
Like homophobia, but for transgender people

MenHaveItEasy #transphobia ovarit.com

r/AgainstHateSubreddits want to ban r/ SocialJusticeInAction for criticizing TIMs with lactation fetishes

It's the same reason they want KF to go away. They dont want everyone to see receipts and explanations of their fetishistic behavior. Especially behavior involving children.

they said a woman who's breastfeeding her child should have CPS called on her. And death threats. Yeah, those totally happened. Boo hoo

That is a TIM - a MAN - who posted photos of himself (to other sick TIMs) sexually abusing his newborn daughter, and admitted he felt aroused doing it. I reported him to the authorities, and I hope to god that sick fuck and his enablers are arrested for child abuse. And I hope the all too many pedophilic TIMs who inevitably jerked off to those pictures, are struck by lightning.

Nobody believes TWAW, not even you incel stalkers. That's why you panic whenever your pedophilia gets exposed to everyone outside your safespace.

Various commenters #transphobia gettr.com


That's not a vagina. Not even close 🤦#troon #drgallagher #transwomenaremen

No woman should have to share a women-only space with this giant oaf of a mentally ill man just because he had some INSANE radical cosmetic surgery. Doctors can't create body parts. Inverting a man's dick to create a little tunnel that goes nowhere is NOT creating a vagina, a muscle that develops only in female mammals.

I believe in the future many tras will realize they made a horrible mistake and sue these doctors for their quack procedures. That inside out hole is not a vagina and that rolled up piece of skin from your arm is not a penis and never will be.

Like I keep saying, they ALL retain their dicks. It’s just that some are innies, but most keep their outies. Like 90% of them are fully intact, like Liar Thomas. I don’t care if this dude had the surgical synonym for “go fuck yourself”, he doesn’t belong in women only spaces. Ever. Unless it’s closing time and he cleans toilets for a living.

It's sick that it's happening. Encouraged by enablers, men like this will feel completely entitled to stomp on women's rights and spread out in the few single-sex spaces reserved for women and girls. No matter how many bits he chops off - he will never be a woman. He's NOT WELCOME in our spaces!

Imagine having to share a changing room with this enormous man with moobs? They want to gaslight us into accepting him as a woman who can share intimidate spaces with real women and girls. I don't care if he's a eunuch, he's still a man. And Genieve Gluck has exposed eunuch as being a new fetish identity in the troon community. These men can't be trusted!

Various commenters #transphobia #kinkshaming ovarit.com

A real conversation I had at my GSA.

( Tq231442 )
Just seeing your drawing reminds me of how I crossed the street today because I saw a crowd of people wearing thigh-highs, chokers, and bright hair coming in my direction.

I didn't want to smell them 💀

( cloudspinner )
Ew. The same kind of people showed up to the restaurant where I was having my birthday lunch last year. My dad and I traded looks but were very careful to keep our eyes trained on our food. It was so creepy.

( Tq231442 )
Imagine seeing a bunch of people acting out their fetish while with your family 🤮 shameless

( cloudspinner )
IKR? Dad and I were both creeped out when we left. I'm pretty sure we won't be going down Grand Ave. anytime soon.

( Nediljka_Orwell )
That’s the plan. All fetish enjoyment all the time, anywhere.

( jvsmine )
THIS. a bunch of furries dressed like this came to a local comic convention my town throws every year - and I can tell you that they were NOT there years prior. saw a male furry come out of a ladies bathroom, of course and I felt sick the rest of the day. I avoided these freaks like the plague and even refused to look at them and make a face bc I know a lot of them get off on our disgust. just grey rock the fuck out of them.

( Researcher1536 )
I was at a local restaurant and there were furries wearing their stuff while eating. There must have been a con nearby. But to see it in the wild was so jarring. My guy friend was like, "stop judging!" I said I'll judge all I want because I know the truth.

@DQImaging #transphobia gettr.com

Your definition of "asshole" defines what most consider rational. No one "teaches" their kids to reject delusional pronouns. It's a natural impulse by any mentally healthy person.

You simply cannot teach a gene to ignore science.

It is irrational to expect healthy people to instantly assess when a person suffers from a mental illness such as Gender Dysphoria, especially kids.

Moreover it’s absurd and rather rude to assume everyone must play along with one’s delusional pronoun therapy without asking politely first.

Your Gender Dysphoria is a personal battle, a burden which should never be forced upon school kids under the threat of ruining their lives.

That is the true definition of an “asshole”.

Various Kiwifarmers #dunning-kruger #homophobia #psycho #sexist #transphobia kiwifarms.net

Dylan James Mulvaney, a gay man interprets 'girlhood' in all glorious technicolor.

Dylan Mulvaney is an American musical theater performer who transitioned to save his career from the inevitable fate of an ageing twink at just 24.

The sheer comedic absurdity of Dylan's physical presence is never more apparent than when set against the great outdoors, so he takes ample opportunity to flap around shrubbery or scamper about rocky paths wearing ankle-breaker heels.

After graduating in 2019 Dylan was cast in The Book of Mormon national tour, but he found no more meaningful work when it ended with the pandemic in full swing. Which leads to Dylan staring down the barrel of 25 years old with the dead eyes you see on the right. He looks like that for a few months before changing pronouns on TikTok in September 2021 and blossoming into the manic transfeminine imp we see today.

He needs a good old fashioned slap in the face.

I think your take on why he trooned out is interesting.
He's a prime example of the twink ultra fag to troon pipeline.
Maybe he did troon out to get attention and revive his career.

(Myrtle the Turtle)
Agreed. Twinks have a short shelf life. 18-22 is the typical lifespan, possibly 25 if you have good genetics and a good plastic surgeon. After that you better bulk up, become a man or risk become an annoying fem gay. Methinks Dylan had some kind of breakdown during covid and went to the troon pipeline as a coping mechanism for getting older or something. Most zoomer girls don't go for the 1950s-60s housewife look so clearly his only idea of women is what he's looked at in magazines or movies from that era.

Wonder if he got sexually assaulted or something because he went from instagay to deranged fairly quickly.

(John Flynt's Axe Wound)
This fag has one of the most punchable faces on this site.

He disgusts me on a visceral level. I’m not sure which is worse: AGP coomers or screeching flamers like Dylan.

(Luigi Cadorna)
This man might legitimately be the most sexist person alive. Who the fuck thinks women act like this? I know most troons play their absurd stereotypes of women up to eleven but this fucker blows out the amplifier.

@Rex_Landy #transphobia gettr.com

Your periodic reminder that if you have recourse to use a public toilet in service of your monthly bleeding, carry Tabasco/wasabi/chili and anoint every used tampon and pad you throw away. (See what I did there? 💃)
Why, you ask me?
Because cockfrockers and pigwiggers rootle around in the bins and take the used products home. They then either: insert them up their arses, or wear them in their manties to get that totally-authentic-and-not-a-man-in-a-dress-with-a-raging-fetish-I'm-truly-a-ladywumman-see? feel.
#Glovesoff #TeamTERF
Why do the tranny lovers never condemn THESE men? Or the rapists? Or the voyeurs? The molesters? Oh, are they them them too? #askingforafriend

@wilsb8 #transphobia gettr.com

Anyone who tells you they have gender dysphoria is mentally ill and while we do have sympathy for mentally ill people, that shit runs out the moment they start violating others' safety and security in a shitty quest for validation.

James Lasher #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy #homophobia #transphobia charismanews.com

The spirit of deception is alive and well at the second annual Pagan Pride Fest in Tyler, Texas.

Despite the event organizer, Raynie Castañeda, claiming the event was "not satanic," nothing could be further from the truth. Those hosting the event appeared to be trying to distort and spread false senses of self and identity to the attendees.
The event was formed specifically to be anti-Christian.

In promotional material distributed beforehand, the event is described as a place to "gather & celebrate ourselves in the center of town, on our Good Old Square, which has historically been the place of our town's atrocities against BIPOC, LGBTQ+, Pagans, and any non-Christian folk. We reclaim this space in Honour of Ourselves, or our Gods, or our Ancestors."

The focus was to celebrate "ANY Pagan, Heathen, Satanist, Atheist, Spiritualist, any 'Other'd' folk who just don't know."
As reported by Tayler Hansen, the Satanic Temple clergy were clad in black robes and an assortment of demonic masks, while charging people $10 to be "un-baptized" by having a black upside-down cross drawn on their foreheads as they exclaimed "Hail Satan!"
Denial has worked so well for Satan and his minions, there is no reason to stop it now. People are being deceived by this tactic as is evidenced by this festival and others like it across the world.

The goal of making it appear innocent and undermine the seriousness of the spiritual impact an event like this would have can be seen across America.

The same spirit that claims a pagan festival's sole focus is not to be anti-Christian, is the same spirit that wants to see children exposed to sexually explicit drag shows. It wants to see children taught CRT and LGBTQ ideology in schools across the nation. It wants the government to continue to deny the existence of God (such as the Democratic party's pledge to secularism) and keep the truth of Jesus Christ from the hearts of as many as it can.

Margarita Simonyan, head of the russian state news agency RT #crackpot #fundie #god-complex #homophobia #psycho #racist #transphobia #wingnut thedailybeast.com

“The world is at a dead-end—first and foremost, in terms of values. If the Western world continues to develop in the same way and proceeds along the same insane trajectory, then it’s headed towards the destruction of mankind—even without any kind of a war,” she said. “Another fifty to a hundred years and no one will give birth anymore. No one will be able to give birth. With all the hormonal therapies, with their pharmaceutical lobbies, with brainwashing the mentality of their own nation and others, their own people and their own empires.”

She went on: “I don’t want to live in this kind of a world. It’s better to go to heaven right away, as Putin said: We’ll go to heaven and they’ll just croak.” Simonyan proclaimed her unwillingness “to live in the world where I’d be prohibited to put dresses on my daughters and to explain to my son that he is a boy.” She concluded: “This is already happening in many countries. For me, it’s unbearable. For me, this is worse than war. Indeed, it’s worse than war.”

“Will we win? Do we have enough strength? Do we have enough weapons? We’re not talking about a victory over Ukraine... right now, it’s abundantly clear that we’re dealing with the origin of that tumor I just mentioned, with the monstrous organism that is known as the collective Western world. It’s powerful, successful, well-armed and at the same time, utterly screwed-up, hotheaded and totally uneducated.”

Various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

"You're denying my existence!" Yes, that is correct. I am denying that trans is a legitimate thing.
I don't believe anyone is actually trans. I don't believe in gender souls. I don't believe anyone is born in the wrong body.

So when TRAs say "you're denying the existence of trans people!" they're absolutely correct. I deny any of this is real or legitimate.

It is entitled, manipulative, misogynistic behavior grounded in solipsism and narcissism. It is abusive bullying disguised as a faux human rights campaign. It has no basis in objective fact. It is illogical, unreasonable, and impossible to defend or support. It is a flimsy excuse to destroy and hurt women. It is mental illness in a frilly dress and lipstick.

Trans identity is anything but factual or legitimate—it simply does not exist.

( realityismykink )
I peaked all over again when I realized that they were the only ones denying their existence. A man with a crossdressing fetish who insists he isn't a man with a crossdressing fetish, but actually a woman, is literally denying his own existence. We're the only ones who refuse to deny their existence, and it enrages them.

( [Deleted] )
Lol true. I never thought of it that way

( ifelifelse )
Yes! I thought the same! Isn’t it “transphobic” to claim TWAW or to say that Richard Levine is “female” (etc)? That’s actually implying that trans is bad or doesn’t exist! They go around all day pretending they’re the same as us, denying their own “existence”. We’re just saying that we won’t go along with their delusions, not that we think they don’t exist.

( bumpyjerboa )
I don't believe in a lot of things and I don't think people should get special treatment for their religious beliefs. (Even if I share those beliefs myself!) That's all trans is. It's not denying their existence the same as refusing to privilege someone's other, more traditional religious beliefs isn't denying their existence.

I also don't like to have a fake tea party with my nieces every time they ask, that doesn't mean I think my nieces don't exist.

( pennygadget )

I don't believe in a lot of things and I don't think people should get special treatment for their religious beliefs.

If an orthodox Jew can't force people around them to eat kosher, than a man shouldn't be able to force people to pretend he's a woman.

PeskySeperatist , Feminist_Username & IWantAGirlRiot #transphobia ovarit.com

Even if I ruin our relationship, I still want you to support me during transition!

( PeskySeperatist )
That self righteous little "oh pleaaase be kind and dont point out she's an absolute villain, and me a poor widdle victim 🥺" lets me know two things:

1. He wants her to get an absolute grilling.

2. He wants to show her the comments and play it off like he didnt want this to happen.

He's seriously deluded if he thinks this will help his situation.
Also I love the "I dont even know for certain I am trans" when she says they need to break up.
Just when he thought he'd succeeded in pushing his fetish onto her, she laid down the facts and he thought he could trick her into staying by pretending there was still a chance he wasnt a deranged AGP creep.
Her fast turnaround is interesting to me too. Wonder if he did some weird shit that gave the game away and made her realise it's a fetish.

( Feminist_Username )
100% agreed, she had to listen to him talk about his lady feelings for an entire fucking day after she had to do his damn eyebrows and was like nah I'm good. Tells us all we need to know.

AGPs breed terfs lol and they absolutely do not have the self awareness to realize it. Their constant self-insertion into female spaces literally drives women away from them. The more they get what they want, the more people around them realize why they never should have been given what they want in the first place.

When I stood up to my TIM relative he accused me of getting in with the wrong crowd lmao. My poor little ladybrain couldn't be coming up with boundaries or ideas on it's own, of course. No awareness whatsoever that his actions were the sole thing that informed my opinion.

( IWantAGirlRiot )
Holy shit, I identify as your post. There was a moment at a dinner where a TiM relative and my partner spoke over their mother, their aunt, and myself to correct the TiM’s pronouns. I was truly peaked. We were talking about the past. It was family history chat. All the women speaking, it made me sick how eager the TiM was to edge in, with some kind of exhaustion, to remind us silly women to watch our tongues.

"This Totally Happened" Award

for opening new horizons in self-proctology

@Rex_Landy #transphobia gettr.com

If you have recourse to a public toilet when you need to change your menstrual products, women... anoint every used product with Tabasco/ghost chilli sauce/wasabi.
Trannies root about in our period waste bins, take them home and shove them up their arses or put them in their manties #TrueStory whole threads are dedicated to how euphoric they feel when they've got a random woman's used bloody pad against their oestrogen soaked weeping turkey neck cock. #NoFilter #Glovesoff #NoQuarter
You know it's true. I'm merely the messenger. Buy your chilli now! #TeamTERF Men are not women, even if you squint.

Jorgensen Shmorgensen #transphobia #psycho #wingnut newdiscourses.com

"Trans” in the News: Autogynophilia shoved into school kids’ faces — public applauds “trans”, ignores kids and scolds “bigots”

Autogynophilia is the specific mental illness of the majority of male “Trans” who pretend to be women (see Ed Wood and Ed Gein). Autogynophilia is a hetero male’s sexual fetish where the male gets a boner in a mini skirt while stroking his fake boobs and tossing his blonde wig . See examples at this infamous Autogynophile web site: https://www.pettipond.com/parlor2.htm (NSFNP: Not Safe for Normal People)

Autogynophilia is a sexual fetish and not an “identity” or “human right”. Autogynophilia has has nothing to do with male homosexuality, indeed most autogyns hate homosexuals. Autogynophilia in public is the same as masturbating in public — there is no difference — and it’s now totally normal and completely OK with the “people” of the communist hellhole called Canadodoland where this was filmed this week. btw The male teacher “Mr. Hanna” returned from last term in june when he was a man and now is a sexually acting out his fetish as “Kayla” with captive school kids as his forced audience for him to get his sexual freak on.


If the human race intends to continue, there is only one possible response to such a “teacher” at this point:


Jorgensen Shmorgensen #conspiracy #wingnut #transphobia #enbyphobia #racist #kinkshaming #fundie newdiscourses.com

Good day, children. Today our Grade 2 class celebrates another Transplendent day of anti-white Transness here in our magical kingdom of Translandia-Canadodoland. Remember that Grand-Wizard Lord Soros’ Trans Inc. liberated you from your own Caucasianness and Transformed you into mock-POC honoured allies after the State liberated you from your racist whyt-peepo parents who were charged with procreating whiteness and jailed in the penal colonies of all-white Antarctica to pay for their ancestors’ crimes of spreading Intergalactic Whiteness.

As your non-binary fa’afafine-adjacent genderflorin teacher-friend, I will be using some French words today to honour the anniversary of The Islamic Republic of France that liberated the mother-country whose racist forebears colonized our own country’s two-spirited peoples in the former French imperialist province of Le Pays de Cochons Blanc. So, mes enfants, let us celebrate today’s hagiographic calendar of Trans Saints with two very special hetero-Trans male martyrs.

Today we worship two Autogynophile Trans saints who triumphed over whiteness so that all maleborn be-penised white-beings can proudly flaunt “female” erections in our miniskirts thus liberating us from heteropatriarchal imperialism. Let us kneel and assume the position, ma petit choses. O Trans Saint Stu Rasmussen of Oregon. O Trans Saint Stef-On-Knee of Torontula. O ye Trans martyrs. Thou hast reverse-colonized heteronormative males who renounced their whiteness by donning female clothing and erotically self-sexualizing their Transness by wearing womanhood as a bonerizing skin suit. Blessed Be the Autogynophile jug-wow of your synthetic EEE fake breastial mam-hams. Blessed Be the instruments of your Autogynophile martyrdom, the miniskirt and the blonde she-wig. Deus Sex Trangendera! O Trans! Blessed Be!

Elisabeth R. and the "United Patriots" #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy #racist #transphobia washingtonexaminer.com

Elisabeth R., 75, an evangelical theologian and retired pastor and schoolteacher, was already well-known in German monarchist circles, being dubbed "the countess," according to T-Online[…]German press has dubbed her "Terror-Oma," or "Terror Granny," Bild reported[…]
The conspirators would destroy the country's power grid in order to trigger a blackout[…]In the resulting chaos, members would stage a coup, which would have apparently involved the conspirators kidnapping several celebrities, including Health Minister Karls Leuterbach, a central enemy in far-right circles in the country over his strict COVID-19 lockdown policies. The "United Patriots" Telegram chat named six ministers among them, apparently appointed by a "Prussian regent"[…]
Alongside Elisabeth R. as ringleaders of the group were a former East German Army officer and an East German Coast Guard seaman[…]
An AK-47 assault rifle was found in the home of one of the conspiracy members, along with ammunition, arrows, and a rapid-fire crossbow

Elisabeth R. was a member of Germany's Reichsburger[…]Many within these circles were aware of and actively discouraged the plot[…]
German radical drew enough attention from her writings to get her pension canceled, with the justification that she had "acted actively against the free democratic basic order[…]"She had discussed "asylum seeker tsunamis," "rape and slaughter," and the "secret remodeling of brain structures" through "genderism, digitization and 5G"

She also wrote extensively on the legal foundations for the illegitimacy of the modern democratic German state, claiming that the Versailles Treaty and Weimar Constitution were illegal

Various commenters #transphobia #enbyphobia ovarit.com

r/MensWrongs: Terves don’t hate trans people they hate MEN 🙀

( [Deleted] )
Can’t speak for anyone else but I’ve met just as many insufferable female “nonbinary” people as I’ve met TIMs so I can’t say this applies to me personally. I see more predatory TIMs in online spaces but irl I’ve consistently been bullied, harassed, objectified, and condescended way more by genderspecial TIFs who seemingly feel intimidated by me being way more gnc than them and still being self aware that I’m a woman. And this has been an occurrence since way before I even entertained gender critical ideas.

They’re not men but a lot of them they LARP hard enough that they might as well be. And I know some people here are more mature than me and will say they hate the ideology and not the person but nah, that’s not me. I hate every creepy predatory TIM and every condescending misogynistic TIF/NB I’ve ever met. I don’t care about their chromosomes or what they have in their pants, if they’re part of the trans movement and treat women like shit they can just go fuck themseves regardless of whether they’re women or not

I know the original is probably accurate for most radfems so sorry for the unhinged rant. I haven’t been on Ovarit in a while and I needed to have a good seethe

( hmimperialtortie )
You speak for me! I despise the TIFs and enbies, they’re all misogynists. I loathe the TIMs.

( mathlover )
The women trying to pretend they are "men" can be obnoxious with lots of internalized mysogyny. But they are mostly just pathetic in trying to escape all the mysogyny heaped on women and we can feel sorry for them.

In sharp contrast, the men trying to pretend they are "women" are all sexual predators to some degree or other. They are viciously mysogynist. There is no way to not hate what they have done, and continue to do, to women and any womens' community they infest. And they do it all and get away with it because they are men.

So, yeah. The truly negative things we feel toward "trans" people we feel towards men.

( hontrapoints )
Why can't I hate both TIPs and men? It's the best of both worlds~

Matt Walsh #transphobia #wingnut twitter.com

Guarantee that all trans activists will flee Twitter now they we’re allowed to acknowledge biological reality. They cannot engage on a platform that allows an open exchange of ideas. They rely totally on being able to suppress the opposing argument. Goodbye and good riddance.

Florida Board of Medicine #transphobia cbsnews.com

Panel OKs restricting gender-affirming treatment for Florida teens

TALLAHASSEE - A key medical panel on Friday signed off on a draft rule, pushed by Gov. Ron DeSantis' administration, that would restrict Florida doctors from providing treatments to transgender people under age 18, setting up a final decision next week that likely will lead to a legal challenge.

A joint committee of the Florida Board of Medicine and the Florida Board of Osteopathic Medicine heard five hours of at-times raucous testimony from experts, parents and the public --- including transgender men and women and people who have "detransitioned" --- before approving the draft rule.

The proposal, slated for a Nov. 4 final vote by the full medical boards, would prohibit doctors from prescribing puberty-blocking, hormone and hormone "antagonist" treatments for patients under age 18. The plan also would ban surgical treatments for minors, which experts have said is rare.

Friday's action came after the Florida Department of Health in July filed a petition seeking a rule-making process on the contentious issue of treatment for gender dysphoria.

The petition proposed prohibiting doctors from using medical interventions such as surgery or medications to treat minors diagnosed with gender dysphoria, which the federal government defines clinically as "significant distress that a person may feel when sex or gender assigned at birth is not the same as their identity."

The proposal given preliminary approval Friday would be prospective, meaning children already receiving hormone therapy or puberty blockers would be allowed to continue the treatment. The committee discussed requiring parents to sign a consent form for such treatments to continue but did not finalize guidelines.

The committee also added a provision that would allow minors to begin receiving treatments such as puberty blockers if they participate in a federally approved clinical trial at a university-affiliated center. No such trials are underway in Florida, according to an initial review.

Chloe Cole, an 18-year-old from California, was among the detransitioners who told of worsening mental-health problems, complications after surgery and lax medical care during or following treatment.


Various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

delusion, homophobia, misogyny

( GCRadFem )
Thank you sir but no. Get real.

TW do not have “the exact same bodies” as women and never will.

( Ptarmagant )
Um, if they had the exact same body, they would be, well, women.

( SakuraBlossoms )
Yeah what is the "trans" supposed to mean?

( spaghettiforhair )
That a male body can be surgically mutilated to the point of becoming a female body, which is false. Doctors are neither gods nor forces of nature.

( femlez34 )
Yeah, even if the genital surgeries were able to successfully imitate the real thing, I'm still not attracted to these dudes. They make it seem like everyone is fooled until we learn what's in their pants, lol. None of them look, sound, or smell remotely like women in person, and more importantly, none of them act like women! I've never had a woman react to me politely turning down a date by threatening to rape or murder me. A friend of mine was stalked by a TIM who would wait on the sidewalk outside her apartment. This entitlement to sexual access is not female behavior.

various Blacvkpillers #transphobia blackpill.club

( UncleSpertz)
Isnt it funny how ftm foids think theyll be chads once they transition???
But the reality is that they end up looking worse than the average incel like this, kinda funny how they would probably envy our looks

They ruined their life because they're too stupid to just ignore jew/LGBT propaganda, dumb bitches, living life as a woman is being born on tutorial difficulty.

They go from easy mode to hardcore difficulty. Many try to revert back. Some already cut their tits, look like bearded soyboys etc.
They can still join the 43%

Foids can at least oofy maxx, as presumably they understand foid psychology.

Brother Nathanael #racist #wingnut #fundie #homophobia #transphobia #conspiracy realjewnews.com

Thrown in your face:

Force-fed wars, anal sex, drag queens, degeneracy, and mutilation of children’s testicles and genitals.

This is the kind of dreck coming out of DC, and neither Trump nor DeSantis can fix it.

Both are “Israel Firsters.”

That means whatever’s good for the Jews is good for Trump and DeSantis.
Here’s their schwartza shill, Lloyd Austin, rapt in adoration of his Ukrainian counterpart, the Yid, Oleksii Reznikov.

Oh, it makes the Yids all over de vorld, just vanna shimmy, do the Kizomba-Kompa jungle mumba, seeing this schwartza baboon woo and spoon this vittle little yiddle who’s been given a gold-plated key to the US Treasury.
We are being played.

It’s being built into our monthly national cycle:

‘Pride Month of June’ is nothing less than celebrating for thirty dirty days:

Anal sex between men, dildo sex between women, gender confusion, and child genital mutilation.
Last time I checked, shoving a penis up another man’s feces, is ignoble, ugly, unworthy of one’s manhood.

The very act of anal penetration sends a man to hell where demons stick their scorpion-tipped tails up the practitioner’s arse.
Sodom and Gomorrah was destroyed for less.

DC is the enemy of Jesus Christ.

If you love God you must hate DC.

You cannot serve God and Mammon.

Not only religious and moral issues are at stake, but practical and economic ones, too.

Under DC, your children face mandatory health-endangering ‘vaccines’ required to be educated.

Under DC, your children will learn to hate their skin color and their White Christian heritage.

Under DC, your borders are ravaged, drugs come pouring in, human trafficking explodes, and your demographics are altered forever.

Under DC, your property taxes increase, tied to escalating inflation, and home-ownership becomes a thing of the past.

Under DC, Third World illiterates are re-settled in Middle America, and your culture and racial unity are dismantled forever.

Under DC, firearms are eliminated and all you’re left with is squirt guns.

Lisette Verdi #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy #transphobia #enbyphobia saltradioministries.com

The trend toward trans-humanism has really come to the forefront of the Luciferian global agenda in the past few years. If Luciferians have their way, they will have you believing wholeheartedly that the next necessary step for humanity is the transcendence to a brand new species: The Übermensche, the Overman, the Homo Superior.

The root of the transhumanism movement is found in Luciferians and Satanists who disguised themselves as atheists such as Friedrich Nietzsche, Karl Marx, Sigmund Freud, Charles Darwin, Julian Bruxley, Aleistair Crowely to name a few. All of these men share membership in high degree Freemasonry which does not bring any surprise considering the long-standing agenda that Freemasons have held for centuries. For Freemasons, the ultimate goal, by any means necessary, is to facilitate the removal of God completely from humanity while Satan slithers into His place.
What’s important to know…

In order to grasp these deeply Satanic messages in this type of programming, one must consider a few ideas:

There is a counterfeit messiah on the rise that scripture tells us is the Antichrist.

He will attempt to mimic and surpass God, mimic Christ as the savior of mankind, the “better” idea for mankind.

He will offer to heal the sick, give sight to the blind, and heal the planet.

He will offer eternal life without Christ.

He will mock God’s creation in every way possible (erasing gender roles and gender identity, muting male and female in combination with machine into one symbolized by the Baphomet.

Agendas that include removing natural human procreation and the natural family from society (abortion, homosexuality, the “family” is facing extinction)

Humans become their own god with godlike abilities. No death, no hell, self-will to godlike status.

To normalize this idea in film and programming so that the younger generation desensitizes to the idea.

John Daniel Davidson #wingnut #transphobia #homophobia #sexist thefederalist.com

[From "We Need To Stop Calling Ourselves Conservatives"]

Conservative project has largely failed, and it is time for a new approach. Conservatives have long defined their politics in terms of what they wish to conserve[…]In America, conservatives and classical liberals alike rightly believe an ascendent left wants to dismantle our constitutional system and transform America into a woke dystopia[…]
They have lost much: marriage as it has been understood for thousands of years, the First Amendment, any semblance of control over our borders, a fundamental distinction between men and women[…]
Western civilization is dying. The traditions and practices that conservatives champion are, at best, being preserved only in an ever-shrinking private sphere[…]
What kind of politics should conservatives today[…]adopt?[…]They should stop thinking of themselves as conservatives[…]start thinking of themselves as radicals, restorationists, and counterrevolutionaries[…]
Willingness to embrace government power has been a topic of fruitful debate on the “New Right”[…]
If conservatives want to save the country they are going to have to rebuild and in a sense re-found it, and that means getting used to the idea of wielding power[…]Accommodation or compromise with the left is impossible[…]
To stop universities from spreading poisonous ideologies will require state legislatures to starve them of public funds. To stop the disintegration of the family might require reversing the travesty of no-fault divorce[…]
Wielding government power will mean a dramatic expansion of the criminal code. It will not be enough[…]to reach an accommodation with the abortion regime[…]
Conservatives need to get comfortable saying in reply to people like French that Drag Queen Story Hour should be outlawed; that parents who take their kids to drag shows should be arrested and charged with child abuse

Various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

( littleowl12 )
"Transactvism erases lesbians" Jammidodger: nuh-UNH


Here's Jammidodger again. Lesbians are like, so TODALLY RONG about twanz people erasing their community.

1. Nuh-UNH that is so not true!
2. Besides, not all trans guys identified as lesbians before transition. (We know that, Jamie. We call them Gaydens).
3. And anyway, many many many many many MANY trans women are proud lesbians, but terfs just IGNORE THAT!
4. Terfs think that trans men are women who have been brainwashed into trying to get male privilege while trans women are men trying to invade women's spaces BUT
5. That doesn't track because TWAW and TMAM.
Jammi doesn't wonder why many many many many MANY TIMs view themselves as lesbians. Nor does she wonder why she doesn't.

She just knows that lesbians are WRONG and MEAN! because of her circular logic. In her other videos she hints that she just might be a bisexual man, btw. In theory. This is interesting because she's not the first lesbian TIF on youtube to eventually identify as a gay man. Finn did this, too.

Her poor girlfriend really needs to run for the hills.

Jammi has a sponsorship from a language app and she's currently learning Creole. She bragged that she can finally work out a little bit of what her girlfriend's family are saying. They must find this annoying. I can only imagine Jammi is hearing words like "ridiculous" and "white" and "girl" and "thinks" and "she's" and "a" and "man."

Jammi is coming across as angrier and angrier and honestly a little desperate. She's skipping the good-natured, patient, condescending "educator" act. Now she's cross and has simply had it with our nonsense. She's a British Rom Com heart throb, god dammit! So seriously, fuck all you! You, and you, and especially YOU!

( ALesbian )
#3. It's impossible to ignore "trans lesbians." They're everywhere, threatening real lesbians with "corrective" rape and throwing temper mantrums.

( hmimperialtortie )

she's currently learning Creole

Sounds like she’d be better off learning English first.

( butchplease )
What trans activism gives us: men who call themselves lesbians and try to rape actual lesbians

What trans activism takes away from us: actual lesbians

@GodlyPatriot #fundie #homophobia #transphobia gettr.com

77% of customers unite against hatred and targeted destruction of our children in United States ☦️ Causes Coinbase to keep politics out of #lgbtqpedo pubic policy promoters. 95% of Republicans, 50%of democrat party members and 85% of independent voters are also uniting at the polls , turning even blue states red and red states with election integrity protection laws and poll watchers, even more prochild and pro-family and pro faith ⚡ 😇
Now even #netflix is rethinking its horrifying strategy to only openly allow sacrifice children to the demonic #lgbtqpedo shows. They're starting to allow comedians to call out trans indoctrination censorship but not enough rebranding to fool customers 🤔👏

Ron Johnson #fundie #transphobia #kinkshaming lgbtqnation.com

Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) is the latest Republican politician to insist that kids are using litter boxes in schools as part of a rant attacking transgender youth.

During a recent tele-town hall event, Johnson was questioned by a caller who claimed that his niece told him that her school had provided litter boxes for students who believe they are cats. The caller, who identified himself as a former Democrat, wanted to know whether the senator had heard about things like that happening and whether Johnson would support a federal law similar to Florida’s “Don’t Say Gay” law.

One of the things that COVID did was that parents were looking over their kids’ shoulders and they became aware of the indoctrination of our children by radical leftists within our education system,” he said.

He went on to claim that he’d heard “on a radio talk show” that England’s National Health Service (NHS) has declared that “transgenderism” is “just a phase for children” and that we shouldn’t “accommodate the phase.” Johnson continued his misinformed rant saying that children should not be given “gender-blocking drugs” or receive “sex change operations.” In reality, gender-affirming genital surgeries are not performed on minors.

Johnson concluded by claiming that teachers are “pushing this stuff on our kids.”

South Carolina Governor Henry McMaster #fundie #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia wistv.com

COLUMBIA, S.C. (WIS) - Two of the men vying to lead South Carolina for the next four years outlined their visions for the state’s future Wednesday, with one pitching for South Carolina to stay its current course and the other arguing his opponent is pulling the state back to the past.

Republican Gov. Henry McMaster, seeking re-election for a second term, and former Democratic Congressman Joe Cunningham met Wednesday in Columbia for their first and only currently scheduled debate ahead of the Nov. 8 election.


“I think it was fine the way it was before under Roe v. Wade,” Cunningham said. “…If an abortion ban comes to Gov. McMaster’s desk with no exceptions, he’ll sign it, and I’ll veto it.”

Prior to Roe’s overturn, McMaster had indicated his support for a ban from conception without exceptions, but he has since said he finds the exceptions included in the state’s currently-blocked six-week ban — for the life and health of the mother, sexual assault victims, and fatal fetal anomalies — as reasonable.

South Carolina’s Republican-dominated legislature has been attempting since the summer to further restrict abortions, but lawmakers have not been able to come to an agreement on a final bill.


Questioning later turned to what would happen if the Supreme Court overturned another precedent, protecting same-sex marriage nationwide.

McMaster said he would follow a current state law that bans it. While that law is still on the books, it has been unenforceable following the court’s 2015 Obergefell v. Hodges decision to require states recognize same-sex marriages.

“Maybe I’m old-fashioned, but I think marriage ought to be between a man and a woman, just like I think that boys ought to play in boys’ sports and girls ought to play in girls’ sports,” McMaster said.

Cunningham, seemingly caught by surprise by McMaster’s response, responded the governor was taking the state backwards.

“Gov. McMaster has been leading South Carolina into the 1950s since the 1980s,” Cunningham said.

Joshua Conner Moon #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #transphobia t.me

Hello! You might notice the site is down. This is because Zayo, the ISP that I have been trying to get online since December, was serving requests for less than 12 hours before succumbing to a few angry emails.

Simply getting the Kiwi Farms back online is not my main concern though.

Zayo is an Internet service provider. They are a big company with presence across the world. If Zayo is arbitrarily blocking entire networks because of individual sites, and they are doing so with no recourse, the Internet is doomed. We are watching in real time as the very foundations of our interconnected world buckle and fold.

The reality of a Tier 1 provider like Zayo censoring the Internet is very dire and I hope you will pay attention.

Without them, should you manage to peer, you are not on the Internet if you cannot handle DDoS attacks yourself. DDoS mitigation has never been made a core part of the Internet, and I believe that weakness is deliberately encouraged by governments, as the US government routinely utilizes DDoS attacks to censor networks like Tor.

I do like my website, and after spending time on other communities I know that nothing will ever replace it if the circus of sex pests and psychologically disturbed slacktivists have their way.

I also am very sad to see these state of affairs. Without breaking the law, without piracy, and without incident (like Tarrant and Jan 6 with 8chan), we have been censored at some of the highest reaches of the Internet. A handful of very mentally ill people sending nasty emails, threatening the families of datacenter employees, and calling in favors with friends in high places have very effectively snapped the neck of the interconnected world.

Every year the diversity of websites online shrinks, and the centralization of services grow. Those who should want to fight a tech oligarchy instead cheer it on and help consolidate its power. I am helplessly watching the Internet, and the freedom it has brought our entire species, die a slow death. It hurts. The Internet is being murdered by shortsighted parasites, and they will never realize how big a mistake it is until there's no going back.

Babylon Bee #wingnut #transphobia babylonbee.com

Man Pretending To Be Woman Visits Man Pretending To Be President

WASHINGTON, D.C. — History was made last week as Dylan Mulvaney, a pretend woman, sat down in a one-hour Now This News special with Joe Biden, a pretend president.

"OMG OMG OMG Mr. President, how aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrree you? EEEEEEEEEE!" said pretend woman Mulvaney in a perfect impression of a totally normal woman. "I'm so, so, so, so, so, so excited to talk to you about important issues concerning very, very young little girls just like me!"

"That's right," replied Biden. "I'm not even being facetious here. Not a joke. For real. Annie Oakley."

Aides then poked the pretend president with their handy cattle prod, as he was pretending to be awake.

The pair then talked at length about the issues most important to everyday American voters, such as letting biological men use girls' bathrooms, offering unrestricted and free abortions for pregnant men, and outlawing guns.

At publishing time, Mulvaney had told reporters he was happy to interview the President but was extremely disappointed Biden never leaned in to sniff his little girl hair.

Rep. Mike Johnson and 32 other Republican Congresmen #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia nbcnews.com

A national 'Don't Say Gay' law? Republicans introduce bill to restrict LGBTQ-related programs

The bill’s definition of “sexually-oriented material” includes anything that relates to sexual orientation or gender identity.

Congressional Republicans introduced what some are calling a national version of Florida’s Parental Rights in Education bill — or what critics have dubbed the “Don’t Say Gay” bill.

Rep. Mike Johnson of Louisiana and 32 other Republican members of Congress on Tuesday introduced the Stop the Sexualization of Children Act of 2022, which would prohibit the use of federal funds “to develop, implement, facilitate, or fund any sexually-oriented program, event, or literature for children under the age of 10, and for other purposes.”

The bill defines “sexually-oriented material” as “any depiction, description, or simulation of sexual activity, any lewd or lascivious depiction or description of human genitals, or any topic involving gender identity, gender dysphoria, transgenderism, sexual orientation, or related subjects.”

The sweeping legislation would affect all federally funded facilities and programs, which would include public libraries, federally funded schools, military bases and hospitals. It would prohibit schools, for example, from providing sex education or library books that include LGBTQ topics to children under 10. It would also bar public libraries from using funds to host Drag Story Hour events — a national program started in 2015 in which drag performers read children’s books to kids.

Johnson described the bill as “commonsense.”

“The Democrat Party and their cultural allies are on a misguided crusade to immerse young children in sexual imagery and radical gender ideology,” he said in a statement. “No federal tax dollars should go to any federal, state, or local government agencies, or private organizations that intentionally expose children under 10 years of age to sexually explicit material.”

Some critics on social media have called the bill a version of Florida’s recently enacted Parental Rights in Education law “on steroids.”


Matt Walsh et al. #conspiracy #pratt #transphobia #wingnut nitter.net

(NOTE: Those are the quotes of various speakers from "Rally To End Child Mutilation", reposted by the DW account.)

@MattWalshBlog confronts Antifa protesters: "They don't want you to hear what we have to say because they're cowards. They can't engage in the argument. All they could try to do is shut us down and silence us. But it's not going to work...We're not going anywhere."

"There is...a conspiracy to target and indoctrinate our children into the cult of gender ideology. [It] fosters delusion, intentionally creates an identity crisis in young, impressionable kids...It's a path to confusion and despair."

"I'm not going to leave it to my kids to fight this fight...We stand up and we fight...And we're not just fighting to protect our kids from mutilation in the name of gender transition. We're fighting that but an even deeper level. We are fighting for truth."

@LandonStarbuck: "We are so grateful to the...survivors of radical gender ideology that devastates families, that decimates children's bodies and does not protect them or give them the health care they need and deserve. That is why we're here today."

to counter-protesters: "We're so sorry that you've been lied to, exploited...We hope that one day you'll join us and you'll have compassion for that. Vulnerable compassion for the children who have been maimed and abused."

@TulsiGabbard: "Today, though, is those in power denying the existence of women. They are seeking to erase us as an entire category of people. There are no boundaries in our society...Who is suffering as a consequence of these actions? It is the most vulnerable...our children. Our kids need us now."

De-transitioner @ChoooCole: "Some say that transition regret is incredibly rare and...almost always due to external factors such as social pressures or low income. This could not be any more false. A new de-transitioner often a minor reaches out to me on nearly a daily basis."

Scott Newgent: "Within this debate, a bigot today is a hero tomorrow...Are you willing to take the heat today to be a hero tomorrow to save a generation of children?"

PPEcel #sexist #transphobia #wingnut incels.is

Hypocrisy Mentally ill faggot screams into megaphone directly at an elderly foid's face during protest


“F— you, you f—king white cracker. F— you, you ugly piece of sh—!”

A male far-left militant screams a racist slur over a bullhorn in the face of a woman. Far-left radicals have descended on the state capitol in Nashville to try & shut down @MattWalshBlog.

The video says it all, really.

Here's my question: How much of a meltdown would Reddit have if an incel did the same thing to a woman holding a sign during a feminist rally? Methinks they would start ranting about harassment. So why is it that the soycucks are OK with this type of behavior from faggots?

You can tell there's something cuckoo about SJWs in general. No sane person behaves like that in public.

why does """he""" look like a literal woman

It's a man that's pumped full of all sorts of chemicals so he can LARP as a femoid. A goddamned freak.

Unnamed Bratislava gunman #wingnut #psycho #homophobia #racist #conspiracy #transphobia adl.org

On October 12, a 19-year-old man opened fire in front of an LGBTQ+ bar in Bratislava, Slovakia, killing two people and injuring a third before he was found dead the following morning[…]
The ADL Center on Extremism’s investigation also revealed that for over a year the shooter had been posting violent and hateful content publicly on Twitter[…]
His targeting of an LGBTQ+ venue was not a coincidence: his manifesto regularly references his hatred of the LGBTQ+ community and his belief that they are responsible for perceived “cultural degeneracy.” Throughout his screed, he routinely refers to the LGBTQ+ community using various slurs and asserts that they are responsible for “grooming” children[…]
Perpetrator’s worldview was poisoned by antisemitism. On the very first page of his manifesto, the attacker blames Jews for a host of global problems, asserting that Jewish people control the media and financial system and accusing Jews of being responsible for perceived societal degeneracy, namely by supporting the LGBTQ+ community. The shooter alleges that Jewish people are implementing a plan for global domination that will ultimately result in the destruction of the white race unless white people stand up and fight

Within the manifesto, the shooter references the “14 words”[…]
The Bratislava shooter subscribed to accelerationism[…]He cites prominent white supremacist William Pierce’s call to take actions to destroy ZOG as soon as possible[…]
Among his tweets were racist slurs, white supremacist 4chan screenshots, posts glorifying other mass shooters and Nazi war criminals as heroes, and several images of the Nazi sonnenrad[…]
Gunman also scoped out the bar he eventually attacked and shared photos of himself outside the venue in August[…]
Already, violent extremists have begun lauding the Bratislava shooter as a “saint,” equating him to earlier white supremacist terrorists—the very ones that he had admired

jvsmine & hmimperialtortie #transphobia ovarit.com

"Passing" post-op TIM realizes straight men still won't sleep with him, calls it discrimination

( jvsmine )
"Just having that knowledge about you can change someone from being all over you to friendzoning you without any objective reason."

why are all TIMs such fucking rapists? this is incel rapist rhetoric. fucking sickos.

edit to add: not getting fucked means TIMs are "expendable"?

not at all like how the sudden real women are expendable in our own rape shelters, prisons, sports, etc. our feelings of being safe and cared for are disregarded so TIMs can "feel safe and valid and included".

they act like not getting fucked is gunna kill them. jesus I hate these moids.

( hmimperialtortie )
I honestly don’t care what anyone they rape or try to rape does to them.

mrsmeyers , StayoffmyTERF & hmimperialtortie #transphobia ovarit.com

( mrsmeyers )
This tweet from the same account, someone save my eyeballs from rolling into another dimension

Thankyou all for the lovely chats. I’m going to make lunch now, for myself, before returning to my work at home. My Paramedic husband is out saving lives. Yes, he asks for pronouns.

My opinions will only ever be that. Debate is healthy, violence is not.


( StayoffmyTERF )
If a paramedic asks my pronouns while I’m having a medical emergency, I’d rather him just let me die.

( hmimperialtortie )
Someone ask me that at such a time and I’d be sorely tempted to spit in their eye.

I wonder if the alleged paramedic husband only asks pronouns of the obvious genderhairs?

IchikosChocolate & crodish #transphobia ovarit.com

"i feel like i'm just cosplaying real masculinity"

( IchikosChocolate )
This is genuinely so sad to read... It hurts to see how many girls are groomed into the belief that men are superior, a belief that has ruined this poor girl and made her want to become a man in order to become "better". The whole "queer" (a word I personally use for all the clowns leeching off the LGB's actual oppression) stuff is just 21th century misogyny and there should be no debate over that. Trans women being such grotesque caricatures of womanhood, girls forcing themselves to be someone they're not and never will be (also known as a man) in order to fit society's standards for a "mentally and physically strong person", the whole non-binary thing being a way to affirm gender stereotypes... the world is f*cked.

( crodish )
Yes, you are.

No female can become a male. Your bound breasts, mastectomied breasts, arm graft scar, phalloplasty, and everything you do to make yourself seem more like a man are themselves proof of your being female. No male has to do this.

You get better by stopping trying to be what you are not and accepting yourself as you are. You never needed to do any of this.

Jesus christ this is so upsetting to read. None of them know what the fuck they are doing or that none of it changes them into a man. They've been sold nothing but lies.

Adam Mill #wingnut #conspiracy #racist #transphobia amgreatness.com

In Rand’s conception, beneath the apparent power of the statist movement lies a hollow, rotten core. One crack of the hard exterior causes the whole thing to come tumbling down. More than 30 years before the fall of the Soviet Union, Rand saw the inherent weakness of a system that survives by crushing freedom.

Social justice, climate change, criminal justice “reform,” gender-affirming “care,” critical race theory, ESG—all of these utopian ideals have made things worse. The great spasm of protests and violence in 2020 following the death of George Floyd aggravated race relations by normalizing “trainings” in workplaces and schools during which openly bigoted propaganda shamed Americans for the color of their skin. Woke corporate executives engage in soft embezzlement as they redirect scarce company resources to profit-destroying social justice objectives. And pushing “gender-affirming” sex surgeries results in more teen suicides not fewer, as the proponents promised. Looking into her crystal ball, Rand got things almost exactly right.
Political oppression, which the Left has merely piloted thus far, will need to ramp up dramatically if the Left is to maintain power. Promises of freedom, prosperity, and equality soon gave way to oppression as restive citizens asked for new leadership in Russia, Cuba, Venezuela, etc. When you hear the Left promise the “end of democracy” if Americans vote them out of power, you had better listen.
All of the institutional power the Left possesses will mean nothing if they don’t have the ability to intimidate. And the power of intimidation begins with a great big bluff against the far more powerful American citizenry. The Left’s power rests on the shoulders of a great American Atlas—millions of ordinary Americans who silently seethed through the past six years of left-wing power grabs. And that Atlas need only shrug at the next round of faux crisis hysteria, and the Left’s power will collapse overnight.

Various fundie parents #biphobia #conspiracy #crackpot #dunning-kruger #fundie #magick #transphobia #god-complex #homophobia nbcnews.com

A mural painted by a high school student came under fire when parents alleged it was promoting LGBTQ imagery and witchcraft.

Earlier this year, a Grant, Michigan, high school sophomore won a contest “to brighten up” the middle school health center, according to a statement from Grant Public Schools (GPS). GPS says the student received approval to paint images of “smiling children” and as well as the message “Stay Healthy.”


At a school board meeting on Oct. 10, parents accused the student artist of promoting witchcraft by including the Hamsa hand [a Latin American good luck symbol] as well as the video game character that bears the likeness of a demon. Parents also objected to the use of LGBTQ colors.

“I put my art up there to make people feel welcome,” the student artist said, her voice breaking, in footage captured at the meeting by WZZM-TV, a local news station based in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

One man at the meeting called the mural “hate material.”

Another adult at the meeting said, “I feel like (she) did a really good job finding excuses to defend the things you put on. None of us are that stupid.”

The student artist left the meeting in tears.

littleowl12 #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: I'm not sure if Trans Ideology is a new religious movement, even in the quasi sense, actually.

Religious people can be contradictory, but TRAs can't NOT be contradictory. Young Earth Creationists are delulu, but they do have a consistent belief. They don't believe in evolution and creationism at the same time. TRAs of the NB type believe that gender is both meaningless and crucial. The "tru scum" are more consistent with their "mind of a woman/man" silliness but they also believe that the body does not make you your gender, but it must somehow be corrected since yes it does make you your gender.

While religious people can be self-contradictory, they can also be consistent. (In being wrong).

Religious people can also be honest in a way TRAs can't. They might accept that no one else is buying their crap and they'll just have to smugly pity the nonbelievers. The TRA needs something out of you, however. Right now. He needs you to let him into your bathrooms. She needs you to accept her into your gay men's night club. He needs you to let him into your sport. She needs you to pay for her metoidioplasty.

If the TRA doesn't get results, it's not about you not Seeing The Light. That's not what they're grieving. They can't be satisfied with "well at least I'm saved!" because they wanted a material benefit out of you. If they don't get into women's spaces, or free "top surgeries" then the project is a failure.

mathlover & hmimperialtortie #transphobia ovarit.com

TRAs support rape by deception

( mathlover )
The only reason any of them ever suggest disclosing is if a male larping as a woman wants to have sex with another male. They do advise each other about this. But the disclosure is due to the fear of being beaten or killed by the other man when he finds out he has been deceived, and that fear only applies when the prey is another male. The het men larping as lesbians discuss trying to successfully deceive lesbians if they (the men) get their junk made into a fauxgina. Obviously almost none of them get this surgery and no lesbian would be fooled anyway. But the fantasy - which is rape - is ubiquitous.

The actual biological sex of dating/sex partners matters - critically, as in it is a dealbreaker - to 99.999999999999......% of people in the world. They know this but have zero personal integrity and no respect for others. That is how a rapist feels.

Ideally, whenever someone pretending to be the opposite sex (ie: "trans") meets someone where there is any possibility of dating or sex, the first thing they should say is "Hi, I'm Fakegirlname and I'm trans". And learn to live with the fact that nearly everyone is going to walk away.

( hmimperialtortie )
I’ve said for some time TRA stands for Transvestite Rape Advocates.

Carrots90 & pennygadget #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Sex Reassignment Surgery Market Latest Trends, Size, Key Players, Revenue and Forecast 2028

( Carrots90 )
This will end well, I’m sure

Bill Gates doesn’t need to worry about overpopulation.

Society is literally supporting putting up our confused young people to get ‘spayed and neutered’

( pennygadget )

Society is literally supporting putting up our confused young people to get ‘spayed and neutered’

I can see the commercials now....

"You have a child who is acting too autistic or too gay? Please get them spayed or neutered today. Its the compassionate thing to do"

( Carrots90 )
Then they can have a commercial with Sarah McLachlan singing ‘In the Arms of an Angel” in the background for kids/people-who-identify-as-kids who need gender affirming procedures but can’t get them

“This is Cody. He needs a lifesaving teet yeeting. But his evil, transphobic parents are stopping him, asking him to at least first process the trauma he suffered when molested by the volleyball coach he thought he could trust. (It was odd, because this coach otherwise only molested girls. Cody, though afab, is a boy and was always a boy. We have no idea why Cody was targeted.)”

“This is Kumiko Wasabi. Though she has the support of her wonderful dad, Joe Smith, she unfortunately has a TERF mother, Rebecca Jones. The hateful, and likely jealous, Rebecca got the court to STOP Kumiko from having a wonderful and life affirming vagina installed, and ‘certain excess tissue’ removed. Rebecca was just throwing things to see what would stick. Unrelated and off topic accusations like ‘Joe would call him a f-g for liking dolls and Beyonce’ and ‘Joe beat him for kissing the neighbors son’.

“Now, we don’t condone violence, but many super protective fathers want to keep their daughters virtue intact-he is single, ladies”

“And lastly we have Veronica Sparkle Vag. She is a single mother who needs some big mommy milkers. The birthing parent took the kids out of state, leaving Miss SparkleVag has very little to live on. Per the divorce agreement, birthing parent has to pay 2 years of rent, but you can’t eat an apartment. All of the alimony Miss SparkleVag gets goes to just staying alive. She has to get food delivered since birthing parent used to do all the cooking and shopping. [...]

[Deleted] #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Some real world LGB issues that major organizations are neglecting in favor of Trans Woo

I just don't get it. There was so MUCH to be done after gay marriage was won in some Western nations. Literally anything would have been a good target, hell, lesbians are women and women's rights are still barely a thing. 2% of rapes ever get investigated. All this money could have done soooooooo much good in the world.

And they decided they'd use this money to destroy women's rights, women's safety, women's dignity, child rape safeguarding. They used the money to destroy hundred thousands, maybe millions, of healthy bodies forever. Traumatize millions forever.

I really hope they will pay for this, but history tells me they won't. Not the surgeons and the stonewall people anyway. Now the TIMs with their mutilated body and their forever single life because no woman wants to go near that, they will suffer. So will the women with chronic pain, early onset dementia. But i fear the ones most responsible will walk, and will have made a lot of money, to add insult to injury.

Euterpe #transphobia ovarit.com

Mother Rowling's Radfem Rhymes #19?

Verse 1:

If your son is in your wardrobe, get him out!¹ (x2)

Teach a lesson while you can, before he grows into a man, so²

If your son is in your wardrobe, get him out!

Verse 2:

If your daughter's into girls, then it's okay! (x2)

Oh, the world would be much better if we dropped the final letters!

If your daughter's into girls, then it's okay!

Verse 3:

If their schools are teaching bullshit, pull them out!³ (x2)

Things can quickly turn out sour when the men have all the power,⁴

If their schools are teaching bullshit, pull them out!

Verse 4:

If they still say they're dysphoric, take 'em outside!⁵ (x2)

Nature's such a good solution to the whole gender confusion,⁶

If they still say they're dysphoric, take 'em outside!

Verse 5:

If they're always on the web, then shut it down!⁷ (x2)

They could put themselves in danger if they're having chats with strangers,

If they're always on the web, then shut it down!

Verse 6:

If your husband drinks the Kool-Aid, turn away!⁸ (x2)

Try to emphasize prevention, for he jerks off to attention,

If your husband drinks the Kool-Aid, turn away!


¹ - This might entail physically locking your wardrobe, or even adapting a more "boring" wardrobe, if the situation necessitates such.

² - I am decidedly not one of those terven who believe in "normalizing men in dresses/skirts" or "clothes should be clothes". Feel free to disagree in the comments if you'd like, but from firsthand experience as a mother of two boys I am assured that Little Timmy stealing your attire is almost always predictive of a dangerous fetish (AGP), and if you're a mother in a similar situation you should make it clear that boys and men do not dress like that, rather than reinforcing his passions.

³ - I recommend Catholic schools, even if your household isn't Catholic. They're surprisingly liberal for what you might think.

⁴ - Just as they have been for almost all of history.

⁵ - This is surprisingly effective for trans-identified youth of both semesters. I cannot recommend it more highly.

⁶ - Here's a question to muse upon. If a man transitioned to a woman in the middle of the forest, is he still trans?

⁷ - This is unfortunately getting harder and harder to do in today's era, I'm afraid. But still, make every effort to try!

MelianMarionette #homophobia #transphobia #wingnut deviantart.com

I honestly think that most of the disagreement isn't homophobia though. Homophobia, in my mind, requires an active hate of transgender people. [correction - transphobia is hatred of trans, homophobia is hatred of gay/lesbians, my bad, but same argument] It's a necessary ingrediant. Disagreeing on Leftist LGBTQ doctrine and dogma is not the same as hate. Much of it is a system of belief that a person either accepts, or they don't. You cannot prove conclusively for me that gender exists on some kind of continuum. I can just say that what we are observing is variations of personality traits within one of only two existing genders (effeminate men and masculine women). Psychology is a soft science. A lot of it comes down to what semantics you prefer to use. You cannot force everyone, everwhere, to believe what you believe. Gender ideology doctrine has become a pseudo-religion or pseudo-science IMO. Much of the "arguments" for it are emotional appeals, shaming, and then accusations, name calling and threats. I refuse to join because an angry mob wants to police my thoughts.

[SUBMITTER’S NOTE: MelianMarionette is a fake identity made up by a predatory pedophile to cozy up to young girls on Deviantart. Gives you some idea of what kind of company Clairy likes, doesn’t it?]

Spacergirl003 #transphobia #wingnut deviantart.com

I may not be agreeable with the whole LGBWTF- (I'd rather not say the last three, because we all know what that means and the actual term itself is super long anyway and the '-' means no respect toward anyone's opinion of them), and it's tough to be acceptable toward anyone from that community without sacrificing your own spiritual integrity, but even I would do simply this: respect the person for any identity under the sun and see each other as humans with skills, thoughts and hearts even. I've known one at my work who used to work with us there and I go to a community college where inclusivity and diversity is a thing (just not as invasive or disrespectful as Twit Show Schitter site).

The problem with the LGBWTF- (if not most) and other SCB (Social Cry Babies) twats is that they don't even know what respect, consideration or even tolerance means anymore or if ever. All they ever know is their skin, sexual organs, pronouns, and the whole 'stunning and brave' crap. Do I need to say more about woke culture and Hollywood? Heck no! It's far too draining and I would rather focus more on my class projects and writing [irrelevant overly long description of Frozen fanfic].

Medusa91 , hypatia & OneryBox #transphobia ovarit.com

White TIM on Twitter is told where to go when he defends BW being called "birthing people"

( Medusa91 )
I’m so convinced that there is a heavy, heavy incel and neonazi cross over that become TIMs, like yeah a lot got groomed by porn or people “cracking eggs” but there’s so many white TIMs who use their status of “oppressed trans woman” to shout down and cancel black women and women of colour who speak out (they’ve got their fair share of white handmaidens too).

I’m white and honestly pretty ignorant all things considered but I see it so often that it’s really peaked my interest.

They’re the first to be like:

Support black owned buisness 🥰

Friendly reminder to center black voices 🤗

ACAB/ BLM ✊🏽 ✊🏾 ✊🏿

But then the moment they don’t agree with something that a (particularly) black woman has said they shout her down, cancel her, drag her buisness and professional life etc.

Diverting slightly but they love to speak over WOC too, I was on diet paradas Instagram page the other day and they were talking about some shitty woman who sold a fake vintage bag in her vintage boutique, there was video footage of the black woman who had purchased the bag trying to return it to the store and explain to the owner why she was annoyed, it was filmed by her husband and uploaded to the internet. But diet Prada, who’s one of the biggest fashion Instagram pages, ended the videos with a white effeminate man (idk if he was gay or a gender special or what) talking about his OUTRAGE at how this could happen to this poor black woman. Like…? She’s not a child why didn’t you contact her or her husband for a statement? Who’s this nobody speaking for her? She’s a grown woman she can speak for herself? Anyone who watched the videos she and her husband uploaded understood the situation but we’ve gotta make sure to have the white man with his sassy attitude and highlighter hair colour remind us why this is bad.

It was… it really rubbed me the wrong way.

( hypatia )
The neonazi to transcel pipeline is definitely real, enough so that it's a stereotype

( OneryBox )
I completely agree with the incel/neonazi crossover. There are way too many similarities between them and TiMs. And the minute you give white men "ultimate victim status" they're going to talk over and degrade POC and women.

Burlyman #fundie #homophobia #transphobia descentbb.net

I can show you a YouTube video if you want regarding LGBT "love" :)

A preacher who just says the fundamental doctrine of Jesus Christ and gets LGBT people (not all of them) mad and cursing him for having his own opinion (the truth). 9_9

Oh, I forgot, there's another video of a "transgender" (a man) who gets so mad at a GameStop employee for using his correct pronoun but not the one he wanted. He starts kicking things over in the store.

OLRODA #wingnut #pratt #transphobia #homophobia doomer.boards.net

[Context: they are talking about the KiwiFarms affair and lamenting that the site was shut down.]


As with all these things, the boo-hooing about harassment is just a convenient excuse for the powers that be to censor dissenting voices. The supposed leader of the movement is just an insane freak without any redeeming qualities (as can be seen if one looks "it" up). The real force behind the push to shut the site down are those who seek to change laws etc. to smother anything that isn't in line with the current global propaganda monopoly. They always use the "hey these people are mean so it's all right for us to do whatever to them" angle since it's efficient. A stupid site where people laugh at dumb fucks is brought down today so that all of us can be slaves without rights tomorrow.

That tomorrow is nigh, by the way, and not some far off fantasy.

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