
Like homophobia, but for bisexual people

various commenters #wingnut #homophobia #biphobia #transphobia gab.com


spoiler96% of Americans
should NOT have
to Adjust their
Morals to
accommodate 4%
of the population

@timrunshismouth. Im so tired of seeing rainbow crap everywhere that I could puke. Children don't need to be exposed to anyone's sexuality - no matter what it is. And let children enjoy exploring life without trying to talk them into getting castrated or cutting off their breasts. The Left is really taking advantage of the most vulnerable. Maybe trying to help kids like being who they are and not trying g to change anything would help.

@timrunshismouth And we sure as HELL should not have to give them access to our children!

@WinyanStazWakien @timrunshismouth I totally agree! Keep them out of our schools!

@timrunshismouth Wood chippers....More wood chippers....

@timrunshismouth I don’t care if 99% are faggots, I will still oppose faggotory ruthlessly

@timrunshismouth It's not even as hard as adjusting our morals, they won't even allow you to simply ignore them!! You do you and I'll do me, including raising my own children!!

@timrunshismouth Apparently you are claiming there is approx. 96% of the people in the United States who are not gay, actually having morals... is that right?
I have to argue that point with you... No one who voted for Biden has even an ounce of morals, and though they may claim to be Christian, they certainly are not true Bible reading and believing Christian if they are voting for democrats who supports abortion, gay rights, transgenderism, evolution, and the rejection of God's WORD...

@timrunshismouth I say the white population should not have to live with the black one

@timrunshismouth I doubt they are 4% and half of them have mental problems and should be institutionalized!

Cookiecuttermaxy #conspiracy #homophobia #biphobia #transphobia #wingnut reddit.com

Fuck it you know what Imma just say the most out-of-loop comment regarding LGBT and other shit, here comes nothing

If you want a minority to stop existing, then go ahead and shove LGBT down their throats, go ahead and do so. LGBT is literally implicit soft eugenics, there's a reason why people of color for a long time were against gay marrriage

Japan for this reason alone had to state the marriage is between a man and a woman

I mean it makes sense, I am for all lgbt people existing, but if we normalize then our CURRENT CIVILIZATION would cease to exist dipshits

But hey if the left wants religious, racial and ethnic minorities to stop existing, by all means normalize the shit out of lgbt culture and abortions

Makes sense, their memo never really changed, they just gotten more politically-cautious about it

various commenters #homophobia #biphobia #transphobia gettr.com

( @TimRunsHisMouth )
You can't even send your dogs to doggie daycare without worrying about them getting indoctrinated now...

( @Sindora )
I'm really starting to pray that the rapture happens soon at this point. 😶

( @MaryJane101 )
We spend a day honoring our fallen heroes but will give an entire month “celebrating” sexual perversions

( @deplorabletruth )
Isn’t it amazing that no matter how they dress or paint their pets up they will still sniff out the opposite sex and do their “duty”

( @Liza007 )
I would absolutely go postal if anything like that happened to my dogs

( @Bidenisapenis )
This is the real mark of the Beast.

( @Noodogbythebay )
Hope the dog bites the owner and gives him/her/it Doggy Pox!

( @AsparagusP )
Dog groomer = double entendre thanks to deranged leftists

Stephen Kokx #fundie #homophobia #transphobia #biphobia #conspiracy lifesitenews.com

[From "Christians should at least give credit to Putin for waging war on LGBT propaganda"]

Putin continued his war on woke ideology Sunday by signing into law a bill that strengthens his country’s opposition to “LGBT propaganda”

Western media predictably lashed out at the Orthodox Christian president, who, unlike European and North American politicians, has rejected international pressure to embrace transgenderism and state-sanctioned sodomy

For defending Biblical marriage and sexuality — as well as for putting Russia first — Putin is vilified by the press as one of the most evil men to have ever lived. The reason why is obvious: He stands in the way of the military industrial complex’s plans for global hegemony

Don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying Putin’s hands are entirely clean. He’s no saint by any means. But I have friends who would rather have him as their president than Joe Biden[…]
The new Russian bill laudably creates fines and broadens the scope of a 2013 law to now include a prohibition of LGBT content not only for children but Russians of all ages. It also bans the promotion of pedophilia and gender “reassignment” in films, books, media, and advertising[…]Bill passed with unanimous support in both the upper and lower houses of Russia’s Federal Assembly. To that I say: Bravo. U.S. lawmakers should follow suit[…]
This isn’t the first time Putin has the social justice left up in arms. At the Valdai International Discussion Club in Sochi last year, he denounced those who promote “cancel culture,” equating them to the Bolsheviks[…]
It’s been said that even a broken clock is right twice a day. I hope Christians who consider Putin an irredeemable villain will at least recognize the good he has done with this and other laws he’s supported that defend Biblical morality against the woke left. Leaders who support such bills are no doubt hard to come by in our post-Christian world. Let’s give credit where credit is due

Russian Government #fundie #homophobia #biphobia #enbyphobia #psycho #transphobia thebulwark.com

[The Russian government has introduced new] legislation, which was passed unanimously, prohibits all public speech or actions deemed to be “directed at promoting nontraditional sexual norms,” to propagandize the “attractiveness” of same-sex relationships or gender transition, or to encourage “distorted notions of the social equivalency of traditional and nontraditional sexual relations.” The ban covers all media, from internet sites to journalism to literature, arts and entertainment including video games. While there are no criminal penalties, violators will pay steep fines: 50,000 to 400,000 rubles for individuals (in a country where the average monthly wage is between 50,000 and 60,000 rubles); 100,000 to 800,000 rubles for public officeholders; and 800,000 to 5 million rubles for companies, which can also be shut down for up to 90 days. Foreign lawbreakers can be not only deported but held in detention for up to 15 days. Films and television shows will be barred from release if found to have prohibited LGBT content, and Russia’s powerful federal communications supervision agency, the Roskomnadzor, will be empowered to block “LGBT propaganda” websites without a court order.

According to the principal architect of the new law, Duma member Aleksandr Khinshtein: “The special military operation is taking place not only on the battlefield, but also in people’s minds and souls. Today, in fact, we are fighting to ensure that Russia, as the president puts it, does not have “parent number one, parent number two, and parent number three” instead of Mom and Dad. It is obvious that our confrontation with the West is largely civilizational in nature. That’s because Russia is an outpost for the protection and preservation of traditional values in opposition to the new pseudo-values imposed by the West, first and foremost being the normalization of sexual deviancy.”

Nuns with guns & 1440p Curved Monitor #biphobia #enbyphobia #racist #sexist #transphobia kiwifarms.net

(Nuns with guns)

most people who who identify as Non-Binary etc are mostly women who want to be seen as unique like the college women from 20 years ago who identified as bisexual because it was the cool thing.

There's still many women today that say they're bisexual because it's socially acceptable for women to compliment on other women's looks, despite the fact that they would never fuck a woman. But yes, non binary is the new “not like other girls” trend and it's super annoying. They're so low-effort,too.

(1440p Curved Monitor)
You're assuming that the troon that he's looking at is black. Its known that people think that those of a different race look alike, so I wouldn't be surprised if that extends to that the men and women of a different race can look similar especially since we know that Asians can clock other Asian troons while most Westerners have trouble telling the difference.

It is ingrained in black women's culture to put a lot of effort into appearance. I have personally never seen it to this amount with white women (exception is rich white women).

The black women that black men want are incredibly fabricated. Black men also typically don't want a black woman who's more natural (they want the baddies), therefore this behavior is encouraged in black communities. It's a running joke between a few friends and I that we can only catch white boys with our natural hair/looks because we know that black men are not attracted to it or want a girl that they can brag about to their peers. This means that the average tranny can fool a black man if he puts effort into looking like a baddie. There are more HSTS in the black community than AGPs anyways, so we already know that they will put effort into passing.

(Nuns with guns)
Negresses are known to look manlier than other races. You've seen the theories about Serena Williams and Michelle Obama being biological males. It also doesn't help that even your average black woman will go bald, has a flat nose, square shoulders, and huge hands.

Despite all of that, I've never seen any nigger tranny that actually fools me. If anything, they look like NBA players, which is too manly even for their women.

Anderson Lee Aldrich #homophobia #transphobia #biphobia #interphobia #fundie #psycho #wingnut cnn.com

Gunman kills 5 at LGBTQ nightclub in Colorado Springs before patrons confront and stop him, police say

(CNN) -A 22-year-old gunman entered an LGBTQ nightclub in Colorado Springs, Colorado, just before midnight Saturday and immediately opened fire, killing at least five people and injuring 18 others, before patrons confronted and stopped him, police said Sunday.

The suspect in the shooting at Club Q was identified as Anderson Lee Aldrich, according to Colorado Springs Police Chief Adrian Vasquez. He used a long rifle in the shooting, and two firearms were found at the scene, Vasquez said.

At least two people inside the club confronted and fought the gunman and prevented further violence, Vasquez said. “We owe them a great debt of thanks,” he said.


Of the 18 people injured, several are in critical condition with gunshot wounds, though the exact number was unclear, officials said.

The suspect is being treated at a hospital, police added. Officers did not shoot at him, police said.

Rep. Benny Abante (Manila, 6th District) #fundie #homophobia #transphobia #biphobia philstar.com

In filing House Bill No. 5717, evangelical pastor Rep. Benny Abante (Manila, 6th District) pushes for the State to protect heterosexuals or straight people's right to freely practice their religion and express their views, particularly opinions concerning the LGBT community

From the get-go, Abante begins his explanatory note arguing that "God created man in his own image and created male and female only and gave the decree of procreation to a male and female only, [and] it is clear that God created only two genders." He went on to call the LGBTQ community a "detestable reality [that] was virtually unknown and unimaginable since time immemorial"

"If, therefore, we seek to ‘grant’ and/or ‘protect’ rights to homosexuals, bisexuals, transgenders and queers, in the spirit of justice, equity and fair play, we must also ‘grant’ and/or ‘protect’ rights to heterosexuals who are the actual and direct creations of God," he wrote

Abante also claims that it is the right of heterosexuals to "enjoy their religious profession and worship without interference or abridgement with the right to exclude therefrom others of different beliefs or faith" and "impose [these views] when running or operating their churches, businesses, schools or workplaces"

The bill penalizes any violations of those rights with imprisonment of up to seven years and a fine of at least P100,000

The bill has since been referred to the House Committee on Women and Gender Equality chaired by the transgender Rep. Geraldine Roman (Bataan, 1st District)[…]
The conservative lawmaker indicated opposition to the SOGIE Equality Bill once more in his latest bill, writing in its explanatory note: "Bills are now before us that smacks God’s laws and standards, particularly on creation, human dignity and morals. These Bills not only recognize, but worse, promote and give reward to ‘genders’ not created by God"

Got Questions Ministries #fundie #homophobia #biphobia gotquestions.org

[Submitter’s Note: There is no tag for panphobia, so I put the biphobia tag since both deal with sexual attraction to more than one gender.]

What does the Bible say about pansexuality / omnisexuality?

Pansexuality and omnisexuality are closely related. Pansexuality is sexual attraction to people with no recognition of gender. Omnisexuality is sexual attraction to people with recognition of gender. Practically speaking, there is no difference between the two. Both pansexuals and omnisexuals are sexually attracted to heterosexual men and women, homosexual men and women, bisexual men and women, transgendered men and women, gender-fluid men and women, etc., etc. The difference is that a pansexual claims to not see gender at all while an omnisexual sees gender but doesn’t care. The unofficial slogan of both seems to be “hearts not parts.”

The Bible does not specifically mention pansexuality or omnisexuality. But, since pansexuality and omnisexuality sometimes involve sex with the same gender, the biblical condemnations of homosexuality would apply equally to those who practice pansexuality or omnisexuality (Leviticus 18:22; 20:13; Romans 1:26–27; 1 Corinthians 6:9). The only form of sexual activity the Bible supports is heterosexuality within the confines of marriage (Acts 15:20; 1 Corinthians 6:13; Galatians 5:19; Ephesians 5:3; Colossians 3:5).

The recent trend to ignore gender or even deny it entirely is absolutely unbiblical. God created man and woman and designed them to complement each other, not just physically and sexually but also emotionally and spiritually (Genesis 2). To deny male-female distinctions and embrace alternative forms of sexuality, such as pansexuality and omnisexuality, is to deny reality and, more importantly, to reject God as Creator and Designer. Simply put, to engage in pansexuality or omnisexuality is sin.

Various fundie parents #biphobia #conspiracy #crackpot #dunning-kruger #fundie #magick #transphobia #god-complex #homophobia nbcnews.com

A mural painted by a high school student came under fire when parents alleged it was promoting LGBTQ imagery and witchcraft.

Earlier this year, a Grant, Michigan, high school sophomore won a contest “to brighten up” the middle school health center, according to a statement from Grant Public Schools (GPS). GPS says the student received approval to paint images of “smiling children” and as well as the message “Stay Healthy.”


At a school board meeting on Oct. 10, parents accused the student artist of promoting witchcraft by including the Hamsa hand [a Latin American good luck symbol] as well as the video game character that bears the likeness of a demon. Parents also objected to the use of LGBTQ colors.

“I put my art up there to make people feel welcome,” the student artist said, her voice breaking, in footage captured at the meeting by WZZM-TV, a local news station based in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

One man at the meeting called the mural “hate material.”

Another adult at the meeting said, “I feel like (she) did a really good job finding excuses to defend the things you put on. None of us are that stupid.”

The student artist left the meeting in tears.

Robert Stacy McCain #biphobia #homophobia #fundie archive.ph

{from 2014}

Her self-declared “bisexuality” is purely speculative, a matter of imagination. Her situation illuminates the problem with how young people are now being indoctrinated to think about sex. All this chatter about sexual orientation and gender identity emerging from academia and promulgated in pop culture is profoundly confusing to many young people. A teenage girl whose “sexuality” so far has been limited to some clumsy kissing and fondling with her ex-boyfriend nevertheless identifies as “bisexual” on what we might call a theoretical basis. This identification then qualifies her to denounce her girlfriends as homophobes because they “are terrified of girls being in love with them.”

In that context, isn’t “homophobe” just a synonym for heterosexual?

Given the direction our culture is heading, one can imagine a scenario in which anyone who rejects a homosexual advance — “No, thanks, I’m straight” — is accused of being a homophobe, so that society is effectively divided into two groups: Gays and Haters.

She continues to volley: “Please, don’t put my identity into quotation marks.” The reason I put “bisexual” in quotation marks is because, by her own account, she has not actually acted on her same-sex attractions. Her self-declared “identity” therefore exists in the imaginative realm of Tommy Flanagan’s wife, Morgan Fairchild.

Carl C Curtis #homophobia #biphobia #sexist #wingnut thechristianreview.com

(A very conservative Christian reviews Rebel without a Cause, ignores all the gay subtext, and thinks it is an ode to tradition. Some choice selections from his review.)


At the station, Jim’s parents arrive and the first theme of the family comes into focus with the presentation of a mother who overly protects and a father who wants to be little more than a pal. The proper order of the household is thereby reversed, and, as the story unfolds, it’s clear that Jim grasps its effects. Fathers who are not authorities and bulwarks of strength produce wayward kids, though, notably, kids in search of the fathers they don’t have, as mirrored in the other characters of Jim’s age whom he slowly gets to know: Judy (Natalie Wood) who desperately wants her father to love and protect her, and Plato (Sal Mineo) who sees Jim as the father he has never known. Left to themselves for a brief time in a deserted mansion, the three fall into the roles of the father (Jim), mother (Judy), and son (Plato), which they yearn to see in their own fractured homes.

The second theme emerges in a high school field trip to a planetarium, where the students view an “educational” film about the beginning and ultimate annihilation of life on planet earth, or, as we might now say, the gospel according to Carl Sagan. As the students sit in the dark, the planetarium director coolly narrates the inevitable fate that awaits them all in a world “destroyed as we began in a burst of gas and fire.”


It’s a wonder he didn’t add, “Have a nice day.”


The title of what has become his most famous film may appear an appropriate epitaph for the life Dean led, but the film itself should banish the misconception, even as it teaches a few lessons that, sadly, still need to be inwardly digested by a society that has tenaciously resisted them. That’s another way of saying that James Dean was a rebel with a cause that needs to be ours.

Betsey McCaughey #transphobia #enbyphobia #homophobia #biphobia #dunning-kruger #conspiracy nypost.com

Gender dysphoria — a rare medical condition that makes people feel mismatched with their sexual anatomy — occurs in about 0.6 percent of the adult population, according to the UCLA School of Law’s Williams Institute. Anyone afflicted should be treated with kindness and offered medical help.

It first appears in childhood, but with so few children affected, the curriculum should not be distorted for everyone. Elementary-school teachers are putting words on the blackboard like “nonbinary” and “transgender” even before kids have learned multiplication.

But Maine’s Department of Education reports that between 13 percent and 18 percent of public high-school students say they’re “lesbian, gay, bisexual or unsure” of their sexual identity. It’s no wonder when the curriculum programs them to doubt their identity. In school it’s cool to be anything but heterosexual.

Maine requires public-school teachers to explore the achievements of LGBTQ+ individuals, not just in health class but also in history and social studies. That’s indoctrination since teachers are not asked to do the same for the celibate, for example.

Babylon Bee #transphobia #racist #biphobia babylonbee.com

CHARLOTTE, NC—Colin Kaepernick has made his way back into the NFL as a cheerleader for the Carolina Panthers. He will be the team's first African American Transgender Poly-Bi Cheerleader and will be joining the team on road games.

"I'm excited to be on the team!" said Kaepernick, weakened by a series of surgeries and hormone injections. "After I insulted the organization and called all the fans racist, I wasn't sure I'd be welcomed back, but I was finally able to contort my body into such a victimized form that they had no choice but to hire me."

"It's a dream come true!"

Panthers coach Matt Rhule was not part of the decision-making process that brought Kaepernick into the cheerleading fold, but he is reportedly enthusiastic about the former quarterback's role on the squad.

"I think he'll be a great distraction when we lose games," he said, sighing wistfully. "And believe me, we're going to lose some games."

ESPN commentator Jaina Winterwoman asked Kaepernick about the audition process. The interview, which will appear on a future episode of NFL Primetime, revealed that Kaepernick doesn't know how to dance.

"Girl, with an identity like this you don't have to do a thing," Kaepernick told the sports journalist. "I don't think anyone's going to be watching me for my dance moves."

The 2022 NFL season is scheduled to begin on September 8th. Ratings for Panthers games are expected to spike early on and then plummet, destroying the franchise.

Criticallacitirc #biphobia #transphobia kiwifarms.net

The other side is the bisexual pride flag. I see so many bisexuals whine about biphobia, but they're mostly full of shit. Gender ideology essentially preaches bisexual supremacy because to them a person's sex isn't relevant in sexual attraction. This flag is basically saying trannies and bisexuals are the most oprressed in the community. Most bisexuals end up in heterosexual relationships and are seen as heterosexual, but they want to whine that they are some how more oppressed than gays & lesbians.

Megan Fox #homophobia #biphobia #fundie #dunning-kruger pjmedia.com

Ally Week, Sept 23-27: This week the gay mafia pressures your kid to become a warrior for the cause of the LGBTQWTF agenda items under the guise of being a good friend to others. Mission America writes, “It’s a peer-pressured, mob mentality seeking knee-jerk acceptance, at the same time isolating and marginalizing those who decline and labeling them as ‘haters’ and ‘bigots.’” Reminder: children who are Catholic, evangelical, or Muslim would automatically be put into a prejudicial category by default if they did not renounce their religious teaching.

Bisexual Awareness Day, September 23: Is this necessary? Is there a Catholic Awareness Day where public schools teach others to be tolerant of devout Catholics who believe in chastity? I don’t think so…nope. Just Googled it. Doesn’t exist.

Grant Atkinson #biphobia #homophobia #fundie #wingnut gaybullyingitisreal.wordpress.com

Oreo Commercial Orders Viewers to Embrace Homosexuality

Many of the largest companies in America have felt the need in recent years to make their positions known on some of the most divisive issues in the country.

Milk’s favorite cookie is among them.

For years, Oreo Cookie has vocally supported the LGBT community with special campaigns and products.

In a new commercial Monday, the company doubled down on that stance and, more disturbingly, implored its customers to take the same position.

“Coming out doesn’t happen just once,” Oreo wrote in a tweet sharing the ad. “It’s a journey that needs love and courage every step of the way. Share our new film and let someone know you’re their #LifelongAlly.”

Coming out doesn’t happen just once. It’s a journey that needs love and courage every step of the way. Share our new film 👇 and let someone know you’re their #LifelongAlly. pic.twitter.com/S5ipPxZRON

— OREO Cookie (@Oreo) April 4, 2022


There are multiple problems with this commercial, and contrary to what leftists may say, it is very possible to point them out without being a “bigot.”

First and foremost, the ad has nothing to do with cookies. There is no reason Oreo should be lecturing its customers about hot-button political issues. No matter what the left says, the issue of LGBT support is a political one, and that brings us to the next problem with this commercial.

Everyone can agree that it is not acceptable to treat people poorly or attack them for their sexuality. The problem arises when it comes to acknowledging this behavior as a sin.

There is a difference between loving someone and endorsing his or her actions.

The Bible is clear that homosexuality is a sin, so it is not something Christians should be promoting, no matter what Oreo thinks.

As Christians, we believe loving someone is deeper than just accepting everything about that person. Sometimes love involves addressing a concern with a brother or sister in Christ, uncomfortable as it may be.

In the case of homosexuality, loving a neighbor may look like silently praying for him, or it may look like confronting him in a loving way about his sin. But it does not look like affirming his sin and telling him he is not doing anything wrong.

Commercials like this one suggest the only way to be someone’s “ally” is to cheer on his or her actions, right or wrong.


Sharia Envy Award

Amy Contrada #homophobia #transphobia #biphobia massresistance.org

But in fact, as even a major international LGBT group admits, harsh penalties targeting LGBTs (including the death penalty) that are “codified under Sharia” are often “not known to be implemented.” In some areas, a penalty such as stoning “applies broadly for adultery, rape … incest … and homosexual sodomy” (and not just homosexual acts).

Only recently have “LGBT rights” – i.e., all forms of sexual and “gender” expression – been declared “human rights” by radical activists. So, it’s a stretch to claim that the 72 countries criminalizing “same-sex acts” are violating “human rights.”

Why is it acceptable for Pompeo’s State Department to attempt to force acceptance of this new “LGBT rights” ideology on the majority of countries around the world that dissent? Why does LGBT cultural imperialism get a pass?

Do the pro-LGBT views of the State Department represent most Americans? No. Pompeo’s incendiary vocabulary (homophobia, transphobia, biphobia) smears a majority of American citizens as irrational, deplorable bigots. The evidence:

When our citizens were still allowed a voice on same-sex “marriage” (before the Supreme Court’s 2015 overreach in Obergefell), voters had banned it in a majority of states. Congress has never passed an LGBT anti-discrimination law (though the Obama administration pushed the EEOC to interpret broadly the existing law against “sex discrimination” in employment, to include sexual orientation and gender identity). And only 20 states (plus D.C.) currently have laws banning discrimination on the basis of both “sexual orientation” and “gender identity.”

So, where’s the public mandate for our State Department to push radical sexuality on the world?

It can be argued that all this goes against our nation’s values. So why didn’t Family Research Council challenge Secretary Pompeo on this issue, rather than focusing on global religious freedom at their recent event? Have they abandoned their 2017 demand for Trump “to launch a major purge of pro-LGBT diplomats inside Foggy Bottom”?

Aero the Alcoholic Bat #biphobia #homophobia #transphobia transphobiaisavirtue.wordpress.com

Why homosexuality should not be normalized
(continued from https://fstdt.com/K4KBWRSPPJJDH)
There’s no reason why they need more “representation” in popular culture, much less in media aimed at children or families.

There’s no reason why it needs to be taught in public schools, especially since the LGBTQ community is increasingly reluctant to disavow predators and groomers in their midst. As miffed as they are at the notion that homosexuality and transgenderism is a slippery slope to pedophilia, they are rather slow (if not outright unwilling) to disavow things like Queer Kids Stuff, Drag Queen Story Hour, the San Francisco Gay Men’s Choir, etc. Or to support Florida’s anti-grooming bill. They consistently botch any opportunity given to them to disprove the notion that LGBTQ and pedophilia are connected to each other, other than protesting too much. Actions speak louder than words.

With that said, with homosexuality unable to carry human society the same way heterosexuality does, with the fact that homosexuality may actually be unhealthy, both for those who practice it, and potentially for society at large, gays should simply be grateful that society tolerates them at all, that they can cohabitate in peace without the police barging into their homes.

They should shut the fuck up and leave everyone else alone.


Aero the Alcoholic Bat #transphobia #biphobia #homophobia transphobiaisavirtue.wordpress.com

Why homosexuality should not be normalized
I digress, but the point is, if the culture tells children that it’s cool to be a sodomite, they will take it to heart. They seldom have the cognitive ability to withstand that propaganda on their own. If sexual orientation were truly inborn or innate, this would be extremely harmful, probably even more so than forcing heterosexuality on adolescents who are clearly gay. They’re essentially persecuting those who carry society, carry the human population. Just because they’re jealous and angry at them. And said kids are only identifying as LGBTQ because it’s the cool thing to do, NOT because they actually are sexually attracted to the same sex or because of persistent gender-confusion.

But if homosexuality were made, not born, that provides an even stronger incentive to not normalize homosexuality. Like I said earlier, for even a large minority of the population to be LGBTQ is a disaster for any future population growth, or the well-being of future generations, as few in number as they may be. If homosexuality were made, not born, the last thing that you want would be an environment that actively fosters homosexual orientation in children. It doesn’t fucking matter how much society kisses the LGBTQ community on the ass. Being gay, or especially trans, significantly reduces your quality of life.

And the fewer people who are willing or able to bear children the natural way, or at least provide existing children with a stable home environment with parental role models of both sexes, the more likely society will collapse.

The solution? We just need to accept the fact that homosexuality isn’t normal. There is no reason why our institutions need to normalize it, or treat it as equal to heterosexuality.

There’s no reason why marriage, as an institution, need to include homosexuals. Marriage is not a human right. Marriage was designed to provide the most ideal environment for healthy families to flourish, not to validate the feelings of those with disordered sexualities. Even if heterosexual marriage as an institution were failing due to high divorce rates, or the increasing acceptance of polyamory/cuckoldry, the solution would not be to implement further perversion of the definition of marriage. Marriage, by definition, is DISCRIMINATORY.


Aero the Alcoholic Bat #homophobia #biphobia #transphobia transphobiaisavirtue.wordpress.com

Why homosexuality should not be normalized
(continued from https://fstdt.com/T.NP2DN9GX_KG)
If homosexual parents were just as good as straight parents, why do children of homosexual parents frequently face the same problems that those of single parents do? Why would we knowingly place children in such an environment when there are many more stable heterosexual couples? Does the emotional gratification of gay people really matter that much that we’d deprive a child of a proper childhood in order to do it?

You get the idea.

Another meme that should be dissected is that gays are “born that way.”

First of all, even if it were inborn or immutable, your sexual orientation does not override your free agency. It’s not “bigoted” for religions to preach against homosexual activity, since you still have the choice to act on your sexual urges or not.

I will gladly concede the fact that attempts to “cure” homosexuality have only ended in failure, and more emotional and mental distress for the patients involved. That’s not because I consider homosexuality to be innate or inborn. It’s entirely possible to doubt that gays are “born that way” and to oppose conversion therapy at the same time.

Hell, the mere fact that a huge percentage of zoomers, as high as 40% of them, identify as LGBTQ, casts reasonable doubt on the meme. If homosexuality were truly 100% inborn or genetic, it would be impossible for homosexuals to make up more than a very, VERY small fraction of the population, since homosexuals and transgender people have a snowball’s chance in hell to pass their genes to the next generation.

What’s more, even troon activists and apologists are perfectly willing to openly dispense with the notion that sexual orientation is inborn or innate. They do it whenever they complain about lesbians or straight men who refuse to fuck trans “women.”

Even bisexuality wouldn’t provide that much incentive to pass your genes along, and if you chose to not indulge the gay half of yourself, why identify as bisexual at all?

There are only two reasons why so many young people would identify as LGBTQ, and either reason provides a very solid justification for opposing any effort to normalize homosexuality.

Kylee Zempel #wingnut #homophobia #biphobia #transphobia thefederalist.com

Weirdos Who Want To Sexualize Your Children Should Absolutely Be Stigmatized As Groomers
(continued from https://fstdt.com/QC.N4CR.8_B_3)

We’re Old Enough to Remember
The left’s record on morphing natural sexual mores, however, didn’t start yesterday. So we don’t have to speculate about whether this might be some sort of unfortunate fluke that leaves an otherwise spotless enterprise with egg on its face.

Have the “conservatives” resisting the use of the “groomer” label forgotten about the concerted effort by gender activists to host drag-queen story hours for little children in taxpayer-funded libraries or “drag-tastic” camps at museums? Have they not seen the pornographic books introducing kids to gay sex and masturbation?

How about government schoolteachers’ documented cult-like allegiance to gay pride? The cover-up of sexual assault resulting from trans bathroom policies? Or the coaxing of children into sex confusion and dangerous gender-bending interventions and then hiding it from their parents?

Have they not heard stories of young people who internalized backward notions about human sexuality during their formative years, were utterly failed by every institution that should have helped them correct course, then underwent destructive procedures that left them full of regret, just disfigured shells of the unique and beautiful people they were created to be?

How about tongue-in-cheek confessions from choruses of gay men that they’ll “convert your children”? Or even manipulation by the president of the United States that those who don’t abide by LGBT orthodoxy “don’t see” and “don’t respect” transgender people and that so-called gender affirmation is the best way to keep kids “safe and healthy”?

There’s a word for adults who build trust with children then condition them in sexual matters without their parents’ consent or knowledge in order to manipulate them for their own pleasure: It’s groomer.


Kylee Zempel #wingnut #biphobia #transphobia #homophobia thefederalist.com

Weirdos Who Want To Sexualize Your Children Should Absolutely Be Stigmatized As Groomers

Are we really quibbling over whether ‘groomers’ is an OK word to refer to people who delight in sexualizing kids and hiding it from parents?

What does it say about the pathetic state of the political right that instead of spending our energy advancing the ideas and institutions that promote human flourishing, we’re quibbling over whether “groomers” is the right word to refer to people who delight in sexualizing other people’s kids and hiding it from their parents?

The ranks of progressives and unmistakably pro-LGBT media — who spend their days throwing around insulting hyperbole like “Nazi,” “fascist,” and “silence is violence” — are being joined by so-called conservatives who’ve taken it upon themselves to lecture those to the right of them that ackshuuully it’s not appropriate to call the kids’ entertainment creators and state-sanctioned educators who insist on sexually indoctrinating 5-year-olds “groomers.”

It’s absolutely absurd. Conservatives aren’t abandoning their principles by abandoning needless throat-clearing about teachers’ alleged good faith and the left’s intentions.

We all know the left’s intentions because they’ve made them perfectly clear. The most recent go-around started with them maliciously branding a bill protecting parents’ rights — which are an absolutely necessity for societal survival — as a bill that banned mention of the word “gay” in schools. It was a lie; the legislation seeks to keep leftist dogmas about gender identity and sexual orientation away from 5-9-year-old kids.

When the left lost and the bill got signed into law, furious executives at Florida-based Disney began ranting about their quests to inject sexual deviancy into children’s entertainment.

In a video call leaked to investigative journalist Christopher Rufo, Disney executive Latoya Raveneau bragged about her “not-at-all-secret gay agenda” and attempts at “adding queerness” wherever she could in kids’ shows. Another employee talked openly about his attempts to “explor[e] queer stories” and introduce enough “gender non-conforming characters.” There was more where that came from.


Alan Page #transphobia #biphobia #interphobia #conspiracy #pratt youtube.com

(Context: the comments under a viral video about oral sex with trans men for gay guys is full of harassment and/or fundies such as this)

This is what seperates the L & G from the rest of the alphabet soup. L&Gs fought for domestic rights like marriage, partner inheritance rights, workplace rights etc. Qu--r anarchism fights for an unlimited age of consent free pansexualised eden and regards so called "monosexuals" as ignorant untermenschen for not wanting to do wild exotic things like buggering horses or f-sting seven year olds. Qu--r theorist Guy Hocquenghem in his "Screwball Asses" gives the game away by talking about how so called gay "nationalists" will probably end up protesting that their rights to self-identify as such will be swept away by this great revolutionary wave. He also says that by making frequent usage of the term "intersex" (irrespective of the reality of the medical condition it supposedly describes) will help to shatter the concept of a strict binary and allow for this brave new world to take over. This has been a part of the "Q" philosophy from the very start (alongside age of consent abolition of course).

Various Commenters #homophobia #biphobia #transphobia blackpill.club

1 in 5 of Gen Z Weimericans indentify as LGBTP

State of US in year 2022 is that one in 5 of gen z are indentify as LGBT.It says most are indentyfing as Bisexuals and i am pretty sure most of those are foids describing themselves as lesbians teehee when in reality they are chadsexuals


As someone who works in public I can tell you that it's closer to 50%.

Time to for the missiles. 50% of the current youth means in 20 years the hetero will be the minority


Time to for the missiles. 50% of the current youth means in 20 years the hetero will be the minority

Things are so bad now that I see dudes that look completely normal carrying purses, so there's more fags out there than what you realize.


Things are so bad now that I see dudes that look completely normal carrying purses, so there's more fags out there than what you realize.

The more LGBT advances the more disturbing it becomes.
Where I live there's talks of allowing gays to marry 😬
This world needs to be wiped

We're not even talking about the amount of men that are hiding their degenerate feelings.

Tatsuhirocel & chudur-budur #biphobia #sexist #homophobia blackpill.club


Bisexual more like Chadsexual whores.


Bisexual more like Chadsexual whores.

bisexual woman == lesbian when extremely horny and chads are not around, otherwise straight

bisexual man == straight, but severe inceldom forced them to start experimenting with their butt-holes getting drilled by taller and bigger men because the media said getting fucked by other men supposed to feel good

Emerald Robinson #homophobia #transphobia #biphobia #dunning-kruger #fundie emeralddb3.substack.com

In case you think you’re merely witnessing a strategic marketing blunder or something more innocent, I’ve got news for you: Disney issued this statement about the anti-grooming Florida bill after a bunch of their employees got caught in a pedophile sex trafficking bust by the Florida police.

Let me repeat: After. Disney. Employees. Were. Caught. In. Pedophile. Sex. Bust.

This is not an isolated incident with Disney. In fact, you might say that Disney employees get arrested for child porn crimes and child sex crimes on a regular basis.

This is the very definition of pure evil, of course. What right does an entertainment company have to intentionally turn your kids into homosexuals? The answer is: none. We have left the boundaries of rationality and capitalism altogether — and nothing can excuse or explain it. America’s parents are now confronted by people who want to commit felonies on their children under the guise of tolerance.

This is Sodom and Gomorrah stuff. These demons recognize no legal or moral boundaries regarding your kids — and they openly acknowledge as much. The LBGT community has essentially merged with the pro-pedophile community.

It’s time to boycott Disney.

It’s time to stop tolerating the intolerable.

Prima Scriptura #homophobia #transphobia #biphobia #fundie forum.nationstates.net

(Conversation context wouldn’t fit in the character limit)

Hmm, I knew had SSA before middle school. I went a Catholic school from 3rd-8th grade, and homosexuality was brought up once in a Catholic sex-Ed lesson, that I actually missed that day. It was in 6th or 7th grade. The series was form the 80s and was called “In God’s image”
Either way, it’s not the Schools place to affirm one’s sexual feelings, attractions or actions. People go to school for an education, not to be indoctrinated into a leftist view of sexuality. The fact that the far-left and the radical LGBT activists want to expose young children to their lifestyle is deeply disturbing. I mean, the LGBT activists have tried their hardest to end the notion that LGBT adults recruit children, which I have personal experience with when I went to a church that was a MCC Church. At that time I was only 14-15 and I was sexually accosted.

The topic of homosexuality and transgenderism shouldn’t be brought up until high school.

This is the last reply I’m giving you. You blasphemous “joke” of the most Holy Trinity was unacceptable. Once again, you will be in my prayers.

Scott Lively #homophobia #biphobia #fundie scottlively.net

American and Russian Conservatives Would be Best Friends and Partners Against Globalism if not for Non-Stop Anti-Russian Propaganda by the Leftist and Neocon Media.
Dr. Lively talks about the very positive implications of the BBC’s negative coverage of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s proposal to honor God and protect marriage in the new Russian Constitution. Ironically, the BBC accusation that Putin is pandering to the Russian people by making this proposal confirms that this is exactly what the people want!

Dr. Lively offers his own first hand observations of the moral conservatism of the Russians in his three trips to Russia and discusses the importance of Russia’s firm rejection of Marxism and re-embrace of the Orthodox Church as the primary cultural influence in the post-Soviet Russian Federation, while the United States has trended in the opposite direction as evidence by the Socialist/Communist showdown in the unfolding Democratic Primary.

SwytheQ #dunning-kruger #homophobia #biphobia #transphobia deviantart.com

Additionally, the bill prohibits classroom instruction by school personnel and third parties about sexual orientation or gender identity in kindergarten through grade 3 or in a manner that is not age-appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students in accordance with state standards.
That is the part these idiots are having a fissure over?

It forces you to actually follow "the science" objectively now.

The rest of the bill gives parents more control over their children's education. With a bill of rights.

Funny, how they will sing the whole "Faith in Democracy" song when it works for their corruption, but are all so willing to remove entire class of people from the public forum you don't like. Classes of people who pay for the schools they want a say in. That makes them shareholders with voting rights.

Shareholders (including the DOE, who lobbied for it) in Florida's education system have rejected LGBT child indoctrination. Democracy at work. Where's your faith leftoids?

Nice to see all these assholes out in the open. Man its so fun to watch Disney loose another $6 billion. Its so good to see Warner just let it out. Decades of hiding. Now we can objectively show normies how bad you all really are.

The Islamic Republic of Iran #fundie #homophobia #transphobia #biphobia #psycho google.com

A UN report released Wednesday on widespread human rights violations in the Islamic Republic of Iran contains shocking findings that the theocratic state imposed electric torture on lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender children.

The UN Special Rapporteur for the Islamic Republic of Iran, Javaid Rehman, wrote that he is “concerned at reports that lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender children were subjected to electric shocks and the administration of hormones and strong psychoactive medications. These practices amount to torture and cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment, and violate the State’s obligations under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the Convention on the Rights of the Child."
According to the report, “The Special Rapporteur regrets that individuals who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender experience human rights violations and widespread discrimination. Senior officials describe the community in hateful terms, including by labelling individuals as ‘subhuman’ and ‘diseased.”’

He added that “The death penalty can be imposed for consensual sexual activity between members of the same sex in the Islamic Republic of Iran.”

One Million Moms #fundie #homophobia #biphobia onemillionmoms.com

Unfortunately, Disney Channel’s content is deteriorating at warp speed, getting worse almost every month.

One Million Moms warned parents about the demonic show The Owl House when it first premiered on Disney Channel in January. But the dark program has much more for conservative parents to be concerned about now that the network introduced its first bisexual character in the most recent episode of The Owl House.

The lead character, Luz Noceda – a 14-year-old girl who wants to become a witch even though she has no magical powers, has now come out as bisexual. Disney confirmed this new development.

The series’ creator, Dana Terrace, identifies as bisexual, so she wanted to write about a bisexual character. She tweeted, “At first, ‘certain Disney leadership’ was not too fond of the idea of having an LGBTQ+ character.” Terrace persuaded Disney to allow the character anyway.

"{I} was very open about my intention to put queer kids in the main cast. I'm a horrible liar so sneaking it in would've been hard, {…}" she said in her tweet. "{I} was told by certain Disney leadership that I could not represent any form of bi or gay relationship on the Channel.

"Luckily my stubbornness paid off and now I am very supported by current Disney leadership," she said.

1MM believes it is important to warn parents that bisexuality has been introduced on the Disney Channel. Our supporters deserve the opportunity to speak out against this series.

The series is rated TV Y7 FV, which means it is recommended for ages 7 and older and contains fantasy violence. Disney Channel has already renewed the program for a second season.


Please sign our petition urging Disney Channel to cancel this dangerous show, ‘The Owl House,’ immediately.

Anton Hagen #fundie #biphobia returnofkings.com

Anton Hagen is a multilingual writer from the UK whose joys and woes living in different parts of Europe inspired him to contribute philosophical pieces to the manosphere, with the odd caustic joke.

The topic of bisexuality keeps cropping up time and time again. It’s constantly rammed down our throats: taking the form of either vacuous gossip about the “bi-curious” escapades of an acquaintance or vapid celebrity, or the even more tiresome bilge concerning “biphobia” and bigotry.

In this article, we shall examine how refusing to take bisexuals seriously is a perfectly rational point of view to hold, after having examined certain aspects of this phenomenon in closer detail.

1. The Ludicrous myth of “Biphobia”
[“Dancing with the Stars” Logo]

In the 21st Century, it is becoming increasingly more and more laughable to suggest that homophobia is rampant, when all television, entertainment and culture seem to be catered towards the tastes of gay men: just looking through a TV guide or turning on the radio confirms this assertion.

Yet it is even more ridiculous to suggest that we live in a culture of “biphobia.” There has been extremely little evidence in history which suggests that bisexuals have been more severely treated than homosexuals and heterosexuals.

Despite this fact, “biphobia” has become an accepted term. Furthermore, it is used incorrectly to describe anyone who questions bisexuality in any shape or form, as opposed to denote those who genuinely loathe and despise bisexuals (of whom there are very few).

By classing the opinions of those with whom they disagree as an irrational “phobia,” LGBT activists are able to shun counter-arguments as being inherently flawed and diseased, without having to tackle the assertion with reason and evidence. This tactic is a favorite among leftists (e.g. transphobia, homophobia, etc.)

[Picture of a hippie-looking woman.
Transcript: Your Rights End where my feelings begin.]

The term “biphobia” has just become a means of suppressing reasoned arguments and healthy skepticism by portraying their opponents as being mentally deranged. It could not be more typical of the totalitarian progressive movement.

There is no such thing as biphobia: there are only those who do not wholeheartedly embrace bisexuals and shower them in praise and compliments for being so open-minded and adventurous; there is absolutely nothing wrong with that.

2. They’re trend-followers
[Picture of 2 female celebrities kissing]
Far from being a minority of poor, oppressed, counter-cultural victims, bisexuals are extolled and exalted in modern culture. From Madonna and Britney Spears’ kiss at that god awful music show all the way up to the Mozart and Beethoven of our age (Lady Gaga and Katy Perry), bisexual behavior is portrayed as “cool” and fashionable.

Impressionable youths therefore gravitate to such behavior because it gives them a sense of identity and excitement. They engage in bisexuality as an expression of faux-individualism, in an attempt to distance themselves from what they believe to be the bigoted, narrow-minded majority.

They are of course, all completely deluded. They think they’re unique, yet all they are doing is following a trend which has been concocted for them by MTV and record companies. Bisexuality has simply become a fashion statement, and very little more.

3. They’re promiscuous
In Tuthmosis’ famous article, he lists claiming to be bisexual as a major slut tell. This could not be more true. Many of the other signs mentioned in that article stem from an adolescent, pseudo-rebellious attitude (e.g. tattoos, piercings, swearing, drugs etc.)

Bisexuality is simply another form of immature revolt: by challenging the supposed “heteronormative” culture, they are trying to affirm themselves as individualistic, exciting people. This childish attitude manifests itself in bisexuality, promiscuity, and self-destructive behavior.

Very often, youths do not have any major achievements or unique personality on which to define themselves; they therefore jump at any opportunity to stand out from the crowd. Unfortunately, the “sex-positive” bisexual culture of today just happens to be the means to that end.

4. Bisexuals cannot form long-term relationships
The rebellious, childish youths described above are not fit for long-term relationships. It is impossible to be bisexual and maintain a monogamous commitment: one half of one’s sexuality must be renounced before entering into a relationship with a single person. Unfortunately the bisexuals will argue that they have the right to “be who they want to be” and claim “I am what I am.”

Monogamous relationships are based on self-restraint, compromise, and mutual understanding. Someone who continues to assert that they wish to sleep with members of both sexes whilst in a long-term relationship simply lacks the above virtues and has no empathy for their partner’s feelings, only caring for themselves and their carnal desires.

Were someone to vow full commitment to a single partner, they would obviously have to abandon any desire for someone of a different sex to their partner. This is a perfectly moral and reasonable expectation. Bisexuality is usually confined to the pre-adult phase of sleeping around and experimentation. It is therefore very difficult to view it something mature and worthy of anything other than condescension.

5. Evidence suggests it doesn’t even exist
Having said all the above, there is still reasonable scientific doubt as to the actual existence of bisexuality. A recent study investigating this naturally attracted a lot of negative attention from the liberal media powerhouse. In this study, it was determined that thirty males who identified themselves as bisexual were indistinguishable from homosexuals in their hormonal responses to pornography. The study can be read online here.

Dr. Michael Bailey, one of the conductors of the study, noted: “I’m not denying that bisexual behavior exists, but I am saying that in men there’s no hint that true bisexual arousal exists, and that for men arousal is orientation.”

Skepticism over the existence of bisexuality continues to this day. We still cannot determine at this stage whether it categorically exists or doesn’t, but it is downright foolish and disrespectful to label those who question it as having a “phobia” or being “bigoted.” The burden of proof remains on those who argue for its existence, rather than those who claim its absence.

It is not irrational or incorrect to hold a healthy, skeptical attitude towards bisexuality. Furthermore, those who doubt it should not be classed as intolerant or bigoted. Upon closer examination of the matter, it appears to be linked to juvenile irresponsibility and typically millennial, liberal attitudes towards sex, relationships, and politics. It is therefore perfectly reasonable to cast doubt upon it.

Undoubtedly, the leftists will jeer, howl and screech their vitriol against such an objective examination of their degenerate habits. Questionable behavior such as bisexuality should be repudiated if we are to gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us as a whole.

Arson Greyer #fundie #sexist #homophobia #biphobia returnofkings.com


Arson Greyer
Arson is an anti-SJW crusader and critic of sexual marketplace deregulation who has gotten filthy rich from the non-existent gender pay gap. He enjoys spending as much time as possible outside of America in places where short-haired women are viewed as social outcasts rather than strong and independent.

Up until a couple of years ago, my basic understanding of human sexuality was roughly as follows: there are men, and there are women. A person’s sexual orientation could be defined as one of heterosexual (being sexually attracted to the opposite gender), homosexual (being sexually attracted to others of the same gender) or bisexual (being sexually attracted to both genders).

Recently, however, I’ve been coming across a plethora of new terms in mainstream cultural commentary that purportedly seek to describe other sexual orientations. I quickly found myself coming across such terms as “pan,” “demi,” and even “homoflexible,” wondering what the hell they all mean.

Even the dating app OKCupid has recently broadened the options on gender and sexuality its users can display in their profiles. What was LGBT has now expanded even further, with seemingly new sexual orientations materializing out of thin air on the regular. I’ve written the following “Idiot’s Guide” to help my fellow men avoid the same confusion I’ve suffered in making sense of this new alphabet soup of sexual orientations.

But first, a disclaimer:

You’ll notice that I’ve titled the article as a guide to new “western” sexual orientations. That’s because one would be incredibly hard pressed to find terms like “asexual” or “sapiosexual” being used in any non-western context. In fact, I can’t recall ever even seeing one instance of a woman on a Russian, Ukrainian, Asian or Latin American dating site ever mentioning she identified with one of these new-age, alternate sexual orientations.

Interestingly, the usage of these new sexual orientation terms seems to be primarily restricted to the discourse of two basic areas of the internet:

1. Articles by SJWs and feminists on known manosphere-hating sites (e.g. Jezebel).

2. The social media and dating profiles of young middle and upper-middle class white women.

The definitions and examples I’ll provide below are more relevant to understanding these terms as used in area “b,” but nonetheless will provide clarity in other contexts also. Okay, let’s begin:

1. Pansexual
Definition: sexual attraction to all sexes and gender identities.

Famous Alleged Pansexuals: Madonna, Lady Gaga.

More Accurate Description: Bisexual. Proponents of pansexuality claim that it differs from bisexuality in that it is gender blind, so allegedly pansexuals wouldn’t know a cock from a vagina if it slapped them in the face. The queer “movement,” however, claims both pansexuality and bisexuality can mean attraction to not just the male and female gender, but any gender (whatever those others are). So, they’re essentially the same.

4. Demisexual
Definition: sexual attraction to another person contingent upon deep emotional and romantic connection.

More Accurate Description: Women who are approaching the end of easy riding on the cock carousel and desperately want to lock down a good man before the wall or have the “baby rabies.”

With these in mind, a demisexual woman has resolved to restrict future access to her worn-out pussy to only those who want a deep, romantic connection (read: beta-provider LTR) with her. This is, of course, until she meets the next alpha who suits her fancy and is good for a quick one-nighter.

5. Asexual
Definition: is not sexually attracted to anyone; doesn’t have sexual feelings.

More Accurate Description: A woman who has allegedly never experienced sexual feelings yet signed up for a dating site and posted several extremely slutty, suggestive photos under the guise of “trying this out” or “just to make new friends”.

All indications indicate this woman has had multiple previous sexual encounters (including gangbangs), but is using the “asexual” label to discourage messages from thirsty betas who will pass over her profile because “she’s asexual”.

What’s common among each of these supposed new sexual orientations is that we already have a term that has long-described almost exactly the same kind of sexual attraction. This raises an important question: why are people classifying their sexual orientation under new, buzzword banners when there’s already a well-understood term that describes it precisely?

The answer lies in the attention-whoring tendencies of the two groups – a and b – that use these terms the most. To be merely bisexual isn’t counter-mainstream enough anymore and calling oneself that doesn’t get the same kind of attention it once did, when few people identified as this. Therefore, to feed the egos of members of these two groups, new terms for already-existing sexual orientations had to be conjured up to maintain a fresh supply of new attention and coverage.

They’re new labels for the same sort of old sexual behaviour. The next time you see an American woman who is calling herself sapiosexual, heteroflexible, or whatever new term is invented next month to describe long-standing sexual behavior, the most prudent option is to ignore it completely, as a shit test, and game on as you usually would.

These new sexual orientations are, for the most part, nothing more than a cry for attention. They win if we if give it to them.

Jonathan Van Maren #homophobia #biphobia lifesitenews.com

Alfred Kinsey was a pervert and a sex criminal

He is known as “The Father of the Sexual Revolution,” and if you’ve ever taken a university course on 20th century history, you’ll have heard his name: Alfred Kinsey.

Kinsey was not only the “father” of the Sexual Revolution, he set the stage for the massive social and cultural upheaval of the ‘60s, ‘70s and ‘80s with his 1948 Sexual Behavior in the Human Maleand his 1953 Sexual Behavior in the Human Female.

These books revealed to a shocked and somewhat titillated population things they had never known about themselves: That between 30-45% of men had affairs, 85% of men had had sex prior to marriage, that a staggering 70% of men had slept with prostitutes, and that between 10 and 37% of men had engaged in homosexual behavior.

Much less talked about were his other disturbing “findings”—an in-depth study on the “sexual behavior” of children, as well as claims that nearly 10% of men had performed sex acts with animals (as well as 3.6% of women), and that this number rose to between 40-50% based on proximity to farms

Kinsey’s research portrayed people as amoral and sex-driven, and is credited as fundamentally changing the way our culture views sex.

But was he right?

To begin with, the integrity of much of his work has long since been called into question: among his questionable practices, Kinsey encouraged those he was working with to engage in all types of sexual activity as a form of research, misrepresented single people as married, and hugely over represented incarcerated sex criminals and prostitutes in his data.

But beyond this is the simple fact that Kinsey himself was a pervert and a sex criminal.

For example, where did he get all of his data on the “sexual behavior of children”? The answer is nothing short of chilling. Dr. Judith Reisman (whose research has since been confirmed time and time again) explained in her ground-breaking work Sex, Lies and Kinsey that Kinsey facilitated brutal sexual abuse to get his so-called research: "Kinsey solicited and encouraged pedophiles, at home and abroad, to sexually violate from 317 to 2,035 infants and children for his alleged data on normal “child sexuality.” Many of the crimes against children (oral and anal sodomy, genital intercourse and manual abuse) committed for Kinsey’s research are quantified in his own graphs and charts. For example, “Table 34” on page 180 of Kinsey’s “Sexual Behavior in the Human Male” claims to be a “scientific” record of “multiple orgasm in pre-adolescent males.” Here, infants as young as five months were timed with a stopwatch for “orgasm” by Kinsey’s “technically trained” aides, with one four-year-old tested 24 consecutive hours for an alleged 26 “orgasms.” Sex educators, pedophiles and their advocates commonly quote these child “data” to prove children’s need for homosexual, heterosexual and bisexual satisfaction via “safe-sex” education. These data are also regularly used to “prove” children are sexual from birth."

The man heralded with enthusiasm by mainstream publications such as Timeand Life Magazine was nothing less than a monstrous facilitator of child-rape. In fact, he even went so far as to record children shrieking and thrashing in pain, passing out and convulsing as the result of the hellish abuse he was putting them through, as evidence of “orgasm”—especially for children who could not yet speak.

Kinsey’s so-called research was simply a quest to justify the fact that he himself was a deeply disturbed man. Dr. Reisman writes, “Both of Kinsey’s most recent admiring biographers confessed he was a sadistic bi/homosexual, who seduced his male students and coerced his wife, his staff and the staff’s wives to perform for and with him in illegal pornographic films made in the family attic. Kinsey and his mates, Wardell Pomeroy, Clyde Martin and Paul Gebhard, had ‘front’ Marriages that concealed their strategies to supplant what they say as a narrow pro-creational Judeo-Christian era with a promiscuous ‘anything goes’ bi/gay pedophile paradise.”

Got that? The Father of the Sexual Revolution was a sado-masochistic bi-sexual sex criminal who facilitated the sexual torture of infants and children. His goal was not just to engage in scientific research in order to see where the data took him, but rather, as one of his prominent biographers Michael Jones notes, to launch a crusade to undermine traditional sexual morality. He did so to wild success—Kinsey’s influence on sex education and law in the Western world is absolutely staggering.

Some have claimed that even though Kinsey may have been disturbed and engaged in immoral behavior, his fundamental conclusions and his data still remain accurate. This, too, proves blatantly false. According to Dr. Reisman:

1. [Dr. Kinsey’s team] ‘forced’ subjects to give the desired answers to their sex questions, 2. Secretly trashed three quarters of their research data, and 3. Based their claims about normal males on a roughly 86 percent aberrant male population including 200 sexual psychopaths, 1,400 sex offenders and hundreds each of prisoners, male prostitutes and promiscuous homosexuals. Moreover, so few normal women would talk to them that the Kinsey team labeled women who lived over a year with a man ‘married,’ reclassifying data on prostitutes and other unconventional women as “Susie Homemaker.”
It is crucially important that people become aware of the truth behind the Kinsey Reports.

Today’s pornified sex educators, legal experts, academics, and more disturbingly, pedophile groups such as NAMBLA pushing “inter-generational intimacy,” all use Kinsey’s work to justify their agendas and lend their causes scientific credibility.

Most people have no idea who Alfred Kinsey really was and how his so-called research was actually performed. I myself first heard of Alfred Kinsey in the first year of my history degree at university, where my professor announced that there “was no Sexual Revolution at all”—because the Kinsey Reports proved that people had been engaging in all sorts of bizarre and criminal sexual behaviors all along.

The real story is horrifying. It is stomach-churning. But it is also crucial that we know how, exactly, we got to this place in our culture of such sexual nihilism.

Dozerfleet Studios #biphobia #homophobia makeupguides.net

Karolina being bisexual without having been prior groomed by an adult pervert makes as little sense as Spider-Man giving birth to himself. And of course, the girl that can turn into a rainbow is made the lesbo. And a very unrealistic one at that. More realistically, she'd be cutting herself more than Nico and going from one relationship to the next every three weeks, due to massive instability and an inability to stick to one story. She'd also probably have ODD, and a tendency to be a feminazi.

So far, Karolina has displayed few if any of those typical tendencies. Another reason I have to call BS on the writers. I once dated a gal who turned out to be bi. And observed a lot of the behaviors in her that I've just described. Never again.

(Notice a trend, by the way?)

John Hydenius #homophobia #biphobia returnofkings.com

Study: Homosexuals And Bisexuals Are More Likely To Be Mentally Ill, Drug Abusers

It’s summer now, and in Sweden that means it’s pride parade season. One thing that’s different this year is that the very gay Milo Yiannopoulos is coming here to lead a parade on July 27th. The reason is that this particular parade will go through Tensta, a suburb comprised of mostly immigrants, a lot of them Muslim. We’ll see how that goes.

In other gay news: a new survey has found excess health problems in gays, lesbians and bisexuals. These groups reported more health problems than straight men and women.

More prone to smoking and heavy drinking

The study was done in the US, with nearly 69,000 participants. The National Health Interview Survey has been around for many years, but in 2013 and 2014 it included a question about sexual orientation for the first time.

The researchers conclude that gay, lesbian and bisexual adults “were more likely to report impaired physical and mental health, heavy alcohol consumption, and heavy cigarette use, potentially due to the stressors that (they) experience as a result of interpersonal and structural discrimination.”

The results show that lesbians, compared to heterosexual women, are 91 percent more likely to report poor or fair health. Lesbians are also 51 percent more likely, and bisexual women more than twice as likely, to report multiple chronic conditions, compared to straight women.

Gays, lesbians and bisexuals are more likely to indulge in heavy drinking and smoking. 26 percent of gay men and about 40 percent of bisexual men reported at least moderate psychological distress, compared to about 17 percent of heterosexual men.

In the case of women, about 22 percent of heterosexuals had at least moderate psychological distress, compared to about 28 percent of lesbians and about 46 percent of bisexuals.

Gilbert Gonzales of the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine in Nashville, who worked with this study, thinks so-called “minority stress” may account for health differences between heterosexuals and gay, lesbian and bisexual people. He thinks bisexuals have it worse than the rest because they may not always be accepted by gay, lesbian and transgender communities.

Right off the bat, you know the researchers aren’t exactly unbiased in this matter, since they talk about “structural discrimination” of these minority groups in America, a country where they are constantly praised in the media and by the elites. But leaving that aside, their study does show some interesting results.

I can’t say that I’m surprised. There are many possible reasons why the LGB (and likely also T) community is having more psychological problems than heterosexuals. One reason could be that some people do treat them badly on account of them being so strange (there’s a reason why they’re called queers). If they insist on acting act out their weird sexual desires in public, it’s understandable that some will take offense to that.

Some might even go so far as to discriminate against them. A business owner with more traditional values might deny them service—for instance, refuse to be the host of a gay wedding. That could well cause the gay couple to feel distress. (Although I would say that that’s the business owner’s right in a free country.)

But I would argue that there are other factors that affect LGBT people’s mental health more than real life discrimination, which can’t be that common in Western countries. The fact that their situation is often described as a lot more bleak than it is, is something that surely must affect them in a negative way. If they’re constantly being told about how oppressed they are by white, cisgender men, and “the religious right” (but not Muslims, we can’t say that), then of course they’re gonna be worried about their safety and future.

In the same way, if you tell a black person enough times that the police are after him and want to shoot him to death, for nothing more than walking down the street, eventually he’s going to believe it and start resenting cops and society in general.

Why celebrate sexual deviance?

But there’s one other factor that I want to bring to this discussion. I’m not a scientist like Gilbert Gonzales, and I’m definitely going to sound like a prejudiced asshole saying this (although it wouldn’t be the first time), but I think there’s something fundamentally wrong with gays, lesbians and bisexuals. Wrong in the sense that they weren’t created as they were supposed to be.

People are, like all animals, supposed to mate with each other, otherwise we wouldn’t still be here. Hence, we’re meant to be heterosexuals. Ergo, gays, lesbians and bisexuals were born with a faulty constitution. And since they’re faulty, it’s no wonder if that reflects on their mental condition.

I’m not saying that there’s necessarily something morally wrong with being gay, just that they’re a small minority of the populace for a reason. It’s not something we should encourage people to be—the results of the study presented above support that case.

Should someone feel pride over being born faulty? Should it be paraded around in the street like it’s something we should celebrate? Should we embrace a condition that impedes our species’ ability to survive? I’m not sure I can agree with that.

Charles #fundie #homophobia #biphobia christiannews.net

Here's some actual truth as opposed to your propaganda.

The Numbers

New HIV Infectionsb

• In 2010, gay and bisexual men accounted for 63% of estimated new HIV infections in the United States and 78% of infections among all newly infected men. From 2008 to 2010, new HIV infections increased 22% among young (aged 13-24) gay and bisexual men and 12% among gay and bisexual men overall.

• Among all gay and bisexual men, white gay and bisexual men accounted for 11,200 (38%) estimated new HIV infections in 2010. The largest number of new infections among white gay and bisexual men (3,300; 29%) occurred in those aged 25 to 34.

• Among all gay and bisexual men, black/African American gay and bisexual men accounted for 10,600 (36%) estimated new HIV infections in 2010. The largest number of new infections among black/African American gay and bisexual men (4,800; 45%) occurred in those aged 13 to 24. From 2008 to 2010 new infections increased 20% among young black/African American gay and bisexual men aged 13 to 24.

• Among all gay and bisexual men, Hispanic/Latino gay and bisexual men accounted for 6,700 (22%) estimated new HIV infections in 2010. The largest number of new infections among Hispanic/Latino gay and bisexual men (3,300; 39%) occurred in those aged 25 to 34.

HIV and AIDS Diagnosesc

• In 2013, in the United States, gay and bisexual men accounted for 81% (30,689) of the 37,887 estimated HIV diagnoses among all males aged 13 years and older and 65% of the 47,352 estimated diagnoses among all persons receiving an HIV diagnosis that year.

• In 2013, gay and bisexual men accounted for 55% of the estimated number of persons diagnosed with AIDS among all adults and adolescents in the United States. Of the estimated 14,611 gay and bisexual men diagnosed with AIDS, 40% were blacks/African Americans; 32% were whites; and 23% were Hispanics/Latinos.

• By the end of 2011, an estimated 311,087 gay and bisexual men with AIDS had died in the United States since the beginning of the epidemic, representing 47% of all deaths of persons with AIDS.

• In 2011, CDC data showed that 80.6% of MSM with diagnosed HIV infection were linked to care, 57.5% were retained in care, 52.9% were prescribed antiretroviral therapy (ART), and 44.6% had achieved viral suppression.

Sounds much more like a Homosexual issue than a Heterosexual one.. Remember the Homosexual population isn't more than 2 percent.

Jeff, uglysouthbay #homophobia #biphobia topix.com

"1. Gays are the dregs of society.
2. Gays are mentally ill perverts.
3. Gays men are child molestsers of young boys.
Bottom line is that GAYS ARE THE ENEMY !"

Don't forget bisexuals. They are the worst. They are always horny and their depraved urges carve paths of destruction. They must be annihalated.

Samuel #fundie #transphobia #homophobia #biphobia christian-forum.net

I read that article (as you'd expect) and i am deeply dismayed by the liberalism of so much of the western world and various US politicians! Trying to teach high-school students that Transsexuality, bisexuality, homosexuality and lesbianism are natural (which is of course complete rubbish!!!!!!!!) is remotely understandable, but shoving that sort of stuff down the throats of children in kindergarten is unbelieveable to me! As appaulled as i am by the passing of this bill, like Shaun333, i'm not particularly surprised at this sort of thing being condoned in a country like the USA, Britain, or even my native Australia. Homosexuality is a big thing at my school, and whats more, its supposed to be a Christian school!!!!!! I know of this 1 teacher who has homosexual friends, and because of that s/he (who shall remain nameless) seems to hate any1 who's a Christian. Recently one of my friends told me about one of their science classes in which this teacher showed the class all of these gay websites trying to convince them that these perversions are natural!!!!, HARAAM!!!!!! There are even a few people in the school i know of that actually are you know what. As a Christian i try to be nice and sociable around them, but i do find it difficult knowing that i'm standing with a person who probably is contributing to the spread of HIV/AIDS!!!! Currently i'm praying for these people to have GOD (ALLAHU AHKBAR) speak to them in some way and help them change, and if i could request prayers from other people on this website i would really appreciate it!

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