
God says you have to do everything I tell you to!

Brian Niemeier #fundie #homophobia #transphobia brianniemeier.com

Tolkien wasn’t writing to convince anyone. He told stories to tell stories. And he understood that he was telling stories to a Modernist audience. Sad but true, the overt Christian imagery of a Poul Anderson or even a Robert E. Howard is alien to a large plurality of modern readers.

And we got here because the Death Cult knew better than to beat normal people over the head with sodomy, crossdressing, and atheism right off the bat. Instead they delivered their twisted themes through symbols.

In fact, the Death Cult relies on symbolism. Each of their stated positions is a symbol. That’s why they can switch them out as quickly as Benny from The Mummy (1999).

Cynthia #fundie #wingnut eyeopeningtruth.com

I am 70 years old!! I have seen America go through so many changes. As the baby boomer generation we were very blessed. We got to experience the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA at its very best. We grew up in a Christian environment, for the most part. Safe secure, happy and blessed. Even the poorest citizens enjoyed many blessings unknown to the rest of the world. EVERYONE wanted to live HERE!
I saw many changes in my life time, but the pace of change has escalated now to such a point it leaves your head spinning. The world I see today looks NOTHING LIKE the world in which we grew up. Quite frankly, at this point, the world is pretty scary. For anyone who does not know the LORD, it must be terrifying!

Everyone today is in a perpetual rat race. Chasing after things that do not satisfy.
I purchased some books I thought might help me figure out what I need to change to bring in a better income. I would read them all the way to the end only to discover that they ended up telling me to do what the Rich people are doing: 1) Move all you money offshore (of course I knew that was WRONG, and I was certain not even legal. Besides the fact that I did not have any money to move) 2) Call on the Ancient Ascended Masters for wisdom and guidance. WHAT??? That is right folks. That is what they recommended and that is what they said the RICH PEOPLE DO.

Well, my Daddy didn’t raise any fools. I knew better than that. Calling on SPIRITS is evil. Forbidden and DANGEROUS! No matter who they claim to be they are not from GOD. The only spirits you can be talking to are demonic spirits. Unless you are talking to the Holy Spirit. You would have no problem knowing the difference. One leads to GOD and the other leads you to HELL.

Anyway, that is a big reason why so many people today have fallen away from GOD and are serving MAMMON/MONEY. They chose to put their faith in the World’s system instead pf trusting GOD and learning to be happy with what He provides.

Linda Kimball #fundie #wingnut #transphobia #sexist #conspiracy catholicamericanthinker.com

Out of one side of their lying mouths, antichrist new pagan Global Darwinists and their fellow travelers tell us to believe that the Biblical God is dead, and with His death, so are Reality, immutable Truth, universal morality, original sin, man as God’s spiritual image bearer, the two created sexes, and Nature’s Law, for these point to eternal verities:

Yet out of the other side of their lying mouths, it’s common for them to brazenly proclaim that in ‘reality,’ evidence supporting mythological Darwinism is overwhelming. Some go so far as to claim that the myth of evolution is an established fact.

Both fact and evi)dence point back to unchanging Truth and Reality. Truth is accordance with that which is, has been, or shall be. History, as it unfolds, is a record of truth and reality: of what works and what does not work; of what is right and true and of what is not. The long-term collective memory of this unfolding historic knowledge is common sense.
Darwinism denies the existence of God the Father, and the transcendent Permanent Things that, grounded in eternally existing Reality (I AM WHO I AM), comprise this nation’s founding worldview and give rise to our inalienable individual rights and enduring principles of liberty: our living, personal Creator, Nature’s Law, immutable Truth, universal moral law, virtue, the two created sexes male and female, and the individual thinker and ‘choice-maker’ made in the spiritual image of God.

New pagan Progressive evolutionism tells us to believe that everything came into being by chance — accidentally, without meaning, purpose, or design — from matter. Thus, since man is an accidental emergence from ‘nothing,’ then he is in the image of ‘nothing.’ ‘Nothing’ has no soul, mind, or conscience. ‘Nothing’ owns nothing and has no Constitutional rights. And since ‘nothing’ is neither male nor female, then neither should man be, rather man ought to be ‘gender fluid,’ a term for polymorphously perverse androgyne or transgender.

Elvis Dunderhoff #conspiracy #wingnut #racist #fundie #homophobia dailystormer.name

[From "Russian Children’s Commissioner Says ICC War Crimes Allegations are a Farce"]

The Jews in the Ukraine are literally kidnapping kids and selling them into sex slavery with the Jews

The ICC is claiming that denying the Jews cheap sex slaves is a crime

That’s what’s actually going on here


Russia’s commissioner for children’s rights on Tuesday dismissed International Criminal Court (ICC) allegations that she was responsible for unlawfully deporting children from Ukraine as false

The Hague-based ICC on March 17 issued arrest warrants for President Vladimir Putin and Children’s Commissioner Maria Lvova-Belova for the war crime of unlawfully deporting children from areas of Ukraine occupied by Russian forces[…]

Russia is a Christian, heterosexual country

The Ukraine is a satanic cesspit fighting a war to force gay anal fisting on the people of the Donbass

People wonder why it is so important to the hohols that they control the Donbass – why they are willing to lose hundreds of thousands of men in order to conquer this territory – and it is because Zelensky told them the anuses of the young boys who live there are “extra juicy.”

Seriously – why else would they care? It makes no sense unless you consider that the Ukraine is an anal country, totally obsessed with ass

Look into Azov. This is a satanic death cult that is completely fixated on gay anal

Also, go look at the Ukraine flag on Twitter – they are always coupled with the homosexual pedophile “rainbow” flag

It is child abuse to allow children to stay in the Ukraine. Russia should be kidnapping children directly from their parents and sending them to Russia, but instead they only take ones without parents, and the ICC says they should just leave them to die or get analized

It’s sick

Padraig Martin #wingnut #transphobia #fundie #racist #sexist #elitist identitydixie.com

[From "Our Ungodly American Constitution"]

Transgenderism was always equality’s final battlefield[…]The idea that the sexes are mutable was an inevitability once we – as a society – subscribed to the ungodly notion that we are all “equal”[…]
The greatest fault of the Constitution is the following: through the amendment and legislative process, the Constitution is grounded in nothing but the collective whims of the majority[…]
God did not make us equals[…]Galatians 3:28[…]verse was referring to equality under the law – specifically the laws of God[…]Those who are not Christians do not enjoy the benefit of this new relationship between God and Christians[…]
Even if it was not the original intention of the majority Christian Founding Fathers[…]Constitution codified equality of good (Christianity) and bad[…]
The next great failure of the Constitution was its lack of codified racial distinctions. The Constitution was written by White Christian men (some Deists) in a time when Europe was the dominant continent[…]The idea of Asian, African, or Indian equality was never considered by the authors[…]
God created physical nations. God intended those nations to remain distinct[…]
Until the 14th Amendment, the Constitution and the Bible largely complemented one another[…]
When the greatest threat to one’s survival is a swift cheetah, God created people who are not sitting around dwelling upon esoteric concepts in a subdued state getting sun burned all day[…]
Jim Crow Laws in the South tried to reconcile the federal Constitution’s “equality under the law” with the God given genetic reality[…]
God given genetic construct of black people makes it more difficult for them to function under White systems of government[…]
Constitutional Republic completely unravels on the altar of equality when it is sacrificed to the emotional appeal and dictates of women

Lance Wallnau #fundie facebook.com

[In response to Trump’s indictment. Emphasis added.]

Why is the devil doing what the devil is doing? Because he’s manifesting because he knows he only has a limited time. Satan’s whole anti-Christ activity is him trying to consolidate control because he knows he’s about to lose everything. So, you have to really reinterpret what’s going on in the news, watching what’s happening with Donald Trump.

This is the time for the imprecatory prayers that would be answered, which is going to be, “May they fall into the pit that they have dug.” What would that look like? Well, it could be that there’s such an outrageous backlash over the clear political persecution of an innocent political candidate that we’re really becoming like a Venezuela or a Soviet Union where we find a crime to lock up or assassinate our political rivals. The American people won’t put up with it.

The elites in Washington, well, they shrug their shoulders. They’re happy that this is happening, but I’ve been listening to prophecies lately about sudden deaths, and it looks to me like there could be some sudden deaths coming in May. In May, you’re going to see some of the disciplinary hand of God come down upon those people that have been standing in the path of what he wants to do.

Vox Day #fundie #dunning-kruger voxday.net

[From "Another Nail in Darwin’s Coffin"]

One variable that is unaccounted for in my mathematical proof of the impossibility of evolution by natural selection is the way in which close genetic relations are observed to reduce life expectancies rather than enhance them. And yet, it significantly strengthens my argument

A 2013 study in the Lancet reported that when first cousins reproduce, the baby’s risk of congenital problems such as heart and lung defects, cleft palettes, and extra fingers doubles[…]

The significance of this factor is that if a theoretically-advantageous mutation takes place, then the mutated specimens must breed with other identically-mutated specimens in order for the mutation to eventually become fixed. In other words, the children and cousins of the original mutated specimen must interbreed, and have such an advantage over non-mutated specimens that the intrinsic disadvantages of inbreeding are overcome to such an extent as to fix the mutation across the entire population

However, it is observed that closely-related specimens have a significant built-in DISADVANTAGE with regards to attributes and life expectancies, and therefore, presumably, fitness as well. It would be very useful to learn the average extent to which inbreeding conveys a disadvantage with regards to fertility, as that alone might be sufficient to statistically falsify neo-Darwinian theory

Given the numerous observed disadvantages of genetic inbreeding, it is very highly improbable that whatever advantage is conveyed by any one mutation will overcome the inherent disadvantages conveyed with it. Which provides further evidence that the theory of evolution by natural selection is not only false, but is obviously absurd

UPDATE: The rhetorical version

Pradeep Pathak, Mataprasad Pandey, Suresh Paswan, Kanu Acharjee and Raju Baba #fundie #psycho indianexpress.com

FOUR YEARS after the headless body of a woman was found close to Guwahati’s Kamakhya Temple, the Assam police have arrested five men in what they state was a case of human sacrifice

The body was found wrapped in a blanket on the steps of Jai Durga Temple, about a kilometre from the Kamakhya Temple. Commissioner of Police, Guwahati, Diganta Borah said the prime accused is Pradeep Pathak (52), a government employee from Uttar Pradesh’s Mathura district, who planned the killing as an “offering” to Goddess Kamakhya

The other accused are Mataprasad Pandey (50), who was arrested from a temple in Madhya Pradesh’s Jabalpur, Suresh Paswan (56) from Guwahati, Kanu Acharjee alias Kanu Tantrik (62), who performs puja at Bhootnath cremation ground in Guwahati, and Raju Baba alias Bhaiyaram Maoreya (60), who also frequents Bhootnath[…]
The body was identified as 64-year-old Santi Shaw from Hoohgly district of West Bengal who had travelled to Guwahati for the Ambubachi festival. Santi’s son Suresh Shaw identified her after he saw the news of recovery of a headless body near the temple

The case was revisited this year as part of the Assam police’s ongoing drive to resolve cold cases. “During investigation, we found this was a case of human sacrifice to please Maa Kamakhya. Pradeep Pathak had some tantric beliefs. His brother, a naga sadhu, had died 11 years ago on June 18 and Pradeep wanted to perform a kapali puja on same day in memory of his brother,” said Borah

Sha'i ben-Tekoa #wingnut #sexist #homophobia #transphobia #fundie americanthinker.com

If the Nobel Prize Committee had the category of Most Influential Invention of the Last Century, one candidate might be the Pill, the contraceptive that came into widespread use in the 1960s and triggered a chain reaction of one tectonic, societal earthquake after another. I was a college student at the time and watched it happen.

If you want to know the origin of today’s sexual madness—”What’s your pronoun?” Little boys get castrated; pubescent girls undergo double mastectomies, and drag queens entertain American kindergarten kids.—it all began with the Pill that re-configured the relationship between men and women as never before since the Garden of Eden.

The Pill’s advent ignited a tsunami of fornication, a.k.a. premarital sex and adultery, that led to a further tsunami of millions of couples divorcing, the invention of no-fault divorce, millions of tears, and millions of broken families.

The Pill produced “Women’s Lib” and women like Hillary “Lady Macbeth” Clinton, who sneered at motherhood and wanted a “career” just like a man.
The Pill has produced a society that is dizzy with the fantasy that there is such a thing as “gender” (outside of grammar), let alone transgender, which is nothing but the old transvestism explicitly forbidden in the Jewish Bible right alongside male-to-male sodomy. The divine genius of the story of Sodom and Gomorrah is that this is how societies die, via sexual abandon and sexual perversion, a couplet no longer permissible in the politically correct generation of the “woke.”
There is also a connection between the loss of a sense of right and wrong in matters of sex, and right and wrong in other activities, such as the FBI. In that institution, we’ve learned that the agents protecting the sexual perversity of the son of the President of the United States and the first family’s influence-peddling among the communists, have also allegedly led to hundreds of intramural sex harassment cases amongst agency employees.

Alexander Iulianus #fundie twitter.com

Aztec metaphysics being fundamentally monist and much alike to Platonism and Vedanta evidences the truth of the doctrine. It is universally observed, unveiled in their particular contexts.

It also opens up Aztec religion to deeper inspection via Platonic understanding.

Wayne Allyn Root #conspiracy #fundie #wingnut thegatewaypundit.com

WAYNE ROOT: No, Trump Isn’t Jesus Christ, but Democrats Sure are Persecuting Him like Jesus. Here’s Why.

Trump is NOT Jesus Christ. He is human. Perhaps super-human. But nonetheless, human. He is not a God. I know that. But Democrats don’t seem to know it. They treat him like Jesus. They persecute him like Jesus.

And for the same reasons too – Trump threatens the status quo…he threatens the government…he threatens the Deep State and DC Swamp…he threatens their gravy train…he threatens their lock on power and control…he represents change. The people in power (who have all the power and all the money) don’t like change.

Cameron Sexton #fundie #wingnut #elitist tennesseelookout.com

The top Republican in Tennessee’s House called Thursday’s protests over gun violence at the Tennessee Capitol an “insurrection,” drawing comparisons to the storming of the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.

House Speaker Cameron Sexton, R-Crossville, made the comments during an appearance on the Hal Show on 98.7 FM.

“Two of the members, Reps. (Justin) Jones and (Gloria) Johnson, have been very vocal about Jan. 6 in Washington, D.C., about what that was,” Sexton said. “What they did today was at least equivalent, maybe worse, depending on how you look at it, of doing an insurrection in the capitol.”

House Democratic leaders on Friday said Sexton is trying to “change the narrative” and demanded Republicans issue an apology for referring to parents and children who went to the Capitol as “insurrectionists.”

More than a thousand people, including many teenagers, showed up to the Tennessee Capitol calling for lawmakers to address gun violence after six people were killed — including three children — in a mass shooting at the Covenant School in Nashville.

Protesters started their rally in front of the State Capitol at War Memorial Plaza at 8 a.m. They then proceeded to the statehouse shortly afterward, entering in an orderly manner and passing through a security point operated by Tennessee State Troopers.

The demonstrations in Nashville on Thursday were not violent, and the Tennessee Department of Safety and Homeland Security said no arrests were made, no use of force incidents were reported and no property was damaged.

Larry Tomczak #transphobia #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy #sexist charismanews.com

Malevolent forces in our culture work through radical progressives, Hollywood, the music industry and social media to lure impressionable, peer-dependent youth.

Gender dysphoria (confusion/discomfort with one's biological sex) has always existed, but now the problem is exploding as Satan exploits it to destroy our precious young people. I've advised parents to watch a documentary on the life of famous singer Karen Carpenter. She was praised by her peers as possessing the purest voice of her generation (36 million record sales) yet she deceived herself at 90 lbs. that she was fat and starved herself to death at 32.

4 Steps to Stop Seduction

1. Spiritual warfare. As parents and pastors, we must remain steadfast in intercessory prayer on behalf of our young people. We have power over the evil one who is a defeated foe! We must exercise our authority, resist the devil and "cast out demons" in Jesus Name.

March CM Cover2. Stand guard. We must be "watchmen on the wall" safeguarding our families from ungodly influences. We must "give no opportunity to the devil" to work through computers, iPhones, cable, TV, music, books, magazines and friends who don't share a clear-cut biblical worldview. "He who walks with the wise will be wise, but a companion of fools suffers harm." (Prov. 13:20).

3. Stop deception. In school and church settings, survey and stop any unbiblical teaching about sexuality and gender selection. God is our Creator and He made us "male and female" and that's not left up to us to decide!

4. Showcase masculinity and femininity. Contrary to what our culture puts forth, God designed men and women with different traits and roles that our children need to see so they can emulate. Learn what scripture teaches about men and women, and then live your life to the fullest according to God's magnificent design.

pope_head #dunning-kruger #fundie #racist #wingnut twitter.com

This images is one of the biggest anti christian psyops in history


the methodology behind this "reconstruction" is some guy just picked a random skull from the area and time in which Christ lived, did an artistic "reconstruction of what he might have looked like" and now its framed as a "scientific depiction"

frame something as scientific and literally any midwit will eat it up. this reconstruction wasn't "scientific" and the "scientist" was actually an artist.

scientists in the future: "behold, by analyzing a skull from the early 21st century, we have successfully recreated a scientifically accurate image of Donald trump:


this is literally what the "scientist" did with the recreation of Christ

they did everything they could to make him look like a bumbling retard. nobodies is going to believe this guy is GOD. (not that what he looked like matters, but its obvious this was a purposeful psychic attack to turn people off subconsciously)


this is what Christ looked like, if you disagree, cope and seethe freak


He may not have looked exactly like this but he was native to modern day palestine, so he definitely wasn't pale, blonde and with blue eyes.

never once said he had blue eyes. Im convinced you people have never met an old blooded pre Arab invasion levantine before


A 100% Levantine Canaanite Christian DNA Test from Lebanon


oh yeah, and Muhammad is described as having red hair and white skin, here is one of his ancestors. the fact that many of you have no understanding of middle eastern genetics is hilarious to me


sorry descendants, its early

The Aureus Press & Alexander Iulianus #dunning-kruger #fundie twitter.com

(The Aureus Press)
So quantum physicists are reaching NeoPlatonic conclusions, which is good, but what they are saying is being latched onto by 'space doesn't exist' gheylords, which is bad.

Why More Physicists Are Starting to Think Space and Time Are ‘Illusions’

(Alexander Iulianus)
The incessant pursuit of empiricism was lauded by atheists for its promise of finally destroying religious superstition and put in its place a robustly godless account of reality free from divinity.

Sadly for them, Platonism is true, and awaited them at the end of empiricism.

Prayer M. Madueke #fundie #magick #mammon amazon.com

★Hidden secrets of Marine spirit exposed with dangerous deliverance prayers to destroy these demonic water spirits!★
Some of the principalities that did not keep their first estate and habitation but entered into the waters when they were defeated by angels loyal to God are referred to as Marine spirits. They have millions of evil spirits under their control both on land and in the sea troubling mankind.

Almost all the mysterious happenings on earth emanates from the principalities in charge of the marine kingdom also referred to as water spirits. Though they operate on land to cause havoc but their main domain here on earth is in the sea where they attempt to control everything in the sea. (Mark 5:1-18).

In times of attack against humanity, they go in legions, about two thousand in number with all manner of problems. You need this book to wrestle against them in other to fulfill your destiny.

The existence of the satanic marine kingdom is as real as the sun and moon in the sky. Unfortunately, while active satanic worshipers interact regularly and spend time in this kingdom, many church Pastors and Christians are totally ignorant of its existence and activities on earth

You can't afford to lose spiritual battles anymore, you must possess your destiny, you will learn the subtle destructive moves of the Marine Kingdom. You will reverse every damage done by Water Spirits. This is freedom calling on you to embrace and implement for you and your Family.

FREE BONUS! Get my four power-packed book series when you purchase this book.
Including one of my best-sellers: Command the Morning, Day and Night.
( Find link inside this book )

Bride Ministries #fundie #magick #ufo #quack #conspiracy bridemovement.com

Father God I come before you in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. I confess that on my behalf, both with and without my consent, evil grids have been established relative to my life. I confess that these evil grids have entangled me (alters, fragments, shards, splinters, blood, DNA, RNA, sounds, frequencies and realms) with powers of darkness, evil realms, composite entities engineered with components of my DNA, members of my bloodlines and their parts past, present, and future, and have granted me and my parts access to powers and abilities from the kingdom of darkness. <...>
Furthermore, I renounce the evil grids and all power, authority, status, prestige, and inheritance associated with them now. I also call every part of me, down to my sub-quantum components, stationed over my grids in lordship, or any ruling capacity whatsoever, fired in the name of Jesus, along with all backups, duplicates, replicas, derivatives, replacement, impersonators, stand-ins, ancestors, merfolk, hybrids, clones, twins, mirror images, holograms, Artificial Intelligence replicas, archived memories, spirit children or composite entities containing my DNA and/or RNA.
I declare the complete release from my grids, not only of humanity, but of inheritances, legacies, birth rights, agendas, geographies, governments, shadow governments, nations, moons, stones, trees, mountains, stars, planets, galaxies, constellations, universes, constructs, blueprints, and components of creation bound up in my grids now, and declare your kingship and eternal rule over everything that was entangled with (or subjugated by) my grids. I now move to forgive myself for all the evil, harm, and disruption that was imposed by my grids against your creation. I furthermore command and receive the cleansing and reinstatement of all formerly compromised components of my God-ordained inheritance, legacy, blood, DNA, RNA, plasma, and birthright.

Harmonica #transphobia #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy identitydixie.com

[From "The Blood of the Tennessean Martyrs"]

I am writing this shortly after a transgender maniac murdered six Christians – three of them children – at a Christian school in Nashville[…]A great deal of information is still coming out and, as such, I can only verify what information is available as of this writing. And while small details may change, I am prepared to stand by the contents of this article

First and foremost, I want to express my condolences to the families of the lives lost in Nashville[…]
With that being said, and in no way to make light of this evil, the events of March 27, 2023, represent a turning point in the “transgender” debate, one that I feared would arrive. Christians were targeted by a deranged woman, under the delusion that she was a man, because, as Christians, we cannot abide by her sickness. We do not do so out of hatred for her, or those like her, but out of love. To admonish the sinner is an act of love[…]
The transgender movement has been rapidly radicalizing for the past decade. What was once considered a fringe movement (even on the Left) has captured the commanding heights of both the federal government and the wider American culture. Almost overnight, the Overton Window went from “eh, leave them alone” to Drag Queen Story Hour, biological men playing female sports, puberty blockers given out like candy to miserable young people, and the mutilation of children’s bodies[…]
As of right now, there is a so-called “Trans Day of Vengeance” – a day to “stop trans genocide” – planned on April 1, 2023[…]
This should go without saying, but do not Fedpost[…]
The Authentic Right should also not underestimate the media’s ability to memory hole this entire situation, they already are doing it with this one[…]
Keep your wits about you, never stop advocating for Christianity and civilization, and, very critically, prepare to defend yourselves. Most of all, pray

Rep. Burchett, McCarthy, Scalise, Donalds, US Congress #dunning-kruger #fundie #pratt #wingnut washingtonpost.com

[Title: What top Republican lawmakers said about the Nashville school shooting]
Tim Burchett was asked by reporters how Congress might respond to the mass killing Monday at a private school in Nashville. It was tragic, he told them, but there was nothing the lawmakers could do[...]
“We’re not going to fix it,” [...] “I don’t see any real role that we could do other than mess things up, honestly.”
GOP leaders repeatedly deflected questions about what action from Congress might help prevent the murder of schoolchildren and their adult caretakers by heavily armed shooters.
Kevin McCarthy [...] said later that he wanted to see “all the facts” before discussing it. Several other Republicans stuck to that now-familiar script, suggesting it was inappropriate for lawmakers to debate gun violence until more facts came in. What facts were missing in this case, they didn’t say.
Tim Burchett [...] "So it’s a horrible, horrible situation. [...] I don’t think a criminal is going to stop from guns [...] I don’t think you’re going to stop the gun violence. I think you’ve got to change people’s hearts. You know, as a Christian, as we talk about in the church — and I’ve said this many times — I think we really need a revival in this country."
He also fielded a question about how to protect children like his daughter, who is school-aged, from gun violence.
“Well,” Burchett said “we home-school her.”
Steve Scalise [...] "I do is, I pray. I pray for the victims, pray for their families. I really get angry when I see people trying to politicize it for their own personal agenda, especially when we don’t even know the facts, there are facts coming out."
Byron Donalds [...] “If you’re going to talk about the AR-15, you’re talking politics now,” Donalds said. “So, again, if we’re going to talk solutions, let’s talk solutions. Let’s not get into politics.”

Mike Adams the Health Ranger #wingnut #fundie #conspiracy #transphobia naturalnews.com

I believe that Trump’s indictment by power-crazed Democrats is yet another necessary step for the trial by fire that will see America rise up against tyranny, censorship, election rigging and the demonic infestation of the Left that has produced child grooming, transgenderism, trans terrorism and widespread psychological trauma.

The world needed to see the insanity of the Democrats as they not only rigged the election against Trump (and America) but are even now trying to put him behind bars… just as Democrats themselves are never prosecuted for serious crimes, including bribery, human trafficking and treason.
In my opinion, Trump has been too self-centered and tone deaf to the systematic oppression of his own supporters. For years into his first administration, Trump seemed to be wholly unaware that his own supporters were being censored, deplatformed and de-monetized across nearly all tech platforms. Even today, Trump still does not understand that his Operation Warp Speed has resulted in the killing and maiming of millions of innocent Americans.

For Trump to be the leader that America needs, he must be willing to be nailed to the cross (so to speak) and show that he is willing to put his own neck on the line to take a stand for America. Trump must also learn to reject the establishment traitors and deep state goons that characterized his first administration.
This may be God’s plan, yet only Trump himself can decide if he will undergo the “Hero’s Journey” transformation necessary to become the revolutionary leader that America needs.

In effect, Trump must transcend Trump if he is to be a true leader for America’s restoration. (George Washington transcended Washington, by the way, and became a servant of God to achieve God’s plan for America as a Christian-founded nation).

Personally, I will not vote for Donald Trump the man. I will vote only for Donald Trump as a servant of God’s plan for America.

Edward Szall #fundie #transphobia #homophobia #forced-birth rightwingwatch.org

“We’re gonna limit internet access,” Szall declared. “You know who taught me this lesson recently? The frickin’ Taliban.”

“We export a lot of things here in the West,” Szall continued. “We export our sin. The first thing we do [when] we go into a country, we try to make sure they have abortion legalized, and we try to make sure that they’re not able to criminalize homosexuality. Well, the third thing we do is we export the internet to them, internet access.”

“We make a lot of bones about China being tyrannical and terrible,” he added. “China limits the access of their citizens to the internet. … North Korea is actually a very conservative society. There’s no such thing as a homosexual, an open homosexual in North Korea, no such thing as abortion. The North Koreans are very conservative; they’re tyrannical but conservative.”

“What we’re exporting, what we’re making available to people is a gateway to sin,” Szall proclaimed. “We need to, in the wake of a mentally ill epidemic, limit the access to the drug. One of the drugs here is more information about where you can change your gender, change your identity, think about life differently. No, how about we limit the access of free thought in this respect and instead raise children up in the way they must go?”

Theodore Colon #crackpot #fundie #ufo #magick #conspiracy operationdisclosureofficial.com

Did the book of Enoch describe; Gobekli Tepe’s; builders being the Annunaki and the residents being the Watchers?

From its initial discovery in 1994, ancient Anatolia’s Göbekli Tepe has closely guarded a mysterious secret.

Although the secret has been scrutinized and probed in great detail, the answer still remains elusive.

Could it relate to Enoch’s stone records hidden in the bowels of the earth?

Almost 12,000 years ago a previously unknown but sophisticated people accomplished what was considered to be, for their time at least, a seemingly impossible feat of megalithic construction.
Given the fact that archaeologists have discovered the nearby quarry where the intriguing pillars of Göbekli Tepe were hewn out of the limestone bedrock, as well as thousands of flint and obsidian tools used to carve the great stones, the “how” question is addressed as well.
A Red-Pill moment; if Metatron was Enoch, and possibly Thoch the winged bird head God of Eygpt.

Stone carvings at Gobekli Tepe of a Bird; I think it is called a Vulture.

I started to see a pattern of common themes forming; connecting Atlantis, Gobekli Tepe, Pyramids, Egypt, Thoch, and Aliens.

It maybe connected to humanity’s creation in the Garden of Eden and the secrets Adam passed to his son Seth, the founder of an angelic race called the Sethites. And could lead to the discovery of the Garden of Eden and the remains of the Tree of Life–in the same sacred region where Göbekli Tepe is being uncovered today.

A life-destroying global flood, sent by God to punish human wicked?

“A great flood and all evidence hidden under a thick layer of mud.”

What motivated them? Does Göbekli Tepe represent a sudden and unexpected major step forward in human evolution—a kind of artistic and creative quantum leap? Did the builders develop the technical skills all on their own? Or are there other factors involved?

Kathy Schroeder #fundie thesun.ie

AS one of cult leader David Koresh’s trusted lieutenants, Kathy Schroeder handed out guns and ammunition to kids during the Waco siege, which ended in 86 deaths – 28 of them children

Now, 30 years on from the deadly stand-off, the mum of four has controversially insisted that she still believes in the teachings of the charismatic preacher, who claimed he was the second coming of Christ

In a new Netflix documentary, Waco: American Apocalypse, the cult’s survivors and agents involved in the 51-day siege at a remote Texan ranch recall the horrifying events which ended in an enormous fireball on April 19, 1993

And Kathy makes a twisted defence of child sex abuse by Koresh, who took a 14-year-old as one of his many wives and was accused of having sex with girls as young as ten

Kathy, now 60, says: “People think that a man having sex with a lot of underage girls is a crime and in conventional wisdom that could probably very well be true

“However, these weren’t underage girls, because you come of age at 12. So all these girls were adults in our belief system”

Three decades after he brainwashed her, Kathy still defends Koresh’s abuse of women

She says: “Every single one of us was married to David because David was our Christ giving us the truths from God. The whole time we were having sex it was a bible study

“He did it to give me that one little bit of tenderness with my God”

admin #fundie faithfoundedonfact.com

Have you seen this Bible Contradictions Chart posted on the internet? Did you ever wonder how anybody could conclude the Bible had all these contradictions? It’s designed to be fully interactive so you can click on it and see the different contradictions in the Bible. But they missed something. And it’s a really big problem for Atheists.
We’ll get to it very soon.
The Bible is an anvil that has worn out many hammers
-Unknown author

It looks like it was done the same way we’ve seen all the other Bible Contradictionists do it.
That’s why they’re always wrong. They’ve yet to prove a single real Bible contradiction -and here’s why:
(1) They seem to have made assumptions based on preconceived notions.
(2) They appear to have accepted their preconceptions uncritically with no use of logic or reason.
(3) They apparently never considered any other possibilities or other evidence –including opposing evidence.
(4) It looks like they didn’t even engage any experts in the field.
(5)There’s no indication they even read the Bible verses they cited to see if they made sense.
(6) Finally, there’s little evidence they did any research to back up their claims.
So all they’ve got is a flimsy assertion based on blind faith. So flimsy that it’s super easy to lay bare the errors and inconsistencies -as you will soon see.
You wonder why they would risk the shame, humiliation and embarrassment of being so wrong.
It would have been so easy to get it right if they’d just done a little homework.
The truth –as you will soon see- is that the contradictionists succeeded only in fooling themselves and –maybe- leading a few of their most naïve and credulous readers astray.


Where are all the contradictions?

A critical analysis of the so-called Bible Contradictions reveals the soft underbelly of the original contradictions claim.

Because –as has been shown here and here and here– the true number of Bible Contradictions is –in fact- Zero.

So whether the claim is of Irrefutable Bible Contradictions, Bible Contradictions that Cannot be Answered, or Biggest Contradictions in the Bible, an honest look confirms that the real number of Bible contradictions is Zero.

Zero. That’s the real number of Contradictions in the Bible. Yes, Zero.

Susan Bradford #wingnut #conspiracy #fundie stateofthenation.co

Mark Cuban. George Soros. Jared Kushner. Their names and presence on the world stage are ubiquitous. Far from being shrewd business executives and “entrepreneurs,” these men are among a small group of individuals driving an agenda launched after World War II and promoted at the World Economic Forum.

The agenda is Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars (SWQW),which was conceived by Prince Philip and the Rothschilds and set in motion with the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II in 1953. At heart, SWQW seeks to consolidate global wealth and power under the Vatican, which contracts and coordinates government contracting and public-private partnerships throughout the world.

The Vatican falsely established itself as God’s temporal power on Earth through a materialistic interpretation of the Bible – that of a physical unification of the world under the Holy See –in direct violation of Jesus’ prescription for a spiritual unity under the Creator. What the faithful established, including, for example, common law – or one’s “God-given rights,” the Vatican and Rothschilds have sought to take away.

Since the Napoleonic Wars the Vatican has been rendered financially dependent upon the Rothschild bankers and therefore, Rothschild-controlled.

Inspired by the Rational Enlightenment, which was Godless and Chinese in origins, the Rothschilds sought to maximize efficiency and eliminate waste in all matters while enjoying unbridled opulence for themselves.
Eventually city planners, managers, and law enforcement would be replaced with automation which would manage the populations through artificial intelligence.

People would be shuttered into 15-minute cities where they would live in modest, coffin-sized apartments, like caged animals, whose every vital sign, movement, thought, and deed was monitored by an AI “God” and assigned a value that could be judged to determine the value of that person to the self-perpetuating system.

Stew Peters #fundie #homophobia rumble.com

There are a lot of Christians in the world, but there’s only a handful of countries that actually still pass laws reflecting Christian teachings. One of those countries though is the central African nation of Uganda. Uganda’s legislature just approved a new law; that law criminalizes gay marriage and the homosexual lifestyle and imposes the death penalty for pedophiles. Yes, it’s now illegal, it’s a crime to be a depraved and demonic Hershey-highway-riding, pillow-biting butt-pirate and if you touch our kids, we’ll kill you. Perfect. Absolutely based. 100% awesome.

Rev. Matthew Trewhella #fundie #wingnut #psycho rawstory.com

In Wisconsin, far-right social conservative Dan Kelly is competing with liberal Milwaukee County Circuit Judge Janet Protasiewicz for a seat on the state's supreme court[…]
Now, Protasiewicz is calling Kelly out for making a virtual appearance at a Tuesday, March 21 event with the Rev. Matthew Trewhella[…]In 1990, Trewhella founded a Milwaukee-based group called Missionaries to the Unborn, and he has a long history of promoting violence

Back in 1994, Trewhella said, "I don't condemn people who use force to try to protect babies[…]If someone used force against him, would I condemn the person for stopping Mengele from all the atrocities he did?"[…]
Trewhella is a long-time supporter of the militia movement[…]At a 1994 event[…]Trewhella[…]said, "Our government wants to disarm us. What should we do? We should do what thousands of people across this nation are doing; we should be forming militias… Churches can form militia days and teach their men how to fight"[…]
Many years later, according to the the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Trewhella has not softened his rhetoric. At the March 21 event — which was held at the Calvary Assembly of God in Wilson, Wisconsin — told the crowd, "You cannot appease tyrants. You have to defeat them[…]If you keep accommodating yourself — guess what? — you'll be swallowed up by evil. It will be too late, and then, bloody revolution is the only option left"

Kelly, the Journal Sentinel's Molly Beck reports, was not physically present at the Calvary Assembly of God. But after Trewhella's speech, Kelly spoke virtually for 20 minutes

In 1993, according to Newsweek, Trewhella signed a statement describing the murder of David Gunn, an abortion doctor in Pensacola, Florida, as "justifiable homicide"

Jim Caviezel #fundie #sexist #wingnut lifesitenews.com

He was asked by the publication Sembrar, “in your judgment, what is the greatest moral defect of the western world?”

“Abortion, without any doubt,” answered Caviezel. “As Mother Theresa said, ‘abortion will end up bringing the world to nuclear war’. When a man kills a man in a war situation, it is bad, very sad.  Attila [the Hun] went further.  He said ‘not only am I going to kill men, but also women and children.’  He raised the bar to another level.”

However, added Caviezel, “abortion goes much further: when the mother herself kills her son she goes against her own nature, against her own instinct.  People talk about ‘choice’, but when a woman does that, when she destroys the life of her unborn child, then we have arrived at the limit.  The level cannot go higher regarding evil.”

Whiplash347 #wingnut #fundie #conspiracy #mammon t.me

Sequence drop. Q1245
Pre-cursor Turkey - Home of Ashkenazi.
1️⃣ - Turkey> Roman & Ottoman Empire, United Nations buildings hit.
Turkey will flip on NATO.

2️⃣ - SAUDI to decouple from USD & join BRICS. House Of Saud comes from Turkey originally. MBS flipped.
ISRAEL will attack Medina/Mecca
Rise of the IMAM MAHDI. The one who Unites all ISLAM together to take down the Anti-Christ in Israel. Saudi Arabia repaired Relationship with Syria [Sunni & Shi"ites]
[Hashemite Kingdom] original owners of Mecca prior to House of Saud War.
King Of Jordan mentioning reforming Hashemite Kingdom. #GreatProphet17
MBS/King Of Jordan will unite all of the Middle East then take down the Anti-Christ. Controllers in Israel.

3️⃣- NK 4th Beast Daniel 7 3.
China/Taiwan, Russia>Japan Kuril Islands. ChongQing Dams, 3GD, BTC Data Center, Wuhan Labs, Tiananmen Square. PACIFIC NAVAL BLOCKADE [Daniel 7 2-3] 4 Carriers In The Pacific [AUSTRALIA]🚫
Daniel 10: 2-3 Food coming off the shelves. Ports closed, Diesel cut off, Trucks Stop, Petrol skyrockets.
Ramadan - Fasting, Israel not eating food.
Biblical Flood 40 days 6 week closure.
Get food that lasts people.
Everything that is bad will not return to shelves. TESLA ELECTRIC TRUCKS⚡️

⭕️Kiev Falls - Poseidon to Sudzha Pipeline.
Crashes Oil & Gas companies on NYSE. BP & Royal Dutch SHELL etc
Here is the big key. 347 > 3/31/2023
March 31 & April 1
Qagg.news had a countdown to March 31. VK said March is last month of 2022. Trump says April 1.
Romanov Project April 1 [Closing The Gates]
State Bank Of Russia going live April 1
Q drop MOAB [A] Global Currency Reset + Declas + Precious Metal Standard + Quantum Gesara.

5️⃣- Iran [Regime Change]? OBL?
Israel Reversal of Balfour Declaration. IMAM MAHDI + the rest of the World will all turn on ISRAEL [ANTICHRIST] & ENGLAND. #GreatProphet17
Daniel 12 1. GENERAL MICHAEL FLYNN will lead the Armies.
The GOOD PEOPLE of ISRAEL have the Power.

John Horvat II #wingnut #elitist #fundie returntoorder.org

People love to attack every type of false elite. Whether it be power, Hollywood, beltway and coastal elites, they all inhabit different swamps and use their influence to gain control. The populists point to these elites as the cause of many problems afflicting the nation. Throw them out! they cry, pitchforks in hand.

Of course, many complaints against these false elites are valid. They abuse their positions and power for their own interest. The decline of elites is part of the general decadence that has descended upon all society

However, the real problem is that the radical populists do not stop at false elites. They insist that all elites be swept away, including authentic and legitimate ones, in the name of “the people.” No elites, they pontificate.

Such a position is irrational. No human group—a family, community, church or nation—can function properly and achieve its goals unless a class of people—the leadership—acts with reason, prudence and dedicated self-sacrifice, providing motivation and direction to the whole. A people bereft of legitimate, devoted and trusted leaders is a children’s crusade. It is a delusion doomed for destruction on the hard and jagged rocks of reality.
If America is a major power in the world today, someone is directing the nation. A hidden network of true elites exists at all levels of society that sustains the present system. Call them what you will—leaders, representative characters, mentors, or movers. These true elites get things done and make decisions that prevent disaster.
This mentality prepares the way for leftists, demagogues, corrupt politicians and bureaucrats to fill the void—as seen in the current political scene.
It would be refreshing to imagine those who agree to be models and hold themselves up to moral and cultural standards worthy of imitation. Seeing courtesy, honor and civility once more revered in society would be a relief.

The Great Delusion #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy #ufo #magick thegreatdelusion.com

The Galactic Federation (Lucifer and his confederates) puts a heavy emphasis on symbols of light and energy. For this reason it is reasonable to expect them to publicly reveal themselves worldwide on a Sunday.

The day of the week known as “Sunday” has its roots in Greek and Roman paganism. The day was dedicated to the worship of the sun gods that pagans considered the source of all life and energy (names included Apollo, Apollyon, Phoebus, Helios, Sol Invictus, etc).
The second most likely day of the week for the Arrival would be Wednesday. Wednesdays are associated with peak UFO activity and is also the day attributed to the demon Ashtaroth – also known as Commander Ashtar of the Ashtar Command.

Regardless of the exact day of the week the Arrival happens on, Sunday will eventually play an integral role in the Great Delusion.
Government leaders and alien spokespersons from the Galactic Federation will address humanity and will proclaim a message of peace and prosperity. They will condemn war, poverty, corruption and environmental damage. Finally, they will likely elude to an existential threat to humanity that necessitated this sudden intervention.

With the approval and cooperation of global leaders, the greatest disinformation campaign will be launched against humanity.
After the initial shock of the alien arrival has subsided slightly, and the narrative has been set, full disclosure will begin. These beings will come from a variety of different alien races that comprise membership in an extraterrestrial organization called the Galactic Federation (or something similar).

Andromedans, Arcturians and Pleiadians are just a few of the alien races that these beings might claim to be. Some of these beings will also include the apostate Sons of God, fallen angels that appear humanoid but possess superior abilities and wield technology so advanced that it may appear like magic, even to our modern society.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Satan is laughing at all the gullible women who kill their own baby.

If you ask people why they do the things they do in life, they will give you sensible sounding reasons which seem to explain their decisions. We like to believe that we exercise sound judgment, especially in the important decisions of our lives.

I think that this is rarely true. I think that standard operating procedure for human decision making is to do what feels right to you at the time, and then to give logical sounding justifications for what you were already going to do anyway, whether you had justifications or not.

So, if you are pregnant, and want to get an abortion, you will be able to give any number of reasonable sounding explanations why this is the right decision. You're not ready to be a parent, or you need to finish your education or get to a better point in your career, or you don't have enough money, etc.

If instead you want to keep the baby, you will explain how even though you will have some extra difficulties due to the lack of money or whatever, you will certainly be up to the challenge to make your life work with the baby, how being a parent will be good for you, what a great parent you'll make, how it will bring you and the father closer together, and so on. In either case, none of these will be the real reason for your decision. The real reason for your decision will always be, "I did it because I wanted to do it." END

The Rev. Steven Roland #fundie simplychristian.shoutwiki.com

Sermon 8: Staying Vigilant

By The Rev. Steven Roland

I’m beyond blessed to be sharing the Word with everyone here again. I want everyone here to be aware of this. If what I say does not match up with God’s Word, chuck it. If it’s in line with God’s Word, then keep it. God and His Word are one and the same and is the ultimate authority, not me or any other pastor.

There are many threats after our young people these days. The Xboxes and iPads and the internet are all competing with parents and God for our kids’ attentions. The PRC has kids so addicted to TikTok that they can’t even pay attention to something for more than one minute and instead stay glued to these videos of weird sexually suggestive dances and other sinful or otherwise distracting content. YOU MUST KEEP YOUR CHILDREN IN THE FAITH AND OUT OF THE CLUTCHES OF THE PRC AND WESTERN SINFUL WOKE LIBERALS AS WELL! CAN I GET AN AMEN?!!!!

Our children are being exposed to pornography at an early age. One such example is this wicked sinful modification of an already occult game called “Doki Doki Blue Skies” that features both Ouija boards and pornographic depictions of two of the female characters! It’s a lurid lustful insidious wicked abomination!!!! If you aren’t aware of what your kids are up to, how are you to keep them in a walk with Christ?!!! Kids see porn online and then they start thinking they can change genders or even species! Transsexuals and “furries” are after your kids!! Stay vigilant in Christ!

This applies to adults too!! “March Madness” is upon us and adults are going to sports bars and indulging in unhealthy foods and alcohol and going home to indulge in non-medical cannabis and other drugs!!!! They have sports and sports stars as false idols or they go to cinemas to partake in celebrity worship or to concerts like those of overweight over the hill washed up socialist rocker Bruce Springsteen! Paying $5,000! Then going home and ingesting more cannabis! CANNABIS IS ONLY APPROVED BY GOD FOR MEDICAL USE!!!! NOTHING MORE!

We MUST stay vigilant for ourselves and our children because we are truly living in the last days where our creepy perverted president has us on the brink of nuclear annihilation to protect a neo-Nazi sodomite country with a comedian for a “president”! God’s judgment is coming extremely soon!

@GodlyPatriot #wingnut #fundie gettr.com

If you could have a special access to president Trump's wisdom for one hour every day for the next 40 days, how blessed would you consider yourself? With this special key you will have access to someone much greater...acess someone with infallible wisdom, someone who sees all things and knows the end from the beginning of time ➡️ Prayer in The Holy Spirit🗝️🕊️ with this key you're given 24 hours per day times 7 days a week 😳 unlock the door to the kingdom of God to grow in your heart more often 🤔⁉️
Starting at 7 minute point of this video, do you have the starting point of the special key if you diligently use it as often as possible 🗝️☦️🕊️ https://rumble.com/vxau0d-pray-jesus-prayer-slowly-to-experience-god-and-heaven-now.html

#praywithoutceasing #noeticprayer #pentecost

Patrick O'Carroll #racist #wingnut #conspiracy #fundie henrymakow.com


Even Adolf Hitler had to follow his orders from the CHABAD. The Zionist House of Rothschild is one of the four most powerful entities in the world and it controls the world banking and finance system. It is part of the Zionist London-NY-Alliance or Zionist Cabal (which essentially comprises the English monarchy, City of London, the "Monopoly Capitalists" of Wall Street (often called the "Illuminati" bloodlines), and the House of Rothschild).

The CHABAD controls most puppeticians in the West, including US, CA, EU, GB, regions now all completely under the thumb of the Zionist London-NY-Alliance or Zionist Cabal and its WEF lackeys. There is just no way that any British prime-minister or US president might NOT be under the total control of the CHABAD. Each puppetician is blackmailed in advance of being placed in front of any "leadership" microphone or camera; and this blackmail is done by all the usual suspects in Mossad, MI6, BND, the Central Lack-Of-Intelligence Agency (CIA) etc.

The beast of the sea (Rev 13:1) is GLOBALISM, whereas the beast of the land (Rev 13:11) is the scourge and sin of ZIONISM, whose aim is to install the Antichrist in Jerusalem while using Jewish "victimhood" as a front, and using as a human shield the six-million Jews of modern Israel, and it seems OBVIOUS they intend to torch those six-million Jews in Armageddon as a human-sacrifice to their godhead Satan so as to "galvanize" the Antichrist ("Moshiach") into coming to Earth to grant them the Talmudic "new" world order.

Satanic forces are also said to seek the final destruction of the USA on 27 Aug 2025, when it is 13,000 weeks old.

But the big problem today is that many are growing increasingly uncomfortable with general assumptions that the "winner" will be the one who shoots first, possibly tending to make WW3 a foregone conclusion.

Brother Mortekai #fundie #conspiracy ahayahtruth.com


Covid-19 is a global plan. The collapse of the global economy is part of that plan. The Beast spoken about in the bible is a system, a satanic organization. These people are called "33rd degree Freemasons" and they control the whole world. All of the religions, the media, news, music, movies, history, and the mainstream narrative are theirs. Freemasonry is an ancient cult of rich white people that literally worship Satan from the Bible. They want to create a new world order, a world society, each person marked and controllable. The vaccine contains a gene editing technology called CRISPR to change your DNA. You will never be the same after taking it and it is irreversible. It also contains nanotechnology to connect humans to the Internet and control them. This is called "Neural Link" mind control, using A.I. (artificial intelligence) supercomputer technology. It will give them ultimate power over people, to kill or control them. That is why they are installing 5G towers all over the world at a rapid rate, 5G speed is necessary to successfully control millions of people. They will turn them on when more people are vaccinated, this is BIBLICAL PROPHECY. The vaccine also contains a chemical called Luciferase, which is taken from fireflies to make you scannable, so they can see who has taken this mark of the beast! They are creating the race of Lucifer, it even has Lucifer’s name in it! Anyone who takes this vaccine will go to Hell on Judgment Day, they even called this thing "Microsoft Patent #666"! They will soon label people who don’t take the vaccine as "Terrorists". Be strong, this is only the beginning!

@GodlyPatriot #fundie #quack gettr.com

Pharmaceutical medications are made using potent, venomous toxins and peptides from snakes, scorpions, spiders and cone snails that target and cripple human systems😮
Your body is a temple of God ☦️ it is up to you what you will allow to enter your body but do not be deceived by demonic potions disguised as prescribed medications and government approved protocols 🕊️ #bigpharmacriminals #demonic #spiritualwarfare

@GodlyPatriot #wingnut #conspiracy #fundie gettr.com

WSJ: biden authorized long range missile deployment in ukraine today. #ric (resident in chief): "#nazis 'promised' to not use it against Russians🤔!?Only select politicians & some in nuclear bonkers survive if 3000 nukes launched in 15 minutes. 1/3rd of the world dead by fire and 1/3rd would suffer from escalated biological warfare. (Revelations prophecy!?) Watch #princeton #nuclearwar simulation of 91 Million initial civilians dead & billions dying after radiation fallout (link below). After #uniparty stole & covered up #nov32020 results, #msm covers up the reality of nuclear war. Why 🤔 !?

Stop #lgbtqpedo #abortionist murdering #globalist politicians, #bigtech and #natoaggression in #ukraine! more on https://gab.com/GodlyPatriot/posts/108408283486243992

Qstradamus #conspiracy #fundie #wingnut realqstradamus.substack.com

I wish I could show you the keys to perseverance. I wish I could hand you my hope. I wish I could give you my faith. I wish I could light a fire in your heart to see the brilliant perspective of God’s power to change the Earth. I wish I could show you how God’s Love and Mercy endures in our trials. I can only speak Life over you. For I do not have all the answers, but I have peaked into the winds of change and all are subject to transformation. Not one single Human in existence will be the same when this war is finished.

If you could look into a portal of all things that were going to happen, but God’s mercy prevented - you would be convicted in blessing. The power Darkness held over our Earth was shocking, The Great Awakening is centered around releasing this shock to the people, while protecting us from great evil. We had to pushed to the brink of change. Who are we to question The Lord? His plan to save us from wretched filth manifesting death over our reality cannot be subjected to the feelings of Man. It is Love that allows suffering to change the eyes of our hearts, to know what is means to sacrifice all you thought you knew in the wake of a daunting hour.
I know, I know… You will say: “Qstra, God never showed me that Q and justice are part of His plans, so I’m just not in agreement with you.” My response to any who questions this: What have you seen? What has the spirit of prophecy shown you? Have you asked Him? Naysayers come forth quoting prophecy from the scriptures that have been interpreted by the very system God is working to destroy. The religious institutions were infiltrated by Satanists who mean to confuse God’s word. The truth is that if you look at scripture through the lens of the world, you will miss it. Heavens' perspective must be deployed. Kim Clement spoke in the spirit of prophecy many years ago to reveal what is to come:

“They were one.” Sound familiar? Where we go 1 we go all.

“The plan is so brilliant, it could only be given by Me.”

Cebu City Anti-indecency Board, Mike Rama and Jessica Resch #fundie sunstar.com.ph

A WARNING SHOT fired last December 2022 was the activation by Cebu City Mayor Mike Rama of CAIB, short for City Anti-indecency Board. Rama appointed former city administrator Lucelle Mercado, who headed CAIB during Rama's 2013-2016 term

It was reportedly during Mercado's stint that "lewd" shows in bars and nightclubs were stopped and "obscene" content in magazines, tabloids and radio drama was attacked by CAIB operatives

"We'll give the same intensity, even more, to fight against indecent material in any platform." The same members who composed the previous CAIB are the people the mayor "has called upon" to police against indecency, Mercado said last December 1, 2022, when the force "convened for the first time in seven years"

ORDINANCES #2436, #1408 NOT ENOUGH? City Ordinance #2436 created the CAIB, which "shall pass upon the exhibition, printing, circulation, sale of obscene pictures, films, books or publications, stage shows and skits" in Cebu City

City Ordinance #1408 amended the city's law and yet the new amendatory ordinance, filed by Councilor Jessica Resch, ex-officio member representing the youth sector, says there's "a void in the implementation." Not in the regulations the City Council has laid down but in the "implementation"?

According to the "whereases" in the Resch ordinance -- presented to the City Council Wednesday, March 15, 2022, for first reading -- the present regulations are deficient because:

[] Selling sculptures that "depict male and female genitalia (anus, breast, penis, vagina and the like, including sex toys)" is mentioned but not declared unlawful in existing ordinance[…]
[] Extent of access, power to seize[…]Resch's amendment further orders CAIB to "cause the prosecution of violators," including "confiscation of the evidence"[…]
Sex toys or objects that are "obscene, indecent, lewd or inimical to the preservation of peace and good morals" shall be "confiscated/forfeited in favor of the governmen

Sidney Powell’s “source” #fundie #conspiracy #crackpot npr.org

A woman who says the wind talks to her and put forth claims of election fraud in the 2020 presidential race that she admitted were "pretty wackadoodle" turns out to be a key source of allegations that Fox News presented, night after night, to millions of viewers late that fall.
The author of the memo in which Powell and Bartiromo put so much stock offered detailed and utterly false claims of how Dominion Voting Systems helped rig the election for Biden. She also shared a bit about herself, writing that she gains insights from experiencing something "like time-travel in a semi-conscious state."
Powell's source also volunteered that the wind tells her that she's a ghost, though she doesn't believe it.
"Who am I? And how do I know all of this?... I've had the strangest dreams since I was a little girl," the woman wrote in the email shared by Powell with Bartiromo and Dobbs. "I was internally decapitated, and yet, I live."

Truthscrambler #crackpot #magick #fundie #conspiracy truthscrambler.com

How are we, as seekers of truth from a spiritual perspective, to understand an event such as the one above? The link below is to a <Rudolf> Steiner lecture where he gives his view on the origin of earthquakes
Points discussed —
How Lucifer’s intervention in human affairs allowed for personal freedom, but at the cost of creating the possibility for evil.
Individual versus collective karma
How when the Christ in the body of Jesus bled from the hands on the cross at Golgotha, it changed the sorry state of affairs that had been existing for those human souls in Spiritland between death and a new birth. Ahriman had been gaining power there and had turned it into the Realm of the Shades. But the Christ event banished him and confined his power to Earth, to the land of the living. But the battle against Ahriman continues here.
The different strata below the Earth: Mineral Earth, Water Earth, Vapor Earth, Form Stratum, Fertile Earth, Fire Earth. It is from Fire Earth where Ahriman has his base of operations and where earthquakes have their origin.
Earthquakes and other great natural catastrophes are remnants or reminders of the great Atlantean catastrophe, the flood that sank that continent, which happened as a result of collective human karma. Thus we mustn’t think that, for example the people of Syria and Turkey, are suffering as a result of their nationalistic karma (even though such karmic divisions do exist), but rather they happen to be in the place where a karmic event that began on Atlantis. This event involves the entire human race, we all share in this guilt.
Why adepts or psychics versed in spiritual science who can foresee events like this coming and don’t warn people. The reason being that as terrible as these natural disasters are, they relieve karmic pressure, and if for example they had warned everyone to flee and the disaster had been averted, it would be forced to happen again elsewhere; it would really only be postponing it.

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò #wingnut #fundie #conspiracy goldenageofgaia.com

Dear Friends, it gives me great joy to be able to address a brief message to you on the occasion of the establishment of the International Movement of Russophiles. The Manifesto of this association begins with a word that seems to have disappeared from Western vocabulary: friendship. In this case, it is friendship for the Russian people, shared by so many people throughout the world, and the friendship of the Russian people towards other peoples, which finds its foundation in recognizing ourselves as children of the one Eternal Father.
Recent events have shown us that the materialist atheism that devastated the Russian Empire and the world since 1917 as the Most Blessed Virgin Mary announced at Fatima ~ has today joined liberalism in the globalist ideology which underlies the delirious project of the New World Order. An infernal project, as President Vladimir Putin rightly pointed out in a recent speech, in which hatred for Christian civilization wants to create a society of slaves subservient to the Davos elite.
The Russian Federation undeniably stands as the last bastion of civilization against barbarism, and gathers around it all those nations that do not intend to submit to the colonization of NATO, the United Nations, the World Health Organization, the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, and that heap of foundations that have as their purpose the indoctrination of the masses, the manipulation of information, the creation of “colored springs” to destabilize governments legitimately elected and sow chaos, wars and misery as instrumentum regni.
But this friendship, these relations of concord and mutual cooperation, cannot disregard the denunciation of the coup d’etat perpetrated against humanity by dangerous subversives whose declared purpose is the establishment of an infernal tyranny, in which hatred of God as well as hatred of man created in His image, illness, death, ignorance, poverty, violence, selfishness, and corruption reign supreme.

State Representative Rob Harris (R) and 21 other South Carolina State Representatives #fundie #wingnut independent.co.uk

In South Carolina, Republican lawmakers are contemplating making a change to the state’s criminal code that would punish a person who gets an abortion with the death penalty

The bill, called the South Carolina Prenatal Equal Protection Act of 2023, would amend the state’s code of laws, redefining “person” to include a fertilised egg at the point of conception, affording that zygote “equal protection under the homicide laws of the state” – up to and including the death penalty

Representative Rob Harris wrote the bill and so far it has attracted 21 co-sponsors to date

The bill, however, provides an exception for pregnant women who underwent abortion “because she was compelled to do so by the threat of imminent death or great bodily injury”

It also provides an exception if the procedure is needed to avert the death of a mother “when all reasonable alternatives to save the life of the unborn child were attempted or none were available”[…]
In addition, the proposed bill does not provide an exception for rape or incest. Representative Nancy Mace of South Carolina said on the House floor last week that “to see this debate go to the dark places, the dark edges, where it has gone on both sides of the aisle, has been deeply disturbing to me as a woman, as a female legislator, as a mom, and as a victim of rape”

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