
The woman-haters, man-haters, and non-binary-haters

Megha #wingnut #homophobia #sexist #psycho fxtwitter.com

(Submitter’s note: “Thymotic” seems to refer to the Platonic concept of the thymos, the portion of the soul that contained such things as pride, shame, and indignation. Also remember that this is a woman posting.)

Gay is a word I could write a whole treatise about.

What makes men gay is a rejection or abdication of his God Given thymotic rage. When he acts like a ‘lil bi*ch’

It’s primarily psychological and the sodomy is the logical conclusion of it, but not the central aspect of it.

woodchip #wingnut #conspiracy #sexist descentbb.net

First off, while at times I disagree with Will, he is still a far cut above most posters here (and that includes me). Let get to the real. Dems suk when they get in power for too long. Maybe Reps do too as God knows there are enough rhinos out there. But we need a periodic shake up to balance things out or you get things like the DOJ being a party tool used to influence a election...unless you live in a bubble. So abhorrent isn't a abortion? Guess what happens if you murder a pregnant woman ( at least where a prosecutor actually goes by the law)? You get charged with a double murder. Let a doctor do it and all is fine and dandy. Why not make it mandatory for a male or a female to get their tubes tied? Why wait until a doctor has to perform an act of murder?

Anonymous #sexist #transphobia #conspiracy #pratt spacelazarwolf.tumblr.com

(Note: spacelazarwolf is not the OP. This is a targeted hate message anonymously sent to him, a Jewish trans man.)

Hi Breastie!! I'm the Good Faith Advise Anon! And I've come to share some lighthearted facts (。•̀ᴗ-)✧

One of the most prominent finantial inversors of the Trans comunity and movement less spoken of in public is Jewish business male George Soros, being one of the main sponsors of the EU trans lobby orgs through his open society foundations (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)

Most violent crimes, specially those particulary henious such as rape, assault, robbery, murder, and child abuse; Males commit 80-90% of these with notorious difference. Victims includes both females and other weaker males themselves (ㆁωㆁ)

Homosexuality is a material reality based on the exclusive attraction towards other individual based on shared same sex. A person having willingly sexual activities with someone of the opposite sex is simply and objectively not homosexual 乁[ ◕ ᴥ ◕ ]ㄏ

Love ya Breastie!! (つ≧▽≦)つ

Vox Day #racist #sexist #conspiracy #elitist voxday.net

[From "Racial Destruction Goes Awry"]

The Kalergi plan from the early 20th century to politically unify Europe and destroy the European race through admixture with “the lesser races” might appear to be working as designed[…]

One passage that really stuck out for me in Amy Chua’s book, was her digression on yellow fever. She acknowledges there are a lot of skeevy WMAF couples out there, and makes a point to say that her white husband has never dated an Asian woman before[…]WMAF has become self-aware about just how low status their coupling is[…]
East Asian women are the lowest status women in the world, and so to market themselves to loser white men, they have to advertise themselves as the least feminist. Sexual Coolies serving as strikebreakers against White Feminism[…]
Asian women have crashed their own sexual market value, 6 March 2015

There is a saying among Hapas that if you want to know if a hapa boy’s father is Asian or White, all you have to do is throw a football at him. Loser white fathers don’t tend to produce boys who can catch[…]What about when WMAF pairs of high-quality 8_Gerek_Meinhardt_and_Lee_Kiefer]get together?[…]
Siphoning off the low-quality Europeans by encouraging them to trade in their children’s genetic heritage for additional sexual market value is only going to increase the average quality of the pure Europeans[…]
We can reasonably anticipate that one of the inevitable results of the Kalergi Plan, mass immigration, and the endless marketing of mudsharking provided by the media will be the production of two new genetic elites, one of higher-quality Europeans, and a second that is a super-subset of very high quality Eurasians that could turn out to have some of the highest-performance genetics ever produced by Man

Conservapedia #fundie #sexist #racist #wingnut #dunning-kruger conservapedia.com

The Legend of Zelda series: Similar in vein to stories such as Lord of the Rings, Beowulf, and The Chronicles of Narnia, the games detail a classic message of good fighting evil, and also featured implicit Christian themes in the series (in fact, until the third game, the religion of the people in the games was supposed to be Christianity, hence the cross on Link's Shield in the first game). The main villain, Ganon, is revealed to have originally belonged to a group known as the Gerudo, who are depicted as a nearly all-female race (Ganon, or more accurately his human form Ganondorf, being the only exception) and having traits resembling Muslims, hinting at an anti-feminist/anti-Islam message. There was also a pro-family message in at least one game in the series, as one of the entries, Wind Waker, featured Link trying to save his sister after she was abducted early on in the game, as well as their getting along amicably throughout.

Metroid series: Although largely being based on the liberal movie franchise Alien, the game franchise has several conservative elements. Namely, it depicts piracy and terrorism in a negative manner in the form of the murderous Space Pirates who frequently act as the main antagonists of the franchise. The game Super Metroid also promotes parenthood in a positive light, as the main plotline of the game involved Samus Aran trying to rescue her "child", a Metroid hatchling she adopted after wiping out its race in the previous game due to it imprinting on her, from the Space Pirate forces. The Prime series also depicts the military in a positive manner in the form of the Galactic Federation Marines, and some of the Chozo Logs as well as the Luminoth also have some similarities to biblical accounts (i.e., the Worm, alluding to the titular antagonist Metroid Prime, alluding to Wormwood in the book of revelations). In addition, although the main protagonist, Samus Aran, is female, it does not promote the concept of feminism. The game Metroid Fusion also showcases the warnings of playing god and government corruption.

various commenters #conspiracy #sexist rumble.com

RE: Aaron Russo: Feminism Was Created To Destabilize Society, Tax Women & Set-Up NWO

( Pandorasbox313 )
Wonder how many people who already have that chip in them already. Maybe with a V@x

( AngelFreak )
Feminism is the biggest lie that was pushed on American women.

( annevandiver61 )
Even as I kid, I knew the woman’s lib stuff was destructive BS. Destruction from within!!

( Baladevadas )
the deep stat killed Aaron Russo after he disclosed the Rothschild's eugenics program

( Ali0818 )
Do you really believe this?

They are ‘wiping’ out the ‘birthing people’ because we are one of the causes for ‘them’ falling….

or maybe its because bahphomet is a Hermaphrodite

or maybe because there is nothing like a mothers love, and once mom is out of the role modeling position…

if hes a friend of the Rockefellers, hes not a friend of ours. brlieve half of what you hear

( Baladevadas )
Aaron was killed by the deep state rockefellers for exposing the rothschild's eugenics program. watch the video before you pass judgment

( TexasCicada )
As a Gen X’er, my generation was the first to be severely impacted by women’s lib. I and most of my friends were all latchkey kids. We had no supervision after school or during summer. Just free to run around and create chaos. I hated going to nursery school and being ripped away from my mom and forces to endure a cold school. It is really unnatural. Neither of my parents had any energy to help me with my schoolwork after they got home. My mom was such a feminist and put her ego before the family so she could be a career woman. She also made my dad’s life miserable because of her lack of submitting to him. She totally ran them into debt. My dad was powerless over it. These women today are far worse. They all are driven to be independent career women and to sleep around. No scruples anymore with sex. So many of the men today are gay. Many if the girls are bisexual too. Just sad. There’s no going back at this point. We’re screwed.

various commenters #wingnut #sexist gab.com

( @polesowa )
But don't you think this is far fetched?? I don't know any friends like this and I'm in California of all places. I think election fraud is much bigger than we can imagine.


spoiler68% of Unmarried women voted
With gas and food prices at record
highs, homes being unaffordable,
violent rapists and murderers
prowling the streets, and the world
on the brink of nuclear WW3, they
stood back and said.
My biggest priority is being able to
abort my own baby

( @Theycensoredme )
Why don't all these whores just get their tubes tied...
Then they can fuck night and day at their leisure..

( @ouspensky )
@polesowa lots of batshit crazy dem chicks in my part of cali

( @Eric_Simpson )
@polesowa those are the demographic least expected to vote in the election. So they pull those names from the voter roles and create a Dem vote for them.

( @KoalaBlueGirl )
@polesowa Sadly, every white woman my age that I know (married AND unmarried), thinks EXACTLY like this. They all vote as if abortion is the most important issue.

( @Lnajpaver )
@polesowa I know a lot of women who voted this way…and the majority are single liberals. They will watch the world around them die to secure their right to have a full term baby die. Terrifying. The more unbelievable part is they are doing it for their daughter’s health…🤦🏻‍♀️

( @Faintly )
@polesowa Time to replace that gentle word "abort' with the truth- MURDER. Raise the next generation with the term MURDER your own baby...maybe it will sink into their hearts enough to matter. A 'planned murder' so you don't become a parent is not acceptable by society.

( @DavidLankester )
@polesowa The election fraud that has been going on around the world in so called "democratic" countries has been one of the biggest crimes in history.... along with the covid injection thing.

( @fairhillfarmer )
@polesowa Many of the loudest pro-abortion voices in the Media haven't ovulated since FDR was President.

( @Beasttmode )
@polesowa just think for a moment, where the country would be if women didn't have the right to vote.

( @CSAFD )
Killing an unborn child DOESNT just affect women, my ex did it to me in ‘20.

Conservapedia #fundie #wingnut #sexist conservapedia.com

(On Avatar)
The second highest-grossing feature in history, directed by liberal James Cameron, enforces many destructive messages, including environmentalism, feminism, and the absurd claim that nature is God. It also ridicules the military and large businesses. To make matters worse, the protagonist forms a rather creepy romance with the native princess, who is of another species, perhaps a symbol for bestiality. The overall plotline hints at endorsing environmental terrorism, which Cameron indicated that he himself supported.

(On Avatar 2)
Liberal atheist James Cameron's sequel to his highly overrated movie. This is yet another nonsensical screed against capitalism that pushes political correctness, wokeness, environmentalism, and feminism. Once again he celebrates eco terrorism and treats paganism as truth. He also portrays the US government as savage terrorists who remorselessly torture children.

Andrew Anglin #wingnut #racist #sexist #conspiracy dailystormer.name

[From "Germany: Faggot (Homo) Freak Teachers Flee Like Rats from East German Town, Hunted by BASED Students"]

If East Germany had remained independent, the world would be so, so much better

It would seriously be like if the South had won the Civil War


The two teachers say students greeted each other with Nazi salutes, threatened to beat up immigrant classmates and were homophobic and sexist[…]

Basically, East Germans are as based as Russians

Except the women born in the last 30 years, I guess

But the old women are based

If the Americans were smart, when they got control of the East, they would have force-integrated them

But they didn’t, and now you have a revolutionary group inside the most powerful country in Europe

Obviously, the Americans won’t let AfD actually take over the government

But by cockblocking them, they could create a serious problem

Germans have been beaten to death, man – faggotry, feminism, immigration, now a totally destroyed economy (basically, deindustrialization) – in order to support a war for America

I was in East Germany in 2017 (please don’t tell anyone that) and everyone knew what the deal was with everything

I’m sure some Germans will “well, aksshhhulllly” me on that, and yeah, I’m sure not everyone is based, but I could just walk into bars in the middle of the day and smoke cigarettes. No one spoke English, but I could tell my German guide to ask people the most hardcore shit

They all support Russia

Imagine that

After supposedly being “occupied by Russian communism,” they are hardcore Russia supporters who support a Russian invasion of Germany

This is an entire partisan bloc that would collaborate if this war ever really gets rolling

Charlie Kirk #fundie #sexist twitter.com

The church has become too feminine.

We need more strong men who fear God and have the courage to do what's right, even when the media, social media, and their peers criticize and attack them, especially then.

Nearly every societal ill in our era is connected to this single issue.

Candace Owens #wingnut #sexist #transphobia mediamatters.org

We're -- I mean, we are in a matriarchy. And this is why they accuse me of being an internalized misogynist because I'm able to think through and acknowledge the flaws of what happens in society when women get power.

And if you wanna know what happens, look around you. Women fall for emotional arguments the entire time. They show us a commercial, you know, show -- it's so sad, and before they get to the rational aspects of it, they're already invested emotionally. And I think that virtually every societal ill that we are facing today is because of women.

And I think the greatest recent example of that is the Bud Light controversy, because, I mean, trans people were just playing dress up as women, invaded every women's space, and women said, oh, but I feel bad. Because it's how he identifies at the inside, without thinking through the fact that you're quite literally disappearing yourselves. Right? You're quite literally saying, I will cease existing before I let this grown man who's wearing a wig have a bad feeling. That's insane.

dsar9013 #sexist blackpill.world

The barbie movie blackpilled me because I coped and thought there was some decent, conservative, non man-hating women out there, but nope, just do your research into new Barbie movie how much it HATES men and wants to dismantle "patriarchy" (a society where men get laid and have families) and women are lining up to watch it and it is outgrossing new Mission Impossible and even the Mario movie, might be most profitable movie of 2023.

Women want all non Chad/Tyrone men enslaved with no sex and human rights whatsoever, this is not an extreme position for hardcore feminists, nope, it's very mainstream, accepted view among pretty much ALL western women. Massive blackpill, women can't be allowed any rights whatsoever if society isn't going to collapse. the barbie movie proved that, right now I hate all women, allowing women on incel forums would be disaster, they are all evil liars that want non Chad/Tyrone men to suffer. Women would enjoy watching male snuff films in 4k on netflix if they were allowed.

Conservapedia #sexist #wingnut #fundie conservapedia.com

(On Alien)
This pro-feminist, anti-capitalist film franchise was originated by atheist Ridley Scott. The first film was proven to be alarmingly similar to the 1965 film Planet of the Vampires,[1] but since it fitted the left's agenda, they didn't care and gave it biased reviews anyway. The second film, Aliens, is an anti-Vietnam statement[2] and, just like its predecessor, copies another previous feature (in this case, the 1954 film Them![3]).

(On Apocalypse Now)
This overindulgent, anti-war diatribe portrays the American military as corrupt, incompetent drug-users.

Unnamed Mina Witkojc School students and parents, Burg inhabitants and Jean-Pascal Hohm #racist #wingnut #psycho #homophobia #sexist apnews.com

Two teachers in eastern Germany tried to counter the far-right activities of students at their small town high school. They counseled bullies who threatened to beat up immigrant classmates. They gave more lessons about their country’s Nazi past. They invited in a Black rapper to talk about mutual respect

None of it helped. In desperation, Laura Nickel and Max Teske wrote a public letter in which they described an atmosphere of intimidation at Mina Witkojc School in Burg. They reported students greeting each other with the Nazi salute, scratching swastikas on their desks and playing music with racist lyrics in the hallways

“Teachers and students who openly fight against far-right students and teachers fear for their safety,” the two said in the letter they sent to local newspapers. “The problem has to be recognized and openly fought. Schools should be places free of fear, full of open-mindedness and safety for everyone and cannot provide a home for the enemies of democracy”

Even so, Nickel, who taught English and history at the high school, and Teske, a math and geography teacher, were unprepared for the backlash[…]A letter from an anonymous group of parents demanded their dismissals. Stickers with their pictures and the caption “Piss off to Berlin” plastered light poles near campus. On social media, someone declared a desire to “hunt them down”

Further disheartened by what they say was a lack of support from colleagues, the principal and local administrators, Nickel and Teske announced when the academic year ended two weeks ago that they were leaving[…]
“Far-right extremist statements, actions, slogans, homophobia and sexism were and are the order of the day at this school”[…]
After the teachers announced their withdrawal from Burg, the head of the AfD chapter in Cottbus [Jean-Pascal Hohm], Brandenburg state’s second-largest city, cheered on Twitter that Teske, whom he called a “leftist radical informer,” and his “accomplice” were gone

Henry Makow PhD #wingnut #racist #sexist #conspiracy henrymakow.com

Reparations to the descendants
of black slaves obscure
the real debt
the Rothschilds
owe to humanity.

The Rothschilds may discharge this debt by forgiving all "debt" due to money creation and relinquishing ownership of central banks to national governments. This is letting them off easy, but the return to national sovereignty, personal freedom, and truth is worth the price.

A Tentative Invoice

The Covid Scam - 10 Trillion

World War Two - Ten trillion (includes Dresden, Hamburg and Jewish holocaust)

World War One - Five Trillion

Destroying the Catholic Church and Christianity - Three trillion

Removing God from social consciousness and public discourse - Five trillion

Destroying millions of lives through feminism (marriage and family destruction) - Three trillion

The war on masculinity and femininity has damaged heterosexuals and robbed the world of masculine virtue and feminine charm. One trillion.

Mass murders by Bolsheviks and Chinese Communists - Five trillion

General depredations of Communism - One trillion

The Cold War and other wars of the twentieth century - Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria. Libya - Five trillion

The Great Depression, the Credit Crunch, and the #scamdeminc of 2020 -- Five Trillion

The assassination of JFK, MLK, RFK, and 9-11 - Two trillion

Wars previous to the twentieth century- i.e. US Civil War, etc. Two trillion

Attempt to start a race war in America - 300 Billion

Destruction of the democratic process, journalism, education, and the arts - five trillion

Damage to national cultures and identities caused by multi-culturalism and illegal migration -- One trillion

The Rothschilds will finance and distribute ten honest movies about Communist subversion and espionage in America,
as well as ten movies extolling American patriots like Louis McFadden, Charles Coughlin, Charles Lindbergh, and Henry Ford.
Airports and public places named after Illuminati traitors like G.H.W. Bush will be renamed.



Peachy Keenan #sexist #conspiracy youtube.com

What is the purpose of feminism? Like, what do they want out of women? I’ve thought about this a lot, and it seems really obvious that the end goal of feminism and all of these messages is really to keep people as childless as possible, as self-sterilized as possible. A form of genocide, almost, to Americans. They don’t want you to be stable and happy and raising your own children, and it seems very obvious why they don’t want to do that. They want to educate children themselves and feed them all their own messages. The fewer kids that you have, the fewer kids they have to worry about not getting the messages or not being indoctrinated properly.

Anonymous Coward #84490020 #sexist #homophobia godlikeproductions.com

It's sad I have to ask this but as a man...what are some fun things you can do with women that both don't involve sex and are not gay?

For guys that have female friends, what are some fun things you can do with them that aren't sexual but also not gay either?

For example I don't want to visit art galleries/museums or a theater to watch a lame movie of her choosing, I just don't want to participate in those seemingly gay things. There's gotta be stuff men and women can compromise and do together.

Any suggestions?

Existing-Diamond1259 #transphobia #sexist reddit.com

[…] y’all will call any radical feminist a terf for not “including” males in our feminism. For recognizing that female people are oppressed on the basis of our biology. Not bc of “our identity as women.” Which includes trans men. So that is hardly “trans exclusionary.”

I’ve been called a terf for even saying that I (who identifies as a lesbian) am not attracted to male people. No radical feminist un-ironically identifies as a “terf.” Y’all put that label on us.

99% of radical feminists don’t hate trans people. We believe that they deserve the rights all humans deserve. We even agree that they are generally an oppressed demographic. We disagree with the idea of gender in general. We think gender ideology is harmful. Especially to the homosexual community. In the same way you can disagree with someone & not hate them & want them to die.

The only radfems that I have seen claim that they hate trans people, are ones that say it because trans people are constantly calling them bigots for their sexuality, for simply believing that biological sex exists, etc. not because of the fact that they are trans. In fact most of us were once rapid gender ideology supporters ourselves.

There is literally nothing that aligns with Nazi beliefs in our beliefs. So calling us Nazis is ridiculous.

Michael Knowles #wingnut #sexist mediamatters.org

Women in combat is a national scandal. It is a disgrace. It is a deep, deep shame and stain on our country. And I don't even hear the conservative politicians talking about this. Women in combat is a very recent phenomenon, as the lady just said in that commercial. And yet, we just totally gave up that fight. Why? Because we don't wanna be seen as disrespecting women who serve in the military. I have the utmost respect for women who serve in the military. I'm deeply grateful for their inclination to serve and sacrifice. But the military is not about individual desires. It's not even about individual ability. It's about cohesion and unity and national policy and who we wanna be as a nation. I have no doubt that's -- that there are a significant number of women who would valiantly go out and risk their lives and bodily integrity to go fight for America. I don't want them to do that. I think it's bad for America to send women into harm's way.

I think part of the reason that we have an army is so that we don't have to do that. I think it's disordered. I think that women are more nurturing. They're the weaker sex. They're the gentler sex. And a major reason to have a military is to protect them because boys need their mommies, and husbands need their wives, and societies need a nurturing feminine element. And when we're talking -- especially when we're talking about fighting a lethal force, we need to not be sentimental and not be absurdly ideological. We need to send out the toughest, strongest, brawniest fellas. The -- the reason to keep women out of combat is as much for the men as for the women. It's as much for the civilians as for the fighting force. And you need to say it. Even -- even moderate Democrats said this 10 years ago, and now the conservative right-wing won't say it.

belzibhaal #sexist #psycho #racist mmo-champion.com

I'm nearly 35 and I've been banging the shit out of what is probably one of the hottest 16 year olds in the world for nearly 9 months. In fact, the first time I got her into bed was on her 16th birthday. Am I a degenerate?

Most likely. I realize it's a minority position here, but I think adult men should generally prefer adult women. I get that teens can be hot, but that's pretty much where the attraction ends.

I like all kinds of females. My neighbour has two incredibly gorgeous daughters who will be head turners in a year or so and they are only 12. I spent an amazing weekend in Phoenix making a 39 year old redhead scream while she was at the same hotel on business and I've taken my 49 year old lab manager to bed on more than one occasion.

As long as she's well into puberty or nor fully menopausal, I'll find a female attractive.

Why are blacks called African Americans?

I still call them negros, or isajeeps. The term "african american" just sounds plain stupid

12 year old girl speaks against abortion, and she does it well.

From the looks of this little trollop, she hasn't even hit puberty yet, let alone know what a dick feels like. She hasn't the slightest fucking idea what she is talking about.

On a somewhat related note, I don't consider a human to be a human until they have achieved sentience, so if you want to abort fetuses, have at it. Not sentient = not human.

I'll gladly give her a half cooked grenade.

And a coat hanger so she can give herself that abortion she hates so very much when she gets pregnant to her 35 year old boyfriend a year from now.

Monica Cole #conspiracy #transphobia #wingnut #sexist onemillionmoms.com

The new Barbie movie hits theaters on July 21, but unfortunately, this is not a film parents should take their children to see.

The film is produced by Mattel, Inc. and distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures. However, both corporations have made a grievous mistake by abandoning loyal customers and forgetting their core audience by pushing transgender propaganda.

Barbie unnecessarily pushes the LGBTQ agenda on children by casting a biological male, Hari Nef, who identifies as a female, as Doctor Barbie in the film. He appears on screen throughout the entire movie dressed as a woman.

In a recent Out interview promoting the film, Nef discussed his sexuality and encouraged others like him to embrace their femininity. He claimed, “It’s candy with a little poison, and that’s what I like.”

Movieguide.org lists other concerns, including:

- Little girls smack their baby dolls in the movie and say, “Girls don’t have to be mothers anymore.”

- Another Attack on the “Patriarchy”: Barbieville is good because they removed the men, and the women are now in charge, and if you remove the men, you get rid of problems.

- Ken is the villain, and Barbie hates Ken.

- Barbie’s Simu Liu says the movie will be a “final nail” for gender-based norms.

Henry Makow PhD #wingnut #racist #sexist #transphobia #quack #conspiracy henrymakow.com

Modest Proposal -- Humanity acknowledges that it is
comatose and agrees to pull the plug. It agrees to be sterilized
in exchange for a truce from Communist Jews and
their Freemason flunkies. (i.e. Satanists, Zionists, Liberals, Antifa, Transsexuals, Feminists.)
I have a solution to mankind's problems that should satisfy everyone.

Humanity volunteers to be sterilized in exchange for the satanist Jewish bankers and Freemasons (Communists) ending their war against God and man.

This means that within a short century, the planet will be rid of useless eaters (us) and become a playground for sick Satanists/Communists and their preferred number of perverts.

What does mankind get out of this?

1. Satanists/Communists call off their "vaccine" and climate change hoaxes, chemtrails, geo-engineering, 15-min cities, CRT, lockdown lunacy, and vax passports.

They will curb their Antifa/BLM goons before whom we cower in fear like little girls. We avoid violent "Dark Winter" dystopia and enjoy relative peace and freedom.

2. We will not be force-vaccinated, writhe in pain and die a premature death.

3. The toxic psychological war against gender, race, religion, and nation will be suspended. We will retain some vestige of human dignity during our twilight years on the planet.

4. A reasonable number may be spared sterilization in order to provide a pool of servants, human sacrifices, organ donors, and sex slaves for the Chosen.
What do Satanists/Communists get out of this?

1. They will not have to listen to useless eaters whine and winge on the Internet as our miserable fate slowly dawns upon us.

2. They will not have to deal with a Warsaw Ghetto-like uprising as humanity finally realizes it has nothing to lose from violent resistance.

3. Satanists inherit the planet, its resources, and everyone's property. They can start planning their paradise and not worry about imposing their farcical "Great Reset" on recalcitrant masses.
This is satire but it's scary how much sense it makes.

William S. Lind #sexist #wingnut #psycho tvtropes.org

No one in the Confederation regretted the loss of the treasonous intellectual scum who, perhaps more than anyone else, bore the responsibility for what had happened to the old USA.
“What about the women?” I asked.
“These women despise anyone who looks upon them as women,” Kraft responded. “They spit on the word ‘lady.’ If a man opens a door for them, they kick him in the shins. They demand to be treated equally. Let it be unto them according to their wish.”
As a butcher and a tyrant, Hitler ran a distant second to Stalin. That didn’t excuse him, but I found it difficult to put a higher moral value on six million Jews than on eight million Ukrainian Christians, not to mention the other 52 million killed by Soviet communism. Or the 78 million Chinese and Tibetans killed by its Maoist strain.
Nazi efficiency had its hellish aspect, but chaos was a greater hell.
Were symbols chosen by men of actions rather than poets and painters, they would be very different. The symbol of war would be a hand reaching out toward another, for war makes brothers of men.
The symbol of peace would be a sword, for peace divides.
—Chapter 45

William S. Lind #fundie #psycho #sexist #homophobia tvtropes.org

The triumph of the Recovery was marked most clearly by the burning of the Episcopal bishop of Maine.
She was not a particularly bad bishop. She was in fact typical of Episcopal bishops of the first quarter of the 21st century: agnostic, compulsively political and radical, and given to placing a small idol of Isis on the altar when she said the Communion service. By 2055, when she was tried for heresy, convicted, and burned, she had outlived her era. By that time only a handful of Episcopalians still recognized female clergy, it would have been easy enough to let the old fool rant out her final years in obscurity.

The fact that the easy road was not taken, that Episcopalians turned to their difficult duty of trying and convicting, and the state upheld its unpleasant responsibility of setting torch to faggots, was what marked this as an act of Recovery. I well remember the crowd that gathered for the execution, solemn but not sad, relieved rather that at last, after so many years of humiliation, of having to swallow every absurdity and pretend we liked it, the majority had taken back the culture. No more apologies for the truth. No more “Yes, buts” on upholding standards. Civilization had recovered its nerve. The flames that soared above the lawn before the Maine State House were, as the bishopess herself might have said, liberating.

She could have saved herself, of course, right up until the torch was applied. All she had to do was announce she wasn’t a bishop, or a priest, since Christian tradition forbids a woman to be either. Or she could have confessed she wasn’t a Christian, in which case she could be bishopess, priestess, popess, whatever, in the service of her chosen demons. That would have just gotten her tossed over the border.
When it was over, none of us felt good about it. But we’d long since learned feelings were a poor guide. We’d done the right thing.

Elvis Dunderhoff #sexist dailystormer.name

[From "14-Year-Old Mexican Girl Runs Away from Home, Has Sex with Entire Marine Corps Base Over 20 Days"]

Girl escapes home, boards a military base, has sex with everyone there for money?

“Why would men do this???”

New York Post:

A US Marine was taken into custody after a missing 14-year-old girl was found inside the barracks at Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton in San Diego and the teen’s family said she was sold for sex and raped by the man

The teenage girl, who has learning disabilities, allegedly ran away from home on June 9 and was reported missing by her grandmother on June 13, according to the San Diego County Sheriff’s Department[…]

It’s just amazing that no matter how low down and dirty a female goes, all of their actions are the fault of men

In every case

zdoctor #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #elitist #sexist mgtow.tv

RE: Population Collapse Is Coming - MGTOW

and the reasons for population decline are things like pushing whaman to be strong and powerful......more whaman graduation college......more help for whaman in almost every area. .yet they still want to be served. ,the best thing any man can go is walk away from all whaman until they become more reasonable....but as you know reasonable and whaman are two words not to be used within the same sentence. .whaman are like 3 yr olds who cry all the time. . walk away from the insanity and you should be able work less and have more if your not supporting any whaman. .STAY SINGLE GENTLMEN!!!!!. ..WORK, SAVE, AND CONSTRUCT YOUR LIFE ON YOUR TERMS. .DONT BACK DOWN!!!! .FREEDOM IS FINDING MGTOW ...AND MGTOW ENABLES FREEDOM FOR THE OPEN MINDED TO SEE THE TYRANNY WITHIN THE CURRENT SYSTEM!!!!

babyblueberry333’s former church #fundie #sexist reddit.com

The submitter, the recipient’s daughter, describes the (ex-)husband in question as physically and emotionally abusive and unfaithful, and reportedly helped convince her mother to divorce him. The church sided with him and have apparently been harassing his estranged family since the divorce.

Greetings in Christ!

We are notifying you at this time based on your absence from (horrible church) since December of 2022, and your unwillingness to reconcile with your husband, that (horrible church) at a duty called membership meeting on July 2 2023, voted to dismiss you from the membership of (horrible church) as a disciplinary measure. By your actions, you have demonstrated that you are a person lacking saving faith. Believers in the New Testament times faithfully attended their local assemblies. They submitted themselves to the leadership of the elders, and to the Scriptures. We have requested an exit interview, but did not received any response from you to meet.

We pray that God in His providence will grant you repentance, acknowledgement of the truth, and be brought to your senses so as to escape the snare of the devil (2 Timothy 2:25-26).

Rest assured that we stand ready to meet with you should there be a change of heart on your part.

In Christ,


ThyGeekdomCome #fundie #sexist twitter.com

This guy has a huge about how awful contraception is, so here are some highlights.

Since there’s a Catholic dude tweeting hot takes about how his wife’s health justifies their contraception use, let me say: No. Never. Under any circumstances.

Mrs. Geekdom — who has health issues there — and I will refuse every time. Because it’s wrong. Because it’s not loving.

Contraception is a lie. You say with your body that you love your spouse, that you give your whole self and your whole life to them. But contraception holds something back. It makes intimacy anything but intimate. It makes your will the trump card. It subjects the natural order.

AsiaCel (“卐Autism SS Nazi KommandoϟϟGAS NORMIES卐”) #wingnut #moonbat #dunning-kruger #conspiracy #sexist incels.is

National Bolshevism - the best system

Nazbolism seems to be the ideal situation for incels and a strong country. The problem of the current political sphere is that capitalism (at its rate) is dysfunctional with top 1% owning more than half of assets in the world (sounds familiar?), but the groups who oppose capitalism are all leftist trash.

On the other hand, you have right wing ancaps who think the richfags (responsible for our miserably) would give up their wealth to take part in a "fair" capitalism system.

Well, Nazbolism combines far right social views with far left economy views. The reason why it's not more popular is because it's an real ideology that works so the elites are afraid and banned this in many countries. Leftists are weak twnks and thus couldn't run a system that's why they're toleranced

To add to the mix, we should also throw in Marxism-rodgerism (sexual communism) of one man-one woman as the best as we can do.

Peter Falkenberg Brown #wingnut #sexist #transphobia #homophobia #conspiracy newswithviews.com

The Left pushes the idea that children have the right to be emancipated from the oppression of their parents. But they never suggest that children have sacred, inalienable rights that come from God—rights that must never be violated by a monolithic dictatorship or parents who want to bend reality for their own pleasure or convenience.

Children have many sacred rights, but two of the most important are these:

First, all children have the sacred right to be loved and raised by their own biologically male father and biologically female mother. Their birth was caused by the joining together of a sperm and egg produced by a specific male father and a specific female mother. Connected to this biological reality is the historical and spiritual truth that children need to be loved by their real father and mother.

Second, all children have the sacred right to experience a childhood that fosters a pure and sacred environment surrounding sexuality, gender, love, and marriage. Destroying a child’s sexual purity is a crime against that child’s heart and future. That destruction could be caused by rape, incest, pornography, sex trafficking, induced or supported gender confusion, hypersexualization.

The Left has been waging a scorched-earth war against sacred sexuality for decades. It’s also important to state that not all of the individuals and leaders who are complicit in the spread of hypersexualization are Marxists.

The primary messages in hypersexualization are that “children are sexual from birth” and “any and all sexual activity is normal.” There are no boundaries.
To me, they are like drug pushers, but instead of pushing heroin, cocaine, and fentanyl, they are presenting innocent school children with sexual materials and practices that will damage many of them almost beyond repair.

In their attack on sacred sexuality, purity, and morality, this army of sexologists has created a civilization-shattering, existential crisis that parents and others must resolve.

Elon Musk and fentasyl #elitist #racist #sexist independent.co.uk

Over the weekend, Elon Musk appeared in a Twitter post to endorse the idea of taking the right to vote away from people without children

The billionaire Tesla co-founder replied “Yup,” to a series of posts from Twitter user @fentasyl, which argued “democracy is probably unworkable long term without limiting suffrage to parents”

The exchange came as Mr Musk continued his recent run of interacting with right-wing figures on the social network

The posts from fentasyl themselves were a response to a previous post from Mr Musk

On Saturday, in the comments under an Islamophobic nonprofit’s video, where commenters insinuated that single white women were turning France into a majority-Muslim country, Mr Musk claimed, “The childless have little stake in the future”[…]
These opinions are hardly surprising for Mr Musk, who has long expressed concerns about declining birth rates in the US and the lack of “smart” people having enough children, views which critics have argued are verging on eugenicist

sowhatnotcreative #sexist sowhatnotcreative.tumblr.com

Sometimes you look at a man, and you can see the emptiness in his eyes, in his way of speaking, in his movement. No empathy no feeling no love no hate no nothing. He might have a family, a job friends, but inside there is nothing. You can't even teach him because there is nothing there. It's not an empty cup waiting to be filled, there is nothing. Only ego.

Eric@Amerix #sexist #psycho twitter.com


FATHER your woman.

Don't look for your mother in a woman. Look for a girl who will be called 'babie' as she calls you 'Daddie'

Don't accept to be called 'babie' by your woman.

Let her call your name 'Eric' or 'Daddie' because you are her FATHER.


UncleSpertz #elitist #magick #sexist blackpill.world

Got hit on again

Went to the store to buy zepar an offering and got hit on by the cashier holy fuck I can't believe the power of Zepar, this must be what its like being a chad

Shit was funny cuz she was telling me how I look like a character from a movie

I've been getting hit on more these past few days than I have my entire life.

That's great! You should've asked for her phone number.

Yeah I gotta work on my confidence more since I'm not used to receiving this kind of attention but I'm making progress so not all hope is lost

What the fuck is zepar?

A goetia demon duke from hell.

You may ascend sooner than expected.

Man I hope so, Zepar did something to me that I have yet to here about so I think it's highly likely considering nothing I've read about him talks about people getting electrocuted.

I don't know why but I feel as if I'm more intelligent socially since I've figured out that facial expression + body language + vibe can help you read what people are thinking, I've also gotten better at socializing.

I'm not as priviledged as you sound

Such a hypothetical illusion of choice implies a demon willing to participate in a deal with me; I don't have such an opportunity to ascend

Start developing your magical abilities, get rune stones and start reading books

Andrew Anglin #racist #conspiracy #sexist dailystormer.name

[From "I’m Glad There is a Race War in France (Even If Whites Aren’t Fighting)"]

All of these immigrants that white people have agreed to flood their countries with are going to roost mercilessly. The brown folk, the refuse of the world who we wanted to play daddy to, are harrowing and apocalyptic chickens[…]
The cops killed some Arab “youth” who was “fleeing the scene of a traffic stop.” His mother filmed it, and demanded a revolution, and the collective brown population obliged her[…]
Though the riots center around the suburb of Nanterre, the entire city is on fire[…]The immigrants are killing cops and seizing their weapons. This is now a war

Of course, this is the age of total censorship, so we can’t really confirm what is happening on the group, beyond what we see on video[…]
The global Jewish media is largely refusing to comment, showing only pre-approved clips, and pushing the narrative that this is France’s George Floyd. It is very similar to George Floyd, in that it is a dumb race hoax drummed up by the media[…]
The Moslems in France are not like American blacks. They are, instead, capable of a high level of organization. The blacks will just do violence because it is personally fun[…]
The Arabs in France have the clear goal of conquering France and forcing whites to submit to them[…]they can control the chaos that the blacks create[…]
The cops are fleeing the brown people[…]
I’m sure some of that is not wanting to be accused of racism for using deadly force – which is the only force they could possibly use here[…]
The most amazing thing about this is the media narrative. A race war is not at all amazing. Anyone with any common sense would have expected that[…]
My hope is that whites will see this, and they will remember it[…]
The first thing we need to do is stop listening to women. Then, we need to find a solution to the immigrant problem. After women, the biggest obstacle is the government, which is controlled by the Jews

unabombastic #sexist #psycho #crackpot tumblr.com

i fully believe the best solution is either inventing female on female reproduction or aborting males until we get to the lowest possible male/female ratio to still properly reproduce and we keep the rest of them under 24/7 surveillance. no better way to win against your opponents than getting rid of them altogether. androcide or subjugating men there's no other way

Jussi Halla-aho and Vilhelm Junnila #racist #wingnut #sexist #psycho euronews.com

Incoming Prime Minister Petteri Orpo is facing a public relations headache over the Speaker of Parliament and the Minister for Economic Affairs, both positions filled by the far-right Finns Party

In Finland, it's no secret that Jussi Halla-aho[…]has a decades-long track record of racist comments, and deeply troubling writings

The blog posts[…]contain disturbing insights into the worldview which has shaped his politics, and even brought him convictions for 'disturbing religious worship' and 'ethnic agitation' for which he was fined by the Finnish Supreme Court[…]
Halla-aho wrote in June 2006 that Islam is a "religion of pedophiles," and the Prophet Mohammed "was a pedophile"

He said that "robbing passers-by" was a "genetic trait" of Somalis

In 2006 he implied he would be "exclusively happy if a 'gang of immigrants' raped" a Green party MP

"I still and will continue to sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that if a woman who opposes the deportation of immigrant rapists is raped by an immigrant rapist, it is a happy thing," he later wrote[…]
"Violence is an underrated problem-solving tool today," he wrote in November 2008, during a discussion on whether to shoot a gay man in a Helsinki park[…]
When asked by Finnish journalists about his writings, Halla-aho's usual response is to say they are old, and he doesn't bring them up, it's the media's choice to keep going back and rehashing old texts[…]
Another headache facing the incoming Finnish government is Minister of Economic Affairs Vilhelm Junnila[…]
In 2019, Junnila was the featured speaker at an event in the western city of Turku which ostensibly was supposed to commemorate a terrorist attack two years previously

However, the rally was arranged by an organisation called the Coalition of Nationalists, an umbrella group formed in 2017 for those on the far-right including the Finns Party, the now-banned Nordic Resistance Movement, and the Soldiers of Odin vigilante movement

Human Race Survival Resistance (HRSR) Headquarters #crackpot #conspiracy #sexist #transphobia #fundie #wingnut humanracesurvivalresistance.wordpress.com

The Western feminist nations’ End Times most wicked generation watch our videos on the swords and nuclear wars, and plagues and COVIDs, and famines and food shortages, and demon armies and vaccine passport government officials, but they do not watch our videos exposing the black nobility families that are running all of this, even when we real Christians risk our lives to post the videos on the black nobility families. The humans of this End Times most wicked vile evil generation are like brute beasts and selfish animal-instinct zombies whose brains are dead, and are only concerned about the immediate problems before their eyes and their survival, instead of the real forces that are causing those problems, instead of risking their lives for others by warning the 6 billion humans about those things. They do the opposite. They are like the parable of the Western feminist nations “Bible verses redefining, women’s head coverings rebelling, fallen angel head controlled” drag queen men’s pants cross-dressing soldiers, who are worried and wailing about the artillery shells that are exploding around them and complaining about the enemy who are shelling them, but they do not expose the artillery guns that are shooting at them, nor do they banzai charge the artillery positions to destroy them and eliminate the artillery fire. When we real Christians inform them the exact coordinates of the artillery guns, they ignore it as unimportant videos and they go and watch videos on sex and food and politics and economy and money and COVID vaccines and Ukraine wars. <...> Jezebel doctrines of “women’s equality” that is bringing in human extermination upon them and their civilization. If anyone has wisdom, let them hear. If anyone has wisdom, then kick out their pastors, before they get killed by them. They are religious enchanters and deceivers and distractors and cover-up agents and false doctrine spreaders and illegal tithe income tax extortionists.

Michael W. Ford & UncleSpertz #elitist #god-complex #magick #sexist incels.is

New pill: you can get pussy using magick

.club mod UncleSpertz a.k.a SpacersChoice has successfully
contacted a goetic demon.

Any incel can lose their virginity by using magick. I came to this conclusion about a month after learning about magick. Nearly every post I've made since has been magick related. Plastic surgery is for rich people. For most incels, magick is the only thing that can get them laid.

Several incels have taken my advice to heart and are now on the path to getting laid. I know at least one has successfully used magick to take a girls virginity.

I'm living the main character life, I go into public, I got people waving at me, I go to the store and people ask me for help, I go into work and I got multiple people excited to talk to me, telling me about the awesome stuff they're doing, I get hit on by attractive females

Fuck yeah I feel like a king, jus imagine being a loser who nobody notices and then one day everyone sees you for a fraction of what you are giving you the respect you deserve

This is all possible through the power of Duke Zepar, I know I talk about this a lot but it's because his power is actually fucking real and I want you guys to experience what it's like to be a chad and feel what its like to receive the respect you deserve.

Duke Zepar is no joke

Man life is good

Use magic to become rich and buy plastic surgery.

I don't need to do that. I am giving offering to a demon that can change my physical appearance.

already tried all your magic spells and none of them worked in the past but let's hope this one is any difference

You can't cast spells effectively without first developing yourself spiritually. Every single spell I posted here works, you simply were not able to make it work for you, because your undeveloped.

I skimmed over the documents and read the threads it seems like the usual bullshit not gonna lie man

I'm not asking you to read the books. Visit the .net links, and read what SoacersChoice typed you can even talk to him directly.

various commenters #wingnut #racist #sexist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
Can anyone show me where "single childless White women" run any branch of government, the military, law enforcement, Hollywood, Wall Street, the media, universities, or even grade schools?

Sargon here is towing the anti-White party line, playing it completely safe, taking no personal risks at all, by blaming White women (like the anti-White Liberal that he is), rather than calling out the actual tribe that does own and control all of the abovementioned facets of society.

( @NSSAP )
@Nature_and_Race -- It is easier, and safer to blame everyone, except the real culprits. International jewry.

( @Romanian_Hustler )
@NSSAP its the globalist bro. Not jews. Globalist

( @Morgul )
@Nature_and_Race Divide and conquer. The engineers are hard at work fostering a multi-racial male rightwing while alienating White women from White men. The fact people can't see this befuddles me.

Scapegoat White women while ignoring how non-whites vote is subversive. We've all seen the charts.

( @My_burner )
@Nature_and_Race he’s always been a cuck like that. I remember when he interviewed or debated
Andrew Anglin he kept trying to present him as some NAZI genocidal maniac

( @Kriger1488 )

And anglin is a cuck too. He works with the jew weev.

( @MessageSent )
@Nature_and_Race to be fair women control the sexual marketplace. Tale as old as time. The devil manipulates the woman to subvert the man.

( @_Seraphim_ )

It’s the fuckin jews

( @Tentontin )
@Nature_and_Race Jews create the problem, White men allow the problem, White women accept the problem as now new normal.

( @Diversity_is_our_weakness )
What are white men suppose to do?

( @Angryhumanbeing )
@Nature_and_Race Jews. It is the Jews. It has always been the Jews. They use groups as tools.

( @JamieEverhart )

Yes we know the Jewish gangsters run alot of the world. Can't do much about it right now. We do have some control over white women though as they are a large demographic.

Hibatullah Akhundzada #fundie #sexist #wingnut scmp.com

Taliban leader claims Afghan women have ‘free, comfortable, prosperous life’

The supreme leader of the Taliban released a message on Sunday claiming that his government has taken the necessary steps for the betterment of women’s lives in Afghanistan, where women are banned from public life and work and girls’ education is severely curtailed.

The statement from Hibatullah Akhundzada was made public ahead of the Eid al-Adha holiday, which will be celebrated later this week in Afghanistan and other Islamic countries.

Akhundzada, an Islamic scholar, rarely appears in public or leaves the Taliban heartland in Afghanistan’s southern Kandahar province. He surrounds himself with other religious scholars and allies who oppose education and work for women.

In his Eid message Akhundzada said that under the rule of the Islamic Emirate, concrete measures have been taken to save women from many traditional oppressions, including forced marriages, “and their sharia rights have been protected”.

Moreover, “necessary steps have been taken for the betterment of women as half of society in order to provide them with a comfortable and prosperous life according to the Islamic sharia,” the message continued.

Lately, Akhundzada appears to have taken a stronger hand in directing domestic policy, banning girls’ education after the sixth grade and barring Afghan women from public life and work, especially for non-governmental organisations and the United Nations.

The message was distributed in five languages: Arabic, Dari, English, Pashto and Urdu. Akhundzada said the negative aspects of the previous 20-year occupation related to women’s wearing of the hijab and “misguidance” will end soon.

CroatianManlet et al. #conspiracy #psycho #racist #sexist #wingnut incels.is

Why do serbs act like jews

Constantly crying about muh jasenovac and muh 1 serbillion even though there isn't much evidence that it happened and even if it did serbs inflate the numbers greatly this is kike behaviour tbh


Did Jasenovac happen
Yes oy vey never forget the 1 serbillion Votes: 5 45.5%
Yes but the numbers are inflated Votes: 0 0.0%
No but it should have Votes: 5 45.5%
No Votes: 1 9.1%
Total voters 11

Jasenovac happend but Serbs did Srebrenica, idk why you south slavs are so bloodthirsty, Among us Northern Slavs the Ukrainians with Bandera are the only kind of radical nationalism.

Why do balkanoids spend so much time larping as some meme ethnicity and pretending like their neighbours aren't 99% the same dna

@12 Years a Rotter as a balkanshit what do you think

(Transcended Trucel)
indded. To everyone who isn't Balkan, a Croat/Serb/Bosniak whatever is the same shit

yup 100%. They're similar to the shitskin curries who argue over muh Allah/muh Vishnu/Muh cow worship pajeets.

And you can tell that all these ethnicities are so fake. They broke off from Yugoslavia cuz muh nationalism, muh sovereignty. Only to join EU and become complete subjects of Globohomo economic hegemony at the end.

"But, but our neighbours are jews/nazis/warcriminel/bad goyim"
Globohomo won in the end. And now what?
We balkans represent true mentalcels because we are so retarded that we cope with hate towards our neighbours. We speak the same language, experience spread of degeneracy and consequences of massive hypergamy.
I sometimes joke about croats because they are like bri'ish slavs. I don't hate anyone and I don't care about jasenovac because IT IS OVER.
In last 100 years height in western balkans increased for 16 cm or 6.3 inches. West balkans were already mogging other parts of europe, but it continued increasing very quickly. Coping with hate is just a consequence of hypergamous behavior and our men not having future, family, purpose etc.

Walter O’Dim #sexist datasecretslox.com

I’ll bite the bullet and admit that I think most women basically don’t have agency in the same way that men do, that they prefer to live their lives without the agency that men have, and that this is basically a Good Thing. The problem is reordering the world to insist that women have just as much agency as men when you’re unlikely to get them to actually act like they do. The majority of happily married men that I know basically take what amounts to a traditional head of household approach to how things are run - the man made the move in the relationship, made the decision to step to marriage, made the decision on buying a house, and makes many small decisions such as where to go to dinner. Of course, they want input from their wives and treat the decision-making process as being substantially predicated on making their wives happy, but they also certainly behave as though they know that their wives don’t want to make these decisions. Of note, these are not stay at home tradwives - I’m thinking of scientists, attorneys, IT professionals, and other high-agency careers women that would really prefer their husbands make calls.

Of course, pretty much none of them will phrase it that way, but it is what it is.

Chance Berryman #sexist solitarybeast.com

(Some how this dude thinks women can’t age well even if she takes care of herself)

Men age like fine wine, women age like milk.”

One half is true, but the other has only the POTENTIAL to be true; it is not guaranteed.

A man that neglects his diet, fashion, and the gym will not see his prime begin in his 30s.

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