
Like homophobia, but for transgender people

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: No, it's not "toxic on both sides."

( hellamomzilla )
Well said.

I would add that the critical side also simply says, “Leave kids alone and let their healthy bodies alone.” This used to be considered the gold standard — raising healthy children. Now you’re only a good parent if you agree to cancer drugs and wrong sex hormones and massive cosmetic surgery, all in the oxymoronic name of “authenticity.”

( DurableBook )
I had a reddit account banned because I said that I think children who express hatred of their bodies or their gender should be given comfort and helped to accept who they are, rather than being told that they should change themselves or their bodies in order to be happy. I was informed this is "conversion therapy rhetoric."

( Committing_Tervery )
I hate how they’ve co-opted that language. It’s the opposite of conversion therapy; it helps someone to be comfortable with who they are instead of trying to convert their body into something different.

( RusticTroglodyte )
It is so absurd and honestly shocking to me that so many ppl think it's just a-OK to tell a little kid they are so fundamentally flawed that they have to change themselves at all costs.

Only a fucking moron would think that stance is in any way healthy or helpful to an insecure child

( DurableBook )
They will be like, no no see the kid came to ME saying they hate their body! I was just AFFIRMING them!

So when your daughter comes to you saying she's fat and she hates herself, you plan to tell her that she is right to feel that way and not to worry because you can get her lipo and diet pills until she is thin, right?

( Althea )
I know, seriously. "Both sides need to stop being so extremist" - it's not extremist to think putting rapists in women's prisons is dangerous, FFS.

( RusticTroglodyte )
Exactly! The "extremist" position is calling men women and women men.

( Iceni )
If women could assemble and speak without the TRAs there wouldn't be any police presence at all. It's just men bullying, intimidating and attacking women. Women aren't doing that to men. Women are simply stating they want men out of their spaces. That the "trans child" phenomenon is not real.

Honestly the piece of garbage who was banging the cymbals in front of the horse should have been arrested.

Average Dad #transphobia #conspiracy pittparents.com

There is not a place in time except today that parents have to worry, reinforce, protect, or fret over what sex their children are at birth and that sex is not mutable. Our government, leaders, teachers, doctors, professors, clergy, everyone except a brave few have failed civilization spectacularly. The diabolical want this step to normalize pedophilia this is as clear as day. God help us all!

TheSimbul, WinterWitch & Wristfevers #kinkshaming #transphobia ovarit.com

Genital fetish uwu

( TheSimbul )
The phrase kink-shaming should never be used.

People are going to judge you on your sexual habits. Get over it.

( WinterWitch )
If you are going to try and force other people to participate in your kink they get to judge you for it. Don’t want to be judged? Keep it in your own home.

( Wristfevers )
Kinkshaming and refering to ppl depending on their sex assigned at birth is my kink and if you don't like it then you are a hater, a bigot, you have cooties and stop genociding mee. UwU.

Understanderson & Persimmon64 #transphobia ovarit.com

( Understanderson )
Concise TERF creed
I spent some time this morning trying to distill down what TERFs want into something minimal and easy to communicate. Let me know if anything key here is missing.

There's nothing about kids or medicalization because I think the fourth point covers that. If women, lesbians and gays, parents, and detransitioners were unmuzzled, the medical crisis would end.

The fourth point also covers TIFs and female non-binaries. They're not a pressing concern for me, and just being able to talk openly about what's going on there will probably be enough.

TERF Creed

1. Women are entitled to our own identity. Males claiming to be women are appropriating our identity.

2. Women’s rights, spaces, institutions, sports, quotas, and honors are for women only, not males claiming to be women/non-binary.

3. Males claiming to be women/non-binary must negotiate with other males for acceptance, space, and accommodations. Trans-identified male and male non-binary are recognized as variant male identities.

4. People have a right to publicly criticize trans ideology, pro-trans organizations, captured institutions, and trans advocates for sexism, misogyny, homophobia, and identity appropriation.

NOTE: Edited to change "men" to "males."

( Persimmon64 )
This is pretty close to it in a nutshell, but I wouldn't use the word "TERF". I'm not "trans exclusionary" because I don't believe there actually is such a thing. I'm "male" exclusionary.

Todd Starnes #transphobia toddstarnes.com

Most three-year-olds are learning how to sing the ABC’s. But children at a New York City preschool were given a lesson on the LGBT’s and parents on the Upper West Side are furious and demanding answers.

A substitute teacher at the taxpayer-funded New York Kids Club, who claims to be transgender, read children a storybook promoting ideas about gender identity.

The book is titled, “It Feels Good to Be Yourself.”

“There are so many ways to be a boy or a girl,” read a passage in the book. “Not everyone feels like either a boy or a girl.”

Parent Vivian Cialini told television station WPIX that parents were not notified in advance and many children came home asking lots of very uncomfortable questions.

“Most of the parents were in shock and clueless of the decision that the school made,” she said. “I believe it’s too early for them to understand. They barely have awareness of their body.”

New Yorkers sounded off on social media platforms accusing the preschool of using a classroom to groom innocent children.

“Absolutely sickening,” one parent wrote. “As a mom of a three-year-old I find this disturbing. Leave these babies alone.”

“A 3 or 4 year old is not your ‘target audience,’” another parent said the LGBT activists. “Leave the youngsters alone. The world is already confusing enough for them. Teaching (this) is inappropriate and groomy.”

BoneDryDeath #transphobia #sexist reddit.com

True, but bear in mind, outside of Reddit, outside of the internet, nobody actually buys that bullshit. We all pretend to play nice because of the mods, but at the end of the day? We can tell who is a man and a woman. All it's going to take is one little thing and the whole charade comes crashing down. And it's going to be delicious when it does.

Average Dad #transphobia #racist #wingnut #fundie pittparents.com

That is correct, we must push back and stand for truth, if not western civilization is domed, history proves that 3 generations of this trans debauchery will be our undoing. We can't survive like this. Unfettered illegal immigration combined with unfettered sexual trans debauchery imposed on children will be our demise. Sexual freedom needs to reigned in some and our immigration laws should have always been enforced. But here we are. Those in power approve of the current state because they will be the ones left in power telling everyone what to do. They are the arsonists and the firefighters, they want to return to paganism and serfdom.

Girl Mom #transphobia pittparents.com

When we simply asked our daughter, "When did you first start feeling like a boy?", she became visibly enraged and lashed back, "I can't answer that!". She proceeded to yell at us for not using her fake pronouns or name. She seemed on the verge of tears, but couldn't cry because the testosterone had already started messing her up. For nearly four years now, despite other efforts for a civil conversation, our questions have remained unanswered and she has estranged herself, at nearly 22. There is no reasoning with these mental patients, which is essentially what they are, but we also need to be careful to not anger them so they don't do some very stupid & dangerous, like shoot up a school, which has happened. I really fear for what my daughter, who's turned to the dark side, hopped up on T, might do someday.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

Zuckerberg changes policy: Gender Critical views now allowed on Meta; Federal court strikes down Biden Title IX rewrite

The cult continues to collapse.

The real nail in the coffin will be after some of these detransitioner lawsuits finally reach a jury.

( NO )
I bet the gender people are all now screaming and crying and literally shaking.

This is what happens when you step on people's rights. This is what happens when you ignore people asking you to stop violating boundaries.

YOU ARE the white people telling black people that they can't gather.

YOU ARE the racists telling women they are not qualified to make decisions.

That is you.

( bunyip )
There are a bunch of men on /r/TwoXChromosomes whining about how social media is supporting hate speech now, associating it with Project 2025 and a far right movement to oppress anyone who isn't a white Christian man.

They're actually comparing women being allowed to disagree with them to Nazism. Just shameless.

Almost every comment in there under this topic is made by a man. At least there is one man there who recognizes it was a mistake to fight for men in women's sports since that turned the public against them.

( BehindtheCurtain )
It's funny because the left is framing the meta changes as "Facebook has removed fact checking and hate speech will be permitted"

( danaseilhan )
The left never had anything to do with any of this. Gender identity is a RIGHT-WING concept: it entrenches sexism and homophobia and it is woowoo as hell. Marx knew what a woman is.

It's maddening to me because I cannot get otherwise well-meaning people off this "the left got us into this mess" bullshit. It's going to get leftists assaulted or worse. I'm surprised it's not happening already.

I know a leftist Canadian politician who calls himself an "old-growth leftist" but really, he's just a leftist, and I'm furious that we got dragged into this when we were the ones being canceled in the first place for not caving in to the gender madness.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

Biden protections for transgender students struck down by US judge

( NO )
You mean privileges

( overanddone )
“Biden’s demolition of women’s rights struck down by US judge”

Biden's removal of rape protections for female students struck down by US judge.

( StrawberryCough )
I'm so thankful for the legal team that took this to the finish line. May every traffic light be green for you, and may spam never darken your inbox.

( OneStarWolf )
So tired of these weasel written headlines. It was struck down to protect the rights of women and girls in education based on our sex, not subjective bullshit like “gender identity”.

( starlight_chaser )
Nice, so his last days in office are being wasted trying to push pointless, wasteful trans bs that they know will be struck down, instead of something more substantial. I didn't expect differently... No doubt reactionary to Trump being elected, but wouldn't it be more meaningful to work on something related to women's rights and oppression, you know the biological reality of 50% of the population, rather than "protections"/privileges for something as arbitrary as "gender identity".

Candace Owens #conspiracy #transphobia twitter.com

BREAKING: In mid-November, I made contact with a journalist claiming to have a trove of evidence proving Brigitte Macron was born a man. In December I flew to Europe to examine the evidence and to interview the journalist for over two hours.
Just 10 days after our initial correspondence, SITTING President Emmanuel Macron and his ‘wife’ Brigitte Macron sent me a legal threat which they demanded we not publicize.
Today I will of course be publicizing that letter. It is our belief that this legal threat was sent to intimidate us—ultimately to stop us from publishing the explosive piece which was due to premiere on January 30th.
We will not be intimidated.
Today on the show, we will reveal to you all the strange sequence of events and remind
@EmmanuelMacron that America is not Europe. We have free speech here and we will not be silenced. We welcome you and your Mister to come visit.
An entire army of independent journalists awaits you both.

7:29 AM · Jan 11, 2025 · 1.8M Views
Read 1.7K replies

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com


( klytaimestra )
I don't need to figure out what being a woman means to me. Just like I don't need to figure out what having two arms means to me.

And, yes, I am superior to delusional, misogynist porn addicts. That doesn't need much figuring out either.

( OverTheWall )
It’s funny that he thinks actually women are concerned about our “gender identity” we don’t have one. We’re real biological women. Whether we’re “hairy” or don’t fit into gender stereotypes we’re still women. It’s not a made up identity it’s reality.

Trans women have nothing but surgery, consumerism, and misogynistic stereotypes. That is their existence.

And as men, trans”women” will never be allies. So no I won’t be called “cis”, by some creepy pervert.

( Persimmon64 )
Fellas, fellas,

You aren't describing different types of dogs. What you're doing is claiming that some cats are types of dogs as well.

Nope, no, uh-huh.

We're not having it. It doesn't come from fear. It doesn't come from insecurity. It comes from the fact that you're a porn-soaked, mysogynistic pig of a man who wants to control women's words, behaviors, and even the language we can use for ourselves.

Womanhood isn't something you fight for. It isn't something you can "attain." It isn't something praiseworthy or admirable. It isn't an accomplishment or a badge if honor. It's just our daily reality and something you are not and never will be a part of.

We know that since you're men you have a hard time taking "no" from women as an answer, but you really need to "do better".

( MaryDyer )
We don’t think we’re “superior” to transwomen, since transwomen ARE NOT women.

( ByzantineOtter )
I mean, I think we're superior to so-called transwomen...

(but then, I also think men who don't go around in fetish gear 24/7 are superior to TIMs. As are children. And babies. So there's no undue pride there)

( Committing_Tervery )
Just because they’re men doesn’t mean we aren’t superior to them, though. We absolutely are.

( hellamomzilla )
No, sir. None of you are any type of woman. All of you are men. Full stop. And if anyone is behaving out of superiority it is for sure the men who think they can just SAY that they’re women and then tell women that understanding human biology is hurtful TO MEN.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

But I thought trans women were women?

( Committing_Tervery )
I’m so sick of them appropriating the ‘closet’ from gay & bi people. Grrrrrrr.

( cosmiamoth )
If you were a woman you wouldn't need to 'come out' you would simply just be one.

( overanddone )
he wants the token roses one day of the year from his misogynist boss.

He's not satisfied with trans day of awareness, Pride Month, Pride parades, and, oh yeah, transgender awareness month

And, for the record, if I type transwoman into goolge, it changes it to trans woman. Fuck you google.

( DietCokeAddict )
They really think all women are just living the easy life, don’t they? I have no idea what being “celebrated as a woman” would entail but I don’t think it happens to any woman I know.

( ChoppedUpNotKilled )
This was posted on Womens' Day

( DietCokeAddict )
Urgh of course it was - they always make Women’s day all about them somehow.

( SnowWhite )
What do they even wanna celebrate? Men have never had to fight for their rights. Strangely there are no TIM's in middle-east, so it looks like they won't have to fight for it any time soon either.

( Wristfevers )
Tims know they are not women. That's the whole point.

Suffering Mother #transphobia pittparents.com

On my flight to Virginia a person appeared in front of me that looked so much like my son. I almost got up and talk to them. It was a tall woman dressed in a mini skirt, long legs with tie up boots on And mid length hair and they stood right in front of me about 12 feet away looking at the board for the airline flight and I kept looking and looking and thinking its my son is ? I couldn’t bring myself to get up. I was frozen Then they ran away to the back and looked my way and then went way over the other side and sat. I kept looking because I had a weird feeling that it was my son and I did not recognize him dressed as a woman. This has been tearing me apart ever since this happened. I asked my daughter to ask him if it was him she said he said it wasn’t but I don’t believe him because he’s been a liar all his life. He wrote me after that and said that he hadn’t left Oakland since two or three years and if it was him, he wouldn’t have run away from me well, I don’t believe him. I think it was him. And I didn’t recognize my own son! I noticed the chin I noticed the way he looked the way he acted, but I was frozen. I couldn’t do anything and I don’t know why. My whole point is this is hurt me much more than I want it to.

Michael Costa #homophobia #transphobia radar.gaysagainstgroomers.com

[From a hit-piece on drag artist Momma Ashley Rose]

Ashley Rose's claim that they are the "Disney of drag" only adds wood to the fire, as Disney has become infamous for promoting age-inappropriate content in schools and children's media. Calling drag performances, with their sexual innuendos and revealing outfits, "family-friendly" normalizes exposing kids to entertainment with adult themes. It blurs the line between childhood innocence and adult sexuality. It can cause confusion and emotional harm. Rose Dynasty Foundation Inc seems intent on pushing an agenda about gender and sexuality, regardless of its impact on the children involved.


Rose Dynasty Foundation Inc holds "Teen Nights.” These social gatherings for minors aged 13+ are basically just indoctrination into the Ashley Rose worldview, where adult themes about gender and sexual expression take center stage. He never explains how kids benefit from adult entertainment nor offers more relatable role models for children. Instead, he just insists drag queens are good for kids without ever saying why. Momma Ashley Rose, “the Disney of drag,” has earned a spot on this year’s Gays Against Groomers RADAR Naughty List. No one had a problem with drag until they started involving children. Exposing kids to drag culture is NOT a form of "acceptance." It is an absolute disgrace.

Daniel of Gays Against Groomers #transphobia #homophobia #conspiracy radar.gaysagainstgroomers.com

No normal adult has any desire to act or dress inappropriately in front of minors. This new trend of drag shows and story hours for kids is an easy cover for groomers and pedophiles to get in direct contact with their prey, and we’re not going to pretend otherwise.


Drag Story Hour exposes children to overt sexuality, gender ideology, and explicit content. It is inappropriate for young audiences. Drag Story Hour introduces gender ideology in ways that could confuse children about their identity and potentially impact their mental state. They read sexually explicit books to children, like Gender Queer and This Book Is Gay, which link children to adult websites and hookup apps.

Jormungandr #transphobia the-sietch.com

There are normal people who are gay/Bi/lesbian than straight, and then there are the, to use old cultural terminology, "mincing gays" which pretty much have become the face of the Rainbow Tumour. The latter are the ones who have gone mainstream.

And the "non-binary" folks I've seen? 90% of the time they're just ugly women, and 10% they're basically gay men in denial.

Unfortunately, when people think Rainbow Tumour, they don't think of the "normal but different orientation" people as a first thought; they automatically think of "fucking grooming weirdos" and "everything must be gay!" nutjobs.

Sadly enough, a lot of older gay men and women have said that if they'd have known what their campaigning would've resulted in thirty or forty years or so down the line, they'd have put down their picket signs and lived out their lives quietly somewhere. Even they're disgusted, and the fact that many want to retro-group back into just the LGB community than the LGBTQIA+Kitchen Sink community kinda says it all.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

She won't comply

( NastasyaFillipovna )
Only her and Elon are among the rich af category who are openly against this ideology

( RighteousIndignation )
one of Elons many kids is a transformer, I don't think he'd be so vocal if that wasn't the case, skin in the game.

( VestalVirgin )
Perhaps. Though Musk's son is one of the rare TIMs I have some pity for; if you were custom-made for a man obsessed with spreading his subpar male genes, then I guess getting castrated is a way of taking back your agency.

( NastasyaFillipovna )
Even billionaires can't protect their kids from T ideology now

( Ptarmagant )
No kidding! What kind of freak would say (write) that out loud?!

( viscerally )
I think many of them are saying “if I had your wealth I wouldn’t spread the shit and hatred you do”! but it boils down to the same thing.

( VestalVirgin )
Yeah, I think she translated it a bit, but ... same thing, really.

"If I was a millionaire, I would support trans rights" = "If I was a millionaire, I would support putting bepenised rapists in women's prisons" ... yeah, not something any sane person would boast about.

( Womanwithopinions )
I have had multiple women tell me that they don't care or concern themselves with these laws or conflicts. They say it with pride, sometimes scoffing as if that makes them somehow better than me. I think part of it is a response to trauma. It's very annoying and sad though.

( viscerally )
Oh yes, I’ve had women tell me they’d rather be harassed in bathrooms than have poor twans people commit suicide boohoo. I’m just pointing out that I don’t think any of these people actually wrote that they wouldn’t care about women’s rights if they were rich, just that they wouldn’t be transphobes etc etc. And, of course, it’s the same thing. Being pro-women and girls is transphobic according to today’s consensus.

Pretty sure most of those people wouldn’t care about anyone other than themselves if they had even a percentage of wealth JK has, which goes to show what a great human she is.

Meta #wingnut #ableist #sexist #homophobia #transphobia transparency.meta.com

Submitter’s Note: Emphasis added by submitter.

People sometimes use sex- or gender-exclusive language when discussing access to spaces often limited by sex or gender, such as access to bathrooms, specific schools, specific military, law enforcement, or teaching roles, and health or support groups. Other times, they call for exclusion or use insulting language in the context of discussing political or religious topics, such as when discussing transgender rights, immigration, or homosexuality. Finally, sometimes people curse at a gender in the context of a romantic break-up. Our policies are designed to allow room for these types of speech.


We do allow allegations of mental illness or abnormality when based on gender or sexual orientation, given political and religious discourse about transgenderism and homosexuality and common non-serious usage of words like “weird.”

seekingthething and lilafowler1 #transphobia #enbyphobia #dunning-kruger reddit.com

My controversial opinion is that I think there is an agenda to encourage people to question their sexuality and gender. And I disagree with it.

I have so much love in my heart. But when I’m forced to play the games of they/them, and I accidentally misgender people (I try) it throws me off. I’m incredibly sorry and I’m just tired of being sorry that I don’t wanna play your pretend game.

I’m gonna get eaten alive. I know. It’s fine.

I have trans and gay friends. I’m from New York. It’s not about a dislike for their culture, I’m simply just tired of people’s morning mood determining how I address them. Literally have an assistant who goes by he, him on some days and they/them on others. The person was born a biological female and dresses, sounds and looks like what I think a woman looks like.

That’s a great way to put it! Why are we being forced to play pretend?

John Marshall #transphobia #wingnut msn.com

To the leftists who believe words are violence and Dave should be canceled, you not only lost the election, but you lost it because the majority of people despise your values and the hatred you spew. Keep doing it though, because the more woke you are, the less likely you will be to ever regain political power.

David Guyll #transphobia #dunning-kruger awfulgoodgames.substack.com

Overall the episode feels shallow. Rushed. A stream of predictable nonsense further burdened by millennial-tier writing and DEI-driven assthetics. In other words, precisely the sort of post-modern slop you’ve come to expect with anything associated with the current version of WokeC’s Greygoo Skinsuit Dungeons & Dragons derivative.

Thanks for reading Awful Good Games! Subscribe for free to receive new posts and support my work.

Basically, you’ve got four characters and let me know if any of this surprises you:

None of them are human

One is a half-orc (ie, tall human with grey skin and tusks)

Another is a goliath (ie, tall human with grey skin and face tattoos)

One is a World of WarCraft gnome but they never explain how she was punted into a different franchise

Only one is male

The male is a dwarf

The dwarf is black

All of the women are ugly

I’m not sure if they are all actually women

There is no fighter or rogue/thief (ie, someone without inherent magical powers). Instead you have an ugly paladin, ugly druid, ugly wizard, and then there is Token Black Dwarf monk. You know, classic D&D party.

The ugly paladin has a mental illness haircut

My wife thought the ugly paladin was a man at first glance, and I can see that so I am calling him Troon Paladin.

In normal fantasy you might call this a cliffhanger, and wonder how the party will emerge victorious or even escape? Will they all make it? Will they all make it in one piece? Pffft, this isn’t normal fantasy: from the hilariously impractical-and-overdesigned armor and clothing, to the near absence of (boring) humans, visual overload, pervasive magic and complete lack of anything even vaguely resembling beauty it’s post-modern power fantasy pandering.

In other words: the party isn’t in any genuine danger.

Catherine Salgado #transphobia #conspiracy #fundie pjmedia.com

The World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) reportedly drafted its standards of “care” with advice from members of a fetish forum founded by a convicted pedophile. Turns out all of us “conspiracy theorists” who said transgenders are sexually grooming kids were right.

Reduxx published an exclusive on Jan. 3 about former youth hostel operator Thomas Pidel, a child sex predator who founded a forum that WPATH found very helpful in recommending how to mutilate and castrate young people. Transgenderism truly is a sort of modern pagan anti-fertility cult, as sick as any Satanic rituals.

Robert Stacy McCain #transphobia theothermccain.com

By the way, “Moon”/Harader’s friends and family won’t say that “his”/her death was suicide, but if it wasn’t foul play or an accident or natural causes, the process of elimination leaves few alternatives.

The promoters of transgender ideology don’t want the larger public to be aware of how often medical “treatment” yields such outcomes. Young people with profound mental health problems are vulnerable to recruitment into transgender identity, which is presented to them as a panacea for adolescent woe. The teenage/young adult years are difficult for most kids, and the appeal of transgenderism is that, for a certain subset of young misfits, it seems to explain all their problems, and provides them with a sense of belonging to a sort of community. The obvious downside is that this “community” is full of damaged freaks. Belonging to the Transgender Freak Club doesn’t confer any real benefits on its members, and tends to alienate them from the world where successful, happy and emotionally stable people live. Your “community” is essentially a free-range lunatic asylum, and that’s not a good life.

“Apollo Moon” may be an extreme example of this, but “he”/she is in many ways typical of what’s wrong with transgender ideology. Hannah Harader traveled the same path as many other such people, the only difference being that “he”/she went farther down the path than most, gaining a certain level of notoriety (it seems wrong to call it “fame,” and perhaps the better word is infamy) as a porn performer.

That officials of the Univerity of Rhode Island would celebrate such a person as a heroic role model of “LGBTQ+ Liberation” raises a lot of questions about what kind of “liberation” they are advocating.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

The new woke homophobia and conversion therapy

( TheKnitta )
Fuck the humans rights of a man lairily claiming to be a lesbian to get sex. I don’t care if that makes me literally Hitler. Men and their endless dick needs can fuck off. Women and children owe them nothing.

Human rights my arse.

( Unicorn )
I just realized they have to use cartoons for these propaganda posters, because showing a real picture of a TIM and a woman holding hands would make it super obvious what a clown show transgender ideology is.

( notsofreshfeeling )
For one brief moment in history, society dared call out the privilege enjoyed by straight white men, and all these men had to do in response was to re-brand themselves with pronouns, unleashing a sexist, homophobic backlash like no other.

( crodish )
Cool then why don't they all meet up for totally lesbo orgies and suck each others' girlcocks off and pound each other's bussies.

Leave lesbians alone.

Fucking shame that UN logo on it. Coercing lesbians to like dick isn't a fucking human right. Neither is insisting that males can be females.

Runemasque #transphobia pittparents.com

In the days after my son announced he was a woman, he was ecstatic, thinking everyone was on board (I was listening and asking questions and ordering my mind). He was giddy explaining how excited he was to get thigh high boots finally and how they'd look. Now, how would he be tapped into that? I realized that the porn that I had some awareness of was facilitating a fantasy. I could not ethically nor honestly participate in what, to me, had become a fantastical ritual given very very grand and heavy meaning. I am not going to go to the trans church and say I believe in the god when I don't, and when I can see that, for my grown son, it has been attributed with the meaning of everything. Add sex to the meaning-making, and it is a very potent attachment. I don't see how I can participate in that.

Jim #wingnut #racist #sexist #homophobia #transphobia #fundie blog.reaction.la

[From “Pete Hegseth gets it, sort of.”]

A state needs a faith, and an army needs a faith. There is always a state faith. And starting with Obama, the faith of woke is currently being imposed on the army — a faith incompatible with the army’s core function[…]It is also incompatible with war production, or production of anything, as recently became apparent in the Ukraine war

And the last place where the old faith of the Republic lived was the army. Obama decided to stamp that out […]Pete Hegseth intends to restore the old faith of the Republic in the army

The trouble with the old faith of the Republic is that it only worked because of unprincipled exceptions. And if you remove all the unprincipled exceptions you get woke

If all men are created equal, blacks are equal, women are equal. If men and women are equal, they are interchangeable, and you get sodomite marriage, trannies in the army, and you have to mind your pronouns

Pete wants to restore the recently removed unprincipled exceptions. Men will no longer have an inherent universal human right to be women, nor vice versa. But he does not want the old unprincipled exceptions restored. Sodomy will remain, women will remain, provided they can make the physical, which of course they cannot, and he is going to make sure they cannot[…]
A faith that does not need unprincipled exceptions to meet reality is more viable. I want 1660, not 1770. But certainly 1770[…]is a whole lot easier to sell in the army

The inherent contradictions of the faith of 1770 got us to where we are today

Well, is he a real adherent of the faith of 1770? His experience in Afghanistan and Iraq cured him of democratic universalism[…]He is rather keen on the Bible. The founding fathers, being Deists[…],were not nearly so keen on the Bible[…]
What is important is that Trump is appointing someone who knows you have to bring a gun to gunfight and a faith to a holy war, and who understands we are in a holy war

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

( HipparchiaTheCynic )
JK Rowling the Holocaust Denier... 🙄
Anyone else seeing the claims JK is a holocaust denier now? It comes from this tweet she made:


TRAs are going crazy and claiming the nazi persecuted Trans people...

She quote tweeted this:


Which disproves the claims, guess what? The nazis were okay with Trans people, what they didn't like was (tell me if you've heard this one before) gay men and lesbian women!

( sanitycheck )
Its not denying the holocaust to say that it was focussed primarily on the murder of Jews. That was the whole thing. Trans didnt even exist as a concept at the time. No Nazi laws mention trans. And its certainly not clear that if "trans" people were imprisoned/ murdered it was solely because of their "transness". The Nazis kept meticulous records- its like the thing theyre known for- If there was proof of this trans holocaust I think it would be a lot more and very obvious.

i think some of those posts are gettting deleted because people worry she will sue them. which she should.

( Every-Man-His-Own-Football )
One point I disagree with in the thread is the description of Einar Wegener as a "troubled patient". He was an AGP. What differentiates him from modern AGPs, asking for an uterus transplant, is that he got surgeons unscrupulous enough to actually attempt it. Also like a typical AGP he forced his wife to cover part of the cost of the surgeries by threatening suicide.

( Ishahchai )
Gosh, the Nazis couldn’t have possibly attacked Hirschfeld’s center because he was a gay Jew. It was obviously entirely about the trans folx, even though they were only one small part of it.

There is truly nothing that they won’t find a way in which to center themselves. Hirschfeld was primarily concerned with the rights of gay men, and his own work is based off TIMs being a subset of gay men. The modern narrative of him running the first trans clinic is just as faulty as the narrative of MPJ throwing the brick at Stonewall. It’s rewriting the actual stories of the dead for an audience too lazy and entitled to factcheck. Fuck that twice as much for qWeRiNg the Holocaust right now, as Jews around the world are dealing with a rising swell of antisemitism.

Mike Stone #wingnut #fundie #racist #homophobia #transphobia #conspiracy henrymakow.com

I've said two things repeatedly over the last four years. First, that Donald Trump would win the November election by a landslide. Second, that nothing substantial was going to change under Trump in the long run. I was right about the first, and I'm right about the second.

Yes, we will see economic improvement beginning in 2025. (After four years of Clown World economics, how could the economy not improve?)

Yes, we will see a curtailing of wokeness.

Yes, we will see deportations of illegal aliens.

Those will be welcome changes. But in terms of lessening the moral rot of society and saving souls from hell; in terms of eradicating the evil, cowardice, and incomprehensible stupidity that causes men and women to condemn their souls to everlasting fire, nothing is going to change.
Now if Trump goes full authoritarian and outlaws abortion, outlaws pornography, outlaws homosexuality and trannyism, fires every teacher in the country, fires every city and state police officer in the country, strips Fox News, CNN, ABC, NBC, MSNBC, and every other fake news outlet of their license and arrests all of their employees, then I'll take it all back. But I think we both know that none of those things are going to happen.
You can wear your MAGA hat and waste your time watching Fox News or listening to the liars on "conservative" talk radio, but NONE OF THAT IS GOING TO CHANGE. And it won't be Trump's fault. The cowardice and stupidity of the American people have made positive change impossible.
Just because nothing in our society is going to change for the better, doesn't mean that your individual life can't change for the better. It can and it should. At the very least, you can limit your exposure to liars.
You can choose the level of consciousness you want to live in. While everyone else around you is choosing to live in a world of lies, you can choose truth. While everyone around you is choosing to burn forever in the fires of hell, you can choose Heaven.

Tatsuya Ishida #conspiracy #enbyphobia #homophobia #racist #transphobia #pratt sinfest.xyz

From “Mount Olympus 82″, Jan 04 2025

Original Art:

Final (Modified) Art:

Panel 1: Book cover with woke hipster as the art, titled “How to Kill an Nation without firing a shot, by Shmuley Finklebaum”

Panel 2: [POISON THE BODY] Jew dumping liquid from skull-marked bottles down a well

Panel 3: [POISON THE MIND] Woke enby, with pink hair and clothes, pointing to symbols on a chalkboard. Symbols are a unicorn, a Genderbread Person, LGBTQIA+ rainbow heart, transgender heart, and Black Lives Matter.

Panel 4: [POISON THE SPIRIT] Le Happy Merchant caricature standing behind a lectern with a book. Original art makes it look like he’s in the sewers, suggesting that he’s one of the rat-controlling sewer wizards from earlier strips. Golden symbols float over his head: the Illuminati, Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Freemasonry.

The altered version removes the Illuminati and Freemasonry symbols, puts the other three on a stained-glass window in the background, and alters his hands/arms so he’s no longer rubbing his hands greedily.

various commenters #transphobia #sexist ovarit.com

2X poster gets a little too close to the sun; thread gets locked.

( Alceriniel )
Please say it with me until it fully sinks in:

"Gay men are not allies to women just because some of them are bottoms."

Gay men are still men. They would happily throw you under the bus if it got them a leg up in the world. Look at what they did to lesbians when the gender insanity started. It wasn't until the mob started going after THEM for not sleeping with TIFs that they started speaking up.

( TheChaliceIsMightier )
I think what that gay man and all AGPs and incels have in common is deep envy of how sexually desirable women are to men. They wish to be sexually desirable to that degree because sex is such a priority to them. But that’s inherently a male desire because women are much less driven by sex so if we aren’t desirable it’s not the end of the world.

Men really do go through extremely maladaptive strategies to cope with their womb envy.

( PracticalMagic )
Gay men say that when they think a man they like is paying you too much attention. It often also goes with "more of a man than you'll ever have".

Tldr: jealous.

( syntaxerror )
A lot of gay men want to date straight men. By this I mean that they want to date non effeminate men who aren’t too deep into the culture or community, because that comes with a host of expectations and… personality quirks.

They want to date men who will treat them like women, or at least how they perceive women are treated. Precious princesses who are cared for and doted on and fucked by strong protectors with big dicks.

As a result of this, a lot of them get bitter and hateful towards women, especially women who don’t “try as hard” as they do with femininity and yet still get straight men. Because straight men don’t want feminine men, they want women.

And I’m not just making this up, this is something you hear in the gay community a lot.

The Rev. Steven Roland #fundie #wingnut #sexist #homophobia #transphobia #kinkshaming simplychristian.shoutwiki.com

The Comstock Act of 1873 is a series of current provisions in United States Federal law that generally criminalize the involvement of the United States Postal Service, its officers, or a common carrier in conveying obscene matter, crime-inciting matter, or certain abortion-related matter.
This law prohibits the Post Office from distributing anything related to abortion including materials to perform one to literature about abortions, and Planned Parenthood donation solicitations.
The law also prohibits mailing anything through the mail that is found to be obscene under the Miller test, which includes much of the smut of this wicked age whether domestic or imported. If applied properly, the law bans shipping smut romance novels like “50 Shades of Grey,” sinful coarse sitcoms like “Two and a Half Men” and the myriad of imported Japanese animated smut and many other things like pro-sodomite advocacy and “children’s books” featuring graphic pornography of minors like the now infamous book “Gender Queer.”
In 1873, Anthony Comstock was successful in pressing Congress to enact the Comstock Act to prevent "obscene, lewd or lascivious" items in the mail, with penalties up to ten years in prison. This included any pornography as well as information on contraception, birth control or abortion,... It is estimated that fifteen tons of pornographic books and publications, and four million photographs, were destroyed as a result of his labors during his long career. The Comstock Act was amended in 1923 to remove the prohibitions on distributing information on contraception and birth control due to sinful racist eugenicist Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger.
The problem with modern liberal governance is that this Act has not been properly enforced in so long, but under a righteous government we could ban so much sinful garbage that makes its way to our shores. Along with a total ban on online obscenity and a firewall system akin to the Great Firewall, which totally passes constitutional muster as it would only ban unprotected obscenity, the Comstock Act would be a vital tool to restore morality in America.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

"How do I stop my trans 4 yo telling everyone she used to be a boy?"

( SamanthaK )
This person needs to tell their child they are a boy but they can like whatever they like and love whoever they want. They are, however, a boy. Detransition this kiddo ASAP before too much damage is done. This was ALL the mom wanting to be progressive.

( pennygadget )
Jesus Christ. FOUR years old! And the adults around him are celebrating his mother putting him on the path to permanent mental illness and castration

I'm glad her son blurts out her secret. She SHOULD feel ashamed walking around in public while abusing her son

( puppy_cat )
It's so painfully obvious this is a very little kid who thinks simply wearing a dress makes him a girl and treats it like a little fun game that he wants to tell people about (as little kids do when they find something "cool"). And that he's also essentially treating it as little kids who think they're dinosaurs or trucks blurt this out to people. But of course he doesn't have any abstract reasoning to understand that his parent is a raging lunatic that is planning on sterilizing him eventually, because once those magic words "I'm a girl!" come out, the transhausen parents shift into gear immediately instead of acknowledging it as any other "I'm a dinosaur" "I'm a cat" "I'm Superman" make-believe all kids do.

( NastasyaFillipovna )
How is this not CHILD ABUSE ? My god the west made ungoldy advancements in medical science in the last 100 years, for this?

ShoFuKan #transphobia kiwifarms.st

Is it any wonder why people have a Pavlovian instinct to reject them when they see these colors/flag? This is a dog whistle, essentially. People sympathetic to this cause put it in as an empty virtue signal but it's really Aposematism to anyone not sympathetic. "This creation has been subverted by ideologically aligned people and buying it or playing it is at least acknowledging trans ideology, which is what they really want, so stay away." Is what it's saying when the "out group" looks at these colors.

The sad thing is trannies will never understand that if they don't force their ideology they might be accepted. The way they're doing it now is like using a crowbar in dentistry.
And all of this isn't talking about legitimate reasons to dislike trannies, namely being the pedastry that's practiced in the community.

Cindy Horne Cowan #transphobia pittparents.com

I sent my son some information from a PITT article hoping to start a dialogue and he responded by telling me it was hate information and if I felt that way that I should never contact him again. Wow. I don’t even recognize who I’m talking to. He has been taking estrogen for about 60 days and is 36 and married for 12 years. No kids thank goodness. I’m shocked. And told him I was surprised at his reaction. That I just wanted to hear how he is feeling. He said if I can’t support him 100% then he doesn’t want to talk and said he was going to block me. Whoa! He lives nearby I almost went to his house. But I’m going to wait and let him stew on this. I also think that I need to stop reading all the “proof” of this trans cult stuff and just focus on myself. Oh. He told me I’m a narcissist because I won’t agree with him on his transitioning. Makes no sense to me.

flyingteapot, Mandy & crispycherrypie #transphobia ovarit.com

Not sterilizing kids and stunting their growth is genocide

( flyingteapot )
Truly, why do they think people want them dead? Someone who is probably a fully intact male goes by "she/her maybe they/them" online thinks this means there are hordes of people trying to murder him? Like... what? Even rabid conservatives who are misanthropes and think society is crumbling, don't even know these people exist much less put effort into wanting them dead.

I guess TIPs really need this to be true because they cannot accept the worse reality for them which is that everyone wants them to shut the fuck up because they're annoying.

( Mandy )
They want to be the ultimate victim and stand at the pinnacle of Victimhood Mountain.

( crispycherrypie )
I didn't realize not putting kids on terminal prostate cancer drugs was genocide.

These idiots really do believe that not sterilizing children is genocide. And here I thought preventing an entire group of people from having children was one of the actual signs of genocide, silly me!

iCONIC #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: The End of the Transgender Craze is Near

So long as humanity exists, the adherents of gender identity religion will proselytize and indoctrinate new members into their belief system

The concept of gender identity is not novel; rather, it finds its antecedents in ancient societies that ascribed "third genders" to people who did not conform to traditional gender norms

Modern transgenderism, bearing similarities to its predecessors, has adopted an even more contentious form, demonstrating the potential for these beliefs to become increasingly detached from empirical reality

It is with a sense of pessimistic resignation that I recognize the enduring prevalence of absurd, religious beliefs. The human mind is prone to superstition. It attempts to discern some semblance of purpose and significance within the purposeless, insignificant expanse of existence. Some form of gender identity belief system will endure, metamorphosing and (d)evolving with the passage of time

Patty Hogan #transphobia #wingnut #fundie #enbyphobia pittparents.com

Very similar situation with our daughter! The devil was cheering during the pandemic when vulnerable people were isolated with the wrong people. God was kicked out and loving families were pushed away. We foolishly thought our daughter was more grounded in her faith and would be a beacon for others. Instead she was sucked into a Marxist ideology and before we knew it proclaimed herself “neither a woman nor a man”. We were chastised for removing our masks, not getting our booster shots, and using the wrong pronouns. I was blatantly told, “I’m trying to unlearn everything I’ve been taught.” She’s now isolated herself in a “queer collective community” in Brooklyn and refused to give us her address, stating she was “afraid” because we (her parents) are “transphobes” and “homophobes”. We have always supported her in all of her many endeavors while growing up and never displayed bigotry of any kind so I’m calling it as I see it: she was brainwashed.

distressed parent #transphobia pittparents.com

Since my now 22 year old son plunged into the "trans" abyss at 19, I have been able to maintain sporadic contact despite the horrid sting of seeing him deterioate mentally and physically. However, I cannot will myself to call him by his stupid name or pronoun nor affirm his charade. To do so would betray the foundation of love for my son, which I cannot bear. Since my son is aware of my refusal to indulge his narcissistic delusion, I wonder if he may decide to refuse sparse in-person visits, or perhaps even ignore occasional benign texts and emails. I also try to pre-grieve estrangement, but this task seems impossible. How does one pre-grieve a precious child?? Unless he detransitions, this primal loss will ache for the rest of my life. There is no escape from being cheated from my son thriving and our sick society stealing his potential and health while shunning the validity of my pain and outrage. So I hope my confused brainwashed son will stay in touch with me, even in a minimal way. But if he doesn't someday, which could be this week (who knows?), I will have to trudge on, and I will, though with an even heavier heart than I am enduring now.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

Children to no longer be prescribed puberty blockers, NHS England confirms | UK News | Sky News

( Committing_Tervery )
One step closer to this abusive practice being ended completely. I just wish it wasn’t still available in a trial!

( BondiBlue )
Next stop: abolish “social transition,” the gateway drug. It’s a lie. You can be a sensitive boy or a rough-and-tumble girl. It doesn’t make you the opposite sex, and there’s no such thing as “non-binary.”


( Lynch )
Yes the concept of "gender identity" needs to be entirely discredited and discarded. It is upon what the whole gender affirming model is based.

( Wristfevers )
Gender identity concept stems from patriarchy, and needs to be dismantled alongside it.

( Unicorn )

You can be a sensitive boy or a rough-and-tumble girl. It doesn’t make you the opposite sex, and there’s no such thing as “non-binary.”

When my TIF little sister was trying to make me accept her "boy" identity and I kept refusing and pointing out a girl can look and act in any way including how boys stereotypically look and act, she started "teenager whining" and said "but I don't want to be a masculine girl, I want to be a feminine boooyyyyyuhhhhh!!"

Like... what..? You literally can't? Ever? What is even going on at this point?

So I honestly have no clue what kind of lunacy the younger generations have been consuming through the social media and unfettered internet access.

( Arenlaef )
In 2040 when this is all over, I swear to God I will never let anyone forget that people were trying to convince us that being on the right side of history involved drugging and mutilating kids for the crime of being gender non-conforming and maybe gay or lesbian.

( AsterRising )
Vindication at last. I know the battle is far from over, but I'm so fucking proud of the women who were willing to lose everything to speak the truth. Every victory matters, and it's amazing that vulnerable kids will be more protected from this butchery than they once were. I'm waiting for the day we start debating jail sentences for the doctors who committed these atrocities

AtropaBelladonna, VestalVirgin & YesYourNigel #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Study finds that suicide attempts double for men after having "vaginoplasty"

( AtropaBelladonna )
These days it seems like mostly HSTS get “the surgery”. It’s a little sad that somewhere along the line they were failed in getting the help they needed to accept themselves as gay men.

AGP’s that get it, regret it, and end it? To quote the tired old cliche, play stupid games win stupid prizes. Although they may not be quite as dangerous as the intact “transbians”, their exits probably makes the world a little safer for women and children.

( VestalVirgin )
People are more likely to commit suicide after their genitals were mutilated. How surprising. Not.

(I do actually wonder why the effect was not observed after phalloplasty. Women being more mentallly stable? It isn't as if the fake dicks don't rot and fall off. Though of course it could also be to do with the fact that TIFs aren't as misandrist as TIMs are misogynist, and don't expect an actual penis, whereas the TIMs think their fauxgina will be not as good, but even better than the real thing. Which of course leads to bitter disappointement.)

( YesYourNigel )

TIFs aren't as misandrist as TIMs are misogynist, and don't expect an actual penis

It always struck me that TIMs are defined by playing out femininity, whereas TIFs are defined as escaping femininity (rather than taking on masculinity). Hatred of women underlines both, whereas the only hatred of men you might see is TIMs being angry that men are deformed monstrosities because they don't have the perfect bodies of underage anime schoolgirls...which just turns back into being misogyny again.

littleowl12 #transphobia ovarit.com

“The pendulum didn’t swing—this was a battle, hard fought”

What's sad is that they are still allowing treatment for children already on puberty blockers. What this says to me? "For the sake of convenience, we won't save these particular children." And because capitalism must never, EVER be impeded, parents can still get their kids on puberty blockers through private clinics.

Transition treatments should be seen for what they are- the equivalent of lobotomies.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

How to support my son, who is actually my daughter who I put on testosterone when she was 13 yrs old.

( Committing_Tervery )
CHILD ABUSER. Shame on this shitty parent.

( LunarMoose )
I'm pretty sure she's going to find a way to get an illegal script or drugs.

But reading this - my first thought was omg - this is awesome. That child will have a puberty and be saved from lifelong sexual dysfunction.

I have my fingers crossed. Please, Mom. Do nothing.

( Sadeyedlady )
No, clearly YOU don’t give a single fuck about your “son’s” mental health. If you did, maybe you would get her psychiatric help instead of TESTOSTERONE. Although as many people here have pointed out, a lot of therapists push this gender bs too so therapy may not actually help.

( MaryDyer )
If your teenage DAUGHTER is in hysterics and mentally circling the drain because she no longer has access to powerful, potent MALE sex hormones to rub on her body, then she needs to see a psychiatrist.

( Forestandthetrees )
Why? She’s likely been taught that she’ll probably kill herself if she doesn’t take her testosterone. She needs adults to stop lying her, crying in this situation makes complete sense given the very mainstream things she’s been told about herself.

( tuff_terfies )
Will someone please post all the studies we have here about how more suicides happen AFTER TRANSITION to give this woman a head's up? She needs to be warned. Also, her daughter is clearly addicted to T. If it was opioids her daughter was crying over, would she still be so eager to get her the meds prescribed to her daughter? It is an addiction, pure and simple. It alters her brain chemistry unnecessarily and willingly. How is that not addiction?

( Every-Man-His-Own-Football )
It would be great if there were any studies comparing trans-HRT for gender dysphoria against placebo, because the "life-saving" effect of testosterone here seems wildly overstated. Besides, there are plenty of long-term complications. I suspect many troubled teens would react positively if they were told an ointment and therapy program is going to solve all of their problems.

Ben Bartree #transphobia pjmedia.com

But if a trans woman is a woman, why put the prefix trans in front of woman? If they’re one and the same, why bar cisgender from playing transgender roles in film because “casting cis people in the roles of trans people is so harmful“?

Because they want to have their cake and eat it too; transgenders demand simultaneously that a.) society acknowledge their status as full women, indistinguishable from actual women and b.) society celebrate their special uniqueness.

Schizophrenically, while reserving trans roles for trans actors is the stated objective because “representation matters,” it is also “typecasting” to cast trans actors in trans roles because they’re not a monolith.

They’re all unique (and stunning and brave) individuals, but they’re also all members of a highly protected social class that deserves privilege based on gender identity.

You can’t win, by design, no matter how hard you strain your patience to accommodate them. In the end, even the most devoted ally can be accused of transphobia when it becomes convenient.

Wulf Ingessunu #crackpot #wingnut #magick #racist #transphobia inglinga.blogspot.com

The Occult Symbol known as 'Baphomet', originating I believe in Eliphas Levi, is not the same as the Templar 'head', but is in itself an Occult Sysmbol of this 'Fusion of Opposites' -

1. White Moon - Black Moon: the hands point upwards and downwards to these symbols, which are 'White Man - Black Man' (Man and Moon are linked in the Germanic Tongue). On the arm is 'Solve et Coagula' - a formula for breaking down and running together the Black Man and White Man.

2. The figure is androgyne - Man and Woman fused together.

3. The figure sits upon the Globe of the World, symbolic of world domination.

4. There are other Occult Symbols but we need not go into these here.

Over the past decades some of the most important happenings point to a Global Agenda based upon this 'Conflict of Opposites', and agenda that will produce a 'third force' - a New World Order.

1. The conflict of Capitalism and Marxism is now fusing together in the 'Great Reset'; Capitalism was created in order to put the world's wealth in the hands of an 'Elite', and Marxism was created to produce the 'proles', the slaves needed for these Elites to control in their Global Order.

2. The conflict of Man and Woman has seen the fusion of male-female over the last few decades.

3. The conflict of White and Black has seen the fusion of these races (in part) already, the move towards a 'Race of Tan' predicted by Count Kalergi.

4. The conflict of parent-child creates a situation in which children appear to grow up quickly and miss the important childhood, and where some adults do not seem to mature at all.

5. The conflict of Judaeo-Christianity and Islam will result in their fusion into a new World Religion. The other religions are also pitted against each other and they too will fuse into the new World Religion.

The method used by the Occult Powers is 'Conflict Management', by backing both sides at the same time whilst guiding the outcome through ensuring that one side is stronger than the other (if necessary), and the outcome is assured. With this knowledge we can see more clearly the 'progress' of history throughout the last few hundred years. It is thus very hard to counter such a force since whatever is done can be manipulated and used in this 'Conflict of Opposites'. This should have become clear with the emergence of 'Tommy Robinson' and the rise of the 'Far Right' (sic.) here in England.

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