
Right-wing nutjobs

Quintus Sertorius #racist #conspiracy #wingnut renegadetribune.com

Non-White immigration into White homelands is perhaps the most devastating weapon of White genocide brought to bear upon us by the jews. The ability of the jews to wield this weapon against us only became possible after a protracted, relentless campaign of mental manipulation and behavioral conditioning that has largely enervated White societies by inflicting upon them widespread moral bankruptcy and an addiction to instant gratification. Why do the hard, dangerous work of defending one’s nation or homeland when instead one can simply watch alien, anthropological curiosities pile on top of each other on the “gridiron?” Why learn about the incredible, inspiring accomplishments of our racial history when instead we can sit passively in a JUDEO-christian church and listen to a lunatic, drunk on a knock-off brand Torah, tell us to meekly accept the worst, most hostile and primitive hominids into our countries, our communities, and our very families? The answers to these questions can be powerfully understood by any White person with the misfortune to find himself in a large American city today. The easily-observed rampant crime, congestion, overpopulation, and general filth are some of the terrible consequences of neglecting the duty to protect our homelands and our race as distinctly separate from the other branches of humanity. But these are only symptoms of a deeper Hebraic problem.

Our implacable jewish enemies have worked subversively and largely without opposition to erode our racial pride, racial cohesion, individual self-respect, and even the most basic common sense. These were the foundations upon which our healthy racial societies were once built, and in their absence we see today the travesties and offensive parodies that our homelands have become. The jewish poisons of relativism and equalitarianism have saturated our most important institutions, from our schools, to our media, to our governments – and have turned our ability to have a public discourse on anything of true importance into a mockery truly deserving the moniker of “clown world.” Even the faintest, most conciliatory suggestion of fostering a long-term concern for the welfare of the White race, or a mention of the discipline and responsibility that such a concern entails, is met with histrionics or outright violence.

Through this combination of intellectual corruption and hysterical intimidation, our rabbinical racial enemies have imposed on our communities a deleterious jewish middle-man mentality. Communities that were once built and sustained by like-minded racial compatriots have been reduced to ineffectual collections of atomized, alienated individuals, where blatant lies, and pitiless predatory exploitation are at best ignored, and at worst celebrated as laudable and exemplary. A disinclination to work for anything that creates real, lasting value is replaced by an insatiable urge to turn a quick profit, no matter the immediate harm or ramifications for the future. Irresponsible transience in all things, including the very existence of our race, has pervaded our once-healthy White societies – and it is nefariously promoted as freedom.

The consequences of a society that has recklessly replaced a racially healthy morality with wanton greed, hedonism, and degeneracy are now on display to all White people willing to trust their eyes, instead of the lying jewish-owned news propaganda. Most of our people are enervated, unfocused, and in denial. Many become visibly uncomfortable or even agitated when confronted with an explanation for our current predicament that falls outside the approved Democrat-Republican kosher control mechanism. Facts have become “hate” and truth is relegated to a form of heresy – when either are acknowledged, it is done so furtively and with great reluctance, and no small amount of risk. The necessary preconditions for our people to defend ourselves against this Hebraic nation-wrecking have been compromised, making it easy for the jews to bring their bipedal biological weapons into our homelands with only the most flaccid, and often disingenuous, efforts to resist them.

Many of our racial compatriots seem irretrievably bound by jewish mental shackles preventing them from realizing our predicament, as they stagger directionless and alienated between hollow, momentary pleasures that serve as little more than a distraction or escapism. It is our duty now, not to confront directly the jew as he sits in a position of unaccountable and undeserved power over us, but to confront White people who express concern or unease about our circumstances and cannot articulate why. It is our responsibility to meet the challenge of breaking the jewish programming that has blinded our people to the existential dangers we are in, and the vicious alien chosenites behind those dangers. We must help more of our people see the unequivocal connections between the jewish efforts to eradicate the White race, and the dysfunctional and increasingly dangerous conditions in our homelands. The Gordian knot of jewish lies will become increasingly easy to cut as the blight of our cities and the degenerate, Judaized culture which predominates in our societies becomes harder to ignore. We must stop the jewish-orchestrated White genocide.

Becky Akers #conspiracy #wingnut #quack lewrockwell.com

No matter. I long ago ceased caring whether masks protect me or anyone else: I will not wear one. Nor would I even if the facts staunchly supported their efficacy: whatever Leviathan orders, I do the opposite as far as possible. Lovers of liberty bristle at mandates, especially those pertaining to something as personal as wardrobe. And when a store, restaurant or church enforces the State’s diktat, I head elsewhere, preferably after explaining why.

Why am I so adamant? Because of what this “fetish object … signifies [about] a person’s politics.” Masks scream, “I’M A SLAVE WHO LOVES MY CHAINS! Kneel with me and lick up the Kool-Aid!” They advertise that the wearer watches too much TV, that he’s foolish and gullible. I’d as lief waltz about the streets in a Che Guevara T-shirt as a mask.

Whether masks help or hurt is irrelevant to Our Rulers: only our deference concerns them. They are determined that we will comply, however senseless or disastrous their commands. Which prompts us to question whether the early contradictions regarding masks were deliberate (Jerome “Obedience is Freedom” Adams announced in February, “Seriously people- STOP BUYING MASKS! They are NOT effective in preventing general public from catching #Coronavirus, but if healthcare providers can’t get them to care for sick patients, it puts them and our communities at risk!”). Maybe such inconsistency wasn’t as incompetent as we thought; maybe it was conditioning the sheeple to acquiesce no matter what.

Anthony Smith #wingnut #racist #fundie #conspiracy sign.org

The rioting in Minnesota is the result of a perfect storm of liberal progressive policies and cultural Marxism. In fact, the rioting and creative destruction is the expected and desired outcome of years of communist ideological subversion, specifically through diversity politics and mass immigration. Ultimately, the root cause is the result of the failure of multiple Roman Catholic Popes to consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary as requested by Our Lady at Fatima.

Sound extreme? Take a closer look at the facts and then decide yourself.

The (Deliberate) Transformation of Minnesota

Minnesota has a long history of Democratic party politics. It was the only state that did not vote for Ronald Reagan in either of his two presidential campaigns. The Minnesota Democratic Farmer-Labor party (“DFL”) was formed in 1944 and has its roots in socialism. It has a history of on-again, off-again relationships with communists and modern socialists such as Bernie Sanders. In the 2020 Democratic Presidential primary in Minnesota, Sanders received 29.89% of the vote – second only to Joe Biden. Socialism is not a marginal movement in Minnesota.

Minneapolis was historically a city of predominately white Christian citizens. The percentage of white citizens in Minneapolis remained at 99% from 1910 until 1950. Non-whites started coming to the city in large numbers in the 1970s and 1980s. In 1980, the percentage dropped below 90% to 87%. By 1990, the city was more than 20 percent non-white. By 2019, only 60% of the population of Minneapolis was white.

The early migration may have been tempted by Minnesota’s generous welfare programs. That does not account, however, for the massive influx in recent decades. That change has largely been the result of the immigrant resettlement programs, which have deliberately placed large refugee populations in Minnesota communities. As recently in 2018, the census bureau reported that since 2010 populations of people of color had increased faster in Minnesota than the rest of the nation.

There is no natural reason for people from Sub-Saharan African to migrate to Minnesota. Yet, the state has 52,333 people who report Somali ancestry — the largest concentration of Somalis in America — according to data from 2017. This is not a stable group of people trying to assimilate into American life — more men and boys from the Somali American community in Minneapolis have joined – or attempted to join – a foreign terrorist organization over the last 12 years than any other jurisdiction in the country.
Minnesota was merely a petri dish where the virus of cultural Marxism was fed to generations of students, church-goers and citizens for decades. It was almost inevitable that the revolution would start there. The ideological subversion of the United States is likewise well-advanced. We are now watching the new Jacobins tearing down statues of Columbus and trying to erase American history. Major corporations, celebrities and politicians all rush to swear fealty to BLM and Antifa, and donations pour in to support radical organizations. The Church stands silent. What can we do to get rid of this spiritual virus?

The solution is prayer. We must pray for the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary over communism. Regardless of whether the Holy Father consecrated Russia to the Immaculate Heart correctly or not (no Pope ever consecrated Russia by name to the Immaculate Heart), the current situation is the manifestation of the prophecy of Fatima – that Russia would spread its errors across the world.

Pray the Rosary daily for the end of atheistic communism!

Martin Armstrong #wingnut #conspiracy henrymakow.com

The rising civil unrest is starting to take notice of Bill Gates and his consortium hell-bent on changing the world economy.

They have used the coronavirus as a ploy to shut down the world economy all for their Climate Change Agenda.

There is a mountain of circumstantial evidence that points to Fauci funding the creation of this virus & transferring it to the Wuhan lab where neither China nor the United States leaked it, but this consortium which has planned this Event 201 on how to destroy the world economy and rebuild it from scratch.

They are already introducing Guaranteed Basic Income, assuming they can wipe out over 300 million jobs and then pay people to sit home and watch TV, where they recreate the world in their own image which they are promoting as the Great Reset.

This has all been planned and it is being promoted by the infamous Davos -- World Economic Forum. These people are all elitists who would never walk among us who they consider the great unwashed.

They have unleashed domestic violence in the world and encouraged all the suicides by imprisoning people and stripping them of all human rights. Their view is that the world is overpopulated, so thinning the herd to save the planet is justified and not genocide.

Countries like Thailand saw their tourist trade collapse and countless food lines, all for a fake virus. These people have used the press to terrorize the people to achieve their goal to recreate the world economy as "greener, smarter, and fairer."

The World Economic Forum is promoting a Marxist agenda with a 50-page manifesto organized by the communist Thomas Piketty, left.

The Forum promotes a new Marxist world, calling upon Piketty's "urgent new message on how to fight inequality" where they want to attack anyone with wealth. Their proposal for Europe is to increase taxation by 400%!

Karl Marx tried this before and over 200 million people lost their lives. This is what Socrates has been forecasting -- the destruction of Western Society. This new report puts the faces behind the plot and this is the fight between human rights and oppression.

Spencer Wells via The Golden Age Goddess #wingnut #crackpot #moonbat #conspiracy thegoldenagegoddess.com

“For the people who think this entire QAnon thing and the global mass-arrests are a complete farce, allow me to explain the legal justification to what is soon about to take place. For the last 19 years our nation has been undergoing a SILENT WAR between military intelligence and The Cabal (New World Order). Though I can't go into all of the details, America has not just been at "War Against Terror" BUT WITH EMBEDDED LUCIFERIAN TERRORISTS OPERATING WITHIN OUR OWN COUNTRY. What I'm about to share is simply a historical breakdown of the legal maneuvers that have led us unto this tenuous point in American and world history.

Were you aware that America is right now under a "declared state of war" since 9/11/01?

That declaration has NEVER STOPPED. It's been continuous for the last 19 years. The "War on Terror" has been an ongoing war since the times of George W. Bush and the fall of the World Trade Center. In fact, this ongoing DECLARED STATE OF WAR does not have a specific enemy nation. It's been a very broad-based non-specific "War on Terror." This non-specific DECLARED STATE OF “WAR ON TERROR” was obviously used by the Illuminati and their Rothschild puppets (Bush and Obama) to loot and plunder the Middle East, kill hundreds of thousands of innocent Afghanis, Iraqis, Syrians, and Libyans for their country's resources, and also to institute Rothschild Central Banks in those nations.

According to constitutioncenter.org

( https://constitutioncenter.org/blog/when-congress-once-used-its-powers-to-declare-war )
“A DECLARATION OF WAR automatically brings into effect a number of statutes that confer SPECIAL POWERS ON THE PRESIDENT and the Executive Branch, especially about measures that have domestic effect,” it says... these include GRANTING THE PRESIDENT DIRECT POWER TO TAKE OVER BUSINESSES AND TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS AS PART OF THE WAR EFFORT; THE ABILITY TO DETAIN FOREIGN NATIONALS; THE POWER TO CONDUCT SPYING WITHOUT ANY WARRANTS DOMESTICALLY; and the power to use natural resources on public lands."

This clever bit of LEGAL JUSTIFICATION to plunder many nations and fulfill the desires of the Rothschilds all in one bang seemed fantastic under Illuminati puppets such as Bush and Obama. They went bargain shopping all over the world, stealing oil from Iraq, plundering Kaddafi's Libyan gold, taking control of Afghanistan's poppy fields for their CIA drug trade operations, while at the same time procuring child-slaves in these same countries for their Delta 6 intelligence/assassin operations.

But what would happen if a NON-ILLUMINATI PRESIDENT, someone like Donald J. Trump, came to power in this nation? He could not be bought out by special interest groups because he is already a wealthy man. Bribing or honey pot sex traps have long been the hooks of choice to ensnare politicians in blackmail, but what happens when the most powerful person in the world is NOT FOR SALE?

In5D #wingnut #crackpot in5d.com

For those who support Socialism, under Socialism, everything you once enjoyed will no longer be available to you, including “luxuries” such as medicine, supplements, healthcare, food, restaurants, transportation (flights, auto, boats, etc…), or even addictions such as cigarettes, liquor, etc… It’s already happening in Seattle with their “requests” for pizza, cigarettes, etc… Their chain of service delivery will be non-existent.

The top Socialist countries are China and Cuba. Does anyone really want to live like that? I sure as fuck don’t.

All of your freedom and your civil liberties will be gone under this premise. All systems of transport will cease due to no one willing to work. Then, they’ll steal from others at gunpoint until they have nothing as well. I’d rather die fighting for your civil liberties and freedom than having them taken away from me by some punks who feel they’re entitled to what I have.

This will not end well for those who follow this idea. If it comes to fruition, I’ll be exiting this planet early fighting for my AND THEIR freedom and it might, metaphorically, be them who kills me while I fight for their freedom as well as mine.

Why? Because I stand in the vibration of truth, love, and light.

Scottie Spencer #wingnut #conspiracy reddit.com


(The image contrasts two figures, namely:)

Noble Nationalist Leader [Christian cross with a swastika in it]
Adolf Hitler was a righteous man and great leader who liberated Germany from the New World Order. He was beloved by his people, and wanted nothing but peace, and never…NEVER ordered the extermination of a single Jew.

Globalist Puppet of the Jews [Star of David with a demon face inside]
Winston Churchill was a vile, bumbling, drunken, cigar-chomping, sodomizing, lying, scheming, warmongering, genocidal blog installed into power by the Jews to kickstart WWII and save the New World Order

George Tanner, #fundie, #wingnut, #pratt twitter.com

Note: NASCAR has banned the Confederate Flag from their races

NASCAR is a sport born in the south if you ban my flag you are stepping on my second Amendment right you also will not make another dime from me I will call all of the products I Buy and tell them Ian will no longer buy their products because of this you can kiss my southern ass

Jacob Harrison #wingnut #fundie fandom-fanon.fandom.com

A very important announcement

I previously used an account with the username UltraCatholicAngloAmerican. As shown in my article on the Restored Holy Roman Empire, in spite of the Catholic Church’s canonization of Joan of Arc, I reconciled my Catholicism with my American English nationalism by saying that God chose Joan of Arc to save France because the vacancy of the English throne after the overthrow of Richard II made their claims to the French throne vacant.

But then I did more research. Poor Innocent VIII issued a bull ordering the English to be loyal to the House of Tudor and later Popes recognized the Jacobite heirs of the House of Stuart. So I realized that in order to reconcile my theory of the vacancy of the English throne, I had to modify the story to solve the succession dispute by having a restored English parliament based on the legal system of 1399 elect the Jacobite heir king, restoring the legal system of 1688. Then the English would pass an act declaring themselves a vassal kingdom to Emperor Michael.

But if the theory of the vacancy is open to human interpretation and not a direct order by God, I realized that there must be another reason why God chose Joan of Arc. I thought that perhaps Henry V of England rejected a reasonable offer of peace. After all, the so called Hundred Years War was not really a continuous war, but actually 3 different wars. In 1360 in the Treaty of Brétigny, Edward III renounced his claim to the French throne in exchange for receiving the Duchy of Aquitaine in full English sovereignty. When there were later dispute that caused France to violate the treaty in 1369, he resumed his claim to the French throne. The second war lasted until 1389 when there was a truce which was broken due to conflicts in the 1400s.

But I did research and realized that during the negotiations of 1414, while the French offered an enlarged Aquitaine, they only offered it as a fief instead of in full sovereignty under the terms of the Treaty of Brétigny. Therefore, Henry V was justified in his invasion of France.

In the Treaty of Troyes in 1420, Charles VI agreed to disinherit his son, the Dauphin Charles, and made Henry V his heir. Henry V died before Charles VI causing Henry VI of England to succeed Charles VI as King of France. But the disinherited Dauphin rejected and claimed the throne as Charles VII.

Now I realize that Joan of Arc who helped Charles VII overthrow Henry VI, was a witch. I hope that she repented at the last moment of her life when she was burning.

I am therefore now an Anglican who also adheres to common American Protestant beliefs and believes that the King James Bible is the true English translation. I am now a Jacobite who wants to restore the rightful heirs of James II to the thrones of England, Scotland, Ireland, and France since they are the rightful heirs to both the Houses of Lancaster and York. Yes he was Catholic but that was before the Church canonized Joan of Arc. He was illegally overthrown.

In 1782, the Jacobite heir Charles Edward Stuart declined an offer from Americans to become King of America, therefore legally recognizing the United States as a Republic. https://www.scotclans.com/charles-edward-stewart-king-america/

However, all the other territories that were part of the British Empire prior to 1688 are rightful territories of the Jacobite heirs since the Jacobite heirs did not recognize the independence of those territories. That includes parts of Canada, Bermuda, parts of the West Indies, parts of the East Indies, parts of India, the Gambia River in Africa, and St Helena.

The Jacobite heirs must also be restored with the royal powers the House of Stuart had before James II was overthrown. Back then the monarchs could legally dissolve parliament at will and rule by decree. There were only partial limits to their power such as in the Magna Carta.

You may say “The Jacobite heirs have not pursued their claim to the throne so why bother trying to restore them. Don’t they have the authority to abdicate?”

But by the time of the House of Tudor, it became a custom that the monarch could only change the laws of succession through the consent of parliament. So even if Franz Duke of Bavaria abdicates, he cannot alter the succession of his heirs by primogeniture without parliament. The youngest Jacobite heir by primogeniture is Prince Joseph Wenzel of Lichtenstein so Joseph’s descendants must be put on the throne. I will only accept the House of Windsor if one of Joseph’s descendants gives royal assent to an act of the parliaments of England, Scotland, and Ireland that changes the succession.

Since I am now an Anglican American, I will have to modify my story to be more in line with what American Protestants know about of the end times. I believe that the true monarch of Britain will be raptured along with other believers and then return with a new body after the Tribulation to rule Britain, Ireland, and France during the millennial reign of Jesus Christ until the final battle and making of the New Heaven and New Earth.

I will preserve the plot of a resurrected Nero, and the events in the final chapters where I resist Miralia Casteler’s sexual temptation and cause her to repent. I may need to borrow more elements from Niam’s version to help with the plot overhaul.

wwweamonreillydotcom #fundie #wingnut deviantart.com

There is a religion that is spreading so fast and so sneakily that it has almost achieved all its goals already and most people here haven’t even noticed. The carpet is about to be pulled out from under our feet. This religion’s members who have positions in very high and powerful places have done their job well. Soon every piece of our country will be affected by this religion. Our school children will be indoctrined in the dogma and most people in this country are already speaking in the language of this religion. Those who wish to spread this religion are the worst zealots of all. This religion is atheism.

Atheism is a religion. It is an anti-christ religion. Without Christ there would be no atheism. Those who would love to see this religion prosper often refer to our constitution that refers to ‘people being cherished of all religions and none’. It uses that statement continuously because it infers that atheism isn’t a religion itself. It puts atheism on a platform against ‘all the religions’. Another misnomer is ‘beliefs’. Atheists have ‘reason’ they tell us and people who know that God made us have ‘beliefs’. Atheists have ‘beliefs’ too. They believe that God doesn’t exist. Isn’t that a ‘belief’?? Also this cherishing people of all religions and none is rubbish. The atheist religion are the only cherished ones. All the others are bunched together and the atheists are given the high ground. Another misnomer is ‘secularism’. As atheism is an organised religion, with it’s own churches, websites, fanclubs, etc that tries to enforce its views, ways and dogma on everyone else in every way they can, secularism should be called what it really is –sectarianism.
In one minute I could name, off hand, at least a dozen Irish celebrities and politicians who have proclaimed themselves atheists. People in the print media, government, seanad, tv and radio who are so influential to our younger , impressionable generation. All of these scoff at Christians and think they are ‘cool’ by proclaiming themselves atheist. Could anyone name a dozen self-proclaimed militant Christians in one minute from those same powerful, influential fields?? Could anyone name more than two??

Instead of admiring the saints like we used to do in Ireland, we idolise z-list showbiz celebrities , sports people and talentless, empty people who are just famous for being famous. Being famous is the new religion here now. It was having money and property a few years back. Will we ever get back to admiring people who actually spent their lives giving to others and loving ourselves without always wanting to be someone else? Maybe. We can only live in hope amid the banal emptiness and despair. And people wonder why the young are taking their own lives??

Back to the non-atheist church. The abuse scandal was used, to full effect, to ridicule and silence the church forever after by the huge atheist organisation. This is despite the fact that less than 3% of priests actually carried out the vile abuse and there was no more abuse in Catholicism than there was in any other religion or ‘secular’ institution in the world. The systematic sectarian bigoted attacks against Catholics in particular and other Christian religions is now a fact of life every day we watch tv, listen to the radio or open a magazine or newspaper any day of the year. Go online and be horrified at the ignorance of the sectarian attacks on twitter, facebook and any of the boards. It’s become a fact of life for every religion except the atheist religion. Anything the people of the non atheist churches stand for MUST be ridiculed and the words and phrases ‘regressive’ ,‘the dark ages’, ‘medieval practices’, ‘the 1950’s’ and ‘John Charles McQuaid’ ‘child abuse’ and ‘magdalene laundries’ must be thrown into the discourse ad nauseum.
Today there is a several pronged attacked, by this atheist religion, on Ireland. Our Christian faith schools are going to be sacrificed for atheist schools to thrive instead. It doesn’t matter that the majority don’t want a change from the Christian Schools. The Atheist dictators will have their way anyway like they have done in most of Europe already. In the recent oireachtas hearings on abortion the atheists wanted abortion on demand into Ireland despite the will of the people and the advice of the psychiatrists and experts. Anyone willing to bet against them getting their way on this too??

All a bishop has to do is to express an opinion on something and we get the same shrill, squealing voices about ‘interfering’ and ‘dictating’ and more of the ‘1950’s’ and ‘John Charles McQuaid’ quotes. Please change the record, folks. The bishops have the same right to express an opinion as anyone else has.

After abortion has sneaked it’s way into Ireland for the first time ever, we will have gay marriage (despite many, many gay people being against it), euthanasia and after that anything and everything’s possible and likely and it will take place whether we want it or not.
Now after that food for thought (which will no doubt be ridiculed in the comments underneath this article if the newpaper has the courage to publish it in the first place) I will leave you with one more thought.
Say what you like about God but nobody was ever saved from a life of crime, drink, drugs, gambling, despair or depression by finding atheism.

Donald Trump’s campaign #wingnut donaldjtrump.com

Official 2020 Trump vs Democrat Poll

1. Who would you rather see fix our Nation’s shattered immigration policies?

* President Trump
* A MS-13 Loving Democrat

2. Who do you trust more to protect America from foreign and domestic threats?

* President Trump
* A Corrupt Democrat

3. Who would you rather handle our Nation’s economy?

* President Trump
* A Radical Socialist Democrat

4. Who do you believe is more transparent with the American People?

* President Trump
* A Lying Democrat

5. Who do you trust to NOT raise your taxes?

* President Trump
* A High Tax Democrat

6. Who do you believe will ALWAYS put America FIRST?

* President Trump
* A Sleazy Democrat

7. Who do you believe will keep their promises?

* President Trump
* A Lyin’ Democrat

8. Who do you believe will fight for you every day?

* President Trump
* A Low Energy Democrat

9. Who do you believe is better for America?

* President Trump
* A Low IQ Democrat

10. Who will you vote for in 2020?

* President Trump
* A Radical Socialist Democrat

Pastor Louie Giglio #racist #fundie #wingnut newsweek.com

Atlanta Megachurch Pastor Wants to Use the Phrase 'White Blessings' Instead of 'White Privilege'

A prominent Atlanta megachurch pastor wants people to start using the phrase "white blessings" instead of "white privilege." Pastor Louie Giglio suggested the U.S. should "get over" the phrase "white privilege" in a conversation with rapper Lecrae and Chick-fil-A CEO Dan Cathy on June 14.


"I feel like on the inside of the church we're fighting this historical context you [Lecrae] talk about. In other words, we love the blessing of the cross but we don't love to sit in it and realize this is what gods asking me to do, to die to myself, and live for him, whatever context that's going to look like for me.

But I want to flip that upside down because I think the other side of it is true with our nation's history. We understand the curse that was slavery, white people do, and we say 'that was bad,' but we miss the blessing of slavery that it actually built up the framework for the world that white people live in and lived in."


You can see the full Newsweek article here:

Anonymous #racist #elitist #wingnut #pratt #transphobia boards.4chan.org


(The image depicts a caricature of an intersex pink–haired communist giving the middle finger with the text:)

Yeah communism has failed every time and killed 100,000,000 people but you know what millions of people starve in thirdworld shitholes so. Guess that means market economies are evil for not feeding millions of violent sub 80 IQ blacks who would rape and murder if they had the chance checkmate capitalist pigs oh and btw IQ isn’t real because 100 years ago the test was flawed. The mountains of empirical evidence showing how IQ is both genetic as well as correlated with violence, financial choices and overall time preference is wrong because a white guy discovered it so that means it must be wrong

Anonymous #wingnut #racist boards.4chan.org

White Brothers, do not despair. I know some may be tempted to chimp out at these violent communists and niggers destroying the cities and the monuments, but now is not a time to despair but to rejoice. The enemy is doing exactly what we needed in order to awaken the masses to our struggle

Traffic to Dissident Right wing websites is at an all time high. Whites who were asleep are contacting their friends and neighbors who warned them about what was comming and are now watching The Greatest Story Never Told and Europa The Last battle. People are arming themselves and are forming adhoc defense forces to protect their white neighborhoods. Now is the time more than ever to give those seeking for answers the answers they seek. This is the moment we were waiting for. The enemy has dropped the mask.

How foolish are these low time preference degenerate faggots? All the kikes had to do was wait another 20 -30 years to flood the country with more and more niggers and muslims, but these retards could not wait and they over played their hand. These small bands of radicals are about to see an entire Generation of young white men organize a Mass Movement of Real Fascists. We are the Vangaurd, we shall lead the way, and we shall spread the message. We will spread it to our friends, we will spread it to our neighbors over beers in the yard and burgers on the grill. From personal experience the normies are ready to listen and they are believing. The time to build the movement is upon us brothers, the conditions are set, we have what we need and we know what to do. Read Mein Kampf, follow the blueprint. Hail Victory.

Dr. Revilo P. Oliver #wingnut #pratt #racist renegadetribune.com

I have read countless accounts about the atrocities inflicted upon the German people by the Jew crazed Allied scum and it always makes my blood boil. My 2nd great grandfather was a “Vistula German” who came to the USA at the beginning of the 20th century from a small village known as Neudorf near Plock in a county then known as Gostynin and still known by that name. I spoke with a distant cousin who went back there about 10 years ago and he told me that all of our relatives who didn’t flee were murdered, their church destroyed and their graveyard with nearly 150 years of graves ploughed over by the Poles resettled there from the Eastern Polish lands given to the Soviets. My maternal grandfather was a little luckier since he lived in a rural area of Swabian Bavaria near Kempten in Lindau in a small village known as Weiler. While there was still little food he didn’t have to contend with a housing shortage although the Americans forced him at the age of 10 to work on a farm in which he was treated cruelly.
What all Europeans, all white people need to realize is that the fate of those millions upon millions of German expellees after WW2 will be the fate of all Europeans worldwide if we continue to only worry about our own individual comforts and refuse to see ourselves as part of the historical process. What is happening to the Boers in South Africa awaits every white family if we do not act, an act soon!

Marjorie Taylor Greene #wingnut #psycho #conspiracy jta.org

President Donald Trump boosted a Georgia Republican candidate who refuses to disavow a white supremacist she posed with in a photograph and has seemingly promoted anti-Semitic conspiracy theories.

“A big winner,” Trump said in a tweet Friday attached to a story on a pro-Trump website noting that Marjorie Taylor Greene in the heavily Republican 14th District had performed well in the primary despite having an ad banned by Facebook. “Congratulations!”

Greene, the owner of a construction company, was the leader in Tuesday’s primary but did not secure 50 percent of the vote and so is headed to a runoff against her closest rival, Dr. John Cowan, a neurosurgeon.

Greene has posed in photos with Chester Doles, a Georgia man who once was a leader of the Ku Klux Klan and served a prison sentence for beating nearly to death a black man he saw in the company of a white woman. She has dismissed media queries about the photos as “silly” and “fake news.”

Greene has peddled conspiracy theories about QAnon, a complex fantasy about a group of influential pedophiles trying to bring down Trump that at times has veered into anti-Semitism. Jewish Insider uncovered a 2018 posting on a QAnon website signed by a Marjorie Greene that brought in anti-Semitic tropes accusing Jewish billionaire George Soros and the Rothschild family of being involved in the conspiracy.

The Republican Jewish Coalition told Jewish Insider this week that it would not support Greene if she won the runoff, but would not oppose her either.

In the banned Facebook ad, Greene cocks an automatic rifle and warns antifa, a group that organizes counterprotests against the far right and has become fodder for conspiracy theories peddled by Trump, not to come to her district.

Anti-intellectuals on r/Conservative #wingnut #elitist #conspiracy reddit.com

u/optionhome: [332 points] Orwell’s timeless admonition, “Some ideas are so stupid that only intellectuals believe them,” has been given new life by the desperate efforts of pundits, scholars and Twitter blue-checks to defend the violence, looting, disorder and general monstrousness that have overtaken America’s cities.

anonocs [32 points]: American DEMOCRAT cities.
What you're seeing now is the sole products of Looney Liberal Loser cult ideology rammed down your children's minds by socialist academia.
At this level, everything begins in the classroom.

optionhome [25 points]
exactly. imagine living in one of those cesspools and voting for the very people that endorse the destruction of you own community.

subchop710 [16 points]
It's that they use their intellect and education to validate their emotional response.

Linda Harvey #fundie #homophobia #transphobia #wingnut missionamerica.com

And they are exactly right. Males will now be free to waltz into work in female dress and their employers can do nothing about it. Eighteen-year-old girls who have mutilated their bodies to try to become male will be able to sue the family restaurant that doesn’t hire them. Restrooms, locker rooms and women’s shelters will just go ahead and allow males who say they are women to enter female spaces. Never forget, these folks have never respected laws or rules, and they specialize in pushing the limits all the time.

God help us.

This never had to happen. The heartbreak and tragedy that will roll out from this decision will be visited on many families who never saw it coming as their children become deeply corrupted because there is nothing to hold back the depraved indoctrination of "out" teachers, coaches, camp counselors, etc. We have empowered an anti-Christian arrogance that will not stop at the church house door, but will storm right in.

And this was always a solution in search of a problem. There are very few cases where people are fired today based solely on homosexual or gender deviant behavior. What this case represented is the key that opens every door to the fondest dreams of the homosexual activists, and that is to be able to silence objectors and intimidate those who might possibly criticize or challenge whatever they demand.

J Sav #wingnut #racist youtube.com

RE: Democrats Virtue Signal BACKFIRES, They Accidentally Wear Slave Trader Garments

I lived in Accra Ghana for 10 years! They literally don’t understand the whole racism thing in America, because they are well aware that they sold their own people, there was a historic slave castle in Accra right on the water, there was a beautiful restaurant right next to it, we’d eat there all the time, and my local Ghanaian friends gave me very extensive history lessons, and they are still ashamed of their history, they don’t blame Europeans they blame themselves!!!!

Ghana is a lovely place. Sure, it's backwards by western standards, especially in the north, but the people are friendly towards outsiders and I never experienced any crime or racism.

neither did I, the Ghanaian people are amazing, and they don’t hate White people due to indoctrination, they truly don’t, ive only been as far north as kumasi and that’s basically not even central, the north is where they got me aardvarks to export, a shitty west African country is Togo, never liked going there, people were very rude, Benin as well not so great, nothing like Ghana, it truly stands out in west Africa! Labadi beach was beautiful, koala super maker in osu was another thing that made you feel at home! If shit ever completely turns to shit in the US I’m going to Ghana, I never once felt unsafe and I knew Accra so well like my childhood hometown!

They are ashamed for there history but white Americans did terrible things to black people for centuries. Do try and water it down man. Thats how things go south.

yep and Muslim countries are still doing it! And so are African countries, and China has concentration camps, white countries saw the error of their ways and fixed it! If America is so racist, and white countries are sooooooo racist, why do brown people put everything on the line to get here🤔 you know where I’d never actually go??? South Africa because they are racist against White people!!!

Independent Conservative Voices(TM) #wingnut #racist #pratt reddit.com

isosum (53 points):

Communists aren't Nazis - they're worse: they killed around 100 million people last century, compared to the Nazis' 6 million.

Stop buying into the narrative that the only kind of evil in the world is "Nazis" or "right-wing" extremists.

Wesman_Todd_Shaw (9 and 8 points):

Nazism was a defensive response to communism.

Bolshevik Jews had staged violent uprisings in Bavaria in 1919, and afterwards in Germany too. Hitler was correct.

pcpmasterrace (7 points):

The German people threw their support behind Hitler because they were tired of antifa terrorism.

Ethnocrat (9 points):

The Nazis were the good guys you boomercuck.

Neues Europa #racist #fundie #elitist #god-complex #wingnut nseuropa.blogspot.com

Ten Principles of National-Socialist Thought

I. BE HONEST. A National Socialist faces a fact whether he likes it or not. Dishonesty is the mark of the enemy. National-Socialism above all represents living truth in its purest form.

II. BELIEVE IN GOD AND YOURSELF. The God of Destiny subjects only His strongest mortals to enormous tasks which would crush lesser men. God wills only the best to fulfil the highest task of life: to perfect mankind. Give yourself utterly unto Destiny, and God will shield you in your fight. God helps only those who help themselves. We will lose only if we lay down our arms due to our weakness and cowardice. There is only one true disgrace: submission to the enemies of our race.

III. BE FAITHFUL TO YOUR RACE. No one must be allowed to spoil what Nature created down through aeons of racial evolution. Your highest purpose in life is to carry on that evolution toward a stronger, better, more beautiful mankind. The purity and strengthening of the Aryan race is the basic requirement of every future higher evolution.

IV. FIGHT FOR YOUR RACE. Fight for the holy ideals of National Socialism, the heart of your great race. Only in this struggle can you prove your true worth as a man or a woman. Only thus can you fulfil your potential for courage, dedication, and ennobling self-sacrifice. Life's struggle for survival brought Man upwards from the apelike beings of the distant past to the height of Aryan culture and achievement. The Party's struggle will produce the revolutionary elite who will lead the National Socialist ideal to victory.

V. YOU ARE A SUPERIOR INDIVIDUAL. You will be outnumbered in this struggle, because the best are always a minority. History-making decisions have never been the work of formless masses, but always victories by active and dedicated minorities. You are both the servant and the spokesperson for your race. Make sure you set an example worthy to be followed in your person and your life.

VI. LOVE YOUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS. You owe your existence to your racial family; let your love of them be your overriding passion in life. Do not fear the Undermen, the racially inferior, and do not persecute them. You are their superior, but you are not their owner. When the time comes to fight them, do not lose your senses through counterproductive hatred. Detach yourself, clear your mind, and destroy them completely, methodically, clinically, as if in a surgical operation. Nothing is more pointless than wasting time hating mud people; it detracts from the positive love of your own.

VII. IMPROVE YOUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS. All Aryan men and women are your brothers and sisters, although not all are equally intelligent or courageous. It is up to you to inform them, to encourage them, and to instil their hearts with courage. Some of your kinsfolk have been misled and made ugly by the Judaic evil which is corrupting our racial soul. You must not hate them on that account, but rather strive to bring them back to their racial family.

VIII. REJECT THE DECADENCE. Decadence is anything which detracts either physically or spiritually from the health and the upward development of our Aryan race. You must hold your racial and spiritual purity above your very life, and not associate with anything which is decadent or which gives your life the appearance of decadence. Every aspect of life must be judged in relation to the survival and improvement of your race; anything hindering these attainments must be ruthlessly rooted out and destroyed.

IX. THE BEST MUST RULE. All great achievements on earth are the product of great leadership, political or scientific or artistic. The racial community can gain strength only by applying the Leadership Principle and placing in front the men and women who have demonstrated superior ability, dedication, and tenacity in the racial struggle. Democracy is a sickness which leads inevitably to chaos, corruption, and the collapse of society; from democracy steps forth the cruellest of tyrants.

X. NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE. Where there is a will, there is a way. Everything falls before the man of indomitable will. Suffering and sacrifice are necessary; we are hardening ourselves for the most decisive struggle in all of human history. Victory will fall only to the most truthful, the most fanatical, the strongest, the bravest, and the best. Be that.

Ricardo Duchesne #racist #crackpot #wingnut eurocanadian.ca

The white race is uniquely altruistic. Why? This is a very difficult question to answer. It is easy to understand altruistic behavior for the benefit of one's family members. This is common among animals. Mother bears will put their lives in danger to protect their cubs from attack. Sacrifices for one's relatives and in-group ethnic members are also common. The difficult question is: why whites are singularly motivated to perform actions that benefit members of out-groups when such actions harm their ingroup members and families? This is known in dissident circles as "pathological altruism". The Antislavery Movement One would think that the existence of a huge literature on the subject of altruism would have provided us with definite answers about the unique nature of white altruism. Not really. Since any discussion about racial differences is prohibited in academia, this behavior is invariably framed as if it were a disposition among humans in general.

White academics habitually project their altruistic behaviors to humans as humans. Kevin MacDonald is one of a few evolutionary psychologists who understands that whites are singularly altruistic outside their kin-group, and that explaining this behavior requires a Darwinian approach that is wedded to the history of whites. This is the subject of chapter 7 of his book Individualism and the Western Liberal Tradition. He argues that the "moral idealism in the British antislavery movement", which led to the abolition of the slave trade in 1807 and slavery in 1833, offers an excellent case study of the nature and historical origins of white pathological altruism. Without overlooking other psychological motivations which generally come into play among leaders in all movements, such as ambition, personal gain, including the satisfaction of being praised as a selfless individual, MacDonald carefully goes over the antislavery sentiments expressed over many decades, starting in the eighteenth century, by Quakers, Evangelical Anglicans, and Methodists. The leaders of the antislavery movement were sincerely empathetic individuals moved by the suffering of others.

The influential Marxist explanation that the campaign against slavery occurred only when it was no longer advantageous for capitalism to exploit slave labor is seriously flawed. One would expect an evolutionary psychologist to be drawn to an explanation that emphasizes the economic self-interests of whites. But as we have seen in our multipart review of MacDonald's book, this type of explanation misses out the singularity whites have exhibited throughout history in creating communities with ideological norms that encouraged trust beyond one's family network. As we saw in Part 3 of my extended review, whites exhibited WEIRD behaviors early on in their history. Back in the age of hunting and gathering they were more inclined to extend their trust to members of outside tribes (because this was a naturally advantageous strategy in the climes of northwest Europe). In contrast, trust in the non-Western world was restricted to ingroup members. In the course of time, whites came to exhibit more WEIRD traits, such as monogamous behaviors among powerful men despite their natural instinct for polygamy. The Catholic Church nurtured norms inside the "higher" frontal parts of the brain capable of inducing guilt and fear of godly punishment among powerful men who failed to control their sexual drives.
MacDonald's point is not that whites were wrong to seek the abolition of slavery. His aim is to understand the excessive moral preoccupation whites exhibited about the plight of Africans coupled with their current pathological empathy for aggressive immigrants occupying their lands. In light of this reality, and the complete indifference Muslims have to this day about their thousand-year old enslavement of Africans, these Puritan-descended movements do seem incredibly naive, child-like, and devoid of realism. What is there to admire about this?

Ken Adachi #conspiracy #racist #wingnut henrymakow.com

<comment on "anonymous black UC Berkeley professor's letter to fellow faculty">
It's an unexpected relief to read such a rational and cogent rebuttal by a black academic to the hailstorm of falsehoods, twisted perceptions, and blatant misrepresentations we get raining down on us from corporate and academic America, along with the propaganda rubber-mouths of Zio-Media, since the so-called 'murder' of George Floyd.

While JWO Talmudic Jews may use corruptible and naive black 'muscle' to try to bring about a communist insurrection in America, it will remain for EVERYDAY people of principle, honor, and truth - regardless of race - who will counter those wholesale lies: with reasoned rebuttals, supported by facts, and in service to truth - as seen here - that will eventually turn the tide. However, it will not happen unless ENOUGH people of Good Will who recognize the IMMENSE DANGERS we now face, get involved -- on some level as this man has done -- to save America the Beautiful from dissolution and abandonment. This is not the time to sit back and wonder who's going to save the day? YOU be the Light that reveals the way.

Hubert Collins #racist #wingnut amren.com

Another Reason Not to Watch Porn

Where do its profits go?

Among the many companies that pledged money to combat “racism” over the last three weeks was PornHub.com, which promised money for the Southern Poverty Law Center.

PornHub is the ninth most popular website on earth. In May, it was visited some 2.85 billion times. The company that owns it, MindGeek, is a smut Goliath. It owns not only PornHub, but other big sites, such as YouPorn and RedTube, as well as big pornography studios, such as Brazzers, Digital Playground, and Reality Kings. Pornography is terrible anyway, but passing on part of its profits to the SPLC makes it worse. Add this to your reasons to stay away.

Shawntheimmortal942 #wingnut #racist deviantart.com

I remember seeing a pic of some white people being pretend enslaved by a black guy out of some white guilt BS and imo that shows the SJWs final destination, white SJWs want to be enslaved By minorities. No wonder SJWs are pushing being a cuck as “progressive”

It”s garbage. I heard disney was planning on buying twitter but somehow Disney didn’t do it XD Twitter is too woke for Disney.

There’s nothing to apologize for, even I thought Trump was gonna lose to Hilary hell I actually thought Trump did make fun of a mentally disabled reporter but then I saw this video

Shawntheimmortal942 #wingnut #racist #conspiracy deviantart.com

Yes! Yes! Yes! How much do any of you wanna bet that some woke dipshit celebrity will try to pay for both of their bail or start a fucking petition to free looters and killers? It wouldn’t surprise me if tomorrow I see an article or video where “Free David Dorn’s killer!” Or “Free all cop killers!” Fuck off.

R.I.P to David Dorn and any innocent people who were killed in the riots by these fucking animals. Where’s BLM when black cops are killed? Or supporting black people who don’t agree with BLM’s politics? It’s alllllllll for the agenda, it’s you‘re either with us or against us to them.

Shawntheimmortal942 #wingnut #racist #dunning-kruger deviantart.com

https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=akllkJwcnGc So much for black lives matter, hm? So BLM decides Who’s black now? You all realize that you just proved Terry’s point, right? Who am I kidding? A ham sandwich has more self awareness than the flying checkmarks. Also what do you mean there’s “no such thing as black supremacy“? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_supremacy hell there are black people who want all white people to die...isn’t that black supremacy? How about the rwandan genocide?

crew2 #sexist #wingnut incels.is

[Blackpill] There's no greater way to discredit a movement than have a load of femoids join on board

Seriously. If people saw only black people walking down the street protesting they would get on board with it and show some sympathy. As soon as loads of plain-faced, short-haired, jean-wearing, pissed off about not being chad material femoids start marching alongside you trying to piggyback on your movement just to bash all men because they have realised they are ugly you are gonna get hate and ridicule purely through association.

Every time I see these marches it is all either ugly women or LGBT/Cucked types mixed in with blacks. Ironic seeing as white femoids are the most racist beings to ever walk the earth and reject black men en masse on Tinder which is the most prevalent form of racial/physical oppression.

Demand these foids give up Tinder or donate a quarter of their wages/OnlyCucks money to an impoverished black family and watch them crumble.

Joxua Luxor #wingnut #homophobia #racist #conspiracy psykolinguist.wordpress.com

Liberal Dystopia

We’re living 5 years in the future now. Climate Change has been solved through Global Communism. Over population is controlled now, Muslims genocided all of the other Religions starting with the Christians. Then Muslims converted to a form of Atheism when they came to the conclusion that Allah is Science. There is a Global Religion of Science and there is a Secret Scientist Priest Class that tells people what is Moral and what they should think, say, and do. Babies are no longer born they are decanted and every child is a ward of the state.
The United Nations has been placed in power over the Global Government and the Sovereignty of Nations has been removed. Israel, Russia, the United States, and China no longer exist, they were causing all of the problems. Many Jews had to die. It is okay, everybody is a Gay, Muslim, Atheist, Science worshipper, now. Everybody on earth is happy. Did I mention that everybody is gay? Oh, yeah, well kind of. The Government provides sex robots for every person but if you don’t have a homosexual robot then you are a bad person. This is how they control the Population. Should the robot not satisfy your needs and you have sex with another person you won’t be able to procreated which could be a slippery slope back to over population.
Whole Foods is the only grocery store and they only sell Organic Soylent Green. 35% of the population works for the Government and tells the rest of the Population what to do. The Government owns all of the Businesses. There is no smoking except marijuana. There are several TV stations but everybody says the same thing and looks like Rachel Maddow.

Doug Wilson #fundie #homophobia #conspiracy #wingnut dougwils.com

Those who are tempted with same sex attractions — both those who are ashamed of it and try to resist it and those who are given over to it — are gaywalkers. God built the road, and it is straight road, and he told us to cross at the intersection. Refusing to do so, or wavering on the point, is a sin issue, not a political issue. Let’s talk about it. As we address this kind of thing, the faithful Christian is dealing with the homosexual on exactly the terms as he deals with adulterers, gamblers, liars, drunks, and so on. Sin is sin, and Jesus is the only way out of that death trap. So let’s talk about it.

But then there are the gaytards. These are the people — homosexual, straight, and whatever Justin Bieber is — who are the ideal receptacle for the cultural propaganda served up by our duly appointed thought managers. They believe in “gay rights” for the same reason that they believe in climate change. The cool kids have decreed what is “in,” and the wannabe cool kids will enforce it on the unconvinced with a ferocity that can scarcely be credited. They do this in the hope that the cool kids will notice them, and promote them to better things. These people amuse themselves by taunting people ten times shrewder than they are as “low information voters.” Low information voters are those who believe that you can’t spend money you don’t have, that climate that doesn’t change isn’t climate change, and that men should marry women.

But then we come to those who are the driving force behind all this. They are in the grip of the libido dominandi, the lust for power, and they have combined it with their lust for flesh just like their own. They are the pink mafia. They are the gaystapo, as one observer put it. They want to establish their sodomite sharia law, starting in Portland, say, and working its way out.

Unless you take their tolerance tattoo, either on your right hand or on your forehead, you will not be able to buy or sell (Rev. 13:16-17Open in Logos Bible Software (if available)). Why should such an enemy of humanity be able to buy or sell? But the problem with taking that tolerance tattoo is that the space is reserved. Everyone who serves the living and true God is called to reserve that space on the hand or forehead for the law of God (Deut. 6:8Open in Logos Bible Software (if available)). And the law of God says to confuse male and female is a root confusion. Someone that confused might wind up having sex with someone just exactly like himself, and then calling it “diversity.”

The Babylon Bee #wingnut babylonbee.com

[For the record, if you really need to compare the BLM protests to Star Wars villains, a coherent analogy would be the C.I.S. from the prequels]

U.S.—The media is reporting that the Death Star has blown up Alderaan in a "mostly peaceful" demonstration of the superweapon's destructive capabilities.

"The demonstration of the superweapon was mostly calm, mostly peaceful," said a CNN reporter on a deck of the Death Star as millions of voices cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced. "Everyone on the bridge here was very orderly. Only a couple of people have been Force-choked. Most are fine."
"Everything is fine down here, how are you?"
The BBC reported that the display of the space station's planet-destroying powers was civil, organized, and "largely non-violent." An MSNBC reporter on the planet said that "Everybody here is really peaceful AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!" as he exploded. So everyone was pretty much in agreement that everything was "pretty chill."
The Empire was next going to peacefully protest on Dantooine but decided that planet was too remote to make an effective demonstration, being one of those "fly-over" planets. A new peaceful protest has been planned for Yavin IV, with a violent counter-protest planned by the Proud Boys.

Michael Williams #racist #wingnut amren.com

A Young White Man’s Struggle with Identity

This is part of our continuing series of accounts by readers of how they shed the illusions of liberalism and became race realists.

I am a white man in his mid-twenties who grew up in a middle-class home. My mom was a liberal public school teacher and was passionate about helping “oppressed” immigrants and minorities. She taught at inner-city schools and worked as a missionary in Haiti and Mexico. Looking back, I realize I was deeply influenced by her — especially since I had no real father figure. I was taught to not see color, and that in general, the reason why minorities and immigrants struggle in America was because of racist whites.

I was a rebellious teenager, and made plenty of trouble for myself throughout high school. Eventually, my bad behavior made my mom decide to pull me out of my majority white school and enroll me in the almost exclusively black school she taught at. She thought the black kids would “straighten me out” and “show me what it’s really like to have it bad” — but that isn’t what happened. Instead, I ended up coming to admire the black “gangster/thug life” and started using drugs and causing as much trouble as ever.

The next year she sent me back to the majority white school I had been pulled out of, but the trouble didn’t stop. I began using more and more drugs, and became addicted to Oxycontin. After that it was a downward spiral. I was willing to do anything to get the drug, and I started hanging around bad characters. By the end of high school, I was selling drugs and robbing people in order to fund my addiction.

Not long after I graduated, my parents kicked me out and I started “couch-surfing,” while still selling and using drugs. This ended with me going to a treatment center for a year and a half — but once I left, I quickly picked up my bad habits once again. I started selling crack and other drugs in a black ghetto, and my life was centered around getting high. But I soon found that I was not welcome there, and even hated. Not because I was dealing drugs, but just because I was white and operating in black “turf.” That period of my life was marked by many fights, a lot of close calls, and a revolving door of jail cells, treatment centers, and homelessness.

In the midst of all this chaos, I fathered a child with a black girl. Though nobody in my white family was bothered by this, some of my black “friends” and relatives of the mother openly voiced their disapproval of interracial relationships. Regardless, becoming a father motivated me to grow up, become a man, and change so I could be a good dad to my daughter. I sobered up and started working any job I could get.

My change in lifestyle made me start to think about race. As I was working hard, my “homies” still came around, but they never wanted to do anything but get high and get into trouble. A lot of my “friends,” most of them black, drifted away from me because I was doing something positive with my life instead of destroying it with drugs and crime. That was too “lame” for them. One of my closest black friends began constantly lamenting the fact that I was changing and wasn’t “the good old guy who just wanted to kick back and get high” anymore. But he still hung around, so I would say things to him like, “Hey I know we both have criminal records and drug problems, but if I can get sober and work to have a decent life, so can you.” I tried to be a positive influence, but he always had excuses.

One day, I told him, “I’ll help you put your resume together and I’ll take you to go apply to some jobs.” He said he would do it, but when I picked him up, he just wanted to get high and went on a long speech about oppression saying, “You don’t know how hard it is for a black man in America, it might be easy for you to just go and get a job, but not for me.” I asked him, “What makes you assume that it was easy for me? Just because I’m white?! And second, how are you going to cry victim when you haven’t even honestly tried to work hard or change? I’m offering to help you get a resume together, but you want to get high instead? No one is holding you back but yourself.” We argued and then went our separate ways.
Many blacks would rather live the “thug life” than work hard to make an honest living. Yet they make excuses, blame society, the police, and the white man for all their problems. Some blacks are hell bent on destroying themselves and everyone around them because they feel like victims, and they will never take any personal responsibility. I came to realize that the only thing I had ever had in common with blacks like that was a victim mentality and the desire to get high. Once I stopped being a victim and sobered up, none of them wanted anything to do with me anymore. Now that I was doing positive things with my life, they weren’t even happy for me, just envious.

I moved on and kept to myself in the years that followed. And after a few years of hard work and self-improvement, I got back together with the mother of my child and we moved in together. I was proud that I didn’t make excuses for myself, and did the hard work I needed to do to get my family back together, and made myself into the man and father they needed me to be. I don’t regret any of this. I did not want my child to grow up without a father, like I did. Fatherlessness is a huge issue in America today, leading to all kinds of dysfunction.

With my life in order, I turned my focus to education and the pursuit of truth. I dove into topics such as psychology, history, economics, politics, and ultimately — race. The more I learned, the more unconvinced I was by the “blue-pill” liberal worldview I grew up believing. When I discovered race realism, I was impressed by how many facts and statistics lined up with my own experiences living as a criminal in “the hood.” From there, I discovered the alarming realities of the “great replacement,” liberal censorship, and the violence committed by antifa and Black Lives Matter. The more I dove into the facts, the more I saw that Ben Shapiro, Jordan B. Peterson, Charles Murray, and Jared Taylor were telling the truth. Simultaneously, I realized how insidious the Left was in trying to smear, censor, shame, and shut down these thinkers. It was at this time that Donald Trump was elected, and I began seeing the protests, riots, rage, and unrest coming from the left. A political line in the sand was being drawn, and the Left was no longer open to dialogue: they were only interested in taking power by force.

White liberals claim to be on the side of minorities and other “oppressed” groups, but they know nothing about them. As a white man who lived the thug life in the hood for over eight years, I know that they hate the white liberals’ pandering, and when white boys imitate them. Most of them hate the idea of assimilating into white America: they want their own jurisdictions, culture, and rules — and they hate when whites intrude, peacefully or otherwise. Believers in the “melting pot” theory have never lived in a black community, but they like to imagine that they are great “warriors” and activists for justice and equality.

As a white man, and as a father to a black and white child, I felt that fully understanding racial issues was an absolute must. My daughter’s mother and I had many conversations about these matters, and — fortunately — she agreed with almost everything I was discovering about race. She saw the destructive tendencies of blacks firsthand. When she worked hard at her job or studied hard in school, other blacks were jealous and treated her with contempt for “acting white.” She has never been able to understand why most blacks have such a big chip on their shoulders, hate whites, and maintain a victim mentality when they never experienced slavery or Jim Crow themselves.

She doesn’t make excuses for her own shortcomings and has never cared that other blacks claim she isn’t “really black” or hated her for her success or for having a child with a white man. Because of this, our family remains strong and united. Some may accuse her of hating her own race, but the truth is simply that she refuses to buy into the lies and propaganda that blacks must fight against whites in order to succeed. She loves her own people, family, and race. She also appreciates and respects white culture and realizes that whites built this country and made it prosperous. She loves America, and doesn’t want it to change, so she supports the national identity of America as a white nation, and has no desire to see it taken over by blacks, immigrants, or “social justice warriors.” I believe more and more blacks are waking up and coming to support America instead of hating it.

I may have a mixed child, but I am a full supporter of the US, the white race, our culture, and our honor. I will die before I see our great country defiled and overtaken by leftists and foreigners who hate our culture and want to replace it with theirs. My grandfathers both died to defend this land, and it is my duty to do the same if the time comes — and every day it feels more and more like that day will come during my lifetime. The increasing amounts of censorship, indoctrination, government largesse, and white ethnomasochism that we see can make the future look bleak. But there is hope in the fact that if people wake up to the truth now — and stop being afraid to speak their minds — we can turn things around and preserve this great country — maybe even make it greater.

Jared Taylor #racist #wingnut amren.com

We Are Ruled by Fools

And we are a nation of cowards.

The protests and riots over the death of George Floyd have had remarkable results. One has been rituals of subservience by whites. In New York City, hundreds of white people knelt and repeated degrading slogans shouted at them by a black man. [00:9 – 00:24] They also chanted that the solution was not voting but revolution.

The white police chief of Webster, Massachusetts, went face-down on the pavement during a Black Lives Matter protest. One black shouted, “It’s not enough, but it’s a start.”

In Cary, North Carolina, white police officers washed the feet of a black pastor and his wife.

Nancy Pelosi, Charles Schumer, and other Democrats knelt and observed nine minutes of silence to “honor George Floyd.”.

In Bethesda, whites repeated what sounded like a new profession of faith. [0:00 – 0:22] Black protest and the fight against that will o’ the wisp known as “systemic racism” has become like a religion.

Maybe that’s why no one dares punish rioters. In Washington, prosecutors dropped charges against virtually every person the police brought in on a felony rioting charge. Fort Worth Police also dropped rioting charges against protesters. The Manhattan DA decided not to prosecute protesters for low-level offences, including unlawful assembly and disorderly conduct. That’s just as well for Chiara de Blasio, the daughter of the Mayor Bill de Blasio. She was facing those very charges.

It may be that all white men are as bad as Frank Rizzo. The theory today is that we are all racists and that even the best intentioned whites can’t help propping up white supremacy. That thinking logically leads to signs like this one, which says, “Haiti did it in 1804. This is just Round 2. What happened in 1804? Blacks slaughtered all the whites on the island.

Here’s another Black Lives Matter sign: “We are not like our ancestors. We will Fuck you up.” This lady seems to have a broader program in mind than merely justice for George Floyd.

One expert estimates that the damage, looting, and business losses for Target during the protests were $50 to $100 million. What’s the solution? Target has pledged $10 million to “help heal,” as the company put it, and promised 10,000 hours of free consulting to people of color who own small businesses. Only to people of color. Don’t even ask if you’re white.

The Financial Times noted that “US companies flood civil rights groups with donations.” The paper has a table of corporate pledges that total more than $485 million. The list isn’t complete. Apple and YouTube are each going to spend $100 million to fight racism. The beauty company Glossier pledged $1 million that the Financial Times didn’t know about, and I’m sure there’s a lot more. The eventual total could be – what? — 1 billion? 2 billion? American companies are laying off millions and millions of people. And they are giving millions and millions of dollars to the folks who rioted, looted, and burned their businesses.

It seems that every organization in the country is preening itself on racial sensitivity. The principal of my daughter’s high school sent all us parents a message about what he called, “the heinous acts of racism and hate that have occurred in our country.” The Yale Club of Washington DC wrote to tell me, “We can only begin to understand the daily pain of our black peers. Institutional racism, inequity, and injustice are unacceptable.” A friend got a message that said, “the Minnesota Orchestra will reduce our reliance on and reproduction of white privilege and will disrupt our own role in systemic racism.” What have these musicians, in their masks, standing eight feet apart, ever done that was remotely racist?

The rules change when you protest against the public health crisis of racism. Perhaps you saw that over 1,000 health professionals had written a public letter about the demonstrations, saying, “We do not condemn these gatherings as risky for COVID-19 transmission. We support them as vital to the national public health.” But they said any other demonstrations are bad, especially if you are out of work and protesting a lockdown order. We’re supposed to stay indoors even if it kills the economy, but go ahead and catch Covid or give to someone else if it’s in the name of George Floyd.

White people everywhere were caught up in this festival of guilt and capitulation. Here is Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau — in the middle wearing just the right mask – for a Black Lives Matter rally. Along with aides, he knelt in tribute to George Floyd.

These lads in Brussels tore a traffic signal off a pole and threw it at the police. [0:00 to 0:11] With the Brussels police occupied, looting went on in high spirits. [0:22 – 0:35] The London police ran away from demonstrators.” [00:10 – 00:41] A statue of Belgian King Leopold II had to be vandalized and torn down because . . . well, I’m sure you know why.

The BBC sent this astonishing tweet: “27 police officer injured during largely peaceful anti-racism protests in London.” Looks very peaceful.

Here’s the main lesson from all of this: Violence works. Rioting works. If you burn down enough buildings you get what you want. What if blacks had seen the video of George Floyd’s death and quietly waited for the investigation, indictment, trail, and verdict. That’s what white people did when a black Minneapolis policeman shot and killed an unarmed white women. It’s the civilized thing to do. But if blacks and their hopped up “white allies” had done the civilized thing, there wouldn’t be a billion dollars splashed out for black causes, would there? There wouldn’t be monuments to white men coming down all over the country. There wouldn’t be white people on their knees, washing the feet of black people.

Are our rulers such fools they don’t know that if you give in to a child’s temper tantrum, you get more tantrums? Don’t they understand that if you bow to the mob, you get more mobs. I guess they don’t. Our rulers really are . . . fools.

Brian Niemeier #fundie #wingnut #mammon brianniemeier.com

What we're really seeing is positive proof that Christianity is true, and social arrangements contrary to it are doomed to end in tears. The Church has always claimed to have the inside track on human nature, and those claims have panned out over 2000 years of history.

That means going through, not back, isn't just the only way out of this mess; it's the best way. Liberalism is dashing itself to death against the rock or reality. The smart play is to not interrupt the enemy's mistake and at the same time, take a page from their book.

The Death Cult's weakness is that it contains an internal paradox. People turn to it for meaning, but being nihilistic, it has no meaning to give. At best, it gives members a convenient bogeyman to vent their existential frustration at. The Cult rose to power by creating a spiritual void in America's soul. Christians can likewise exploit the void that is the soul of the Death Cult.

Never forget that our enemies are the worst people on Earth, and sin dims the intellect. Right now, we've got a million little commissars each claiming to be his own pope--or in this case, Antichrist. A Cultist who demands that you change your Facebook avatar or publicly worship a particular demographic is applying the Cult's version of the Witch Test. His aim is to exert moral authority over you. The answer is to reject his moral frame and administer the real Witch Test.

All of this is to say that the Church had the right idea when it came to re-evangelizing the culture. Most people--even nominal Christians--are now heretics, Witches, or just plain tractable heathens. We are commanded to make disciples of all nations. Charity starts at home, and the break's over, so let's roll up our sleeves and get back to work.

That doesn't mean we can't have fun, though. To get your hands on a sci fi series that's both action-packed and eerily prophetic, support Combat Frame XSeed: S now on Indiegogo. All backers get the entire series in eBook, plus you can choose from a host of other collectible perks, so claim yours now!

Zagreb Football Hooligans #psycho #wingnut #sexist balkaninsight.com

A photograph that was circulated on social media of a group of Dinamo Zagreb fans holding lighted flares and a banner with an obscene anti-Serb slogan has provoked outrage.

“There does not seem to be a rock bottom,” Dario Brentin, associated researcher from the University of Graz in Austria, an expert on sport and nationalism in Croatia, wrote on Twitter on Friday.

As well as the words “We’ll f*** Serbian women and children”, the banner incorporated the World War II fascist Ustasa movement’s symbol.

In the photo, two other men are holding up flags of the Croatian Defence Forces, a paramilitary organisation from the 1990s war.

The Croatian Defence Forces use the Ustasa slogan ‘Za dom spremni’ (‘Ready for the Homeland’) as their official slogan and on their legally-recognised coat of arms.

The picture was taken in Zagreb by photographer Nikola Solic who posted it on Facebook on Thursday evening. According to Solic, the Dinamo Zagreb fans were chanting “Kill, kill”.

Linda Harvey #fundie #homophobia #transphobia #racist #wingnut missionamerica.com

Satan has built an underground empire with emerging warriors for “social justice” who scream for “rights.” It’s doomed, but that doesn’t mean he won’t try to take as many captives as possible.

Over a decade ago I researched high school “social justice academies” which were pilot projects in mostly urban schools in cities like Chicago and Boston. Read: white liberals testing revolutionary concepts on mostly black kids.

Along with racial reconciliation messages, social justice lessons neatly incorporate “LGBTQ” propaganda and it’s almost impossible to object (you are automatically a “racist”). Never forget, Black Lives Matter fully embraces the whole sexual deviance agenda, even calling for the end of the traditional family, which they call the “western nuclear family.”

The divisive tactics are not new, just becoming more irrational. Sexual rebellion is often a precursor of civic rebellion, as history shows us.

And so it comes as no surprise that Black Lives Matter is a fervently pro-“LGBTQ” group. Its mission statement says, “We affirm the lives of Black queer and trans folks, disabled folks, undocumented folks, folks with records, women, and all Black lives along the gender spectrum...”

The intersectionality is proud and obvious. Similar to race issue manipulation, the homosexual agenda features relatively few, tragic anecdotes; magnifies a victimhood narrative; and then proceeds to subvert the law, recruit youth, unleash intimidation tactics, make outrageous demands, and never be satisfied. If necessary, they will initiate street action. And police are the enemy.

Twenty years ago, a key player in the indoctrination of kids in “social justice” was a violent revolutionary. Obama-pal William Ayers, the ‘60s bomb-thrower who became a Ph.D. in professor of education, was a social justice movement pioneer as well as a sexual radical. He wrote a glowing endorsement for the 1999 book Queering Elementary Education that featured a foreword by Kevin Jennings, founder of the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network, GLSEN and safe schools “czar” under Obama.

GLSEN’s revolutionary roots are still producing poisonous fruit. GLSEN has joined 75 other homosexual groups to stand in solidarity with Black Lives Matter to condemn “white supremacist violence.”

The_Voice_of_Reason #racist #wingnut #pratt twitter.com

“gays for trump” is synonymous to “black ppl for kkk” or “poc for racism” or “immigrants for ICE”. if you’re gay and support Trump you’re a CLOWN

You seem to think that people of color can't be racists. Any person can have any number of traits. There are illegal and legal "immigrants" who support ICE. The KKK was formed by the Democratic Socialist Party. The Grand Wizard of KKK was key figure & friend to many of DNC.

German Metapedia #conspiracy #wingnut #pratt #racist de.metapedia.org

Examples of genocides

• The hunger blockade against Germany in the First World War
• The mass killings of defenseless captured German soldiers by the Russian troops in the First World War
• The bombing terror against Germany in the European war unleashed by England in 1939, which became a world war due to the entry of the USA and in whose occurrence World Jewry was involved
• Mass killings of defenseless captured soldiers of the Wehrmacht in World War II committed by the Red Army
• The expulsion of Germans from the eastern German regions and the targeted murder of them by Polish and Soviet perpetrators at the end of the Second World War and after
• The expulsion and targeted murder of the Germans from the Sudetenland by the Czechs after the end of the Second World War
• The expulsion and targeted murder of the Germans in Southeast Europe by Tito’s Yugoslavia after the end of the Second World War
• The Holodomor, the million-fold starvation of Ukrainians by the Bolshevik regime of the Soviet Union in the early 1930s
• The genocide of the Armenians in 1915/16 by the Ottoman Empire
• The murder in Haiti of all whites in the country by negroes and mulattoes from 1791 to 1820 through massacre of around 24,000 French settlers
• The state-encouraged negro killing of thousands of whites in South Africa since 1994
• The murder of three quarters of the Tutsi minority in Rwanda by the Hutu majority in 1994
• The state-organised killings of Palestinian civilians by Israel for many years, especially in the Gaza Strip
• The mass murder of the Cathars by the Christian Church in the 13th century

Jim #wingnut #conspiracy blog.reaction.la

[From "Color Revolution"]

This blog does not pay much attention to the events of the day, because if you pay too much attention the events of the day you lose track of the long term trend, which has been in a leftist holiness spiral for two centuries, ever holier, ever faster, which unless checked by military dictatorship, ends in infinite leftism in finite time. We had such holiness spirals in the past, many times, and they usually end in disaster, unless terminated early by military dictatorship. Since leftism is inherently destructive, going all the way means total self extermination of the group subject to the left singularity. Sometimes they end in the near total disappearance of the population subject to the holiness spiral as with Szechuan and the Seven Kill Stele, where everyone tortured each other to death for insufficient leftism until there was almost no one left.

But the events of today are a conspicuous new stage in the left singularity, color revolution, which is likely to result in Trump and his family being murdered, or a Trump self coup.

If a left singularity is not halted by strong and harsh dictatorship, with a single man exercising absolute power, it usually ends when the self extermination reaches a point that it profoundly weakens the polity, resulting in foreign conquest, as with Khmer Rouge Cambodia. But sometimes the foreigners sit back and let it go all the way.

Usually that single man ascended to power by being one of the holiest, as with Cromwell and Stalin, and then discovers that suddenly no end of his followers have become even holier than his very holy self, and are demanding greater holiness, which superior holiness might well be implemented by them taking power and him losing power, and them picking up the apples from the applecarts knocked over in the process. He is usually a military man, and therefore turns from those who were loyal to him because of shared faith in the holiness of the synthetic faith based tribe, and instead to those who are loyal to him because they were with him in committing organized violence, and who do not care much about the supposedly shared tenets of the holy faith, turns to those who identify primarily with their band of brothers, rather than the people of the very holy faith. When Cromwell set his troops around to make a problem go away, the person causing the problems found the troops had little interest in discussing the Trinity, the Resurrection and the Incarnation. Stalin relied heavily on the far from communist Beria and on Beria’s apolitical gang.

If Trump halts the left singularity that would be great, because, unlike Cromwell and Stalin, not very holy. Unfortunately, unlike Cromwell, not very military. But though a merchant, Trump has a warrior spirit, and great support among the rank and file at the tip of the spear. He is a man they would like to be able to follow.

The recent rioting was a state sponsored color revolution. Antifa funding and delivering piles of bricks, Antifa paying rioters, which is to say the US permanent government paying, either with Soros as a cutout, or directly. The riots were given cover by Democratic blue state governors and the legacy media (but I repeat myself). When the relatively peaceful mob of plains apes passed an Antifa selected target, white Antifa agents would break windows and start fires. The sound of breaking glass attracted the plains apes into the target, as blood in the water attracts sharks. The Antifa agents would move out as the plains apes moved in, to repeat the operation at another target, while police stood around like potted palms.

Trump tweeted about sending in the military to restore order. The Twitter blue checks laughed. “Empty bluster” they said. “He has not got the power”

What did they mean by that? Legally he has the power, by the constitution and by numerous acts of congress. Presidents have done it before, many times, starting with George Washington, and have done it within living memory, as for example the LA Rodney King riots.

What they meant, or what the handlers writing their scripts meant, is that the permanent government would not let him.


The usual color revolution is instigated by Soros and the State Department in a foreign country, and color revolution in the US itself may not necessarily follow the same course. In a foreign country, a color revolution stubbornly persists, and when it is not going too well, it becomes more violent and destructive, more and more unpopular, with the hand of the US government more and more visible, with greater and greater direct US military intervention. The US dropped thirty thousand tons of high explosive on Libya. In the US itself, direct military intervention is unlikely to be available, and were the hand of the US government to become unduly visible, as it inevitably will if color revolution continues, criminal and treason charges might well result.

The Republic has been dead for a long time, and its corpse starting to stink, but Trump needs to restore the American Republic the way Augustus restored the Roman Republic. Augustus probably believed he was restoring the Republic, and I expect that Trump will believe it also. Although helicopter trips to the Pacific would be far more satisfactory and effective, rolling up the deep state for perverting the course of justice, treason, and color revolution would likely suffice.

church mouse guy #wingnut #conspiracy baptistboard.com

Aren't you smart enough to ID the rich white homosexual vegans of antifa outside of the coffeehouses waiting for the limos to pick them up and drive them back to mommy's basement? The dress all in black and wear black facial masks and never bathe so your nose should be able to ID them. They may be seen beating up on the elderly in wheelchairs or on walkers.

As for BLM, Pelosi hangs out with those terrorists. You will know her by her eating $100 a gallon ice cream with a $24,000 refrigerator. She was last seen in a colorful designer Ghana scarf to show her solidarity with African peoples but not white South Africans just to be clear.

Brian Niemeier #wingnut #fundie #mammon brianniemeier.com

The Left has gone from strength to strength while Conservatives wring their hands and posture about possibly thinking about looking into taking it under advisement to maybe do something after the next election. This is because the enemy has the confidence of their convictions, and our supposed leaders have neither confidence nor convictions.

Political and economic crises are collateral damage in the real battle between the West's foundational Christian faith and an invading hysterical death cult. Republicans tried to slow the rate of spiritual attrition with appeals to normal Americans' sense of disgust and the free market. They failed. Atomized individualists will fare no better with empty demands to be left alone to smoke and copulate according to their personal preferences.

The decision rapidly approaching us all comes down to a choice between eking out a wretched existence as despised tax cattle in a heathen tech-fiefdom or living in nations where public life is informed by Christian faith and morals.

You'd much rather live in the latter, I assure you. So would David Atkins.The last normal man leaving California will have to pry Dave off his ankle.

NB: Since we are now living in Combat Frame XSeed's back story, it behooves you to support the record-breaking XSeed: S crowdfunder to get all four prophetic books. We've got a host of new perks to choose from, including Series 4 Trading Cards, the Illustrated CF Tech Guide, and CFXS Card Game Playtesting!

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FemmeBlanche #conspiracy #racist #wingnut stormfront.org

Trump will win

Mark my words.

I’m now convinced these protests are to get him re-elected.

There’s no crazy left or conservative right, only one agenda and both sides are on the same team.

They are using reverse psychology as they did to get him elected the first time.

The actions of the “left” are so insane, that even blacks will vote for Trump en masse, even more than in 2016.

It’s not a coincidence that something similar happened with blacks and the police in 2016 which helped get Trump elected.

The “defund the police” movement is to increase the power of the police and military in the US. Again, reverse psychology.

I think Trump will be re-elected, Covid-19 and the anti-white insanity will get worse and Trump will be given dictatorial powers like Orban in Hungary.

As always, you are free to disagree.

Adrenogate #conspiracy #wingnut #fundie #psycho adrenogate.wordpress.com

If your from the secular world, what I’m about to propose will likely be taken as great news. I affirm Q’s legitimacy & support the notion that the mass arrests of the DARK Kabbalistic elite are in fact real.
It’s what comes next that should concern Christians.
We have 3 factions: 1.) Many pastors are mesmerized by Trump.(including Steve Quayle, who I respect as much as anyone) 2.) Others are clearly Trump Deranged leftist Christians and denounce him as the Anti-Christ for no other reason than their leftist derangement. 3.) The third faction however, has seemed to have identified something far more insidious and admittedly brilliant, being prepared by Lucifer himself when it came to his plans for Trump.

These brilliant Christian YouTubers have, I believe, identified the planned great deception that we were warned about in the Bible.

Bill Gates trying to put bio chips in us as the mark of the beast always seemed way way too obvious.

What makes a deception great?

Fooling people into believing you intend to wipe out the evil “dark” Kabbalistic elite and then not actually doing so, is not really a great deception, it’s just a lie. So what would be a GREAT deception?

How about giving everybody on the planet a bunch of money while simultaneously publicly arresting and executing the dark evil Illuminati Luciferian world elite, only to gain their trust? Would that be a better guess?


By rising up and actually, for real, no joke, exterminating the Cabal by rounding them up in mass arrests and executing many of them, this automatically grants you a certain level of assumed benevolence by the public.

Hal Marx #wingnut #psycho complex.com

The mayor of Petal, Mississippi has been met with criticism after he expressed his support for police officers following the death of George Floyd. "Why in the world would anyone choose to become a #PoliceOfficer in our society today? #backtheblue #ThinBlueLine," Mayor Hal Marx wrote in a tweet on Tuesday.

While his Twitter account has since been made inactive, presumably in response to the criticism he received, Marx said he "didn't see anything unreasonable" in the video that showed an officer with his knee on Floyd's neck. In the video, Floyd can be heard pleading for his life as he's arrested for an alleged forgery.

"Would be nice to get a few in there that understand resonable force, when it's needed, and don't give the rest of them a bad reputation," someone tweeted at Marx in response to his original tweet.

Mark replied, "If you are talking about the incident in MN, I didn't see anything unreasonable. If you can say you can't breathe, you're breathing. Most likely that man died of overdose or heat attack. Video doesn't show his resistance that got him in that position. Police being crucified."

While the original clip of Floyd's fatal arrest didn't show the moment he was placed in cuffs, surveillance video has since indicated Floyd didn't resist arrest.

"Since we don't know the full story of what happened before the video started, it's impossible to know why the police remained in that position," Marx continued. "Again, the officers were not restricting his breathing." Floyd died on Monday shortly after the video of his arrest was taken.

cledun #racist #wingnut gameruprising.to

Currently we are suffering under a brutal regime of Soviet-style Judeo-Negro tyranny.

*If the mob comes for you, the police will stand down, until you start defending yourself, then they will shoot rubber bullets at you.

*If blacks come to destroy everything you've spent your life building for your family, you will be condemned for valuing property more than the right of "people" to steal and destroy it.

*If you are attacked by a black and defend yourself, you will be given 400 years in prison.

*If you call a black man a nigger and he kills you, he will not be charged with anything.

*Black criminals will be allowed to wantonly escape from police, but if you call the police on a black criminal who is menacing you or committing some other act of aggression, you will be charged with thought crimes.

Some other things you can expect to see coming:

*They will take the children of racists and place them under foster care in specifically chosen black homes.

*It will be a hate crime for white women to refuse sex with a black man.

*There will be a social credit system for white people based on how much money they give to black people and causes.

*Every time a black demand is met, they will turn around and call the way it was met racist, and make new demands.

*The tracking/microchip system they implement purportedly to combat COVID will be used to identify and mark racists so that they can be excluded from the right to buy and sell, run for office, or even get a fair redress of grievances before the court.

*Justice will be ad hoc and summary, the courts will be stacked with Jews, Blacks and their soulless white lackeys. If you go into court, the only hope of maybe escaping without being life ruined will be massive bribes.

*I wont be surprised if a jury trial will be declared a relic of white supremacy, and all decisions will be made in a closed court by judges.

*Like accusations of witchcraft in ye olde times, blacks will invent claims of racism specifically in order to have white people they dislike killed. "Racists" will be murdered this way and the murderer will be celebrated as a hero

More than a decade ago I predicted an Islamic uprising to establish a caliphate, a camp of the saints flood into Europe, and an anarchic race war in America by 2025, and it has all come to pass ahead of schedule. I wish I could encounter and gloat to all the ex-friends who accused me of being a gullible bigot who believed everything he read online (very ironic if you think about it). Most of the predictions I make in this post might have seemed extreme not long ago, but save them to a txt file and look them over again in 2030. Hopefully I am way off the mark, but if trends continue....

Mike Walsh #wingnut #dunning-kruger amazon.com

Mike Walsh is a veteran journalist, broadcaster and historian of worldwide reputation. A fugitive only from renegade Europeans, leftists, palace scribblers and censors, he has shrugged off their wrath over 50 years of writing. His Irish-American father, Patrick had fought in four conflicts by the time he reached 40-years of age: As a rebel in the Irish peoples guerrilla war against the British Army’s Black and Tans. These army irregulars, dredged from England’s prisons, were notorious for their viciousness. Patrick also fought in the Irish War of Independence and went on to fight in the most ferocious hand-to-hand battles during the Spanish Civil War. Whilst on the frontlines he was a close associate and friend of American war correspondent, Ernest Hemingway. His father formed a close and enduring friendship with Ireland’s most celebrated playwright, Sean O’Casey. Eventually his father served in the Royal Air Force during World War Two as an aircraft fitter / flier. Mikes mother, Kathleen, from a literary family who also mentored Mike’s writing skills was a corresponding friend of Dolores Ibarruri, Spain's Civil War revolutionary La Pasionaria. A tireless traveler, Mike, from the age of 26, was consumed by a passion for truth and justice. Inevitably, this led him to the potpourri of lies, infamies, cover-ups and crimes committed by the renegade armed forces that had militarily defeated the Reich. In doing so they ensured the spread of Bolshevism, the dismembering of the British Empire, and surrender to American imperialism. Through their hollow ‘victory’ the course was set for the division of Europe, the enslavement of Eastern Europe, and the security of the Bolshevik regime that had malignantly occupied democratic Russia since 1917. Through the base stupidity and race treachery the armed forces of the victors’ empires destroyed the one genuine revolution that alone could have ensured the preservation of European culture and values. Today, their dance of death is on their own funeral pyres. Mike Walsh writes their obituary.

Ernest Eck #wingnut #conspiracy renegadetribune.com

Nigel Farage, the Covidiot who wants a forced ZOG Vaccination and Tracking system for the British people is now crying that his beloved Churchill-Stalin statue was defaced by BLM. Nigel Fraud is as much a ZOG multiracial Globalist as Comrad Trumpsky.

A Zionist YouTube channel called Patriotic Populist is playing Donald Judasgoat Trump and Nigel Fraud videos on his Jutube Channel. When I commented on live chat that the Rothschild Royal Family and George Soros were funding a Yiddish Antifa Police Force and Army in the U.K.. he blocked me from his channel. By the way the Cambridge Union (University) so far still allows comments whereas Harfart University and Yale are too afraid to allow comments.

John Birch Society #conspiracy #wingnut jbs.org

America is based on the philosophy that our rights come from God and that governments are instituted to secure these rights. However, the globalists’ trade agenda to establish a UN world government by means of a series of multilateral and bilateral trade agreements is a direct threat to the security of our rights.

The deceptive, the transformation of 28 formerly independent European nations into a repressive European Union supranational government reveals how globalist schemers plan to merge the United States, Mexico, and Canada into a North American Union on the way to a UN world government.

Although the globalist schemers have been trying to establish a North American Union through the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), their progress has been stymied, largely due to the grassroots resistance of The John Birch Society and our allies.

The newly negotiated NAFTA, known as the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA), appears to further this NAU effort. USMCA has many provisions for “promoting further economic integration.” As we have learned from the example of the EU, economic integration leads to political integration.

In order to prevent the globalist schemers from erecting a North American Union on the foundation provided by the USMCA, we must convince Congress to vote against the USMCA.

The globalists in the office of the United States Trade Representative are working on many more trade agreements. While President Trump is indeed getting better deals that result in more American-made products, jobs, and a better economy, globalists in his administration are using each of these deals to further entangle the United States deeper into regional integrations. As the EU members have experienced, this will lead to a large loss in American sovereignty, including even our Constitution in the long run.

When President Trump was first elected, he sent shock waves through the globalist community that Americanism, not globalism, is our credo. Yet, those in the Deep State continue to do whatever they can to block “America First”.

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