
Racism, including ethnic hatred, nationalism and equating religion to race

Marjorie Taylor Greene & Various commenters #wingnut #homophobia #racist #sexist gab.com

(Marjorie Taylor Greene)

spoilerToday, join me in prayer to END abortion in America!

@RealMarjorieGreene get over the abortion thing. Defend our borders is wayyyyy more important. Blacks killing their kids aren’t the end of the world. The borders are the end of America

@RealMarjorieGreene I'm truly sad at the amount of people that see nothing wrong with abortion. It was a subject that wasn't discussed to this level before. Now that it is being discussed most people I've talked to think its not wrong as long as its not past a certain time. Most of the people have said up to 20-24 weeks is ok. I just don't understand how they have become to numb to the fact that it is literally ending a life! These woman are causing their child to be killed and see nothing wrong with that. Heartbreaking and completely selfish.

@RealMarjorieGreene We pray you call it murder because it is.

Imprison baby killers and accomplices!

@RealMarjorieGreene Abortion has been overturned, now same sex marriage is next.


spoilerToday, join me in prayer to END the 1965 immigration act in America!


How about one Marxist, Rino or Dem, making the common sense statement that 'niggers with guns' is the number one domestic terrorist threat in America?

That person would win in a land slide, in every voting district in the US.

according to the sub human diseased democrats u did abortion is illegal in every state no more cumdumping whores can muder there babies ...now they have to take responsibility for being a filthy demon cum dump whore...oh wait ...haha

@RealMarjorieGreene "Today, join me in prayer to increase the non-White population in America by 400-500%!"

~Marjorie Taylor Green

Congressman Paul Gosar & Various commenters #wingnut #racist #conspiracy gab.com

(Congressman Paul Gosar)
:gab: ➡️ @DrPaulGosar

spoiler"I will never stop working to restore the country to its former greatness"

@DrPaulGosar Without white wellbeing, America cannot become great again. Without antiwhitism and white erasure being stopped, America will continue on its path to ruin

Nice try Paul.... Gaslighting is not working anymore. But when this goes down you better be in New Zealand in a bunker , cause in this movie Politicians get cleansed. Both sides of the Aisle.

@GroundskeeperWilly @DrPaulGosar He’s easily the best Congressman we have, and probably the only member of Congress who repeatedly and openly fights for Whites and our rights. Obviously, he isn’t perfect, but is it really beneficial to threaten our only real ally in Congress?

@DrPaulGosar If you believe in Israel or Zionism, you’re just another RINO CUCKservative like Trump. Remember that. White genocide is real, white European replacement is real, everyone in congress is a Jew and/or has citizenship in Israel.

Little hat globalist have subverted all European nations.

@DrPaulGosar this is how 👇

If you can't even say White, you'll never get there.

@DrPaulGosar So segregation could be in the near future?


@DrPaulGosar Try by removing the Rothschilds families and their banking cartels NWO cabal first.

@DrPaulGosar while you take money from a cancerous Zionist elite?? Yeah sure... 😅😂


Brother Nathanael #racist #wingnut #conspiracy realjewnews.com

Too Many Jews

Everyone’s blaming all the wrong people for America’s ruin.

Some blame the “globalists” as Alex Jones does.

Some blame the “elites” as Gerald Celente does.

Some even blame the lame-brain Biden as if the senile old pervert has any decision-making power.

Now John Voight of Jewish Hollywood fame blames “thingamajig.”

Why can’t he mention his name?
At least Putin has some claim to fame in Jew-endangered America.

The Yids name their FED-driven “inflation” after him.

The Jew-owned FED—I mean, even under Trump who signed his name to it long before Ukraine—sent out tons of Jew-printed checks for their plandemic that had no product or labor backing it to over 300 million Americans and countless illegals.

More money, for more people, for less products, means high inflation.

Blaming Putin, or if that doesn’t click, accusing ‘globalists,’ ‘elites,’ or even ‘brain-dead Biden’ for America’s ruin just doesn’t get it.
I mean, there’s tons of Jews to lay the blame for America’s ruin.

Like dog doo, everywhere you go, you step in them.

Go to the media, they’re there.

Go to entertainment for kids, corrupting their morals like the Protocols of the Elders of Zion wrote, they’re there.

Go to education, all over the place they’re spreading their degeneracy.

Go to the internet, they’re censoring the hell out of you.

Hollywood, a Jewish sewer, manipulates the minds of the goyisha viewers, they’re there too.

Go to Wall Street, they’re like flies landing on the feces they leave.

Why is it so hard to name the Jew for America’s pukish case of the heaves?

When the unmistakable traces of their hooked nosed faces leave its imprint even at POTUS?

You’re not supposed to notice.

If you do, you’ll lose your job, your credit cards, your wife, your friends, and your reputation shifts into bogus.

Truth has a high price.

Pilate washed his hands and crucified Christ.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) and Alex Stein #sexist #racist businessinsider.com

Alex Stein, a comedian and far-right activist, had on Wednesday catcalled Ocasio-Cortez in racialized terms and made lewd comments about her body

In a video he posted to social media, he can be seen calling her his "favorite big booty Latina" who is "hot hot hot like a tamale" and wants to "kill babies" — the latter being a reference to Ocasio-Cortez' pro-abortion stance

The stunt earned him an hour-long appearance on "MTG:Live," the podcast-style show that Green regularly posts to Facebook, where Greene suggested that Ocasio-Cortez ought to be grateful for the attention

"You're a comedian, you're doing what you do, saying things that are actually quite the compliment," said Greene[…]
Stein said: "I was complimenting! She's Jenny from the Block! I mean, J. Lo is known for her voluptuous derrière, and all I was trying to do is say you look great!"

Stein earlier told Insider's Cheryl Teh that he would "love to date" the New York congresswoman

On the show, Stein noted that he was from Texas and Greene is in Georgia, and described his behavior towards Ocasio-Cortez as "Southern hospitality"[…]
"I don't think that that, for me, is some sort of negative thing, but they live in a society where compliments are bigotry, and based in racism and hate," he said[…]
Greene agreed and suggested that Ocasio-Cortez should have thanked him. "I think women should be confident if a man gives you a compliment, a woman can say 'thank you'" she said

"Or if she's going upstairs and someone's yelling stuff at her, she can just wave and go on, and not go into full outrage"

Andrew Anglin #racist #dunning-kruger stormer-daily.rw

[From "Mexican Mother of 10-Year-Old Who had an Abortion Defends “Rapist,” Won’t Press Charges"]

Everyone says they want “diversity,” but what do they actually mean by that?

Having sex with girls immediately after puberty is a part of diverse Mexican culture, and Mexicans enter puberty earlier than whites. They don’t view this as a moral issue

White women tell Mexicans “you can’t just have sex with that 10-year-old!” and Mexicans are like “what do you mean? She’s my wife”

The question is why the girl had the abortion in the first place. Usually these Mexicans just show up at the hospital with their child brides all happy to meet their new baby and get arrested and don’t understand why they are being arrested

New York Post

The mother of a 10-year-old Ohio girl who crossed state lines to get an abortion has defended her daughter’s 27-year-old confessed rapist — who was wrongly listed as a minor during the medical visit, according to reports[…]

Everything is some kind of huge moral outrage these days. People are going to come at me like “Anglin, you’re defending having sex with a 10-year-old????”

I’m not “defending” it – I’m just stating as a matter of objective fact that this is something that happens in Mexican society. I’m not the one who brought all these Mexicans into America

The age of consent in Mexico is 12. But if you go to the hospital with a 10-year-old that’s pregnant, no one is going to fly into a moral outrage

These people are literally biologically different than you, and view life completely differently than you. That’s a fact

These same people who want all of these Mexicans to come here, claiming to celebrate their culture, will also call them evil for practicing their culture

Various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com


@OurGodisAwesome I disagree. I think there IS systemic racism against white people.

@OurGodisAwesome. Love Nugent, but he's wrong about one thing. There is systemic racism - it's Anti-White racism, and it's spread world-wide.

@OurGodisAwesome Wrong in point One Ted...

There most certainly is systematic racism, and it's against White people.

Affirmative action is systemic racism.



@OurGodisAwesome killing White babies is murder, killing non White babies is necessary to keep population under control.
Spics and niggers breed like maggots and need to be culled

@OurGodisAwesome There is systemic racism, and it comes from the black and brown people looking for free handouts.

@OurGodisAwesome Sorry Ted, but public education is the epitome of systemic racism.

@OurGodisAwesome there is systematic racism against whites....literally

@OurGodisAwesome the income tax is systemically racist. End it. Racism is taught in schools, close government schools. Unions were started to enforce racist views, get rid of union privileges.


there’s systematic racism and genocide of white people by both Jews and blacks.

Congressman Paul Gosar & Various commenters #wingnut #racist #conspiracy gab.com

(Congressman Paul Gosar)
Millions of young people trying to get started in life, our seniors on fixed incomes & our families struggling to make ends meet are being absolutely decimated by historically high inflation, prices of food, fuel, and practically everything else.

The left's response?

Endless saber-rattling with Russia, endless J6 trial distractions, endlessly blaming Trump and his supporters.

The left tells us that our nation's misery is worth it to preserve the "liberal world order". Shame on them.

The liberal world order can go to hell where it belongs.

@DrPaulGosar you can take the nigger out of the mud hut, but you can't take the mud hut out of the nigger.

@DrPaulGosar That is what jews do. Destroy nations, suck them dry for profit, and blame others for the conditions they created.

Nullifying the 2020 ELECTION FRAUD TREASON should be the main focus of all politicians and citizens. Fuck the shit any of you say you are going to do...... if we just contribute money, votes, time, surrender freedom and rights. You politicians just repeat your lines and your do nothing actions.

@DrPaulGosar as they allow, in fact...lure a invasion of new replacement slaves that will submit only after the kill off the american citizens. Then aquire the killed homes, clothes and cars... to labor for the reprobates of lucifer.

@DrPaulGosar and never forget we’ve had systemic racism entrenched in our laws since the 1960’s with affirmative action. People of color get a leg up in schools, jobs and government contracts. Even new immigrants of color to whom we owe nothing. Why isn’t affirmative action limited to only descendants of slaves? That should be our reparations even though millions died in the civil war to free the slaves. Reparations weren’t called for back then as they would have been run out of town due to all the families who lost loved ones during the civil war. #stop giving immigrants affirmative action

@DrPaulGosar Do you know why they went to the "liberal world order"? Because the "new world order" isn't working out so well for them

PraiseBeToScience #conspiracy #racist web.archive.org

on Ilhan Omar getting booed offstage by a crowd of Somali-Americans

lmao they're fucking Somalis. They're probably booing because she didn't give them enough free shit. They're one of the most animalistic, subhuman, foul breeds of humans to ever pollute the planet, they have no values, no morality, nothing. They don't care. Look at fucking Somalia at any point, ever, and tell me these are civilized filth capable of caring about things like that. They literally practiced cannibalism and baby-rape.

They're booing because they want more stimmy checks or free rent or reparations from the Ytpipo.

Also, just like Dan Crenshaw getting booed everywhere, she's going to magically sail to reelection effortlessly.

Various Commenters #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: Mom of 10-Year-Old Ohio Girl Who Got Abortion Defends Child’s Rapist

(Darien X)

The mother of a 10-year-old Ohio girl who crossed state lines to get an abortion has defended her daughter’s 27-year-old confessed rapist — who was wrongly listed as a minor during the medical visit, according to reports.

“She’s fine. Everything that they’re saying against him is a lie,” she insisted of Fuentes, who confessed during police interviews to raping the youngster at least twice, according to court records and officials.

This one of a million reasons why we can’t live with these people, they have no concept whatsoever of law and order and even child abuse.
The obviously Hispanic mother defends the rapist who raped and impregnating of her 10 year daughter!
It doesn’t get any worse than this.

(ilya muromets)
Rape is just common practice in the Amerindian part black Hispanic culture. Yes these invaders storming our Southern border like a greedy army are not who the left say they are. They have similar child abandonment rates among the fathers of their children as blacks do.

No White SJWs we are not all the same.

Bush Family Values.

(Bobby E)

If the nutty woman is defending the man who raped her daughter, she also should be jailed.

She is probably having an affair with him. You never know with these wonderful Hispanics and their family values.

Congressman Paul Gosar & Various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

(Congressman Paul Gosar)
Working families and everyday real Americans are paying the price for the Biden Regime's insanity. And some Republicans dare vote for amnesty? Ridiculous. I'll always be a NO vote on amnesty. I'm America First.
Why should criminals, whose very first act in our country is to violate our laws, get citizenship? No amnesty. Ever. Only mass deportations.


@EnemyAtTheGates @DrPaulGosar OPERATION WETBACK!

@EnemyAtTheGates @DrPaulGosar
Ike sucked......
He didnt deport a single jew

@DrPaulGosar No amnesty ever. Close the borders or our society is doomed

@henrikimmler @DrPaulGosar close them and place military on the boarders to defend against the invasion.

@Mr_MikeR @DrPaulGosar
I say we give the illegals 30 days to leave and if they do not leave instead of mass deportation, I call for mass immigrant hunting season. Then they will be happy to leave.

Shut down the borders. Put the military on the borders. Start deporting all 30 million illegals in the country. Those who come in legally must apply for citizenship and not be allowed to vote for 10 years and NEVER be allowed to run for any government office. Omar needs to go and should never have been allowed to be on any ballot.🤬We The People MUST take back this country and we won’t do it with 30 million illegal invaders and ALL their anchor babies. DEPORT!

@DrPaulGosar why should people who came in illegally be able to run for congress and immediately vote for amnesty? sneak in=never be a citizen, never vote, never get public assistance, certainly never hold public office. don't like it? go home.

@DrPaulGosar There is a race war going on in the USA, and the Democrat politicians bet they will get the Black and Latin X (La Raza + illegals) votes. The majority of Black Americans love Biden for CRT propaganda and DEI affirmative action promotions. Latin X sees political power in the Hispanic vote via illegal immigration. Why else would the majorities of both racial groups support a complete idiot like Joe Biden and the even more incompetent Kamala Harris.

Congressman Paul Gosar & Various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

(Congressman Paul Gosar)
Republicans control more than half of the state legislatures and governorships in America. Passing Strong Voter Integrity bills, mandating E-Verify, etc should be easy - unfortunately, many Republicans are not loyal to the people who voted for them! The America First movement must replace them.

@DrPaulGosar “many Republicans…” are traitors more despicable than their communist, Satanic pederist, anti-White scum counterparts across the isle!

Just sayin’!

@DrPaulGosar RINOS, antiwhites.

@DrPaulGosar Everyone of these Republicans bends the one to the Jew. Stop putting satanic Israel first. Name the Jew!

@DrPaulGosar if they're not loyal to the voters, that means they're loyal to someone else, but we're not allowed to talk about who (((they))) are.


@DrPaulGosar Whatever happened to the January 6 political prisoners?
Oh yeah, they're still being tortured in a hell hole prison without ONE politician to care about them a year and a half later-no trial, no bail! THIS IS A HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATION!!!

The problem with America First is that it is by name a civic nationalist movement. We need racial nationalism, which is what the NJP is about.

Padraig Martin #elitist #sexist #racist #fundie identitydixie.com

[From "We Are Not Equal in God’s Eyes"]

There is a bizarre religion that permeates the West. It is a false faith predicated on universal equality[…]Leftists have weaponized scripture without context, and as usual, ill-informed “Christians” bought into the narrative. They often cite Galatians 3:28[…]His myriad of epistles point out stark differences between men and women, Jews and Greeks, and the role of slaves[…]God made the nations, races, ethnicities, and sexes[…]We are not equal in God’s eyes

The first and most prolific lie is the equality of the sexes. Men and women are not equal[…]The Bible tells us that men are to enjoy a leadership role; women are to submit[…]
As it pertains to the races, inequality exists, too. Ignoring for a moment the litany of studies regarding mental acuity and impulse control, consider the simple physical differences between blacks and Whites[…]It should be no surprise that blacks are designed for the geographic challenges of Africa versus Ireland or Russia[…]
None of these people are equal[…]They have an unequal purpose on the earth[…]
Among individuals[…]there is clearly no equality[…]
Why is this important? The equality myth is often weaponized to disarm Whites, especially White Christians. I state that it harms Christians more than non-Christian Whites[…]because most Christians are raised to believe all races and ethnicities can be saved by Jesus Christ[…]
The notion of equality under the law (a secular concept) is drawn out to undermine faith-based arguments at a macro level[…]
We see the most devastating application of this concept in the amorphous idea of democracy. God loathes democracy. Democracy is the belief of equality applied in politics[…]
The eighteen-year-old female who is in-love with herself and the latest heartthrob has the same vote as I do – a landowner, businessman, father, husband

The Final Wakeup Call #conspiracy #racist #wingnut #fundie finalwakeupcall.info

It is high time to remove the Rothschild-Khazarian-Mafia including their controlled puppets within governments. – Once the masses begin to understand that every government official is mind-controlled – i.e. is a Monarch slave, warning of terrorists WHO actually are themselves. The masses should wake up to this!

When Monarch slaves fail, a coup or revolution is attempted with the help of the CIA and/or Mossad. If that does not work, an elite special unit carries out liquidations. And if that does not produce the desired result, then the head of government or dictator suffers a heart attack or other accident. If that does not work, the military arm of the Illuminati – NATO – is called in.
Remember; the Archon Khazar bloodline families want to take total control over the whole world population through your government. In order to take possession of all resources on earth. In order to take possession of all the resources on earth including Gold, Silver and Energy which is the main objective of the Jesuits and Illuminati.
Due to created compassion for the Jewish people as a result of WW2, Zionism took shape in 1948 through diplomatic terror by creating the state of Israel.

Rothschild family is in fact the fundamentalist leader of Zionism. The Israeli parliament, the Knesset, is financed by the Rothschilds. In Jerusalem, a street is named after them. They are considered to be the royal family of Judaism, with the addition of ‘King of the Jews’
These powerful satanic families, such as Rothschild, Rockefeller, Warburgs, and their puppets; Kissinger, Bush, Netanyahu, Clinton, and lapdog Blair, are at the head of Satan’s hierarchy and form the ‘Kingdom of Satan’ on earth.

They are the vanguard of the anti-Christ movement, they demand absolute world domination, by overwhelming it with catastrophes, such as the 9/11 attack in New York, Paris on Friday the 13th, to be carried out under massive publicity.

Jim Stone #racist #wingnut #conspiracy #mammon jimstoneindia.com

Update: Today I am sick as hell and was not able to do anything at all until 2. I gained 2 belt sizes without eating and my heart hurts. I might turn the site over to someone else. At least old reports can be reposted by someone else.
I let a Jew prepare my coffee this morning
It was at a place I go to, I never saw that Jew before. It tasted awesome. However, now I am crashing, everything hurts. Maybe I will update this tomorrow?

Claudia will still need to be taken care of if I crash out, it is taking more and more effort just to type, she will probably need about $2,000 per month to stay afloat well enough to keep the servers going.
During a nuclear weapons/materials sweep of several major cities it was discovered that ALL the Israeli embassies emit large amounts of neutrinos, which means Israel is storing nuclear weapons in their embassies. The strongest signal came from the one in New York but all the embassies have at least something there.

This is not a new topic, it dates back to 2012 and was something that was revealed shortly after my original Nuclear Blackmail report. Nothing has changed, other than perhaps a refreshing of the nukes. If a nuke goes off anywhere (and there are whispers right now from people who are worried), no matter WHO they blame, Israel is the first, second, third and fourth suspect, with Russia perhaps fifth on the list.

My report "Nuclear blackmail" pointed out how Israel has potential troubles with launching nukes due to it´s small geographic size, so Israel went clandestine and is getting their nukes placed by bringing them into various nations disguised as something else. They have probably completed this mission, and are therefore obviously the prime suspects for anything that might happen.

Congressman Paul Gosar & Various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

(Congressman Paul Gosar)
Trump was right in 2015.

They're rapists. They're bringing drugs, they're bringing crime, and the American People are losing their patience with representatives who won't even acknowledge the problem.

@DrPaulGosar Shoot to kill all invaders along our borders!!!!

@DrPaulGosar Yes. That's the real story here, not access to abortion.

@DrPaulGosar why, why, why

@DrPaulGosar C’mon don’t you know. You’re only allowed to call white people the biggest threat to the country. You can’t acknowledge real crime statistics in anyway, that’s racist.

@DrPaulGosar The Democrats won't acknowledge the problem because they want mass immigration. It should be common sense that we secure our borders, but they have lost all sense in pursuing their agenda. We need to elect representatives in November that will take action to protect Americans.

@DrPaulGosar Very based, thank you king! Now do black people 😁

@DrPaulGosar mass deportations

@DrPaulGosar Biden won't stop flooding America until illegals rape EVERY woman in America not on his "team."

He's a kindred spirit with each one of them.

@DrPaulGosar Question everything.

The invasion must be stopped. The drug cartel and other criminals are using the open border for evil.

But this story may be another psy-op.
It seems to prove Biden was telling the truth about the poor ten-year-old who was raped - it makes Biden look like a victim because we doubted him.
They would frame an innocent man to prop up their narratives.
The story is full of holes.

@DrPaulGosar They are barbaric people who do not magically become civilized by virtue of walking into our country!

The COMMUNIST TERRORIST CRIMINAL democrats created the illegal invasion which allowed rapists, drug dealers, and criminals into the country.

Various commenters #wingnut #racist #conspiracy gab.com

@DrPaulGosar Perhaps we should just make it so Jews can't own any property in the United States. That would clean up a lot of this.

@Zaklog @DrPaulGosar Perhaps we should make it so jews don't have control of the currency. That would clear up ALL of this. Although I like your idea too.

All part of the New World Order, you will own nothing

Blackrock is jewish. Larry Fink is yet another jew doing subversive things.

@DrPaulGosar Blackrock plans to rent these homes to foreign invaders (to be clear, the media calls them "immigrants" and "refugees") and expects the US Government (ie the taxpayers) to fund those "rents." Dig deep and you will find evidence of this. Lobbyists have loose lips.

@DrPaulGosar Blackrock = JEW LARRY FINK.


@DrPaulGosar until you and the rest of your cronies ban jews from influencing White nations policies. I don't want to hear it!

@DrPaulGosar Until jews are out of power we won't get any practical changes that help everyone. Our government is currently set up for kikes by kikes. They have destroyed everything with greed and subversion, and until they are gone we can't begin healing.

But... but... I was told this was Fascism, that the State controls all industry. This would suggest the OPPOSITE. Under Fascism, Blackrock would not exist. 😎

@DrPaulGosar Limiting won't do anything cause they will find creative ways to get around it. We have to stop using currency altogether and restructuring the way we live and consume. There is no 2 party system and it is subterfuge to make people think they have some kind of control, when it's really controlled opposition and political theatre by the ruling class Jews.

@DrPaulGosar We must end jewish supremacy.


Andrew Anglin #sexist #racist #conspiracy #transphobia stormer-daily.rw

[From "UK: Government Bans Dating Ads Appealing to “Lonely Ukrainian Women”"]

There is a strict rule that nothing about the war against Russia is allowed to benefit anyone in the West in any way at all. This is strictly about “our values of who we are in a democracy rules-based order”

Therefore, men are absolutely, under no circumstances, allowed to pick up young Ukraine skanks[…]
British men must necessarily only date fat, tattooed, belligerent, drunken, British slags. All the young and attractive British girls have to go be drug-addicted hookers in the Paki gangs, and the Ukrainian women, well – they’re probably going to have to join the Pakis as well


The UK’s advertising regulator has banned online dating ads offering the chance to meet “lonely Ukrainian women” for being offensive[…]Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) addressed three ads for online dating service SofiaDate[…]

Vulnerability is a core element of sex appeal, according to biology. One of the top reasons that men will put up with women’s shit is that they feel they need to protect them. Outlawing people from associating vulnerability with male sexuality is… well, it’s on par with everything else that’s going on these days

But this is a government run by women. They will do everything to hurt men[…]then they will punish them for having been hurt

The government will ban you from trying to meet any woman who isn’t a fat, old, loud slob – then they will make it illegal to be an incel, and claim that if you’re not having sex with disgusting fat women, you’re probably planning terrorism[…]
And there are even worse things
Drag queen in library with kids]
They hate boys and men, and they want to destroy all of us

This isn’t even limited only to white people. Look at what black mamas do to their sons

Women are a source of total evil

Congressman Paul Gosar & Various commenters #wingnut #conspiracy #racist gab.com

(Congressman Paul Gosar)
Biden Administration: "Inflation has 'peaked' at 6.8%" in December 2021!

Just announced: Inflation is 9.1% and likely to rise.

Biden's Solution: Spend more money!

The America Last Effect

Gee, perhaps if everyone understood what is happening here they'd realize its up to us to fix the system... Not them.


@DrPaulGosar The Democrats, led by the fake president Biden, are dedicated to ruining the economy. This is no accident; it is a deliberate betrayal, done as a strategy of political war used to destroy America, their enemy.

And this is just one among many such strategies, all of them being carried out by a ruthless enemy disguised as a legitimate government and real news media, and all of them carried out for a single purpose: to reduce America to absolute despotism.

@DrPaulGosar They're intentionally looting the country as it decays. Plus, embarrassing us on a global scale in hopes to punish people for electing Trump.

@DrPaulGosar He’s actually performing splendidly for the Bolsheviks who installed him in office, he is destroying the economy even better than they hoped, a solid tactic right out of the communist playbook, so that a society can be brought to its knees, making it easier to institute their communist dictates!

Biden gets a solid “A” for his performance in helping to further bring America into the NWO!

If we had an actual CIA, that did what the people believe its function was, to covertly protect our interests instead of being a part of the globalist cabal, Biden would be getting neutralized!

@DrPaulGosar 🙏 🇺🇸

Pretty obvious he’s destroying the country on purpose. He can do anything he wants even as a faker and still walk around grinning!

@DrPaulGosar Biden is the Anti-Christ.

Congressman Paul Gosar & various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

(Congressman Paul Gosar)
As our beloved country suffers from record inflation, high gas prices, an invasion on our southern border and record crime, Democrats are focused on....... January 6th! WATCH:

Sir nothing will change until the elections are secure and democrats start going to prison. Until Republicans stick together and remove those who side with democrats from the ticket.
Our rights are our rights politicians have no authority to try to remove our GOD given rights.

@DrPaulGosar A very good comparison, actually. Yes, the J6 Committee is operating just like Stalin-era Communists.

Name the jew or stfu

@DrPaulGosar Absolutely on point. As long as this Kangaroo committee fiasco continues the Biden Criminal enterprise and Hunter's laptop stays off grid! No Congressional scrutiny of intentional shutdown of our Petroleum supply, no scrutiny of boatloads of cash going to Ukraine, no scrutiny of why the southern border is unprotected, no scrutiny as to why our gov't is using the 'Jab' to bring down our military numbers and its readiness. J6 is the spinning watch they are using to hypnotize us dupes! WAKE UP, DUMMIES!

@DrPaulGosar the dems & rinos are scared shitless trump will get back in power & derail their gravy train of stealing our tax dollars

@Hellstorm2020 @DrPaulGosar Trump will do what his (((masters))) tell him to do. He is anti-White.

@Hellstorm2020 @DrPaulGosar Trump pimps and pardons jews, loves and promotes black, never once has he said anything positive about White people. "Lowest black unemployment, our greatest ally" blah blah blah. The fact that you love that orange tool of the jews says more about you than me. You can't be pro-Israel and pro-White at the same time. Get educated.

moomin #conspiracy #racist #sexist #wingnut 6x7g7rr6fhdoszolkqkaittdr6qzgejjxoc42q4ceaph2xttmo5vgryd.onion



/* Process this file into a graph using `dot -Tsvg quote.gv > quote.svg`. */

digraph moomin_quote {

subgraph introduction {
introduction_wall_of_text [label="Jewish \"intellectuals\", fueled by their resentment towards Europe\nand Christianity, create the Frankfurt School with the intention\nof destroying Western culture to bring down Capitalism and create\na Marxist revolution\n((USEFUL IDIOTS))",shape=polygon,sides=4];

subgraph conspiracy {
weimar -> intellectuals [label="spawns"];
intellectuals -> frankfurt_school [label="create"];
communist_revolution -> soviet_union [label="creates"];
soviet_union -> frankfurt_school [label="finances"];
frankfurt_school -> social_science_faculties [label="takes over"];

soviet_union_wall_of_text [label="Soviet intelligence spent only 25% of its budget on espionage while 75%\nwent to subversion. They funded the Frankfurt School with the explicit\nintention of destroying and subverting Western culture.\n((GEOPOLITICAL THREAT))",shape=polygon,sides=4];
soviet_union_wall_of_text -> soviet_union [weight=100,style=invis];

social_science_faculties -> progressivism [label="model"];

progressivism -> traditions [label="attacks"];
traditions -> religion [label="such as"];
traditions -> family [label="such as"];
traditions -> nation [label="such as"];
traditions -> property [label="such as"];
property -> welfare_state [label="using"];
nation -> mass_immigration [label="using"];
family -> gender_roles [label="as in"];
family -> marriage [label="as in"];
religion -> chastity [label="as in"];
religion -> marriage [label="as in"];
marriage -> high_divorce_rates [label="causing"];
chastity -> single_parenthood [label="causing"];
single_parenthood -> broken_families [label="causing"];
broken_families -> crime [label="causing"];
high_divorce_rates -> broken_families [label="causing"];
gender_roles -> low_birth_rates [label="causing"];
low_birth_rates -> mass_immigration [label="being the excuse for"];
gender_roles -> cheap_labour;
welfare_state -> budget_deficit [label="causing"];
budget_deficit -> taking_debt [label="leading to"];
taking_debt -> international_banks [label="giving power to"];
international_banks -> corporations;
corporations -> mass_media [label="who control"];
mass_media -> progressivism [label="who push"];
budget_deficit -> printing_money [label="leading to"];
printing_money -> inflation [label="causing"];
budget_deficit -> raising_taxes [label="leading to"];
raising_taxes -> shrinking_middle_class [label="causing"];
budget_deficit -> social_security_crisis [label="causing"];
social_security_crisis -> mass_immigration [label="being the excuse for"];
mass_immigration -> affirmative_action [label="installing"];
welfare_state -> welfare_cliffs [label="causing"];
mass_immigration -> crime [label="increasing"];
mass_immigration -> cheap_labour;
cheap_labour -> corporations [label="giving wealth to"];

economics_wall_of_text [label="Conditions like dysgenics, poverty and lack of social cohesion\nreduce the ability of the population to revert the situation. It is a\nself-perpetuating system. The system is aided at all levels by political corruption and useful idiots.\n((LOGICAL RESULT OF CAPITALISM AS A GOAL INSTEAD OF\nCAPITALISM AS A TOOL))",shape=polygon,sides=4];
cheap_labour -> economics_wall_of_text [weight=100,style=invis];
taking_debt -> economics_wall_of_text [weight=100,style=invis];

social_science_faculties -> positivist_crisis [label="undergo"];

positivist_crisis -> scientific_method [label="replaces"];
scientific_method -> critical_theory [label="with"];
critical_theory -> relativism [label="aids"];
critical_theory -> political_correctness [label="spawns"];
political_correctness -> taboo_research [label="attacks"];
political_correctness -> newspeak [label="similar to"];
taboo_research -> biological_differences [label="such as"];
relativism -> empiricism [label="attacks"];
relativism -> common_sense [label="attacks"];

science_wall_of_text [label="Do not trust common sense and empiric evidence\n\"Intellectuals\" know better. They are \"scientists\" (even though\nthey have never followed - and attacked - the scientific method) after all!\n((USEFUL IDIOTS))",shape=polygon,sides=4];
biological_differences -> science_wall_of_text [weight=100,style=invis];
empiricism -> science_wall_of_text [weight=10,style=invis];

Transcriptionist Note
To avoid having to hand label every single node, I made all the nodes lowercase.
In the original chart, the nodes are title case, and only the edges are lowercase.

weimar [label="weimar republic"];
intellectuals [label="\"intellectuals\""];
frankfurt_school [label="frankfurt school"];
communist_revolution [label="communist revolution"];
soviet_union [label="soviet union"];
social_science_faculties [label="social science faculties"];
positivist_crisis [label="positivist crisis"];
single_parenthood [label="single parenthood"];
welfare_state [label="welfare state"];
mass_immigration [label="mass immigration"];
gender_roles [label="gender roles"];
high_divorce_rates [label="high divorce rates"];
broken_families [label="broken families"];
low_birth_rates [label="low birth rates"];
cheap_labour [label="cheap labour"];
scientific_method [label="scientific method"];
political_correctness [label="political correctness"];
taboo_research [label="taboo research"];
biological_differences [label="biological differences"];
common_sense [label="common sense"];
budget_deficit [label="budget deficit"];
taking_debt [label="taking debt"];
international_banks [label="international banks"];
mass_media [label="mass media"];
printing_money [label="printing money"];
raising_taxes [label="raising taxes"];
shrinking_middle_class [label="shrinking middle class"];
social_security_crisis [label="social security crisis"];
welfare_cliffs [label="welfare cliffs"];
affirmative_action [label="affirmative action"];
critical_theory [label="critical theory"];
progressivism [label=<<U>progressivism</U>>];
religion [label=<<B>religion</B>>];
family [label=<<B>family</B>>];
nation [label=<<B>nation</B>>];
property [label=<<B>property</B>>];

subgraph conclusion_preamble {
Transcriptionist Note
The last part of the chart, at the bottom, is the hardest.
It seems like the original author just sort of gave up on actually making it a graph, and just stuck their last few bullet points in
nodes at the bottom that weren't connected to anything.
keyword_stuffing [label="Military Spending... computers, internet, satellites, moon, global hegemony\nWelfare Spending... dysgenics, poverty, crime",shape=polygon,sides=4];

resulting_in_conclusion [label="RESULTING IN..................................................",shape=plaintext];
resulting_in_conclusion -> keyword_stuffing [weight=100,style=invis];

resulting_in_conclusion -> lacking_community_trust [style=invis];
resulting_in_conclusion -> poverty [style=invis];
resulting_in_conclusion -> dysgenics [style=invis];
lacking_community_trust [label="lacking community trust"];

subgraph conclusion {
conclusion [label="Democracy may be blamed but the real problem is the representative system. Had immigration been subjected\nto a democratic vote, it would have been halted in all Western nations decades ago. Even if such vote was carried out today, immigration would be halted.",shape=polygon,sides=4];

edge[ style = invis ];
introduction_wall_of_text -> weimar;
science_wall_of_text -> keyword_stuffing;
economics_wall_of_text -> resulting_in_conclusion;
mass_media -> { lacking_community_trust, poverty, dysgenics, keyword_stuffing};
lacking_community_trust -> conclusion;
resulting_in_conclusion -> conclusion;

Various Commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com


@Ladinia We do not.

They are both Zionist traitors.

@Ladinia. People who have gotten frustrated at Trump for various reasons forget that he was elected by a huge margin in Nov 2020, but it was stolen from him and us. He should be allowed to serve 4 more years. It would right a terrible wrong.

@Ladinia Trump was in charge of the clot shot. Him and DeSantis are zionist cucks, and bend their knees to the Synagogue of Satan from Revelations.

@Ladinia I want the remaining 2 years of this term to Trump, 4 more years to Trump, and THEN 8 years of DeSantis with Pelosi in prison the entire time!

@Ladinia no thanks America needs christian leaders not zionist puppets


In 12 years we not only could re-shape the United States to be the greatest Christian Patriot nation in the entire world we could reshape the world to be a more peaceful and productive world once we get the Satanical demo-rats and the NWO out of the way

Yep. Trump won 2020 fair & square & deserves another term.


Don't be shocked if Trump gets six more years (2023-2028) when he completes Biden's term starting in late January of next year. The timing is right and the 22nd Amendment accounts for it.

@NonSociopath @Ladinia sovereignty hands over to the UN in Oct. January dreams are no longer relevant

@Ladinia Well I'm split on this one. I would prefer DeSantis as president first (because of his experience as Florida governor), but I would not want Trump being president again (since he supported the "safe and effective" lie about the COVID-19 vaccine).

@johndaviddeoliveira @Ladinia I just want Trump back because it would be fucking hilarious.

@Ladinia We need an antisemite or nothing really changes.

Benjamin Fulford #crackpot #conspiracy #racist #wingnut #fundie stillnessinthestorm.com

In any case, we will start with an in-depth look at the assassination of Abe because there is a lot more going on here than has been reported elsewhere. In fact, what happened to Abe can even, without exaggeration, be described as biblical.

To be specific, it represents a move by the Three-Legged Crow (Yatagarasu八咫烏) a Japanese secret society that shares at least a 3000-year history with the people who wrote the Old Testament of the Bible or the Torah.

There is only so much background we can get into here so, we will provide a very rough sketch. Members of the Japanese imperial family and of the Yatagarasu say they are descended from the Pharaohs of Egypt just as are the members of the Swiss-based Octagon group who control monotheism.

These groups went their separate ways thousands of years ago but agreed to form an alliance during the Meiji period, when Japan began to modernize. The public shooting of Abe was meant as a signal the deal made between the Octagon group and the Yatagarasu was no longer in force.
Recently this writer was contacted by representatives of the Yatagarasu who said the Jews, unlike them, had been kicked out of their original homeland while they still had theirs. The Yatagarasu, who control Shinto and Japanese Buddhism, have made a decision to help the Jews, the representatives said.

The fact that Johnson and Abe were removed in the same week also shows that the Japanese imperial family and the British Monarchy –the worlds’ two most powerful royal families- were on the same page on this issue.
According to this plan, a new cold war would be started between Russia and the West. This would be used as an excuse for a massive military build-up During this time, Russia would pretend to be China’s ally. Then at the last minute Russia, Nato and Japan would all attack China. A defeated China would then be divided into 5 bickering countries so that it would never again be a threat to the Octagon-controlled West.

Ian Connolly #racist amren.com

RE: Gorsuch Fumes That the Supreme Court ‘Failed’ to ‘Honor This Nation’s Promises’ as It Rolled Back Tribal Authority in Oklahoma

I’m ok with giving American indians and blacks (not black immigrants, black Hispanics, or mixed-race blacks) parcels of land where they could have their own autonomy, as both groups do have historical ties here. Both would come with a set of rules and regulations, though.

However, I would never agree to giving land to Asians or most Hispanics who have zero ties to the country, nor would I agree to giving anything to recent immigrants — especially after 1965. I would want all south Asians repatriated to their homelands, and most East Asians who came here as students or H1B workers to be sent home as well.

The most I would ever give to Asians would be to zone the historical Chinatowns In San Francisco, Oakland, Los Angeles, and New York City as independent zip codes for “them only.” And the most I would ever agree to give to Hispanics/Mestizos would be to redraw parts of the bottom of California, Arizona, and Texas that they could annex to Mexico and have for themselves. Chula Vista, California, El Paso, and Corpus Christi, Texas are all places that never looked like Anglo America anyway, so let’s just let them have those, and we keep the rest. I’d be ok with secession for New Mexico to give to them as well. That’s a state we really don’t need.

Marjorie Taylor Greene & Various commenters #wingnut #fundie #racist gab.com

(Marjorie Taylor Greene)


spoilerPray to END abortion in America!

@RealMarjorieGreene lololol you do know California will never end abortion. The commies like murdering babies.


End it and criminalize it. You cannot be consistently pro-life unless you support the punishment of women who hire hitmen to kill their children.

@RealMarjorieGreene Remove all jews from positions of power. In fact, abort all jews from the United States. Send them back to Israel and cut off all aid immediately. Once they’re all back in Israel we bomb the living shit out of it. The world will be a better place once they’re finally gone and no one will even dream of an abortion. We’ll finally have peace on earth.

@RealMarjorieGreene The 14th amendment SHOULD also prohibit States from selectively permitting (and barbarously, even promoting) some people (babies) to be murdered, without equal protection or due process of law!

@RealMarjorieGreene The egg is alive. The sperm is alive. Fertilization begins a new life, (unborn life). Intentional aborting is life ending murder at any level. If not, then make abortion legal to age 100. I can end the life of another born life and it is not murder but abortion. If abortion is legal so then is murder.

@RealMarjorieGreene abortion is not about women’s rights. It’s about their unborn children’s rights.

@RealMarjorieGreene Pray that our politicians get the courage to CALL OUT THE JEWS.

@RealMarjorieGreene No, educate to end abortion in America. Prayers help too. But this is something that can actually be ended by education and teaching your children and young adults to respect life ,including theirs. The damage done by promiscuous sex, mental and physical. We as village can teach to end this mentality of abortion being a contraceptive. Also irresponsible casual sex. So stop wishing and do something. Because God does not help those who do not help their selves. :) Ms. Greene this is why you annoy me. I feel you are not sincere. Just posturing.

Prussian Society of America #racist #wingnut prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "VIDEO: East Prussia will always belong to East Prussians, not Barbarian Occupiers, Speech by Stephan Grigat"]

»Ostpreußen lebt!« – Rede von LO-Sprecher Stephan Grigat, Wolfsburg 2022

A very thorough and articulated speech given by Stephan Grigat, and it makes our society extremely happy to witness this thriving ambition that still exists with other fellow Prussians who today are still alive and connected with our Spiritual Heritage and the Land[…]
However, our only large disagreements in this speech come to where the present Ukrainian and Lithuanian/Polish involvement in the Russian situation come into play[…]
One could argue legalities[…]but the other factors at play is that even though Russia owns Königsberg today through ill-gotten means and renamed it to their liking, there are other powers and institutions at play which oversee it along with the fact that Russia is a massive Nuclear power[…]
While we posses some of the most sacred ideas in how to go about wrestling back East Prussia and all other lost land back into the Greater Germany, I will never publish them openly here or for public viewing in any form[…]
It is interesting to note how in general for a long window of time, there has barely been much talk or sincere interest[…]in restoring Prussian Lands[…]
Should Lithuania continue with what it’s doing in the Railway blockade, we have the right to charge Lithuania with endangering Hallowed German Territory[…]
Germans must remember at all times[…]we have lacked and will still continue to lack a true National, Sovereign Army since 1945. The Wehrmacht was our last hope[…]
The Prussian Society of America will always remain open to feedback from anyone of Prussian or German ancestry, and we would appreciate to hear from anyone who ever desires to communicate with us further on solidifying our Eternal Goal

Various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

BREAKING: A Louisiana judge has stopped the retaining order against the Louisiana trigger law. The abortion ban is back in effect saving babies from abortions!

@LifeNews Stopping the slaughter of the innocents is all important.

@LifeNews So many beautiful black babies are gonna be saved now. 🙏🏿

Lousy anna(fuck you spelling critics.intentionally misspelled) way to go. You had a chance for crime prevention and parasite reduction and you chose to let them procreate more thugs and parasites.

I guess now that whites are a minority it's not needed anymore

@LifeNews , not killing babies is like taking away their butt plugs.

@jonesm099 @Langtoon @LifeNews We note the gaggle of halfwitted inbred backwards baby-killers flocking in and hysterical over a spelling mistake, LOLOLOL!! This is the best they got! LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSERS!!!

Congressman Paul Gosar & Various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

(Congressman Paul Gosar)
:gab: ➡️ @DrPaulGosar


@DrPaulGosar repeal the 1965 immigration act

@DrPaulGosar stop welfare to lazy niggers and dirty white trash bums! there must be millions of the bastards in America

@DrPaulGosar I can’t wait for the day when we March everyone of those illegals back across the border. No plush buses or charter flights....you leave the same way you came...walk your ass out of my country.

The deportations need to be bowls they need to be fast and they need to be massive. When it begins we need to have courage and not worry about what’s being said in the news. Because it doesn’t matter. We are being browned to death

@DrPaulGosar If the GOP gets power and Trump is reelected he will have to purge this government of jews in powerful positions or nothing will change. And they won't, we all know that.

@DrPaulGosar Burn more coal! Cheap energy = prosperity! So called green energy = poverty and famine! No more foreign aid or entanglements!

@DrPaulGosar ‘Diversity’ is genocide by substitution. But hatred is the very effective name that replacist powers have chosen to give to any opposition to genocide by substitution, to any resistance to the Great Replacement, to the slightest objection to the change of people and civilization. Beware when people start to speak of your hatred: It usually means that they want to kill you, to marginalize you, or at the very least to silence you. Securing our elections and border is equivalent to securing our nation's sovereignty.

@DrPaulGosar Add in revoking the birthright citizenship, and stopping all immigration completely for at least 100 years

@DrPaulGosar America should should be for Whites only.

@DrPaulGosar Don't deport; execute! costs less!

Bedtime for Zeon #wingnut #psycho #racist 6x7g7rr6fhdoszolkqkaittdr6qzgejjxoc42q4ceaph2xttmo5vgryd.onion


If you have any family members or friends who are police or military, or work for government in any way anywhere, bully them to quit. Any white men that willingly work for zog should be bullied, harassed and ostracized by family members. There are no good police or soldiers.

Had this chat a while back w/ a friend, he did that ‘oh come on, ALL the feds should be drawn and quartered? buddy, you’re lookin’ at one right now. You really think I deserv-“

“I know what I said.”

“Ah? Ah!”


Imagine betraying your race for a shitty pension.

he kinda has a point, he’s not really enforcement or anything, he’s more like a deputy because his job required someone with his skill set and they figured empowering professionals in his field was easier than training their own out of rank & file. Basically a CPA with a badge.

Still, it counts, he’s working for the system in some form or another. If we carve out a horse exemption for him, everyone’s gonna want one!

Drew68, Adder, AZJeep, KamperKen, cuz1961 and Prince of Space #conspiracy #wingnut #racist #dunning-kruger freerepublic.com

[Comments under "Child abuse victim, 10, who was six weeks pregnant is forced to travel from Ohio to Indiana for an abortion after home state outlaws it under Roe v Wade ruling"]

This sounds a lot like all of those “if only I got vaccinated” deathbed stories we’ve heard endlessly over the past two years

Heavy on allegations, light on verifiable facts

Expect a lot more of this

So why did they wait?
For dramatic effect?
The decision was telegraphed weeks ago…but they missed it by just that much
More abuse, sounds like…

Arrest the man[…]
The leftist media try to make a rule out of extremely rare exception. Standard leftist strategy!
The left likes to suggest that these cases happen on daily basis, so Roe was dealing with similar situations mostly
Kind of like we are to be believed that every day hundreds of schools are attacked and so we need to take away guns from all people!
The truth is that almost all abortions are just killing babies for the convenience and stopping that practice is what the pro-life movement is all about!.

There’s strong possibility they’re leaving out that the father and impregnated ‘child’ are illegal aliens since this is far more prevalent in that demographic

Having a real difficult time believing a 10 year old can get pregnant

Progs lie so much about everything all the time now,

I.E. - males can get pregnant-

it’s easy to not beleive this is anything but pro-abort b.s..

Prince of Space
It’s from the Daily Mail UK. Why is no other outlet reporting it? According to the story, a “child abuse doctor” called the OB/GYN to inquire about the situation. She didn’t meet the kid or see her records AFAIK, so she likely doesn’t exist. This is pry just a PR exercise by NARAL to rile up abortion supporters

I just wonder where in the physician directory one would find a “child abuse doctor” because I’ve never seen one. ??

Congressman Paul Gosar & various commenters #wingnut #racist #fundie gab.com

(Congressman Paul Gosar)
The left is pulling every trick in the book to stop me because they know I'm one of the most effective Republicans in congress and I unashamedly stand for America First. Please chip in if you are able to help me stop this radical leftist plot:


The left is so afraid of America First fighters like @DrPaulGosar they openly encourage democrats to switch parties for primaries.

Seen in Lake Havasu City, AZ newspaper.

@DrPaulGosar Why did you vote yes on the resolution condemning antisemitism?

Are you planning to introduce a resolution condemning anti-white hatred?

@Zaklog @DrPaulGosar, because your racism makes you scummy.

@Viceregent1969 @DrPaulGosar And your anti-racism makes you both stupid and evil.

Anti-racism kills. Anti-racism killed Joshua Ahren Dehart and Ryan Rogers. Take it straight back to Hell.

@DrPaulGosar You're don't unashamedly stand for America First; you're unashamedly for Israel First.

@DrPaulGosar Today's 'democrats' are traitors. No civil and sane person today would be able to vote for a democrat without violating their conscience.

@DrPaulGosar The left cheats, and cheats, and cheats - we need MAGA Republicans to shut them down, and prosecute them for their illegal and unethical behavior and acts.

@DrPaulGosar the globalist are trying to take JEHOVAH God the Great I AM that I AM out of everything. But, they will not be successful because you cannot take God JEHOVAH out of us!!! We win,,they will be destroyed and if they do not repent and accept Jesus as the Christ they will be judged at the Great White Thrown Judgement and thrown into different levels of hell where there is no escape. Once the Church is gone,,,then they will have their way for a while. Hallelujah Jesus! King of Kings and Lord of ALL!!!😁🙏✝️

@DrPaulGosar name the Jew then you coward or fuck off

Congressman Paul Gosar & Various Commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

(Congressman Paul Gosar)
Securing our elections, our border, and deporting millions of illegals as soon and fast as possible needs to be the top priorities of every America First Republican.

@DrPaulGosar I love that word deport. I am sure I am not in the minority..

How about America becomes hostile to infiltrators? Make them want to leave. No rights, no protections, no jobs, etc. If you aren't a citizen, you have no rights here.

@DrPaulGosar No lawyers, no hearings. If you are here illegally, immediate deportation with no questions asked, if you want to fight it, fight it from your own country on your own dime. GTFO!

@DrPaulGosar Repeal of "Hate crimes" legislation comes first. The U.S. government doesn't care if they burn an American flag, but burn a pride flag: Felony! Hate crime! Burn a pride flag today

@DrPaulGosar don’t leave out trying treasonist politicians for conspiring to overthrow a president in a rigged election

@DrPaulGosar Amen but our goal right now should getting every deputized citizen we can on the border with firearms to shut the damn border down!!

@DrPaulGosar The jews are behind the gun control lobby. I wonder why???🤔🤔 It seems like I have heard of this very same methodology being used in Russia by the jewish Bolsheviks to institute the communist take over of that Nation.
#namethejew #endzog #secondamendmentrights
" We are not going to take this zionist occupied country anymore. It's time we push back."


Throwing jews into the nearest volcano is the most effective way to achieve this.


@DrPaulGosar you're gonna get killed by the same Zionists you keep cocksucking now with this based rhetoric Dr. Gosar! 😅😂

Various Commenters #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: Portland Man Rages at Liberal White Woman Over Traffic Incident

"I hope you go back to Europe, you b**ch."

You better figure it out White folks....it IS about race.

(Michael Whalen)
Dear Mr. Native American, if it were not for us colonizers, you would not have possessed an automobile in the first place.

(John Holmes)
99% of "Native Americans" are really self hating whites with MAYBE a small percentage of Indian blood. He's probably another fake injin

(Marc Zuckurburg)
"It was then she found out that her liberalness didn't save her from her whiteness".

This is the epitome of the white female liberal mindset. He could have spat on her and she would have consoled him. He could have smacked her and she would have understood his pain. These women are beyond hope and will never change their world view.

(American Plague)
With the White birth rate being what it is, Darwinian natural selection SHOULD take care of them, although it may take a little while.

(M C)
I don't take "Colonizer!!!" as an insult. To the contrary, it's an admission that my ancestors were far more capable than those of any minority who would call me that.

You could remind him that he is the colonized/loser.

The young woman in the video seems to be confused. It is not Oregonians who are "f***ing nice" - it is white people who are "f***ing nice". The internet addled generation pretend to not notice little things like race, ethnicity or gender, but reality can be a cruel master. Another article in this series describes a young French woman who was raped by a "French" Iranian - it is likely that woman considers French people to be "f***ing nice".

Henry de Lesquen #fundie #wingnut #racist lesquen.fr

[Translated from "Pourquoi il faut interdire l’avortement" - "Why Abortion Should Be Banned"]

Here's a 10-point analysis on the question of abortion. And a conclusion
1) The child is constitued since conception. He has a genotype. He has a soul[…]
3) The law shall allow abortion only in two cases:
-The woman had been raped;
-Pregnancy endengers the woman
4) Excepted in these two cases, abortion is premeditated murder: assassination. In utero infanticide
5) Back to the 1810 Penal Code: abortion held to be a felony and punished with prison
6) A woman who aborts is a mother who decided to kill her child. She is the first guilty[…]
9) Abortion is also a crime against the fatherland: 200,000 death by year, 8 millions in 40 years
10) With her law of 1975, Simone Veil is the first responsible of the choah of French children
Conclusion to win the battle of opinion, abortion shall be denounced as a felony

Several posters #crackpot #racist #wingnut boards.4chan.org

( l4s9gOsD )

What's the best Haplotype and why is it R1a?


( bVgxQHOA )

R1a is bunch of white niggers, only thing they were good for is letting us Jews to live on their clay when we were persecuted in western europe.

( q7YTeNDD )

The best is I1. It was nearly non existant around the time of nordic bronze age and around the fall of Rome.

33% of all Scandinavian men have it today. To go from 0,01% to 33% in that time of timespan without being part of a founder effect.

It means that its the most competitive male lineage in human history in terms of internal group competition.

It has replaced other haplogroups and increased in rate at a percent of thousands of percent compared to its competitior haplogroups.

If there is any haplogroup that is showing signs of being chad and geting all the ladies in peaceful Settings not war and rape its I1.

Probably the most succesful haplogroup in history to replace other haplogroups from peaceful selection.

( 5o1X0ESf )

R1b obviously
Germany, italy, britain, france, and spain. The five countries which conquered the world.
maority of america is r1b as well, the most powerful country.

( KP8mWhZV )

>I2a came back to the balkans with the slavic invasion

What is this dumb subhuman slavoid revision. I2a is highest in bosnia and the western balkans, you fucking subhuman.

Someone ought to put your subuman kin in a barn and burn them alive like the vikings and wehrmacht did. Slavic subhumanism as usual.

It literally says that another V13 subclade is found amongst Serbs on the next line. Kill yourself slavic scum invader. You are immigrants just like the celtoids are. Also im Bosnia and my family literally hails from mount dinara. KYS.

( 3BRSVkGu )

It’s no coincidence that 99% of the countries who actually contributed to humanity are R1B. R1B is literally the master race, end of discussion

( e7+uuxx1 )

Slovanoids have genes in eastern germany so it's r1a too. And Old italian venetians were Wends literally slovanoids and they even now use slavic words in their latinised venetian language like woga (slavic voda) = water etc. And Old Norse language had slavic words too like Lekar = doctor but they were germanized

Various Commenters #wingnut #racist #conspiracy gab.com

BREAKING: Last Abortion Business in Mississippi Will Close Down as New Abortion Ban Takes Effect

@LifeNews Interesting all these clinics that were for women's health close their doors when the abortions stop. No more fetal parts to sell. What about the concern for women's reproductive health? Guess when the abortion grant money dries up the clinics all blow away.

@LifeNews Get ready for the ignorant and violent, EBT-dependent negro population to EXPLODE.

@LifeNews 7 in 10 abortions are negroes ... so you can expect up to 40 Million new unwanted low IQ but highly aggressive criminal negroes within the next 2 or 3 decades - lets hope that you superstitious morons are the victims of those now coming criminals and not the innocent population which must not only protected from morons like you but now also from your killers !

@WeirdRat @LifeNews I'm not so sure abt that. Most black girls stock up on baby daddies then run to welfare with 3-5 toddlers. They just don't give a damn abt the father. Who's a low life too.

@LifeNews Good, now burn it so there are no reminders of the horrors that went on in there. Drench it in holy water after. Those facilities are disgusting and evil.

@LifeNews PRAISE GOD! It's starting folks. Do not get lazy. Call abortion murder. Make shame great again. Seriously babies will die

Doesn't Mississippi have the highest percentage of black population? Therefore this is horrible. Y'all need to Make Abortion Great Again.

@LifeNews bad news, this state is full of niggers

You mean last slaughter house.

@LifeNews just what Mississippi needs, another million niggers.

@LifeNews Think of how many children will have a chance at life now.

Alleluia. The way I see it. Since Abortion started in the 70s the cherishing of any human life has been steadily devalued. How long has it been since you've heard, no amount of money can buy a human life. Now life has been desensitized slowly over the years. Much like THE BOILING A FROG IN STARTING OUT IN WARM WATER.

Brother Nathanael #racist #wingnut #fundie #conspiracy realjewnews.com

A prime convulsion of history erupted in 1918 with the completion of World War 1.

Four Christian Monarchies were crushed:

The Habsburgs of Austria; The Romanovs of Russia; The Hohenzollerns of Germany; and the Kingdom of Greece.

A consequent convulsion of history crystallized in 1945 at the end of World War 2.

Four major European nations came under American rule and continues today:

Germany, France, Italy, Spain.

And Great Britain lost its world hegemony conclusively.

A stunning convulsion of history occurred in 1991 with the fall of the Soviet Union.

Russia underwent “privatization auctions”—the seizure of state assets—sold at bargain prices that only International Jewry led by Harvard’s Jeffery Sachs could cook up.
Putin’s offer to wed Russia with Europe through trade, science, culture, and defense—offered by Putin on countless occasions up until February 24 2022, profoundly failed.

It could never succeed.

Jews who control the collective West would never allow it.

For with Jewry’s seething hatred of Russia—like the Jews Nudelman and Blinken—despising Russia’s Orthodox Christian civilizational vision, against the Slavic inability to coalesce with the unappetizing Jewish personality, Putin was up against a wall.

Ukraine breaks that wall and finalizes the collective West’s fall.
Pure ”drama” in the Yidishee theatre of make-believe so the goy can say:

“It must be true! I saw it on TV!”

The gold ban is senseless.

Gold will grow in demand while fiat money keeps hitting the trash can.

Russia will sell its gold to China and India, both will sell to Europe and Jewmerica, and at higher prices than Russia would offer.

The Jewish boomerang is in.
Jews pushed Russia into its current military op in Ukraine which completes a multi-polar world and the flop of the Jew-controlled West.

It’s a convulsion of history.

Every wound needs a suture.

Welcome to the future.

Congressman Paul Gosar & Various commenters #wingnut #conspiracy #racist gab.com

(Congressman Paul Gosar)
The State of Arizona being sued by Biden's DOJ over Voter ID Laws is yet another reason why we need mass deportations of illegals.

How many of these criminals plan on voting?

@DrPaulGosar Perfect, let the SOBs go to court. The Constitution is clear, states control their own federal elections. Let this sail right on up to SCOTUS and we'll have Voter ID laws the same as many other Western countries. Funny really, Trump couldn't get the FBI / DOJ to do much of anything, but if the NWO wants something, the useful idiots with badges hop to destroy their own freedom and prosperity.

@DrPaulGosar Let's have mass deportation of socialists politicians

@DrPaulGosar since very little is ever (if at all) discussed about the Eisenhower administration successful deportation operation maybe we need to have "Operation Wetback part deux?"

@DrPaulGosar Voting or not they are White erasing this country. The attempt to White erase every country that Westernkind has created will not be allowed to continue. Good folks of all backgrounds are taking a stance against this.

@DrPaulGosar The pedocrat murder cartel doesn't even need all the illegals to actually vote, as long as they can register them as voters they will handle to the rest, all these soros voting rights groups and pedocrat voting/communist activism orgs get access into the voting role systems and they manufacture all the mail in and drop box votes they need to win everytime

Conservapedia #conspiracy #racist archive.ph

The Boogaloo Boys is an alleged right-wing paramilitary unit and death squad owing allegiance to the Clinton-Bush Crime Family to serve the interests of the Deep State and NeverTrump movement. Ideologically it is a de-centralized libertarian pro-gun anti-racist movement aligned with Black Lives Matter. The movement is based on the idea that increasing political polarization and instability will inevitably lead to a domestic armed conflict, which they refer to as Civil War 2: Electric Boogaloo. The movement draws its name from the 1984 movie, Electric Boogaloo.

Reason magazine describes the Boogaloo Boys as "Gen Z Second Amendment activism. Its members forgo the patriotic symbolism of traditional militia movements for flowered apparel, bright patches, and colorful memes. Their approach to organizing resembles Hong Kong's decentralized, privacy-conscious, and social media-heavy protest movement. They are digitally native activists, raised on Instagram and TikTok, who understand that in the world of online feedback loops, actions are often less important than the way they're presented."

[Fun fact, they want a race war: https://theintercept.com/2020/06/10/boogaloo-boys-george-floyd-protests/]

Congressman Paul Gosar & Various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

(Congressman Paul Gosar)
Voter ID Laws are only 'discriminatory' against criminals & illegals who shouldn't be allowed to vote anyway. Biden's DOJ suing the State of Arizona shows their hand - they don't want election integrity, they want the millions of aliens they imported to help keep them in power.

@DrPaulGosar without cheating they can't win..

@DrPaulGosar repeal the 1965 immigration act

@DrPaulGosar Don't accept the premise that discrimination is a bad thing.

Wait for those millions of illegals to TURN on the Democrats and RINO'S who brought them in to the USA.
When they start getting attacked by the very ones they want to use,
it will change because those illegals have ZERO allegiance to anyone but themselves.

@DrPaulGosar secession now!

@DrPaulGosar YES, and what race/religion PARASITE runs the DOJ? Say it, Paul. JEWS, JEWS, JEWS........ again... JEWS, JEWS, JEWS.
JEWS are so powerful in America that they did 9/11, GOT CAUGHT but none are executed or even under investigation.

@DrPaulGosar I have a great idea. Why don’t we take off the gloves for mass murder? Why can’t we do some “enhanced interrogation” techniques on terrorist shooters and murderers? What if these deranged psychopaths started to die in police custody? What if they disappeared indefinitely? Maybe we could create some deterrence to committing these heinous acts.

@DrPaulGosar How did we get from the Founding Father's intent of only White land owning males, to everybody?

Just in case anyone didn't believe me when I said "dark people" were meant to be nothing more than human cattle on plantations ghetto and barrio doing nothing more than subsisting and picking votes for demons in the DNC and, by damned, if they're going to wander off the plantation then the DNC will kill any number of "migrants" in semi trailers, hot deserts and rivers, off citizens with drugs and by cartel violence and do it without care or qualm in order to illegally import more votes cattle.

Marjorie Taylor Greene & Various Commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

(Marjorie Taylor Greene)
Today, Chattooga County Sole Commissioner Blake Elsberry signed a Resolution for Life. By doing so, he affirms the county’s advocacy for life and that it will support life from conception.

Post Roe v. Wade, the Left is ramping up for radical change on abortion policy in America. Local municipalities, like Chattooga County, are at the forefront of this battle and should take a stand for life. I urge all counties, especially ones in NW Georgia to do the same as Chattooga.

@repmtg Focusing on everything except the brown invasion, demographic replacement and white genocide. You are fucking worthless.

@MCharlton @repmtg Someone didn't get to beat his wife today.

@rubrumlobortis @MCharlton @repmtg White genocide is happening.

@MCharlton @repmtg No, she is PROMOTING White genocide, because majority of the babies born today are non-White.

@repmtg only 6 % think that this abortion-shit is important ... but it will give you 40 Mio new negroes, unwanted, low class, highly criminal and aggressive, within the next 2 decades -- you get what you deserve you superstitios morons !

@repmtg Many countries around the world are much more stringently against abortion than we are, and yet, the liars in the media mafia preach the exact opposite. It's time to arrest the entire mainstream media apparatus and charge them with high crimes and treason!

HT77 #racist amren.com

RE: South Africa Risks Race War by Stoking Xenophobia, Opposition Warns

“They are going to saddle a tiger that they will never be able to ride,” John Steenhuisen, the leader of the opposition Democratic Alliance said at Chatham House in London, where he gave an on-the-record briefing Monday. “You may think you are starting a bush fire in the foreigner camp, but I can tell you that that fire will jump the fence in South Africa and eventually we will have a full blown race war on our hands.”

Being an intelligent white person in a country run by blacks has got to be a horrible and frustrating existence. This country continues to go downhill and is just a shell of the once great South Africa of apartheid and competence.

They had 1st world living conditions in many places and nuclear weapons. But it was all worth destroying for black "equality".

It wasn't their choice. The whites in America and Europe demanded it be done.

At the rate we (America) are headed, this is our future.

In some ways depending on where you live it is already here for many.

LittleDixie #elitist #pratt #racist #wingnut forum.literotica.com

"Black Culture" is sabotage

Take a moment and think of what success looks like.

Do you picture drugs, guns and promiscuity? Is the most important thing in a successful life violence or the potential for it? Is it joblessness? Is it flamboyantly spending money on booze, drugs and hedonism? Is it a flashy car or expensive jewelry? Is it a long record of sexual conquests? Do you imagine any of that is a template for success?

Black people were sold an identity - that of the gangster. A vast cultural movement was pushed on black people, a movement based off of honor culture (violence), criminality and poor life choices. If you look at "black culture" with an honest eye, you'll see that it is a template for failure, poor health, broken families and poverty. Added on top of this is the victimhood mentality, which eliminates the possibility that anyone with it could recognize that their actions are the cause of their poor outcomes. It is almost like "black culture" is a psychological weapon against all black people, and it has done more damage to them anything else.

Yes, we deserve better than to have people like you being racists. None of us asked for that, nor did we ask for you to intentionally attack our people. Repeatedly and with great precision. Even the ideals that you pretend to cling to have been denied to us.

I used to care when people called me racist. But, it's so ubiquitous whenever I talk to people on the Left, I find it hard to take seriously anymore. Believe what you want, I'm not going to play your stupid game.

"Black culture" is cancer. And to be clear, I don't mean that anything black people do is bad, but that a nucleus of very toxic attitudes has been socialized into black people. There's not much in "black culture" that will make anyone successful. It will just lead to more fatherlessness, crime, violence and poverty.

Can you find a cultural movement that is being sold to any other race that is as harmful and negative as the one being pushed on black people? Do you see a corollary in any other race?

Myron says other races laugh at blacks for victim mindset

Lance Welton #dunning-kruger #racist #sexist #wingnut unz.com

"Expect More Hysterical Screeching"—Leftists Can’t Help Being Self-Destructive (Which Is Good!)

The ROE vs WADE reversal ructions seem a good moment to point out that, during the crazy debate over the confirmation of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, when females seemed to have false memories of him raping them and exposing himself to them while he was a student at Yale, I commented "The Democratic Party Has Tipped, To Minorities, Women, Gays—Expect More Kavanaugh-Type Hysteria in the Future."

Specifically, I noted research shows women are considerably higher in mental instability (“Neuroticism”), and This, after all, is basically just a means via which they can express their feelings to each other and also alleviate a sense of guilt and social anxiety about their own “racism”, “white privilege”, or whatever they’ve bee told to feel guilty about.

As they take over society, and especially as they take over “caring” professions—such as teaching, medicine, non-profits and Woke activism—this can have serious, and self-destructive, consequences.

These women argued that “certain staff members had been tokenized, promoted, and then demoted on the basis of race.” There was an investigation and it found that the complaints were entirely unfounded. They just hated the supervisor.

So why did they make anonymous complaints? Women are physically weaker and fear open conflict or openly playing for status. Thus, they will generally use covert means to bring down a rival for status: whispering, bitching, spreading rumours about her being a slut or a show-off or making anonymous complaints.

White women, being higher in social anxiety than men or black women (see Race, Evolution, and Behavior, by J. Philippe Rushton) will be higher in extrinsic religiousness; competitive outward religious conformity—in this case to the Cult of Woke.

So, there may be some kind of silver lining to increasing female dominance of Woke organizations.

It means bickering, illogical decisions, time-wasting, and their being ground to a standstill.

And then of course there’s flat-out Black Lives Matter theft.

Various Commenters #wingnut #fundie #racist gab.com

Good morning. America is still here and Jesus is still on the throne. Thousands of babies have already been saved since the overturning of Roe. 🙏

@wendyrogersaz Thousands more are being killed and maimed by vaccines. The ones peole actually want.

@wendyrogersaz thousands of nigger babies and other shitskins. Whites had the least number of abortions. So now we'll be overrun by every third world shitskin.

@wendyrogersaz Millions are still part of the genocide. Our neighbor is killing babies one by one and it is our fault for not trying to stop it. Blue states are not part of humanity, much less part of America. Our ancestors just two generations ago would have gone over there and put a stop to the genocide.
Instead we have walked away from “the hill we will die on” just because the feds decided to throw us a bone…

@wendyrogersaz true. But why have you gone silent on the election fraud?! You made a bunch of noise about it to gain popularity for yourself, then done. That would make you a fake as well. That's too bad!

Here in reality, we Americans are wondering why you maga rinos can't Name the Jew?

The Jews in the nations highest offices Name the White...like every 5 seconds, non-stop. Bullshit lies from a fraudulent FBI's bullshit statistics.

If your constituents want their bodies busted up for their ticket to paradise, then stick around...the Jesus scenario is about to happen to them.

@wendyrogersaz gas the jews


Wendy what do you think about the Jews and abortion being a religious right to them?

I bet you will never say the words White or jew

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #racist #wingnut #homophobia 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "Happy Dominion Day"]

It's Dominion Day again, the day that we celebrate the British for coming to this basically empty continent, ending the savage practices on the land which had uniquely been unchanged since the Ice Age, conquering the despicable French who thought having a decent wine selection made them a legitimate culture, and creating the bountiful lands we see before us

I know, I know, a useless tit of a Liberal renamed it Canada Day and as you'll recall from last week more useless tits with Liberal memberships in their fellow poofter's asses want to rename it yet again

As always though we stand ready to celebrate our great British Colony and everything it achieved (and mourning the few things it failed)

Danish Anon #dunning-kruger #elitist #racist #wingnut boards.4chan.org


“the bottom girl is Korean not Japanese”

And the white girl is from where? Were her ancestors even in the US when slavery was still allowed? Literally proving the point of the image. Half of white ethnics in the US like poles and Slavs weren’t even in the country when slavery was happening, but they get the guilt trip anyway.

They dont Care. If you look like whatever they imagine any european to look like you get blamed for whatever a similar looking person or people in history did. They Will blame a lightskinned arab or italian for slave ownership in africa unless they are told its not a fucking British American.

American idiots do not believe there is such a thing as different europeans either, we are all the same to them. I have literally been told by americans that germans are not a particular people but simply a country. And if i dare say that a spaniard and a german are not exactly the same, but are different groups who are both fine and everything, then i am guilty of nazism and oh i am saying aryans and oh this leads to ww3.

See you Think americans are just pretending to be retarded to fuck with you or something, no they mean it haha.

It’s funny because if koreans and japanese were invading eachother, these redditors would be scolding whoever was invaded and saying they are identical. Face it reddit, the only reason you even bothered to look up which asian type the Girl was was to have a gotcha on the meme because the content annoyed you.

You dont Care what type of asian anyone is. Same with africans, these redditors do not Care what type of african you are. They dont Care what type of european you are, you all identical and replaceable with any other.

This racial indifference is almost worse than hating a particular people, because eventhough that is horrible and should be prevented, atleast you acknowledge they exist and are a particular people!

So, with all due respect. please NEVER consult an american about ANYTHING about race, history or politics. They don't know what they are talking about.

James Fullord #fundie #conspiracy #crackpot #racist #dunning-kruger archive.ph

“First they came for”— in the classic formulation—all the symbols of specifically Southern Heritage, flags, statues, cemeteries, street names, college names, the names of U.S. Army forts, everything like that.

At the same time, Anti-Americans were also attacking George Washington (white Southerner, slaveowner) Jefferson (ditto, plus the lie about Sally Hemings) and, in the frenzy after the death of George Floyd, even Abraham Lincoln’s statues were being overturned and burned.

Blacks have long considered themselves a separate anti-Nation—“Lift Every Voice And Sing,” the so-called Black National Anthem, has been around so long, its original nickname was the “Negro National Anthem.” It’s actually a Christian hymn, and as such would be banned from public performance at schools, commencement ceremonies, and football games—if the Christophobic laws against hymns, prayers, or Christmas carols were enforced against blacks.

Blacks have also now got their own Black Independence Day—“Juneteenth,” now as prominent a national holiday as Martin Luther King’s Birthday is and as George Washington’s Birthday…isn’t. (We’re supposed to call it “Presidents Day.”)

Marjorie Taylor Greene & Various Commenters #wingnut #racist #transphobia gab.com

(Marjorie Greene)

spoilerNow more than ever, we must pray each day to END abortion in America

@RealMarjorieGreene yes, end abortion for all Whites.

@Myscorepower @RealMarjorieGreene So many beautiful black babies are gonna be saved now. Thanks, Clarance. ❤

@GroyperExterminator my daughter is 5. I tell her almost every day if she ever befriends a nigger I will shoot him in the face.

@Myscorepower and hopefully she will be disinherited.

@RealMarjorieGreene A few decades ago if a man beat a woman so badly that caused the death of her baby he was charged with murder. Now a mother can murder her baby and they call it abortion and it's not a crime I believe that All women who have an abortion must be charged with murder.

@RealMarjorieGreene Abortion ends when mothers love their children, fathers stand by their family, and *the only act that causes a new human life* is not treated as a weekend party game.

@RealMarjorieGreene I concur, MTG!

We also need to pray that parents open their eyes to the big lie and stop bringing their children in to have them injected with poison! Or soon they won't even need abortion to help with population control. Everyone will be sterile.


@CondorDM @RealMarjorieGreene You're definitely going after the wrong people. What's delusional is The Left Transgendering children and minors. While you spew "Christians you do not own America", "secular nation" and "theocracy" The LGBTQ, with their Gender Fluid/Neutral Ideological madness, is taking control of this country from right under your noses. We have bigger fish to fry here. Focus! We cannot allow The Left to eliminate the Gender Binary. Because without that, people of traditional morals and beliefs pertaining Marriage, Family and Gender/Sex cannot exist.

Henry de Lesquen #racist #conspiracy #wingnut lesquen.fr

[Translated from "La discrimination est un droit de l’homme" - "Discrimination is human right"]

We already were banned to discriminate on nationality, religion, race, ethnicity, "sexual orientation", etc. Now the 19th discrimination: we aren't allowed to consider domicile. The State want to hunt down our guilty thoughts[…]
Freedom, discrimination[…] are succesive modalities of a single phenomenon, by which an individual exerces his will. "Discriminate"[…]means distinguish between things or people[…]
Everything started on 1972, with the Pleven Act, punishing "racist" acts or opinions. Antiracism was the matrix of the legal delirium[…]
The state has no right to decide instead of us what's good for us or to prevent us from doing what we deem just. A landlord shall be entitled to choose a renter by his own criterium, and, if he prefer a Black to a White, or the reverse, then it's up to him. A hirer should be able to freely hire whoever he wants and no one shall enjoin him to use religion, sex, ethnicity, religion or race, if he deems it fitting his business's interest

At this point, we are worried. In their futor, anti-discrimination fanatics could have the impudence to attack some of the most prestigious institution of the Republic[…]The proportion of Jews in the Rothschild Bank was higher than their proportion in the French population. Thus, they discriminate in favor of Jews. By principle freedom-loving, we think no one should attack the unalienable right of this bank to prefer Jews to Catholics. Freedom for the Rothschild Bank![…]If we were to ban Rothschilds from discriminating, some wouldn't miss to denounce this ingerence as persecution[…]
This imaginary scenario is evidence of how absurd and illegitimate is the anti-discrimination legislation[…]Justice being universal, discrimination shouldn't be only a right for the Jewish man, it also should be a right for the common man

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