
Point Refuted A Thousand Times

Matt Walsh #pratt #wingnut youtube.com

The BLM Riots Were A Million Times Worse Than January 6th

Republicans should be doing the exact same thing with the BLM riots. All of the time that the Democrats spend talking about January 6th, Republicans should be spending the exact same amount of time talking about the BLM riots and in that case it would not be dishonest or cynical because unlike January 6th the BLM riots of 2020 were in fact an assault on our way of life, our civilization, our democracy if you like.

They were deadly. They were actually deadly, they were catastrophic, they were unthinkably tragic and they were explicitly supported every step of the way by every elected Democrat in the country. They resulted in 25 deaths, dozens of injuries, two billion dollars of damage across the country. They sparked a crime surge that still hasn't died away. They were several orders of magnitude worse than january 6th worse in every way by every conceivable metric. They had exactly the destabilizing effect on our system that January 6th allegedly had.

Crime is running rampant in many of the cities where these riots occurred. They therefore have a lasting impact and a relevance that january 6th does not have. The BLM rioters have paid almost no price at all. This is why the BLM riots represent an ongoing existential threat in a way that January 6th does not, never did, never could and never will.

Most people on the right condemned January 6th. That hasn't happened on the left on with the BLM riots. This is a point that Republicans could make over and over again. They could have candlelight vigils for the officers killed or injured by BLM. They could make sure that nobody ever forgets the date when David Dorn was shot in cold blood by a BLM militant, or the date when BLM militants invaded a police station in Minneapolis and burned it to the ground while the officers ran for their lives.

Republicans could do that, but they don't, because they are feckless, hapless, incompetent, and scared.

nancyzatanna #wingnut #pratt #crackpot deviantart.com

(Submitter Note: Last two remarks from them; feels like they are purposefully ignoring my remarks about him not being president for much of the crisis beforehand)
Sumter was fired on because Lincoln had sent an invasion fleet to South Carolina, an act of war.

You (And everyone else) still haven't answered why Lincoln didn't talk peace, or if secession was illegal in 1860. All excuses submitted are invalid, otherwise they would appear in every history book, and we wouldn't be having this argument.

nancyzatanna #wingnut #pratt #crackpot deviantart.com

(Submitter Note: Last two remarks from them)

Slavery again. Why didn't the "freedom-loving north" end slavery when the south left? Instead, the raised the tariff on imported goods as high as 50 per cent. After that, they heard that the south had imposed a 10% tariff and they lost their S**T. "Grass will grow on Wall Street and silt will fill New York harbor" warned a newspaper editor.

"If anything, the South was the one that arrogantly assume they can leave and anyone else had to follow their rules."

EVERYONE believed that at the time. The Northeast states threatened to do so many times. I guess THEY'RE just a bunch of "perpetual rebels and traitors" as we have been called for a century and a half.

Look, whether or not secession was legal, or treason is really a moot question. What everyone SHOULD be asking is "why didn't Lincoln allow negotiations?" He had a disaster on his hands: seven states said they were an independent nation and were demanding that the United States army remove the solders from two forts (Sumter in South Carolina and Pickens in Florida) within their borders OR ELSE. Instead, he sent warships to Charleston, which was taken as an ACT OF WAR. It didn't matter if those ships were loaded with "bread for starving solders", or soldiers and marines with orders to take the harbor, or love letters to the local "boy band", this was taken as an act of war! If I were to swing my fist at your face, I doubt that you'll believe me later when I say I was trying to swat a mosquito.

Lincoln didn't talk. He insisted that the southern states were part of the United States but would not reason with them. He preferred WAR. The fault is his. Over six hundred thousand dead the richest region crushed economically, and generations unborn hated.

And people like you are offended when we object.

EmirikolWoker & Frosty-Gate-8094 #pratt #wingnut reddit.com

RE: Do you think feminism should still be alive in today’s world ?

The foundational principles of all flavours of feminism (class warfare between men and women with men winning, shorthanded as "Patriarchy") are inherrently anti-male when you examine what needs to be true for it to accurately describe reality. Feminists can claim that it's "just about equality", but it's equality based on bigotted assumptions, presuming psychopathy on the part of men as a class.

As for the world of yesteryear, feminism's first big act was one of supremacy, the creation of a two tier citizenship where one class got citizenship rights (the vote) without the responsibility of civil and military conscription, while the other class' citizenship rights were contingent on their conscription. The Declaration of sentiments says "The history of mankind is a history of repeated injuries and usurpation on the part of man toward woman, having in direct object the establishment of an absolute tyranny over her."

Egalitarian values are innately anti-feminist.


Anyone who promotes gender equality must oppose the advantaging women as feminism promotes. It’s amazing more people don’t understand this fact.

That's because feminism lies and gaslights people.

They start it at very young and impressionable age. (preteen boys and girls)...

In that respect, feminism is behaving similar to how religion behaved for thousands of years..

Cook up lies based on murky details.. Teach those lies to preteen kids. And shame and cancel those who question your views.. (Call them blasphemer='mysogynist')

Even Galileo wasn't spared by the church.
His crime? He spoke the truth.

Feminism even invented its own little satan - patriarchy.

Micki Witthoeft #conspiracy #pratt nypost.com

The mother of Ashli Babbitt, the woman fatally shot during the Jan. 6 riot, stood on the Capitol steps Thursday and claimed her daughter was exercising a legitimate right to protest when she was killed by a US Capitol police officer one year ago.

“My daughter was an amazing, energetic, independent, powerful woman. I miss her every day,” Micki Witthoeft said through tears as members of Congress gathered inside to remember the first anniversary of the attacks.

“I’m here because Americans do have the right to protest, it’s your right as an American citizen to protest,” she continued.

Babbitt, a 36-year-old Air Force veteran, was shot by US Capitol Police officer Lt. Michael Byrd as she tried to crawl through a broken window to enter the Speaker’s Lobby on Jan. 6, 2021 as a mob of Trump supporters were storming the Capitol in an effort to disrupt the results of the 2020 presidential election.

“My daughter was a proud American patriot,” Witthoeft said. “She served this country her whole adult life. She loved God, America and loved her family.”

Witthoeft then claimed her daughter was “murdered by a careless, reckless” Capitol Police officer.

“She came to DC to hear Donald Trump speak about a stolen election, and little did we know that would be the last time she heard anybody speak,” the grieving mom said.

nancyzatanna #wingnut #pratt deviantart.com

(Submitter Note: I give up on this guy…)

Davis' home state was Mississippi.

So, you're saying that the northeastern states are TRAITORS for threatening to secede?

The Articles of Confederation were abandoned with the ratification of the United States Constitution; it is no longer the law of the land. The Constitution was ratified by ELEVEN states and only those states became part of the United States. It says that ONLY those states ratifying the Constitution would be part of the United States. South Carolina didn't join for six months. Rhode Island held out for a year. If it was a "perpetual union" a majority would have bound the rest to the agreement. Read the constitution: It says that it's a compact ONLY between the states that ratify it. So much for your "perpetual union".

The Constitution was created BY THE STATES. It's a compact BETWEEN THE STATES.

If any of what you wrote is true, why didn't Lincoln put any of this to the test? He's supposed to be a lawyer, after all. Why didn't his successors put it to the test if they were in the right? They would have been aware of these cases and could have used them against Davis and anyone else they wished to try. Instead, they forced "special taxes", back taxes, new laws, land confiscation, corrupt governments and military occupation. All this resulted in the creation of the KKK and after a government investigation, it was decided BY YANKEES that the "reconstruction" (To reconstruct the south to be like the north) was a disaster and a deal was made to end it by South Carolina using her electoral college votes to elect the Republican presidential candidate and later, the Posse Comitatus act.


Six states had formed their own country and Texas joined them. This was a disaster! Why didn't present (Like a good lawyer should) his evidence to the south, or to the Supreme Court and Congress? Instead, this "great man who did everything to avoid war" immediately decided that WAR was the best option.

Reverend #pratt kiwifarms.net

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.


They've only doubled down since then. This was my introduction to Evil Hat, and I gotta say I wasn't impressed.

Evil Hat is pure cancer, one of the scummiest companies around who will gleefully take up the content of an author and simultaneous shit all over them while making money off their name. They want to have it both ways and the community told them to go fuck themselves with an axe handle.

Donald Trump #conspiracy #crackpot #god-complex #pratt #wingnut fox8.com

Biden, who is destroying our Nation with insane policies of open Borders, corrupt Elections, disastrous energy policies, unconstitutional mandates, and devastating school closures, used my name today to try to further divide America. This political theater is all just a distraction for the fact Biden has completely and totally failed. Our Country no longer has Borders, has totally and completely lost control of Covid (record numbers!), is no longer Energy Independent, Inflation is rampant, our Military is in chaos, and our exit, or surrender, from Afghanistan was perhaps the most embarrassing day in the long and distinguished history of the United States—and so much more. Why is it that the Unselect Committee of totally partisan political hacks, whose judgment has long ago been made, not discussing the rigged Presidential Election of 2020? It’s because they don’t have the answers or justifications for what happened. They got away with something, and it is leading to our Country’s destruction. They want all conversation concerning the Election “Canceled.” Just look at the numbers, they speak for themselves. They are not justifiable, so the complicit media just calls it the Big Lie, when in actuality the Big Lie was the Election itself.

The Democrats want to own this day of January 6th so they can stoke fears and divide America. I say, let them have it because America sees through theirs lies and polarizations.”

emissch & Iridescence & BraveAndStunningTERF #transphobia #pratt ovarit.com

Historians and experts in the last year or so have been warning about the increasingly likely fall of US democracy as we know it, and that we are barreling full steam toward a far right Christian theocracy/autocracy.

At surface level, you might expect TRA to diminish if a far-right authoritarian government came to power, but I would argue that trans ideology wouldn't be erased at all. In fact, I think it would be readily accepted as a type of social enforcement arm of the US government to punish women and homosexuals.

I mean, look at Iran and how they happily subsidize gender re-assignment surgeries but punish homosexuality with death. Then look at the similarities between TRA and MRA, the misogyny and the homophobia that exists within the movement. Then look at the TIMs who slobber at the idea of corrective raping TERFS and lesbians. They seem like they are just jonesing for a Handmaid's Tale situation.

Am I totally off base in thinking TRA would probably do very well under a fascist dictatorship?

( Iridescence )
The Handmaid's Tale: TiM edition would be a terrifying story of complete patriarchy... the women contributing to women's oppression is a major theme in the original, but it would be a truly horrifying element to see even those women replaced by male pretenders.

( BraveAndStunningTERF )
TRA would do “better” than homosexuals for sure - I’m sure the MtF ones would anyhow due to them being men who would be (happily) subservient to other men. That would make them much less threatening then say a homosexual man.

Most people will accept being shit on if they have someone that they themselves can shit on.

The insurrection in the USA is definitely significant though, basically a failed coup. Even hitler had a failed coup, the Russians too???

Personally I blame each and every billionaire in the world.

Cambion-Hunter and Fail-Seeker #wingnut #conspiracy #pratt deviantart.com

Context: Cambion-Hunter coping and whining about Islamists, and the religion of Islam on his “MUSLIM IDIOTS AND MOB RULE” deviantion.

Then maybe they should have their fucking book destroyed more often. That way they can know what it feels like to have their "sacred scriptures" destroyed after how much they have done it to Jews and Christians.

Well, with how often they destroy churches, synagogues, Hindu temples, Buddhist temples, and secular houses (often containing scriptures and literature), these pious fuckheads think the whole world revolves around them and their so-called "prophet" who is written to have been a pedophilic, murderous, warmongering, enslaving, PSYCHOPATH so lots of Muslims are following his example.

And they wonder why many are tempted to burn their fucking "holy Qur'an" including Ex-Muslims.

To Jihidis and pious Muslims, it is OK when they do it. Hypocritical fascist despotic BASTARDS!

GalvaEmperor #pratt deviantart.com

Surprise, surprise the SJWs think moving on is bad. FFS, bad things happen and yes, tragedy takes time to heal but you can't spend your whole life mulling over how life didn't favor you that day or how things stink at times. This is gaslightng; they want women, POC and LGBT to think like they do and unless we can get them to see reason our battle is forever uphill

The_Trouvere #pratt #racist forum.literotica.com

Nope, I'm making the choice to ignore your perspective.

Just because you like to talk about your bullshit doesn't mean anyone is required to acknowledge it or discuss it with you.

What have I ever posted here about Negroes that is not true? Post it; let's discuss it. If you refuse, you are admitting that what I say about Negroes is true.

I have said, and now repeat, that by every objective measurable criterion blacks tend to be significantly less intelligent than whites.


Blacks have a murder rate that is nearly eight times the white rate.


They have an illegitimacy rate that is two and a half times the white rate.


Those who still blame white racism for black social pathology cannot explain why black rates of crime and illegitimacy have risen since 1964, when the Civil Rights Act was passed, and the War on Poverty was declared. They cannot explain the persistence of the race gap in academic performance, despite expensive programs like Head Start and No Child Left Behind.

My explanation is that human evolution has not prepared most Negroes for characteristics necessary to contribute to civilization. Characteristics that enabled the ancestors of Negroes to thrive in sub Saharan Africa cause many of them to earn felony convictions in civilized countries.

During most of history in civilized countries, most criminals were killed at the scene of the crime, like Trayvon Martin, they died in custody, like George Floyd, or they were executed. The few children some of them had rarely lived to adulthood. Consequently, crime gene alleles were removed from the genomes of civilized countries.

This is why the two civilized races have lower crime rates than the other races, and much lower crime rates than Negroes.

Various TERFs #transphobia #pratt ovarit.com

RE: How many autogynephiles are predatory, abusive, and/or dangerous?

All of them. 34 % (85 votes)
Most of them. 38 % (94 votes)
A small minority. 2 % (5 votes)
I don't know. 8 % (21 votes)
More research is needed to answer this question. 18 % (44 votes)

( actualdyke )
AGP in and of itself is predatory and certainly dangerous to women. how many AGPs are actually going to act upon that predatory mentality and harm women? i don't know (although it certainly seems like a lot). but how many AGPs are inherently predatory and dangerous to women? yeah, it's all of them. you literally cannot be an AGP if you don't fetishize, sexualize, obsess over, and deeply hate and disrespect women.

edit: and how could i forget to mention how it's basically impossible to have AGP without other paraphilias as well. from what i've seen of AGPs the most common ones are (auto)pedophilia and bestiality. so not only is AGP bad enough on its own, it almost always indicates even deeper and further levels of depravity and danger to others.

( GoodGoneGirl )
It depends on how you define “predatory”, “abusive” and “dangerous.” Is it predatory and/or abusive for an AGP (or any TIM) to force his way into women’s spaces? I’d argue that it is. Especially when those spaces are for women at their most vulnerable, such as the recent example of the TIM invading a female-only rape crisis group.

AGPs are doing this stuff to get off and they’re forcing women to go along with it. Rules are being bent and laws are being changed to accommodate them, so yes, I think every AGP who takes advantage of that is predatory and abusive.

As for being dangerous (will hurt, rape or kill) I think the number is going to be higher than for normal men. Maybe a bit higher, maybe a lot higher. That would be really hard to answer without more research.


( hmimperialtortie )
All of them. Even the so-called good ones who criticise those other AGPs. The concept is inherently abusive.

( momofreyrella )
All of them!

notyourfetish #pratt #transphobia ovarit.com


Althought the majority of men are awesome with men

Spoken like someone who is not a woman and doesn't know wtf he's talking about. But he's male, so of course he knows more about women's experiences than we do. Of course he thinks it's, like, two men who are committing 99.9% of all violent crime. Because when people lock their doors at night, it's in fear of women.

Trans women are mentally female

No such thing, you sexist piece of shit.

They entered a woman's restroom desperately not wanting to be noticed

Another lie. They enter a woman's restroom and get off on how uncomfortable it makes us. Then they leer and stare at us, record us with shoe cameras, glare threateningly at us if we look remotely uncomfortable with a large, menacing male in our space, and oh yeah, beat the living shit out of us if we ask them to leave.

It has happened multiple times because it's the majority of "transwomen," not a mere few boogeymen. But again, you know more about our experiences than us. You're a superior man, after all.

Many attempt to leave this world because of the hate

Then get therapy. It is not the entire world's responsibility to coddle your fragile porn-warped brains. It is not women's responsibility. Women don't exist to be your mommy or your therapist, and especially not at our own expense.

I spent years trying to run from being trans

Which shows how mentally ill you are because there is no such thing as being trans. You were born male and you'll always be male. Mutliating yourself won't change that. You do not have a female brain, you have the typical sexist male socialization, though.

There is no such thing as a female brain. Being a woman is not wearing a dress and pigtails and watching My Little Pony. How the fuck is that not sexist?


Prussian Society of America #dunning-kruger #wingnut #quack #pratt #sexist prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com


Just the other day, I had learned some new very insightful information on people wearing masks by some Woman who works in the Medical Industry about the effects of Mask Wearing on the Brain / Body
even while Brain Cells will begin to deteriorate and die, that the exposure to up to about 20% of reduction in Oxygen intake levels will even cause the Brain to adjust to build tolerance in breathing in lower levels of oxygen over extended periods of time
This now puts things in an ENTIRELY new perspective, explaining everything you need to know about this addiction to masking, when you sit back to understand the consequences as far as why people are so eager to continue wearing their masks and find no desire to let up or revolt against the practice
There are now well over 2 Billion Masks discarded into World Oceans since the start of the COVID Cult, not to mention all the other Hospital Equipment, all of it which is highly contaminated with Estrogenic properties
[Some rambling on environment and how Germany is not "the most Forward-Thinking Nation in the world [...] since 1945"]
Today, in my vicinity I had to stop at the Local Supermarket, and even just outdoors, everyone is wearing their Masks again just like back in April/May 2020
God Forbid, if I were living somewhere in Europe right now, even if there was a Law or Mandate, I would still not be wearing masks, even if it meant my death over it. I am beyond tired of this nonsense
If you can’t even be bothered to carry out the most minimal of resistance methods in this fight, like even to go about Slamming the Doors behind you in people’s face trying to Enter a store with their masks on at public establishments, or to tell some nasty cunt who is wearing her mask how ugly she is and how her face looks like a guy’s crotch, you are absolutely pathetic and worthless in this fight!
There is No “Happy New Year” at this point, and it would be foolish and disingenuous for me to say it, even out of cordiality or tradition

wiki4men #pratt #sexist wiki4men.com

Sexual assault

Under feminist inflience the definition of sexual assault now used in western nations has greatly expanded and now includes sexual coercion, unwanted kissing and genital fondling through clothes.

When it comes to sex women, as a rule, don't take no for an answer. Given the standard set by feminists, virtually all men have been sexually assaulted by a woman. No means no.

Lee_CPA #pratt #racist amren.com

Officer Potter simply did not commit a crime. The prosecution conceded that she did not intend to shoot Wright and that she made a mistake by pulling out and firing a gun instead of a Taser. Under American law, honest mistakes are not crimes. Every American, regardless of race or political persuasion, should be concerned when a decent police officer is indecently charged and convicted for making the kind of honest mistake that any person could make when confronted with the pressures of a life-or-death immediate decision.

The police are already starting to back down from, well, policing black neighborhoods and cities. This past weekend, I had to drive across a major metropolitan area to get to the grandkids. Usually, in years past, police would have been running radar every two miles on a holiday weekend. This weekend? NADA. Nary a squad car in sight. Blacks know this and were zooming around, safe with the realization that the police were nowhere in sight and if they were, they no longer stop a black on a mere traffic violation.

And who can blame the police? Blacks do the most irrational things, such as trying to fight six armed policemen. Things go bad and the officers know they can go from a routine traffic stop to fighting for their lives in less than a second. Then, in today's "woke" environment, they are thrown under the bus by their superiors and politicians, crucified in the media, their lives and livelihood ruined.

From what I have read, this female officer really didn't need to be on the streets in a felony stop. She may have had two decades police experience, but most was in administrative positions, not out on a patrol beat. I think she was put into the position of being on the streets due to the manpower shortages caused by the current anti-police societal environment.

How many times do we see this story replayed before the "good" people say enough is enough? Lather, rinse, repeat....

notyourfetish #transphobia #pratt ovarit.com

None of them are trying to hide their fetishtistic motivations for calling themselves women, which you typically see in TW who want to distance themselves from AGP. So I’m kind of amazed to see them letting all of this hang out, and I’m wondering if they walked into a trap by confirming everything TERFs have been claiming about them from day 1.

I think a lot of them are deeply delusional or very in denial that their "woman feelings" are basically just twisted perversion. So they pretend their AGP is some kind of valid identity and that they're an oppressed minority (which also shows how homophobic they are, because that's how they view gay people, as sexual deviants or something).

But they're not an oppressed minority. They are just straight men who have destroyed their sexuality with porn. And rather than acknowledge what they've done to themselves, they'd rather live in denial while telling themselves they must have some sort of "identity."

To convince people they have this "identity," they lurk and spy, study feminine women's mannerisms to copy them, and read the things that actual minorities say online, and then they copy us verbatim to convince themselves (not just everyone else) that they really are this poor widdle minority who is in danger constantly, etc.

They are basically mentally unstable, dangerous men.

Testosterone causes sexualized feelings that makes you end up with a fetish. Okay, cool. So what are we supposed to make of trans women who have high levels of testosterone in their systems? When they go into the locker room and all that T starts giving them euphoria boners, are women supposed to just…not care about this? Are we supposed to pretend that this isn’t a fetish when all of y’all are admitting that this exactly what this is? Like, WTF?

That he actually thinks "transitioning" makes the "fetish feelings" stop is insane. If that were true, then why are so many "transwomen" with bottom surgery still harassing the shit out of lesbians?

I've never observed a TIM who transitioned and suddenly decided that lesbians were people and that our sexuality should be respected. Instead, they just continue in the same male mode, demanding sex from women who aren't attracted to them and calling us bigots and killing us when we say no.

Ilovebunnies19 #racist #pratt reddit.com

The reason they want Kyle found guilty is because of revenge. They want him found guilty because he's white. That's why they keep bringing race into it despite the "victims" being white.

It's the same thing that happened to Chauvin. How exactly was it first degree murder? How was it planned? They only acted that way because he was white. It wasn't justice, it was revenge. The dude was saying how he couldn't breathe before he went on the floor. And had one of the most dangerous drugs in his system- yet somehow that was all overlooked. Even if you could argue it was neglectful, Chauvin got the most extreme punishment possible.

sojourner_truth_ & hmimperialtortie #pratt #transphobia ovarit.com

( sojourner_truth_ )
I've seen TRAs respond with "that's not a true trans" when presented with examples of predatory TIMs. So don't beat yourself up for confusing the "bad apple" talk for the "no true trans" fallacy- they probably became fused in your head because of the knee jerk reaction TRAs always have whenever a TIM rapes his mother, or rapes a taxi driver, or rapes a dog, or molests a little girl.

Every time like clockwork, they start saying BOTH "you still have to respect her pronouns!!!" AND "but that was no true transwoman!" Lol. Listening to these people is maddening.

( hmimperialtortie )
The irony is that the predatory men are the truest “trans” there is. The TIM rapists and paedophiles are the epitome of the breed.

( sojourner_truth_ )
Peaking comes in a series, I'm realizing. First comes the baby peak, for some people it's men shouldn't be in women's prisons or something really blaringly clear... but if you keep looking at reciepts from this gang, you will eventually peak more and more... and I think the final peak is exactly this: TIM rapists and pedos are the epitome of the breed, the truest trans there is, the final result of indulging in degeneracy for long enough.

It makes me look at other cultures that I wrote off as being so backwards because they toss all sexual degeneracy into one bucket that is off limits... and now I see that they had a damned good point. There are many roads to Rome, and there are many paths for men to turn into someone so debased they'll rape an infant or a dog. All those paths should be understood for what they are: degeneracy that undermines society.

European Son #pratt #racist amren.com

RE: “I Despise White People” Lawsuit Against OSU Can Go Forward

“I despise white people” Then GET THE KCUF OUT of our country. Screw it, get off our planet.

Would love to see these people manage in Sub-Saharan Africa without the use of anything created, invented or discovered by Whites along with any kind of white aid... Blacks couldn't even manage to invent the wheel and still to this day can't even figure out how to feed themselves without massive aid... Blacks living in white nations have by far the highest quality of life of any Blacks ever yet they seriously think we have somehow wronged them... They should be sent home immediately to face reality...

they cannot possibly despise us more than we do them.

Only difference, of course, is we have legitimate reasons... Blacks benefit immensely from white innovation and living among Whites while Blacks have contributed nothing of value and only bring problems to communities... If Blacks weren't so brainwashed by their "blame whitey" nonsense and were instead aware of the massive benefits they have due to living in white nations along with all that Whites have created and most of all were honest with themselves regarding such things they would be immensely thankful (as they should be) but instead we have to deal with all this...

If a white in that position said something similar about hating blacks OSU would have fired them in lightning speed yet they protect a black saying how she hates white people. Typical in academia.

White money and support is funding institutions that preach hatred against Whites, worship nonwhites and give all kinds of advantages to others and not them... It's insane...

Nothing is more important than uniting as a people in great enough numbers and fighting back as a group because only with numbers can we make real change... and the whole system needs to change...

Owlchaser #transphobia #pratt ovarit.com

"A [man who thinks he's a woman] took out his penis and jacked off here, but you'll never know."

"A [man who thinks he's a woman] rooted through the sanitary product garbage and took out your used pads to put in his own underwear. But you'll never know."

"A [man who thinks he's a woman] was scouting this area to put in a hidden camera. So he could use that later to jack off at home, and/or to post the footage online. But you'll never know."

"A [man who thinks he's a woman] was listening to the sounds coming from your stall, while you were at your most vulnerable, and had some truly disgusting thoughts. He was also leering at you between the cracks in the stalls while you weren't looking. But you 'll never know."

StudenofSu2020 #pratt #sexist reddit.com

Feminism really hurts the rights of people with autism. Feminists solely want men with autism to be disregarded and treated like subhumans. They don’t care about jocks who act like douchebags to everyone and harassed them nonstop. They enjoy that, it’s only when an autistic dude does it, they don’t like that. They will fight for income equality to take successful men with autism money. They don’t want to be productive in society, instead it’s take our money and date chat.

notyourfetish #transphobia #pratt ovarit.com

According to TERFs, gender identity is either something socially contructed in a way that means most trans people have the histories of their birth sex and gender, nonexistent, or something that always relates to the initially assigned, presumed or physical sex in question.

Um, yeah. It's called reality, bub. Being trans isn't real. You were born a man, and you'll always be a man.

Trans people are considered appropriative in the way that certain people appropriate cultures or racial backgrounds.

Appropriating other people's struggles is all you've ever done. You're parasitic at this point.

Some TERFs believe that trans people are perverts in a harmful and nonconsensual way and that transitioning is just a way for men to gain access to women or straight women to gain access to gay men.

Perverts in a harmful and noncensensual way . . .as if there were some good way to be a pervert?

If you weren't transitioning to gain access to women and if this was really about your mental delusion that wearing a dress makes you a woman (it doesn't), then why don't "transwomen" ever demand access to spaces where women are older or at least less vulnerable?

Why don't "transwomen" ever demand access to a military barracks, an old ladies' church group, or a convent full of nuns? Because "transwomen" can't rape, harass, and prey on those women with impunity, and they have no desire to be around women who don't get thier "girl dick" hard. Women in prisons and homeless shelters and public restrooms are easier, younger, more desirable targets. But sure. Play dumb.

A man who puts on a dress and tells lesbians they have to fuck him or else they're a bigot is -- surprise! -- a pervert.

A man who gets a boner from wearing women's clothes is -- surprise! -- a pervert.

A man who tries to force the entire world to go along with his fetish is -- surprise! -- a pervert.

A man who gets off on invading women's spaces is -- surprise! -- a pervert.

THE WAY & Vox Nihili #pratt #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: Colorado School Segregates Playground for ‘Families of Color’


In a statement to Fox News, the Centennial Elementary School officials said the event was formed due to parent’s request and open to all families. ‘Our school leaders met with some of the black families whose children attend our school to determine ways for these families to feel more included in our school community. Some of these families shared with us that, since the only time many of them see one another is at drop-off and pick-up times, we host some events where black families can meet one another, connect with one another and share their experiences about the school with one another. We are honoring their request.

It's only stupid mind damaged Whites who argue against segregation to show that they are color blind. Dumb. Full racial separation is the answer. It's too bad, however, that it is Blacks who are calling for segregation and getting their way because if they suddenly change their minds and want full integration they'll also get their way. Why are we Whites letting Blacks rule us this way? Are we so stupid?

(Vox Nihili)

Why doesn't everyone just quit with the equity stuff. (as in conservatives using the same language as the equity kooks)

We all know this is all about banning whites as much as possible and nothing more.

Banning Whites AFTER they have inserted themselves into our neighborhoods and schools. That's the part that is maddening to me. My husband had it on Fox News last night when Rufo was on, predictably complaining about teaching kids segregation and Jim Crow, blah blah. I told my husband they should have me on instead, because I'd be happy to blast that they have some real nerve invading our spaces, then yelling at us about how bad we are and insisting on special treatment. On what planet is that fair to Whites? Not that anyone cares about that....

US Green Party Black Caucus #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #moonbat #pratt #quack blackcaucusgreens.org

We Say No To Mandates

What has become known as the Medical Freedom movement is arguably the biggest and most diverse international movement in world history.

Vaccine mandates and vaccine passports are among the most vile, unconstitutional, immoral, unscientific, discriminatory and outright criminal policies ever enforced upon the population and goes against everything the Green Party stands for under Social Justice. These policies are coming from an out-of-control government at the behest of the pharmaceutical industry. The mainstream media and social media are also working in lock-step to censor any and all doctors, scientists, and investigative journalists who have an opposing view or who even question the current mainstream media orthodoxy.

It has taken a while, but more recently many medical professionals, elected officials and federal judges have come out fully against lockdowns, vaccine mandates, vaccine passports and of course massive censorship. There is a growing clarity among many that these measures have nothing to do with health and everything to do with a power-grab at levels never before seen in the history of the world.

The National Black Caucus of the Green Party of the United States adheres to the principle that Informed Consent in all personal health and medical decisions is an inalienable human right.

Under no circumstances shall any medical treatment or procedure — including psychotropic medications, vaccines or other injectable treatments — be mandated or coerced. Individuals should be allowed to protect/heal themselves in a manner that best supports their medical and spiritual beliefs.

The coercive methods we oppose include:

Removal of minors from their guardians

Travel restrictions or restrictions from public spaces based on a requirement for "vaccine passports" or any other proof of "compliance" with any medical intervention

Vaccine requirements that target specific populations based on ethnicity/race, even if positioned as correcting disparities

notyourfetish #transphobia #pratt ovarit.com

They keep comparing being black to being trans as if both were immutable traits that people are both with.

Being black is actually a real thing, dude. It's racist to say all black men are rapists because it's completely ridiculous to base someone's character on an immutable, trivial trait like skin tone that they have no control over.

"Trans" people aren't born trans. "Trans" is not an immutable, innate trait. "Trans" is not even fucking REAL. "Transwomen" identify as "trans" because they're pornsick straight dudes who have warped their sexuality beyond belief and think that being a woman means strapping on sexy porn gear and harassing lesbians. It's not some shit they were born with or have no control over, and even it was, being a pervert from crib to coffin is not some kind of harmless trait like race or sexuality.

The fucking truth is that "transbians" are rapists. You might as well say someone is a bigot for calling a serial killer a murderer.

pantypopo #pratt #transphobia outofmypantiesnow.wordpress.com

When is 90% not Substantially ALL?

Okay, I rounded… I admit it. I rounded 88% up to 90%. Substantially all still applies. Do not mistake that.

88% of the transgender population, those people who are protected by gender identity and gender expression laws, are, as reported by their own advocacy organizations, males with a psychosexual disorder. (1)

Many men with psychosexual disorders practice their fetish in the privacy of their own homes. But as many as 13,946,348 of them in the US, at the time of this writing, will be free to practice their fetish in public, in front of your children, in women’s locker rooms, in the girls bathroom at school. (2) This will be enabled by current and pending transgender legislation throughout the US. (3)

Transgender fetish is the largest sexual disorder reported in convicted sex offenders.(4) Almost 100% of convicted sex offenders have a documented history of transvestism, crossdressing, free-dressing, Autogynephilia, transsexualism – in other words: TRANSGENDER.

60% of convicted sex offenders have transgender fetish as their primary paraphillia (a parapillia is a psychological sex disorder). Of the remaining fetishists, such as pedophiles, rapists, etc., 60% of those sex offenders have transgender fetish as their secondary parapillia, in addition to their primary disorder. Finally, 40% of convicted sex offenders have transgender fetish as their tertiary (3rd) fetish among multiple disorders.

Transgender sex disorders are the leading indicator of criminal sexual behavior.

This is what transgender does:
(1) Transgender Law and Policy Institute estimates the Transgender population at 2 – 5% of the US population. National Center for Transgender Equality reports that only 0.25 – 1.0 % of the US population are Transsexual, persons suffering from a complete psychosexual inversion whose body identity disorder/ body dysmorphia disorder takes the form of an obsession with having the primary and secondary sex characteristics of the opposite sex.

The remaining 88% percent of the Transgender population are here: The Transvestites, Crossdressers and Autogynephiliacs. THIS is Transgender – substantially ALL of the transgender population, as reported by their own advocacy organizations, are males with a psychosexual disorder.

fauxstoicism #pratt #psycho #sexist reddit.com

To all the males lurking here and trying to get our subreddit banned

Cope harder moid. Yes this is a male hate sub. And why shouldn't it be? You rape us, impregnate us, tie us down to you using social and economic systems and institutions specifically designed to benefit you. You terrorize our existance. You threaten our safety, well-being, and life itself. You've made it miserable to live. You want us to live in your service, constantly birth babies with your genes and your last names. You treat us like walking incubators, pass laws to keep us in our subservient place, enact unbelievable violence just because you can. You are the enemy. You're so angry because radical feminism and black pill feminism lays bare the truth about your psyche; your need to absolutely control the very being of women. And so what if we advocate for sex selective advocacy of male foetuses? It's a non-violent way of making males extinct. Males have proven at least since the beginning of history that they are literally incapable of not raping, enslaving, torturing and wanting to control women. So why are you suprised that we think you are biologically hard wired to be violent and deranged? There's not enough evidence to the contrary. It's a very implausible scenario, but in case males go extinct permanently, I'll rejoice. Take your dose of copium; males have crippled chromosomes floating in your cells. Male nature is the product of Nature playing Frankenstein with complex life. And the experiment ought to end.

Ali Alexander #wingnut #pratt rightwingwatch.org

The former president’s chief of staff Mark Meadows may have reneged on his promise to cooperate with the Jan. 6 committee, but Ali Alexander, the leader of the so-called Stop the Steal movement, has followed through, spending eight hours in a closed-door hearing Thursday. In a draft of his opening statement, which was leaked to the New York Times, he denied having anything to “do with any violence or lawbreaking that happened on January 6”—a statement that flies in the face of his own comments and declarations ahead of the insurrection calling for rebellion, including leading chants of “Victory or death!” at a rally on the eve of the violence.

The findings of the closed-door hearing have not been made public, but based on his planned opening and public statements, it appears the far-right organizer is attempting to simply deny wrongdoing and pass the buck. Alexander claims he did not foment violence and that on the day of the rally, he attempted to deescalate the violence with calls of “peace,” while other organizers were nowhere to be found. Such claims ask the House select committee to suspend reality and ignore Alexander’s real-time approval of Trump loyalists descending on and breaching the Capitol as well as the role of violent rhetoric that was a staple of his Stop the Steal rallies.

Tucker Carlson and Nigel Farage #sexist #wingnut #crackpot #conspiracy #pratt mediaite.com

“So somebody who knows him told me, and I’d be interested in getting your take on this, that getting COVID emasculated him, it changed him, it feminized him, it weakened him as a man. Do you think that’s…” Carlson asked right-wing British politician Nigel Farage, on his Fox Nation show Tucker Carlson Today, Wednesday, in a discussion about U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who got the coronavirus in March 2020.

“Well I think he was very seriously ill,” said Farage.

“Oh, for sure he was,” said Carlson.

Farage noted, “One of the things we have learned from Covid is people who are 50, 60, 70, 80 pounds overweight tend to have fared very badly.”

“Sure,” said Carlson.

“Now we don’t talk about it much,” said Farage.

“But the virus itself, this is true, does tend to take away the life force in some people I notice,” said Carlson. “I mean it does feminize people. No one ever says that but it’s true.”

MiMi2013 #pratt #psycho #sexist #transphobia ovarit.com

Some years ago (2009-2012, somewhere in there) I watched a surveillance camera video of some black teen girls pulling a 27 year old white guy with long scraggly blond hair , out of the womens' bathroom (in a fast food place; think it was a Burger King). They beat the shit out of him, and he just curled up in a ball, sobbing.

Back then, I was such a dunce I actually felt sorry for him, because "he's obviously a harmless gay man, and he might get beat up by homophobes in the men's bathroom! "

Now, I know those girls were right; he was almost certainly an autogynephiliac, and the reason he was curled up sobbing, is, he just couldn't believe vaginathings, subhuman objects put on this earth to do whatever men tell them to, were failing to "validate his feelings". That's what we she-goats are for, after all.

Once I read those papers c.2014-2015, in which we learn that when men interact with other men, the part of their brain devoted to interpersonal communication engages, while when dealing with women, it's the part devoted to assessing objects-IOW, men literally "see" women as non human-that changed everything for me. It explains so much about not just today, but for all of recorded history. And it most definitely explains the violent entitlement of too many men, and most especially of trans woMEN.

Trans woMEN are men, regardless of whether they're the small minority who have themselves castrated and mutilated, parts regrafted to their bodies in a vague approximation of female genitalia , and pumped full of horse piss hormones, or the overwhelming majority who think they've found a 'cheat sheet' to force lesbians into letting them insert their "lady dicks" into their bodies. Many don't even make token efforts to pass...Almost as if the fun for them is using their obviously male appearance to frighten women and girls trapped with them in spaces that should be reserved for biological females only.

Various Commenters #pratt #racist #sexist #wingnut reddit.com

RE: 16-year-old sister repeatedly rapes 13 year old brother and becomes pregnant. Admits to forcing brother with beatings and threats to tell people he was raping her. 13 year old boy is arrested, while "16 year old girl victim is hospitalized" (literally exact words from the article)


"She then pressured her brother and started forcing him to have sex without her consent."



Years of feminist "men are predators, women are victims" narrative ended up with us reaching this point.

Fuck India's laws. Complete and utter shithole

The US isn't much better.

Let's face it. Practically everywhere legally for men is shit rn. Everyone is living in a dystopia. Btw, nice username

Misandrist media, society and government. Sadly that boy is about to get a taste of male disposability while he's still basically a kid.

Exactly this, women will look at the top 20% of men and scream about how unfair their life is compared to them while ignoring the bottom 80% of men who are literally living a shit existence.

India moment. This is what happens when feminism gets to make the law.


Ah yes India, that well-known bastion of feminism...

Well it was indian feminist who were against gender neutral laws for men and boys in india. They even wanted to exclude boys from bill protecting minors from sexual abuse and rape.

this must be that male privilege i keep hearing about.

This is “male privilege” in action. Anyone still using that phrase can go fuck themselves.


It must be horrifying to live in India

Truly a shithole with shitty people. Not surprised that all their intellectuals aee migrating to the west.

India is just a hole… I feel so sorry for all our guys living there right now

Various Commenters #pratt #racist reddit.com

RE: How safe do people feel to walk alone on the streets at night


One word: immigration

Call me crazy, but it seems like countries where the percentage of people whose grandparents weren't born in Europe is higher have the least safety.

Thank you, immigration. Well it's not fair to put all immigration in the same basket. Insecurity comes usually from immigrants of the Menapt region at least in France, but from what i've seen it's the same everywhere in Europe. Coincidence?


Well, i dont believe this.

So small difference between Poland and Germany?

Poland is faar safer than Germany.

As someone who lived in both Portugal and Poland, it makes no sense. I felt way safer in Poland, not even comparable, and while in Portugal I got mugged on average once a year in Poland I didn't suffer any kind of crime during the 8 years I lived there.

This is spiralling out of controle in France.

Our government and the left are basicly ignoring the issue. Here in Caen i had to take the metro further than i would want to in order to avoid the people coming from immigration, i have been insulted as a "Sale Blanc" (Dirty White).

My nephews Dad works in the Israeli army and because of Social media it is now known and the death threats are common.

I plan to stick around until 2027 and see if things get better, else i plan to immigrate in order to avoid Violence and racism, ironic right?

For Romania it's true. Our most robbers are in France now.

Romanians were the robbers 15-25 years ago. Now they are staying in their caravans in order to be safe from the people coming from Maghrebian/turkish immigration.

Various TERFs #pratt #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: No one is trans. Being trans isn't a real thing

( CitizenKaren )
Transness isn't a real thing. It's supposedly feeling like the opposite sex, but as anyone who doesn't claim to be trans can confirm, no one feels like any type of sex. Feeling like a sex isn't a real thing.

TIMs and TIFs are not transitioning to anything, they're just making themselves look stranger.

( hmimperialtortie )
Precisely. It’s a nonexistent “condition”. The whole thing is a lie, a fantasy, a fetish. I doubt many of them even believe it - they’re not genuinely delusional, they’re lying for the power it gives them over people.

( TransWidow )
It was pretty clearly a mental illness with my ex.

( chrysthefeminist )
Exactly, it's a form of power and control, not a "mental illness."

( xx_emptygrave )
Transgenderism is a mental illness for some and a fetish for many. It's a deluded belief that somehow you are the opposite sex "deep down inside" and feeding into that delusion until they travel down the surgery route and destroy their body to match that delusion. Or they are coom-brained males who get a hard on from wearing women's clothes,with the encouragement and coddling from society allows these fetishistic males to LARP as women so they can live their fetish 24/7 and force to involve as much ppl as possible to get the biggest coom.

"Transphobia" isn't real, neither is "non-binary".

It's all a made up thing in a deluded and/or fetishist's mind.

( TransWidow )
Mentally ill and fetishistic aren't mutually exclusive types of trans people, in my experience.

Only_Women_Are_Women & PGTips4Lyfe #conspiracy #pratt #transphobia ovarit.com

( Only_Women_Are_Women )

Why do they do this? Why do they (the APA, AMA, everyone else) lie that this is not a mental illness?

Money, control, power trip, Woke takeover of key positions, and/or (not even joking at this point) demonic possession.

If they marketed it as a mental illness they would have far more legitimacy in my eyes

My guess is they ran the numbers -- one or two pills for life to treat "dysphoria" would be like Prozac profit-wise, but endless major surgeries, hormones, and publishing deals even -- $$$$ sky's the limit.

Thing is, Big Pharma and friends are already jillionaires just from how sick everyone is from the food industry, so I am not 100% convinced it's all money-driven.

Also, underlying hatred of women -- even of humanity in general. Huge grants from the Rothblatt Transhumanist Super Villains?

( PGTips4Lyfe )
Yeah it really can't be just money. It has to be mass perversion of the elite, like sadistic (satanic) levels. And to them its all one big inside joke. Its not a conspiracy like a cabal of chanting priests, its just a big wank off joke among people who cannot feel anything so they hurt others for fun.

Like when Mark Zuckerberg said quote:

-"You can be unethical and still be legal that's the way i live my life. Haha"

This is how they live.

Astanyax #pratt #psycho #racist amren.com

RE: No Arrests After Hundreds of Children Involved in Brawl at Tampa Trampoline Park

A certain segment of the population wouldn't have discovered the technologies needed to build a trampoline, even if it had been given another 100,000 years to do so. That segment of the population has NO CLAIM to the trampolines that other cultures have built.

That thinking should apply to EVERYTHING. Deny them access to EVERYTHING that didn't exist in the Stone Age, which is where they still belong.

We allowed a THING whose ancestors couldn't develop the wheel, let alone the automobile, to climb into an SUV, and look how THAT turned out.

Separation is the simple solution…

Apartheid worked very well in South Africa (for Blacks as well as for Whites!) until the international community decided that the Whites had to be punished with relentless application of economic sanctions and embargoes.

During the apartheid era, "Baragwanath Hospital" was a world-class hospital where South African Blacks could receive the White man's medicine for token fees. For example, they could get cataract surgery for less than a Rand, the unit of the country's currency. From blind to sighted for a few cents, courtesy of the White South African taxpayer!

Now that South Africa has been "liberated", the hospital has been renamed the "Chris Hani Baragwanath Hospital", in honor of one of the country's original communists.

And now it's a place of trashed wards, garbage in the corridors, bodies in the corridors etc.

Haven’t you heard the slogan ‘stolen from natives, built by free black labour’? They literally think America as it looks like today was built by blacks.

I've also heard the slogan: "Built by the White man, Appropriated by the (censored) man, Handed over to the Black man".

I do apologize for the self-censorship, but we may not criticize those who rule over us. People who have recognized the pattern will make the necessary inferences.

various TERFs #pratt #transphobia ovarit.com

( hmimperialtortie )
A funeral is not the time for an AGP to express his fetish.

There is no time or place outside his bedroom an AGP should be permitted to do this.

( littleowl12 )
Exactly. Debbie Hayton's school should be allowed to fire him, especially. It's really discouraging that TIMs claimed to suffer the same discrimination as people of color, and the West has bought it.

( crodish )
This is one of the points I still struggle with. I have no issue with men wearing women's clothing, but where is the line drawn? Debbie Hayton's clothes are "sensible" and "non-fetishy", so the only issue is that because we know he's male. But "clothes have no gender" and "anyone should be able to wear whatever they want".

He's one of the ones that "just wants to live their life" but where do we draw the line for "good trans"?

( littleowl12 )
No, he dresses just like his wife. Creepy as hell. "Modest Christian Wife" is every bit as kinky to AGPs as fishnets. That's the whole point of AGP. There's just a range of tastes. From dressing like a grandmothers to school girl skirts.

I don't care that he "just wants to live his life." He can do that at a transvestite pub, not in front of children. He's not materially harmed by having work boundaries that interfere with his sex life. It's not on the kids to help him cope with his cross-dressing compulsion.

Clothes have no gender, technically. But that's not the way TIPs see it, especially AGPs. Like I said, I don't think people have the right to wear whatever they want in every single context. And white men don't need some kind of special care or deference when it comes to the workplace. It's not even the fallacy of being "colorblind,"- it's everything blind.

( hmimperialtortie )
He’s another abuser, isn’t he? Trans widow in the background? I don’t think any man should be allowed to LARP as a woman in public. My “they’re just clothes” or “oh, cool” days of seeing men in dresses are long past. Seeing what AGPs are and what they do killed them stone dead.

Francis Di Paola #pratt #racist #wingnut amren.com

The current atmosphere of racial animosity in the U.S. and across the world towards white people will not let up until the following is understood:

White people are not to blame for the state of black people anywhere in the world. To suggest that black people have no autonomy (as liberals do) is demeaning, infantilizing.

White people have a right to stand up for their history and culture and have the right to preserve it.

People are different. The different races have evolved genetically and culturally in isolation of each other and in different ecosystems.

Black people and others need us: we don’t need them. White people gave the world the vast majority of technological, scientific and medical breakthroughs, as well as such things as democracy, human rights, free speech.

White people owe black people nothing. If anything, black people in the US owe us. Taxpayers have spent over $22 trillion on black people over 60 years. The result is resentment against white people, continued black poverty, high murder statistics, appalling scholastics records, abandoned and dirty cities, broken black families, and government dependency.

Cultural appropriation goes both ways. If cultural appropriation is bad, then black people need to stop wearing Nikes, using electricity or modern hospitals, playing basketball, using eBay and Amazon or the internet, driving cars, etc.

Liberals are the modern-day plantation masters. Liberals give blacks monthly stipends, put them in free housing, and don’t seem to think they can do anything for themselves. Liberals have handicapped pets: black American Democrats.

Black Violence Matters.

I’m happy that Americans of Asian descent are joining the nascent dialogue around race in the US they have every right to be angry and resentful of black violence and ineptitude. I pray for the moment when the US becomes Northern Central America, when Hispanic people become the majority, because “liberals" will have to look for someone else to blame for black ineptitude.

Various TERFs #transphobia #pratt ovarit.com

( AnneLister )
The ugliness that's going on in MTF spaces is only rivalled by incel communities. It's the exact same kind of disgusting depravity.

( IrishTheFrenchie )
I personally think they're the same people.

( AnneLister )
The Venn diagram is a circle.

( IrishTheFrenchie )
NeoNazis are in that circle too.

( hmimperialtortie )
And the child rapists.

( remove_the_veil )
Chris Chan is the 'missing link'. ;p

mathlover #crackpot #pratt #transphobia ovarit.com

Of course TIMs are more viscerally repulsive to lesbians than normal men. While sex with a lesbian may be a fantasy for a lot of normal men, they don't specifically seek to rape lesbians as the only way they can obtain sexual gratification and "validate" who they are as men. In contrast, ALL het male TIMs actively seek to rape lesbians. That makes them viscerally more creepy, digusting, repulsive,and threatening - because they are.

Various Anons #homophobia #pratt #racist #wingnut boards.4chan.org

is there such a thing as mexican nationalism? do mexicans think they have something worth being proud about?


I am an italian american living in staten island. These spics, all of latam and spain, have nothing to be proud of. When we re-built new york, the niggers and puerto ricans rioted and killed civilians.


Never been to Mexico but they sure are mighty proud of it once they’ve managed to run away.

What I can’t stand is that they’ll say that the particularly deficient ones will claim that the US’s West coast is native land and Mexican land in the same breath


Mexican nationalism and Latin American nationalists in general are a fucking joke. It makes zero sense, if anything they should be pushing for patria grande and a restoration of their lands here in the USA


Who cares if they do or don't. Their refugees are proud without cause which makes them a laughing stock. If you intend to conquer, do it. Just slowly overwhelming while being paranoid in the process (do they notice? will I get deported if a cop pulls me over? how many more kids does Maria need to push out until I'm a humanitarian crisis for them?) is pretty sad. Now they stand victorious. This is how they got here. Sad.


Northern mexico is a shithole dragging us down.
All cartels and narco culture were born in the north in shitholes like Tamaulipas and Sinaloa
US should invade and genocide every norteno
My dick get rock hard when other shitskin Mexicans humiliate themselves in front of foreigners, fuck their inferiority complex turns me on, I love when Mexicans are humiliated


Dia de las hamburguesas coming soon gringo.


we hate niggers.

>we invaded the white cucks' homeland without firing a shot.
>get to keep our traditional values (mostly).
>women get put in their fucking place
>way more Americans die every year thanks to our drugs than die in Mexico due to the cartels.
>globohomo has not infested our country but we still have to opose it.
>Mexican americans live 4 (!) years longer than white americans

Dylan #pratt #psycho #sexist #transphobia #wingnut kiwifarms.net

Resident terf here: I've been thinking about why exactly radical feminism doesn't fit with the left or right for a while now. Not to sound super SJW, but I think it's because modern day American politics were built by and for men. Men in the 1700s honestly didn't expect women to be a voter bloc. Even when women were granted the right to vote in the 1920s and slowly started to integrate themselves into politics over the years, most politicians are men on the left and right, so arguably they primarily represent left men and right men respectively. Political alignment doesn't protect men from being misogynistic, and radical feminism has a problem with misogyny, so naturally they don't really fit on the typical political spectrum as the common ground for radical feminism is eradicating the root of misogyny, a ideology that can be held by liberal and conservative women.


I have been telling this in the past, and I'll repeat: terfs are just broken clock showing right time. It's YOUR deranged ideology that was built on manhate, hating masculinity, suppressing natural male sexuality, feminizing boys, and creating a message of men bad girls good that cauzed shit you've gotten into. Trannies are product of feminism and progressivism. Go and suck girl dick, you've earned it. The only real reason terfs are terfs is because of man hate. They hate mtf because they were men, they hate ftm because they ditched sisterhood. Terfs don't belong anywhere, because you're bunch of mongloid retards who can't take accountability for the product of your ideology.

In a fight of terfs vs tranies I would like to see them both cemented in a ditch.

Got Questions Ministries #conspiracy #fundie #homophobia #kinkshaming #pratt gotquestions.org

Can a person be born gay?

In 1996, The Advocate, a gay and lesbian magazine, asked readers what they believed the potential impact would be to the advancement of gay and lesbian rights if a scientific discovery proves a biological basis for homosexuality. About 61 percent of the magazine’s readers asserted that such scientific research would advance the cause of gays and lesbians and lead to more positive attitudes toward homosexuality. For example, if one can be born gay, much as one can be born with brown eyes, then a fair society could not possibly condemn him as being unnatural or immoral. To that end, gay activists and the liberal media have actively encouraged the idea that homosexuality is inherited and unchangeable, and researchers have diligently sought scientific evidence to back up that claim. Unfortunately for the pro-homosexuality movement, the research on this subject has failed to establish any scientific evidence that shows a purely genetic basis for homosexuality.

Various TERFs #crackpot #pratt #transphobia #conspiracy ovarit.com

( IrishTheFrenchie )
I'll say it again for those in the back....

The end goal of Transgenderism and "Queer Theory" is now, and always has been, the legalization of pedophilia and acceptance as a legitimate sexual orientation.

I've been saying this for years, and it's only become more obvious as time goes on.

• Teach deviant sexual acts to children as young as 5 and call it "sex ed"

• Remove child safeguarding

• Have schools groom children into believing it's ok to keep secrets from parents

• Give children medical autonomy

• Hey! Kids can make their own medical decisions, they should also be allowed to make their own sexual decisions.

( ElectricBlue )
And use Karen/TERF rhetoric to ramp up hatred of adult women, who will be the biggest opposition to them. Make it look like all adult women are hysterical prudes so anything they say can be derided.

( Tq231442 )
They're already doing it. Shit makes me sick.

( mil-bil )
I would also say that removing legal personhood from women is a key goal.

The language of "cervix-havers" and "birthing persons" conveys it. Any modification of the body (e.g. hysterectomy, even for significant medical reasons) or change in time (not actively being in labor) removes a woman from such a label. These labels don't capture what the word "woman" captures.

So what legal standing would a woman have upon the removal of the word "woman" from the law?

Recasting prostitution as sanitized "sex work" and the push for commercial surrogacy rest on depriving women of legal recognition and human rights.

( remove_the_veil )
Surrogacy is also all wrapped up in this. If you can legally buy and sell children, then nothing is stopping pedos from doing so...

( Ruby )
And then putting the child on puberty blockers to ensure a permanent childlike state...

( bumpyjerboa )
It'll be designer baby girls soon. Made to suit the pedo's tastes. When she's "too old" they'll force her into surrogacy too.

Got Questions Ministries #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #fundie #pratt gotquestions.org

In many cases of high-profile individuals leaving the faith, we observe that their departures from the faith were not “de-conversions” as much as “realizations.”

As individuals who leave their faith behind tell their stories, we often see that they gradually grew uncomfortable with and eventually rejected aspects of Christian culture. They knew for quite a while that they were going through the motions and simply “playing along” with Christianity. After a while, these individuals accepted that they lacked a deep or connected sense of truth. They didn’t change their ideology, per se, only their identification.

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