
Like homophobia, but for transgender people

actualdyke & n3847 #transphobia ovarit.com

Transactivism: the only "rights" movement that loses support as people learn more.

Title says it all really. It just completely astounds me that they continue to attempt to legitimize their movement by comparing it to the fight for civil rights or the fight for women's rights or the fight for gay rights. What all those movements had in common is while they may have been met with bigotry all throughout and still to this day, the general pattern is that the more the public learned about each group and the more the public learned about their movement and their goals and their requests, the more support they got & the more they changed people's minds about them, until finally they gained those rights and that support. Transactivism seems to be the only movement going the opposite way - they suddenly captured every institution in the West and have more support than any legitimate rights movement would ever dream of getting so fast (not to mention they have all the rights they claim not to have & more), yet the more TRUTH about them that the public learns, the more that that support seems to diminish & the more people are turning against them, not towards rhem

It's funny when they try to compare themselves to Black people. Black people be like, "Being Black isn't a mental illness", lol. The same with women, being a woman is not a mental illness. Being gay is not a mental illness. It's used to be considered that but, it's not. Homosexuals don't think the OPPOSITE of reality. They're just another sexual orientation. The TRAs keep compare what they are doing to the Gay Rights Movement but they are not the same. Gay Rights Movement's goal was acceptance and assimilation - NOT domination. They didn't seek to brainwash kids into being anything. They didn't promote dangerous and unnecessary surgeries and hormones. They didn't want to invade women's spaces. They didn't seek to convince anyone they were anything, only accept THEM as they are. The more we learn about TR movement, the more I despise them.

I started out as "Transwomen are women", I'm now ready to outlaw "transition" surgeries - therapy ONLY, declare Gender/Trans ideology as a public health crisis, exclude teaching of Trans/Non-Binary anything in schools in all 50 states - LGB only, ban them from sports altogether, and go to the Supreme Court to throw them out of women's spaces in all 50 states

NotEnoughPages , n3847 & hmimperialtortie #transphobia ovarit.com

( NotEnoughPages )
Why are TIMs so jealous of the violence we've suffered? Why must they constantly romanticize our suffering as "cis privilege" and, simultaneously, dismiss our lived reality? Why the need to disabuse us of our trauma in lieu of their own alleged oppression?

( n3847 )
These people are deranged. What does being raped as a teen have to do with "transphobia"? I just find it ironic that the community of "empathy" and "acceptance" has no compassion for a rape victim in their own community. They'll cynically use trans rape victims and suicides but will shit all over those same people when that person can't give them unadulterated worship and validation. Her story wasn't about them but they took offense to it because it wasn't about THEIR pain and oppression. Everything has to be about them. I have no doubt that is was mostly Tran-Identified Males that took offense. She would probably get alot more compassion here than she would in the trans community. I feel sorry for her because her "transition" was probably a means of escaping that trauma and she didn't need them. They're self-centered vultures who only care about themselves.

( hmimperialtortie )
It’s a male supremacist movement, there was never going to be any sympathy for women and girls, whether they claim to be men or not. It’s their place to be the sexual property of transvestite men.

( n3847 )
I don't really think they're that deep in terms of thinking. They're just raging narcissists and fetishists with the male tendency of expecting obedience from others. I think you're giving them way too much credit, lol.

( hmimperialtortie )
Individually they may not be, but the movement is MRAs in drag. It’s deliberate. Its point is to destroy women’s rights.

Jeff Younger, Texas Republican House Candidate #transphobia #wingnut vox.com

Around age 3, Luna Younger started asking to wear dresses. Since the age of 5, she has insisted she is a girl. Now Luna is 7, and during court hearings, physicians, school staff, and family members have all testified that Luna has consistently, persistently identified as a girl.

While Luna’s mother respects her daughter’s gender identity — letting her wear what she chooses, whether it’s nail polish, dresses, or longer hair — Luna’s father does not. He insists Luna is not transgender. These polarizing differences over how to raise and treat a child are why trans families and advocates, as well as conservatives, have been closely watching the custody battle over the Coppell, Texas, trans girl.

After 15 months in court, on October 22, the jury awarded Luna’s mother, Anne Georgulas, full conservatorship of her daughter. It was a decision that brought relief to the trans community and outraged conservatives who believe supporting a trans child’s gender identity is tantamount to child abuse.

People were so riled up online, some sent threats to Georgulas; she was “viciously attacked and threatened by complete strangers,” her attorneys told the Daily Caller. Several prominent Texas officials even added to the fray, including Republican Gov. Greg Abbott, who promised to order the state’s child protective services to investigate Georgulas. State Rep. Steve Toth said he would propose a bill to “add ‘Transitioning of a Minor’ as Child Abuse.”

Megan Fox #transphobia pjmedia.com

He continued poking the beast by announcing, “Good news! There is NOT an epidemic of trans people being murdered. 5 out of 100k Americans are the victims of homicide. 1.1 out of every 100k trans people are victims of homicide. About 20-25 trans people killed each year. 51 Americans are struck by lightning every year.” These statstics fly in the face of the popular LGBTQWTF claims that trans people are at higher risk of violence than anyone else. It’s simply not true. But posting true things on Twitter won’t stop you from being banned today when feelings trump facts.

Maybe it was this next post that did him in. Everyone knows you’re not allowed to challenge the new gender theology. “These are both me. Sometimes I like looking like and androgynous emaciated albino space vampire. Sometimes I like looking like a strung out 90’s computer hacker. Sometimes I feel more gay vampire, sometimes I feel more sk8r boi. Guess what? That doesn’t make me my own special gender.”

various commenters #transphobia msn.com

RE: It's depressing that this even needs saying: Parents of trans children are not abusers

(Anthony Owen)
Why allow diviant and abnormal behaviour to become common and fashionable - just because of media and social media articles?

(Simon Hodge)
medically altering, or blocking puberty is the very definition of child abuse. I suggest anyone thinking otherwise should listen to the first hand testimonials of individuals who under went these procedures to realise as adults it was a huge mistake. One of the saddest things you will ever listen to. It is our job as parents to nurture, protect and prepare our children for the world.

(Micky Birmingham)
I wish I didn’t need to say this *but* parents of trans-children under the age of puberty *are* child abusers. Furthermore, in many cases parents of trans-for children under 18 are *often* child abusers. Children need to work out their sexual orientation for themselves and make the decisions for themselves when they are adults and old enough to understand the *true* implications.

(David C)
Yet another biased, totally single sided article.
No mention of the enormous harm these treatments can cause later in life when the child changes its mind or simply becomes mature enough to understand the enormity of the mistake it has made.

(Dan Hall)
What a disgrace. I blame the government and liberal permissiveness. When I was at school there was no such thing as trans children. There were just boys and girls. Who on earth is polluting the minds of our youth? This is a travesty of a mockery of a sham.

(Steve Collins)
Yes they are. Twisting young minds and confusing them about their orientation and blocking puberty is abuse and should be dealt with as such.

Parents of trans children are abusers, as are the doctors that suppprt them in this sexual abuses of children.

MassResistance #homophobia #transphobia #fundie #conspiracy #pratt #elitist archive.ph

In March 2000, the Massachusetts Dept. of Education teamed up with GLSEN, a national homosexual organization, to put on a horrific “conference” for children as young as 12 – along with adult homosexual activists. In two of the workshops, adults instructed children how to perform various (rather sickening) types of homosexual sex acts. We had someone there who tape-recorded it. When LGBT groups found out, they threatened legal action if we released the tapes. We did so anyway! The recordings were a big story in all the Boston media, and eventually made national and international news – newspapers, TV, and radio. It was dubbed “Fistgate.” Two LGBT groups sued to “punish” us. Both lawsuits were unsuccessful, but it was a difficult time for us.

Scott Lively #transphobia scottlively.net

The clear and consistent message for children that is embedded in the Transformer series, and all the many comic-book movies of the same genre is that “special” people (be they human or machine) can transcend the limitations of the natural world and transform themselves into super heroes with super powers by simply identifying as “super” and getting a little help from substances (e.g. spider venom) and/or already-initiated mentors.

We adults forget how blurred the line between fantasy and reality can be in the minds of children (and some adults who never grew up). My Mom once told me a true story about her brother Walter whose favorite TV show was Superman. One day he put on a home-made cape, climbed atop the family car and tried to fly across the back yard, breaking his arm in the process.

That was back in the early 1950s when actual reality was universally culturally affirmed. Think how easy it is for kids today to embrace delusions about their identity and purpose when the ruling class has literally gone insane on matters of sexuality and human relations. How many of these adults’ own tendency toward delusion became pathological in part from consuming the same pop-culture propaganda and programming that enslaved their kids?

The solution is for conservatives to change our strategy from reactive to pro-active. We do have a long-forgotten pro-active vision called the Shining City on a Hill. It is the vision of the Founders for an ever-strengthening and expanding Constitutional Republic with a cultural melting pot capable of transforming and conforming all other cultures to the goodness and blessing of Biblical truth. That was our “manifest destiny” which got sidetracked when we shrank back from Marxist aggression and became accommodationist. We should and must repent of that passivity and get back to fighting for righteousness!

To translate this call to action into comic book metaphors and the language of Generation Trans, I now “choose to identify” as a super robot, Maximus Transphobicon, and everyone must now affirm my value as an insurrectionist against Marxism and Transgenderism and follow my example.

But seriously, until the Lord returns it IS our job to “save the world” from Satanic oppression. Let’s reclaim the true supernatural powers He has given us, and get back in that fight.

Megan Fox #transphobia #dunning-kruger #pratt pjmedia.com

Walsh had no problem defining what a woman is when asked. “An adult human female,” he said. “When you’re a female it goes right down to your bones, your DNA. So that’s why if someone dies, we can dig up their bones 100 years from now and we have no idea what they believed in their head but we can tell what sex they were because it’s ingrained in every fiber of their being.”

Then Walsh dropped the bomb from which these panelists will never recover. “What you want to do is appropriate womanhood and turn it into basically a costume that can be worn.” That was straight fire. As a woman, I’m offended when a man puts on a dress and pretends to know what my struggles have been as a biological woman. The hell you do. A woman is biology. It is experience. It is not a costume. And any man attempting to put on that experience without having lived it is appropriating my sex. We are told that cultural appropriation is wrong and racist. Appropriating the appearance of a woman and then gaslighting other women to accept you as one of them is sexist. Get out of here with that. Stop trying to take over women-only spaces. We need protection and safety from men. We need places to go where no men are allowed. Our girls need their sporting events to be segregated for their safety and fairness. Enough of this madness already!

Grammar also matters. The English language is hard enough; mixing up plural pronouns with singular people who want to be called “they” and “them” is a bridge we will not concede. I’ve taken some heat over my And Just Like That (Sex and the City reboot) reviews because I will not call their non-binary character Che Diaz “they.” But this is the hill I’m willing to die on. I did not study my ass off in school to learn the proper usage of pronouns to have twenty-year-old attention whores destroy the AP style manual and make it ten times harder for ESL students to learn to assimilate. Absolutely not. Call yourself whatever you want, but we will not be forced to call you by your preferred pronoun because this is a free country and you cannot compel my speech.

THOMAS D. WILLIAMS, PH.D. #transphobia breitbart.com

One clear scientific indicator of the principally cultural rather than biological roots of gender disorders is their uneven distribution among the population. If gender-identity disorder were truly a biological fact, it would be equally distributed throughout the population, whereas we find that it isn’t.

Unsurprisingly, data from the Williams Institute reveals that the highest percentage of transgender-identified adults live in Washington, DC. In fact, the district of Columbia has nearly double the number of transgender individuals as the next highest state (Hawaii).

The percentage of individuals living in the Washington, DC, who identify as transgender is 2.8 percent—“more than triple the percentage of those living in the next highest states of Hawaii or California,” Hendershott observes.

actualdyke & butchplease #transphobia #conspiracy ovarit.com

Do y'all think "the shift" was intentional?

By "the shift" I mean the unidentified turning point over the last ~half-decade where transgender activism moved from 'we just want to live' 'we just want to pee' 'we just want to work', to 'we are biological women, sleep with us or you're transphobic, if you see us flashing our hard-ons in the locker room just look away bigot'. This shift has always intrigued me because I for example, as a young teen heavily entrenched in the Internet, definitely recall the earlier trans movement as being much less hostile and much more 'normative' than it is now. You also hear stories of transsexuals in the past working alongside women, ultimately acknowledging themselves as males, etc. But on the other hand, you have all these insane trans manifestos from the 70s that clearly outline their goal of replacing real women & declaring themselves superior which are kiiind of hard to ignore lmao.

As always, whenever I puzzle over these things, I like to turn to the women of Ovarit. I'm sure all of you have different experiences with transactivism, especially the older ladies here, and I'd love to hear your thoughts. Do you think the trans movement genuinely started as a rights movement that turned sour once blue haired activists jumped on it, or do you think it was sinister from the get-go and they intentionally started out innocuous so that they could go full transycho once they successfully infiltrated everywhere in the west? (I personally lean towards the latter lol)

( butchplease )
One hundred fucking percent. This is all highly intentional. This is orchestrated. Whatever you think of men, you will have to admit that they are extremely good at using their capital to push women back under the boot in the most psychologically destructive ways imaginable. This must be THE most efficient backlash against feminism in the history of women's rights. Within just a few years, men have managed to demonise us completely, to erase our class consciousness, and to make us willing participants in our own downfall. It's absolutely astounding. And women won't wake up until it's too late.

Sesostris , sojourner_truth_ & sapphicafemme #sexist #transphobia ovarit.com

Teacher has a 'transition closet' for kids to change in

He has a closet so that kids can come to school in 'parent-approved' clothes and then get changed into their 'true self' clothes at school.

Twitter link: https://twitter.com/Teacher_Exposed/status/1493418406468468745

This is pretty freaking unbelievable, and if I were a parent, I'd be furious.

(sojourner_truth_ )
There's no way this teacher hasn't hidden a camera in that changing booth. The school bathrooms are right there, and he could even make a big show of sending TIM students to the girl's bathroom for even more woke points. But he has a booth instead so he can plant like 6 cameras in there.

( sapphicafemme )
They just need to stop letting men teach or be around children. They don’t know how to act. When I was a kid and went to a uniform school, I’d change to wear something else I liked. I went to that bathroom to change. I can’t even fathom what’s going through this man’s head that made him think putting up a “transition closet” was a better choice than just changing in the bathroom. Either there’s a camera in there or he desperately wants to be in the same room as a child changing their clothes. There’s no way. There’s no way there isn’t something weird going on here. If men don’t want to figure it out and fix it, they need to be taken out of the classroom

Peak Trans / Maria Maclachlan #transphobia youtube.com

How not to argue. A response to taln0reich
(note by submitter: continued from https://fstdt.com/8S8FGDY5LFFKK, Transscript starting around 23:56 and ending around 25:48 of a 36-minute video)

if she really believes, that feminists are physically assaulting trans identifying people in real life, she needs to provide receipts

Taln responded to that with "'gender critical feminists' do not have to go out and beat up trans people. Instead, the transphobic rhetoric spread by the likes of you" - transphobic rhetoric, you mean stating truths like sex is immutable and men whatever they call themselves are on average bigger and stronger than women? That most violent and sexual crimes are carried out by men and that claiming to be a woman doesn't stop violent predatory men from being violent and predatory? That women are being cheated out of places on medals podiums by men who claim to be women? That's transphobic rhetoric is it? "creates a cultural climate where those thuggish men feel empowered to assault trans people and think they can get away with that" show us your workings. This is just an assertion. Thuggish men have always felt empowered to assault anyone on the slightest excuse including gender non-conformity, homosexuality being female... show us specifically how you think women standing up for our rights have made things worse. I mean the implied argument here is, that if we would only go along with the lie, if we accept any man who says he's a woman as if he is in fact a woman, if we welcome such men into our spaces ignoring our own discomfort, fear and distress, if we applaud them when they beat real women in sports events, then thuggish men won't feel empowered to assault trans-identifying men because thuggish men totally care about what feminists think and say, don't they?

Massresistance #crackpot #conspiracy #fundie #transphobia massresistance.org

They are claiming that Jawort was not present at that confrontation – not part of the group that accosted the legislators – so these are false, libelous statements. They assert that since the group was wearing masks, it was only assumed that Jawort was one of them. They are seeking $250,000 in damages from Hall.

The claim of libel would not appear to hold much water: (1) Hall’s article said only that Jawort was “reportedly” part of the group. That is not a false statement. (2) Despite a mask, Jawort is a very recognizable figure – a 6’3” man wearing a black dress with a distinctive voice. (3) Hall attempted to get Jawort’s side of the story, but Jawort refused. (4) By any sensible legal definition, Jawort is a “limited public figure” which in Montana requires a high standard for libel. (5) Hall relied on credible sources who identified Jawort as the individual who accosted the Senator, and as a credentialed journalist he does not have to reveal these sources.

Owlchaser #transphobia ovarit.com

(submitters note: in response to a trans woman tweeting "Hello I'm one of these "trans activists" and here are my insane demands:
- I want to be able to carry on using the toilets I do already
- I want access to healthcare for me and my friends
- I want the 4x rise in hate crimes to be addressed
- I want you to leave us alone")

I want to be able to carry on being a voyeuristic male, using the women's toilets, as I do already
I want you and everyone else in society to pay for unnecessary mutilating cosmetic surgeries, for me and my friends
I want men to stop killing each other (???)
I want you to shut up and get back in the kitchen

Deanna Drogan #fundie #homophobia #transphobia #racist #conspiracy concernedwomen.org

Since the beginning of time, the devil has used one simple lie to cause destruction and chaos on all of humanity: you can and should become your own god. After all, this is how the devil himself was cast out of heaven and became a fallen angel. <...> It is hard to go from quoting Scripture to then quoting the great Uncle Ben Parker of the beloved Spider-Man Marvel comics, but I would argue that we can actually find strong Biblical truth in the fact that “with great power comes great responsibility.” Lucifer was elevated to a position of higher power, and pride got the best of him as he thought he could elevate himself to the highest position of authority, God.
The Bible says in Ephesians that we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but the spiritual hosts of wickedness in the Heavenly places. As believers, the cultural issues that we see today, such as abortion, sexual perversion, gender confusion, injustice, and critical race theory, all go back to the issue of pride. They all go back to that one simple lie: you can and should be your own god. Being your own god means that you have no higher authority with whom to submit.
is no surprise that the emblem of the whole entire LGBT movement is based around the word pride. In a world where there is no Lordship to surrender to, you can create your own rules for your life. You can marry whoever you want to marry, you can be whichever gender you best identify with, you can destroy a city when an election doesn’t rule in your favor, and you can even murder your own child when it is suitable for your lifestyle.
Many Christians stay out of the political sphere because they believe that they are to focus on the spiritual battle at hand, but this ideological battle our culture is facing is the spiritual battle. We are ultimately not fighting our brothers and sisters, and we are not even fighting policies; we are fighting an enemy who seeks to kill, steal, and destroy.

LightDragonman1 #pratt #transphobia kiwifarms.net

Why is it that they practically worship Transgender as if it were a deity, post ridiculous theories to show how beloved works can be seen as pro-trans, take things like The Matrix retconning to be trans by The Wachowskis to be the one and only true interpretation of the work, only support politicians that are left-wing (as they are the ones who most support it), think anything that could remotely portray it in a negative light as blasphemous, say some works that do try to be diverse are undermined by reality if they don't have a trans character and perfectly (in their minds) portray trans people, and also claim a work is uncomfortable if the creator isn't for trans rights, even calling certain creators fallen ones due to them not being completely on board?

I mean, the amount of gushing they have over Trans people and Trans rights, along with how furious they get if one doesn't feel completely okay with it or someone deciding to become trans, is really staggering.

womenshealthnurse & proudcatlady #transphobia #sexist ovarit.com

RE: Being a TRA as Male Privilege

( womenshealthnurse )
I'm married to a man and I do find it endlessly interesting how different our experiences of the world are. His world is so much less scary than mine and has been that way for his whole life.

I've also become more aware recently of how differently I feel when I'm out in public with him vs when I'm out in public alone. I am more vigilant and aware when I'm alone than when we are together.

Interesting to tie this in with the aggressive nature of TIM's attacks on women and treating us as though we are histrionic for not wanting men in our private spaces. It does track that they would not have awareness of how vulnerable we can feel when men are present in those spaces.


(proudcatlady )
I think some of this is down to men not valuing life the way we do. Not even their own. It reminds me of how my parents would make me save up to buy something they could just afford to buy me because they wanted me to learn the value of money so I’d take care of my things better. Men don’t do anything to create life so of course they don’t value it at all.

Valley of the Rogue & edrica webb #transphobia #pratt youtube.com

RE:Trans ideology: awful argument 18 Trans rights are human rights but there are no sex-based rights

(Valley of the Rogue)
Since there is no such thing as "trans," then there are no "rights" to be had. Instead, this is all about men's unrestricted sxl rights to get it no matter with whom, or where, or why, or whether there is any consent to be had. There is no way such dviant behavior should be accepted or allowed.

(edrica webb)
"Since there is no such thing as "trans," then there are no "rights" to be had."
This is basic, and may very well become the line of reasoning for legal protection of not only womens' rights, but childrens', as well. As "trans" is short for transitioning-- and transitioning is understood to be, transitioning from one sex to the other-- "transitioning" isn't possible. So how would legal rights be applied to something that isn't possible?

chudur-budur #transphobia #psycho blackpill.club

Most trannies actually suffer from severe inceldom since their youth. When all that stuck up libido and coom gets into their heads, they gradually lose their minds and turn into porn-addiction induced schizos. Trannies are technically fallen truecels. They are the victims of the gynocentric zeitgeist.

Still they should be burned alive, anyway.

Hyacinth & Veneficca #transphobia #pratt ovarit.com

( Hyacinth )
I am worried about the men "transitioning" which means no SRS, "trans-genders" not trans-sexuals who will start thinking being a "legal woman" will mean easier access in adopting and fostering as a single man excuse me as "a single woman"

I believe in some places/states adoption & fostering is open to single men? I'm not sure how prevalent it is, but wait, first the transgender pedophiles will start thinking and saying access to kids and infants should be easier then it will become easier, as the holy trans label will allow them to escape the proper scrutiny attended to men and they will claim discrimination and transphobia at every turn.

There are ways around financial roadblocks with multiple pedophilies financing the ploy for trafficked young victims. Nothing stoping "a mother" from leaving the country with her child.

Really dark days a head of us.

( Veneficca )
Yep, I've had the same fears. Can you imagine someone like Yaniv offering to foster young girls? TIMs holding playdates with other TIMs? Pedo paradise.

It's always the most disadvantaged and vulnerable hurt by this. Women in shelters and prisons. Foster kids. It's a never ending horror film.

Various Commenters #transphobia #conspiracy youtube.com

RE: Trans ideology: awful argument 18 Trans rights are human rights but there are no sex-based rights

(George Potter)
Couldn't agree more with what was said in the video. What I struggle to get my head around is why does such a very small minority of 'Activists' have so much power, the power to cancel a person who doesn't agree with them, or who doesn't play along with their fantasies.. State a fact, and you're in trouble with the law for 'Hate', so does this madness lie with Parliament and who we vote for? If so, lets think very carefully who we vote for at the next General Election.

Because this is not a classic bottom-up civil rights movement [which takes generations of activism to succeed], but a top-down reactionary one [spearheaded by men who are already in power, wanting even more power, by reducing "female" to an optional toy they can role-play as].

(kai 1)
Money, lot of money backing the T and being put into politicians accounts.

(Isha Obin)
If your objective is to move towards a transhumanist technocracy then erasing biological sex might speed up equal rights for robots. If your objective is more profits for the pharmaceutical/medical industry then transgenderism is your ticket. Control + profit.

(George Potter)
@kai 1 Money. The route of all evil, yes, that makes sense.

Robert Stacy McCain #transphobia theothermccain.com

Through the magic of the YouTube algorithm, last night I came across feminist Isabella Malbin’s “Whose Body Is It?” channel. As I’ve been chronicling since 2014, radical feminists are waging war against what can fairly be described as the Transgender-Industrial Complex. Of course my readers know me as a staunch opponent of feminism, per se — the concept of “group rights” is at the heart of the radicalism destroying our civilization. Nevertheless, “truth is great and will prevail,” and radical feminists have tenaciously grabbed hold of an important truth — men and women are different, in ways that are socially significant.

Aharon is addressing something very important: Social media is fueling this “dangerous dichotomy” in which young girls receive the message that the ideal is to be a hypersexualized bimbo — aspiring to become a “Real Housewives” cast member, basically — or else they must reject womanhood altogether, chasing the transgender fantasy, getting their breasts amputated, injecting themselves with testosterone, etc.

Every conservative understands what it’s like to be smeared this way. If you advocate for limited government, fiscal sanity and maintenance of the Constitution — just basic common-sense traditionalism — you will inevitably find yourself depicted by the media as some kind of “extremist,” lumped in with neo-Nazis, etc. And this is what is happening now to feminists. Whenever liberals have an agenda, everyone who is against must be Hitler, according to the media. If liberals want war, anyone who wants peace will be labelled a “right-wing extremist.”

First Amendment freedom of speech is under attack.

What is happening is that opposition to the liberal agenda — regarding transgenderism or anything else — is categorized as “hate,” and thereby made subject to “de-platforming,” so that you can’t use common online communications channels (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc.) to express dissent. Activists collaborate with Silicon Valley insiders to suppress opposition, to block opponents from fundraising sites, which means that while any liberal can use PayPal, Google Adsense or whatever to fund their activism (e.g., pro-transgenderism), opponents of the liberal agenda do not have the same freedom (because “hate”).

Various commenters #transphobia #sexist ncu.su

(Kevin Logan)

I miss the old /r9k/

Before posting in incels forums, I usually posted at /r9k/. It's was good to have a place to talk with others social rejects, but nowadays that boards is infested with trannies, cucks, guys with incest fetish and normies. I know that there is others /r9k/ in others imageboards, but is still sad to see something that you like get destroyed by outsiders. Trannies also tried to infiltrate wizardchan, but I think they all got banned from there.

Geez, what could possibly be lower-status than an MtF tranny. Even feminists reject them.

(Kevin Logan)

Geez, what could possibly be lower-status than an MtF tranny. Even feminists reject them.

Believe or not, I've heard many cases where women had sex with transvestites, but only trannies that resemble more a woman. Trannies that are too masculine are undesired by everyone.


Geez, what could possibly be lower-status than an MtF tranny. Even feminists reject them.

yeah but don't desperate thirsty dudes go for them?


yeah but don't desperate thirsty dudes go for them?

They'd have to be gay thirsty dudes, wouldn't they?


They'd have to be gay thirsty dudes, wouldn't they?

there are dudes who woud fuck MtF trannies but wouldn't fuck cisgender males

(Kevin Logan)

They'd have to be gay thirsty dudes, wouldn't they?

there are dudes who woud fuck MtF trannies but wouldn't fuck cisgender males

It's a fetish

(Meremy Jeeks)

there are dudes who woud fuck MtF trannies but wouldn't fuck cisgender males

Some men are very very desperate. Understandable considering how bad the situation is for non chad males. Have to add I would never do that but unfortunately lots of men would

Peter Hitchens #sexist #homophobia #transphobia #wingnut henrymakow.com

Last Tuesday the British Army halted 'all non-essential and non-operational activity' for the six hours between 10am and 4pm.

This was 'to consider and reflect on the British Army's current culture and approach to inclusion and to set out how it will seek to improve both'.

I have not yet been able to get much information on how this went, though I am told that a fair few serving solders of the more old-fashioned type were more than a little embarrassed.

Likewise, you may have thought of Nato, as I once did, as a stern conservative military alliance, guarding the world against armed Communism.

Did you know that Nato now has an 'Office of the Gender Advisor', just as MI6 flies the Rainbow Flag (above) of the LGBTQ movement?

Nato is, in fact, the army of the sexual revolution, as it showed in its failed mission in Afghanistan. (Above, German soldiers march with Nato's flag on February 9)
So it was, and I recall very well the bleak barracks and bases on the German plain which kept us safe from the USSR.

But did you know that Nato now has an 'Office of the Gender Advisor', just as MI6 flies the Rainbow Flag of the LGBTQ movement?

Current efforts to get us all to like Ukraine (in reality a fiercely nationalist country with a macho culture not unlike Russia's) involve staged pictures of female soldiers in snowy trenches.

Nato is, in fact, the army of the sexual revolution, as it showed in its failed mission in Afghanistan.

Ever since the Blair creature ushered a fake crowd into Downing Street in 1997, Labour activists waving Union Jacks they despised, people have been manipulating genuine patriots into accepting or even supporting changes they would once have loathed. The amazing thing is that it has worked.

Almost nothing is now what you think it is, or what it used to be.

The school to which you happily send your children is in many cases a propaganda college, in which they are taught the new creed of equality and diversity.

DietCokeAddict , BJ581 & sojourner_truth_ #kinkshaming #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Biden's new Dept of Energy hire is genderfluid who is a furry WTAF?????

( DietCokeAddict )
Lol at the outraged replies - one says

This is out of context! He doesn’t have sex with animals, he has sex with male humans who act like “pups”

Oh well that’s totally normal then.

( BJ581 )
Exactly. Furries and the like that sexualize non-human animals need to start being viewed like “altruistic pedophiles.” All that means is “hasn’t abused a non-human animal yet.” It’s still an inappropriate sexualization of a non-consenting being, and it’s disgusting and unacceptable.

( sojourner_truth_ )
-minor correction All that means is he claims he hasn't abused an animal yet. Press X to doubt.

( BJ581 )
Absolutely right. Going after victims who can’t defend themselves or tell someone what a worthless piece of garbage you are. The level of pathetic is unmatched. It’s interesting how “masculinity” is always about hurting people/animals so much weaker than yourself. Says something about the fragility of the entire concept.

Peak Trans / Maria Maclachlan #transphobia youtube.com

How not to argue. A response to taln0reich
(note by submitter: continued from https://fstdt.com/Z7HKHBQT6TG$4, Transscript starting around 22:03 and ending around 23:56 of a 36-minute video)
then I said this

then there is the extraordinary claim, that abandoning the proposed amendments to the gra is devastating for trans identifying people. How?

and Taln responded "because the current process to change the gender in one's birth certificate is so difficult few have been able to do it forcing the rest to marry and die under a gender that isn't the one they are (as that is where the birth certificates come into play)" devastating means highly destructive or damaging. An example of devastating is having one's healthy breasts amputated and realizing you've made a mistake, surviving child abuse then realizing you have to share your living quarters with men who've sexually abused children, finding out that the man you've married and who fathered your children has now decided he's as much of a woman as you are. Not "oh no my birth certificate tells the truth about what I am"
then he says "the Gender Recognition Act has nothing at all to do with women's spaces or women's quotas/shortlists. So, no, 'women's rights safety and opportunities' are not at risk from a reform of the Gender Recognition Act" now that is fundamentally dishonest. The proposed reforms of the GRA will mean that a man is legally recognized as a woman if he makes a simple self-declaration that he is, and vice versa. We are already in a situation, where it is widely asserted that simply identifying as a woman means being able to access female spaces and opportunities and we're harassed and abused for objecting. Enshrining gender self id in law will make it much harder to challenge.

BettERtoreigninhell #transphobia blackpill.club

On FTM trans and being them less or more disgusting than their counterparts

There was a time when naive me believed FTM trannies were just mentally ill tomboys dressing as men and having a bandage on their massive tits ti not get their cover blown out. So I went on the interwebz to talk to these gender bender lunatics with big tits. When saw the truth I had a "Holy hell **** it with napalm". Less gay than fucking one who's name was " Jonathan " but still vomit inducing traumatizing in a"Santa was actually my creepy uncle" way. They were not like these :


They were THIS :

Btw look at this
Reddit: I just got my first binder!! I’m so happy I might cry!!
I just found this video and maybe it's the first time in my life I'm feeling sorry for a woman almost to the point of wanting to have protected her by the monsters who brainwashed her and then horribly amputated her femininity for ever. And they are all happy in the comments! I feel sick . Jfl at the clown world being so grotesque to make a psychopath feel empathy for the first time in almost 40 years.

mathlover #transphobia ovarit.com

There is no TIM who is OK and safe to have as a roommate/housemate or to be with in any private setting. The AGP het male TIMs are ALL rapists. People think these are all poor oppressed gay men who it's safe for women to be around. And the fact that they are a male couple reinforces that belief. When these het men are coupled up, they call themselves "lesbians" but would always rather be with the women they all still very much desire. They will rape women at any opportunity.

Peak Trans / Maria Maclachlan #transphobia youtube.com

How not to argue. A response to taln0reich
(note by submitter: continued from https://fstdt.com/J.2MKFW2_Q276, Transscript starting around 19:44 and ending around 22:03 of a 36-minute video)
"(This is also perpetuated by 'gender-critical feminists', referencing Alison Bailey's inappropriate and borderline pedophilic comment about 'breasts that have never known a lover's caress' while talking about underage FtMs)" that line of the heroic Alison Bailey comes from her keynote speech at the LGB alliance conference in London last year. I was in the audience, when she made it, and it was electrifying. Fortunately you can see the whole thing on Youtube. I'm just going to show the tiny bit Taln refers to

up and down the country and around the world girls are removing breasts that have never known a lover's caress

. there are many horrific consequences of the dissemination of gender ideology, but the amputation of healthy body parts and other irreversible interventions on young people, female or male, underage or not, is surely the worst. I find it impossible to imagine, what it must be like to do this when you're so young, you haven't even had a relationship and then to regret it. Is it possible to sink any lower, than to call Allison's comment, designed to raise awareness in a way that will strike a chord with all decent and humane people, inappropriate and borderline pedophilic? And he doesn't say why he thinks this, because he doesn't think it. Really, this is one of the cultists tactics, to throw out any old shit and hope it sticks. That's why we get called bigots and fascists and white supremacists. It's a bit hard, to make any of those stick on a black lesbian feminist. so let's go even lower, Hey Taln.

I'm skipping the next bit where he again invokes the patriarchy in a manner that suits his purpose and he mansplains what intersectional feminists should do. Obviously he's not going to acknowledge, that transgenderism is one of the worst forms of the patriarchy, because of how it obscures power relations between men and women and turns victims into oppressors and vice versa.

Xavier Basorar #transphobia #fundie twitter.com

[Replying to a comment on a photo of trans woman Juno Dawson, saying she looks “wrong”]
If you want to be theological it could be demonic oppression. Other explanations are various types of mental illness resulting in uncanny valley effect or drug addictions.

Peak Trans / Maria Maclachlan #transphobia #pratt youtube.com

How not to argue. A response to taln0reich
(note by submitter: continued from https://fstdt.com/DX$XLXRTZGML6, Transscript starting around 17:50 and ending around 19:44 of a 36-minute video)
Crimes like this are mercifully rare, precisely because most public toilets are single sex and most predatory males, whether they claim to be women or not, aren't as stupid as him in thinking they can get away with it. I have no idea what the rest of Taln's sentence is supposed to mean. I don't think it is seriously proposed that every man who claims to be a woman is doing so with an abusive motive. I mean nobody's actually said that, have they? What on earth are you talking about? "On the other side, trans men are infantilized by transphobic narratives, painted as brainwashed 'lost lesbian sisters' and thereby treated as unable to have their own volition" no they're not. That's just the narrative the cult have decided stands the most chance against the truth. Which is that there is a phenomenon called Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria, spread by social contagion and affecting girls in huge numbers who - prior to adolescence - had never expressed any unhappiness with their sex. "The patriarchal basis in transphobia towards trans men is a further apparent in their increased likelihood of corrective rape in order to 'put them back in their proper place as women'" I do know that claiming to be a man does not prevent a woman being raped, any more than claiming to be a woman will stop a man from raping women, even ones who identify as men (note by submitter: displaying headline "Transwoman activist Cherno Biko confesses to Raping a Transman"). Funny old world eh? I don't know whether the reason trans-identifying women get raped is specifically intended to be corrective and I'm not sure how Taln would know, but it certainly wouldn't surprise me knowing how horrible some men are, which is after all where we don't want them in our spaces.

Massresistance #transphobia #dunning-kruger #pratt massresistance.org

Here is a sample of their absurd talking points:

“We are living in an unprecedented global health crisis, with confirmed cases of COVID-19 increasing on a daily basis … we need to be bringing people together, not dividing them.” [In other words, not protect children from lunatic ideologies and damaging medical procedures?]
“Idaho will be the first state to have such a retrogressive, invasive and patently anti-transgender law on the books. Extreme lawmakers are targeting transgender youth and seeking to discriminate against them through any legislative vehicle possible.” [Nonsensical inflammatory rhetoric.]
“If HB 500 becomes law, it will send a strong message to trans youth that they are less than their peers and not deserving of community and acceptance.” [They deserve to be told the truth about what they’re doing to themselves.]
“This law will keep transgender girls from being able to participate in sports.” [So-called “transgender girls” are actually boys. They can participate in sports with other boys.]
“The new law unfairly targets people looking to obtain accurate documentation.” [This is a complete inversion of the truth. It maintainsaccurate documentation on one’s biological sex.]
“Both bills went through lengthy committee hearings during which committee members heard overwhelming public opposition to the legislation.” [That’s because the LGBT movement organized and brought in hundreds of activists, many from out of state.]
“An Idaho Attorney General’s Office’s analysis of bill H509 found it possibly unconstitutional and open to legal challenge. It was passed in defiance of a federal court order. Thus, it will cost the taxpayers lots of money to defend.” [The Judge’s reason for the ruling was that the state statutes were unclear regarding birth certificate content. This new law tightens that up, as well as other pertinent legal concerns.]

Yesgaysarebullies #transphobia #homophobia gaybullyingitisreal.wordpress.com

Yes, We Feel Sorry for Conchita Wurst

The repellent Conchita Wurst, the transvestite who appeared on the Eurovision Song Contest with a beard yet wearing a woman’s dress, now announces that he has HIV.

Tom Neuwirth, to give “Conchita” his real name, published a post on Instagram in which he says that he has been HIV positive for “many years”. Well that’s no surprise to us, since 28% of male-to-female transgenders are HIV positive. That’s because they’re queer!

But note the rest of the story. The reason why Tom had to go public with his bad health news was that a former male partner was threatening to reveal it. He must have been doing this either out of malice or in an attempt at blackmail. What nice people they are in the “gay” community! So sweet and lovable, so cute and trendy. Threatening each other, blackmailing each other, passing on lethal bugs and then blaming “stigma”. Always saying that “love wins” – when the fact is they don’t know what love is, and they are all losers.

You’re a loser Mr Neuwirth. No matter how many stupid dresses you put on and how many followers you have on Instagram, you are a pathetic loser and we feel very sorry for you.

Andrew Anglin #homophobia #transphobia #dunning-kruger dailystormer.name

Honestly, I’m more angry at the people who are supposedly surprised a Jew would suggest something like this than I am at the Jew himself. Of course, the Jew can’t help it.

I’ve been warning people like, “yo, you better watch out for these Jews – they do weird shit, bro.” And I’ve been insulted, defamed, and had my whole life destroyed. Then all of a sudden people are shocked to find the Jews promoting blowjobs for 1-year-olds.

Anyway – whatever. Jew lovers are going to get Jewed. That’s the way of things.

But yeah – this whole Jewish media and academic movement of “actually, pedophilia is just a mental problem and we shouldn’t stigmatize people for it” is of course accompanied by Jews saying “actually, this is good.” It’s the same thing they did with homosexuality, only with child sex, they’re doing it much quicker.

They’re already melding the homosexual movement to pedophilia.

Consent theory says that a child can consent to “changing its gender” – that is much more damaging than having sex with an adult. And it’s a sexual decision.

So, “child sex consent” has already been de facto normalized.

This is the problem with consent theory – it can just mean whatever.

The End & HikikunDeformis #transphobia blackpill.club

(The End)
Gender affirming therapies for kids

You can't fuck 'em, but you can change their gender with drugs.

Am I being stupid drawing comparisons between kids being allowed to change their genders but not being allowed to have sex? I feel like that's empowering kids to pierce their tongues, but not giving them the autonomy to dye their hair until they're 18.

I'm just stupid. Obviously The Law knows best, which is why I nazi salute to our government's flag every morning. Hail America! Hail Satan!


You can't fuck 'em, but you can change their gender with drugs.

If it actually made them into women I wouldn't even mind. Like if they can take a male brain and transplant it into a female body or if they can change the male body so much that it actually becomes female.

But all these transgender changes are very low technology.

Hormone blockers = enuchs in ancient times they would crush the testicles of a child preventing them from creating more testosterone. THE SAME RESULT, eunuchs still weren't women, they just remained boys without fully developing as men

Vaginaplasty - Butcher the penis and turn it inside the body, create a stab wound which closes in on itself if you don't shove stuff up it every day and if you don't use the medicine . Just a shitty plastic surgery that mutilates male genetalia

Breast implants: Just shove something under the skin

TDLR "gender change" is just body mutilation or preventing boys from growing into men but still being males

James White #fundie #homophobia #kinkshaming #transphobia monergism.com

Matthew Vines: How many meaningful relationships with lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender (LGBT) people do you have?

James White: This is one of the new twists you have added to the mix, Matthew. I know very few people who are proud of their sin and identify by it. I do not know of any of my friends who say, “I am a man given to anger,” and hence, if someone asked me, “How many meaningful relationships with angry men do you have?” I would not find the question meaningful, especially if the unspoken counterpart to the question was the claim that this means I have no grounds to speak to the sinfulness of anger.

Greg Abbott and Ken Paxton #wingnut #transphobia kxan.com

Gov. Greg Abbott said families and medical professionals should now face abuse investigations for pursuing or providing health care options intended for transgender children.

In a letter sent Tuesday, the governor directed the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) “to conduct prompt and thorough investigations of any reported instances of Texas children being subjected to abusive gender-transitioning procedures.” His letter stated doctors and nurses could face punishments for failing to report such care and mentioned that DFPS should look into parents who pursue it for their kids.

This directive from Abbott follows Attorney General Ken Paxton issuing a 13-page legal opinion on Feb. 18 in which he argued that certain gender-affirming “procedures and treatments…when performed on children, can legally constitute child abuse” under Texas Family Code. In a news release publicizing this opinion, Paxton said in a statement, “I’ll do everything I can to protect against those who take advantage of and harm young Texans.”

Weighing in now on this highly-politicized topic comes at a time when Paxton faces several challengers in the competitive Republican primary for attorney general. Early voting is now underway in that race, and Texas Republican leaders have made it a policy priority to enact restrictions on transgender people. For instance, a law passed by GOP lawmakers during the last legislative session went into effect in January that bans transgender student-athletes from competing in sports matching their gender identity.

Peak Trans / Maria Maclachlan #transphobia youtube.com

How not to argue. A response to taln0reich
(note by submitter: continued from https://fstdt.com/WL9F74F$R2KNK, Transscript starting around 15:21 and ending around 17:50 of a 36-minute video)

Elsewhere in his comment Taln says things like, I've seen gender-critical feminists saying this and doing that, supporting a conservative saying something, uh saying trans people should be deported or some such nonsense. You're not grasping Taln, that we are not a cult. We are individuals who can disagree on a whole range of things, but the one thing we do agree on is that sex is immutable and takes priority over subjective feelings in defining what we are. As for trans people being forced into spaces created for people of the other sex, that is another example of the framing intended to manipulate people into thinking they are victims of some great injustice. No we are not saying you should be forced to be anything or go anywhere. We are saying if you're male, keep out of our spaces. You don't belong there. Where you go instead is not our problem. Stop trying to turn us into your oppressors because we're not. You are the ones oppressing us.

Then I said

how can you be a feminist if you buy into gender ideology

and Taln said "by acknowledging that transphobia, homophobia and sexism are all interconnected and directly arising from the complex that is the patriarchal structure of society (in which you are complicit in upholding by spreading transphobic narratives based on patriarchal assumptions)" interconnected how? We get no argument in support of any of the three distinct claims I see made here, so I'm inclined to ignore it. I'm not a mind reader, but I would love to know what patriarchal assumptions he is referring to. That woman means adult human female and entitled to sex-based protections perhaps? "The transphobic narrative of the bathroom predator which is a myth" - blah blah blah - "only makes sense in the patriarchal image where women are the lower class therefore any 'man' taking on the role of a woman must be doing it out of some abusive motive" it's a myth is it? Tell that to the 10 year old girl and the 12 year old girl who were violated by this dude (note by Submitter: headline of this article https://metro.co.uk/2019/03/16/transgender-woman-18-sexually-assaulted-girl-10-morrisons-toilet-8914577/ displayed).


David Guyll #elitist #transphobia daegames.blogspot.com

But SJWs need to lie, because chances are they aren't mad at you for anything you actually said. No, they hate you because you're better than they are: smarter, better looking, more talented. You have actual passion.


Meg is disgusting, trying to coerce someone to surrender and obediently recite ideological mantra. Not that this would satisfy her. She would just keep going, trying other angles, trying to push whoever GiantLands is until he dares to stand up and defy her. After which she'll call him a bigot, racist, sexist. A transphobe. Anything and everything, desperately sling it all and see what sticks.

Again, they hate you. You're better than they are. They want you gone, or dead. The only solution to deal with an SJW is not to ignore them—that doesn't solve anything—but to mock them. They are without exception lazy, moronic narcissists with the frailest of egos. Ignore them, and they'll go after someone else, often even each other, as SJWs are also incapable of forging anything remotely resembling a friendship

This also emboldens others. They see what you did, the results, and then they begin to stand up. It's like around here, as more and more people stopped adhering to the arbitrary, moronic “mask” mandates, it created a snowball effect. People began learning and using the law, pointing out how they are in fact illegal—as are “vaccine” passports—forcing businesses to stop attempting to impose illegal rules that they never should have in the first place.

Robert Stacy McCain #transphobia theothermccain.com

The bizarre semantics by which Antolak/“Jones” claims that the penis is not “male genitals” is a perfect example of the lunatic ideology of the transgender cult. As I noted in the case of Eyrne Daymont a/k/a “Aryn Maitland,” crazy is a pre-existing condition. When confronted by the rhetoric of transgender activists, we must recognize that we are dealing with seriously disturbed people. Their efforts to distort language, to change the meanings of words, and to force the rest of to accept their revised definitions, represent a dishonest attempt to obtain validation by compelling others to ratify their delusions.

As the feminist site 4th Wave Now points out, “gender dysphoria occurs with troubling frequency in concert with a range of other mental disturbances, including personality disorders, depression, anxiety, and autism.” In other words, people who are confused about their gender identity are often confused about a lot of other things.

Part of what’s going on here is a consequence of decades of schools promoting “self-esteem,” where every child gets a participation trophy, and everyone has a right to believe they’re awesome. This nonsense doesn’t equip young people for adult life, where there are winners and losers, and where the vast majority of people must struggle along without any praise, encouragement or recognition for their efforts. Having never learned to endure hardship with stoic dignity (which is what all children should be taught), the young misfits full of “self-esteem” become convinced that the world has somehow cheated them of the praise to which the Special Snowflakes believe they are entitled. This cognitive dissonance is the psychological root of the antinomian rage among Social Justice Warriors (SJWs), who wish to destroy all existing laws, institutions and social norms which they condemn as oppressive forces of “capitalist imperialist white supremacist cisheteronormative patriarchy,” to quote the University of Southern California’s Vanessa Diaz.

WitchKitty , mycelium & MissFeather #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: More TIMs talking about their nazi phases

( WitchKitty )
If they are women on the inside why are they getting radicalized by an ideology that’s designed to cater to white men?

This! Seriously it’s so funny how they don’t seem to think this correlation makes their main argument invalid lol

But what’s weird to me is that the percentage of former/ current nazis are so high in white TIM’s compared to white “cis” men. Technically they are the same physically but there is a clear connection of nazis and transwoman identity. What is it about transgenderism that is so attractive to nazis? Obviously both nazism and trans ideology must offer something similar that this group of men want. Power? Moral superiority complex? An excuse to hate on groups of people? Physical superiority complex?(nazis believe they are the superior race and TIM’s believe they are the superior woman) maybe a combination of all these factors and the reason for them switching from nazi to TIM is because not only can they jerk off to larping as a woman but they are also socially accepted and even revered.

Edit: formatting

( mycelium )
I have a theory that nazis/incels transition not due to gender identity, but due to "oppression" identity. Instead of changing their external presentation to match their internal gender identity, I think they are changing their presentation to reflect how oppressed they believe they are. One of the many things gendervangelicals have in common with MRAs and white supremacists is their baseless belief that they are an aggrieved class. Neo-nazis recruit straight white penis people with the assurance that they are the ones who are actually oppressed, but this rhetoric will not score you oppression points on the "left" without some modification. I think it's possible trancels have internalized the delusion that they are the most oppressed, and take on a trans identity to fully actualize their victim status. This has the added benefit of granting them immunity to any scrutiny, especially regarding how exactly they are oppressed for being straight white penis people.

( MissFeather )
I would guess that they're more prone to getting sucked into extreme ideologies in general. They're also more likely to want permission to be hateful; like you said, power.

Doctor Placebo #transphobia kiwifarms.net

But you're not ACTUALLY a woman.

They're not offended because people are calling them something that's incorrect. They're offended because people are calling them something that's CORRECT, and no matter how much they insist otherwise and force everyone else to play along, they KNOW it. That's why it makes them so mad.

While I agree with your general sentiment, SU and Nu-She-Ra aren't really kid shows. They're shows for childless weirdos in their 20's and 30's who want to regress to a childish state.

Mike King #transphobia #sexist realhistorychan.com

A Godless world gone mad! Rugby player Verity Smith (UK) barrels over "her" female opponents. (What the heck are young "ladies" doing playing such a rough sport anyway? They should be figure skating or something like that --- or maybe learning how to cook, bake, sew etc.)

St. Sugar: Not as rare as you think, Boobuss. Venuss and Sserena Gorilliamss, Casster Ssemenya, Andrea Petkovic! Look em' up!

Editor: All trannies who have "excelled" at their sports.

SandraHelena39 #transphobia twitter.com

(Submitters note: responding to https://fstdt.com/KDN3YPKP8R_2J )

- we exist so we aren't restructuring anything , terfling
-you change the names you use for married couples all the time, this is no different, but then it's easy cuz it's cishets
-only bigots think they lose rights by minorities gaining them
-blockers are reversible.

Nice try

1. no one denies you exist and you most certainly are forcing everyone to restructure reality by denying the objective empirical FACT of biological sex & claiming that MEN can actually be lesbians because they claim to be women. You’re a bunch of deranged lunatics.

2. changing names upon marriage is a CHOICE. Women don't CHOOSE to be labeled "menstruators," "vulva owners" & “chest feeders.” 3. Trans people have all the rights everyone else does. FORCING abused women in prisons & shelters to be housed alongside MEN is not a “right.”

FORCING girls & women to compete against boys & men in sports is not a “right.” Pumping children with drugs & medicalizing them for life before they’re not even old enuf to marry, vote, drive or drink is NOT a “right.”

Rotten try.

astro_terf #interphobia #transphobia #ableist ovarit.com

RE: DSDs - How to cut the Gordian knot?
(Submitters note regarding context: discussion about what intersex conditions should categorically exclude someone from women’s spaces)

I would exclude Swyer, CAIS and all other males with DSDs.

Put simply, it's not simply the presence of male sex hormones/ testoterone during development that leads to the physical advantages that males have over females. The presence of female sex hormones during normal development during puberty and afterwards lead to physical disadvantages for women that CAIS males do not experiences.

For example, CAIS males have a height advantage that women do not. Estrogen causes epiphyses to fuse and so women tend to stop growing taller shortly after they reach puberty.

In addition, women develop wider hips to accommodate childbirth, but this is at the cost of an increased likelihood of injuries and a less efficient running stance. See https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/nursing-and-health-professions/q-angle and https://www.livescience.com/59289-why-men-run-faster-than-women.html . Biological males who have never had any of the benefits of testosterone do not experience the disadvantages from estrogen, which would still give them a leg up on women.

Various TERFs #transphobia ovarit.com

All the surgery and hormones will never make them women

This fact just makes me happy lol

(bunyip )
That made me start to wonder, what if it actually did? If pills could actually turn a man into a woman, how many of them would stop taking the pills when they were disappointed with the results? They'd have periods and have to deal with all of the actual negatives, and they wouldn't be the cute anime girls all the AGPs hoped to become.

But then I realized they wouldn't care. They'd all do it as a form of porn. They still do it now with those horrific open wounds meant to resemble a vagina, they'd definitely do it if pills could make the real thing. A lot of non-trans guys would do it for the fetish as well. So, yeah... thank goodness they can never become women.

(Omina_Sentenziosa )
Just look at how it went with genital reconfiguration surgery: it' s too expensive, often mediocre in results and brings medical and psychological issues. So what did they do to still be able to live their fetish without the downsides? They moved the goalposts, so now they get off on forcing their presence in women' s spaces, they made sure that womanhood is not about bodies but about feelings they claim to have (so they can do the easy part of wearing make-up, dresses and shoes without permanent issues) and so on.

Taking that pill would be another fetish, if they found out that it doesn' t bring the pleasure they were expecting, they would just make sure that a pill that does is created. I don' t believe most of them actually want to be women anyway, even the ones who say that they would want to get pregnant seem to be more interested in harvesting women' s bodies and/or throwing shower parties without the nine months of pregnancy, the delivery and whatever happens after it.

( WhinoRhino )
"Taking that pill would be another fetish, if they found out that it doesn' t bring the pleasure they were expecting...."

Considering how shit men are in bed it definitely wouldn't bring them any pleasure. They'd find that out right quick.

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