Konstantin Kosachev and Irina Yarovaya #conspiracy #crackpot #racist #quack #ufo #wingnut thedailybeast.com

Nearly five months into its senseless war against Ukraine, Russia has concocted a wild new explanation for why the Kremlin’s plans for a quick takeover fell apart so spectacularly—because Ukrainian troops were turned into superhuman killing machines during “secret experiments” in American-run biolabs, of course.

That claim was made Monday by two Russian lawmakers heading up a commission to investigate “biolaboratories” in Ukraine, Kommersant reported.

Konstantin Kosachev, the deputy speaker of Russia’s Federation Council, and Irina Yarovaya, deputy chair of the State Duma, touted what they described as bombshell findings from the “investigation.”

Testing of Ukrainian POWs’ blood, they claimed, uncovered “a range of diseases” that suggest they were secretly experimented on “for military purposes.”

“And we see: the cruelty and barbarity with which the military personnel of Ukraine behave, the crimes that they commit against the civilian population, those monstrous crimes that they commit against prisoners of war, confirm that this system for the control and creation of a cruel murder machine was implemented under the management of the United States,” Yarovaya was quoted telling reporters.

“And those performance enhancing drugs that they are still given in order to completely neutralize the last traces of human consciousness and turn them into the most cruel and deadly monsters also confirm this,” she claimed.

Bizarrely, she also claimed that the presence of Hepatitis A antibodies in Ukrainian prisoners’ blood was proof of an American biolabs conspiracy, since a former health minister for Ukraine was a dual Ukrainian-American citizen who had worked to acquire drugs for the treatment of hepatitis in the country.

“It is quite possible that this was about testing these drugs on military personnel,” Yarovaya said.

The claims appeared to be a new take on the biolabs conspiracy theory that Russia’s Defense Ministry has routinely rolled out to try and justify the war.

The latest iteration appears to be aimed at explaining away Russia’s military setbacks by way of mutant Ukrainian troops.

Liz Wheeler #fundie #transphobia #wingnut twitter.com

I am a woman. Not because I "identify" as woman. Not because my identity is opposite of man. I'm woman because God created me woman. Because of my DNA. Because of my womb. Because of my body. Because of my soul. No dictionary, corporation, politician or wokester can change that.

Lila Rose #wingnut twitter.com

Despite lies from pro-abortion groups, treatment for ectopic pregnancy & miscarriage are NOT abortion, medically, morally or ethically. Even @acog admits that abortion is “intervention to end a pregnancy so that it does not result in a live birth.” Abortion is designed to kill.

Tuella & Ashtar Command/Timothy Green Beckley #ufo #magick #crackpot amazon.com




The book's primary channel Tuella boldly states that, "The content of this volume stands on its own merits. I do not justify it or in anyway come to its defense. It will defend itself. I do not debate, nor argue with anyone, or apologize for any messenger who has come forward to speak. To those who do not seek, no argument is possible. To those who do, no argument is necessary."

These messages were received, it is explained, "through mental telepathic impressions, while fully conscious assisted by Tensor Beam from high dimensions and from interdimensional and interplanetary spacecraft. The vocal communications have been tape recorded as they were delivered and later transcribed as presented herein."

To some a number of the messengers may be familiar such as Ashtar, and Saint Germain, while others may be introducing themselves for the first time, such as: The Elohim, El Morya, Lord Maitreya, Hilarion, Lady Master Rowena, Nada, Monka, Zoser, Lady Ascended Master of Venus.

Topics covered for your edification -- Health in the New Age, Standing Tall in the "Trial by Fire," Planetary Ignorance of Dynamic Energy, True Meaning Behind the UFO Phenomena, The Descent of the Guardians. and the Arrival of the "Radiant Ones."


But Praise The Universal Creator -- Help May Be On The Way!

JE Aggas #crackpot #conspiracy #fundie #wingnut decodingsatan.blogspot.com

Guidestones 76 666

guidestones 7/6/22
"opposed to Christ" = 76 (Full Reduction)

utopia released on 9/25/2020
From and including: Friday, September 25, 2020
To and including: Friday, July 22, 2022
Result: 666 days

GG Cube was taken down on 9/25/2022

From and including: Thursday, September 25, 2014
To and including: Wednesday, July 6, 2022
406 weeks
"Cleopatra" = 406 (Satanic)
"June Fourteenth Nineteen forty six" = 406 (Reverse Ordinal)

From and including: Wednesday, July 6, 2022
To and including: Friday, July 22, 2022
Result: 17 days

WHO created 4/7/1948
From and including: Wednesday, April 7, 1948
To, but not including Friday, July 22, 2022
Result: 27,134 days
Or 74 years, 3 months, 15 days excluding the end date.

From and including: Tuesday, October 20, 1964
To, but not including Friday, July 22, 2022
Result: 21,094 days
Or 57 years, 9 months, 2 days excluding the end date.
3013 weeks and 3 days =3133/ 3313
5779.18% of a common year (365 days)

To Kamala 58th birthday
From and including: Wednesday, July 6, 2022
To, but not including Thursday, October 20, 2022
Result: 106 days
It is 106 days from the start date to the end date, but not including the end date.
Or 3 months, 14 days excluding the end date.

Ann McLean #racist #pratt heraldcourier.com

Now comes Richmond-area historian Ann McLean, [Virginia governor Glenn Youngkin’s] appointee to the Virginia Board of Historic Resources and an apparent magna cum laude graduate of the Jubal Early School of Lost Cause Revisionism.

Our moment of racial reckoning, teetering on the brink, does not need a Confederate apologist. But here comes McLean, who likened Abraham Lincoln’s attempt to preserve the Union to “Russia invading Ukraine” during a July 18 interview on John Reid’s talk show on WRVA radio. She also claimed that "slavery would have been outlawed in the South within five or 10 years, but they wanted to do it on their own time."

I can only assume that “they” were not considering the desired timetable of the enslaved.

Seven months earlier, on the same show, McLean defended Confederate monuments with a heaping helping of Lost Cause pablum.

“Fake news or false narratives are not new,” she said. “And this whole tragedy is that these statues were built to tell the true story of the American South to people 500 years from now.”

“But we have forces right here 150 years later that want to destroy the evidence of that story,” she said, framing the Civil War as a “fight for sovereignty of each state and constitutional law.”

@Brandybuck & @Shrikeunbroken #transphobia gettr.com

Every time you read “transphobe” mentally switch it with “infidel”.

Then it’ll read right.

Infidel or blasphemer or godless or non-believer.

Yup - it really shows it for what it is:

And for "transphobia" you have a few choices too.

"Infidelity" tho that is normally associated with playing away from home! Maybe "apostasy" or "heresy".

"Twansphobia" if you want to take the piss 🤣

Shana Toni #quack #magick #mammon quantumangelichealing.com


Hello my Divine Soul Family,

My Angelic Spirit Guides


Higher Self have lead me to

my life path as a Spiritual Energy Healer.

A path where I’m meant to

aid in the healing of GAIA for ascension.

Be of assistance to those who are ready

to let go of vibrations that

no longer serve them


Release energies that keep them dense

and stagnate,

blocking their soul's truest expression

and evolution.

I invite you to go within

For the answers that you seek.

Your higher self holds your

soul blueprint and wants to assist you

in discovering your highest timeline

for ascension & your soul's evolution.

I am a Quantum Alchemist,

Quantum Alchemy Channel to the Divine,

& Quantum Hypnosis Practitioner

​I am certified in several holistic energy healing modalities:

~ Certified A.U.R.A Quantum Hypnosis Practitioner (With the aid of Angels and sacred alchemy symbols)

~ Certified Reiki Angelic Alchemy Healer (R.A.A.H)

~ Certified Quantum Akashic Record Reader

~ Certified Quantum Alchemy Channel

~ Certified Quantum Alchemy Energy Healer

My Infinite Love

Marjorie Taylor Greene & Various commenters #wingnut #homophobia #racist #sexist gab.com

(Marjorie Taylor Greene)

spoilerToday, join me in prayer to END abortion in America!

@RealMarjorieGreene get over the abortion thing. Defend our borders is wayyyyy more important. Blacks killing their kids aren’t the end of the world. The borders are the end of America

@RealMarjorieGreene I'm truly sad at the amount of people that see nothing wrong with abortion. It was a subject that wasn't discussed to this level before. Now that it is being discussed most people I've talked to think its not wrong as long as its not past a certain time. Most of the people have said up to 20-24 weeks is ok. I just don't understand how they have become to numb to the fact that it is literally ending a life! These woman are causing their child to be killed and see nothing wrong with that. Heartbreaking and completely selfish.

@RealMarjorieGreene We pray you call it murder because it is.

Imprison baby killers and accomplices!

@RealMarjorieGreene Abortion has been overturned, now same sex marriage is next.


spoilerToday, join me in prayer to END the 1965 immigration act in America!


How about one Marxist, Rino or Dem, making the common sense statement that 'niggers with guns' is the number one domestic terrorist threat in America?

That person would win in a land slide, in every voting district in the US.

according to the sub human diseased democrats u did abortion is illegal in every state no more cumdumping whores can muder there babies ...now they have to take responsibility for being a filthy demon cum dump whore...oh wait ...haha

@RealMarjorieGreene "Today, join me in prayer to increase the non-White population in America by 400-500%!"

~Marjorie Taylor Green

Congressman Paul Gosar & Various commenters #wingnut #racist #conspiracy gab.com

(Congressman Paul Gosar)
:gab: ➡️ @DrPaulGosar

spoiler"I will never stop working to restore the country to its former greatness"

@DrPaulGosar Without white wellbeing, America cannot become great again. Without antiwhitism and white erasure being stopped, America will continue on its path to ruin

Nice try Paul.... Gaslighting is not working anymore. But when this goes down you better be in New Zealand in a bunker , cause in this movie Politicians get cleansed. Both sides of the Aisle.

@GroundskeeperWilly @DrPaulGosar He’s easily the best Congressman we have, and probably the only member of Congress who repeatedly and openly fights for Whites and our rights. Obviously, he isn’t perfect, but is it really beneficial to threaten our only real ally in Congress?

@DrPaulGosar If you believe in Israel or Zionism, you’re just another RINO CUCKservative like Trump. Remember that. White genocide is real, white European replacement is real, everyone in congress is a Jew and/or has citizenship in Israel.

Little hat globalist have subverted all European nations.

@DrPaulGosar this is how 👇

If you can't even say White, you'll never get there.

@DrPaulGosar So segregation could be in the near future?


@DrPaulGosar Try by removing the Rothschilds families and their banking cartels NWO cabal first.

@DrPaulGosar while you take money from a cancerous Zionist elite?? Yeah sure... 😅😂


Various Commenters #psycho #wingnut kiwifarms.net


Featured on Jul 12, 2022 at 6:15 PM: Tim Pool has been mentioned by the January 6ᵗʰ Tribunal for crimes against Democracy, beanies, and West Virginia.

Again somehow Tim managed to fall into a pile of shit and come out smelling like roses. Because the pile of shit is stupider than Tim and moved out of the way. Tim does a LOT of stupid shit, this thread is testament to that, but nothing he did is warranting a subpoena by the committee or the FBI because he didn't fucking do anything? It's gotten to the point where those whackjobs are trying to arrest people for talking about Jan 6th...before it turned slightly violent?

We're reaching levels of future crime I didn't think possible.

God I hope they try and subpoena the whole Timcast group for this show trial.
Could you imagine Luke, Seamus and Ian on capitol hill? The first would be screaming about globalist paedophiles, the second would be demanding they make abortion illegal nationwide and the third would be asking if Liz Cheney had ever heard about graphene.
Please do it, make this bullshit even more ridiculous.

(Shaka Brah)
This is so stupid it almost feels like a psyop to make people think Tim isn't just a fence-sitting grifter. The modern media is so ideologically poisoned they think that Soygon and Pim Tool are the leaders of the new Reich.

God, shit like this makes me wish Jan 6th really was as violent as the lying tyrants claim. The Tree of Liberty is parched.

Fuck this show trail is annoying beyond belief. Tim Pool? Really? That's their example of a dangerous individual threatening (((O U R D E M O C R A C Y))) is the guy that fence sits so hard his body is nearly split in half? Salty Cracker is an example too somehow. It really is just a bunch of leftoids being upset at barley relevant YouTubers for making fun of them. How pathetic do you got to be? Seriously, Salty Cracker might as well be referred to as "Some Fucking Guy."

I bet that YouTube is "going to take action" and kick everyone that was mentioned in the Jan. 6 hearing. It's a good excuse for them to remove political dissenters.

jaelyn91011 , Branith & Revolutionary_Type95 #wingnut reddit.com

(submitters note: responding to this image)

Just because someone's life is traumatic doesn't mean it would be better had they never been born... What kind of suicidal logic is that? I hate how they frame people who overcome trauma as "a few unicorns", nearly every person who's close to me has experienced horrific amounts of child abuse and survived.

And you know what? Every single one of them is glad to be alive. They survived, they fought, and they prevailed for their happiness, because the value of their life is not defined by their abusers.

The reality of the human experience is that we have the capacity to experience terrible suffering just as much as wonderful pleasure. Trying to prevent suffering by eliminating life that may suffer also robs them of any joy they might get. If you want to pull heartstrings over potential suffering in life, what about potential joy? Happy memories, having your first crush. Making a best friend. Falling in love. Holding hands, learning to sing to the radio, blowing out candles on a birthday cake - when you end a life you don't just take away the suffering. You take away the happiness, too.

It's suicidal logic. It's suicidal logic to claim its better to have never been born than to suffer.

In leftists eyes its always better killing someone. Pretty much sums up how those people think.

I know a family that aborted a child, and as a result their other born child grew up lonely and neglected. Abortions donot only impact the unborn.

Even if you're wanted, that doesn't spare you from the possibility of being abused (as I've suffered the same myself) life includes suffering of one form or the other. That doesn't mean that we should kill everyone so that they don't have to experience them. Suffering can develop character, endurance, and resillience and a drive to help others in the same situation. We should be helping each other through our suffering instead of resorting to killing each other.

Brother Nathanael #racist #wingnut #conspiracy realjewnews.com

Too Many Jews

Everyone’s blaming all the wrong people for America’s ruin.

Some blame the “globalists” as Alex Jones does.

Some blame the “elites” as Gerald Celente does.

Some even blame the lame-brain Biden as if the senile old pervert has any decision-making power.

Now John Voight of Jewish Hollywood fame blames “thingamajig.”

Why can’t he mention his name?
At least Putin has some claim to fame in Jew-endangered America.

The Yids name their FED-driven “inflation” after him.

The Jew-owned FED—I mean, even under Trump who signed his name to it long before Ukraine—sent out tons of Jew-printed checks for their plandemic that had no product or labor backing it to over 300 million Americans and countless illegals.

More money, for more people, for less products, means high inflation.

Blaming Putin, or if that doesn’t click, accusing ‘globalists,’ ‘elites,’ or even ‘brain-dead Biden’ for America’s ruin just doesn’t get it.
I mean, there’s tons of Jews to lay the blame for America’s ruin.

Like dog doo, everywhere you go, you step in them.

Go to the media, they’re there.

Go to entertainment for kids, corrupting their morals like the Protocols of the Elders of Zion wrote, they’re there.

Go to education, all over the place they’re spreading their degeneracy.

Go to the internet, they’re censoring the hell out of you.

Hollywood, a Jewish sewer, manipulates the minds of the goyisha viewers, they’re there too.

Go to Wall Street, they’re like flies landing on the feces they leave.

Why is it so hard to name the Jew for America’s pukish case of the heaves?

When the unmistakable traces of their hooked nosed faces leave its imprint even at POTUS?

You’re not supposed to notice.

If you do, you’ll lose your job, your credit cards, your wife, your friends, and your reputation shifts into bogus.

Truth has a high price.

Pilate washed his hands and crucified Christ.

Peter Temple The Truth Sage #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut thetruthsage.com

Who is Patrick Bouvier Kennedy?

Abraham Lincoln was Abraham Kahlooni of the Druze Bloodline, from the line of the Davidic Kings and descendants of Jethro, the Priest of Median in the Bible and the Torah (Exodus 2:18). They descend from an ethnic minority called the “Druze” , and they inhabit the Golan Heights area of Israel from the town of Qunaitara & Majdal Shams and before that the town of “Kahloonia” in Mount Lebanon [45 Km south east of Beirut]

Abraham Lincoln had 4 children with wife Mary Todd Lincoln – Robert Todd Lincoln, William Wallance Lincoln, Edward Baker Lincoln and Tad Lincoln two of which were sent to Libya to live – they didn’t die as recorded.

These were William Wallace Lincoln and his brother Tad.
Mary, William’s daughter met and married a Prince – Said Issa H Kahlooni – from Golan Heights born in the Orchards in Mt Lebanon.<...> They had 2 boys who were both kidnapped from Benghazi, and handed over to mafia boss family Joseph Kennedy and was raised by him and his wife Rose Kennedy. They would later be known as John F Kennedy and Joe Kennedy. John F Kennedy was raised to become the 35th President of the USA. He is not a Kennedy, he is a Lincoln/Kahlooni.

John married Jackie Kennedy and had four children: Arabella Kennedy, John F Kennedy Jnr, Patrick Kennedy and Caroline Kennedy.

Patrick and Arabella didn’t die as recorded.

Patrick Kennedy was flown to Libya

Joe Kennedy was Flynn’s Father

John F Kennedy Jnr is Ezra’s Grandfather

Tad Lincoln was Donald Trump and Elvis’ grandfather.

Elvis, Trump, Assange, Lincoln Kahlooni, JFK, Joseph, John F Kennedy Jnr and Patrick are all Lincoln/Kahlooni and are cousins.

Elvis Presley is the TIP OF THE SPEAR.

Elvis was in the SPEARHEAD Division & also kept a SPEAR TIP on his book shelf.

Elvis told us all on August 15 1977 via the WOW Signal that he wasn’t going to be dying. Ask Howard Hughes.

The HH, John G Trump & Nikola Tesla connection is very important.

Download the TESLA FILES on FBI VAULT from 2019

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) and Alex Stein #sexist #racist businessinsider.com

Alex Stein, a comedian and far-right activist, had on Wednesday catcalled Ocasio-Cortez in racialized terms and made lewd comments about her body

In a video he posted to social media, he can be seen calling her his "favorite big booty Latina" who is "hot hot hot like a tamale" and wants to "kill babies" — the latter being a reference to Ocasio-Cortez' pro-abortion stance

The stunt earned him an hour-long appearance on "MTG:Live," the podcast-style show that Green regularly posts to Facebook, where Greene suggested that Ocasio-Cortez ought to be grateful for the attention

"You're a comedian, you're doing what you do, saying things that are actually quite the compliment," said Greene[…]
Stein said: "I was complimenting! She's Jenny from the Block! I mean, J. Lo is known for her voluptuous derrière, and all I was trying to do is say you look great!"

Stein earlier told Insider's Cheryl Teh that he would "love to date" the New York congresswoman

On the show, Stein noted that he was from Texas and Greene is in Georgia, and described his behavior towards Ocasio-Cortez as "Southern hospitality"[…]
"I don't think that that, for me, is some sort of negative thing, but they live in a society where compliments are bigotry, and based in racism and hate," he said[…]
Greene agreed and suggested that Ocasio-Cortez should have thanked him. "I think women should be confident if a man gives you a compliment, a woman can say 'thank you'" she said

"Or if she's going upstairs and someone's yelling stuff at her, she can just wave and go on, and not go into full outrage"

Stephen Ebittu #fundie facebook.com

(Part 1)

(vision of hell) as revealed in the morning hours of 25th September 2017.
My Journey Inside Hell (Vision of Hell)
Many things were spoken and revealed then a voice said,
‘We must show you hell’
And immediately before my eyes were the chambers of hell
The chambers were many and below them a blue fire
Each chamber had a metal different than the other
As you go down from one chamber to another, the metals were according to their combustion – as you go down, the fire increased
I saw all metals in the chambers many yet to be known by humans
At chamber number 3 was Magnesium (search how Magnesium burns)
And I asked myself, if magnesium is in chamber 3, what about the combustion and fire of the metal in chamber 15?
As I watched, souls were placed on the first chamber which was fully engulfed with fire
And it was revealed to me that Satan lies to the souls that if they obey him and do what he commands they will be taken from where they are to a better place therefore the souls do what they can to be taken out of chamber one only for them to be placed in chamber 2 with more fire than the first
And this continues day in day out, year in year out, moving from one chamber to another as Satan lies to them that the chamber they are is worse, the next place is good with reward only to move from one fire intensity to another
When you disobey Satan, you are taken out from whichever chamber you are and taken back to chamber one to start again being lied that at the end you will be released out of that place which never happens
(This is the same lie Satan lies to humans on earth, that if you follow his ways, ways of world and men, you will come out of where you are to a better place of riches, fame, peace and prosperity only to move from one curse to another worse, from sickness to another worse, from poverty to more poverty, etc, and at the end you perish – go to hell)

Hokmacel #psycho #crackpot #wingnut #dunning-kruger incels.is

[Serious] Give up your weakness brocels, Deep inside most of you are warm hearted larpers, Empathy is weakness, To enhance your life you need to crush others.

Thats all i can say, Since i embraced my selfish side everything for me changed, Love is not real, Humans use other humans, Life feeds on life, Stop idealizing relationships, In the end if you all want to change your lives you need to crush people weaker than you and steal resources from them, Material or inmaterial, It doesnt matter, Start with evil deeds little by little and i promise you all that this will lower your inhibition and make you stronger.

Thats all i have to say for this day, You live only once, Remember that. :panties:

And if you are too crippled mentally by depression try nootropics.

Tomi Lahren #wingnut twitter.com

It’s MLB draft night, which means liberal Twitter activists will be going back 10 years to check the tweets of anybody drafted in a high round in a pathetic attempt to cancel them and ruin careers before they start. Just a typical liberal Sunday night.

Michael Thomas Sambo #fundie facebook.com

When we arrived in hell, a young lady saw me afar off and shouted, “Oh, have you come to help me out of this place?” I could not reply.
She said, “I was a member of a Pentecostal Church. My pastor told me that wearing trousers, as a lady, was not a sin against God. He also said perming or Jerry curling my hair, bleaching my skin, using lipsticks, plaiting my hair with attachments, were never sins against God.”
“But the very day I arrived here I discovered that my pastor had deceived me. Can I ever forgive this man? Now it is too late for me. Can I ever leave this place?” While she talked, hell roared and she was swallowed up by its fire waves and tides. I did not see her again. She said these things she indulged in prevented her from truly serving God and have condemned her to hell. Genesis 35:1-5; Jeremiah 4:30; Proverbs 7:10; Romans 1:21-26; 1Peter 3:3-5. Deuteronomy 22:5
The Condition of the Church: I saw a large Auditorium, filled to capacity, praises, worship was going on. I said, "Lord, Your church is on fire, they are worshipping You in Spirit and in Truth, and Expecting Your Imminent Return".
JESUS said, "My son, Look again". As I looked the second time, I saw that their hands and feet were chained. I saw heavy lugages on their heads, bags of sins. Matthew15:8-9; Ezekiel 33:31-32. Some of them, their sins were written on their forehead: fornication, pride, adultery, stealing, lying, disobedience, rebellion.
At the back of the auditorium, I saw a dark personality, moving up and down. Beating his chest, 'These are my people. I keep them in bondage in the church. They think they are serving God, but they are actually serving me, satan'.
JESUS said, "Tell man, I still love him. Tell him, Truth, Righteousness, Holiness of life. Tell him, My standard is high. I cannot change.
Song: Where shall I be when the first trumpet sounds? Where shall I be when it sound so loud? When it sound so loud, as to wake up the dead. Where shall I be when it sounds?

Donald Trump Jr. #wingnut twitter.com

A small fraction of the almost $60,000,000,000 of your tax dollars sent to Ukraine could have completed Trumps’s Border Wall solving a humanitarian crisis, a sex trafficking crisis, a drug trafficking crisis, a human trafficking crisis but D.C pols had no interest in fixing that!

Guest #transphobia fanfiction.net

Have you heard about the people harassing JK Rowling? From an empirical, non-woke perspective, the "Kill TERFs" movement is pretty astonishing. It's a bunch of biological males, threatening to brutalize biological females, for saying that female sex is real.

SarahRose #dunning-kruger #pratt raptureforums.com

Amen! The term kind is also used when God tells Noah about gathering the animals, which makes getting them on the ark reasonable, since there are way less kinds (categories like feline, canine, etc.) than species. Although God could make it happen even if it was every species.

People try to use the Galapagos birds as “proof” for evolution but it doesn’t prove anything other than that animals can adapt to their environment — which really only proves how awesome God’s creation is.

The more I read the Bible, the more amazed I am at how much God has revealed to us through His word. I am so glad we don’t live in the Dark Ages and we can read it any time we want.

Paul White Gold Eagle #magick #ufo #fundie #crackpot primedisclosure.com

Happy 7:1:7 Portal of the Great Awakening!

We have another intense day of activations and upgrades coming in directly from the Great Central Sun and our local Solaris releases multiple flares with 3 C Class and an m 1.1 Class flare. We also see a lot of activity on the Schumann charts today with several pulses of white light at amplitudes at 15 hz, 36 hz, 43 hz and a big blast at 52 hz. Fifth Dimensional Resonance flowing in from on High. These pulsing and flashes of Higher Light are building for the major release of the Great Solar Flash for our Quantum Leap of Consciousness to the New Earth and New Golden Age of Eternal Life.

Continue raising your vibrations while holding the line as Light Keepers of the Way of Peace, Prosperity, Abundance and Bliss for all Sentient Beings of the Pure Light. As we journey higher up the Ascension Spiral we anchor deep into the Crystalline Core of Pachamama the Codes of Freedom and Joy to assist Gaia in her expansion and activation in the Light. Keep laughing your Way to Liberation.

We are in the midst of the Great Shift of the Ages so we are coming into the finale phases and stages of the chaotic nodes as all is flowing into higher coherence as the cymatics raise to a Higher Sacred Geometric Pattern of Infinite Light and the Unconditional Love of Christ consciousness.

In our True Nature of the Unborn Mind of Buddha we walk the Middle Path of Balance and Harmony with the Tao and usher in the New Eden of the Paradisiacal Timeline of the Pure Land of Amida Buddha, here and Now…A’Ho!

Patrick Bellringer via Anne Bellringer #magick #ufo #fundie #crackpot fourwinds10.com

<Note: Patrick Bellringer has been deceased since 2020>

Greetings to all souls! I have called Anne to pen a message from me to all of you.

Business goes on as usual on Earth with most still slumbering on thinking and planning for the future. Some, very few, are slowly realizing how fast the day passes. Earth time has speeded up to 99% and soon rising to 100% where time does not exist. This means that Mother Earth is to graduate to a higher dimension where time does not exist. I speak of 5th dimension.

It is sad to see so many people blinded by the religion and the fake teaching of being “raptured off to a pink cloud somewhere. The word ”rapture” does not exist in Satan’s war book. You would not believe how many souls on the Astral Plane were in agony concerning the Truth that had been given to them but they rejected it as Satan’s lies.

You should see the sight of the Astral plane now! Billions of souls are reading the <Phoenix> Journals.
The thousands of libraries are packed full, so many are sitting on benches or on the ground, reading, There is not much talking, for all are reading. They are, also, reading all the current messages that the Lighted Realms have given Anne to pen.

Thousands have graduated to the Higher Realms., which makes Creator God Aton very pleased.
The great hope is that all souls shall become enlightened and not have to live each moment of this great null without the LOVE of Creation to make the time seem like an hour rather than endless torment.

That time would be 311,040,000,000,000 years x 7! None of us have ever experienced this great null time when all comes to rest with Creation. If ones are still unenlightened will they rest in Creation’s arms?

It will not be long before I will see my Earthly family again. It is with joy and happiness, for it shall be a wonderful reunion. Remember, all you Earth people, that living on Earth is an illusion for soul growth. The Lighted Realms are REALITY!

Taz Baz #fundie youtube.com

It's true, and I had a dream about Michael Jackson just after he supposedly died, I dreamt that I was standing in the spirit with the Lord Jesus Christ and we were standing to the side of huge crowds and they were screaming out for Michael Jackson who happened to be there, and the Lord Jesus Christ showed me that he was guilty of many transgressions against children and against many other people. The Lord Jesus Christ showed me that satan was walking with him and that because of Michael Jackson's past troubles with the law and children who he abused, Michael Jackson decided to play out the role of death. The Lord Jesus Christ showed me that although he has avoided the truth, there still will be consequences for him in the end.

Young X #fundie youtube.com

Unfornately the Lord has told me that my mother will be in Hell also. (And she goes to church and claims to be a believer also.) I had dreams, one of them I posted here on youtube also, where the Lord took me up to the clouds to be with him but my mother and family was left. I always wondered why I was taken in the dream but they was not, and God finally told me it was because my family will not be going to Heaven. And I prayed earnestly for them to be worthy of Heaven for 9 years, and I have literally watch the Lord give them the Power to be obedient to Him, but they ave refused God, FOR 9 ENTIRE YEARS. And God told me, "I can give your family the power and the strength to obey My Word, but I cannot force them to take that power and obey. They have free will and I have given them the Power to choose Me, but if they refuse, that is the only thing I can do to answer your prayer. Now My hands are clean of them going to Hell. I extended My Hand, but they rejected it. I cannot make them as robots to obey Me. All I can do is offer them the Holy Spirit to overcome all evil so they can be worthy of Heaven. But since they have set their hearts on not changing, they will continue to walk the direction that makes their soul worthy of Hell after death. And they will have no one to blame but themselves."

Andrew Anglin #racist #dunning-kruger stormer-daily.rw

[From "Mexican Mother of 10-Year-Old Who had an Abortion Defends “Rapist,” Won’t Press Charges"]

Everyone says they want “diversity,” but what do they actually mean by that?

Having sex with girls immediately after puberty is a part of diverse Mexican culture, and Mexicans enter puberty earlier than whites. They don’t view this as a moral issue

White women tell Mexicans “you can’t just have sex with that 10-year-old!” and Mexicans are like “what do you mean? She’s my wife”

The question is why the girl had the abortion in the first place. Usually these Mexicans just show up at the hospital with their child brides all happy to meet their new baby and get arrested and don’t understand why they are being arrested

New York Post

The mother of a 10-year-old Ohio girl who crossed state lines to get an abortion has defended her daughter’s 27-year-old confessed rapist — who was wrongly listed as a minor during the medical visit, according to reports[…]

Everything is some kind of huge moral outrage these days. People are going to come at me like “Anglin, you’re defending having sex with a 10-year-old????”

I’m not “defending” it – I’m just stating as a matter of objective fact that this is something that happens in Mexican society. I’m not the one who brought all these Mexicans into America

The age of consent in Mexico is 12. But if you go to the hospital with a 10-year-old that’s pregnant, no one is going to fly into a moral outrage

These people are literally biologically different than you, and view life completely differently than you. That’s a fact

These same people who want all of these Mexicans to come here, claiming to celebrate their culture, will also call them evil for practicing their culture

Various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com


@OurGodisAwesome I disagree. I think there IS systemic racism against white people.

@OurGodisAwesome. Love Nugent, but he's wrong about one thing. There is systemic racism - it's Anti-White racism, and it's spread world-wide.

@OurGodisAwesome Wrong in point One Ted...

There most certainly is systematic racism, and it's against White people.

Affirmative action is systemic racism.



@OurGodisAwesome killing White babies is murder, killing non White babies is necessary to keep population under control.
Spics and niggers breed like maggots and need to be culled

@OurGodisAwesome There is systemic racism, and it comes from the black and brown people looking for free handouts.

@OurGodisAwesome Sorry Ted, but public education is the epitome of systemic racism.

@OurGodisAwesome there is systematic racism against whites....literally

@OurGodisAwesome the income tax is systemically racist. End it. Racism is taught in schools, close government schools. Unions were started to enforce racist views, get rid of union privileges.


there’s systematic racism and genocide of white people by both Jews and blacks.

Congressman Paul Gosar & Various commenters #wingnut #racist #conspiracy gab.com

(Congressman Paul Gosar)
Millions of young people trying to get started in life, our seniors on fixed incomes & our families struggling to make ends meet are being absolutely decimated by historically high inflation, prices of food, fuel, and practically everything else.

The left's response?

Endless saber-rattling with Russia, endless J6 trial distractions, endlessly blaming Trump and his supporters.

The left tells us that our nation's misery is worth it to preserve the "liberal world order". Shame on them.

The liberal world order can go to hell where it belongs.

@DrPaulGosar you can take the nigger out of the mud hut, but you can't take the mud hut out of the nigger.

@DrPaulGosar That is what jews do. Destroy nations, suck them dry for profit, and blame others for the conditions they created.

Nullifying the 2020 ELECTION FRAUD TREASON should be the main focus of all politicians and citizens. Fuck the shit any of you say you are going to do...... if we just contribute money, votes, time, surrender freedom and rights. You politicians just repeat your lines and your do nothing actions.

@DrPaulGosar as they allow, in fact...lure a invasion of new replacement slaves that will submit only after the kill off the american citizens. Then aquire the killed homes, clothes and cars... to labor for the reprobates of lucifer.

@DrPaulGosar and never forget we’ve had systemic racism entrenched in our laws since the 1960’s with affirmative action. People of color get a leg up in schools, jobs and government contracts. Even new immigrants of color to whom we owe nothing. Why isn’t affirmative action limited to only descendants of slaves? That should be our reparations even though millions died in the civil war to free the slaves. Reparations weren’t called for back then as they would have been run out of town due to all the families who lost loved ones during the civil war. #stop giving immigrants affirmative action

@DrPaulGosar Do you know why they went to the "liberal world order"? Because the "new world order" isn't working out so well for them

BiblicalChristianity #wingnut reddit.com

The three branches of pro-choice arguments: undervalue, dehumanize, and manipulate
(continued from https://fstdt.com/K34_ZSN48BX8K)
In general, while there is a legitimate discussion in cases of rape, under no circumstance is the fetus not a human or less of a human. Therefore, a fetus has inalienable human rights, including the right to remain alive.
Where should I start? In my experience in debating/discussing abortion, the unfortunate reality was that far too many arguments settle for manipulation instead of logical reasoning.

Politics has always been full of lies, so it's not surprising to see so many bad arguments packaged nicely and influencing the public opinion. But most of it is not even difficult to refute.

Some of these arguments, I admit, take more work, patience and knowing the root of the narrative and the hidden agenda behind them. I have my own thoughts of why people argue a certain way and what the narratives they use can cause in the long term. But that's a separate topic.

It's difficult to list these arguments but here are a few:

*"Pro-lifers don't care about humans after they are born" - While this is obviously false, the proper response should be that it's irrelevant. The only group of humans who are currently legally killed while innocent are fetuses. Framing this as if pro-lifers care only about fetuses is one manipulation that pro-choicers use often.

*"Pro-lifers shouldn't support the death penalty" - The death penalty can be discussed, but the subtle fallacy here is false equivalence between killing someone while innocent vs. after conviction of crime. You will hear arguments about false convictions... as if pro-lifers are OK with killing humans who are falsely convicted. It takes patience to untangle all these fallacies and refute them.

*"Being pro-life should mean approving universal healthcare" - Again while healthcare, taxes and other financial policies can be a discussion, having an opinion on the economic policies does not imply what you think about actually killing a human while innocent.

BiblicalChristianity #wingnut reddit.com

The three branches of pro-choice arguments: undervalue, dehumanize, and manipulate
I will try to summarize the arguments I hear from the pro-choice side. Note that this is about abortion-at-will, not about abortion to save a life (when the mother is in an unhealthy pregnancy).
This is simply believing that human lives a mere biological instance and don't have intrinsic value. While it is a rare argument that is openly put forward by pro-choice, in my opinion it is the most consistent and powerful argument they have. And it lies underneath most of their common arguments.

The reason they don't make that argument is that they know it would invalidate all arguments about human rights (including the rights they claim to defend).

When it is put forward though, you would have to go beyond politics and enter the religious/moral world to discuss this. But ultimately, you cannot convince someone to value anything, and if they decide to reject the value of human lives, discussions are likely a lost cause. Only pray, preach, and vote. Always be peaceful.

Many pro-choicers claim fetuses are either not humans at all, or not humans enough. It is an unfortunate feature of humanity - believing those who do not look like us are not as human as we are.

It can come in the form of acknowledging fetuses as humans but with no rights to exist in the womb, or simply denying that fetuses are humans. Obviously fetuses are biologically humans, so it should be easy to refute arguments that deny that - just point to a biology book. Here are some of the arguments I see often:

*"Fetuses aren't humans. They are just clumps of cells" - Not much to say about this one. If two humans reproduce, their offspring is by definition a human. And all humans are clumps of cells.

*"Fetuses are humans but parasites" - While not many pro-choicers like saying this, it is how the pro-choice ideology treats fetuses. This indicates that because a fetus is living inside its mother

*"Life starts at birth" - Birth doesn't add anything to the fetus' life... it just makes it independent. This goes back to believing only independent humans can be valued and considering other humans as parasites.


Russian Duma #homophobia nbcnews.com

Russian parliament moves to expand 'gay propaganda' law
The expanded measure would ban public discussion of LGBTQ relationships in a positive or neutral light, and any LGBTQ content in cinemas.

Russia’s parliament moved Monday to tighten already stringent restrictions on the discussion of LGBTQ rights and relationships.

A draft bill calling for the broadening of a 2013 ban on the “promotion of nontraditional sexual relations” to minors, widely referred to as the “gay propaganda” bill, was announced on the website of the parliament, or Duma.

Introduced by a cross-party group of six Communist and socially conservative deputies, the bill would ban public discussion of LGBTQ relationships in a positive or neutral light, and any LGBTQ content in cinemas.

Vyacheslav Volodin, the parliament speaker and an ally of President Vladimir Putin, proposed similar measures earlier this month. On July 8, he spoke in favor of a broad ban on disseminating information on LGBTQ relationships after Russia had withdrawn from the Council of Europe, a human rights watchdog, in March.

“With the exit from the Council of Europe, demands to legalize same-sex marriages in Russia have become a thing of the past. Attempts to impose alien values on our society have failed,” Volodin wrote on Telegram.

Pro-Kremlin figures have repeatedly pitched the ongoing war in Ukraine as a battle against “Western values,” which they say include LGBTQ visibility and rights.

On the same day the bill was submitted for consideration, Putin formally recalled Russia’s representative at the European Court of Human Rights, or ECHR, via a decree published Monday on the Russian government portal for legal information.

Last month, Putin signed into law a bill releasing Russia from its responsibility to enforce ECHR judgments issued after March 15, when Russia withdrew from the Council of Europe. The ECHR was established by a 1953 convention drafted by the then-newly formed council, which all member states are expected to ratify.

MuddyBuddy #conspiracy incels.is

[RageFuel] Couple hugged/kissed only when they saw me

I notice couples will do this sometimes. They will hug or kiss only when they know others are watching. It's infuriating. Just today this one couple was just walking, not even holding hands. Only when the foid looked up and saw me did she grab her BF hand and then they kissed and hugged as I walked by. I hate mother fuckers who do this shit. They only do it to show off and make others miserable. I hope they both fall in an active volcano :feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree:

Idaho Republicans #sexist newsweek.com

Idaho Republicans rejected an amendment to their party platform that would have allowed abortion to save a mother's life.

A 2020 law banning abortions except in cases of reported rape or incest or to protect the mother's life is set to take effect in the deeply conservative state 30 days after the U.S. Supreme Court overturned its landmark Roe v. Wade ruling on June 24.

At the Idaho GOP convention in Twin Falls on Saturday, delegates approved changes to the party platform that criminalize all abortions without exceptions for rape, incest or to save the life of the mother, according to Idaho Reports.

Delegates voted 412-164 to reject an amendment that would have allowed an exception if the mother's life was in "lethal danger."

The platform states: "We affirm that abortion is murder from the moment of fertilization. All children should be protected regardless of the circumstances of conception, including persons conceived in rape and incest."

Scott Herndon, a Republican candidate who is running unopposed for the Idaho Senate, argued against the exception being included.

"For the last 49 years we have essentially lost the argument in the culture because we have focused on abortion as the termination of a pregnancy and not the termination of a living human being," Herndon told delegates, the Idaho Capital Sun reported.

"We will never win this human rights issue, the greatest of our time, if we make allowances for the intentional killing of another human being."

Anonymous Coward 47063680 #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia godlikeproductions.com

LGBT ‘propaganda’ faces complete ban in Russia - Russia gets it - America needs to do the same!

It's time to end all this Gay Pride Month insanity and all the idiotic LGBT indoctrination and "propaganda" now in America. The Russians and many other countries know the terrible damage this LGBT movement is causing. LGBT is promotion of mental illness as normal and promotion of deviance as desirable.

[Russia Today: “LGBT ‘propaganda’ faces complete ban in Russia”]

Aero #transphobia #homophobia archive.ph

They already believe that crossdressing men and troons have the right to rape lesbian women and straight men, or in the very least, sexually harass them. Their victims deserve it anyways, they’re transphobes for refusing. When presented with things like the SuperStraight meme, they always ask, “But what if the transwoman passes really well tho?”

They don’t ever stop to consider that the mere deception itself was enough to repel would-be partners, even in the unlikely event that they “passed” initially. That even if their partner was OK with having sex with men larping as women, that the fact that they would lie about something as important as that means they would have made a shitty partner anyway.

Making fun of people for supposedly being “gay” for being entrapped by some disgusting pervert in a dress is a big part of their rape culture. But to them, it’s funny because he deserves it for being a meanie homophobe/transphobe, dontcha know. Gays and trannies are allowed to engage in punitive rape against people they don’t like, dontcha know.
If all this shit makes you too paranoid to date anyone, hahaha, suck it loser. Eat our girlcocks, UwU.

Aero #transphobia archive.ph

We are already biologically predisposed to be repulsed by any attempt made to blur (or outright eliminate) the differences between male and female, to the point where even putting on clothing intended for the opposite sex will trigger that fear/disgust response. And contrary to what leftists will tell you, there’s a damned good reason for that. Nothing good can come from willfully ignoring the differences between men and women.

For instance, dating, romance, sexuality. Most people, like it or not, will much rather date someone who looks reasonably healthy for their sex.

Androgyny, at best, indicates poor physical health and/or infertility. At worst, it indicates an attempt at deception.

This is especially true within the “trap” subculture, where the goal is to pass as a female as much as possible, usually without the use of surgery or HRT. This is especially in regard to trying to “trap” straight men or lesbian women.
Even if the people who practice such a lifestyle don’t actually go that far, the implication is every bit as horrifying as you think it is. It’s horrifying because the LGBTQ community doesn’t see anything wrong with rape by deception. They already believe that being a sex pest is intrinsic to being LGBTQ, and so they will call you a “homophobe” or “transphobe” if you call them out on such behavior.

Minister Naftali Bennett, Ben Caspit #sexist #fundie #psycho mondoweiss.net

{from 2017}

Israeli society became incensed this week with the video of 16-year-old Ahed Tamimi and her 20-year-old cousin Nour, who slapped the Israeli soldiers occupying their family yard in Nabi Saleh.

The discussion amongst Israelis became all about the humiliation suffered by heavily armed soldiers, from a fearless 16-year old girl and her bare hands. Culture Minister Miri Regev said: “When I watched that, I felt humiliated, I felt crushed”. She called the incident “damaging to the honor of the military and the state of Israel.” She was echoing her own words from 2015, when Ahed also appeared in a viral video, wrestling a masked Israeli soldier, who was holding her little brother in a headlock and pressing him down on a rock, his broken arm in cast. Then Regev was “shocked to see the video this morning of Palestinians hitting an IDF soldier,” adding that, “It cannot be that our soldiers will be sent on missions with their hands tied behind their backs. It’s simply a disgrace!….We must immediately order that a soldier under attack be able to return fire. Period.”

There was a range of suggestions of what should happen with Ahed and the other girls. Education Minister Naftali Bennett suggested that they “spend the rest of their days in prison”.

But a prominent journalist had a somewhat more cunning suggestion:

“In the case of the girls, we should exact a price at some other opportunity, in the dark, without witnesses and cameras”,

Ben Caspit wrote in his article (Hebrew) on Tuesday.

What might this price exactly be, considering that he is referring specifically to teenage girls? We are left to wonder. Perhaps he wishes to leave it to the imagination of the soldiers who would invade the home at night, ensuring that no cameras are filming.

We are again left to wonder what it is exactly that the creep would do, especially if he thought there were no cameras around. Caspit’s suggestion resembles that of Defense Minister Lieberman, who also said on Tuesday that “whoever goes wild during the day, will be arrested at night”, adding that “everyone involved, not only the girl but also her parents and those around them will not escape from what they deserve”.

PraiseBeToScience #conspiracy #racist web.archive.org

on Ilhan Omar getting booed offstage by a crowd of Somali-Americans

lmao they're fucking Somalis. They're probably booing because she didn't give them enough free shit. They're one of the most animalistic, subhuman, foul breeds of humans to ever pollute the planet, they have no values, no morality, nothing. They don't care. Look at fucking Somalia at any point, ever, and tell me these are civilized filth capable of caring about things like that. They literally practiced cannibalism and baby-rape.

They're booing because they want more stimmy checks or free rent or reparations from the Ytpipo.

Also, just like Dan Crenshaw getting booed everywhere, she's going to magically sail to reelection effortlessly.

Ayelet Segal #crackpot #ufo #magick amazon.com

Like human beings everywhere, Segal lived in the physical world of the 3 rd Dimension,with its ordinary, every-day consciousness. But unlike most of us, she came to realize thatwe are part of the Multidimensional Universe – in which the Higher Consciousnessrealities of the 5 th Dimension and beyond are attainable for living.After becoming enlightened at the age of 35 years – during one of her spiritual journeysto the sacred City of Light, Telos, at Mount Shasta, Northern California – Segal acquiredthe ability to shift back and forth between the 3 rd Dimension of ordinary reality and the5 th Dimension of elevated consciousness.While in the 5 th Dimension during visits to Mount Shasta, Segal engaged in a passionaterelationship with a female Light Body, known to her over countless lifetimes. They wereSoul Partners. Their high Frequency of Love led them to share intense emotional,romantic, intimate and spiritual experiences. Their five-year story – unconstrained bytime and space, and mixing reality and imagination – vividly unfolds in this book.

Tuella and T. Lobsang Rampa #magick #ufo #crackpot #mammon amazon.com

SIMPLE HOW TO PERSONAL EMPOWERMENT BOOK PRESENTED IN AN ORGANIZED BOMBARDMENT OF SPIRITUAL TRUTH. . . EXPERTS PROCLAIM: MIND TO MIND COMMUNICATION IS NOW POSSIBLE AROUND THE WORLD AND ACROSS THE GALAXY. Shrouded in secrecy since ancient times, now it is possible for all sincere individuals to tap into that 80 percent unused portion of the human brain that will eventually enable humankind to cross the barriers of space and time, link up with our "cosmic cousins" and break down the walls of false illusion that exist between many races and groups on Earth. This vital workbook and study guide to expanding your clairvoyant and telepathic powers has been compiled by two of the foremost authorities on altered states of human awareness. TUELLA is widely recognized as the primary channel for the ASHTAR COMMAND, a galactic spiritual force that for decades has rendered valuable assistance in providing "shortcuts" guaranteed to bring about the removal of the wraps of secrecy and unnecessary ritual that have kept clairvoyant abilities out of the hands of the average person. T. LOBSANG RAMPA is one of the greatest teachers of metaphysics having studied many ancient scrolls hidden away in dusty monasteries and the deepest caves of his Tibetan homeland.
This is a clearly illustrated presentation that will enable to sincere student to. . . * Construct a firm spiritual foundation for establishing contact with their centers of awareness; thus opening up telepathic contacts with those close to the heart, as well as angelic beings and higher life forms. * Use crystals and other easy to obtain apparatus to reinforce and heighten telepathic sending and receiving. * Clear the mind of all false and negative influences, thus leaving the mind open only to receive positive thoughts. * Wash away "bad luck" and spread wide the necessary nerve endings that will enable you to receive only the most beneficial of cosmic forces and spiritual rays.

Digital Ghost #sexist twitter.com

(A person replying to why it’s okay for men for to sleep around but not women)

Because the double standard is valid. There’s plenty of unfair double standards about men that we accept without complaining.

Welcome to the real world

When you’re a man the challenge is being worthy of sex bc women try to keep it from you

When you’re a woman the challenge is abstaining from sex bc everyone wants to give it to you

Being a hoe is not deserving of respect, it’s equivalent to being a man who can’t get sex

Various Commenters #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: Mom of 10-Year-Old Ohio Girl Who Got Abortion Defends Child’s Rapist

(Darien X)

The mother of a 10-year-old Ohio girl who crossed state lines to get an abortion has defended her daughter’s 27-year-old confessed rapist — who was wrongly listed as a minor during the medical visit, according to reports.

“She’s fine. Everything that they’re saying against him is a lie,” she insisted of Fuentes, who confessed during police interviews to raping the youngster at least twice, according to court records and officials.

This one of a million reasons why we can’t live with these people, they have no concept whatsoever of law and order and even child abuse.
The obviously Hispanic mother defends the rapist who raped and impregnating of her 10 year daughter!
It doesn’t get any worse than this.

(ilya muromets)
Rape is just common practice in the Amerindian part black Hispanic culture. Yes these invaders storming our Southern border like a greedy army are not who the left say they are. They have similar child abandonment rates among the fathers of their children as blacks do.

No White SJWs we are not all the same.

Bush Family Values.

(Bobby E)

If the nutty woman is defending the man who raped her daughter, she also should be jailed.

She is probably having an affair with him. You never know with these wonderful Hispanics and their family values.

@ukvillafan & @DuncanHenry78 #transphobia #sexist twitter.com

The thing i understand least about the trans issue is why the ludicrous idea that a man can self-id as a women is supported by so many women and women’s groups who claim to be feminist. How, eg, can it be in any way feminist to allow men into female rape crisis groups?

Because they have been gaslit into truly “believing” TWAW, as a faith by people who use the language of “be kind” and “have empathy”, as a weapon that works particularly well with gendered female socialisation.

Congressman Paul Gosar & Various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

(Congressman Paul Gosar)
Working families and everyday real Americans are paying the price for the Biden Regime's insanity. And some Republicans dare vote for amnesty? Ridiculous. I'll always be a NO vote on amnesty. I'm America First.
Why should criminals, whose very first act in our country is to violate our laws, get citizenship? No amnesty. Ever. Only mass deportations.


@EnemyAtTheGates @DrPaulGosar OPERATION WETBACK!

@EnemyAtTheGates @DrPaulGosar
Ike sucked......
He didnt deport a single jew

@DrPaulGosar No amnesty ever. Close the borders or our society is doomed

@henrikimmler @DrPaulGosar close them and place military on the boarders to defend against the invasion.

@Mr_MikeR @DrPaulGosar
I say we give the illegals 30 days to leave and if they do not leave instead of mass deportation, I call for mass immigrant hunting season. Then they will be happy to leave.

Shut down the borders. Put the military on the borders. Start deporting all 30 million illegals in the country. Those who come in legally must apply for citizenship and not be allowed to vote for 10 years and NEVER be allowed to run for any government office. Omar needs to go and should never have been allowed to be on any ballot.🤬We The People MUST take back this country and we won’t do it with 30 million illegal invaders and ALL their anchor babies. DEPORT!

@DrPaulGosar why should people who came in illegally be able to run for congress and immediately vote for amnesty? sneak in=never be a citizen, never vote, never get public assistance, certainly never hold public office. don't like it? go home.

@DrPaulGosar There is a race war going on in the USA, and the Democrat politicians bet they will get the Black and Latin X (La Raza + illegals) votes. The majority of Black Americans love Biden for CRT propaganda and DEI affirmative action promotions. Latin X sees political power in the Hispanic vote via illegal immigration. Why else would the majorities of both racial groups support a complete idiot like Joe Biden and the even more incompetent Kamala Harris.

Congressman Paul Gosar & Various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

(Congressman Paul Gosar)
Republicans control more than half of the state legislatures and governorships in America. Passing Strong Voter Integrity bills, mandating E-Verify, etc should be easy - unfortunately, many Republicans are not loyal to the people who voted for them! The America First movement must replace them.

@DrPaulGosar “many Republicans…” are traitors more despicable than their communist, Satanic pederist, anti-White scum counterparts across the isle!

Just sayin’!

@DrPaulGosar RINOS, antiwhites.

@DrPaulGosar Everyone of these Republicans bends the one to the Jew. Stop putting satanic Israel first. Name the Jew!

@DrPaulGosar if they're not loyal to the voters, that means they're loyal to someone else, but we're not allowed to talk about who (((they))) are.


@DrPaulGosar Whatever happened to the January 6 political prisoners?
Oh yeah, they're still being tortured in a hell hole prison without ONE politician to care about them a year and a half later-no trial, no bail! THIS IS A HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATION!!!

The problem with America First is that it is by name a civic nationalist movement. We need racial nationalism, which is what the NJP is about.

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