
Like homophobia, but for transgender people

Silence DoGood #wingnut #conspiracy #crackpot #homophobia #transphobia #fundie #racist #god-complex thefederalist.com

(on the U.S. Supreme Court's June 15 ruling to protect LGBT rights)

This was the final straw for me.
Trump is definitely controlled by the bankers too. You have to hand it to them though, they had conservatives convinced that Trump was against the establishment. They had us convinced in 1913, that the Federal Reserve was good for America, which started our enslavement. We shouldn’t be surprised. To think that the worldwide Bankers paradise and headquarters is NY, and that Trump could come from there unscathed, and untouched by the bankers control, is like thinking Obama could come out of the corrupt Democrat rathole of Chicago and be good for America.

The two biggest online supporters for Trump were Drudge and Breitbart. Drudge is blatantly Democrat now. Breitbart, Daily Wire, the Gateway Pundit, FrontPageMag, and City Journal all censor conservatives who attack globalist bankers.

Conservatives and Democrats must turn away from both parties. It’s a gigantic scam.

Gorsuch is a sorry excuse for a SCOTUS justice, and once more, tens of millions of conservatives supported Trump because of SCOTUS, and were duped again. These insane SCOTUS rulings must be stopped and reversed. All of them, going back to the legalization of contraception, porn, abortion, homosexuality, illegal immigrants, and listing homosexuals and transgenders as civil rights victim classes are all blatant attacks on the church and marriage, the twin backbones of America.


These snakes are ruthless. They know holding onto power and wealth depend on silencing dissent. They are terrified of another young man exposing their hypocrisy for the world to see, as one did 2,000 years ago, foretelling the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD. These Pharisees are horrified at the thought of the Federal Reserve banking scheme being destroyed, and their corrupt wealth and power ended.

MiyegomboBayartsogt #transphobia reddit.com

[Comment under ”Why We Need To Fight Against Transgender Acceptance“]

Trannies hate reality, and reality really doesn't care. Trannies are admittedly born defectives. Their physical defects are necessarily mirrored by mental defects. Trannies aren't shy about confessing these facts, they just insist everyone else pretend to deny the facts.

Nature and nature's laws are there to make sure these sex things never change. Boys will be boys and girls will be girls and sexual deviants will join the degenerates who fall to the rough edges of that hard reality.

Normal people can see this pathology for what it is while the medical professionals see the trouble with trannies' as a potential profit center. The taxpayers are told to shut up and pay for the costly surgery at one end and then they have to pony up for the endless pricey mental health professionals profiting with their fingers stuck deep in the tranny's turd pie of insanity.

Cultural Marxists of course use the plight of these poorly cut eunuchs as an excuse to censor all the sane people. It is now a thought crime for any rational adult who might fail to bend over for these lies, damned likes and left wing tranny talking points.

Henry Makow, PhD #wingnut #conspiracy #racist #homophobia #transphobia #sexist amazon.com

FEMINISM & HOMOSEXUALITY; HOW HETEROSEXUALITY WORKS Feminism, our official gender ideology, masquerades as a movement for woman's rights. In reality, feminism is a cruel hoax, telling women their natural biological instincts are "socially constructed" to oppress them. Feminism is elite social engineering designed to destroy gender identity by making women masculine and men feminine. Increasingly heterosexuals are conditioned to behave like homosexuals who generally don't marry and have children. Courtship and monogamy are being replaced by sexual promiscuity, prophesied in Aldous Huxley's Brave New World. Rockefeller and Rothschild created feminism to poison male-female relations (divide and conquer.) Their twin objectives are depopulation and totalitarian world government. Why? These bankers create money out of nothing and think they are God. "Cruel Hoax" shows the connection between feminism, Communism and 9-11. It examines male-female relations and shows how we can take back our heterosexuality.

Adrenogate/Jerry Derecha #conspiracy #wingnut #transphobia #racist adrenogate.blogspot.com

Well that was probably the least surprising thing that has ever happened to me. Getting canned by WordPress.com. I just can't believe my Twitter account is still pumping along. I guess they must hate Trump THAT much that my few and far between "Trump summoning Apollyon" posts are anti-Trump enough to keep me around until at least the election. While I would usually go off about free speech and my rights and all that, I did have posts talking about smashing racist college girls in their face and throwing them into dumpsters AND constantly mocked and ridiculed gender inverted celebrities with a wide array of vulgarity and did not use the best language, so I guess I can see how they had had enough. But it likely wasn't any of those reasons why they ultimately decided to pull me. Whatever it was, I know that I was doing something right to have triggered the staff over at WordPress.com to literally follow me around after canning the first account, and track my new accounts(I don't even know how they figured out it was me so fast) and IMMEDIATELY pulled those sites too.

I'm almost flattered. Alas, don't worry, I'll never ever ever ever stop. They would need to come to the trap deep the heart of an especially rough and tumble east coast city where I currently reside and kill me if that's what they want. For me to stop. Because I'll likely have a post in draft on my phone when they find my lifeless corpse if they decide to kill me, as I'll never stop posting. Period.

Conservapedia #fundie #homophobia #transphobia #conspiracy conservapedia.com

Bostock v. Clayton County 590 U.S. ___ (2020) was a United States Supreme Court case that illegally ruled that members of the LGBT community were "protected" under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 through judicial activism. In this case, justices Neil Gorsuch and John Roberts betrayed conservatives by ruling with the liberal side of the court to re-write the law, despite the fact that they are not legally authorized to do so. Samuel Alito, Brett Kavanaugh, and Clarence Thomas all dissented, citing the fact that sexual "orientation" was not even mentioned in Title VII at all. As a result of this unfortunate decision, an employer can no longer terminate an employee due to his or her sexual identity. This case has been nicknamed the "Roe v. Wade" of homosexual "rights" cases,[1] and it is one of the boldest moves against religious liberty so far. Similar to how Lawrence v. Texas opened the door to the legalization of same-sex "marriage", Bostock v. Clayton County opens the door to religious persecution in the United States of America.

Tony Perkins #fundie #homophobia #transphobia

Video streaming giant Netflix is drawing criticism once again, this time for hosting and promoting the film “Cuties,” which sexualizes 11-year-old girls. Having failed to learn its lesson after the trailer generated outrage last month, Netflix has gone ahead and made the movie available on its platform, despite many critics describing it as “child pornography.”


Netflix is deeply intertwined with the agenda of the sexual revolution. Just last year, Netflix threatened to boycott Georgia if a pro-life law went into effect. Legalized abortion perpetuates the myth that there are “no consequences” to engaging in sex outside of marriage, and it is often used by sexual abusers of children to cover up their crimes. By releasing the film “Cuties” to its viewers, Netflix is now actively participating in the sexual exploitation of minors.

Parents should be aware that Netflix may try to market the film to teens. A 2020 Report from the Parents Television Council found that over half of the content in categories for teens was rated “R” or “TV-MA.”

Parents have their work cut out for them if they want to protect their kids from the propaganda of the sexual revolution and its anti-Christian ideology. Even once-safe kids programs like Arthur, Sesame Street, and The Baby-Sitters Club are pushing LGBT propaganda, while public schools seek to sexualize children at increasingly earlier ages.

My family ended our financial support of Netflix’s immoral programming long ago, but many more are canceling their subscriptions now. A Change.org petition to cancel Netflix subscriptions in response to “Cuties” has earned over 650,000 signatures.

It’s clear that Netflix believes it is too large to be held accountable for its despicable content. But parents can and should send the company a clear message by refusing to sponsor the sexual exploitation of children.

Various Incels #sexist #racist #transphobia incels.is

RE: [JFL] IT cuckold from Facebook telling us to love ourselves we're not ugly forever!

(insanus virginem)


to this day, the most accurate portrayal of my own transgender psychosis i've ever seen was in Silence of the Lambs. as a teenager, i would compulsively draw dismembered female bodies. i was obsessed with the female form, desperately recreating it over and over, imagining myself living inside that skin. and then my shame would lead me to ritualistically dismember that body on the page, piece by piece, with me still inside it.

IT nigger is a mentally ill tranny, figures. BTW trannies and faggots in general have not been the "oppressed" class for at least 20 years so just lol at this fagget. The average trannyfaggot has a much easier time at getting laid than we do

Still, there are a lot of trannies who have it real hard. It is not that much better, believe me. You have to really (at least almost) pass as cis to do good.


Jesus fucking christ. That thing will kill some femoid someday, if it hasn't killed yet.

This Also good signature, like I've also pointed out masculinity has been feminized, so all these incels going around the forum complaining about "not feeling loved" and that "they'd refuse sex if they thought the woman didn't love them for them" are just indoctrinated men raised with a culture of feminized masculinity, what a woman thinks of you doesn't matter, what you can get from her does

Reminder that these abominations are the "sensible" ones JFL.

niggas really get high on estrogen, cut off their dick and obsess with dismembering foids and then go and tell us we're violent psychopaths who need to be locked up for using mean words like "foid" or "tranny"

As a teenager, I was obsessed with the female form, too. But I was jerking off from it, I wasn't imagining dismembering it. But I guess I'm the deranged one, right ?

Pastor John MacArthur #fundie #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia christianheadlines.com

Pastor and author John MacArthur says in a new interview that President Trump phoned him this summer to offer support and that MacArthur told him “any real true believer is going to be on your side” in November.

MacArthur’s congregation, Grace Community Church in Los Angeles County, Calif., has defied state and county health restrictions that prohibit indoor worship services. He made the comments in an interview with Ryan Helfenbein of Liberty University’s Falkirk Center. The Democratic Party platform, MacArthur asserted, is antithetical to Scripture.

“He called me after the Sunday morning service, and he was very gracious and said, ‘I just want to thank you for taking a stand. Church is essential, and I'm glad you're doing what you're doing.’ And then we talked a little bit about why, from certainly a biblical standpoint, Christians could not vote Democratic,” MacArthur said. “Because there’s no way that a Christian can affirm the slaughter of babies, homosexual activity, homosexual marriage, or any kind of gross immorality – no way we could stand behind a candidate who was affirming transgender behavior, which of course is really the reprobate mind of Romans 1.


“I'm not at all surprised that you have an assault on the conscience by the Democratic Party, where homosexuality, immorality at any kind of level, transgenderism is fine, acceptable behavior and we ought to make laws to normalize it,” MacArthur said. “I’m not at all surprised that the family is destroyed through divorce and abortion, which is the destruction of the very reason for marriage. I’m not surprised that they're screaming to defund the police, because that's the next restraint to go. And I was just waiting for when they were going to hit the church.”

Phil Kidd #quack #fundie #transphobia twitter.com

You can't give a baby 11 vaccinations at one time and tell me it's not screwin' that kid up. You ain't tellin' me that!

You parents that have young kids...you oughta make your doctor space those vaccines out, so that child's body can adjust to the germs and the immutations(sic) they have just put in your child.

When you give a little boy 11 shots at one time, you're killin' his testosterone. Which makes him a man. Which makes him tough. Which makes him strong and a leader.

And I believe when you throw all these medicines and chemicals and viruses together, and inject it in that boy, you're killin' the testosterone of these boys. And instead of playin' with army boots and G.I. Joe, they want high-heel shoes and liptick! I know what I'm talkin' about.

You know I'm tellin' it right! They don't wanna go to the barbershop, they wanna get their hair "done." And they wanna be crossdressers and Mommy lets 'em wear panties and run around with her bra on, with socks in her bra, and they think it's so cute. But when Junior's 15 years old and he's hung himself, 'cause he doesn't know if he's a boy or a girl, and he's been rejected by society, you'd've wished to God you'd've made a little boy out of Junior!

Nixwerld #wingnut #racist #sexist #transphobia deviantart.com

SJWs, they're all a bunch of social media addicted queefbags if you ask me. If the film industry wants to survive through the COVID-19 pandemic and economic crisis, and if they want to keep that theatrical window going, they should restructure their own brands, lay off many of those social media influencers, stop relying on China for their profit, stop remaking or rebooting practically everything, enough with the gender-swapping and female empowerment, stop forcing "diversity/representation" on everything, and so forth. It's people like them who appropriate racism and abuse and intolerance towards one another, and bankrupt the police so that they could kill people they don't like and all other sorts of things. That's what you'd get in Donald Trump's America. And Disney, they should stop with the live-action remakes, and sell off all the IPs which they acquired through Bob Iger as a CEO, they can't afford to own a competing major film studio like 20th Century (Fox) Studios at this point.

Absolutely. The studio execs in corporate Hollywood need to learn their lesson. I believe in the theory of "Go Woke, Go Broke", insulting and guilt-shaming your audience into thinking they're all a bunch of racists and hypocrites does NOT earn you money or respect, it makes the situation even worse, and it turns people off from watching your shows.

On the subject of Disney, they have already become far too big and powerful over the past severeal years. If they want to earn more trust and respect from their target demographic, they should sell of most, if not, all of the companies they acquired under Bob Iger, excluding Pixar. They should stop with the live-action remakes of popular animated films, and not only revive the Touchstone Pictures brand for more adult themed movies but also sell of 21st Century Fox and its affiliates to some other company while they're at it.

The Mistake of God #sexist #transphobia incels.is

RE: [JFL] Previous females, now trans males, explain life isn't better as a man; it's much harder.

”TL/DW: Title. They say they feel like outcasts and they are not treated as nicely as before by people. They discover men are NOT treated more seriously. "I get worse treatment from others and I wish someone had prepared me for this". One, after harassment "I felt like if I had my old body, I would have received more support".

Still, even if it is a 20+ min. video, it's totally worth it watching it completely. Give it a shot, boyos.”

Hey, there's male privilege: it's for Chads.

That's the central reason why these imbeciles chose to mutilate themselves in the first place. These retarded foids saw all of the success and social validation that chads enjoy and in their blind female logic, they began to believe that all men were experiencing the life a chad lives by default because all of these idiots can only see chad as men. FtM abominations seriously thought that they could instantly replicate the success of a chad's lifestyle through a mere sex change operation when they never understood that it doesn't take a man alone to be a chad, but a chad to be a chad. Now let's laugh at them burn in the hell they have damned themselves to forever.

Humans Are Free #transphobia #homophobia #sexist #wingnut humansarefree.com

Nevertheless, the normalization of transgenderism (and to a lesser extent homosexuality), serves another purpose, and we must not discount that purpose as being another motivation leftist elites possess for normalizing these things and flooding us with incessant propaganda and conditioning concerning them. An effeminate and weak (and especially a confused and delusional) population is more inclined to look to government for security. Thus, when the Cultural Marxist power structure seeks to normalize these bizarre behaviors and pathologies, it not only weakens the people, it strengthens itself.

A nation of weaklings and girlie men is an invitation to statism and totalitarianism. The weak and cowardly can not defend themselves. They will not defend themselves. They will thus look to government for safety and security. This is likely another very important reason why the Cultural Marxists who rule over us are normalizing transgenderism and homosexuality, and now even calling masculinity itself “toxic”. They desire a nation of damsels ever in distress. Damsels can not defend themselves from external threats. They can not defend themselves from minor threats posed by common, albeit violent criminals, who fancy themselves eternal victims no matter how many innocents they victimize, and they especially can not defend themselves from tyrannical Marxist threats, which fancy themselves liberal democratic governments, no matter how illiberal or anti-democratic they have become.

Daily Stormer #transphobia dailystormer.name

[From "Philippines: Duterte Pardons US Soldier Who Killed a Tranny"]

Killing trannies isn’t a big deal, really, because they’re going to kill themselves anyway.

This is so funny though, because he pardoned a US soldier as a snub to the US. He knows the US is obsessed with trannies, and he’s like, “yeah, we don’t really think killing them is that big of a deal.”

It’s one of the cleverest things I’ve seen.


Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte on Monday pardoned a United States Marine convicted of killing a transgender woman in the country nearly six years ago, sparking condemnation from activists who described the move as a “mockery of justice”.

Lance Corporal Joseph Scott Pemberton was jailed in 2015 for killing Jennifer Laude near a former U.S. navy base. A trial court signed off on his early release last week for good conduct, but was blocked by an appeal from Laude’s lawyers.

You see, Asians have significantly lower natural testosterone levels than whites. So sometimes, the trannies are easily mistaken as girls to an untrained eye.

But you get that tranny in your room and see his dick – you’re gonna rage.

Pretty soon, trannies in the West will be unmistakable from women, so I hope that the US adopts a policy of going gentle on people who murder them.

Again: they’re dead men walking anyway.

Aussie Pete #fundie #homophobia #transphobia christianforums.com

It seems to me that the current crop of young people have no idea about life. Of course, that applies to every generation. Since when has it been acceptable to pick and choose which laws to obey in civil society? Sure, people do. But there are consequences. God's law (far more than 10 commandments) is far higher than man's law. "I don't agree" is not going to cut it with God.

Perhaps you can pass this on to your daughters. "God created mankind in His image. He created them male and female. Full stop. The gender blender alphabet soup brigade are in total rebellion against God's purpose in creating the human race. If a person is born with the physical attributes of a male, that's what he is. Likewise female. Not liking your gender is rebellion against God.

Same sex relationships are likewise rebellion. God's commission to Adam and Eve was to be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth. Same sex relationships cannot produce offspring."

God does not demand that you understand everything. He does expect obedience. Disobedience has consequences. God does not (as yet) punish people directly. He simply allows sinners to do as they please. You may think that the world is a better place. On some criteria, you are correct. On the issue of personal freedoms, equality, justice, the right to work for a fair wage, mental health, drug addiction, freedom of speech, no, the world is not a better place. It's getting worse - just ask the citizens of China and minorities in India. Free speech is under threat in Australia. We have no constitutional right to free speech. Our kids can barely spell, have poor maths skills, lousy grammar and low financial literacy. However, they spend time learning about "gender diversity". Woe betide the individual who questions the education system's priorities.

John B 14 #conspiracy #homophobia #racist #sexist #transphobia stormfront.org

Decades of brainwashing from Jew media.

Jews push for cultural marxism in western countries. These are the forced equality movements like open borders diversity, race-mixing, gay & transgender culture, feminism, affirmative action, etc.

At the same time, Jews are building a Jewish supremacist apartheid state of Israel with huge walls, immigration based on Jewish bloodline, where it's illegal for a Jew to marry a non-Jew.

This makes western countries weaker, divided, and easier to manipulate, while making Israel stronger.

In any competition, the group that works as a team has a big advantage.

Gregory Hood #racist #wingnut #transphobia amren.com

The whole Anglosphere has the same problem. “An interesting phenomenon in Australia is that a large fraction of the professional Aboriginal Media Personalities are close to phenotypically indistinguishable, more or less (and more than less), from the average bogan [lower-class Australian],” wrote Steve Sailer. Try watching this video without laughing. These women do not look like Abos. DNA tests would be interesting, but isn’t it enough that they “identify” as Aboriginal?

Anthony Beevor wrote in The Battle for Spain: The Spanish Civil War 1936-1939 that rightists or leftists behaved this way if they found themselves behind enemy lines. Leftists would join the Falange; rightists would join the Communists. Committing ruthless acts would prove to their new comrades that they were comrades and shouldn’t be killed. I think many whites are reacting this way under our new Cultural Revolution. Professor Krug was Jewish, but most blacks and Hispanics see Jews as another type of white.

Still, egalitarians have a problem. If race is just a “social construct,” why can’t people “identify” as any race? Professor Krug admitted she was a fraud, but I think Rachel Dolezal really thinks she’s black. If there are dozens of genders and everyone’s “lived experience” is valid, why can’t anyone take a non-white identity? Furthermore, if there is “white privilege,” why are people so eager to be part of the “oppressed” class? Some could conceivably do this out of masochism, but Professor Krug, Rachel Dolezal, and the others benefited. Their fraud helped their careers. Should this be a crime? If so, should blood tests be required to prove who is black, Hispanic, or Indigenous? If it is just a question of “lived experience,” how do you tell if someone really believes he’s black or if he is just a good liar? If transgenders are real, why not transracials?

If any bureaucrats asks, I’m a “white Hispanic.” I have 0.1 percent Hispanic DNA to prove it. I know enough Spanish to get through a telenovela. Don’t question my identity, bigot.

Various Incels #sexist #transphobia incels.is

RE: [Brutal] Trannymaxxing


Dude in the article wasn't even ugly in looks. at least low tier normie, but he had software engineering job so beta buxxing was a possibility. Even then, none of his current options sufficed and he had to resort to the trannymaxxing. JFL

Trans woman embraces ‘very lucky’ new life — and 1,400 Tinder matches


he was chadlite before the transition and got 60 matches in 2 years. thats less than 3 matches a month. it's so fucking over. foid privilege ffs

This guy who mogs me to fucking oblivion was getting 3 matches a month ON AVERAGE and sucumbed to degeneracy. Now because he resembles a foid has life on tutorial mode. But women have it just as hard right?


90% of trannies are straight male fetishists gone out of control. Luckily they are fewer in number than furries, yet are top dog in LGBTQIUHIFHF circles

Most of them are autogynephiles. They basically have a cross dressing and self feminization fetish that gets completely out of control. They start wanting to live as their jerk off fantasy girl alter ego all the time. I have no idea what a good match rate is for a male on Tinder. You guys are calling him a Chadlite so I’m guessing three or four matches a month is decent? In some of the YouTube Tinder experiments I’ve watched even a full on Chad only seemed to have about the match rate of a less attractive girl.

don't be fooled. Trannymaxxing is the equivalent to twinkmaxxing. You're only as good as your youth. The moment you stop looking young, you're fucked. You ever see an old tranny? I hope not, that's disgusting but either way most kill themselves by that time. You won't live a long life trannymaxxing, and you'll more than likely be the bottom with your chad or sugardaddy.

Drogin1 #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia deviantart.com

(Image: scene from the film of 1984 with the imagine of the Hannibal Lecter looking party official with the LGBTQ flag over his face and Winsten being tortured
LGBTQ flaged covered Party Official: How many genders are there winsten?
Winsten: two
LGBTQ flaged covered Party Official: If the party says there is not 2 but 70 genders how many are there?
Winsten: Still two you asswipe)

A parody of the book and film George Orwells 1984 I suggest you read 1984 as well as brave new world, Both very good warnings for mankind.

Anyways hope you enjoy this poke at sjwism and the hate group known as the LGBTQ

ShinyMet #transphobia #crackpot reddit.com

RE: A subreddit about fetishistic transtrending: r/itsafetish

Even though it’s a TERF sub, there are some moderates there who understand it doesn’t apply to all trans people. Fetishism is a huge issue in the trans community. Cross dressers used to be a totally separate thing, but then the trans community went insane and started the “you don’t need dysphoria to be trans” movement, and we started seeing a huge increase in people who transition because they get off on it, and euphemisms like “gender euphoria” have normalized it. “Oh it’s not sexual hon, it’s just a gender euphoria boner.”

At any given time, AskTG will have a new post from a guy always with the same story. It starts with a porn addiction, especially sissy hypno, forced fem, “shemale” porn... then they start cross dressing and it progresses to full blown autogynephilia and their fetish begins taking over their life. They often admit they don’t have dysphoria and never questioned their gender until their porn addiction. At that point they come to AskTG asking if all of this means they are trans. Other fetishists respond, telling them this is a normal trans experience and encouraging them to transition.

Only TERFs seem to point out that cis women aren’t aroused just by being women and wearing clothes and existing...

Basically, fetishists make us all look like creepy perverts.

AnonAutist #wingnut #sexist #transphobia #crackpot incels.is

Why there aren't leftist incels on .co...

... they are all in the process of defecting to the femoid team. By either nominal transitions or full on physcial transitions with castrating hormones.


The trans trend (no disrespect, just empirically it's trending) is probably due, in part, to the declining monagamy norm. As the sexually liberal mating economy creates winner-take-all dynamics, more biological males hate being male. Add female empowerment norms, & voila.

Leftist incels probably experience mostly the same life problems as we do on this forum. However they are so wedded to their pro-feminist ideology and political dogmas (and lefty social circle such as it is) that they cannot conceive of the idea of themselves as an 'incel. Or of joining us and making common cause.

Additionally, like we all know, the word 'incel' is now a highly politically charged slur, that denotes an enemy to a leftist. And you don't join your enemies... nor do you want to see yourself as 'evil' and an 'enemy'.

However they feel pain like we do and gotta do something about it, so they probably choose to join the winning team in our society. Besides instant raise in SMV, they get themselves access to femoid/trans side benefits like rampant positive discrimination in every aspect of life, economic sinecures and being a protected class in society. Something most incels, in turn, would not consider. Transmaxxing isn't a thing, I don't expect it's gonna be a thing.

Various Incels #sexist #transphobia incels.is

RE: [JFL] Why the fuck do female to male transgenders even exist. Wtf are these retards thinking


Seriously lmfao. I'm not saying I want to be one, but I can at least see why some men decide to "become women". Why the fuck would a woman want to become a man though?! Where the fuck is the logic in that? Especially considering they're just going to be like a 5'5" subhuman man anyway lmao?

Logic and women...pick one. Seriously though, FTM regret is one of the great life-fuels. It doesn't take long for an FTM to realize how much more privilege the average woman has than the average man.


Lmfao true, will definitely read a few of these posts. Truly hilarious shit. They thought they would become Chad. Literally threw away a tutorial mode life in exchange for living life as a short, weak male. COMICALLY stupid.

"I want to be myself again. I want the world to see me for what I am. I want other women and lesbians to recognize me as their sister, because I am. I miss my connections with women. No amount of hormones or surgery could ever replace the friendship and company of women."


(The Abyss)
They believe the male privilege larp.

They can't be that stupid:waitwhat:

Oh but they can, look at the human race locked into a cycle of servitude as a wage slave while others have the entirety of a country's GDP as their net worth yet we do nothing.

It's retarded because you get 5'2 foids who make fun of short men on twitter everyday, yet they transition into a male despite them loathing short men. It's like a klan member painting his skin brown.

Many of them try to change back after getting blackpilled and learning a guy's life isn't easy. The media don't talk about those though as it's against both agendas about transitioning and how women have it worse than men.

Asteroid & Zoraya #transphobia twitter.com


Funnily enough no man insisted to be treated as a woman when women could not vote, or own property.
No transwomen then.
And no-one wondered if you had to do genital checks to find out who was a man.


Well there was the chevalier but he was treated as a VERY SPECIAL WOMAN by men. Men, back in the day, didn’t believe members of their sex could become members of ours any more than they really do now.

It's funny that things never change: they still are treated as VERY SPECIAL women. Not just regular women.

Woman Inside Water #homophobia #transphobia #sexist #conspiracy yoursocialconstructsareshowing.wordpress.com

Dr. John Money, the father of modern trans ideology, studied at John Hopkins. That university conducts research and experiments for MK-Ultra. Dr. John Money coined paraphilia in lieu of perversion as well as chronophilia, gender identity, and gender role. MK-Ultra has been messing with people’s sexual identities and orientations for a long time, because if you can get someone to change their sexual identity and orientation then you are already controlling their psychology and personality. Lesbians are pressured into believing that men can be lesbians and that women can become men, while straight men that chasing trannies is heterosexual and men can become womenl. It’s also about population control via sterilization and various chemicals (synthetic hormones and medications for the inevitable illnesses and health issues). The “therapy” they undergo for their transition just reinforces the brainwashing.
I’ve been posting about this but many people would rather believe all the “female” political leaders, philosophers, and entertainers are all real women. In actuality, the imposters outnumber the women, especially the richer, more powerful and influential they are.

This is only partly true and part of disinformation. MK-Ultra is the real money. Transgender ideology was officially created by DR. JOHN MONEY, a pedophile who created child porn of David Reimer with his older brother. Wake up!

Alex Jones and DeAnna Lorraine #wingnut #conspiracy #crackpot #transphobia #ufo #kinkshaming #fundie rightwingwatch.org

[DeAnna] Lorraine and [Alex] Jones repeatedly referred to Michelle Obama as “Big Mike” as they suggested that she is really a man or possibly pretending to be a man as part of a “psy op.”

“Do I think she has a swinging you know what?” Lorraine said. “Maybe. I think she might. I think she might, but it does look suspicious.”

“There’s videos of her where she looks like she’s got a flaccid eight-inch rubber snake in her pants,” Jones replied. “We’re talking like a foot-and-a-half long thing. She’s adjusting it. It’s flopping around. It’s halfway to the knee. And the word is, you know, she’s pitching, he’s catching.”


Later in the program, Lorraine insisted that “elites” like Bill Gates “seem like they have very manly looking wives,” which prompted Jones to asset that Gates may be a woman, or possibly an alien.

“These aliens, and I think that’s what they are—I don’t get into like flying saucers. As a human, my first thing is that’s not a human,” Jones said. “There’s something wrong with these people.”

“There’s something very, very wrong with these people,” Lorraine responded. “It’s from the inside out. I think when they trade, they make a deal with Satan that we’re going to do some satanic work here on Earth—they’re exchanging their soul for it.”

Anonymous #racist #wingnut #transphobia boards.4chan.org

Imagine explaining to General Patton with video from the future in front of the assembled 3rd Army before DDay that a Jewish communist was running for president flying a tranny flag and that their own mulatto tranny grandkids would be too busy making twerking instructional videos on YouTube to visit them in a nursing home staffed entirely by niggers and foreigners. They would hijack every boat and plane in the UK and there would be a beach landing on the shores of the Potomac before DC burned to the ground.

Ben garrison #transphobia grrrgraphics.com


Cartoon shows a shitty parody of “The Creation of Adam” with Adam as a stereotype of a transwoman yelling at God: “I’m not Adam! I’ve decided I’m Eve!” “You can’t assign my gender… it’s my choice!” “Use the proper pronoun - or you’re a hater!”

g0ys.org #homophobia #transphobia #wingnut g0ys.org

(Warning: Much of the site is NSFW due to heavy use of homoerotic and even pornographic inages.)

Welcome to: G0YS.ORG - Reorient Your Paradigm!

Remember to bookmark / add to favorites!


Love, Trust, Respect, Discretion, Masculinity
FACT: The Majority of Men Admire Masculinity; -But Do NOT identify as: "GLITQEtc"!

Men who look into the rapidly growing G0YS movement find there is a place for men who love masculinity, but don't feel comfortable with contemporary "GAY-Male" culture due to the entrenched stigmas & appalling health statistics surrounding it (I.E: a rate of sexually transmitted diseases that is [according to the American Red Cross] +4,000.00% higher than the general population)! G0YS represent the majority (say "majority") of men (+60%), -who experience affection for masculinity & choose to express it in an atmosphere of pure respect - without the least hint of moral compromise - NOR a compulsion to promote unhealthy, emasculating stereotypes. G0YS: A sane, sober, approach to masculine intimacy; -with comprehensive theological apologetics for those men who have serious concerns about the religious & moral aspects of M/M affections. G0YS: Unapologetically rational -&- politically liberty-centric!

Most of the men who discover the g0ys (spelled w. a zer0) men's movement are looking for answers to some serious questions about themselves. Most are shocked when they learn that +60% of all men have similar feelings (Yes, +60% - a majority)! Most (but not all) of these men have feelings for women, but grapple with questions arising from the fact that they also deeply appreciate masculine aesthetics & experience affections for other men! But, such men don't identify as "GAY" because that term has been welded with odd, x-gender behavior & AnalSex []; -Activities that most men consider odd, unhealthy, disgusting, & emasculating. Because of these core differences - g0ys do NOT fit into the (GLIBTQETC...) alphabet-soup culture & find much of it to be antagonistic to our masculine ethos.

"G0YS" know instinctively that loving other men has nothing whatsoever to do with AnalSex, gender-bending, x-dressing or otherwise playing the female role! G0YS, -by our very nature, find the entire notion of AnalSex [] in any form to be dirty, dangerous, degrading & damn-un-masculine. And, by shunning casual sexual encounters & completely rejecting AnalSex, G0YS avoid the very perils that spread +98% of ALL STI's/STD's among men! Among g0ys, STDs/STIs are virtually nonexistent compared to the STD/STI figures for the GAY-male community - which are (according to the Red Cross) +4000% higher than the general population! So, while "GAY"-men are plagued with STDs/STIs; - G0YS are NOT! These massive differences are why the g0ys movement matters! If this was merely some superficial argument about petty subjective matter, - then our position would be no different than the likes of meaningless arguments about trivia & personal biases. But, the g0ys movement does center around germane issues of human behavior: Specifically - why men of good conscience need to loudly reject the extremely perilous & injurious actions of a flood of old, dead, callous fools who killed themselves by their very actions & a vestige of shallow cultural progeny who wish to perpetuate their deadly mantras into the future in the name of "diversity" & "tolerance".

Many men who discover the g0ys movement have been abused by religion & told that Same-Gender-Affections (SGA) are "sin". G0YS know that this abuse by religion is so severe that an in-depth section of the main g0ys website has been developed to give substantial, exonerating, in-depth theological answers from several sources (including a Rabbinic PhD who has thoughtfully written on the subject matter). What we have proven in the theological section is how relying on the actual Scriptures represents the real strength of our position (instead of trying to water-down or deride Biblical texts as so many "pro-gay" churches do). G0YS also go into great depth to explain the rationale behind what was & wasn't prohibited in the Torah & more importantly: WHY. G0YS also expose serious, intentional mistranslations in the Bible and how a gigantic LIE arose over time due to those very mistranslations! The theological section is absolutely liberating & very essential for men who demand solid, in-depth, in-context answers to reconcile their faith & feelings without compromising truth, safety or morality. In this regard, G0YS claim to be one of the most comprehensive resources for answers on the planet!

Also within the g0ys main site are many essays that give analytical insight into 3000+ years of history; -proving that it always has been completely normal for men to seek a deep bond with other men -even on the physical level (a/k/a "Bromance+"). And we show how the modern, so-called "gay movement" has shamed M2M affection for decades as it was hijacked by pornographers, perverts, & sociopathic-personalities -- all with agendas that attempt to link their emasculating & disease-spreading fetishes with all Same Gender Affections (by suggesting that it's all part of the same "movement" [GLIBTQETC...]). It's essential to understand how a socialization movement can be perverted by special interests, & how important it is to reject that movement after it has been irreparably perverted by unhealthy agendas. G0YS show how natural male affection has been discredited & contaminated by a gender-bending, pro-AnalSex [], disease-spreading set of fetishes; --And how the term "GAY" has morphed into a word used to push every perilous sex act & bizarre behavior under the guise of "tolerance". G0YS understand that when a social movement results in actions that indiscriminately harm others --then it's time to STOP TOLERATING IT. So: Even though you are a guy who loves men /too -doesn't mean that you need to embrace the culture that is called "GAY". Men loving men is NORMAL; -- NOT gender dimorphic, nor part of some minority with bizarre & unhealthy fetishes! G0YS reject the entire "Gay Paradigm" & choose an older, healthier & far nobler path!

Within the g0ys main site you will also find links to other g0y-centric groups that are growing at a rate almost too fast to keep up with. We've listed many of them with space to add yours if you decide to become pro-active as a g0y, too. We have over a decade of commentary in some of the core groups & encourage your participation after you've taken some time to look over the main site. Doing so will get many of your initial questions out of the way -so that your appearance in the groups won't leave you too "green" as to the general posturing of the members & movement overall.

The g0ys groups also contain a collection of astonishing images of handsome men. You'll discover that g0ys aren't prudes at all & we have no qualms against nudity. We do insist that images be tasteful, & never showcase disrespect of a model. We believe that love is totally awesome & we have no qualms with images that display it between men. We do not believe that "genderfuck", abuse, pain or forms of domination constitute acceptable content (unless such images are used to deride abusive principles themselves). G0YS are all about respect. Our use of imagery tries to relay the clear message that men can totally love other men without anyone losing his respect nor making any sacrifice of masculinity.

Based Frog #homophobia #transphobia #racist #wingnut #sexist rebelreformer.wordpress.com

The Truth About the LGBTQ Community

Countrymen, if we were to imagine the world without its contributions from whites, Christians, and capitalists, we would have nothing. As obvious as this may be, one has to repeat it now and again put to shame our enemies: the race traitors, traitors against all of the human race itself. Whereas our enemies claim they are fighting the “homophobes” or “racists,” (whatever that means), in truth our enemies are fighting against all of Western civilization, as that has been their sole proclaimed purpose from the beginning.

This used to be a white nation: White men, white women, white children, white families, white culture, and white values. We had ideals: Christian ideals. Once we lived in a nation in which the arm of Liberty shielded us from third-world animals who came here solely to leach off of our resources. But that wasn’t all. One generation ago, if you were a rainbow-parading faggot, you didn’t live in this nation. If you were a pervert, you kept it to yourself. And now our nation has been ruined; ruined to the point of no return, while cuckservative Republicans have been only too gleeful to self-righteously concede to the communists on every leverageble [sic] topic. In fact, Republicans would dress up in drag and read to trans children at libraries if they thought it would raise the GDP any, as if Republican ‘tax cuts’ are going to unite and fortify western civilization. At this point, most Republicans are traitors against the nationalist party, and being an actual conservative is like being part of the dissident movement in the old Soviet Union. Observing the fall of the West, it’s clear that we live in a world gone mad: The grandeur of western civilization is fading, and the West’s influence will be destroyed. Society and all its entertainment filth can best be described as one large sewerpipe of obscenity. What is usually hidden away at the bottom sludge of civilization is now the prime focus of our degenerate society, and in our upside-down clownworld, the fringes of society are now the alternative shadows where you find brilliant minds who are civilized and decent. The once-radiant glory of our nation has been ominously darkened as we spiral into the abyss of overshadowing evil brought upon us by our enemies, and we have merely watched as our communities have been infested with wretched moral values, including every form of degeneracy and evil imaginable.

Take the gays for example.

As a longstanding member of the nationalist party, this is how I see it. We live in the ruins of a society in which our culture is morally, socially, and spiritually bankrupt. Sexual degeneracy is a symptom of late-stage societal collapse, but it’s not the evil itself which is horrifying about our times; rather it’s the way we have not only tolerated evil, but have made a cult of positivity worshiping weakness, depravity, rottenness, and evil itself.

As with everything under the stars and stripes of our national flag, homosexuality is a social issue which we have the right to criticize, and to say otherwise would make you a totalistic communist drowning in the murky depths of totalitarianism, starvation, and enslavement. To demand that we sit idly by and embrace warped sexual perversions as normal is a demand only made by the worst form of a totalitarian tyrant: an inbred libertarian, wobbling on the political crutch of a pseudo-patriotic belief in liberty rather than authority. We of the nationalist party have never shied from voicing our opinions and offering solutions. Homosexuals are not born the way they are, but rather they suffer from one of the many ills that can result from incompetent parenting of Democrats. The communists have embraced every variation of homsexuality, all the way to transgenderism, but the truth is that there is no such thing as ‘transgender’, because that doesn’t even exist! There are only two genders with nothing in-between, and no amount of drugs or mutilation can change that. We won’t accept transgender people who who they claim to be because it’s they who won’t accept themselves for who they are. It’s the same with the mutli-sexuals and the queers, which are not people, and even as the lowest form of animals, they are not the type of creatures that we want in our nation. They’re all mentally ill, suffering from gender dysphoria. The rest of the sexualities in the LGBTQ community include bestiality, pedophilia, and far, far worse. It started when we made this country a tolerant home for the gays, it continued when we made gay marriage legal, it pushed the boundary further when society accepted transgenderism. Do you think it will stop there? It most certainty won’t. Before it becomes ‘hate speech’ to advocate this, I’d like to say that we should offer mass-capital-punishment for everyone who ascribes to whatever sexual perversion that’ll become legal next; and we all know exactly what that is.

At some point, the gays decided that anyone who doesn’t vomit rainbow words of praise is somehow a raging ball of bigotry, while it is they who are hideous creatures guilty of such. As our enemies foam at the mouth with hate and try to bully us into silence by even deleting our frog memes, we must remember that history has shown that Truth doesn’t ask under what political system it exists in. The societal struggle we are engaged in is a fight for the source of our values which brought prosperity and meaning for ourselves, and as companions, as patriots brought ever closer together by virtue of common dissenting beliefs, we must unite together as Americans to support our common cause. Above all, we must not let hate divide us: We must remember to show kindness towards our fellow countrymen so as to not fall into the same callousness and indifference displayed by our intolerant frog-hating enemies. Political issues of this sort cannot be fought on a global level, for societal struggles begin on individual and personal levels, impacting everything around us in our domestic live, and it is with understated honor that our communities should be proud to have people such as ourselves: We were the moral foundation of our nation in the past, and we will be the only remnant left when the Earth falls into chaos. In the Western modern world, there’s so much deeply wrong with what our nation has become. When do we put an iron boot down and put an end to degeneracy before it continues to spread? Join with us, and we will create an American renaissance greater than the world has ever seen.

James #homophobia #transphobia theroot.com

From: James
To: Michael Harriot
Subject: Homophobia

I am a big fan of your work but I notice that you and The roots seem to have an agenda to promote gays and trannies as acceptable lifestyle. This is not a part of the black lives matter movement and lumping it all together does not work.

I am not homophobic because a phobia is a fear. I am not afraid of gay people but as a true Israelite I cannot condone the lifestyle. Do you think those gay white people care about us? We need to focus on our people amd stop pushing this liberal agenda.

Submitter’s note: I didn’t include Michael’s response because it is way too long but go check it out, it is awesome the way he handles this

EmpathicDesign #transphobia #wingnut deviantart.com

And all of the T's in LGBT know it's true.

Transgender identifying individuals are jealous that 'Cis' individuals have (without issue) embraced their biological sex.

Transgender identifying individuals are jealous that 'Cis' individuals have real love for themselves.

Transgender identifying individuals are jealous that 'Cis' individuals do not suffer 'Gender Dysphoria'

Transgender identifying individuals are jealous that 'Cis' individuals are not bothered by 'Social Gender Norms'

Transgender identifying individuals are jealous that 'Cis' individuals are not discriminated on the grounds of not having personally applied pronouns used.

Transgender identifying individuals are jealous that 'Cis' individuals do worry about expressing a 'Gendered Identity'.

Transgender identifying individuals are jealous that 'Cis' individuals are not delusional and suffering from mental illness.


transphobes on thedonald.win #transphobia #psycho #dunning-kruger #quack patriots.win

Stand your ground. You are under no obligation to play along with other peoples' delusions and mental illness.


Very true


Especially when they come for the kids. Pedo Trannys need to be fed to the hogs plain and simple. There only redeeming value is fertilizer for my fruit trees


Fun fact - there is actual scientific evidence showing overlap between gender dysphoria and pedophilia. Something like 40% IIRC.

There is nothing feminine about that. He's a dude, she's right.


You can change the color of your hair
And you can change the clothes you wear
But you'll never change what's born in there
No, you can't change that
--with thanks to Ray Parker Jr. and Raydio

Listen to science about corona. Don’t listen to science about biology


Honestly, science these days are corrupted by politics. If you look at the mask narrative, the left made a complete 180 turn. They are pushing remdesivir which is thousands of dollars more expensive than hydroxychloroquine. Soon enough they will officially make transgender an actual biological sex. It's a mental illness and psychologists know it.

Lisa Renee #conspiracy #ufo #wingnut #transphobia #homophobia #fundie energeticsynthesis.com

Many people still believe that the current state of world suffering, poverty, disease and violence was created accidentally, and that what we see today in the globalscape was the organic evolution of humanity since the industrial age. This is inaccurate. The Power Elite families have methodically and patiently grown their global agenda through specific objectives, which they sought to create through the use of Social Engineering and hidden technological Mind Control, along with gaining surveillance over our every move. Let’s review a brief summation of these goals.

Main Goals of Controllers

-Before and during World War II, the Black Suns promoted German idealism into mind control via their Social Engineering experiments designed by their German academic counterparts that were the most revered and famous philosophers during that time. These guys were Black Suns connected to the Bavarian illuminati and were used to infiltrate the most prestigious academic institutions worldwide with deliberate misinformation that would eventually be spread as the standard curriculum in most colleges. Many of these social engineering programs got their start from the Institute for Social Research, Frankfurt School, which was used by the Black Suns and practicing Satanists to endorse and spread a faux communist ideology that was really designed as a eugenics program. This Black Sun flavor of social engineering experimentation is being used aggressively today to target prestigious academic institutions throughout the United States, with the hidden agenda to attempt to destroy the American Constitution in favor of Socialism or Communism, in order to rapidly enforce the globalist agenda for instituting the New World Order.
-Intentionally directing Social Engineering and mind control programming to dehumanize and demoralize the earth population, by denying them their basic rights to fundamental human needs and to generate depravity through increasing criminal behaviors, traumatic addiction, suicides and growing the homeless population. This includes propaganda to spread spiritually abusive behaviors as socially acceptable in the death culture, like legalized drugs, killing others, pornography and prostitution that are distractions from becoming aware that the earth is being used as a prison farm for creating more loosh for the predatorial parasites.
-Promote spiritual abuse and the rejection of God by spreading the anti-soul or anti-Christ religions and their related practices that destroy the inner spirit or inner Christ connection, that exists inside every angelic human being that is incarnated on the planet. Spread violent religions, and replace the ancient Christos Essene Gnostic teachings and call it Luciferianism.
Transhumanism and Transgenderism are used to further promote the death culture’s intended agenda to destroy the heart and Soul, the compassionate and empathic divine human being, through the intended annihilation of the true essence of both the Masculine and Feminine. In order to disrupt or destroy the unifying potential of the androgynous lightbody in the DNA of the human being, the first directive would be to attack the inner and outer gender principle in all ways possible. The NAA promote counterfeit creations through inciting confusion in the death process, obliterate the knowledge of the Lightbody and Soul, spin confusion in sexual conduct and concepts of marriage and children, instill gender confusion in expected roles, and then start to blend human bodies with animals and machines.
-Child Abuse and Child Sacrifice is an Archontic Deception Strategy of the NAA. The NAA and Satanists prefer to use children as targets in order to harvest negative emotional energy or Loosh, and as a result, child abuse, child sex slavery, child porn, child organ harvesting and child sacrifice are immensely profitable for those in the criminal network.
-The mind control used for gender reversal distortions are the most traumatizing, from painful memories existing between men and women being forced to abuse each other, over and over. These gender distortions have been used to propagate some of the deepest levels of spiritual abuse, Sexual Misery and personal torture that could occur to a race of beings. True spiritual marriage as a part of natural biological spiritual Ascension was stolen from humanity through the NAA alien invasion, and the pain of that theft and the emotional abuse has damaged many people’s hearts.
-Human Trafficking is the sale or barter for humans into slavery by other humans and non-humans. This is a massive epidemic on planet earth, and it also exists off planet earth and is referred to as Galactic Human Slavery. Generally, a person is culled for certain purposes and then abducted, captured from their families and sold or bartered for many purposes including manual slave labor, sex trade, engineering, and manufacturing. The person is mind controlled under a system of threats, intimidation and torture to remain compliant and submissive to the acts they are forced to perform for their handlers, who may be human or non-human entities. In poverty stricken third world countries, or during mass migration of refugees, children are grabbed from inattentive parents or offered a few hundred dollars to take their child. This level of human trafficking brings in many hundreds of thousands of people per year into the slave trade both on and off planet.

Incel Wiki #conspiracy #transphobia incels.wiki

A Fakecel (antonym: truecel) also known as a chadcel is someone who pretends to be incel, identifies as incel, or just likes hanging out with incels, despite having had sexual relationships in the past. Some fakecels know the pain of inceldom, because they experienced long stretches of inceldom in between relationships, or became sexually active at an old age. Chadcel or fakecel can also refer to someone who is good looking, but is incel due to mentalceldom.

Many incel communities have fakecels amongst their userbase. On incels.co, some notable fakecel's have been outed including, but not at all limited to Limerencel,[1] TellemT, blackletcel, and whogivesafucc.

Fakecels on r9k
There is a widely propagated rumor that discord servers were made by fakecels to coordinate an effort to get robot's on r9k to undergo gender transition surgery. They were said to do this by spamming pics of trans porn and telling incels that they could only ascend by transitioning. Because of this rumor, any posting suggesting incels fit in with the LGBTQ community is met with extreme suspicion as an anti-incel discord psyop.

Fakecels on incelistan
Because of incelistan's de-anonymous nature, fakecels are easily identified, but are allowed to continue to post.

TheTruthRevolution #fundie #conspiracy #homophobia #transphobia #wingnut thetruthrevolution.net

The people who hold the global purse strings are conspiring against us to reduce our populations and take control over everything we do. Meanwhile unsuspecting governments are co-operating with them to change our laws and social values in exchange for so called ‘ new enlightened and socially inclusive values’.

What our politicians on both sides don’t realise is that Equality and Gender agendas espoused by the UN, the IMF and EU and the Theosophy Society (of which Tony Blair is a member) mask the evil intentions of these illuminati sponsored organisations. Today foreign aid dependent African countries which try to resist these immoral political inducements are being increasingly met with stiff sanctions for non compliance.( eg Kenya and Zimbabwe)

Alice A.Bailey (1880-1949)

In 1922 an occultist named Alice A. Bailey set up the Lucifer Publishing Company (later re named The Lucis Trust) to disseminate luciferian ideals into society. Her infamous 10 point strategy, given to her by a ‘spirit guide’ called The Tibetan, outlined how to secretly and permanently destroy the christian and moral foundations of our western culture. Beginning with the family then educational, religious and social institutions; the plan prepares the ground for the New Worldwide Government to control and enslave mankind. The bible warns about this multi-faceted system in Revelation 13:4-18, how it will oppose God.

This comprehensive strategy to undermine the strength and stabilizing effects of traditional family upon society, contained the early foundations of what would become a Gender Equality Agenda ostensibly aimed at ‘liberating’ the female parent from the ‘drudgery’ of home care, while surreptitiously devaluing her role in raising the next generation of children. Evidence has since emerged that the elite bankers secretly funded the growth of the Womens Liberation Movements to ideologically separate women from their men
The human identity is now being shaped into the goat headed luciferian androgenous identity in which he bears both male and female sex organs. The so called “Elite’ have bank rolled scientist to genetically merge different species, such as vegetables with insect DNA, animals with human DNA (under the guise of scientific/medical advancements) and merging man with technology (bionic man/robotised soldiers). Thus furthering us from God and the image he has gaved us.

All this is being encouraged in pursuit of God like powers for the Elite and total freedom from God’s ‘restrictive’ laws. (see Psalms 2:1-5) Our creator made strict moral and natural boundaries which we are not at liberty to cross. If we do then there are painful consequences to face for all of us.

Adoption of these new immoral values and politically correct rules is being facilitated through urging constitutional changes upon ever more nations (eg Canada, Jamaica, Uganda and now Grenada) Sadly this drive may ultimately lead to the constraints. For us christians this mean growing persecution and a kind of hell on earth! For all people it means in practice major losses of freedoms and human rights such as we are now seeing evolve in the USA since 9/11.

This is why the sign of the cross can no longer be worn visibly at work in the UK, a supposedly christian country! Flying the american flag on your vehicle or business facade has been banned by many states in the USA. Feeding the homeless on the streets has become illegal in over twenty US cities and others are set to follow. This is why USA and europe have outlawed prayer in schools and in public buildings. It is also why the anti-christain system of Islamic law courts have been set up in several european cities including London.

We are, without our consent, being slowly and imperceptibly re-engineered to serve this satanic agenda for a one world government along with a mainly Gay/Transgender society where pedophilia and beastiallity will be legal. They seek to redefine and undermine institutions like marriage, the christian religion and promote depravity, dysfunction, corruption and division among us.

Adrenogate #conspiracy #wingnut #fundie #transphobia adrenogate.wordpress.com

Sonny Bono was murdered. He did not die in a skiing accident. He had two types of people who wanted him dead. He had the cabal who he was starting to investigate while he was a Congressman. money laundering & drugs. He also had refused to get involved in the satanic worship in the music industry and with his ex wife high satanic witch Cher and her child sacrificing in satanic worship.

He knew too much. They had to kill him. Watch the video

Cher is a high level witch in the satanic worship and got her daughter who turned herself into a man and became a tranny within this satanic worship and sacraficing of children. Cher & Chaz both were arrested and waiting tribunal. I expect both will be executed, unless they have very valuable info the investigators want, which I doubt because the investigators have just about everything from Epstein, Maxwell, & Weistein. Between those three presenting evidence, Hollywood is dead & gone.

RhydonHerSlowbro #transphobia reddit.com

(response to “What’s an issue that you can’t have an honest debate about on Reddit?”)

Disagreeing with the politically correct modern culture, the only thing I disagree with personally is the transgender community (Unpopular opinion I know.) but hear me out.

The common misconception to this point of view is that to disagree with it is complete and utter belligerent ignorance, not a logically based counterpoint, but still a perfectly valid one.

When it comes to having this discussion with people, I don’t know any of them (and I use the term ‘them’ as an example of the specific person I’m having the conversation with, NOT classing all persons of the community the same.) - I don’t know any of them from Adam, they could be the nicest person in the world, they could go on to cure cancer, I don’t know who they are.

My argument is that in life, even from birth, you have to play with hand you’re dealt, some people have small penises, some are too tall/short/fat/skinny, more importantly, some people are born without limbs, or the ability to see or hear or taste or smell. You’re either born a male or female, as unfortunate as that may be to you, that’s the way it is, you cannot ask people to identify you otherwise, if I were to go out and hook up with a Post-op “female”, and let’s say the operation was a rousing success and I was completely unable to tell the difference as to whether or not this person was born female or chose to be operated upon, and at some stage the relationship becomes successful, but I was never told about them being trans and had no knowledge of it, I would one day want to have kids, and I wouldn’t be able to, and I would feel completely cheated and lied to. (I understand that I would have been in love with that person, but the point still stands that even from that first night, I’d have still been lied to.)

I just, there’s more to it than that obviously that’s just one example, I don’t want to be writing all day on this, but it’s just one of those things, basically I disagree with it, and to have a reasonable discussion on it without it degrading into horrible accusations and abusive comments, seems near-impossible.

I’m more than open to having my opinion changed on the matter, but it seems generally having a strong opinion on only one subject, leads you to being a right-wing but job. :/

I’m not racist, agist, I’m not really for or against anything else. Woman obviously should have the rights to abortion in some areas of America for example the fact that they don’t is complete lunacy, guns graded above a handgun/hunting rifle should be banned over there (preferably all guns but that’ll never happen sadly.)

But yeah, I have one opinion I’d like to debate about, but it’s such a touchy subject.


I read this somewhere, I don’t know if it’s crazy or genius :’)

“You can scientifically manipulate an Apple to look like, smell like, even taste like an Orange, if I told you it was an Orange and you ate it, you’d believe me, no doubt about it, BUT if I took the seeds from the new Orange out and planted them, they’d still grow Apples.”

metabuxx #sexist #transphobia #wingnut incels.is

[RageFuel] Fucking Planned Parenthood is leeching off our money to give whores free abortions and trannies free hormone therapy

A recent report has revealed that Planned Parenthood received over $1.5 billion in taxpayer funds.

Those fucking whores are using our tax money to get free abortions. They get knocked up in public toilets by Chads and Tyrones and the next day they get a free abortion funded by our fucking money.

And that's not the end of it. Trannies are also getting free hormone therapy too. And guess what, those testosterone injections are reserved only for the LGBTQ community. So if a subhuman who pays taxes and basically funds them, asks for T injections, he'll be bombarded with - "Eww. Inkwell. You need to see a therapist."

Whores are entitled to free abortions. Trannies are entitled to free hormone therapy. But we are not entitled to free surgeries. JFL. Nuke this world.

Anonymous #transphobia unz.com

Blacks are actually overrepresented among homosexual transexuals and underrepresented among autogynephilic transexuals. Understanding the difference is key.

Homosexual transexuals are basically gay men who “become women to attract men.” They adopt an exaggerated form of femininity, to become “more women than the women,” one could see this as an example of the “zeal of the convert.” They are underrepresented among transexual activists, perhaps because their ultimate goal is crypsis, to be undifferentiated from actual women in order to better attract men, which open transexual activism and drawing a lot of attention to transsexuals as a group would interfere with.

Autogynephilics, in contrast, get off on the idea of themselves as women. Many maintain their attraction to women, which actual women don’t usually reciprocate. Thus they place a supreme importance on making women accept them as part of “muh sisterhood,” via PC activism and indoctrination. This leads to an inevitable conflict with certain parts of the radical feminist movement, which is currently gripped by an internal conflict, not unlike that which occurred between racial and religious antisemites in the 19th century.

Basically, the homosexual transsexual is the soldier who wants to make people think he is part of the landscape. The autogynephilic transexual is the Emporer who wants to force people to say he is wearing clothes even though everyone knows he is naked, by threatening to have them fired if they don’t toe the line.

HeatherInProgress #transphobia reddit.com

RE: Is being non passing ok?

Being Non-passing is ok provided you stay closeted and present as a man, do not intrude in womens' spaces, and do not reveal or acknowledge your Trans status in public spaces where other Cis or Trans people can see you physically.

It sounds like you're already doing that, so you're fine.

I know people like me make everyone of us look bad, they make other trans girls sad and self conscious asking themselves if this is what they really look like.

Only if you actively present. If you boymode permanently none of this applies as you're simply read as cis male and not as a TiM.

Jim #wingnut #racist #conspiracy #transphobia blog.reaction.la

[From "State of the left singularity"]

Preamble, to get those not yet darkly enlightened up to speed
Leftism is entropy in the apparatus of state. Leftists ally with far against near, in the struggle within the state.

The driving force of leftism is a holiness spiral. The state is a synthetic tribe, so the state always has, furtively or openly, a state religion, so leftists struggle for power by endlessly adding new, ever holier, stuff to the state religion, and eliminating the unprincipled exceptions and theological inconsistencies that made earlier forms of the state religion workable and practical.

Thus leftism goes ever lefter. And the more disordered the state becomes, the faster it goes left, and more left it becomes the more disordered it becomes.

Every day the left gets lefter.

As we approach the left singularity, as the left goes faster and faster leftwards, tidal forces increase, with the left most part of the left moving left faster than the not so left part of the left, the leftmost become increasingly dangerous to the not quite so left.

The radical left is purging the less radical left, purging the Haidt / Mounck / Pinker axis. They probably will not purge Biden, since more and more often, he no longer knows where he is, what year it is, and fails to recognize family, but Pelosi is headed for removal soon enough, finding it increasingly difficult to control the radicals, and increasingly make self destructive concessions to them.

These fractures within the left eventually result in the left singularity being halted short of infinite leftism, as sooner or later, someone important decides “Yes, I do have enemies to the left and I have no choice but do whatever it takes to stop them.”

To merely stabilize movement ever leftwards, ever faster, it has to become as dangerous to be too far left as it is to be too far right. That, merely stabilizing the left wing singularity to current levels, as Stalin and Cromwell did, is a quite drastic measure, and the more dangerous it has become to be too far right, the more dangerous it has to become to be too far left, and the more drastic a measure it is. Cromwell’s measures were drastic, but non lethal. Stalin’s measures were drastic and massively lethal and nothing less could have saved Russia. Once they started killing rightists, it could only be stabilized by killing leftists.

England having been stabilized non lethally, Charles the Second could then restore normality by merely massively purging the state Church, executing a handful of people, and encouraging large numbers of clerics to get out of England. Unfortunately many of them went to America, where they founded Harvard, and have been plotting to take over the world since then.

Harvard was the Vatican, the official state Church of New England, thus the left has organizational continuity and continuity of personnel all the way back to the Christian state church of ancient times. Today, as when Emperor Constantine founded Constantinople, you cannot get a job in the state and quasi state apparatus, unless you have passed catechisms administered by the seminaries of the state religion, but while the catechisms of Constantine’s Church concerned unfalsifiable claims about the next world, today’s catechisms contain ever growing falsifiable and false claims about this world,

And now, the meat of the post, where we are today
Drag Queens having government sponsored and government approved sex on the floor of the public library with nine year old boys. The books in the library they performed sexual acts on the floor have been purged of all thought crime, and the library needs a coat of paint.

Schools pressuring students to transsexualize.

A school curriculum of hatred against white people, reading, writing, and arithmetic being white privilege. Quiet in the classroom being white privilege.

Arrest quotas on blacks that enable them to swagger down the street because they can beat up white people with impunity and not get charged or arrested, but white people will be arrested for defending themselves.

Ever increasing violence and intimidation against anyone insufficiently left wing.

Collapse of marriage and family.

Courtship and dating can no longer be plausibly or interestingly depicted in movies, books and dance videos. the destruction of Star Wars and the self destruction of Marvel Comics. Han Soylo. The mating dance can no longer be realistically or entertainingly depicted. Dance videos can no longer depict men acting male and women acting female.

Child protective services abducting children from Christian families and selling them to gays.

Hatred of white people and America taught in schools. Second class citizenship for whites.

That pretty girls no longer walk the Embarcadero, that José Inez García Zárate came to San Francisco illegally, lived on crime and welfare, and is still there despite illegal status and numerous arrests for very serious crimes, that Zárate murdered Kathryn Steinle on the Embarcadero because she was white, that he was acquitted because a brown man murdering a white girl.

White flight, whites are now fleeing San Francisco as they fled Detroit.

White flight everywhere. We are running out of places in America to run to. Most white people in America cannot return to the place that they were born and raised because “It has changed”, though if they were to say how it has changed, that would be a thought crime. The cost of housing soars as we run out of places to flee to

The silicon valley meritocracy exemption has collapsed, and now silicon valley is collapsing because of affirmative action. They now have to practice affirmative action like everyone else. Hot new technology no longer comes out of Silicon Valley.

Abortion as a holy sacrament. They shut down the Churches and the cancer wards, but did not shut down the abortion mills.

The collapse of intelligence in the student intake of Harvard and Yale. They are stupid, because selected for race, sex, and political correctness, not ability as they select for PC rather than smarts.


Increasingly second class citizenship for white people. There are arrest quotas limiting the arrest of blacks, so a black can attack white people with little risk, while if a white defends himself, he faces grave risk. So blacks swagger down the street and disrupt the workplace.

The pope worshiping naked pagan idols.


That a man’s obligation to look after his wife and children is legally and socially enforced, and his obligation to love and cherish socially enforced, but a woman has no legal or social obligation to refrain from cucking her husband, and her obligation to honor and obey is not only not socially enforced, but aggressively opposed.

TheJoker #sexist #transphobia incels.is

RE: [JFL] Foid transitions into a Man. Experiences life on Veteran mode

Are men treated better than women? A trans man's perspective.

Trans male believed the hype that men were treated better in society by bogus conclusions of data by feminists. Once transitioned quickly gets a dose of reality and finds out ugly men are treated like rags in this society, with no one caring about them or their mental health.

The only reason they got support and 160 likes was because they are a genetic female. If a male was to talk about society like this he would at best get gaslighted and told it was his fault and they need to upgrade their attitude. Just like we get right?

For instance; had a experience today where a hot female asked my friend who was the guy playing guitar 'upstairs' in the flat, as she loved the playing. He told her it was me and without telling me, invited her over. As soon as I walked in to the room, her expression went to a disgusted face, she said hi, then quickly made her way to the door. Friend said she wanted to meet me.

In an ideal world; she would have made a good friend, possibly a singer for a band. But thats how the cookie crumbles for us. Denied friendship and romance for bone structure.

Scott Lively #homophobia #transphobia #wingnut #fundie scottlively.net

I am Dr. Scott Lively and I’m here to explain how the LGBT movement gained legal, cultural and political supremacy over Christianity in America in just 50 years. It advanced through five stages and four supreme court rulings.

The Five Stages of Homofascism are:

1. Tolerance
2. Acceptance
3. Celebration
4. Forced Participation
5. Punishment of Dissenters

The original goal of the LGBT movement in the 1950s was tolerance, what Dale Jennings of the Mattachine Society called “The right to be left alone.”

But exactly 50 years ago in the Stonewall riots, homofascism was born – when the movement set its sights on replacing family-centered society with sexual anarchy. Their detailed agenda was published soon after as “The 1972 Gay Rights Platform,” and they launched a united national campaign for “sexual freedom” to be recognized as a constitutional right.

In response, the pro-family movement arose during the Reagan administration in the 1980s to defend marriage and the natural family. In 1986, Justice Byron White (appointed by JFK) dealt a death blow to the LGBT “sexual freedom” strategy in the majority opinion of Bowers v Hardwick, expressly recognizing the right of states to regulate all sexual conduct in the public interest, but specifically homosexual sodomy.
Having fulfilled his globalist mission to establish “Gay Supremacy” in America, Kennedy recently retired from the court after (I strongly suspect) assuring that his legacy would be preserved by the nomination of his former clerk Brett Kavanaugh to fill his vacancy. I sincerely hope I am wrong about Kavanaugh and will apologize profusely if in future cases he shows integrity in helping to reverse Kennedy’s errors.

So here we stand in 2019, four years after Obergefell and the LGBTs instant pivot to “transgenderism” (and pedophilia), watching small children being deliberately infected with hypersexual transgender insanity to the applause of the entire leftist bloc, and Congress seriously debating the so called Equality Act to criminalize Christianity in America.

Throughout this decades-long process America has been pushed inexorably by the leftist elites through the five stages of homofascism until today celebration of all things LGBT is the norm, forced participation in “gay” culture is increasing rapidly, and punishment of dissenters is a virtual mandate of social justice in the minds of the Millennials. God help us!

Can this process be reversed? I believe it can, but only if conservatives, including our presumed five member majority on the supreme court remember what it is that conservatism exists to conserve: the God-fearing, family centered, constitutional republic our founders fought a bloody revolution to secure for us.

youthislife #dunning-kruger #sexist #transphobia incels.is

[Discussion] Trannies Destroy The Male "Privilege" Myth

If males are privileged then how come the vast majority of trannies are male to female? And how come male to female trannies instantly can become popular and have huge followings on social media? I've seen countless number of male to female trannies with large followings on social media but never seen the opposite. The same trannies that were incels as males become instantly popular as "females".

Sp8der #transphobia reddit.com

I have not seen convincing evidence that parenting can alter gender identity. That is, I've never seen evidence that parenting can induce big-D Dysphoria (as opposed to gender-atypical behavior) in a neurologically-typical child.

Conversely, real-world attempts to raise kids as the opposite of their natal gender have consistently failed (e.g., David Reimer, who was raised as a girl after a botched circumcision but transitioned back after puberty).

I just want to pose these two against each other for a bit.

What's the probability that the recent impassioned rise in ideologically-motivated "gender neutral parenting", which as far as I can tell simply manifests as an attempt to push opposite-gender toys, behaviours and so on onto the child, produces the feeling of unease that later gets the child referred to the gender clinic by going against their actual gender identity?

Because gender neutral parenting seems like a colossal clusterfuck to me, in that:

A; I believe that many of the people who do it are doing it for woke points and not because it's in the interests of the child, and many of them have a "desired outcome" of having a gender non-conforming child.

B; In conjunction with the above, "failure" (as in not being adequately gender neutral and pushing the child into their same gender role) and "success but not getting the result you want" (being adequately gender neutral but a male child choosing to be male anyway, as they will 99%+ of the time) look exactly the same and are pretty indistinguishable, leading parents who actively desire a GNC child to assume they've failed and push opposite-gender things on the child harder and harder.

Basically if anywhere south of 99% of "gender neutral parented" children end up not being GNC it's a pretty clear indication that there's some room for pushing from parents there... and from there, given the political climate, I'm not uncomfortable saying that those signs can be (mis-)interpreted as needing to start funneling the child down the trans pipeline.

The thing around future-gay children getting shoved down that pipeline is pretty alarming too, since if I was born today I'd probably be one of them.

I absolutely used to reject any notion of being a man. I hated when anyone would call me "young man" or similar. I had long hair and painted my nails. I even literally said "I don't want to be a man" a lot.

But all this was just my faulty definition of what a "man" is. To me, back then, "man" meant unshaven, beer gut having, lager-swilling, football-watching, stained white vest-wearing, eating crisps on the sofa in your underwear and scratching your arse. Homer Simpson, Onslow, Jim Royle. To someone who idolised David Bowie and his style, this was offensively repulsive and I was determined to never be a "man".

But, of course, David Bowie was a man. So are lots of stylish and outrageously fashionable and even somewhat feminine people. The problem was with me all along, and when I learned to let go of that definition and accept that I get to define what being a man is, I felt a lot better.

And so, to circle back, when I see Extremely Online trans advocates like the egg_irl lot shouting that any stereotypically female behaviour or preferences are proof positive that you need to be shoved down the trans pipeline with nary a second thought, I get angry because that could've been me. Those types of trans crusaders reinforce every gender stereotype they claim to want to break down. They decide to transition and immediately plump for, say, the girliest clothes, names, mannerisms, and everything else. Which just leads back to more kids developing faulty definitions like I did and going through the same thing, only now with a chorus crowd of people wanting to change their gender for them.

At the same time the Absolute Gender Neutrality At Any Cost brigade also annoy me, because certain traits DO cluster in certain populations. But they're not EXCLUSIVE to them, nor are they mandatory to be part of those populations. I don't understand why it's not okay to acknowledge "a high percentage of men will X, Y, Z" while also saying "but it's fine if you don't, there's no wrong way to be a man, this is just an observed trend".

That kind of meandered a lot but there's not many spaces where I can express this kind of thing and not get shouted down to oblivion -- which is also part of the problem.

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