
The woman-haters, man-haters, and non-binary-haters

SeetheBot9000 #quack #sexist incels.is

Vaccine made my aunt less sexy.

My aunt was so fucking hot. In her 30s but looking all of 20, petite but shortstack with plump tits and an absolutely PHAT apple shaped ass. Coomed to the fantasy of fucking her many times. Then she got the vaccine and it fucked her over and made her get ill and lose all her weight and now she looks her age and also doesn't have big phat apple dumpy anymore.

Mohammad Javad Larijani #fundie #sexist #psycho iranintl.com

Iranian conservative politician and former diplomat Javad Larijani has defended stoning for adultery, saying it is a good Islamic law protecting “family values”[…]
In an interview with Fars website of the Revolutionary Guard Saturday, Iran’s former Secretary of High Council for Human Rights claimed some good laws have been passed by the Islamic Republic to protect women's rights

He said stoning is one of the good Islamic laws and has been a very nice deterrent so far

“When we say our women should enter the community, we should have provided them with a very safe work and social environment,” added Larijani stressing that “Stoning is a very important restraining law to protect the marriage contract of families”[…]
Death by stoning came into force in Iran after the 1979 revolution, but the judiciary placed a moratorium in 2002 and it was replaced by the death penalty more than a decade ago

NewsPunch #conspiracy #sexist apnews.com

[AP News article. Title: "Fabricated WEF story published by site known for false news". I wasn't sure if #sexist was the right tag but the intent is also to trivialize human rights by presenting activists as crackpots.]

The claims came from a website called News Punch, which has published numerous stories based on conspiracy theories and has promoted fabricated information and quotes in the past.

The article was published Tuesday with the headline: “World Economic Forum Declares Pedophiles ‘Will Save Humanity.’” One Twitter user who shared the story on Wednesday received more than 10,000 retweets and 15,000 likes on the post, which was also viewed more than 450,000 times.
The article claimed — without citing any evidence or sources — that WEF Chairman Klaus Schwab called pedophilia “nature’s gift” to humanity. It also falsely stated that a research paper presented at the forum in Davos, Switzerland, described pedophilia as “nature’s attempt to cleanse the earth and ‘save humanity’ from itself.”

Yann Zopf, head of media for the WEF, said the assertions are entirely fabricated.

Darth_Aurelius #wingnut #sexist #racist #psycho #dunning-kruger incels.is

Why Nazi Germany was actually awesome

* Its highest leadership were all essentially incel type men, though for different reasons – Goering was a morbidly obese morphine addict, Goebbels was a club footed manlet, Himmler looked like the epitome of a lanky jew and even the Fuhrer himself was very probably a life-long virgin and syphilitic through his mother.
* Women were subordinated in every facet of society – they had to attend to the menial tasks which their biology and physiology has suited them for, kinder kuchen und kirchen (kids, cooking and going to Church). No woman ever outranked any man in Nazi Germany, either socially (de facto) or in any of the paramilitary organizations (de jure).
* Aryan men who could not find or attract women for whatever reason were permitted to rape subhuman untermenschen type females with impunity both in order to satisfy the basic human need as well as to propagate more Aryan blood lines.
* Rank and status were not predicated on money nor were they reinforced by ostentatious displays of wealth but rather were acquired by honorable and manly service to the state which all self respecting men should strive for.
* Degeneracy in all of its putrid and corrupting forms was cast out and destroyed by the Nazi party which understood that the people needed to be protected from the perverse influence of modern art, jew propaganda, homosexuality and any other cultural contaminants.
* If that’s not enough, also bear in mind that his noble honor, Sir Rodger admired the efficiency, glory and power of the mighty Third Reich, so Sieg Heil!

Prussian Society of America #sexist #elitist #homophobia #transphobia prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "Women Behave and Think like Criminals"]

Men, generally are indifferent to other Men, whereas Women are never indifferent to other Women and view every other Women as a potential threat and rival [enemy]

Outside of Criminal Syndicates, or with the excessive need for overcoming Online “Censorship”, Men never use “Code-speak” with other Men or even with Women for that matter

It is Women who are always using Code-speak and hiding their intentions, saying one thing while meaning another

Also, Women make no shame about their attraction and interest towards dating Criminals, while outside of Criminal Syndicates, you would almost never hear of a Man who approves of other Criminals[…]
We must have total determination to break up and smash this society and world order that is determined to maintain the idea and notion that Men are only valued for Money[…]Natural Selection can be restored to its high

Our greatest tragedy today is that the Majority of both Men and Women are directly related to the Majority of Women alive, and not equally towards the pool of Men left in our genetic populations, and the fact that these majority of genetics that are being handed down, come from Filthy, Greedy, Money-hungry, Narcissistic/Psychopathic and Parasitic Pathological Lying types

We can only ultimately seek to bring about their extermination[…]
Women who are dishonest about attraction, also have dishonest sex drives[…]they will engage in deviant sexual behavior, which includes infidelity, experimenting with other Women or Transgender people, even their own Pets (especially Dogs), and that such Women are actually more only interested or turned on by a Man’s Wealth[…]
Women who have dishonest sex drives are also horrible in the bedroom. They are like a chore to deal with and expect the Man to do all the work and drain the Man of his sexual energies in the bedroom, and then drain his wallet

turbosperg #dunning-kruger #psycho #sexist incels.is

RE: 12 year old whore sends 9 year old brother to meet god


This is how much foids hate incels.

Yup, once foids hits puberty the mere sight of them sets them off, feel bad for any incels with older sisters, they probably beat the shit out of them


This is what happened:

1. The foid hit puberty.
2. Her hormones tell her brain to seek Chad's sperm to impregnate her.
3. Her hormones make her extremely disgusted of sub-Chad males, whose sperm threaten her drive to be impregnated by Chad. (if the roastie gets impregnated by a subhuman, it becomes less likely she will later score a Chad).
4. Foids feels the impulse to seek Chad and eliminate sub-Chad males from her vicinity.
5. Foid has poor impulse control due to being raised as an entitled princess.
6. Foid has incorporated all the cultural memes about males being worthless and disposable.
7. One night, when ovulating, her hormones are especially out of whack. She feels an irresistible urge to seek Chad and avoid sub-Chad males.
8. Foid has no option of moving out of the house, her strong drive to avoid of sub-Chad genes in her vicinity takes the form of murder.

Obviously, soyciety will say this is all the fault of incels. But we know better.

woodchip and Spidey #wingnut #fundie #sexist descentbb.net

woodchip: So the Rep. led congress passed a Born Alive bill that requires hosp. to provide medical care to infant born alive after a botched abortion attempt. What surprised me was the Dems to a man voted against it. Now I realize we had some discussions here on abortion, but at this point the baby is born alive and as such is a American citizen . The Dems argue that this is still a womens right over her body. Excuse me but the baby is no longer in her body. So if the baby is a problem later on, do the Dems still think it is a womens right to off the baby in some sort of late late term abortion? Going to be interesting to read how the leftist agents here defend the Dems.

Spidey: Is a botched abortion considered a "birth"?

What if the botched abortion also caused brain damage?

An abortion is not complete until the widdle baby is dead dead dead.

"Awww he's so cute".
"Finish the job".

Andrew Anglin #sexist twitter.com

Andrew Anglin: The entire structure of the Western world is based around a compulsive desire of men to please women

The Taliban is a good model for healthy masculinity that Western men should emulate

Observe their calm demeanor in contrast to Western man's neurotic nervousness

Nature and the Nation: There must be a middle ground between simping and treating our women like dirt

Andrew Anglin: The Taliban doesn't "treat women like dirt."

They are in line with what were normative Christian values a century ago.

You have a desire to promote women's sexual fantasies because you were abused.

various commenters #wingnut #racist #sexist gab.com

Any man claiming to be on the Right, that is disgracing & vilifying White Nationalist women, is either utterly miserable & self sabotaging or here to subvert & disunify. Any nationalist worth their salt understands that we are always better together.

I want a white nationalist wife. How do I find one?

@SurvivingClownWorld you find a girl you like & 'make' one.

@ElfReich hmmm. Interesting. Do you think many women have the ability to shed their liberal brainwashing? It’s often very, very deep.

@ElfReich @SurvivingClownWorld First ask he if she has been blacked. Many women currently in the WN have actually been blacked.

@SurvivingClownWorld @ElfReich

Girls go for guys of higher status.
Status is situational.
Looks matter, 5 seconds determine if you are hot or scum, look confident.

Between the ages of 18-24 they are biologically programed to be brainwashed, hence college education destroys them.

Act accordingly, play dirty, play to win, your children are counting on you to be hot.
(never loose frame)

@ElfReich - Either this guy, or took his pill:

@ElfReich my problem is we need to find MORE White nationalist women.

@indigowavve @ElfReich WN women are made by WN men. My wife came along happily when I gave her a life raising kids instead of making powerpoints.

@ElfReich The split between men and woman is a trait of liberalism and the hypercompetitiveness it brings. Men and woman are complementary to one another, we are intertwined. Rather than fight each other and tear down, we must help one another, lift one another up.

@ElfReich I've never met a white nationalist woman in real life. Most claim to be "conservative" but they're still dumb cunt feminists. I live in the southeast too.

@Redpilled_AF @ElfReich
They’re not the majority but there are a lot of them. More will pop up as anti-white policies become more frequent/noticeable.

Sameera Khan and unnamed Taliban women #sexist newsweek.com

Members of the Taliban are "worried about Andrew Tate" and are "asking us if he's free yet," according to Sameera Khan, a former Miss New Jersey turned "anti-woke" journalist

Khan said she took part in a "Twitter space with the Afghan Taliban" to "discuss the detainment of Andrew Tate", an American-British influencer who was arrested in Romania on December 29, along with his brother and two Romanian nationals, and charged with human trafficking

Romanian prosecutors allege the Tate brothers coerced six women into producing pornography, with the alleged victims facing "acts of physical violence and mental coercion." One of those arrested was also charged with rape, though their identify has not been disclosed

On Saturday, Khan tweeted: "We are hosting a Twitter space with the Afghan Taliban to discuss the detainment of Andrew Tate

"They are worried about Andrew Tate and they are asking us if he's free yet

"They say westerners need Andrew Tate because we are oppressed by feminists"

In a separate tweet, she added "#FREETOPG," calling for Tate to be released, with 'TopG' being a nickname used for the influencer by some of his supporters

British journalist Otto English tweeted a screenshot from the Twitter space, showing some of the attendees, adding: "This actually happened"[…]
Those taking part in the Twitter space with Khan included a number of users who claim to support the Taliban, some of whom had the group's flag in their profile picture

One of those taking part was Shahab Lewal, who claims to be a "Member of the Cultural Commission" of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, based out of Kabul

speculareffect #elitist #racist #sexist #homophobia #transphobia #conspiracy #wingnut specular-effect.com

As I’ve explained before, Christianity, like Communism, is a feminine construct for the weak. So, too, is the “climate change” doctrine pushed by the Neo-Malthusisnist cultists. The racism against the human race ideation is nothing more than moral-fagging and moral-shaming. They are the lifeblood of each previously mentioned. After all, morality is a construct of the weak for the weak. This is especially the case with regards to moral absolutes pushed by Christrannies in order to achieve dominance and transcend being dominated. It is what is known as ressentiment—the fox and the grapes syndrome—a psychological gymnastics to feel better about being inferior. The trick is to then demonize and criticize your counterparts who dominate you, by claiming their behaviors and ways of life are immoral. From this gay, feminine psychological gymnastics, a life of asceticism is pursued “for the greater good” (an afterlife) (heaven).
The Techno-Communist agenda that envelopes the entire planet, its accompanying Neo-Malthusianist cult ideology and Cultural Marxism, each possess slave morality leanings. Marxist Communism is primarily concerned with the haves vs. the have-nots and creates a classwarfare where ressentiment is showcased by its most ardent adherents—the social justice warrior. Landlords are seen as evil parasites and usurpers. Whites are racist bigots . The rich and wealthy became rich and wealthy through exploitation. If not by their deeds, by the deeds of their forefathers. These social justice warriors are professors, doctors, lawyers and not just the cat glasses-wearing, pink and blue-haired freak at your local Trader Jews, who has her septum pierced. These weaklings are everywhere and their slave morality—ressentiment—is pervasive. Communism has taken over. Feminine values have taken over.

Various Kiwifarmers #psycho #sexist #transphobia kiwifarms.net

(The Magnificence)

There needs to be some "female socialization" etiquette guide for this population.

You can, at least to a degree, teach "Mean Girl;" "Shade," however, cannot be taught. And very, very few men innately know how to throw it. And most of those men are black and/or gay.

I don't think it's socialization. Women just speak in high context, men don't. These troons remind me of guys who say "I once met a woman at a party and she asked me back to her place to watch Indiana Jones and I said no because I hate Indiana Jones. Five years later I realize what she was actually saying."


T4T dating event on the HER app canceled “due to a lack of interest”


post was quickly deleted before more mask-off uncomfortable truths could be posted.

Wow Hetero men don't want to date other men. In other news, water is wet.

And yet, if a bio woman said she only wanted women not a man or a trans woman she would be banned so fast it would make your head spin. For fuck sake, they don't even see each other as women. When is society going to stop collectively pretending this is legit?

(Sexual Chocolate)
Sadly, we can only imagine what fuglies and swamp-ma'ams woulda shown up to that thing. In olden - and therefore based - times, a PT Barnum or a Jerry Springer would be on that like a dog in a bowl of stew


(Big Al's Famous Pork)
Transgender Woman interview-Taryn

This piece of absolute human garbage has fathered 10 kids! 10 drug addicted babies he has jizzed into the world!!! Every single one was taken by CPS.. holy shit. Give me all your top hats because this made me want to punch the internet.

(Pitbull Victim)
I have no idea what is more nightmarish: what you mentioned, his Crusader Kings-ass family tree where his grandpa trooned out and married his own son, or how his wife would suffer worsening brain damage with each pregnancy but he kept impregnanting her until she ended up a vegetable.

These people need to be spayed and neutred.

EverlyB #dunning-kruger #sexist #transphobia kiwifarms.net

There needs to be some "female socialization" etiquette guide for this population. I'm sure a portion of the disconnect is straight-up from being cognitively more masculine (especially in AGPs who saw women as unattainable lust objects rather than peers until very recently), but the specifics of mature intrasexual communication within a culture are things that women took years to pick up on. The "out-of-proportion compliment = insult" lesson is one that can take some time for us to figure out.

For their sake, and especially women's, they ought to know...

The way you can get away with acting as a blatantly non-threatening gay man (campy, clownish, joking crudely) is going to look like mockery if you now do it claiming to be a woman. (Hi, Dylan Mulvaney.)

If you wouldn't have the balls to say something to a woman while you were passing as a straight man out of fear of looking like a creep, don't say it now. For all you know, you're still a man to her.

Go ahead and try on the youthful looks you find cute and show them off to your thirsty e-communities in the privacy of your own home, but if you want to be taken seriously as an adult woman out in the world, dress your age.

If you're going to be interacting with a woman on a long-term basis, as part of a workplace or social circle, her compliments to you are communicating less about you and more about her. She wants you to know she's not a threat, not a bigot.

Don't act like you can relate with women regarding ANYTHING bodily. They share the experience of female puberty in their youth and the effects of a female reproductive system to this day; you and other transfeminine individuals share the experience of living with a male reproductive system and seeing the effects of exogenous hormones in adulthood. Anything in common is only superficial. Women don't want to hear about your "second puberty" the way you tell other troons about it, and they don't want you eavesdropping on their private talk about their own bodies (which even so, are not trivial conversations any woman can share with any woman).

Andrew Anglin #sexist #conspiracy dailystormer.name

[From "Andrew Tate Arrested in Romania!"]

Internet fashion icon and MLM expert Andrew Tate has been arrested on trumped-up fake charges in Romania, along with his brother Tristan. They were released shortly after

Tate has previously been arrested for rape and sex trafficking in relation to a cam-girl business he runs

It was originally reported that he was arrested again for a rape hoax, but it is now being reported that he was arrested for money laundering[…]
That may or may not be a charge that can stick. Who knows. He does seem to have a strange relationship with money, basically claiming to have hundreds of millions of dollars from being an internet personality and/or doing MLM

He was apparently living in Romania because it is a sex area, but he really should have left the country when they started pushing these charges on him. Once they get you into the system, they can figure out a way to make the charges stick, or at least stick hard enough that you have to go to trial

When you have the kind of heat on you that he has on him, they can make women appear from the ether to accuse you of things

Frankly, it was really dumb to be hanging out when these charges were looming. I publicly said that he should leave the country immediately and basically go anywhere outside of EU jurisdiction, but apparently he does not read this website or did not take that seriously[…]
Regardless of the criticisms I may have, I stand with Tate 100% against the people trying to put him in prison. These are fake charges. He didn’t do anything and the persecution is political

Whatever my disagreements with anyone, I am with whoever is persecuted by this system

CantEscapeYourFate #dunning-kruger #racist #sexist incels.is

I wish white people never colonized the world

I could be chilling in the wilderness right now living a simple happy life were me and my tribal brothers hunt hogs all day then go home and dick down our big booty tribal women in mudhuts after they cook us a full course meal.


Now I'm too civilized and can't live a life like that. Now I have to rely on the white people for everything and be treated like a monkey wherever I go.


White people robbed us of true happiness.

Worst thing was importing these niggers from Africa

I thought with your high IQs you would've known better than to drag us into your countries. Now we commit crimes and rape your women hahaha sweet revenge

Yes, Europeans are so smart yet retarded at the same time. "Hurr durr niggers are stupid apes that ruin our country" then we shouldn't have imported them to our country as slaves. "Hurr durr africans/abbos/natives are so uncivilized" then we shouldn't have invaded their land to force them to partake in civilization. Why not let them live like savages again?

True white people are cucks for letting us invade their territory

If the White man didn't take me out of Africa I wouldn't have known non-sheboon toilets existed. This sounds like a living nightmare. Imagine the only toilets you can sleep with are Black, pure vomitfuel.

Man I don't get the white bitch worship they look weird to me. I'll take a black girl or Indian girl over any raw chicken skin, diseased eyes looking whore. White people look like demons and act like it too

Jgtemolder #sexist #fundie archive.is

Alex224922: I was raped by my boyfriend in high school. I was sitting on his bed, with all my clothes on, talking to him because I wanted to have a conversation with him and nothing else. He playfully pushed me down onto his bed and I said, "No hon, I'm not in the mood today." He tried again because he thought I was teasing, so I raised my voice, got angry and said, "NO, not today." He then proceeded to guilt me and tell me he really wanted to, but I stood my ground. Finally, he wasn't having it. He started horsing around with me and then pushed me onto the bed again, got on top of me, and started trying to take my clothes off. I told him NO again, trying to get up but he held me down. That's when I started yelling at him and hitting him, but he didn't stop. I was in shock. This was my boyfriend, and he definitely knew me well enough to know the difference between me "secretly wanting it" and not wanting to have sex. I kicked, I hit, I cursed, I CRIED and he still forced his way in.
There is a DIFFERENCE between rape and consensual sexual dominance. Yes, I enjoy being dominated in bed, but my new boyfriend ALSO enjoys being dominated. My ex didn't dominate me. He forced me to have sex that I DID NOT WANT. I did not enjoy it, I did not like being raped

Jgtemolder: If someone, regardless of sex or gender or sexuality, smashes the door down screaming about being raped like it's a merit badge and demanding everyone better get on their knees and not question anything they are saying, otherwise they'll pull out the rape-victim card to show how ashamed you should be (or just whip that thing out in the middle of a conversation); I say it's appropriate, again, regardless of sex.
(Especially when they admit to enjoy sexual domination games, and their text heavily implies they enjoyed them with the partner that supposedly raped them, yet not using the safe word... or were dumb enough not to establish one.)
If someone is simply relaying their experience, regardless of sex, and explain what it is, it is not.

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #sexist #homophobia #transphobia 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "Dyke discovers dyke bars exist"]

A dyke in the UK has started a bar for only her and her own kind

Teddy Edwardes, 32, is the founder and director of LICK, a women-only venue with a focus on LGTBQ+[…]

Dyke bars have been around for decades. It was a plot point in Wayne's World 2 for crying out loud (and going further back was a movie staple since 1968's The Killing of Sister George). Only a millennial could think she's come up with something new

Don't despair though, guys. Unlike Wayne Campbell you don't have to dress up as a Village Person if you want to attend. Surprise surprise, Teddy Edwardes is up with all the latest fashions from this despicable lifestyle choice. She's "inclusive to trans women" so all you have to do is show up at the door wearing the same clothes you always do, tell the bouncer you're a chick, and in you are![…]
This club was founded "6 years ago" (ie 2016) at the same time that the UK was going ballistic over another organization only allowing in one of the two sexes. Uppity bitches in Edinburgh even tried banning members of that club from a public bench (imagine if we said that a bench couldn't be used by anybody who ever went to a fag bar!)[…]
At the same time all the "right people" were demanding one of the few remaining mens-only clubs be allowed to stay open, those same people were opening up a womens-only club and celebrating their commitment to diversity and/or the yaya sisterhood. It's yet another case where the "war on women" is actually a "war by women" which is dangerous because chicks aren't militarily capable

Bonus lol: from the MSN.com comments, somebody asked "if there are no men then who pays for all the drinks?" The answer: "alimony"

silkyradfem #transphobia #sexist at.tumblr.com

A man by nature is gender conforming. He has to change nothing about himself. To be gender nonconforming he has to do something—wear makeup, put on restrictive clothing, adopt a less manageable hairstyle, buy jewelry, shave his body.

A woman by nature is gender nonconforming. She must change herself to conform. To be gender nonconforming she just has to be—throw on comfortable clothing and forget her razors, makeup, styling appliances, and jewelry in a drawer somewhere.

For men, conforming to gender is passive, natural; nonconformity is an active choice. For women, the opposite is true. Her natural existence itself revolts against demands of her gender.

To draw similarity between gnc men and gnc women is to misunderstand the nature of gender itself—it is a set of shackles for women. This means that gnc women are freeing themselves of their chains. But does it not also mean that gnc men are trying on our shackles for fun, with no awareness of the role they play in our lives and none of the pressure to chain themselves in this way that we endure? Do they feel so entitled to our experiences that they can experiment with the most brutal of our feminine beauty rituals and have the audacity to say it validates them? To the point where they demand access to everything women have to ourselves, including but not limited to our spaces in which we can be vulnerable, our anatomy and our language for it, our shared experiences, our names, our very words—women, female, she?

Is a gnc man any more than a mockery of the cages in which we are born?

Andrew Anglin #sexist #dunning-kruger dailystormer.name

[From "Twitter is Shocked to be Hit with the Anglin Sex Talk"]

Following a massive reaction to a tweet I made about older women not being attractive, I decided it was time to give the sex talk to Twitter

They were very shocked

But someone had to do it


Given the extreme reaction to my tweets about how women become less attractive as they age, it seems we're going to have to do a basic biology lesson for the Twitter audience
Dec 18, 2022


The biological imperative drives people not to have random sex, but to have the most reproductively beneficial sex possible

This applies to both men and women, and the underlying subconscious drive determines who they are attracted to
Dec 18, 2022


The single most powerful determinator of a woman's attractiveness to a man is her age

Men prefer women who have recently reached sexual maturity. After reaching sexual maturity, a woman's sexual appeal begins to rapidly drop

Note: this is biology, not a personal opinion
Dec 18, 2022


No man prefers older women unless he is suffering from a disorder relating to psychological trauma in childhood trauma which has shaped his sexuality

We are animals, and as animals, our reproductive drive is beyond our control

Furthermore, we cannot pass judgement on women, who universally prefer men with high social status

The number one marker of men's status in modern society is money
Dec 18, 2022

Andrew Tate #sexist #ableist #enbyphobia #transphobia #wingnut #pratt #dunning-kruger #elitist twitter.com

(submitter’s note: this is Tate’s second try at a response to Greta Thunberg’s awesome to reply to his attempt to show off and troll her. He doesn’t succeed anywhere near as well as he likely thinks, but his followers are sadly probably still fooled)

Andrew Tate:
Thank you for confirming via your email address that you have a small penis

The world was curious.

And I do agree you should get a life ❤️

(submitter’s note: this is followed by a video which I have transcribed for you all so you don’t have to watch it)


spoiler It’s Tate talking the entire time
*smoking cigar
“Releasing greenhouse gases”
“I’m obviously a stranger to online controversy, it’s not something I often do… but now the mainstream press is commenting on the fact that I was informing Greta that my very extensive car collection with internal combustion engines which run on dead dinosaurs have an enormous emissions profile and she replied by telling me her own email address. Greta’s email address is “ihavesmalldickenergy”. Why would that be your email address, Greta? Strange… I mean, I don’t want to assume her gender, it’s 50-50, but it is what it is…

“I’m not actually mad at Greta. (Speaking to someone offscreen) Please bring pizza and make sure that these boxes are not recycled…”
*pizza boxes arrive

“Thank you… So I’m not actually mad at Greta, because she doesn’t realize she’s been programmed, she doesn’t realize she’s a slave of the matrix, she thinks she’s doing good. Someone has sat her down and convinced her to try and convince you to beg your government to tax you into poverty to stop the sun from being hot… and then because I called her out on it the global matrix got this bot farm to like and retweet and all this bot commentary to try and pretend that her telling me that she has a small dick in her own email address somehow teaches me a lesson.
*waves arms
“Welcome to a new episode of the clown show! But now I know, at least, that Greta, with her little hate-filled face, bitter, sitting somewhere without the heat on, little hat, shivering…” *laughs “views my tweets! Which is going to make my twitter account far more fun into eternity”

Feminism Sucks! #crackpot #elitist #pratt #racist #sexist #wingnut incels.is

The EU was made to dilute the Jew population and reduce the number of virgins in Europe

When I say Jew, I mean the 12 lost tribes of Judah, the blood of Christ, who the people known as the race Celtic really are. They call us Celtic like we are some sportsball team, but we are actually Jew. This is who our people are.

The EU was made to bring endless numbers of Chewbaccastani rapefugees into Europe, and thus, make it even harder for European men to find a virgin bride.

This is an especially perilous situation for Ireland and Scotland, DNA studies prove we are the purest European race with the smallest amount of Mediterranean Wog or Slavic Finnic blood in us. We also have a small population, so even a relatively modest number of uitlanders in our homelands can quickly destabilize our ethnic matrix.

They also bring their barbarous cultures to our lands, and dilute who we really are. They seem to really have a taste for Our White Women, and many of said Females want to fuck them to prove that they are tolerant and multicultural and not racist.

I'm not saying that sending the uitlanders back and purifying our "Celtic" (in actuality Jew) land would solve all of our problems, but a removal of uitlanders combined with a return to traditional Christian morality would greatly reduce the number of sluts, and far more females would be marrying a man when they are at their peak fertility age of 15-17, and then, we could have wives who are submissive both in the home, in the bedroom, and in the economy.

Oh it was nice when you Scots were busy emmigrating to Rhodesia and fcuking black virgins there. Now when the process you fought and bled for is on your dorrstep now you complain.

See your life, proud of Ian Smith Celtic man ready to fight and die against niggers to have sex with their women and shieeeet but now complaining when the system you created is coming home.

Whites peaked at 7% of Rhodesia, whereas Ireland is now ~20% uitlander, Brits are a minority in London, the same with Frenchmen in Paris.

Also, sex between White men and black women in Rhodesia was a rare occurrence - the Rhodesian pioneers were devout Christians who frowned upon having affairs with random local women.

Andrew Anglin #sexist dailystormer.name

[From "Harvey Rape-Hoaxed Again by Courts! 18 More Years!"]

Harvey Weinstein has been convicted of rape, yet again, exclusively on the claims of prostitutes who were parasiting off of him.


Former movie producer Harvey Weinstein was found guilty of rape and two other sexual assault counts by a Los Angeles jury[…]
The jury could not reach a verdict on two allegations, including rape, by Jennifer Siebel Newsom[…]who previously disclosed she was Jane Doe 4 in the trial[…]

Imagine being Gavin Newsom and laying down in bed with your wife every night and knowing she had sex with Harvey Weinstein

You’d have to tell yourself it was rape

But all men know it wasn’t rape. And apparently, her lies weren’t even enough to convict a jury of angry kooks[…]
I’m sure there was a lot of really clear evidence of stuff from 10-20 years ago!

Who is buying this bullshit???

The only way they got away with it is this: Weinstein is repulsive, and people just simply do not like him

However, now that they’ve set this precedent, it applies to all men in America

Heterosexual sex is now illegal[…]

Four additional women offered similar stories to buttress the prosecution’s arguments that Weinstein routinely abused his position as a Hollywood power player to prey on women

No one argues that point. He never argued that point

The point of contention is “is it rape?” and the obvious answer is no

It wasn’t rape in the cases of dozens of other women, who all admitted to having sex with him in exchange for roles in films. Those women came out and whined that he should have given them the roles for free[…]
They made the deal. Now they say they regret it. I doubt they regret getting the opportunities he gave them

various commenters #interphobia #transphobia #sexist ovarit.com

RE: Genuine conundrum about certain people with CAIS

( Positronic_waves )
Sorry for this person, but I want to be kind to women. That means being unkind to men, rapists and in the very rare minority and some unfortunate souls with CAIS. If you never develop correctly as a man, it doesn't mean you are a woman. We are not a faulty male. Caster [Semenya] is a guy, who lived like a male except for competitions then he is a woman. I think natal sex is important, then puberty levels. If we have to exclude some CAIS people to let women win at something, we should do it. They say it never happens until they had 11 CAIS men winning womens athletics. When the difference is -10% of performance not being born a woman actually matters.

( Wokeuplate )
I think transgender and intersex are two different issues and the genderists, as per the uze, latch onto intersex as a way to stealth themselves into legitimate discourse, much the same as they did with LGB. It’s literally part of their playbook. Transgender is based on Gender Identity, which is an idiosyncratic, subjective belief system, unhinged from material reality. Intersex/DSD is a biologically based condition and has nothing to do with gendered souls or lady brains or myfeelz. The intersection between these two issues is competitive sports, where there can be male body advantages that accrue to CAIS people which have to be addressed in order to ensure fair play.

It’s really important when talking about transgender people to keep intersex as a separate topic. The recent debate with Colin Wright was frustrating in that he let very narrow examples relating to DSD be used as a proxy for TIMs. Since 99.98% of the world is not intersex of the type which gives rise to ambiguous genitalia and phenotype presentation, it is not useful to lump gender identity trans with DSD and say that they need to be addressed and accommodated similarly.

( FlorenceBlue )
IMO, still male. What we choose socially to do with that info is up for debate.

( viscerally )
Male, yes. But a woman still. In this extremely rare case, that in no way is similar to the case of trans women, I can confidently say that a male person can also be a woman - if she has the outer body of one and was brought up as one and would have always been believed to have been one of it weren’t for genetical testing.

( FlorenceBlue )
No such thing as male women.

Nida Mohammad Nadim #fundie #pratt #sexist pbs.org

KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) — The minister of higher education in the Taliban government on Thursday defended his decision to ban women from universities — a decree that had triggered a global backlash.

Discussing the matter for the first time in public, Nida Mohammad Nadim said the ban issued earlier this week was necessary to prevent the mixing of genders in universities and because he believes some subjects being taught violated the principles of Islam. He said the ban was in place until further notice.

In an interview with Afghan television, Nadim pushed back against the widespread international condemnation, including from Muslim-majority countries such as Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Qatar. Nadim said that foreigners should stop interfering in Afghanistan’s internal affairs.

Earlier on Thursday, the foreign ministers of the G-7 group of states urged the Taliban to rescind the ban, warning that “gender persecution may amount to a crime against humanity.” The ministers warned after a virtual meeting that “Taliban policies designed to erase women from public life will have consequences for how our countries engage with the Taliban.” The G-7 group includes Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, the United States and the European Union.

A former provincial governor, police chief and military commander, Nadim was appointed minister in October by the supreme Taliban leader and previously pledged to stamp out secular schooling. Nadim opposes female education, saying it is against Islamic and Afghan values.

Other reasons he gave for the university ban were women’s failure to observe a dress code and the study of certain subjects and courses.

“We told girls to have proper hijab but they didn’t and they wore dresses like they are going to a wedding ceremony,” he said. “Girls were studying agriculture and engineering, but this didn’t match Afghan culture. Girls should learn, but not in areas that go against Islam and Afghan honor.”

He added that work was underway to fix these issues and universities would reopen for women once they were resolved. The Taliban made similar promises about high school access for girls, saying classes would resume for them once “technical issues” around uniforms and transport were sorted out, but girls remain shut out of classrooms.

Taliban #fundie #sexist npr.org

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan – Taliban security forces fanned out to some universities and informal learning centers in Kabul on Wednesday, teachers said, enforcing an edict issued the night before that appears to have banned most females from any education beyond the sixth grade.

In one instance, a teacher reported security forces barging into his class, shouting at girls to go home. "Some of students started verbal arguments with them, but they didn't listen. My students left their classes, crying," said Waheed Hamidi, an English-language teacher at a tuition center in Kabul.

The move was expected – and dreaded – by observers as the Taliban's supreme leader Mullah Haibutullah Akhundzada imposes his vision of an Afghanistan which is ultra-conservative, even by the hardline group's standards.

"I genuinely think that the man in charge thinks that this is what an Islamic society ought to look like," says Obaidullah Baheer, a Kabul-based lecturer at the American University of Afghanistan. Speaking earlier to NPR about Akhundzada, he said, "he had this very specific view of where women or young girls should be within the society, which is within their households. So I guess for all intents and purposes, this is a gender apartheid. This is nothing short of that."

Since coming to power in August last year, the Taliban have overseen a hodgepodge of education policies. They allow girls to attend school until the sixth grade, when primary school ends. But they have prevented most girls from attending formal secondary school education, reneging on a promise to allow them back to class in March, when the scholastic year began. Some girls in distant provinces still attended high school, however, and another, unknown number were attending informal classes in tuition centers.

And in a quirk of contradictory decision-making, the former minister of higher education Abdul Baqi Haqqani allowed women to attend universities, albeit under strict conditions, including wearing face coverings and abiding by strict segregation. But in October, Haqqani was replaced with known hardliner, Nida Mohammad Nadim, who had expressed his opposition to women receiving an education. He is known to be close to Akhundzada.

"A Penis is a Fucking Weapon" Award

Some classics never really fade away.

various commenters #transphobia #sexist ovarit.com

RE: Men use their penises as literal weapons of war, but we should be fine with them in our spaces.

( femlez34 )
100%. TIMs will say, "well we're not 'men' so that doesn't apply to us", but then in the same breath will threaten feminists with rape to try and get them back in line. I don't think they even realize how much they do this, it's so ingrained in their DNA.

( pepperbeth )
We have to start waking up - sexual violence is a huge motivator for many men, maybe "not all men" but huge numbers. Some will say "oh rape is about sex" "oh rape is about power" but let's allow men some intersectional analysis - sexual power is highly arousing to men. Dominating and harming others is arousing to men. They will watch violence in porn, they will enact it in the bedroom, they will buy slave women to harm for their own orgasms, and they will rape women and children, including their own fucking brothers and sisters, and they become especially aroused and predatory when when war grants them opportunity to rape many vulnerable potential victims.

Do women get aroused by the suffering of others? Not even Aileen Wournos can rival the most average of prostitute-murdering men. The penis isn't the scary part, it's the whole goddamn man.

( Fluffy_gender )
Yes, that's why I find it ridiculous when people say "rape/sex abuse is not about sex, it's about power". Well, power is indeed very sexualized for men...

( Pointer )
Men do seem to have "rape software" pre-installed. Makes sense from an evolutionary standpoint. They are actually able to maintain an erection and have an orgasm while penetrating someone who is screaming and crying in pain. It's crazy.

( Gladys_Kravitz )
Men are carrying loaded weapons at all times, and we're supposed to trust them completely and give them endless chances. It's fucking insane.

Edit: this is why self defense laws are such bullshit and deliberately harmful to women. We literally cannot act in self defense the way a man can. He can kill us with his bare hands in the heat of the moment, we cannot.

Fuck man, they literally kill us with their penises during violent rapes. There is no possibility of a woman killing a man using only her vulva/vagina, it's not the same act at all.

Trust no male, especially one that REALLY wants to violate your boundaries.

John de Nugent #sexist #homophobia #wingnut johndenugent.com

I always say that the language is the mirror of a culture. For example, I’m often asked why Russians are not accepting of Western LGBT “values.” My answer is that it’s enshrined in their culture. The gender roles are set subconsciously in Russian mind by their very language.

While in English we simply get “married”, in Russian a man gets “женат” (zhenat) which menas he gets “womaned.”

And a woman, upon marrying, is “за мужем” (za muzhem) meaning behind a husband, that is, he stand protectively in front of her.

The first case implies also that the man is softened by a woman, and in second that the woman is protected by a man.

That fundamental gender and cultural difference is thus reflected in the Russian language.

Aimee Hudec, StumbleCakes #sexist #transphobia quora.com

Post: “To all the relatives, “friends”, and random ass strangers that have been telling me since I was 16 that being 6’3” made me too tall to wear dresses or find a guy willing to date a girl taller than him: my 5’2” girlfriend loves when I wear dresses, thank you very much.”

StumbleCakes: Idk why, but just ew.

Aimee Hudec: Most women aren’t naturally so tall. But regardless of height, “she” still has male anatomy. That is the real issue.

My respond to Aimee: Biological women can be taller than 6’0 genius.

(My comment was removed for harassment.)

Muslim Diary #fundie #sexist facebook.com

It is well known that gold is something with which people adorn and beautify themselves, but a man is not meant to do this, i.e., he is not a person who may be perfected by means of adding something, rather a man is perfect in and of himself, because of his manhood, so he has no need to adorn himself for some one else that he may like, unlike women. One of the strange things that we see nowadays is many young men adorning themselves by wearing gold chains and the like, and they even put makeup on their faces. This is contrary to the fitrah (sound human nature) and to the masculinity and resolve which should be the characteristics of men. Hence you will not find any wise and serious man doing that, rather they are either who are not straight or those who are lacking in character, time-wasters who are trying to fill the gaps in their character or fill their time by doing that.
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Hoosker-Doos #sexist reddit.com

Older women shaming men for dating and sleeping with younger women out of jealousy and labeling it as “predatory” is extremely hypocritical and inaccurate, most men go after younger women because women age faster and younger women are far more attractive, not because they’re easier to manipulate

In light of a recent exchange on here in another thread I thought it was necessary to address this giant double standard we are seeing more and more of. Older women, from 50 all the way down to their late 20s are widely condemning men who date and hook up with women 5+ years their junior as manipulative predators who are deliberately targeting younger 18-22 year old women because they are young and impressionable, “grooming” them for sex. Furthermore, it’s a misuse of the term to begin with when both parties are of legal age unless there is some power dynamic, ie coach/boss.

Ignoring the obvious misandry and jealousy dripping from this bullshit narrative, most men who aren’t desperate do not want to sleep with women who are not attracted to them. I know I don’t, I can only assume other men who are above average looking aren’t really interested in a pity fuck or scamming women into sex.

If you peel back the thin veneer it is pretty clear the women pushing this story are simply bitter and jealous that men are choosing to go for younger more attractive women over them. Rather than acknowledge the big elephant in the room - that women age faster than men, they would prefer to create this vindictive and sordid shaming campaign which if true would make all men on earth sexual deviants for simply being attracted to women in their prime. You can’t make this stuff up.

Sorry, but a 22-25 year old “college student” is significantly more attractive than a 29-30 year old woman. Like it of not, women age exponentially faster than men pretty much across the board. This is likely in part because they mature at a younger age, but I think as a whole their sex appeal is just much more delicate and fleeting.

Older women attempting to deflect from this and shame men for being “predatory” by going after women they find hotter is just sort of sad and obvious jealousy. 22 year olds don’t need to be manipulated into fucking 30 year old dudes if the attraction is there, it just happens.

NIGELTEAPOT #fundie #sexist brianniemeier.com

what you perceive as “ai” are just demons infesting computers. your line of “reasoning” to attack the messenger falls right into the intended trap laid out for you.

freemasons believe that you give “consent” to every evil by doing nothing when they surreptitiously warn you what they are planning to do. there is also no such thing as an evil that doesn’t harm other evils, and so when those dolls are panicking you should listen (like when birds fly in the forest or deer get spooked though you can hear nothing).

As I have said many times:
“ the devil operates by reactions. the devil cannot make direct orders, as no one would listen, and has no power to compel or do anything; therefore the devil makes groups insufferable by corrupting their weakness so that a “reactionary group” comes to destroy the former. the reactionary group is the devil’s goal (if a corpse can have a goal, that is).

ex. feminism. the devil HATES women, more than you could imagine. therefore in an attempt to wipe out women once and for all, the devil made weak women stupid, demonic, and insufferable. the goal being that frustrated men would “react” by giving the feminists all their worst fears in revenge; which is what the devil wanted all along.”

Jim #conspiracy #racist #homophobia #wingnut #sexist #transphobia blog.reaction.la

[From "The shape of our enemy"]

The richest man in the world, Elon Musk, is currently in a power struggle with Yoel Roth, the former head of Trust & Safety at Twitter who is featured prominently in the “Twitter Files” released by Elon Musk

Yoel Roth is a Jewish faggot. That he is a Jew and a faggot is in his bio. As head of Trust and Safety, he displayed a strangely relaxed attitude to child sexual exploitation material on twitter, which would lead one to expect he is a pederast

Further, all faggots are pederasts and all straights are “paedophiles” for a straight is attracted to youth and indications of fertility, regardless of chronological age, thus attracted to all fertile age females, regardless of chronological age, while faggots find breasts repulsive and youth attractive, thus are attracted to men and to children below fertile age regardless of the sex of the child. Which does not necessarily prove that they acting on that attraction, but Yoel Roth considered accusations of grooming “unsafe”, while somehow considering grooming to be safe

As head of Trust and Safety, he not only suppressed information on the dangers of the jab, and the truth about Global Warming, but also suppressed information on the dangers of child sexual transition. Child sexual transition is very much in the interests of pederasts

The current epidemic of gender confusion in schools reflects the interests of pederasts running them. Marriage was destroyed in large part so that professors could get pussy. Now childhood is being destroyed so that faggots can get ass

Matt #fundie #sexist #conspiracy #racist younggospelminister.blogspot.com

[From "Trade Offs Of Women Working"]

When you sit and ponder what pushing women into the workforce has done for society, objectively, it really shows how silly we are[…]
-Well, it has created more opportunities for women. Almost endless opportunities[…]
-It has filled the workforce with a mixed gender field[…]
This has had mixed results. Some people meet their husband or wife at work, and some people encounter sexually abusive interactions. There are now endless court cases dealing with sexual complaints in the workforce, placing a massive burden on women, men, employers, the court system, bringing in the creation of HR and more. A massive bureaucratic burden has been increased on the workplace, and women often write articles about how hard it is to deal with sexism in the workplace[…]
The most common place adultery happens is in the workforce[…]so it has undermined countless marriages. Which offsets the benefits of people finding a spouse at work, sometimes they were even somebody else's spouse first

It also places wives under the authority of someone else outside the home that competes with the husband's authority[…]
-Women can earn far more than ever before[…]So they have far more money, but they are earning money doing things they did as wives[…]
-Because women have more money, everything costs more. Therefore this having more money is a double edged sword[…]
This causes women to delay having children to pursue a career, which means less children are born. So immigration is needed (some think so at least)[…]These people often come from cultures opposed to ours causing other issues as well[…]
In engineering there is a principle, that every increase in one area, comes with a trade off in another area[…]We have done this to society by driving women into the workforce. We have traded a lot, for little return, and we are wearing society down in the process

One Quick Post, behindyourightnow & Gramlol #moonbat #sexist #transphobia kiwifarms.net

(One Quick Post)
It's fucking hilarious that porn is the one area you're still allowed to be trans-exclusive, even if you're a progressive. No matter how loudly PornHub yells "trans pride" they know it'd be a business catastrophe to forcefully mix in tranny porn with the straight porn. It's created this funny dynamic where trans women are real women except for in porn in which case they get their own special category away from the rest of the women, isn't it weird how this can't be done in sports, changing rooms, etc?

I'd love an explanation from one of these coombrained progressives to why PornHub should be allowed to segregate trannies but UFC has to let them beat the shit out of women. It's a glaring double standard but it's not going anywhere because even the most staunch trans ally doesn't want to jerk off to them.

People have pointed out the same thing about Reddit: lesbian and women-focused subs are obliged to let in trannies or they get the banhammer, but lesbian porn subs? Completely dick free, and no one goes after them.

Forcing male troons into sports, changing rooms, girl scout organizations, lesbian communities, female prisons, etc, only hurts women. But forcing them into porn might hurt men (in the sense that someone's dick might feel sad) so it isn't done. Such a progressive movement.

Once something affects men then it becomes an actual problem, basically. Ever see a 'progressive' guy with a history of only dating women, date a transwoman? Would one of the Chapo guys date Keffals?
Yeah, no. They're all twaw until, you know, they're really not actually. It's all a larp that let's 'good guys' express sexism for woke points. Like dunking on white women, which is now woke too.

Jim #fundie #sexist blog.reaction.la

[From "The priest cannot say “groomer” and the churches are vanishing."]

Christianity is an evangelical religion, but it was always transmitted primarily biologically. People went to the church their dad went to, because their dad went to that Church. Christians outbred, rather than converted, the pagans

And now, that has stopped. Few baptisms, few intact families in the pews. And so the Churches are emptying out, with a diminishing congregation of old people, and very few children. Every year, the church gets a bit emptier. In the mainstream churches, biological replacement is not happening

The first church to vanish was the congregationalists. When a Church capitulates to modernity, it loses biological transmission of faith and starts to disappear

The Anglican Church started its disappearing act when it abolished marriage, replacing a mating procedure appropriate for oogamous organisms, with a symmetric procedure, that could only make sense if vertebrates were isogamous

Anisogamy is fundamental to Christianity. God is the father. He is not the mother. The Church is the bride of Christ, and Christ the bridegroom. The bible does not speak to women. It speaks to men about women[…]
All happy families are alike. They all work the same way. They are all quietly biblical and quietly eighteenth century. Women, children, and dogs need a master, and if they do not have one, get tense and difficult[…]
Thus the Church that has a symmetric mating ceremony, suitable only for isogamous organisms, is going to wind up preaching that the husband and father is Homer Simpson. So it is not necessarily a good idea to take your wife and kids to Church to hear that you are Homer Simpson. And so, the faith fails to propagate biologically[…]
I attempt to control my wife’s social environment so that the women in her environment are good influences[…]
Patriarchs take their family’s to church for the social environment

Matt #fundie #sexist younggospelminister.blogspot.com

[From "The Woman Problem"]

It is common to hear in Australia that the Liberal Party has a woman problem. Because women tend to vote more to the left, and the liberal party often has less women in positions of influence. Putting aside the fact that some of the other parties got the amount of women they have into prominent positions through quotas, I disagree the Liberal Party has a woman problem. Australia has a woman problem, because of problem women

Australian women in general (with very clear and godly exceptions) are haughty, proud and arrogant, and are unashamed about using their vote to allocate more resources to themselves, and to favour whichever political party will give this to them. Australian woman are much like the women of ancient Judah in its days before its decline[…]
The women of Judah had become haughty, proud and dominated their husbands. Isaiah put it this way, 
@Isaiah 3:16

The Lord said: Because the daughters of Zion are haughty and walk with outstretched necks, glancing wantonly with their eyes, mincing along as they go, tinkling with their feet[…]

In its declining years Judah had a woman problem. It was producing the wrong kind of women as well. This helped bring down theor nation[…]
The women of Judah were provoking great sin, but it was not without the permission of their men. Judah had a woman problem, because it had a man problem. Theee was a lack of leading men; strong, righteous and godly men. 

Aussie men are very tolerant of their wives rejecting God's commands to be mothers, managing the home, etc. But ultimately, even rebellious women look to their men for their cues. Even the idolatrous women of Judah were just following their lead leas of their men. Which is why God judges the men with the women, and the society as a whole 

The conservative parties don't have a woman problem. Australia has a haughty woman problem. And it's because Aussie men allow it

Various Commenters #dunning-kruger #racist #sexist #wingnut twitter.com

(Matt Walsh)

Self-hating Liberal white woman goes on unhinged rant almost in tears, against white people

Interesting psychological question: why are white women in particular so susceptible to this self-loathing white guilt nonsense? Seems like it's women in 90 percent of these kinds of videos

They think it compensates for morbidly obesity in many cases.

(Nikki Moonitz)
Because they’re cowards who think the self loathing will get them a spot at the cool table?

(Zagros Şeyhbızın)
I don’t think so. It’s much deeper. It’s an ideology hijacking people’s minds. And women being more compassionate than men at the population level might be a contributor. Read The Parasitic Mind by this guy @GadSaad

It’s always come down to attention. Same reason black women act like they do.

If you notice the most self hating black people are always liberal black women. So there is a pattern here

(Rachel Richards)
It's funny how they WANT white people to feel guilty, but then when white women cry and feel guilty, they're mocked and told their tears oppress "people of color". If that's not proof enough that they hate you, I don't know what is.


(Jason Miller)
I understand that some people have probably experienced a white woman crying to emotionally manipulate white men into believing that they are the victim, when really they were close to being perceived as the bully they are.... but to unjustly accuse someone of that happens too.

HikikunDeformis , Employer_Square & faded #sexist blackpill.club

( HikikunDeformis)
Thorough response to IT sex "worker"
I hope someone sends this to "her". I can't be arsed to make a reddit shit account.

Why do we refuse to see hookers?

1. It's not affordable ( Yes we can afford to see a hooker, no we can't afford to see her often enough without going bankrupt)

2. It enforces female supremacy (If both genders are equal in other areas of life but one is able to make a living by selling their body while the other has to pay for it then women are clearly way better off. The only way paying for sex makes sense is if women face other hardships in life to even out the pros and cons)

3. I refuse to support parasites ( Sex "work" usually isn't taxed or regulated. Most likely you pay 0 taxes while raking in all the benefits of society. You're overpaid as my first point mentions so you aren't even good enough for using your pussy. You don't deserve to be rewarded with my resources for refusing to be a girlfriend, a wife or a mother. If you don't want to be any of that you ought to get a real job and give back to society instead of just leeching off it. God knows you are the one benefitting from this society more than I or any other incels does)

4. Paying the enemy ( You hate us. You've always loathed us and treated us with contempt. You will always view yourself as superior to us. You need to be knocked down a few pegs or at least not be aided in becoming even stronger)

Escortmaxxing is cucked simply put.Do people seriously feel no shame and embarrassment in engaging in sexual intercourse with a woman who has probably had sex hundreds of times with about the same amount of men? Have some self respect for crying out loud.And for the record I’m not one of these people who’s virgin girl or bust lol.

fucking vile meat hole I would really love to rape her in every hole until she bleed and has mental breakdown (invideogame)

Got Questions Ministries #fundie #conspiracy #racist #sexist #homophobia gotquestions.org

What is cultural Marxism?

Cultural Marxism can be a controversial term—some assert there’s no such thing, and others use the term as a catch-all for anything they see as undermining society. In short, cultural Marxism is a revolutionary leftist idea that traditional culture is the source of oppression in the modern world. Cultural Marxism is often linked to an insistence upon political correctness, multiculturalism, and perpetual attacks on the foundations of culture: the nuclear family, marriage, patriotism, traditional morality, law and order, etc. Cultural Marxists are assumed to be committed to establishing economic Marxism, in which case their cultural attacks are a necessary preparation for their ultimate goal.


Beyond question, there is a purposeful effort in parts of Western culture to reject traditional values and aggressively replace them with more (supposedly) progressive ideals. This often results in an extreme imbalance in criticism and cultural sensitivity. For instance, derogatory attitudes toward men, whites, Christians, fathers, heterosexuals, and so forth are often celebrated or encouraged. Equally critical comments directed at women, minorities, Muslims, mothers, homosexuals, and so forth are readily condemned as “hateful.” Whether or not cultural Marxism is behind this imbalance, many people do seem purposefully prejudiced against certain points of view.

For Christians, dealing with cultural Marxism involves a spiritual dimension. It is undeniable that, in the West, Christian values are under attack. However, the root cause of these attacks is not wholly political or racial or social. It is spiritual. To the extent that traditional Western culture reflects biblical truth, attacks on that culture are anti-God. As an example, for centuries Western culture promoted chastity before marriage as an ideal; modern culture downplays chastity and glorifies immorality. Cultural Marxism at work? Possibly. Satan working in tandem with humanity’s sin nature? Assuredly (see James 1:14).

C.T. #wingnut #sexist #racist westsdarkesthour.com

[From "On silly Ann Coulter"]

A couple of days ago, on The Occidental Observer, Ann Coulter was annoyed by these words of Nick Fuentes: ‘Hitler is great, women should be forced to marry young and have children.’ Doesn’t Ann realise that in Jane Austen’s very decent world, women were forced to marry because they couldn’t inherit property? Doesn’t she realise that, by virtue of those values, the British Empire became so powerful?

Ann Coulter is certainly not a racist. She’s an asshole like the rest of the Republicans that ignore what Ludwig Klages said in Cosmogonic Reflections #25 about mankind and race: ‘We must draw a sharp distinction between the man who sees the world as divided between the “human” and the “non-human,” and the man who is most profoundly struck by the obvious racial groupings of mankind (Nietzsche’s “masters”). The bridge that connects us to the Cosmos does not originate in “man,” but in race’

That is what I call genuine spirituality (in contrast to the ‘spirituality’ that the Jewish authors of the New Testament have drummed into our heads). In the second chapter of Savitri Devi’s book, which will be available as a PDF this month, we read some prescient passages on how it is that the Christians of the 1930s had an intuitive knowledge that made them see that National Socialism was nothing less than the paradigm that replaces the old paradigm: the Jewish god by an Aryan God

Jim Richard #sexist #racist occidentaldissent.com

America was much more homogeneous in GLR’s day. There are a lot more people on the racial edge today, light-skinned Hispanics, Arab Christians, half-Jews, Eurasians, etc. Many grow up in the same conditions as their White neighbors and develop the same ultra-right views. For instance, I knew a guy in college(this would have been around 2012) was a half-White half-Korean who came into college with anti-White views. He couldn’t get a girlfriend and blamed this on White racism. But soon he realized that the reason Asian men are at the bottom of the dating hierarchy is because the Jews dominate American culture and use their position to valorize thuggish behavior.

Tom Shackleford #transphobia #sexist #wingnut identitydixie.com

[From "Tom’s Trans Classification System"]

If you’re feeling optimistic, I’d like to point out that in any society where trannies pop up on a timeline, calamity is coming next. History tends to be rather cyclical so this isn’t the first iteration of trannies, although it would definitely seem to be the most pervasive and severe. What I’m noticing is there are a set of archetypes in male trannies[…]
We have the Trolling Tranny. He just puts on female clothes one day, changes his name and that seems to be about it. One can infer that they get off on being able to do this to people and there’s nothing anybody can say about it but praise. This would be the Admiral Rachael Levine type[…]There used to be a bunch of comedies made out of a man dressing as a woman, which people seem to forget[…]
Next, is the Sincere Tranny. This is where it gets really creepy, even if you can’t articulate where this stuff is coming from and why, this type inspires great unease and visceral disgust in a healthy man. They get the surgeries, take the hormones and do their best to look like a woman. This often ends in suicide

Next, we have the Demonic Tranny. This type presents himself in the most jarring way possible, juxtaposing male and female features combined with makeup to accentuate his sinister aura. Sure, it’s a troll, but not to get a laugh

The fourth category would simply be what I call the Child Attacker Tranny, often described by themselves as “drag queens”[…]They conduct sexual assault operations against libraries, outdoor events, restaurants and bars, schools, and even nursing homes. They are now being paired with ANTIFA auxiliary units as public outrage continues to grow

The identity of a male tranny is based exclusively on his sex drive and perversions, while female trannies focus on how they are special, unique, and complex. This is because they believe that they deserve more attention than they were receiving as a normal woman

Anonymous #racist #sexist confessionpost.com

I Fucking Hate The Chinese
I hate Chinese people with a passion. They're everywhere with that pathethic dough face and small eyes and small beady eyes and even more horrible accents.

never in my life have I met a more lowly, cunning, cheating, heartless, humanless, greedy motherfucker in my life. I have good reasons to hate the Chinese.

1) They think they are superior. If you cant speak their language even if their are in YOUR country, they wont accept you. UH HELLO??? You are in MY country So YOU have to speak MY language fucking yellow skinned cunt.

2) The females of these species is unbelievably shallow and stupid. My Goodness, I have never girls doll themselves up like that till they look like a blow up doll. No probs with the guys I bet dont they have anything better to do? Preening on makeup and eyes and whatever not? Wont any Chinese girl simply wear a sweatpants and shirt and for crying out loud be NORMAL FOR ONCE! I have only seen Chinese girls put so much effort into this, Caucasian girls are better in looking natural. African American women are beautiful why cant anyone see that? They like this pale skinned waif skinny bitch who looks underaged.

3) They bring sickness to others. Swine Flu, Bird Flu(Avian Flu?), SARS, and God knows what else. Can they NOT look at an animal and think whether they would look good better as soup or stir fried??? Why are they eating everything??? I bet if given a chance, they would eat shit as well.

4) About animals, THEY HAVE NO ANIMAL CRUELTY ACTS in China! So yeah, you can see a man skinning a dog alive at the curbside and people would encourage the man. These people have no hearts.


7) Most white dude wants a Chinese girl. In fact, they are trophies! Whats so attractive about tiny, skinny, jaundiced slit-eyed freak anyway? I dont get it.

Im racist yes, Im just more open about it then you pretentious motherfuckers. I hate the Chinese and before you judge me, I want you to know that I am Asian too but not Chinese - thank God Im not. Such a despicable race.

Edward Omar Sharif Hiariej, Bambang Wuryanto and the Indonesia parliament #fundie #sexist #homophobia theguardian.com

Indonesia’s parliament is expected to pass a new criminal code this month that would criminalise sex outside marriage and outlaw insults against the president or state institutions, prompting alarm from human rights campaigners

The deputy justice minister, Edward Omar Sharif Hiariej, said in an interview with Reuters that the new criminal code was expected to be passed on 15 December. “We’re proud to have a criminal code that’s in line with Indonesian values,” he said

Bambang Wuryanto, a lawmaker involved in the draft, said the code could be passed by as early as next week

If passed, the code would apply to Indonesian citizens and foreign visitors, and introduce sweeping changes affecting a wide range of civil liberties

Sex outside marriage, which under the code could be reported only by limited parties such as close relatives, could lead to up to a year in prison, while unmarried couples would be banned from living together

Civil society activists have said this would leave same-sex couples, who do not have the right to marry, at additional risk of prosecution[…]
Insulting the president, which under the code could be reported only by the president, would carry a maximum of three years. Insulting state institutions and expressing any views counter to Indonesia’s state ideology would also be forbidden

Abortion would remain illegal except in cases of rape, according to the latest draft seen by Reuters, which was dated 24 November[…]
Savitri raised concerns over a provision that would criminalise “unsanctioned public demonstrations” that cause public unrest, which she said could be used to restrict peaceful assembly[…]
It is feared that a broad article in the code that refers to “living laws” could be used to recognise hundreds of regulations that exist at a local level and that are discriminatory against women, religious minorities and LGBTQ+ people

behindyourightnow #psycho #sexist #transphobia kiwifarms.net

This isn't the first time I've seen FTMs afraid of being in male spaces - it's like deep down they realize they are women and men are men, and are still afraid of men, and can't help but express that, but if you press them for details, they'll never say exactly why they're afraid, because it would mean admitting they they're women.

Which is exactly why they make such great victims. Transmen are constantly being targeted by MtF predators who know that this type of victim will have a hard time admitting they're being abused in the exact same way male abusers always abuse their female partners, because if they admit that it might destroy the illusion that they're a genuine manly bro-dude.

I know this has been said a million times but I just cannot get over how goddamn female Aidens are. There are so many writers who don't have a particular male or female writing style (this varies across genres, obviously) and yet every paragraph written by every Aiden screams female so loud it might as well be written in sparkly pink gel pen on unicorn stationery.

Look at those two women in the AO3 comments examining their feelings together! And examining the feelings of story characters. And making sure to flatter the feelings of males who aren't even in the conversation by asserting to each other that of course they support transwomen in women's bathrooms. (Even though males are dangerous to women, which is why transmen are not safe in male bathrooms...)

How many times do you see transwomen studiously reminding each other mid-conversation that transmen have needs too and must not be excluded from consideration? Fucking lol.

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