
They're out to get you, to cover up the truth, to poison the world, etc

Candace Owens #conspiracy #fundie #wingnut facebook.com

Name one grandma or grandpa who has pleaded with you to stay home, locked down, and masked so that they could remain alive.

I’ll wait.

Now try naming politicians or billion dollar corporations that have asked you to— while simultaneously increasing their own wealth via their “essential business” provisions.

(Hint, there are a lot of them)

Cobra/The Portal #crackpot #conspiracy #ufo #wingnut #quack 2012portal.blogspot.com

Light Forces have begun to clear the innermost layer of the etheric and astral dark force matrix with still tens of billions of Reptilian entities present. This practically means that the battle for the planetary surface on the non-physical planes is now reaching its peak. Dark attacks in the last few weeks have collapsed about 40 percent of the Light grid on the surface of the planet, and thankfully the grid is slowly recovering in the last few days.
Marco Polo, an ambassador of the Venetian black nobility families, made contact with negative Cabal families in China already in the 13th century. This was the beginning of long and successful cooperation between Eastern and Western Cabal factions which was greatly expanded with Jesuit presence in early Qing court in Beijing in 17th and 18th centuries.

Since in the last few decades the Western Cabal factions were greatly exposed through the alternative media, the black nobility families and the Jesuits have decided to move many of their key people from West to China and in 2016 they have partnered a new alliance with Xi and the Chinese Communist Party as the visible Chinese front and World Economic Forum as the visible Western front. Their goal is New World Order dystopian society with China as the world hegemon.

To achieve that goal, they have released the coronavirus and the Wuhan lab is still developing new strains, with some sources claiming that they have also developed the delta variant and planted it into India.
It is impossible to predict how all this will manifest, but between now and the end of October a Kuiper Belt object named Altjira is in exact conjunction with Rigel, the star of the Orion dark forces:

This is the time of great purification of Rigelian forces that invaded planet Earth in 1996, and after this purification is over my mid/late October, it will be expectedly much easier to manifest the dreams of the Age of Aquarius on the surface of this planet.

Victory of the Light!

Prussian Society of America #conspiracy #racist #wingnut #psycho prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "Germany is Nearly Finished, Almost Likely in a few months if Germans do nothing."]

For those of you in Germany, you better smarten up real fast and get with the program. The machinations moving forwards right now in Germany are all but to ensure that there will be no chance of its survival or any reversal for all time, if people do not initialize Civil Wars and Unrest in the country

It may be by early Next year that the Eternal Fate is sealed for the country, as the time window is really mostly over
I am calling on the German people who still have brain cells working, all Members of the Bundeswehr, of the Working Public, all Members of society, Male or Female, Young and Old alike
Only Germany – a German Revival and Renaissance, with full Restoration of our Reich can rescue Europe and only GERMANY is an equipped people who have the knowledge to fight against the Communist threat

Do not look up to America’s Leadership or Russia’s Leadership of where or who to turn to, or who deserves the right to hold the torch

The Torch belongs to GERMANY and GERMANY ONLY and you must be willing to accept this fate
Germany has not had a legitimate regime in power since the National Socialists fell
This regime in power is now bringing Afghani refugees into your land, who will not only despise you but will even further the abuse of the Welfare State and push their own replacement measures upon that which remains of Germany
If you are a German who believes in Democracy, a German who is against our Reich[…]if you are a German who believes that anyone can “Become German” you are most DEFINITELY Anti-German and guilty of Treason to the highest order! A legitimate regime would have absolutely every right and authority to strip you of German citizenship and identity, even up to your surname and do whatever they please to punish you and torment you

Socrates #conspiracy #crackpot #racist #wingnut vanguardnewsnetwork.com

America: Fucking Things Up Since 1941

It doesn’t matter what it is, America is pre-programmed to screw it up: Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, the Covid-19 “pandemic.”

America knew that strangling Japan (i.e., preventing her from getting oil) would lead us into war in 1941. It did. (In fact, president Roosevelt was counting on it, as a backdoor to war with Germany) [1].

America also knew, early on, that the war in Afghanistan was a lost cause. But we stayed there anyway. We were determined to bring democracy to sand niggers who didn’t want democracy.

Not only did we waste billions (maybe trillions) of tax dollars on Afghanistan, but now, we are gonna bring 100,000 Afghan “refugees” to America so that they can rape our women. Yaaaay! Diversity!

Of course, you can thank Jews for all of this. Because anything that happens in the Middle East (vis-a-vis America) is ultimately about Israel.


[1] as early as October 1940, Roosevelt had decided that America would wage war against Japan, and he told Navy Admiral James O. Richardson, Commander in Chief of the Pacific Fleet, just that. So much for the Pearl Harbor attack being a “surprise”! There’s no bigger asshole in American history than Roosevelt, who started WWII by ordering Britain to make Poland “a line in the sand that Hitler couldn’t cross.” That order actually came from the Jewish powerbroker Bernard Baruch, who was Roosevelt’s handler and advisor. Today, Roosevelt is remembered fondly by history teachers and “Greatest Generation” stooges as the man who “protected America” and “guided us through the depression.” Nope!

Lisa Renee #crackpot #conspiracy #ufo #magick #wingnut energeticsynthesis.com

What is happening in the interdimensional warfare at this time has direct impacts on what we are experiencing on the Earth plane during this phase of global consciousness transition, knowing that this intensely hostile conflict for control over Earth territories is now intensifying. Awareness of escalating spiritual warfare in the Kuiper Belt reveals the secret hand of extradimensional factions that have recently shown up and are backing their specific representatives on the planet. While this reveal is happening many earth-based organizations, transnational corporations, religious, political and other public figures are no longer hiding their allegiances, as they are required to worship the centralized power source of the NAA. Thus, to remain profitable in the age of hive mind groupthink they have chosen the side which is perpetuating the ongoing orchestration of global human slavery, poverty and disease, child trafficking, and the blatant genocide of the undesirables – which is anyone who resists them.
Essentially over the past year it has been made clear that the general population in the western culture of the United States is now considered the enemy of the centralized power of the elite, who have orchestrated an elaborate psychological terrorism plan in which to kill, disable and weaken the majority of the human population. By generating confusion and complexity, political and social schisms, polarization and conflict in many groups of people, usually those people that identify with some kind of a classification system, such as black-white, male-female, gay-transgender, vax-unvaxxed, it confounds the response on the part of those who are trying to defend themselves from the public onslaught of negativity or propaganda assaults. The entire human race is under spiritual attack, the NAA don’t care what color we are or what we look like, they just want humans to be slaves and to give up our children willingly.

Karen Shoen #conspiracy #wingnut americaoutloud.com

Sadly, it never ends. They are communists on a quest to own and control every aspect of human activity. There are more of us than there are of them, so they must give the illusion they are the majority. They believe that an educated populace will demand more than an uneducated populace.

“To control millions of people, you lie to them.”

You must frighten them into conformity, inhibit their ability to communicate. All their programs are expensive and NEVER WORK. This way, they can continually blame not enough money, time. If their programs worked, they wouldn’t be needed. They do not value life, so they don’t care if the people ever learn because if they do, they become competition.

Everything is to help the Whole. It doesn’t matter what the subject it is for the common good, for the good of the whole, the collective.

Be a citizen of the whole world. You must follow this behavior; the government will take care of you. They are creating Hitler’s Aryan German citizen. Everyone is the same. They are following Agenda 21 with a new name, 2030, Green New Deal, Great Reset…

“Resistance is futile. You must assimilate or be exterminated.”

Ignorance is Bliss.

Time to act. Just say NO. Boycott one communist democrat establishment. Stop allowing schools to reduce standards. Low standards produce mediocrity. Americans are paying to win while its government is squandering money in pay-for-play schemes ensuring America’s loss.

C.T. #racist #wingnut #sexist #conspiracy chechar.wordpress.com

[From "Little fags"]

The images of the Taliban capturing Kabul cannot help but make me think of the more than pathetic state of the Aryan man throughout the entire West. Instead of doing the same in the capitals of their respective nations—reclaiming them from governments that want to genocide Aryans—they behave like ultra-feminine, battered and submissive women, including white nationalists

We can already imagine warriors like the Aryans of yesteryear, but now with rockets on their backs like the Taliban freedom fighters, triumphantly entering the great capitals of Europe, Australia and North America to reclaim their nations… and their Sabine women! But no: the little fags of today have already chosen the extinction of their race…

An Indian kid, like the one Savitri Devi said a few words about in my previous post (read the passage around ‘The Führer would be very surprised if he knew how to interpret his doctrine in the Halls of Calcutta!’) grasped historical reality. Aren’t Aryan males of today ashamed before this brown kid?

Jerry Derecha/Adrenogate #crackpot #conspiracy #magick #fundie #ufo adrenogate.net

Saturn = The god of a thousand names: Saturnus = Cronos = Moloch = Baal = Yahweh = Godyale = El = Apolloyon = Abbadon = Yahu / Yahoo = “The Horned god”
The Torah is essentially the user manual for the Saturn Cube and the entity that has annointed itself as the “god” of our world, is not the true creator God who was responsible for speaking EVERYTHING into existence. But is rather a prisoner inside this Matrix reality in the same way we are, but simply armed with slightly more knowledge about the nature of this reality and how to influence it than a pesky human who is constantly recycled within the cube, having our memories erased each time. If we can learn to change the parameters of this Matrix computer code then we can change the very nature of our not-very-“real” reality for our benefit.

The point is that the Demiurge aka Saturn Matrix Cube is not a physical place, nor is it some kind of mental projection being broadcasted by an all-encapsulating etheric sentient being with immense “source” power, like in “WandaVision”. But rather, the Cube is a totally virtual world in every sense of the word. A world that’s held together by numbers and mathematics and who’s parameters are coded, not a product of “happenstance”.

Now, I know that scripture warns against delving into these kinds of forbidden esoteric arts that could potentially allow you to influence the hypersigil and change your own reality. But with what I’ve recently learned about the true author of the Bible, the true identity of Jesus and the nasty truth about much of Christianity and its pantheon of very pagan characters, I start to wonder if maybe that was just the Protagonists way of keeping us away from learning how to overcome their influence upon us.

Linda Harvey #conspiracy #fundie #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia #racist #sexist missionamerica.com

Meanwhile, authentic risks stalk our children daily at school, in the media and elsewhere. How about a little perspective here? Can I get an Amen?
We are living in times of strong delusion. It’s probably not The Strong Delusion of 2 Thessalonians, but a veil of deception has apparently descended on much of America, and its name is “safety.”

Government warning labels on everyday life or low-risk activities are becoming tiresome. One young girl in Northern Kentucky spoke against masks at a school board meeting, invoking “my body - my choice,” and was backed by overwhelming audience applause.

But Scripture is unfolding before our eyes, where evil is good, and good is evil.
If they had been totally masked Antifa or Black Lives Matter activists setting fires and smashing windows, Kamala Harris would already be raising money for their defense. Destructive progressive protests are indulged because as we know (or are supposed to believe), white, heterosexual privilege is horribly damaging, it’s omnipresent along with the horrors of capitalism, probably even at this library. And it deserves random violence.

In this same library in recent weeks, prominently displayed books entice children into sexual behavior in all directions. They can and often should change genders (which usually brings lifelong medical disability and disfigurement). And our youth should consider being “gay” or “queer,” behaviors associated with high medical risks.
Incorrect pronouns are an existential threat, along with abstinence-until-marriage sex education. And questioning a confused student’s opposite sex identity is “gender violence,” according to the latest edition of the National Sex Education Standards.

Administering puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones to gender confused children constitutes no harm but “saves lives,” according to the latest “best-practices” in medicine. Hippocrates is rolling over in his grave.

quartzlump & Foresthills #conspiracy #crackpot #sexist #transphobia thepinkpill.co

RE: So, this is a weird question...but was anyone else convinced that they were a boy whose parents were raising them as a girl?


I'm not trans, I just was always paranoid. I stopped believing it when I went to sex ed, though.

As a kid born in the 80's, no. If girls wanted to do "boyish" things, then that was praised (just not when I did it. A good looking girl can do literally anything, but a bad looking should do literally nothing, except just go crawl under a rock somewhere).

It almost feels like it was a side goal for the LGB movement to break the traditional gender roles, hence why the new T addition seems to cause so much friction. It's reverting back to the really old ways.

I recall wondering intermittently about what it would be to be a male from ages 10 onwards, but by exactly age 18, I ceased such psychobabble in my head.

This entire trans movement has an eyeballing amount of lobbying and money behind it.

It is an eugenics program, and one that is homophobic and lesbian and gay conversation en mass. It is a sterilization program for the masses who are neurodivergent, non-heterosexual, and mentally ill. The life expectancy of these poor children will be so cut, they will perish "naturally" come their 30s and 40s.

It also has lobbying from ideologies that desire to roll back woman's sex based rights and also has been infiltrated by pedophiles. With a main side goal of reducing the minimum age of consent for obvious evil reasons.

It is all very criminal and I can only pray this global experiment ends and we can forge ahead with brighter lives.

Even criminal stats are becoming skewed. I understand womankind can sometimes birth outliers but the majority of crime and depraved crime is committed by men and men alone.

The old transvestites never would have attempted such things. They understood they were men and women biologically and just wanted to live their lives in peace.

Aita Channeling Her Higher Self #crackpot #magick #conspiracy #elitist voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Our third dimensional adventure is drawing to a close. We great and wonderful multi dimensional souls, particles of God, are brave, very brave in that we sent a small part of ourselves to earth to experience the darkness that the low frequency of this environment allows.

This journey into physicality, being reincarnated, over and over again, as a human, has been made particularly difficult in that we have no memory of the great beings that we really are.

Although most lightworkers have, from their infancy, known instinctively that they don’t belong here and that they are different from their human brethren.

We lightworkers, came in at a higher frequency to be beacons of light, transformers of the positive, high vibrating energy that is being poured onto the earth at this time.
For fear could not be experienced in our true heavenly realty. And it is the contrast of fear that we came to experience. We lightworkers are experts in suffering.

For it is by suffering as humans, by being humiliated, hurt, derided, laughed at, rejected and being taken advantage in every way that we truly come to understand the human domain.

And that is what we came here to do. We came here to understand the programmed psychology of humanity in order that we might help. Help them out of their enslaved entrapment. Help them release their programmed dysfunctional behavior.
Yes indeed, be of good cheer dear hearts, dear souls, be of good cheer. Your suffering will be greatly rewarded. Now that you have mastered the nature of the human condition, now that you understand how humans have been programmed into behaving negatively.

Now you can help them, in the times to come, as they awaken. You can help them to raise their frequency into the fifth dimensional love vibration.

You are the saviors of the world. You radiate the love energy that is being poured onto earth in this great awakening time and send it in waves of radiant light to all around you.

Henry Makow, PhD #conspiracy #racist #wingnut #homophobia henrymakow.com

In the last few years, banks have become increasingly active in pushing the globalist agenda. For example, my bank is all for "diversity" --homosexuality and im-migration. (It is rare to find a male white teller at a Canadian bank who is not a homosexual.) Similarly, most corporations sing from the same globalist songbook.

Banks are all franchises of the Rothschild world central banking system, much like some MacDonald's stores are independently owned. But banks all depend on the central bank for "money." That's why banks and the corporations dependent on them promote bizarre agendas like gender dysfunction, family breakdown, gun control, miscegenation and minority status for Caucasians.
Who owns this franchise? This system of accounts? Who adds or subtracts credit?

Who decides who gets to play?

A syndicate of mostly cabalist (Masonic) Jewish banking families led by the Rothschilds.

Unfortunately, these Cabalists are Satanists. They are determined to protect and extend this banking monopoly to a monopoly over everything -- real wealth, political power, knowledge, media, education, culture, religion, law etc. They want to own us and our children as well. (We are collateral on the national debt.) This is the essence of Communism and New World Order which is largely in place.
The "Deep State" is the secret network dedicated to protecting the fraudulent banking system and advancing its satanic agenda. Most of the players belong to Freemasonry or Organized Jewry. Intelligence agencies like the CIA, Mossad, and MI-6, the police and the army are the bankers' enforcers. Mass surveillance (the NSA etc.) ensures that nobody gets any ideas.

Everyone -- MDs, cops, politicians, journalists -- is controlled by money. Our feckless ancestors gave our national credit cards to people who want to destroy us, This, in a nutshell, is the key to understanding the covid hoax.

Paul Bury #fundie #conspiracy familyfriendlygaming.com

One of the things I noticed about the radical extremist movement to try and redefine all aspects of our lives is they grant preferential treatment to certain groups. In the standard and traditional definition of culture, morals, ethics, words, institutions, history, mental health, and more there already are certain groups that are granted preferential treatment. Do you know who those people are? They are pastors, priests, policemen, mailmen, teachers, soldiers, businessmen, and more. Notice a pattern in that group of people? The radical extremists trying to redefine everything are attacking the majority of those groups. They can’t stay at the top when they are trying to promote different groups of people to the top.

The radical extremists trying to redefine everything have decided those that openly rebel against God and His system are the people to be promoted to preferential treatment. Those that are proud of their sinful lifestyle choices belong above everyone else. Are they trying to get our entire culture struck down by lightning? Thumbing your nose at God is not a wise course of action. Yet they do it and there are plenty that go along to get along. They don’t want to be falsely accused of a hate crime by obeying God. How did America get into this situation? A pastor in Canada was jailed for merely teaching the Holy Bible. How dare he practice his religious freedom! After all it is obvious that pastors in Canada are now lower class citizens than those that are proud of rebellion against God. How much longer until that same thing happens in America?

How long does Family Friendly Gaming have? The radical extremists trying to redefine everything will come after us eventually because we point people to God.

Mojo #conspiracy forensicfilesnow.com

(comment on a blog that follows up on crimes seen on “Forensic Files”)

All sounds like BS ! And I’m starting to see the same faces in these so called CASES! Crazy how NO ONE IS ALIVE TO QUESTION ABOUT THIS CASE? All dead so so young????? lol fake news.

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #conspiracy #magick #quack bennettleeross.com

Our universe is a multiverse

It is becoming more common to see two suns
Two suns mark the rise of the Antichrist

There is a correlation between sun and consciousness

When Saturn was our sun
We had a higher consciousness

The infrared and ultraviolet rays of Saturn
Was very beneficial to both plants and animals

Much of our DNA now does not function
Because they are turned off

This weakens our spiritual powers and higher senses
Making it easier for spells to control us

Spells manipulate our electric universe
That is why the word magnetic
When the letters net are taken out
Has the word magic

Certain words produce powerful sound tones
When spoken out loud form powerful vibrational patterns
Which direct and control energy

As is shown in the study of cymatics
Sound creates crystalline structures

Gradually activating our DNA in sequence
Is the only way we can handle a sudden flow
Of high frequency energies
Traveling through the higher strands of our DNA

Gamma rays from the array of light waves in the sun simulator
Not only produce piercing heat
But affects the soul

Delta waves are subconsciously conjured up in the mind
When one wears a mask
Making the mind lethargic and susceptible to mind control

It also lessens the ability to be a critical thinker
Making one more resistant to alternative views

Lithium is now being put in chemtrails
Which causes depression

Despite all this
We live in a magical realm
As magical beings

But we are continually being programmed otherwise

Keep your energy up
And do not let the madness bring you down

Speak what you desire into your reality
Do not give thought to what you do not want

The universe wants to mold you into a higher being

John O'Sullivan #quack #wingnut #conspiracy principia-scientific.com

Not only does Covid-19 NOT EXIST, but neither do viruses! Our parasitic controllers just decided at some point that they were going to start calling “exonomes” “viruses”, and then assign this made-up biological contraption with all sorts of omnious and menacing health implications. “Germ Theory” is nothing more than thoroughly disproven quackery(the practice of silly, useless and unscientific medical treatments) and it’s not even that well-hidden of a dirty secret within the world of modern medicine that our entire understanding of most sicknesses in general are based on the work of a fraud who literally made his theory up. So the question then becomes: WHAT THE LITERAL FUCK?
But this recognition was of no consequence because allopathy needed the theory of monomorphism to maintain its theoretical castle. Opening the door to pleomorphism would have been a great cost and perhaps a major schism.

Lamenting the above in my article last year that greedy Big Pharma is making huge profits from peddling ineffective and unnecessary vaccines.
But this recognition was of no consequence because allopathy needed the theory of monomorphism to maintain its theoretical castle. Opening the door to pleomorphism would have been a great cost and perhaps a major schism.

Lamenting the above in my article last year that greedy Big Pharma is making huge profits from peddling ineffective and unnecessary vaccines.

Prussian Society of America #conspiracy #dunning-kruger prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "6 Feet Apart versus 6 Feet Under"]

What Tribe do you think knows and utilizes all the magical properties of the Number “6”?

No less, the tribe that still claims 6 Million of them were killed, and also have a 6-Pointed Star
“Distancing” is actually a part of a CIA Torture program

Every Human Being resonates with an Electro-Magnetic current, which also houses the “Aura”
For better or worse, we are all affected by the Energetic Interactions with people we come into close proximity too. Social Isolation[…]plus the fact that you are not recharging this Energetic Field becomes prominent when purposely trying to keep 6 Feet apart from people, especially for long durations of time
The consequences for distancing include Vast shortening of one’s life expectancy along with severe cognitive decline, depression, low energy and other psychological problems
The Distancing measures are designed, hand-in-hand with the virus fear and trauma induced mind programming effects, to prevent people from rioting or being more likely to revolt
So in essence, many people have been staying “6 Feet Apart” instead of ending “6 Feet Under” not as a result of some invisible boogeyman, but of these possible encounters which would have otherwise erupted
Even in best case scenarios, the “6 Feet Apart” thing has become a behavior and habit which will now remain permanently etched into the mind of nearly everyone on earth except for cave-dwellers
Remember what I have said about people who belong to the COVID Cult? They are USELESS, WORTHLESS and DANGEROUS
One should not have any compassion or empathy for them, even if they are family or friends

It’s time to dispose of them
This serves the perfect measure of the Normalization process the Hebrews are trying to achieve in their measure of Implementing World Government and Population Reduction

H.Himmler #conspiracy #pratt #racist amren.com

Blacks, as we know, are far more likely to commit crime, especially violent crime, murder and rape. Add to this their exceptional stupidity, and you now have before you the perfect group of people useful as a tool. Perpetually suffering, agitated and easily manipulated, the 2% tribe are using these animals as a means to strip WHITES of OUR rights. Don’t you see this?

When Fentanyl Floyd overdosed and died, one and only ONE thing made it into something it wasn’t (newsworthy), the MEDIA. The media, which is unquestionably, irrefutably owned, controlled and dominated by tribal interests, write the script for the black narrative, and they play them like the worthless animals they are, whipping them into violent frenzy with a single “news” story. In turn this creates a “defund the police” movement, which, after the apes, as expected, spike their crime rates through the roof, leads to a call for INCREASED POLICE FUNDING...

So we’re going to become a police state, eventually surrendering all rights, all at the hands of the tribe and their violent, worthless pets.

Dr. Steve LaTulippe #wingnut #conspiracy #quack #fundie americaoutloud.com

In the heat of battle, as well as the Arizona and Texas heat, it doesn’t take long for a committed soldier to remind himself that he still belongs to the human race. By the time I returned to Arizona, I had lost almost 15 pounds. That’s when I got the virus. Now, still in recovery, I’ve had my moments of questioning the sanity of so many pursuits. But only for a fleeting moment.

Then I thought about President Trump who seemed to run on indefatigably with a schedule that made mine look like a stroll through the park. And then there are my medical colleagues who so graciously are caring for Covid patients with early treatment, despite receiving the brunt of constant insults, numerous investigations, threats to livelihood, family stressors, discouragement, and trying themselves to survive in the evil pandemic world. Granted, the narrative of the sinister pandemic plot seems to be gradually crumbling, but the warriors who have held the lines of battle are still very few in number. Heroes are made, not born.
This is only because when man loses his fear of God, all true courage is lost. If man will not defend his own honor, how then can he expect to defend his brother’s freedom? It simply is impossible. Self-sacrifice comes not initially from one’s heart, but from one’s experience. Anyone who has tasted of the goodness from the cross of Jesus Christ knows this fact to be true. An army’s strength comes from its leader. Only a love for one’s leader will nullify all fear. And only a perfect love casts out all fear.

The art of self-sacrifice is now all but lost. But it needn’t be. That’s just what America needs right now. Self-sacrifice. We must call upon the Mighty Warrior who granted us favor in the dawn’s early light, The Great Warrior King who strengthens the soul against all enemies. And we must avow to conquer the enemy within—the enemy called fear within our own hearts, and then the enemy within our very borders.

Ye who would—rise up now! Now is the time!

Aita Channeling Her Higher Self #magick #ufo #conspiracy #elitist voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Your low vibrating brethren, still caught in the trap of the human delusion, do not see this. They cannot see beyond the programming, the words and the fear teachings with which they are presented every day.

The dark ones are desperate and they have ramped up the fear entrainment. They pound the death and dying message into their listeners. They have done all they can to separate, divide and keep mankind isolated from each other.
And you so want to share that understanding, that love with your brethren. It cannot be done, until they break out of the fear frequency. Until they do this they will remain in the arrogant certainty that what they have been told is true, is the only truth that there is.

They cannot hear you, they cannot yet feel the love vibration that is being poured on the earth. This is the reason for all the chaos, the disruption, the false and ridiculous situation that is now occurring on planet earth.

Since they cannot be told, they must be shown the truth. They must start to question. Their comprehension of the situation must come from the awakening of their soul within. It cannot be forced upon them.

It is not easy to awaken those who are sleeping in the deep darkness of mortal illusion. It is happening, and as decreed by the divine, it is inevitable that it will happen.
As they awaken to the wonder of their true divine reality, to the deception that has been perpetrated on them, they will need you and your kind voice.

They will be in shock and awe. And you will be here to help. That is why you are here, to bring in and spread the love energy that is being disseminated onto the earth and to help your brethren comprehend their new reality as they awake.

חודשים #conspiracy live.ahava528.com

(DESCRIPTION OF VIDEO) All Conspiracy No Theory - Don't buy into all those silly conspiracies floating around out there? Well, this chilling video might change your mind. Witness actual footage of your favorite pastors, politicians, actors, musicians and comedians all sounding the alarm that something sinister is afoot.

Sean Hross #conspiracy #crackpot live.ahava528.com

This spot, as you might recall, is where I demonstrated how the AR-15 doesn’t work the way they showed. I proved the video of the Christchurch shooting was a fake in this exact location. And the tree fell right there. Nearly killed me. They’re in control. Always watching. My knowledge is a threat to them. Reptilian filth.

Dr." Katherine Horton #conspiracy researchgate.net

Dr. Katherine Horton is founder and lead investigator of the Joint Investigation Team US-Europe for Directed Energy Weapons, Military Neuro/Biotechnology and Systemic Corruption. Originally a High Energy Physicist who worked at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN in Geneva and at the German Electronsynchrotron DESY in Hamburg, Dr. Horton left particle physics to undertake research in Medical Physics and the Physics of Complex Human Systems where she studied economies, finance, currency systems and white collar crime. Becoming a victim of Western Intelligence she was assaulted with Directed Energy Weapons and discovered that she was implanted along with thousands of victims. She founded the Joint Investigation Team to investigate these crimes, help such victims and stop a global genocide.

Alexandra Bruce/Clif High #conspiracy #quack #wingnut forbiddenknowledgetv.net

Clif High is back, with predictions for a very difficult emotional period, marked by a mass die-off of the vaxxinated between December and May, for which we need to prepare.

He says, “We see how weak…the Biden’s Pretendency is. They know they didn’t win. They know they cheated. They also know that we know and that pretty soon, all the Normies will know.”

And as soon as the Normies know, it will all fall apart for the Globalists, which he says is what explains the evasive behavior of the Biden White House; going on vacation, not answering questions – and in the case of our putative future president – disappearing altogether.

“This is Next Level Woo,” he says, “Yes, the American military left Afghanistan. Yes, it was a defeat for the American Empire. But the American Empire was based on the Petrodollar and is not America. It was the USA Petrodollar Empire that died in Afghanistan.”
He continues, “The Globalists…in their thinking, they’ve simply handed Afghanistan over to the next owners, who are the Chinese. I don’t think that’s going to work out so well for them…

“Over the next three weeks, we’re going to see a huge tranche of Normies that wake up and everything’s going to get real frothy, as these people come to an awakening and have bazillions of questions…

“During this period of time, those of us that have answers should be able to hand it out and those of us that don’t know but know that somebody does can point. We can do this for all the Normies and we can start getting everybody onto the same page of the Woo that we’re gelling up on; this morass of unknown.

“The Woo is everything that has been hidden from ourselves…the Woo is that aspect of life that is denied.”

Human Race Survival Resistance (HRSR)/MissionaryJapan #crackpot #conspiracy #homophobia #transphobia #ufo #magick #wingnut #fundie #psycho humanracesurvivalresistance.wordpress.com

A second snuff film of the feminist leader Hillary Clinton has surfaced on the dark net. It is a hundred times worse than the first one where Hillary Clinton was filmed cutting the face skin off of a little human girl alive, and placing it on her own face to make fun of the humans, before lesbian raping her, and skewering her, and eating her. They torture the children to increase adrenalin in the vampire adrenochrome blood they drink. <Removed insane detailed description here> Ill these lesbian feminist leaders like Hillary Clinton and Oprah Winfrey and Lady Gaga and Katy Perry and “Planned Parenthood” pedophile cannibal industry Illuminati New Age Wicca witch leaders are male demon spirits, so they rape and eat our human girls and try to kill the real Christian men. It is like all these cross-dressing drag queen world rulers “gay mafia elite” LGBTPB (Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transvestite Pedophile Bestiality) orgy child sex magic “bisexual Draco chimera” “quadsexual Pleiadian” “multisexual Mantis” “hermaphrodite Pleiadian fallen angel” spirit cooking ritual pedophile cannibal “Bohemian Grove” globalist elite presidents, prime ministers, congress parliament members, Hollywood celebrities, royal families, popes cardinals, idol singers, church pastors, military leaders above the rank of full-bird colonel and general and admiral, designers, artists, corporate executives, CIA NSA MI6 FBI leaders, Nazi SS 4th Reich leaders, mainstream media celebrities, communist party leaders, Muslim leaders, Buddhist monks, cult leaders, monastery priests, Hindu gurus, famous models, etc. are all female spirits inside male bodies, so they sodomize our human boys. The female demon spirits prefer to live in male cloned hybrid human avatar bodies, and the male demon spirits prefer to live in female cloned hybrid human avatar bodies.

Mothman777 #racist #conspiracy #wingnut mothman777.wordpress.com

Jews In Israel invented this weapon called 5G, and it will require transmitters every 100 metres in every nation foolish enough to adopt this so-called technology to carry it, and of course, such a weapon will not affect Israeli Jews when they don’t have any 5G transmitters every 100 metres in Israel, and of course, they won’t be applying these frequencies at these amplitudes on their own people in Israel by any other means, and the Jews will sit it out there whilst all the brain-damaged Gentiles sterilize themselves, get cancer and go mental with this weapon, as the Gentiles have been conned into trusting their genocidally-minded fake government leaders, who should all be ousted, to say the least. This, of course, is rather like the plot in the film ‘Kingsman’ with the satellite-enabled mobile phone frequencies that compel people to kill each other.

The Jews will be controlling this 5G rollout with the use of supercomputers though whilst they employ its potential for psychotronic warfare purposes against the ‘goyim’. The Israeli Jewish Talpiot Program is a military program that can already infiltrate all computers and mobile phones in all nations of the world.
Judaism is not a religion, it is a precise military agenda for multi-dimensional supremacy over all other peoples, fully intent on the eventual elimination of all Gentiles, and even the Jewish ‘scriptures’ and their already UN-approved worldwide Noahide Laws, which are yet to be put on statute in most nations in the world, before physically enforced, literally state that all members of what the Jews term idolatrous religions must all be killed. What kind of government heads in the UN approved this? THE ANSWER IS; INFILTRATED CRYPTO-JEWISH ENEMY AGENTS DEVELOPING A PLAN TO ENSLAVE AND THEN EXTERMINATE BILLIONS OF US.

Michael Hill/Dr. Sasha Lessin #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy enkispeaks.com

Michael reveals that the Anunnaki pledge amends for suffering they caused us. Anunnaki Prince Marduk, who has been running the Earth atop the pyramids of clandestine governmental, intelligence, spacefaring, military, criminal, banking, opium-financed and ET-Earthling research projects has contacted Hill. Marduk claims to have had a great change of heart, been redeemed and wishes to make amends to humanity for the harsh treatment to which he has subjected us.

Michael says, “In July 2008, a man called “Loki” led Hill into a round gazebo named, “I Dream of Genie Bottle”. There, Hill met MARDUK, in control of Earth since 70 CE. Marduk wore “a glowing, white-hooded robe and his face was not human, wavy with very sculpted features, very beautiful. He seemed transparent.” His face seemed translucent. Marduk brought in a man and a woman to do painless procedures on Hill to read his mind; they’d read and uplevel his “third eye”.

Marduk said Hill’s belonged to the Serpent Lineage within the Anunnaki Ruling Family that supports Marduk. Marduk said Loki led Hill to the gazebo to discuss how Marduk would bring a change to how Nibiru’s King Nannar runs the Earth. Marduk said he had a new “game plan” for humanity and that both Hill and someone else was incarnated here now to help Earth with its end time changes.

Hill asked Marduk and his associates if he could see their faces, and they said, “Not now; Tomorrow.” The next morning, Hill saw Marduk and a female walking up to his tent on the dirt road, and though they looked like Earthlings, Hill instantly “knew” it was the Anunnaki leader and his consort. Marduk said, “Good morning, Commander Michael.” Hill now saw Marduk had radiant blue eyes. (Bill Birnes writes,‘The Anunnaki are not 3rd Density beings; they are interdimensional and capable of bending and manipulating light so what we see can have a different shape and form if we look at them from a different light perspective.

Melissa G #conspiracy #crackpot youtube.com

Sean wow have you taught me so much over the years. I have listened, absorbed, researched Your information and shared it with many and your knowledge is beyond what we lazy asses deserve but I thank you and praise your need to share the truth. your travels are amazing.
You are a warrior.
You are the only one I’ve ever trusted because you SHOW the symbolism and you’ve done your history lessons. The REAL TRUE history not the bullshit we’ve been told is “history” it truly is “HIS STORY” the “winners” wrote the history for us to ingest. Europe is so deep in its satanic/luciferian past. America is as well, just a baby of a nation compared to Europe. I wish you could come to America and show us what America really is about. Come to Oklahoma. You are welcome

Sean Hross #conspiracy #crackpot youtube.com

Pharaoh Giscard d'Estaing ruling France in Medieval Castle & Emperor Bokassa's Diamonds Corruption

In fact the SpOrt 2OOO logo had the square, as there are three circles in 2OOO for concept of three plus another one in the word spOrt adding up to concept of four; so it does say "square & compass", which I only saw later, when I had it all imported in my computer. The same for the three red Templar V's on the lorry, because behind it there was another V in blue; so also here it did in fact say concept of 4 & 3 for "square & compass". It's everywhere, and everything belongs to them. And we are just their slaves, who are going to be locked up in our homes and forced to the needle with Pharaoh's magic to make us infertile like a genetically manipulated Monsanto plant.

Jerry Derecha/Adrenogate #crackpot #conspiracy #fundie #ufo adrenogate.net

Sylvia does an incredible job explaining the truth about what we both believe to be the true demonic and dark nature of “Aliens”. They will soon realize just how foolish their decision was and many will scramble to commit suicide only to find that their now-entrapped soul is stuck in an infinite timeloop of horrors and death is no longer a possibility for them.

I’m glad I’m not the only one who is tired of coming across people who cannot understand the fallacy behind their assumption that a technologically superior race of aliens would be inherently benevolent and would want to help us. Why is this foolish and naive baseline assumption so common? The explanation that they will provide me for this assinine assumption when I ask them to explain themselves, goes something like this:

Any race of “being” that has reached a level of what we would see as a “god-like” technological prowess, would have to be unconditionally benevolent in nature, simply because they’ve succeeded in developing into such an advanced, technocratic-like utopian culture without having destroyed themselves along the way and in the process. The way an inherently evil or flawed race inevitably would have.

I’m not sure who came up with that stupid-ass theory, but I hear it A LOT.
Stay far far far away of any “Alien” being or any “Galactic Federation” of interdimensional light-jackasses who say that they are here to “heal” humanity and hook us up, “just because“.
She combines the esoteric, spiritual and paranormal studies with archaeological and megalithic studies, which is the exact same thing I do. So obviously I’m a big fan of hers. However, she still hasn’t seemed to catch on that Emmanuel/Immanuel(Jesus Christ) is one of the avatars of the Demiurge and not the son of the true creator God. In fact, the word “god” is an artifact of the Demiurge and is an anagram for the “dog” star, Sirius B, the Draconian home planet of the architect of our false reality Matrix prison.

Jeanice Barcelo #sexist #wingnut #conspiracy #racist davidicke.com

Over the past few decades, there has been a strong calling for the restoration of the Divine Feminine. The media, along with many liberal-minded folks, assert that we are living in a world full of male privilege, male dominance, and “toxic masculinity”. Therefore, we need to bring back the Divine Feminine in order to restore balance in our world
As a woman, I agree that feminine energy is needed to help heal our Earth. Indeed, I enthusiastically support the restoration of the Divine Feminine. However, I cannot help but notice that the push for women’s power and so-called “liberation” is being simultaneously broadcast with a vicious assault against men and masculinity (especially against white men and white masculinity). Concepts of “toxic masculinity”, “male privilege”, “white privilege”, and “white supremacism” abound. And recently, the senile, child groping, fake President of the United States asserted that “white supremacists” are the deadliest threat to us all.
Thanks to the overt mind control programming, male potency is at an all-time low. And this is why evil has been allowed to run amok in our world, despite millions of American men having arsenals in their homes, and some with years of military training behind them. 150 years ago, Tony Fauci and Bill Gates would have been hanging from lamp posts. Today, these murderous psychopaths are allowed to roam free. I believe this is happening because millions of men are stuck in a state of learned helplessness that is the result of media-induced hypnosis combined with the black magic and sadistic rituals of the medical establishment – all of which involve trauma-based mind control. Decades of culturally-induced and medically-induced trauma, fortified by the satanic programming of the media, has led to a plethora of men becoming lost to alcohol, drugs, video gaming, and/or pornography. Such men are not able to step into their power, and as a result, women are being forced to take on the male role.

Zen Gardner #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut hollywoke.wordpress.com

There are many such triggers that wake people up. Once someone realizes how the world was scammed on 9/11 and that the powers that be are willing to perpetrate such atrocities to promote their agenda, the digging begins. When we realize we’re at the complete mercy of parasitic central bankers more than willing to not only implode the world’s economy, but finance both sides of any conflict for personal gain and control and that our governments are complicit in this scheme, we start to grasp the enormity of what befalls us.
This is often the final breakthrough point for many people. As the true picture starts to crystallize, the horrific realization that the “powers that be” are fundamentally a clandestine cabal with front men comes into focus. These are powerful minions, more interested in weakening and subjugating humanity via health degradation, dumbed down education, mindless “bread and circus” government controlled media, depraved violence and sex oriented entertainment, and a draconian militarized police crackdown. The ugly truth then comes to the fore.
A sense of isolation following the initial awakening is natural. It’s foreign to everything we’ve been taught, with implications that can be mind-boggling as well as heart breaking. However, we are very much connected and sharing a profound common experience. Knowing we are not alone is very important to keep in mind.

Building community also becomes a priority, where we can contribute to the healing of the planet at every level possible. Whether it’s activist or spiritual associations this is very important. It may only be on-line at first, that’s fine. Find kindred spirits and empowering and informative websites and blogs and even attend meet up events in your area on some of these subjects of concern.

Enjoy it, be empowered and take action accordingly. Trust your heart.

The darkness cannot put out the Light no matter how hard they try.

Prussian Society of America #wingnut #racist #conspiracy #psycho #homophobia prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "Don’t Expect the Americans, particularly “Conservatives” to give up their ideas of Civic Nationalism and Egalitarianism"]

Most Americans are so stupid they don’t even know the difference between a Revolt/Civil War and a Revolution[…]Americans are too much of pussies to even stage a Revolt against Masking or Vaccines even at this late point

What makes you think they will ever awaken to the Jewish problem and deal with them?

Never going to happen. The Americans are in love with Jews, and even the ones who pretend to be aware of the JQ, such as David Duke, always have no problem with embracing the Jews because they consider only “International Jewry” or “Zionism” to be the problem
Americans seen “Conservatism” as a strategy, therefore it is not something innate
At this stage in American History, Conservatives are more liberal than even the way Liberals were in their early stages
The average American Conservative/Right-Winger does NOT accept the idea of Racial Segregation and Separatism[…]because American Whites are not racially conscious whatsoever

But what the American Whites fail to recognize, is that the Blacks, Hispanics, Asians or others whom they choose to embrace in their political activities “ARE” VERY well racially conscious
From the earliest of age, I was raised in a racially conscious family and we never were concerned with seeming “Racist”
There is also a sister equivalent statement to this when bringing up the subject about gay people, it goes “Are they gay? Oh but not that I have anything against them being gay or anything!”
Muddled in their egalitarian delusions, the Americans are too stupefied to even realize that they will not get their former life back from 2019 and earlier and that the only way to do so would be to react with violence! This violence should have taken place no later than June 2020

Sidney Secular #conspiracy #fundie #wingnut #racist #quack newswithviews.com

If you’ve read the Bible or haven’t rejected it out of hand, it is not hard to see that what it calls “The Great Tribulation” or something akin to it, has begun to befall all of us, especially with the Covidiocy. I won’t turn this into a theological diatribe, which believers tend to get into easily, thereby turning some people off. I would just suggest you read The Book of Revelation to see how eerily its predictions seem to be coming to pass. Many Americans would like to go back to pre-COVID days and pretend or hope that things are returning to normal. However, it will be at best an abnormal normal with much lingering unemployment, evictions of tenants and or bankruptcy of small landlords, some chronic supply shortages, lingering lunacy involving some residual COVID nonsense such as masking, socialist distancing and lockdowns, paranoia among the ignorant owing to the depressing duplicity of the politicos, confrontations between the woke and the awake, sky-high prices, and the looming threat of the return to full fledged Covidiocy to sharply remind us we’re far from being out of the woods!
The voting tragedy and travesties of the 2020 elections must be completely turned around through very forceful and persistent action if we are to have any hopes of restoring the Historic American Nation as a viable entity. There are those still insulated from the nefarious things that take place around the world daily and the Pollyannas would rather not be perturbed and disturbed by being forced to have to think of or confront such things. They favor the palaver and poop meted out by the mainstream media via their “communications devices” and the Jewspapers assuring them they are in the good hands of the govmint at all levels who are looking out for their interests (no kidding!).

Benjamin Fulford #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut #racist benjaminfulford.net

After the Fukushima mass murder event of March 11, 2011 (3.11) the Rothschilds sent a representative to explain why Fukushima was attacked. He said they planned to move their Asian headquarters from Tokyo, Japan to North Korea. To accomplish this they intended to move 40 million Japanese from Greater Tokyo to North Korea. They even showed me a map of their planned industrial zone there.
The other thing that happened was that immediately after 3.11, Israeli crime minister Benjamin Netanyahu called Prime Minister Kan and told him that if Japan did not hand over its entire $7 trillion or so in foreign currency, then electro-magnetic weapons would be used to cause Mt.  Fuji to erupt.

However, at this point, something unexpected happened.  Hundreds of earthquakes hit the Atlantic Island of La Palma immediately after 311.  There was a very real danger that it would collapse into the ocean and cause a 100-meter tsunami to hit the U.S. Eastern and European Southern coasts.  The earthquakes stopped only after the U.S. military contacted the White Dragon Society and promised that no further attacks would be allowed against Japan.

Nonetheless, the Khazarian Mafia headquartered in Switzerland succeeded in re-imposing a slave Prime Minister on Japan.  Abe Shinzo was put in place via a fraudulent election.  Following this, he was invited to be a keynote speaker at the gathering of Western oligarchs in Davos, Switzerland

Whiplash347/Judy Byington #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut #fundie dinarchronicles.com

A. The Plan,Whiplash347:

The Plan: It’s the largest Global Military Operation in Planet Earth’s history and a transition to Gesara Greatness. Now they just have to play out a fake WW3 scenario to ring sirens in every National Military Command Center.
It would be Biblical – a Scenario like World War III that activated militaries worldwide and using Rods of God would bomb Satanic landmarks (34 Satanic Buildings and Dams worldwide) such as the Vatican, Buckingham Palace, Whitehouse & White House replicas in California and Georgia, Three Gorges Dam (Big Pharma in Wuhan, Bitcoin Servers/Data Center destroyed, 99.5% of Crypto would be gone and we would only use coins backed by Precious Metals) and Cern on the Swiss/French Border (CIA Headquarters).

Planes & Trains would be grounded, lights and the power switched off in order to change over to Tesla Free Energy.
QUANTUM GESARA aka TRUMPSARA. Quantum Financial System, Quantum Voting System, Quantum Healing, Quantum Physics. Quantum Internet Everything is going Quantum. Nesara states Rainbow “Treasury” Notes backed by precious metals. Adding Quantum Starlink & ISO20022 Internationally Regulated USA Coins also backed by metals.

QVS – Blockchain no longer like the way we do it. Quantum Internet. The Internet is Rebooted. No more Microsoft. Everything wiped. The current internet is Operation Mockingbird. Same as TV, Newspapers etc. Will not be anywhere near the same. One news channel etc. All media/papers is owned by the Mossad..all being removed.

All Private Intelligence owned by the UK Royals to be removed. No more Mossad, 5 eyes, CIA etc. Only intelligence will be Military Intelligence.

MOAB = Global Currency Reset (1950’s) + Precious Metal Standard + Quantum Gesara + DECLAS of Everything on Earth.

QuWave.com #quack #conspiracy #crackpot #mammon amazon.com

QuWave Defender helps Targeted Individuals live a happier and normal life. Produces Scalar Fields and Solfeggio Waves to protect body and brain from Electronic Harassment and Psychotronic or Psychic Attacks. Protects mind and body from ELF, HAARP, Implants, Microwave, V2K and Psychic Attacks. Converts electronic and psychic attacks to positive energy. Carry it with you wherever you go. Personal Model QWX1.

(Submitter's note: This is actually the product name. The description is far longer and far more incoherent.)


Arlo Calles #fundie #conspiracy facebook.com

Both Francis Bacon and Alfred Wegener, proponents of Pangea and tectonic plates, were Freemasons.

The Word is true. Earth does not move, nor will it ever be moved. Tectonic plates are another lien of the system, of the falsely so-called science, to hide the truth of the Bible and contradict what God teaches us in His Word.

Pepe Escobar #conspiracy #moonbat asiatimes.com

The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan back with a bang

The US 'loss' is a repositioning. Pentagon’s top mission is not the “war on terror”, but to try to isolate Russia and harass China by all means on the expansion of the New Silk Roads.

In the end, the Saigon moment happened faster than any Western “expert” expected.

That led the US and NATO to literally beg the Taliban to let them evacuate everything in sight from Kabul.

Ghani’s hasty escape is the stuff of “a tale told by an idiot, signifying nothing”. Ghani, an anthropologist with a doctorate from Columbia, is one of those classic cases of Global South exiles to the West who “forget” everything that matters about their original lands.

Ghani is a Pashtun who acted like an arrogant New Yorker.

Geopolitically, what matters now is how the Taliban have written a whole new script, showing the lands of Islam, as well as the Global South, how to defeat the self-referential, seemingly invincible US/NATO empire.

After Vietnam, this is the second Global South protagonist showing the whole world how an empire can be defeated by a peasant guerrilla army.

There is allegedly no mass hysteria in the capital: that’s been the exclusive domain of Anglo-American mainstream media. The Russian and Chinese embassies remain open for business. Zamir Kabulov, the Kremlin special representative for Afghanistan, has confirmed that the situation in Kabul is, “absolutely calm.”

Every serious analyst knows that the purpose of the occupation of Afghanistan was to establish a foothold in the strategic intersection of Central and South Asia.

Occupying smaller nations has ceased to be a priority. The Empire of Chaos can always foment chaos from its CENTCOM base in Qatar.

Yet every American plotline needs a fall guy. NATO has just been cosmically humiliated in the graveyard of empires by a bunch of goat herders. What’s left? Propaganda.

So meet the New Axis of Evil. Taliban-Pakistan-China. The New Great Game in Eurasia has just been reloaded.

The Final Wakeup Call #crackpot #wingnut #conspiracy finalwakeupcall.info

Already about 120 years ago, the world could have been lit up for free, by the advancements of genius Nikola Tesla, if he was not obstructed by the Deep State-cabal with his invention of free energy generated from the magnetic fields around planet Earth, there wouldn’t have been any carbon emission tax or global warming hoax at all!

Most of today’s technology originates from the knowledge inspired inside of Tesla, as he feverishly has laid out for the world. Important improvements for humanity, only to be stolen by the Cabal and used devilishly for their own evil devices. Donald Trump’s uncle John Trump knew how to interpret Tesla’s genius patents, and strange drawings. When Donald Trump run for his first election in 2016, he told during his campaign for President; his uncle told him everything about Tesla’s work and patents.

Tesla also understood God’s limitless energy, complex system of creation and the creation of man’s energy in relationship with God. The Cabal knew and feared this could awaken humanity and consequently hid his inventions along with other knowledge that secretly was buried away from public view. In other words, plain criminal Censorship!
What we see in the brilliance of Tesla, is the roadmap hidden from the public that the Cabal has taken and devised to do all the opposites to destroy God’s mass. The arrows are aimed at destroying the family unit, destroying the minds of youth through education that serves a lowering of intellect, a mass movement of memorising what exists, and specifically removing creative thinking and intelligence outside of the box where all of the masses have been placed within. For to open it, it exposes all the lies, the deceit, thefts, and evil manoeuvres to enslave mankind in the vilest and wickedest ways ever imagined. So what can be done? Open it – open it wide and expose the deceit that it contains. Follow the money to the evil cabal and the desires of their utopia that only exists if the box is kept shut tight.

May Staver #wingnut #crackpot #conspiracy #quack facebook.com

Bill Gates is definitely a social Darwinianist, like Adolf Hitler, like Margaret Sanger, like J.D. Rockefeller, like the Carnegie Institute, like [Henry] Ford. … They were all Darwinianists, social Darwinianists. They believed in evolution, they believe that Blacks and people that were not white were not as evolved, and that the whites were the more evolved ones—and only certain kinds of whites—and that was their ideology.

If vaccines are supposed to make you more healthy, and you want to reduce population by 10 to 15 percent—which is going to be 700 million to a billion people on the planet, [Gates] wants to do that right away; about a billion people on the planet he wants to reduce and wipe off the planet now. You have to ask yourself how you’re going to do that. And if vaccines actually make you live longer, why would you then say people need vaccines? Well, it’s because they know that when they inject them, they can put things in your body that ultimately affect your reproduction.
The vaccines go to certain concentrated places. It has very high concentration in the ovaries. What we’re seeing with women is missed menstrual cycles, two menstrual cycles a month, heavy bleeding, painful menstrual cycles. We’re even seeing that with people, by the way, who haven’t gotten the shot but have been in close proximity to those who have the shot. Start asking women in your reaches—it may be a sensitive situation, but just ask them: Have you experienced, after being in close contact with somebody who’s had the shot, have you experienced any rashes? Just ask them two questions: rashes or bleeding? And I can guarantee you [that] you will be surprised at how many women will come back and say, “Oh my—that’s why my monthly cycle is all messed up.”

What it’s doing is it’s affecting the reproductive systems. And it goes to the testes as well. And it’s affecting both men and women in terms of their ability, or rather their inability, to later procreate. So, one: It’s killing people. Two: it’s going to prevent people from procreating. So, I will guarantee you that in a few years, when somebody does a study, they’re going to say, “I wonder why the population reproduction rate has plummeted?” And whether they’re going to connect it to this or not, I don’t know. But this is their insidious plan.

Galactic Command Interstellar Fleet/Tinirol via Galaxygirl #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

We are the Galactic Command Interstellar Fleet. We are of no sector or division. We prefer the term ‘grouping’ for there are many groups of us but there is no division. We have all worked together for millennia, many of us. Some of the newer recruits are familiar with us energetically from lifetimes before. (I am seeing inside a large silvery beautiful ship. The people and beings are of many races in different colored uniforms. It is a massive city. There are children, gardens, recreational spaces, educational sectors.) We are eager to teach. We are eager to interact with our beloved brothers and sisters who have been immersed but not enmeshed beyond the veil of forgetfulness. (I am surprised to see reptilians as well on their ship.) Not all reptilians have lost their way, galaxygirl, and the ascended ones, the enlightened ones who have broken free from the dark and embraced the light are critically helpful. Just as some humans have fallen into the darkness does not mean that humanity must be given up on. Humanity is in the process of having the oil and water of their world separate, which is why we showed you this analogy.
I am Tinirol, one of those who broke away to declare my sovereignty. (I am seeing a reptilian face with black and red markings, wearing white. He is massive and I have been hesitant to discuss with him, but as he is a part of this ascended fleet and I can see he is surrounded with light I am allowing the connection.) Thank you, galaxygirl. I am Tinirol. The reptilians have been controlled by the AI and manipulated energetically to great degree as well. The subordinates work under constant fear and haze. The higher ups on earth have allowed AI to inbreed with the lower so that they are almost mechanically controlled. Our free will was not known to many of us. Yes some enjoy the abuse of humanity, but many were trapped in the system. I broke free. I claimed my light as a fractal of the greater whole.

Rev. Marcin Mironiuk #conspiracy #racist vice.com

A Catholic priest in Canada has been placed on indefinite leave after VICE World News reported that he called news of unmarked graves at residential schools a “huge lie.”

Mironiuk made harmful and false comments about residential schools and unmarked graves during multiple Polish-language masses on July 18, streamed online, at Our Lady Queen of Poland parish in south Edmonton. Mironiuk said he personally visited Kamloops without disclosing he was a priest, and repeatedly asked to see the “mass graves,” after more than 200 were confirmed at the former residential school in the area in May.

Mironiuk also compared the events to the Jedwabne pogrom, a historical massacre during World War II marked by ethnic Poles killing hundreds of Jews, including children, in the Polish town of Jedwabne. Mironiuk said Poles are not to blame for the murders, even though scholars confirm Poles were likely culpable. Exhumation was limited because the Jewish community asked researchers not to disturb the remains.

Mironiuk said the unmarked graves at residential schools are “the same lies” as those told of the massacre. “The Jewish community raised the alarm and said, ‘This is sacred land, don't dig.’ It’s the same lies, my dears,” the priest told the congregation.

Various Commenters #conspiracy #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: Eliminating ‘Racist’ Entrance Exam Led to More White Students, Fewer Asians at Top High School


"Fairfax County Public Schools are hellbent on making Thomas Jefferson white again,” Asra Nomani — I missed the news that Thomas Jefferson had his race changed.

So, Thomas Jefferson school could become white again? But don’t get any ideas about this ‘replacement’ stuff, that’s racist fiction.

(Cold War Boomerwaffen)
I can’t believe more people can’t see this.

(Hubert Cumberdale)
Lol, how did a school wind up 53% Asian in Virginia? The unofficial home state of our 'free White persons of good moral character' nation?

You literally can't get much further away from China than Virginia.

(Cold War Boomerwaffen)


Nepotism, and demographic replacement. Ask a jooo how this works. They’re the ones doing this to us.

(Question Diversity)
What have I been saying? The equity hoopla around admissions to exclusive schools and standardized testing is sold under the rubric of blacks and Latinos, but is in reality UMC whites and the "fellow whites" getting revenge on Asians for having high test scores.

Pardon me while I run, or rather, jog, okay, walk, okay really last time, slow walk pushing a double stroller, my victory lap. Hey don't laugh, it's not a dad bod, it's a father figure.

(Woodleigh Tools)
A few years ago, I would have said, "Let an objective test decide!" But the meaning of "objective" has been muddled. And, to be quite honest, Asians are militarizing nerdity to use it against us, by getting educated at our institutions.

So now I say, "Give a supporting hand to the White students; don't let the laboratory (Asians) nor the disco (Blacks) get educated at our expense. Let it be the hardware store (Whites) that we Whites support.

Padraig Martin #wingnut #racist #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #fundie identitydixie.com

[From "Stifling Nationalism: Holocaust Mythology"]

The issue as to whether or not the Holocaust happened is a very big topic that has been explored by thousands of researchers. Holocaust exploration is far too big a topic for a simple blog post[…]The official narrative is that the Holocaust occurred[…]Millions of Jews were rounded up[…]first into ghettos[…]and, eventually, into extermination camps (specifically six)[…]Jews, as well as, other “undesirables,” (e.g., Gypsies, homosexuals, and Catholic priests) endured horrible depravities at the hands of their sadistic German captors[…]and for many of them, ultimately gassed or murdered in some other way. The end result – officially – has shifted over the decades, beginning with a number of approximately six million for all victims (of which, one and a half million were Jewish), to now six million Jews and potentially an additional three million “others.” But a lot does not add up regarding the official narrative – a narrative that is not even allowed to be questioned in some countries
It is important to understand why this topic is important to the South and Southern Identity. The answer is simple: Christianity is the bedrock of the South[…]The misguided belief that the Jewish people share a salvation oriented heritage with Christians[…]has been weaponized against Dixie by Jewish activists and their Dispensationalist allies
I firmly believe that the Jews under the NSDAP were mistreated
While it was certainly a bad place to be, the concentration camps, originally designed to house political prisoners such as Bolshevik terrorists (many of whom were Jewish), were not nearly the over-the-top torture camps of media-lore
Jewish population estimates are all over the board regarding their pre-war and post-war numbers
Why is it that Judeo-Bolshevik Soviets were the only ones who found gas chambers

Time Transportal #conspiracy #wingnut #quack timetransportal.com

The Pentagon wants to order troops to get the Covid Vax. What about the truth community stories and the Great Awakening? Is this the final End Game?

The weather is sunny here. A cool breeze. perhaps a calm before the storm? Is it the storm as mentioned by Q and
the QAnons? Or the devastating storm of the E.L.E.? Or was Q referring to the E.L.E. storm?

These times are really a challenge. Even the most gentle folks and people with lots op patience are starting to get mad.
We are trying to be gentle and easy going, but we almost used the title: "Fck doom. We want answers." We changed it to: skip doom. During these harsh times we like to try not to use much profanity, which is not always easy. Let's skip the doom, shall we? But first some disturbing news from the Pentagon a.k.a. The Pentagram.

What If?
What if the troops get the ClotKillShot Covax? What if many troops will leave the material world Earth density a.k.a. dying. Or get disabled, crippled by the ClotShot? Will foreign troops replace the U.S. troops? Are these the many refugee boys and men, from North Africa trying to get into Europe? And also South American boys and men, crossing the border into the USA? Are they being recruited? There were rumors, online chatter and videos of UN military vehicles driving on US roads. Also videos of cargo trains carrying UN vehicles.

Americans are armed. Lots of guns owned by US citizens. Will this scare off the UN foreign troops? Are the UN troops MK programmed into urban and country combatants? Nobody wants to think about war, except for the weapons dealers perhaps. May be this secret war continues with a battlefield that is in the shadows. Silent war. UN troops using silent tactics. Quiet weapons for quiet wars, you know.

State of the Nation #wingnut #quack #conspiracy netflix.com

Without any doubt whatsoever, the Biden Adminstration and U.S. Intelligence Community (all 17 alphabet agencies) are now on a very serious mission to irreversibly demonize the entire Covid Truth Movement.

The NWO perpetrators of OPERATION COVID-19 really have no choice at this point as the various Truth Movements have become so successful at disseminating life-saving information and data across the planet.

This stark reality for the CORONAhoax perps has made them desperate, reckless and brazen to the extreme. They are literally operating like cornered rats, which the truly are, and, therefore, they are quite likely to devastate the truth-seeking movements by any means necessary and every means possible. They don’t care how much collateral damage is done, or how many innocent people are killed in the process. Remember, these are the very same genocidal criminals behind the false flag 9/11 terrorist attacks against the American people, so what won’t they do.
Along with revealing the criminal details of that HUGE election fraud that saw POTUS imposter unlawfully installed in the Oval Office, the same liberal perps are just as desperate to steal the 2022 midterm elections. This can only be accomplished by falsely perpetuating the ongoing COVIDcon farce right through the present election cycle. Hence, false flag terrorism will be employed by the perfidious perps at every turn necessary.

Given these harrowing developments for the Democrats traitors, Deep State enablers, NWO globalists manipulators, and treacherous Bidenites, they will resort to a series of false flag 9/11-level terrorist attacks in order to malign the good American people intent on exposing the Covid crime wave; what is actually an immense Covid crime tidal wave.

saintandrewstwinflame<Saint Andrew> #crackpot #ufo #conspiracy #magick #god-complex #fundie saintandrewstwinflame.com

REMINDER: I AM a GALACTIC EMISSARY of LIGHT the REAL incarnation of SAINT ANDREW here on MISSION as DIVINE JUSTICE for THE COMPANY of HEAVEN and this planet. ANY ATTACKS on MYSELF and/or MY FAMILY and/or any DEATH ATTEMPTS will result in INSTANT DEATH as per GOD himself. And that ALSO stands for the 144,400 that are here on DIVINE MISSION<S> as well. I AM STILL RECORDING and ANY ATTEMPTS at hacking/destroying this website and/or this server and – I will have YOU ARRESTED by the UNIVERSAL FORCE.
NOBODY and I QUOTE = NO 3D HUMAN un-ascended being or any other being is allowed to JUDGE any HOLY SAINT, ASCENDED MASTER or the 144,400 here on MISSION. ONLY HEAVEN can = WE WORK for HEAVEN and by LAW I can have you REMOVED from the PLANET if you mess with us.
I had to TRAIN the Earth MILITARY for MANY YEARS and MANY others for REMOVAL of EVIL ENTITIES and I work closely with HEAVEN, the GALACTICS the UNIVERSALS and the EARTH MILITARY that are AWAKE and AWARE = THEY know WHO I AM and I do NOT Have to PROVE MYSELF to anyone – I have GALACTIC teams here on mission that are in MEDICINE, MILITARY, PSYCHOLOGY etc. NO one is allowed to do a psychological assessment on me either as I work with people on my TEAM = SO DREAM ON TRUDEAU.
ONLY CERTAIN MILITARY are EQUIPPED to take down these evil ALIEN criminals. I am happy that both the GALACTIC MILITARY and certain EARTH MILITARY are getting to know our GALACTIC Brother’s and Sister’s and the FRIENDLY ET’S. LET’S let them do their JOBS that they were trained for as WORLD FREEDOM comes closer each and every day !
IF all the BENEVOLENT SHIPS uncloaked all at once – it would look like a parking lot in the sky. THAT time will come eventually – they have med-beds and other SPACE-AGE devices for us and the 6,000 patents will be accessed by Humanity and we can move into a “SPACE AGE” quickly which is what WE – the LIGHT ALL WANT, HALLELUJAH ! HALLELUJAH ! HALLELUJAH !

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