
Racism, including ethnic hatred, nationalism and equating religion to race

Gearóid Ó Colmáin #conspiracy #racist #crackpot #moonbat english.almayadeen.net

(Submitter Note: Part Two)

At the start of the twentieth century, the German industrial domination of Europe threatened British global hegemony. The Berlin to Baghdad railway would have enabled Germany to gain access to Mesopotamian oil reserves, gaining a significant advantage over the British. Germany’s alliance with the Ottoman Empire was propitious to that end. To weaken and eventually break up the Ottoman Empire, the British supported ethno-nationalist separatism; to destroy Germany, they would have to force it into a protracted war. And once war erupted in the Balkans, Germany’s plans for the Berlin to Bagdad railway would be frustrated.

The result of a largely British orchestrated system of fragile alliances was the First World War. The war led to the death of about forty million people. France lost over a million of its fittest and bravest young men. Europe never really recovered from the First World War.

The mainstream media has always glorified the ‘roaring 20s’ as a time of ‘liberation’ and artistic innovation. But the post-war world was hell on earth for the working class, particularly in Germany which had to pay for a war it never wanted in the first place, and in reality, had not even, militarily speaking, lost. Germany had signed an armistice in 2018, not an unconditional surrender.

And it was America's entry into the war which forced the Germans to sign the armistice, in the hope of lasting peace. It wasn't until the Treaty of Versailles that the Germans began to realize that Zionists such as Lord Rothchild had persuaded the British to hand over Palestine to the Jews, in exchange for Zionist-controlled America's entry into the war.

FloridaBagelKing #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #racist #wingnut patriots.win

Globalists aren't a monolithic block. There is a Chinese faction, an Arab faction, Jewish globalists etc. While they all want similar things: UBI, social credit, no borders, you to own nothing, they are jockeying among themselves for control. After all it is YOU who they want to own nothing, not them.

In the USA, the Jewish globalists have a dominant position. Arabs and Chinese wield infleunce too; Arabs controlled the Bushes, China owned the Clintons since the WTO days, but the American institutions are more or less captured by Jews. Banks, media, academia, the cabinet, etc. Way out of proportion with Jews.

The Ukraine conflict is about the jewish globalists. DId you notice that both Russia and China made anti-Soros announcements the past few weeks? Soros is a Jewish globalist. Russia and China got wind of something they didn't like. Ukraine is where the Jewish globalists operate. Jewish president, Jewish oligarchs who own most of the media, connections to Israel, etc.

All of the corruption coming to the USA from Ukraine is the Jewish faction of globalists keeping control of key American policymakers like Biden, like Pelosi and whoever else's kids got money from there.

Whatever Putin is doing, he is doing to harm the interests of Jewish globalists. China doesn't mind this and will help Russia as far as it harms a globalist rival. India will buy the oil cheap - ever met an Indian who didn't ask for a discount?

The bizarre reaction in the USA: media running fake stories about Ukraine, companies pulling out of Russia, lionizaton of Zelenskey - these are Jewish-controlled levers of power inside the USA propagandizing the goys. That's all it is.

Andrew Anglin #racist dailystormer.name

[From "Sino-Friendship: India Should Deport Cannibal Terrorist Leader Dalai Lama to China to Face Justice"]

Now that the West is going into some form of militant isolationism[…]there is no reason that India and China should not be friends. They have a shared interest in building a stable economy away from the terror of the ZOG empire

Most of the disagreements between China and India are relatively minor[…]A great gesture of good faith would be for India to deport the cannibal terrorist leader, the Dalai Lama, to face justice in China for crimes relating to cannibalistic terrorism[…]
Many may not be aware of the “Free Tibet” hoax. The short story is that after World War II, during the same time that the CIA was setting up a fake country in Taiwan, they were also pushing for an “independence” movement in another part of China: the cannibal region of Tibet[…]
Tibetan Buddhists practice slavery, ritual torture, and cannibalism. They are basically a satanic cult operating under the thin guise of Buddhism, in the same way that people like John Hagee are satanic Jew-worshipers operating under the thin guise of Christianity. A more accurate comparison would be Haitian voodoo[…]Though the Buddhists tried to civilize them, in the end they just adopted some of the symbols of Buddhism while continuing to practice their satanic rituals[…]
When the Chinese responded to the terror campaign of these cannibals[…]the Dalai Lama, fled to India[…]parts of northern India have long harbored groups of satanic ritual cannibals[…]
I’m sure people question the legitimacy of Chinese claims[…]have they ever accused Taiwan of child cannibalism?[…]
There are very strong and obvious parallels to the way that the Jewish thug Zelensky and his satanic neo-Nazi terrorist army are being lionized in the media, and the way the cannibal terrorist “Dalai Lama” has been lionized in the media

Henry Makow PhD #conspiracy #racist #wingnut henrymakow.com

It is forbidden to mention the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" (1905) without the Disclaimer that, of course, they are a "forgery" of Maurice Joly's "Dialogue in Hell Between Machiavelli and Montesquieu" (1864.)

The assumption is that since Protocols appeared some 40 years after Dialogue, it plagiarized the earlier work. But the Protocols actually predated Dialogue and Joly borrowed from it. In other words, far from being an anti-Semitic ruse, the "Protocols of Zion" are authentic.
If your plan for World Domination leaked out, what would you do? Would you admit it? "You got me! My bad!"

No, you'd employ an army of ciphers to convince everyone the document is a hoax motivated by "prejudice" and "anti-Semitism." They have executed this "damage control" perfectly, a measure of their power to deceive even when the ugly truth is made public.
They have colonized our minds first. We cannot name our oppressor for fear of being accused of "antisemitism."

It's as though Black slaves working on cotton plantations were taught it was "racist" or "bigoted" to mention the White slave driver. Since the majority of Jews are ignorant of this plot, and are manipulated like everyone else, racism is a ploy to divert attention from a very dire problem.

The Illuminati (top-rung Masonic Jews and their non-Jewish allies) have distributed some wealth and power to the masses (liberalism, socialism) as a way of securing ultimate power for themselves. According to the Protocols, they will eventually withdraw these benefits once their "invisible government" is invincible. The "war on terror" should be seen in this context.

In my view, "Protocols Deniers" are complicit in this Conspiracy, which is responsible for most human suffering and will lead to a great deal more. As a Jew, I don't want this responsibility on my head, or on other innocent Jews or Masons.

Steve Sailer #racist vdare.com

I look forward to the Washington Post article complaining that young black families can’t afford to buy in black neighborhoods anymore because valuations are artificially pumped up. And then there will be an article about how black realtors are going broke because black sellers are being told there houses are worth more than the market will bear so fewer transactions are being made.

Chris Roberts #pratt #racist #wingnut amren.com

The Worst Movie Ever Made?

A new horror film, Master, is making waves in the liberal arts scene.

I enjoyed the film’s mocking of white liberals. However, it’s not clear what the leftist black writer/director Mariama Diallo wants woke whites to do. Surely she wants whites to “celebrate diversity,” “elevate black voices,” and the like. But the whites in her film who believe in these things are mocked for being awkward and insensitive. Much like the white feminists derided by black political commentators, no amount of ethno-masochism or groveling is ever good enough. Perhaps the movie’s only virtue is that it reinforces that lesson — one that liberal whites may eventually learn.

Master is a failure as social commentary. Black students at elite universities are not terrorized. The supposed “hate crimes” they suffer from turn out to be hoaxes. The Ivy League coddles blacks students, allowing them to get away with stunts, such as marching through a school library screaming, “F*** you, you filthy white f***s!” “F*** you and your comfort!” “F*** you, you racist s***!” Blacks who think New England too white can go to an HBCU — there are over 100 of them. Suffering “micro-aggressions” is part of the human condition, not evidence of “institutional racism.” Finally, black women are one of the least suicide-prone groups in the country. In 2020, 70 percent of suicides in America were white men. Here are America’s suicide rates for women by race:


How about a cinematic examination of what leads an old white guy to kill himself?

Master is another reminder that our cultural elites are disconnected from reality. I hope its absurd exaggerations will get a white audience member or two to question the “huddled clichés” we are expected to believe.

C W #dunning-kruger #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: WA Schools Adopt Race-Based Discipline, White Students to Get Harsher Punishment

To make student discipline outcomes more “equitable,” the policy must meet “student needs in a culturally responsive manner.”

In practice, it means favorable treatment of racial minorities.

Explaining the concept, board member Anthony Veliz offered an example of a student stealing a slice of pizza, arguing that the student’s culture permits stealing.

“What if, you know, just saying, like, in my background, what if that type of rule that we broke was more acceptable at my house, right, versus your house?” he said. “And, you know, when I’m talking to them, like, ‘hey, you know what, actually, I thought I was OK, I thought it was fine to grab that piece of pizza before anybody else. Because in my house, I’m allowed to do that.’ Right?”

Non-white privilege is something that will grow and grow , everywhere not only in schools, until something gives.

We have entered an age crazier than the Spanish inquisition crazier than the witches of Salem, we have entered an age of a new darkness worse than the middle ages. An age where the frog blames the ox for not being as big as the ox, but unlike in the fable we - the ox - are letting the frog take control and we feel guilty for being an ox.

The next years or the next decades will be horrible as the entire western civilization will crumble and turn into some hell hole that will be like a mix of Venezuela and Detroit city.

I am 62 years old and I think that by the time I am 80 North America will be unrecognizable.

The great grand kids of white liberals will foam at the mouth with rage so much they will hate what today's white liberals will have done to Western Civilization by handing the keys to...to the Ketanjis of the world, To the Obamas of the world, to the Georges Floyds of the world.

I respect and even admire Jared Taylor, but I feel we are losing the battle.

I hope, I wish and pray I am wrong.

[deleted] & Banana414 #pratt #racist #wingnut reddit.com

RE: Western Europe is xenophobic towards Slavs and other eastern europeans


Lol I win the bloody jackpot I’m half Eastern European (mum is Russian polish and my dad is .... indigenous African tuareg) I can write several novels about the racism Slavs face and what I’ve witnessed myself... and how they treat black here Oh the beauty of being the exotic foreigner despised by all

You haven't seen the trend? In western society it's ok totreat people like complete shit, AS LONG AS and only if they're white. Otherwise you're racist. If you're white and someone wants to attack you and get away with it all they have to do is take a video of you getting attacked and say "racist gets what he deserves" the internet will always support it with no backstory and with no proof

Yes and no.

In Australia we say, "We aren't racist, we hate everyone equally"

But what I find most interesting is that we've come to a point where the media and entertainment in general has no apprehension about stereotyping or racially profiling Slavs or Eastern Europeans in general. Even on progressive media or any film you always see some kind of Russian mobster, Serbian hitman, Romanian prostitute etc, and there is no backlash to these kind of images. We are rarely shown in a positive light, while portraying a crack addicted African-American, or Columbian drug dealer, or Arab rapist is considered xenophobic, racist or stereotypical. '

My theory has been for a while, that Eastern Europeans are considered "white" in English-speaking Western countries by the greater population.

In which case we are grouped in with the past crimes of the "white" (British, German, French, American) colonisers, occupiers and oppressionists of the 20/21st centuries, when in reality we are far from that idea of "white".

This puts us in a very interesting and quite fucked up postion.

Where we are both the oppressionist of minorites and also their drug dealers.

Prussian Society of America #ableist #racist #psycho prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "Jewish Girl Born without a Vagina / Western Men Worship and Yearn For her"]

[Living Without A Vagina | BORN DIFFERENT]

One of my largest pet peeves[…]is the disgusting love that Western people, especially Americans, have for people who are born with deformities that are NOT natural, whether it’s a mental or physical handicap

I have explained that the major decline in primal and moral perception of others is evident in how people feel hope, inspiration and happiness from seeing people who are obviously deformed and worthless, and who otherwise should have not been permitted in the gene pool
As the Jews are a genetically altered creation that comes from a “dark force”, they are notorious for having many mental, neurological and physical defects since they are a race of “defects” to begin with

Watch the video and then read the ridiculous comments of Men who need to give their “two cents” to prove just how much “MORE” of a Woman she is compared to a Woman who does have a vagina that a Man can have sex with and reliable reproduction with
The very bizarre notion of Western People, is that they do not view leaving people who are “deformed” alive as a form of barbarism, but yet they would view giving someone mentally or physically deformed the option for euthanasia because of the fact they cannot exist normally or live a normal life, this is viewed instead as the “barbaric option”

Nevertheless, it’s all mind programming, but this mind programming comes from Christians who have long indoctrinated their adherents with having “love for all” and this delusional belief that “all life has value”

DirtyCurryCell & Ghost of Eskimo #racist ncu.su

(DirtyCurryCell )
Pretty sure there's a correlation between melanin and low IQ.

I'm serious.

Most white countries are doing good. Even Burgerland with it's decadence and Eastern Europe.

Asians have their own first worlds with Japan and Korea. And Even SEA has Singapore.

Even Muslim Asian and white countries like Bosnia, Kosovo, Albania, Malaysia, Indonesia, Brunei.etc are leagues ahead of arab, african and curry muslim lands

(Ghost of Eskimo)
There's a correlation between health and IQ. In some tribes the foids have lower IQs because the men give them less nutrition. A good idea for control but not for the health of your offspring. That's why America imports the intelligentsia from Africa, India, and Asia. The white soycuck elite can use them against the poor stupid whites.
I highly suggest reading the Bell Curve by Charles Murray. Libgen is a free ebook site.

C.T. #racist #wingnut chechar.wordpress.com

[From "On Satan buffs"]

‘America will become so weak’, said Mauricio this morning, ‘that its only card left to play in the Hegemony game will be its nukes. And when the nukes start flying, to paraphrase Vikernes, Life will have a new meaning’

Those who have read Covington’s futuristic novel ["The Brigade" by H.A. Covington] will remember that, in the race wars, the US would commit terrible blunders by putting primitive Blacks and wise Latinas in command. A once-powerful but wounded beast can become very dangerous. I have often thought that a bitch like AOC in power wouldn’t hesitate to, say, try to implement a no-fly zone in a war like the one we are witnessing, or even use nukes if the likes of Golden Dawn were to reach power in Europe after the collapse of the dollar[…]
Changing subjects, yesterday I criticised Anglin for his pious mention of the god of the Judeo-Christians but today I would like to say that, regarding Satanism, I completely agree with him. Anglin wrote today:

Atomwaffen was publicly exposed–mostly by me–as a literal satanic death cult[…]

If what Anglin says about animal sacrifice is true, what would Savitri say (cf. my other entry of the day)? For context to the debate between Satanist racists and saner folk see an exchange, on this site, from two years ago as a result of my post ‘On the Atomwaffen Division’

Various Incels #racist #sexist rareddit.com


Hot take: high cheekbones look especially good on women, and a strong jaw looks especially good on men

Slavs usually have higher cheekbones but smaller jaws. Women win, men lose.

Western people are pretty averaged.

This is unscientific af, just my observation.

It’s a situation that is common in many countries. In Australia, it’s the reverse. The men are almost always incredibly good looking, but the women are almost universally ugly.

As a ricecel I wouldnt even say asian women are attractive aside from a very small percentage. The best thing they have going for them is that the vast majority of them are thin but thats something women of every race has control over.

The stereotype that asian women are petite, feminine and trad boosts their SMV. While this same stereotype tanks the smv of asian males.

Since many males desire feminine and petite women they go for asian women, but women generally wants masculine guys so asian men suffer.

slav women are ugly af ,russian women are truly beautiful

Bro, Russian are Slavs.

Not really. Russians are very intermixed with finno-ugrics and tatars. If you compare bulgarians,serbs,croatians,polish people to russians you will see a big difference in how they look.

Even Ukrainians look somewhat distinct.

Slavs are white trash whom no one desires.

Slavs have pretty rich culture and history. Also Slavs won WW2 but Muricans stole the credit.

A win that we still regret.

Mike Braun #racist #fundie salon.com

Braun then disapprovingly pointed to the Supreme Court's 1973 Roe v. Wade ruling legalizing abortion nationwide. Pressed by a reporter on if he similarly disapproved of the decision to federally legalize interracial marriage, Braun said he did.

"If you're not wanting the Supreme Court to weigh in on issues like that, you're not going to be able to have your cake and eat it too," Braun said. "I think that's hypocritical."

"You can list a whole host of issues," Braun said. "When it comes down to whatever they are, I'm going to say they're not going to all make you happy within a given state. But we're better off having states manifest their points of view, rather than homogenizing it across the country as Roe v. Wade did."

Paul Kersey #racist #conspiracy vdare.com

These insurrectionists set fire to the 205-year-old St. John’s Church right across from the White House as well, all part of a true uprising in the name of a black career criminal.
So more than 60 Secret Service agents were injured in an event completely forgotten from the summer of 2020. What happened next? Corporate America gave Black Lives Matter $10 billion as tribute to the shock troops of establishment.

Yes, there was an attempted siege of the White House in late May of 2020, but it’s an event we aren’t supposed to remember.

It’s all about who/whom when it comes to perceived acts of insurrection or literal attempts to invade the White House injuring scores of Secret Service agents.

Oh, and Chris Evans: not one Secret Service agent opened fire on the massive crowd of black people during the Black Lives Matter siege of the White House in late May of 2020… so we already know of the ‘perceived’ carnage if they hadn’t been white. It adds up to scores of injured Secret Service agents, because shooting one black protester would have only enraged the conflict to the nth degree.

Rhoda Wilson #racist #wingnut #conspiracy namastepublishing.co.uk

Mass immigration is a phenomenon, the causes of which are still cleverly concealed by the system, and the multicultural propaganda is trying to falsely portray it as inevitable. With this article we intend to prove once and for all, that this
is not a spontaneous phenomenon. What they want to present as an inevitable outcome of modern life, is actually a plan conceived around a table and prepared for decades, to completely destroy the face of the continent.
Few people know that one of the main initiators of the process of European integration, was also the man who designed the genocide plan of the Peoples of Europe. It is a dark person, whose existence is unknown to the masses, but the elite considers him as the founder of the European Union. His name is Richard Coudenhove Kalergi. His father was an Austrian diplomat named Heinrich von Coudenhove-Kalergi (with connections to the Byzantine family of the Kallergis) and his mother the Japanese Mitsu Aoyama.
In his book «Praktischer Idealismus», Kalergi indicates that the residents of the future “United States of Europe” will not be the People of the Old Continent, but a kind of sub-humans, products of miscegenation. He clearly states that the peoples of Europe should interbreed with Asians and colored races, thus creating a multinational flock with no quality and easily controlled by the ruling elite.

Kalergi proclaims the abolition of the right of self-determination and then the elimination of nations with the use of ethnic separatist movements and mass migration.
If we look around us, the Kalergi plan seems to be fully realized. We face Europe’s fusion with the Third World. The plague of interracial marriage produces each year thousands of young people of mixed race: “The children of Kalergi». Under the dual pressures of misinformation and humanitarian stupefaction, promoted by the MSM, the Europeans are being taught to renounce their origin, to renounce their national identity.

Franco #conspiracy #pratt #racist #transphobia #wingnut stormfront.org

The Evil of Postmodernism, or, Why Do Trannies Exist?

Marxism was dying by the late 1950s. It was nearly dead. Old. Tired.

Then, Postmodernist philosophy (hereafter Pp, and also known as PostMarxism) was born!

Today, Pp even denies that reality exists. It says that trannies (transgender people) can be real. In fact, under the rules of Postmodernist philosophy, anything can be real, because “every human has a different reality and a different version of the truth.” If you think the Easter Bunny is real, then hey, that’s perfectly fine, because again, everyone has their own version of reality and truth. Is this bullsh*t? Yes, it’s pure bullsh*t. It’s radical leftism. But nonetheless, lots of people believe it, especially university professors.

Trannies wouldn’t “exist” today if not for Pp.

Today, Pp has wrecked large portions of the Western world. It’s insanity. It’s “fools spouting nonsense.” Postmodernist philosophy is a war on White logic, White science, White reason, White morality and White tradition, but it’s usually not called that.

The core of Postmodernist philosophy — called Social Constructionism — is Jewish. It has been said that Postmodernist philosophy can’t even be defined. But I can define it: Postmodernist philosophy is a type of critical theory; it seeks to tear down Western culture; it says, among other things, that “everything in White Western society is a White male ‘social construct’ designed to marginalize and enslave non-Whites and women, and is designed to keep the White males in power forever.” Or, “The root of all evil is the White male” — by the way, this has been the core of all leftist thinking since 1960 or even earlier.

Gregory Hood #racist #wingnut amren.com

A Brilliant Defense of White Nationalism

If Elie Mystal didn’t exist, we’d invent him. I wonder if we did. Much of American Renaissance’s work is showing progressive hypocrisy on race. In appearance, elocution, and legal reasoning, he’s the perfect straw man. Cable news takes him seriously. He can’t stop himself from blurting out what he really thinks about the Constitution, whites, and the so-called rule of law. His crude approach is refreshing. He clears away the hypocrisy that keeps the failed American experiment stumbling along.

Many whites believe our individualist, universalistic, analytic worldview is shared by other peoples. It’s not. Racial identity is not important to many whites, but it’s fundamental to people of other races. Many whites believe in colorblindness and the promise of an American civic identity.

American conservatives — mostly white — watch in disbelief as mobs topple heroes and radicals rewrite history. Yet they refuse to embrace white identity and say America was always for everyone. Most non-whites and progressives don’t buy it.

I endorse Elie Mystal’s book. To wake whites up, we need foolish leftists. He gives white conservatives no comforting illusions. Let National Review try to find common ground with the assertion the Constitution is “actually trash” written by “actual monsters who were trying to protect their rights to rape the humans they held in bondage.”

He argues that he can’t be “dispassionate” because a Supreme Court decision “directly affects the likelihood of me getting shot to death by the police while driving to the store.” Whites must concede their rights and sovereignty because Mr. Mystal is deluded. I’m sure he does not know that 10 percent of all whites and Hispanics who die from homicide are killed by a police officer compared to just 3 percent of black homicide victims.

Ln1G7O9z #dunning-kruger #racist #sexist boards.4chan.org


I swear more white guys are getting all the girls lately than they were a few years back.
Has the constant evil white men propaganda backfired?
Girls do like the bad boys after all.
Previous taboo dangerous black guys might have worked better than having them all crying like faggots in the attempt to make people feel sorry for them.

And by all the girls I mean - most of the white ones, and most of the asian ones and lots of the hispanic ones. Like even more so than usual.

>shill for race mixing in every piece of media
>cast white guys as le evil supervillain mastermind
>surprised when non-white women racemix with whites
Once again the Jews have somehow played themselves without anyone lifting a single finger

Steve Sailer #racist vdare.com

Kamala Harris is from an academic family (father is a Stanford professor, mother was a medical researcher) but her own academic track record is less than impressive for somebody who qualifies for affirmative action as black.

She went to Howard U. in Washington DC, which is a famous Historically Black College or University, but it’s still an HBCU. She majored in psychology and economics. I don’t see anything about academic honors.

Then she went to the Hastings law school in San Francisco, which has some vague connection to the U. of California. It’s significantly easier to get into than the UC Berkeley law school across the bay.

She failed the difficult California bar exam on her first try and then passed on her second crack.

This is a pretty similar academic background to Mike Pence, another lawyer, or to Biden and Trump for that matter. But only Harris was eligible for affirmative action.

Theodore Roosevelt Malloch #wingnut #conspiracy #racist #sexist #transphobia #homophobia amgreatness.com

In the final, revelatory book of the Bible, we are told to beware the “mark of the beast”—that is, the mark of the devil or Satan himself. The number 666 denotes it.
Today, we have a new, modern beastly mark to beware, and I would argue that it is anything and everything, with the prefix “multi.”

Let me explain.

Multi borrows from the Latin word “multus” (much, many), which in turn was derived from a Greek word meaning “very.” For our current purposes, it’s a shortened form of the word multiple but it can often spell pure evil and the opposite of the good or godly..


Multicultural constitutes several cultural or ethnic groups within a given society. <...> More recently in the United States, it has been embodied in critical race theory and racial hatred of white people and the larger culture, especially the American founding, and the institutions and Constitution it originated. In corporations, this trend is found in diversity, inclusion, and equity initiatives that end meritocracy and all objective measures of performance and evaluation.

In international relations, multilateral refers to alliances and détente among many countries pursuing a common goal or set of policies. This is in contrast to bilateral relations between two established sovereign countries. It is anti-sovereign in orientation and ultimately concludes in a movement to one world government and supranationalism.


Multifunctionalism has led to the diminution of responsibility, complexity of life, and in social thought to the bureaucratization of policy in the administrative state.


The multisexual spectrum, also known as “M-spec,” bisexual umbrella, or plurisexual, is a sexuality term consisting of any and all labels that represent the sexual attraction to more than one gender. Multisexuality and transsexuality are the latest sinful turning away from God’s norms for human life and toward ungodly acts of idolatry and selfish hedonism.

BeardedLuckDragon #racist #sexist #elitist #dunning-kruger deviantart.com

[In response to several articles being approving of a female British politician’s “not […] entirely serious suggestion” that a cufew should be placed upon men in response to a missing person case where the police had advised women to not go out at night.]

Why a curfew for men wouldn't work is economic, since most dangerous jobs and night shifts are performed by men, and night shifts are much more dangerous than day shifts. Since it's probably a man to come play captain save a ho, the less men on the streets means women have less protectors and witnesses to keep the community safe at night. You don't think gangster bitches wouldn't blast your ass and take your wallet? Honey the thieves guild has been an equal opportunity employer as far back as I can remember. If all the female bandits know half the population is bound by a curfew, that would give them incentive to commit more crime on solo targets, not less. Laziness comes to mind too, cause now you'll have to get everything for yourself, or have it delivered for more money, and there will be no more, "Could you go get me xyz?" at 12am. Men comprise roughly 69% of the work force, so that means a lot less night time delivery drivers and increased delivery times. If half of society is under a curfew, that means the bars and night life will economically and socially collapse too, so be careful.

"Perhaps that seems unfair, a punishment inflicted on all men just for their gender, for the actions of a few. But women have been living with that exact restriction, an infantilising ban on venturing out alone, for our whole lives." First off modern women of 2022, NO YOU HAVEN'T BEEN BANNED FROM GOING OUT ALONE. You've been encouraged not to go out alone at night, just like men, but we can't hold you accountable for what you do. Actually that does seem unfair punishing half the species for what someone else did, and it especially bothers me that the majority of male inmates, 80% that is, come from single mother households. A lot of these rapes in Australia are being committed by foreigners that don't share the same values as Western men, but that makes people seem racist for pointing the finger at the sub category of men that are committing these awful crimes.

Clif High/Alexandra Bruce #crackpot #conspiracy #racist #wingnut #mammon forbiddenknowledgetv.net

Clif High is back to say that his old ALTA reports had many temporal markers for the time we’re in right now, namely the crash of Western civilization.
All of the central banks on the whole planet are owned by the Rothschilds. So, it’s a crime family, alright?

So these are Khazarians, part of the Khazarian Mafia, very big in the Khazarian Mafia and they own and control the central banking system, throughout the whole Western – throughout the whole planet.

“And that system is crashing now. They don’t have a cover story, like a world war, with nukes flying around – that’s what they’re trying to gin-up as rapidly as they can in the Ukraine.
“So, you can’t just blow the sh*t out of them, right? And also, they have to get rid of all of these Nazis.

“Now, these Nazis are not like German guys. Even, in World War II, the worst of the worst were Ukrainian Nazis. This is because the whole Nazi idea comes from the Khazarian Mafia and it goes way back, into the 1800s. back to the period of time that the Illuminati, in the form of the Freemasons had Albert Pike doing this design for the three world wars and then the pandemic and then the global government and the elimination of white people.
He says this time, the Khazarian Mafia won’t get their way and as the Federal Reserve collapses, the US will go through something similar to what happened in Russia after the collapse of the Soviet Union. He says the same Khazarian Mafia that imposed Communism on the Russians and who then collapsed the Soviet Union are the same Khazarian Mafia who are our enemies, as well.

He says we won’t have the pie-in-the-sky NESARA-GESARA nor the Quantum Finance System being promoted by Charlie Ward and Simon Parkes. He says we will have an irregular economy for some years but the good news is that on the other side of this, we will be free of the inflation from the Babylonian Money Magic.

pennygadget #wingnut #racist #transphobia ovarit.com

This is precisely why identity politics and the fetishization of oppression is the biggest problem on the left right now. The only way liberal people (specifically young liberal people) can have their voices valued is if they can win a gold medal in the Oppression Olympics. And, if they're just a "boring White girl" or "an oppressive White boy", it's not surprising that they'd be tempted to identify into an "oppressed" gender/sexuality that would offer them instant clout in their social circles without having to really do anything

Timothy Fitzpatrick #conspiracy #racist fitzinfo.net

[From "The kabbalistic roots of today’s hyperinflation"]

The Judaeo-Bolshevik long-range goal of destroying free-market capitalism might finally be realized through the current trend of worldwide hyperinflation

Although the current usurious bankster-inspired inflationary environment is not the result of an inherent defect of the free market, it is and will continue to be presented as if it were, as per the Soviet long-range strategy of discrediting capitalism[…]
When prices get so out of reach for the average Western person, the only ones who can afford to buy are banks, institutional investors, government, and individual billionaires. That seems to be the first goal of this hyperinflationary period: consolidation of assets into the hands of a few (the banks, press, and governments of the world have already been overtaken in a similar manner, as the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion said they would). The second goal seems to be to impoverish the “goyim” to the point where they are begging for a solution[…]That’s where Soviet-styled social credit may be presented as the answer[…]a centrally managed world economic system introduced—complete with implantable microchips and absolute tag-and-track technology

This diabolical conspiracy to enslave every man, woman, and child despite his God-given freedom has been aided by the dark arts. The kabbalistic concept of dialectics was formulated by the Soviets into various strategic methods, one of which is called “accelerationism”[…]
Corporations have exploited the openness and benefits of free market capitalism to the extreme[…]that the free market is now manipulated[…]Ironically, corporations have become communistic
“Russian Federation” president (CPSU General Secretary) Vladimir Putin’s foreknowledge of inflationary warfare was revealed in 2008 when he told Western journalists that their wives should learn ‘how to cook cabbage soup’

Steve Sailer #dunning-kruger #racist vdare.com

Then in 2021, there was an explosion of uses of “AAPI” first in February 2021, when various black thugs were videoed knocking down tiny Asians (but, not surprisingly, not giant Pacific Islanders) and a Leftist group called Stop AAPI Hate became the media’s go-to source for how this was all Trump’s fault for saying the words “China virus” ten months before. Stop AAPI Hate is a new COVID-era name for a coalition of old-time Mau-Mauing the Flak Catcher Leftist San Francisco groups like Chinese for Affirmative Action.

Then in March 2021, a white guy shot up some massage parlors, killing six Asian women, and “AAPI” was used over and over again. This set of murders generated (and still generates) a vast amount of journalistic comment, unlike the murder of 10 people in Boulder a week later, which disappeared down the memory hole when the white-looking shooter turned out to be named Ahmad Al Aliwi Al-Issa, an immigrant who was angry about white racism and Islamophobia.

Various Commenters #racist #conspiracy #sexist blackpill.club

RE: Incel revolution in Korea

This would never happen in the west, the jew media would slander and ruin his reputation and the jew run CIA would assassinate him if he actually won. There is no poliical solution in the west anymore, since jews control democracy.

This would never happen in the west solely because of those puss-skinned cucks. They always gotta worship "muh huaite angel kweenz".


This would never happen in the west, the jew media would slander and ruin his reputation and the jew run CIA would assassinate him if he actually won. There is no poliical solution in the west anymore, since jews control democracy.

No, it would never happen because westerners are cucked by default and the candidate would be vilified by simps before da joos could ever get to him. Just accept that non-western men have more self-respect than you, even soy-slurping ricecels who are all skin and bones have higher T-levels than the average western man.

Misogynistic Man = Nigger In 2020’s
These femtards are the ones who are bigots. They can’t see life from our point of view.


Misogynistic Man = Nigger In 2020’s
These femtards are the ones who are bigots. They can’t see life from our point of view.

misogynists are oppressed

Metropolitan Police Service #sexist #racist theguardian.com

Racism cited as factor in police strip search of girl, 15, at London school
Black child’s ordeal, which involved exposure of intimate body parts, took place without parental consent, review finds

A black child was subjected by police to a strip search at her London school that involved exposure of intimate body parts, according to an official investigation which found racism was likely to have been an “influencing factor” in the officers’ actions.

No appropriate adult was present during the 15-year-old girl’s ordeal, described by a senior local authority figure as “humiliating, traumatising and utterly shocking” and which took place without parental consent and in the knowledge that she was menstruating.

Details of her treatment in her secondary school’s medical room have emerged in a child safeguarding review initiated by Hackney council after the incident in December 2020.

The child was made to bend over, spread her legs and use her hands to spread her buttocks while coughing, and she is now in therapy and self-harming, according to family members’ statements to the inquiry.

The damning report said: “Having considered the context of the incident, the views of those engaged in the review and the impact felt by Child Q and her family, racism (whether deliberate or not) was likely to have been an influencing factor in the decision to undertake a strip search.”

The report emphasised the importance of the question of whether the child was treated differently because she was black, adding this line of inquiry had been starkly reflected in several events that took place around the same time.

“Significantly, some six months prior, George Floyd was tragically killed in the USA and there were repercussions around the globe, including in the UK,” it said.

Police were called by teachers who told the review that they believed she was smelling strongly of cannabis and suspected she was carrying drugs, but none were found during the subsequent search.

The school was visited by four officers including two women who carried out the search of the girl – referred to in the report as ‘Child Q’ – while teachers remained outside the room and her mother was not contacted.

koNko #moonbat #pratt #racist dailykos.com

[Yes, and Xi is actively engaged in, among other things, genocide. So, murderous autocrats gonna murderously autocrat.]

Then you should post credible evidence of this. You might not realize these accusations have been denied and are based on a limited number of sources that have been largely discredited.

In fact, the recent International Tribunal held in the UK to independently review the charges did not make such findings, and rather, found that other countries making such accusations and enacting sanctions (including the USA) did not do so on the bias of evidence proscribed by International law.

This means the ICC, the UK Tribunal and the US Justice Department agree, the charges of genocide are not verifiable. It is worth noting the US Justice Department previously ruled that intelligence and evidence available did not constitute genocide.

You say Xi is guilty of muderous atrocities?

Really, that is a ridiculous charge you cannot back-up.

Since Daily Kos is a fact based site, I suggest you post a story on this topic and research the subject with due diligence, otherwise you are just making extraordinary claims without extraordinary evidence, and given courts and independent tribunals have not found this, you might find yourself had pressed to do so.

That failing, perhaps you can post a story on the Yellow Cake smuggled by Iraq that justified the Iraq War,where the US government went to war on false pretenses without actual evidence, that killed upwards of 500,000 Iraqis

Then perhaps you can present to us justification for actual genocides such as the carpet bombing of civilians in North Korea and even worse the bombing of Laos that killed 20% of the population and made it the most intensively bombed country in history — a well-planned campaign to eradicate people.

Pomidor Quixote #pratt #racist dailystormer.name

We’ve already given them the greatest of gifts.
We’ve given them our knowledge. We’ve given them technology. We’ve given them medicine. We’ve given them science. We’ve given them education.

Everything we do, they could study and learn. They could do what we do. But they can’t, because they’re biologically incapable of doing it, and no amount of “humanitarian” aid will change that.

What else do they expect from us?

Imagine if an advanced civilization visited our planet and gave us all of its knowledge for free.

Would you resent them as blacks and browns resent us?

Because we are that advanced civilization that found browns and blacks and shared all of its knowledge with them, and they’re still trying to steal our stuff, steal our land, steal our countries, steal our women, and kill us.

Maybe we should change tactics, you know? Maybe it’s time to stop giving so much and to start taking.

We can start by taking back what we’ve given.

Wildcat78, Randle Browne & Ingold #racist #wingnut youtube.com

RE: Understanding Social Justice

What you said about how dangerous the eventual reaction against social justice culture could be is something I’ve been trying to tell people for a couple years now. This general aggression towards white people is instilling race consciousness in the white population.

We DO NOT want white people to tribalize because, at some point, the white guilt will run out and we’ll be left with a very large and very angry group of people now united by a common enemy.

It's funny how you say you do not want WHITE PEOPLE to tribalize, not that you do not want ANYONE to tribalize.

Minority groups tribalize; you get some riots, maybe violence, maybe even an outright revolt. The majority ethnic group tribalizes; you could have a nation go into full-on ethnic cleansing.

I’m sorry, at what point in American history has there not been a significant portion of the white population which is allied against other ethnicities? White people don’t need “race consciousness” to aggress against minorities, that aggression has existed for centuries

The point completely flew over your head which is scary. a significant portion (30-60%) vs group consensus ( 90+%)like we have in some minority groups are entirely different things and two completely different political realities. You may not want that paradigm shift to take place.

(Randle Browne)
The black and latino sjw types that actually call for some sort of race war (supposedly to end their "oppression") really haven't thought things through.

I mean, they are minorities (outnumbered) in a country where the civilian population (primarily the white conservatives that they want to fight) holds well over 40% of the firearms on the entire planet! That really doesn't seem like a good idea!

With the typical left-wing overconfidence in institutions and the pop-culture trope of whites being effete and lethargic I could see how someone could actually believe that would work.

Paul Kersey #racist #dunning-kruger vdare.com

Go Dawgs! Sic’em! In a more civilized time, the University of Georgia football team would actual reflect the student-body enrolled at the Athens, Georgia collegiate institution (hint: white males). In our more racially advanced time line, we know have perhaps the first murder by a former UGA football player. And it’s black on white.

His name is Elijah Wood

What’s sad is prior to Wood’s murder, he might have spent his fall Saturday’s cheering on the majority black UGA football team.

Thus are the wages of wasting your life basing your identify on college football programs.

Were white privilege real, you’d know his name. You’d know his story and how he died.

Were America truly dominated by implicit bias and structural inequalities, white men across the South would know what happened to Wood and that a black former UGA murdered him. Instead, white men across the South could probably tell you the high school star rating his black killer received from the recruiting service they pay $120/per year to belong to and get the latest news on primarily black high school players who their beloved alma mater is trying to lure to campus and represent their university on the football field.

Andrew Anglin #psycho #conspiracy #racist #homophobia dailystormer.name

[From "The Fate of the Brave Foreign Heroes Who Went to Fight for Glorious Aryan Gay Child Rimjobs"]



The base we came from was struck by rockets in the early morning hours. People we lived with for a couple days are confirmed dead. It is only a matter of time before our location is targeted. We are about to be cut off by a Russian tank column any day now…
Food, water, and ammunition dwindle slowly. The mood is somber, people are sending their last messages to friends and family
Where is NATO? Where is the supposed good of western civilization?
2:50PM Mar 13, 2022

This is a Ukraine shill account. He’s been shilling the heroism of the brave heroes who went to fight in the Ukraine for gay pride or the glory of the Aryan race[…]
He has no reason to lie about this

It definitely sounds like what would happen if a bunch of retards went to fight in a war in a country they can’t find on a map because they saw sad pictures on TV

The Ukrainian Jewish occupation regime and Western media obviously knew these volunteer soldiers would get slaughtered. They wanted more corpses[…]so they could do human interest stories about the devastated families who lost their Aryan anal retards to the dastardly Russians they signed up to go shoot guns at

I truly believed that Zelensky’s Aryan Empire would succeed, and finally restore the glory of the Aryan race[…]
Could the diabolical Russians really crush the Jewish NATO plan to build a true Aryan empire?

All of these people will for the rest of their lives be military deserters[…]their children will be the sons of deserters[…]
Deserting used to be a shame comparable to homosexual actions or patricide. But I guess these redditors support homosexualism and take pride in hating their fathers, so maybe desertion is also our values and who we are?

USS_Gearing_DD_710 #conspiracy #racist #homophobia consumeproduct.win

Even if the 6 million was true* - and extensive doubt has been cast on that - other groups, mostly White and Indo-European ethnicities, suffered comparable and even far worse genocides than the Jews in recent history.


UKRAINIANS - between seven and nine million killed by Stalinists in the Holodomor, primarily by famine.

FAGGOTS, GYPSIES, AND JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES - five million allegedly beaten to death by Nazis with wooden doors in the haul of cost*.

POLES - between two and three million allegedly killed by Nazi masturbation machines in the hall accost*.

CIRCASSIANS - between two and three million killed by White Russians in the Circassian genocide, by various means.

ARMENIANS - about a million and a half killed by Turks, mostly by gunshot.

Everything marked with an asterisk is probably fake and gay. "But, but, they weren't all gassed, it was the Holocaust of Bullets that killed them!" Fucking Jews always change the story when you call them on their shit.

Federale #racist #pratt vdare.us

The program enabling immigration fraud is the scandal prone EB-5 visa program. Originally, the EB-5 was designed to attract people who could create long-term jobs in the country. However, today it provides a visa to anyone who deposits a half million dollars in an already existing business, even if the money comes from unseemly sources.

Such a program practically invites corruption. Corrupt Chinese officials have been some of those most eager to take advantage of it. And not surprisingly, where there is corruption, we can find the Clinton family—Hillary Clinton’s brother Tony Rodham has been deeply involved in an effort to attract Chinese “investors” and their EB-5 money for a building project in Philadelphia [Touting connections, Hillary Clinton’s brother takes on Philly project, by Josh Gerstein, Politico, April 2, 2015]

This and other moneymaking schemes depend upon DHS actually approving the EB-5 visa applications. That’s where Mayorkas comes in. When applications for “investors” tied to powerful figures like Tony Rodham, Ed Rendell, Harry Reid, or Terry McAuliffe were rejected, Mayorkas intervened to make sure they were approved. And following such service, Mayorkas was rewarded with a promotion to the number two position at DHS.

DHS inspector general Roth said Mayorkas didn’t commit any crimes, but did admit Mayorkas violated the usual procedures and created the perception there was a “political component” to the program. Nonetheless, DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson not only refused to fire Mayorkas from his recently acquired position, but did not impose any punishment, instead vaguely blaming the nature of the EB-5 program itself [DHS secretary says Mayorkas will keep his job amid immigration flap, by Stephen Dinan, Washington Time, March 26, 2015]

Mark Lu #elitist #racist amren.com

Idealism, when practiced by zealots, often leads to disaster. Affirmative action is an examplle. It is based on the idea that blacks, Hispanics, American Indians, and other minorities don’t do well because of slavery and discrimination; if they had had the same environment, they would be on par with whites and Asians. Although genes and environment each account for roughly half of personality and mental traits, egalitarianists tend to ignore genes.

Egalitarianism also found advocates in China during the Cultural Revolution. Chairman Mao ordered institutions of higher learning to enroll students according to a “recommendation system.” Potential students were selected only from workers, peasants, and soldiers (WPS).

Entrance examinations were abolished, and some of the students were illiterate or semi-illiterate. My mother taught gynecology to WPS medical students. One student was confused once when my mother said something like, “After the patient remains unconscious for 48 hours, we should . . . .” No matter how my mother explained this, the student couldn’t figure out how many days and nights there are in 48 hours.

Affirmative action is practiced on a smaller scale, so its harm is hard to quantify. On the other hand, most of the 940,000 WPS graduates from these years proved to be useless.

China actually does have a form of affirmative action. However, local governments are now eliminating these preferences. Guizhou provincial government announced it would gradually stop giving extra points to ethnic minorities. Others, such as Liaoning and Fujian provinces, also announced late last year that they would drop the preferences by 2026.

As we pile egalitarian folly upon egalitarian folly, China still has a few obstacles to overcome to achieve meritocracy.

Various Commenters #racist amren.com

RE: John Cleese Has His Microphone Taken Away at South by Southwest Festival for Saying That Britain Should Get Reparations

(Andrew Jackson)

‘[People] get competitive about this business of being oppressed. We were oppressed, the English, by the Romans from about 0 to 400.’

If liberals don't shut him down they'll have to explain how the Anglo despite being oppressed by the Romans created the biggest Empire on planet Earth while the negro can't even get a job and stop committing petty theft.

(Darien X)
Eventually the average white man is going to wake up and his enemies will get the beat down of their lives.
This incessant bashing of whites cannot continue forever, even the meek will fight back, except we are not the meek.

I wish that were true but it’s not

Not every white will side with his own. There will be plenty of white brown shirts who will disposed of once they are no longer useful. There are no plans for whites in the the future of the pocs, except maybe sex slaves.

The hoards of blacks and Pakistanis certainly should give white Brits reparations for all the damage they caused.

I’ve always felt that I deserved reparations because my Southern ancestors never received compensation when their slaves were stolen by an illegitimate foreign gov ernment.

(Dermot Kyne)
One may consider, objectively, the matter of whether an number of European nations may demand reparations from the north African states. Muslim corsairs, raiding and slaving all along the coastline of Southern Europe, even ranged as far north as lceland.

The Muslim slave trade began earlier than the African slave trade by approximately 800 years, and it endured for far longer.

Europeans have, quantitatively and historically, far more robust and substantial claims for compensation from the states and peoples of the Maghreb, than sub - Saharan Africans and their descendants have from the United States, England or Europe.

Fundie Fight!

Timothy Fitzpatrick #conspiracy #racist #wingnut #dunning-kruger fitzinfo.net

[From "Moscow Makow drops his mask"]

It’s taken years for Henry Makow to let his mask slither down his face to expose the snake that he is

But he has fully exposed himself now.

After years of using the lure of anti-Feminism and anti-Sabbateanism to build his audience, the Polish Jew from Winnipeg is now feeding his helpless readers a steady diet of propaganda manufactured in the Lubyanka. It’s as if the KGB/GRU’s Operation Trust officers in charge of these fake alternative media “analysts” have given orders to intensify shilling because an end game scenario is right around the corner and the game of pretenses is no longer necessary

Once you take away the deception that Russia is an anti-globalist dissident fighting the Jews and the “evil West”, what is left? Russia is nothing but a long impoverished multi-ethnic state run by a cabal of criminal Jewish mobsters seeking world domination—the same as it was under Gorbachev, Khrushchev, Stalin, and Lenin. Nothing has changed but the design of the national flag and the official titles of the country and its massive internal security apparatus (Putin even reverted the national anthem back to the Soviet one, although without lyrics). If you haven’t figured this out by now, you absolutely must read the revelations of late Soviet defector Anatoliy Golitsyn in New Lies for Old and The Perestroika Deception[…]
Moscow Makow’s game seemed to be to allow some dissenting views on his site—his alibi
Makow begged his readers to financially support fellow Jew-in-Kremlin shillery “Brother” Nathanael Kapner, a member of the KGB-controlled Russian Orthodox Church[…]Moscow Makow’s pro-Kremlin, anti-Western propaganda is a daily thing now both on his site and on his social media accounts
If the West is so evil and Satanic[…]why does he still live in the West? Perhaps Makow should put his money where his mouth is and go live in Russia, the “workers paradise”

Alighieri , pornoddio & advent_Chaos #wingnut #racist blackpill.club

Has anyone here read "My struggle ( Mein Kampf) by Hitler?

It was my first time reading it. He was an autist. In the first chapter, he kept talking about how his father never recognized his talent as a painter. In his head, he was the best painter the world had ever seen. He didn't want to study or to work. According to him, he was good at school and breezed through it. I don't know if this was true. He talked about how disappointed he'd felt when the art school rejected him. He lived as a vagabond for quite a while. I don't think this book was extreme. There was nothing outrageous about it. But I was left with the impression that Hitler was a sperg. But I like his self-confidence and belief that he was born for greatness. It might be one of those books that you have to read whenever you're feeling depressed. I recommend "Main Kampf" and" Might is Right". They're good books to read when you're feeling down. Both authors believed in destiny, greatness and that you should stand your ground. It's a good philosophy for these dark times.

Yes I don't care. Mao was a failed poet, Lenin another failure child that never grew up.

"And look at what they accomplished", says the normie.

Yes I look at Mao, I see a failure with a short dick.

I look at Hitler, I just see the failure he remained forever. And I don't care what normies say. I don't care about opinions of the majority, it's like saying "since halo is considered good we have to appreciate it".

No. And there is a reason why normies are wrong and I am right. It's not that this is my subjective opinion, the fact that Halo is a bad game is objective truth. Yes there is such a thing called "objective truth". Art is objective, you can understand it or not, and if you don't understand it, that's your problem.

He was the second coming of Christ, and he lost.
Pretty much like all fiction.

I wanted Voldemort to crush Jew Potter´s wienner.

pornoddio #racist blackpill.club

Ethnic privilege is a real thing. I always wondered why no political action was done to help rural whites in america, they seem to be living in the trash with absolutely zero help. Instead ethnics and niggers are given so many advantages. I will never blame a rural white that wants separation from the bloodsucking retards of the cities.

Cindy Walsh #ableist #conspiracy #racist #quack twitter.com

1. Yesterday I saw this Breitbart headline about a high school student killing himself due to "CRT [and] Coronavirus Isolation." I decided to do some fact-checking.

I was not prepared for how awful this story was going to be. Here comes a thread...

2. The mother speaking is Cindy Walsh. She frames her son's suicide as caused (at least partly) by two school policies: CRT-based instruction and Covid-19 safety measures (mask mandates, potentially vaccine requirements). So I did some Googling.

3. I verified that her son, Robert Walsh, took his own life in June 2021. But I noticed something in his obituary: Robert graduated in 2020; he finished high school online, never experienced mask/vaccine mandates; no evidence of CRT lessons at his school.

4. Then I found an article from Jan 2022, "Emotional and mental impact of COVID-19 weighs on students"-the issue Walsh says drove her son to suicide.

But she is quoted in the piece suggesting the cause wasn't CRT/Covid but lack of support after graduating.

5. And the bigger takeaway from that piece: Walsh wrote a book called "Breaking the Autism Code." It's real. It's on Amazon. Don't buy it.

Here she is on "Angel Talk Radio" arguing that vaccines caused her sons Eric and Robert to develop autism.

6. In conclusion: we have a batshit anti-vaxxer who believes that vaccines caused autism in her son, who tragically killed himself due to lack of therapeutic support, LYING OPPORTUNISTICALLY to blame a school board for his suicide while pushing her anti-vaxx agenda.


else #racist consumeproduct.win

FUN FACT #629: The criminal system now is a NIGGERTOPIA that never holds Blacks accountable for crimes!
But its far far worse in 2022.
Since 2021 they refuse to investigate or solve serious crimes by Blacks.


The progression of "sentencing Reform" for Blacks TODAY:

•- No detective investigations of Black crimes!
•- No arrest!
•- if arrested, NO CHARGES!
•- And if charged "UNDER-charged" if black.
•- And if charged and held, no bail needed if black, or negligible bail.
•- And if UNDER-charged, plead out and tossed out of court before given a court docket, if black
•- Court? If Black, the Judge ensures the Nigger goes free or "probation"
•- Court does not grant probation?, then court UNDER-SENTENCES BLACKS in 2021! Really!
•- UNDER-SENTENCES and goes to prison?... then LET OUT EARLY under many new state "sentencing reform laws"

•- Federal prison? Blacks now under new 2020 federal law get out in 50% time served if
good behavior" stacked on top of normal good behavior. 1/4 time served for RAPE, MURDER, KIDNAPPING, CARJACKING, DRUG LORDs, everything if black felon


Tad R. Callister #racist #psycho latterdaysaintmag.com

Will the Real Columbus Please Stand Up?
Some revisionists would have us believe that the natives with whom Columbus interacted were all peace-loving, free of all major diseases, and living in a Garden of Eden state before Columbus “destroyed” it all. The facts reveal, however, that many tribes were continually at war. Furthermore, the facts reveal that some of these natives were cannibals, some ate their own children, some were subject to major diseases, some possessed slaves, some used captured women as sex slaves, some were addicted to cocaine, some performed human sacrifices, the vast majority were uneducated, and some practiced witchcraft, among other atrocities. To suggest that Columbus destroyed their peaceful, civilized, and harmonious societies is pure, absolute fiction.

To the contrary, Columbus brought them a much better way of life— Christianity. That is why the Americas today are filled with Christian nations where cannibalism has been eradicated, slavery abolished, human sacrifices done away, major diseases minimized, women treated with greater respect, life expectancies extended, poverty reduced, and education made available to most. That is the true legacy of Columbus.

Geri Ungurean #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy #racist nowtheendbegins.com

He said “We are not looking for Antichrist; we are looking for Jesus Christ.” And with that I agree 100%. But when world leader seemingly comes onto the world stage out of nowhere, we just can’t help but wonder: “Could this be him?”

Having said that, I am writing this article about a man who seems to possibly be that man of sin although we can only surmise this.

The readers are most likely wondering why I would want to take a hard look at this man. I will list my reasons. And before anyone proclaims that I am playing “Pin the tail on AC” let me just say that I am intrigued by Zelenskyy – not in a good way, but in a way which compels me to research him further.
The readers are most likely wondering why I would want to take a hard look at this man. I will list my reasons. And before anyone proclaims that I am playing “Pin the tail on AC” let me just say that I am intrigued by Zelenskyy – not in a good way, but in a way which compels me to research him further.

1. Zelenskyy came onto the world stage out of nowhere. Yes, he has been the president of Ukraine for a few years, but he was obscure and relatively unknown.
2. Our World is preparing for Globalism and having sparked the Ukrainian/Russian war: it seems like a time for Satan to present his man (the beast) to the world. He will promise peace and security
3. Overnight this man is known by the entire world and is being heralded as a hero.
4. Zelenskyy is a puppet of George Soros who installed him in his position as president of Ukraine.
5. Zelenskyy is a Jew and I do believe that Israel would receive him as messiah
6. Zelenskyy graduated from Klaus Schwab’s Young Global Leaders School, so is officially on board with Globalism
7. He has turned away from the God of his fathers – A Jew whose army has a great percentage of Neo Nazis!??
8. He is a performer with a magnetism that draws people to him. His long running TV show was about a teacher who suddenly becomes President of his Republic

Brother Nathanael #conspiracy #racist #wingnut #homophobia realjewnews.com

Putin Is The New Covid!

Whether it’s the Jew-owned media strumming it…

Or the Jew-run State Department drumming it…

Putin is the latest, fated, face of hate.

It’s your patriotic duty to hate him even though he never opened our borders to thousands of illegals…

Never shut down the Keystone Pipeline causing a jump at the pump…

Nor fired hundreds of nurses for shirking the ClotShot, and never, as its defender, rolled in transgender toilets into our public schools.
When Jewmerka sent a squad of perverts from the EU to Moscow a few years back to do a ‘gay parade,’ the Russian cops stood down while Russian men beat the fags to a pulp.

Don’t you know you’re not supposed to hate Putin because he’s protecting Russian citizens in Ukraine from the ‘Banderite fascists’ and protecting Russia’s border…

You’re supposed to hate him because he—you heard him, the Jews hear him loud and clear—will not allow Jewmerka to undermine his society by nation-destroying sexual perversion.

Oh, it makes the Jews cringe!

Putin will not allow the Jews to inflict division from within!

Putin is the new Covid.

Award him the Nobel Prize for ending the pandemic!

And now what the Jews did not fully achieve with locking down, masking up, and vax-passing the White Christian middle class—all to kill the economy to bring in a centralized digital currency—they’ll complete with Putin.

Prussian Society of America #conspiracy #wingnut #racist #dunning-kruger prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "A Note about so-called “Neo-Nazis” in Ukraine"]

The Neo-Nazi Movement is entirely Jewish and Anti-German/Anti-Aryan in every respect[…]Neo-Nazism has absolutely nothing to do with the Original National Socialist Movement (NSDAP) or even more importantly, nothing to do with Prussian Values whatsoever

The so-called “Nazis” who are using the Roman Salute, Nazi Insignia/Runes and other effects in Ukraine are hired by Washington, and it has long been the strategy of the Bolsheviks to carry out many of their crimes under the guise of being “Nazis”

The National Socialists killed Criminals and Partisans

In the cases where it is reported that Nazis had ever targeted Innocent people, either they were not Innocent[…]or they were killed by Red Army Officers who dressed up in Nazi uniforms
The same strategy has become a thing with the Right-Wing Parties in Ukraine from the Maidan Revolution, Right-Wing Parties like “Right Sector” and “Svoboda” have associated themselves with National Socialism, illegitimately, and we have no affiliation or interest with them
Even during the era of the Third Reich, Ukraine and that figure “Stepan Bandera” was no true loyal comrade or anything of ours. It was a joke. Slavs have a history of loving to use religions and political ideologies as a vehicle to further their gains and to steal land territory and kill off their own brother
We make it no secret that we subscribe to National Socialist Beliefs, although we are a Prussian Order
“Communist Nazis” is designed to make people associate Nazism with Communism

It further illustrates exactly why we despise the Right Wing as much as we do the Left Wing
George Lincoln Rockwell was a Crypto-Jew himself, just as is typical with all Neo-Nazi Movements and Parties
The Ku Klux Klan was also founded by Jews[…]a Jewish/Celtic creation because the Celts are also Jews

卐 ангел смерти 卐 #racist #wingnut #sexist blackpill.club

Whites have always been the most creative, and most intelligent race

We are the superior race. The Roman Empire, Germania, the Russian Empire, the British Empire, ancient Greece, United States of America, etc were all created by white males. White males have created so much just to see it be destroyed by jews, shitskins, and women. @Slap made a white pride thread on here before, and it turned into a real controversial thread so lets hope that doesn’t happen here.

WHITE POWER!!! 1488 卍


If it was destroyed by Jews, shit skins and women then you were never superior to begin with. This makes no sense. Power is absolute and inmutable, boy.

It does make sense. Jews and Women were jealous of the accomplishments of Straight White Males, so they had to destory our creations and civilizations.

Benjamin Fulford #crackpot #conspiracy #racist #wingnut benjaminfulford.net

The incredible hysteria and lies being pumped out daily in the G7 Khazarian slave colonies’ propaganda media has distracted the world from truly historical changes. What we are witnessing is the end of a war that has been raging literally for thousands of years. The ancient group of Satan-worshipping families that controls the UN, the Worlds’ central banks, the fortune 500 transnational corporations and much more, are facing something they never expected: final defeat.
Now let us look at the final phases of the still ongoing WWIII. Here the Russian military operation in Ukraine has flushed these Satanic criminals out of the closet and into the full view of humanity. On December 2021 Russia initiated a UN resolution condemning Nazism, racism etc. and 130 nations supported it while only two, the US and Ukraine, opposed it. And yet now magically, the Khazarian mafia wants us to believe that 141 nations voted at the UN to condemn the Russian move to deal with these Nazis.
The vote against Nazis caught the KM off guard and so they jerked the chains of these so-called leaders. However, what is now happening is that the slave masters of these slaves voting at the UN are being systematically hunted down and brought to justice.
The Russian GRU (their equivalent of the Pentagon command) sent the White Dragon Society documents showing exactly how the KM operates. They say that when the Rockefeller family, Rothschild Family and World Jewish Congress succeeded in overthrowing the Christian Russian Tsar, they began to artificially create the nation now known as Ukraine. They systematically tortured to death all Russian intelligentsia and leaders in the region. They also engineered a starvation crisis that killed at least 3 million people in order to force the rest of the population into submission. The leadership of the region was then put in the hands of the Chabad cult. These cultists want to kill 90% of humanity and enslave the rest.

Andrew Anglin #conspiracy #fundie #racist #psycho dailystormer.name

[From "There are No Male “Civilians” Between the Ages of 18 and 60 in the Ukraine"]

The Jewish President of the Ukrainian revolutionary government, Volodymyr Zelensky, has declared that all men between the ages of 18 and 60 are not allowed to leave the country because they have to stay and fight
I just read through several parts of the Geneva and Hague Conventions relating to this issue of the way citizens are differentiated from combatants[…]It’s not entirely clear if they have to have “taken up arms,” or what that means. There is no way to know if a citizen’s militia is armed or not
A militia that engages in partisan activities does not have to be wearing a uniform or an insignia in order to be considered a combatant, and with these videos we’ve seen of plainclothes militia throwing Molotovs at Russians, it is reasonable for every drafted male to be considered a combatant by the Russians

The situation effectively makes it impossible for Russians to commit “war crimes” against civilians, other than women and children, or the elderly
There is no explanation as to why Jews have been given special permission to leave, but one would assume it is “because the Holocaust”
It certainly couldn’t be that the Ukraine President, as well as the overwhelming majority of his government, is Jewish
The only thing that would end up in a lot of people dying is if Putin gives up on his current strategy of avoiding civilian casualties while begging for a deal to end the conflict, and decides to release the Chechens
Chechens are well trained and highly disciplined, and wouldn’t kill women and children
At this point, I’m pro releasing the Chechens
We’ve still got Finland, Moldova, and Georgia to deal with, as we continue our march to Constantinople
The day is coming, brothers, when we will receive the Eucharist in Hagia Sophia

Mike King #racist realhistorychan.com

Jewish war drumming always starts with the gentle tapping of an appeal for "humanitarian" aid. Then it escalates to a louder beat for "sanctions" and arms shipments. And finally, for the frenzied gran finale, an all-out rock & roll heavy pounding for war-war-war. Fortunately for us goy cannon-fodder, Zelensky won't exactly turn out to be the "Churchill" which the Tablet writer yearns for. Yes, Zelensky does indeed possess many of the same "heroic" traits of Winnie the Poop (Globalist puppet, vulgarity, corruption, substance abuse, dishonesty, sexual degeneracy, warmongering, incompetence etc) -- but the big difference this time around is that global All Judah -- in spite of all the fake images and crisis actors, and in spite of the intense agitation -- will NOT have its World War III because Trump and the Patriots --- and Putin -- are in control, not them.

Thank God for that, because if the usual suspects had their usual blood-lusting way, the whole world would have already been on fire by now.

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