
Gary D. Barnett #quack #wingnut #conspiracy

“They” are the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation, George Soros’ Open Society Foundations, the Ford Foundation, the Carnegie Foundation, the Rothschild Foundation, the Trilateral Commission, Harvard and Yale Universities, the CDC and the WHO, and the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, among others. These are the people running the world. These are the organizations responsible for the falsified and purposely manufactured fake Covid-19 pandemic. And these are the people and organizations that have organized and set loose the low life bands of rioters, looters, and marauding criminals in the BLM and Antifa movements that are terrorizing this country today.

This country is late in the process of total ruination, and heading straight toward annihilation. A new order is sought, and is gaining ground ever so quickly. If not stopped, all current systems will be replaced, including money, the entirety of the monetary system, agriculture, social behavior norms, private property, all medical care, travel and movement; all with mandated and enforced restriction of every individual. This means a complete loss of all freedom and liberty for the planned goal of unlimited worldwide societal control. If this is allowed to come to fruition, we are all doomed

David Chase Taylor #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut

EARTH, Undisclosed Location — Based on breaking news and events, it appears that CIA Headquarters located beneath CERN at Lake Geneva in Switzerland is plotting a wave of reactor meltdowns by March 31, 2022, as Nuclear Fallout cover for the activation of Area 51’s terminator drone program which is designed to exterminate humanity via a never-ending cloud of VX nerve gas.

In short, the CIA is plotting a global version of Fukushima Nuclear Disaster in Japan Back on March 11, 2011, and the Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster in Ukraine Back on April 26, 1986. Only this time around, the CIA plans to blow up to 49 nuclear reactors as foreshadowed in the new nuclear reactor terror propaganda film entitled ‘Fukushima 50’ which premiered in theaters back on March 6, 2020.

Exactly how the CIA plans to trigger the impeding wave of nuclear reactor meltdowns is obviously not known, but it will most likely be executed under the guise of one or more cyber-attacks, earthquakes and/or tsunamis. Said cyber-attack will likely be Anonymous, Chinese, Iranian, North Korean and/or Russian in nature.
Based on breaking news and events, it appears that CIA Headquarters located beneath CERN at Lake Geneva in Switzerland is plotting 9/11-style attacks targeting one or more nuclear reactors, possibly biological, chemical, nuclear and/or radiological in nature. The CIA will predictably frame the one or more of the following countries and/or terror groups for the impending 9/11-style attacks targeting nuclear reactors, including but not limited to: a) eco-terrorists (e.g., ANTIFA, ELF, etc.); b) an Islamic State (e.g., Iran, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Yemen, etc.); c) an Islamic Terror Group (e.g., Al Qaeda, Hamas, Hezbollah, ISIS, ISIS-K, Khost Protection Force (KPF), etc.); d) Russia and/or d) Terrorists and/or Soldiers from Predominantly Islamic-Russian State (e.g., Azerbaijan, Bosnia, Kazakhstan, Kosovo, Kyrgyzstan, Serbia, South Ossetia, Tajikistan Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, etc.)

BummerDrummer #sexist #quack #conspiracy

[Blackpill] People who wear masks during quarantine are the same people who will gladly commit incel genocide

When the government outlaws incels and inevitably attacks us and sends us to camps people who today wear masks in public are the ones who will gladly do it because daddy government told them to.

wearing a mask already implies you are on your knees for government power. You bow to government Jewish trickery and power. The people that do this will follow the governments orders no matter what they say. Antifa self hating whites can say they hate drumpf all they want but at the end of the day they still wear a corona mask in public.

Whenever you go outside the people in masks all would have no 2nd thoughts on shooting you if the government told them to. They are
Mindless bots. If they could be fooled by a hoax (corona) then that just shows how stupid they are and how easily manipulated they are by the government

if, through this, the government can take away your rights and ORDER YOU to wear a mask, then who says down the line they won’t be able to order killings?

TDLR: wearing mask in public=government is your daddy=you would have no issue partaking in the inevitable incel genocide.

[links to youtube videos denying the pandemic]

Normies are COMPLIANT in having their rights taken away. They will be compliant when your rights are taken away as well.

Wearelegion1963 #fundie

It's not white genocide, it's white suicide. They keep voting in policies that are eroding their own cultures, and immigration will eventually make them a minority in their own countries.

The thing is, I think they're going to run out of white guilt soon. Take France for instance, if Le Pen loses, the next time she or someone else runs will be even more extreme, and they will probably win.

The right-wing uprising is happening all over the world, and like you said, it's going to get violent.
Some form of totalitarian government will form out of all of this, you can be damn sure of that.

I wouldn't be so hard on then, after all the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 was passed during the civil rights movement. All of this was done in the name of brotherly love, peace, and equality. America has such a terrible history with Slavery and such that it's very hard for people to make a moral argument against immigration without being called a racist bigot.

It just kept snowballing from there, and now we have Antifa saying illegal immigrants have a right to be in the US.

Lady Checkmate #fundie

Lady Checkmate's headline: "More layoffs planned at Carrier plant Trump promised to save"

Don't forget to RECOMMEND. Thanks.

(Fox News story follows:

Lady Checkmate:
So, now they're blaming trump for the fact that their business leaders are struggling to keep their business afloat. Trump is NOT God. They should get business tips from him, but pray to God and trust that He wis faithful. Trump is the potus he can't run their business for them as well. Hopefully, he will do something to help them because he gave them(us) his word. Perhaps he should ignore the twitter. ANTIFA, alt-left trolls (put the secret service on them) and focus on what's more important...praying. I'm sure he has a plan.

C.A Skeet #homophobia #transphobia #fundie

Drag queens and drag shows are intentionally targeting children. Some of these drag queens have turned out to be registered sex offenders. But even if they weren't, nobody, neither gay nor straight, has made a convincing argument as to why drag queens or drag shows are appropriate for kindergarteners. Rather than make such an argument, drag shows simply use armed Antifa brownshirts to protect their exhibitions in child predation.

Is this what you're proud of?

You who are so brave in donning priests' and nuns' gear to mock Christians would never dream of doing so to Muslims, whose compatriots are doing far worse to gays today than the meanest Christians ever did to gays, at any time in the history of their religion. Your "pride" seems inversely proportionate to the reasonable expectation of violence derived from its expression. The less the threat from your "enemy," the more "pride" you rub their faces in. Nuns don't shoot up gay nightclubs in Florida or hang you from cranes in Tehran, so it's safe to make fun of them.

And you'll notice that Queers for Palestine does not have fellow travelers in Jihadists for Gays. Nor will it ever. This alliance of convenience ends one way and one way only.

Is this what you're proud of?

Women's sports face the challenge of mediocre male athletes who never would have blipped on anyone's radar but are now shattering women's records, stealing women's scholarships, and breaking women's bones. In the darker corners of all-gender safe spaces, they are raping teenage girls. This is all happening under the protection of the LGBTQ banner.

Is this what you're proud of?

Wait, what's that you say? You never intended for pedophiles, rapists, misogynists, and little punk totalitarians to hijack the gay rights movement? Guess what? They did exactly that.

You can argue (and I would agree with you) that these ne'er-do-wells have piggybacked you with their own selfish and perverse agendas. But your movement's leadership (with noble exceptions) has fully embraced them out of fear of social cancellation or a sincere and dogmatically fanatical delusion that the traditional nuclear family, free market capitalism, and Western civilization are existential threats that must be annihilated at all costs and that this justifies defending the worst excesses of misogynists and sexual predators. To make an omelet...

Donald J. Trump #wingnut

(submitters note: Memo by Donald Trump towards The Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the U.S. Capitol)

Dear Chairman Thompson,


The same group of Radical Left Democrats who utilized their Majority position in Congress to create the fiction of Russia, Russia, Russia, Impeachment Hoax #1, Impeachment Hoax #2, the $48 Million Mueller Report (which ended in No Collusion!), Ukraine, Ukraine, Ukraine, the atrocious and illegal Spying on my Campaign, and so much more, are the people who created this Committee of highly partisan political Hacks and Thugs whose sole function is to destroy the lives of many hard-working American Patriots, whose records in life have been unblemished until this point of attempted ruination. The double standard of the Unselects between what has taken place on the “RIGHT,” and what has taken place with Radical Left, lawless groups such as Antifa, Black Lives Matter, and others, is startling and will never be acceptable, even to those who will be writing the history of what you have done to America.

This memo is being written to express our anger, disappointment, and complaint that with all of the hundreds of millions of dollars spent on what many consider to be a Charade and Witch Hunt, and despite strong and powerful requests, you have not spent even a short moment on examining the massive Election Fraud that took place during the 2020 Presidential Election, and have targeted only those who were, as concerned American Citizens, protesting the Fraud itself. Those who committed the Fraud, thereby having created the Crime of the Century, go unblemished and untouched, but those who fought the Crime have suffered a fate that was unthinkable just a short time ago. We have a two-tier system of Justice in the United States that cannot be allowed to continue. A Majority of people in our Country say that the Presidential Election of 2020 was determinatively dishonest, including the fact that many Legislatures were overridden by local and State politicians and judges on vital regulations and requirements, which is totally illegal and UNCONSTITUTIONAL. In February 2021, Time Magazine broke the story of the shadow campaign that was launched to rig the 2020 Presidential Election.
The authors write:

Vic Biorseth #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia #racist #conspiracy

We must admit that our own awakening was a slow progressive thing, and we too were fooled. We became aware of gigantic lies being told from on high back during the Vietnam war; but those lies were perhaps just the tip of the iceberg. The singer Bette Midler gave us another rude awakening.

We loved her voice and we bought her music. We saw her on Johnny Carson, and in our naivete we didn't know that where she got her start, in California bath-houses, had anything to do with homosexuality. So, when she came to Cincinnati to do a concert, we bought tickets and drove down there to see her perform.

To say we were astonished would be a radical understatement.

We had no idea that she had such a filthy mouth, that she played to such an overtly and wildly enthusiastic following of loud, acting-out homosexuals and dope-smokers. Men in drag, men in leotards, screaming queens and tattooed butches filled the stadium. Filthy words filled the air, from the stage and from the audience, along with the heavy smell of marijuana smoke.
What was even more shocking, to us, was the reaction from our fellow office workers when we went back to work the next day. Wry smiles and condescension were the most common responses. They all knew. We began to wonder how many people we knew who might be happy to change their clothes and their whole persona and join in the weirdness of a Bette Middler concert.

It snuck up on us. It surprised us.

If you've been with us for awhile you know that nothing surprises us any more. The Marxist cultural revolution has been taken over, steered and driven by the Global Cabal of Davos, and it now appears that they rode that horse into the ground.
And we're not suppose to believe our own eyes.

We're supposed to believe them.

With all their assumed gender-pronouns. While all of their paid Antifa and BLM terrorists loot our stores, burn our police cars, assault our citizenry and are let off the hook by all of their paid local authorities.

Vic Biorseth #racist #fundie #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia #conspiracy

We thought DEI, the advance of Communism, Globalism, immorallity, anti-white racism, anti-straight sexism and general antisemitism was what the Marxocrat Party was all about. Super-Inclussiveness, right? But, another national election looms, and so it's time to look normal.

Let's see now; Cackling Kamala is all about Open Borders, eliminating ICE, defunding police, medicare for illegals, sanctuary cities, free dope, special rights for LGBTQ-L-M-N-O-P nuts, Black Lives Matter, Antifa, shop lifting up to some number of dollars, no bail, no prosecution for rioters, muggers, rapists and robbers, no capital punishment for murderers and Communist revolution in America.
So her given list of Party-Recommended picks for Vice President are all, horror of horrers, white men, and one of them is a Jew of all things. She herself was picked by JoBama O'Biden strictly and solely because she is a black woman, and now she's stuck with this sorry selection!

If she were an honest anti-American she would pick a transvestite at least, if not a flaming over-the-top drag queen, because it's high time that glass ceiling was broken too. After all, there are glass-ceilings all over the place.
The only people being excluded are white Christian male heterosexual masculine American patriots.

Being a sodomite in America today means having special legal rights that are superior to the rights of non-sodomites. We can say the same thing about feminine rights, black rights, brown rights, American Indian rights, perverts-of-all-kinds rights, illegal alien rights, shoplifter rights, even murderer rights.

They will all look you right in the eye and say equal rights for me, but not for thee.
The only thing Truth has going for Him in this world is us.

The restoration of Truth = Reality in the hearts and minds of men is now totally dependent upon you and me; if we don't do it, it won't get done.

Get behind the Trump-Vance Ticket, and make America Constitutional again.

James Howard Kunstler #wingnut #conspiracy

It is fair to say that the “Joe Biden” government dearly wanted a Russian invasion of Ukraine in order to divert attention from the “Joe Biden” government’s war on its own people in the United States. The table was nicely laid for it over many years, including, by the way, Mr. Trump’s vaunted gift of weaponry to Ukraine, which enabled and emboldened the Kiev regime to harass the Russian-speaking population of Donbas without relent. And the situation was aggravated by the deliberate negotiation-unworthiness (Russian term) of “Joe Biden” and Company, who refused to discuss the chief issue between the US and Russia, namely, the dishonest effort, in violation of written agreements dating from 1990, to enlist Ukraine in NATO, and thereby to place missiles on Russia’s border.
The Party of Chaos, “Joe Biden’s” Party, doesn’t want you to pay attention to any of that, or to a thousand other political insults they have inflicted on the country from BLM / Antifa riots to their dirty deals with social media, to their perversion of law enforcement, to their surveillance and persecution of loyal citizens as “domestic terrorists,” to the gender disorders in schools and sports… and on and on. And so, they invited with open arms the Russian operation against Ukraine to put an end to reckless provocations emanating from there. “Joe Biden” didn’t have to do anything, really, except pretend in bad faith to take part in a diplomatic solution, and then he stopped doing even that.

And now here is what I think is happening and will happen in Ukraine. The Russian aim is to neutralize Ukraine’s military capability — the means for harassing the eastern provinces known as the Donbas. That has been accomplished. Ukraine no longer has an air force, a navy, or a whole lot of weapons and munitions. It is surely in Russia’s interest to complete this operation in as few days as possible to minimize harm to civilian lives and property.

Matt Walsh et al. #conspiracy #pratt #transphobia #wingnut

(NOTE: Those are the quotes of various speakers from "Rally To End Child Mutilation", reposted by the DW account.)

@MattWalshBlog confronts Antifa protesters: "They don't want you to hear what we have to say because they're cowards. They can't engage in the argument. All they could try to do is shut us down and silence us. But it's not going to work...We're not going anywhere."

"There is...a conspiracy to target and indoctrinate our children into the cult of gender ideology. [It] fosters delusion, intentionally creates an identity crisis in young, impressionable kids...It's a path to confusion and despair."

"I'm not going to leave it to my kids to fight this fight...We stand up and we fight...And we're not just fighting to protect our kids from mutilation in the name of gender transition. We're fighting that but an even deeper level. We are fighting for truth."

@LandonStarbuck: "We are so grateful to the...survivors of radical gender ideology that devastates families, that decimates children's bodies and does not protect them or give them the health care they need and deserve. That is why we're here today."

to counter-protesters: "We're so sorry that you've been lied to, exploited...We hope that one day you'll join us and you'll have compassion for that. Vulnerable compassion for the children who have been maimed and abused."

@TulsiGabbard: "Today, though, is those in power denying the existence of women. They are seeking to erase us as an entire category of people. There are no boundaries in our society...Who is suffering as a consequence of these actions? It is the most vulnerable...our children. Our kids need us now."

De-transitioner @ChoooCole: "Some say that transition regret is incredibly rare and...almost always due to external factors such as social pressures or low income. This could not be any more false. A new de-transitioner often a minor reaches out to me on nearly a daily basis."

Scott Newgent: "Within this debate, a bigot today is a hero tomorrow...Are you willing to take the heat today to be a hero tomorrow to save a generation of children?"

ZetaTalk via Nancy Lieder #ufo #wingnut #crackpot #conspiracy

Why the endless delays to set the 2020 election fraud right? If the 2020 election fraud was confirmed by a SCOTUS finding, presented to the US Senate last Memorial Day when Satellite Phones were issued to the Senate so that Biden could be impeached and Trump sworn in, then why is Trump allowed to endure endless civil trials?
ZetaTalk Confirmation 4/18/2024: The Junta has many challenges awaiting. In April 2021 when the illicit Biden had been sworn in, we mentioned they were dealing with a 5 front war - a CCP invasion, Satanist Moloch worship via a child sex traffic network, Antifa and Defund the Police, Deep State treason, and finally the 2020 election fraud. Where some of these issues have been resolved, others have emerged. The Southern Border is being overrun at the hands of the Biden Administration, and where demands to finance the Ukraine and Israel wars are pressing, the Junta has refused. The pending admission by Putin that Nibiru is a real and present danger also will cause panic that will need to be contained.

Meanwhile to avoid exhausting the US Military with a civil war when and if the Democrats erupt in anger over a Trump reinstatement, the Junta has delayed informing the public about the SCOTUS findings that the 2020 election results were fraudulent. The Senate was informed on Memorial Day, 2023 and sworn Trump in as President, but the public continues to be uninformed. The fact that President Trump is the true President at this time means that he cannot be harassed by civil lawsuits, by law.

Now the Junta is pressed to announce Trump as the sitting President, to end these frivolous lawsuits and cleanup the mistakes being done by the Biden Administration. Why does the Junta seem to have reluctance? They are waiting for the New Madrid Fault Line Rupture, which their scientific advisors say is imminent. The disasters up along both the New Madrid and East Coast Fault lines will force the issue, so that riots and panic will be contained.

various commenters #transphobia

“mostly women do the job of seeing me as a woman”

( old_but_gold )
Everyone knows you’re a man, women are just not confrontational (for safety reasons and due to socialization).

Also note the language: “do the job”

As if it’s a duty to “affirm” his gendies.

( Sonnet )
This post is a good example of how these identity claims operate as a form of social control.

No one here actually believes the claim, including the speaker. OP knows he is male, the compliant women of the office know he is male, and the noncompliant men of the office know he is male. The ultimate goal is not to persuade anyone of anything - - that would be pointless, because everyone involved already recognizes he’s a transwoman and not a woman. The goal is to exert the necessary social force to insist on the correct public performance of belief regardless of the person’s true thoughts and perceptions.

( Novemberinthechair )
Give up. You're a man. Those pickmeishas kissing your ass are brainwashed and hurting the rest of us.

Mind you, you come across as a delusional male who can throw a tantrum and get anyone fired. As long as you lie about who you are, don't expect everyone to tell you the truth. Your socially acceptable mental problems have been given priority in certain spaces. Fifteen years ago, you wouldn't be able to pull this grift. You're an emotional bully and an asshole.

( space_out )
Well, the guys have an option to ignore the nonsense knowing the TIM will flip out eventually which will be pure entertainment for them and maybe a chance to punch the TIM. Men love punching. Womens options are to go along or get punched, if I have understood the tik-toks, tweets, antifa'n'friends banners, vandalisation of women's shelters that try to protect women, the whole of preddit correctly.

And he knows that, he just loves the power to intimidate women and is trying to find a way to have the same power over men. Maybe some tips on how to spin this story to HR or some other entity that could make the whole of society to tremble at his every request.

( emholio )
I have joined the rank of people who will not "do the job" of giving a shit about pornsick men's feelings. It's glorious. Not a single movement or breath of mine will ever be spent to placate a liar. 🦸‍♀️

Chase Shelburne #fundie

A lot of people are talking about Spencer, and not the man who punched him. He's part of the Antifa -- an extremist, communist terrorist group responsible for killings and firebombings across Europe. To them, anything to the right of communism is fascism, and by supporting these pricks' ability to punch people they disagree with, you're putting yourself next on the list. Communism is far more dangerous historically than fascism, yet ignorant people are giving this guy a pass because, 'lol punched a Nazi.'

Conservapedia #wingnut #conspiracy #pratt

The Proud Boys are an international conservative or paleoconservative fraternal organization formerly led by Rebel News personality and Vice Media co-founder Gavin McInnes. Proud Boys describe themselves as "western chauvinists" and espouse pro-second amendment, pro-free speech, anti-illegal immigration, and anti-racist views. Proud Boys tend to gather among themselves to hang out at restaurants or bars, and also attend political events either in support of or in opposition to other groups. They can typically be identified by their black and yellow Polo shirts.

Proud Boys have been vehemently mischaracterized and slandered by the liberal mainstream media, perhaps more so than any other single conservative organization in recent times. Most news outlets characterize the Proud Boys as white supremacist, alt-right, and fascist, as well as accusing them of promoting political violence. Wikipedia holds strongly to this warped view,while hypocritically characterizing Antifa, an anarchist terrorist faction, as mere "political activists".It is likely Wikipedia holds this view as a result of parroting the left-wing Southern Poverty Law Center, a notoriously dishonest organization which Wikipedia tends to use as a source.

In actuality, the Proud Boys are a multiracial group (which even some liberal outlets have noted) and have continually denounced the Alt-Right, to the point that actual Alt-Right groups often attack them and their founder as well. The FBI has declared the Proud Boys are not extremist or terroristic.

Hunter Wallace #wingnut #racist

[From "Your Favorite President Lost White Guys"]

2020 is on us.

Let this fact sink in.

Donald Trump lost the 2020 election because he couldn’t motivate enough White men to vote for him. He improved with literally every other group in the country EXCEPT for White men.

After six months of nationwide chaos, White men drifted away from Donald Trump. Donald Trump had a problem with the White vote. It takes a special kind of genius to lose his margin with White men while the Left was beating the drum of anti-White hatred at a fever pitch. Evidently, White men decided that four more years of having Donald Trump as president wasn’t worth what it had cost them. Couldn’t he have said something about what was going on instead of rolling out the Platinum Plan?

The media’s narrative about “white supremacy” and “systemic racism” couldn’t have been more false. It was the populists and the “white supremacists,” not conservatives or Republicans, who soured on Donald Trump and deserted him in the 2020 election. A whopping 7% of voters said that “racism” was the most important issue facing the country. Also, blacks, Hispanics, Asians and Muslims moved toward Trump, not away from him. Apparently, they didn’t buy into the “white supremacy” narrative.

Donald Trump and his campaign team were cucked on race. They were too afraid to crackdown on Black Lives Matter and Antifa. They were gaslit by the “white supremacy” narrative. As a result, they pandered to minorities, demoralized their base and the White vote slipped and they lost.

Could it have easily turned out otherwise? Yes, Donald Trump’s campaign took the White vote for granted. It is what got him elected in the first place in 2016. In the final analysis, it was what undid him in 2020. They ran a different kind of campaign in 2020 than 2016 in which Joe Biden was able to improve on Hillary Clinton in 41 out of 50 states and all but two swing states because of White guys.

Cliff Kincaid #conspiracy #wingnut

Trump has to recognize that staying in power is the only peaceful way to avoid having Biden impose his agenda of death and destruction on the nation as a whole.
We can expect such violence if Biden doesn’t manage to seize power through fraudulent elections. But fear of the aftermath if Trump stays in the White House is no reason for Trump to vacate the presidency. In the face of the threat from Antifa, Black Lives Matter, and other communist groups, Trump has every right to stay in power and keep the country together, in the name of national sovereignty.

Mike Stone #wingnut #elitist #conspiracy #racist

Listen. Listen very carefully. Do you hear it? That moanful cry in the distance? That far off wail of anguish?

Brace yourself, because it's coming, oh yes, it's coming.

Trump is going to win the election and you are going to witness an emotional meltdown from the left. It will be the most intense, the most outlandish, the most mind-bogglingly insane display of raw emotion and street theater you've ever seen in your life. It won't be the Great Reset. It will be the Great Recount.

The evil queen bees of Black Lives Matter and their beta male followers will kick things off, faithfully following orders to riot, loot, and burn. They'll be joined by the ugly skanks and eunuchs of Antifa. Televisions will be taken, cosmetics will be confiscated, liquor will be liquidated, but not a single pair of work boots will be stolen.

Colleges across the country will be forced to set up emergency safe spaces, stocked with teddy bears, blankets, pacifiers, and hugs for their distraught students.

Keep the faith through it all. It's up to good people, such as yourself, to help those in need, to keep America great, and to combat the forces of darkness that surround us. Without you, President Trump can do very little. With you, he can move mountains.

Don't think this is the end of it. On the contrary, it's only the beginning. There remains much work to be done. But for a few days at least, enjoy the show. It's going to be quite a ride. Get your popcorn ready.

Howell Woltz #conspiracy #wingnut

Words fail me to describe the profundity of this news

Legendary Special Forces (Green Beret) hero, Christopher C. Miller, has been appointed Acting Secretary of The Department of Defense by the President, following the sacking of Mark Esper.

I just watched the ceremony and announcement of this momentous move on the Hallowed Grounds of Ft. Bragg in my home state of North Carolina, where monuments to Special Forces heroes past, stand in remembrance.

Only a handful of insiders knew this move was coming, and Mark Esper — fired Secretary of Defense — was apparently not among them, though I’m sure he suspected his sacking was on the way.

In fact, Esper might be considered the enemy for publicly opposing the president’s use of The Insurrection Act of 1807 to put down the Marxist BLM/ Antifa/ Democrat riots over the summer with military forces — if needed.

These forces swore to defend my home nation from enemies ‘both foreign and domestic’ – and those who foment coups and steal elections in my homeland and abroad certainly qualify as ‘enemies’

The president never invoked this centuries-old Act, but Esper outed himself as a Sleeper for the Deep State with protestations against his boss — over something that never happened — which served the Marxists well.

Laurie Roth #wingnut

Almost every dictator I can think of quoted a few scriptures and pretended that God was on their side. Adolph Hitler said he was doing God a favor by taking on the Jews who rejected Christ. He knew how to work the religion card, along with Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

What, you think only the DEMOCRAT left and media whores can call Trump Hitler? The real truth is that the DEMOCRAT left of today, with their dementia laden poster child Joe Biden obedient and sold out media, completely reflects the principles of Hitler. Their violent supporters, BLM, ANTIFA and other DEMOCFRAT anti Trump groups have been burning down American cities the whole year, while threatening to do way more if Trump prevails and is in another 4 years.

Remember in Nazi Germany, the same thing occurred. Jewish businesses were attacked, and burned, then people were just taken away in the middle of the night.

Trump has already won this election in a huge way and God is answering the believing prayers of millions of Christians. Watch justice unfold and the DEM – criminal left unravel.

Maajid Nawaz #conspiracy

Reports on protestors who stormed Capitol Hill being Antifa infiltrators are becoming impossible to ignore.
If true, these may fuel a sense of betrayal among Trump supporters further

I am dismayed that pundits are not viewing this civil strife through a conflict resolution lens

Washington Free Beacon Staff #wingnut #psycho

[From "2020 Man of the Year: Kyle Rittenhouse"]

When Antifa and BLM came to ravage your city, what did you do? Some seized their chance to loot the nearest Walmart. Others watched helplessly as Democratic mayors and governors let their own communities burn. But among us there are patriots—righteous men of action. Kyle Rittenhouse is one such man.
Rittenhouse did indeed offer medical assistance to several protesters that night, but the danger was all too real. Stalking the streets of Kenosha that night were child molester Joseph Rosenbaum, armed and dangerous revolutionary Greg Grosskreutz, and Anthony Huber, who had been sent to prison twice for violently assaulting his younger siblings.

The pederast attacked first, pursuing Rittenhouse as he tried to flee. Rosenbaum lunged for his weapon, but Rittenhouse defended himself with a violence that was sadly beyond the grasp of the 5 boys, aged 9 to 11, whom Rosenbaum had been convicted of abusing.

Next was Anthony Huber, who attacked our Man of the Year with a skateboard as he lay on his back, reeling from the attacks of the mob. Huber, too, tried to strip Rittenhouse of his weapon. The result was the same as before. Kyle Rittenhouse was not like the defenseless little brother Huber had once strangled.

And finally Grosskreutz, a member of the People's Revolution, pounced on Rittenhouse with his weapon drawn as Huber was still staggering. And, again, Rittenhouse survived by the grace of God and the reliability of Smith & Wesson.

The good people of Kenosha can sleep easier because among us are the likes of 2020 Washington Free Beacon Man of the Year Kyle Rittenhouse.

Louie Gohmert #wingnut #psycho

Representative Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) warned of property destruction and actual violence overtaking the country’s thoroughfares during a late Friday evening appearance on a conservative media channel.

Earlier on Friday, Texas-based U.S. District Judge Jeremy Kernodle–who was appointed by President Donald Trump in 2018–rejected a lawsuit filed by Gohmert and a slate of purported (read: unofficial or fake) pro-Trump electors against Vice President Mike Pence. That lawsuit, a long shot affair, asserted that Pence had the constitutional power to ignore the Electoral College system’s actual results and essentially gift the 45th president a second term despite the November 2020 election.

Judge Kernodle, in his 13-page decision, dismissed the would-be controversy in a relatively brief order “because neither Congressman Gohmert nor the Nominee-Electors have standing.”

Gohmert addressed the court’s decision during an interview with a Newsmax fill-in anchor on the program Rob Schmitt Tonight.

“This is an example of when the institutions that our constitution created to resolve disputes–so that you didn’t have to have to riots and violence in the streets–when they go wrong,” Gohmert said.

“Bottom line is, the court is saying: ‘we’re not gonna touch this; you have no remedy,’ Basically, in effect, the ruling would be that you’ve gotta go to the streets and be as violent as Antifa and BLM.”

Gaslight Award

Henry Makow, PhD #conspiracy #racist #sexist #transphobia #wingnut #fundie

This is our Jonestown moment.
Renouncing the Creator,
humanity has been inducted into a satanic cult.
Not "The Peoples Temple," but Cabalism or illuminism i.e. Communism.

If the Joe Biden is able steal the Presidency, the assault on society will intensify. The country will be destroyed as BLM and Antifa are given free rein. Satanism, gender dysphoria, migration and lockdowns flourish. Don't think the Demonrats will rest on their laurels. They are coming after Patriots, Conservatives and Christians. It's what Communists do. Look at the covidscam. We must prepare to defend ourselves.

Failure to resist implies consent. Are you prepared to be dispossessed and enslaved? Are you prepared to drink the kool aid?
Communism expands the Rothschilds' monopoly over credit (money creation) into a monopoly over literally everything of value: Power. People. Commodities. Animals. Information. Discourse. Thought. Behavior.

Its goal is to dispossess, enslave, and even exterminate humanity. This is confirmed by Agenda 21, (the UN's agenda for the 21st Century) which calls for an inventory of everything and demands that people give up private property.

The Rothschilds and their cronies have unlimited wealth. They are bored with wealth. Now they want unlimited power.
People are astonished at the Demonrats' brazen disregard for democracy and basic decency. Communists are satanists. Satanists are dedicated to destroying civilization.

Jews don't know this but Judaism as defined by Cabala is essentially satanic. It seeks to destroy civilization and replace it with an Orwellian dystopia where they control every aspect of life. The Rothschilds seek to supplant God.

Geoffrey Grider #fundie #conspiracy #wingnut #transphobia #racist #homophobia #psycho

What you watched yesterday unfold in the Capitol was a combination of events that all have one thing in common, everything you watched yesterday was the hand of Almighty God judging America for her sins, and then giving us the desires of our collective, national heart. America is godless, and now we have leaders with unlimited power to destroy us in precisely the same way Adolf Hitler used his unlimited power to destroy Germany, and almost the world. But Hitler was only a type of the Antichrist, now get ready for the real thing.
What happens now will be equally stunning. As you read this right now, leaders in Washington are demanding that Trump be removed from office now, as a statement, to send a message. The Democrats have the Congress, the Senate and the White House, and everyone is getting in line behind that. The “new” America will hold up abortion as a ‘human right’, glorify transgenders and all manner of perversion as ‘progress’, and they will absolutely force you to do things like take the vaccine. It will all be done in the name of preventing what happened at the Capitol yesterday.
The real American revolution was not what happen at the Capitol, that was the distraction. The real revolution will begin on January 20th, and the America they will create will glorify everything that God hates. For decades now, the radical Left has demanded God get out of America, yesterday He left. The people who are in charge now are the same people who defended and protected ANTIFA, Black Lives Matter, the LGBTQ+ P for Pedophile Movement, due-date abortion, and in this new America Christians will be hunted down and removed and the Bible banned. What’s coming now will be the New World Order.

Alphabet Agency Alert Award

DeAnna Lorraine #wingnut

[defending her participation in the Capitol riot]

It’s time that we level up our show of force. For those wussies that are sitting at home right now, that are watching their Fox News and CNN and watching their social media, and you pretend like you’re a conservative, you pretend like you’re Republican, and you’re pretending like you’re fighting the commies; for you to sit there and buy into this MSM narrative, hook, line, and sinker, that we are national terrorists, domestic terrorists, that we are violent, that we were so inappropriate and so embarrassing to you guys, and you are disgusted by our display: You were never a real patriot. You should be ashamed of yourself.
You’re no patriot if you’re so quick to throw your fellow patriots under the bus for actually going to war and doing the dirty work that you won’t do because you’re sitting at home, comfortable on your couch, reading the MSM, and buying into their narrative, and you’re disgusted by us. We’re disgusted by you. What we saw yesterday was the most epic form of resistance that we’ve seen in some time. This was the spirit of 1776 emanating from all of us, every fiber of our beings. It was this true spirit of resistance.

This had to be done. We had to level up our level of resistance and fighting back or we’ll never, ever, ever fight back and never get what we want, and we will be deserving of this government, this tyrannical government.
Yesterday was symbolic, and I hope that people start seeing it as heroic and jumping in on the action and that it’s contagious — because we need more of it, not less. We need more of what happened yesterday, not less. And do not let the media brainwash you into thinking yesterday was some bad or evil or shameful thing. When I look at the images of what happened and the videos, because I was on the ground and I saw what happened and what we went through, I am proud.
No one should be ashamed of what happened. And no one should be blaming antifa for what happened. American patriots did this. And it’s a good thing. It’s not a bad thing.

Anonymous Coward #38548988 #conspiracy #wingnut

Get Ready for the FIREWORKS...Mass Arrests Tonight

Here is what's going down:

GLP already figured out two major parts...

1) It was Antifa that disrupted the Capitol. Trump already knew their plans, and the Capital Police were directed to let them in. Smart play. Video was posted here already. Operatives also removed hard drives of key criminal actors under cover as house and senate members were spirited out.

2) Pence is playing bad cop, and "conspired" to take control (like rumsfeld on 911 did) by calling in NG. The NG is needed for whats coming.

3) Insurrection act requires a stand down order from President. GLP got this one too.

4) Trump has moved to command center in TEXAS...wonder why there lol.

5) Repubs are using the Capitol "debacle" to stand down...why? so the crime can move forward tonight.

6) Good guys have objected for posterity/historical purposes.

7) Once the final vote/fraud has been completed, the NG is moving in to make arrests.

They are all going down...but people need to stay calm.

Trump has secured his place in history and will be serving a second term with citizen legislature members in the house and senate...just as was envisioned in the Constitution.

History in the making

katt #conspiracy #wingnut

Just like January 6th was a planned I believe the 20th will be..I believe the Dems have planned for BLM and Antifa to dress as Trump Supporters and wreck havick just as they did last week..and of course Conservatives will get the blame..again..and then we will lose our right to own guns..which is what, among other things, a lot of this has been about...I really wish God would big time show up..I miss God..

Shawntheimmortal942 #conspiracy #racist #dunning-kruger

And the crazies got crazier! There was a new CHAZ

BLM and Biden supporters are fighting

This bitch threatening Trump supporters

ANTIFA wanting no presidents

AOC wants a list of trump supporters like a blacklist

The wanting to defund the police and even abolish the police.

Maxine “fish face” waters calling for Trump officials to be harassed

Now they’re tagging and left a pig”s head in front of crazy nancy’s house you also gotta love the gas lighting these crazies try to push by saying “Nancy Pelosi WANTS $2000 stimulus checks to happen” despite being against it I know attention spans have gotten shorter recently but damn!

These assholes trespassing a Senator Hawley’s home 29:45 I also love how they want Trump Supporters to “get over it” but these are the same crazies who’ve been bitching about “Muh Russia“ for 4 fucking years.

Various Commenters #conspiracy #crackpot #quack #psycho

Various Commenters on a conspiracy video - “The Simpsons Election Day 2020 Predictive Programming”, Uploaded by EndTimesTV

Who’s here after the Capitol Riots

(Abeselsome Alene)
Does anyone ever have the feeling that these aren’t predictions but plans 🤔

It’s all written in the Bible

@Grey Alien this is the final decade. The age of grace aka church age is soon coming to an end.Jesus christ is coming back for the rapture(this decade) dont get left behind from rapture to face great tribulation coming to earth. America will be nuked and invaded by russia and china in near future to usher in new world order. Nwo beast system led by antichrist obama and false prophet pope francis ready to take over after rapture. Dont believe the coming massive deception of alien abduction explanation for rapture from obama. Fema concentration camps will be activated around the world post rapture. Refuse coming vaccine and rfid chip implant aka mark of beast at all costs.

Its easy, until january 20th TRUMP will expose that there was Voter froud. After that the deepstate and the democrats will start riots and looting again and try to take out trump. Thats why simpsond predicted trump to be dead. The show just startet guys.

*follow-up comment*

@Robbi Shiflett they will blame trump for the riots, the media and the left will blame it on him, just like they blame everything on him what they actually do. They will say : look what trump did, he is the reason for the riots cause he won the court with illegal proof and the people rioting cause they dont want to have him in the white house.
Even if joe biden gonna fall from the steps to the podium they will probibly say, look thats because of trump😂😂

(flc lp)
@25BUlleTs5 damn this was happened today the so called trump supporters(ANTIFA DRESSED UP USING TRUMP'S paraphernalia) stormed the capitol wtf

Various Commenters #conspiracy #elitist #quack #racist #wingnut

Africa is only 6% vaccinated, and covid has practically disappeared... scientists "baffled"

Almost nobody in Africa is getting "vaccinated" for the Wuhan coronavirus, and as a result there is almost no covid anywhere to be found on the continent. In Zimbabwe, nobody wears a mask, nobody is vaccinated, and life goes on as normal. "Covid-19 is gone," stated a man named Nyasha Ndou, who joked with reporters about how he keeps a mask in his pants "to protect my pocket."

For all intents and purposes, the Fauci Flu is gone from Zimbabwe, even without the injections. The only areas of the world seeing mass disease and death are those pushing the "vaccines"

Continued at

(tow man)
Our IQ's are too high.

Africans are like, "I dont see it, where is it?"

We are like, "Its there, but we cant see it!!! We have no real evidence it exists!!! But its there because science says its there!!!"

Im starting to think Africans are smarter than Whites.


Not the people that (((they))) are targeting for extermination.

Not yet. I expect a massive Ebola outbreak

In other words, stupid is as stupid does.

Who wins this intelligence contest: Africans, or white pro vaccine Antifa leftists. I say Africans.
(I am not impressed with certain members of my own race, nor with the communist Semites, who might also claim to be white.)

Neither am I. We have to remember that most African countries don't do any tests.
SA is in the front because whites want to travel.

Traveling or not blacks don't want it.

Two groups refuse the vaccine at the highest levels.
Very high and very low iq people.
The very high iq people use their brains and the low iq people use their gut instincts.


various Blackpillers #transphobia #wingnut

RE: Can MtF trannies acquire female privilege? Do FtM trannies acquire male oppression?

MtFs regardless of quality get all sorts of attention and favors from desperate fools. Seen the sad phenomenon for myself. I don't know about FtMs, but "male oppression" is mocked wildly, men are supposed to take a nuclear apocalypse without wavering while women can complain about not getting the right clothes.

MtF trannies become women in order to escape inceldom and being treated like shit. this is why it's mostly ethnics or sub 5 white men who go down this path, if you talk to these trannies in SEA they will tell you that they became that way to escape poverty and receive positive attention everywhere they go.

FtM trannies are delusional women that ruin their lives to become men because they fell for the "women are oppressed" meme and they quickly realize that being a dickless manlet is a hellish existence.

In America MtF still have to serve in the draft whilst priviliged FtM are still considered foids.

This shows sjw and transphobia is an absolute joke, Biden is sending "foids" to their deaths but no one gives a shit.

If they look like a male then they might lose immediate privileges, but if their real sex is discovered they will retain a little bit of that automatic foid privilege.

Yeah, the wokecel and cuckcel to tranny pipeline has been well established and is pretty much known openly. Leftists openly mock and hate incel men because they want them to be trannies. If a wokecel hates being bullied and mocked by leftists they can convert to being trannies and then get higher on the leftist oppresion totem pole than a woman. So he can become a tranny and then tweet to JK Rowling that he wants to fuck her and then cut her throat and he'll still be allowed on twitter because he's a tranny and JK Rowling is a TERF and has less privilege than him on the leftist social totem pole. That is why being a tranny is often so appealing to leftwing incels and even women hating incels are accepted in the tranny community, as long as you frame it as hating on "TERF" (anti tranny) women. That's why I don't like/trust leftwing incels, they will inevitably become tranny freaks who end up stabbing the incel community in the back and become woke Antifa tranies.

George Brake #psycho #conspiracy

A Newfoundland man who allegedly told police he was going to “execute local politicians” after leading officers on a high-speed chase in a truck full of knives 'appears to have had a social media profile full of wild right-wing conspiracies. George Brake, 66, was on his way to “stop the election” when he was arrested, police said. (Newfoundland is currently in the midst of a provincial election campaign.) RCMP said that they first became aware of Brake when they received a call on January 26 regarding a man behaving “erratically,” making political statements, and talking about firearms. “At that time Mr. Brake threatened to execute local politicians,” said RCMP spokesperson Jolene Garlan at a Wednesday press conference. Inside his truck they found a bounty of knives, 36 in total—some even had blades over half a foot long. "They ranged in size, shape, style," Garland said. "They were certainly capable ... of carrying out any serious threats." A Facebook page associated with Brake shows a deep interest in right-wing conspiracies and anti-lockdown rhetoric. The posts included shares from from sites like Infowars and pro-Trump outlet One America News Network, Facebook videos from various pro-Trump influencers, or posts from fringe conspiracy accounts. Several posts indicate he believed that Trump didn’t step down but handed over the reins to the military—a theory popular in QAnon—and that the Capitol Hill riot was an Antifa false flag operation. He’s also shared numerous posts that call into question the legitimacy of the COVID-19 pandemic, the effectiveness of masks, and amplified messages by Canadian anti-lockdown groups. There were also several darker posts alleging a demonic New World Order. One of the YouTube videos he shared was called: “The Elite Torture Children & Drink Their Adrenalised Blood.” Another page he shared—“Stopping Satanic World Government.” RCMP said all local candidates in Deer Lake were a target, including Premier Andrew Furey.

Various Editors #wingnut

During a largely peaceful protest at the United States Capitol on January 6, 2021 organized by Trump supporters in opposition to certifying the "official results" of the 2020 U.S. presidential election, a small mob broke into the Capitol Building violently, forcing the people inside to evacuate. Despite the MSM blaming the breaking and entering on President Trump, falsely accusing him of "inciting" the situation, evidence has suggested the militant storming to have been the result of infiltration by Antifa and paid protesters.[2][3][4]

CNN and NBC each paid BLM/Antifa terrorist John Sullivan $35,000 for his services inside the U.S. Capitol on Januuary 6, 2021.[5]

VenandiArt #wingnut #dunning-kruger

Anybody who's caught the satire that appears from time to time in Syndicate Wars stuff, can probably guess that I am not the biggest fan of government or police. Violent enforcement against nonviolent, non-contractual behavior (the overwhelming majority of police action) is aggression—it is assault and kidnapping—and I oppose it outright.

But how can anyone go into public with the stated and/or executed intent to...

- destroy property;

- steal property;

- prevent people from moving freely;

- attack people for wrongthink;

- murder people (usually black people, and in far greater numbers than American police have ever committed);

- set fires (sometimes to buildings with people inside);

- topple historical landmarks;

- trash neighborhoods in ways that disproportionately affect minorities and the poor;

- and overthrow a constitutional republic...

...and then act surprised and indignant when they get their infantile asses thrown in jail?

Clown World.

This isn't #fascism, and #BlackLivesMatter (the organization) and #Antifa aren't fighting fascism. They are in fact, and ironically, fascistic themselves.

What this is, is cause and effect, the consequences of bad behavior.

Linda Harvey #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy #transphobia #homophobia #racist #sexist

Where is authentic justice? Authentic science? A trustworthy election? Why do even the courts frequently fail to enforce the law?

Our new rulers seem to be an alliance of fellow travelers representing radical sexual politics, hard-core feminism and race hucksterism, with Democrats at their back, Big Tech/media as their watchdogs and Antifa as their muscle.

What could possibly go wrong with a marriage like this?

When you strip away all the rhetoric, there’s one essential driver in the hearts of these subversives.

They hate God. They hate the followers of Jesus Christ, they hate Judeo -Christian Western civilization, and they will distort us, silence us and even come after us-- whatever it takes to eliminate our voice and influence.

And these mutineers are a clear and present threat to the safety and well-being of children, based on their own words and actions, even as they endlessly virtue signal.
But where these child corrupters are successful, impressionable youth will absorb the most destructive messages justifying racist, anti-business, anti-police, anti-Christian, anti-heterosexual street action.
If they were to be totally honest, here’s the real motive: “I hate heterosexuality, and male/female biology, because I hate my own parents, especially my father. I hate the innocence and purity of children and have an intense desire to sully them. I hate white people because I link them to Christianity. And I hate God the Father and His son, Jesus Christ, and I don’t want my sins saved. I love my sin and I will lie, cheat, distort and even commit violence to try to eliminate this voice from my world.”

This is what unchecked sin does to humans. We are all vulnerable. Our problem now is that we are, by government fiat, honoring proud sin and punishing virtue. This spells doom for America, unless we turn it around. But that must be done carefully, avoiding innocent casualties.

James Rink #conspiracy #wingnut #quack #crackpot

Meanwhile the real elected president returns to the helm today for an Inaugural event that is scheduled to start tomorrow. (Thur March 4 through Sat March 6)

Starting tomorrow (Thur March 4) there could be FBI/ CIA enabled false flag violence in DC that would be blamed on Trump supporters and [Q]Anon followers. (same as they did with the Capital riots by Antifa & BLM false flag)

On Friday (late) the Military will take over the MSM. So be ready for some real news for a change.

If the Internet & TV goes down…expect to get info via your cell phone on the EBS.

Rumors say we may hear the restored republic announced and that Trump won the election by a land slide.

Also the return to the gold standard and a new currency…along with new banking under the QFS blockchain system.
Expect a period of a couple weeks of disclosure starting now.

The scamdemic is over now…no more bs.

Texas and Florida have ended the face diaper mandate and the public is open again. (other states will follow)

So if Trump is back at the WH…that means the swamp creatures have all been removed.

GITMO has been real busy lately.

Intel indicates expansion at GITMO went out of sight underground about 10 levels deep.
Many islands in the area are connected via underground tunnels from an old secret submarine base from WW2.

For a very long time they have been using these islands and tunnels to use children for their satanic rituals and unthinkable acts.

Children have been seen exiting the WH & Capital at night when the lights were out…escaping the tunnels under DC. (that run 200 miles and all directions)

Stock up on whatever you might need for the next 2 weeks…as there may be a lockdown and possible blackout?

Linda Harvey #conspiracy #fundie #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia #racist #sexist

Meanwhile, authentic risks stalk our children daily at school, in the media and elsewhere. How about a little perspective here? Can I get an Amen?
We are living in times of strong delusion. It’s probably not The Strong Delusion of 2 Thessalonians, but a veil of deception has apparently descended on much of America, and its name is “safety.”

Government warning labels on everyday life or low-risk activities are becoming tiresome. One young girl in Northern Kentucky spoke against masks at a school board meeting, invoking “my body - my choice,” and was backed by overwhelming audience applause.

But Scripture is unfolding before our eyes, where evil is good, and good is evil.
If they had been totally masked Antifa or Black Lives Matter activists setting fires and smashing windows, Kamala Harris would already be raising money for their defense. Destructive progressive protests are indulged because as we know (or are supposed to believe), white, heterosexual privilege is horribly damaging, it’s omnipresent along with the horrors of capitalism, probably even at this library. And it deserves random violence.

In this same library in recent weeks, prominently displayed books entice children into sexual behavior in all directions. They can and often should change genders (which usually brings lifelong medical disability and disfigurement). And our youth should consider being “gay” or “queer,” behaviors associated with high medical risks.
Incorrect pronouns are an existential threat, along with abstinence-until-marriage sex education. And questioning a confused student’s opposite sex identity is “gender violence,” according to the latest edition of the National Sex Education Standards.

Administering puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones to gender confused children constitutes no harm but “saves lives,” according to the latest “best-practices” in medicine. Hippocrates is rolling over in his grave.

Various Commenters #psycho #racist #wingnut

RE: George Floyd Death Considered Murder by 64% of Blacks, 28% of Whites in America

And more Americans trust police unions than Black Lives Matter.

(Leif Erickson)
I find it pathetic that even 30% of Whites think it was murder. But critical thinking is not everybody’s strong point.

You cannot blame them. They are all brainwashed. When this happens i was talking to a white divorced mother of one at a bar and she was insistent that George Floyd was murderer.

(Frank Jones)
That's probably only 15 percent of Whites in reality when you properly remove fake-White Jews and Hispanics from our category. It's good to know that only a small subset of real Whites believe the media lies.

(Fool Me)
Floyd was an outlaw and died from opioids . Derek Chauvin is in the process of being lynched in an effort to prevent more BLM and Antifa riots and to make sure conservative whites know what their real place is as serfs or even less than serfs .

hahahah ni99er killed himself with overdose of fentanyl.
I present you the one year anniversary which comes this summer titled
1 - "the great fentanyl ni99er chimp outs of 2020"
2- "America on its knees for their own dime in their own country"
3 - "Unprecedented history level cuckery event of the 21 century"

Vote on this poll to celebrate the African American Heritage achievement of 2020

Scott Lively #transphobia #dunning-kruger #conspiracy

As has always been true for Cultural Marxists the LGBT agenda has the highest priority because race-wars and radical feminism can only take you so far in destabilizing societies. But sexual anarchy leads ultimately to “transhumanism:” the literal abandonment of male/female human identity in God’s image which is the deepest foundation-stone of civilization. That’s where an increasing number of young people are today spiritually and ideologically. Pushing them into that “voluntary” rejection of Judeo-Christian civilization is the real goal – the Satanic goal.

These final-stage LGBT anarchist “non-binaries” with their 666 counterfeit genders and matching pronouns have the “reprobate minds” Paul’s prophesied in Romans 1:18-32. And, being unable or unwilling to grasp the reality of the natural world and its implications, they are slaves to the Matrix-like architects who craft their delusions.

They are Zombies lusting to destroy the old order and those who populate it, incapable of understanding or even caring about the ramifications of their actions.
We all understand the concept of predictive programming in Hollywood movies, so consider the relatively recent spate of Zombie movies. They all start with a disease pandemic and end with mindless world-wide anti-human carnage at the hands of disease-created post-human mutants.

In 2020, the Zombie disease escaped Hollywood (or more likely was intentionally released) and went viral in the real world. It was taken live on the streets of America’s cities by the Marxist lesbian founders of Black Lives Matter and their White Antifa co-religionists whose ranks are peppered with sexual deviants of all stripes. It was taken live in the public schools and colleges by the armies of “Gay Lesbian Straight Education Network” (GLSEN) activist teachers and administrators. It was taken live in the corporate boardrooms and newsrooms and Big Tech war-rooms by legions of Woke Social Justice Warriors who have infiltrated all our key institutions like malignant spike proteins swarming through the organs of a “vaccinated” host.

Padraig Martin #wingnut #conspiracy #racist #homophobia #transphobia

[From “What’s the Solution?”]

I want you to consider the following questions a test regarding your personal political proclivities:
If you answered “Yes” to all or a majority of the questions I just posed, welcome to the National German Socialist Workers Party.[…]This article explores the possibility of a fascist United States and why they should not reject the ideology without exploring its potential.
The term socialism to the NSDAP referred to social welfare benefits[…]removing labor supply (i.e., women) from the workforce
It was not the brutal economic conditions that led the German people toward National Socialism.[…]It was the complete collapse of societal norms[…]
The Frankfurt School[…]introduced a platform upon which conservative German norms would be dismantled
The largely church-going, German middle-class, suddenly awoke to a fundamentally changed Germany at the hands of a few dedicated Judeo-Bolsheviks.
Transgenderism and homosexuality consumed as many as 25% of German men[…]Teaching young boys about homosexuality and gender fluidity[…]Illegal immigration into Germany septupled between 1918 and 1925, primarily from Slavic states
The AntiFa have always been Bolsheviks, largely led by Jews
Hitler did not create the [NSDAP]. Ordinary church-going, patriotic Germans with traditional values formed the nuclei of the NSDAP – and it succeeded by bringing order[…]to German society after years of insanity.
In human history, the only government system that has successfully defeated Communism, once it has taken root in a given country, is Fascism.
Some aspects of Fascism I believe would be great for the South – especially, its neo-mercantilist policies. But ultimately, the South would be better off to embrace a variant of clan-centric, quasi-monarchism.

Rob Pue #conspiracy #wingnut #fundie

So in October of 2019, the kings of the earth and the rulers — the so-called “Power Elite;” the Globalists — took counsel together and planned for what hit us just over a year ago — an ORCHESTRATED worldwide panic; a shutdown of the world economy; a massive increase in personal and national debt; unjust edicts handed down by governors and judges, forcing people to cover their faces in abject submission to the Almighty State, under the guise of keeping one another safe — from a virus less harmful than the seasonal flu. This, of course, has led to extremely dangerous vaccines, not properly tested, (and I believe purposely manufactured for EVIL) and mandated in many places, even though they’ve been shown to cause serious injuries and even many deaths. Other countries have halted vaccinations because of this. But America — the devil’s greatest prize — continues on, full speed ahead.
Is it any wonder the capitol is surrounded by a high wall topped with razor wire? When patriots TRIED to show up and voice their outrage at an obviously fraudulent election they were basically ambushed. That was January 6th. I had a bad feeling about that event before it happened, and unfortunately, my instincts were correct. Video footage from citizen reporters showed DC and capitol police ESCORTING ANTIFA rioters into the staging area. These anarchists are the ones who caused the problems, but the patriots were the ones the kings and rulers and the media blamed. So now we accept razor wire fences around the Peoples’ House, and we sheepishly acquiesce to every unjust edict from the imposter in the Oval Office and those who continue to control his puppet strings.

Pbuckley #wingnut #racist

I am trying not to get too political over here, but I feel the need to share this statement on all of my social media.

Proof of widespread Racism in America, BLM and ANTIFA murder over 30 Blacks in the Summer of 2020, no one is charged. One biracial good Samaritan defends himself against 3 white assailants, the assailants are hailed as hero's while the biracial Samaritan is defamed as a murderer & a "White Supremacist" (despite being half Hispanic). A Pedophile, & Wife Beater are both more valuable than 5 children, and a retired police officer who was considered a pillar of his community. just 6 deaths among many. Why? Because the former where white leftists and the latter, where just a statistic. This is the true story of Kyle Rittenhouse, this is the story the legacy media wont tell you & mainstream Tech has memory holed as hard as it can. The verdict today was Justice, there was a time in our history where a Biracial youth would have been lynched for doing what Kyle did, but today his and every American's right to self defense was upheld in a court of law. That means everyone's regardless of Race, Creed, Sex, or Sexuality.

For those who read this, understand that this was justice, and anyone who tells you otherwise is just trying to keep us running scared from Vandals, Thieves, Murderers, & Rapists.

As for Kyle, let the young man alone, he has been thru enough. This trial was a sham that never should have taken place, as the case was open and shut self defense from the word go. It was only pushed because his assailants where leftist shock troopers. He deserves to live his life, hopefully significantly richer from the defamation law suits he has every right to press against almost every legacy media outlet and personality in the states. Hopefully he can even live out his dream of working as a firefighter (which is where he got his First Aid Training from).

Jack Ryanod #psycho #racist

If you were a juror, not convinced of Chauvin's guilt. Would you DARE to vote not guilty? You will be doxxed, BLM and Antifa will surround your house for weeks, your children will be spit on, taunted, beaten, you will be unemployable for the rest of your life?

Would you really destroy your life just to save Derek Chauvin?

Chauvin will be convicted, the entire show trial is unnecessary.

I was a 7th and 8th grade pubic school teacher - I'm used to threats of riots, got called a lot of names. Unlike cowardly puss*** like Mittens Romney and Ron Paul, I don't back down just because groups of urban POC make threats.

I recommend for Whites on this jury to have taken on insurance on their homes - if the Antifa/BLM mobs don't come to burn down their homes, get some guy from a trailer camp to torch it for the Insurance $. Get your family and key possessions out - and move.

These BLM/Antifa "woke" mobs have rather short attention spans. Officer Wilson in Ferguson MO has moved on he's off the radar - maybe he changed his name and is now working in law enforcement, intelligence in the Dominican Republic. I hear the DR really likes tough White guys that can stand up to Black thugs, Black mobs. The DR is on the same Island with Haiti. Locals know the racial/cultural/crime/mob riot score.

Needless to say there are few, no race denying Libertarian Constitutionalists in the Dominican Republic. My sources say that most of LA is now pretty well prepared to break up all BLM demonstrations, Black Southern California street gangs the Bloods and the Cripps are pretty much history, thanks to very racist Hispanics.

Get to know/support/bribe some tough Hispanics including yeah the LK. White Patriotards are still listening to Lee Greenwood's "Proud to be an American", Hispanics are not.

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