
Like homophobia, but for transgender people

Gregory Hood #enbyphobia #racist #transphobia #wingnut amren.com

Euphemisms blur the truth. Here’s the ACLU defending racial discrimination against whites and Asians.

BREAKING: We filed an amicus brief today urging the Supreme Court to protect universities’ ability to consider race in college admissions.

Ending these considerations would ignore our country’s present-day racial inequality and threaten diversity on campuses everywhere.

The Supreme Court could ban “affirmative action.” Leftists will try to discriminate against whites anyway. We must always identify it clearly: racial discrimination.

It will be a hard fight though. Corporate America is on the other side.

Mainstream conservatives are willing to take on absurd gender theories. It’s sad it’s even necessary, but one reason America’s in this fix is because conservatives didn’t fight racial egalitarianism. Conservatives might disagree with me, but at least some leftists are on my side.

Many whites may be claiming to be “trans” or “queer” or “non-binary” because it means they can play at being victims. That may not work much longer.

White people can’t be non-binary because it’s white supremacy that upholds the oppressive gender binary

The Los Angeles Times has an odd view. Is it “imperialist” now for migrants to travel for a better life?

"Californians and other Americans are flooding Mexico City."

This isn’t Europe. Recently, a growing number of tourists and remote workers have flooded the nation’s capital and left a scent of new-wave imperialism.

One almost admires the insult to Europeans. Still, we can’t let anyone get away with claiming demographic change might change a society. That’s a racist conspiracy theory.

The South African Freedom Front Plus party is protesting a poster that suggests apartheid still causes violence in South Africa today.

It’s bizarre to blame today’s crime on apartheid. The new South Africa is an explicit repudiation of the white republic, but South Africa is now an embarrassment by comparison. The “education” campaign blaming whites for black failures is a clumsy justification for taking their property. We have the same thing in America.

Zeeshan Ali #conspiracy #enbyphobia #fundie #transphobia #wingnut youtube.com

Demi Lovato's LGBT Drama

As-salamu alaykum guys and welcome to another episode of Smile 2 Jannah.

The LGBT community has been leveraging certain aspects of our society, be it government, education, Hollywood and even media in general. The music industry has been utilized by the LGBT, we've already had movies like Lightyear and Doctor Strange and the list is of course growing, but there are also musicians that are being utilized by the LGBTQ community.

You've got Demi Lovato, she transitioned in 2021. For this individual to transitioning is easy, she's got money, access to the best health care, the best minds around her.

But what about the millions of people that follow this individual? Millions of people that unfortunately and sadly don't believe in a higher being, so they try to compensate for that void by attaching and latching themselves onto sports teams and celebrities? There are people who take what these individuals say as gospel.

Let's look at a 2021 UCLA research, it says that most non-binary adults are born in the United States, about 96%, 58% are white and 82% faced emotional abuse as a child. Another research that is very, very interesting, only 13%, yes 13% of those who detransition received help from LGBT organizations compared to 51% of those who transition, so the community is only there for people that conform to their ideals.

"What is a woman?" by Matt Walsh, definitely a documentary that you guys should see, every household should see this documentary.

Now, what does the Quran say about all this confusion? So the Quran chapter 16, verse 97, gives a clear distinction between male and female and then it goes on to say that they will be judged on righteousness alone. So we have all these organizations trying to tell us that our life is predicated on who we want to have intercourse with, it's just, everything seems to be related around pleasure, but, the Quran tells us otherwise. The Quran gives us depth, gives us substance, it gives us purpose and it tells us that nothing matters other than the righteous deeds that we will do, and it also has made clear that we have our roles.

@MsGiveZeroFox #transphobia twitter.com

🎥 Elaine Gallagher’s been elected in Glasgow Southside and becomes with first Trans councillor in the city.

She tells our chief reporter @imNatGoodwin it’s a massive step forward for equality ⬇️

If "Trans Rights" don't conflict with Women's Rights, can
tell me why the Trans agenda entails removing the legal right of females to bar biological males from female-only spaces?


@SonyaDouglas & @Dr_vole #transphobia twitter.com


One of the most jarring arguments in anti-trans discourse lately is "this treatment will prevent adolescents from experience sexual pleasure." In addition to being almost entirely untrue - coming from the people who literally don't believe in sexual pleasure it's a lot to stomach

If you advocate amputating, restricting or otherwise chemically interfering with the parts of the body that give sexual pleasure -
you really can’t say you “believe in” sexual pleasure.
Gender euphoria isn’t remotely the same thing.

When did TRAs start saying that GC people "literally [whatever that means] don't believe in sexual pleasure"? As in: we don't think it exists? Or we want to forbid it?
It's "prescriptive feminism" all over again.

Around the time they started saying GC gays were part of heteronormative culture because reasons. It’s not supposed to make sense, it’s meant to silence.

Generic Username #conspiracy #transphobia youtube.com

Encouraging people to pursue fundamentally impossible outcomes is nothing more than enabling them to live lives of bitterness, resentment, and self-loathing.

There are aspects of life that cannot be changed, and one of them is the body you are born with. Puberty, and the development of your body is NOT a reversible process, and neither is any tampering by outside chemicals and injections.

Furthermore, the origins of modern academia's perspective on what they term "gender", as well as the concept of "gender" in the first place, were founded on the works of a man named Dr. John Money. Specifically, an experiment Dr. Money performed on a pair of twin boys, one of whom had a botched circumcision. The twin whose genitalia had been irrevocably damaged was then placed on hormonal treatment and raised as a girl. In addition to being dosed with estrogen, the boy was also forced to perform mock sexual acts with his twin brother in front of Dr. Money, the doctor even recorded these himself.

This led to lifelong mental issues with the "transitioned" child, David Reimer, as he struggled with suicidal thoughts over the abuse he suffered and his physical state brought about through the treatment and initial botched circumcision. Ultimately culminating in his suicide, with his brother also committing suicide some time later.

The experiment was considered a success.

The hypothesis being that someone's identity as a male or female was entirely predicated on how they were raised, with no biological impetus whatsoever.

And with two ruined lives culminating in suicide, this was ruled a success.

Gender ideology has been, and will continue to be, harmful psychotic rhetoric put forward by pedophilic academics who care not for the health of the people struggling with self-loathing and mental illness, but instead only wish to profit off of and proliferate this doctrine of self mutilation.

Tainted Slav #wingnut #dunning-kruger #enbyphobia #transphobia #psycho doomer.boards.net

Unlike the "stunning and brave" caste of XYZ challenged degenerates I don't have to lie to myself that IF I do A, B and C my life will miracously get better because I will be a new man, somehow. No, it will not get better, and this "new" will be jast a sick, wicked masquerade gone too far. Yeah sure call me transphobic because of this but I spell what's essentially and realistically true. Ignore or deny, it will not change the actual state of things. That's first.Second, whatever you like it or not but:1. There always will be people that are homophobic, mainly because homoseuality is against their life staples and the ways of their social mentality compass (like in my case although I know some gays IRL, even worked with a bunch and can confirm they were whining spoiled brats)2. There always will be people that are transphobic because no healthy people would suggest to themselves "boy oh boy, I don't think it was fair that I was born X instead of Y!". That's just a demonstration of illness to them, again because of transgenderism is against their life staples and the ways of their social mentality compass. I wouldn't have been so harsh on these petty meatsacks if I was not aware of what kind of crimes the trans people do perform mostly (spoiler: rape, and not only of full legal age human beings) and what utterly atrocious agenda they push. Do you really want me to believe that 5 year old Bobby would understand the context of gender dysphoria and feel himself to be actually trans? No, he can't, he's just a goddamn KID, he don't know shit neither should to, according to his age. BUT THEY (trans) WANT HIM TO, DUH. Also google "egg hatching" term in trans "language" for get better understanding why am I so highly negative of this kind of human beings.3. Politics, like it or not were always a part of communities, nor necessarily IRL ones though. The desire to get rid of this shit from your hugbox is understandable and goood and shit, but, like I said, people are retarded and they WILL bring politics in either way. It's just how it always works.4. Can't say much on wordsalads, we all have moments of skitzo, that's not something that can't happen to anyone of us. 40oz with this thread or Kontra's mumbling regarding DBP48' negrating are the most obvious examples.

rowanman28 #transphobia #conspiracy #wingnut thefascistnewworldorder.com

Is War Just A Puppet Show?
(Continued from https://fstdt.com/JD9FVTHBBTNDK )
That might sound transphobic, but I don’t have a problem with trans people, I think they should just shut up about it, and just be a human being like everyone else, but realizing they chose to try to be something they couldn’t actually become and it’s a mental illness not a virtue signal.

It’s not really the real issue, it’s a diversion and it’s not organic, but it’s important enough because it’s part of the general destruction of tradition, morality, common sense, courage, and democracy that is letting any of this happen in the first place.

The US and UK governments are killing old people with midazolam because they don’t have enough money to keep the old people alive, social security is insolvent, so why is the public health system paying tens of thousands of dollars to transition kids?

Well, big pharma want the money, they’re probably planning on killing all the old people and useless people anyway, and I think they’re actual, literal Satanists, for real and it’s like a ritual thing as well as a money making scam and a eugenics program.

Most of the population says they don’t trust the media, and if you push them they will all admit the corporations are ruthless monsters who do anything for the bottom line, but on any particular media narrative, they still fall for it every time.

You can objectively prove that these people are not just ruthless, not just criminals, but genocidal maniacs on a mass scale who show a pattern of psychopathic mass murdering insanity that belongs in a horror movie.

Which people? The government, the corporations. It’s not all of them exactly, but they’re all under the same umbrella due to the way the money flows.

This is what makes it hard to put your finger on who is a traitor, a terrorist, an infiltrator, a spanner in the works, committing treason, selling us out to a foreign power or corporate criminals.

Sometimes it’s hard to tell, like most Americans would argue that either Trump or Biden was the “good one” because that’s how they been trained to think.

The problem with being trained how to think is almost everything you been trained to think is wrong, and the people who are training you to think are sabotaging your brain with almost every single thought.


Queenfaggo #homophobia #transphobia kiwifarms.net

Modern wokeness was a disaster for gays. Once upon a time, you could just be gay. Gay was gay. Gay was nothing else. Gay was nothing more. You were either a dude who liked other dudes, or a girl who liked other girls. You could be yourself and be as gay as you wanted and that was that. As simple as could be.

Then came the "community" mafia. Suddenly gay being meant you were apart of some coalition with other non straights. Gay was now a community you HAD to be in. The gays had to get along with the lesbians, the lesbians had to deal with the gays, and everyone had to deal with the troons. It was the lgb"T" community after all. You dykes and fags HAVE to get alone with troons. Never mind the fact that transgender isn't even a sexuality so the whole thing makes no sense, STOP THINKING TOO MUCH BIGOT. What's that, you're a lesbian who obviously doesn't like cock because that's the whole point? Too bad, suck the girl cock anyway or else you're a bigot!

The problem with this is that gays don't really have anything in common with lesbians. They're never going to get along organically. And nobody has anything in common with troons, so that's a non fucking starter right from the get go. When the T got associated with the L and the G, the T brought along with them all their baggage and woke nonsense. Being gay was now an aggressive political statement.

As a homo I cannot even begin to tell you how hard it is to find non woke partners nowadays. I just want a cute girl to cuddle and do cute things with, I don't want to read your fucking twitter or talk about how great abortion is or how much you like multiculturism or whatever. Finding a normal gay is next to impossible. It makes you realize why everyone used to hate us and why they're starting to hate us again.

rowanman28 #conspiracy #wingnut #transphobia thefascistnewworldorder.com

Is War Just A Puppet Show?
I like An0maly, he talks some common sense that should be a mainstream opinion, and maybe it is, but he gets shut down by the media industrial complex and big tech censors because it doesn’t make money for the right people.

I’ll get to the point I wanted to talk about, which is whether Putin is a puppet of the very same people who own Zelensky, and Biden, Trump, Trudeau, Macron, etc, the World Economic Forum, or the bankers, the Jews.

It might not make sense immediately, like why would they be so vicious in the media against Trump and Putin if they were just the other side of the same coin, owned by the same people, who own almost everything?

Well, most people get convinced by everything they say, they faked the moon landing, and even when Buzz Aldrin went on Conan O’Brian and said it didn’t happen, it was faked, (that wasn’t the only time he said it), they still haven’t caught on.

It takes a special sort of awareness and skepticism to be able to see something as obvious as that, but with the more important lies, they might not let you say anything at all.

We have a lot of war talk going on, the UK army commander and top generals are talking about a war between the UK and Russia, at a time when if you gave half the people guns, they’d probably shoot their own leaders, if they could get away with it.

Why so much hate for “our own side” you ask? There is no part of anything I’ve seen them doing in the last two years that couldn’t be clearly defined as an attack designed to destroy the West completely.

This is how they’re training the Navy to fight in world war three, against Russia and China. I don’t really care if they don’t get it, but this is the kind of thing that would make someone defect, and they’re not training kindergarten teachers.

My view is it’s good to be nice, but what this actually is is sabotage, they’re making the USA a laughing stock, it’s cultural marxism, the plan is to show that capitalism failed, America failed, so the world moves on to the next thing.

There’s no way that will catch on even just in America, it wasn’t designed to catch on, chest feeding isn’t a real thing, it’s just stupid.

Men don’t give birth, and if they did it probably should be illegal for very good reasons, and the hormones are just the start of that argument, it would mess up a kid’s head for life no matter what anyone says.


NoteComprehensive695 #pratt #transphobia reddit.com

As a non-passing Trans woman, I feel there is no place for me in society, but I cannot envision a future for myself in the closet.

29 MTF

I started HRT almost 5 years ago and I've had zero results physically, in some ways I actually look even more masculine than I did pre-everything due to weight gain and general aging.

On top of it all, I just see so much hatred and venom spewed towards people like me at every turn. And I'm not talking about conservatives assholes, I'm talking about progressive people who never stop preaching about diversity and inclusion, but instantly shut the door behind them when it comes to trans women who have committed the cardinal sin of being too ugly. I see it non-stop from Cis feminists, other LGB people, Trans men and AFAB NBs, and younger passing Trans Women. Everyone looks down on non-passing Trans women. We're constantly ridiculed, treated with suspicion at every turn, derided as monsters, predators, & perverts, blamed for making "real" (aka passing) trans people look bad, and relentlessly shamed anytime we even try to exist uncontroversially in any sort of space, all while constantly being talked over and gaslit about our own life experiences, and our pain and suffering erased, and our accomplishments invalidated, bc after all we're just uber-priviledged men, and thus we clearly dont have any real problems in society.

It has all made me incredibly bitter and resentful. I feel like there's no place for people like me anywhere, not in normal society, not within progressive bubbles, and not even within the Trans community itself. I've lost my ability to empathize with or trust other people, unless they have similar circumstances to mine (AMAB, non-passing, no social support). I don't even know what I want or hope to gain from typing all of this out, just that this has been boiling over for a while and I need to get these feelings off my chest before I explode.

Mike Adams The Health Ranger #conspiracy #fundie #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia naturalnews.com

Every western government is run by satanists, and they are now openly carrying out public rituals to celebrate Lucifer’s (temporary) dominion over Earth.

At the British Commonwealth Games opening ceremony this week (involving 72 nations), a horned bull creature representing Baal was rolled out in a hellscape arena, complete with depictions of burning lava fire pits, while dozens of satanic worshipers bowed to the demon creature as part of the public ritual. This was publicly broadcast in broad daylight, indicating that the satanists are no longer trying to hide their rituals in dark forests and secret dungeons… they’re now invoking Satan right out in the open, for an international audience.
Rituals are tools of summoning to bring demonic entities into this world. The more people that are involved in the ritual, the more powerful the summoning. That is exactly why these luciferian rituals are being performed by hundreds of participants in public arenas where tens of thousands of people are watching in person. This is a deliberate strategy to increase the power of the summoning, allowing increasingly powerful demonic entities to enter this world through the opened portals.

What you are witnessing right now on a global scale is the coordinated, government-funded, ritualistic invocation of supernatural demons that are flooding into this world to wage war against humankind and God.

The results of this are easily seen everywhere:

School teachers turned into transgender demons, preying on innocent children, pushing grooming, pedophilia and genital mutilations.
The total corruption of the Church as they embrace homosexuality, transgenderism and child mutilations.
National leaders appearing either brain dead (Biden) or possessed with neurological seizures (Clinton), or self-medicating to avoid the pain of the demonic possession (Pelosi).
666 symbolism everywhere, from the Google Chrome logo to the CERN supercollider.

Brian Niemeier #wingnut #transphobia brianniemeier.com

The only difference between public school and home school curricula is home schooled kids aren’t taught to hate, mutilate, and kill themselves.

Unless their parents decide to teach them those things.

In which case, every sane person would agree those parents belong in prison.

Which leads to the inescapable logical conclusion that all parents who still refuse to home school should be imprisoned for child endangerment.

knightlautrec #transphobia #pratt kiwifarms.net

The fuck is inappropriate with the word Wendigo? Fuck this. If they're gonna side step all the native stuff for muh colonialism white guilt and stuff fuck this edition. It's already doomed. I also imagine they're gonna try and put less emphasis on how based werewolves are. Because gaaaaayssss. Ten thousand dollars they're gonna start including tranny Furies and gifts to change gender that are permanent and not just man skin. They allow metis males but never in a thousand years would they allow a true male especially considering their decades of culling male true.

But this complaining about BF isn't new. This classic sperging from 2016 shows its already begun and poor troons were crying about an all female tribe for ages...Which is hilarious to me. Since again, a female only thing is cried about by woke left men who call themselves feminist for not accepting men who think they have dominion over the space of women just because they say so. The irony of it is just...astounding. I don't even like Furies all that much as a tribe but they at least have a hard line stance that flavours them and they are uniquely female in the very least.

Onyx Path discord is full of trannies though. So that tells you something. W5 is probably going to be bad honestly. I was semi interested but this development of censoring a word for being 'bad' is red flag one.

Various commenters #wingnut #transphobia reddit.com


They already dehumanize babies so dehumanizing prolifers is the natural next step.

And we all know what the step after that is.

person who doesn’t consider unborn humans to be human now doesn’t consider me human

Wow how shocking, who could’ve predicted that all along that they were hateful and self centered🙄

Yeah but what if you identify as human? Can they deny you that?

Oh no, can't wait for the LGBTQ to go after you for that comment. /s

It’s confirmed guys we lack basic decency for not wanting adults to kill defenseless fetuses

Seems like some juicy projection going on.

I don’t consider you human anymore

They already dehumanize babies so this doesn’t mean much

basic decency towards other humans

But advocates the slaughter of human babies

Same goes for racists

But advocates for a practice rooted in the slaughter of the black population

Same goes for anyone actively rallying to remove human rights

While rallying to remove the right to life for babies.

i mean first it was because it was a clump of cells, then they were parasites, then late term abortions became ok and even encouraged. Now even adult humans are not deserving of life anymore. I think they've lost all reason and we might even see some murders happening soon

Abortionists are already in the habit of dehumanizing people, so this isn’t much further at all.

Now we're dehumanizing born humans, sounds familiar, wasn't there some vaguely well known Austrian dude who did this 80ish years ago 🤔 Oh what was his name, Harold? Howard? Eh, can't be that important

“Pro lifers can’t show the basic human decency” they say while literally committing infanticide

It always amazes me how people can be on the blatantly wrong side yet so sure of themselves. Abortion or pro-choice is comparable to slavery in my eyes. Why can’t people have the choice? Lol.

ecotecLife #ableist #transphobia #dunning-kruger kiwifarms.net

At the root of transgenderism is cluster B personality disorders. One of the symptoms of cluster B's... these people attach themselves to random fads or political causes they see in the media to an extreme extent, because they don't have a normal "identity" - IE, long-term hobbies, goals, and interests.

The tranny fad is just the latest thing to be literal crack for BPD's, like the scene/emo trend and third wave feminism before it.

These people also can't regulate their emotions or participate in nuanced discussions because that's literally how BPD works. This is why they can't hold jobs, can't into relationships, or do anything beyond sex work.

BPD tranny sees someone misgendering ChrisChan on Twitter, immediately they take it as a personal attack because it's all they have (like telling an autistic kid you think trains are boring), and their emotions shoot to 100.

Read this over and over again as much as you need to.

vintologi24 #sexist #transphobia reddit.com

(NOTE: Just for context, this is from the r/Transmaxxing subreddit.)

Passing matters

Don't let people bullshit you into thinking "i don't need to pass as a female". While many people claim to be supportive of trans people generally unless they think you are a female they will not threat you as such and a lot of people will not view you as a female if you know you were born male


This is at large a consequence of the left pushing for gender-identity nonsense instead of focusing on sex-characteristics. US conservatives have been very aggressive in using gender identity politics against trans people in general while the left has been unable to give a good answer to what a woman/female actually is (it's about sex-characteristics).

Given this political climate your best course of actions is to become stealth, once you are able to pass you move to a different area and begin your new life as a female there. Keep your old identity separate from your new identity.

True. It's mostly old rapehons saying passing doesn't matter, it's just hard cope.

Not be able to pass at the end is exactly one of the biggest reason that I haven't decide to start hrt yet.

Generally i am not comfortable recommending medical transition to people who cannot pass. A transition without any great goal in the end isn't something i can really get behind. I do understand that some people are severely dysphoric and might have to transition anyway but even then it's hard to be enthusiastic about it.

piratemogger #homophobia #sexist #transphobia looksmax.org

Incel to Tranny pipeline fully theorized in detail - (MANLETS, PORN ADDICTS GTFIH!), (i cried making this thread) (NOFAP IS NOT COPE GTFIH!)

Inb4 dnrd, Porn is a homosexual conversion device that has been designed to turn incels gay and create more trannies

You watch Lesbian porn, then PIV porn, then Oral sex porn. Eventually you get bored. You find new genres to fap off to, maybe MILF, Cuckoldry, BBC or Step sister. Then comes danger, you stumble across gay porn. Now trannies are looking more and more like real women and you find yourself watching femboy or twink porn. Bit by bit, you watch regular gay porn. Most likely being an incel, you imagine yourself fucking another man, then once that becomes too much you start fantasizing about being fucked by another man.

The porn industry has successfully feminized you. Now you are Low T soy boy and this is where many ex-incels finish their journey on this pipeline. They transition and become female.

From Softcore pornography -> to now being rimmed by another man. This is the true danger of porn, if you want to see the damage then the next time you are at school or work, stare at the most attractive women you see for a minute. If you cannot at the minimum get a semi erect penis, it is over.

Men should be rock hard when aroused by a foid, I know during puberty most of you had spontaneous erections because of the surge in testosterone. What if I told you this should be the norm at all times.

Now factor in that 30% of all young men are virgins, with the number still rising. Inceldom is on the rise for a reason, everything is becoming unequal. Despite the fact that productivity has been rising, wages are now stagnant and it is becoming harder and harder to live as "average". Inceldom is a socioeconomic problem and it it going to get worse.



The only way to escape this pipeline is to either lose virginity or to get on Nofap.

For porn addicts reading this, you are not what you watch. I am not a gay furry and neither are you. I still struggle with it even after ascension.

@ImWatson91 #transphobia twitter.com

"why are you so obsessed with gender issues!?"

Because it's harming children.

Because it's harming women, like me

Because it's homophobic.

Because it's complete and utter bullshit that no sane person takes seriously.

Because you were never taught to respect 'NO.'

Vox Day #homophobia #transphobia #fundie voxday.net

Monkeypox Joe is pro-sodomy, pro-falsehood, and pro-ritual satanic prenatal murder. He’s not one of the good guys. He’s NEVER been one of the good guys; he’s a Hellmouth denizen and a ticket-taker par excellence.

FFS, stop falling for these gatekeeping charades. They’re not only worse than you think, they’re usually worse than you imagine.

James Howard Kunstler #wingnut #conspiracy #transphobia #homophobia kunstler.com

In keeping with the principles of mass formation psychosis, the maliciously insane people in charge of our nation’s affairs will expect you to swallow ever-greater absurdities to maintain their control. But we’re way beyond the “women-with-penises” stage of the mind-fuckery program. Nobody with a functioning brain believes that bullshit anymore — except the people who run the California prison system. Next up, apparently, is a hot little war with Russia or China, a useful distraction from the systematic self-dismantling of Western Civ.
Of course, we have no real strategic national interest in Ukraine. We had no quarrel all the years that the Russian Soviets owned and operated it. We set in motion the current conflict by cooking up the 2014 color revolution. I doubt that a plurality of Americans will fall for another such stupid Hate Russia ploy. We’ve had enough pointless and costly foreign misadventures. This would be a war exceeding the unpopularity of Vietnam and could easily unleash widespread street protests. Only this time the Left will be pro-war and the Party of Chaos will send out its ragtag army of Antifa trannies to make the street protests bloodier. It will be seen for what it is: the ruling regime’s war on its own people. And it will be overcome.
Vying in the absurdity Olympics, the World Health Organization (WHO) just declared Monkeypox a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) — but only after the outfit’s chief, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, overruled a WHO committee that voted against such a move. Monkeypox, you understand, is a disease spread almost exclusively among the gay population, that is, men having sex with men, exchanging bodily fluids. Outbreaks have been keyed to gay orgies, especially during the recent June “Pride Month” festivities. Do you think it might be more appropriate for the WHO to issue an advisory against gay orgies?

@AthenasWrench & @MaudeYoung #transphobia gettr.com

Message to India Willoughby, Katy Montgomerie and every man who pretends he is not a man :

"If you want to avoid being classified as a predator, campaign for and achieve your own third and separate spaces and services.

"STOP violating our boundaries against our consent."

(@AthenasWrench )
Message to every deranged cosplaying woman hating loon. The answer is NO! Make your own spaces and get lost out of ours

David Guyll #dunning-kruger #sexist #transphobia daegames.blogspot.com

Going off the Twitter thread, it looks like Ernie simply expressed a desire to make a normal game for normal people, as opposed to various ham-fisted, inconsistent, irrational ideological dogmas pulped together under the thin veneer of an incomplete or recycled game. Smart move.

It also sounds like he's not going to bend the knee, paying whatever lip service the SJWs want in the vain hope that they will, God forbid, leave him alone. Also smart, as SJWs never forgive. No apology is sufficient, not that trying to get you to repent is their goal. Rather it is to get you to admit to committing what they consider to be a crime, a sin, so they can hold it over you forever. Then they just make more and more demands of you, while trying finding other so-called crimes to convict you of.

And they are scam artists and racists: https://www.enworld.org/threads/does-tsr3-have-nazi-connections.688528/

First off, Lunar Archivist is correct: SJWs are trying to destroy traditional masculinity and femininity. You've seen this already, going back years, in tabletop games, video games, movies, and comics. I myself have dealt with it on several occasions, where hypocrites demand I cover up women, reduce tit-size, whilst simultaneously posting essentially nude men. There are some good examples in the Twitter thread, but here are some more:


Not only is Dungeons & Delvers a game created by players that actually game and prioritize fun, it also features attractive women in the art: image

@StellaDoves #transphobia twitter.com

Women, children & LGB's have sex based rights. If, as is being asked we defer to gender, then these rights are removed. By removing sex based rights safeguarding of Women, children & LGB's are also removed. Simple! If you don't see this as a problem, YOU are part of the problem!

Geoffrey Grider #fundie #wingnut #transphobia #enbyphobia #homophobia nowtheendbegins.com

Brad Pitt going from being the ultimate macho man in ‘Fight Club’ to sashaying down the red carpet wearing a woman’s skirt is a long, long way to fall, and that’s exactly what’s happening to America right now.

The Roman Empire once ruled the world, till they openly embraced the LGBTQIA+ Movement of their day, and fell to the ground with a deafening thud. Same for the Greek empire that also ruled the world, right up to the moment that society openly embraced what God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah for. Today in 2022, America rules the world stage with the greatest military, the strongest economy, and we are now embracing what brought down the Romans and the Greeks. Will we survive? Not if the Bible is true. Welcome to Brad Pitt wearing a skirt on the red carpet.

“Thus saith the LORD of hosts; In those days it shall come to pass, that ten men shall take hold out of all languages of the nations, even shall take hold of the skirt of him that is a Jew, saying, We will go with you: for we have heard that God is with you.” Zechariah 8:23 (KJB)

I understand that in the Old Testament days, clothing styles were different, and your King James Bible has a number of verses about men wearing skirts, but guess what? They weren’t wearing women’s skirts, they were wearing men’s skirts, like a kilt if you’re Scottish. But that’s not what Brad Pitt was wearing, he was dressed in women’s clothing from head to toe, and he looked ridiculous. I am glad I fled Hollywood and the acting world shortly after I got saved, and there is nothing that could entice me to go back. So thank you, Brad Pitt in a dress, for reminding why I left, I will pray your soul gets saved before your time on this planet is through. You won’t like what comes next.

Heterosepartist #homophobia #transphobia #fundie heteroseparatist.blogspot.com

Here's the truth; if you were born with a penis, you're male. If you were born with a vagina, you're female. There are people that will rebel against the truth, and there are people that will obey the commandments of Jesus Christ.

This is why those who know the truth fought against the redefinition of marriage, and against the propaganda of the glbt community.

Now, because of the propaganda of the glbt community, it is legal for a man to walk naked in the women's section of a spa, and expose his penis to underage girls.

Marjorie Taylor Greene & Allum Bokhari #wingnut #transphobia breitbart.com

‘Child Abuse:’ Marjorie Taylor Greene Slams Trans Kids Agenda After Twitter Censors Her

Twitter has censored the official congressional account of Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) after she criticized transgender Biden administration official “Rachel” Levine for supporting what he calls “gender affirmation treatment” for youths. Greene told Breitbart News that, “Corporate communism is destroying America. Who’s going to suffer in the end? Right now, corporations are shoving their political ideas and policies down their employees’ and their customers’ throats, and people are getting sick and tired of it. That is what Big Tech has led the charge on. They have been the leaders in corporate communism, and Twitter has been one the biggest abusers.”

“We must do everything we can to prevent Dr. Dick Levine’s pre-tween #WeenieChop” said Rep. Greene on Twitter, in a tweet that was later censored by the far-left platform.

In a follow-up tweet, Rep. Greene said “Now that I think about it. As Dr. Dick Levine advocates for ‘gender affirming care’ for minors, has he undergone the #WeenieChop himself? Or is he just pushing this on children?”

Users who wish to access either tweet must now click past a warning message saying it violated the platform’s rules on “hateful conduct.”

In a comment to Breitbart News, Rep. Greene said she would continue to defend kids from the genital mutilation involved in what Dr. Levine calls “gender-affirming care.”

“That is not me being hateful,” said Greene. “I am a mom. I’m going to defend kids. If that’s the hill I have to die on, fine, I will die on that hill.”

“These kids are being brainwashed. It is grooming. They don’t like that word, but it is grooming, and it is child abuse.”

“Surgery that removes a preteen boy’s penis is not ‘gender-affirming care,’ it is genital mutilation, it is child abuse. Most of these kids are having an identity crisis and they will change their mind later in life if they’re left alone.”

“It’s going to be too late for these kids. They’re going to realize what happened to them, they’re going to regret it so much, and they are going to be devastated and changed forever — physically mutilated and changed forever.”


Russ Winter #wingnut #racist #sexist #homophobia #transphobia #enbyphobia #elitist winterwatch.net

The Method Against Social Justice Warriors

No. 1: Drop all social graces with them. That may be hard, but remember Social Justice Warriors take advantage of good manners and put no value on them anyway. Our objective is to trigger them via harsh criticism and ridicule — not threats or violence, in case that’s unclear. For example, the ultimate insult or trigger to a female Social Justice Warrior third- or fourth-wave feminist is the word “cunt.” That’s a bit over the top for me, so I’m mostly going with “bitch.” Absolutely refuse to engage in sex with Social Justice Warriors or Pervert Justice Warriors.

For non-cucked men, never ever trash talk femininity, but rather defend heterosexual women passionately. Winter Watch addressed this in our old Milo Yiannopoulos article. (((Milo))) was a problem because he as a homosexual trashed women generally. Keeping such women out of harm’s way is the mark of manhood. Also, do not use racial slurs. This is about individual behaviors and culture wars only. The term “dindu” is only descriptive of behavior and thus appropriate.

No. 2: Show no sensitivity toward Social Justice Warriors. Insult them matter of factly. If they show marginal or metro-sexual gender identification, insult their appearance (“there is a new thing going around, it’s called soap”). If they are over-the-top Social Justice Warrior homosexuals or transgenders, never use the contrived newspeak term “gay” or LGBT. In fact, avoid their shadow language. Let them know that you are armor proof to their accusations.
No.4: Knock the Social Justice Warriors unearned trophies and “specialness” badges off the shelf by telling them they have little of value or intelligence to offer anyone.

No. 5: Demonstrate thumbs up, support and accolades to the anti-Social Justice Warrior movement. Older generations need to wake up and get engaged. So do decent folks in the black community. Offer carrots and sticks and encouragement to repressed normies. Godspeed.

dasho #wingnut #homophobia #enbyphobia #transphobia #dunning-kruger doomworld.com

[Mr. Freeze]
LOL m8 I hate to tell you this but one half of the USA's political spectrum is explicitly anti-democracy and pro-censorship against anyone not sharing their views. Handing control over Twitter/Facebook et al to the GOP every few election cycles would be an absolute disaster. You think it's hard for LGBT folks to exist on social media now? Try having Trump/DeSantis/Abbott at the executive helm and outright striking those pages/accounts from existence out of some faux concern for "the children" or "treating mental illness."

This has to be one of the most absurd statements in this thread. I would argue that this is the easiest time in the history of social media for LGBT folks to exist.

EDIT: If you need to experiment, make a Twitter account, post something like "gender is immutable", and see what happens.

Liz Wheeler #fundie #transphobia #wingnut twitter.com

I am a woman. Not because I "identify" as woman. Not because my identity is opposite of man. I'm woman because God created me woman. Because of my DNA. Because of my womb. Because of my body. Because of my soul. No dictionary, corporation, politician or wokester can change that.

@Brandybuck & @Shrikeunbroken #transphobia gettr.com

Every time you read “transphobe” mentally switch it with “infidel”.

Then it’ll read right.

Infidel or blasphemer or godless or non-believer.

Yup - it really shows it for what it is:

And for "transphobia" you have a few choices too.

"Infidelity" tho that is normally associated with playing away from home! Maybe "apostasy" or "heresy".

"Twansphobia" if you want to take the piss 🤣

Guest #transphobia fanfiction.net

Have you heard about the people harassing JK Rowling? From an empirical, non-woke perspective, the "Kill TERFs" movement is pretty astonishing. It's a bunch of biological males, threatening to brutalize biological females, for saying that female sex is real.

Anonymous Coward 47063680 #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia godlikeproductions.com

LGBT ‘propaganda’ faces complete ban in Russia - Russia gets it - America needs to do the same!

It's time to end all this Gay Pride Month insanity and all the idiotic LGBT indoctrination and "propaganda" now in America. The Russians and many other countries know the terrible damage this LGBT movement is causing. LGBT is promotion of mental illness as normal and promotion of deviance as desirable.

[Russia Today: “LGBT ‘propaganda’ faces complete ban in Russia”]

Aero #transphobia #homophobia archive.ph

They already believe that crossdressing men and troons have the right to rape lesbian women and straight men, or in the very least, sexually harass them. Their victims deserve it anyways, they’re transphobes for refusing. When presented with things like the SuperStraight meme, they always ask, “But what if the transwoman passes really well tho?”

They don’t ever stop to consider that the mere deception itself was enough to repel would-be partners, even in the unlikely event that they “passed” initially. That even if their partner was OK with having sex with men larping as women, that the fact that they would lie about something as important as that means they would have made a shitty partner anyway.

Making fun of people for supposedly being “gay” for being entrapped by some disgusting pervert in a dress is a big part of their rape culture. But to them, it’s funny because he deserves it for being a meanie homophobe/transphobe, dontcha know. Gays and trannies are allowed to engage in punitive rape against people they don’t like, dontcha know.
If all this shit makes you too paranoid to date anyone, hahaha, suck it loser. Eat our girlcocks, UwU.

Aero #transphobia archive.ph

We are already biologically predisposed to be repulsed by any attempt made to blur (or outright eliminate) the differences between male and female, to the point where even putting on clothing intended for the opposite sex will trigger that fear/disgust response. And contrary to what leftists will tell you, there’s a damned good reason for that. Nothing good can come from willfully ignoring the differences between men and women.

For instance, dating, romance, sexuality. Most people, like it or not, will much rather date someone who looks reasonably healthy for their sex.

Androgyny, at best, indicates poor physical health and/or infertility. At worst, it indicates an attempt at deception.

This is especially true within the “trap” subculture, where the goal is to pass as a female as much as possible, usually without the use of surgery or HRT. This is especially in regard to trying to “trap” straight men or lesbian women.
Even if the people who practice such a lifestyle don’t actually go that far, the implication is every bit as horrifying as you think it is. It’s horrifying because the LGBTQ community doesn’t see anything wrong with rape by deception. They already believe that being a sex pest is intrinsic to being LGBTQ, and so they will call you a “homophobe” or “transphobe” if you call them out on such behavior.

@ukvillafan & @DuncanHenry78 #transphobia #sexist twitter.com

The thing i understand least about the trans issue is why the ludicrous idea that a man can self-id as a women is supported by so many women and women’s groups who claim to be feminist. How, eg, can it be in any way feminist to allow men into female rape crisis groups?

Because they have been gaslit into truly “believing” TWAW, as a faith by people who use the language of “be kind” and “have empathy”, as a weapon that works particularly well with gendered female socialisation.

Brotherofsteel5 #transphobia #fundie #elitist deviantart.com

You know what?

To be accurate it's not "WE" who don't know what is a woman.

It's "THEM".

We: the majority of peoples, normals persons.

Them: A bunch of "intellectuals-educated-persons" who thing all in the world is about their ideology, and who don't even know how the real world works, because they live in their little environnement, their littles urbans "safe spaces", their offices, their campus, or classrooms. They are the peoples who just lives and want to see peoples who look or think like them, and last but not the least, who are from the same wealthy class, even if they deny it.

Peoples who refuse contradictions, or don't want to see the real world.

They are like the aristocratic class in France before 1789, or like byzantins theologist who argued about the properties of angels, when the turkish empire was at their gates.

Apti Alaudinov #fundie #homophobia #psycho #transphobia #wingnut newsweek.com

Apti Alaudinov, the commander of Chechen forces fighting for Russia, praised Russian President Vladimir Putin's invasion of Ukraine, calling it a "holy war" against the "Satanic" values of Europe and the United States as well as the LGBTQ community.

"This is a holy war our saints and elders spoke of," Alaudinov asserted, who went on to say that he praises God to live in Russia and that the country is led by Putin. "He is the man that refused to accept the so-called European values," the commander added.

"In reality, those are Satanist values that are imposed on the entire world," he said. Alaudinov noted that he is "grateful" that Putin is following the values of "the Most High," referring to God. "We are not under the flags of the LGBT and as long as he's alive, we won't be under those flags."

He also called American democracy "the main enemy of mankind." Continuing, he said the U.S., Europe, and NATO carry within them "everything that is Satanic," and that they are "the army of the anti-Christ."

The Chechen commander described his forces fighting with Russia against Ukraine as "the army of Jesus." He praised Putin for doing "what the Islamic countries should have done" by fighting back against the U.S. and NATO.

Andrew Anglin #sexist #racist #conspiracy #transphobia stormer-daily.rw

[From "UK: Government Bans Dating Ads Appealing to “Lonely Ukrainian Women”"]

There is a strict rule that nothing about the war against Russia is allowed to benefit anyone in the West in any way at all. This is strictly about “our values of who we are in a democracy rules-based order”

Therefore, men are absolutely, under no circumstances, allowed to pick up young Ukraine skanks[…]
British men must necessarily only date fat, tattooed, belligerent, drunken, British slags. All the young and attractive British girls have to go be drug-addicted hookers in the Paki gangs, and the Ukrainian women, well – they’re probably going to have to join the Pakis as well


The UK’s advertising regulator has banned online dating ads offering the chance to meet “lonely Ukrainian women” for being offensive[…]Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) addressed three ads for online dating service SofiaDate[…]

Vulnerability is a core element of sex appeal, according to biology. One of the top reasons that men will put up with women’s shit is that they feel they need to protect them. Outlawing people from associating vulnerability with male sexuality is… well, it’s on par with everything else that’s going on these days

But this is a government run by women. They will do everything to hurt men[…]then they will punish them for having been hurt

The government will ban you from trying to meet any woman who isn’t a fat, old, loud slob – then they will make it illegal to be an incel, and claim that if you’re not having sex with disgusting fat women, you’re probably planning terrorism[…]
And there are even worse things
Drag queen in library with kids]
They hate boys and men, and they want to destroy all of us

This isn’t even limited only to white people. Look at what black mamas do to their sons

Women are a source of total evil

Eliza Mondegreen #transphobia elizamondegreen.substack.com

Don't let sissy-porn addicts redefine what it means to be a woman

Redefining women from a sex class to a mixed-sex class based on male sexual projections reifies sex-role stereotypes and requires actual women and girls to dissociate body and mind. After all, we’re not allowed to say we’re women because we’re female anymore. We’re supposed to look inside ourselves and find something else that makes us women—something that has nothing to do with female embodiment—that a man can experience, too, like getting turned on by the idea of your own sexual defilement. If some men want to wear ‘women’ as masks, then women must be masks, nothing more.

This dissociation of mind and body is a disaster for women’s political organizing and it does a number on the mental health of individual women and girls, too. But sowing dissociation is a great recruitment tool for the new global empire of disembodiment.

Since the men boldly redefining 'woman' are a bunch of self-confessed sissy-porn addicts, no woman or girl will relate to the definitions they put forward.

Are you an "expectant asshole" with "blank, blank eyes"?

Didn't think so. Not much of a woman, are you?

How about: “Getting fucked makes you female because fucked is what a female is”?

Still no?

"There is something about being treated like shit by men that feels like affirmation itself, like a cry of delight from the deepest cavern of my breast... To be the victim of honest, undisguised sexism possesses an exhilarating vitality."

Do you feel an exhilarating vitality at being treated like shit by men or not so much?

Meanwhile, you’re constantly prompted to accept or reject your debasement. You’re expected to package yourself as “cisgender,” which means agreeing—publicly, repeatedly—that you’re comfortable with what every girl and woman in fact chafes against as she grows up and tries to find a place for herself in the world. [...]

MADELEINE KEARNS #transphobia #dunning-kruger nationalreview.com

“Sometimes, this term refers to a child who does not conform to sex-based stereotypes. Instead of leaving said child alone to experiment with toys and outfits as is only natural for children to do, the users of this term prefer to project an adult ideology onto him or her, then confuse him or her by saying that he or she really is the opposite sex.

“Other times, ‘transgender child’ refers to a gender-dysphoric young person — that is, a child who has clinically significant feelings of distress associated with his or her sexed body. In that case, instead of loving and accepting that child as he or she truly is, and providing him or her with safe and ethical psychological and emotional support, the users of this term prefer to set him or her on a pathway to irreversible harm at an age when he or she cannot possibly consent to permanent medical and surgical changes.”

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