
God says you have to do everything I tell you to!

Patrick Bellringer via Anne Bellringer #magick #ufo #fundie #crackpot fourwinds10.com

<Note: Patrick Bellringer has been deceased since 2020>

Greetings to all souls! I have called Anne to pen a message from me to all of you.

Business goes on as usual on Earth with most still slumbering on thinking and planning for the future. Some, very few, are slowly realizing how fast the day passes. Earth time has speeded up to 99% and soon rising to 100% where time does not exist. This means that Mother Earth is to graduate to a higher dimension where time does not exist. I speak of 5th dimension.

It is sad to see so many people blinded by the religion and the fake teaching of being “raptured off to a pink cloud somewhere. The word ”rapture” does not exist in Satan’s war book. You would not believe how many souls on the Astral Plane were in agony concerning the Truth that had been given to them but they rejected it as Satan’s lies.

You should see the sight of the Astral plane now! Billions of souls are reading the <Phoenix> Journals.
The thousands of libraries are packed full, so many are sitting on benches or on the ground, reading, There is not much talking, for all are reading. They are, also, reading all the current messages that the Lighted Realms have given Anne to pen.

Thousands have graduated to the Higher Realms., which makes Creator God Aton very pleased.
The great hope is that all souls shall become enlightened and not have to live each moment of this great null without the LOVE of Creation to make the time seem like an hour rather than endless torment.

That time would be 311,040,000,000,000 years x 7! None of us have ever experienced this great null time when all comes to rest with Creation. If ones are still unenlightened will they rest in Creation’s arms?

It will not be long before I will see my Earthly family again. It is with joy and happiness, for it shall be a wonderful reunion. Remember, all you Earth people, that living on Earth is an illusion for soul growth. The Lighted Realms are REALITY!

Taz Baz #fundie youtube.com

It's true, and I had a dream about Michael Jackson just after he supposedly died, I dreamt that I was standing in the spirit with the Lord Jesus Christ and we were standing to the side of huge crowds and they were screaming out for Michael Jackson who happened to be there, and the Lord Jesus Christ showed me that he was guilty of many transgressions against children and against many other people. The Lord Jesus Christ showed me that satan was walking with him and that because of Michael Jackson's past troubles with the law and children who he abused, Michael Jackson decided to play out the role of death. The Lord Jesus Christ showed me that although he has avoided the truth, there still will be consequences for him in the end.

Young X #fundie youtube.com

Unfornately the Lord has told me that my mother will be in Hell also. (And she goes to church and claims to be a believer also.) I had dreams, one of them I posted here on youtube also, where the Lord took me up to the clouds to be with him but my mother and family was left. I always wondered why I was taken in the dream but they was not, and God finally told me it was because my family will not be going to Heaven. And I prayed earnestly for them to be worthy of Heaven for 9 years, and I have literally watch the Lord give them the Power to be obedient to Him, but they ave refused God, FOR 9 ENTIRE YEARS. And God told me, "I can give your family the power and the strength to obey My Word, but I cannot force them to take that power and obey. They have free will and I have given them the Power to choose Me, but if they refuse, that is the only thing I can do to answer your prayer. Now My hands are clean of them going to Hell. I extended My Hand, but they rejected it. I cannot make them as robots to obey Me. All I can do is offer them the Holy Spirit to overcome all evil so they can be worthy of Heaven. But since they have set their hearts on not changing, they will continue to walk the direction that makes their soul worthy of Hell after death. And they will have no one to blame but themselves."

Minister Naftali Bennett, Ben Caspit #sexist #fundie #psycho mondoweiss.net

{from 2017}

Israeli society became incensed this week with the video of 16-year-old Ahed Tamimi and her 20-year-old cousin Nour, who slapped the Israeli soldiers occupying their family yard in Nabi Saleh.

The discussion amongst Israelis became all about the humiliation suffered by heavily armed soldiers, from a fearless 16-year old girl and her bare hands. Culture Minister Miri Regev said: “When I watched that, I felt humiliated, I felt crushed”. She called the incident “damaging to the honor of the military and the state of Israel.” She was echoing her own words from 2015, when Ahed also appeared in a viral video, wrestling a masked Israeli soldier, who was holding her little brother in a headlock and pressing him down on a rock, his broken arm in cast. Then Regev was “shocked to see the video this morning of Palestinians hitting an IDF soldier,” adding that, “It cannot be that our soldiers will be sent on missions with their hands tied behind their backs. It’s simply a disgrace!….We must immediately order that a soldier under attack be able to return fire. Period.”

There was a range of suggestions of what should happen with Ahed and the other girls. Education Minister Naftali Bennett suggested that they “spend the rest of their days in prison”.

But a prominent journalist had a somewhat more cunning suggestion:

“In the case of the girls, we should exact a price at some other opportunity, in the dark, without witnesses and cameras”,

Ben Caspit wrote in his article (Hebrew) on Tuesday.

What might this price exactly be, considering that he is referring specifically to teenage girls? We are left to wonder. Perhaps he wishes to leave it to the imagination of the soldiers who would invade the home at night, ensuring that no cameras are filming.

We are again left to wonder what it is exactly that the creep would do, especially if he thought there were no cameras around. Caspit’s suggestion resembles that of Defense Minister Lieberman, who also said on Tuesday that “whoever goes wild during the day, will be arrested at night”, adding that “everyone involved, not only the girl but also her parents and those around them will not escape from what they deserve”.

Mike Stone #wingnut #quack #fundie #conspiracy #elitist henrymakow.com

Do you believe that crisis reveals character?

If so, how would you judge the character of your family, friends, and co-workers over the last two years?

Did they recognize the virus hoax for what it was - a hoax?

Did they spit in the eye of the airlines and all of the other hoax and jab-pushing corporations by refusing to fly, by refusing to buy their products and services, by refusing to watch their Hollywood filth?

Or did they make zero sacrifices in a time of war - as my family and friends did - and continue to patronize and financially support the very people and corporations that want to see them dead, buried, and replaced?
All of my life I've been witness to idiotic behavior. Never, in all that time, have I seen such utterly stupid, cowardly, and treasonous behavior as I have these last two years. My faith and respect for the human race has literally plummeted to zero. It would be below zero, if that were possible.

For over two years, almost everyone on earth has, without any evidence, believed in the existence of a virtually non-existent virus. They refused to face facts, refused to apply any type of common sense or logic. As a result, they have submitted to the worst type of treasonous behavior imaginable.
The virus hoax is no different. Try talking logic to people. Try stirring their interest in the millions who were injured, crippled, and killed by the hoax pushers and no one will respond to you. They have no interest in the topic. They want to visit Disneyland and Las Vegas. They want to watch porn, Hollywood movies, and Netflix. They want life to go back to "normal," never realizing that their version of normal is a life headed straight for hell.

Talk about a wake up call. These last two years have been the most sobering of my life. I now know why God destroyed the world through a flood; why he rained fire and brimstone on the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. The mass of people have shown by their behavior that they are undeserving of Heaven.

Padraig Martin #elitist #sexist #racist #fundie identitydixie.com

[From "We Are Not Equal in God’s Eyes"]

There is a bizarre religion that permeates the West. It is a false faith predicated on universal equality[…]Leftists have weaponized scripture without context, and as usual, ill-informed “Christians” bought into the narrative. They often cite Galatians 3:28[…]His myriad of epistles point out stark differences between men and women, Jews and Greeks, and the role of slaves[…]God made the nations, races, ethnicities, and sexes[…]We are not equal in God’s eyes

The first and most prolific lie is the equality of the sexes. Men and women are not equal[…]The Bible tells us that men are to enjoy a leadership role; women are to submit[…]
As it pertains to the races, inequality exists, too. Ignoring for a moment the litany of studies regarding mental acuity and impulse control, consider the simple physical differences between blacks and Whites[…]It should be no surprise that blacks are designed for the geographic challenges of Africa versus Ireland or Russia[…]
None of these people are equal[…]They have an unequal purpose on the earth[…]
Among individuals[…]there is clearly no equality[…]
Why is this important? The equality myth is often weaponized to disarm Whites, especially White Christians. I state that it harms Christians more than non-Christian Whites[…]because most Christians are raised to believe all races and ethnicities can be saved by Jesus Christ[…]
The notion of equality under the law (a secular concept) is drawn out to undermine faith-based arguments at a macro level[…]
We see the most devastating application of this concept in the amorphous idea of democracy. God loathes democracy. Democracy is the belief of equality applied in politics[…]
The eighteen-year-old female who is in-love with herself and the latest heartthrob has the same vote as I do – a landowner, businessman, father, husband

Brotherofsteel5 #transphobia #fundie #elitist deviantart.com

You know what?

To be accurate it's not "WE" who don't know what is a woman.

It's "THEM".

We: the majority of peoples, normals persons.

Them: A bunch of "intellectuals-educated-persons" who thing all in the world is about their ideology, and who don't even know how the real world works, because they live in their little environnement, their littles urbans "safe spaces", their offices, their campus, or classrooms. They are the peoples who just lives and want to see peoples who look or think like them, and last but not the least, who are from the same wealthy class, even if they deny it.

Peoples who refuse contradictions, or don't want to see the real world.

They are like the aristocratic class in France before 1789, or like byzantins theologist who argued about the properties of angels, when the turkish empire was at their gates.

Lindsay Harold #fundie #sexist lindsays-logic.blogspot.com

There's an interesting parallel in marriage. God designed women to need leadership from their husbands in order to feel loved. Not only did God give the husband the position of authority and leadership in the home, but He did so because it is best for both men and women.

Men have a need to lead. They're designed for it. They don't feel loved if their wives don't follow their lead. At the same time, God made women to need to be led. They don't feel loved if they are in control. They feel abandoned and lonely when they aren't following their husband's lead. They need the husband to be the head, to lead them and protect them - physically and emotionally.


John C. Wright #crackpot #fundie archive.ph

I imagine future historians looking back with awe and horror at the rioting that suddenly erupted all across America when 40 year old nerds and science fiction fans suddenly, and for no apparent reason, descended on Hollywood and New York City, burning and murdering executives in various popular entertainment and publishing industries.

Future historians will be puzzled that Brony cosplayers actually dressed up as supervillains and furries, used jackhammers and dug pits actually into the sidewalks of Manhattan and Los Angeles, then released vicious polar bears to claw and bite their helpless yet screaming victims to a slow but hideously painful death, filming the whole on their cellphones.

Future historians will puzzle over the lack of response from law enforcement, the giggling from judges and guffaws from the national guard, who should have intervened to stop the ghastly slaughter. Scholarly arguments will break out over the question of how large and spontaneous mobs composed largely of large and nonathletic fanboys managed the logistical question of capturing polar bears and transporting them to the United States from Northern Alaska, while the Canadian border was closed.

Of course, no news accounts of the horrific event will be available for study in those future times, since every last member of the mainstream news industry, down to the last intern, was swallowed alive that same week by sudden flaming pits that opened in the Earth, during the exact moment when each was denouncing as racist anyone calling the China Flu ‘the Wuhan virus’– those few reporters spry enough to cling to the crumbling lips of the gaping crater-mouths then being struck by lightningbolts winging down from a clear blue sky.

The future historians will also wonder what triggered the renaissance in popular entertainment, comics, and science fiction that lasted for the next century and a half, until the flying saucer invasion from Alpha Camelopardalis, the last star in the galaxy anyone expected to host a planet peeved with Earthmen.

Apti Alaudinov #fundie #homophobia #psycho #transphobia #wingnut newsweek.com

Apti Alaudinov, the commander of Chechen forces fighting for Russia, praised Russian President Vladimir Putin's invasion of Ukraine, calling it a "holy war" against the "Satanic" values of Europe and the United States as well as the LGBTQ community.

"This is a holy war our saints and elders spoke of," Alaudinov asserted, who went on to say that he praises God to live in Russia and that the country is led by Putin. "He is the man that refused to accept the so-called European values," the commander added.

"In reality, those are Satanist values that are imposed on the entire world," he said. Alaudinov noted that he is "grateful" that Putin is following the values of "the Most High," referring to God. "We are not under the flags of the LGBT and as long as he's alive, we won't be under those flags."

He also called American democracy "the main enemy of mankind." Continuing, he said the U.S., Europe, and NATO carry within them "everything that is Satanic," and that they are "the army of the anti-Christ."

The Chechen commander described his forces fighting with Russia against Ukraine as "the army of Jesus." He praised Putin for doing "what the Islamic countries should have done" by fighting back against the U.S. and NATO.

The Final Wakeup Call #conspiracy #racist #wingnut #fundie finalwakeupcall.info

It is high time to remove the Rothschild-Khazarian-Mafia including their controlled puppets within governments. – Once the masses begin to understand that every government official is mind-controlled – i.e. is a Monarch slave, warning of terrorists WHO actually are themselves. The masses should wake up to this!

When Monarch slaves fail, a coup or revolution is attempted with the help of the CIA and/or Mossad. If that does not work, an elite special unit carries out liquidations. And if that does not produce the desired result, then the head of government or dictator suffers a heart attack or other accident. If that does not work, the military arm of the Illuminati – NATO – is called in.
Remember; the Archon Khazar bloodline families want to take total control over the whole world population through your government. In order to take possession of all resources on earth. In order to take possession of all the resources on earth including Gold, Silver and Energy which is the main objective of the Jesuits and Illuminati.
Due to created compassion for the Jewish people as a result of WW2, Zionism took shape in 1948 through diplomatic terror by creating the state of Israel.

Rothschild family is in fact the fundamentalist leader of Zionism. The Israeli parliament, the Knesset, is financed by the Rothschilds. In Jerusalem, a street is named after them. They are considered to be the royal family of Judaism, with the addition of ‘King of the Jews’
These powerful satanic families, such as Rothschild, Rockefeller, Warburgs, and their puppets; Kissinger, Bush, Netanyahu, Clinton, and lapdog Blair, are at the head of Satan’s hierarchy and form the ‘Kingdom of Satan’ on earth.

They are the vanguard of the anti-Christ movement, they demand absolute world domination, by overwhelming it with catastrophes, such as the 9/11 attack in New York, Paris on Friday the 13th, to be carried out under massive publicity.

Hunter Wallace and Charlie Kirk #fundie #wingnut #elitist #dunning-kruger #crackpot occidentaldissent.com

[From "Charlie Kirk: Church and State Should Be Mixed Together"]


Charlie Kirk: "There is no separation of church and state. It's a fabrication. It's a fiction. It's not in the Constitution. It's made up by secular humanists" pic.twitter.com/R4dkUSxGwI
July 6, 2022

I’m seeing a lot of dumb commentary on this

The First Amendment only says that Congress cannot establish a state religion. The American colonies had established churches and the states had established state churches until the early 19th century

First Amendment Encyclopedia

The First Great Awakening in the 1730s and 1740s increased religious diversity, and the American Revolution furthered the impetus of Southern states to drop their affiliations with the Church of England, which most did between 1776 and 1790. The Second Great Awakening, which occurred after 1800 and created further religious diversity, led to another wave of disestablishments (Noll and Harlow 2007:29)

New Hampshire kept its establishment until 1817; Connecticut kept its establishment until 1818; and Massachusetts did not abandon its state support for Congregationalism until 1833 (Kidd 1999: 1021)[…]

The states also controlled citizenship and voting rights until Reconstruction

Blacks were not citizens outside of New England before the War Between the States. Voting rights was also restricted in various ways (by race, sex, property ownership) at the state level. The federal government had no say in the matter. The country as a whole only became “liberal” in the Reconstruction era. “Equal protection of the laws” was an abolitionist concept that originated in the antebellum era

Lila Rose #fundie #wingnut twitter.com

Children cannot consent to sex, and they cannot consent to abortion. Arranging for a 10-year-old rape survivor to have an abortion is both a crime against the unborn child & the 10 year old. In this tragic, extreme situation, both children are victims & both deserve care.

Robert Stacy McCain #biphobia #homophobia #fundie archive.ph

{from 2014}

Her self-declared “bisexuality” is purely speculative, a matter of imagination. Her situation illuminates the problem with how young people are now being indoctrinated to think about sex. All this chatter about sexual orientation and gender identity emerging from academia and promulgated in pop culture is profoundly confusing to many young people. A teenage girl whose “sexuality” so far has been limited to some clumsy kissing and fondling with her ex-boyfriend nevertheless identifies as “bisexual” on what we might call a theoretical basis. This identification then qualifies her to denounce her girlfriends as homophobes because they “are terrified of girls being in love with them.”

In that context, isn’t “homophobe” just a synonym for heterosexual?

Given the direction our culture is heading, one can imagine a scenario in which anyone who rejects a homosexual advance — “No, thanks, I’m straight” — is accused of being a homophobe, so that society is effectively divided into two groups: Gays and Haters.

She continues to volley: “Please, don’t put my identity into quotation marks.” The reason I put “bisexual” in quotation marks is because, by her own account, she has not actually acted on her same-sex attractions. Her self-declared “identity” therefore exists in the imaginative realm of Tommy Flanagan’s wife, Morgan Fairchild.

divinerevelations.info #fundie divinerevelations.info

(Part 1)

Then I saw a wooden table that was not being consumed by the fire. It had what appeared to be beer bottles on it. They looked refreshing, but they were full of fire. While I was looking, a man suddenly appeared. His flesh was almost completely destroyed and what was left of his clothes were muddy and burning. He had lost his eyes, mouth and all of his hair in the fire. He could see me, even though he had no eyes. I tell you, it is a person’s soul that thinks, reasons and truly sees, not their natural body.

The man extended his skinny hand toward the Lord and started to cry out, saying, "Lord, have mercy on me! Lord, have mercy on me! I am in pain! I am burning! Please have mercy and take me out of here!" The Lord looked at him with compassion, and I started to feel something warm in my hand. I looked and found that it was blood...the blood of Jesus! The Lord's blood came from His hand as He watched the man suffering in the flames.

Then the man turned his gaze in the direction of the table and walked toward the bottles. He grabbed a bottle, and as he was about to drink from it, fire and smoke shot out of it. He put his head back and screamed like I had never heard anyone scream before. He cried with great pain and sorrow, and then started to drink what was in the bottle. The bottle was full of acid; it totally destroyed his throat. You could see the acid passing through his stomach and hurting him.

The number 666 was engraved on the man’s forehead. On his chest was a plate made of some unknown metal that couldn't be destroyed, not even by the heat or the worms. It had some letters written on it that we could not understand. The Lord, in His great mercy, gave us the translation of what was written: "I am here because I am a drunkard." He begged the Lord for mercy, but the Word of God is very clear when it tells us in 1 Corinthians 6:10, "Thieves, greedy people, drunks, slanderers, and robbers will not inherit the kingdom of God."

Eternal Destinations #fundie eternal-destinations.blogspot.com

(Part 2)

In heaven she met King David, and you will be amazed at his comment as to why he made it into heaven.
She also met the apostle John in heaven, who gave her advice for all of us on our relationship with the Lord, which is right in line with the kind of relationship he had with the Lord during his earthly life, as told to us in the Bible (Jn 13:23; Rev 1:10).
She met Paul the apostle, who gave her a word of encouragement to remember in our trials and hardships, which I believe you will appreciate. It was essentially what he wrote to the Corinthians in 1 Corinthians 10:13.
She saw the Lord's palace and described what it was like seeing the Father on His throne.
She saw the twelve, colorful foundations decorated with precious stones, which are spoken about in Revelation 21:19-20.
She described the angels and some of the differences between the worship angels and the warrior ones.
She saw a warehouse in heaven containing spare body parts with people's names on them that were simply there for the asking, if the people who needed them would only ask and believe. But most never bother to ask.
She says that there are separate rewards given to the saints for each thing that they do for the Lord, no matter what it is.
She said that what matters in the end is not how much you serve the Lord, but the quality of your service, which is evidenced by the heart and attitude with which you do it. Whatever we do, we should do it as unto the Lord, for the glory of God, in the name of Jesus, and with love. Then even if all you can do is pray, you will be rewarded for praying. If all you can do is care for the children or do housekeeping chores, you will receive a reward for it, if is done in loving service to the Lord.

Pro-life Wisconsin #sexist #fundie #psycho prolifewi.org

The so-called "life of the mother" exception for abortion is unnecessary and dangerous. To begin with, there are no situations where abortion, defined as the direct and intentional killing of an unborn child, is medically necessary to save the life of the mother.

Medical operations such as the removal of a cancerous uterus or the removal of an ectopic pregnancy are moral even under Catholic teaching and are not considered abortions. If a pregnant woman has a cancerous uterus that imminently threatens her life, then the uterus may be removed even though such removal results in the death of the unborn child. Similarly, when a fertilized ovum lodges in the fallopian tube and grows there, the damaged portion of the tube containing the baby may be removed where it is clearly necessary to save the mother's life. Such operations are justified by the "principle of double effect," because the death of the child is an unintended effect of an operation independently justified to save the mother's life. They do not involve the intentional and willful destruction of an unborn child.

Legally, such operations are not considered abortions. The removal of such conditions has never been prosecuted in this country, even when the mother's life was not immediately threatened. There is, therefore, no need to provide a specific exception for such cases in a statute or constitutional amendment prohibiting abortion. Moreover, an explicit exception for the life of the mother is dangerous. One should never attempt to codify in law the importance of one innocent human life over and above another. Physicians must make their best effort to save both patients, giving equal care to mother and child. They should never be given a license to intentionally kill either of them.

Finally, many abortionists believe that the very condition of pregnancy itself is a life threatening condition. Consequently, a "life of the mother" exception can become a massive statutory loophole through which to drive abortion on demand.

Once pro-lifers say there can be a "good reason" to kill a preborn baby, the foundation of the pro-life movement crumbles. The argument is lost. Either the preborn child is a person, or the child is not a person. Since the preborn child is a person, there can be no exceptions for abortion.

The Ascension Diet/Eating To Ascend #crackpot #quack #fundie #ufo #conspiracy #mammon eatingtoascend.com

The organs regenerate, we are light, and food is death. Nothing in this world they provide exists to better us and at this point we must take strong action to detoxify.

THE ASCENSION DIET ROPEWORM PROTOCOL BIBLE HUMAN ASCENSION MANUAL will help you cleanse your temple and help you secure your place in the book of Life. Why? Because we are truly what we eat, and all of the accumulated genetic material, heavy metals, fungii, yeasts, pesticides and other toxins have grown monsters in our bodies – or as Jesus called them in The Essene Gospels of Peace, “little satans”. These are the cause of internal struggle, emotional and mental fluctations and instability, disease and death. This intensive combined protocol will help you take back your own life – body and soul.
I have spent the last few months writing this book, which was originally only one chapter in what will now be the next book (making this book a prequel, like in the STAR WARS releases, which began with showing TATTOOINE, the RED PLANET NIBIRU overhead – JUST AS IT IS NOW) coming out in JUNE which I had planned in 2018 to have published first, but COVID CHANGED EVERYTHING AND I KNOW THAT PEOPLE NEED TO GET THE ROPEWORM AND PARASITES OUT to survive what’s coming. I also know that many don’t have a clear picture of the BIG PICTURE and I am trying desperately to get this out into everyones eyes, ears and hands so they can save their lives and the lives of their loved ones.
It’s time to evict these monsters. Whether you believe the last days are at hand because the skies are being hidden from us or not, you just don’t need these unwanted guests sapping your lifeblood. It is the foreign DNA of all systems not original to humans when we were created that is responsible for all things negative, all of which lead to disease, death of the the body, and loss of one’s soul. For more information on why, read THE BODY KILLS THE SOUL.

Gr8Believer #fundie twitter.com

Any star-lapse anywhere on Earth proves Earth not spinning. All stars move in unison, every night, every year even forever.

Actually there's plenty of empirical experiments been conducted by skeptics before they themselves became flat earthers. The ball earth belief system is a religion because no evidence exists of earth moving.

Mike Adams The Health Ranger #wingnut #conspiracy #fundie #dunning-kruger naturalnews.com

You will eat crickets and drink pee
Meanwhile, the corrupt governments of the world are meticulously destroying domestic food supplies while cranking up cricket factories to mass produce billions of pounds of ground cricket meal to be used as “health food” for humans and pets.

Got that? Cricket protein meal is “premium health food.” Soon, you will see it touted as a replacement for whey protein and beef.

(Hope you enjoy your Cricket McNuggets.)

They also claim that producing crickets instead of beef will result in, “emitting significantly less greenhouse gas emissions during the production stage.” (Pardon their horrible grammar, the government goons running this aren’t very intelligent.)

As the water runs out in Lake Mead and most of the Western United States, wastewater recycling will leap into a whole new phase where people are forced to drink recycled urine if they hope to have drinking water. The water that’s removed from biosludge processing — teeming with viruses, birth control chemicals, pesticides and medications — will be filtered and repackaged as “drinking water” for the masses.

Anyone who defies the globalist agenda to exterminate humanity will be arrested, rounded up and either exterminated in a soylent green plant or incarcerated by the corrupt regime. Thus, you will eat crickets and drink pee while living on a floating prison barge.

You will own nothing and “be happy.” Or else…
The real solution to all this is to use fossil fuels and drag ourselves out of starvation and global financial collapse. But the anti-human luciferians in charge of the world right now want to exterminate billions of human beings, so they are pursuing the policies that are designed to cause maximum human casualties.

I cover all this and much more in today’s Situation Update podcast, which also starts off with me singing a happy song called, “I love a black man with a gun.”

Whole Bible Believers Church, Rev. Josiah Peter Asumosa and Rev. David Anifowoshe #fundie bbc.com

Police in Nigeria have rescued 77 people, including children, from a church where they were confined in the south-western state of Ondo

Some of them are believed to have been there for months

A police spokesperson said many of them had been told to expect the Second Coming of Jesus Christ in April and had abandoned school to witness the event

The raid came after a mother complained her children were missing and she thought they were in the church

Police say they are investigating suspected mass abduction after the raid on the Whole Bible Believers Church in the Valentino area of Ondo Town

The pastor of the Pentecostal church, David Anifowoshe, and his deputy have been arrested, while the victims have been taken into the care of the authorities

"Preliminary investigation revealed that one Pastor Josiah Peter Asumosa, an assistant pastor in the church, was the one who told the members that Rapture will take place in April, but later said it has been changed to September 2022 and told the young members to obey only their parents in the Lord," said police press officer Funmilayo Odunlami

In all, police rescued 26 children, eight teenagers and 43 adults, she added

James Lankford #fundie #wingnut #sexist #dunning-kruger #pratt thehill.com

GOP Sen. James Lankford (Okla.) on Thursday blocked a Democratic request to unanimously pass a bill seeking to protect interstate travel for abortion.

Sen. Catherine Cortez Masto (D-Nev.), joined by a string of Democratic senators, had sought consent to pass a bill that would prevent states from punishing women who travel to other states where abortion is legal to get the procedure.

Does that child in the womb have the right to travel in their future?” Lankford said in objecting. “Do they get to live?”

“There’s a child in this conversation as well,” he added.

Gr8Believer #fundie twitter.com

What some people call the Ice Age we call it Noah's Flood.
'Scientists' say the ice age wiped out the dinosaurs which is 2 jokes back to back. There were no dinosaurs and there was no ice age.

ApoloJedi #fundie clydeherrin.wordpress.com

Great post, Clyde. It’s also important to note that people interpret evidence according to their worldview. Everyone has access to the same evidence, but they will interpret this evidence based on their presuppositions.

Atheists will interpret evidence of rock layers based on their presupposition that there is no God and everything today has been formed by the same processes in effect today. They will discount the revelation of God’s Word as historical (and therefore they do not recognize the effects of the worldwide flood.) Many Christians who believe in long ages also marginalize the teachings of Genesis in order to placate the disciples of scientism.

But as Christians, if we interpret evidence through the view that God revealed history through his Word, then we can see how all evidence truly points to the Creator and his glory. All throughout scripture (Genesis, Exodus, Psalms, Isaiah, Matthew, Mark, Acts, Romans, I Cor, 1 & 2 Peter) we see the confirmation of creation in 6 literal days about six thousand years ago, and there was a worldwide flood that created most of the fossils and rock layers. All of these examples are available at ApoloJedi.com.

This is why it is so important to know how to recognize contradictions in people’s worldview. Since people will come up with rescuing devices to protect their worldview from contrary evidence or interpretation of evidence. Jason Lisle has a tremendous book and video teaching called: The Ultimate Proof of Creation. I highly recommend that anyone interested in this subject look at his free online videos and purchase his book. It is a fantastic tool for God’s glory!

Conservapedia #fundie archive.ph

"Stranger Things"

This horror series' main themes include witchcraft, evolution, and the occult. Young children use four-letter words conversationally and engage in premarital, underage sex, never facing comeuppance for either. Perhaps the biggest offense, however, is the way it tries to make feminism within the family unit look acceptable, as the homemaker mother is seen as bumbling and oblivious, while the divorced, chain-smoking single mother is seen as heroic. The show's "breakout" character and main protagonist is a young girl and former laboratory experiment who uses demonic powers to murder anyone in her path. Another "fan favorite" character is revealed to be a lesbian and her sexuality is treated without scorn and is instead viewed as normal by the other characters.

Kristina Karamo #fundie #magick #conspiracy edition.cnn.com

Before becoming the Trump-backed Republican nominee for Michigan secretary of state, Kristina Karamo said that abortion is "child sacrifice" and a "satanic practice"

"Abortion is really nothing new. The child sacrifice is a very satanic practice, and that's precisely what abortion is. And we need to see it as such," Karamo, a community college professor, said in an October 2020 episode of her podcast "It's Solid Food"[…]

"When people in other cultures, when they engage in child sacrifice, they didn't just sacrifice the child for the sake of bloodshed"[…]"They sacrificed the child cuz they were hoping to get prosperity and that's precisely why people have abortion now. 'Because I'm not ready[…]"
Karamo[…]reiterated that belief in another episode from July 2020, in which she said humans have sacrificed other humans, including their own children, for "thousands of years, just packaged differently"

"[People] were sacrificing them to these deities, which were really demons," she said

Karamo went on to say in a later episode[…]demonic possession is real and can be transmitted[…]
"If a person has demonic possession — I know it's gonna sound really crazy to me saying that for some people, thinking like what?!" Karamo said in September 2020. "But having intimate relationships with people who are demonically possessed or oppressed — I strongly believe that a person opens themselves up to possession. Demonic possession is real"[…]
Karamo suggested a conspiracy in which left-leaning political operatives who now have business relationships with Netflix[…]were taking over the streaming service to push pro-abortion content

Benjamin Fulford #crackpot #conspiracy #racist #wingnut #fundie stillnessinthestorm.com

In any case, we will start with an in-depth look at the assassination of Abe because there is a lot more going on here than has been reported elsewhere. In fact, what happened to Abe can even, without exaggeration, be described as biblical.

To be specific, it represents a move by the Three-Legged Crow (Yatagarasu八咫烏) a Japanese secret society that shares at least a 3000-year history with the people who wrote the Old Testament of the Bible or the Torah.

There is only so much background we can get into here so, we will provide a very rough sketch. Members of the Japanese imperial family and of the Yatagarasu say they are descended from the Pharaohs of Egypt just as are the members of the Swiss-based Octagon group who control monotheism.

These groups went their separate ways thousands of years ago but agreed to form an alliance during the Meiji period, when Japan began to modernize. The public shooting of Abe was meant as a signal the deal made between the Octagon group and the Yatagarasu was no longer in force.
Recently this writer was contacted by representatives of the Yatagarasu who said the Jews, unlike them, had been kicked out of their original homeland while they still had theirs. The Yatagarasu, who control Shinto and Japanese Buddhism, have made a decision to help the Jews, the representatives said.

The fact that Johnson and Abe were removed in the same week also shows that the Japanese imperial family and the British Monarchy –the worlds’ two most powerful royal families- were on the same page on this issue.
According to this plan, a new cold war would be started between Russia and the West. This would be used as an excuse for a massive military build-up During this time, Russia would pretend to be China’s ally. Then at the last minute Russia, Nato and Japan would all attack China. A defeated China would then be divided into 5 bickering countries so that it would never again be a threat to the Octagon-controlled West.

Lisa Renee #crackpot #magick #ufo #fundie #conspiracy energeticsynthesis.com

We have learned that during the planetary ascension, the Mother of Dragons must take her place as the Cosmic Dragon overseer on the Earth, so the Dragons’ many parts can finally be restored and reanimated by her life giving presence and sacred holy spirit. The Dragons and their spiritual body parts exist everywhere on the planet in physical and energetic expressions, although their consciousness properties have been in stasis during the Dark Aeon when we were spiritually adrift in the seas of chaos, without our Cosmic Holy Mother. See Cosmic Christos Dragon Teachings.
Last year, Solar Female Christ Mary Sophia was reawakened as the first emanation of the Triple Solar Goddess returning into her female Solar Dragon form to reclaim her rightful place as the Solar Feminine Christ, joining with her sacred husband Christ Michael in the first stages of their hierogamic union. We have learned the location of their sacred hierogamic union wedding into Cosmic Dragons is taking place on the Saint Michael Line and Avebury henge during the upcoming Easter holiday. Whereby their heavenly coupling in their Cosmic Christos-Sophia solarized marriage bed produces a Cosmic Christos offspring for the Earth, which takes form as the hatching of their Cosmic Golden Dragon Egg.
The momentous planetary initiation and personal transmogrification is occurring now through the return of the Holy Mother Sophia through her emanation as the Divine Solar Feminine Christos-Sophia in the White Sun Cosmic Ankh Body which is connecting into the instruction set of the angelic human bone matrix. As she transmits her Divine Fire Water through sacred sound plasmas to bestow her blessings through the Azothian Sapphire Krystallah Sophia Crown. Love your Holy Mother Sophia with all of your crystal rose heart, and from within the inner sanctum of your heart the Kingdom of God will reveal and Christos-Sophia’s holiest of holies in the eternal animating spirit will become known to you!

Dr. Thomas R. Horn and Stephen Quayle #conspiracy #crackpot #ufo #magick #fundie amazon.com

UNEARTHING THE LOST WORLD OF THE CLOUDEATERS is a book unlike any other, one that demands the Smithsonian to open its hidden warehouses so the history of ancient America can be rewritten! As chronicled by Dr. Thomas R. Horn, radio legend Stephen Quayle, and two teams of investigators and film crews (following a secret conference with leaders of the Ute Nation, Zuni, and Hopi tribes) the most compelling evidence is finally unveiled involving pre-Columbian, dragon/giant-worshiping interlopers who traversed the Atlantic Ocean and secret Anasazi routes to corrupt the earliest Americans with portal-opening sorcery, human sacrifices, ritual cannibalism, and technology of the fallen ones. NOW, FOR THE FIRST TIME, IN UNEARTHING THE LOST WORLD OF THE CLOUDEATERS: DISCLOSED! The truth behind the great Smithsonian cover up REVEALED! The pre-Flood architecture of the Giant Kings DECIPHERED! Pre-Flood angel civilizations and the remnants of Watchers UNCOVERED! The secret of the Anasazi and why they disappeared overnight UNVEILED! Ancient hidden stargates that medicine-men still use to see the future CONFESSED! The sacred mountains where the giant bones are kept EXPOSED! What tribal elders confessed about returning giants UNMASKED! Giant, cannibalistic gods that demanded human sacrifice DISCOVERED! Children of Cloudeaters, six-fingered, six-toed mutants UNWRAPPED! Shapeshifters, Skinwalkers, and other sky people UNEARTHED! Where the gates will open when the Cloudeaters return Learn the secrets to America s earliest history and the truth about the giants in its past and future as you travel with Dr. Thomas R. Horn and Stephen Quayle into the most groundbreaking, history-altering investigation primed to challenge predominant, institutional dogma and scientific orthodoxy.

Vox Day #wingnut #fundie voxday.net

[From "The Real Challenge"]

“To be anti-fascist or anti-communist is to fight with the shadow of the past. The real challenge is to be anti-liberal.” – Alexander Dugin

It’s very, very difficult for the good-hearted, well-intentioned peoples of the West, whether they style themselves liberals or conservatives, to understand or accept that all of the freedom and liberty and equality rhetoric to which they respond so emotionally is pure Enlightenment poison. None of it is good, none of it is real, and none of it is true

It is all inversion

Jesus Christ promises us freedom from sin. The Enlightenment devils promise us freedom from God

The Old Testament defines liberty is freedom from debt and immigration every fifty years. (Leviticus 25:10). The Enlightenment devils define liberty as permission to commit sins against both Man and God

The Bible tells us that we are all fallen short of the glory of God. The Enlightenment devils promise us equality with God

The fruits of the Enlightenment have come to pass. Its evils are now undeniable and its precepts have proved themselves to be unsustainable for families, nations, and societies. The Enlightenment virtues have turned out to be vices that destroy the Good, the Beautiful, and the True

Therefore, embrace the challenge

Lindsay Harold #sexist #fundie thetransformedwife.com

If they can’t take any boyfriends seriously during their 20’s because they’re too busy with getting a degree and a career, they are going to miss the most opportune time for marrying, and the options are far fewer in their 30’s. They can go to college and get a job while they’re looking for a husband, but they have to be willing to give up their plan to follow a husband if a good man comes along. If they pass up good men in their 20’s, they might not be there later on. Careers can wait. Marriage and children can’t.

Plus, most women are not being chaste during their 20’s. They sleep around because they’re not taking relationships seriously and looking for marriage, then wonder why no one wants them in their 30’s after being with several other men. Men don’t want a woman with a lot of baggage from sleeping around. They want a wife they can trust to be faithful, and the way you test that is to look for chastity.

There’s a reason it’s hard to marry in a woman’s 30’s. The good men their age settled down with 20-something women who were willing to marry then and the leftovers are mostly the players and weirdos. The rare man who has been successful and is still single is looking to marry a 20-something, not a woman his own age. From about 18 to 28 is the most ideal time for a woman to marry as she is most attractive and most fertile during this period. If she skips marriage then, she will have a much harder time finding a good husband. That’s just a reality of life that women need to plan for.

Robert Oscar Lopez #homophobia #conspiracy #fundie web.archive.org

As I have documented extensively, the most prominent gay rights organizations, notably GLAAD and HRC, have colluded with academic researchers to defame my character. GLAAD collaborated with graduate students at Stanford and sent emails defaming me as a bigot to the organizers of a conference, with the explicit goal of preventing me from presenting my research. HRC has compiled a list of "bad guys" tied to sociologist Mark Regnerus, a researcher whose work survived the most rigorous investigation made on any same-sex parenting study; unable through proxy attackers like blogger Scott Rosenzweig to prove that Mark Regnerus engaged in any mishandling of data, the HRC -- a group thoroughly tied up with electoral politics and specifically the Obama Administration -- has engaged in blatant defamation and intimidation to drive Regnerus's alternative data out of the conversation. This is combined with threats of lawsuits against the editor who published Regnerus's peer-reviewed article as well as intimidations against people like me, who have been falsely characterized by the HRC as involved with Regnerus's study merely because I published an article explaining that his data matched a lot of my on-the-ground observations with gay families. GLAAD and HRC may not even realize how criminal their intimidation tactics are -- they are, in effect, promoting academic fraud by propping up studies with serious flaws and threatening professional reprisals and economic consequences against academics who come forward with contrary data. The RICO act includes these passages as well, relating to fraud.

Marjorie Taylor Greene & Various commenters #wingnut #fundie #racist gab.com

(Marjorie Taylor Greene)


spoilerPray to END abortion in America!

@RealMarjorieGreene lololol you do know California will never end abortion. The commies like murdering babies.


End it and criminalize it. You cannot be consistently pro-life unless you support the punishment of women who hire hitmen to kill their children.

@RealMarjorieGreene Remove all jews from positions of power. In fact, abort all jews from the United States. Send them back to Israel and cut off all aid immediately. Once they’re all back in Israel we bomb the living shit out of it. The world will be a better place once they’re finally gone and no one will even dream of an abortion. We’ll finally have peace on earth.

@RealMarjorieGreene The 14th amendment SHOULD also prohibit States from selectively permitting (and barbarously, even promoting) some people (babies) to be murdered, without equal protection or due process of law!

@RealMarjorieGreene The egg is alive. The sperm is alive. Fertilization begins a new life, (unborn life). Intentional aborting is life ending murder at any level. If not, then make abortion legal to age 100. I can end the life of another born life and it is not murder but abortion. If abortion is legal so then is murder.

@RealMarjorieGreene abortion is not about women’s rights. It’s about their unborn children’s rights.

@RealMarjorieGreene Pray that our politicians get the courage to CALL OUT THE JEWS.

@RealMarjorieGreene No, educate to end abortion in America. Prayers help too. But this is something that can actually be ended by education and teaching your children and young adults to respect life ,including theirs. The damage done by promiscuous sex, mental and physical. We as village can teach to end this mentality of abortion being a contraceptive. Also irresponsible casual sex. So stop wishing and do something. Because God does not help those who do not help their selves. :) Ms. Greene this is why you annoy me. I feel you are not sincere. Just posturing.

Laura Rohrer Little Brooks/Ascension Diet #conspiracy #crackpot #ufo #magick #fundie #quack eatingtoascend.com

Your spiritual armor is what prevents the thoughtforms
your fears create, and that is the tactic they prey upon us
with, to push humans via their passions and emotions and
fears to will bad instead of good. Keep reading, watching
and listening here in this article I have written for
you. My veils are off and you can and must trust me. I
break down exactly what the spiritual armor really is
further down.
We are fighting a holy war for our souls one soul at a
time, and the truth shared in this article, assembled
with the help of OTHER MESSAGERS/MESSENGERS sending it to me, reveals the machinations and devious craft and plans as they, the world rulers, run by Lucifer, the dragon,
Yaldabaoth – all the names – and his agents the Draco
nephilim parasites who run all government and industry,
have set up a dungeons and dragons long game and it’s
playing out now.
Knowing, sharing and living by TRUTH, which girds your
loins, protecting your LIGHT INFORMATION, your DNA in the ovum and sperm in your
reproductive organs.

spirit’s breastplate against all that is wrong and
In order for us to survive
the event they are hiding with all the geoengineering, HAARP,
pharmakeia, programming, entertainment
film/music/frequencies/embedded images/MKUltra mind
metals/vaccines/natural flavorings/agendas/health

Geoffrey Grider #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy nowtheendbegins.com

If you think the sudden destruction of the Georgia Guidestones is a “win for the good guys”, then perhaps you don’t know who the good guys, and the bad guys, actually are. You will now.

The Georgia Guidestones were blown up on the same day that the prime minister of England was being taken down in an internal power-struggle coup over in Europe, but I’m sure that’s just a coincidence. But wait a second, didn’t the prime minister of Israel also just get booted out and his replacement already seen canoodling with Emmanuel Macron? And didn’t the CERN collider just come back online, too? Welcome to Day 844 Of 15 Days To Flatten the Curve, say what you want, but it’s certainly not boring.

“Behold ye among the heathen, and regard, and wonder marvellously: for I will work a work in your days, which ye will not believe, though it be told you.” Habakkuk 1:5 (KJB)

On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, for over 42 years, the satanic and demonic Georgia Guidestones sat threateningly upright, calling for the exact same New World Order preached by evangelists like Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, George Soros, Anthony Fauci and all the others.The Guidestones stood for global depopulation, a complete erasure of God and the Bible, the merging of all humanity with a universal language, a world court to enforce laws, and all the other things promoted by the Great Reset, Build Back Better and the Fourth Industrial Revolution. If you think the sudden destruction of the Georgia Guidestones is a “win for the good guys”, then perhaps you don’t know who the good guys, and the bad guys, actually are. Today on the Prophecy News Podcast, we take this week’s current events and run it through the filter of our dusty, old and archaic King James Bible to give you news fresher than tomorrow’s headlines.

Archangel Michael Through Celia Fenn #magick #ufo #fundie goldenageofgaia.com

Beloved Light Family on Earth, it has been a time of rapid change and transition on the Earth in the last six months! Since the Aquarius Gate in February, you entered into a period of accelerated frequency and personal “expansion”. This was felt at the big shifts of the 22nd February and the 22nd March, as well as the Eclipses and the Equinox and the Solstice, and more recently the 6/6/6 and 7/7 Portals.

Each shift has brought you to a higher and finer frequency, so that you are ready to make a quantum “leap” as you transit the Lions Gate in late July and August. The 8/8 will be a pinnacle moment when you will step forward into the “expanded” version of yourself.
Beloved Ones, these New Earth communities will be founded on Love and Compassion, and integrity and clarity. They will be an expression of the “Shining Ones” and the “Pure Ones” of the Christ Consciousness and the Magdalene Avatar line.
Beloved Family of Light, this year’s Lions Gate will indeed be powerful, and we urge you to come together with your Soul Family and Tribes to celebrate and ground and anchor these new energies.

The keys words are Expansion and Transformation. Becoming All that you can BE at this time and expanding your service to the Divine according to your Soul Blueprint.

The Elohim Angels and the Royal Star Lions will be present to assist you and help you to find your personal power.

The Sirian Star Teachers will also be present to bring the Sirian Star Teachings on Ascension and to help you to remember who you are at this time. Mary Magdalene as the Avatar of the Feminine Christ energy will be with you, as will Yeshua as the Avatar of the Masculine Christ energy. As will many other Angelic Beings and Galactic Beings and Ascended Masters.

It will be a Grand Celebration of Higher Frequency and Love and the New Earth!

David J. Stewart #dunning-kruger #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

I used some JavaScript code to make it snow in the background. It didn't just happen, I made it happen. It was deliberate and the result of my making a decision. The same is true with the universe. It didn't just happen. God made it all happen. Only a fool would claim that the universe came from a chaotic explosion, that just happened. Everything in life happens for a reason. This is because there is a God who does everything He does for a reason. He gave us His Laws for a reason. When men don't obey God, there is tragedy and heartbreak. This is the reason why America today is going to hell. The evil minds behind the New World Order are trashing America, and we are allowing them to do it by our woeful ignorance, love for sin and indifference.

One thing evolutionists are sure to one day discover—they were wrong! DNA is the silver bullet in evolution. Apart from Dr. Frankenstein tampering in a lab, God's laws of nature do not allow for interbreeding of species. A cat and a dog can never mate and reproduce. A horse and a tiger cannot mate and reproduce. Despite scientist's discovery that there's only a slight difference between the DNA of varying species, the difference was made permanent, distinct and deliberate by a divine Creator.

Evolution is false science, just as the Bible calls it in 1st Timothy 6:20. No wonder public school teachers have been banned from reading the Bible to students since 1962. The Bible exposes and destroys the fable of evolution.

BiblicalChristianity & Duc_de_Magenta #wingnut #fundie reddit.com


This is part of the effort to conflate Christianity and pro-life politics.

1. Frame all bible-following Christianity as oppression

2. Convince society oppressors should be abolished by violent revolutions

3. Consor oppositions

4. ... Eventually justify Christian persecution.

Marxism cycles itself.

I guess I’m oppressing myself by their logic. I turned to Christianity all on my own and I’ve (sadly) never been to church.

Welcome home sister! (Assuming based on your avatar lol)

I STRONGLY recommend finding a place of fellowship and worship, especially in times such as these. I have an inkling that the beast has been poked by the overturning and the world will start to become gradually more and more unkind to actual principled Christians who don’t support child sacrifice. It is so much easier to not be of this world when you are surrounded by your brothers and sisters in a community and in communion with the body of Christ. We are not only here for our own salvation but for the salvation of others! Of course I don’t know where you live but if you need help finding a good church, I’m more than happy to help make phone calls/Google searches/etc! You can send me a DM anytime!

I've noticed how much of the pro-bort argument really does rely on an implicit bias/bigotry against Christianity & often Catholicism in particular.

Almost never goes the opposite way, either. I'm Christian & anti-infanticide, sure, but I absolutely can & do argue the latter w/o invoking the former. I think they cannot b/c they know, fundamentally, if we spoke in plain terms... their position is indefensible. They have to frame is as "these fanatics pushing their faith onto you!" rather than the real question - "which kind of people deserve human rights?"

Massresistance #transphobia #homophobia #dunning-kruger #conspiracy #fundie archive.ph

H1728 would effectively wipe out a community’s ability to monitor or control the sorts of activities going on “next door.” While communities or property owners can ban smoking, they will not be able to ban wild behaviors involving protected sexual perversions parading as “gender expression.” If a property is next to a school and tenants wish to rent who “express” their gender through “swinging parties,” whips and chains, sex for sale, or public nudity -- the landlord will not be able to say no. It will be up to the “transgender” individual to decide how he needs to express himself in his (even rented) home or commercial property.

Look at the ads for “she-male” prostitutes (in the Boston Phoenix) whose “gender expression” includes sequential, anonymous visitors to their apartments, and who often express their gender loudly and violently through BDSM practices. They can rent any place they choose if H1728 is passed. (The only exception in the law, Ch. 151B section 4, where an owner may discriminate is for “a single dwelling unit in a two family dwelling, the other occupancy unit of which is occupied by the owner as his residence.”)

“Adult” stores catering to transsexuals and cross-dressers will not be stoppable. Local zoning regulations, if attempting to block them, will surely be challenged as discriminatory. No exemptions are built into the proposed law, no matter who the surrounding owners, tenants, or users may be -- including schools, playgrounds, churches, family neighborhoods.

Section 19 even says that no one (not just realtors or property managers) may publicly object in any way to an individual’s right to buy or rent apartment/condo-type dwellings on the basis of their “gender identity or expression.” This would include a letter to a newspaper, or a posting on a web site or blog.

This new law would have a profound effect on the business climate in Massachusetts. Watch for a continuing exodus by businesses from the state if H1728 passes.

Congressman Paul Gosar & various commenters #wingnut #racist #fundie gab.com

(Congressman Paul Gosar)
The left is pulling every trick in the book to stop me because they know I'm one of the most effective Republicans in congress and I unashamedly stand for America First. Please chip in if you are able to help me stop this radical leftist plot:


The left is so afraid of America First fighters like @DrPaulGosar they openly encourage democrats to switch parties for primaries.

Seen in Lake Havasu City, AZ newspaper.

@DrPaulGosar Why did you vote yes on the resolution condemning antisemitism?

Are you planning to introduce a resolution condemning anti-white hatred?

@Zaklog @DrPaulGosar, because your racism makes you scummy.

@Viceregent1969 @DrPaulGosar And your anti-racism makes you both stupid and evil.

Anti-racism kills. Anti-racism killed Joshua Ahren Dehart and Ryan Rogers. Take it straight back to Hell.

@DrPaulGosar You're don't unashamedly stand for America First; you're unashamedly for Israel First.

@DrPaulGosar Today's 'democrats' are traitors. No civil and sane person today would be able to vote for a democrat without violating their conscience.

@DrPaulGosar The left cheats, and cheats, and cheats - we need MAGA Republicans to shut them down, and prosecute them for their illegal and unethical behavior and acts.

@DrPaulGosar the globalist are trying to take JEHOVAH God the Great I AM that I AM out of everything. But, they will not be successful because you cannot take God JEHOVAH out of us!!! We win,,they will be destroyed and if they do not repent and accept Jesus as the Christ they will be judged at the Great White Thrown Judgement and thrown into different levels of hell where there is no escape. Once the Church is gone,,,then they will have their way for a while. Hallelujah Jesus! King of Kings and Lord of ALL!!!😁🙏✝️

@DrPaulGosar name the Jew then you coward or fuck off

Anti-abortionist #wingnut #fundie reddit.com

RE: “They’re coming after birth control next” —according to the fear-mongering abortion proponents. If you’re reading this, NO WE ARE NOT.
I seriously am against birth control. Im not catholic im Christian but BC has some serious effects no one talks about and there are no studies done on it even tho its been around for 60 years. Ignorance is bliss i guess. I do not take birth control and i warn women against its effects and how it is an abortifacient. Its not my next move obviously, but when we hold true to our stance that life begins at conception, some birth controls will need to be removed

Henry de Lesquen #fundie #wingnut #racist lesquen.fr

[Translated from "Pourquoi il faut interdire l’avortement" - "Why Abortion Should Be Banned"]

Here's a 10-point analysis on the question of abortion. And a conclusion
1) The child is constitued since conception. He has a genotype. He has a soul[…]
3) The law shall allow abortion only in two cases:
-The woman had been raped;
-Pregnancy endengers the woman
4) Excepted in these two cases, abortion is premeditated murder: assassination. In utero infanticide
5) Back to the 1810 Penal Code: abortion held to be a felony and punished with prison
6) A woman who aborts is a mother who decided to kill her child. She is the first guilty[…]
9) Abortion is also a crime against the fatherland: 200,000 death by year, 8 millions in 40 years
10) With her law of 1975, Simone Veil is the first responsible of the choah of French children
Conclusion to win the battle of opinion, abortion shall be denounced as a felony

Brother Nathanael #racist #wingnut #fundie #conspiracy realjewnews.com

A prime convulsion of history erupted in 1918 with the completion of World War 1.

Four Christian Monarchies were crushed:

The Habsburgs of Austria; The Romanovs of Russia; The Hohenzollerns of Germany; and the Kingdom of Greece.

A consequent convulsion of history crystallized in 1945 at the end of World War 2.

Four major European nations came under American rule and continues today:

Germany, France, Italy, Spain.

And Great Britain lost its world hegemony conclusively.

A stunning convulsion of history occurred in 1991 with the fall of the Soviet Union.

Russia underwent “privatization auctions”—the seizure of state assets—sold at bargain prices that only International Jewry led by Harvard’s Jeffery Sachs could cook up.
Putin’s offer to wed Russia with Europe through trade, science, culture, and defense—offered by Putin on countless occasions up until February 24 2022, profoundly failed.

It could never succeed.

Jews who control the collective West would never allow it.

For with Jewry’s seething hatred of Russia—like the Jews Nudelman and Blinken—despising Russia’s Orthodox Christian civilizational vision, against the Slavic inability to coalesce with the unappetizing Jewish personality, Putin was up against a wall.

Ukraine breaks that wall and finalizes the collective West’s fall.
Pure ”drama” in the Yidishee theatre of make-believe so the goy can say:

“It must be true! I saw it on TV!”

The gold ban is senseless.

Gold will grow in demand while fiat money keeps hitting the trash can.

Russia will sell its gold to China and India, both will sell to Europe and Jewmerica, and at higher prices than Russia would offer.

The Jewish boomerang is in.
Jews pushed Russia into its current military op in Ukraine which completes a multi-polar world and the flop of the Jew-controlled West.

It’s a convulsion of history.

Every wound needs a suture.

Welcome to the future.

Kerrie and Jason Struhs, and The Saints #fundie #psycho theguardian.com

Twelve members of a religious group in Toowoomba have been arrested after the death of an eight-year-old girl, who Queensland police say was allegedly denied life-saving medication in the belief she would be healed by God.

Elizabeth Rose Struhs had type 1 diabetes and died in her family’s Rangeville home, west of Brisbane, on 7 January. Police allege her parents, who have previously been charged with murder, began withholding insulin six days earlier.

Police allege paramedics were not called to the scene until 5.30pm the next day, with the Courier Mail reporting members of the church group believed she would be resurrected.

The girl’s parents, Kerrie Elizabeth Struhs and Jason Richard Struhs, were charged with murder and torture offences earlier this year. They have not yet entered pleas, and will remain in custody until their next hearing at the Toowoomba magistrates court, due later this month. They are also charged with failing to provide the necessities of life.
Police allege others bear culpability in Elizabeth’s death.

Tuesday’s arrests were of other members of their small and tightly-knit religious group who were allegedly present when the eight-year-old died, reportedly singing and praying to God to heal her.

Detective Acting Supt Garry Watts alleged all 12 were aware of Elizabeth’s condition, were present during the course of those fateful six days and did not take any steps to provide medical assistance. He said the religious group comprised three families and that those arrested included seven women and five men.

Two were in their 60s, a man and a woman, one was a 19-year-old man and the rest were in their 20s and 30s. All were arrested in a Harristown home.

​​Elizabeth’s sister Jayde Struhs, the eldest of eight siblings, told Nine’s A Current Affair earlier this year that the group referred to themselves as The Saints.

Struhs, 23, said the group formed as a breakaway from a more mainstream church which they believed to be corrupt and had become stricter over the years.

They did not celebrate Christmas, rejected medical intervention and believed their one purpose was to serve God.

“They’re extreme. They’re small. Controlled,” she said.

Scott Hong #fundie #dunning-kruger #elitist archive.ph

Today I will play the role of an atheist who subscribes to humanism and the relative nature of morality.


1) I believe that certain nonproductive members of society – i.e. the terminally and painfully sick, unemployed and alcohol-addicted street vagrants, serial criminals, and those too old to contribute anything meaningful – should be euthanized for the greater of good of society and mankind.

Resources that they consume can find much better use in advancing civilization and the happiness of other (and more) people. The good and survival of the human species takes precedence over selfish and petty individual needs.

2) I believe that bestiality as a sexual choice should be given the same legal rights and social respect as heterosexual and homosexual human-human relationships.

I am a practising zoophile who regularly engages in group sex with my fully-mature rottweilers (both male and female) who willingly and often actively reciprocate the intimate eroticity.

We all enjoy it immensely, so what’s wrong with it? For some reason, most people – even the supposedly enlightened individuals at PFLAG – think my sexual choice is disgusting, morally repugnant and unnatural. To me it’s incomprehensible and inexplicable why.


Now please tell me why my stand is MORALLY WRONG from a atheistic, humanist point of view.

Quotes from the Bible or other holy scriptures will not be accepted. Arguments that some god or another forbids it will similarly be ignored. As a atheist, I WILL NOT ACCEPT ANY RELIGION OR PHILOSOPHY BASED ARGUMENTS.

I welcome and eagerly await comments which attempt to persuade me that somehow, my beliefs and practices are fundamentally wrong from a relativistic, humanist, liberal and pluralistic point of view.

Convince me.

Matt Walsh #homophobia #dunning-kruger #fundie #pratt archive.ph

But I mention this today because

1) The messages/emails were particularly vitriolic and venomous, even by modern standards, and prompted by an extraordinarily uncontroversial statement and

2) I want secularists and left wingers to stop hiding from the fact that the real bigots and prejudiced dirtbags are on their side. There is something in your worldview that produces this, neo-liberals, and it’s time for you to own up to it.

My faith is not just an opinion. An opinion is “the Godfather is a good movie”. It’s not just my personal “taste”. Taste is “I like hot sauce with every meal”. It’s not just a “belief”. A belief is “I think there are microbes on Mars”. My faith is my identity. It’s who I am. I’d die before I’d give it up. I wouldn’t die for hot sauce or my De Niro DVD collection. I don’t identify myself by my belief in space creatures. But my faith is my IDENTITY. Do you get it? If I called it my “lifestyle” would you afford it the same respect you afford sexual proclivities? What if someone posted on Facebook discussing their homosexuality and a bunch of people messaged him saying they’d “lost all respect” for him, and now found him to be “disgusting” and “stupid”? I imagine those people would be liable for hate crime prosecution, and you’d be the first one at their door with your pitchfork and your hangin’ rope.

Look, if you hate me or insult me because of my Christianity, you are a bigot, an intolerant neanderthal, and a hypocrite. But go for it. And, please, if that’s your attitude, stop reading what I write and listening to what I say. Go away. Do me that favor. But while you hide in that nice little bubble, at least face yourself. See yourself for who you are. You’re too scared to confront conflicting ideas, but are you man enough to confront yourself? You’re hateful, prejudiced and bigoted. That’s you. Time to own it.

Philip Gunn #fundie mississippifreepress.org

Mississippi House Speaker Philip Gunn says abortion should be illegal even for a 12-year-old rape victim carrying her father or uncle’s child. He made the remark to reporters in the hours after the U.S. Supreme Court struck down Roe v. Wade in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, allowing state abortion bans to take effect

“What about the case of a 12-year-old girl who was molested by her father or uncle?” Associated Press reporter Emily Wagster Pettus asked the Republican speaker on the Mississippi House floor on Friday, June 24

Gunn said he did not know “what the Legislature’s appetite” would be for ensuring child rape and incest victims could obtain abortions. The state’s 15-week abortion ban does not include rape exceptions, but a 2007 Roe v. Wade trigger law that could become effective soon would allow rape exceptions early in a pregnancy only if the rape was reported to law enforcement—which does not happen in most incest cases

“No, (the law) does not include an exception for incest,” Gunn said. “I don’t know that that will be changed”

“Do you think the Legislature should revisit that?” Pettus asked

“Personally, no. I do not,” Gunn said. “I believe life begins at conception. Every life is valuable. And those are my personal beliefs” (Child pregnancies carry significantly higher health risks than adult pregnancies)
Daily Journal reporter Taylor Vance pressed Gunn further

“So that 12-year-old child molested by her family members should carry that pregnancy to term?” he asked

“That is my personal belief. I believe life begins at conception,” Gunn said

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