
Racism, including ethnic hatred, nationalism and equating religion to race

End the fed & Double I #racist #sexist stormfront.org

RE: Black athlete who trashed America trashed whites, Mexicans. and Asians

(End the fed)

She says “Mexicans just don’t care about ppl,” she wrote in a Tweet in November 2012.

In another Tweet from 2011, she wrote: “This lil white boy being bad as hell!! I would smack his ass then stomp him!! Smh #whitepplKids hella disrespectful.”

“Just saw this gurl wearing heels with white socks!! What the Hell..#chineseppl always try to start new trends..smh..ggguuurrrllll,” she also wrote in 2011.

She joked about rape too

Most dark ghetto black women hate lighter races because their men prefer lighter races so these dark ones cant keep a man around.

(Double I)

The truth is they are all saying stuff like this about us and other non-blacks ALL the time, it is part of every day interaction with black people, pure Racism non-stop. She just wrote it down, so she got caught! In fact, in all the years I have known black people I have never heard a black person say a good thing about White people EVER!

Me neither. They are incapable showing appreciation or acknowledge our many virtues and accomplishments. Whites that think, because they know a decent black or read Thomas Sowell, that they are good people with a few bad apples are delusional. It's merely a smokescreen for their hatred and jealousy for a better race. They all hate us, and want what we have. Hate them more.

KBS & DarienX #conspiracy #psycho #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: Harvard Poll: 80% See Border Disaster, Want Trump Closure Restored

Don't like feeling this way, but every time I see video clips of "unaccompanied minors" in shelters it makes my blood boil. Hoards of low IQ, future hate-whitey types, with negligent parents who expect The Land of Oppression and Racism to provide babysitting services while they break the law. Am pretty sick of being civilized and nice.


The dems have 3 problems that no amount of anti white straight male propaganda is gonna solve.

A: blacks dont like open borders
B: hispanics dont like crt
C: neither like trannies in women sports or bathrooms.

Its a house of cards that is collapsing.

The negroes view non-white illegal immigrants as another ally against the white man. If most illegals were from Eastern Europe for example, both the Hispanics and negroes would be on the southern border with guns and nobody would get through.

WestWins #fundie #racist disqus.com

"Racist" is a term that no one is "buying" anymore.

You people have abused that word to such a degree that it is meaningless.

You ought study -- 4racism DOT org

Why is "racism" always ONLY directed at White people. Only White people are ever racist.

Blacks can have a church where only black people worship. I have been to one by the way. My self and a friend visited one way back in the day. We were the only 2 White people in a room of 100 black people. They didn't throw us out; but no one seemed interested in our presence.

To be honest, I do not have anything in common with black people. We are simply "different". We come from different places. So what?

Muhammed Ali said --- "...Blue birds fly with Blue birds ....... etc., etc.." Ali did not find it natural for a black girl to corrupt her genes by having a child with a non-black person. I don't recall anyone calling Ali "racist".

The sooner the Races of men realize that we were not meant to be together, the sooner this WORLD will be at Peace.

God created us separately and we were to remain "separate". But Adamic man disobeyed and now look at the mess this world is in.

I am most likely not speaking to you -- Jennifer. I get the impression you are not of the Adamic tribe of man.

The Holy Spirit will plant this seed of Truth.

Brian Niemeier #racist #fundie #wingnut brianniemeier.com

The righteous backlash against critical race theory, for instance, armed dissidents with the rhetorical silver bullet “antiwhite”. The Death Cult operates by claiming the moral high ground, and pointing out that they’re antiwhite unequivocally exposes their feigned moral authority as unwarranted. It’s a form of Witch Test that antiwhites fail for the same reason witches do–they just can’t hide the hatred that defines them.

ProxyMusic #conspiracy #racist #transphobia ovarit.com

I believe another reason some African countries have done this is to stick it to the European-led world sports governing bodies & to the nations of "the Global North" more generally.

Athletics South Africa decided to put Semenya forward as a runner in women's sports knowing that Semenya was XY DSD not just to gain gold, glory & $$, but to challenge the hegemony of white-dominated orgs like the IAAF/World Athletics & the IOC - & to use modern-day gender ideology to hoist the white "global North" by its own petard more generally.

Many ANC officials who had risen to power in the SA government by the time Semenya was dubbed SA's "golden girl" attended college/uni or grad school in North America or the UK when gender studies & queer theory were becoming all the rage on campuses. I don't think it's a stretch to think that a number of guys with astute political minds from SA cleverly realized that ideas coming out of Western academia - such as "sex is a spectrum, not a binary," "there are five sexes," "no one knows what a woman is" & "sex determination in humans is really hard to do" - could easily be used to challenge the system of sex categorization in sports as well as to protest Europeans' "colonialist," oppressively binary, & of course "racist" & "white supremacist" ideas about who is a woman.

Whilst the South Africans haven't succeeded in trying to end sex categorization in women's sports, they have by & large won the war in the court of public opinion. People here & on forums like letsrun.com widely see the Semenya saga for the scam & long con that it is, but most of the world sees it very differently. Most of the world doesn't view Semenya as an XY person who has made use of his male-only DSD to cheat in sports & to screw over women athletes. No, most of the world sees Semenya as a noble, put-upon "woman with naturally occurring high testosterone" who has been treated unfairly & cruelly by the IAAF/WA. Most of the world sees Lynsey Sharp as evil, & Semenya as a saint.

Tim Tony Stark Rifat #magick #crackpot #racist #god-complex #mammon supernaturalspirit.com

Soul Augmentation and/or Replacement Service $10000

As we have seen with Katy Perry selling her soul to the devil fame and fortune are paid for by eternal afterlife torture. As shown on Supernatural Spirit School number 22 I transplanted Katy Perry´s awareness into the artificially created servitor soul of Daenerys Targaryen created by one billion people to give her a one billion old artificial soul. As I showed on the film this was only for a temporary period ending when she marries ratjew Bloom in the autumn: or she publically humiliates him by coming to me and making this artificial soul eternal in the process dumping damned ratjew Bloom.

As one can see your soul can be augmented with any C-space soul built by mass observation or can be built to your specification powered by the zero sum game eternal damnation of the Jewish race by Amalek their God who always tortures them eternally. Having an augmented servitor soul means you are free of being preyed on after death and since the soul carries your intent you develop total intent by having a soul built by the total intent source the Psi-Lord achieve what the Christian church could never give you salvation from all your sins and eternal life on the new earth all built by far future science not christian pedophile conmen this is what the second coming of Jesus always promised you without the bullshit of having to worship a Jew God destroyed by Amalek and it´s awareness eternally tortured by Amalek along with everything that the Jew God created and worshipped it. Escape the Jew Gods fate and join the Psi-Lord as being an aspect of the source worshipping no one accept yourself. Enjoy!

Anonymous Coward #76157531 #wingnut #racist #sexist #dunning-kruger godlikeproductions.com

[Re: NPR Declaration of Independence is 'a document with flaws and deeply ingrained hypocrisies' and racist slurs]

document wasn't flawed, people ignore the wisdom of our superior founders*

the savage indians have a smaller brain, lower iq(around 88 compre to 103 avg whitey), more primitive behaviors and savage tendencies(scalping loving bastards).

and the founders were well aware of women's true nature/purpose, they are purely emotional beings incapable of rational thought and logical decision making and have no business deciding important matters.

* Submitter’s note: GLP locates this anonymous poster to Sweden.

Various Commenters #pratt #racist #wingnut reddit.com


Growing up in America as a SWM is one of the hardest things a person can do on this planet. Hopefully things get easier for us as we work hard to defend our rights.


I can't tell if you are trolling or not, but even though racism has been normalized against white people in the past year, just being in America is a massive privilege. We live in absolute luxury compared to most of the rest of the world.

But hardly any countries in the world are running such long term massive government, media and entertainment psyops programs against its defining culture and people. Our culture of free enterprise, hard work, Judeo-Christian, free people and free markets built the great country we are in and others come to join. The prevailing social media is now trying to destroy it.


In what ways are people racist to straight white males?

The biggest way is the assumption of racism. It is extremely common for left wing people to treat white people as if they are morally inferior and have racist motivations, based openly and explicitly only on the color of their skin. Many many of the publicized accusations of racism have literally 0 evidence, and almost always the white victims life is severely impacted. It’s a dominant cultural force at this point and I’ve experienced it many times at a personal level.

It was an honest question. You just don't have a real answer.

What? You ignored my real answer. Anti white racism is rampant on the left. Either address the point or move on.

Rob & We Need More Whites #crackpot #racist amren.com

I am seeing a trend of mass white male sperm import in many countries in south america and africa. I guess they will mix their way out of poverty and crime.


They are not importing white males, just containers of sperms in tubes for cheap prices and giving them to the native female population so that the next generation have superior genes. It is in a way creating mixed breed future.

I dont know if this is a good thing or it is just abusing nature. I dont know how to react to it as a race realist.

(We Need More Whites)
It's genetic appropriation, but what's to be done about it? We can't control it, not much sense in worrying about it. It is an interesting and useful development, however, which illustrates that not everyone is a posturing, moralizing, virtue-signaling fool about eugenics and its efficacy, and that even non-Whites recognize genetic superiority when they see it. It's a nice argument for recovering the reputation of eugenics, which I think will be a key part of saving a White future worth having, as such a large part of our people have been turned into weak-willed race traitors suffused with White guilt over our superiority that we will have to make the dwindling number of future rational, emotionally healthy, and racially loyal Whites as genetically superior as we can to offset the damage.

As for the worrying over what non-Whites do, we can't afford it any more now. use the information for its "see, even some non-Whites get it," but don't stress over it. And as usual, White is White, and non-White is non-White, and that is all that really matters to our agenda. We need no one but ourselves, and never have.

Jared Taylor #racist #wingnut amren.com

Why People Can’t Face the Truth

John McWhorter is one of a handful of blacks who write sensible things about race. He complains that the media bellow whenever police kill a black man but are silent when they kill a white man, and worries that claims of “systemic racism” are leading to a movement to exempt blacks from standards.

But his review of Charles Murray’s Facing Reality is an explicit statement of the mental prison people on the Left and Right build for themselves: “I reject facts I don’t like.”

Prof. McWhorter summarizes the book: "Facing Reality is seriously disturbing. Murray gives a great deal of evidence for two points. One is that black people aren’t, on the average, as intelligent as other people. The other is that black people in America are more violent than others."

Instead of attacking Dr. Murray’s data — he admits he can’t — he writes: If the facts are as Dr. Murray says, meritocracy would mean that “we need to accept an America in which black people are rarely encountered in jobs requiring serious smarts.” He adds: “I would have to work very hard to come up with a way of accepting that world.” He wants a certain kind of world, and doesn’t care how many facts we have to smother and how many whites and Asians we have to punish for him to get it.

Many people would say of Prof. McWhorter: “Of course he can’t accept the truth. He’s black.” I don’t like that argument. I know no race realist who doesn’t accept the data on IQ differences between whites and Asians.

I suspect he is mentally hobbled by something more. Our climate of racial-moral zealotry doesn’t just punish people who say the wrong thing; it makes them incapable of even thinking the wrong thing.

Victor Davis Hanson #wingnut #racist #conspiracy amgreatness.com

This Fourth of July holiday we might pause for a moment from our festivities to ask how we collectively lost our minds over the last 15 months—and are we yet regaining any semblance of our sanity?
Our first self-induced recession came next and lasted over a year, destroying all the hard work of the prior three years. Next ensued the death of George Floyd and a subsequent 120 days of rioting, looting, and arson. The immediate costs were $2 billion in damage, over 25 deaths, 14,000 arrests, and a Lord of the Flies anarchy with no-go zones in our major cities. A McCarthyite frenzy followed, as remote-controlled America hunted down the supposed “racists” among us—while career agendas, personal grudges, and ideological hatred fueled the cancel culture.
The derangement was then capped off, first, by a buffoonish riot at the Capitol followed by a Reichstag-fire style militarization of Washington, D.C., in a “never let a crisis go to waste” psychodrama. It was based on the myth of a deadly “armed insurrection” fueled by President Trump, which purportedly led to the murder of a police officer. Later most of the writs of the House impeachment were proven fantasies, from the idea of “armed” and “well-organized” to “murderous” revolutionaries.

The finale was the promise of a “moderate” good ol’ Joe Biden from Scranton—the supposed correction to Trump. In reality, Biden’s first 150 days proved, as the cynics predicted, that he was mere cover and conveyance for the implementation of the most radical agenda since the 1930s.

So we can cut America some slack when we ponder why the entire country is now descending into a collective madness, given the amount of propaganda and media distortion pumped out during the quarantine.

Various Commenters #crackpot #racist amren.com

RE: Haiti Gang Violence Forces Doctors Without Borders to Close ER, Hold Off COVID-19 Treatment

(Captain Binghampton)
Blacks don't appreciate whitey helping him so why do it? What is the insane streak built into so many whites that compels them be do-gooders over and over again until they're killed.

Haiti is an example of a successful slave revolt. The Negroes in Haiti have had over two centuries to show white folks what they can do. They have shown us that Negroes cannot maintain a successful society, even when it is already in place.

Lebensmüder #dunning-kruger #racist #wingnut incels.is

Let me get this straight. A white guy got plastic surgery in order to look like a gook that got plastic surgery to look white.

Normies are already seething calling him "not Korean" but they will call a nigger from an ex French colony a French man.

Normalfags want blood and soil ideology in Africa/America, become cultural nationalists in Sulawesi (and justify the killings of the missionaries there) and become imperialists in Israel - but when it comes to Europe/America they would even call a border the epitome of evil. It doesn't matter what is done it matters who does it. And when so-called underprivileged minorities (or noble savages) do it it is justified, the morality of the action depends clearly on the perpetrator.

Jerry Derecha/Adrenogate #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut #racist adrenogate.net

I swore that I would make Q pay for the 2 weeks of my life they took from me in March 2020 when they duped me into believing that they were some crew of benevolent saviors. Now the truth comes out.
Qanon = Cannan = Serpent seed Cannanites

Q is a representation of the Quantum A.I. computer

WWG1WGA is a clear legion spirit connotation.

Q symbolizes the human zygote infected w/Serpent seed

Apply the twin system to Q and your get the Horned god
It seems that the sole reason they propelled the Jeffery Epstein saga into the forefront of the news cycle was so they could effectively communicate their true intentions to the various secret sects across the globe. It’s laughable to look back on Q as some kind of anti-human trafficking organization in retrospect. A sad kind of laughable.

These child trafficking, anti-white organizations never cease to amaze in their capacity for creativity. I’ve always wondered why these counterfeit Jews(Khazars) were always so quick to jump on the anti-white bandwagon. It’s not as if they come across as anything other than “white” themselves. They are as Caucasian as it gets. In fact, the region that they come from in the Black Sea area, the Caucus mountains, is where they get the term “Caucasion” from! They should only be fooling a handful of people at best. At least that’s what I tell myself. In reality, most of the dumbass braindead population laps up their bullshit like a dog laps up puke and shit off the floor. It’s up to people like us to clean it up quickly before they gobble up the whole pile. Though I don’t blame you if you feel inclined to just let them have it. I get it. Fuck em.

Sven-Olof_Lindholm & various contributors #crackpot #fundie #homophobia #transphobia #racist #psycho debate.org

[Debate topic: “We should Institute a death penalty for homophiles and transexualists.”]

It is unbiblical Throughout the Bible, Homosexual behavior is expressly forbidden. Anyone found to have committed a homosexual act was to be put to death. Simple as that. The Bible also forbids dressing as the opposite gender. No ifs buts or loopholes. Homosexuality and transsexualism were NEVER part of God’s original plan and never will be. It is simply a product of sin and imperfection. Soon enough, God will end homosexuals and transsexuals who do not repent. In the mean time, Why not get rid of some ourselves. Not because they ARE gay or trans, But because they choose to act on it and not be normal.


Bro like come on, They are transformers, Remember Chicago? I hate trans people, They probably smell from all the hormones they secrete and they all look weird, You ever walked and send a tranny and felt safe, Hell nah. We need a street cleaning service that just takes care of that crowd alone. Imagine the medicare they use from taxpayer money to pay for those surgeries. I hate jews.


God supports straight God only supports straight people only we should just kill all the gays in this world because straight people have turned this world into the greatest world ever I have seen nothing but harm from gay people all around the world I think that it is about time to turn this world back into a straight only world


They need to be dead I would rather live in a straight world rather than a stupid dumb gay world we live in right now we should just give a death penalty to all the gays in this world so that way we can protect this world and of course stop gays ...


Gays are too dangerous Gays are evil dangerous and of course they caused great damage to the world like right now the gays have ruined this world and they should have to be punished for that we should punish all the gays with harsher punishments in order for this world to become straight only

Pavel #dunning-kruger #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: Indigenous People Advance a Dramatic Goal: Reversing Colonialism

First, indigenous in Western Canada are not Eskimos. That discovery of 215 graves of supposedly indigenous children was clarified, on Twitter, by ones who discovered it. They said it's an assumption based on the soil analysis. They specifically said "it's not an x-ray". Not a single bone was discovered. But the media immediately jumped into conclusion that it was a bunch of Catholic priests in that school basically running it as a death camp. Government promised money for additional, thorough investigation and... unsurprisingly, at least 2 more "mass burial sites" were immediately "discovered". Nothing is yet confirmed, nobody knows what's in the ground. But indigenous use it to milk imbecilic Canadian government of dozens of millions.

Second. Overall, those indigenous independence movements and their progress in courts is interesting because, well, in Europe whites, peoples of Europe, are as indigenous as "First Nations" in North America, Australia and New Zealand. If courts allow indigenous in North America to basically push others away as colonizers, we will do the same in Europe about non-whites and courts won't be able to do a thing. Precedent and international law may unexpectedly help us peacefully remove non-whites and clean the space to invite Europeans (whites) from the US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand to come back to their ancestral home - Evropa.

Wasp #pratt #racist amren.com

Speaking as a "Math" person, I wanted to clarify something: Asians do very well in many courses relating to Math IN THE US, which has an extremely dumbed down version of Math. Most esteemed mathematicians have NOT been Asians (yes, I know about Terence Tao bla bla), but statistically, no, just no. Most famous and important mathematicians have been, and continue to be, White men. I have given tough problems to students and Asians are not that much more above average when you control for quality. Sure, if you put a Chinese student in a typical American Algebra class, he will laugh. Our schools are a joke to cater to our dumbed down population. This country has a lot of people with low intelligence. Our schools, based on egalitarian fanaticism, refuse to track students and in fact are doubling down on the dumbing down. So, there you have an observation from someone like me who has trained students for Math competitions.

Second, there are very few blacks in Math, but we do have some. It is possible, though rare. Most mathematicians are still, MALE and White/Asian. This is why so many people hate Math as a reality. In Math, you cannot bs your way out.

"Creative genius" is really rather rare in the Asian race. They are indeed very hardworking (not all Asians though. Often, stats tend to ignore the "lower tier" of the Asians such as Filipinos, who are known to be more gangster like and have a lower IQ. Northern Asians do indeed have high IQ levels, but not the creative genius power of the Western White man, particularly the protestant northern European. They are more comparable to army ants: they are dedicated, work well in unison with groups, master a book to perfection, but not much in the way of individual creation.

Various Commenters #crackpot #psycho #racist amren.com

RE: Once Africa’s Promise, Nigeria Is Heaving Under Crime, Few Jobs

(San Francisco Cynic)
What a surprise - a Black country blessed with huge oil reserves still manages to screw everything up and wind up in economic shambles. Up until recently the media has played along, touting Nigeria as the "powerhouse" of Africa, celebrating their "vibrant film industry" and "cutting edge art scene" along with lovely cities filled with a "newly wealthy middle class" who fill clubs and restaurants in search of "the good life." Maybe the readers of Bloomberg will wise up and see the hell hole that is modern-day Nigeria. Can't get from the airport terminal to your hotel without paying bribes, electricity that is completely unreliable, run by a tribal kleptocracy, and a violent populace that would kill you for the twenty dollars in your wallet.

This can suprise no one! The same story could have been written 200 years ago, 100 years ago, 50 years ago. Nothing ever changes no matter how many billions of whites' dollars are given to the black race anywhere on earth. Trying to make a silk purse out of a sow's ear will fail every time!

It’s simply Africans being African. They’d probably be better off if they did away with the current national borders, which tend to be a result of colonialism, and return to ethnic-based political organizations. There would be less conflict that way. But they’re never, ever going to become Denmarks.

(Francis Galton)
The most humane thing we can do for Africans (and more importantly, non-Africans) is to allow it to revert to its pre-contact state. That would involve the complete cessation of outside aid of any kind. Eventually, they will revert to their sustainable stone age existence.

Various Commenters #dunning-kruger #moonbat #racist reddit.com

RE: The latest China collapse theory according to bloomberg news


This actually makes sense if you're an American. American politics is purely a spectacle and every American roots for their "team". Actual science or material understanding of policies or actions are strictly forbidden in the authoritarian liberal "democracy". In this way, hockey is political power, since spectacle and theatre is the only political power a typical American has any access to.

Replace "American" with any democratic country. Democracy is inherently about popularity contests, best won through spectacle.

Bourgeois Democracy, yes. Socialism is fundamentally democratic though. Don’t buy the lie that western democracy is what democracy fundamentally looks like.

Its subtle racism to placate the masses. “Look at these physically inferior Yellow people...”

And Japan and South Korea add white people from north America into their ice hockey teams and not improving local talent.


Various Commenters #moonbat #racist reddit.com

China hits out at ‘Western colonialism’ as it backs Argentina’s Falkland claim

I told you the world needs China people who love freedom and want to rule their own destiny need China because without China the imperialists are like a hot knife through butter

Yes, China is a contributor to world peace. China also helps countless developing countries.

Just look how many countries USA invaded in the past 100 years compared to China. Yet, USA still tries to paint China as a threat and warmongering nation.


This is a pretty interesting topic of discussion given that Falkland residents are granted British citizenship by default, while Hongkongers were specifically denied it

There are only a few thousand people on the Falklands and almost every single one is white.

Based. The British empire must be completely dismembered for humanity to have peace.

"99.7 per cent voted in favour of remaining a British territory."

The "islanders", as the UK calls them, were white British people implanted on the islands to sustain UK's colonial claims. They have no right to be called "islanders" a term which implies a native origin.

It is outrageous for the UK to still claim a territory that is 8,064 miles away, and to use referendums of its own implanted population to sustain this colonial claim. What a fucking farce!

Sajjad Shaukat/KashmirWatch #conspiracy #racist #wingnut kashmirwatch.com

As regards the historical background of the Khazarian Mafia and its connections with Israel and Zionist Jews, various writers and authors have already exposed its evil-designs.

Nonetheless, many Jewish writers have objected that a number of writers and authors confuse the term Khazarian Mafia by amalgamating it with the Jews. But, fact remains that in the context of modern history, collective interests and present phenomena of the world, it is much difficult to differentiate between these two entities. Wikipedia points out that the Khazarian King Bulan (Khazar) had chosen Judaism as the religion of the Khazarians. So, connections between Jews and the Mafia are quite obvious.
While, implementing the clandestine strategy of the Khazarian Mafia and besides supporting the fanatic Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, American extremist President Trump is also backing the Indian leader of the fanatic party BJP and the fundamentalist Prime Minister Narendra Modi against China and Pakistan in accordance with anti-China, anti-Russia, anti-Pakistan and anti-Muslim agenda. He is leading the covert Indo-Israeli nexus as part of the invisible war of the Mafia.

In these terms, the Khazarian Mafia virus is more dangerous than the coronavirus, as the Mafia has infected humanity at large and has continued killing the people of various nations to obtain, particularly, Mafia’s business interests.

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #racist 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "Blacks aren't smart enough to be scientific"]

A year ago today, a nigger by the name of Adrianne Gladden-Young was whining that too many of the scientists who were trying to cure the Wuhan Flu are white. I thought it was only fair, since the scientists who created it were all yellow
Well if she's dumb enough to think that "I can't breathe" was something Thug Floyd said "while pleading" then no wonder she was being kept away from the centrifuge
Whitey told you to go easy on the fried chicken, don't go blaming us because you just can't resist…
It's curious that Gladden-Young is also unaware of how triage works[…]In the early days of the Wuhan Flu scare, it was believed that there would be tides of dead bodies in the streets because the media (and activist scientists like Gladden-Young) kept insisting this was a horrendously deadly and contagious disease
Maybe their grades aren't high enough (even though many schools[…]have already vastly lowered academic standards so that even any blacks could be admitted)? Maybe not very many blacks bother to apply (I hear graduate studies is a lot of work). Years of getting a free leg up and still aren't getting the results you want?
Much like the statements (and $20 bills) of Gorilla Floyd, this claim[…]is a fraud[…]We expect tribal negros to lie and fake victim status in order to get something free from superior taxpaying whites. We expect scientists to listen to evidence

Son of the 1st Revolution #pratt #racist amren.com

I don't doubt that Asians and Ashkenazi Jews are more intelligent than whites. However, that does not mean that white people do not have the same right to self determination as all other races do. Regardless of IQ, even if we were dumber than blacks, we should still have the right to lobby for our own self interest, or own civil liberties, hell, our own right to exist.

Black people have the NAACP, hispanics have La Raza, LULAC (or whatever it calls itself today), why cannot white people be allowed to have the same? We are a minority on this planet and we have an open border.

Question: If it takes thousands of years for evolution to take place, and in the case of IQ, for different races of people to develop variable IQ's, how long does it take for the "fruit hanging from the trees" to devolve a society?

Unfortunately, between whites marrying blacks and Hispanics, plus, the welfare dependency class having more kids, it seems that even in the white population we are devolving. The opening scene in "Idiocracy" seem more prophetic than ever.

Socrates #crackpot #elitist #racist #wingnut vanguardnewsnetwork.com

Thoughts On Human Rights

Since 1948, “human rights” have been a big thing in the West. All humans enjoy “human rights” simply because they are human, we are told by the UN, UNESCO and by famous leftists. They say that all of the world’s humans enjoy human rights, even retards and communists and 400-pound fat women.

But that’s not correct. All humans are different, so how could they all enjoy the same rights? Who would grant those rights? God? Which god? No two humans are the same. Some are taller, shorter, fatter, skinnier, smarter, dumber, more ambitious, more lazy, etc. Humans vary greatly. Like snowflakes, no two are alike. How come the humans didn’t have humans rights until 1948? So, in 1947, they didn’t have any such rights? That seems odd.

The only way all humans in the world would enjoy the same rights (human rights) is if they were all the same and all equally valuable. But they aren’t. Thomas Edison was much more valuable than a negro in Africa. So human rights cannot exist. If a lion eats a human in the jungle, then that human didn’t have any “human rights,” did he? And how come the lion has no “animal rights”? Shouldn’t the lion have rights? Such as: a right to eat meat (the human) in order to survive? Humans are animals, just like lions are.

Human rights are bogus. Fake. They don’t exist.

(In fact, humans rights are a fantasy made up by a Jew [Rene Cassin] for UNESCO in 1948. How does a Jew decide that all humans have “human rights”? If humans have human rights, how do you explain Gaza, which is today a giant concentration camp full of Palestinians? Apparently, “certain people” have human rights and other people don’t. Right, Israel?).

Tim Tony Stark Rifat #crackpot #magick #conspiracy #racist #mammon timrifat.com


Elohim Kabbalah Rule Zion Power Rings

In Zion you need 10 holy men, Zaddikim, to manifest the Kabbalist Tree on Earth. Every Jewish Temple needs ten men for every Jewish ritual. The Wheeler-Korsh engine needs 10 adjuncts to work and manifest reality from mind.

The Rothschilds have 10 Zaddakims who wear black stone rings that link them to the Shelitha Stone, Lucifer's Stone, that manifests reality for torsion fields, the black denotes the quantum vacuum. With these new ten rings you will become the Super Jews that hijacks the New World Order and manifest with Zion anything you wish from the quantum vacuum using the Elohim's infrastructure. I have a Supernal Triangle Kabbalistic Ring that controls the input, the 10 rings control the output and make 11 Daath, Death, to manifest our will 100% and access Universe B.

Becoming one of the top new Illuminati and get the old Illuminati kissing your ass - You know it make sense! Crowley's Thelemic as you will so must it be magic accessed by the Zaddikim Power for the chosen few. Join the Top 10 or eat their shit.

Only 10 available for $10,000 per ring

Can be resold for any price with a 20% feed [like hedge funds].

Alexandrah Bruce/Douglas and Tyla Gabriel and Michael McKibben #crackpot #conspiracy #racist #homophobia #wingnut #dunning-kruger forbiddenknowledgetv.net

I’m on a quest to understand how this Global Flu d’État was coordinated and pulled-off. While everybody else blames China, the Globalists or the Sabbatean/Illuminati for COVID, these three have maintained, since the very beginning that it is the British Crown, via the Pirbright Institute and QinetiQ that is the true villain of this whole story.
Mike then launches into some bigtime dot-connecting that links the British East India Company, the African slave-trading families, Kamala Harris’ great-great-grandfather, Boris Johnson’s wife, Barclays Bank, JP Morgan, the Velvet Mafia, the YMCA, Jeffrey Epstein and the global child-trafficking network that is now in control of the US Southern Border.
The British East India Company lay dormant for many years but it was revived in 2018, according to corporate filings that Mike has seen. To Tyla, this means they’re getting ready to “Proclaim that they’ve taken over the whole world and that…the American Experiment was just a little speed bump. They will get rid of us and annihilate that in all the history books, any mention of America and who we are.”
Doug says, “The YMCA, YWCA, Salvation Army, USO, the Society of the Elect, the City of London, Marxism, Communism, Fascism and Imperialism were all born in London, period.”

Mike responds, “What we’re seeing is here is the replacement for slavery by the British was the genesis of the Settlement Movement, Communism, Socialism, Fabianism; they were looking for a way to make slaves out of people by some “-ism” and they didn’t really care whether it was Fascism or Communism. Those were all creations of this replacement of the British Empire with a new way of subduing the citizens of the country they dominated.”

Matthew Boose #wingnut #conspiracy #racist amgreatness.com

What are those silly white people so nervous about? Republicans are in a panic over critical race theory! They’re afraid of things they don’t understand! Don’t they know that racism against whites, according to our phony-baloney definition of racism, is a logical impossibility?

We’re hearing a lot of talk like this these days. The Left is in a huff that Americans have started to notice the nonsense story we are constantly fed about race in America is precisely backwards. While we are told we live under “white supremacy,” dehumanizing, anti-white racism is increasingly pervasive in American life. It’s in schools across the country, where white children are indoctrinated to hate themselves because of their skin color. Corporations subject their workers to ritual humiliation about “whiteness” and what must be done to purge themselves, and society, of this evil. The federal government, under Joe Biden, is prosecuting a new draconian “war on extremism” that is, in reality, a shot across the bow at recalcitrant whites who refuse to accept this hostile treatment.

As Biden recently explained in Tulsa, white people are basically terrorists.
But hey, never mind all that! Those whites are just scared of progress!

If these teachings are not stopped, we will end up with generations trained to hate, with fanatical passion, an increasingly vulnerable racial group. What will America look like then?

blueeyesviking #racist #wingnut reddit.com

RE: EU Plans to limit number of British TV show and movies shown in Europe to combat 'cultural imperialism'

£100 the French are behind this. Self-confident nations such as the Polish and Germans wouldn't resort to this.

Why don't the EU fund improvements to the EU's movie/series production instead?

Various Commenters #psycho #racist #wingnut reddit.com

RE: Czech Republicans = Based Republicans



"radical attitudes towards Roma people" Based as fuck

The radical attitude would be acceptance

"Gypsies should be legally responsible from the moment they are born, because that is, in fact, their biggest crime" -Based Miroslav Sládek


Antiziganism is a centrist position in Europe.

Antiganism is a part of every position in Europe. I swear by god, that I only met one person in my life, who didn’t hate gypsies


roma "people"?

They ment subhumans

Before any westerners says anything about being against gypsies I highly encourage them to come to any eastern country and stay among them

Fred Reed #pratt #racist #wingnut amren.com

[Thoughts, Unoriginal But Perhaps of Value, on Brains]

The panic arises only regarding blacks. Suggesting that Jews are smarter than other whites, which perhaps most believe, or that East Asians are smarter than whites, as seems to be the case, does not greatly roil the waters. Hispanics don’t seem to matter. Blacks do.

White European society seems to accept the superiority of Jews and East Asian, and the consequent differences in prosperity, without dangerous levels of resentment. The resentment of, and by, blacks is intense and explosive.

William Luther Pierce #crackpot #elitist #psycho #racist #wingnut en.wikipedia.org

[From the plot summary of William Luther Pierce’s 1978 novel The Turner Diaries, which is still very relevant today, as it continues to serve as a kind of bible for white supremacists. - Percy]

The Organization raids the houses of all individuals who have been reported to be race traitors in some way (such as judges, professors, lawyers, politicians, clergy, journalists, entertainers, etc.), and white people who defiled their race by living with or being married to non-whites. It drags these individuals from their homes and publicly hangs them in the streets in Los Angeles in an event which comes to be known as the "Day of the Rope" (August 1, 1993). Most of these public executions are filmed for propaganda purposes. The Organization has little use for most white "mainstream" Americans. Those on the left are seen as dupes or willing agents of the Jews, while conservatives and libertarians are regarded as mere businessmen out for themselves or misguided fools, because, the Organization states, the Jews "took over according to the Constitution, fair and square." Turner and his comrades save their special contempt for the ordinary people, who are seen to care about nothing beyond being kept comfortable and entertained. Once daily life is completely disrupted by the nuclear war it instigated, the Organization opens compounds where food and shelter are available - but those seeking admittance are given a bayonet and told to come back with "the freshly cut head of a non-white person"; those unable or unwilling to pay such an "admittance price" are left to starve, as their death would "improve the race".

Brian Niemeier #fundie #racist brianniemeier.com

Anytime you see a member of the hierarchy invoke “the sin of racism,” it’s a good bet his statement is more influenced by the World than by Church doctrine. You won’t find racism per se listed as a sin in any Catholic moral theology manual. [...] Scholastic theology teaches that race is real, it’s more than skin-deep, and the variety of races extant in the world is a natural good willed by God. [...] Honoring one’s race is a good ordained by God.

Disastrous-Moose7152 & Arms_Longfellow #moonbat #racist reddit.com

RE: The "International Community/World" we often hear about.


The reason is that most of the west is so racist that, subconsciously, they don’t consider people from third world countries to be proper human beings who actually possess independent thoughts and are entitled safety and well-being. That’s why they claim themselves to be the whole world, because people who are different from them are simply outside their brains.

Yep, exactly. Like when you point out how every single Muslim country in the world supports China on the Uyghur issue, they'll just respond, "Yeah but they've been brainwashed by Chinese propaganda, and they depend on Chinese money so they're forced to support them"

SlavicPrideaccount97 #conspiracy #racist reddit.com

RE: "A protest for the Roma person who died after a police intervention was supposed to happen in Prague. Nobody came"

They often fly in antifas from Germany or Sweden to go to protests in countries like Czechia and Poland. I guess the flights were cancelled because of COVID lol

Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt #fundie #crackpot #racist #wingnut whitenationalist.org

[On the question of whether notorious neo-Nazi Alex Linder is actually a Jew]

And when I found out that Linder had Crohns, which I called 'jew ass-cancer' nearly four years ago, I gloated that this proved that Linder has a kike in itz genetic woodpile. I learned that Crohns was a jew immune deficiency disease in which a jew asshole literally rebels at being attached to a jew asshole. There are a lot of the 'Wandering Mamzers of WikiPedia/Talksjew CI' persuasion who got Crohns/jew ass-GAIDS. LegalMamzer2012 Johns, Dan Johns's spawn. Kommandork McFagg/Steve Elder. Brian Wright, melungeon jewboy playing CI and the melungeon criminal baal-priest Jeromy Visser's partner in crime. All these jewboys pretending to be Aryan with unruly bleeding kike bungholes. No wonder kikes are obsessed over shit when their very bungholes are in immunological rebellion so that they can't take a normal shit. I've had my fun starting a whispering campaign against Linder and Linder's bleeding kike bunghole.

But I'm not the only one saying that Linder is a jew. Quite a few others have done so and been tard-corralled and banned for doing so.

For two months now Linder has been claiming that it no longer has Crohns/jew ass-GAIDS. Now Linder has 'Ulcerative Colitis/Aryan ass-GAIDS. Well, I don't believe it. The bleeding of an unruly jewly kike bunghole does testify against the jewboy.

Russ Winter #crackpot #conspiracy #racist #wingnut #dunning-kruger winterwatch.net

Several of the kakistocracy’s media henchmen continue to fire upon the “conspiracy theory” community.

British newspaper The Guardian allowed thought-crime think-tank Institute for Strategic Dialogue (ISD) to chime in with an op-ed it titled “Stop the online conspiracy theorists before they break democracy.”

Even the op-ed’s subtitle contains not-so-thinly, veiled, neuro-linguistic programming and wash, rinse, repeat jamming.

“Cannibals, aliens and clandestine lizard overlords: thanks to algorithms, such ideas threaten the future of Europe.”

Then it continues on with the standard gaslighting.

Where to even begin.

I have to say (as you can imagine) that I spend plenty of time in conspiracy theory circles (good, bad and indifferent, they can’t be generalized). Other than David Icke fans, I know of almost no one who seriously entertains lizard overlord theory or bothers to discuss this strawman fallacy. And even Icke has shifted gears to a more solid theory: Sabbatean Frankism.

There’s an acquisitive, authoritarian, inherently vile and deceitful ruling class (aka kakistocracy) and its Crime Syndicate apparatus, and there’s the rest of us. This is, for all practical purposes, the underlying conspiracy theory. Everything else that we write about stems, to one degree or another, off of that.
I am not allowing the BBC, the Slimes, The Guardian or any other of kakistocratic media institutions to gaslight me into believing that questioning proven liars is the same thing as having a delusional mental illness. They would be better served by crawling back under their slimy rocks.

Henry Makow, PhD #conspiracy #wingnut #racist #homophobia #crackpot henrymakow.com

Monday we explained Canada's gratuitous lockdown by showing that Justine's father was actually Fidel Castro.

His cuckold "father"
Pierre Elliot Trudeau (1919-2000) was Canadian Prime Minister
from 1968-1979 and 1980-1984. His file was destroyed because he was a Communist (Illuminati) agent. Most "leaders" are Freemasons. The goal of Freemasonry is Rothschild (Cabalist Jewish, i.e. Satanic) world tyranny, i.e. Communism or "globalism." Communism is monopoly (i.e. banker controlled) capitalism. Trudeau took the first steps toward normalizing homosexuality and making European Canadians a minority, i.e. "multiculturalism." Castro's son is following in Trudeau's footsteps.

The Illuminati are sexual deviants. They abuse their own children as part of the brainwashing process. There is a suggestion that this happened to Justine.

In her book, TRANCE-FORMATION OF AMERICA (1995) MK-ULTRA survivor Cathy O'Brien stated that many world leaders, including Pierre Trudeau and Brian Mulroney, are pedophiles. She met them in the course of her life as a sex slave trained (with her young daughter) to service high-profile politicians. Other sources support Cathy O'Brien's allegations.

Pierre's 1968 marriage to Margaret was "arranged" by the military. The couple was programmed with LSD at a remote farm in British Columbia.
This might explain why Margaret was passed around to Fidel Castro.

In a suicide note, Castro's son Fidelito said Justine was his half-brother, and complained that Fidel compared him unfavorably. Fidelito had a half-dozen other half-brothers and sisters.

If it looks like a duck, and walks and talks like a duck, it's a duck.

Chief Turey #crackpot #moonbat #racist blackhammer.org

3 Reasons Why Critical Race Theory is TRASH

CRT wants you to assimilate

CRT sees race as a construct enforced by colonizers. It assumes that racism can be overcome by taking down old laws, and putting up new laws in their place.

Based off this assumption, it would be in the best interest of poor and working class Colonized people to help reform the empire and prop up a new “anti-racist” empire. An empire where hand-selected Colonized people can steer the drones killing Africans in Somalia, or show off their collection of advocates for CRT, willing to die on the same hill that their predecessors in the Civil Rights Movement died on: assimilation into the colonial empire should be our ultimate goal. “Our” in this case being the minority of sellouts willing to throw the mass majority of poor and working class Colonized people under the bus for a dollar.

Revolution can be put to the side in favor of peaceful coexistence with the same colonizers who continue to rape us, murder us, and bring us closer to climate catastrophe every waking second.

CRT is willing to settle for an intersectional empire, under the likes of a Kopmala Harris, instead of taking our land back from that colonial empire.

It says our history starts at Colonization.

The torture and murder of millions of Africans on amerikkkan plantations is sold to us as the beginning of African History.

First contact between Indigenous nations and european colonizers is likewise sold to us as the beginning of our history—the history before then, spanning tens of thousands of years being of zero value to the colonizer parasite and the genocide that followed framed as an unfortunate consequence of the “natural” development of a parasitic colonial empire.

Various Commenters #conspiracy #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: Black US Farmers Dismayed as White Farmers’ Lawsuit Halts Relief Payments

(Son of the 1st Revolution)

So, there is some justice. Hooray for that. Whites have been under the boots of black supremacists for too long.

Notice they interviewed a black farmer. They didn't interview any white farmers who were going to be passed over by this illegal fund. To the MSM, we are non-people, unworthy of having our opinions publicized.

I remember my American friends laughed when I suggested that there would be a federal tax imposed on whites. They are not laughing any more.

Here there are many construction companies owned by Blacks, but staffed by Whites for the higher level work, and Latinx for the basic work. There are basically no Black employees in these Black owned companies., but they get the government contracts. Is it the same in farming?

Most are in reality owned by high IQ types like Jews who make a black, or two, co-owners and pay them off to be eligible for various program contracts. Smart but ethically deprived people have already been taking a huge advantage of this nonsense. Or at least that's what I heard, and it seems logical.

William Luther Pierce #crackpot #psycho #racist #wingnut en.wikipedia.org

[Regarding the plot of William Luther Pierce’s 1978 novel The Turner Diaries, which is still very relevant today, as it serves as a kind of bible for white supremacists. - Percy]

The epilogue summarizes how the Organization went on to conquer the rest of the world and how all non-white races were eliminated. Africa was invaded; all of its black inhabitants were killed. Puerto Ricans (described as a "repulsive mongrel race") were killed and Puerto Rico was recolonized. After China attempts to invade European Russia, the Organization attacks its with nuclear, chemical, radiological and biological weapons which render the entire continent of Asia uninhabitable and rife with "mutants". In the United States, the last remaining non-whites are hunted down, along with all of the individuals who are involved in organized crime (such as the Mafia).

One of the last steps in the Organization's victory is its truce with the remainder of the American military's generals, who agree to surrender if the former swears not to harm them or their immediate families. The Organization gladly accepts. The epilogue concludes with the statement that "just 110 years after the birth of the 'Great One', the dream of a white world finally became a certainty... and the Order would spread its wise and benevolent rule over the earth for all time to come."

Emerging Light & Son of Dorset #racist #wingnut stormfront.org

(Emerging Light)
What is White racial identity and why is it important?

'Racial solidarity for we, but not for thee...Whitey.' -The New Anti-White Abnormal

Are anti-Whites inadvertently helping deracinated Whites to become more racially self-aware, to identify positively as White and to collectivize, to galvanize and to organize specifically around race?

What is White racial identity, and why is it important?

“White people got to start getting together, specifically around race.”

(Son of Dorset)

Multiculturalism sure makes you love your people doesn't it?

It sure does. Not so long ago we didn't "perceive" our whiteness, because we didn't have to. Now we must be more than racially conscious, we must defend it at every turn and teach our kids.

What we see happening will, without a doubt, begin to cause normies to say, "Wait a second, here, this is wrong. I'm not going to throw my culture, heritage, and ancestors away just to please people with severe inferiority complexes, who will hate me no matter what."

Franco & gothic-android #conspiracy #racist #wingnut stormfront.org

Sweden: White Art Gets Woked

The scary thing about Cultural Marxism is: it has no brakes. Soon, everything even remotely White will be banished from society. Cultural Marxism seeks to end White culture. To the Marxist, White culture is “evil” and “oppressive” and “sexist.” (You want to see sexism? Go to Mexico. The Mexicans are much more sexist than Whites. They are also cruel to animals, and more violent. So why don’t the Marxists ever bitch about Mexico’s culture? Answer: because it isn’t White!). Interestingly, the Scandinavians are prone to egalitarian thinking. How ironic: the “Whitest of White people” are the most PC!

Backlash as Swedish National Museum slaps racism and sexism warnings on CLASSIC ART

White people make the best art and they're jealous.

Show me a non-white artist that can create something even close to those exhibits.

Marxists seek to tear down everything that makes anyone feel inferior. If you get an inferiority complex from seeing great art, I would guess you're offended and we can't have that.

Aryan Christian #elitist #racist #wingnut stormfront.org

You guys flood our countries and then demand special privileges and treatment at our expense. Our access to opportunities and to our institutions is reduced. For what? What do you give us? You take. That's it. Letting you guys in doesn't help us and our countries in any way whatsoever. It's a one way relationship. And it's an abusive one because you use us and parasite from us. That's all you do. And it's because you're too lazy to fix your own countries. We owe you nothing. So please explain to me why you think you're worthy of flooding our countries. And, no, I am not trying to be insulting. I am curious. You guys failed at running your own countries. That much is obvious. Are we supposed to believe you'd be a valuable asset? In what way? Gangs? Riots? Forcing your way into our institutions and lowering their quality? Are we supposed to believe our countries would be better off with you in them?

PurestEvil #racist #dunning-kruger consumeproduct.win

Racism is not a thing. It's a made up word by communists.

The closest proper term is "race awareness." Who is most race aware? Those who have dealt with other races the most. It is inevitable unless you are in a coddled university with high IQ people of any race. Then your experience is strongly biased towards the better.

Once you enter the real world, far apart from the safe spaces of the university, the real racial difference will slap you in the face. The difference is solely: If you have been sufficiently brainwashed, your first thought will be "these niggers are stupid because muh' white oppression!!" We on the other hand know about race & IQ, and other facts of life, so we don't make up dumb excuses.

And if you never have been to higher education, you won't get the hardcore programming either. So the working class plebs appear "dumb" because they do not regurgitate the programming that for some stupid NPC reason determines you "smart."

NaturalNobility #crackpot #conspiracy #racist #ufo #fundie imperialgermans.com

The Third World War would be horrific but not a total nuclear war. The Chinese would be the first to make use of their nuclear arsenal. The Year the war starts there would be a mild winter and a good harvest for Europe. The wheat will still be able to be harvested but not the oats. The Russian attack would happen without anybody expecting it and they would advance really quickly. Here they would be stopped by a military force with weapons that no other state owns (The so-called Imperial Germans). During the war a powerful leader will emerge. It is the webmaster’s belief that this is the so-called Jesus Christ figure, Vishnu Kalki, Third Sargon, Messiah or Avenger. According to the Sajahan Prophecies the Third Sargon or Jesus Christ would emerge from the Land of the Midnight Mountain or Germany. This leader would lead the defense forces against the Russians and pass Judgment on all Mankind.
Most countries in the world revert to the natural way of ruling, Monarchy. Germany would get a New Kaiser and become a new Kaiser Reich. All former German territories would be returned to Germany. Even Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxemburg, Switzerland and even Italy will join the New German Kaiser Reich. Poland will get a king. Russia will get a new Tsar. Once the Zionist Jews are removed from power globally the natural nobility will take up rulership in these countries. The 1000-year Golden Age will then begin. We will no longer need weapons of mass destruction because war will be a thing of the past. The Zionist will no longer instigate wars, famines or revolutions. The world will know peace for the first time since this war began thousands of years ago.

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #racist #dunning-kruger 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "The great myth of 215 dead Injun kids"]

As we've noted before, the current hysteria over "215 dead children" at the Kamloops Residential School is almost certainly bogus. Ground penetrating radar can't count the number of bodies nor even tell you which species the bones are: it might be 23 coyote carcasses for all we know. We don't know for sure that there are any kids let alone 215. Even if the bodies are human they might be all Caucasians, or adults, and might number less than 10
In 1923 it was rebuilt after the previous school burned down. Being a boarding school, it's entirely possible that the deaths took place during the fire. So if the bodies turned out to be burned down by the fire, where's the outrage? People die in fires to this very day, most notably in England a few years back
So did the Red Indian kids die in the fire? Or did they die of tuberculosis or polio, both of which were highly deadly diseases running through their populations in the early part of the 20th century? There's a big deal about "unmarked graves", but BCF readers are on the case for that as well
So everything the media is telling you about these deaths is a lie. Everything they tell you about the Residential Schools is a lie too, of course

But ignore the whining about 215 dead Red Indian children. It's all made up

Various Commenters #conspiracy #racist #sexist #wingnut amren.com

RE: NYC’s Spence School Showed Video That ‘Tarred and Feathered’ White Women: Ex-Trustee

(Vox Nihili)

Hispanic tech exec Gabriela Baron fired off a scorched-earth letter — shown to her eighth-grade daughter and classmates on graduation day — seething that the video “openly derides, humiliates and ridicules white women.

“Is Ziwe’s video somehow not racist and acceptable to Spence because it attacks whites?”

I keep saying here, and to any female in my actual life who might be receptive: White women will not be spared. Being female only puts us the tiniest smidge ahead of white men on the 'World's Most Hated' list. Our color is far more important than our sex to our enemies, AND IT SHOULD BE TO US TOO.

Any White women with any connection to reality knows that a White world is the only world in which they are respected.

I think the disconnection from reality is the problem with whites.

(ssbbh 1987)
Sometimes its seems that large portion of white women lives in some kind of a bubble/parallel universe where white women are universally loved and appreciated by everyone for their display of hatred for anything white, lol.
Aligning with POCs/LGBTQ/Feminists will not save you.
Short term, maybe, long term absolutely not.
Just like white gays/lesbians/trans are learning fast that their sexual orientation does not trump race.
You are all still white.

Feminism was the death of White political dominance in America. If using Non-Whites as a political tool will stop, then Feminism will be far and above all other factors that caused the end of the White Race. Nothing has ever destroyed White Unity, traditions, values or strength to the point Feminism has. Nothing.

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