
Like homophobia, but for transgender people

dn #transphobia #homophobia #wingnut #pratt doomer.boards.net

There is probably more to the whole cloudflare dropping the farms that just another troon discord gayop: turns out Janke's father knows the fucking owner of the company.

Actual IRL glowies, man. Really makes you think. Regardless, I think whole situation really marks the end of the internet 2.0, we're now in an era where free speech is done: corporate & government interests can and will shit all over net neutrality and the retards on twitter are clapping like seals to the sounds of their own destruction.

tl;dr: I am now forced into using the fucking darknet to call people faggots on the internet. What a fucking time to be alive.

IckabogLady & OneOddBird #transphobia ovarit.com

(IckabogLady )
If Roe had ended in the mid-2000s, I would've 100% become a TIF and that's terrifying
Puberty is a difficult time for young girls. When I was a preteen it was so difficult and the gender discourse wouldn't be a thing for another 10 years. I had constant comments about how big my breasts were for someone my age and received a lot of stares from older men...even from family members. It was traumatizing. When I got my period I didn't even tell my mother for a whole year because I was so embarrassed.

If transgenderism had been popular back then, I would've considered it (or at least I would've delved into the non-binary they/them/she/theirs shit). But if abortion had been outlawed, I could've seen myself going full TIF. Being a woman in a world that hates women would've been too much to handle at 11 years old. Knowing that I could get raped and my state would allow the rapist to sue me for having an abortion, that a rape sentence would be less than a 'murder' sentence for abortion, and that I could get the death penalty for abortion would've just made me completely check out of womanhood.

It's no wonder that young girls in the 2020s would rather chop their hair off, bind their breasts, and change the pronouns than be female in a world that wants to take away their bodily autonomy. Pregnancy can change your whole skeletal structure. It can make you depressed. And it's fucking life threatening, especially for black women in America. It can derail your career. It can tie you to an abusive boyfriend for the rest of your life. It can get you murdered if the man doesn't want to be a father.

I always felt sorry for TIFs, but now that this Roe discussion has begun I feel sadder for them than I ever have before. Maybe if America treated girls better they'd be happier being who they are.

( OneOddBird )
This is tragic and 100% agree. I don’t think that it’s a coincidence that the TIF tumblr phenomena took root in 2014, a year when the first prominent incel femicide happened in Isla Vista and states were still going back and forth on the abortion debate. The female body has been under siege for a long while and as women get more successful in the public eye the visual terrorism committed against our bodies increases. It’s no surprise many girls decide to opt out or develop mental health problems from this horrific strain on their identities

@AthenasWrench & @CheeseAndOnions #transphobia gettr.com

On the question of fairness in womens sports re trans id’d males. This is how little they think of us. Because there aren’t many of them (yet) best to destroy womens sports because we matter less than the cosplaying hate movement larping as a civil rights movement. Trans is a hate movement. Shut them down and put these assholes back in their man box. The call is coming from inside the house.

Trannies: We're statistically insignificant!!
Also Trannies: You must reorganize society and language to center our needs!!!

@zelosaletheia & @AthenasWrench #transphobia gettr.com


Study finds trans-identified people more at risk of dying early.

They sterilize kids and they know it will ruin their health and shorten their life expectancy. All to appease the deities of the Church of Trans and to line the pockets of the gender industry. I truly feel this is the end of times.

It’s definitely terrifying. We are living through the most anti-science pro human experiment time in modern history. Things are moving at such a rapid pace and all controls and stops have been removed. It’s full eugenics as progress. Up is down. Men are women. Kids need their puberty halted. What the f**k is going on?

Mike Adams the Health Ranger #wingnut #conspiracy #transphobia #elitist #mammon naturalnews.com

An engineered global collapse is under way right now. If you’re reading this, you already know the score: The coming financial collapse, engineered mass famine, vaccine bioweapons, the possibility of nuclear war, the “great reset” agenda and much more. There’s no question the collapse — which has already begun — will be a chaotic event, and billions of people will needlessly suffer as globalists strangle world supplies of food, energy and money. However, the aftermath of the collapse also presents humanity with an opportunity to choose a different future after this current tyrannical system is wrecked.
To survive and thrive, humanity must shift from a centralized, “fake” civilization (fake news, fake science, fake plandemics, fake money, fake education, fake biology, fake terrorism, etc.) to a decentralized society rooted in morality and reality. Education must be local, too, instead of having children subjected to centrally-planned indoctrination agendas pushed by groomers and pedophiles pretending to be teachers and counselors.

The future of money will be found in decentralization, which gold and silver automatically achieve. There’s no central bank that issues gold, for example, and the supply is limited by the laws of physics and geology, since it’s very difficult to mine. Similarly, technologies also exist for decentralized financial transactions and decentralized speech where no central authority can decide to silence you because they don’t like what you’re saying.
Rather than fearing the collapse, we should welcome the change. What awaits humanity after the dumpster fire of this current tyrannical regime finally turns to ashes is a world of far more opportunity, abundance and freedom.
Leftists are destroying themselves and clearing the way for more qualified people to determine the future of human civilization.

[deleted account], Bijouu & Pinkpillisacope #dunning-kruger #pratt #psycho #sexist #transphobia thepinkpill.co

([deleted account])
I can't believe the feminist movement is being attacked by men in dresses

I mean, of all fucking things.

Imagine if a white guy walked into a BLM rally wearing blackface demanding to be called "my nigga" and calling black women racist for not wanting to date him, and then proceeding on tearing down flags and assaulting and sending death treaths to people who don't take him seriously. He'd have his ass handed to him.

Can we at least try to be a bit more scary? If we can't scare off a bunch of mentally ill men in dresses how can we ever expect to fight the patriarchy?

I can’t believe it either. How can you take a good look at the average tranny and not laugh your ass off to begin with? Transwomen are clearly mentally ill, cross-dressing creeps, and women are simping hard for them catching themselves on fire to keep these delusional clowns warm. What a joke. I know women are self-sacrificing slaves for men, but there’s a line and this crosses it.

I wish women were more selfish, scary and violent, but we’re not and we’ll always be second class losers because of it. I wonder what annoying bullshit will happen next after men in dresses are done dominating and humiliating us. Female robots claiming they’re the real women? AI taking its chance to dominate us as well? The possibilities are endless when it comes to female humiliation and suffering.

Modern feminism became a meme the moment they let in anyone who could say the word "feminist". Feminism became the punchline to a joke that they use in conversations, they were allowed to say sexist shit and then mutter about being "very feminist btw". Now it is too late. You can barely mention women's health problems because "muh vagina" is not inclusive. You invite a clown, you call it a party but if you invite all the clowns it becomes a circus.

Various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com


( poem998 )
this is enraging. it shows clearly that this person thinks of life as a video game. "girl mode" for him is a reality for others. he can change his clothes and still benefit from his male privilege. he uses the "girl mode" to get an erection. to me it is very clear, it is a paraphilia. he does it all for sexual gratification and it also tells us what he thinks of women and girls. they are sexual objects. "girl mode" to him is associated with the word "cok" written on the baseball cap and "fk my a*" written on the T-shirt. in women's bathrooms, women enter with their children, boys or girls because it's safer than entering a men's bathroom with toddlers. I see mothers all the time entering women's bathrooms with their little ones because in the men's bathroom, men could be having sex among each other or they may just be swinging their penises at other people. of course, this very deranged male doesn't think of the children potentially seeing him or hearing him masturbating in a stall.

( SometimesJacka )
This feels like it has to be satire / bait.

And yet… I know it’s probably not.

( bab00shka )
This is obvious satire or trolling/bait.

It's just a little too close to real TIM posting.

( SometimesJacka )
Well… it’s discord.

TIM’s discords can be some of the most unhinged, mask’s off moments.

It’s believable to me, because I’ve seen TIM’s like this. 🙃

( MonstrousRegiment )
Really, let's stick to critiquing believable stuff. This is too pat.

( SometimesJacka )
If we stuck to only critiquing the believable, we would have no posts.

But I think this post is believable to anyone who has ever spent time in discords with TIMs.

Various commenters #transphobia gettr.com

I honestly don’t understand how people think they are going to fight back this whole gender insanity by continuing to support the narrative there is any coherent category of people who can be identitied as “transgender.” The word is an ad campaign for deconstructing humanity.

Exactly. That's why we should concentrate our fire on AGP men and the deceitful "allies", they are the bastards doing the damage - the kids are victims

It really is. The more research I do, the more convinced I am that trans is really autogynephilia with a political agenda to dupe children and young people into becoming human shields. Every generation has its rebellion but this one was manufactured and controlled by Big Pharma.

"The number of people currently claiming to have a gender identity is less than the number who were claiming aliens were probing their bumholes 20 years ago. Just because a phenomenon has been studied doesn't mean it exists outside a belief in it" @ Shatterface (Twitter) 3:02 PM May 9, 2021

Ronaldo Fryman Award

for Wildest Gender Theory

GENERAL EYES #enbyphobia #transphobia #ufo #conspiracy #crackpot abovetopsecret.com

Is the Gender Identity Movement Preparing Us for Aliens?

I keep thinking about the wealth of influence the Gender Identity crowd has had lately.

Over 53 varied gender explanations, a wealth of Neo-Pronouns (and more coming every day) and all I can think about is if this is some sort of soul migration of beings who are, at least currently, in human form (Starseed Theory) preparing us for eventual alien disclosure and the Non-Binary is just how they self identify as their previous incarnations had no sex characteristics, as they were mainly cerebral in nature.

Is this a possibility and one reason the Powers That Be are so intent on changing the traditional terminologies to suit the coming of this new breed?

I mean, it sure seems like a lot of effort to appease such a vocal minority, but if this is in preparation for an Alien Contact Scenario, what are we supposed to do with an entire race of beings who don't seem to contribute anything to society other than trying to mandate forced compliance measures to suit their particular ideologies and self-affirmations in a Gender Nondescript capacity?

Do these Newcomers offer anything of value to the Human Sphere aside from Gender Constructs?

What do you think?

Am I going too far in trying to understand the sudden onslaught and reaction to this phenomenon or do I just have aliens on the brain?

Looking forward to hearing your opinions on this one.

Ali Alexander #wingnut #fundie #homophobia #transphobia #psycho rightwingwatch.org

Far-right activist and so-called “Stop the Steal” founder Ali Alexander went on a manic rant during his podcast Monday in which openly advocated for Christian fascism and “a violent Christian crusade” against his perceived political opponents

Buoyed by reports that Elon Musk will purchase Twitter and that Kanye West was photographed wearing a “White Lives Matter” shirt[…]
“I refuse to walk into a future where it is commonplace to have sexual perversion in public,” Alexander declared. “It’s just not going to be the norm, not where we’re going. OK? You can call that whatever the hell you want. You can call that Americana, you can call that America First, you could call it fascism, you could call it a theocracy, you could call it Christian nationalism[…]
“We will not live in a future where violence doesn’t meet widespread perversion. Period,” he continued[…]
“All the good faith that we have allowed our oppressors to be assigned, it’s gone,” Alexander said. “I’m not gonna bomb an abortion clinic, but if somebody did, I’m not denouncing it. I’m not calling for violence. I’m not calling for death. I’m explicitly saying, ‘Don’t do that,’ but if it happens, c’est la [vie]. OK? C’est la [vie]. You know, if they can poll a bunch of moderate Muslims and they don’t feel the urge to denounce radical Islam, guess what? This guy—Ali Alexander and Ali Alexander alone—but guess what? I’m going to be joined by tens of millions, maybe a couple hundred million Americans[…]
“I’m not gonna get beatified for this,” Alexander asserted. “I’m not going to reach sainthood, but I am here to say, ‘Fuck them.’ Fuck their nuclear war. Fuck their World War III. Fuck their rejection of peace. And if they don’t deal with the middle—the Elons and the Kanyes—then they should meet—I’m talking about the whole world—they should meet a violent Christian crusade. I mean it,100 percent. … And we’ve got to start conditioning each other for these mental models”

littleowl12 #transphobia ovarit.com

TIMs (and TIFs) shouldn't get so defensive about porn as an influencer. That would actually be good news


To anyone lurking here that gets touchy about the porn factor: if you were exposed to it as a child, I view that as sexual abuse of you, not by you. I hold you accountable for your adult wrong-doings, but not how you were taken advantage of when you were 12.

And while there are a bunch of things that contribute to this trans craze, I believe it would actually be a good thing if porn addiction really is the driving force. It means you are not genetically defective, you are not destined to be this way, and porn, like other addictive substances, can be avoided. We brought smoking rates of teens down significantly in the US. Protecting kids is totally doable.

Obviously, the motives are different between TIMs and TIFs. TIMs are pursuing their pornographic ideals. TIFs are usually trying to run away from them, though they too are enamored by other porny fantasies like Yaoi.

It's just not a coincidence that the more widespread porn became, the faster this social contagion spread. As porn producers compete for clicks, they have to get stranger, weirder, and more disgusting. It's just marketing and capitalism. They must stand out from the crowd if they want to be noticed. Once you realize that's the only reason why porn producers bother with this particular paraphilia, it loses its mystique.

Obviously porn is not the only factor. In highly homophobic societies, you will find more HSTS TIMs. These are just gay men in a very dark place. But HSTS TIMs usually go on a body-destroying quest to meet pornographic ideals of womanhood. They aren't interested in women outside stereotypes they think will charm men. Even if they do want to bake in a pretty half-apron, it's not about the physical reality of womanhood. It's about being a sexy stereotype men will like. So porn is definitely the how-to guide HSTS TIMs think they need. Combine that with the obligatory venture into prostitution and porn, you've got yet another man who is ruled by porn.


@EDM0_0 #transphobia twitter.com

The general transphobe response is to hand wave this away by suggesting its all just people moaning about offensive tweets.

I looked at the official figures once and the vast majority was physical assault, stalking and harassment with 6% being online hate crimes iirc.

Hi @jk_rowling! Thoughts? 🙂

Bro who TF touching that fake vagina, if someone is so desperate to rape a trans then yeah we fucking need to open the asylums again

Matt Walsh #psycho #transphobia #wingnut youtube.com

I expected that something like this might happen.

It had to happen, I've been successful in fighting against the left's agenda, especially the trans agenda, and especially recently. Those who support the sexual mutilation of children know full well that I am a threat to them because we're winning, and they're losing, and they know that too.

They can't engage with our arguments, they can't oppose us on the battlefield of ideas, so instead they look for another way and now they're convinced they found their kill shot against me.

Yes, my PR team over at Media Matters apparently wasn't satisfied to promote just my current show and all the work they do there, so they decided to go back 15 years to my time as a rock radio host on an obscure station in Delaware, which is also an obscure State.

So here's my official answer, for the record.

Kiss my ass. I do not apologize. In fact, by all rights, you sick freaks should be the ones apologizing to me. For lying and defaming me, and doing it all, because I'm trying to prevent you from sexually mutilating children. You damned monsters. You child-abusing psychopaths. I wouldn't apologize to you, soulless parasites, if I had a gun to my head.

Instead, I'd rather just tell all of you to piss off.

I apologize for nothing. I concede nothing. I will never surrender even a single inch of ground to a pitchfork mob of degenerate morons.

You know, the secret they never say out loud, is that nobody is truly canceled unless they consent to it, and they willingly play their assigned roles. Well, I do not consent. And I'm not going to play the game. I'm not going anywhere.

I am more motivated than ever to oppose you and to fight against everything you stand for, because I hate everything you stand for, and I hate it more with each passing day. So you can try to humiliate me, you can try to ruin my reputation, you can accuse me of all of the most heinous crimes that you can invent in your tiny feverish little brains, but I am not going anywhere.

Staying in a fight. Never leaving. I promise you that.

Also for the record, I will always maintain that tasers are a wonderful source of comedy. That's not going to change either.

BondiBlue , OneOddBird & OneStarWolf #transphobia #moonbat ovarit.com

( BondiBlue )
Blue states becoming "sanctuaries" for genderwoo.

Connecticut has just announced it will be the first state to ignore court orders from red states prohibiting trans nonsense. Washington D.C. is reportedly soon to follow.


The upside is that they're also intending to be sanctuaries for abortion. But the downside is that they're lumping the two together as a broader "civil rights" battle. Even though the genderwoo cult are the ones erasing women's civil rights, and leaving us with no sanctuaries away from them.

This makes me angry, because the genderwoo cult now has a narrative framing of being on the Union side against slavery. It's just more forced teaming, now with trans bullsh!t effectively positioned as a "race." Just because I don't want anything to do with these militant colonizers doesn't make me a daughter of the Confederacy, FFS.

( OneOddBird )
A lot of this blue state trans thing refuge thing raises a lot of questions. Whenever a bill like the Texas one is passed, you see hordes of trans kids or their parents saying they are going to move out to a blue state. The thing is, blue states usually have higher costs of living. What person can actually afford to uproot their entire life, buy a home in a new place, pay for all the travel and expenses etc. it really shows that trans kids and trans healthcare in general is a problem of the bourgeoisie. What’s going to happen to that “trans kid” in Texas whose parents work as grocery store clerks? They can’t just uproot their lives and move. But oddly enough all the focus and sympathy is leveled at these upper class trans kids and their families who can afford to basically upgrade their quality of life

( OneStarWolf )

So Connecticut is also all about forcing women into prisons with men to inevitably be raped and become pregnant against their will. But at least they’ll allow the women abortions, eh! The idiots.

Gender ideology is a scourge on women and children, and it’s despicable how they now try to force ally it with abortion.

Women don’t want or need your gender cult bullshit as a condition for having autonomy over our bodies. Fuck off, Connecticut and all other TRAs and blue states trying this sleight of hand with our rights. We see you.

Odalys Heredia #ableist #conspiracy #crackpot #fundie #homophobia #transphobia lgbtqnation.com

When a 20-year-old man with autism went missing, a Florida woman and her sister told police that he had been kidnapped by a transgender gang who wanted to harvest and sell his organs.

It turned out that he voluntarily got on a bus to Chicago to escape his controlling mother. [A note was found where her son Alejandro Suarez said he was leaving. She called the police.]

When Suarez’s aunt, Yadira Saleh, contacted police, she wrote, “Alejandro’s mother’s greatest fear is he may be in danger of organ trafficking or any other trafficking,” adding that he “was worked and groomed for weeks or months” by “predatory gender non-conformists” who encouraged him to “cut all ties with family members,” Heredia also told police that her son “has the mentality of a 10-year-old and is unable to function on his own,” adding that he couldn’t have left town on his own because he “had no friends, and was unable to socialize with anyone other than family.” [Evidence suggests she greatly exaggerated her son’s disablities.]

Suarez said his mother controlled what classes he took and what sports he played in school. She also required him to keep his hair short, and urged him never to sit with his legs crossed because it could cause gay men to hit on him, he said. Suarez also had transgender friends. On July 11, Heredia and Saleh asked a probate court to sign an order granting full guardianship over him which would have allowed them to control where he lived, his purchases, and his right to marry, vote, or make medical decisions for himself. A legal hearing declined the women their request for full guardianship. “I really do feel like I have room to breathe now,” Suarez told the aforementioned publication.

Padraig Martin #wingnut #sexist #racist #transphobia identitydixie.com

[From "Is The Constitution Good?"]

The United States Constitution[…]is one of the greatest political documents of all time[…]Often viewed as sacrosanct by the American political Right[…]I did not state the Dissident Right[…]
When I refer to the term “great,” I mean something of enormity and importance[…]The definition of “good,” is one that refers to the Constitution’s ability to achieve the objects of its intended purpose[…]
The Constitution was not a document drafted to endure modernity. It was designed to be destroyed by it[…]
When James Madison likely conceived of the amendment idea[…]never likely considered the fact that blacks or women would have an equal say in the electoral process[…]
Non-White minorities and to a lesser extent, women, tend to vote in a manner that dismantles the very protections enshrined in the Constitution[…]
Women are made to seek assurances of safety by their feminine construct[…]For the majority of human existence, women relied on male and/or tribal protection[…]Women tend to gravitate toward popular political positions that provide safety in numbers[…]Beta males have women who vote leftist and alpha males generally do not[…]
Non-White[…]are engrained to seek immediate comforts to the exclusion of long-term possible gains. This is evident in their choices[…]
The invitation to participate in some aloof concept like “freedom of speech” or “protection from unlawful search and seizure” is foreign to people who derive from more primitive societies[…]
Neither Roger Sherman nor Richard Lee could have considered a leftist voting bloc of black Marxists, transgender psychopaths, and single twenty-something-year-old females voting to limit free speech or eliminating the right to bear arms[…]
I believe the Constitution is a great document[…]It is also deeply flawed. The Constitution will collapse

@terfforever #transphobia twitter.com

This is Dr. Deanna Adkins. She is a pediatric endocrinologist and the director of Duke’s pediatric gender clinic. She claims that “from a medical perspective, the only appropriate determinant of sex is gender identity.” She readily admits To treating kids as young as 2 yo.

She peddles other falsehoods, such as her claim that “gender identity” is hormonally influenced and influenced by “exposures during pregnancy.” This is not established and more aptly described as a hypothesis (and a likely erroneous one), not fact. She is a clown who harms kids.

maybe after you tackle Vanderbilt, you can turn your attention to the deviant, child mutilating doctors at Duke. Let’s ferret out all these barbaric so-called doctors who claim children can make decisions permanently altering their bodies.

Matt Walsh fans #transphobia #wingnut #dunning-kruger #pratt #sexist #homophobia #enbyphobia #interphobia youtube.com

[Context: the following is an excerpt from the description of a video by Professor Dave Explains, where he tries to debunk Matt Walsh’s nonsense]

Since the moment I published this video, it has been targeted by the most disgusting and malicious mob of trolls I have ever seen, far beyond what I ever conceived possible. These are trolls who comment from dozens of sock accounts at once, calling me "groomer", "pedophile", "soy boy", telling me that they bet I watch my wife fuck other guys and then clean up afterwards, the most subhuman things imaginable. They then harvest any reaction they get to call me "triggered", pasting these responses in new comments without context to slander me, and then follow up with abject lies about things I've said or other people have said. The rest of the trolls employ a strategy of outright denying everything in the video and claiming victory, or spamming nonsensical rebuttals in an attempt to change the narrative. There is something heinous behind this concerted attack on reason, simply for exposing Matt Walsh for precisely what he is. It has become an enormous stress, and for this reason comments will be turned off on this video until this otherworldly wave of toxicity has found another target. My outlook on the state of this country has been permanently affected.

Various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: TiM objects to us being called TERFs as we're not feminists, then suggests using a misogynistic slur instead

( Medusa91 )
Can we please stop using the word transwomen?

It implies that these people are indeed women and they simply arnt. I prefer the actual more accurate term of “scrotum haver” since that’s more accurate but what are some “okay for society” alternatives?

( cousinanger )

( RawSienna )
I think the term sex offender is most accurate.

( hmimperialtortie )
I like “A man who demands we pretend he’s a woman” from this thread.

Or transvestites. Or AGPs (has the bonus of giving you the opportunity to explain just what that is.)

( bunyip )
Trans identified male is OK for society. Maybe throw a "biological" in there to soften it if you feel like being nice. If a TRA throws a tantrum, it doesn't matter.

If you think you're in a situation where you might have something to lose by offending TRAs, I do like the idea of playing along with their own rules. "Scrotum haver" is excellent. I think I prefer "penis haver" because it's more of a reminder of their maleness, their ability to commit rape or cause pregnancy.

I think TIMs would also find "penis haver" a little more uncomfortable as it reminds regular people that very few of these people actually get surgery to remove it, the penis is still here. Some people think Lia Thomas must be fully transitioned to have been allowed to compete, and "Penis-haver Lia Thomas" might enlighten a few people.

@AGPawarenessDay , @RoseLilyDaisy & @FairIsleCat #transphobia gettr.com

The problem with AGP allies (like David “Debbie” Hayton) : They make women uncomfortable by their very presence, and they don’t seem to care. They act like caricatures of women, and they wear what’s essentially their fetish gear in public. An AGP ally who tells you he’s for women’s rights is jarring, because by wearing his fetish gear and acting like a caricature, he’s telling the world how he really sees women and womanhood

One of the safest & most wise demographics is middle aged to elderly women. These are the mothers, aunts, seasoned teachers, rabbis, social workers, grandmas & more who we all love & turn to. It’s these women’s homes we visit during the holidays w our family & friends. A middle aged AGP dressed up in modest mid live woman gear is a violation of all people. It is a laugh at these women.

David Hayton likes using women's toilets on the sly, so I read on a Twitter thread, he fessed up to a woman he was at a conference with and told her not to tell anyone. He's a creep and I wish he would stop speaking for women, we have our own voice thanks. I actually hate him and don't trust him one bit.

@terfforever #transphobia twitter.com

I suspect one day we’ll realize that gender dysphoria is a symptom of complex, deeper, unrelated issues. Those who rushed to put kids on a path of lifelong medicalization just to slap a bandaid on merely the symptoms should rightly be remembered as the monsters they are.

Various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

“Hate crimes reach record high as offences against transgender people double”. Fake news?

( Omina_Sentenziosa )
Hate crimes = misgendering online for these people.

So yeah, I can believe they doubled, because lots of people are just sick and tired of playing pretend and are calling a spade a spade way more than just 2/3 years ago.

( no- )
The article says 41% of the attacks are violent in nature. Who committed those attacks? Most likely men. Who is gonna get blamed? Feminists.

( LilianH )
I looked up the stats and don't see how they got 41% violent from those. The stats were,

36% Public order offenses

9% violent with injury

14% violent with no injury

33% Stalking and harassment

3% Criminal damage / Arson

5% Other

By my calculation that is 23% violent at best.

I should also note that only 3% of "hate crimes" against trans resulted in a charge or summons (compared to 8% for race, 9% for sexual orientation, 9% for religion, and 2% for disability) which speaks to their lack of severity.

( ProxyMusic )
But "violent" as the gender identity crowd define the term means anything that precious TIPs say makes them feel "invalidated," slightly uncomfortable and not centered.

( SecondSkin )
And violent to them means being told no.

Lesbians saying they don’t do dick= hate crime to trans people.

( DollarstoDonuts )
I mean what constitutes violence in this context. They're calling police on social media comments one would say that's a disproportionate response to something not even a crime, but they probably note the comment down as "violent".

( WatcherattheGates )
So not actual crimes, then, just feelings hurt. I just wish women's feelings counted for something.

( hmimperialtortie )
Being offended = offences to these fuckers.

( llkit )
They don't seem to analyse the offender statistics, good to finally see a breakdown. I see they're not using a breakdown for trans, just a broader breakdown.

I can an increase happening and not just online. I've seen a lot of trans out and about nowadays. The Tim's do stick out like a sore thumb. Also they do tend to look for offence so will find it. But yep I can see more stuff being said at them, by idiot blokes.

Pity we can't report such things a women. The whole thing is ridiculous that it excludes women. Not that I'm a fan of it all overall.

Matt Walsh & Various commenters #transphobia twitter.com

(Matt Walsh)
We’ve caught the Left off guard with our assault on gender ideology. They don’t understand what’s happening or why and they aren’t at all prepared to have this conversation. They’re scrambling. They’re defensive. They’re desperate. That’s why we’ll win.

The first resistance to gender ideology came from the feminist left. Many gay men and lesbians oppose it. Making this right vs left plays into the hands of the far left. This is about sanity and protecting children.

(Matt Walsh)
The Left by and large not only advocates for gender ideology but has made it a centerpiece of their cultural agenda. The feminist resisters are a tiny exception. I also don’t agree that they were first, though that argument becomes petty and pointless very quickly.

The biggest problem for the feminists is that for the most part they refuse to work with anyone on the right. They’ve isolated themselves and thus largely removed themselves from the fight.

Feminists' claim that women's voices were ignored by society at large was made starkly clear by the lack of attention that was given to feminists' concerns about gender ideology. Women on the left joined w women on the right, then both were ignored until the men spoke up.

I’ve been on the left for decades & I oppose gender identity ideology as strongly as you do. I’m happy to accept the blindness & responsibility of the left in relation to this but I’m in the UK & the embedding of this has happened under the watch of right of centre governments.

Matt Walsh #transphobia amazon.com

Is this even a question?

What is a woman?

But all of a sudden, way too many people don’t seem to know the answer. Is a woman a woman just by feeling or acting a particular way? Aren’t gender roles just a “social construct”? Can a woman be “trapped in a man’s body”? Does being a woman mean anything at all?

We used to think being a woman had something to do with biology, but the nation’s top experts keep assuring us that is definitely not the case. So Matt decided to do what no man (whatever that means) had done before. He sat down with the experts and asked them directly.

In What Is a Woman?, our hero:

• Discovers that no one—not doctors, therapists, psychiatrists, or politicians—can actually define the word “woman”

• Hilariously convinces a radical gender therapist that Matt is questioning his own gender identity

• Uncovers the shocking and horrifying roots of radical gender ideology

• Learns exactly how activists and ideologues are trying to brainwash our kids

• Reveals a strategy to defeat the collective insanity that has taken over our society

Join Matt on his often comical, yet deeply disturbing, journey as he answers the question generations before us never knew they needed to ask: What is a woman?

Christopher F. Rufo #transphobia #kinkshaming twitter.com

Radical gender activists are pushing "sadomasochism" in public schools and secretly transitioning other people's children without parental consent. And when they get caught, they say: "It's about inclusion."

That dodge isn't going to work anymore. Parents are waking up.

And if you dare take notice of what they're doing then you're a terrorist

Radical gender activists: "We're pushing sadomasochism in schools and irreversible surgeries for kids."

Libs: "Stunning and brave!"

Conservatives: "They're pushing sadomasochism in schools and irreversible surgeries for kids."

Libs: "Stochastic terrorism!"

Various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

Spoiled TIM brat doesn’t think Reddit is protrans enough. It’s “terrifying”

( Committing_Tervery )

Thank you transphobes. I hate being trans so much because of you.

That’s a self-made problem. It’s easy to fix. Stop being trans.

( Carrots90 )
What happens when these people face real adversity?

Not the ‘failure to adequately grovel and simp’

( hmimperialtortie )
They never do.

( Carrots90 )
How about when he catches mom lovingly and transphobically gazing at his old baby pictures?

How she refused to aemd them to that service where baby/childhood pics can be ‘correctly gendered’. Ie history erased so your picture of you at Tball at 3 is defaced and turned into a ballet studio

( Genevieve )
Not pro-trans enough?? The western world has bent over backwards for them and their chosen identities, but the fact that they don't have complete subservience makes every single space they choose to intrude on not "pro-trans enough".

Pathetic narcissist. GOOD. I'm humored that you feel "terrified" over web pages in a browser that you can just easily click the x on so you can leave the "scary" situation. Goodness, they're babies, aren't they?

( suupersami )
Women are thrown rape and death threats when they say they don't want to have sex with males, or when they push back against abuse, or when they say they want female only spaces due to male violence, or just for merely existing... but oh no this poor man is reading stuff he doesn't like. OH THE HUMANITY.

( Itzpapalotl )
Maybe if you fetishistic Male perverts stop appropriating womanhood, people would like you more?

Wear what you like and do what you like to your body but STOP calling yourselves women, entering female only spaces, pretending you have anything to do with womanhood, demanding everyone cater to your delusions and fantasies. Stop policing language and beliefs of others... you are male, human males are called MEN. You are and will always be men. Leave us alone.

At this point “transphobia” is not validating every absurd claim they make. People are sick of “be kind” because it’s never good enough.

( Carrots90 )
Exactly. And their insistence on self ID has caused a lot of the hate.

Is it a ‘phobia’ if they are actually violent, unstable, predators? Or is it just healthy fear at this point?

@DragonKitigan #transphobia gettr.com


I honestly don’t understand how people think they are going to fight back this whole gender insanity by continuing to support the narrative there is any coherent category of people who can be identitied as “transgender.” The word is an ad campaign for deconstructing humanity.






#BuckTheBoomerGroomer <<< keep this fake man selling sex toys on Twitter, away from all children

#UpperCaseChaseIsAGroomer <<<looks like she’s pushing 50, but is in her mid 30s. Too bad u fucked yourself out of the best sexy times in most womens lives: their dirty 30s. Way to go Chase. I have zero fucks to give about what you did to yourself. Apologize, like a good Canadian is trained to do, & I’ll consider forgiving you, once you use the money you duped out of vulnerable kids & set up mental health services denied, as of this moment to me as a detransitioner. Until then, kindly go fuck yourself.



Matt Walsh #transphobia twitter.com

MAJOR UPDATE: I have met with Tennessee Rep William Lamberth and Sen Jack Johnson. We are working on a bill to shut down Vanderbilt’s child gender transition program and ban the practice in the state. Tennesseans do not want this barbarism in our state. We will put a stop to it.

Marjorie Taylor Greene , @experthiker & @Critical_Distance #wingnut #transphobia gab.com

(Marjorie Taylor Greene)
“There is no way I'm backing down. I introduced very important legislation called the Protect Children's Innocence Act… It makes it a felony to perform any type of so-called 'gender affirming care,' which is really genital mutilation surgeries, hormone therapies, [and] puberty blockers, and this is absolute child abuse.”

Read the full story: https://thepostmillennial.com/breaking-mtg-swatted-again

@RealMarjorieGreene I would also like to make it so that children who have already been abused in this fashion have a legal remedy to sue their own parents for causing them to become so twisted as to hate their own bodies. If that person one day regrets things, I believe they should be able to sue their parents.

@RealMarjorieGreene They want the kids. The children are indeed the future and they want them so emotionally, psychologically, mentally and physically damaged that they will accept any and all abuse these satanic pukes will inflict upon them. These people are hell-bound.

Mark Bauerlein #wingnut #racist #sexist #transphobia #elitist amgreatness.com

If you’re invited to a friend’s house for Thanksgiving Dinner, and his daughter shows up and starts talking about America’s genocide of Native Americans, what do you say? Or if you’re in a discussion of classical education with other parents from your neighborhood and someone comments that classical education has a curriculum that lacks diversity and flirts with white privilege, how do you respond?
It sounds like a trivial occasion, but it’s really not. It happens too often not to be important. Woke attitudes have spread too widely for conservatives to avoid it. Not long ago, talk of “privilege,” “patriarchy,” and “transphobia” would have puzzled most Americans. Now, it echoes everywhere, in public and private and professional life.
It’s a social matter, a crossroads. “Do I speak my mind and annoy the present company? Or just nod and move on?”
It’s a losing game. Save your breath—don’t try to argue, don’t defend. The wokester is strong on belief and weak on knowledge, no matter how much she thinks she knows the real history of things. To be woke is precisely this claim of superior knowledge, a keener awareness than that of those still un-woke, asleep in their illusions of, say American greatness.
Instead of challenging the wokester’s knowledge, let’s go with the wokester’s knowledge and draw it out. Let her school us, let her show us her certainty and let’s accept her duty to instruct the ignorant. She wants to be a pedagogue; we shall accept the position of pupil.
In truth, wokeness doesn’t appeal to her intelligence and never did. It flattered her ego. Now, faced with questions directly related to what she has just stated, the certitude crumbles and the ego collapses. You have asked her for knowledge, and she hasn’t replied. She can’t.

You’ve won. It’s time to hum a few bars of Beethoven, mouth some words of Polonius, praise the dimensions of Greek columns, and detail what the Comanches did to their neighbors, and see if she’s ready to listen.

Various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Our Sisters in Afghanistan

( AngelFoodCake )
If trans issues aren't just a first world problem, where are all the Afghan TIMs demanding that these rules must apply to them as well so that they can feel valid?

( Committing_Tervery )
Along a similar but different note, I never see TIMs complaining that seeing Muslim women oppressed gives them “dysphoria,” either. Weird how they want to experience abortions, stillbirths, and other solely female experiences, but never wearing a burka and needing to have a man escort them out in public.

( comradeconradical )
Sadly I have seen more than a few TIMs fetishize the idea of being forced to wear a hijab and forced to be a houseslave...

It can be part of their feminization/sissification/misogyny/humiliation kink, with the added bonus of racism.

Just when you think they couldn't possibly be more depraved, they go there.

( Committing_Tervery )
I’ve definitely seen a few fetishize it, but none of them say that seeing women in burkas etc gives them “dysphoria,” ya know?

Indeed racist/culturally insensitive.

I cannot get the burning image of one TIM out of my head who was wearing a full body covering (but not a face covering). He had the most ridiculous fake boobs (probably stuffed a pillow under there, that’s what it looked like).

Gah, I hate these creeps!!!

( radicalacceptance )
So confusing how this is happening when no one can define a woman? Has anyone tried just explaining to the Taliban that biological sex is actually a spectrum?????

( chocolatefondant21 )
Can Afghan women identify as men and be exempt from all these rules? Why not??

( IronicWolf )
Weird how unsophisticated people like the Taliban know who a woman is without either chromosome testing or genital inspection while PhDs in Queer Theory and ironic glasses struggle with the concept of sexual dimorphism in humans. Even cats, dogs, birds etc know how to recognise the male and female of their species but very educated middle class progressives can’t.

I await TW desperate to travel to Kabul to get the validation of being flogged for not wearing a burka while ‘being women’. They could organise ‘high adrenaline gender euphoria holiday packages’.

@pothead1776 , @Davidmarroyo77 & @WokeBurrito #transphobia twitter.com

Have you ever seen a graph about the prevalence of left-handedness over time?

The graph shows significant increases in left handedness over the past 100 years. Because people are no longer punished for being left handed. The apparent increase in numbers of trans young people is because there is more support for trans people to be themselves.

What’s crazy is this goes against your argument you stupid fucks. Just like people indoctrinated children into right handedness, you are indoctrinating them into a perverted ideology. Hence the rise in identify almost solely among the younger crowd. there are no elders who did it

No 60 years olds walking around who had double mastectomies at age 16. This has never been done period and to say otherwise is just incorrect and egregious.

I think the point is that if gender aff were necessary to avoid suicides, we should have seen way more suicides in past. If there always were more trans ppl in past, and they didn’t commit suicide, then what’s the basis for saying gender aff is “necessary” to avoid suicide 2day?

If we started affirming and celebrating anorexia (flags, marches, 24/7 social media hype) instead of actually treating it, we would see an uptick in cases as we see now in gender dysphoria. This left-handedness argument is nothing but red herring.

Various commenters #wingnut #transphobia gab.com


spoilerBREAKING: Alabama's law
banning puberty/hormone
blockers, genital mutilation, & all
gender reassignment surgeries
has officially gone into effect. 10
years in prison for violators. HUGE

@trumpwarriors Its really sad that we have to celebrate this as a huge win 🤦‍♂️

@trumpwarriors Alabama saving children lives

@trumpwarriors Waiting for the liberal judge to emerge from the darkness and strike it down.

@trumpwarriors How totally messed up is it that we need laws like this ?

@trumpwarriors I'm sure the ACLU will object as will the DOJ and the White House.

BlackCirce & hmimperialtortie #transphobia #pratt ovarit.com

RE: Why are they so manipulative?

( BlackCirce )
When are people going to wake up and realize this is a fetish that starts in adolescence for boys and they function as addictions? This isn’t a “mental health issue” or anything like being gay or lesbian, it’s not about “dysphoria.”

( hmimperialtortie )
This. I’m sick of the hand-wringing about their mental health. Any problems they have are self-inflicted.

Got Questions Ministries #transphobia #dunning-kruger gotquestions.org

In more recent years, we have seen subjective opinion elevated to the level of objective truth. If a person embraces “his truth” or “her truth,” then everyone else is supposed to embrace that as “truth” as well—at least in certain “politically correct” matters. We see this in recent developments in transgender issues. For millennia, gender was considered an objective issue—a person was male or female based on a set of external, objective, and verifiable criteria. Now, certain cultural forces are attempting to make gender subjective. A male who decides to be female is simply embracing “his truth” or as the cultural forces would have us say, “her truth.” And even though the transgender person’s gender is “subjective,” his or her subjective truth must be treated as objective, as if it fully conformed to reality. If a person hints that the chosen gender of a transgender person is merely “their truth,” then he has committed an almost unforgiveable sin. The subjective has been elevated to the level of the objective, and the objective has been denigrated to the level of the subjective. The world has been flipped upside down.

But reality has a way of encroaching on people’s opinions. Try as they might, it is impossible for people to get away from the concept of objective truth. A person who says that a person can choose his own gender is, in fact, making an objective statement. That statement is either true or false. The person who makes the statement will not be satisfied if you agree that this is only “their truth.” They will insist that this is an objective statement that is true for everyone. Even the statement “objective truth does not exist” is an objective statement. Those who make it will often try to argue that it corresponds to reality and is therefore objectively true, thus defeating their own argument.

@STKOLBEOFPOLAND & @ShariT #transphobia gettr.com

'Woke' Target Peddling 'Trans' Clothing to Teens.
Gender dysphoria is a mental illness that compels a majority of those who suffer from it to want to kill themselves. Target is making that illness normal for young teens by selling them “trans” underwear. What could go wrong?


I stopped going to Target when they started allowing men into the women’s bathroom. So, it’s been Years, since I’ve stepped foot inside one of those shitholes!! 👿👿👿👿👿👿👿

Matt Walsh #transphobia #wingnut twitter.com

Trans identity has risen among children exponentially in just the last five to ten years. We're talking about a ten or twentyfold increase, or more. This is the result of deliberate indoctrination. There can be no other explanation. I'll explain why.

The Left says the increase in trans identity is illusory. They say that there were always this many trans people but they simply weren't comfortable coming out in the past. This claim is absurd on its face and doesn't pass the common sense test, but it's also self-contradictory

Why? Because the Left ALSO says that if we do not "affirm" all of these children as trans, they will kill themselves. The worst form of emotional blackmail.

And yet, by their telling, there were MILLIONS of unaffirmed trans kids for decades and centuries before this. And yet there was never any epidemic of millions of kids killing themselves due to lack of affirmation.

No, the tragic epidemic of child suicide has happened ALONGSIDE the rapid increase in "affirmation." Which clearly shows that by "affirming" we are driving the suicide epidemic. Not the other way around. The trans agenda drags kids into despair and confusion and leaves them there

Various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

r/honesttransgender discussion about "genital preferences" goes as expected


( ladyagatha )
Literally every time “genital preferences” come up, it’s the same flow.

Genital preferences are valid!!! ➡️ Except you should really interrogate WHY you have them, did society TELL you to have genital preferences?? Maybe you should rethink that. ➡️ Genital preferences are transphobic.

( FemmeLesbian )
I fully believe that reason the conversation around rape culture suddenly stopped is because TIPs realized that them telling people "to examine their preferences" is, in fact, rape culture.

( ladyagatha )
Light bulb moment. Yikes. Makes sense. Just another MRA movement.

( crodish )
I don't even understand what kind of conversation these people are trying to have. They say it's fine to have "genital preferences" and in the same sentence claim it's transphobic. It's basically only okay for THEM to have, but not the people they want to date. Double standards at its finest

How the hell can you even have a conversation about this "respectfully"? The moment someone says they're not okay with one type, everyone of that type takes offense at it. They keep saying shit like "nothing wrong if you don't want to date transwomen, but it's transphobic if you don't want to date a transwoman because she has a dick" no my dude it's never been about the genitals. I don't care if "she" has gotten "her" dick inverted and it's the best vaginoplasty the butcher circle has seen. "She" is male, and that's why I'm not attracted, full stop.

Even for bisexuals, they aren't a dumping ground for rejected transgender people. Everyone has the right to be attracted to whomever they feel like and also reject them FOR ANY REASON. Relationships are not an obligation nor a contract.

( ProxyMusic )

I don't even understand what kind of conversation these people are trying to have.

Phew. I thought it was just me. I could not follow the line(s) of "reasoning" in that convo at all.

( hmimperialtortie )
That’s it. They can say no to anyone (as if they’re ever going to be in that position) but nobody is allowed to say no to them, for any reason.

Mike Adams the Health Ranger #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut #quack #racist #homophobia #transphobia #mammon naturalnews.com

Today’s Situation Update podcast covers the weaponization of weather systems to target human infrastructure. It is over two hours in length and features interviews with Dane Wigington (see below) as well as a first responder on the ground in Central Florida.

As these interviews reveal, exotic weapon systems are being used to achieve global biosphere destruction which encompasses agricultural collapse, fertilizer disruptions and supply chain breakdowns that are designed to achieve mass global famine.

If these attacks on our world are not stopped, they could end in an Extinction Level Event (ELE), warns Wigington.

Each interview is posted here separately, followed by the full Situation Update podcast which includes other analysis.

First interview: Weather weaponization

– Dane Wigington from GeoengineeringWatch.org describes the weaponization of Hurricane Ian
– Modern tech can control the direction and intensity of storms and droughts
– Florida’s phosphate fertilizer industry was in direct path of the hurricane
– Global attacks against the biosphere target crops, fertilizer and food production
– The destruction of the biosphere is aiming to be an Extinction Level Event (ELE)
– Globalists are unleashing ecological destruction that will take CENTURIES to heal
Get the full analysis (2+ hours)
Full Situation Update podcast (which also includes the above two interviews):

– The storm took offline 50% of North America’s phosphate fertilizer production
– Supply chain disruptions mean REBUILDING Florida will take years
– Black mold is about to start growing in all the water-saturated buildings and homes
– Second interview with hurricane first responder who says US Coast Guard has massive stockpile of BODY BAGS
– Actress takes vaccine, sees half her face PARALYZED, and says she would take it again
– San Francisco hands out free monkeypox vaccines to black people (no whites), trans and prostitutes
– US Congress military aid to Ukraine hits $65 billion, but no money for US border wall

@saeterjenta #transphobia twitter.com

What is
It is the moment you see the emperor is naked. It can’t be unseen.

It is the moment when you stop being “both sides” and realise there is no both sides to sterilising children with puberty blockers and hormones.
No both sides to safe guarding women’s spaces

So when did you peak?

I peaked late in January 2022 after realising what kind of utter bullying from a group of grown men with large Twitter-accounts (trans allies) two of my Twitter sisters

They had been active long before I realised 2/

Before that, I had been kind. I had pressed “Like” on every tweet that had said “Trans women are women” (my excuse: I had no idea they meant it literally). I had written supportive comments to those who wrote that the TERFS just wanted the trans women to not exist. 3/

Before that, I believed the false narrative that the the gender critical people wanted trans people dead.

I had believed the false narrative that young people would kill themselves unless they got puberty blockers and hormones. Before that, I thought sex change was possible 4/

Before that I hadn’t understood the fuzz of not welcoming trans women into women’s changing rooms.

Before that, I thought all trans women were gorgeous influencers who had been dysphoric since they were toddlers and BELONGED in the women’s spaces. 5/

Before that, I didn’t have a clue that 90% of trans women have made no change to their body whatsoever, to look like a woman.
Thus their naked body is a male’s body.

Before that I had never heard of the self-ID-law, that was enforced in Norway in 2016, by the conservative government of
and her ministry of health,
(two of my former favourite politicians).

Before that, I didn’t know that all it takes for a man to “become a woman” in Norway, is to send an electronic form to the authorities.

“Self-ID”, thus no consultation needed beforehand.

One electronic form to become a woman and get access to vulnerable women’s safe spaces. 8/

Before that, I thought schools taught there are two sexes.
I knew that one sexologist (a trans), who hadn’t done any research but yet was referred to as a professor, claimed there were 7 sexes and that there is a difference between the sex you are and the sex you feel you are 9/

Various commenters #transphobia twitter.com

A woman from Scotland has flown to Miami to have her 16-year-old gender-confused child's healthy breasts removed. She, allegedly, was initially booked in a few days before the child's birthday but rearranged the date as she feared being arrested


It’s illegal to remove a child from the uk for fgm. How is this different? 😢

I just can’t contemplate how anyone can do this. My 14 yo asked for puberty blockers and I said I know puberty is shit but it stops. What you are asking is equivalent to chopping off your leg because you hate it NOW. She totally grew out of it after a few hoodie years.

How can the future grown-up daughter ever forgive her mother for this? In her almost guaranteed future agonisingly painful regret & grief how is she supposed to process this? All parents make mistakes but enthusiastic amputation of their children’s body parts is beyond fathomable

What kind of parent basically says to their child "Well you refuse to conform to societies regressive and sexist expectations of how a girl should be; therefore you are broken and need to be fixed."
I just can't 🙄

We need to start figuring out how to reach out to these parents in 5-10 yrs when their kids desist/detrans and the realisation hits them that they made it happen.
I can't imagine the knowledge that you actively hurt your child and there's no going back.

Yeonmi Park #transphobia #wingnut foxnews.com

Yeonmi Park has experienced plenty of struggle and hardship, but she does not call herself a victim.

One of several hundred North Korean defectors settled in the United States, Park, 27, transferred to Columbia University from a South Korean university in 2016 and was deeply disturbed by what she found.

"I expected that I was paying this fortune, all this time and energy, to learn how to think. But they are forcing you to think the way they want you to think," Park said in an interview with Fox News. "I realized, wow, this is insane. I thought America was different but I saw so many similarities to what I saw in North Korea that I started worrying."

Those similarities include anti-Western sentiment, collective guilt and suffocating political correctness.

She was also shocked and confused by issues surrounding gender and language, with every class asking students to announce their preferred pronouns.

"English is my third language. I learned it as an adult. I sometimes still say 'he' or 'she' by mistake and now they are going to ask me to call them 'they'? How the heck do I incorporate that into my sentences?"

"It was chaos," said Yeonmi. "It felt like the regression in civilization."

"Even North Korea is not this nuts," she admitted. "North Korea was pretty crazy, but not this crazy."

Vladimir Putin #conspiracy #crackpot #dunning-kruger #god-complex #homophobia #pratt #psycho #transphobia twitter.com

Putin begins his speech. He starts talking about the "votes" to join Russia in Russia-controlled parts of Ukraine. "The people have made their choice [...] this is the will of millions." Putin says southeastern Ukraine is actually part of Russia because the Russian state's predecessors ruled it, it was part of the Russian empire, and because the USSR fought to free it from the Nazis in World War II. Putin says people in southeastern Ukraine now are going to live in "their true historical fatherland." "I want the Kyiv government and their real bosses in the west to hear me ... Residents of Donetsk, Luhansk, Zaporizhzhia, and Kherson are becoming our citizens forever." Putin calls on Ukraine to stop fighting and negotiate an end to the war with Russia. But these territories are off limits. "We will defend our lands with all the means at our disposal and do everything to protect our people. This is our great liberating mission." "The west is looking for new ways to strike against our country, to weaken and destroy Russia [...] they just can't put up with there being such a big country with its territory, rich natural resources, and people who won't live on anyone else's rules." Putin says the west wants to make Russia a "colony," "rob" it, and turn its people into a "crowd of voiceless slaves." "They don't need Russia, but we do." He says the western elite is "colonial" are "racist" because they are "spreading Russophobia all over the world." "The west has said for centuries it is bringing freedom and democracy to the world. Everything is exactly the opposite," Putin says. The only people who are ready to live according to US rules are "political masochists and other followers of non-traditional political relations," a homophobic joke. Putin rants about sex change operations. "This is unacceptable. We have our own future. "Outright Satanism" in the west (though Putin disappointingly did not expand on this). Putin says Russia wants to lead an "anti-colonial movement" to liberate the world. "We need to turn this disgraceful page. Western hegemony will be smashed. This is inevitable. We must do this for our people, the great historical Russia." "If I'm Russian, it means I love in Russian" "Truth is on our side. Russia is with us!"

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

TRA ("tell the rad fems") vs. Ally ("don't tell the rad fems")

( [Deleted] )
Why are some GC people so adamant to have "pet transes" to show around like a circus pony? And of course AGP-in-chief here is not gonna say no to free attention, that's a AGPs bread and butter after all.

No other movement does that shit either. Pro gay people don't have a pet homophobe to prove they're not hateful against homophobes, the trans don't have pet GC people etc etc.

Why should we only be able to fight for our human rights by supporting a pet trans in womanface????

( crodish )
It's part of the process to peaking I think. I mean there really are some women who absolutely shut it down right away and that's admirable, but I always wanted to compromise and be nice and kind of be like, "see, I don't hate them! We agree! Why can't we all get along?" Female socialization and trying really hard not to be the bad guy, basically, and also not thinking deeply about it enough. Transwidows Voices really opened my eyes to realizing there is absolutely no middle ground and no compromise, not when there's unseen women getting hurt by these men all the time.

When these "allies" demand special exceptions for themselves because they said all the right things, they've effectively become hypocrites. I won't ally with hypocrites. Walk the talk.

( [Deleted] )
You're right female socialisation is one hell of a drug! I remember firmly thinking that calling them men is mean 🤡 however most GC is see pushing these pet transes are men...

( crodish )
Took me about 4 years to peak from "true trans" and preferred pronouns. Just keep shouting, I guess. I learnt from women constantly telling me how wrong I was lol

( butchplease )
And to think I once allied with and defended this pervert.

( Turtlefuzz )
I did also. I'm willing to give most people a chance to prove themselves, whether it's that they're a good person or bad. Once I saw what he said, in his own words, I was convinced he isn't any different than other AGPs; he's just better at deflection.

( butchplease )
Yes. I bet he gets off on being radfem women's token gendercock.

Ben Garrison #wingnut #conspiracy #transphobia #enbyphobia grrrgraphics.com


1. Covid was used to control countless millions around the world and it was easy for the medical tyrants to pull it off. […]

2. The Democrats told us that Trump, with the help of Putin, rigged and stole the 2016 presidential election away from Hillary. […]

3. The Transexual fad is perhaps the most egregious delusion. […]

4. The Climate Change cultists are ruining our economy by pushing green energy, which simply cannot compete with oil, natural gas, and coal. […]

5. Kamala Harris and Biden’s press secretary cannot make the border secure simply by telling us that it is secure! […]

6. The Democrats are so deluded that they think spending more money can lessen inflation! […]

7. The Democrats have relentlessly demonized President Trump. […]

8. The mainstream media, also known as the legacy media, also known as presstitutes, are an insult to real journalism. […]

9. It’s a delusion to think we are being run by patriots looking out for the best interests of Americans. The Democrats despise MAGA. […]

10. It’s delusional to think we can again send humans to the moon when we never sent them there the first time…but that’s a subject for a future cartoon.

@SophieXY44 #transphobia twitter.com

Woman: adult human female
Lesbian: woman who loves women
Trans women: Men

I hope this glossary clears up what a disingenuous, manipulative little shit you are.

We can and will police homophobia and misogyny, thanks for playing.

Claiming lesbians aren’t lesbians for dating trans women is homophobic, we don’t get to police other peoples sexuality

[Deleted] #transphobia #pratt ovarit.com

Evidence to provide TRAs when questioned
Hello, I was wondering: does anyone have more science/biology based evidence for why the trans theory is bogus? People ask me and then I get flustered because I don't save every bit of evidence I see and then it gets lost and I can't find it. Also it would be nice to have it for my own interest too.

The one who asks has power!

As others said, turn it around! There's so many holes in this cult so there's plenty of questions, especially if you can act like you don't really know much yet.

But why does a woman wanting to dress as a man make her non binary, i thought women can do anything and clothes have no sex?

How can you have the wrong sex brain? Are humans also born with wrong sex arms and spleens sometimes? What medical measurement do you do on a brain to see it's wrong sex?

Isn't it homophobic to tell gay teens they can be straight and to make them irreversibly infertile? Isnt that a gay genocide?

Why is there a trans remeberence day when trans identified males kill more than they are killed?

If a man who identified as trans in prison but goes back to being a man immediately after, was he really trans?

If men can become women, how come none of them ever was pregnant or birthed a child? Not all women can be pregnant but it's more than zero. There has never been a pregnant man so how did he change sex? In what way? Is looking like the other sex = "changing sex"? But then wouldn't very manish looking women be men?

If you only know a person's gender by asking them, how can people be attracted to someone they haven't talked to?

various commenters #transphobia twitter.com

( @sueveneer )
Transactivism can be summed up in six words

Let men have what they want

Four words….Patriarchy intends to ‘win’.

Or 5.. You must respect my penis

Creepy, rapey men. Decent men don't want any of this.

The victimology from the transwomen is insane & just sexist. Men in skirts using age old manipulation to either force us to be w/ them or stripping us down, labeling us, to make since of their world. Its Neo-sexism at its finest.

ParentsVoice B.C. #conspiracy #fundie #quack #racist #sexist #homophobia #transphobia cbc.ca

[Title: "New B.C. party pushing school board candidates with anti-vax and conspiratorial views". Mentioned names in the movement: Mark Vella, Teresa Docksteader, Carmen Halpenny, Fritz Radandt, Daniel and Terah Albertson.]

A new political organization with roots in conservative Christianity is endorsing a number of school board candidates across B.C. who have anti-vaccine, anti-government and conspiratorial views.

ParentsVoice B.C. is registered with Elections B.C. as an elector organization, or civic political party, and is backing 29 school board candidates in eight school districts.
Running under the slogan "Take Back Our Schools," the party says it's aiming to reverse what it sees as the politicization of classrooms.

Many candidates running under the party's banner support political positions inflamed by the pandemic, with rhetoric similar to right-wing groups in the United States — including criticism of public heath policies and school programs about racism, gender and sexuality.

But an in-depth review by CBC of candidates' online material found that instead of promoting their political beliefs, many candidates have tried to obscure them — in some cases by deleting old social media posts.

[Rest of article follows, subtitles: "Pandemic conspiracy theories", "School systems are dictating to parents", "Online profiles scrubbed", "A lot of parents live in kind of a bubble".]

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