
Right-wing nutjobs

Elizabeth Nickson #wingnut #fundie #conspiracy elizabethnickson.substack.com

Like everyone I am horrified by the devastation in Los Angeles. The scale is beyond imagining, and the incompetence of city and state government so blatant, they will all need close security for the rest of their lives. Of course people are pointing to the Olympics in ‘28, and the inclusion of Los Angeles in the Smart Cities transition which basically means monitoring your very outbreath. Easier to do with fewer residents. Just build thirty-thousand high-rises, and house the cattle to be monitored and monetized.

Still, if I were God, I would want retribution. As actor and Christian Steven Baldwin says, “It’s all of them”. He is referring, of course, to the Luciferian or Satanist use of migrant and foster children and babies in the tunnels and party houses of Los Angeles. I’ve done enough research to know a) this is pervasive and b) nothing is stopping it. I also had/have friends in the business, scriptwriters, who were highly paid and one of whom was award-winning. So I know how fast and deep gossip in the business runs. <...> It might not be “all of them”, but certainly they all knew.
What has happened in Los Angeles can happen in almost every city vulnerable to the elements. We have been starved of water and in fact there is enough water for several hundred million more of us on this continent alone, all of us using the earth’s resources, building healthy effulgent lives and businesses as was intended by the divine.

Our water was taken from us by a combination of vicious, stupid bureaucrats and politicians, and conscienceless oligarchs. Or, as we are coming to know them, the usual suspects.
Why the Trump revolution? It started here, in America’s vast Edenic middle, where criminals dressed in Patagonia and Mountain Equipment with degrees from once respectable universities, decided to destroy the ground and being of America’s wealth.

The fires in L.A.? They voted for them. In all kinds of ways.

Logan B #wingnut #ufo #conspiracy operationdisclosureofficial.com

Fifty years ago the Light promised Archangel Gaia and God that they would free earth of the dark and fix the damage they have done. In 1975 Gaia put out an emotional plea for help.

You need to tell everyone you know that Ashtar is ready to land his fleet and get them to tell everyone they know etc. unless they don’t want peace, no disease and no poverty. Authenticity is 4000 times more powerful than love.

The world’s governments now know that resistance is futile and disclosure is absolute. We need President Trump to understand that everything else he has planned matters not. Disclosure and landings is the only thing that matters.

If you want to live a long healthy life on permanent vacation traveling to millions of planets in the universe then the time is now.

Andrew Tate #wingnut twitter.com

Trump accused of sex crimes

Tates accused of sex crimes

Trump vilified by old recordings making jokes

Tate vilified by old recordings making jokes

Trump false court cases and lawfare

Tate false court cases and lawfare

Trump wins

Tate wins
2:46 PM · Jan 14, 2025 · 531.5K Views

Victor Davis Hanson #wingnut #conspiracy #dunning-kruger amgreatness.com

Over 25,000 acres are ablaze in Los Angeles in the Pacific Palisades fire, a veritable living hell.

Some 12,000-plus structures were incinerated. More than 250,000 souls have been evacuated and are in need of shelter.

No one has really taken charge yet. And now even the woke culprits for the catastrophe are blame-gaming each other to determine who was the more incompetent, which in this case translates to the most woke.

The eventual price tag of the ruin will exceed $200-300 billion and outstrip the billions of dollars given to Ukraine.

And there are still some fires that are completely uncontained.

The Los Angeles apocalypse was a multisystem, green-woke collapse—and a disastrous reminder that when Soviet-style, anti-meritocratic ideology permeates all aspects of modern life in California, disaster is inevitable.

First, note that the culprit of the catastrophe is not climate change; it is not Donald Trump. Those are excuses for arrogant incompetency and disdain for the public. And it is not racism or homophobia to fault those who paraded and virtue signaled their tribal identities so extraneous to their actual responsibilities for public safety.

Note that all California statewide officeholders are left-wing. The California left holds supermajorities in both houses of the state legislature. Only 17 percent of California’s huge congressional delegation of 52 seats is Republican. California’s judiciary is the most left-wing in the country.

Add it all up, and the woke socialist state has been eagerly deindustrializing, decivilizing, and retribalizing its way into what is now a veritable peacetime Dresden on the Pacific.
The California green utopians, by their very ideological zealotry, ensured their fires likely will have released into the atmosphere several weeks’ worth of the entire state’s collective auto emissions.
To paraphrase a 1960s California left-wing slogan—green-woke is not healthy for children and other living things.

Q the Storm Rider #ufo #wingnut #racist #conspiracy starshipearththebigpicture.com

A WHISTLEBLOWER AND HAD TS/SCI CLEARANCE ( only 8 Congressman in the United States carry this high level top major CLASSIFIED security clearance> … these congressman are known as the gang of eight) .. TS/SCI CLASSIFIED CLEARANCE IS ONE OF THE TOP MILITARY CLASSIFIED CLEARANCE THAT ALLOWS YOU INTO BLACK OPERATIONS/ DEEP DARK OPERATIONS//// and he was coming forward on the drones and advanced military technology connected to infinity energy /Tesla energy/PLASMA ENERGY/ & ELECTROGRAVITICS
(Anti- Gravity)///
_Matthew Livelsberger worked at AREA-51 and deep state DEEP DARK operations in the United States and EU > Germany///
The United States w/ Prescott Bush ( Rockerfeller money) and Uk banks ( Rothchilds) funded Hitler /// … With central Europe being the World war One World war Two objective operation points, the GLOBALIST seized power and stopped all free flow information and changed history of countries and changed the military regime and installed new governments and new laws and new leaders. This now gave power to the globalist to take the technology out of Germany utilize the underground technology bases of ancient civilizations under Switzerland..
_after the war stopped on May 8 1945 in Germany the deep state OSS/ROTHCHILDS/ ROCKERFFELERS/ ETC. immediately excavated the hidden Underground civilization sites near Frankfurt Germany.
>On late summer of 1945 General George Patton and Allen Dulles delivered the first _ELECTROGRAVITICS > ANTI-GRAVITY ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY UFO > UAP to the United States. ( Several other technologies were brought into Texas. Nevada, New York. Five fingers lake)

Colonel Wilson #crackpot #wingnut #conspiracy #mammon coppermoonshinestills.com

You are all below.
1. A State Citizen which is born in one of the several states of the Union. (Not the United States). See article 3 and the 11th amendment of the constitution
2. A “Citizen of the United States” as penned in article one and two of the constitution. Notice that when you signed up to vote, it asked if you were a Citizen of the United States. This is the only citizen that can vote.

You are not any of the below.
1. You are not a United States citizen. Which is a legal fiction and a franchise citizen of the federal corporation United States (District of Columbia”. This one does not have any constitutional rights. Notice when you filled out your voter registration, it did not ask if you were a United States citizen. Because a United States citizen cannot vote.
2. You are not a United States national. Which is also a legal fiction. This one also does not have any rights.
3. You are not a 14th amendment citizen. This is someone born in the United States Territory and congress has authority over. And does not have all rights guaranteed by the constitution.
See how it is worded…”…born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States…”
3. You are not a Non-citizen national. This wording applies to those born in the unincorporated islands of the United States.

So to reclaim your citizenship, you need to certify your citizenship by getting a passport as a “State Citizen”. Your birth certificate that is required for your passport is proof that you are a State Citizen and is your title and deed to your rights secured by our founding documents. It is on bond paper and you are the bond holder/ beneficiary.
Additional things you can do is…

4. Put “without prejudice” above your signature. This insures that you are not a legal fiction
and are not contracting away your rights. Although this should not be needed as a State Citizen.

Red Pill Poet #wingnut #conspiracy redpillpoems.substack.com


War on reason war on logic
war on wisdom war on knowledge
wars on honesty and facts and proof.
War on history and its sister memory
war on the elderly war on the youth.

War on transparency war on the truth
wars on freedom of thought and of speech.
War on the person war on the family
war on the poor war on humanity
and wars on liberty justice and peace

but never a war on these wars or on war
while the devil's sedulous next-level whores
find themselves howling for more without cease.

As unsurprising as the rising sun later setting
the sad fact is this pack of rabid jackals
also finds itself yelping

for more and more-effective mental shackles
to further nurture the ignorance of the sheep
strengthen their weakness deepen their sleep
and quell any notion they might be holding
of bolting from their pens and running free;

finds itself yelping for more of anything
to cull or otherwise silence members of the flock
who dare to pause just long enough to take stock

Its trusted goons rubbing salt in our wounds
with a smug celebration of supranational force
the psychopathocracy — as ever the beast
behind all these undeclared wars —
raised a great toast to its dutiful thugs

with a tip of its glass to this last but not least
war on all those opposed to being poked
and plied with its cutting-edge health-wrecking drugs

as informed consent and bodily autonomy
were however implausibly suddenly cast
as criminally selfish relics of a just-as-suddenly
decreed-to-be-primitive immediate past.

Both drunk on the punch of utopian delusions
and imbued with the hubris of technocratic madness
the reigning god-complex-addled parasitic classes

— consistent with their overriding guiding principle
that the ends invariably justify the means —
were unfailingly disdainfully deaf
to their human playthings' painful screams.

Thinker2 #wingnut #racist #conspiracy operationdisclosureofficial.com

One of an event is an accident, Two of an event is a trend, Three of an event is a plan, Four of an event simultaneously is an attack. No Water / No Insurance / No Power is an Inside job.

I’m talking about the California Arson Attacks. No Nukes were use but the devastation is the same.

Who done it?

Not Karen Bass
Not Gavin Newsom
Not P Piddy
Not Jeffrey Epstein
Not Ghislaine Maxwell
Not Hugh Hefner
Who done it?

The people who pull their strings and your strings, the Puppet Masters. But you go ahead and blame the Sock Puppets (Scapegoats), because that is what they are there for. To divert your attention from the real perpetrators (psychopaths). Go ahead and chase your tail one more time. Every war America has fought was lost, because we never arrest the Puppet Masters (Psychopaths). After WW2 1,600 N***s and their families were imported to America under Project Paperclip (The Military Industrial Complex).

Who did 911? It was not Osama bin Laden (Saudi Arabian), not Saddam Hussein (Iraq), not ISIS, not Al-Qaeda. Mossad, CIA, and FBI are responsible for 911.

No Lee Harvey Oswald did not shoot Kennedy, and Jack Ruby did not shoot Oswald. It’s all a puppet show for your distraction.

Have you considered blaming:

MOSSAD (There is a reason Mossad is not a member of Five Eyes)
Five Eyes

Do you have any idea who you are dealing with? Can you identify Liberals, Narcissists, Psychopaths by listening to them for a minute or two? You might want to learn.

I define “Insanity” as those who are a danger to themself or others (Self-destructive).

Peace, love, and blessings,


Carmen Cojocaru #racist #ufo #wingnut #crackpot #conspiracy exognosis.com

Jews are type 3 Sirians. Humanoids in the Sirius B star system are white or olive skinned, a mixture of benevolent and malevolent (mostly malevolent) power hungry, selfish, often in the Illuminati banking system, eager either to dominate humanity and transform the Earth into a paradise in their style, or just dominate and control humanity.

The Type 3 Sirians entered into an alliance with the Type 4 Sirians (Annunaki) known as the Sirian-Annunaki Alliance. About 40% of their members have evolved in a more humanitarian direction while the majority of about 60% have as their mission to control and dominate the planet.

They largely control the mass media. Their philosophy is divide and conquer. They specialize in instigating one tribe against another and in permanent war to keep the people divided. They are one of the groups behind the ongoing conflict in the Middle East for thousands of years. They are the force behind the Israeli Mossad and the Khazarian mafia, a terrorist organization that controls the government of Israel and many Western factions.

They rule in Ukraine and provoked Putin to war to take their territories. The Khazars together with the Sumerians and the Jews are at the origins of the Jewish people. Contrary to public perception, the Semites were not among the original descendants of the Jews, they were a different Sirian-Orionian hybrid race that also settled in ancient Persia.
Recent research has indicated that the real Semites were the Khazars and it is funny that some of the Jews consider the Khazars to be their enemies, this makes the Jews anti-Semitic. There are also secret organizations of the Khazars whose objective is to enslave the Jewish people and everyone on Earth. The Jews today are led by another related group of Orion-Sirius hybrids called the Zionists who are an extremely evil consortium of aliens and their descendants who control large portions of the planet. They have an alliance with the dark Illuminati.

Average Dad #transphobia #racist #wingnut #fundie pittparents.com

That is correct, we must push back and stand for truth, if not western civilization is domed, history proves that 3 generations of this trans debauchery will be our undoing. We can't survive like this. Unfettered illegal immigration combined with unfettered sexual trans debauchery imposed on children will be our demise. Sexual freedom needs to reigned in some and our immigration laws should have always been enforced. But here we are. Those in power approve of the current state because they will be the ones left in power telling everyone what to do. They are the arsonists and the firefighters, they want to return to paganism and serfdom.

Matt Walsh #sexist #wingnut twitter.com

Only men should be firefighters. We all know this. It’s a job that men are uniquely qualified to perform. There are few women on the face of the Earth who can carry a full grown man to safety. LA set out to deliberately reduce the number of male firefighters. A suicidal policy.
8:02 AM · Jan 10, 2025 · 5.5M Views

Telestai Nexus #crackpot #quack #magick #wingnut telestai.substack.com

My declared and transparent intention: denouncing the war on our brains and neuro-modulation towards Homo chimericus

The declared, and transparent, intention of this essay is, therefore, to attempt to offer some insights into the relationships between human energy harvesting, Graphene nano and micro-implants and antennae, the Terahertz frequencies of the future 6G, the satellite network... and, above all, neuro-modulation towards Homo chimericus - not forgetting the deleterious impacts, on human health, and Life, of these necro-technologies merging Graphene with Terahertz.
Ecce Homo chimericus! He lies in the depths of PornoGraphenia. He has sold his soul to the Archon of Simulated Reality who, in retribution, has conferred on his organism the ability to copulate, to couple, with electronics - in the radiant, and magnetising, bliss of Graphenisation.

Is it a coincidence, moreover, that the ancient Telestai, in the Codexes of the Nag Hammadi Library, discovered in December 1945, named, in the Coptic artificial language, the "simulation", "HAL"... just as Stanley Kubrick named his mega-computer in "2001: A Space Odyssey"? Did they have a premonition of the all-powerful "IBM" company - with the three letters preceding "HAL" in the alphabet?

In the vision of the ancient Telestai, "HAL" characterises, intrinsically, the Archons, the carriers of the extraterrestrial Virus at the source, poisoned, of the three ecocidal monotheisms - namely the carriers of lies, simulation, pretence, falsification... and, ultimately, of human neuro-modulation.
The obsession of modern communications - namely between the Internet of Things and the Internet of (Human) Bodies - is the Spectrum Quest. Ever more Spectrum... in a frantic scramble for the ghostly frequencies of the coveted interval... between 100 GHz and 10 THz or 30 THz - depending on the Terahertzian movement. The Spectrum is the new Eldorado of Virtual Reality.

Mike Stone #wingnut #crackpot #racist #conspiracy henrymakow.com

Some of you may remember a piece I wrote back in 2021 about the enormous amount of high-rise residential construction going on in my Los Angeles neighborhood.

Huge apartment buildings ten to thirty stories high were going up all over (and still are). It was bewildering at the time, because the fake vaccine was in the process of killing thousands of people per week. With so many deaths-by-vaccine occurring, I remember wondering who would be left to occupy those buildings.

My conclusion was that Los Angeles was being transformed into a Smart City, and its citizens would be pushed into those high-rise buildings, by force if necessary.

Since then, several seemingly unrelated events have happened. We've had a huge increase in chemtrails, a huge increase in energy-directed wildfires, train derailments, toxic chemical spills, fires at food processing plants.

We had the Direct Energy Weapon wildfires in Maui that murdered untold numbers of people. We had the phony "surprise attack" of October 7, 2023, which led to the ongoing slaughter of peaceful Palestinians. And now we have the highly suspicious wildfires in Los Angeles. What do those last three events all have in common? They all involve beachfront property; high-value real estate.
Something Ain't Right

When you live someplace for a while, you notice things. On Wednesday morning, I stepped outside and into a scene I had never seen before in this city. The sky was black, the wind was howling and intense, enough to knock a man down and unlike any wind I've ever experienced. It was like nuclear fallout from a post-apocalyptic movie. Today, a day later, you can't step outside without inhaling ashes.

What I felt was not a natural wind. It felt like something conjured up by only the evilest mind imaginable. Can I prove that? No, but like I said, when you live someplace for a while, you notice things.

The Los Angeles County Fire Department donated surplus equipment to the Ukraine, leaving them under-stocked.


Danlboon #wingnut #crackpot #conspiracy operationdisclosureofficial.com

Are they really going to go all the way to shut down Communications to have the electrical power shut off for days? Watch the EBS on your TV when the power is off?

“Get Ready For Three Days and Ten Days of Communication Darkness. The power to the entire World will switch off briefly to install our new Starlink Satellite Internet. Shutdowns will occur, but only in certain areas.”
It may have been tried in my area East of NAWS China Lake, CA as on Wednesday it went down at 3:05 PM and then came back on at about 1:25 AM Thursday, for 10.5 hours it was down. This is 160 miles North of Los Angeles, a small community where NAWS is next door to watch it all.

On Wednesday this may have been due to the strong winds up to about 80 MPH since Monday and since it has happened before due to weather conditions or our earthquake in 2019.

Then it went down again on Friday at 2:55 PM till 7:55 PM this time.

Why did it go down within 10 minutes of each other as that is very peculiar, but the power was on during the local school hours, but down while many people would be at home trying to get on the internet.

Are we in one of the trial areas where they are testing it to take down the present ‘System’ of shutting down the modems and power to all computers to make it easy for them?

We have thousands of solar panels laid out in fields along with hundreds of windmills between us and Los Angeles and they didn’t help us a bit.

MABEL JOHNSON #wingnut #psycho web.archive.org



Mike Adams the Health Ranger #wingnut #racist #fundie #quack #conspiracy #mammon brighteon.com

Brighteon Broadcast News, Jan 9, 2025 – ARMAGEDDON in California as Palisades fires burn entire neighborhoods to ash

- California Wildfires and Personal Experiences (0:02)

- Texas Culture and Emergency Response (2:56)

- California's Leadership and Fire Response (6:21)

- Insurance Issues and Potential Economic Impact (17:31)

- Preparedness and Satellite Phones (32:18)

- AI and Its Implications (40:27)

- The Role of Corporations and Media (1:01:41)

- The Last Semite and Jewish Lineage (1:08:24)

- The Role of Religion and Politics (1:21:53)

- The Future of Israel and Palestine (1:23:30)

- Rothschilds and the Scofield Bible (1:23:52)

- Impact of the Scofield Bible on Christian Values (1:27:26)

- Critique of Zionism and Modern Interpretations (1:29:25)

- Historical Context and Modern Implications (1:33:35)

- Modern Zionism and Its Contradictions (2:13:35)

- Legal and Moral Questions Regarding Land Claims (2:32:00)

- Modern Zionism and Its Political Implications (2:32:15)

- The Role of Religion in Modern Politics (2:32:32)

- The Impact of Modern Zionism on Global Relations (2:32:48)

- The Future of Zionism and Its Challenges (2:33:04)

- Division in the Church and Interview Conclusion (2:33:26)

- Introduction to Golden Milk (2:34:42)

- Versatility and Health Benefits of Golden Milk (2:36:32)

- New Products and Enhancements at the Health Ranger Store (2:38:01)

- Preparedness for Potential Nuclear War (2:39:42)

- Supporting Health Ranger Store and Brighton Platforms (2:40:31)

Alexandra Bruce #wingnut #crackpot #conspiracy amg-news.com

This article takes you deep into the cutting-edge arsenal of space weapons shaping America’s response to escalating threats. From Russia’s invincible Avangard hypersonic missile to the devastating might of orbital projectiles, this is the future of warfare: precise, relentless, and absolutely terrifying.
Today, the threat is even more acute. Russia has developed the Avangard hypersonic missile—a weapon that redefines invulnerability. Capable of evading radar and outmaneuvering interceptors, the Avangard travels at a blistering Mach 27, obliterating any illusion of safety. It’s a stark warning: the era of complacency is over.
Forget nukes—America’s answer to unassailable weapons lies in pure kinetic energy. Known ominously as “Rods from God,” this weapon turns basic physics into unparalleled destruction. The concept is brutally simple: tungsten rods, launched from orbit at hypersonic speeds, striking targets with the force of a nuclear warhead—minus the fallout.
In war, the ability to outthink your opponent is just as crucial as firepower. The Brilliant Pebbles project—an innovation from Reagan’s Strategic Defense Initiative—turns this maxim into an orbital reality. Imagine dozens of autonomous satellites, each armed with sensors and lasers, working in unison to intercept enemy missiles in their boost phase.

Modernized with AI and nanotechnology, the system has evolved into a network of lethal sentinels. Operating as a decentralized swarm, they can track and destroy multiple targets simultaneously, rendering enemy missile salvos useless.
Warfare isn’t a game of fairness—it’s about overwhelming your enemy with unrelenting force. Enter the Multiple Kill Vehicle (MKV), a system that redefines missile interception.
The stakes couldn’t be higher. With Russia deploying hypersonic missiles and China rapidly advancing its space capabilities, the U.S. is in a race against time. Victory isn’t optional; it’s a matter of survival.

Meta #wingnut #ableist #sexist #homophobia #transphobia transparency.meta.com

Submitter’s Note: Emphasis added by submitter.

People sometimes use sex- or gender-exclusive language when discussing access to spaces often limited by sex or gender, such as access to bathrooms, specific schools, specific military, law enforcement, or teaching roles, and health or support groups. Other times, they call for exclusion or use insulting language in the context of discussing political or religious topics, such as when discussing transgender rights, immigration, or homosexuality. Finally, sometimes people curse at a gender in the context of a romantic break-up. Our policies are designed to allow room for these types of speech.


We do allow allegations of mental illness or abnormality when based on gender or sexual orientation, given political and religious discourse about transgenderism and homosexuality and common non-serious usage of words like “weird.”

Elon Musk #wingnut uniladtech.com

Elon Musk has urged people not to donate to Wikipedia following the website's $50,000,000 purchase

This is after Wikipedia spent $50 million on diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) initiatives[…]
Musk even took to his own social media platform X, formerly Twitter, to encourage people to stop donating

He said: “Stop donating to Wokepedia until they restore balance to their editing authority”

His tweet was responding to a post made by an account known as the ‘Libs of TikTok’ who shared a pie chart claiming that 29% of Wikipedia’s budget from 2023 to 2024 went on targets for equity, safety and inclusion

On the Wikipedia Foundation website, it said: “Supporting equity represents the second largest part of our programmatic work, with grants and Movement support representing the majority of the budget within the equity goal”

On the site, it was also shared that the organization has a goal of spending $31.2 million on equity and $20.5 million on safety and inclusion

$86.1 million was spent on infrastructure while $39.2 million went on effectiveness

In another tweet shared by Musk, one user wrote: “WIKIPEDIA BLOWS $50M ON WOKENESS

“Turns out nearly 30% of Wikipedia’s budget last year went to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. That’s $50 million for DEI instead of, you know, improving the actual site

“Critics are calling it ‘Wokepedia,’ accusing the platform of prioritizing ideology over function

“Meanwhile, the internet’s collective eye-roll is almost audible

“Sure, inclusion is nice, but maybe they could use some of that money to ensure they're a reliable source of information first? Just a thought”

Reposting the tweet, Musk added: “Where your donation to Wikipedia goes”

Logan B #wingnut #crackpot #conspiracy #mammon operationdisclosureofficial.com

Canada is being excluded from GESARA? Myself and most Canadians are NOT affiliated with the cabal elite. This was just indicated with the resignation of our prime minister Justin Trudeau. The public demanded it.

We are under the same slavery boot as the rest of the world. What gives the right of a nation that has steadfastly refused to join BRICS to judge any other nation’s people?

We as Canadians do not think that Trump and his White Hats are working for St Germain’s best interests. St Germain does not want to exclude anyone from what he started 400 years ago. Long before the Restored Republic was thought of.

Ten trillion dollars earmarked for distribution? Chicken feed. What happened to the quadrillions taken from the vatican tunnels? What happened to St Germain’s 3000 zeros?

We ask you Restored Republic to please reconsider this atrocity for the sake of the good Canadians and Australians.

James Grundvig/Alexandra Bruce #wingnut #crackpot #conspiracy forbiddennews.substack.com

My website is still down, longer than it has been in the past 9 years…

Is this the beginning of the Big One?

James and I catch up on the False Flag-free Electoral College certification, Justin Trudeau's resignation, Shawn Ryan's CCP PSYOP and Greenland's declaration of independence last week, amid reports of Don Jr flying there, right now to meet with Greenland Prime Minister, Múte Egede.

Unbeknownst to most, Greenland is located on the American tectonic plate and it is geophysically considered to be part of the Americas. The boundary between the American and the Eurasian tectonic plates runs right through the Island of Iceland, to the east of Greenland, which is why there is so much volcanic activity there.

For those curious, I mentioned that I was shocked to learn that one of the male skeletons found at Erik the Red's colony at Hvalsey (now Qaqortoq), in Greenland is a DNA relative of mine.

Since I have no significant Scandinavian ancestry (just a little, due to the Norse Kingdom of Sodor, which ecompassed Kintyre, where many of my Scottish ancestors lived for millennia), I am assuming that the skeleton found at Hvalsey was that of a Gaelic slave or workman commissioned around 1000 AD by Erik the Red's wife to build the oldest Christian Church in the Americas. It's still there.

Unlike her husband, who remained a Norse Pagan, Þjódhild Jorundsdottir was a Christian and she wanted the job done right. Vikings were not stone masons but the Scots and Irish who they abducted and enslaved were.

The last written record of the Greenlandic Norse colonies was the record of a wedding at this church in 1408. The couple later moved to Iceland, due to the Little Ice Age that had begun to collapse the Norse Greenland colonies after it had become impossible to do any farming or to herd livestock there.

:Mark-kishon: Christopher. :Global-Chief-Federal-Postal-Court-Judge &: Plenipotentiary-Judge. #crackpot #wingnut #conspiracy #dunning-kruger mkchristopher.com

About Me

[" I am a chief-federal-postal-court-judge and my jurisdiction runs over any language within governments, courts and corporations. If any citizens of the world launch a complaint with me, then I will also have jurisdiction over their cases. I trained under the chief-federal-postal-court-judge :David-wynn: Miller, and inherited his role to do the things that he used to do before he passed away. "]

["If the general public are asking themselves what is jurisdiction over any language within corporation and governments, this means that if any government, institution, corporation that has not given you a dictionary, or a correct language performance with its letters, legalities, laws, or claims they have fully violated the basic rules of communication. The basic rule of communication is, one meaning per word and one meaning per sentence. "]
​[" As a chief-federal-postal-court-judge, once a complaint has been put in with me, I can over-turn cases in the fictitious courts and governments and corporations - Period "]

[" Why do I do, the things that I do? I reversed an illness / disease that I had in 14 days. I was told this disease can never be reversed and it’ll lead to my fatality. When I began to publicise my findings, through my book, The Diseases of Affluence, I found televisions stations, newspapers, corporations came to attack me in the global mass media. They made me look like an East London black villain. I learnt how to become a federal-postal-court-judge and squashed their fictitious ways in their tracks. "]

[" If you are wondering what is fictitious conveyance of language, it is another way of saying poison pen letters, cyber bullying, mud slinging etc. On a personal note, these people have no power over you, except their ability to install fear in you and use their defecto court systems to threaten you - Period. "]
: Global-Chief-Federal-Postal-Court-Judge &: Plenipotentiary-Judge.
: Mark-kishon: Christopher.
: Copy-right/copy-claim.

John Marshall #transphobia #wingnut msn.com

To the leftists who believe words are violence and Dave should be canceled, you not only lost the election, but you lost it because the majority of people despise your values and the hatred you spew. Keep doing it though, because the more woke you are, the less likely you will be to ever regain political power.

State of the Nation Editor #wingnut #racist #conspiracy stateofthenation.info

The “DOGE” of the Republic of Venice (1200-1670), also known as the Venetian Empire, was the most powerful position of the realm. Genoa, the other major capital of the Northern Italian Black Nobility, was also led by a considerably dominant DOGE.
Now here we are in 2025 and the American people are being introduced to this notion of the DOGE in the person Elon Musk; for not only is he the head of D.O.G.E., he’s also the chief promoter of the Dogecoin. Really, how does that happen in the span of less than two months unless it was made to happen on purpose?!
So, just to be clear, the New World Order is now swiftly manifesting under the aegis of Trump as the DOGE of the US Empire and Elon Musk as the DOGE of the Global Technocracy.

However, this piece is mostly about Elon Musk, because of how much more important his role is within the stealthily emerging One World Government. Because everything now points to the Northern Italian Black Nobility setting up Musk as the modern-day DOGE of the Global Technocracy.

KEY POINTS: The Northern Italian Black Nobility (NIBN) represents the wealthiest and most powerful of all the secret societies down through the ages. The NIBN actually created and secretly controls the Rothschild and Rockefeller banking dynasties which were used to establish the current Global Economic & Financial System—the latest version of the bankster-managed control mechanism foisted on the entire planetary civilization by the even more clandestine Babylonian Banking Cartel.
Looks like Musk really is just the face of all the extremely powerful and well concealed Internet Age oligarchs just like those Black Nobility oligarchs who covertly ruled the Venetian Empire under the cover of the Doge of Venice. This has always been the way of the Plutocracy since time immemorial…and especially since the Khazarian Cabal has occupied the pinnacle of the world power pyramid.

Aaron M. Renn #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy amazon.com

Learning how to live in today's new social and cultural environment will require examination, trial and error, and adaptation over time. But there are ways to live with integrity and follow Christ today, even in a negative world.

From a peak in church attendance in the mid-20th century, Christianity has been on a trajectory of decline in the United States. Once positive toward Christianity and Christian moral teachings, cultural shifts toward the mid-90s led many to adopt a more neutral tone toward the Christian faith, seeing it as one option among many in a pluralistic public square. Today, however, Christianity is viewed negatively, and being known as a Christian often means a lower social status in elite society. Christian morality is openly repudiated and viewed as a threat to the new moral order.

In Life in the Negative World, author Aaron M. Renn looks at the lessons from Christian cultural engagement over the past 70 years and suggests specific strategies for churches, institutions, and individuals to live faithfully in the "negative" world—a culture opposed to Christian values and teachings. And since there is no one-size-fits-all solution, living as a follower of Christ in the new, negative world and being missionally engaged will require a diversity of strategies.

Elon Musk #wingnut cnbc.com

Elon Musk has questioned whether the United States should “liberate the people of Britain from their tyrannical government” after hitting out at top U.K. lawmakers[…]
In a series of posts on the X social media platform — which Musk owns — the tech tycoon hit out at the U.K.’s Labour government, criticizing its handling of historic child abuse scandals

Musk accused the U.K. Safeguarding Minister Jess Phillips of being a “rape genocide apologist” on Friday, before publishing a series of posts calling for Prime Minister Keir Starmer to be ousted and face jail time over how child grooming gangs and other criminals who targeted children have been prosecuted

His criticisms of the U.K. government over the weekend culminated in a poll, where he posed the concept of “liberating the people of Britain” to the platform’s users

Musk’s comments came after Phillips rejected calls for a government-led inquiry into child sexual exploitation in the town of Oldham[…]
The skirmish with Musk — who has landed a job leading a new unofficial office for the incoming Trump administration — takes place two weeks ahead of the inauguration of the second presidency of Trump, amid questions over the fate of the “special relationship” between the U.K. and the U.S.

Dr. Abby Johnson #forced-birth #fundie #wingnut twitter.com

It isn’t racist to want a border wall to protect our country. It isn’t anti-woman to want to save the lives of babies from the horror of abortion. It isn’t hateful to believe in God’s definition of marriage.

The Left isn’t in charge of morality. God is.
Last edited 2:21 PM · Jan 3, 2025 · 10.9K Views

Kerry Cassidy #ufo #wingnut #conspiracy projectcamelotportal.com

One whistleblower is claiming that back in 2021 Suchir <Balaji> became aware of a high level effort to dumb down OpenAI and at the same time reported on rampant violations by OpenAI of copyrighted and patented intellectual property. The murder of Suchir Balaji indicates that on a high level his investigations raised great concern within the National Security State within the U.S. and also what is known as the Secret Space Program. The dark cabal behind the National Security State/ Secret Space Program has over the years killed many whistleblowers who question or reveal their secrets. This latest murder is no exception.

The question with regard to intellectual property copyrights and patents and the “training” of AI is huge and raises many questions and concerns crucial to our understanding of AI and the future of humanity.

This raises the question regarding whether copyrights and patents (even so-called National Security) has any validity outside Earth’s boundaries. And that debate, though barely surfacing, leads to questions of Earth sovereignty, and laws with respect to the solar system and beyond. This is one of the primary reasons for the continued drive to maintain SECRECY (under the banner of National Security) to hide the ET and Alien AI presence and interaction with our planet.
This is a battle that involves the future of humanity where we transition into an aware space faring species and involves the right to conduct negotiations with invading and visiting (friendly) alien races or species and their AI.

We are doubtless being driven to create a NWO on this planet in order to stop the divide and conquer advantage exercised by invading and visiting ET and Alien AI. At present unknown to most, our UN has a secret division conducting relations with and negotiating with ETs (according to whistleblower Captain Mark Richards and others and has done so arguably since before Admiral Byrd’s battle with Antarctica aka Operation High Jump.

Pat K. #crackpot #wingnut #magick #conspiracy operationdisclosureofficial.com

While doing errands yesterday, I noticed a LOT of chemtrails. This is new, as they have been greatly diminished in my area since July of 2019. The years of horrible, murky chemtrail haze just stopped one day and I saw clear blue sky from then on. It was a remarkable change and I was elated for months afterwards, and so very grateful for the Alliance/Trump team. The few chemtrails I’ve seen since then have not been toxic, and are likely the remedial chemtrail spraying I’ve read about.

However, yesterday was different. It was like the spraying of old.
I got this protection invocation from Universal Heart some years ago during a channeled healing session.
THE INVOCATION PROCESS for these new Cabal toxins…

Call on the Devas (or Jesus, etc.) for support.

1) Discern (with intuition, dowsing, muscle testing, etc.) if you are being negatively impacted by toxins in the fog, from chemtrails, and in the water. If so say this out loud:

From the Lord God of my Being, I ask the Devas to transmute any ill effects I am experiencing from these new Cabal generated toxins in chemtrails, fog and water.

I ask the Devas to now place Energy Light Rings of Gold and White Light around my body to continuously transmute these toxins. I ask that these Energy Light Rings be ongoing for as long as necessary to protect my health. Thank you! It is done. It is done. It is done!
Universal Heart said this invocation process could be used for more than just radiation. It can be used to protect us from Electro Magnetic Fields (EMFs), Chemtrails and other things.

Since Chemtrail formulas are changed periodically, the invocation needs to be redone to accommodate these changes. I eventually asked one of my guides to make the adjustments as needed, so that I have 100% protection at all times.

The EMF invocation has given me excellent protection. I am no longer impacted by computers, TV satellite dishes or microwave ovens in my vicinity (I do home health care!).

Jim #wingnut #racist #sexist #homophobia #transphobia #fundie blog.reaction.la

[From “Pete Hegseth gets it, sort of.”]

A state needs a faith, and an army needs a faith. There is always a state faith. And starting with Obama, the faith of woke is currently being imposed on the army — a faith incompatible with the army’s core function[…]It is also incompatible with war production, or production of anything, as recently became apparent in the Ukraine war

And the last place where the old faith of the Republic lived was the army. Obama decided to stamp that out […]Pete Hegseth intends to restore the old faith of the Republic in the army

The trouble with the old faith of the Republic is that it only worked because of unprincipled exceptions. And if you remove all the unprincipled exceptions you get woke

If all men are created equal, blacks are equal, women are equal. If men and women are equal, they are interchangeable, and you get sodomite marriage, trannies in the army, and you have to mind your pronouns

Pete wants to restore the recently removed unprincipled exceptions. Men will no longer have an inherent universal human right to be women, nor vice versa. But he does not want the old unprincipled exceptions restored. Sodomy will remain, women will remain, provided they can make the physical, which of course they cannot, and he is going to make sure they cannot[…]
A faith that does not need unprincipled exceptions to meet reality is more viable. I want 1660, not 1770. But certainly 1770[…]is a whole lot easier to sell in the army

The inherent contradictions of the faith of 1770 got us to where we are today

Well, is he a real adherent of the faith of 1770? His experience in Afghanistan and Iraq cured him of democratic universalism[…]He is rather keen on the Bible. The founding fathers, being Deists[…],were not nearly so keen on the Bible[…]
What is important is that Trump is appointing someone who knows you have to bring a gun to gunfight and a faith to a holy war, and who understands we are in a holy war

Thomas Stone #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy terminaleconomics.com

There’s no going back

The entire world is walking in a death spiral
The nation states are gearing up for the world war that will be described in Ezekiel 38 and 39. These nation states are feverishly building up what they can in anticipation of the horror to come.

Manufactured terror attacks and engineered pandemics will continue to be used to subdue the masses and to get them to go along with their demise.

The black horse

Over the next two to three years, currencies will quickly depreciate further as the nation-state governments prepare behind the scenes and continually mislead the public. The public will be unprepared for what is to come and the West will suffer more than anywhere else.

Look for nation state sovereign debt bond yields to “inexplicably” continue to grind higher as the nation-state governments continue to crowd out the economy. The wealthy elite who own the privately run central banks need to continue consolidating their wealth and power in their quest to prepare for World War 3 and the last days. These elites are using the Book of Revelation as their template.

The red horse

Vladimir Putin is doing his best to guide Russia into the abyss. The private owners of the Bank of Russia control Putin and he is carrying out his orders to make certain Russia commits national suicide, alongside the West. Regardless of the nation states leader’s intentions, the results will be grim; national suicide. Cash will be trash going out to the force majeure.

The pale horse

As the fallout from the covid injections continue to make its way through the economy, inefficiencies and price pressures will mount. I see firsthand how a growing number of friends and family are now hopelessly dependent on the medical system. Of course, these sad sacks didn’t heed my warnings and took their full course of depopulation injections.

The white horse

Soon thereafter, a man on the white horse will emerge with the answers. Don’t listen to him.

Mike Stone #wingnut #fundie #racist #homophobia #transphobia #conspiracy henrymakow.com

I've said two things repeatedly over the last four years. First, that Donald Trump would win the November election by a landslide. Second, that nothing substantial was going to change under Trump in the long run. I was right about the first, and I'm right about the second.

Yes, we will see economic improvement beginning in 2025. (After four years of Clown World economics, how could the economy not improve?)

Yes, we will see a curtailing of wokeness.

Yes, we will see deportations of illegal aliens.

Those will be welcome changes. But in terms of lessening the moral rot of society and saving souls from hell; in terms of eradicating the evil, cowardice, and incomprehensible stupidity that causes men and women to condemn their souls to everlasting fire, nothing is going to change.
Now if Trump goes full authoritarian and outlaws abortion, outlaws pornography, outlaws homosexuality and trannyism, fires every teacher in the country, fires every city and state police officer in the country, strips Fox News, CNN, ABC, NBC, MSNBC, and every other fake news outlet of their license and arrests all of their employees, then I'll take it all back. But I think we both know that none of those things are going to happen.
You can wear your MAGA hat and waste your time watching Fox News or listening to the liars on "conservative" talk radio, but NONE OF THAT IS GOING TO CHANGE. And it won't be Trump's fault. The cowardice and stupidity of the American people have made positive change impossible.
Just because nothing in our society is going to change for the better, doesn't mean that your individual life can't change for the better. It can and it should. At the very least, you can limit your exposure to liars.
You can choose the level of consciousness you want to live in. While everyone else around you is choosing to live in a world of lies, you can choose truth. While everyone around you is choosing to burn forever in the fires of hell, you can choose Heaven.

Donald Trump #wingnut #elitist truthsocial.com

The Democrats are all “giddy” about our magnificent American Flag potentially being at “half mast” during my Inauguration. They think it’s so great, and are so happy about it because, in actuality, they don’t love our Country, they only think about themselves. Look at what they’ve done to our once GREAT America over the past four years - It’s a total mess! In any event, because of the death of President Jimmy Carter, the Flag may, for the first time ever during an Inauguration of a future President, be at half mast. Nobody wants to see this, and no American can be happy about it. Let’s see how it plays out. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

Red Pill Poet #wingnut #dunning-kruger #conspiracy redpillpoems.substack.com

Short on cogitation long on repetition
a sense-drilled-out-of-him curriculum victim;
an overschooled fool methodically misled
by the expertly misleading system
An academic yes-man
an accomplished parrot
a tenured automaton an educated dope;
a paragon of learning
by means of mindless rote

he beamed with pride at the letters
that like a tether of weathered chain
he never failed to unspool
into the depths at the end of his name.

He beamed at the mere sight and thought
of all these sought-after alphabetic links
that anchored his claim to scholastic fame
as he basked in the summa cum light
of having earned the conspicuous right

to trumpet these the jargon-ingesting proof
and hoop-jumping culmination
of his collegiate-cartel-sanctioned
ersatz education
an impeccably vetted adept
at scientific/semantic perversion;
one of mental corruption's illustrious
preeminent accredited merchants

and having evolved into all of these
nothing would prevent
much less impede his speedy ascent

to that prestigious catbird seat that perch
reserved for the highest high priest
and current dispenser-in-chief
of certified quackery

in the graduate factory's fabulous faculty
of pseudo-scientific studies.

A model indoctrinator
an ideological clown
a doctrine bound buffoon;
an inquiry despising curiosity deterring
conformity enforcing goon

our star so-called scholar
— while pretending to defend and foster
all things enlightened and liberal —
was secretly sworn to thwart critical thinking

being as he was a big deal
in the well-dissembled field
of advanced enhancement of blinkering.

The Rev. Steven Roland #fundie #wingnut #sexist #homophobia #transphobia #kinkshaming simplychristian.shoutwiki.com

The Comstock Act of 1873 is a series of current provisions in United States Federal law that generally criminalize the involvement of the United States Postal Service, its officers, or a common carrier in conveying obscene matter, crime-inciting matter, or certain abortion-related matter.
This law prohibits the Post Office from distributing anything related to abortion including materials to perform one to literature about abortions, and Planned Parenthood donation solicitations.
The law also prohibits mailing anything through the mail that is found to be obscene under the Miller test, which includes much of the smut of this wicked age whether domestic or imported. If applied properly, the law bans shipping smut romance novels like “50 Shades of Grey,” sinful coarse sitcoms like “Two and a Half Men” and the myriad of imported Japanese animated smut and many other things like pro-sodomite advocacy and “children’s books” featuring graphic pornography of minors like the now infamous book “Gender Queer.”
In 1873, Anthony Comstock was successful in pressing Congress to enact the Comstock Act to prevent "obscene, lewd or lascivious" items in the mail, with penalties up to ten years in prison. This included any pornography as well as information on contraception, birth control or abortion,... It is estimated that fifteen tons of pornographic books and publications, and four million photographs, were destroyed as a result of his labors during his long career. The Comstock Act was amended in 1923 to remove the prohibitions on distributing information on contraception and birth control due to sinful racist eugenicist Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger.
The problem with modern liberal governance is that this Act has not been properly enforced in so long, but under a righteous government we could ban so much sinful garbage that makes its way to our shores. Along with a total ban on online obscenity and a firewall system akin to the Great Firewall, which totally passes constitutional muster as it would only ban unprotected obscenity, the Comstock Act would be a vital tool to restore morality in America.

OhNoYouDidnt #dunning-kruger #wingnut twitter.com

Obamacare was necessary so that middle class workers could pay massively more for health insurance, so that the government wouldn’t need to stop sending money overseas, or just wasting it, to hand free healthcare to you. Now you are blocked for failure to understand basic etiquette in debate 😎

Since Obamacare, my health insurance has gone from $200 a month to $1650 with a large deductible. There are many physicians offering monthly unlimited subscription services that would work with a catastrophic policy. With all the regulations and restrictions, it is impossible to find a catastrophic policy and simply pay out of pocket for everything else.

It was supposed to “ widen the pool” as you put it, but did it? I have zero faith in the governments oversight capabilities on anything. Just one more bureaucratic cesspool. As we are going to see for 2025, when the govt negotiates prices it is meant for them to have more funds to move around and spend recklessly. Seniors will see increases in their part D coverage every single year. It is forecast currently to be a 18% to 35% increase along with a 6% increase in part B.

Medicare does not have the same raiding restrictions as Social Security. If they try to lump all health insurance into Medicare I’m betting we will still pay the large premiums they have conditioned us to and they will siphon money off to keep up the ridiculous spending trend, just eliminating the middle man.

So, NO I am a hard no on this issue. Smaller government not larger

John Hamer #wingnut #conspiracy amazon.com

Unlike the subject of this book’s predecessor and sister volume, The Falsification of History, science is usually systematically falsified for two quite distinct reasons…

Firstly, as with history it may be falsified for political expediency, that is for the purpose of maintaining and propounding a false paradigm which supports the ongoing political agenda, but secondly and most commonly, science is often falsified for financial gain, usually directly benefitting the ruling Elite corporatocracy in some way.
There ARE indeed a huge number of people aware of and attempting to expose the perpetrators, but as with anything else that contradicts an ‘official diktat,’ the overwhelming power and influence of those in whose best interests it is to deceive us, and who control most of the world, including the media in all its forms, ensures that only small snippets of information escape into the mainstream.
There is FAR MORE to discover about our universe, if we only would set ourselves free from the mental shackles of dogmatic, vested interest ‘science’ as practiced today in our Westernised, wholly materialistic culture.

The mega wealthy, all-powerful corporations with their sun cult logos and ultra-slick marketing hype sell us idols and celebrities to worship instead, and slowly but surely bring the entire world under their influence whilst we tacitly believe their false science and not-so-subtle propaganda. We vote for their controlled politicians, read, watch, and listen to the lies and garbage emanating from their controlled media 24/7, buy their heavily promoted, often useless products, gizmos, and gadgets, listen to their dreary, repetitive, propaganda-filled, satanic ‘music’ and watch their sick, dysfunctional TV and movies and generally sacrifice our own souls upon the altar of materialism.

And that is precisely the kind of world that suits their insidious agenda and why and how they are able to maintain control over all of our minds and spirits.

Joseph Z/Abby Trivett #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy charismanews.com

In an exclusive interview with Charisma Media, prophetic voice Joseph Z shared what the Lord has spoken to him about for what the church can expect this upcoming year.
Z says that after watching the new Superman trailer, God spoke to him about this being a representation of America and the leadership of the church. He also says that when Trump won his re-election, the Lord spoke to him about the state of the church.

“As soon as Trump won in November, the word of the Lord came to me and said, ‘Here is what we’re in danger of right now: The church is in danger of being defeated by victory,'” Z says. “Although we’ve seen this good thing happen, we’ve seen light shine in darkness…the bottom line is suddenly there’s a nefarious supernatural force that’s been released into the nation. It’s a form of witchcraft, it’s a form of Jezebel, it’s a form of deviant voices, prophetic deviant voices, and all these things that are coming forward are trying to manipulate what’s happened.”
Z reveals that in the first two quarters of the year he’s seen the threat of nuclear war, and it is the church’s job to push back this dark agenda. He also had a vision where he was on a bus and saw a flashing in a mountainous area where everyone was dreading what was to come, with heat coming off of the flash.

“The Lord spoke to me as soon as I woke up from that and said, ‘The church is the nuclear deterrent. The body of Christ is the nuclear deterrent ‘If we can go through quarter one and quarter two of this coming year without a nuclear incident, or even if there’s a small nuclear incident we can still have the grace of God get us over that… I believe we’re going to see the turn of the tide completely.”

“I believe we’re up to 16 years of redemptive instability where we’ll see a turnaround and victory come. I believe we could see 20 years of life that begins the build and rebuild to the year 2040; I believe God has a marker on that year.”

Rinus Verhagen #wingnut #crackpot #racist #conspiracy #osycho operationdisclosureofficial.com

Dear Readers,

First of all, best wishes for 2025 our year of transition.

Liberation for humanity was and is a spiritual war, both within ourselves and also around us.

Therefore, the attack on humanity’s pineal gland is aimed at turning them into zombies, without empathy and totally indifferent to world events.

All the stories about Clone makes me think that many are not people, but manufactured shells that disrupted society with an unfeeling activity that seems to be programmed in.

It has also always been told that the end will not be for everyone.

Let’s hope Space Force has too technology to eliminate all these human dummies at once via Starlink.

How amazed are we going to look if all the Politicians, police, and top of the pyramid would be gone at once.

If everyone who has dual citizenship, sold their souls to the Z******s are taken away, humanity will flourish.
All A**********e Vampires do not get a tribunal, but a bullet they have truly earned.

EO13816 and EO13848 are going to breach governments all over the western world.

What you don’t know is that Israel, is also the Netherlands, where 12 families direct all crimes against the population I was told in an anonymous phone conversation.
This would explain why the will of the people does not matter at all, the destructive Agenda of Evil just rolls on.

The attacks on the world’s population sprayed with all pesticide chemicals will have to stop when the QFS goes into effect.

We are now aware that the Mo.Sa.d and Ci@ are the executors of all terror against the world’s population, at the behest of the globally dispersed N***s who have infiltrated all western regimes.

The NV, EU, NATO, WHO should be dissolved, also all international treaties will have to be invalidated, stop the migrant promotion of governments to replace their own population with unworldly people who are victims of the globalists, but a scourge to the indigenous population, precisely because of the difference of norms and values.

Steve Kirsch quoting registered nurse #conspiracy #wingnut facebook.com

From my latest reader survey. The nursing home is licensed for 300 residents. So that's a death rate of 30 killed per 1,000 shots.

"My siblings went behind my back and took our healthy mom to get the Covid jab 3 different times. With each jab she had a stroke. By the third jab she became like a zombie in a wheelchair. She received her first jab in May 2021 and died on September 23, 2024. As a side note…..the memory care facility/senior living facility where she was living out her final 10 months of life,(Vivante, Costa Mesa, CA) gave the latest round of boosters and flu shots to their residents a few weeks before my mom’s death. I told them not to touch my mom and as far as I know they did not give her the shots. What I did find out was that about 10 people died from that facility shortly after receiving the shots. I personally saw 3 of the memory care patients become wheelchair bound and zombie-like after their shots! I went back to visit a few of my favorite ambulatory patients and was shocked to see how downhill they had slid in just a few weeks! I am a registered nurse and I did my homework way back in 2020. I knew then that they were bioweapons!!! They killed my beautiful Mom! Thank you, Steve, for all your research!!! These evil ones must be held accountable!!!"

Dowling Bottom Line #quack #wingnut independentsentinel.com

Here Comes the Untested mRNA Bird Flu Non-Vaccine Vaccine

The untested mRNA Bird Flu vaccine, which isn’t a vaccine, is being promoted in the media at crisis levels. We have Wen, the vax pusher, on CNN calling for more over testing with bad tests to terrify people. They want you to take an unsterilized leaky non-vaccine vaccine that won’t work. The leaky part is no joke.

Oh, so it’s okay because it might reduce pathogen load, but it can increase pathogen virulence, and we don’t really know the impacts.

There is zero evidence of human-to-human transmission and not very many animal-to-human transmissions.
Companies are rushing these vaccinations, hoping for an EUA so no one is liable, and people like Gavin Newsom can force people to get the shot.

They will use the PCR test on perfectly healthy people to sell their products without knowing the side effects.
Do NOT fall for this again.

Don’t listen to Drs. Hotez or Wen. They are always wrong, and they are mandate lovers.
You mustn’t allow them to vaccinate you to discover what’s in it.

Scarf lady Deborah Birx was on CNN and gave partial information about only 500 people tested for bird flu.
This is the truth:

“The result: more than 70,000 specimens have been tested, looking for novel flu viruses; more than 10,000 people exposed to avian flu have been monitored for symptoms, and 540 people have been tested specifically for H5N1,” the CDC said.

She left out the 70,000 and 10,000.

The same people who pushed an unsafe, ineffective vaccine are now pushing an untested, scary Bird Flu vaccine for a virus that hasn’t spread from human to human.

No tests, no liability, no accountability!

If you trust these people without liability, you are naive.

State of Nation Editor #racist #wingnut #conspiracy stateofthenation.info

This Alt Media platform made a small research project of the real Jimmy Carter story many years ago before the World Wide Web was scrubbed clean of all the hard evidence and high-integrity testimony provided by various insiders and whistleblowers regarding how Jimmy Carter was actually selected as the Democrat’s 1976 nominee. The only thing we could find this year is the following excerpt which provides a crucial piece of evidence about why Carter’s [UNKNOWN TO HIM] Khazarian masters planted him in the White House.
Some of Carter’s closet confidantes and most influential intimates knew that he had a long established medical history of severe depression (that was easily accessed through his US Navy medical records) and which required medical monitoring and pharma drugs. And, it proved to be a history that haunted him most of his life, which is why he chose such a humble post-presidential path to walk, to his great credit.
Jimmy Carter, because he was so easily manipulated by political powerhouses like Brzezinski and Turner and Vance, was clearly installed to make certain things happened in the Mideast and Afghanistan to favor Israel.

After all, the Brzezinski’s mujahideen did chase Russia out of Afghanistan, and Iran has been forever deprecated as the “forever member” of the latest version of the ‘Axis of Evil’ regularly fabricated by the Zio-Anglo-American Axis.

Clearly, a chronically depressed man — with virtually zero foreign policy experience — who is seized by religious zeal is much more easy to control and manipulate toward those Neocon Zionist goals.
SOTN Editor’s Note: This exposé is not meant to disparage President Jimmy Carter in any way during this week of his passing. <...> With that said, it appears that Carter eventually came to understand his previous presidential plight and, therefore, quite purposefully chose to live a life that truly reflected his genuinely held Christian values. Our sincere condolences to his entire family.

Thinker2 #crackpot #wingnut #fundie #conspiracy #mammon operationdisclosureofficial.com

While G. Edward Griffin author of “The Creature from Jekyll Island” is correct about the Federal Reserve being a Cartel, he fails to mention what kind of Cartel it is.

The Federal Reserve is a Counterfeiting Cartel. Counterfeiting is fraud.

It is logical to conclude that everything that comes from Counterfeiting is also counterfeit:

Counterfeit Government (Fascism)
Counterfeit Law (Admiralty)
Counterfeit Courts (Pirate Ships)
Counterfeit Judges (Pirate Captains)
Counterfeit Flags (False Flags)
Counterfeit Crime (Victimless)
Counterfeit Police (Pirates Ashore)
Counterfeit Medicine (Rockefeller Plan)
Counterfeit Health (Incurable)
Counterfeit People (Clones / T*********r)
Counterfeit Food (Lab Grown)
Counterfeit News (Mockingbird Media)
Counterfeit War (Never Ending)
Every Hospital, Police Station, and Fire Department (people who come in contact with newborns) are Foundling Hospitals.

Foundling Hospital is a place where a child can be abandoned without legal consequences. As the government runs on human t*********g, all newborns are categorized as Foundlings even if you went home with your mother and father. Your Birth Certificate is used as a legal document to create a Cestui Que Vie Trust in your all caps name; “JOHN DOE” (see your ID). The Trust is funded with Counterfeit money and you are forever a Debtor (Debt Slave) in Debtors Prison. An all capitalized name communicates many concepts; Death, Corporation, Trust, Legal Fiction, Slave, Debtor, etc. The reason cops want your ID is to know you are a Debtor and the account number to your Trust. No Trust, No point in charging you.
This flag also symbolizes Admiralty Law (Law of the Sea). The GOD of the sea is the Antichrist (good & bad). He has many names; Tammuz (Sumerian), Mithra (Babylonian), Poseidon (Greek), Neptune (Roman), Dagon (Hebrew), Set (Egyptian), Lucifer (Latin). The Antichrist is the Only son / sun of S***n. Admiralty Law / Law of the Sea is the law of Satanism and Fascism.

Paul Bury #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy familyfriendlygaming.com

The issues families can have with That Christmas are violence, evolution, language, and more. There are attacks on Christians, the family, racism, traditions, and more in That Christmas. The Three Wise Men are redefined into the Three Wise Women. The climate change lie is regurgitated again and again in That Christmas. Parents are shown as dumb, and the kids really smart in That Christmas.

There is a new kid in town who is very shy. He happens to like this one girl and she does not know he exists. His mother recently got divorced and he rarely sees his father. This young man steps up and helps his mother again and again in That Christmas. Santa Claus comes and gives the good kids presents in That Christmas. There is an older lady who is a teacher that helps a variety of characters in this movie.

I would put That Christmas down as one of the woke radical far leftist movies. Parents have an accident and these kids get to have whatever Christmas they want. They have pizza and candy and play games. The youngest child goes out in the blizzard during hide and seek. She goes after the turkeys that were released because it is cruel for us to eat turkey on Christmas. The radical far left teachings are all over That Christmas.

From almost start to finish I did not like That Christmas. The attacks on families, traditions, morals, Christians, Jesus Christ, and more are something that can make your blood boil. I doubt I will ever watch this movie again. I know I will never look for a physical copy of That Christmas. After I am done with this review I hope I never hear about this movie unless it is to be told what a flop it was.

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