RE: Will Jon Stewart’s critique help peak people?
( hypatia )
He's still in a bubble on the trans issue, or at least I'll assume that til I hear him say otherwise.
I agree that his critique last week was a much-needed breath of sanity. I'm so sick of Dems acting like everything they do is the best and anyone who disagrees is a racist Nazi.
( hypatia )
I will say, though, his willingness to ignore dogma and even mock it makes me hopeful he won't be afraid to point out absurdities.
Trans rights got as far as it did, because male sex criminals use very sympathetic young kids and gay people as a mask. Once it slips it's over.
( Pickles )
He recently did a show all about how safe and effective childhood transition is and even accused the congresswoman he had on his show of lying when she said most kids grow out of gender dysphoria. I don't really have any faith that he does any research or has any common sense anymore.
Unfortunate, because i used to really like him and his show.
( Chronicity )
Well, he’s just made himself vulnerable to GC arguments by pulling back the ideological curtain a bit. So there’s that.
JS: Trans people are only a fraction of the population and aren’t a threat to anyone!!! Stop erasing their existence!! TWAW!
GC ppl: Jon, remember when pointing out the obvious fact that Biden is old got you in trouble with people who don’t want to acknowledge the cognitive effects of advanced aging?
GC: You are engaging in the same type of gaslighting when we point out the truth about sex differences. It’s the same shit, you know. Stop embarrassing yourself.
My dream is that Bill Maher invites JS to his show and they talk about trans stuff.
( gcfemale )
He's still a die-hard TPA and he himself can't see that logical fallacy, so no?
( Chronicity )
Well, these things can change, right? He is friends with Dave Chappelle and I could see his position softening after watching him be tarred and feathered by the same crowd attacking Jon now.
Many of us peaked after watching the TRAs go into attack mode. Even TRAs can lose their faith when it cuts too close to them personally.
I’m not holding my breath but I haven’t ruled out him peaking soon if he hasn’t already.
(I suspect Trevor Noah’s shelf broke after sharing oxygen with Vic Ivy.)