
Like homophobia, but for transgender people

Areo the Alchoholic Bat #transphobia #conspiracy transphobiaisavirtue.wordpress.com

To the left (and more especially, Taylor Lorenz), Libs of TikTok was run by a horrible, evil woman who caused many poor, innocent queer people to lose their jobs, so she herself deserves to be doxxed, and her family members deserve to be harassed.

I challenge anyone to name me a single person that she “canceled” that didn’t deserve it in some way. I also challenge anyone to name a single person she actually doxxed.

{archived link: https://archive.ph/scrgx}

Jarrin Jackson #fundie #transphobia rumble.com

[in response to this Reddit post from a father seeking advice on how to help his transgender daughter]

Genesis 1 [says] God made man in his image, male and female, he created them. God’s categories are good categories. God’s plan is a good plan. It’s a good order. Most of what we see today is a rejection of God’s order. Most of what we see today are people seeing what God has made and choosing to reject it and deny it and destroy it and to molest it.

That father, I believe, is criminally responsible for manipulating and grooming his daughter. It’s his son, by the way. It’s not a daughter. That father was criminally negligent to his son because that father has not built his worldview on truth. The son is suicidal. The son is messed up physically, chemically, emotionally, relationally, truthfully.

It’s not ‘bottom surgery,’ it’s mutilation. You’ve Islamicized your genitals. You’ve Islamicized yourself. Muslims do genital mutilation for women that have sex or commit adultery. That’s what Muslims do. You are Islamicizing your genitals.

Babylon Bee #transphobia #wingnut #dunning-kruger babylonbee.com

Dungeons And Dragons Introduces New 100-Sided Die For Determining Your Character's Gender
RENTON, WA—In a bold move for inclusivity, Wizards of the Coast announced today that all copies of the Dungeons & Dragons starter set will include a special D100 for determining your character's gender.

"Not sure if your Half-Orc Paladin is a demiboy or agender? Just roll this handy new die," said a WOTC rep. "It makes character creation fast, fun, and streamlined. And don't worry -- if you don't like your gender, just roll it again, no questions asked. In fact, you can do that at any point during the game without even consulting your DM. Change at any time."

"See, when you're playing a game that was designed for players to go raid dungeons, get loot, and kill dragons, the important thing is that you spend 14 hours trying to determine your character's sexuality, gender, sex, and political positions," he continued. "That's what made this hobby so popular: screeching leftists on Tumblr, and we have to cater to these hardcore fans."

A revised copy of the Player Handbook contains rules for using the die. All players must select one of the hundred genders upon creating their character. "Men" and "women" are, of course, not included out of sensitivity to non-binary folk. Any PC that refers to another PC as the wrong gender will instantly be killed by a falling meteor. Then, the player controlling that character is subject to cancelation in the real world.

Wizards also confirmed that the sixth edition of Dungeons & Dragons will include a D1000 for selecting your character's pronouns.

TheEndGame #transphobia arstechnica.com

(Context is an article about Rockstar removing characters that were giant trans stereotypes. Linked to a post quoting the post in question, as it’s been downvoted enough that you must be logged in to see it)

The opposite is true too though, why would it be a concern when some tiny jokes are removed in a world of jokes?

Times change, the original release of the game is more than 8 years ago, a stale set of jokes that are considered much worse by today's standards got removed, so? They didn't do this for the press or there would have been a release, they didn't do this because they were being pilloried for it, there's no boycott or rally preventing this likely top selling game from not including it.

Times change because people want a voice because their parents didn't give them enough attention. Things that have no effect on their lives they must "stand up" for. I laugh at those activists.

Kylee Zempel #wingnut #biphobia #transphobia #homophobia thefederalist.com

Weirdos Who Want To Sexualize Your Children Should Absolutely Be Stigmatized As Groomers

Are we really quibbling over whether ‘groomers’ is an OK word to refer to people who delight in sexualizing kids and hiding it from parents?

What does it say about the pathetic state of the political right that instead of spending our energy advancing the ideas and institutions that promote human flourishing, we’re quibbling over whether “groomers” is the right word to refer to people who delight in sexualizing other people’s kids and hiding it from their parents?

The ranks of progressives and unmistakably pro-LGBT media — who spend their days throwing around insulting hyperbole like “Nazi,” “fascist,” and “silence is violence” — are being joined by so-called conservatives who’ve taken it upon themselves to lecture those to the right of them that ackshuuully it’s not appropriate to call the kids’ entertainment creators and state-sanctioned educators who insist on sexually indoctrinating 5-year-olds “groomers.”

It’s absolutely absurd. Conservatives aren’t abandoning their principles by abandoning needless throat-clearing about teachers’ alleged good faith and the left’s intentions.

We all know the left’s intentions because they’ve made them perfectly clear. The most recent go-around started with them maliciously branding a bill protecting parents’ rights — which are an absolutely necessity for societal survival — as a bill that banned mention of the word “gay” in schools. It was a lie; the legislation seeks to keep leftist dogmas about gender identity and sexual orientation away from 5-9-year-old kids.

When the left lost and the bill got signed into law, furious executives at Florida-based Disney began ranting about their quests to inject sexual deviancy into children’s entertainment.

In a video call leaked to investigative journalist Christopher Rufo, Disney executive Latoya Raveneau bragged about her “not-at-all-secret gay agenda” and attempts at “adding queerness” wherever she could in kids’ shows. Another employee talked openly about his attempts to “explor[e] queer stories” and introduce enough “gender non-conforming characters.” There was more where that came from.


Various Commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Titty skittles WILL make you a softer, fluffier lesbian.

( ProxyMusic )
Ugh, the idea that men imitating/impersonating women = intimacy and closeness with women is such AGP thinking. Men believing that taking exogenous E - and getting "gender euphoric" from how soft, fluffy, and butterfly-like they feel - makes them somehow "connect with" and become "more intimate with" women reminds me of Buffalo Bill making his "woman suit" in "The Silence of The Lambs." Wearing women's skin to "connect with" them and become "more intimate" with them. Blech.

( TheLastUBender )
I don't know why this is so much creepier than regular male attraction to women, but this skin walker shit is upsetting. They single white female the women in their lives.

( Hollyhock )
While straight male attraction can certainly include objectification of women, this is a pathological obsession w/ themselves - they are narcissists using us as suits. Also, straight male attraction can include real intimacy and closeness - I'm sure an AGP has no ability to experience that - ever, which is why they don't date each other.

( lucrecia )
Where are these warm fluffy feelings for women who disagree with them?

( Samster )
Right? When they're turned down by a lesbian, do they have "warm, fluffy feelings" or do they immediately threaten her with rape?

Various Commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

This is the level of stupidity we are dealing with 😶


( legopants )
Then what makes you trans? What could it possibly be if not based on gender stereotypes and roles? You can't know what it "feels" like to be a man or woman biologically when you're not. there's not a single trans person alive I've asked how they knew that doesn't start wih "as a kid, I liked playing with (sterotypes) instead of (sterotypes)" LMFAO

THE ENTIRE DIAGNOSIS PROCESS is a form asking which gender sterotypes you more relate too for fucks sake LOL

( OwnLyingEyes )
As though the moment a child expresses a HINT of gender nonconformity, these ghouls aren't tripping over each other to start insinuating that he/she should be placed on blockers. As though that isn't EXACTLY the criteria that Tavistock used to approve "treatment."

( TheQuantumBoson )
This is DARVO, plain and simple. They're denying that they think a little boy who wants to wear a dress needs to be transed (which they do think), they go on to attack Rowling as "representing hate and ignorance", and then blame her for doing exactly what they're doing.

( RumHam )
I really just can't with the gaslighting. Lol We don't say that! No trans person thinks this way! Go look at literally any of their subs. They're obsessed with stereotypes and clothing, and anyone who's the slightest bit gnc gets called an egg.

( Riothamus )
Anyone who's willing to lie about something as blatantly obvious as their sex will lie about ANYTHING and EVERYTHING whenever it suits their purposes. We cannot expect any honesty or consistency from these people.

Carina Benton #wingnut #fundie #homophobia #transphobia thefederalist.com

The Left Unmasks Its Desire To Destroy Families — And The Nation — With Sexual Chaos
(continued from https://fstdt.com/VSPRF3RQRDST )

With Your Eyes Clear, Stand Up and Fight
Resisting the soul-destroying lies being force-fed to innocent children means supporting candidates who fear God more than some punk journalist, and who are bold enough, DeSantis style, to stand up to the Marxist schemers waging this cultural revolution. The politically suicidal Republicans and moderate Democrats flirting with the idea of supporting a historically unpopular Biden administration’s pedo-lenient Supreme Court pick might want to simultaneously start researching their post-political career options.

Most importantly, we must return to Christ. He is the only remedy for the sickness and squalor rotting this country from within. So read the Bible, pray, catechize your children, go to church, and yank your kids out of the rainbow-parading, gender expansive-promoting indoctrination camps posing as schools.

Every communist who has ever haunted the earth understands that to control society, you must control the family. They ironically possess a deeper, albeit disordered, appreciation of the mustard seed principle than do many Christians.

The nuclear family, the smallest societal unit, has the potential for the most profound cultural influence. As Pope Leo XIII explained, family life is “the cornerstone of all society and government.” It’s time to reinvigorate our Judeo-Christian heritage and start using the Marxists’ tactics against them.

Funny Valentine #transphobia kiwifarms.net

WinchesterWhiskey said:
Roget/Harmony got bottom surgery.

@Punished “Venom” pH make sure to keep the wound clean! Sepsis and gangrene can kill!
@Punished “Venom” pH Congrats on the surgery! Hope it doesn't get moldy anytime soon. ;)

Alan Page #transphobia #biphobia #interphobia #conspiracy #pratt youtube.com

(Context: the comments under a viral video about oral sex with trans men for gay guys is full of harassment and/or fundies such as this)

This is what seperates the L & G from the rest of the alphabet soup. L&Gs fought for domestic rights like marriage, partner inheritance rights, workplace rights etc. Qu--r anarchism fights for an unlimited age of consent free pansexualised eden and regards so called "monosexuals" as ignorant untermenschen for not wanting to do wild exotic things like buggering horses or f-sting seven year olds. Qu--r theorist Guy Hocquenghem in his "Screwball Asses" gives the game away by talking about how so called gay "nationalists" will probably end up protesting that their rights to self-identify as such will be swept away by this great revolutionary wave. He also says that by making frequent usage of the term "intersex" (irrespective of the reality of the medical condition it supposedly describes) will help to shatter the concept of a strict binary and allow for this brave new world to take over. This has been a part of the "Q" philosophy from the very start (alongside age of consent abolition of course).

Dracoclaw #transphobia archive.ph

I am so done with TIMs in video games.
I know that's a place where they most often hang around, and especially playing in a seemingly far left leaning environment it's just something you gotta learn to deal with.
And despite having my chat turned off, I lack the self control to really not check it when they're around (it's completely invisible unless I press enter). Conversations about their girl dicks, girl nuts and how they wanna suck each other off, because that's what lesbians do. UwU It's a real girl moment! Teeheehee >///<
Just today there was a TIM talking for what seemed to be during pretty much my whole session (nothing new, they always do that). At some point someone asked whether he was trans and he excitedly exclaimed "Despite having she/her pronouns in my name you didn't assume so from the beginning? There is hope!". Immediately a few based gamers went against him by claiming that "it's obvious" and "couldn't you tell? he's craving attention". So there is no hope for him, lol. They stick out like sore thumbs and are completely oblivious.
Eventually, the conversation stirred towards trans kids and detransitioners, during which he seemed to have gotten pretty upset, especially at the exclamation that his idea of detransitioners being less than 1% is completely delusional. I was trying to ignore the conversation and eventually left the server in hopes to preserve my own sanity, but I am glad that the rest weren't going along with his bullshit. They have peaked.
I have not said anything during that exchange, because I don't think politics have a place in games. I really, really think that, and it's the only reason why I haven't put #IstandWithJKRowling in my gamer tag lol. It is SO tempting with the amount of TIMs I encounter though. Can you imagine: a bunch of women gamers turning up with these tags in places like that! It sounds like a wet dream.
I am so, so, so tired of them. I can't even pretend to be neutral anymore; I DESPISE them. I hate that whenever they're around, the conversation turns towards transness. Lesbians. Furries. Dicks! If nothing else, mindless spamming on their keyboards. How do we not let it GET to us?
Sigh. Thank you for listening to my rant. I think I will go meditate now to ease my mind. ಠ_ಠ

hmimperialtortie & TheQuantumBoson #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Wikipedia censors list of trans-identified serial killers

( hmimperialtortie )
They’ll probably put them back as “female serial killers” soon.

( TheQuantumBoson )
I know, and then the MRAs will be all over it for their anti-feminist propaganda 🙄. Trans ideology is one of patriarchy's deadliest tools.

( hmimperialtortie )
TRAs are the more successful iteration of MRAs.

Califasauros & bellatrixbells #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: I had no idea how badly transwomen were treated until I started getting mistaken for a trans woman. [41k upvotes on TwoXChrosomes]

( Califasauros )
Read the title and pondered a bit. Wonder how people would treat a white person in public who wore traditional black face and performed black racist tropes. Probably, today, not well in many places in the U.S. That's outside of acceptable behavior.

And, yet many of us here have encountered at least one female-identifying male wearing woman face...the tilting head, the giggles, the flipping of the hair, the bad makeup, the bad wig...while performing sexist, misogynist tropes.

What is the proper response of a black person in encountering a white person wearing such black face...behaving that way?

What is the proper response of a woman in encountering a female-identifying male wearing such woman face...behaving that way?

Should black people be called "mean" for not treating such white people with respect?

Should women be called "mean" for not treating such female-identifying males with respect?

( bellatrixbells )
I think the fact that one is called acceptable and not the other says a lot about society, including the way plenty of black women react to this comparison being made.

A great deal of people seem to think blackface is way worse, and I obviously understand that what we call womanface doesn't have a comparable history to minstrel shows, although some argue that drag shows are comparable.

I also understand that a lot of black people are tired of always being used as a point of comparison, but that doesn't mean some comparisons are not apt.

And this one is, in my opinion. I mean, these men are taking stereotypical characteristics of our bodies and trying to recreat them in an attempt to pass for one of us, while acting out stereotypical, offensive character traits like come on !

Jerry Derecha/DarknessIsFalling #crackpot #conspiracy #racist #fundie #magick #transphobia #wingnut adrenogate.net

The Yiddish Khazar Ashkenazi(the Ashkenazic peoples might not have been Khazar after all) “Jews”, originally the Phoenicians/Babylonians/Canaanites/The Pharisees, ARE in fact disgusting inbred criminals who represent a small but distinguished and very noticeable minority of parasite world influence. HOWEVER, the most powerful of all the dark force-empowered secret societies and age old political, religious or military establishments on this clown world of a planet is BY FAR The Holy See(The Vatican, The Papalcy, The Roman Catholic Church). All roads lead to Rome and always have.
In this video i want to take a last look at genetic Trans-Humanism, a subject that ties in with the Mark Of The Beast and attempt to pull the strings together. Satanic Trans-humanism, Trans-genderism and Transformation are ALL linked to form the Post Human condition. They can’t be separated. They are ALL attempts by MAN to bypass or subvert God’s methodology for salvation in order to SAVE themselves. In fact it is the ATTEMPT by man TO BECOME ONE WITH CREATION rather than the CREATOR! God and his Intelligent Design gets factored out in favour of Spontaneous Generation of all Life and Evolution. Once again it is the godless belief that Something can emanate from Nothing.
This is a total abrogation of the Creation reality we experience and a blasphemy of the truth. This is what drives the Jesuit UN Agenda 21 for Global Sustainability. It’s nothing less than the worship of CREATION. Did you know that the automatic Structuring designed by God into Nature such as the initial hexagonal phase in DNA formation is being replicated by the Jesuit science Cabal in nano technology with the Self Assembly of carbon nano tubes comprised of a similar arrangement of materials? That’s right. It’s ALL in the INJECTIONS! Satan is re-engineering ORGANIC mankind and TRANSFORMING it; even REPLACING it with a Bio-SYNTHETIC mankind using nano technology.

Hunter Wallace #wingnut #racist #transphobia occidentaldissent.com

[From "Compact: Why Le Pen Surged – and Zemmour Flopped"]

Here in the United States, we are facing the same problem[…]Populist and nationalist voters tend to be working class and middle class voters in small towns and rural areas. Those of us who live in the countryside tend to have traditional values

Who supports antiracism, “trans,” cosmopolitanism and the Great Replacement? It tends to be White upper middle class voters with college degrees, especially single women, who are PMCs who live in dense urban areas. These people are the social base of woke progressivism[…]
White identity is great and worth championing. It is a bit idealistic though and the reality of it is strongly affected by class and religious divisions. As you can see through a glance at Twitter, styling yourself as an “antiracist” or a supporter of “trans rights” is mainly about signaling social class

Compact Mag

If united, the right could easily be the most powerful electoral force in France[…]mostly bourgeois and centrist Les Républicains (LR) and the more working class and nationalist Rassemblement National (RN), led by Maréchal’s aunt, Marine Le Pen

Maréchal argued that a nationalist agenda could transcend class divisions. The right would have to remain uncompromising on immigration and national identity but permit enough economic liberalism to satisfy the conservative bourgeoisie[…]

Valérie Pécresse was the first loser to endorse Macron

This is hilarious

Imagine the horror of affordable gas prices and taxes on the wealthy[…]
This was on my mind last night when I saw that Paris had finally reported and Marine Le Pen had won a whopping 5% of the vote there. Le Pen’s base are rural voters, the south of France and the deindustrialized northeast. They are the Trump voters of France

Various Commenteers #transphobia ovarit.com

“Educate guests on their discomfort”

I started a new job at a gym, and today was watching and going threw orientation videos and pdfs, when of course, gender diversity policy comes up, and of course, TIMs are allowed to use women’s restrooms/showers/locker rooms and TIFs in male’s (though we have a separate gender neutral area). Tells us we have to refer to said guests with their preferred pronouns, etc.

The biggest red flags from this whole field of red flags, was: 1) There is a policy in which if we have a reasonable suspicion that they are lying about their “self identification which is a sincere belief”, and if we need to investigate they can provide proof of their gender identity with ya know, ID, certification, letter from a therapist… oh yeah and if you don’t want to use those things you could also use a letter from a friend or family member. 2) If a guest feels uncomfortable with using the same facilities as a TIP that we do not prohibit said TIP from using their “preferred facilities,” and we should educate the uncomfortable guest on why they feel that way

God forbid we empathize with women who don’t want to see a penis in the fucking shower area. Christ alive I’m tired of woke bullshit

( vulvapeople )
TRAs are incredibly hypocritical regarding "discomfort". They sneer at women's "discomfort" at having perverted men leer at us and expose themselves to us, but everything TRAs demand for themselves is entirely about alleviating (their completely baby-brained, manufactured) "discomfort".

( Radical_Phoenix )
"I am uncomfortable if I don't get everything that I want."

"Lol TERFs, I got the trump card!"

( Hermione )
Erhm… do they have a script or something to “educate” customers with? Because it doesn’t sound like “educating” someone on how to use machines, or times, or hours, or a lot to do with fitness.

I kind of doubt they do have a script, because there is nothing that can actually be said to make this a valid argument or just policy. They’re expecting to get sued, and if they have a standard message, then they are liable for that message. If they have something vague and fuzzy they can just fire the little guy and apologise.


Various Commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: TIMs mansplaining why it's okay for women to be afraid of strange men

( hmimperialtortie )
They are the ones I am wary of. Ordinary men I pass on a busy street or in a shopping centre (the only places I encounter them) don’t bother me in either sense of the term. TIMs? Thank goodness I haven’t encountered one in decades, because crossing to the other side of the street isn’t nearly far enough away from them.

( NO )
Ugh, lucky.. I encounter them on a monthly to weekly basis.

( hmimperialtortie )
Benefit of living in a poor working class suburb, I think.

( butchplease )
"If someone demands you do something with them that makes you uncomfortable, they are not intersected in your wants/needs/feelings. Them playing victim is an attempt to emotionally manipulate you into acting against your best interests." LMAOOOOOOO oh this is RICH coming from people who are trying to shove their penises at lesbians and children!

( OwnLyingEyes )
Funny how men are suddenly able to see male violence against women....when they think they're on the receiving end of it, too.

( Boudicaea )
The one from the 6'3" man who is "so lucky" to be tall was really too rich. He just could not believe men are this bad! Poor baby

( OwnLyingEyes )
My favorite thing is the dudes who admit that when men start being scary (such as a man with vision problems down an extremely pitch dark alley) they just drop their fake Kardashian falsettos and use their real voices and he leaves them alone, because they're telling on themselves that they don't actually believe they're in more danger of violence than women, that when confronted with an unknown man, they KNOW it's safer to "out" themselves as a man dressed as a woman than be mistaken for one.
It's also just...a lot of TIM complaints about how they're extra super oppressed is like watching a kid get a small boo-boo and start bawling (except I'm way less likely to be sympathetic here). They experience the tiniest taste of what actual women experience and think it's this all new special horrible oppression that only happens to TIMs...because they haven't been listening to women, they haven't been taking our accounts of what we experience seriously, because women's oppression is constantly minimized by men.[...]

Charlie Kirk #dunning-kruger #pratt #transphobia #fundie #wingnut mediamatters.org

Charlie Kirk blames trans people for inflation: “There's a direct connection to inflation and the trans issue”

So, one of the reasons why we take such a strong stance and opinion on the trans issue is it's an issue of reality. You do not get to determine your own reality. You do not get to suddenly say, I'm rich or I'm poor. No, we actually have to look at some evidence as to whether or not you're rich or poor. Now, some of those are relative terms - rich according to who? Rich according to what? I understand that. But relatively, some of the terms we use -- short, tall - you can't just make them up and say, oh wow, that person is taller than that person, that person is faster than that person, that person is stronger than that person.

And one of the reasons we've been so insistent against this idea you can change your gender, or change your sex, or change both of them, is that when you start to indulge in the belief that you could become whatever you want and reality is subjective, not objective, you're going to have ramifications that nobody anticipated or intended.

So, there's a direct connection to inflation and the trans issue. You say, Charlie, come on. They couldn't be further apart. No, they're exactly the same. They're the same in this aspect - when you believe that men can become women, why wouldn't you also believe that you could print wealth? If you believe that someone can change their gender, why wouldn't you also believe that money is wealth?

Now there are very simple laws of economics. Just like there's laws of nature. There's laws of physics, laws of thermodynamics, laws of biology.

We must to – we must live according to those laws. We believe there's a lawmaker and a designer and being Christians, we believe those laws were made to be followed for our flourishing and our prosperity. The law is a teacher. The law is a guide to how to properly live. You live in defiance to the law, you lie steal or cheat, you actually won't flourish. You'll be miserable. You'll be unhappy. You'll get further from god's wish for you. Now outside of the religious component of this, we also believe there are laws of economics. There are laws of economics just like there are laws of physics.

Various Commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

Bad journalism 101: Don't EVER say most/majority when referring to a group or opinion, ESPECIALLY on opinion pieces. Good job, LGBTQIA2+ nation.

( IrishTheFrenchie )
So Rowling isn't allowed to convey the beliefs of actual LGB's who have contacted her, but TRAs are allowed to speak for "most" or "all" members of that very same group who they haven't spoken to or asked what they think?

Got it.

( ArmedFemme )
It's just mansplaining in a different font.

( mathlover )
The "vast majority" of "lesbians" in the "LGBTQ community" aren't lesbians at all. They are heterosexual men or bi/straight women. It's fine to use most/majority when it's true.

( ArmedFemme )
Also, referring to "we've" as in the reader agrees or has seen your perspective is really bad. Like, lose your job bad. This shows how this was never journalism to begin with, it's an echo chamber of agreement between TRA's.

( IrishTheFrenchie )
I’m starting to realize that most of what we think is journalism is actually propaganda.

( KissMyOvaries )
(Many of) The lesbians who are supportive of the movement are the same lesbians who are not on the forefront. They are well settled into long term relationships and have not been pressured to have sex with a penis person who claims to be a woman. These are out of touch women who don’t know the truth of what’s happening. Source: this is what I see with older lesbians I personally know IRL.

Edit. And to clarify, none of these lesbians have overlapping social circles. I know them all in different contexts.

Various Commenters #dunning-kruger #homophobia #pratt #transphobia youtube.com

RE: The Right-Wing Backlash Has Arrived

(Dennis McFall)
Here’s the thing about this whole “this bill will be harmful for LGBTFJDIENEBDKDI students” argument: there are no LGBT-whatever 1st-, 2nd- or 3rd-graders. Period. Children at this age do not - and cannot - understand these topics. There simply are no LGBT students at this age. Any students of this age who claim to be within this category have already been groomed and are being told this is what they are.
Conclusion: the bill can’t have any effect on something that doesn’t exist.

(Golden Hate)
Which is why gender dysphoria was a mental disease as it affects kids under 10. Most common cause was on sibling of the opposite sex being treated differently or getting far more attention.

(Raphael de Moraes Fontella)
This isn't even the backlash yet.
This is just the wind pressure of the backlash mass burning in the atmosphere while crashing down in an extinction-level event.

Oh man i can hardly wait on the actual backlash. Disney has chosen a really bad hill to die on and with their groomers exposing themselves i think we are gonna see an extreme response to this

For a long time, I was okay with letting consenting adults do what they wanted as long as a) they didn't shove it in my face, and b) nobody was getting hurt. But there's probably a good reason why this behaviour was taboo in most cultures around the world up until the last 50 years. That abortion stat is just gross too. Especially when you consider how cheap and available contraception is. A cheeky w--k is also an option. Seems like everyday that passes, the more evidence mounts that the sexual revolution was just a bad idea, to put it mildly. Even at best it's just made everyone more miserable.

LightDragonman1 #dunning-kruger #transphobia kiwifarms.net

Also, I seriously can't look at the YMMV page for the franchise anymore without cringing, as it is filled to the brim with tropers gushing over how the whole thing is a trans allegory and how it always has been, along with claims that the Agents represent Transphobes, the Red Pill being like estradiol, and the Red Pill takers being those who realize that the world is wrong, and find a new role for themselves while discarding their society assigned roles, along with the fact that the first film was released on Trans Awareness Day.

Paul Dudley #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut #transphobia puretruth407214157.wordpress.com

We’ve seen throughout this series and throughout these blogs in general – I don’t think one has been untouched by the hidden hand of freemasonry – that freemasonry has had a hand in influencing every aspect of our lives. In Part I we saw how freemasons were involved in the flat Earth, ‘outer space’, ‘evolution’ and ‘dinosaur’ hoaxes designed to distance man from our creator. We also saw how freemasonry has infiltrated all religions and that the very idea of the Coexist movement is based on freemasonic doctrine of accepting people of any faith as long as they believe in a god. In Part II we saw how ‘celebrities’ are, in fact, nothing but freemasonic puppet actors performing roles to further the agenda of freemasonry – which is what the agenda of the New World Order is – using the freemasonic tactic of deception to divide, deceive and distract the uninitiated masses and keep them in the dark. We also saw in Part II that these ‘elites’ are all Elite Gender Inversions based on the belief that they descend from Lucifer the androgyne and they make themselves in its image. Again, this is based on the mystery religions that form the basis of freemasonic belief. In Parts III and IV we saw how the freemasonic controlled industries of health, science, education, banking and the law courts enslave us through deceit, division and distraction (the same old tactics).

Deception lies at the heart of freemasonry and this is why it is so bizarre to see the people following those freemasonic shill groups STILL following them over six months later and almost a whole year into this ‘Covid’ psyop. It is almost as cult-like as the David Icke and Donald Trump psyops and it is all because they refuse to learn the language of the enemy and cannot seem to understand basic things – it really is that simple.

Carina Benton #transphobia #wingnut thefederalist.com

The Left Unmasks Its Desire To Destroy Families — And The Nation — With Sexual Chaos
(continued from https://fstdt.com/LWR3CTH8C7T$3)

A Nationwide Trend
Brainwashing school-aged children as young as five into becoming transgender-affirming disruptors of the nuclear family is not just a thing happening out west in crazy California, Oregon, Colorado, and Washington State. In Virginia, Michigan, and Texas, parents have expressed disgust and outrage over sexually explicit materials in school libraries.

In Connecticut, eighth graders were given a foul school assignment asking them to share their sexual desires in the form of pizza toppings. A couple in Florida accused their 12-year-old daughter’s elementary school of covertly coaching her in gender confusion, which they believe led to her suicide attempt.

After last year’s gubernatorial election in Virginia, Democrat Terry McAuliffe learned the hard way that parents don’t want this trash for their kids. It turns out white suburban women don’t take kindly to school boards covering up the brutal rape of a 14-year-old girl by a “gender-fluid” student.

Then there’s the Wisconsin teacher who apparently used a link in her email signature block to redirect students to an LGBT resource site and sex toy shop, and the Missouri teacher charged with sending dozens of nude photos and videos of himself to students, including a girl under 15.

Against this stunning backdrop, the U.S. Senate is poised to confirm the catastrophic Biden administration’s Supreme Court nominee, a radical judge with a 25-year career history of leniency toward individuals convicted of possessing or distributing child pornography. The left-wing media was quick to normalize and defend this disturbing trend, while endeavoring to humanize the depraved pedophiles in question.

A recent op-ed in The Hill spelled out the horrific reality behind the euphemistic phrase “child pornography.” It is the recording of violent acts of torture committed against terrified, defenseless pre-pubescent children and even infants by adult men, and distributed for the sadistic pleasure of the sickos who consume it, perpetuating a fiendish and expanding industry.


Andrew Anglin #homophobia #transphobia dailystormer.cn

I’ve mostly remained uninterested in the Disney child tranny drama, as it is just a total waste of time. As I wrote yesterday, every urban elementary school in the country is pushing an agenda to transform small children into trannies and other variants of homosexuals. This is well documented.

All the Florida bill does is make it so teachers can’t indoctrinate children into homosexuality until fourth grade. On the first day of fourth grade – when a child is 9 years old – teachers in Florida can pass out dildos and teach kids how to ram them into their anuses, and instruct them on the bravery of cutting their dicks off. On the first day of fourth grade, the teacher can tell the children that if they want to become trannies without their parents’ knowledge, the teacher can help them begin the process in secret.

Gay LubeOil #psycho #sexist #wingnut #transphobia #homophobia wehuntedthemammoth.com

How to Use the Desperation of Ukrainian War Refugees to your Sexual Advantage.
(The whole thing is too long, here are some choice samples)
“Unlike American women, who on average weigh 170 pounds at 5 feet 4 inches, Ukrainian women still possess a modicum of self-respect and have not gorged themselves into grotesque proportions like barnyard hogs….

Another stark contrast is that Ukrainian women possess souls. American women power wash away all semblance of personality via hormonal birth control, antidepressants, recreational drugs and social media.”

“Finally, the most important difference between Ukrainian and American women is that the former are capable of providing you with healthy, viable offspring, while the latter will misappropriate your DNA and birth a transformer whose only life skill is genital self-mutilation and attaching itself to ceiling fans in creative ways.”

“Uncle Vladimir has given us a belated Christmas present: hot, young, fertile Ukrainian refugees. …

The devastation of Ukraine was purposefully engineered to flood the West with cheap, high-quality labor. So why not benefit from the situation by taking advantage of cheap, high-quality Ukrainian sexual labor?”

“When you’re defeated in war, someone else takes your women and passes on their superior genetics to them. When a simple Ukrainian man gets conned into joining Right Sektor and fighting on behalf of gay Aryan Rimjobs by a country that shall not be named his wives and daughters flee abroad and get drilled by foreigners. That’s just basic War Bride Theory. We the Red Pill didn’t create the situation nor do we have any power over it. What we can do however is take advantage of it with our penises. After all these Ukrainian vaginas have to get fucked by someone. Why not us?”

pornoddio #homophobia #transphobia #psycho blackpill.club

RE: Hey incel frauds that have one itis offydooffy.


Well if the homos cannot reproduce, then how comes they endured for millennia? I think homos CAN reproduce, a man can coom, a foid can take the coom. Some homos indeed do reproduce, and others don't. In this day and age, reproduction is done in multitude of ways. If china is known for labrats with human beings being used as testslaves, if eastern europe is known for child slavery and sexual trade, then america is the top place where to do artificial insemination. Womben already use cryobanks to freeze their eggs, then resuscitate them and buy chad sperm in banks. The homos can also buy a human carrier womb to do the thing, if they seriously wish to.

The point is that homos always existed and will exist even if you take all of the ones that openly display homosexuality, and you burn them alive. Even then, they will exist anyway.

And if you hope they would not exist, I tell you it's already over. Because homos evolved, now they are trannies. Tranny is a much more advanced genderbender than the homo. Trannydom established a new standard in transhumanist practices.

And even if you somehow manage to line up all the trannies and you acidify their faces, you will of course forget to deal with all the guys that work in tranny medical so called "science", because most of the people that promote violence tend to forget who caused it and who financed it. It's a classic, always the minions lose their life and the perpetrators prosper.

Massresistance #homophobia #transphobia #conspiracy archive.ph

Two of the most radical bills we’ve ever seen were introduced in the Hawaii legislature this past January. Quickly gaining momentum, both quietly passed in the House in early March. They needed to be stopped in the State Senate!

Bill HB 1697 would have required public schools to teach children that homosexuality, transgenderism, etc., are normal and positive behaviors. Schools must “destigmatize” and include “positive representations” of “lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer or questioning, intersex, asexual, other sexual orientation and gender identities.”

It would also have required the Hawaii Department of Education (DOE) to train teachers how to instruct children on LGBT topics.

Bill HB 2125 would have criminalized parents who complain to teachers or their School Board. Its intent was to silence parents who object to Critical Race Theory, graphic LGBT topics, Covid mask requirements for children, etc. It would have created a new criminal offense: “Harassment of an education worker” with punishments of fines and jail time.

It would have dovetailed with existing statutes to include “harassing or insulting electronic communications.” Thus, sending “insulting” emails to your School Board member (or posting criticisms on social media) could get a parent in legal trouble.

Steve Sailer #transphobia vdare.com

What little girl didn’t dream of growing up to be in Space Force?

Rather than March 31st, April 1st would be a more appropriate day.

In truth, there are two very different types of M-to-Fs, but almost nobody notices that.

There are the highly effeminate homosexual boys, the drag queens and the like. They tend to be of average IQ or lower IQ and fairly nonwhite. I assume there must be plenty of minor celebrities from this morph — e.g., influencers who move a lot of make-up or whatever — but I almost never hear about them because I’m not interested in the things they are interested in.

In contrasted, in logic-powered fields like computer programming, science fiction, special forces, economics, mathematics, etc., you see the occasional member of the other morph: what I call “ex-men,” mostly masculine and heterosexual guys with a transvestite fetish technically known as “autogynephilia.” Rather than be victims of bullies, these guys tend to be huge bullies themselves.

They tend to be above average to brilliant in IQ, white, often Jewish (but maybe not disproportionately to their high IQs), employed in highly male-minded jobs requiring a lot of logical thinking, and generally not nice. They tend to be science fiction fans.

I’ve had to deal with this kind of guy on two separate occasions in my life, and they were all unpleasant personalities, before and after they started wearing dresses. On the other hand, they were ridiculously smart, way smarter than me.

And that’s important because smart people really do have more influence over our culture than dumb people. The horrible problem that our culture is encouraging lots of teenaged girls to have themselves poisoned, mutilated, and sterilized because transgenderism is a fad has a lot to do with very bright ex-men articulating this bogus story. Maybe dad isn’t so sure about his daughter being actually his son, but then he hears Bruce Jenner or the Wachowskis articulating this line of reasoning and, well, maybe his wife and daughter son aren’t as crazy as they seem.

Of course, this Space Force Lt. Col. in a dress is a cliche ex-man, which you can see by reading carefully this Daily Beast article: he was a boy who was obsessed with Star Trek, so he got an engineering degree and grew up to be a guy with a wife and two kids.

Gregory Hood #dunning-kruger #racist #transphobia #wingnut amren.com

California ruled that blacks who can prove direct descent from slaves are eligible for reparations.

If our rulers impose a reparations program that expands beyond ADOS, blacks will guard the swag just as ferociously as Indian tribes that don’t want outsiders claiming free stuff — and who use Certificates of Degree of Indian Blood to keep them out. The surge in young whites claiming to be trans or some newly invented sexual variant may be their way of dodging the social and economic penalties of being heterosexual whites.

How should whites respond? First, malicious compliance. If there is a gap in these programs that allow anyone to apply for minority status, do so. Even a token one percent of non-white blood is enough. Be white in your heart, body and soul — and be whatever pays the most when you fill out paperwork. It makes more sense than Lia Thomas.

Do this in the most cynical and public way possible. Treat this racial blackmail with the scorn it deserves.

Second, recognize that the “racial reckoning” will only intensify as America becomes less white. Colorblindness is a vain hope; it’s already “racist.” It’s doubtful many civil rights protesters ever believed in it. Martin Luther King Jr. certainly didn’t.

Finally, it’s time to build a case for white reparations. Unlike ADOS, we are living with the collective harm being done to white people right now. We don’t need a mystical, arduous quest to go looking for harm. We can look out the car window at our cities. Black crime has ruined them and destroyed billions in capital. Whites spend millions every year to live far away from work. They waste their lives commuting to escape dangerous neighborhoods. Assemblyman Sawyer, we are the ones being disproportionately shot. Let us hear no complaints from America’s most coddled people who are entirely dependent on those they hate.

Robert Stacy McCain #transphobia theothermccain.com

{from 2016}

Riley Dennis accuses those who disagree with him/“her” of “reducing people to their genitals” — you’re guilty of an ignorant prejudice if you don’t want to date a “woman” with XY chromosomes and a penis, you see. Perhaps the best reply to such an accusation is, “So what?”

How is your “transphobic” prejudice different from, or worse than, Riley J. Dennis’s blatant prejudice against normal people? Riley J. Dennis is abnormal, and expects the rest of us to tolerate his/“her” preference for female clothing and effeminate mannerisms. Most of us do grant such tolerance, so long as these weirdos stay away from our children. If you want to live your life like an extra from the cast of The Rocky Horror Picture Show, you are free to move to San Francisco and let your freak flag fly. And I’ll keep my kids 2,500 miles away from San Francisco.

Under the First Amendment of the Constitution, I have the right to say that Riley J. Dennis is crazy, and I also have the right to tell you that Riley J. Dennis is a selfish liar, promoting a false concept of “discrimination” for his/“her” personal gain. Riley J. Dennis hopes to get rich selling “intersectional feminism” like Colonel Sanders got rich selling fried chicken. Feminism is being sold as a commodity, and these ideological vendors do not work for free. Riley J. Dennis claims to be an atheist, but he/“she” is in fact a fanatical member of a quasi-religious cult.



Various Commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: USAToday names "Rachel" Levine as one of it's Women of the Year

( YoureNotaClownfish )
I really want the entire list to be TIMs and maybe someone will actually peak.

An honestly, if "woman" now means feeling deeply identified with society's idea of womanhood, let them have it.

I am ready to just have a new word: Gynes, Ovanoids, I really don't care.

( OwnLyingEyes )
The issue is they immediately steal any new word created for us, because what they can't stand is us having any words to differentiate us; every boundary we put up must be obliterated. Remember seeing a TIM tantruming recently over how women are now using "AFAB" in things like personal ads searching for roommates, you know, HOW DARE THEY, THEY'RE STILL EXCLUDING ME AND REGROUPING ELSEWHERE AND I'M STILL NOT INVITED RARRGH.

That, and all of our legal rights and protections and such written into law are stored behind the word "woman;" which up until recently meant "adult human female" without confusion; I don't relish having to fight for those same things year after year under whatever the word of the day is for us.

( Iridescence )
Yeah, exactly. They say they're not erasing sex, but every time anybody tries to acknowledge it, it's eXcLuSioN.

( bellatrixbells )
Not to mention that it will be impossible to recognize women a few years from now when people read texts and news articles of our days. How many words would there be to know ?

I bet they probably even whine that they're not being called foids by incels.

Various Commenters #homophobia #biphobia #transphobia blackpill.club

1 in 5 of Gen Z Weimericans indentify as LGBTP

State of US in year 2022 is that one in 5 of gen z are indentify as LGBT.It says most are indentyfing as Bisexuals and i am pretty sure most of those are foids describing themselves as lesbians teehee when in reality they are chadsexuals


As someone who works in public I can tell you that it's closer to 50%.

Time to for the missiles. 50% of the current youth means in 20 years the hetero will be the minority


Time to for the missiles. 50% of the current youth means in 20 years the hetero will be the minority

Things are so bad now that I see dudes that look completely normal carrying purses, so there's more fags out there than what you realize.


Things are so bad now that I see dudes that look completely normal carrying purses, so there's more fags out there than what you realize.

The more LGBT advances the more disturbing it becomes.
Where I live there's talks of allowing gays to marry 😬
This world needs to be wiped

We're not even talking about the amount of men that are hiding their degenerate feelings.

Carina Benton #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia #fundie thefederalist.com

The Left Unmasks Its Desire To Destroy Families — And The Nation — With Sexual Chaos

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis once again led the way in protecting parental rights in education last week when he signed into law a bill that prohibits age-inappropriate “classroom instruction” on “sexual orientation and gender identity” in kindergarten through third grade. The legislation also requires parental consent for any health care services offered at school, and school districts “may not prohibit or discourage parental notification of or involvement in critical decisions affecting a student’s mental, emotional, or physical health or well-being.”

Contrary to the fear-mongering, there is nothing “controversial” about this law. Yet it certainly does throw a spanner in the works for the radicals, neurotics, and degenerates in control of corporate America, the establishment media, and Hollywood, who are evidently on board with schools serving as platforms for perverts, predators, and groomers.

The obscene obsession with hypersexualizing children that exploded about two years ago needs to be understood in the context of the left’s wider agenda to promote moral relativism and sexual deviance, a campaign they have been gaslighting Americans into accepting as “progressive.” Decades ago, Marxists ditched class warfare and economics in favor of sexual politics and culture as a vehicle for executing revolution. Ever since, they have been shrewdly redefining marriage, family, sexuality, and gender, to the point where “tolerance” and “diversity” now means foisting porn, perversion, and predators on our families. Those who won’t stand for it are cunningly condemned as bigots.

Although the tactics have changed, the underlying objective is no different from the philosophy of their ideological forebears in Communist hellholes like the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe: the fundamental transformation of society by co-opting and perverting the nuclear family, the most influential societal unit, and the bedrock of Judeo-Christian values.


Alter Ego #transphobia kiwifarms.net

Ἥλιος said:
Speaking of Kris, the hole shtick of using "they/them" pronouns on him is idiotic. His design is clearly masculine, but of course Toby Fox wanting to pander to/being part of the tumblrite community makes him "non-binary" or whatever.
Gru said:
That's exactly how it was done in Chapter 1, everybody just referred to Kris as, well, Kris, and it didn't throw me out of any of the scenes because the game wasn't trying to force anything down my throat.

But now Chapter 2 comes in and is trying to force the nonbinary they shit down my throat and it takes me out of all the scenes, like you said. Thankfully from what I know of Chapter 1 the lang.json files the game's script was in were just in a folder without having to check through the .exe's files itself. It's probably the same with Chapter 2 unless Toby did some bullshit there so it'll probably be easy for somebody to just mod the game with some text edits to go back to the Chapter 1 format of writing around Kris.
I detest the "non-binary" fad (maybe even more so than standard trannies) and have no doubt that Toby's in the woke cult that propagates it, but the impression I have is that Kris' is just an innocent repeat of Frisk's concept from 2015: a player-character made simplistically androgynous for both male and female players to project onto, meaning that you'll always be correct whether you say the character is a boy or a girl. While it's true that Kris does appear to be more masculine than Frisk, there's still enough ambiguity, especially next to Susie who we would've absolutely interpreted to be a boy if her name wasn't fuckin' Susie. So far, it seems to me that there's been just as much restraint in calling Kris singular "they" as there was for Frisk, although dialogue could've been written to avoid pronouns altogether.

On the other hand, I do realize that the major difference between the games' protagonists is that Kris is established immediately to be divorced from the player with a backstory and set name used repeatedly while the player is meant to believe in being Frisk.

On another note now that I've played Chapter 2 myself, I really wish Ralsei kept the hat. Same goes for Susie's hair to a lesser extent.

Jim #transphobia #sexist #fundie blog.reaction.la

[From "The trans cult"]

First they overlook evil, then they permit evil, then they legalize evil, then they promote evil, then they celebrate evil, then they persecute anyone who still calls it evil

You pretended they were your equal, only to be promptly informed that they were your superior[…]
We feel helpless, we have no authority to call evil evil when the state calls it good[…]Even though my faith is less than a mustard seed, demons still flee before Christ[…]
Hear is a report from girl was caught in the trans cult as a naive teenager[…]but escaped[…]

Its understandable that any young person exposed to this kind of belief system would grow to deeply resent being white, “cis”, straight, or (biologically) male. The beauty of gender ideology is it provides a way to game this system[…]

She should have tried hitting them with the old and new testament[…]
No one tells them about the staggeringly high trans suicide rate, because that would be discriminatory. Women and men are too fundamentally different for transition to work. Testosterone works great for men on a male mind and a male body. Disastrous for a female mind and a female body[…]
Women cannot handle the psychological effects of testosterone, and not all men can handle it[…]
Testosterone was prompting action, but no proper telos, so self destructive action[…]
They generally do not regret being trans, but for some entirely unrelated reason??are apt to commit suicide. Odd that[…]
Then she reads an essay that depicts trans as socially transmitted insanity[…]
She succumbed to social pressure from wicked people[…]Hard for anyone, and much harder for women, to resist wicked social pressure unless you can call it wicked. We have several millenia of ancient wisdom, that is proving useful as the Enlightenment goes full demonic

Hajji Bilal #transphobia dailykos.com

Nope, you’re right. “Gender dysphoria” is, by definition, a psychological disorder predicated on “general dissatisfaction with reality’’. In short, there is biological reality, and then there’s wishful thinking. To quote the great Dave Chappelle, “...to what extent do I have to participate in your self-image?” I consider that a fair question.

Various Commenters #transphobia #sexist ovarit.com

RE: I'm sorry about their experience, but it's still male socialization through and through.

( La_Terfa )

"*I demand someone else baby me and do everything for me, every detrans group is just for you women! Fuck you, men need support and love and obedience.*"

Well, guess what: no. Stop demanding that women do things for you while being openly lazy, moid. The reasons why women transition are completely different from why men transition, anyway. Women transition for reasons that warrant sympathy and support, such as trauma, sexual violence, etc. Males usually transition because of their disgusting fetishes about being a "big tiddy catgirl", which they acquire after viewing grotesque porn.

Sorry that you ruined your body and your life because of a masturbatory fantasy, Kevin, but I'm busy supporting women with genuine problems and hardships. Go cry in your moid cave. Now that you don't have a dick to distract you, maybe you can even do something productive.

( butchplease )
Oh. I just realised. He doesn't ACTUALLY want a male space, he wants to intrude into the female space.

He wants the female space to be centred around HIM.

He wants the female space to be dominated by HIS voice and the voices of other men.

He wants the female space to exist for HIS gratification.

He wants the female space to submit to him.

All men are the same. Fuck him big time.

( IrishTheFrenchie )
And chances are 100% he was EXACTLY like this when he was pretending to be a "woman"- entitled to women's spaces, time, effort, and emotional labor with ZERO effort on his part and ZERO care if he made women uncomfortable.

( hmimperialtortie )
Screw them. They got into this through their porn addictions and hatred of women. Go make your own groups, scrotes. Other blokes do it, they make their Men’s Shed groups for mutual support.

( La_Terfa )
Male "mutual support" is only skin deep though, since they aren't that capable of empathy.

( proudcatlady )
And it’s usually harmful. I genuinely don’t think men should meet up without female chaperones. Get a bunch of men together and something violent is going to happen eventually. These guys will just bond over their misogyny.

Geoffrey Grider #transphobia #fundie #crackpot #homophobia #quack #wingnut nowtheendbegins.com

Woke Walt Disney Company Leading Charge Against Children, Vows To Help Overturn Florida Parental Rights Bill HB 1577 Designed To Keep Kids Safe

Last year, Disney banned gender from its park greetings, replacing “Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, dreamers of all ages,” with “Good evening, dreamers of all ages.” The company is also working overtime to get LGBTQIA2S+-related content onto children’s television screens, with one Disney executive recently lamenting that not enough lead characters is Disney content are “LGBTQIA,” and another admitting Disney encouraged her “not-at-all-secret gay agenda” when she became an employee. If all of that wasn’t enough, Disney CEO Bob Chapek caved to leftists, coming out against Florida legislation that prevents the grooming and sexualizing of children in schools.

Megan Fox #dunning-kruger #transphobia #homophobia pjmedia.com

But in order to find out if there’s anything to scream about, we should go to the text of the bill and not to the hysterical harpies screaming “GAY” for no apparent reason.

The bill, HB 1557, requires “district school boards to adopt procedures that comport with certain provisions of law for notifying a student’s parent of specified information; requiring such procedures to reinforce the fundamental right of parents to make decisions regarding the upbringing and control of their children in a specified manner.”

Well, wait a minute. That seems reasonable. Why would Florida Democrat parents not want to be informed about every aspect of their children’s educational lives and be the ones in charge of directing decisions regarding those children? Why would they object to this? Maybe there’s something else in this bill that should make us all mad enough to screech at the top of our lungs.

The bill also keeps schools from “prohibiting a parent from accessing certain records… prohibiting a school district from adopting procedures or student support forms that require school district personnel to withhold from a parent specified information or that encourage or have the effect of encouraging a student to withhold from a parent such information…prohibiting school district personnel from discouraging or prohibiting parental notification and involvement in critical decisions affecting a student’s mental, emotional, or physical well-being.”

The reason this bill had to be written is that public school teachers and administrators are actively converting children into the trans cult and then hiding their brainwash-job from parents. They are leading children to irreversible hormone therapy and mutilation without informing parents. This bill is for teachers like this: “I never tell parents. Period. On their survey at the beginning of the year when it asks for a preferred name and pronouns it also asks for what you want me to refer to you as when I call home and what pronouns to use…even if someone told me I couldn’t do that…I would still do it.” Ok, Groomer.

Massresistance #transphobia #ableist massresistance.org

But that agreement didn’t hold for long. A few days later, the counselor and the girl were messaging each other on social media. Among other things, the counselor called the girl “Al” – a boy’s name – and said she was worried about her being at home with her family.

She told the girl, "If you feel unsafe at home, or are thinking of hurting or killing yourself, there are people I can call to make sure you are safe. Please let me know if this is the case." (Very disturbing: The counselor is putting suicidal ideas into the girl’s head!)

When Ashley found these social media posts, she was livid – and felt even more violated. She sent this email to the counselor, pulling no punches:

I am asking you once again to not have any contact with my daughter.

She is doing fine and we are doing the very best that we can. This "turmoil" was caused when a confused little girl went to a trusted adult and was encouraged to believe that she had a mental illness (body dysphoria).

This trusted adult (you) did nothing but encourage my daughter to believe this lie and THAT has caused her more pain.

Alabama State Legislature #transphobia independent.co.uk

Alabama’s state legislators gave final approval to a bill that could imprison doctors for up to to a decade for prescribing medical treatments to transgender youth.

The bill criminalising gender-affirming care for transgender people younger than 19 years old is the first in the US to make healthcare for young transgender patients punishable by up to 10 years in prison.

Senate Bill 184 prohibits doctors from prescribing puberty blockers, hormone therapy and surgeries for transgender youth, though Alabama health care providers have repeatedly told legislators that such surgeries were not performed on minors in the state.

The legislation – which passed the state House on 7 April following its passage in the Senate earlier this year – also prohibits “a nurse, counselor, teacher, principal or other administrative officials at a public or private school” from “encouraging or coercing a minor” to withhold from a parent or guardian whether their “perception of his or her gender or sex is inconsistent with the minor’s sex.”

Various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Anybody else feel like autogynephilia is just a formal term for the obvious?
( hellamomzilla )
They're called perverts.

And, another reason not to give Blanchard and the other sexologists the time of day is they want to normalize fetishes and make women in society participate, against their wills, in these sick men's performance out in society.

And if some man is pretending to be a woman, he's likely got a long list of fetishes. Tell me again why I have to pretend that these men are like me, like my mother, like my daughters, like my friends, like every actual woman on the planet? Because no one wants to actually step up and tell these men that they're mentally ill and/or sexually creepy and they should try to do something about it because they're menaces to society.

( notyourfetish )
This a thousand times. They're just perverts.

Also, inversion theory has been a thing forever, though it was used to dismiss masculine women as "men" born in the wrong body.

It's all so sexist.

( hmimperialtortie )
Well said.

The irony is that if TIMs really had ladybrains and female socialisation they wouldn’t be the disgusting perverted brutes they are. Their behaviour would be entirely different.

( shewolfoffrance )
I've thought this so many times. If Lia Thomas had a ladybrain, he'd be too embarrassed, too apologetic to even think of poking his head in the women's locker room, let alone hoover up awards meant for women.

( hmimperialtortie )
Exactly. Their behaviour is proof that even if ladybrain existed, they don’t have them.

( TransWidow )
Yes, this. Having divorced one, I can tell you that AGPs aren't always just run-of-the-mill perverts. They do have dysphoria, they do think they're born in the wrong body, they do have psychiatric problems beyond paraphilia, they do have a bunch of tortured explanations as to why they are women, they do want to transition.

I think the insight was not that some men are perverts, but that the only possible motivation for straight men who want to transition is AGP, since transition makes their life harder in nearly every way. At least gay men (while I still don't think they should transition) remain somewhat able to date who they're attracted to after transition.

Various Commenters #transphobia #psycho blackpill.club

RE: A fate worse than having a cum dumpster daughter

That's his fault, for all the times he watched soccer/football, every day that he spent voting politicians, every single day that he used to cope with soccer/football wasn't dedicated to his biological genetic interests, now he has a tranny son, a castrated eunuch slave of state propaganda, one that thinks he is "transgressing the boundaries" because he has an artificial identity granted under the territory propriety of the state he inhabits, an identity that was developed inside jobs allocation facilities (called "universities" by normies) and cultural labs, his son was used as a guinea pig by psychopathics and normie retards that think sociology is a real science. And all of this happened because he decided to cope with soccer/football every single day.

If that was me id **** my faggot son and then myself


If that was me id **** my faggot son and then myself

Murder* why does this site censor shit jfl

What gets me is the APPLAUSE of the degenerate audience when the tranny walks out! EVIL has become the majority opinion. It rules the western world.

The son is 100% mentally ill. The way he walks in these heels, the 5 o'clock shadow, the neck-jaw-shoulder area makes it so hilariously manly it looks like a parody.

The only answer the father can say is "Goodbye son"

(In saints Row 3)

Vox Day #homophobia #transphobia #fundie #conspiracy #racist voxday.net

[From "Devil Mouse Goes Full Evil"]

Disney is not even attempting to hide its complete devotion to Satan and all his pomps any longer:

A Disney executive in charge of content vowed to up the ante on gender politics during an all-hands meeting, promising that at least half of the characters in its productions will be LGBTQIA or from racial minorities by the end of the year

General entertainment president Karey Burke said during a company-wide Zoom call that Disney must do more to be more inclusive. The call was part of Disney’s ‘Reimagine Tomorrow’ campaign which promises that 50 per cent of characters and content would be from underrepresented groups by 2022[…]

At this point, nuclear fire is about the only thing that is capable of saving Orlando from the fate of Sodom and Gomorrah. No Christian, no sane person, no self-interested individual who values indoor plumbing should support the Devil Mouse in any possible way

And remember, what these wicked women are advocating is what “judeo-christianity” actually is. Do you really think they don’t know what their underlings are doing?


spoilerPicture of Mickey being locked in a mousetrap, with the inscription "Die" using Disney's font

Ben Shapiro #dunning-kruger #transphobia #homophobia realclearpolitics.com

The Left, caught with its hand in the kiddie jar, immediately swiveled and accused the Right of initiating this culture war. Michelle Goldberg of The New York Times lamented that she felt terrible for Raveneau, who, after all, was just "step[ping] up to defend the company's queer friendliness, only to become a national object of right-wing fury and disgust," and whose injection of LGBTQ propaganda into children's content was "sweetly anodyne." CNN hosted Washington Post transgender columnist Charlotte Clymer, adding the chyron "LGBT COMMUNITY LATEST TO BE CAUGHT IN CULTURE WAR." The takeaway, according to the social Left, is that anyone who defends traditionalism in child-rearing — or anyone who simply doesn't want children turned into targets of sexual propagandizing — is the true cultural aggressor.

This is a transparent lie. And it's a lie that won't rebound to the benefit of those who seek radical change. If they wish to pose the rubric of gay rights against parental rights, gay rights are likely to suffer. If they wish to suggest that LGBTQ freedom extends to teachers initiating children into sexual conversations without parental permission, parents are unlikely to go along for the ride. For decades, the social Left has made inroads by arguing that they simply want to be left alone. The Right, by contrast, has argued that the Left's agenda is far broader, that the Left demands cultural celebration of its sexual mores and that it will stop at nothing to remake society in order to achieve its narcissistic goals. Disney's latest foray into the culture wars proves that the Right was correct, that the Left's stated agenda was a lie and that its "not-at-all-secret" agenda targeted the most vulnerable Americans.

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