" to shield them from charges of "racism". Neither negroes, border jumpers, or rice-eaters from Southeast Asia are our allies. If they were they'd pack up, sell their belongings, and leave our country on the next flight out. Pandering to some of them is not a good strategy because the end goal (at least from the standpoint of a white advocate like me) is to force even the "benevolent" ones (at gunpoint if necessary) onto the first jet flight out of here. And to do this for all one-hundred-million-plus of them until they are gone. Because when you start incorporating fried-chicken munchers, taco-crunchers, and dog-eaters as "necessary" in order to restore white America then all you're doing is coping. It is for this reason I cut Donald Trump loose for good after he lost in 2020 (legitimately or not) since he engaged in Warp 9 negro pandering toward the end. Because this is a white struggle, not a multiracial one.

(Jeff Coffey)
I agree. Playing the "allies" game is a dead end.

It's time to do away with that tripe once and for all. I have FAR more interest in hearing what fellow Whites have to say on any given matter, and I almost exclusively want to hear what they have to say on matters related to the future of our (that is: White) civilization.

Not to pick on miss Malkin (or mrs? I don't know), she is an intelligent person, but she is no more intelligent than millions of White people out there who are the ones that should be speaking on priority.

Anonymous #racist #dunning-kruger boards.4channel.org

Driving at night is difficult for the highly melanated and for people of the Asian persuasion because they have worse vision in general and significantly worse night vision.

Low IQ is associated with worse eyesight and with a steeper drop-off in nighttime driving performance.

Nighttime speed limits would be unnecessary in a society that practiced racial hygiene and eugenics.

Jerry Derecha/DarknessIsFalling #crackpot #conspiracy #racist #fundie #magick #transphobia #wingnut adrenogate.net

The Yiddish Khazar Ashkenazi(the Ashkenazic peoples might not have been Khazar after all) “Jews”, originally the Phoenicians/Babylonians/Canaanites/The Pharisees, ARE in fact disgusting inbred criminals who represent a small but distinguished and very noticeable minority of parasite world influence. HOWEVER, the most powerful of all the dark force-empowered secret societies and age old political, religious or military establishments on this clown world of a planet is BY FAR The Holy See(The Vatican, The Papalcy, The Roman Catholic Church). All roads lead to Rome and always have.
In this video i want to take a last look at genetic Trans-Humanism, a subject that ties in with the Mark Of The Beast and attempt to pull the strings together. Satanic Trans-humanism, Trans-genderism and Transformation are ALL linked to form the Post Human condition. They can’t be separated. They are ALL attempts by MAN to bypass or subvert God’s methodology for salvation in order to SAVE themselves. In fact it is the ATTEMPT by man TO BECOME ONE WITH CREATION rather than the CREATOR! God and his Intelligent Design gets factored out in favour of Spontaneous Generation of all Life and Evolution. Once again it is the godless belief that Something can emanate from Nothing.
This is a total abrogation of the Creation reality we experience and a blasphemy of the truth. This is what drives the Jesuit UN Agenda 21 for Global Sustainability. It’s nothing less than the worship of CREATION. Did you know that the automatic Structuring designed by God into Nature such as the initial hexagonal phase in DNA formation is being replicated by the Jesuit science Cabal in nano technology with the Self Assembly of carbon nano tubes comprised of a similar arrangement of materials? That’s right. It’s ALL in the INJECTIONS! Satan is re-engineering ORGANIC mankind and TRANSFORMING it; even REPLACING it with a Bio-SYNTHETIC mankind using nano technology.

Anonymous Coward #80981559 #racist #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Its tel aviv, london, and washington who run ukraine for past 8 years.

Look at the people running ukraine, and most are not ukrainian.

If you want to know who wants this war on russia, ask yourself who owns all of western news media?

There is only one group of people that do, and that tells you in very factual terms who is driving this potential for world war, with russia, and china.

Maria Zakharova, various GLP users #conspiracy #wingnut #racist godlikeproductions.com

(Trolland Dump)
RUSSIA - Germany involved in ‘military biological activities’ in Ukraine. From RT

[link to www.rt.com (secure)]

"Berlin coordinated its work on biodefense with its US allies, Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova told RT"

(Anonymous Coward #82382245)
I'd bet the Bio-weapons centre for NATO is in Ukraine.

(Anonymous Coward #82868165)
Critical research has confirmed that the German regime does what it is told to do. It is not a sovereign nation and uses its people as cash cows for all interests but the interest of the German population.

(Anonymous Coward #78810832)
Totally believable given Germany's prior history.

Once a NAZI, always a NAZI.

All of the big NATO nations are involved in biological experiments. The cabal owns NATO.

The west is a string of occupied nations, and they’ve been for decades now. There’s a reason “Social Democracy” groups run all these nations and why they have the same exact policies.

Hunter Wallace #wingnut #racist #transphobia occidentaldissent.com

[From "Compact: Why Le Pen Surged – and Zemmour Flopped"]

Here in the United States, we are facing the same problem[…]Populist and nationalist voters tend to be working class and middle class voters in small towns and rural areas. Those of us who live in the countryside tend to have traditional values

Who supports antiracism, “trans,” cosmopolitanism and the Great Replacement? It tends to be White upper middle class voters with college degrees, especially single women, who are PMCs who live in dense urban areas. These people are the social base of woke progressivism[…]
White identity is great and worth championing. It is a bit idealistic though and the reality of it is strongly affected by class and religious divisions. As you can see through a glance at Twitter, styling yourself as an “antiracist” or a supporter of “trans rights” is mainly about signaling social class

Compact Mag

If united, the right could easily be the most powerful electoral force in France[…]mostly bourgeois and centrist Les Républicains (LR) and the more working class and nationalist Rassemblement National (RN), led by Maréchal’s aunt, Marine Le Pen

Maréchal argued that a nationalist agenda could transcend class divisions. The right would have to remain uncompromising on immigration and national identity but permit enough economic liberalism to satisfy the conservative bourgeoisie[…]

Valérie Pécresse was the first loser to endorse Macron

This is hilarious

Imagine the horror of affordable gas prices and taxes on the wealthy[…]
This was on my mind last night when I saw that Paris had finally reported and Marine Le Pen had won a whopping 5% of the vote there. Le Pen’s base are rural voters, the south of France and the deindustrialized northeast. They are the Trump voters of France

Pliggy #racist #fundie fldsview.blogspot.com

[From "The Racist"]

I want to tell you the audio that you hear Warren Jeffs talking about the black race, almost all of it was him reading quotes from 19th century Mormon prophets. The bitter people who put out the snipped recording took all of the neutral and positive comments out and only have the worst sounding quotes they could find. He explained the teachings about the black culture and the truth about the black race as the FLDS believe it. Warren Jeffs is no more a bigot than I am. But the term racist can fit us, because we do believe races are different, and are treated differently in the gospel[…]
I had an email conversation with a black Mormon man who was looking to the FLDS so he could live polygyny in a religiously sanctioned way, as his wife was unable to have children. We parted on good terms[…]I, like those in the black community, understand and accept racial identity and I am glad for my heritage

The FLDS people believe that we are LITERALLY descendants of Ephraim, the son of Joseph who was sold into Egypt. As a Israelite, you cannot mix with other races[…]It is Biblical to marry within your heritage. In the Old Testament only the sons of Levi could be Priests, and since the restoration of the Church of Jesus Christ, Only Ephraimites can be priests[…]
We believe that the dark skin is a "curse" upon a certain family, but we believe that all people since the time of Adam have "curses" placed upon them. A curse is an obstacle that must be overcome[…]The black man was cursed as a community because of what their ancient forefathers did. They must live with the curse throughout this life, and can overcome the uncivilized nature of their curse[…]
According to some historians Elijah Abel was a black man who was ordained to the priesthood by Joseph Smith. I believe that there were two Elijah Abel's and one was black while the other was not. They were both members of the church

Matt Walsh #wingnut #racist twitter.com

The subway suspect is a black supremacist. The Waukesha killer is a black supremacist. The guy who tried to assassinate a mayoral candidate is a black supremacist. The man who murdered a capitol police officer was a black supremacist. In summary, white supremacy is the problem.

Tatsuhirocel , FallenPrime & GrimIsSlim #sexist #racist blackpill.club

All women are jews

Dead serious.A woman=jew there is no difference they are both trecherous snakes.This means that the population of jews is much higher than we previously thought.About 3.6 billion

No fucking doubt. Belongs in main discussion tbh. They are leeches and net losses. Only value they have is their eggs.


Except they blow money on stupid shit

Prussian Society of America #psycho #racist #conspiracy #wingnut #dunning-kruger prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "In coming days/weeks, Pragmatism, Politeness, Diplomacy and Professionalism will be revealed as the farce it truly is."]

All of these etiquette behaviors are Jewish/Commercial Mind Programming which are used to disguise thievery, corruption and other nefarious activities even by the most Innocent seeming governments, Officials and diplomats[…]
The German Nation [at least under Prussia] may be the only form of governance on Earth, even under the Monarchy, where Barbarian Nations found us to be the most loathsome and blunt, rude, bullying, outrageous, reckless beasts and yet cannot comprehend how we at the same time manage the Height of Discipline and Order[…]
For many centuries of our history, the objective has always been to demoralize and break down German will to make us forget our legacy of being a Nation of the most valuable and unique people on Earth[…]
In days of German Glory and Supremacy, Barbarian Nations walk on eggshells in the presence of a German, should a lie ever be discovered[…]
The future of the world, whatever survives of it as it does may mean a hypnotized approach to the outside world in dealing with Germany on any level, but they must be at our mercy whether they like it or not, whether they respect us or not, if they want to be left alone by us

Even the most stoic leaders of state have a breaking point, as we have seen that reached with Putin and Lavrov, we see it erupting in countries like India and Pakistan. The Chinese are the most stoic and indifferent[…]
The more a Nation is Sovereign and wholly owned by its people with the best ruling, instead of vested money lowers and third parties, the easier we warm up

The curse of the Swastika reigns over every Nation on earth at this time

Russians now taste what they and the Polish And others did in launching their aggressive and pervasive Hate Campaign against Germany

foundring #conspiracy #elitist #racist #wingnut youtube.com

No Russian Ever Called Me a Cracker - Original Song

when I was a lad I was head of every class
I asked my dad how long these good times would last
he said ‘hey son, they’ve never really begun
cuz you’re racist for being born Caucasian’
look around you and you will see
it’s a Clown World with NPCs
they will judge you begrudge you because you won’t conform
to the norm you’ve been warned


by the age of 18 my ADHD led me to the 88 keys
easier to make it as an Asian lady it seems
my dreams to bring these songs overseas grew wings
leaving me counting all these sheep
people still sleeping through this life
we need to keep speaking truth through the lies
I believe we’re all equal inside then why must I get in line to survive


spent most of my youth you know becoming best at piano
do you want proof I knew how to play Tatum when I turned 22
it’s true I’m underrated and I have the wrong hue
I might be the greatest someday they will see you for what’s inside
why keep stumbling through life in disguise
rise remember we’re born into light
don’t lose sight or be frightened it’s alright


ol’ daddy Vladimir said Nike no likey
kikes deleting the whites from airwaves
it was whack to be black way back in slavery days
don’t let the pendulum sway the other way
now that I’m older my songs are getting increasingly bolder
some friends are starting to give me cold shoulders
I thought I told ya that I’m playing the Joker until it’s over
when the world awakens and celebrates
states and nations of every race
they will bait us so we separate
but not this time every liar pays the price


ol’ daddy Vladimir said Nike no likey
kikes deleting the whites from airwaves
it was whack to be black way back in slavery days
don’t let the pendulum sway the other way
no Russian no no no Russian ever called me a cracker
no Russian ever called me a cracker
no Russian ever called me names

Benjamin Fulford #crackpot #conspiracy #racist #wingnut benjaminfulford.net

The world revolution against the Khazarian mafia is accelerating with the systematic round-up of top KM agents worldwide. At the same time, the KM is trying to shut down the internet, cause a starvation crisis and promote a fake alien invasion as it fights to survive.

Let us start with a look at all the prominent US and Western power brokers who have recently “tested positive for Covid” ie been arrested:

Prince Charles

Nancy Pelosi

Attorney General Merrick Garland

Christine Largarde

Hillary Clinton

Barack Obama

CIA Director William Burns

Debbie Wasserman Shultz

Adam Schiff

Jen Psaki

Kamala Harris’ husband Doug Emhoff

Washington DC mayor Muriel Bowser

“Funny how certain people all come down with COVID at the same time,” a Mossad source comments.

This is a clear sign the Rothschild/Rockefeller group staging the fake Biden presidency psy-ops are being removed.
However, it does not necessarily mean Donald Trump will be reinstated as US President, CIA sources note. That is because the “Trump” now appearing in public is an actor and it is not clear if the real Trump is still with us.
The KM is also still trying to manipulate world public opinion with mass murder events they blame on others. For example, German intelligence warned us that large amounts of foreign mercenaries in Odessa dressed in Russian army uniforms are planning a massive terror attack to blame on Russia.

The planned mass murder event will try to distract public attention from the horrors (torturing children slaves to harvest adrenochrome etc.) being exposed at the massive underground base in Mariupol, CIA sources say.

In any case, on the ground reporters who actually do their job and check facts are finding all the terror attacks against civilians are originating from the Ukrainian side. This missile attack blamed on Russia, for example, has been proven to be Ukrainian.

“The Satanic KM cabal are going for broke. They don’t know any other way,” a Mossad source warns.

Brutus977 #racist #psycho #kinkshaming #dunning-kruger nomoretrump.quora.com

Yeah, it was NEVER about that. You just sucked down every drop of zionist propaganda force-fed to you by the public school system. Prior to Hitler, JEW bankers had basically destroyed Germany through USURY (a term you should become familiar with). Berlin was rife with prostitution, pornography, pedophilia etc. It was a festering wound, A disgusting filthpot thanks to the JEWS. Sounds a lot like the USA now. Degeneracy, communism, force-fed miscegenation, misandry, all brought to you by the JEWS once again. Thye NEVER stop. They are the destroyers of everything GOOD. There was always a reason for them being booted out of 108 countries. It wasn’t because they were humanitarians I can assure you that. Either way no document has ever been uncovered about any holocaust whatsoever. Stephen SpeilBERG would have you believe other wise

RHODA WILSON #conspiracy #racist #wingnut #crackpot #fundie dailyexpose.uk

The Rothschilds, who are Nephilim Hosts, and their Khazarian mafia have gained a foothold in nations across the earth since the mid-1700s. The tentacles of the House of Rothschild reach into the monetary policy of 85% of the countries worldwide but Russia broke free from the tentacles of the Rothschilds.
Nephilim hosts” is a term Sanger coined in her book: ‘The Roots of the Federal Reserve: Tracing the Nephilim from Noah to the US Dollar’. Nephilim Hosts are individuals who have partnered with the spiritual forces of darkness to carry out the Nephilim agenda.” An agenda to defile the human genome through the propagation of a hybrid race, the purpose of which is to overthrow God’s Kingdom.

At its the core, the Nephilim agenda has the goal to strip us of our humanity. Sanger identifies four Nephilim traits: violent without remorse; engage in sexual degradation; dishonesty in trade and business transactions; and, traffickers in humans and enslavement of others.
The Rothschilds were Ashkenazi Jews, Khazarians, “they’re arguably the most influential Nephilim Hosts of the Common Era,” Sangar said, “the Rothschild family and their Khazarian mafia have gained a foothold in almost every country since the mid-1700s.”

The patriarch for the Rothschild banking dynasty is Mayer Amschel Rothschild. He partnered with Adam Weishaupt who instituted the order of the Illuminati. Together Rothschild and Weishaupt developed a seven-fold plan for world domination:

1. Abolish all national governments
2. Abolish all private property
3. Abolish inheritance
4. Destroy patriotism
5. Destroy Christianity
6. Destroy the family unit
7. Create a one world government or a new world order

This plan has become the blue print to carry out the Nephilim agenda, Sanger said, this was rolled-out, at least, by Rothschild and Weishaupt in 1776. This is essentially the play book of a Colour Revolution – destroy history, destroy the family unit. This is also World Economic Forum with a dash of communism.

pornoddio #racist blackpill.club

RE: Cowardly Ukrainian whores threatened with r4pe by r@pefugees

“infidel sluts, unclean creatures and Allah-cursed scum”

Yes they may insult you or threaten you if you say that their prophets are just goatfuckers, but all of them cope with drugs, eat pork, don't go listen to imams, cope with rap music or the equivalent in their culture, cope with alcoholism, never respect their own traditions, have a defiant attitude of their own norms, don't pay respect to whatever idea they may have of god, they don't believe in their own theories, they don't read their own "sacred" texts, they don't attack people with power but always gather to mog the lowstatus, they grape each other's sisters, they enslave their own population and sell drugs to the youth of their own ethnic groups to make quick bucks, they ruin their own businesses, they destroy their own families and desacrate the pussies of their own mothers sometimes graping them.

So, yes they may have this surface level aggressiveness, but how many of them attacked you? Answer is zero. Because they don't touch you if you have more money than they have, they have a submissive respect of wealth, this is why they worship rap icons. And I bet they also play Halo the game.

Nigerian Anon #racist boards.4chan.org

I don't believe that Africa has an average 68 IQ

if that were true, their societies could not function whatsoever

It's held by duct tape and foreign intervention.
For example: there's been nationwide blackouts for over a month now (more than usual), some people haven't had electricity since February.
Most of our infrastructure is dated and poorly maintained, literally all the old railways were built by the British, and the new ones built by the Chinese.

How do you even have blackouts when you are an oil exporter.

We EXPORT crude oil, we don't have the equipment (anymore) or the know-how to refine it.
My parents actually worked In one of last refineries in the country, for close to a decade they had no work going on. People would literally bring beds to work.

How would you describe higher education in Nigeria?

In public unis Sexual favours are common with university staff, some professors will tell you you're not going to graduate unless you fuck them, if you're male more often you just have to bribe them.

Getting into uni is also a matter of connections and tribalism, not to mention it's extremely easy to cheat

It's not uncommon for Nigerian youth to squat with their parents till they're like 30, or get a house from them (this applies to a small percent). Some of these rich fucks don't even understand the concept of working for something, a grown-up once asked me "why don't you ask your daddy to buy you (X) thing?".

I know for other black African countries, Indians or Lebanese run the economy, but Nigerians and Cameroonians tend to control their economies with key exceptions. No way Nigerians are that dumb or dysfunctional

The Lebanese don't quite run things here but they have a lot of big business, Tatiana Moussalli Nouri owns much of the media in Nigeria. There's a few tens of thousands of them and they're mostly in Kano, Kano being the only northern state with a decent GDP, almost equal to port cities.

Gregory Hood #dunning-kruger #racist #transphobia #wingnut amren.com

California ruled that blacks who can prove direct descent from slaves are eligible for reparations.

If our rulers impose a reparations program that expands beyond ADOS, blacks will guard the swag just as ferociously as Indian tribes that don’t want outsiders claiming free stuff — and who use Certificates of Degree of Indian Blood to keep them out. The surge in young whites claiming to be trans or some newly invented sexual variant may be their way of dodging the social and economic penalties of being heterosexual whites.

How should whites respond? First, malicious compliance. If there is a gap in these programs that allow anyone to apply for minority status, do so. Even a token one percent of non-white blood is enough. Be white in your heart, body and soul — and be whatever pays the most when you fill out paperwork. It makes more sense than Lia Thomas.

Do this in the most cynical and public way possible. Treat this racial blackmail with the scorn it deserves.

Second, recognize that the “racial reckoning” will only intensify as America becomes less white. Colorblindness is a vain hope; it’s already “racist.” It’s doubtful many civil rights protesters ever believed in it. Martin Luther King Jr. certainly didn’t.

Finally, it’s time to build a case for white reparations. Unlike ADOS, we are living with the collective harm being done to white people right now. We don’t need a mystical, arduous quest to go looking for harm. We can look out the car window at our cities. Black crime has ruined them and destroyed billions in capital. Whites spend millions every year to live far away from work. They waste their lives commuting to escape dangerous neighborhoods. Assemblyman Sawyer, we are the ones being disproportionately shot. Let us hear no complaints from America’s most coddled people who are entirely dependent on those they hate.

Prussian Society of America #sexist #dunning-kruger #racist #conspiracy prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "Capitalism shuns Natural Selection between Women and Men, based on Appearance"]

I like to expand upon this topic from different angles[…]some Races seem to have a much wider gamut of “Physically Attractive” people, usually at least up to 90% of the population[…]
The worst countries by far are definitely America and England[…]
Germany had been the Nation of Europe which has held onto its racial integrity the longest compared to many other countries[…]
Homogeneity is not always the indication of Pure or Good Race either[…]
Latin American Nations are perfect examples of it, since a very vast majority of Latin American countries have admixtures of Sephardic Jewish blood in them, and some which come from very undesirable barbaric tribes[…]
Convincing Women to “like” or “learn to like” Men they do not actually find attractive, based on whether he may be wealthy, socially acceptable or agreeable to her peers and society at large or trendy. The trendy factor promotes Caucasian Women to sleep more with Negroes[…]
Rearing people to ignore their biological instincts of what they are attracted to is a major SIN[…]
Christians loves to make Men and Women to both feel guilty for desiring a partner on the basis of physical looks[…]
The Capitalists benefit even further because since there is a shortage of beautiful and attractive/in-shape Women, they have created Women into being “markets” that any Rich Man can buy[…]
Ugly filthy Jew former Treasurer Secretary of the US, Steve Mnuchin with his wife. An autistic nerd which has every undesirable trait that no normal human would want to see introduced into the population, who has a wife that excels his appearance to an unimaginable level[…]
I am not trying to suggest that ugly and unattractive people should not exist[…]There is a natural reason and instinct for desire to prolong desirable traits for the majority of the species

Che #racist #conspiracy blackpill.club

[New Release] [JUST BE ARAB BRAH] Why Arabs can't lose at life

Remember when i said Looksmax makes me depressed because there is no "Just be Arab theory" on there?
But here is a new theory released boyos! I made scientefic searches on why there is no just be an Arab Theory, actually there is one, but everybody is afraid to announce it or say because the Elite don't want you to know it.

After 6 minutes of thinking, I came to this conclusion:

As a white, if you're not a Chad or a chadlite at least, you'll never get a girl to desire you, the best thing you can do in this situation is going er on your school, but again you'll go to hell and loose too, so yeah, Chad wins, you loose.

As an Arab:
Even if you're not a chaddam, or a chaddamlite, you can go and join Isis and die in the battle and get 72 virgins to welcome you at heaven, that's why Arabs can't loose at life, if you disagree then you're coping, cuck belly.

Anonymous #conspiracy #racist #fundie #crackpot boards.4channel.org

Russian empire conquers a land controlled by khazar caananite demon worshippers, and exiles them to poland and germany where they ferment into modern jews.

Russia forgets to send tax collectors to the land they conquered.

Local groups evolve and turn into land-pirates, brigands and warlords.

Russia uses these groups as a chaotic criminal border with ottoman turks.

Russia gets famine and plague and almost destroyed.

Poland gets taken over by the demon worshippers, and conquers part of Russia, and forcibly converts Russians to catholicism and jewry, and blanda-downs to them.

Russia recovers and takes back the land, in fact fucks poland over and splits it with the germans.

However the judeocatholic worm festers.

Russia gets taken over by the khazar demon worshippers who create the evil of communism and kill 100 million russians, enslave the rest.

Khazar demon worshippers take over entire east europe, and make sure to brainwash locals to hate RUSSIANS instead of them.

Khazar demon worhshippers give ridiculous amount of land to the judeocatholics in Ukraine, expanding borders 10x over.

Communism collapses and judeocatholic khazar demon worshippers escape to USA and Israel, but they never forget their dream homeland.

2014 they hire mercenaries to shoot some people in the street, so they can suspend all law and elections and take power.

2022 Russia doesnt want to get taken over by them again, so they act to limit their power.

inb4civilwar #conspiracy #racist #homophobia consumeproduct.win

they primarily use dipshit evangelicals to keep minimum wage low, while they offshore their business, offshore the taxes, and then sell at insanely inflated prices to boomers too dumb to realize the European is an animal in a cage to corporate juden business interest.

The money that the globohomo corporate overlords have made since 1980 is absolutely shocking to anyone who understands it. Much like Ross Perot said, "The only thing coming out of NAFTA is a giant sucking sound of jobs leaving America".

The only answer to jewish and corporate demon led New American Ethics is to eschew commercialism and live apart from it, having faith in your church or family.

If you are European, not White, not Nazi, just a regular goofy looking European dude like throughout the UK, Germany, Italy, etc., your biggest enemy is honestly the evangelical lunatic and jewish greed demon on one side, and jewish midget lesbian control demons on the other.

Personally I live in a homestead environment, but having to deal with Americans, and how hyper politicized and self serving they are, actually destroys intellects. Americans are so defeated and starved at this point, they are charging in for the final kill, as the State Department defines WHAHITE SUPREMACY, you know, being angry when minorities beat and kill your kids and rape your daughters on Facebook Livestream lol. Not the hundreds of thousands of people rioting during a pandemic trying to kill cops and Europeans, its the dumb boomers trying to eat outside at a cafe.

This country is lunatic and hates you, it only respects the demon evangelical, the jew, and the immigrant. Anyone who has had to live with the reality of multi-generational existence in this ridiculous commercial of a nation, you are the enemy.

At some point, the European must tell the five foot 5 controlling evangelical racist loon to fuck off, we do not accept you, your hatred and death proxied through corporate control, tax scams and usury, and your juden masters.

Napoleon de Geso #racist #sexist blackpill.club

Tinder world quest. Filling statistical gaps in Africa

I not racist, but racial realist, so while would take cute adorable black loli waifu of culture, but also see negro foids being ugly because of racial reasons, rarely able to be pretty and cute, and even more rarely - to achieve level of kemonoforme. In previous tinder world quest from 21 000 foids in Africa were made 0 right swipes upon them (including North Africa, as those also hopeless, so lacking of stylistical diversity, that even can be said there are only 2 types of north african females - tradfoids, and unholy abominations of hybrid between tradfoid and Western bimbo). So Africa of wery low interest for kemonosearching, but, as In final statistics and maps only places with atleast 500 foids being included, so for scientific interest and more smooth maps and statistics made some search in Africa, except countries where previoulsy 1000+ foids been swiped

How well gaps filled and how well african foids achieving kemonoformation after more search, can be seen in how current tinder world quest changed Africa in world map of rightswipe percentages:
No right swipes out out of 6859 foids from those areas:
More concentration on Ethiopia, because was trying to find something like this:
But found only 280 macacas like this:
And some madagascar females with dominant austronesian fenotype can be very pretty and cute, just their numbers in tinder so too small, with overall only was shown 108 macacas, some very fuckable austronesians, but no of culture, and majority foids just ugly macacas:

Grand Duchess, Anastasia Romanova via Erena Velazquez #crackpot #magick #conspiracy #wingnut #racist voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

I am Grand Duchess, Anastasia Romanova, the youngest daughter of the last Russian Tzar Nikolas ll, cruelly executed by Khazarian Mafia’s puppets Yakov Yourovsky and his minions in 1918 in Ekaterinburg.
During power taken by the Bolsheviks in Russia, my parents wanted to escape to Europe. My father Tzar Nikolas ll never had an interest to be a ruler, he just wanted to protect his family. The politics and power didn’t excite his soul. During Romanov dynasty ruling, Russia was rich and powerful, where even the golden coins were freely circulating as money.

There were rumors about my escape alive, which never were truthful, I was killed with the rest of my family. I was only seventeen. The Bolshevik’s Revolution was a revenge against Russia by Khazarian mafia. These monsters together with Vladimir Lenin and others starved to death and killed 200 millions of Russian population. They never forget that Russians stand up against them in the past. What is happening right now in Ukraine, it’s related to saving the Russian speaking people from a genocide.

Same ones, who killed us, for 8 years have been killing the civilians including women and children. Someone needed to step in and help these innocent people to be saved. The special forces are cleaning up this region from the contamination by the Darkness.

My family’s execution was unspeakable event, which it should never happen. The children should not be carrying out the responsibility, who their parents are, as they deserve to occupy the selected vessels, as long they want. It’s up to humanity to end this dark era by removing the evil from the power positions, transforming your societies and making sure that children are never abused or killed ever again.

Maria Zakharova #crackpot #wingnut #racist express.co.uk

Russian Director of the Information and Press explains why Putin was justified in invading Ukraine

“Well, everything that was connected with ethnicity and culture in the first place. Even cookbooks were banned. Why? Because it was impossible to share borscht, well, it is impossible. It was supposed to belong to only one. Some one nation, one nationality it is impossible that it should be shared and that every housewife in every region could cook it in her own way - no! They didn't want to compromise. So this is what we're talking about. Xenophobia, naz1sm, extremism in all it's forms.”

Brutus977 #racist americanconservatives.quora.com

I would NEVER date or procreate with a black woman. Not in a million years! You shouldn’t either. You’re as Aryan as they come. Your ancestors were probably Vikings considering your last name. You’d be doing your lineage an extreme disservice if you crossed genes with an African. You know in your gut that the races aren’t the same unless you’ve fallen for the global Jew programming. Keep the white race pure. Research the Kalergi Plan in your spare time.

Ron DeSantis #racist #wingnut thehill.com

“If Stacey Abrams is elected governor of Georgia, I just want to be honest, that will be a cold war between Florida and Georgia,” he said. “I can’t have [former Cuban communist leader Raul] Castro to my south and Abrams to my north, that would be a disaster. So I hope you guys take care of that and we’ll end up in good shape.”

Jack Dalton #racist vdare.com

In fact, despite Atlanta Magazine’s headline, people are willing to see it. But they won’t say it out loud. But they don’t want to be called racist for telling the truth about who has made Atlanta uninhabitable and driven Buckhead to draw up separation papers. As for 2022, crime in general and rape in particular are reaching stratospheric heights [Rape in Atlanta soared by 236% and murder by 43% in 2022 compared to the same time last year after a woke city mayor and pandemic lockdowns sent crime soaring, by Melissa Koenig, Daily Mail, February 21, 2022]. The simple truth is, black men and boys commit almost all of Atlanta’s violent crime.

At bottom, Buckhead’s push for independence is 100 percent about race, but in 2022 America, no one can say it. Whites’ taking their own side in a fight is tantamount to racism and white supremacy, and if you talk to some Leftists, treason that richly deserves a firing squad. Thus, Bill White, who leads the secession movement, was tarred and feathered coast-to-coast for daring to retweet VDARE’s entirely factual report that homicides zoomed up in 2021 in cities boasting large black populations. [Buckhead cityhood leader tweets, deletes post from white nationalist blog, By Greg Bluestein and Chris Joyner, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, January 3, 2022].He responded, pitifully, by Disavowing and emphasizing his homosexual credentials, saying “I don’t think I’m perfect. I’m a human being. I’ve been told by my husband I’m too old to be on social media.” [Buckhead City movement leader apologizes for retweeting white nationalist group, by Richard Elliot, WSB-TV January 04, 2022]

Tatsuhirocel #conspiracy #racist blackpill.club

I think Ukranians are trying to get nato involved in the war

The drone that crashed in croatia was a false flag by zoglensky's goons.It crashed really close by a student home and had a lot of explosives in it.If it hit the student home in Croatia which is a nato member then Nato would be more likely to get involved because jewlensky would claim that the russians bombed that student home of a country that is a nato member.

Vox Day #homophobia #transphobia #fundie #conspiracy #racist voxday.net

[From "Devil Mouse Goes Full Evil"]

Disney is not even attempting to hide its complete devotion to Satan and all his pomps any longer:

A Disney executive in charge of content vowed to up the ante on gender politics during an all-hands meeting, promising that at least half of the characters in its productions will be LGBTQIA or from racial minorities by the end of the year

General entertainment president Karey Burke said during a company-wide Zoom call that Disney must do more to be more inclusive. The call was part of Disney’s ‘Reimagine Tomorrow’ campaign which promises that 50 per cent of characters and content would be from underrepresented groups by 2022[…]

At this point, nuclear fire is about the only thing that is capable of saving Orlando from the fate of Sodom and Gomorrah. No Christian, no sane person, no self-interested individual who values indoor plumbing should support the Devil Mouse in any possible way

And remember, what these wicked women are advocating is what “judeo-christianity” actually is. Do you really think they don’t know what their underlings are doing?


spoilerPicture of Mickey being locked in a mousetrap, with the inscription "Die" using Disney's font

kreegan #racist #pratt therpgsite.com

And what of Pinnacle Entertainment Group? Sure, they rewrote the Deadlands backstory, but supposedly there is a logical reason for doing so? Other than that, I haven't seen any woke pandering from them. I'd say at worst, yellow?

Pinnacle is yellow. They aren't like WotC or Evil Hat but they do pander occasionally. In addition to changing Deadlands, they also caved to the outrage brigade over the Science Fiction Companion cover and made sure the art in the new Savage Worlds core book was focused on not showing too many white guys.

Once you bend the knee, you'll spend the rest of your life on your knees, just waiting for the executioner's blade.

Incels Wiki #dunning-kruger #racist #sexist incels.wiki

Cousincest or nothing

Cousincest or nothing is a lesser of two evils dilemma that is faced by many ethnicels from the Greater Middle East. These people are too low SMV, decile scale and LMS to have any success at cold approach or warm approach; their family notices and decide to book an arranged marriage.

These arranged marriages usually consist of cousin-hookups, in others words cousincest. This situation gets worse for ethnicels raised in western countries since the taboo against cousincest is greater there. In other words, the bulk of horncels, arabcels, persocels and turkcels in the west have the choice of the fire or the frying pan. So ethnicels are damned if they do, and damned if they don't.


Monosyllabic ways of saying "female cousin":

diece: dad's niece
fiece: father's niece
miece: mom's niece
piece: parent's niece
Bisyllabic ways:

cousine (this is French)
fousin = female cousin
gousin = girl cousin
wousin = woman cousin

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