
Racism, including ethnic hatred, nationalism and equating religion to race

Various 4channers #dunning-kruger #pratt #psycho #racist #wingnut boards.4chan.org

(Canadian Anon 1)

White Students Not Allowed at Pennsylvania School District's Drone Camp

The worst part about the states white hate is that it bled into Canada

We used to all hate brown people now we welcome them and want to push the whites out

(Catalonian Anon)

That's a ten million dollar settlement just waiting to happen.

LMAO. hahahaha the law does not apply when it protects whites. you're still in the year 1990 brotha.

(American Anon 1)
Nothing will happen.
Why? Because no one will sue.
This is illegal, but there is not ONE organization to sue them
If it was reverse however, there would be 100 organizations pouring in and sue the school to oblivion
This is the weakness of our system

We don’t have any organization who defend whites for discrimination like this

(Canadian Anon 2)
You naive moron

Discrimination laws do not apply to white people and there is countless precedent to support that

(American Anon 2)
America has privileged/protected classes which maintain special rights as a form of repayment for lack of representation previously. It’s the same reason nonwhites can have work organizations designed for their needs and networks, but a white based one is illegal

(American Anon 3)
>White kids not allowed to attend drone camp.
>White kids decide to make their own drone camp.
>Black kids get mad because all their drones are mysteriously broken or stolen
>Black kids demand to be allowed to attend white kids drone camp, Citing general systemic racism for being the reason that they have no equipment.

(American Anon 4)

They're going to create so much pressure that they're going to end up with mainstream support for pro-White organizations.

If only you knew how cucked whites really are

(American Anon 5)
whites will go fucking extinct with the last one whining about how its unfair rather than burn down buildings and kill the people in charge of genociding them. congrats bitch. once youre dead from the vaxx your kids are going to be rape meat

Unknown 4channer #dunning-kruger #racist i.ibb.co

Black "History"

>living in the stone age when the Egyptians show up and start slaughtering and enslaving them
>never think to invent any defense beyond pointy sticks
>still living in the stone age thousands of years later when the Arabs show up and start and enslaving them
>still never think to invent any defense beyond pointy sticks
>STILL living in the stone age hundreds of years later when the Whites and Jews show up and start enslaving them
>STILL never think to invent any defense beyond pointy sticks
>live on plantations for a few hundred years where quality of life is greatly improved
>Whites feel bad and free them, blacks contribute basically nothing to the endeavor
>steal some instruments, play them poorly, call it "jazz"
>get allowed to play on sports team
>do well because running fast is the only thing they are capable of doing well
>whites still feel bad about how retarded blacks are and give them special rights, privileges, and handouts
>squander them all on weed and crack
>pawn all instruments away for drug money, start grunting into a microphone without any rhythm, call it "rap"
>whites STILL feel bad about how retarded blacks are, to they elect a halfbreed to be president

Bobby #racist theoccidentalobserver.net

Some years back, after a very long day, I was sitting in my car and listening to the radio. Tom Petty’s, ‘Here Comes That Girl’, came on. ‘Here Comes That Girl’ was on his ‘Damn The Torpedoes Album’ which was released in 1979. It is one of my all time favorite albums.

I put my head back and closed my eyes. The song transported me back to my teenage years in upstate NY. I was driving my beat up ’72 Buick Skylark that I got for $300 bucks, to my girlfriends house. I was in her room. I could see the peaceful view out of her window; the beautiful fall colors. The smell of the cool, crisp fall air mixed in with her perfume. Her soft, small hand in mine. Then the song ended. I was smiling. “That was Rock ‘n’ Roll Hall of Famer, Tom Petty and The Heartbreakers with their 1979 smash hit, ‘Here Comes That Girl,’ said the dj. I stopped smiling. I started to feel so angry. The beautiful scene from the past was taken away from me. Tom Petty wrote that song for me. It was a part of my teenage years. It could transport me, through time, back to those years, back to 1979. [...]

‘The Plastic Demon of Decay of Humanity.’ They now commodified Tom Petty and put him in ‘their’ museum. They took a dreamer with a guitar from Gainsville, Florida and put his soul in a plastic box. How do you put Rock ‘n’ Roll in a plastic box? There was no more Tom Petty and even worse there was no more what Tom Petty meant to me. There was now only a ‘Rock ‘n’ Roll Hall of Famer Tom Petty.

The Rock ‘n’ Roll Hall of Fame was founded in 1983 by: Jann Wenner, Jon Landau, Seymour Stein, Allen Grubman, Bob Krasnow, Susan Evans, and Ahmet Ertegun. All but Ertegun are Jews. I could not find out any information on Susan Evans.

Wagner did nothing wrong, or immoral with his exploration of what he saw the Jews doing to his country, his country that he loved very much. It is of course, the Jews who are immoral and a lot worse than that.

Dotrinfobe #dunning-kruger #elitist #racist #sexist incels.is

brazilphile-cel trait: you begin to fetishsizing southern european looking foids

im not talking about latinas, like the typical mestiza type of face and skin tone from mexico or colombia, but the "white" southern european type. often dark brown or almost black hair, but with light eyes, preferbly blue. their faces usually look uniquely southern european, i dont know how to describe it but you can just tell, such faces typically has a subtle difference to typical light eyed brunettes from Anglo countries (to uncultured eyes, they look the same "white", though, but im too high IQ to not notice the subtlety). blued eyed southern european stacies are gorgeous in their own way and i feel them mog most western european foids (english, german, dutch etc.)

especially in the context of brazilian foids, morenas can often mog loiras and ruivas, especially considering most brazilian loiras are fake blondes anyways and face look ugly. brazilian morenas love to dye their hair blonde, which is annoying and they love to tan, again, annoying tan lines are disgusting imo. morenas look best in their natural state, though sometimes dyed blonde hair with dark roots can look appealing too and add flavor, but tan lines are always bad.

and for some reason i gradually begin to feel english as vulgar or something and find portugues better sounding honestly cant stand fucking porn any more with those whores shouting "fuck me" "fuck me daddy" "oh yeah" "harder" "just like that" and all those trash ass low brow english bullshit and actually prefer to turn the sound off and pretend the foid is moaning in portugues or something and that shes a branca brasileira

maybe ive been binge watching some series de televisao from brazil too much in the past week. getting culturally assimilated probably the same process how some white foids develop taste for rice through watching kpop and how weebs develope fetish for jap foids through anime

Mike Stone #wingnut #quack #racist #homophobia #fundie henrymakow.com

I got my last haircut today. Not knowing if I'll ever be allowed inside a barber shop or hair salon ever again, I told the woman to cut it short.

Starting Monday in my city, Los Angeles, purebloods--those who have not submitted to the jab--will not be allowed to enter restaurants (except for pickups), bars, gyms, barber shops, hair salons, and probably a few other places I'm forgetting.

I don't want to rain on your parade, but I assure you, it is coming your way. As California goes, so goes the country.
In the same way that Europe was used as a testing ground for an invasion of illegal aliens before it kicked off here, Australia is the testing ground for what the virus hoax pushers have planned for America and the rest of the world.

In case you didn't know, children are being literally torn from their parents' arms and force vaccinated in Australia, and plans are well underway for purebloods to be hauled away to concentration camps. If you don't think that's coming here, I have some beach front property down in Florida I'd like to talk to you about.
In the old days, people could escape Communist countries by coming here. But now we're a Communist country. There's literally nowhere in the world that I know of where anyone can escape to. There might be some countries a little slower to get onboard with what's planned, but it's all coming eventually no matter where we live. When the hoax-pushers control the economy of nearly every country in the world, there's literally no escape.

Oh, and by the way, they're coming for the kids next.

The San Francisco gay men's choir wants to sodomize your children and the hoax-pushers want to sacrifice them to the beast.

My advice, as always, is to get your spiritual life in order and do it quickly.

Purge everyone and everything from your life that is in any way supportive of the hoax.

Hunker down. It's going to be a rough ride.

American Plague #racist #wingnut amren.com

VP Harris asked NASA if they could identity "black trees" from space because of racism in where trees are growing. You really can't be any dumber then this.

Hank Johnson, a black Democrat from Georgia, was once worried that if too many people were to inhabit the island of Guam, that it would capsize.

I am British and heard that when I was young and thought the guy must be joking, just that the joke didn't go down too well, no-one would be that stupid, but now I know black people, I believe he was being serious, he serious thought that, unfortunately we Whites don't realise too often they are not joking they are serious when they say stupid things.

He was serious as a heart attack. You can watch the video on YouTube. He asked that question to a senior officer in the military (I believe) in front of hundreds of politicians.

And yes, they are serious all too often when they say stupid things. Like "blacks can't be racist", "America is systemically racist", "Defund the police" and "Shoot the White folk!". Have they not paid attention over the last few hundred years what happens to black nations when Whites disappear? Zimbabwe was BEGGING Whites to return after they themselves kicked Whites out at gunpoint because they were STARVING TO DEATH in a country that already had agricultural infrastructure, built by Whites, in place and in working order.

ilieknothing #racist #sexist incels.is

[INCEL MUSIC] Song by me - Pajeet (Parody of Wildest Dreams by Taylor Swift)

He said, "Let's clean this dirty room
Detergent at the ready, away from the food"
I thought germs can't kill me now
Cleanliness lasts forever, he is going to mop this down

His personality is so charismatic as hell
He's so bald but he does it so well
I can see his shiny head gleam
My one condition is

Say you'll remember me standing in your closet
Staring at your broom set, babe
Red lips and rosy cheeks
Say you'll see me again
Because I'll remember you Pa-aa-jeet, ah-ha
Pa-aa-jeet, ah-ha

I said, "I love your job and what you do"
Janitorial professionalism, he's leaning on his broom
The wet sploshing is a beautiful sound
Cleanliness lasts forever, he is mopping the floor now

His personality is so charismatic as hell
He's so bald but he does it so well
As I admire his clean brown skin
My last request is

Say you'll remember me standing in your closet
Staring at your broom set, babe
Red lips and rosy cheeks
Say you'll see me again
Because I'll remember you Pa-aa-jeet, ah-ha
Pa-aa-jeet, ah-ha

You always treat me just right
No dark triad, you never fight
Cleanin' it down
I know you won't leave me
You won't need memories
You'll be around
You always treat me just right
No dark triad, you never fight
Cleanin' it down
I know you won't leave me
You won't need memories
You'll be around

Say you'll remember me standing in your closet
Staring at your broom set, babe
Red lips and rosy cheeks
Say you'll see me again
We don't have to pretend

Say you'll remember me standing in your closet
Staring at your broom set, babe
Red lips and rosy cheeks
Say you'll see me again
We don't have to (pretend, pretend)
I love you Pa-aa-jeet, ah-ha
(I love you)
Pa-aa-jeet, ah-ha

Pa-aa-jeet, ah-ha

The original is a suifuel ode to dark triad Chads by a super roastie Taylor Swift

Tay Tay needs to be cut open with a sharp knife and stomped on.

At least this roastie is telling the truth, all the other ones lie through their cum stained teeth

Prussian Society of America #conspiracy #racist prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "Celts, Like the English are one of the biggest players in the COVID Cult"]

As I have mentioned previously, the biggest invested races in promotion of the COVID Cult are those of Jewish, English, Celtic Ancestry and of course the Chinese who have made a spectacular financial investment and business model of using this agenda for their very disgusting aims

There are of course, other minor players like Italians, Iranians, Armenians and others who also have had major involvement between a whole host of different aspects of the COVID Agenda, including financial investments with the Vaccine Manufacturing

Wherever Jewish Money Flows, you are sure to find the English and Celtic peoples as next in line to suck off the Jewish Money Pipeline. They just cannot resist themselves

I would like to introduce you to a highly paid and invested Agent, spreading daily Propaganda and totally useless, meaningless statistics, this clown Dr. John Campbell who serves as a perfect example of one of these monsters who makes video after video, with endless drivel about COVID, and the disgusting aspect is how many people follow in lockstep with this clown:


[Mass loss of trust]

I have been following his disinformation for many months, and truly no normal person would ever find anything he says to be interesting or taken seriously. But this race, whether they are English or Celtic, both of them are truly a dangerous menace, and the world needs to awaken to the trouble of these people from the British Isles, and who also compromise the majority of America’s Racial stock and Military Establishment

"Melanie Rettler" #conspiracy #racist jta.org

An antisemitic tirade at a school board meeting in suburban Phoenix last week has spurred an extensive response among local officials and Jewish leaders — some of whom say they were distressed that board members did not rebut the comment at the time

During the public comment portion of the meeting of the Chandler Unified School District board, a woman who identified herself as Melanie Rettler spoke for over a minute about critical race theory and vaccines — topics not listed on the meeting agenda but at the center of heated public debate nationwide

Her comment crescendoed with an antisemitic claim drenched in the language of right-wing conspiracy theories

“Every one of these things, the deep state, the cabal, the swamp, the elite — you can’t mention it, but I will — there is one race that owns all the pharmaceutical companies and these vaccines aren’t safe, they aren’t effective and they aren’t free,” Rettler said. “You know that you’re paying for it through the increase in gas prices, the increase in food prices — you’re paying for this and it’s being taken from your money and being given to these pharmaceutical companies and if you want to bring race into this: It’s the Jews”
After Rettler walked away, Barb Mozdzen, the board president, addressed everybody in the room. “Comments really need to be related to what the school board can do something about, and this was not something we can do something about,” she said. “So please have your comments with something that is within our jurisdiction”

Raginbakin #pratt #racist reddit.com

Hello, my name is Average Foreigner living in Asia. I live here in Concrete Jungle with my wife; her name is Lu and she likes white people very much. We met on Interpals; she was looking for an English partner and I just wanted an Asian girlfriend. I work as an English teacher because I cannot do anything else; that's okay because all I am required to do is act like a big idiot and humiliate myself in front of children. I have been learning the local language for X years now but I will never master it because I have no reason to; who cares anyway because the whole world uses English. All the locals tell me they are jealous of my large penis; this would never happen in the West as there I was considered too weird and awkward to ever go more than first-base with a girl. I feel like a God, my white-skin radiating like the sun's rays over a desolate wasteland. Everywhere I go, the locals kowtow to me because they like my foreign money and when they are even slightly rude to me, I get very angry and post on YouTube about how this country is racist and needs to embrace more diversity. Their traditions are beautiful, but only as much as it entertains me because I cannot be shitted to learn the nuances around a thousand year old culture that isn't my own. I am turning forty this year; that's okay though, as the young women will still lust after me for virtue of my blue eyes and blond hair. Truly, I live in a wonderland; more foreigners should come and date a coked up, sixteen year old girl like I do.

Various Incels #dunning-kruger #racist #sexist incels.is

(Transcended Trucel)
Blackpill MLP PORN pill (brutal slavpill)

Countries that search for MLP porn more than the worldwide average.


What’s wrong with you niggas

Cultures close to horses and poneys ending up IN the poney
Horse milking has another meaning for Mongols I guess

Probably true

almost only subhuman countries

brutal af :blackpill:

I thought Canada would be #1 since they are animal fuckers.

Yes, we also had our own slavic ponycon hosted in Russia and own russian mlp forum called "tabun". It's actually still up.
For some reason there's just something beautiful for slavic low value men to escape into the fairytale of beautiful and loyal creatures. Even if they're fucking cartoon horses.
It's literally better to fap to ponies than try to talk to foids in Russia. All femoids from CIS region are massive golddigging bitches that start to whore themselves from late preteens.

To koniec, BummerDrummer & Notorious Inkler #racist #sexist incels.is

(To koniec)
It's amazing how non western world is racist

Sadly westerners, europeans can't anymore racist even here ethnics laugh at muhh muhh cucked white nat soc while they keep alive their racial interests
I seen on /int/ one tunesian user going on rant how berbers are superior to europeans and turks and arabs too
Japs even don't pretend to not think that they are superior to chinks and koreans and probably whites too

sadly jews cut our balls only meds and slavs are still somewhat racist but still not enough


Do you mind translating that gibberish?

Don’t mind the polish schizophrenic

one day he says racism is bad and huwyt soupremacists are evil and BASED ETHNIC BROCELS should take over Europe, the next day he says this.

One of the many EEfags who’s brains have melted from the Soviet Union tainting the water of his ancestors

(Notorious Inkler)
These "people" are the European equivalent of spics:

-Low IQ
-they spend money on useless shit
-most of them work minimum wage jobs
-obnoxious in public spaces
-their women age like milk

At least spics don't get cucked as much as slavs.

Landlords in my neighborhood refuse non-german tenants.

Prussian Society of America #crackpot #racist #conspiracy prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "Which Nations of Europe Besides Germans, Qualify as Non-Barbarians?"]

It can be stated with confidence, the only People in their original, unadultered form besides Germans who have Pioneered Europe and Mastery over this world as Fully Civilized and Cultured Peoples, were indeed the Greeks and Romans

One may at times, seek to ascribe the Egyptians or former Sumerians as the “True Light” in this world, however the Egyptians were a Prototype for the refined Greeks
Greeks and Romans, Traditionally have been staunch defenders of Monogamy in their civilizations, and regarded people who marked their bodies as less than animals
The truth is that without the combination of Roman and Teutonic Thinkers, there would be no Europe
The Russians can only dream and masturbate to the ideas of ever being on par with that of a German or Roman, hence his consistent desire to expand his form of Political and Philosophical Influences for many centuries into Europe. Russia is still an enemy to Europe today and will always remain a half-breed European
Only someone completely delusional who has an inferiority complex[…]could suggest that the Greeks or Romans were “Nordic”
The unfortunate current state of these People today, is that they are only a shell of the former Greeks and Romans in what they once were. Their blood has been diluted to a point where they have entirely lost the ability to exhibit all of the greatness they once did
The Germans along with the former Greeks and Romans are the only Nations of the World which are not of the Barbarian Stock
China is a Nation in service to the Rothschild Banking Dynasty, and their Nation has been inflicted and permanently had their Blood Purity altered by the Mongols and the actions of Ghenghis Kahn, Mao Zedong and also by the hand of the British Influence over them

Gary D Barnett/Henry Makow Phd #conspiracy #racist #wingnut henrymakow.com

Reply from Gary D Barnett

I do very much appreciate your re-posting my articles on your site, as I think those of us that seek to tell the truth and educate others of the grand conspiracy to control all is of vital importance, and the more exposure the better.

With that said, you have mischaracterized me completely, and for reasons that not only do I not understand and disagree with entirely, but with which I would never agree. Your criticism relies only on the notion that Jews are the sole reason and entity responsible for all the world's ills, and that I do not agree with this belief. While I respect your opinion, I find this to be incorrect, especially since I have been researching and writing about the horrors of all systems of power and control (government and private) for well over two decades. To base everything only on Jews is shortsighted in my opinion.
You are correct in that I do not lay all blame at the feet of any single culture, government, religion, or societal group, and to do so blinds any individual seeking to understand all the evil that exists on this planet, in every area of the world, by every type and nationality of the ruling 'elite.' I do firmly believe that a very small group of people at the very top are in control, but that this group is made up of many more than just Masonic Jews.
My reply

"Your criticism relies only on the notion that Jews are the sole reason and entity responsible for all the world's ills, and that I do not agree with this belief."

Thanks Gary for mis-characterizing me

Clearly you have never read my work. I always refer to "Jews and Freemasons" who are gentile Satanists and the instrument of the satanist Jewish central bankers. The central bankers are Cabalist Jews. They control money and gentiles with it. Also I make clear that it is satanist Jews who are the enemies of assimilated Jews like myself. Why don't you do some research beginning with my site? You ARE part of the problem Gary.

Robert Cornell #racist #fundie #conspiracy terryspcfreetopics.quora.com

“What would be the problem if Kamala was Afghan?”

The problem is that she wasn’t born here, and is INELIGIBLE to hold the office of Vice President! Now, here’s my question: why do you think it’s okay for somebody of Afghan descent to serve in an American office? The ONLY reason somebody would condone that, is if they are secretly a Muslim!

speculareffect #sexist #racist #wingnut speculareffect.org

As I’ve written before, boys and men will come to the realization and be constantly reminded that women are indeed stupid. It is a fact of life; a fact of reality and no amounts of lies, chicanery and pretending, is going to prevent these moments of clarity from happening.

That moment when a man is in a situation or encounters a woman/ women and it suddenly hits him, like the gurgling, griping onset of diarrhea; and he realizes that women are truly fucking stupid, is inevitable. There is no escaping it.

It happens to ALL men, several times throughout their lives, because the reality is unavoidable. It happens without fail, at the age of toddlers, when the little boy has to deal with little girls his age, and his mom and other female figures in his life reassures him that little girls are special. More special than he is.
Yet, we do live in a gynotopia and the machinations of the gynotopia are ever present to keep us second guessing.

Take for instance, men (white men) have built western civilization. They have achieved a superlative standard of living for all, yet these fucks in the video can’t think of ONE thing men are better at?

It is because of men, we have all this great stuff and have been given a platform to pursue whatever it is we are interested in. This includes the time wasting, inconsequential, monotonous, mind-numbing retarded shit women are into.
The Metroid series’, Samus Aran, is great as a female protagonist, because the female stupidity does not supercede and isn’t shoved in our faces. It is encumbered and held back. Again, femininity is only positive under the auspices of masculinity.

This is the reality that the gynotopia is hellbent on erasing from our psyche. It is why the Feminine dominated and run (by Female standards and values) governements and the media are trying so hard to push ineptitude and incompetence as acceptable. Female stupidity is run amok and treated as a virtue.

Prussian Society of America #wingnut #crackpot #sexist #racist prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "Old War Heroes teach a French Woman a Lesson in WWII History"]

Should this video ever be taken offline, as other links to it have in past years, please contact us personally so we can e-mail you the video file

[i]World War II justified by former German soldiers[/i]

If only more Modern Men, particularly our German Men could feel and exhibit the virility that is even still existent in these Brave Old Men, who still possess the wisdom that used to be unchallenged and unparelled in Germany, including all manners of German thought
Men with virility and masculinity in them do not “speak in code”, that is an effeminate traits. These Men would not even have the time of day for it. Calling people “Red-pilled” or a “Chad”, such ridiculous language!
I have an overdue Entry on that topic alone which, I hope to get around to this fall, relating to the Dangers of becoming consumed with “Success”. The obsession with chasing success leads to bad morals in a given population, and this is of course most notable with the Americans

We only can insist that Germans all around the world rediscover their roots and reconnect with this German Spirit that our Ancestors had never had a debate nor second thought over

Listen to and Watch these Men, compared to what we have today in Germany…

A time when Women were also much more dainty and were not Men in the bodies of a female
This video serves as a great example, in ways that need not to be said, in just how much has been lost for Germany and Europe, and how apathetic the majority have been at resurrecting the past
In the next few years, the last remnants of the Greatest Germans will have disappeared, and all the stories of what they witnessed will also long be forgotten

Reich Force & Phoenix1933 #racist #wingnut stormfront.org

(Reich Force)
Trump: Israel literally owned Congress until Progressives Dems rose to power

Donald Trump bemoans that Israel no longer owns the US Congress! Will any WNs here on Stormfront continue to support him?

Israel literally owned Congress 10 years ago, 15 years ago. And it was so powerful. It was so powerful. And today it's almost the opposite," Trump told the conservative Ari Hoffman Show.

"You have between AOC and Omar and these people that hate Israel, they hate it with a passion and they're controlling Congress, and Israel is not a force in Congress anymore. I mean, it's just amazing. I've never seen such a change," Trump continued.

I like what Trump represents in the minds of many, but in reality he is surely among the most radical zionist supremacists in all of America.

Yeah right, Trump is so pro-jewish and so loved by jews that the jews staged the hugest, most blatant voter fraud ever in America to steal the election from Trump and give it to their actual puppet, Joe Biden. And Trump is SO pro jewish that when he was president, 99.9% of his policies were the opposite of the policies that the jews want. For example, Jews want open borders, and Biden gave it to them, while Trump pretty much ended the illegal immigration problem when he was president. And I could list many more examples like that. Almost everything Trump did as president was against the wishes of the jews. That's why they hate him so much and are still persecuting him in congress.

I think it's likely that Trump was actually making an anti-jewish statement when he said Israel controlled congress. He was really helping to expose jews to Americans. He was naming the jew. A real jew puppet would never tell Americans that jews ever controlled anything in America. I've never heard Joe Biden publicly saying that the jews control anything.

WhiteRights, QuestionAllOfIt & Czar The Great #psycho #racist stormfront.org

RE: Building collapses in Lagos, Nigeria

This is what you'd expect from engineering in the Third World.

Whenever there's a big hurricane or earthquake in the Third World, thousands of people die in collapsed buildings because of incompetence and/or corruption.

A building collapsing just from its own weight is a really sad sign of poor engineering and bad maintenance.

Unfortunately, many White majority nations are being corrupted by Third World invaders and disasters like this one, which should be limited to the Third World are increasingly happening in White nations.

This is a good example of blacks in their own environment. It’s the second most populous city on the whole continent. It’s supposedly one of the nicer parts of the city. A reporter who isn’t even there is saying that cutting corners, bribing inspectors, and poor quality are the norm. This is the african culture. It comes from africans. It did not result from colonialism, slavery, or White Supremacy. That continent has the most natural resources, so there is no excuse for not being able to build a building. There is, however, a reason: blacks are different from us. Their culture of lying, cheating, stealing, violence, and lack of respect for others is incompatible with a civilized society.

On the German report the attractive White news anchor asks the black reporter if all the blacks seen in the background are there to help. Nope. They are just there to sit and watch.

(Czar The Great)
This is clearly a testament to African's superior building technologies. The "high rise" which would be a concrete apartment building (it was under construction), is now a pile of rubble.


I can almost hear the monkey noises when seeing the female in the foreground with her hand in the monkey position. The gorilla in the middle foreground appears to be vocalizing the typical gorilla mating call.

Tria Avery #racist youtube.com

EVERYTHING belongs to black people. This is our planet

Everything came from black people, even them. Just reaserch the Moors and the Ice age. Black girl magic is propaganda to uplift the black woman and destroy the image of the black man. And this is coming from a black woman. It's just like the feminist movement

Middle age, Ice age or Dark ages the Moors went in to Europe and civilized those people who were the Neanderthals or Europeans or the cave people or what ever you call them, everything you learn today as way of Science, astrology, math and etc. The Moors which is another way of saying black taught them. And if you are BLACK you should know these things, The moorish people ruled this earth for thousand and thousands of years and brought civilazation too every Europen country. It was when they came out of the dark ages and The morrish reign was get older that they took over. If you want to know these things you would have to actually read a book and not google

lilsusboi89 #fundie #racist #homophobia #psycho stormfront.org

[OP of thread "Are Jews Satan's creation?"]

I don't really have much to say, so I'll make this short and simple.

Are Jews even a race that was made by God? I often find myself wondering if Jews were made by Satan every time I think about the tens of millions of innocent lives they took. Also, some Jews back in the 20s in Germany before Adolf Hitler came into power were homosexual, and they were pushing homosexuality, just like they are today.

So, are Jews sinners, or are they the sin themselves?

And should we exterminate them to make sure that they never do this again?

Istanbul Immigration Authorities #psycho #racist #wingnut msn.com

Turkey moves to deport Syrian migrants for eating bananas in a ‘provocative’ way on TikTok

The Turkish government has opened deportation proceedings against at least seven Syrian nationals accused of eating bananas in a “provocative” way while participating in a TikTok video challenge, in a move that underscores rising hostility toward Syrians in a country with a reputation for being welcoming to refugees.

The challenge was inspired by an Oct. 17 encounter on the streets of Istanbul that was captured on video, during which a man complained that he could not afford bananas, a staple that has fallen out of the reach of many consumers amid a poor economy. Turning to a female Syrian student, he alleged that refugees from Syria were buying the fruit by the “kilos,” a reference to false rumors that displaced people were living in luxury off Turkish taxpayer largesse.

In response, Syrians in Turkey and elsewhere posted videos of themselves eating bananas to poke fun at the incident. In one video, a group of young Syrians sat around the room, chuckling as they ate their fruit.

On Thursday, local media reported that immigration authorities in Istanbul had detained 11 Syrians involved with the videos on charges of “inciting or humiliating the [Turkish] people with hatred and hostility,” in an action that an Amnesty International coordinator called “appalling.”

Amid double-digit inflation there has been a “considerable decrease” in “acceptance and solidarity” in recent years.

Turkish people have started looking at Syrian refugees as a “scapegoat,”. The U.N. refugee agency report suggested that more than 80 percent of Turks believe displaced Syrians thrive on government subsidies.

The mounting hostility toward Syrian refugees in Turkey has translated into violence. Law enforcement detained 76 people in August, after a mob stormed an Ankara neighborhood where many Syrian immigrants live, overturning cars, vandalizing businesses and chanting anti-Syrian slogans.

Transcended Trucel #psycho #racist #ableist #crackpot incels.is

[Serious] Vast majority of humans are ugly as fuck tbh, analyzed 3000+ people

I just went thru my school text book and college photos. And God damn, the majority of humans are so God damn fucking ugly. Especially gooks, curries and Ethnics. maybe 70% were 4/10, 20-30% 3/10, 10% 5/10+, maybe saw 1 or 2 decent 6/10 Ethnics amongst hundreds maybe thousands plus students. no 7/10 ethnics

But going thru the pictures showed that even most whites are ugly. Amongst like 5-6 hundred white and Jewish kids, only maybe 1 legit 6'4 7/10 Chad motherfucker I saw. A few Chadlite or high tier normies. But the average white was still below sub5. Also only saw maybe 3 Stacy lites, 10-15 high tier beckies, and maybe 15 normal Becky foids.
So even amongst the white foids, the majority were sub5 trash.

Holy fuck you'd need to like genocide and sterilize 80-90% of humanity to get a decent looking next generation of humans.
It's no wonder foids desire Chad so much. If men had same sex drive as foids, femcels would be a legit thing is my conclusion. As most foids are really fucking medicore or ugly from an objective PSL analysis perspective.

Hunter Wallace #wingnut #racist occidentaldissent.com

[From "Republicans Will Always Be The Stupid Party"]

I’ve never met Brion McClanahan

My old friend Bill Cawthon always spoke very highly of him though. For all our differences, I have a lot more in common ideologically with McClanahan than Matt Heimbach or Richard Spencer. This rant about the new Bret Baier book and conservative liberalism is ground that I have covered a thousand times here

I’ve always been of the view that the pro-South movement in all of its various forms – this includes the SCV and the Abbeville Institute – is incapable of coexisting with “antiracism.” This is why I joined the CofCC and used to mock the Rainbow Confederates. I’m unabashedly pro-White and pro-South. This has been my consistent position for twenty years now

Is anyone still stupid enough to believe the “Heritage Not Hate” slogan which Boomers thought was so clever a decade or two ago? I haven’t gone on Facebook in years. I don’t see how anyone can still possibly believe that “antiracism” ISN’T poison after the events of the last five years. It is like being a pro-free enterprise communist

BH Times #conspiracy #moonbat #quack #racist twitter.com

This system has absolutely no right to be throwing any black or brown person in jail. At the end of the day too, this is all just another distraction. They know this is a thing African people have had our focus on for quite some time, this whole situation with R Kelly so instead of focusing on the masses of Colonized African children who are being forced to take this jab and go back into these colonial schools to be brainwashed and all sorts of colonial violence, we’re focused on this fake justice that’s being served here by R Kelly going to jail for decades. Another distraction for our people to be focused on instead of focusing on this mandate that’s coming up.

DefinitiveRight, Gemjunior & Vox Nihili #pratt #racist #wingnut amren.com


Over a third of white students lie about their race in college admissions, indicating that young Americans are seeking strategies to avoid being negatively impacted by left-wing and anti-white racism on the part of American colleges and universities.

A survey that polled 1,650 white college prospects indicated that 34% lied about their race to make themselves more competitive in applying for college admissions and financial aid at universities. 81% of the students that admitted falsely indicating a non-European race or ethnicity said they hoped to improve their chances at grants and admissions, recognizing the pervasive preference for non-white students on the part of colleges and universities.

Nearly half of white men admitted to claiming to be another race in college admissions.

Okay so now I am really confused! Mama Kamala, AOC, Maxine Waters, and Cori Bush all say because I am a cisgender white male of European pure race ancestry I have undue privilege and in fact my kind run this country as evil monsters?

So is this not the case? Should I wear blackface tomorrow to get a job and speak in ebonics?


How is there white privilege if these students are trying to pretend they are not white?

That is the same type of question as “Why are all the Africans in Africa trying to walk, run and swim a zillion miles to come INTO such a hateful, racist country where they are being LITERALLY HUNTED DOWN AND MURDERED in the streets in cold blood by the racist White man and police just because of the color of their skee-in?” Hmmm… and so we ponder….

(Vox Nihili)
How sad that it has come to this for this generation. While wanting to get a leg up, or at least even the playing field, by claiming non-white ancestry is understandable, I suspect some of them do it to some degree or other out of shame for their whiteness.

Remember, even saying IT'S OKAY TO BE WHITE is not okay. These kids have been psychologically abused.

whyjustwhy #elitist #racist #sexist incels.is

RE: A seperate subforum for whites and first world cels only.

It is quite apparent that ethnics especially currycels are deteriorating the quality of the forum. All shitskins should be perma banned right away or they should be segregated and not allowed to participate in the white subforum.

If this forum needs to survive, this needs to happen asap.

A seperate space for white cels where ethnics or third world cels are not allowed to participate.

This, so much. Despite being a based racist, it is mostly the fact that an african's/asian's life is so different from mine that makes me enjoy their rantings less. Ever since I got Internet at 11 and started playing ClashOfClans, I detested being in a clan where people are not from Europe/Russia/USA, because this is the pool I swim in, and it would make no sence for me to try and find friends elsewhere.
Being incels somewhat unites us but being incels of the same tribe takes it a whole step further.
There is a reason Amazon enforces workforce diversity to stop unionization.
That being said, your idea will never happen. Probably.

Chris Roberts #dunning-kruger #racist amren.com

A Battering Ram of Facts

In 2012, Jared Taylor wrote, “Like communism, liberalism will be battered to death by the facts before it concedes that its morality was mistaken.” Mr. Taylor’s best known book, White Identity: Racial Consciousness in the 21st Century, published ten years ago, is a 300-page battering ram of facts.

The first four chapters, in particular, are a relentless demonstration that “multiculturalism” is a burden and a failure. There are hundreds of examples, making his book almost encyclopedic. Here are some memorable ones. On page 86:

46 percent of whites adopted by whites said they felt a sense of not belonging. For non-whites adopted by whites, the figure rose to close to 75 percent.

A 2005 study on domestic violence in the US found that the incidence of spousal homicide is 7.7 times higher in interracial marriages compared to intraracial marriages.

One study for the period of 1979 to 1981 found that white men who married black women were 21.4 times more likely to be killed by their spouses than white men who married white women. A white woman increased her risk of being killed 12.4 times by marrying a black man. Marrying a white did not appreciably change a black person’s risk of being killed by his or her spouse.

No other book so comprehensively lays out the evidence for why race realists are right and egalitarians are wrong. With its neutral, journalistic tone and its hundreds of endnotes, White Identity is an invaluable attempt to deliver the facts to the unconvinced.

That is the book’s greatest strength — and its greatest weakness. There’s a rumor that a very prominent conservative commentator began reading White Identity but put it down because he found it too depressing. I’m confident that’s why many conservatives are hesitant to learn more about race. Liberals, meanwhile, are content to call dissenting views “racist” and ignore the facts.

Various Commenters #psycho #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: Philadelphia Students ‘Scared to Go to School’ as Gun Violence Escalates


In the last year, nine kids at Simon Gratz High School were shot to death — three of them just last month, the school’s principal, Leyondo Dunn, told ABC News.

More than 80% of homicide victims in the city over the las year were Black males

Black boys also made up 96% of victims in child homicides in the city

Public schools are child abuse for any non-black child. It is like throwing a child into a general population prison setting since blacks mature at much faster rates then non-blacks, especially physically. All non-blacks should find alternate means to educate their children until this love affair Femocrats have with blacks finally ends and they are ready to see reason.

But if white students don’t want to go to school with blacks they are “racist”.

(Fed Up)
But look at the bright side. A black kid shot to death at Simon Gratz high school, has a 99.9999% chance of being killed by someone of his own race! Surely that should count for something.

(Robert Kelly)
I was watching a news clip on YouTube about the gangs in Haiti. The talking head was saying how Haiti needs more aid and more programs. Just like how North Philadelphia needs more aid and more programs. Whether in Philadelphia or Haiti, what program HASN'T been tried. How many hundreds of millions of dollars have been invested in those areas?

Of course, YouTube deleted my comment when I said the problem with Haiti is Haitians.

Best thing for white people is to spend time around blacks.
It will render you alert, tough, careful, & completely redpilled on the race question.

(T Allan)
I have lived in the Greater Philadelphia area for 35 years. I used to go into the City at random and even worked there. But what is said in the the article is true. It is a dystopian hell hole completely over run now by hyper -violent negros.

Various Commenters #pratt #racist #wingnut reddit.com

West*rn Europe 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮


"immigration is not bad" just fucking look at Sweden.

Only cucks say that, Sweden rape rate went up by 200% in 2015 when the mass immigration happened


Lmao we are the Lowest 😎💪🏻 And they call us criminals...

They didn't count stealing territory #kosovojesrbijaa #raskajecrnagora 😤😤😤


Fucking hillarious that w*stoids always talk about how unsafe Eastern Europe is

Sweden is very dangerous because there's so many kurds

True. If westerns had our mentality and stopped being soft hoes they wouldn't be fucked by a bunch of immigrants, when everyone violent then no one is violent.


Pretty sure the higher the income inequality is, the more robbery there will be. we are all equally poor so it's not so common 🙃 Nothing to rob, politicians took it all 🙃🙃🙃

No. Income inequality and Sweden and Norway is virtually the same. I could tell you one policy that is vastly different in both countries though……..


wonder why swedenistan is so high

Cause Middle Eastern immigrants,multi culturalism sure went good for them.

so strange, the more homogenous a country the lower the robberies...

Hmm, I wonder who’s responsible for those robberies in such diverse countries! Surely not…


I mean, Russia is claiming to have lot less street agressions than west Europe. But Russia don't Dela with "ordinary violence".

So ... Not gonna follow this one ;)

We have a ton of migrant on migrant wars in Moscow. Pretty crazy to watch.

Karen Shoen #wingnut #racist #transphobia #conspiracy americaoutloud.com

Are solar panels Keto, Gluten-Free, or even digestible? Can I deep fry one? How about putting one on the BBQ? Are there any good recipes for cooking or baking a solar panel? Why the ridiculous questions you ask? As I drove down the highways recently, I noticed farmlands that used to have peanuts, corn, cotton, and hay now have fields of “planted” solar panels. Now I know why there is a big need for more illegals. Harvesting those big solar panel crops will require a lot more cisgender power.

Since Communists hate Americans especially cheerful Americans, the Communist EPA decided to screw up the supply chain. According to Chris Wright, “The central problem traces back to the fateful day when the EPA allowed California to mandate stricter emission standards on, among other things, big trucks. Then the EPA gave California the power to prohibit trucks that fail to meet the state’s stiffer standards. This immediately wiped out half the available trucking fleet because, in effect, it meant trucks older than three years old could not be used in California. So it’s no surprise there’s a shortage of trucks to move cargo out of California’s ports just like night follows day.” Merry Christmas from baby-killer Joe and Gruesome Newsom. Will they go to parties without masks? You Bet. Will Gavin continue to ferment grapes spewing an unchecked amount of CO2 in his vineyard? You Bet.

FYI: Sentences that are: Mandatory, Required, Mandated, Requested, Ordered, Ordinance, Decrees, Compulsory ARE NOT LAWS. I will not comply, will you?

Remember, by 2030, “You will own nothing and like it.” If you don’t give up everything you own to the government for redistribution, we can not save the planet. Don’t be selfish; it’s for the greater good.

Prussian Society of America #racist #conspiracy prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "Why the French are not a valid “Contender” For European Hegemony compared to Prussia [Germany]"]

Make no mistake about the fact that the French indeed, are very hopeful about a return to their heydey of the Frankish Empire

This ambition today is no different than it was when the French took it upon themselves to seize every moment of time when the German Reich faced pressures or had fallen apart

French Ambitions can only be inferior to the German ones, because the French will surely only participate in the Truth or what otherwise are deemed as “Noble Ambitions” when they have monetary interests, stocks or other superficial interests invested into it, rather than an innate morality of their own

Part of what distinguishes Germany from all other Europeans by a colossal standard is that the German is willing to risk all bets and all consequences in favor of the truth, because we hold it so dearly to us
France employs Double-Agents who are actually Jews at the top of their leadership, vying for power and appeal on the level of supposedly making a “Strong France”, but surely even if a “Strong France” were to emerge, it would not be anything the likes of even their peak of the former Frankish Empire
The French can only perpetuate themselves in so far as that they can continue riding off historical falsehoods
France will one day or another have to cede Alsace-Lorraine, and any objection to it is an aberration and distraction based on the current course of political affairs
One must remember that the French are an Effeminate Race

Carl Benjamin (Sargon of Akkad) #pratt #racist #wingnut youtube.com

Critical Race Theorists are lying about Critical Race Theory and I would know, because I've read their goddamn bible, all 500 pages of it and I'm about two-thirds of the way through.

I'll be quoting extensively from this in this segment, these serpents are just going to lie to your face and pretend like their ideology is not what it seems.

I think it's an opportunity to gain a greater understanding of how the past informs the future, and, of course, that in turn should allow us to intervene and find the necessary solutions in regards to combating racial disparities.

That's not what CRT is.

Kimberly Crenshaw who wrote the introduction to this says that Critical Theory is, "An attempt by a collection of neo-Marxist intellectuals, former New Left activists, and ex-counter-culturalists in law schools to oppose the classical liberal argument that race is irrelevant to public policy." Crenshaw tells us, "With its explicit embrace of race consciousness, Critical Race Theory aims to re-examine the terms by which race and racism have been negotiated in the american consciousness, and recover and revitalize the radical tradition of race consciousness among African Americans and other People of Color, a tradition that was discarded when integration, assimilation, and the ideal of colorblindness became the official norms of racial enlightenment."

It's race supremacy for non-white people, that's what it is, and so what this leads them to is being pro-segregation, because integration is a form of black genocide. They also want to return to the separate but equal doctrine, only they want the society to be run and segregated by blacks, so it is just an inversion of the entire Democrat policy from like the 20s. That's what it essentially boils down to, it is expressly neo-Marxist in their approach, and they're very clear about this, they're crystal clear about this, so there's nothing to do about racial unfairness and it's not about racial disparities.

Mary Beeman #racist #wingnut #fundie ctinsider.com

The campaign manager for the town’s Republican slate of Board of Education candidates says comments she made about how “helping kids of color” has a negative impact on white children were taken out of context during a University of Connecticut education forum

Mary Beeman, the campaign manager for the group Parents for Guilford Students, made the comments last week during the UConn virtual forum on race in education

In the forum’s chat, Beeman commented, “helping kids of color to feel they belong has a negative effect on white, Christian, or conservative kids”
Beeman could not be reached for comment Thursday, but in a statement posted on Facebook, she said her remarks during the forum were “poorly worded and shown out of context”

In her statement posted on the Facebook group, Not So Simply Guilford, Beeman said her comment was in response to a statement Freeman made during the webinar about the importance of children of color fitting in

“Guilford students who may have staunch Judeo-Christian values — or simply are conservative thinkers — have been bullied into submission by their teachers and fellow students with left-leaning ideologies,” Beeman, a former Guilford Board of Education member, wrote in her statement. “Not only is diversity of thought being stifled, students are being victimized socially and emotionally because they have a different perspective”

Thomas Müller #homophobia #racist #wingnut #dunning-kruger winterwatch.net

Abrief published  by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control in 2016 claimed that Southerners’ “racism” and “homophobia” may be causing high HIV rates in the South, where instances of infection are disproportionately elevated among African Americans and homosexuals. Then, moving from the sublime to the ridiculous and with contorted logic and mental gymnastics, the corrupt CDC blames “stigma” for high infection rates, not risky behavior.
Shame on you, whitey and straight people. Yet, this very same agency, the CDC, has other studies out about sexual behaviors that point to something altogether different.

Note for fuzzy thinkers: Our deductive reasoning is that heterosexuals, as a rule of thumb, have sexual contact with other heterosexuals and homosexuals with other homosexuals. Bisexuals come in contact with both genders. In our open-source research on homosexual rape of heterosexual men or vice versa, we conclude it is not that common except in prisons.
Hate to burst your bubble, perv justice warriors (PJWs). We have causa proxima data and evidence that a significantly higher number of homosexual students — relative to heterosexuals — are rapists or are being raped (by a factor of 3.29 to one), are violent towards partners (2.70 times), are promiscuous (2.69 times) and have serious drug use issues (seven to 10 times, depending on drug). The data points to a rape-violence drug subculture among homosexuals, yet where is the protest?

In addition, somehow the same agency (CDC) that did this very study feeds the SJW and PJW lies and deceit to blame white and/or straight “bigotry” for the HIV epidemic among homosexuals. You can’t make this shit up.

Pepe Escobar & Vladimir Putin #homophobia #racist #transphobia #wingnut asiatimes.com

The world according to Vladimir Putin

Russian president, in Sochi, lays down the law in favor of conservatism – says the woke West is in decline

The plenary session is the traditional highlight of the annual, must-follow Valdai Club discussions – one of Eurasia’s premier intellectual gatherings.

Vladimir Putin is a frequent keynote speaker. In Sochi this year, as I related in a previous column, the overarching theme was “global shake-up in the 21st century: the individual, values and the state.”

The re-alignment of the balance of power presupposes a redistribution of shares in favor of rising and developing countries that until now felt left out. To put it bluntly, the Western domination of international affairs, which began several centuries ago and, for a short period, was almost absolute in the late 20th century, is giving way to a much more diverse system.

Putin made several references to freedom, to family – in his case, of modest means – and to the importance of education; he heartily praised his apprenticeship at Leningrad State University.

In parallel, he absolutely destroyed wokeism, transgenderism and cancel culture promoted “under the banner of progress.”

This is only one among a series of key passages:

We are surprised by the processes taking place in countries that used to see themselves as pioneers of progress. The social and cultural upheavals taking place in the United States and Western Europe are, of course, none of our business; we don’t interfere with them. Someone in the Western countries is convinced that the aggressive erasure of whole pages of their own history – the “reverse discrimination” of the majority in favor of minorities, or the demand to abandon the usual understanding of such basic things as mother, father, family or even the difference between the sexes – that these are, in their opinion, milestones of the movement toward social renewal.

Prussian Society of America #sexist #racist prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "Degeneracy And Degenerate Themes Among Female Musicians As An Increasing Trend/WHY WOMEN ARE DESPICABLE"]

I have been noticing these past few years, some of the horrifying Music which is being produced or otherwise re-arranged by many Female Musicians

I am not talking about “Modern Music” per se, the Degeneracy in the Modern Music is nothing new, and I understand it and where it stands

I am talking about Women behind Classical Music and other styles

And this is not about just American girls either, these are girls WORLDWIDE who are making some of the obnoxious Music and performing works of very respected Artists, and I’ve seen such girls who do this hailing from countries such as Lithuania, Georgia, and elsewhere

For one, these Female Artists seem to be obsessed with introducing Feminist and Political Messages in their Albums, and also cater to audiences which follow their Feminist and Political Values

A lot of these Musicians also seem to pursue “Jazz”, as Jazz is known as a Degenerate Music style, and they will try to introduce Children’s Music, Rock Music and other styles and incorporate it in the most haphazard, cringy and also distasteful way with the Jazz Music
I remember growing up listening to Female Musicians of all kinds, and even through the 90’s and maybe a bit into the 2000’s, I’ve never heard what kind of garbage is becoming a thing now around Women who play and sing Music
Women are becoming an increasing liability and danger around us, and despite what any Man’s opinion may be on a meatbag that is a pleasure to look at, that meatbag is destroying our civilization and the future of having future pretty meatbags to look at and have our way

It is the biggest error that Men of certain Nations, such as the English, Celts, Viking and Americans have done in the Liberation of Women, making them “equal” and giving them “rights”

Made in Heaven (“Lolipill is the Ultimate Truth”) #racist #crackpot #wingnut incels.is

JFL If one is offended by racial slurs, they simply hate their own race.

I've been visiting some Asian cope subreddits just to see how they think, and it's adorable how much self loathing Asians and Hapas have for themselves. Constant bitch fits between Asian men and Noodle whores chasing white cock. It made me realize something, that these people deep down all hate themselves and want an outlit for their anger. And they also hate being REMINDED of the race they were born into.

Why DOES an asian get angry at being called a slot-eyed manlet? Is that not what they are? An ethnic slur is just a reminder of what race one is. If one is offended by being REMINDED of their race, this just means they hate themselves. If someone called by a Turkroach or Sand Nigger I would not GAF since I am proud of my race. Meanwhile, call an African a Nigger and he will chimp out, call an Asian slant eyed and he will seethe, call a Hispanic a manlet and he will fume, call an Indian a dicklet and he will cry.

The truth is because these are all undesirable traits. Negro bones ARE ugly. Asian eyes ARE ugly. Being a manlet IS ugly. Being a dicklet IS ugly. You're seething because you're being reminded of your own subhuman genetics.:feelshaha: There's a reason there are no genuine ethnic slurs for Aryan people. How the fuck are you gonna make fun of someone with golden hair and sapphire eyes? How the fuck are you gonna make fun of someone with firey hair and emerlad eyes? How the fuck do you make fun of people with skin white like the rays of the sun or pink skin like the shine of a ruby?

[several young light-skinned children with various hair colours; file names identify them as Kurdish]

Fyi, this is also why ethnic-passing Europeans, like Anglos, Italians, Iberians, and Greeks ALSO hate being reminded of their lower rank in the whiteness heirarchy. The people below may be European, but they are still ethnic.

[several South European men, including a news article about a Cosa Nostra boss being arrested]

Alexandra Bruce/Miles Guo #conspiracy #racist #wingnut forbiddenknowledgetv.net

Chinese billionaire dissident, Miles Guo says the quiet part out loud, as he describes the CCP’s vaccine plan to conquer the West.

Guo, who lives in exile in New York is the financier of the Chinese Whistleblower Movement, which broke the story about Hunter Biden’s laptop and which publishes the GTV.org and GNews.org websites. He has been correct so far in his assessments of the progress of the CCP’s Unrestricted Warfare campaign against the US.

He says the goal of vaccinating the militaries of the West is to wipe them out so China can take over and once these militaries are vaccinated, the campaign to get everybody vaccinated will end and an “antidote” will be offered that won’t save the lives of the vaccinated but it will stop them from shedding to others.

“What the CCP wants the most is to have the troops get vaccinated. Once they get vaccinated, the US military will collapse and the CCP will triumph.

“After the US troops are vaccinated, I tell you the vaccination against the CCP virus will basically be near the end…Especially when Wall Street, Hollywood celebrities, the White House and the troops are vaccinated, I can assure you there will be no vaccination issue.

“The people implementing the vaccination are soon to be finished. Those who are pushing the vaccination behind the scenes will likely have achieved their goals. Vaccination will no longer be pushed, and the antidote will be certainly offered. The antidote will pop up.

“What is the antidote for? It’s not to heal the damage brought by the vaccines, it’s to prevent you from transmitting the virus instead of a remedy for the vaccines.

“Those who were vaccinated are sentenced to death. The antidote for the vaccines is still in the hands of the CCP. Since the CCP wants you to die, how would they offer the antidote to you?

Daniel Baranowski #wingnut #racist #conspiracy americaoutloud.com

Imagine if the Federal government, the Teacher’s Unions, the National School Boards Association, National Council on Family Relations, Democrat Party, Black Lives Matter, ANTIFA, the National Media, including all social media platforms, and Radical Progressives in Congress focused their time and efforts on scolding Black Americans that “Blackness” is at the core of American “Racism?”

What if they insisted a person can be “Black” without giving in to “Blackness?” What if they demanded Blacks give up their misplaced Black Supremacy, including their Black Privilege & Black Fragility. After all, they dominate most amateur and professional sports in America and much of the entertainment industry.

So you ask, why would the so-called Progressive Left do such a thing! Wouldn’t this be completely opposite of what they believe and preach? Well, yes it would be. But for the Left, political ideologies are like clothes; when the weather changes, so do their dressing habits. If they thought a 180-degree change in ideology is what they needed to win and stay in power, they’d turn so fast you’d likely suffer a severe whiplash by just watching.

So, in ten years, who’s to say that the Left won’t change their minds on Whiteness versus Blackness?” But for now, The Democrats have moved so far Left that if the political world were indeed flat, they’re as far Left as they can go before falling into a dark and endlessly deep abyss.
Because Whites are the majority race in America, the Democrats are doing everything in their power to topple their numerical position. They attack White people, who, through no fault of their own, are White, not Black, Brown, or any other racial skin color.

President Biden’s efforts to conquer Whiteness is second only to insisting every American must be vaccinated against COVID-19. If Dr. Anthony Fauci could develop a vaccine against Whiteness, this preposterous drug would also be a top-listed mandatory injection.

Various Commenters #elitist #racist #sexist stormfront.org

Latina shoots man who refused to kiss her in Illinois

Mom of 3 charged with murder for 'shooting man for refusing to kiss her'

I would have expected trouble from the guy named Jim Jones but he was the victim this time.

I'm just surprised James Jones could resist an offer like that from a ravishingly beautiful natural blond like here. Odd that she dies her roots brown. Must be the latest trend in Tacoland.

This woman is a walking poster child for abortion. She and her sprogs are nothing but a net drain on the lawful US taxpayer.

The guy would have to be smashed to kiss that ugly mug.

Please go on birth control or get sterilized immediately. Hope the kids don't continue the cycle.

The murderer's kids will most likely continue the cycle. Welfare trash is a lifestyle provided by those who enable them to both leech and even breed children they cannot even themselves afford. And the bums are shameless about it.

Those who should breed often do not. Those who do breed often should not have bred. Sad but true.


Many Latin women are mental.

I concur.

They will stab you (literally) and then a second after cry while professing how much they love you. This really happened to a friend of mine and he is White of Irish, Italian and Welsh stock. The sad part is he ended up marrying her. SMH. Haven't heard from him in years so I don't know their current status. Hope he ended up burying her under a concrete site.

They are jealous white people are more attractive.

(Kevin Rowe)
Long ways off from the Rio Grande, eh chica?

Looking at her nasty mugshot, now kinda understand why Mexican men drink so much tequila before they go home at night. The article sounds like she’s into girls anyway so she probably wouldn’t mind prison. Our tax dollars hard at work housing and feeling illegals.

Notorious Inkler #dunning-kruger #elitist #pratt #psycho #racist incels.is


Well that's a new one

Isnt your skin white too?

He is pissed off because he is just a Polack. Slavs are literally the slave race off rich european countries. 70% of all prostitutes are from EE and they suck dicks for practically pocket change. The vast majority of EE men work minimum wage (or at least low paying) manual labor jobs.

However, this thread is just low quality bait, but I give him a bump for the effort anyway.

Is that why Putin hates the west?

Could be idk.

Have you enjoyed some of that slav pussy for pocket change

Yes and I only paid 50€. She was a solid 8/10 and I coomed on her tits without paying extra. She was also really friendly.

Brutal ngl

It's the truth. The funny thing is that soys will use this as an argument to justify immigration, but they simultaneously admit that immigrants are nothing more than modern SLAVes. I'm so glad that McDonald's introduced those touch screen panels to order and pay your food because I don't have to interact with some low IQ immigrant anymore.

slav's seem to cope a lot with masc stuff, white knighting, and other thugmaxxing stuff. seems like the lower iq you are, the more likely you are to thugmaxx

damn. and to think tesla was a slav

Yeah, there are always exceptions to the rule. This post wasn't just an insult, it's literally the truth.

lol your future is just as bleak as slavs once your will run of wealth, future is painted with chink colours

Keep coping, Polack. You are the slave race of Europe and this will be the case until the day I die

you were raped by slavs literally just like your pathetic nation at fall of the berlin

Few foids were raped by slavs 70 years ago. So what? EE is a shithole. We lost two world wars but we're still the economic powerhouse of europe. You made this thread at 3:40am local time. Do you even have job? I could get you one. 10€/h in a brothel, cleaning rooms.

To koniec #crackpot #psycho #racist #sexist incels.is

I unironically hate white people

Do you hate crackers?

Yes Votes: 23 52.3%

No Votes: 21 47.7%

Total voters 44

they are cucked scum of the earth

they worship foids, fucking pinkoids

When I was younger I looked up to crackers. But they got too Degenerate due to too much money/comfort over time. They are like the Eldar from Warhammer, a race too blessed and lives a life too easy.

i hated always germanic anglo french white crackers

muuhh superior race when east asians and jews have higher iq

Whites have committed many atrocities and actually have pushed some ethnic groups to extinction, but what saddens me more is that many don't know or don't give a fuck about what happened. I do get along with Whites on an individual level, but the history of the Americas, Australia and Africa infuriates me.

I hope I don't have any European blood in me, as it might imply that my female ancestor was a JBW slut or was raped.

colonialism, feminism, woman’s rights, lgbt faggots, modern entertainment, bringing blacks to America

Holy shit you niggas evi

i wish slavs, curries, pakis, east asians, SEAasians, mestizos, BLACK KINGZ massacred some cracker german, american, dane, swedish, english children

As a non white I have to ask why you hate whites/Northern Europeans

cause they think that slavs are subhuman and they bringed degeneracy to slavlands

i wish we would sterilize them


dutch cracker stealing slav women

Add drug legalisation to the list.

crackers confirmed to be subhuman

just look at subhuman faces of germanic subhumans like danes, swedes, norwegians g*rmans

and worst of them angl*s

Southern Europeans are crackers too

lol crackers think they are arabs

slavs and meds aren't white

i'm myself eastern european and i'm mongoloid warrior who will kill blonde cracker babies

Henry Makow PhD #racist #conspiracy #quack henrymakow.com

The goyim have been brainwashed to believe that Jews are innocent victims of gentile persecution and bigotry.

They are not told that Jews are the victim of other Jews -- the Sabbatean (Illuminati) Jews or Cabalists who use them as pawns, human shields and satanic sacrifices.

"Anti Semitism is indispensable to us for the management of our lesser brethren," say the Protocols of the Elders of Zion (9-2) a "forgery" that reads like the blueprint of the New World Order unfolding today.

Zionists and Communist Jews are Sabbbatean Jews or satanists. They hate Torah Jews and have conspired against them for more than 300 years. I am tired of hearing that some Jews are wonderful human beings. These are not the Sabbateans.

The Holocaust is the finest example of Sabbateans sacrificing other Jews to achieve their goal of a Jewish state, the future capital of their dystopian New World Order. Thus, Zionists have no compunction about sacrificing Israelis to the covid GMO "vaccine" especially if it makes people think "covid" is not a Jewish plot.

The Illuminati consist of Sabbatean Jews and their Gentile Freemason flunkies. Sabbateans are chameleons taking on the identity of their targets, destroying them from within.

Ordinary Jews are the scapegoats for their Satanist brothers who are imposing madness on humanity. Do these Jewish dupes deserve this fate? Yes because they have been indifferent to what Organized Jewry (Sabbateans) is doing in their name.

Zionist bankers funded the Nazi Party. It is an outrage that Israel claims to represent Jews and accuses its opponents of "anti-Semitism."

This may explain why Zionists are poisoning Jews with vaccines in Israel today.

There is an unrecognized schism in the Jewish people, where heretics (Sabbateans) have exterminated the mainstream and taken control of the remnant through Zionism and Communism. Yet, due to the anti Semitism organized by them, Jews mistakenly cling to their leadership. They are being crucified like everyone else.

speculareffect #racist #wingnut #conspiracy speculareffect.org

Way back, I wrote this article explaining the very fact that police brutality (which is very real) isn’t race-based at all. They will fuck your white ass up, too, without hesitation.

I later wrote this article indicating that I was torn when it came to backing the blue.

Today, I no longer subscribe to the COPAGANDA and I see police officers for the violent, ZogBot, idiotic morons that they truly are.
Now, there is a marked difference between ACAB (All Cops are Bastards) and ACAR (All Cops are Racist). The latter is patently false and is a myth conjured up and perpetuated by Jews and the Jewish lamestream media. As iterated earlier, ACAB, because police brutality doesn’t give a shit about your race and they have a license to kill you.
Were we as citizens, allowed to exercise our rights under the constitution; to form or own security firms and private militia, absent the interference of the state, there would be no need for cops. Instead, we are criminalized for adhering to the constitution and are essentially told that only cops have the right to use deadly force, under any circumstances.
Abolishing the police is necessary and I do not mean this in the way BLM does, which is, niggers should be left to commit violent crimes, agress and violate others, without consequences.

Many an idiot will have the nerve to posit the argument that cops are necessary to maintain law and order. Give me a fucking break. The cops are here now and there’s still chaos.

These fucks were ordered to spitefully stand down and allow roving bands of niggers and Antifa members to destroy cities. Just as how they can and were ordered to stand down, these road pirates can and will be ordered to put their knees in your necks, if and when you refuse the death jab.

What causes these cops to act like power-tripping faggots? They usually are low IQ, emotionally unstable, mangina men, with inferiority complexes, who were unpopular in high school.

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