
Racism, including ethnic hatred, nationalism and equating religion to race

Brutus977 #racist #dunning-kruger #psycho #fundie #conspiracy worldsnews.quora.com

That’s too bad. It's such a beautiful flag. It was intently designed to strike fear into commie Russia. Hate him all you want but Hitler prevented Stalin from invading all of Western Europe, which was his plan. I’d much rather speak German than Sputnik. German were christians and were viewed as liberators to Stalins regime. Many Russians joined the Wehrmacht to fight against the Soviets conditions were so bad in that country. Alas, the winners write history books. All we hear now is that six gorillion jews died. WHO CARES. It’s been 80 years, We don't need another FAKE Holohoax museum to brainwash children into thinking communism is a good option.

Russ Winter #wingnut #conspiracy #racist winterwatch.net

Fringe-culture rumors of underground alien-human shenanigans are in reality fed by leaks from questionable individuals, usually with intelligence connections. They are simply a ploy of utility to maintain the status quo. The whole captured-alien-hardware story is just a highly elaborate hoax to discredit those exposing the reality of these deep bases.

I could be accused of fear porn for what I am about say, but it is also necessary game theory for serious consideration.

I’m suggesting that there may be a reset coming that would finish off the U.S. and the U.K. as we know it and usher in a hardcore Orwellian tyranny. War would be the pretense and cover used for this. It is a primary reason the neocons are clamoring for war with Iran and poking the Russian bear.

The rumored “Red List” and “Blue List” is effectively true. Only authoritarian followers and the most dense pajama people are not on the lists. Even being only slightly awake will get you recognition. If you are on the edge, you will go there. If you speak out on Israel and Jewish power, you are there in spades. The Scamdemic has allowed the Tyranny to identify millions of people who don’t tow the party line.
Many underground bases are owned by corporations or unknown Crime Syndicate-related entities. They are serviced by tram, gondola and elevators.

They are in remote locations, so they do not need many guards. They are guarded through satellites and other technologies.
Beta test versions of the cull are already in place. The January 6th Capital prisoners are a beta test for how long the Star Chamber can keep political prisioners indefinitely in foul conditions and without due process of law.

Various Editors #conspiracy #fundie #homophobia #wingnut #racist #sexist #transphobia conservapedia.com

Public school culture is an atmosphere fostered in public school,[2] especially in the most liberal of public schools, which is characterized by:

anti-white rhetoric and curriculum, critical race theory
prohibition of classroom prayer
sex education, homosexual curriculum and sexual abuse by school personnel has been referred to as a "red-light district" for students
promotion of the homosexual agenda in public schools (see images above), even though other forms of expression, such as displaying the Confederate flag or promoting Bible verses, are persecuted.
rebellious and distracting fashion
facial piercings and rings, tattoos, and male earrings
an absence of objective morality; instead, a principal will say someone "made the wrong choice"
a lack of critical thinking about liberal indoctrination
lewd behavior euphemistically referred to as "PDA" or "Public Display of Affection"
racial discrimination resulting from set cliques of racially homogeneous students
forced tolerance of homosexuality due to school-supported and funded groups
lack of awareness that prayer is censored in public schools and that teachers' unions are very liberal
drug testing
censorship of conservative sources of news and information
violence and school shootings
excessive network abuse
cross-dressing in schools plays, boys wearing girl jeans, powder puff sports, etc.
special concessions for certain ethnic groups and religions while Christianity is ignored
allowing students to opt-out of saying the Pledge of Allegiance
pregnant students being accepted by school officials, and sometimes even pregnancy pacts
acceptance and sometimes even encouragement of abortion and birth control
students impeding traffic by walking on roadways instead of walking on the sidewalk or on the grass going to and from the school bus stop
disrespect for authority figures and high-ranking elected public officials
liberal bias and the inducting of children into liberalism and secularism

Clif High/Alexandra Bruce #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut #racist #ufo forbiddenknowledgetv.net

Going back many years, Clif High’s Asymmetric Language Trend Analysis (ALTA) Reports from his web bots have contained large datasets referring to a temporal marker that he labeled “Secrets Revealed” and alternately, “SciFi World”. He believes that we’ve now entered this time period.
Another subset of “Secrets Revealed” was named the “Israeli mistake”, which Clif believes refers to the 85% vaxxination rate of the Israeli population. Interestingly, he says this subset has always been linked with Iran, although the Iranian component of the temporal marker has not yet revealed itself.

Clif describes the theocratic regime in Iran as not Islamic but “Khazarian”, which Clif equates here with “Sabbatean”, referring to the 18th century heretical antinomian Jewish cult of Sabbatean Frankism.

He says, “This leads us to Antarctica, where a ton of our true human history is buried and hidden from us. And so, as we keep moving through this, we keep getting into space and anti-gravity stuff, all kinds of things…now, this is a multi-decadal, it may even be multiple hundreds of years.

“My datasets were not capable of…predicting, forecasting much beyond a space of, like 20 years,” although the vast majority was focused on the near term of 2-3 years.

He says that basically, history is an edifice of lies and that it will take years to reconcile and rectify; entire industries will be spawned to do this task.
However, prior to that, his emotional reduction engine has predicted rising emotional tension language between May 19-27th, that pegs out at a maximum level for 7 days straight. He doesn’t know if it’s positive or negative but whatever it is, it’s big.

He says that for himself, getting to live and experience these events is such a reward, as he had a near death experience a few years ago and he had never expected to be witness to this long-prophesied unfoldment in history. We are living Revelation.

Henry Makow PhD/Edward Menez #racist #wingnut #conspiracy henrymakow.com

The Khazars bought the "Jewish" franchise
in the 8th Century to distinguish themselves
from their Christian and Muslim neighbors.

Ashkenazi Jews (Israelis) have no connection
to the ancient Hebrews. They are Khazars.

The Bolshevik Revolution was revenge
for the Kievan Rus destruction of the Khazar Empire
in 965 AD.

The Russian - Ukrainian war continues this millennia-long hate.
The NWO is a rebirth of the old Khazar empire, extended to the whole planet.

NATO is Khazaria in Drag (literally)

Eduard Hodos was born in Kharkov, Ukraine in 1945 to an Orthodox Jewish family. In 1990, he was recruited by Chabad Lubavitcher Rabbi Schneerson but resigned once he realized that Chabad aimed to destroy the Ukraine. Since then, Hodos has been an outspoken critic of Chabad, warning the public about their agenda -- and the political figures and oligarchs who do their bidding. Hodos has since converted to Ukraine's Orthodox Christian church
In his trilogy called "The Jewish Syndrome," Eduard Hodos explains that we are in the midst of "The Third Khazaria".

The First Khazaria: The Great Khazar Empire (VII-X Centuries);
The Second Khazaria: Bolshevik Rule (1917-end of the 1920's);
The Third Khazaria: The C.I.S. (1991-?)

In the First Khazaria, the native people in the Ukraine were taken over by Jews and converted to Judaism. From this beginning in the 7th to 10th centuries, a battle-line had been drawn with Russia:
In "The Jewish Trilogy" Hudos identfied the origin of this long-festering hatred between the Khazarians and the Russians: "The Great Khazarian Empire existed for several centuries, until the Russian Prince Svyatoslav, "in the 965th year took both their City and their White Temple".
"The Third Power was wiped off the face of the earth, its population scattered in all directions. Most asked for Svyatoslav's protection, while the Jewish elite moved to the Khazar District in Kiev...

Prussian Society of America #wingnut #dunning-kruger #racist prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "Subconscious hatred of “Nazis”."]

Every person in addition to the Jews who despises “Nazis” to the high heavens[…]does so for reasons that completely transcend the surface issues of items like Political or Philosophical Ideologies, even the Racial Policies[…]
Descendants of the families who fought against Germany, are privy to specific knowledge that would not only expose their criminality, but many of their family ties and involvements[…]many War Veterans in the West who are almost exclusively of Freemasonic Backgrounds, especially in England, France and America

The Capitalists hate National Socialists, because they understand that our Doctrines completely eliminate their abilities to use racketeering, or even to profit from and exploit Real Estate[…]
The Communists/Marxists hate us, because they understand the National System was authentic in its attempts for Socialism [Namely, Socialism by Race] but not in the Economic Means, and that it created a superior model than theirs[…]National Socialism had taken over the credibility of Marxian Socialism[…]
War Veteran Families know VERY WELL that the Germans were superior than Americans especially, and the War Veterans know how many Germans they killed off, and they wish to not have to speak about this information[…]it would not only endanger their life and that of their family, but it would also have severe implications for the National Reputation[…]
The Americans and British are too pig-headed and proud to ever confess[…]prefer the route of committing National Suicide, and even taking down everyone of European descent[…]
It ever to become known that not only did America NOT fight against Communism, but that it allied with Communism[…]
They simply think they will go around beating Nazis senseless, but these scumbags know very well that they were shitting their pants when confronted with the Wehrmacht and any NS Officer

Patriarch Kiril #wingnut #fundie #racist religiondispatches.org

[Full sermon on Russian here: http://www.patriarchia.ru/db/text/5914188.html?fbclid=IwAR37VW4l-JKWsxj16MhepsDlU2K0kIRX__18KQNoA9IJRoJ78Ja8PjlkFP8]

But then, about halfway through, the sermon took a turn for the shocking and dangerous. It was at about the point that he acknowledged where he stood: in a cathedral built not so much for the glory of God as for the glory of Russian military might. Here the Patriarch said he had come to address the leaders of their Russian forces, and through them, their troops. He reminded the assembled congregation of Vladimir Putin’s favorite propaganda point in this war: that Russia was fighting fascism in Ukraine just as it had in the Second World War.

And then the Patriarch, whose office was just a few centuries ago (a blink of the eye in the memory of the Christian East) located not in Moscow, but Kyiv, offered up a version of history that simply erases Ukraine from the map. Kirill blames “various forces” (i.e. outsiders, including—one would imagine—the West) that emerged in the Middle Ages for what he regards as a false division between Russia and Ukraine. In fact, he doesn’t even acknowledge there are such people as Ukrainians, referring to all involved parties (including, perhaps, one could speculate, Belarusians) as “Holy Russians.”

Disregarding for a moment how simply, factually wrong Patriarch Kirill’s history is, this sermon does mark a dangerous escalation in the rhetoric coming from the Moscow Patriarchate—and, we can assume, by extension the Russian state. This rhetorical advance is made all the more dangerous by the fact that most in the West won’t even know the sermon happened, let alone be aware of its pernicious implications.

The-Awful-Truth #racist #wingnut saidit.net

Why White Liberals are Literally SUICIDAL.


voting for Democratic party is less suicidal because it's the same shit as GOP


Democrats are 100% anti-White.

Tucker: City of Seattle tells white employees to work on undoing their whiteness.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gLBQX5Z-j-I YouTube

In one of his first executive orders, President Biden reversed Trump’s ban on critical race theory training within the federal government.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SikJrrabXPM YouTube

I don't know any Republicans / Conservatives who believe this shit JPG , but there are plenty of Democrats who sincerely believe this.

"...Bernie Sanders stated on March 6, 2016 in a Democratic debate in Flint, Michigan "When you’re white, you don’t know what it’s like to be living in a ghetto. You don’t know what it’s like to be poor. You don’t know what it’s like to be hassled when you walk down the street or you get dragged out of a car,"... Sanders' point was that white people haven’t had to contend with racism based on skin color..."


Abrams’s goal is to put together a coalition of African-American and other minority voters and white liberals. The potential is there; Georgia is less than 53 percent non-Hispanic white. “Georgia is a blue state if everybody votes,” DuBose Porter, chairman of the Democratic Party of Georgia, told me.

Kemp is the candidate of aggrieved whiteness.

Watch this excellent video by Ramzpaul to see what Democrats' "equity" agenda is all about.


Australian Anon #dunning-kruger #racist #wingnut boards.4chan.org

After being called a Mednigger one too many times, I have realised that by being sympathetic to pan-europeanist White Nationalism, I am not serving my group interests, rather I would be simply aiding my enemies who hate my guts, I would be in bed with a fundamentally incompatible group, socially and culturally, the west is totally decadent and has been the vehicle by which the Jews have spread their cancer all over the World, the relatively conservative minority of Nordicist Neo-pagans with pozzed traditions, hardly excuse their general culture and racial tendencies evidenced over the millenias.

Strategically for many months now I have been spreading nordicist propaganda, trying to distance the Mediterranean race, from the rest of Europe, I have been encouraging the "Mednigger" Language, sharing nordicist memes, because I have deemed it strategically necessary to distance the Mediterranean Race from the rest of Judeo-Western Europe - this would better serve the group and collective in the Long-run. The Mediterranean could essentialy be absorbed into Eastern civilisation, and then what would Western Europeans do on their own, they will get exactly what they deserve, pride before the fall.
Just like Russians we Meds have the potential to fully distance ourselves from the rest of Western Europe and Northern Europe, so I think /pol/ should keep this in mind from now on, whenever you make a map of "Europe" exclude Greece and South Italy at least.

I encourage all fellow Meds, to also shill this meme that Meds are not White, and also Nordicists if you read this post you should continue what you're doing.

Meds are not White, Italians and Greeks are arab rapebabies.

The differences between Eastern and Western Christendom, should also be exaggerated not minimised. The Orthodox should be thought of as the Orientals of the West, disassociating the Mediterranean from the rest of Europe will be the key to destabilising the Atlanticist Hegemony, destroying the rest of Judaised Europe.

Various Commenters #conspiracy #pratt #racist #wingnut amren.com


Public opinion research shows that white Americans — and especially Republicans — see whites as victims of discrimination more than, say, Hispanic or Black Americans. According to a 2021 survey by the Pew Research Center, only 17 percent of Republican and Republican-leaning Americans said there is “a lot” of discrimination against Black people. That number rose to 26 percent when Republicans were asked whether white people faced “a lot” of discrimination.

There is a tremendous amount of evidence that supports this in current legislation. crime statistics and Public school discipline.

Who does the media and government officials think they are kidding? Both parties are afro-centric. Both trumpf and bidden are n loven losers. If you support White people or something that benefits them you are labeled "racists" or "naziis". The United States of Africa only exists to pay and prop up africans. Voting, just like this anti White country, is a JOKE.

Actually, being "last in line" for the "jabs" is a good thing. Do you really think that senile joe biden received anything more than a saline shot? How about congress exempting itself and other federal types from the "jab" while being treated with ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine on the sly--treatments that work that the "powers that be" are attempting to deny to "the rest of us".
I would urge all white people NOT to take the "jab"...
At this time, I don't trust hospitals either...follow the money...

(Ian Connolly)
Obama is about as black as Jackie Chan. Marshall Mathers (Eminem) had more of a black experience than he ever did. I cannot understand, for the life of me, what so many black people see in Obama. He’s literally whiter than Trump in some ways.

Yes, whites are victims in our own country, and yes, the Republican Party has an absolute duty to address this and fight it.

Kohath A. Ben Levy #crackpot #fundie #conspiracy #racist haitianisraelites.weebly.com

Most Hebrew Israelites believe that the creator of the universe is “The Most High”(El Elyon). He can be called Ahayah Asher Ahayah(I AM THAT I AM) or Ahayah(I AM(Exodus 3:14)). He is the Elohim(God) of Israel. He and only him is Elohim.

Most Hebrew Israelites believe that the Torah(Law), or the first five books of a Christian bible, Genesis, Exodus,Leviticus, Numbers,Deuteronomy must be observed.
Most Hebrew Israelites believe that the descendants of the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade slaves are the true and authentic chilren of Israel from the House of Judah(Levi,Judah,Benjamin) who went to Africa in 70 A.D fleeing Roman Persecution. They use as reference “From Babylon To Timbukto” which states that 1000 000 Israelites fled to Africa during the Roman Persecution and a prophecy found in Deut 28:68, which states that the Hebrew Israelites would return to Egypt(House of Bondage), in ships and no one would redeem them.

Most Hebrew Israelites also believe that the Native Americans and their descendants, known as Hispanics are descendants of the 10 Lost tribes of the House of Israel. According to several Hebrew Israelites' websites, the Native Americans, known as Native Indians, were exiled by the Assyrian King Salmanasar 722 B.C in ships. It took them one year to have gotten to the place, which is known today as America(North, South and Central). No one lived on the place before their arrival.(2nd Esdras 13:45-49, Apocrypha). They also use the pyramid build by the aztecs to support their assertion.
Most Hebrew Israelites believe that this(underneath) is the Twelve Tribe of Israel plus the rest scattered, who should be able to find their tribes by their father's blood.
Judah — Black Americans
Benjamin — West Indians
Levi — Haitians
Simeon — Dominicans
Zebulun — Guatemalans, Panamanians
Ephraim — Puerto Ricans
Manasseh — Cubans
Gad — Native American Indians
Reuben — Seminole Indians
Asher — Colombians, Uruguayans
Naphtali — Argentines, Chileans
Issachar — Mexicans

Doktor Snake #magick #sexist #mammon #racist doktorsnake.com

Dream of sexy girls on your arm?

Flash car?

Money to throw around?

You can work to get it.

But that takes years.

Or you can harness the power of vudu…

With our hardcore Conjuration Servitor.

Truth is, you want to live the good life. You wanna be dripping in gold. You want sexy girls around you. And you want a flash car that makes people look.

In short, you want money and sex.

All this takes work. A lot of sweat and toil. It’s not on a plate.

Thing is you can work hard all your life and still be driving a used car, and dating somebody who was once a looker, but now has gone to seed. Then you wonder where your life has gone. All those dreams you had didn’t come to anything.

Worse still, you see lots of other guys driving top end BMWs and Porches with sexy girls hanging on to their every word, not to mention sucking their dick whenever they want it sucked.

You’re like, if only I had that.

Yeah right.
Vudu connects your deep mind with the etheric plane. This is when things start happening. Lucky coincidences come your way, the right kinda people enter your life, and more deals are struck, thus your bank account (or better your crypto) will grow faster.
It’s down to calling on powerful spirits on the etheric plane. Luminous beings that mostly don’t care about us humans. But they can be called upon. And if you strike a mutually beneficial deal with them, then they’ll direct their energies towards your cause.

From there, your worldly desires will manifest in the everyday world.

Recognize that this doesn’t necessarily happen overnight. BUT it can be fast in some cases.
<Price available by email apparently>

James Fullord #racist vdare.com

You’ve heard of “Going Postal”. Several different shootings by postal workers (mostly white) have set that in the American vocabulary. But have you ever heard of a “Disgruntled Minority Massacre”? No, because when a black commits a mass murder, he’s not identified in the press as black—except when he claims racism. VDARE.com lists Disgruntled Minority Massacres as another of its public services, like its listing of outbreaks of "Immigrant Mass Murder Syndrome," with which Disgruntled Minority has some overlap e.g. Akouch Kashoual, below, was from Sudan, originally.

The phenomenon of “Going Postal”, or “Workplace violence” is usually said to be caused by a “disgruntled” employee. Many of these “disgruntled” employees are blacks who target their white or Hispanic co-workers. What disgruntled them? Racism. Not ours—theirs.

Blacks in America are taught to hate whites. Not just by their parents and clergymen, but by American schools. They feel, and express, hatred of white society without fear of criticism.

They also feel, and express, resentment at having to work for a living. Barack Obama, of all privileged people, said that when he had a regular job as a research assistant in an office in New York he felt “like a spy behind enemy lines. “

Patrick Bellringer #crackpot #ufo #conspiracy #racist #magick fourwinds10.com

Since the beginning of human existence on our planet Earth, Satan, who represents the dark forces of evil, and his puppets have twisted and hidden Truth. The Truthbringers have been killed and their writings have been deliberately distorted to give people disinformation and lies.

All knowledge such as history, science, and religion have been altered to conceal Truth. The "holy books" given as guides to mankind have especially been altered to hide Truth.
On9 last time Truth is now being brought again to Earth's people. Some people have sincerely prayed to the One true God of Light, Aton, for help. God Aton (Creator God) has honored those petitions and has sent the "Hosts of Heaven" to help us. The Hosts of Heaven are our cosmic brothers and sisters from Pleiades, and from Sirius and other star systems of the Cosmos. Some people call them angels, even though they are HU-man (Higher Universal-man) and look like us.
Another lie is that we are not really
responsible for the evil we have done, because "God will save us". The Lie says that God will forgive us because he sacrificed His Son on some cross somewhere to pay for our sins to avenge God's wrath. Does a God of Love deliberately allow His Son to be killed, as a sacrifice for a lot of very evil people? Of course not! The basic Law of the Cosmos, the Law of Cause and Effect or the Law of Return states that there is a cause and an effect for all that happens. Stated in another way the Law of Returns says that you shall reap what you sow. This means that everyone is responsible for their choices and actions, and will be held accountable for their results.
The Truth is that Esu Immanuel came as a Truthbringer, the son of Archangel Gabriel. He did not die as reported, but survived the murder attempt (crucifixion) against him by the Khazarian Zionist Jews (Pharisees). He fled to India, married, had a family, traveled widely, and taught Truth until his death in Kashmir at the age of 107 years.

Transcend , pornoddio & Tatsuhirocel #sexist #racist blackpill.club

Would they lower the age of consent in the event of nuclear war?

Hypothetical: There's a nuclear war and an attendant social collapse. The population declines dramatically and there are not nearly as many workers to exploit. Do The Powers That Be finally cave and lower the AOC to the age of breedability?

No because normies brainwashed masses will simply be given a free pass to enforce their pedohunter activities. They will hunt us down, track us and k1ll us, then of course they will complain about fertility rate being even lower than it is now. Feminism brainwashed normies to a point of no return, they will forever think that if you are attracted to an attractive girl you are a paedo. If you will approach a father of a femoid to arrange a good deal and buy the foid, he will just call you "paedo" if his daughter is not a 35 years old hag with warts on her pussy. I am not joking, not even nuclear war can remove the braindamage of normies and their insane feminist attitudes.

It was over same moment that feminism was created.

Nah they will just invite niggers to be their slaves.In case of a nuclear war countries like Usa and Russia and china would be nuked.I guess pakistan and india would nuke each other too.And maybe iran and israel.Nigger countries and south american countries wont get hit

[deleted account] #racist #sexist thepinkpill.co

RE: Where are you guys from?

A slavic country full of ugly, retarded and entitled moids.

So pretty much like every slavic country? Latvia and Lithuania are not any better either.

I guess every slavic country is a pathology because of moids in it. So many ugly boyos and every tries to date up.

I thought I'm just not into guys or asexual before I moved out for the first time because I didn't find men visually appealing at all. Turned out other countries actually have attractive men everywhere.

I remember when there was a trend on Twitter where girls would change their location on Tinder to a Western country and post screenshots. It was like, wait you're telling me men can be attractive and take care of their appearance...?

I don't even feel bad shitting on our men tbh cause they're on of the most sexist pricks second only after conservative Muslim men.

Slavic men are so fkn ugly it's unreal. I saw someone describe them as looking like 'potatoes pickled in vodka', and I have been using it to describe them ever since. I swear there's like only 4 attractive men in all of Slavic countries, total.

'potatoes pickled in vodka', lmao, that's a perfectly accurate description.

I'm surprised about the negative comments regarding eastern european men. I've tried dating apps and eastern europeans were way more nicer to me than the usual latinos I encounter.

I'm from one of the latin american countries with a white majority, so no typical olive skinned sexy latina look. Let me tell you, latino men are the most entitled of them all. And now that latin music is on trend, they think they're hot shit.

Eastern european moids were nice to you because you're not white. They really want some POC girl (exotic appearance & chance for dating up + they think you'll be a total submissive wife). So they simp hard. Meanwhile, they shit on women from their own countries calling them ugly with a potato face and stupid.

the-ogre #racist #crackpot #conspiracy #dunning-kruger incels.is

[Theory] Race mixing is genocide

Eliot Rodger was mainly an incel because he was race mixed and I am also multiracial because of my noddlewhore mother

and some of the ugliest people are race mixed so Ive come to the theory that race mixed people are more likely to become incels than pure white or pure blooded blacks

and also foids despise race mixed people they see them as subhuman

humans were not meant to interbreed and interbreeding with other races leads to hybrid subhumans like these listed above and races have been seperated and isolated for so long it allowed races to evolve into completely different sub-species as to such if a south african was to race mix with a white european the baby would end up an incel because scientifically speaking their DNA has been so seperated that people wont be able to recognize the baby as particularily european or particularily black

also race mixing has been shown in scientific papers to lead to more birth defects and more notes of autism and down syndrome

thats why we have so much propaganda on race mixing because race mixed people are more likely to be autistic incels :feelsthink: what do you think about it?

Prussian Society of America #racist #psycho prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "Why Create Wars with unimportant Nations, when we could go to War with USA, UK, Australia, Canada and New Zealand"]

The Elimination of the Anglo-Saxon and Celtic Race is the most paramount of all effective and valuable cleansings we can perform only second to their Jewish Masters

Other enemies of ours are smaller in scale and can be tamed or reasoned with

But the Anglo-Saxons and Celts are the most dangerous and barbaric, and they must be eliminated. They are worthless and they are the most empowering of the Jews[…]
Other Races simply just need to be placed at the Mercy of Germans, but as far as Ethnic cleansing, we must launch a global campaign of total elimination of the Anglo-Saxons and Celts

These people were also the ones who have officially ordered the Ethnic Cleansing of Germans in both World Wars. They are evil trash

The Elimination of the Anglos and Celts is not just in the interest of Germans, but of all Europeans and every Nation of the world[…]
The English are like the ugly duckling of the Germanic race, a fester that came from a certain Tribe of our people and later became prominent, and as Wilhelm II said himself, they are not deserving of their Germanic Origins, particularly since they have been responsible for tarnishing the German Image in general

They must be exterminated

Kevin Einstein #conspiracy #crackpot #dunning-kruger #racist quora.com

How the f*ck is it possible that Assyrians and Greeks are still existing yet ancient Egyptians, Romans and the first Indianized Kingdom of modern-day Cambodia known as Nokor Phnom or what the Chinese call Funan don’t? Did they magically disappear?

The Truth is that its the Europeans which don’t exist.

Europe got invaded from Northern Europe by Mongols which were Hun Tribes, Turks Tribes and Han Tribe (Mongolian).

Huns killed off Western Asians (Europe), Turks killed off Middle Asians, while Hans attacked Eastern Asians.

Once they killed them off they took their identities… the phrase “When In Rome”, you become “Roman”. Huns claimed to be Celts, Romans, Greeks, etc. Turks claim to be ancient Aryans, Hebrews and Egyptians. Hans we all know weren’t the ancient Chinese and are seen as the Mongolians they are.

The Original Europeans were Brown skin form Humans… While the Mongolians are descendants Humans and Neanderthals Children. These half breed children were pale skin, hairy bodies, different color eyes & different color and type of hair… all features which Primates have, many Europeans even grow tails. Please google “The Vestigial Tail” which is a European Trait which no one wants to address.

This is because no White People are Ancient, so they couldn’t not have been Ancient Europeans!

History = His Story, and he writes it how he chooses!

AnalAndro & Ghost of Eskimo #racist ncu.su

RE: Pop White Music is Extremely Cucked

Whites have a cult of fake intellectualism, cult of quoting nietzsche bukowski and pasolini. I hate that culture, the emo culture, the doomer phenomenon. If whites are all about doomerism and this fake sense of depth and profoundness, then they deserve to be wiped out completely. Sorry, that's the truth. Abandon doomerism or die.

(Ghost of Eskimo)
Doomerism is a good way to describe white American culture. It's funny that most black rappers have been in gangs and suffered violence, yet, they just party and have a good time. Although, there are many doomer black songs going back to the 60s.

Blacks have high T and reckless abandon. Part of that is the welfare state, drug use, and gang culture.

I was taught by my white middle class community that I had opportunity and a moral obligation to work hard. Too bad I was a retard that couldn't socialize with girls. So I became very cynical.

Sex is such a simple and crude act that breeds so much suffering. Our nature isn't to place women as queens, angels, or goddesses.


I was taught by my white middle class community that I had opportunity and a moral obligation to work hard.

You work hard the niggers instead are taught that you are privileged just for existing. This is called slavery, and you are the slave, perfect example of slave morals taught to slaves. The slave has to feel privileged for even existing, his existence is questioned, his life is not his own property. Niggers are not born with this slave mindset, they are apes that think you owe them shit just because of the color of your skin, top racist primitive jungle animals.

BeardedLuckDragon #ableist #crackpot #dunning-kruger #racist #conspiracy #fundie deviantart.com

Too much hunger leads to obesity and tooth decay, bad body odder and bad breath, diabetes, poor self esteem, encourages usage of hookers and porn, which makes you unattractive and unhealthy, which drops fertility rates. Fertility rates are at a historic low in the West, and I think globally. In 500 years there will be no more Koreans from what scientists can predict. Japan wants to use technology to breed out slaves, ahem, I mean children to feed poisonous crap from supermarkets, since gardens haven't been cool after Able and Caine, Caine who left to build houses after he invented murder in his region, only to die in a house collapse. Lemech was Caine's progeny who went on to murder another man in a fit of rage and a young chap who assaulted him, and Lemech's children invented algebra, animal husbandry/herding, music, and bronze/iron working. Jesus was a carpenter, which are direct out puts of algebra/geometry, agriculture and mining which are the under base of industry, and let's face it sound proof some walls.

Henry Makow PhD #conspiracy #wingnut #racist #sexist #homophobia #transphobia henrymakow.com

I was struck by how MASCULINE the Russian game plan is.

The Russians perceived a threat to home and hearth from corrupt Nazi-ridden Ukraine and acted decisively. This is what real men do.

They were ready to confront reality rather than lie about it, as Cabalists do in the West.
Ukraine had crossed their Red Line. Back off or face invasion.

They presented this ultimatum to the West.

Like a hot chick at a night club, the West brushed Putin off.

In masculine fashion, Putin proceeded to wipe out the Ukrainian air force, navy and military, using an armed force less than half of Ukraine's.

Scott Ritter said Russia used sophisticated planning to win battles of a magnitude not seen since the Second World War.

Russia Vs. the West is very much healthy heterosexual males versus sexual misfits: pedophiles, homosexuals and transvestites.

Look at the Western leaders.

Biden is a pedophile. Fidelito and Macron are homosexuals.

In contrast, Putin has banned the promotion of homosexuality and transgenderism.

Sexual dysphoria is an aspect of Satanism. It is anti-nature and anti-God.

(I have compassion for homosexuals. It's a developmental disorder. They are victims. As children, they had too much mommy and not enough daddy.)

The West has acted like a woman spurned: Stealing Russia's financial reserves. Blocking trade. Demonizing Putin & Russia.

The Western media pretends Ukraine is winning the war and concocts war crime atrocities.

They have denied illegal bio-weapon research was being performed in Ukraine.

Homosexuals, like Cabalist Jews, have trouble facing reality and telling the truth.

They think they can redefine reality according to their perversions.

A man decides he wants to be a woman? Sure no problem. This is insanity. But overruling nature, and Reality itself is what these psychopaths are all about.

Russians who still have a firm grasp on reality versus the delusional, sexually dysfunctional West.

This war is a Reality Check.

Russia's victory is a decisive victory for humanity.

Mike Adams the Health Ranger #conspiracy #wingnut #racist #crackpot naturalnews.com

Several days ago, fake president Joe Biden called for regime change in Russia, practically begging Russia’s military generals to remove Putin from power. But that hasn’t happened. What’s happening instead is that America’s intelligence community “generals” are now moving against Joe Biden.

I received intel over the weekend that the IC (Intelligence Community) three letter agencies had come to the realization that if they didn’t stop Biden’s accelerating destruction of America, they would all be wiped out as America collapsed.
Crucially, the IC has no intention whatsoever of installing Trump into power, and I want to be clear about that. This isn’t a reversal of the 2020 election theft; it’s simply the IC deep state practicing its own self-preservation emergency procedures to make sure they don’t get wiped out by Biden’s insane, unbounded criminality and incompetence.
We have also received important intel — scrubbed of all OPSEC details that might compromise security for US forces — warning about a wave of suicide bombers being recruited in Afghanistan, armed with suicide vests in Iran, then transported to Ukraine and placed under the temporary control of Russian military units. Their ultimate goal is to move into Western European nations (NATO nations are the target) by posing as Ukrainian refugees.

They are armed with kinetic explosive vests which can be easily disassembled and reassembled in order to evade detection during border crossings. Importantly, some of the terrorists are in possession of explosive vests augmented with dirty bomb materials (i.e. radioisotopes).
In other words, the real danger to America is not the suicide bomber terrorism, but the reaction of government tyranny against its own citizens and the exploitation of another crisis to take away individual liberty. Note that the only reason such terrorists have easy access to the continental United States is because the US government outright refuses to secure the southern border.

Josh Daws #crackpot #dunning-kruger #racist #transphobia #wingnut nitter.net

I'm seeing a lot of people on the right share this meme. While it may be a strong satirical response to those who get lost in nuance, it fundamentally fails to recognize why the left wants to talk to your kids about sexuality. Let's connect some dots.


In order to sever the bond between parents and their children, the left is using a two-pronged approach. Critical Race Theory and radical gender ideology (properly known as Queer Theory) are not two unrelated sets of ideas. They are two parts of the same strategy.

CRT is usually the first set of ideas to be introduced. This is often enough to radicalize racial minorities, but it's merely step one for white (or white adjacent) students.

CRT instills in these students a negative self-identity as they're taught to believe they're recipients of enormous privilege that was stolen from others and that they are complicit in historic and ongoing injustice. In child terms, they're taught to believe they're bad.

Apart from the shame and guilt, this also gives them a worldview at odds with the one their parents grew up with and are trying to pass on to their kids. Step one is complete.

Once CRT is done tearing down these kids and leaving them with a negative self-identity, Queer Theory (QT) is introduced and offers them a wide assortment of positive self-identities to choose from.

Instead of living with the shame and guilt of being a member of the oppressive dominant culture, these students can be celebrated for coming out as gender nonbinary or pansexual.

In an instant, these kids can trade their negative self-identity and all the accompanying guilt and shame of being an "oppressor" for a positive self-identity as a much-venerated "oppressed" minority.

They think your appeals to childhood innocence are an attempt to force heteronormativity on them. Seriously. They write papers on it. It's not a secret agenda.

Tim Pool #pratt #racist #wingnut youtube.com

BLM Leader ARRESTED On 18 Counts of Fraud For Stealing Donations, BLM EXPOSED As A Scam And Grift

Why did Vladimir Putin invade Ukraine under Joe Biden and not under Donald Trump? I think Putin saw that the United States has a very serious malignancy within it. We are being devoured by it, we are being torn apart.

At this point, any sane rational person, any real human being, who has the capability to understand simple concepts would see a story like this and say, "I am TIRED of being scammed!"

Shall we go through the list again my friends? It all started with Trayvon Martin. The story was that a white man attacked Trayvon over some skittles or whatever. The real story was that Hispanic man saw someone walking through the backyard of several residential buildings and was suspicious. Trayvon Martin put him on the ground and started beating him.

Then we got Michael Brown. "Hands up, don't shoot!" they said. Well, that was a lie.

And it's just lie after lie, over and over again. George Floyd fought with the police, they put him on the ground at his request.

Then we go to Ahmaud Arbery once again. The great lie. It's fascinating, because in this instance you get people like Tulsi Gabbard, she even comes out and says it was the proper ruling. She's wrong. You even get people on Fox News saying it was a proper ruling. Wrong.

All these conservatives coming out, willing, just desperate to virtue signal because of Kyle Rittenhouse. Again, another lie. Kyle did not cross state lines to hunt anybody down, Kyle was in his own neighborhood because he lived in the suburbs basically of Kenosha. His friend gave him a weapon and he fled for his life and only fired after someone else fired first.

What did the media say? A young white supremacist went and killed several black people. It was a lie once again.

How many of these stories need to happen before people finally say Black Lives Matter is a criminal institution that publishes lies, manipulations and propaganda for personal gain?

Jared Taylor #racist #wingnut amren.com

Want Equity? Punish White People.

I have already made videos on cities and states that have stopped enforcing certain laws only because non-whites – especially blacks – break them so often. Fare-beating has been decriminalized in San Francisco, Seattle, New York City, Washington DC, Portland – in the name of racial justice. Black Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley has introduced legislation to make the federal government pay for free mass transit all over the country.

That would give “Black and brown riders the freedom to navigate their community without fear.”


Without fear of having to pay.

Meanwhile, Los Angeles and San Francisco are filled with tent-city slums because of decriminalization: you can loiter, drink, turn a trick, defecate, litter, all night if you like.

In some cities, shoplifting laws aren’t enforced anymore so stores shut down rather than suffer constant losses.

Clover Park found the perfect solution. Like every other school district, it punishes black and Hispanic students more often than white and Asian students.

At a meeting earlier this month, the school board took a vote, and now, “Washington schools adopt race-based discipline, white students to get harsher punishment.”


If only blacks and Hispanics are slugging teachers and getting week-long suspensions, then you can even things out by giving white kids week-long suspensions if they swear in class. Equity will be achieved.

School discipline, like the law, is inherently racist, so it has to be applied in ways that beat down white privilege. That means harsher punishment for whitey.

As I noted, this solves all the problems I mentioned earlier. You get a real mess if you stop enforcing laws for everyone. Just stop enforcing them against favored minorities while you throw the book at white people. You get racial equity and reasonably clean streets. Problem solved.

Ann Coulter #racist #pratt #dunning-kruger vdare.org

The federal sentencing guidelines recommended eight to 10 years. Judge Jackson sentenced the defendant to three months.

Yes, yes, he was only 18, and he was remorseful. Good for him!

But Judge Jackson also dramatically departed downward in sentencing a couple of ripe perverts—one who attempted to travel across state lines to molest a 9-year-old girl (when his thousands of child porn images weren’t enough); and another who’d distributed more than a hundred pornographic photos and videos of his own daughter.

On average, Judge Jackson gave child porn defendants sentences more than five years below the minimum under the guidelines.

In other words, Judge Jackson is the beau ideal Democratic Supreme Court justice.

In her favor, KBJ is at least a Generational African American (GAA), i.e., Descendant of American Slaves (DOAS)—unlike Barack Obama, Kamala Harris, Joy Ann Reid and approximately 90% of the “African Americans” in Harvard’s entering class this year, according to the Harvard Crimson.

Incels Wiki #dunning-kruger #racist #sexist incels.wiki


A Slavcel is a subset of the ethnicel, meaning he is someone of Slavic descent who is also involuntarily celibate.

Descent countries

There are a lot of countries where Slavcels appears, but most of them are from Russia, Czech Republic, Poland, Ukraine, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria or even Estonia or Finland. Many Slavcels are migrating to USA, UK, Scandinavia or Germany for work. They want to do this work for big money (for west it is low money, but it is worthly in Slavic Countries). There are some "sub-species" of Slavcel, for example: Lecsocel (Hungary), Finncel (Finno-Uralic lands), Romcel (Romania) or Baltcel (Baltic States). Slavcels are mostly living at the countryside, sometimes in little town. They mostly come from two models of family. First one is: alcoholic father and agressive mother. Second (mostly seen in Poland, Hungary, Finland and Czech Republic) is the model where mother is workaholic and she forgets she has a son and his father who must to do all housejobs.


Not like Currycels or Arabcels, they don't write to western women for their "bobs and vagene". They avoid western social media, but sometimes browses slavic ones. Their food is mainly food made by their "babushka", frozen food, kvass, beer and ocassionaly vodka and kebab. There are some example of Slavcels that are also Gymcels or Gamercels. Nearby 3,621% of Slavcels are alcoholics or smoking cigarettes. Slavcels are mostly good educated, but they have a low-educated jobs, which they want to change.

A.W. Morgan #racist #pratt #elitist vdare.com

It's time to bring the Dani tribesman of Indonesia into the 21st century. [Inside the remote Indonesian Dani tribe who cut off the tops of their fingers when a loved one dies and keep mummified bodies of ancient warriors, By Tariq Tahir For Mailonline, November 17 2017] Undoubtedly, they long for democracy, and all the modern things we have here.
Let's pack six or seven families into a big home in Chappaqua, N.Y., where Hillary Clinton lives, or the Kalorama section of Washington, D.C., where Barack Obama lives. Maybe Paul Ryan or Mitch McConnell would have them move next door.

Then our finest elites can experience the diversity and cultural enrichment they advocate, and watch these Stone Age wonders run around naked, display the mummies of ancient warriors and cut off the ends of their fingers when relatives die.

After all, we've been enriched by child rape and genital mutilation. Why not this?

Federale #racist vdare.com

Grand news from away Down Under. Prime Minister Tony Abbott is a man of his word. The Royal Australian Navy (RAN) has just towed back to Indonesia two boats loaded with Muslim terrorist illegal aliens seeking the largesse of the Australian people. Obviously lies were manufactured claiming that RAN sailors were "rough" with the terrorists. Well, one would hope so.

But apparently "rough" remains undefined by the terrorists and the world press as no actual description of what was rough, other than "some force" was used, even on women.

Note that touching a Muslim woman by an infidel is a crime in all Muslim terrorists' eyes.

The Armchair Prophet #conspiracy #wingnut #racist #fundie stateofthenation.co

Truly, the highly consequential war in Ukraine signifies the proverbial point of no return for the entire planetary civilization. That’s because the Ukraine War represents nothing less than the long prophesied epoch-ending clash of civilizations. In other words, the full-scale war raging between Russia and Ukraine within Ukrainian borders is merely a microcosm of a much larger macrocosmic war occurring worldwide.

What the present human race is now witnessing is a last-ditch attempt by the Zio-Anglo-American Axis to forever defeat and enslave the BRICS-aligned nations. That means the US-UK-EU-NATO international crime syndicate is closely collaborating with numerous co-conspirators the world over to shock and awe Russia into submission via an overwhelming hybrid war.
It’s of paramount importance to correctly understand the preceding factual history. While this recapitulation of past and present represents only one dimension of the vast implementation plan known as the New World Order agenda, it’s a crucial piece of the puzzle toward the establishment of a One World Government. For the American Republic must be completely conquered, and her countless armed citizens subjugated, if The Powers That Be are to be successful in forming a global totalitarian government that combines the most oppressive elements of communism and fascism, marxism and socialism, bolshevism and predatory capitalism, neoconservatism and neoliberalism.
In light of these and other stark realities, the second decade of the Third Millennium will likely become known as the Great Tribulation. The first two years brought a terrible manmade ‘plague’ upon humanity only to be followed by a horrific war, financial breakdown and economic depression. Liberal-leaning western countries such as the US and UK have already undergone an irreparable tearing of their social fabric via Cultural Marxism making communities far less able to deal with the upcoming challenges and tremendous difficulties.

speculareffect #sexist #racist #wingnut #conspiracy speculareffect.org

Will Smith’s Behavior Labeled ‘Toxic Masculinity’?

This I cannot disagree with this. It is toxic masculinity to play “captain save a hoe” and be violent on behalf of some slag that has cuckolded you for decades.

It is very toxic to be in servitude of and obeisant to any woman, especially whores.

It very expected, yet extremely toxic, for any man to resort to violence in the name of “defending her honor”. Of course I am addressing this from the perspective of it not being scripted.


Contrary to what the gynotopia and retarded, gynocentric, simp ass faggots like Will Smith tell you, honor isn’t an attribute that is inveterate to women. It isn’t a characteristic that is the default part of a woman’s makeup. It is a title that is earned, just as how being trustworthy and being worthy of respect are earned. Yet, gynocentric men — men raised and emasculated by women — especially women — believe and would force you and I to believe that having honor is an intrinsic characteristic of women. TSecondly, just because a woman has kids for you, does not mean she is honorable.

Again, the gynotopia has duped men into believing that any woman who has children is some kind of immaculate Madonna figure. This blatant lie is too pervasive a sentiment. Society is destroyed, because of women and because of this lie that sees unearned veneration awarded to these stupid cunts — mothers who have been sanctioned by the state and gynocentric men to do whatever the fuck they want, whenever they want, because of how they “feel”. This includes removing the father from the home and substituting him for Daddy Government and the woman believing that working for some company, or agency is more rewarding than working for her family.
While blacks are indeed prone to hair trigger violence and possess touchy prides, this reaction by Will Smith is very common among all races!

Here is a much needed Red Pill: All races are gynocentric! Men of all races are gynocentric.

US Anon #racist #transphobia #wingnut boards.4chan.org

I wish you Bulgarbros would join Russia, China and India one day in the future. Why are E Europeans even in NATO and EU? You are all Slav brothers over there. We will only brain drain your nations, overrun you with immigrants you don't want and brainwash you with globohomo ideology. Many Westerners here also treat Slavs as less than human.
Resist the degenerate West, don't let us take you down with us.

Just one example: my school constantly teaches my kid to hate their white skin and European heritage and even to question their gender. Does Bulgaria want the West to do that to its children as well? When will E Europe wake up?

Lara Logan #conspiracy #fundie #racist jpost.com

"Does anyone know who employed Darwin? Where does Darwinism come from?" Logan asked. "Look it up. The Rothschilds."

"I'm just saying Darwin was hired by someone to come up with a theory based on evidence," she added before saying that evolution is a chicken or egg debate and cannot be answered scientifically.

Hubert Collins #racist #dunning-kruger #pratt vdare.com

Sundar Pichai (born “Pichai Sundararajan”), CEO of Google. The most notable action Mr. Pichai [Tweet him] has taken as CEO: his decision to fire James Damore for noting that men and women are different. This does not bode well for the rest of us, as Google is under immense pressure to disappear results from SPLC-designated “hate groups” like VDARE.com.

John Derbyshire #racist vdare.com

Race-denialist item of the week comes from a website called StreetsBlog, which bills itself as, quote, "Informing The Movement To Improve Walking, Biking, And Transit." Oh, you didn't know there is such a movement? Me neither; but as someone who walks a lot, bikes a bit, and rides New York City public transit, I have no objection at all to there being one.

Headline from them, January 8th, headline: NYPD Targets Blacks and Latinos for "Jaywalking" Tickets. There are scare quotes around "jaywalking."

It turns out, you see, that 89.5 percent of summonses for walking against a traffic light, or crossing mid-block, that's just short of ninety percent, went to blacks and Hispanics, who are together only 55 percent of city residents. That's flagrant racism, obviously.

And as if that isn't bad enough, 44 percent of the tickets go to people aged 18 to 25, even though that group comprises just 7 percent of the population. So New York City cops are not only racist, they're also ageist.

When will there finally be justice and equal outcomes for all? How long, O Lord, how long?

dsar9013 , Tatsuhirocel & ATF #wingnut #racist #conspiracy blackpill.club

RE: seems like the russians are loosing this war for good now

Perhaps it's the justice that Adolf Hitler has been promised from beyond the grave ""It is necessary that I should die for my people; but my spirit will rise from the grave and the whole world will know I was RIGHT!!!". I don't want their countries to be destroyed, but unless they realize the truth of the jewish question that is their justice, they are getting what they deserve.


well if Russia looses this war, morale will be non existent, all the sanctions combined with low morale will 100% cause Putin to be kicked out and replaced with a globo homo puppet. we will see it being filled with migrants and the LGBT just like the west has been.

Mate Russia is already filled with migranats and Putin is a globohomo puppet.This show is just Jews infighting at the cost of white men as always


Mate Russia is already filled with migranats and Putin is a globohomo puppet.This show is just Jews infighting at the cost of white men as always

Don't forget it's Russia that has been sending a lot of migrants to the rest of Europe and funding the fake climate strikes and LGBT which they then mock the West for! Their leaders are the top of globohomo.

Tatsuhirocel , HikikunDeformis & pornoddio #racist #conspiracy #fundie blackpill.club

Jews are seeking imortality

They want us to live forever so they can keep us as slaves on this planet forever.They are aiming to be gods.
Juan Carlos Izpisua: ‘Within two decades, we will be able to prevent aging’

Guess the early life page of the man who invests largely into Altos Labs

They have been trying to become immortal for a few thousand years that's why human sacrifices were their thing. It's ancient savage idea that young blood has healing effects

Yes wow. Immortality because they know that hell exists for them only. That must be the reason why they are so religious, they fear death for all the wrongdoings they do daily. Well, sorry jews, you burn in hell and I am glad you recognize its existence.


Yes wow. Immortality because they know that hell exists for them only. That must be the reason why they are so religious, they fear death for all the wrongdoings they do daily. Well, sorry jews, you burn in hell and I am glad you recognize its existence.

Cope jews work with satan and worship him.

StirnersRevenge1943 #racist #psycho debate.org

f**k the jews I ahte the goddamn jews The jews can go f**k themselves! I hate jews they so stupid they all destroying my county and mutilating their childrens genitals and telling us what tpo do amn, We gotta gas they! They so stupid yo man dog wea gotta kill em yo! F**k the jews and f**k em hard
Posted by: StirnersRevenge1943

Anonymous #fundie #racist quora.com

Where have the oldest Caucasoid-type skulls been found?


As you can see the skull morphology of Rameses II is closest to the Negro skull morphology with Mongoloid Face structure… That makes these words a lie-

“Ramses II has zero prognathism and the nose… that is more Middle Eastern like seen in Jews and Arabs. He even looks like the Caucasoid skull in your graphic above.

His lack of intelligence scientifically is also displayed by his inability to acknowledge that all Arabs and Jews and Sub Saharan Africans belong to the same Phylogenetic tree of “E” they all share a common Male Ancestor.

What he/Alex calls Middle Eastern Features are clearly Negroid and the Mid East overbite is really Negroid Prognathism.

And the obvious cognitive dissonance makes discussion unfruitful so the graphics are provided simply to demonstrate detached from reality some people can remain even when the evidence is unassailable.

“Wow, you guys are something. Yeah, the color of the skin could be incorrect, but the facial features are not Africoid- Negroid. There are either Europid or Mongolid (like the Oase man)- There are 3 Anthropological Skull classifications


The Oase Man is Negroid- Negroid skull morphology, this means he could only be 1 of 4 Y-DNA groups that are Africa in origin/Negroid= Y-DNA A’s, B’s, D’s and E’s- therefore the SSA’s were the EEF’s/Anatolians, not only the EEf’s but also part population of the ANE’s.


because this is the real scientific debate, when did Western E1b1a’s and Eastern E1b1b’s *Eurasians= Y-DNA HAPLOGROUP E NEGROIDS split, …. not your weird rant like yours.”

Paul Kersey #racist vdare.com

Just make it illegal to arrest non-whites and use white taxpayer dollars to allow non-whites to have free public transportation. Better yet, just force every white person to give a non-white individual their car. This is America’s future if white people don’t learn to say “no.”

Prussian Society of America #wingnut #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #racist prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "Ukraine is not worth one drop of German Blood/NATO Framework is Anti-Prussian"]

The only thing valuable about Ukraine is the Soil and Geographical position in the Crimean Peninsula, and Definitely not its people[…]
Ukraine and the Crimea have been strategically a policy of Lebensraum, but as the ambition had never been achieved in annexing it for Germany after the Reich fell, the prospects for obtaining it are not in the cards for the current German Era

One may try to argue whether or not the Ukrainians have value on the basis that they are some of the least vaccinated people in Europe, but it is exactly why the conflict there was roused[…]the March deadline for Vaccination of the West has been approached[…]
There are rumors floating now that NATO is in such desperation that it has been flirting with the idea of transferring NATO’s Leadership over into the hands of Europe[…]not a gift but a Trojan Horse[…]
The Prussian Society of America has its own Foreign Policy, and which is the only correct one for Germany and Europe’s position, if there is a truly sincere desire to survive and come out better positioned in the process[…]
Seeing that nobody in the West took much of any legitimate measures for trying to attack and bring down both the Leaders and Medical Officials in their countries for imposing COVID Tyranny upon them

We should have seen houses of Mask Wearers and Vaccinated people blown up, and Medical officials yanked out from Hospitals and hanging on Lamp Posts…[…]
I believe that securing the German Reich also means sealing off all Nordic Lands from Slavic Lands, as history demonstrates that Slavdom has been a great liability towards European Stability[…]
Russians would do well to honor what rightfully belongs to Germany and what should be restored to Germany[…]
Jewish Problem and Jewish Question are of primary concern to the matters of Europe being saved

GRUG #racist #wingnut doomer.boards.net

Acknowledgement that blacks murder whites at a disproportionate rate compared to whites murdering blacks.

Acknowledgement that news media purposely stokes the flames of racial tensions between blacks and whites.

Acknowledgment of blood libels against whites. Particularly the biggest lie that Asian hate is from "white supremacy" when in reality the overwhelming majority of it being perpetrated by blacks.

Acknowledgement that Public schools and Universities slander whites as oppressive and privileged through CRT. Not to mention, white people often don't have the ability to voice our concerns without being mocked by leftists or censored by big tech monopolies.

Basically telling BLM & Antifa movements to fuck off because whites have the right to live the same way other ethnicities / races of people deserve to have the right to life.

I'm sure there is plenty more, but those are just a few things that pop up in peoples minds.

Michael Byron #sexist #racist dailystormer.name

SuperJew Spielberg Claims That Indiana Jones Should be Played by a Woman

The earlier Indiana Jones films already featured several strong female characters, such as that insufferable bitch in Raiders of the Lost Ark. Including characters like her in secondary roles is a much more effective and subtle way to promote the feminist agenda than going full Ghostbusters.

But Jews can’t do subtle any more. Decades of constant winning has dulled their cautiousness, and now it’s “all in or nothing” for them.

Their genetics accept nothing less than the destruction of all that is good in the world.

Lance Welton #transphobia #racist #pratt #dunning-kruger vdare.com

As the U.S. prepares to confirm to the Supreme Court a black woman who cannot define the word “woman” [Blackburn to Jackson: Can you define ‘the word woman’?, by Myah Ward, Politico, March 22, 2022], we are reminded of the fact that Ketanji Brown Jackson has been nominated because she is a black woman, not on merit. She almost certainly got into Harvard due to being black, and not on merit; indeed, she has declared that she will recuse herself from a forthcoming case challenging Affirmative Action policies at Harvard due to her being one of the college’s overseers; also likely not on merit [U.S. Supreme Court pick Jackson to recuse from Harvard race case, by Nate Raymond, Reuters, March 23, 2022]. The Ruling Class has more than ever invested in the egalitarian myth. Now another Regime enforcer is trying to defend it: Kevin Bird of Michigan State University.

VDARE.com readers are familiar with the facts. As psychologist Richard Lynn has noted, a widely replicated finding in social science is that African-Americans have a lower average IQ than white Americans: 100 vs. 85 (See his 2015 book Race Differences in Intelligence). Not only that, but the difference is on the most genetic aspects of intelligence; it is resistant to environmental interventions; and the correlation between alleles (gene variants) indirectly associated with high IQ and race differences in IQ is about 0.9, as Italian anthropologist Davide Piffer has shown.

We would expect a Supreme Court Justice to have an average IQ of at least 130 or so, the level needed to be a highly-successful professional, which leaves a vanishingly small fraction of African-Americans to choose from. Thus about 2.1% of whites have an IQ of 130 or over (that's 4,289, 823 people) whereas because of the differing mean IQ and because the black bell curve appears more bunched than the white one, only about 0.5% of blacks do.

Gene Decode/Fraz/Crystal #crackpot #ufo #magick #wingnut #racist #conspiracy beforeitsnews.com

Gene began with talking about ‘mud slinging – taking somebody down’ publicly amongst Light Warriors who are supposed to be united doing work in service together that’s been going on these days. It is unfortunate & sad that Lightworkers are being judged all the time. Crystal said this also makes it hard for FESIG < Free Energy Special Interest Group> as we can’t take sides & is obligated to truth & knowledge seeker members with inviting controversial speakers with different viewpoints from differing school of thoughts to speak, as it’s a learning platform. FESIG has disclaimers though, discernment is called for, urging viewers to go within to resonate in taking intel, just take the best throw the rest.

Gene went through the Map of the locations of bioweapon facilities all over the world. Bring down Khazarian network…Ukraine, Russia, China, Africa, US, New Mexico. Fraz helped taking us through the earthquakes locations worldwide with Gene correlating the facilities taken by the military with the earthquakes and seismic activities recorded. Maglev system is identified by Gene apart from the facilities. Whilst questions are being answered about Ireland & trafficking facilities. Gene explained massive shift,sun spots,nuclear fusion, leylines energies amplified massively–electromagnetic field. How all these come into play to cause the shift, going thru the photon belt and splitting of new earths, 3rd,4th,5th density positives. Nothing can stop what’s happening. Lost focus on that energy barrier.

The universal Central Sun called Shegra, throne of God’s found in 64 Tetrahedron. Wake up Human race. Service to God, and each other & NOT against each other who are in service. Project Odin have to wait till right time, when humanity is ready, to take over Project Mockingbird. Jab damage, how to redeem? Gene explained process of ascension : Harmonics – vibrations – functioning automatically to ascend & be slotted into right dimensional level earth.

Bix Nood #psycho #racist amren.com

I piss off blacks whenever I'm unfortunate enough to be around them. I completely ignore them and their worthless existence. I don't play along with that loud, "looks at me" chimp crap. They don't exist to me, only as possible target practice.

Another tough online incel.

I'm a combat military veteran, expert marksman, married to an Icelandic woman.
Know your place.

So tired of looking at blacks and browns everywhere I turn. Just sayin'.

Shoot on sight policy nationwide. Hell, offer a reward for each one tagged and bagged. It would be fun.

Blacks in Hollywood have it really easy. They can borrow any previous Horror film synopsis and just add the "White Racism" element to it and play around that, milking it for all its worth. They don't have to adhere to reality, real world statistics or even an idea that is remotely plausible, as long as it demonizes Whitey.

Just wait until Whites REALLY bring the true horror to them. It's coming, much sooner than you think.

Hunter Wallace #wingnut #racist occidentaldissent.com

[From "Washington Post: How Putin Is Weaponizing Traditional Values To Defend Russian Aggression In Ukraine"]

As liberals lead Americans down the primrose path into World War III with Russia, it is worth recalling what liberals did with their victory over Nazi Germany and how that redefined our national identity

In the post-World War II era, Adolf Hitler became the evil dictator[…]Satan, however, went mainstream. American war propaganda drove massive changes in public opinion and anything that “journalists” could associate with the Third Reich[…]American identity has been haunted by Hitler’s ghost[…]
You better think twice before empowering liberals to wage World War III

Washington Post

In the dark recesses of Gab.com[…]Russian President Vladimir Putin is glorified as a conservative lion[…]

Just set aside for the moment the concern that a war with Russia will lead to a nuclear holocaust. What are the cultural consequences of a war with Russia?
New York Times

[…]By reinforcing and feeding each other’s messaging, some right-wing Americans have given credibility to Russia’s assertions and vice versa[…]

Eugenics became taboo after World War II

Nationalism became stigmatized after World War II

White identity was proscribed for being like Nazism after World War II

The obsession with “antiracism” goes back to World War II

It became taboo to criticize Jews about anything after World War II

The “authoritarian personality” of “proto-fascism” was stigmatized after World War II
This is what liberals are aiming to do again by inciting World War III with Russia. A war with Russia will inevitably devolve into a war inside the West against the “far right” and traditional values and Christianity. Putin will replace Hitler as the demon in the American imagination

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