Gina Carano #wingnut

Kamala Harris current tactic this whole debate. So many lies and projecting, it’s shocking.
imageAccuse your Enemy of what you are doing, while you are doing it, to create confusion.
12:31 PM · Sep 11, 2024 · 552K Views
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Sara Gonzales, John Doyle, & Alex Jones #racist #conspiracy

On Sara Gonzales Unfiltered, BlazeTV host Sara Gonzales was joined by white nationalist John Doyle and conspiracy theorist Alex Jones for a wildly racist panel discussion on Haitian migrants. The panelists claimed that Haitians “live in cave man-level” conditions, are eating household pets, and have a culture with “no redeeming quality.”

Seizing on the racist rumor that Haitian migrants are stealing and eating cats in Springfield, OH, Jones falsely claimed that an Ohio woman who killed an ate a cat in a “voodoo ritual.”

“And it was police reports, videos of a crazy woman in the parking lot eating the cat she just killed and admitting she did it in a voodoo ritual,” Jones said. “They believe they get the power of the cat if they eat it live. That’s in mainline stories about Haiti. They’ve deforested Haiti. They eat any cats or dogs that are out.”

“Now they’re grabbin’ the geese, they’re grabbin’ the dogs, they’re butchering ’em right there on their front steps,” he added.


Jones also repeated the white supremacist “Great Replacement” conspiracy theory, connecting the influx of Haitian migrants, who were granted temporary protected status, to a plot to change the demographics of the country.

“So they are bombing red cities, red counties, red cities like what we just saw up there in Ohio, in Springfield, to change the demographic,” Jones said. “To have a permanent underclass that knows their boss is the Democratic Party. So this is an organized replacement migration, which the ADL and the Southern Poverty Law Center says is racist and made up.”
Jones went on to say that, “This is how you capture the West. You bring an incompatible, super, ultra Third World populations that don’t have running water, that live in cave man-level stuff.”

E.W. Jackson #fundie #wingnut #transphobia

Among the speakers during the first session on Thursday night was far-right pastor and perennial failed political candidate E.W. Jackson, who fired up those in the crowd by assuring them that God will not allow Vice President Kamala Harris to become president.

“I’m also here to declare in the name of Jesus that we are not going to allow a bunch of Marxists and socialists and communists and a bunch of sexual perverts and a bunch of political power-grabbers [to] take our country and lead it in a direction that is not pleasing to Almighty God!” Jackson declared. “America is going to remain one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”

“I’ve been praying this prayer,” Jackson continued. “‘Lord God, speak confusion into their ranks. Make it so they turn on each other, so they can’t get it straight, so they fumble over their every word, so they mess up their every strategy, so that things collapse in on them. Lord God, work your will on behalf of those who are seeking to represent you and cause those who are against you to fall flat on their faces.’ So, I don’t care how well Kamala Harris did in the debate. I’ve got news for her: She doesn’t have a strategy that can outsmart God! God is the one who is going to bring about the result that you and I are praying for. I believe that we’ve got victory that is coming on the first Tuesday in November, by the will of Almighty God.”

VestalVirgin , shewolfoffrance & cranberrysalad #transphobia

Geelong Grammar: Dad pulls his daughter out of $84,000-a-year private school attended by King Charles after discovering she was boarding with a transgender student

( VestalVirgin )
Well, duh. What did they think would happen?

People who can afford that kind of school can also afford a school that won't strip their daughters of all privacy and dignity and expose them to a high risk of rape and impregnation. If you want your daughter to end up pregnant as teenager, you can get that for free. No need to pay 84,000 for the privilege.

I am more surprised that not more girls were pulled - or do they have only two girls per room?

( shewolfoffrance )
I wonder how much the parents aren't saying. There are vague mentions of "support" for the TiM kid, but also "concerns" that they weren't told. I'm guessing they're terrified of getting the JKR treatment.

( VestalVirgin )
Yeah. They're willing to go along with the TWAW mantra, but they aren't okay with their daughter being the human sacrifice to the pervy male, is what I read out of that.

Perhaps a bit cynical, but I think they would have been okay with the whole thing if they'd been quietly told in advance, and had gotten the opportunity to quietly arrange for their daughter to room with actual girls.

( shewolfoffrance )
I wonder how accommodating the school would have been, and if the TiM kid's parents would have been upset if he were made to room alone.

( cranberrysalad )
They’re also upper class which is rife with trans kids. Most of their social circles probably have they/them kids and other versions of privileged children/adults co-opting oppression and attempting to buy into it (without actually having to endure oppression and certainly without acknowledging their roles in it).

Rich kids are deeply into trans activism.

various commenters #transphobia

( ItsCalculated )
Did anyone once/or still enjoy but now feel averse to things TIMs grabbed onto (thigh highs, mini skirts, etc.)
I love my thigh high socks. They keep my legs warm in the winter. I still like how my light, short skirts, keep me cool in the summer. I can't think of anything else off the top of my head, but. . . I now feel kind of averse to these things because TIMs have assumed use of them. Do any of you feel the same way? Have you actually given up any of these things to them or do you refuse to surrender things you like just because some man has a fetish about it?

( StealthRadfem )
I gave up dying my hair with funny colors. I do not want to be associated with TRAs at all.

( DurableBook )
Me too, I love crazy plumage and used to get a kick out of crazy hair colors, but now I just associate them with the gender equivalent of Jehovah's Witnesses..."Hi I'm Mx. Alex, do you have a moment to talk about my pronouns??"

( Ribbon_Rabbit )
I absolutely love pastel colors, but now I can't wear light blue and pink without feeling like I'm wearing a trans flag. They ruined the Pokémon Sylveon too. It's just a cute, colorful creature- not a "trans icon".

( Blais )
I like thigh highs for sure - they're warm and I like how "slouch socks" feel. Flower crowns. Arm-warmers. All those cutesy teenage comforts.

I haven't stopped using any of them, though. And I'm not going to. TIMs will find a way to fetishize anything. I'm pretty sure that if women everywhere stopped wearing short skirts or tight clothing or bright patterns or amything "stereotypically female", and started wearing baggy fits and muted colors, TIMs would find a way to fetishize it. They're the Rule 34 guys; it's what they do. So, I see no point in surrendering what makes me happy.

( Calidris )
Late to the party but feminine men!!!!!

It used to be when I saw a man with long hair, he'd usually be some kind of alternative, goth punk or just a dude who rocks long hair and doesn't give a shit. Now I have to fear it's a TIM light. It has exactly the opposite effect too, a man confidently rocking his long hair is sexy. A TIM trying to desperately copy us to get his rocks off is the least sexy thing I could possibly imagine, just gives me the icks and the creeps.

Dave Blount #racist #pratt

[From “Haitian Invasion Unfolds in Springfield”]

As mentioned back in July, Springfield, Ohio has been annexed by Haiti. More recently, a resident tore at heartstrings by speaking out at a city council meeting about the fate of American citizens undergoing displacement. Colonists have brought their savage customs with them, reportedly flipping cars and killing for food any animal they can get their hands on, including geese, ducks, and even people’s cats[…]
As if we didn’t have enough reason to support Trump with all our hearts so as to stop Democrats and their innumerable Third World ground troops from doing to the whole country what they are doing to Springfield[…]
This gives an idea of how lavishly Democrats encourage unlawful colonization by the failed nation Haiti[…]
Yet we are told it is the Haitian colonists who are the victims, not the American citizens whose cities they are destroying[…]
Mad Maxine is right about one thing; Haitians are treated differently because they are black. Our moonbat rulers bestow upon them even more favoritism and privilege than other illegal aliens. Haitian invaders are even made aware of federal jobs [url= we are[/url]

various commenters #transphobia

Grindr is slammed by Stonewall Riots hero for banning searches for biological men because it's 'transphobic' while allowing users to purposefully seek out trans partners | Daily Mail Online

( pennygadget )
You know what? I'm fine with this. This trans bullshit won't die until men are inconvenienced by it. So let the TIFs colonize Grindr. Maybe then gay men will stand up against homophobic trans bullshit. Because they sure as hell didn't speak up when lesbian spaces were being erased and drag queens were being forced onto children who didn't ask for it.

( syntaxerror )
Honestly I saw this headline and it made me excited. I don’t cheer for the destruction of gay spaces as some kind of revenge normally, but if some men start experiencing even a fraction of what women have been taking regarding the TRAs, then maybe they’ll start peaking and we’ll get some real traction regarding the LGBDroptheT movement.

And to be fair, I don’t feel bad for the smug, smarmy little shits that thought it was funny or righteous when lesbians lost their spaces. But I do feel like lesbians and gays and bisexuals are stronger when we stand together, and it’s disappointing to see gay men be so causal about it. But there are exceptions!

( Calidris )
Yeah same, oh no how terrible you guys have to maybe look at some women to find a dick appointment. Lesbians are getting raped, getting death threats for their sexuality by the TIMs that YOU let into the movement. I just dont give a singular shit about gay men, they're just men.

( klytaimestra )
Haha. Good. The more TRAs inconvenience men, the sooner we see an end to this. (Raping and murdering women is no reason to question cults.)

( WatcherattheGates )
Exactly what I was thinking. When they piss off the MEN, then it's gonna go down.

( pennygadget )

Let the fujoshis take over Grindr and gay bath houses! Even if it doesn't end the trans cult, at least it'll be funny to watch

( gcfemale )
Congrats, we're back to era of homophobia. This is what TPAs want. They want homosexuals to hide or get conversion therapy to become straight.

Spencer_Shayy #transphobia

Women on reddit bash AGPs for being anti-lesbian. I'm shocked that this subreddit hasn't been banned yet lol.

Spinster core gets it. "Transgender" is the backlash to feminism.

lol guess I'm a "hardcore conservative" because I don't believe you have the "right" to be "trans". If it were up to me, "transgender" wouldn't have ever been invented, and you'd have to accept yourself for who you are.

No girl or woman would become a "transman" because society would accept that women are human beings and not sex objects only interested in high heels and makeup.

No boy or man would become a "transwoman" because homosexuality would be accepted and normalized and men's disgusting sexual fetishes would be demonized as the misogynistic, homophobic, vile bullshit they are.

Neither sex would ever have to conform to rigid gender roles again. That's my ideal society. I don't think that makes me conservative at all.

But yes, whenever "trans" people complain about "erasure", it's pure projection, because they're literally erasing women and homosexuals from language and law.

I despise the dick worshipping from both the Left and the Right so much.

Lmao my coworker said something along the lines about not kinkshaming and I steered that conversation in a whole other direction.

I too, feel so alienated from the "LGBTQ" community. They make me feel nothing but shame, embarrassment, and disgust. Conservatives screaming about the Bible never made me hate my sexuality, it was ALL "liberals" and their "progressive" ideology. "Pride parades" to me are just a show of colonization and dominance - we're misogynistic homophobes and we're happy to destroy what little community and resources you have.

Every "lesbian" space is dick centered. It's so fucking homophobic and disgusting.

How have they not all been banned? Can we invite them to Ovarit?

Parents With Inconvenient Truths about Trans #transphobia

When my son was 28 years old, he came out as transgender. He read from a script no doubt provided to him by those who had been validating him for six years. He was already on hormones and disclosed his plans for all the surgeries available to MtFs.


I don’t have PTSD. There is no “post-trauma” here. It is an ongoing, relentless barrage of trauma which only gets relieved at night when I can sleep. And sometimes, not even then.

But I awaken every morning, to face another day of trauma. Another day of knowing my son is another day closer to the barbarism of surgery which will forever change his already-drug-addicted, altered body. Another day closer to a lifetime of maintenance, possible risks, side-effects, and (more than likely) no happier than before going under the surgeon’s knife. And the added terror of what can happen afterward. After he realizes the processes have not brought him the anticipated peace of mind. The statistics are overwhelming.

I awaken every morning flooded by emotions of dread and sadness, knowing my son has plans that I believe he has not researched from “the other side.” Stubborn from Day 1, he holds onto his own ideas without the flexibility of addressing the “what-ifs” of his planned actions.

I awaken every morning, just wanting to close my eyes and find sleep again. But, as the night before, sleep does not come easily. I lie awake with every tumultuous thought in my head drowning out any semblance or hope of peacefulness.

I awaken every morning utterly consumed by my son’s life and the path he is on.

I spend my days seeking even more information, testimonials, research, and support than I had the day before... and the day before that one. I cry daily; tears threaten constantly.

Rev. Joel Webbon #fundie #racist

Joel Webbon declared that Christians will be shocked to find that Robert E. Lee and “Stonewall” Jackson are in Heaven, while civil rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr. is in Hell. Webbon also claimed that “the abolitionists were not the good guys”

Webbon, who founded Right Response Ministries, made the remarks during an interview with Confederate apologist Jon Harris for Webbon’s YouTube show Theology Applied

During the show, titled “Slavery, Abolitionists, & The Civil War,” Webbon defended notorious slave owners like George Whitefield and Jonathan Edwards as “good, Christian men.” He also stated that “a lot of people are gonna be surprised” when they find themselves in Heaven with slave owners and Confederate generals

“Like I think a lot of people are gonna be surprised,” he said. “You know, when you get to Heaven and, you know, you’re spending eternity worshipping Christ next to ‘Stonewall’ Jackson and Robert E. Lee and Jonathan Edwards, you know, and, you know, George Whitefield, and Martin Luther King Jr.’s in Hell”

Jon Harris interrupted Webbon to add that “most of the abolitionists,” especially the “prominent ones,” are “not going to be in Heaven.” Harris explained that this is because they “denied things like the Trinity and the inspiration of scripture and that kind of thing.” Webbon agreed, saying the abolitionists “weren’t the good guys”

Richard Knight #transphobia

After gender, transgender ideology’s most important concept is that of gender identity, which it defines as a person’s deep, inner sense of their gender, meaning their deep, inner sense of their sex. A transgender person’s “gender identity” is not, however, their identity but a contradiction of it.[3] A man who calls himself a woman still has the identity of a man because he is still a man. Thus the term “gender identity” refers neither to a gender nor to an identity; it refers to a person’s idea of what sex they are. Thus when we hear that someone is “questioning their gender identity”, this is only someone who is wondering whether they are male or female.

As Helen Joyce points out, transgender ideology asserts that we all have a “gender identity”, which in most cases lines up with our sex but in the case of transgenders happens not to. But is it true to say that we all have a deep, inner sense of our sex? I suspect that most people no more have such a thing than they have a deep, inner sense of how many arms they have. For most people, their sex is such an obvious and familiar part of them that they never think about it, still less do they see it as the sort of thing about which they might have opinions. If this is correct, the only people who have “gender identities” are transgenders, whose deep, inner sense of their sex deceives them.

Carlos Whitlock Porter #homophobia #sexist #racist #conspiracy

Liberals have never hesitated to take their principles to any extreme, no matter how irrational and insane. They instinctively fear that the inapplicability of the equality principle to any group of people threatens the principle itself, so it must be infinitely extended.

In the 1940s, the liberals told us there was "No Difference" between Jews and non-Jews. It became a crime to say that Jews hi-jacked the country and caused the war. It became "Nazi propaganda" to say that the gas chambers were an invention of Allied propaganda.

In the 1950s and 60s, the liberals told us there was "No Difference" between the races. It became a crime to "discriminate", even when the Negro "Master Race " robbed, raped, and beat up our friends and relatives and wrecked our schools and neighbourhoods.

Since sexual differences are a reminder of racial differences, the liberals told us there was "No Difference" between men and women. It became a crime in France to advertize for "air hostesses".

Since national differences are a reminder of racial differences, the liberals told us there was "No Difference" between nationalities. It became a crime in Holland to advertize for job applicants who could speak Dutch.

Since the differences between homo and heterosexuals are a reminder of the differences between men and women, which in turn are a reminder of racial and national differences, the liberals told us there was "No Difference" between homo and heterosexuals. It became a crime to discriminate against homosexuals

It then transpired that 50% of the homosexuals in San Francisco (to cite only one example) were already infected. The liberals were undaunted. They took their principle one step further. They told us there was "No Difference" between AIDS carriers and non-carriers, because only 10% of all carriers were developing the disease. No problem! It became a crime to discriminate against AIDS carriers. "Closing Your Doors" to the carriers of a fatal, incurable, and contagious illness! How pitiless! How cruel!

Novid Houellebecq #sexist #transphobia

The major sports leagues are twenty four hours away from losing everything they have built over decades because our society doesn’t respect men and their sexual prowess and respect for same. Our society as Rollo Tommasi has mentioned, time and time again is in a Gynocentric social order and men have to emote like they are females in order to seem “safe” in that same order. Same social order gives females more leeway in a lot of things, even when they do horrible acts.

The reason why these sports leagues are going to lose everything (respect), is because many of these men have had relations with those that are transgender prostitutes.

feministfang #sexist #racist #ableist #homophobia

I have zero sympathy for men of colour facing any kind of oppression because of their skin colour. I have zero sympathy for muslim or Arab men facing oppression because of their religion or ethnicity. I have zero sympathy for gay men who are oppressed because of their sexuality. I have zero sympathy for disabled men who face discrimination because of ableism. So just know that when i speak against homophobia, racism or ableism, i exclude these men from my activism. I don’t care if they’re victims so don’t ever expect me to stand with them they can die as well.

radfemparadise #racist #sexist

[Anonymous: how exactly are you racist]

I'm much more comfortable around white men than black, for instance. I could welcome any woman of any ethnicity to live in my country but I have much stricter standards for men. And while I realize that many behaviours are due to socioeconomic conditions and culture, I must say I couldn't care less which of them gets me raped and murdered. I don't want them in my country and that's that.

Marshall Masters #crackpot #ufo #homophobia #quack #conspiracy

This book is a traveler's guide to surviving the Planet X tribulation with the help of friends and family on both sides of the veil. It features a prophecy timeline by year and season for 2024 through 2037. Learn how the past has led to the present and the things we must do to keep kit and kin together during the hard times ahead to survive, thrive, and enjoy an enlightened Star Trek future.

Call to the Nation

Marshall Masters first observed Planet X on December 26, 2012, and has tracked it ever since. He believes humanity is facing the threat of genetic extinction during this tribulation and that healthy, unvaccinated, heterosexual children of the Alpha generation, those born after 2010, will be the most critical generation in the history of humankind since Adam and Eve. He calls them Riselings, and his message is they can only fail us–if we fail them first.
Marshall Masters is a former CNN Science Features news producer, freelance writer, television analyst and the publisher of YOWUSA.COM. Since 1999, he has been researching earth changes and Nibiru flyby-related topics including: sustainable survival communities, catastrophic crop circles, impact events and future technologies. Like many others, Marshall sees a dark cloud coming. What makes him different is that he also sees a silver lining – a noble and inspiring Star Trek future.

Kerry Cassidy #wingnut #crackpot #conspiracy

Apparently TRUMP did recently reverse previous statements that he won in 2020… The white hats are trotting this out to strategically remove any chance Trump can be prosecuted in future for stating he won.
This has everything to do with the white hat military advancing Trump as CIC… and putting him in office ahead of the election. Which some will characterize as a “coup”.
There are two main sides in this war which has been moving from cold to hot more and more in recent days. Those sides are the NWO cabal and the white hats (a semi-secret organization) that involves both military and civilians loyal to the Constitution. Although this is simplified because both sides involve many levels and loyalties. With this in mind, the consensus generally is that with the assassination of JFK (which may have been staged as evidence has come forward recently indicating Kennedy actually lived until just recently) was the major coup that took over our American government and put in place the cabal/NWO puppets from then on, stealing every election from that time
Not only is Trump our real President and Commander-in-Chief but Juan O Savin/aka/JFKjr is the acting VP of the core executive branch (devolution by law) of our government that is and was fully aware of the NWO-Coup that took over and placed Biden illegally in as President. In other words we have already had a coup which finalized its takeover (again) by stealing the 2020 election. Our military is fully aware of this and did not inaugurate Biden they gave him a funeral and installed a ‘fake-Biden played by 4 actors over the years and possibly a clone or two. A certain portion of our military then re-installed Trump as President and CIC and our real government through the executive orders was put in place in secret. Therefore it will likely take another coup to return our country to the hands of the people led by the white hat military which are fully poised and ready to do so.

An American Pet Owner #racist #wingnut #conspiracy

I don’t know about you — fellow pet owner — but I don’t want any Haitian, or Venezuelan, or Columbian, or Mexican, or any other illegal alien brought in the country by Team Biden-Harris gobbling up my two precious pups and little kitty. Not no way, not no how … … … I just won’t stand for it!!!
They can do anything else — you know, all the crazy things that the both Biden & Harris have done which have totally wrecked and ruined our nation…but just don’t let those illegals take away my poor little pets.

Honestly, how can those Haitians especially just walk down to the local pond and grab a goose for dinner?!

I’m sorry, I just won’t stand for it. As a lifelong member of PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals), we’re quite fierce in our resolve to stop this cruelty to animals, particularly all bird life.

And how about all of those cats being snatched off the street and cooked over a stove top faster than you can say “CATFOOD”, where the poor little kitty becomes food for the illegal alien.

But why are the Democrats and mainstream media so adamant that our pets are not being eaten by the Haitian illegal aliens? Even though many reports have been providing hard evidence that such pet meals are now routinely happening across the USA?

All I’m saying is that I don’t want the Haitians or any other illegal aliens unlawfully transported to this country by the Biden-Harris administration eating my adorable pets—not my dogs, not my cat, not my parrot. Okay?! They’re like family to me and I just won’t tolerate them being kidnapped and killed by a foreign crime gang who has been given free credit cards and smartphones and food stamps to get themselves a decent meals.

And I don’t appreciate that the POTUS and VPOTUS and MSM all lie about these “HAITIAN PET GOBBLERS”

Ramona Lappin #magick #ufo #wingnut #conspiracy

As part of our powerful activation & healing marathon, we are now facing our final moment of full liberation and freedom! For me, that’s our Diamond Sun God and Rainbow Plasma Lightbody fully online and us flying, for all else is a limited version of reality.

For this is us completing our transmigration, translocation, and transformation process, and return back home to Paradise and our true nature, essence, soul family, and Beloveds & UNITE AS ONE COSMIC FAMILY AGAIN! Free of all discord, wars, divisions caused by differences in beliefs and how we perceive things, free of all judgments and fragmentation, separation and victim-victimizer consciousness! For the Forerunners fully resolve this now within their own God-Self for good, on behalf of all! For


THISNIS THE FINAL EXODUS but as the tables have been turned, this time around, as the beginning meets the end, IT’S THE END, exodus and extraction FOR THE INVADERS and those that have commited grace crimes against humanity and the sanctity of life. Those who abused their powers to hurt the innocent, and those that depended on their leadership and safe guarding.
This session is mainly focusing on THE FINAL BIG ASTRAL CLEAN UP; clearing of astral infiltration and inter-FEAR-ence patterns running in the field. Connected to traumas and wounds and fear based programming. REMOVING ALL REMAINING ENTITIES, ATTACHMENTS, DEMONIC ENTITIES, VAMPIRES, FALLEN ANGELICS etc.
All hooks, cords, bindings, all the karmic residue and connections to and from our experiences in the fear Matrix are being fully dissolved and cleared. These attachments and entities actually were a part of keeping us safe and protected whilst living in this upside down world, as different rules applied. Now we all get to go home, fully reset, begin again, and play other roles, as

For this you have to CUT all your cords, attachments and connections to the false realities.

Rev. Apollo Quiboloy and unnamed officials of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ church #fundie

He’s a famous pastor, with longstanding ties to the highest circles of power in the Philippines. But for the past two weeks, he’s also been a fugitive, and on Sunday he was arrested. Pastor Apollo Carreon Quiboloy faces numerous allegations of trafficking and child abuse. He’s also on the FBI’s Most Wanted List[…]
The weeks-long standoff transfixed Filipinos, reminiscent of the way Americans viewed the Branch Davidian[…]In a key distinction, Quiboloy is far from a fringe figure: he’s a high-profile ally and confidante of[…]Rodrigo Duterte[…]
From 2002 to at least 2018, the U.S. indictment states, leaders of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ selected girls and young women between the ages of 12 and 25 to be “pastorals” --[…]assistants to Quiboloy who were also coerced into sex[…]
The pastorals’ duties included preparing the pastor’s meals and cleaning his homes. According to a superseding indictment from a federal grand jury in California, the girls also “gave him massages using lotion, and traveled with him on trips throughout the world”[…]
“Pastorals engaged in sex with defendant Quiboloy on a schedule” that assigned them “night duty”[…]
Some pastorals were minors, the indictment states. It accuses Quiboloy and church administrators of telling the girls and young women that sex with the pastor was God’s will, threatening them with physical and verbal abuse “and eternal damnation”[…]
Church leaders instructed the girls to write “commitment letters” pledging to devote their lives and bodies to Quiboloy as “The Appointed Son of God,” the indictment states[…]
The church’s full name is Kingdom of Jesus Christ The Name Above Every Name. To its followers, Quiboloy is known as the “appointed son of God.” His church is based in Davao City[…]
One of the church’s key teachings is repentance and the “spirit of obedience to the Father’s Will,” according to its website. Its reach is extensive, describing a “Kingdom Nation” run by administrators who serve “Kingdom citizens”

various commenters #transphobia


( MardyMcMare )
Everything that comes with your “transness” repels us. The narcissism, the neediness, the treading on eggshells for fear of genociding your feelings, the sheer regressive stupidity of the ideology, the terrible dress sense, the male entitlement.

“No trans” just says all of the above but in far fewer characters.

( Spencer_Shayy )
Exactly. "Trans" comes with a whole lot of baggage that most people just don't fucking want to deal with.

( pastmistake )
I have a relative with severe bipolar disorder and delusions of grandeur type narcissism. He believes he is a famous, incredibly wealthy inventor, even though he is completely broke and homeless. He lies constantly about how much money he has, or could get, the famous people he knows (think Elon Musk) and things he’s invented. He truly doesn’t understand WHY people don’t believe him. When people directly contradict his stories and beliefs, he gets angry.

TIMs remind me of him. They believe their own lies. How can this guy seriously say “I don’t know why they have a blanket ban on trans?” He’s lying saying that he would accept a reason. If the lesbians said “It’s because we aren’t attracted to male people, we don’t want to have sex or date anyone male…” he would be furious.

( shewolfoffrance )
I think most TiMs start out knowing they're lying to themselves, and everyone else, on some level.

But, with the help of internet hugboxes, enabling doctors and therapists, and truly misguided legislation, they're able to fully detach from reality.

( Spencer_Shayy )
All I see is rapists whining that they can't rape.

( TheChaliceIsMightier )
Bro you know why.

This is just the classic abusive/narcissistic tactic of getting others to offer an unneccesary explanation so they have points to argue and bully you over.

ocelot & NastasyaFillipovna #transphobia

RE: Kamala brags about California prison surgeries for tims

( ocelot )
Kamala Harris fought to house male criminals in women's prisons in California. She is a rapist by proxy, and I will not vote for her. If someone is willing to give vulnerable women to predators on a silver platter, what WON'T they do for approval?

( SatanicPanic )
The brutal truth is I'd rather vote for a "rapist by proxy" than a man who has actually raped women and girls with his penis.

( ocelot )
I'm not sure I'll be voting for him either for the same reason, but for the sake of playing devil's advocate... How many women has Trump raped vs how many women in the California penal system have been raped by a TIM in women's prisons? I just tried to answer that with googling and couldn't find exact numbers, would love if someone could help.

There stands to be many more female victims if the policies Harris helped create and advocates for are more widely enacted/expanded.

( SatanicPanic )
What makes you think a rapist in the oval office won't have an interest in making it even easier for men to rape?

( ocelot )
Because he has been very vocally anti-gender identity ideology since the first time he ran for president. Say what you want about the man, but his opinions and platform haven't really changed.

( NastasyaFillipovna )
Her candidacy is like gaslighting to the extreme. First they said Joe is fit enough, so she didn't put her hat in the primaries. Then after the debate showed just how senile he actually is, Kamala is being pushed as the next coming of Obama or something.

On one hand, she would be the first female President, but on other, she would destroy whatever remains the definition of the word itself

Molly Bolt #wingnut #sexist #pratt

If it wasn't for Red States being subsidized by the federal government to
keep food prices down, blue states could not afford to eat and would
starve to death. That might not be a bad thing in the long run.

Congrats to Megan Rape-a-ho' for upholding the liberal way and losing.

Trump says he will burn the citation for her medal of freedom when he is
elected again.

Ariel (Prolotario1) #wingnut #conspiracy

𝘿𝙤𝙣𝙖𝙡𝙙 𝙏𝙧𝙪𝙢𝙥 𝙫𝙨 𝙅𝙤𝙚 𝘽𝙞𝙙𝙚𝙣 (𝘾𝙉𝙉 𝘿𝙚𝙗𝙖𝙩𝙚)

𝘿𝙤𝙣𝙖𝙡𝙙 𝙏𝙧𝙪𝙢𝙥 𝙫𝙨 𝙆𝙖𝙢𝙖𝙡𝙖 𝙃𝙖𝙧𝙧𝙞𝙨 (𝘼𝘽𝘾 𝘿𝙚𝙗𝙖𝙩𝙚)

𝘽𝙤𝙩𝙝 𝙣𝙚𝙩𝙬𝙤𝙧𝙠𝙨 𝙖𝙧𝙚 𝙞𝙣𝙫𝙤𝙡𝙫𝙚𝙙 𝙞𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙚 2020 𝙚𝙡𝙚𝙘𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣 𝙛𝙧𝙖𝙪𝙙.

I told you all everything D. Trump is doing in this election season is a formal process. For some strange reason people keeping thinking everything hinges on things that are deemed irrelevant when it comes to court of law.

D. Trump doing good in the polls.

Winning televised debates.

Having rallies to drum up support for his campaign.

You all seem to forget that before 2026 you will not see any of these people anymore. I will be surprised if they even make it out of 2024. COG <Continuation of Government> - is the only reason things are continuing as normal. The lawsuit filed against ABC by D. Trump because George Stephanopoulos called D. Trump a r*p¡st is not the reason that station is in the cross hairs because they committed a crime against the American people way before that.

Everything happening right now is for the sensibilities of "The Normies" because they are most mentally fragile. They are being reeled into things they would have otherwise dismissed years ago in terms of the blatant clown show we are watching.

I am seeing people that would normally denounce D. Trump come out and support him because of how he handled Kamala Harris. Especially when the light bulb went off in their heads when they realized after D. Trump told the world that Kamala Harris can go wake up Joe Biden right now and close the borders.
This is waking up a lot of people. Just those simple statements from D. Trump is powerful and gets the gears going in people's heads. This is not about his performance. It's about the opportunity to red pill the nation while he goes about the formal election process that will no longer be needed after 2024.

James Rink #wingnut #transphobia #racist #crackpot #conspiracy

Kamala Harris was born a boy in Benghazi. His parents, Donald Harris from Jamaica and Shyamala Gopalan from India, named him Kamal Aroush. He is not black, he is half Indian and half Jamaican. At the time of his birth his parents were British citizens, not US citizens, and thus he is not eligible to hold the office of US President. He later worked as a prostitute in the US, was a card carrying Marxist, as a prosecutor in California refused to prosecute Sex Offenders and was illegally elected US Vice President through 2020 Election Fraud. He was executed at GITMO for that Election Fraud and his actor is now running as the Democrat Party ineligible nominee for US President of a bankrupt and defunct Vatican/ UK Royalty/ Rothschild Banker-owned corrupt US Inc. Corporation.


Edwin Benson #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy

The postmodern university is fascinated with magic, and this is a most curious coupling—one with ominous social overtones.

Until the mid-twentieth century, serious academics regarded any mention of magic as the ravings of the stupid or insane. They followed the scientific method of empiricism, emphasizing verifiable evidence in acquiring knowledge and forming ideas.

What is Magic, Anyway?

The “Occult Art, Occultism” entry in the Catholic Encyclopedia defines magic as “an interference with the usual course of physical nature.” The practitioner accomplishes it by “recitation of formularies, gestures, mixing of incongruous elements, and other mysterious actions.” The effort is an “attempt to work miracles not by the power of God…but by the use of hidden forces beyond man’s control. Its advocates…seek the desired result by evoking powers ordinarily reserved to the Deity.” Magic “is a corruption of religion.”

The Encyclopedia makes another highly pertinent point. Magic, it says, “appears as an accompaniment of decadent rather than of rising civilization.”

The new-found interest in magic seems strange in a world that has long been dominated by materialism and rigid use of the scientific method.
It is tempting to make fun of the attempts at erudite sophistication with which these colleges cloak these imitation academic offerings. However, their adolescent attempts to shock and amaze the students mask a deadly seriousness. As mentioned before, magic is a sign of a society’s degeneration. Even more than that, these naïve students and their professors are playing with the very substance of evil itself, which has massive and unforeseeable consequences. That is especially true for those who play with a Devil in whom they do not believe.

Natalia Alba #magick #ufo #quack

Many of you are now immersed in a phase of profound density emancipation, which is going to be an important part of our inner work next year.

As my Guides shared, density emancipation is a process of losing density from our physical bodies that many of you will be undergoing, as you have finally crossed the veils of illusion, healing trauma, and soul fragmentation.
Many of us have suffered pain, go to the doctor, and find nothing was wrong at all, at a medical level, as we always need to make sure nothing further is taking place in our bodies.

This is also a clear sign that the process of losing density has been initiated and that we need to take further steps towards keeping our bodies healthy and flexible, while this process lasts, knowing it is an organic transition we have chosen and we need to embrace it and deal with it as gracefully as we can, as ascension is not always about pain and symptoms, for there is also joy, stabilization and many blessings that come too with this journey.

This process can be especially challenging for those of you who also have some physical issues such as arthritis, arthrosis, multiple sclerosis, and fibromyalgia. There are many other painful conditions not listed here that will too make this process even more complex and painful. When this occurs, we need to include new healing tools or natural remedies to support our bodies.

Sound therapy, acupuncture, organic supplements, programming specific crystals to aid our bodies, such as muscovite, which Guides share is an excellent one to support physical ascension, and many other tools such as swimming, and light immersion exercises will support our bone structure while they are under this process, which is a lifetime one.
2025, a year my Guides named the year of mental liberation, as Pluto in Aquarius confirms, density emancipation, as we are all feeling in our bodies, as we continue to ascend, and above all, soul freedom from our three-dimensional plane.

Myron Gaines #wingnut #sexist

Unfortunately her endorsement will matter A LOT.

Taylor Swift's fanbase is overwhelmingly women with an IQ of 86 that lack critical thinking skills and think "Trump=bad misogynist".

Women are far more susceptible to propaganda than men are.

If we repealed the 19th and women didn't vote we wouldn't have to worry about Kamala being president.

Women vote on emotion, and celebs which is exactly what the democrats use in their campaigns.

Facts are facts.

Moroccancel, KillNiggers and opioidcel #psycho #sexist #racist

[From “School shootings are the ultimate expression of despair.”]

OP by Moroccancel
School shootings are the essence of how social outcasts express all the hatred and enmity against a society that treats them as trash and that they will not fit in because society will always reject not only the different, but the worthless

I welcome any mass school shooting. I celebrate it because they have essentially had enough balls to elevate the great pain of millions of silent men. The normies cope with the idea and call everything "mental illness", "he had to improve his personality" but that is not true. Mass shooting is the ultimate expression of life in the face of death, it is, in short, the desire for power and attention in the highest form, for one last time before dying or ending up permanently in prison, hopefully executed or on death row for a few years

What social outcast will not be happy by the instant normality that is broken? Bravo

In video game


It's the most selfless act one can do. Most pussies just stick to their own thoughts and rope

:yes: :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes:


Normies hating mass shooters is hypocritical beyond belief because mass shooters are created not born. Mass shooting is the end result of a lifetime of social ostracisation and humiliation resulting from bad looks and non NT ness

Absolutely. Imagine being rejected, hated, being told that your life is over before it even begins

It is the logical consequence of every person who rationally understands that revenge is the only answer. Because violence has always been against them


Your talking about a fraction of mass killers, Most just do it for fame

Nah most do it cause of jewipill brain rot/damage

various commenters #transphobia

Wait... what?

( notsofreshfeeling )
Transgenderism is just MRAs trolling SJWs. That's all it's ever been.

( Lipsy )
The erasure of Female spaces and Women's rights, the destruction of safeguarding for Women and children, the capture of formerly respectable institutions, the depredation of scientific integrity, and the metastasis of two-tier policing and jurisprudence are absolutely not "just trolling".

( notsofreshfeeling )
Sorry I was being simplistic/glib. I meant strategic trolling in all forms and on a grand scale, including all of those end goals and consequences you've listed.

( Spencer_Shayy )
The lack of self awareness from this man, who is doing exactly what he's complaining about to women, is painfully cringey.

( shewolfoffrance )
I'm willing to bet he stole the language for this garbage from something an actual woman, perhaps even a TERFy one, wrote.

( sylviasmushrooms )
I’m seriously surprised he didn’t peak himself, there. Seriously.

( Mignonette )
It's almost funny when they end up calling each other out. They can smell everyone's bs, same as us - except their own. That's left steaming in plain view and called perfume.

( RusticTroglodyte )
I love when tims get angry at the amount of other tims in a subreddit, or out at the bar. It gives me life to read those posts

various commenters #transphobia

( Fluffy_gender )
Kamala talking about women when it comes to abortion
I don't know if you watched the debate where Kamala basically destroyed the orange liar. One thing I noticed was the absence of TRA nonsense language. She did talk about abortion as a women's rights issue and said the word women many times. I think this is encouraging, especially after the orange idiot went on with his lies about after birth abortions again. I think it's clear that TRA language is not winning anyone over

( Arenlaef )
I can't even pay attention to this election anymore, lol. I hate the Democrats so much, but my state is too purple now to not vote. And for me, it's not even about Kamala. It's the party as a whole and their bullshit lack of values outside of "get elected."

The other day some misogynistic liberal dude was going on an absolute insane diatribe about TERFs and how he feels we shouldn't even exist. How we're just the most evil creatures in the world and jealous because we're ugly, hideous hags who are somehow also obsessed with beauty standards.

Then I saw he had Harris/ Walz 2024 in his bio and it just occurred to me...I will be going into a voting booth and voting the exact way this man wants me to. This man thinks I'm the scum of the Earth for being a lesbian who is not open to having sex with men and in a few months, I will be driving down to my polling center and waiting in an hour-long line to cast a vote for a party that caters to people like him.

I cannot explain how bad this feels.

( notsofreshfeeling )
The Democratic Party platform is chock full of gender ideology and trans nonsense. They are not giving up that agenda but are simply masking it.

I'm not saying Republicans are better for women overall. But it's a shit sandwich.

( pennygadget )
I think its weasel behavior for democrats to pretend to know what a woman is when talking to normies and then go back to "birthing people" and "trans women are women" when actually creating laws

( Women1st )
She doesn’t know what a woman is. This is the party that believes lipstick and a dress make you a woman. Politicians will say anything to win. In the end, she values male feels over women.

Lance Wallnau #fundie #magick

“When I say ‘witchcraft’ I am talking about what happened tonight. Occult empowered deception, manipulation and domination.

“That’s what ABC pulled off as moderators, and Kamala’s script handlers set up the kill box. One sided questions and fact checking sealed the box. Witchcraft.

“It’s not over yet, but something supernatural needs to disrupt this counterfeit momentum because the same public that voted in Obama is voting again and her deception is advancing.” – Pastor Lance “Bad Wig” Wallnau.

Laura Loomer #racist

If @KamalaHarris wins, the White House will smell like curry & White House speeches will be facilitated via a call center and the American people will only be able to convey their feedback through a customer satisfaction survey at the end of the call that nobody will understand.

EyesOpen #transphobia

Kids are being exposed to drag queens and scantily clad people in pride events and parades, which are often disrespectful to women and disturbing to a child’s mind. There is a trend to normalize mastectomies for girls, and it is easy to find mastectomy scars featured on social media platforms. Online porn is readily available to kids as well, and porn is a big industry. Kids are exposed to fetish porn, too, which has led to paraphilias such as autogynephilia for boys who become sexually aroused by dressing or presenting as a girl or woman. Sadly, online groomers also encourage kids, often boys, to behave or do things online in a sexual way, creating an abuse cycle. Some kids are so traumatized by groomers that they desire to escape from their bodies due to humiliation and shame.

various commenters #transphobia

Trans TikTok star Rachel Queen Burton pleads guilty to child abuse offences | Daily Mail Online

( LizardQ )
Where they're wrong about is that it's not a mask. This is how trans people are. This is AGP in a nutshell. I guarantee you this person was crossdressing way before they "came out" as a trans woman, and while they were also abusing children. They didn't do it to escape. This is part of their perversion. I don't blame people for not knowing this, but if you look under the rock, well I don't have to tell you guys.

That poor family.

( Autumn-Aprodithe )
The TRA will call this the exception of the rule. Everything is a rare case even though men are predators by nature and delulu land won't oppress those urges.

( songoftheworms )
I can't stop thinking about how his victims must have felt knowing this man was being feted and celebrated by thousands of members of the public at large. So many of them are "transitioning" because so many local governments have made it such a straightforward way to outrun legal troubles and debts.

For those TRAs who would insist transition is so difficult as to naturally dissuade anyone who isn't trutrans, doesn't reinventing yourself as a "female" TikTok star seem a little easier than getting shivved in the ribs for being a child rapist in male prison? Throw him into the fucking sea.

( Mignonette )
Is this transitioning once caught bs connected to the often regurgitated idea that women never get punished? If so, good luck dude, reddit lied to you.

( sdgjhflll1148 )
Funnily enough, this bottom feeder was trans before being caught, long enough to have a transtok following, so TRA's can't even claim that he miiiight be someone taking advantage of ridiculous prison assignments. Ed. Or that he's a human false flag a lá the Toronto teacher

Not that it matters, because by self ID rules anyone who says they are is huns xoxoxox 🦠

Gaedhal #racist #wingnut

[From “Free speech”]

Thank Yahweh, that instead of a Gestapo, we have a Stasi/s

Unless protest and speech have within it the potential to provoke violence, at least in the abstract, then one does not possess the freedom of speech. Indeed, this is American Jurisprudence… at least for the time being. This is why Alex Linder was not sent to prison for his praise of Hero Bowers. Sancte Bowers, ora pro nobis. So, in the United Kingdom, one does not possess either the freedom of effective speech, or the freedom of effective protest. Despite the lofty baroque refrains of Rule Britannia, Britons are, thanks to their defeating themselves in World War 2, slaves

If Hitler had won, we would not be free… however, we would be free-er. Regardless of the political system, absolute liberty is a delusion. We would be free of negro subhumans from Rwanda stabbing our little girls to death, for one thing. We must constantly remind people of that alternative universe in which the good guys—as opposed to the Jews, Christians and Communists, i.e. the Allies—won World War 2

One can be deeply critical of National Socialism, as Linder and I are, and still maintain that ’twere better if the axis had won World War 2. I take Tom Metzger’s position. I would have been sent to Dachau, a camp for political dissidents, for being more based than the Nazis

Is é an tSláinte an Buaidh!
Victoria Salus!

Victory is Salvation!

Parents With Inconvenient Truths about Trans #transphobia

# 1 rule: Don't answer the door for any strangers. Make it a rule in your house with your kids. Never leave your child home alone for any reason when dealing with gender identity issues.

Stay behind a closed door and ask, “Who is it?”

If they say it is CPS you can say "We don’t open the doors to strangers. How can I help you? Please put your business card on our doorstep and we will contact you later.”

various commenters #transphobia

Republicans Are Trying to Erase Trans Identity From The Law | HuffPost Latest News

( TheKnitta )
Not entirely sure why someone’s imaginary identity should be enshrined in law in the first place.

Sex is a fact. Getting off to wearing frilly knickers isn’t something that belongs on your factual ID documents.

( pennygadget )
I can't believe I lived to see the Republicans become the pro-science party while the Democrats tried to enshrine some crazy, misogynistic, homophobic religion into all facets of the law

( RighteousIndignation )
Sorry but theres no place in law for anything thats self defined. and the law proves that all the time with the lack of convictions for rape because of not enough evidence or they don't believe the woman.

why the hell should the law recognize peoples identity on their say so, when they don't believe rape victims are victims.

both are a case of believe what I am saying, not look at me.

a murder suspect identifies as innocent.

( MarthaMMC )

Advocates say the conservative push to define “sex” is not only politically motivated but goes against basic biology.

How has science & medicine been so corrupted as to lie like this? And their claims that this erases tran people- it just sets boundaries. They also lie about kids, saying that they don't get surgery. But the mastectomies of young girls that Drs. ADVERTISE on their social media disproves that. They also claim that there are no incidents or proof that TIPs are a danger to women & girls when they use single sex facilities. When the rapes that occur in prisons in other countries & in the US disprove that. As well as TIMs own social media posts about flashing & leaving semen in women's restrooms. As well as exposing male genitalia to women & girls in changing rooms. The comments are TRA except for a few. There needs to be a list of such incidents to use as factual evidence. It also claims that trans ppl are in danger of being outed if their documents don't match their gender identity. TBH, most are outed by their appearance-esp TIMs.

Joe Hunt #wingnut #conspiracy

”Thoughts of the Day”
Be Mindful of What
Your Voting For!
☠️Their mouths are full of empty promises! Their lips 👄 are filled with lies!
👽They definitely want huge government and control!
🤡Don’t be fooled, this particular part of the (good) Democratic Party IS NOT THE OLD DEMOCRAT PARTY!
👽This time, just like Obama, they will give you crumbs, promise you everything, and you will vote for them like every time, AND GET SHIT!
☠️They will and are going to extremely raise your taxes to a level of triple! Then they OWN YOU! You want to live in a communist country? Then move to Russia or China! You don’t like what I am trying to tell you?👏 I’m trying to save your life!
🤡(These people just want to 🎈 party, and let our country suffer!) Then, Have all your money in taxes, and Have No Constitution, and Have Total Control Over Everyone and Everything!
“Your Vote Matters”
Practical Common Sense Policies, Strong Leadership, America First Policies, and a President that’s For The People and The Country!
I think that is what most Americans want.
(Submitters note: Should I add a UFO tag? Because there are alien emojis.)

Kevin Downey Jr. #pratt #enbyphobia

As if your pale, vegan, demi-gender-in-law wasn't annoying enough when zhe whined about your F-150 tearing apart the clouds, now zhe has another target: your cats and dogs.

Yes, cats kill a lot of birds. It's what their nature tells them to do. Nature, climate, get it? Suck it, libs!

The truth is, house pets and the food they consume aren't causing hurricanes or boiling the seas, yet Fluffy and Mr. Whiskers have found themselves in the crosshairs of the prairie fairies.

Sin Shadow Fox #wingnut #dunning-kruger

(submitter’s note: Gael’gar is a video game character)

I just realized that Gael'gar is the perfect representation of a woketivist. Someone that aims way past equality into oppression in the other direction due to a past slight and is incapable of accepting reality so much so that they'd rather self destruct in order to hold onto their beliefs.. At least Gael'gar was actually oppressed though so the analogy isn't 100% perfect.

Hunter Wallace #wingnut #racist

[From “Why I Hate Winston Churchill”]

I hate Winston Churchill[…]
I have never been interested in actual fascism[…]I think Adolf Hitler had a disastrous foreign policy. I also find Nazi racial theories and eugenics to be too extreme[…]
I hate Winston Churchill because I am a White Anglo-Protestant Southerner. I am more of a Christian isolationist[…]I dislike liberalism and antiracism. I didn’t have a strong opinion about Winston Churchill and his legacy until the Iraq War[…]
Before I knew much about him, I began to associate Churchill with warmongers launching global crusades for liberalism and democracy. The ghost of[…]Churchill is still being invoked to justify stupid wars all over the world like in the recent debate among House Republicans over Ukraine[…]
The real Winston Churchill was a more sympathetic, complicated figure. Far from being a modern ethnomasochist, he supported Keeping Britain White in the 1950s as Third World immigrants began pouring in from the colonies. If anything, Churchill was more racist than most people who read and comment on this website[…]
Winston Churchill loved the British Empire. And yet, no one was a bigger contributor to the destruction of the British Empire than Churchill, which he committed to dismantling in the Atlantic Charter. He transformed Britain into an indebted American satellite. Churchill was a nationalist who genuinely loved Britain. And yet, he escalated a war that discredited nationalism and stigmatized racism[…]
Worst of all, Winston Churchill who was half-American rallied the English-speaking peoples to the defense of Britain in its war against Hitler. He succeeded in dragging us into that conflict. Americans were brainwashed by war propaganda into believing that Hitler was a cartoon racist villain. This was a role which Southerners were immediately recast in as the internal villain who were “like Hitler” once Hitler himself was vanquished. We have been on the defense since the Truman administration

Kevin Downey Jr. #pratt #homophobia

Her long blonde hair was pulled into a bun to make her look sophisticated and intelligent. It was her first day of college and, for her, her first day as an adult. Also, her name was no longer Abbey. That's too girly, too "small-town Ohio." As of today, she was Abigail. Abigail the beautiful, intelligent, sophisticated adult living in New York City.

When Abigail graduated in May of 2022, she was unrecognizable. In the world of the communists—where she had spent the last four years—beauty is ugly. Make-up and pretty clothes are signs that you have too much money when others have too little. Most of Abigail's hair had been cropped off, and what was left was Ty D Bowl blue. Her multiple face piercings made her look like she had fallen face-first into Grandpa's tackle box. She wore a man's "wife beater" t-shirt because she wanted the world to see what looked like sea urchins in her armpits. And she is no longer Abigail. After a short stint as "Gail," she now insisted everyone call her "Gay," even though she was what her actual gay friends mockingly referred to as a "breeder."

Abigail was taught to hate herself, and she did. She had the cutting marks on her evil, white thigh to prove it. And like every other wealthy, white kid who goes to college to learn to hate their own race into extinction, she began directing her hatred at what she had been taught was the cause of all the world's problems: other white people like herself.

Toaster Bath #fundie #dunning-kruger

It’s B.C, not B.C.E. It’s exactly the same calendar, it’s just that those who choose to use the incorrect term of B.C.E only use that term because they have an irrational disdain for Yeshua and the fact that the calendar is loosely based around the years of his life. The pathetic thing about those who use B.C.E instead of B.C is that they’re completely ignorant of the basic fact that both terms use exactly the same calendar, it’s just that those who use B.C.E and C.E think they’re somehow edge lords by suddenly using these 2 terms for no intelligent or factual reason whatsoever. If you want to use B.C.E and C.E come up with your own goddamned calendar because the Gregorian one we use is B.C and A.D. And it”s pronounced "HIT-TITES, not the "HITEETEES" FFS.

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