
Racism, including ethnic hatred, nationalism and equating religion to race

Brother Nathanael #racist #wingnut #psycho #conspiracy realjewnews.com

Let’s face it.

Every seat of power in the United States is chaired by a Jew.

Nudelman at State, Garfinkle at DOJ, Schumer at Senate, Mayorkas at DHS, Yellen at Treasury, Weingarten at Teachers, Bernstein at Economic Advisors.

Yet any goy in a seat of power is overseen by a Jew.

Jake Sullivan at NSC by Jonathan Finer, Kamala Harris by Douglas Emhoff, Jerome Powell at the FED by Alan Greenspan, William Burns at CIA by David Cohen.

If we solved the dog-doo everywhere, why can’t we solve the Jew-doo?

“No-ti-cing” is not “Antisemitic.”

Not doing anything about it, is.

There are guiding historical precedents for it.

Call it, “The Jewish Solution.”

Seeing that “The Jew” acts as a “collective” for his own “in-group”…

…that “The Jew” as a “collective” crucified the Lord Jesus Christ and dutifully continues to justify the crime…

…we learn from historical precedent that the Byzantine Empire put into law—by Emperors’ Constantine and Justinian, codified in 535 BC—that no Jew could hold civil, academic, or financial office.

It worked.

The Church was free of the silencing of their beliefs by Jewish power.

The Synagogue was free of Antisemitic assaults.

A thousand year “win-win” for both sides.

No Jew died, prosperity for both was equally applied.

Karma is a bitch.
The “pogroms?”

It came from the other side.

Jewish Socialist terrorists aside…

…Vladimir Lenin, hoping to purge the majority of Jews from their “bourgeoisie” ways in finance and trade, engaged in creating an “Autonomous Region” for Jews to reside.
It’s an idea whose time has come.

We apply the Byzantine model to our land, and the Jews still hellbent on power can go to the Autonomous Land.

My goyisha friends.

Solutions don’t always solve problems.

So let’s move the problem far away from us.

Judy Byington/Charlie Ward #wingnut #racist #conspiracy #mammon operationdisclosureofficial.com

Restored Republics: The White Hats Have a Plan. That Plan was to eliminate the Bildeberg Deep State Cabal Khazarian Mafia which had their own Plan of eliminating 90% of Humanity they called the “bottom feeders.”

The White Hats formed their Plan after the assassination of President Lincoln.
The Plan became more formally organized with President Kennedy.
The Plan was run by the White Hat Global Military and was based on mainly use of the Marines and Navy.
There were roughly 200-300 Generals and Admirals which guided thousands of Military personnel in support of The Plan.
The counter offensive of The Plan began before Trump was elected. They followed the Law of War Manuel.
The Plan was now at a point where Nothing Can Stop What’s Coming (NCSWC).
You are now asked to play a leading role in that Plan to help it succeed.
Trump’s Executive Orders, Charlie Ward


● Confiscated private and corporate assets
● Seized the NYSE
● Blocking the property of those involved in serious human rights abuses or corruption, human trafficking


● 13848 imposes certain sanctions in the event of foreign interference in any of the United States choice


● Maintain American leadership in artificial intelligence Khazarian assets confiscated
● Among the top 3 executive orders – many DS assets were confiscated and DS Agents reversed

13818, 13848 and 13959

● The Space Force has EVERYTHING under control!
● DS money will be used up quickly
● All DS gold has already been confiscated (Vatican etc.)
● Wall Street, Washington DC, Vatican and City of London – all dead
● OPERATION: DEFEND EUROPE. This started March 17th 2020 and takes over the Vatican, it’s the mafia and it’s seizing all the Rothschilds central banks
● Brexit has severed the Vatican’s ropes and stripped the Royals of all assets
● We’re going to Tesla and metals instead of oil and gas

Stew Peters and James Edwards #racist #pratt #dunning-kruger angrywhitemen.org

Stew Peters spoke with[…]James Edwards about the so-called “national epidemic” of “Black-on-white crime”[…]
“Every day we turn on our TV[…]and we see another Third World invader or inner city parasitic animal attacking an elderly white person in a nursing home, who’s been left there completely defenseless, with no one to speak up for them and no one to come to their aid”[…]
Peters asked if elderly white Americans won World War II just to be “abused and raped and killed by ghetto savages”

Peters then turned to his guest[…]“These people are getting away with this because we don’t have a serious justice system,” Peters told Edwards. “But we can defund it[…]We can expose it. And we can get rid of these animals and exterminate these parasites, can’t we?”[…]
Edwards then invited the show’s viewers to “look back” at the “mythical amount of violence that white Southerners supposedly displayed against Blacks during the so-called civil rights era.” He complained that there are still headlines about the lynching of Emmett Till[…]
“And I say that the most remarkable thing about violence in the South at that time was how remarkable little there was”[…]
Edwards said that he “had the opportunity to interview the officer who arrested Rosa Parks” in 2008. He told Peters that “this wasn’t gonna be a shock” to him or his audience, but that “everything you’ve learned about that time in history is a lie,” calling it “no different than” the modern “BLM riots”

In a 2010 article commemorating the 55th anniversary of Rosa Parks’ arrest, Edwards called Parks a “Communist” and wrote, “It never ceases to amaze me how lawbreakers (Parks, ‘civil rights’ activists, illegal aliens, etc.) are heralded as heroes by the media while hard working, tax paying, God fearing Middle Americans are treated as criminals”

He also complained about the attention being paid to white murder victims. “You hear about Emmett Till,” he said. “Of course what about Cannon Hinnant[…]? Any movies about that?”

Fritz Berggren #conspiracy #fundie #racist bloodandfaith.com

[From “A Candid Discussion on Genocide Against White Christian Races”]

In the latest episode of our podcast, our speaker Fritz Berggren unfolds a compelling narrative about what he outlines as an unaddressed crisis – a genocide against white Christian races. Through a vivid exploration of historical events, Berggren suggests a systematic plot to wipe out white Christians from their homeland, which he believes started with the Muslim and African invasions in Southern Europe around 700 AD

He delves into mob politics, demystifying what he identifies as a coterie of powerful bodies manipulating global systems while playing the victim card. Berger criticizes governments for their alleged role in supporting this inequity and labels significant political figures within America and Europe as ‘traitors’ to their nations

The Bible and history forms the bedrock of Berggren discourse. Drawing upon the Scriptures, he seeks to elucidate his interpretations about the modern Jews – a notion that they are impostors and part of an anti-Christian alliance supportive of an alleged genocidal agenda

By injecting strong emotions amid the charged racial tensions, Berggren administers a rallying cry to the White Christian community for vigilance and action. He dares to cross controversial lines, particularly involving his denunciation of Jewish Christians, whom he challenges to align with his scriptural perspectives

The final tone of the episode is a passionate call to arms. Berggren, foreseeing a state of civil war, insists on defending and repossessing the Christian heritage and values against what he believes is a massive onslaught against European Christians

(PS: The above was 99% written by AI after listening to the podcast. Very interesting!)

Brotherofsteel5 #racist deviantart.com

So if you want a themed weekend of "movies who made hipters and cucks cry" Watch Oppeihemer, and The Northman. You know the movie about ancient scandinavian, where there are no strong and independant black woman, and zero diversity, just WHITES EUROPEANS.

Booooohooooo hipsters! The big bad whiter straight man is hidded under your bed, and will tickle you until you will pee in your bed....

Various commenters #wingnut #racist #pratt deviantart.com


I don't feel sorry for peoples like that.
They behave like savages, drive a car like douches, and after that they are surprised to got a crash.
They hitted a truck and 2 of them died, but what if they hitted persons who just walked on the sidewalk, or a car with childrens inside?
Rest to their souls, but for the rest...

This is the result of stupidity/lefty propaganda hooking up, you get a generations of arrogant idiots that will blindly surrender their lives for cheap thrills.

Neogrendizer #racist #pratt deviantart.com

How deep in the trenches of the political and cultural divide do you have to be to think that setting up freaking RAZOR WIRE to protect your own damn border is seen as extreme to the point that you need to take control of the state's national guard?! Hell, my girlfriend is Puerto Rican, and SHE thinks the government's take on this is insane! Good news is that 25 states of the United States, literally HALF, are backing Texas, bad news is that the other half either don't care or are against Texas. Folks, this is how the first Civil War freaking started: dispute over states' rights! Except back then, it was over whether or not states could secede from the Union (and no you sad, sad victims of our modern education system, it WAS NOT about slavery as that was invented by the Union and weaponized by President Lincoln and almost backfired in their faces), and now the same thing is happening again for the same damn reason, that of a tyrannical and overbearing government! Joe Biden and his administration are on their way out, and they know it, so this has the reek of a last desperate grasp of power. If there is a civil dispute, the current administration could use that as incentive to try to stay in power, and I DARE you to try and tell me that they won't try to spin it that way in the coming days!

Charlie Kirk #conspiracy #pratt #racist #wingnut twitter.com

I deleted an earlier tweet about New York city councilman Yusef Salaam because I think additional details and context are warranted.

Many people, even on the right, think the Central Park Five case is a story of five completely innocent men, railroaded at random by a racist justice system, who have now been fully and totally exonerated beyond doubt. This is not true and I’ll explain why.

I said Salaam once “took part in a gruesome gang rape,” but did not elaborate. I should have said "Yusef Salaam once confessed to participating in a gang rape. In this confession, Salaam admitted to beating jogger Trisha Meili twice with a metal pipe, and to groping her breasts while others raped her.” I should have mentioned that along with being raped, Meili was beaten so badly that her eye socket was crushed and her brain was severely damaged.

Charlie Kirk #conspiracy #pratt #racist #wingnut twitter.com

New York City councilman Yusuf Salaam, who once took part in the gruesome gang rape of a jogger in Central Park, is now furious that an NYPD officer dared to pull him over for having illegally tinted windows. Salaam wasn’t even arrested or given a ticket, but after getting away with gang rape he apparently thinks he deserves to be completely above the law.

What a disgusting pig.


Readers added context

FALSE: It is a matter of public record that Salaam was NOT a perpetrator of the Central Park rape. His (and the rest of the Central Park Fives') convictions were tossed out, and they were exonerated after an unassociated serial rapist and murderer confessed to the crime.

Context is written by people who use X, and appears when rated helpful by others. Find out more.

Fschmidt #god-complex #psycho #racist #transphobia #conspiracy saidit.net

While shooting modern scum (members of modern culture) has an undeniable emotional appeal, I do not recommend it because of the legal repercussions. But what if I told you that there is a legal means to kill modern scum that is far more effective than shooting them?

By far the most effective way to kill modern scum is to support the Democratic Party. Let's give credit where credit is due. No one else has come close to killing as many modern scum as the Democratic Party has. Just with the covid vaccines, they have killed millions of modern scum and this number is sure to rise significantly. By defunding the police and effectively legalizing crime, they have killed many ghetto modern scum. By allowing fentanyl and other drugs freely into this country, they have killed many more modern scum through drug overdoses. By promoting trans ideology in school, they will prevent many modern scum from reproducing. And thanks to sanctions on Russia, we can expect many modern scum to freeze to death in Europe and millions to starve in poor countries all over the world. So God bless the Democratic Party who are likely to kill more modern scum than I dreamed possible.

Greg Poole #wingnut #racist mysanantonio.com

The superintendent of a Texas school district has drawn new criticism over suspending a Black student over his locs hairstyle after defending the district in a full-page newspaper ad in the Houston Chronicle. Greg Poole, the top official at Barbers Hill ISD since 2006, says the district's Education Foundation took "the unprecedented step of buying advertising to ensure an unaltered response" after the Houston Chronicle's Editorial Board published an opinion piece on December 21.

The editorial was published a few weeks after Barbers Hill High School student Darryl George was placed in in-school suspension in early December, the same day he completed a 30-day stint at the school district's alternative school. He was initially suspended in September over a dress code violation related to his hair, the same month Texas' CROWN Act went into effect.

According to the Houston Chronicle, George initially was suspended for wearing his hair in dreadlocks pinned up in a barrel roll. The Barbers Hill ISD student handbook says male students are prohibited from having hair below the eyebrows or below the ear lobes," and hair cannot reach "below the top of a T-shirt collar or be gathered or worn in a style that would allow the hair to extend below the top of a T-shirt collar, below the eyebrows or below the ear lobes when let down."

The full page ad published on Sunday, January 14, rebukes the editorial board's criticism of the dress code and claims that loosening the rules would "have us lose sight of the main goal of educational excellence by pursuing politically oriented 'lesser' goals." He also criticizes the editorial board's position as "consistent with every single media representation of this topic nationwide."

Poole said his four decades as an educational professional "tells me districts relax their dress code expectations because they simply get tired of enforcing it and pursue easier, lesser goals."

"Our military academies at West Point, Annapolis and Colorado Springs maintain a rigorous expectation of dress. They realize being an American requires conformity with the positive benefit of unity, and being a part of something bigger than yourself," Poole wrote.

Gilgamesh de Uruk #transphobia #wingnut #racist memory-alpha.fandom.com

Diversity is a good thing, but it should never be done at the expense of any group of people. In the last 10 years there have been countless examples of a white character being race-swapped into a person of color, but I can't think of a single example of a race-swap in the opposite direction or a race-swap between two non-white races. That clearly shows bias against white people.

Trans people are not an oppressed minority. Yes, they have mental health problems and a much higher suicide rate than the general population. But otherwise, they are some of the most privileged people in Western society. In situations where one transwoman wants to use the women's locker room and a dozen women feel uncomfortable, the desire of the transwoman wins out every time. That's privilege. I'm in favor of equal rights for everyone, but participating in sporting competitions against the opposite sex is not a human right. Making irreversible bodily changes while still a child is not a human right either.

Laura Towler & various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( Laura Towler )
I’ve just seen all the posts on Gab in support of my husband Sam Melia, who was found guilty yesterday in court for “inciting racial hatred” for publishing stickers that bore slogans such as:

-Reject White Guilt
-It’s ok to be White
-We will be a minority in our homeland by 2066
-White Lives Matter
-Stop Anti-White Rape Gangs
-Love Your Nation

I just want to say thank you for all the support. He is not allowed to post about the case or trial until after sentencing on 1st March but I’ve shown him all the messages and he says thank you.

( @USCenturion )
@thisislaurat Pro-Whites need to support other pro-Whites from other countries. All of us are wishing the best outcome for you and your family.

( @Biking4Love )

The people doing it are the people who killed the Messiah. Don't worry, their punishment is going to be far more severe.

( @Incognitio0302 )
@thisislaurat If Americans had the balls we keep saying that we have, your husband would not be in trouble. Free speech has turned out to be a farce in America. I'm sorry he and your family are going through this. We let you down. We've let our children and grandchildren down!!

America has become the land of the slaves and home of the cowards. White Americans care much more about their fantasy football teams than they ever will about their country or their race.

( @me1224 )
@thisislaurat This is what happens in communist countries.

( @Nova64joe )
@thisislaurat This country hates White people now. It’s plain to see that when we see what happens to people like your husband every damn day. Not to mention the genocidal border policy. Stay strong! P.S. I’m in Amerika but we have the same problem being inflicted on us

Mike Adams the Health Ranger #wingnut #racist #conspiracy #mammon brighteon.com

- 25 GOP governors supporting Texas' border security measures. (0:02)

- Immigration and border security in Texas. (4:57)

- US military weakness and potential secession. (15:24)

- Secession and the potential for a new America. (20:37)

- Defending Texas borders and stopping Biden's agenda. (26:42)

- Political corruption and military weakness in the US. (32:17)

- Second Amendment rights and potential civil war. (43:08)

- Prepping, survival gear, and off-grid money solutions. (49:15)

- Politics, government, and the upcoming election. (56:05)

- Texas-US Supreme Court ruling and potential conflicts with federal government. (1:03:18)

- Immigration and political power. (1:09:00)

- China's aggressive actions and their impact on global economy and security. (1:21:49)

- US-China relations and military deterrence. (1:24:59)

- China's technological advancements and geopolitical strategies. (1:31:08)

- Election fraud and partisanship. (1:37:19)

- Government spending, debt, and the Founding Fathers' principles. (1:43:32)

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #racist 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From “Monday after Martin Luthor King day is "released from bail for MLK Day crimes day"”]

Martin Luthor King wanted to live in a world where his offspring would be judged for the content of their characters instead of their skin colour[…]
Niggers shouldn't have taken that deal because it actually comes out worse for them. While King's own spawn (at least the ones from women who know the identity of their rapist) aren't exactly shining white (ha) beacons on the hill, his fellow spear chuckers can't even reach that bar

We've been reliably told that the nigger is genetically incapable of living in a law abiding civilized manner. It's just not in their DNA[…]for them DNA just stands for "Dumb Nigger Arrested"[…]Take it away, Fani Willis:

Black women aren't perfect, and I'm sleeping with the unqualified prosecutor I hired, and I'm on a political mission to throw Trump in jail. But you've gotta ignore all that, let me continue to sin and violate all professional ethics

Okay, that was the NotTheBee summary of her comments but her point was literally that expecting a negress to follow the law is unacceptable[…]That thick black tar flowing through her veins instead of the red blood that human beings carry. That's what causes her to break the law even as she's acknowledging that she is indeed guilty[…]
Fani Willis DA uses race and gender to excuse misconduct

Yeah maybe stick to being judged by your skin colour. At least in that circumstance we can understand and sympathize that we were asking you to be a better person than you're genetically capable of

Vox Day #racist #psycho voxday.net

[From “Remigration in Germany”]

The AfD party is rapidly rising in Germany, in part due to its promise to remigrate millions of people who have invaded and degraded Germany

Germany’s left-liberal establishment media has been promoting a “secret’ deportation plan formulated by the Alternative for Germany (AfD); however, AfD politician René Springer says the plan is no secret and vowed to deport millions should the AfD come to power[…]

There are precisely four options for Germany and every Western country, including the United States:
•Remigrate the invaders and return them safely to their native lands
•Fight a war with the invaders, culminating in a historical Immicaust
•Decline into violent post-civilized, post-European anarchy
•Be invaded and occupied by the Russian Army

The option that the AfD is proposing is by far the most civilized and humane option. It’s also one of the two options that will permit Germany to remain both a) German and b) sovereign. It is therefore an absolute moral imperative

The Boomers and their Enlightenment delusions are finished. There is no longer any need to avoid openly discussing the necessity of what is obviously necessary if the various nations of the West are to survive. After all, what is the alternative? To continue to sink deeper into the mire of denationalization and decivilization?

Patrick O'Carroll #racist #wingnut #conspiracy henrymakow.com

WW1 and WW2 were both religious wars for the genocide of Christians: 65 million Christians in WW1, and 85 million Christians in WW2.

Germans were selected for special punishment for the temerity they demonstrated in creating systems and industries serving to free humanity. So, in 1870-1910, London's QUATUOR CORONATI lodge built Nazism, the Nazi ideals, founded the Thule Society which morphed into the NSDAP, and then installed "Illuminati" Agent, or Stooge, Adolf Hitler on 30 Jan 1933, with his "Mein Kampf" most likely written by Tavistock.

Anyone who knows the Germans knows that Jesus MUST well have meant people like them when, in Matthew 5, He said "You are the Salt of the Earth ... and the Light of the World" ("Ihr seid das Salz der Erde ... und das Licht der Welt").

The Talmudists (Zionists and Freemasons) wanted the Germans either wiped out, or under their total control, and had achieved those aims by 1945.

But the biggest secret the Talmudists kept covered up for over 70 years was their genocide of over 30 million Ethnic-German Civilians after "VE Day" on 8 May 1945. If their gullible audience had known that, it would have stopped falling for the hogwash official-"truth" narrative overnight

WW1 and WW2 were both religious wars whose main aims were to create Israel as the venue for the reign of the Antichrist and to genocide Christians, exactly as the Talmud commands. And any gullible US Christians who still salute their flag must bear in mind that, in the coming religious war called WW3, they are to be genocided by decapitation in the FEMA Death Camps pursuant to the (wholly invented) Talmudic Noahide "Laws", which were placed on US "law"-books in 1991 by House Joint Resolution H.J.RES.104.ENR. This is set to take place once the USA declares Martial Law at the start of WW3. So, US Christians are now about to get "special treatment" similar to what the Germans were given in WW2 but also in WW1. The Talmudists want all Christians dead.

Russ Winter #wingnut #conspiracy #ableist #racist winterwatch.net

Have you ever asked yourself why Americans lack basic critical thinking skills? Is it the fault of the education system, or have Americans been drugged and brainwashed into believing what the sistema tells them to believe?

In the general population, there is epidemic use of psychotropic drugs, either prescribed or self-medicated. Those who use them might show signs of cognitive dissonance. A report from Medco shows that one out of five adult Americans are taking at least one legally prescribed psychiatric drug. Among women, the statistic is one in four.
Then there is the use of neurotoxin fluoride. The media bombards drugged viewers with neuro-linguistic and symbolic programming designed to counter critical thinking.

Getting back to more extreme applications of these methods, the fodder for the more seriously mind controlled individuals is immense. For instance, right now there are tens of thousands of young homeless Latin American and Middle Eastern children deliberately being led across the borders, where they become wards of the state in makeshift camps. It’s a breeding ground for a Fabian-like army. There are literally tens of millions of children all over the world living on the streets or are institutionalized.

These children are exploited by psychopathic criminals for all types of purposes, from labor and sex slaves to special assignments. There are dozens of accounts from survivors of these programs, but their stories are typically dismissed and, of course, unreported by Crime Syndicate-controlled media.

The best subjects for mind control operations are those who are intelligent and have Asperger syndrome, a form of autism. They are very mechanical individuals and, as such, are perfect for these programs. They are given a trigger or template in their conditioning. Of late, it seems to be something in the Joker or Batman genre.

Fschmidt #racist #wingnut mikraite.org

To any sane person, Black Lives Matter (BLM) must seem bizarre. It is a racist Marxist movement pretending to help blacks but actually hurts blacks and everyone else. Where would such a crazy idea come from?

I know the answer because I attended orthodox synagogue and I understand Judaism. Judaism is the source of the ideas behind BLM. Judaism is a racist religion that pretends to be anti-racist. So now let's compare BLM with Judaism.

BLM accuses anyone who disagrees with it of being racist against blacks. Judaism accuses anyone who disagrees with it of being antisemites.

BLM takes advantage of useful idiot whites and Muslims to support BLM to their own detriment. Judaism does the same with stupid Protestants.

Both BLM and Judaism are working to destroy western civilization. BLM is just a Jewish tool for this purpose. It is supported by Globalist and Leftist Jews. Hopefully this explains what BLM is all about.

Political Moonshine #wingnut #transphobia #racist #conspiracy politicalmoonshine.substack.com

For well over a year now, the Intelligence Community has been tediously and incrementally operating to remove both Donald Trump and Joe Biden from the 2024 ballot in what amounts to a complete erasure of the slate. Begrudgingly, the IC seems to have accepted and reconciled the fact that despite a wide array of ongoing and future operations to intercede on The People’s will, Trump will be the 2024 nominee. What the IC cannot accept; however, is Trump becoming president. Those operations are guaranteed to continue.

Meanwhile, the IC can’t afford to re-install Biden for a second term either, because even the most partisan Democrats are distancing themselves from that dumpster fire.
The analysis is clear in indicating that Barack Obama will get what amounts to his fifth and likely sixth terms.

In the picture to replace Biden are two clear favorites: California Governor Gavin Newsom and former First Lady Michelle Obama.

This appears to be the general consensus in identifying a Biden replacement and Michelle becomes the obvious interface for Barack’s fifth and sixth terms.
If the leaked reports presumably from the IC about Barack’s pre-presidency sexuality are accurate; and the wide speculation about Michelle being a male are equally accurate as was once posited by a now dead Joan Rivers, it means that ‘Dynastic Bush’ paved the way for Michelle with the entire trans agenda years in advance.

Otherwise the trans agenda and now pervasive Diversity, Equity & Inclusion policies, which is the umbrella for everything culturally wrecking the nation in the public and private sectors, would not have become compulsory or subject to federal and state funding.

Cultural Marxism is overturning fundamental aspects of humanity.
The Intelligence Community’s perception management operations are shoehorning and bullying the population into ‘trans acceptance’ so it can be shoehorned into accepting the first trans couple to occupy the White House for the third time.

Oklahoma State Rep. Justin Humphrey (R) #racist nbcnews.com

An Oklahoma bill has stirred controversy in the state Legislature for seeking to label Hispanic people who are gang members as terrorists. No other racial or ethnic group is singled out in the legislation

The bill, written by Republican state Rep. Justin Humphrey, proposes that any person who “is of Hispanic descent living within the state of Oklahoma,” is a member of a gang and has been convicted of “gang-related offenses” would be deemed a terrorist. Humphrey has since apologized for zeroing in on Hispanic people and plans to change the language in the bill to "undocumented"

Humphrey told NBC News that the bill was meant to focus on “those people who are here illegally and who are coming across the border and trying to do harm to America and to Oklahoma”[…]
Humphrey has also said that “Chinese nationals” are contributing to the fentanyl crisis, but did not explicitly mention that group in the bill. There were 3,547 unintentional drug overdose deaths in the state between 2017 to 2021, according to data from the Oklahoma State Department of Health. Fentanyl was involved in 579 of those deaths[…]
Humphrey has proposed another controversial bill this legislative session that seeks to use animal control to remove "furries," individuals who role-play as anthropomorphized animal characters, from school activities

beeches #racist #dunning-kruger godlikeproductions.com

As Germany loses its identity to invaders, the idea of REMIGRATION is suggested.. WOW did that hit a nerve.

And did the ones in power like this? Oh heck no!

It would mean admitting decades of 'immigration' policy have led to massive problems . Instead you attack the ones suggesting it.

[link to www.bbc.com (secure)]

German politicians in power would like to ban the party - Alternative for Germany, or AfD -

behind remigration- just see it go away, or absent that, be banned.

Even 35 years ago, Turks working in Germany spat on laws protecting animals and women.

"let's just them them do things their way. Honor killings, slaughtering animals in apartments.well, it's just their way." That was the liberal view at the time, and it is the politically correct view today ...

So instead of dealing with the widespread societal disruption in Deutschland, parties in power support a ban on the group that suggested it.

Cesar Marinilli #racist #crackpot twitter.com

Like I said Amerindians belong to Asia so they will have to go back. Asia is a very extensive region and there can certainly be places where they can go. There aren't many amerindians around today. The Americas were discovered and developed by Europeans.

Alec Leamas (working from home) #racist unz.com

This is part of my theory about black antisocial behavior (especially oppositional defiance disorder) is not simply a consequence of not having had an involved biological father in the home, but rather about having a round robin of their mothers’ boyfriends and lovers in the home, acting imperiously and likely physically abusing the young boys who are an obstacle and burden to the men. They’re learning that authority is corrupt and capricious and its ability to impose violence is its sole source of legitimacy. Then they get sent out into the world in an essentially feral state and encounter white cops.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Apolitical )
“It’s the Chinese! It’s the Muslims! It’s White liberals!” cries the conservative.

But what about the problems these jews and blacks are causing?

“What are you some kind of racist Nazi antisemite??? You can’t blame groups for the actions of individuals!”

The irony is lost on the brain dead conservative

( @fisheroflight )
@Apolitical It’s actually so funny how “conservatives” will support the second amendment because “that’s how the founding fathers intended” but when it comes to the melting pot cesspool of a nation and the anti-white hatred they’re completely silent. The fathers intended a white nation but you’ll never hear the loser influencers or activists say anything like that lol. They cherry pick to push their little bullshit rEpUbLiCaN agenda to satisfy boomers and brainwash young minds, seriously it’s just as retarded as the liberals and their SJW bullshit

( @gingee )
@Apolitical The JEW IS the ENEMY PERIOD. The jew is behind EVERY evil and problem in humanity today, period. If you defend a jew you defend satan himself.

( @EJGeneric )
@Apolitical Maybe we can agree to abolish multiculturalism… no, Jews are not White.

( @Nizenithal )
@Apolitical The truth is its just the JEWS the non white races lack the intellectual capacity to realize they are just tools. Although they still need to go.

( @Nthman )
@Apolitical Everyone paralyzed with fear of being a racist for recognizing reality is a faggot, that forces others to fight their battle.


( @robidieux5 )

There, put that to bed.

Elijah Schaffer, Adam King, Gavin McInnes, Nick Fuentes and Vincent James Foxx #wingnut #racist #conspiracy #homophobia #psycho angrywhitemen.org

Elijah Schaffer moderated a debate on Zionism between Adam King, Gavin McInnes, Nick Fuentes, and Vincent James Foxx[…]
McInnes[…]produced a chart to show that Jewish people aren’t a monolith[…]“Hasidim,” “Orthodox,” “Secular Zionist,” and “Secular Anti-Zionist aka ‘JINO’”[…]
Attempted to explain the difference between these four groups, and told the other participants that “Your beef is mostly with these — I call them JINOs[…]They’re mostly Bolsheviks. They’re mostly atheists.” McInnes cited[…]Soros[…]
McInnes claimed that white people fought the Civil War because they were “worried about Negroes’ rights”[…]
“So whites have this sense of self-hatred. And to blame it on the Jews is a cop-out”[…]
McInnes then said something about “fucking kikes,” causing Schaffer and others to laugh

“I thought the k-word was gonna be dropped by the other side, but let’s fuckin’ go!” King said. McInnes replied that “It’s usually niggers and chinks who say kike”[…]
Adam King then interjected to say that the media failed to cover the “capture of Gaza City”[…]Joked that Israeli realtors should sell him “beachfront property” there

When asked whether Israel was guilty of committing genocide[…]McInnes denied it. He stated that “as far as the savage animals of the Middle East go,” Israelis are the “most civilized of the hyenas”[…]
He also claimed that the Israelis are fighting “savages”[…]
“Columbus cut out their tongues when he discovered the Caribbean,” he declared. “[…]That was the vocabulary of the fuckin’ aboriginals”[…]
Schaffer asked Zherka if he had an opinion about Jewish people “Talmudically raping kids.” Zherka accused Jews of bringing “LGBT, porn, and all this degeneracy”[…]Repeated the antisemitic claim that Jews were “kicked out of 109 fuckin’ countries”[…]
Adam King had blamed the influence of Christianity[…]Foxx suggested it was because of their own behavior[…]
“Usury[…]taking over the media, pushing sexual degeneracy, taking over basically everything?”

various commenters #wingnut #racist #fundie gab.com

( @Trouble_Man )
Jew: “Jesus said do unto others as you would have them do unto you”

Also jew: *kills Christ*


( @LeFrog2300 )

Jews become the most evangelical Christians in America whenever they find a verse they think they can manipulate for their own gain.

( @Plainsight1 )
@Trouble_Man I'm pretty sure when Jesus said to do unto "others" he meant your racial kinsman. That verse is from the gospel and the gospel is only for the racial family of Jesus.

( @Lady_Liberty_2021 )
@Trouble_Man. Gotta love the way Jews invoke the words of God's Only Son they had crucified (while continuing to deny it) in an attempt to support their own self-promoting ideology.

( @white_powerade )
@Trouble_Man Makes one think: have jews been so obnoxious, rotten and meddlesome for the past 2000 years because they really WANT us to kill them? 🤔

( @Sonnesta )
@Trouble_Man Is he a Jew asking how Christians can do anything? LOL... it shows his hypocrisy. He'll cry Jesus wasn't the Messiah, but quote him when he thinks he's got something on anyone. Typical Jewish? Say one thing believe another... LOL. MEATHEAD that's what he is...still

( @Undomesticated )
@Trouble_Man for those without a cloak sell it and buy a sword. Jesus was pro 2a

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
I long ago decided that White people should never talk to police in a White-on-black altercation.

"Sorry, officer, I just didn't see anything. Can't help you."

White people need to stop snitching on other White people who may be forced to defend themselves against blacks or other non-whites.

I hope the courts like trying to prosecute justified violence without any witnesses. As the White race, we should all refuse to testify against any White person taking actions to protect their family in a court of law. They can't hold us all in contempt.

( @PrimeSymbol )
@Nature_and_Race This includes putting the cellphone down and STOP FILMING events which may put fellow Whites in prison if the video is posted online.

( @freivolk )
@Nature_and_Race Jury nullification is a powerful tool. The other races have been using it for decades because despite all their downfalls, they maintain racial unity.

( @BobHolland )
@Nature_and_Race do what the blacks do, feign neutrality then vote on race when they let us in the juries

( @Jmetz11 )
@Nature_and_Race The Aryan reaction as opposed to the nigger reaction of “ I dindu nuffin” is “ I didn’t see anything officer”.

I like it.

( @Rodger_james )
@Nature_and_Race I have been saying here on Gab as long as I have been here that we must refuse to return a guilty verdict against any White person accused of a crime against a black. Blacks do this all the time even when there is clear video evidence that one of their people murdered a White man.

( @PeakHomesteadLLC )
@Nature_and_Race A White-on-black altercation will be self-defense 99% of the time.

John Kaminski/Bonnie and John Mitchell #crackpot #racist #wingnut #magick #conspiracy stateofthenation.co

You remember Barack Obama, I’m sure. He’s the president who never left office, they say. In fact, some say he’s still in office, animating that brittle, child-fondling ghoul known as Joe Biden from behind the scenes.

Barack Obama was supposedly the first U.S. president of African descent. It was merely a cosmic coincidence that he ironically murdered the greatest leader Africa ever knew, who was Muammar Gaddafi, beloved leader of Libya’s direct democracy, the world’s freest country that made the U.S. look like a police state by comparison.
But what might add a formidable number of casualties to the Obama death toll roster could just be a sound in a new Netflix movie which under certain circumstances supposedly could actually kill the people who hear it.

Actually, the sound resembles the collective scream of desperate human beings uttering the final cry of their fruitless existence, soon to echo throughout the land, if not the world.

Can a sound from a movie trigger molecules of poison you received when you took the COVID jab to burst and release a deadly poison and even worse, possibly then turn you into a zombie?

This latest gift from your ex-president is potentially a real killer.
When podcasters, Bonnie and John Mitchell of AwakenVideo uploaded the new, dystopian Netflix disaster thriller, ‘Leave the World Behind’ into their editing program, they were surprised to find four soundtracks, instead of one, something they had never seen before. One of these four audio tracks is inaudible to humans, because it’s entirely in the infrasonic range.
“The Obama movie is satanic ritual abuse,” Bonnie said, “mind control weaponry with an infrasonic wave, not audible to human ears.”
The infrasound immersion is the sound of your extinction. It is the sound of death you will not hear as your audio gets turned off for the last time.

Executive producers? Barry and Big Mike Obama, prominent homosexual fraudsters.

Benjamin Fulford #crackpot #racist #wingnut #conspiracy #psycho stillnessinthestorm.com

The Satanic Khazarian mafia is reeling and it is time to finish them off once and forever. The exposure of human sacrifice facilities in the basement of Chabad world headquarters in New York has made the whole world aware of what we are dealing with. European truck drivers, farmers and train conductors have shut down EU commerce in a move to remove KM slave governments from power. The State of Texas has declared war on the Washington DC slavers by closing the border and stopping the flow of children destined for torture and sacrifice. The Catholic Church Hierarchy in Latin America and Africa, where the vast majority of Catholics reside, has revolted against the rubber-masked fake KM puppet “Pope” Francis. Similar moves are being seen all over the world.
What is happening is truly biblical in the literal sense of the word. That is because the world is removing from power an ancient cult of human slavers hiding behind monotheism.
A similar rate of murder takes place in Europe as the 60,000 missing Ukrainian children shows. Our sources tell us Japan has a quota of 16,000 children per year to be offered as sacrifices. They are grabbing children from all over the world.

This means the entire cult must be arrested and taken in for questioning. Their children will have to be re-educated. To put a permanent end to this practice, we must take note of the Chinese Emperors and wipe out 12 generations of any family whose member is caught carrying out such an act in the future.
From an Asian perspective, all of the monotheistic religions -even those with a “good shepherd” leading the flock- are still human animal farms. As the saying goes, the sheep spends his life in fear of the wolf but it is the shepherd who kills him.

In any case, the long-term monotheistic plan to put all of humanity under the control of a single god king must end. The Asians are proposing a small village council for the world as a more benign alternative. This needs to be negotiated.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @KeepNHGranite )
White Privilege™ is when government takes unimaginable sums of money from you, gives it to those they're replacing you with, and blames you for all their problems.

Those in power aren't “managing the budget.”

They're funding the War On White People.

With money they stole from White people.

( @DavidBlaine401 )
@KeepNHGranite Every single person who controls monetary and budgetary systems in the United States is a jew, or some DEI person controlled by a jew. Luckily, White Americans are waking up to this, and it won’t be long before this system upends itself.

( @MemeFarm )
@KeepNHGranite White people are also paying for the schools where they teach White children to hate White people.

( @ChuckMcMakin )
@KeepNHGranite start posting signs, You eliminate white people you eliminate your welfare check.

( @Socio )
@KeepNHGranite And people wonder why the decline in White birth rates, they are too busy working cradle to grave to pay for the parasite class and their exploding birthrates.

One thing is for sure, if we are ever to get this country back on track the Welfare state must end and we must let the chips fall where they may.

You want to end the pigeons crapping all over the park quit feeding the pigeons.

( @Brother_Mike )
By repatriating ALL non-Whites to their historical homelands, we would be in a budget surplus and could repay all of our outstanding debt to the Federal Reserve (not that we should).
We could have universal, government funded healthcare. Our roads would have 50% less traffic. Our schools would have 65% less students. We wouldn't need foreign doctors, because we have enough White ones to take care of White people. We could cut our agricultural production by 75% and stop exporting to 3rd world shitholes. We could reduce defense spending by 50% and still have enough to secure our nation.
What if.

( @Htester1959 )
@KeepNHGranite Once they've replaced us whites who are they gonna rob? Like killing the goose that laid the golden egg. Then they'll find out how great diversity is!

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @EB_ )
This happened when the country and military were majority White

Imagine a military chock full of hispanics and blacks that has been hopped up on jewish anti White propaganda

( @MeVotingDoesNotMatter )
@EB_ The upside is that a military made up of spicks and niggers has the fighting capacity of a constipated six year old.

( @JohnnyHooker )
@EB_ whites will always be conquered by lesser races because white refuse to organize by race

( @Icecoldking )
@JohnnyHooker @EB_ it's cause non-Whites are literally animals. Most idiots with a canine are pretty much conquered by their canines. If the populace isn't going to conquer their own canines what are they going to do with a bunch of chimps.

( @KingVirzion )
@Icecoldking @JohnnyHooker @EB_ its because non whites are animals that they are winning. Whats good is acting like a human when your enemies want you dead. Maybe we should learn a thing or two from the violent ruthlessness from shitskins but nah white are too cucked trying to be "civil"

( @Forlorn_Hope89 )
@EB_ And Trump at his damned rallies lately mentions "black, hispanic and asian" support, but never Whites. Plus he says he's going to defeat the "communist and 'fascists' " of DC, and remove the "swastikas in DC from the pillars" Whatever that means. The guy is anti-White and is getting White people to support his agenda; voting is a sham now, but the message being supported is what worries me.

I wish White people would wake up, we deserve a future. Screw the traitors.

( @RememberSamDavis )
@EB_ Since the "civil war" the US military has always been the bad guys.

( @DWC1965 )
@EB_ It’s going to be the spics and a few niggers decked out in the military gear and the White men being gang stomped on the ground while the others are raping his wife.

I don’t care about filtering graphic language in these posts anymore. I hope someone sees it and it does just the thing to motivate them.

( @NPC321 )
@EB_ It isn’t much worse. The dog generation was 100% loyal to White genocide and supported nigger gang rape of European women. Same with today. These people can not come back from this. I think it’s actually preferable to be destroyed by an outsider than your own race.

Mira from the Pleiadian High Council via Erena Velazquez #ufo #racist #magick #conspiracy voyages-of-light.com

I am Mira, from the Pleiadian High Council, and it’s my turn today to speak to my Brothers and Sisters of planet Earth.

You reached now the point of no return, where all of the monstrosities and deceptions are being flushed out to the surface and it can’t be hidden anymore by Darkness. A perfect example of this, recently in Brooklyn, New York under a Jewish Synagogue secret tunnels were discovered. The media mostly covered up the real reasons why these underground tunnels were built in the Jewish community.

These underground passages were created a few years ago. They made this underground area at night so nobody could see what they were doing. The real reason this underground tunnels were dug out which the news media hidden from the public, the Jewish community used this space to secretly [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] and [redacted]. They also used them for their [redacted]. The main leaders of this group were arrested. This event will lead to more discoveries in the future.
You can’t expect that Darkness is going to surrender without a fight. It will continue to manipulate and create misery and pain for everyone until the last second of it’s existence. You are powerful enough to break this holographic reality. The realization of your essence within yourself that you are more than just a physical body, it will help you to detach from everything that is negative happening around you.

Your focus needs to be on moving into higher and higher vibrations each day to help you to ascend into a New Earth. Everything you see in your environment including buildings, objects and etc. are carrying low energies and cannot be transferred into 5D. Many of the humans didn’t adopt to the energetic changes that took place on this planet and they are existing in total emptiness created by the Dark Ones.
My team and I are ready to meet everyone on a New Earth in 5th dimension. Please, receive my Love and Support. Thank you Ambassador of Galactic Light Forces.

Andrew Anglin #racist dailystormer.name

[From “James Earl Ray Day Marred by Technical Difficulties”]

Hello friends, and happy James Earl Ray Day

Sadly, on this sacred day where we honor one of the most important figures in our nation’s history, a man who stood up for freedom and for the rights of all Americans, we are still undergoing a technical process

You’re only seeing this if you’re on Tor, or if by some miracle the site is up at dot in. But I want to just weigh in and explain

Using the cash from the donation drive, the astronomically expensive upgrade should end the ongoing off-on problem of downtime that we’ve been experiencing for the last year or so

We want to take our time, and make sure that the bullet hits the target. That is to say, we want to blow the brains out of the site’s problems. We want to hit the nasty problem of ongoing downtime right in the face with a .30-06 bullet fired from a Remington Model 760 rifle

I’m not a tech guy, but I’m still right in the middle of this job, working as a spotter to make sure we get a clean shot, breaking the jaw, shattering the vertebra, and severing the jugular vein of the technical glitches

I’m exhausted and have not slept much, engaged in these chats and following instructions on backend processes

You’re going to be happy with the results, when the problem of downtime we’ve been dealing with is laying cold on a slab in the morgue

Lauren Witzke & various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( Lauren Witzke )
What DEI really means

spoilerD : DIVERSITY

( @Samuel_Culper )
@LaurenWitzkeDE Talking about White people. White people are still a 60% majority in America. And White people are still the most heavily armed majority. At some point.

White people must organize and refuse to be bullied, governed and ruled by lawless, morally bankrupt politicians, politicized judges, subversive courts, bureaucrats, special interests, and their hostile anti-American forces.


( @Lies_fall_Truth_wins )
@LaurenWitzkeDE That is a means to an end and the end is the inclusion and worship of Satan throughout the world to the exclusion of Jesus Christ.

( @williamjaeger )
@LaurenWitzkeDE No amount of robbing me will ever make dumb, lazy, unemployed people's areas look like mine.

"Equity" is neither possible nor desirable.

The commies are seeking to destroy civilization and hurt white people. Desperate people are easier to control.

( @alexpulse231 )
@LaurenWitzkeDE Exactly! Now name the jew! And quit the GOP!

( @echoes )
@LaurenWitzkeDE Orchestrated by jewish NGO's and the jew media.

( @indyz11 )
@LaurenWitzkeDE My definition: Diversity. I have pistole, rifles and shotguns. Equity. I load them will the best ammo. Inclusion. I bring the ALL to the range for 3-gun competition. Any questions?

( @_LuluB_ )
@LaurenWitzkeDEI Literally, all White men have to do is to leave a little gift in White women to reverse this and by and large, they refuse. They hoard their stash like they can take it with them when they die.

They’re on here complaining about White demographic decimation while they have the only sword they’ll ever need to fight it, right there in their pants. It’s so frustrating.

Make the first move, guys! Or just move, period; GO OUT or if you’re married, stay in. Stay in for the full finish.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
Feeding an already overpopulated continent.

So that every African can feed their 27 offspring.

So each of those offspring can go on to have 27 offspring of their own.

Russia is doing the Lord's work...😬😬😬

( @excid )
@Nature_and_Race In the K spectrum Africans have a much higher birth rate because they have a higher death rate for their niglets. Whites have a low rate because of an initially more hostile environment so we evolved to take more care of our offspring. Feeding more of them in Africa, without having them contribute, is going to change the formula. They have no need to change because others are doing the work and they just continue to procreate.

( @EuropeMan )
@Nature_and_Race White people should not be feeding niggers. That food should be going to other White people.

( @Squire_Skimp )
@Nature_and_Race So that there will continue being an ample supply of niggers emigrating into White nations.

( @Alkanhermit )
@Nature_and_Race Putin is a jew, posing as a White that betrays the people. Doesn't' matter, they work for global jewish order, or nationalist jewish order, they will work toward their tikkum olam jew power for a complete jew control.

( @RussianTwitterbot )
@Nature_and_Race well the niggers arent going to russia

( @Dude2020 )
@Nature_and_Race If there ever was a global scale catastrophe or end in foreign aid would a single nigger survive or would they unironically eat each other to death and destroy the environment to the point it became uninhabitable to even a survivable population of 350+?

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
1) The war against White people
2) Child rape and sex slavery
3) Usury / debt slavery
4) Communism
5) Zionism

--> https://x.com/MichaelRapaport/status/1746943939993817476?s=20

spoilerWhat’s your top 5 reasons YOU hate the Jews?

( @White_Appalachian )
@Nature_and_Race similar list. Honorable mention to making our people pretty cowardly as a majority due to fear of being labeled a racist or antisemite. And to creating a culture of “White Guilt” that so many readily accepted.

( @Celtic_Kraken )
@Nature_and_Race 1) Their existence! 2) See number 1.

( @BobHolland )
1) mass immigration and miscegenation for the sake of ethnic cleansing
2) feminism
3) hypersexuality and sexual perversion
4) the unspeakable crimes against children
5) their general lack of virtue or righteousness

( @Wildcard369 )
1. baby dick sucking
2. organ trafficking
3. usury
4. controlling the media to brainwash gentiles
5. endless wars for their profit

( @CC007 )
@Nature_and_Race pedophiles, porn, race mixing. white genocide, and anything the adl sponsors.

( @kameltoe_harass )
@Nature_and_Race government corruption, medical corruption, financial corruption, wars, hate whites, murder white children ,foster and promote degeneracy. profiteering, lazy , dont work, not smart. pretend to be brilliant. NO they are just unethical and scum. its easy when you cheat to look smart, the nigger who steals and succeeds looks lke a genius , that he can take your hard earned shit. is he smart? only if all the criminal niggers have all the money and control and can buy everyone and anything to keep things in control. there is what a jew is.

( @36x )
@Nature_and_Race !. Circumcision 2. Pedo-Torah-ians 3. Still bitter over dismissal of Christ as Messiah 4. Big Fur Hats 5. Tunnels

( @ampy75 )
@Nature_and_Race killing of our Jesus

Tucker Carlson and Wendy Patterson #conspiracy #crackpot #forced-birth #quack #racist twitter.com

Tucker: “Could foreign DNA enter your cells through the mRNA COVID vax and change your DNA — and humanity itself — forever? Sounds nutty. It's not. "Absolutely that could happen," says Dr. Joseph Ladapo, the surgeon general of Florida. A shocking conversation.”

Wendy: “Took the vaccine, have no Asian relatives in your family tree and you and your husband give birth to an Asian baby? It's because the vaccine they injected into your body contains the DNA from those baby parts they used so whatever nationality that particular baby was, DNA has entered your cells and changed your unique DNA.

I just used Asian as an example. To help you understand what they did to you and possible your family bloodline.”

Tony B. #racist #wingnut #conspiracy henrymakow.com

It appears that we have reached a time when Satan's excesses are to be curtailed to some extent. Three great powers of Satan which have progressively had their way in the world to the point of considering themselves untouchable, even by God, are suddenly being made impotent by their own gross errors of satanic pride.
However, their arrogance has been turned into, first concern, now desperation and panic, as the nation of Russia, which Rothschild had on its back already stealing its resources, has in a miraculously short time become the unstoppable world's moral and military superpower in league with China's economic explosion. The two have established proper order of fair economic trade behavior which all the world is now seeing as their savior from the evil controls of the Rothschild cabal which is being deserted by droves of nations, soon to be every one. Putin of Russia is generally credited (and hatefully discredited) for this phenomenal 20 year turn around of fortunes but he, a true Christian, would be the first to admit that this is only possible through the grace of God.
3. Perhaps the most hidden of all evil powers manipulating much of the world has recently been the sect of Chabad-Lubavitch. Though seeming to operate privately, their special pride seems to be in circulating images of themselves shaking hands and otherwise surrounding top national leaders throughout the world, showing off their ability to consort with those at the pinnacles of world power.

But now proof is building rapidly that their real power is likely in child trafficking, possibly in procuring the elitist love of the blood of terrified children when murdered, apparently the most expensive drug in the world. What world leader, even corrupt ones who may be their customers, will want anything to do with this self-love bunch after these exposures in their tunnels under New York Synagogues? Another evil power curtailed.

Elijah Schaffer and Devon Tracey #racist #psycho angrywhitemen.org

On a recent episode of his Rumble show, Elijah Schaffer interviewed racist Internet personality Devon Tracey. During the episode, titled “Will BLACK CRIME Lead to TOTAL COLLAPSE?”, Schaffer said that he would not move his family to a Black neighborhood because of “violent crime” and that his “desire for safety is to remove Black people”

Tracey, who uses the pseudonym “Atheism Is Unstoppable” and hosts a show on Gavin McInnes’ Censored.TV platform, has a history of racist commentary[…]
Tracey declared Till was “guilty”

In a follow-up post he wrote that Till’s brutal murder was “no more gruesome than the thousands of white people killed by blacks since then.” He added, “fuck him for his sexual assault.” When Donham passed away last April at the age of 89, Tracey called her an “innocent victim of sexual assault”

Tracey took a similar approach to George Stinney[…]Stinney had been accused of murdering two white girls and was found guilty by an all-white jury after deliberating for ten minutes[…]
Tracey wrote, “This 14 year old killed an 11 and a 7 year old little girl. He 100 percent did it and was executed for it. I have zero problems with that. Zero”

But when it came to Brock Turner, a white Stanford student who was convicted after publicly sexually assaulting an unconscious woman, Tracey took a different tack, declaring him “100 percent innocent”[…]
In a post directed at Nina Turner, a Black politician, Tracey declared that “America was founded on White people kicking ass, building shit, pioneering the joint, defeating all those who stepped to us, and creating one of the most prosperous nations on earth in the image of our prior White nation, England.” He has also used the racial slur “mudshark”

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Apolitical )
People forget that the riots caused by MLK were more destructive and violent than the BLM riots in 2020.

In the future we will look back at the time we celebrated this affirmative action serial adulterer and plagiarist as a sad, disgusting period in history.

But he’s a perfect icon for the diseased America we inhabit today

( @DavidBlaine401 )
@Apolitical Any and all riots incited by niggers (really kikes) will destroy billions of dollars in property, and ruin the livelihood of rational White people who just want to live peacefully. If we don’t fight back against kikes, the kikes will have the niggers eat us alive.

( @terrylrt1 )
@Apolitical It's also my understanding that he attained his "position" through communist/jewish funding.

( @CN32 )
@Apolitical Future historians will look at Europe/America today and wonder why Whites just tolerated being invaded and killed off.

( @Diversity_is_our_weakness )
I think that historians will view the genocide of Whites as the greatest crime in history. I don't think they will blame the victims.

( @ExposeTheEvil )
@Apolitical Don't forget he was funded by the jews to create chaos.

( @WhiteyRighty )
@Apolitical Yep! Very well stated! WPWW

( @GabTaylor )
@Apolitical No White person who is not brain damaged gives a damn about that commie tool. When I was growing up, the sentiment was, "If they killed 4 more niggers, we'd get a whole week off."

( @HopeSkyla )
@Apolitical Well, they had to support MLK so that they could put abortion clinics on every street called MLK

( @bobbacringo )
@Apolitical Conservatives need to give up the idea of the magical negroe who is able to act white and exist in civilized society. Negroes have always been feral beasts. It is their natural state. In Africa they had neither invention or writing. They never evolved beyond hunting game in the tropical forests. They are not man, they are beast. The soon men realize this, the sooner we can be parted with them.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @KeepNHGranite )
Martin Luther King Jr. is the figurehead of a post-Constitutional United States. An astroturfed George Washington for an Anti-White America.

In reality, he was merely a hand puppet for rich Columbia University Jewish Communists seeking to beset the American nation.

His legacy is evidence of their success, and his exaltation on the American “Right” is proof that 21st Century Conservatism is merely 20th Century Communism repackaged in red, white, and blue.

( @DoctorAnarchist )
@KeepNHGranite Jews are the worst enemy of all mankind.

( @AllanDHAllan )
@KeepNHGranite MLK was a marxist kunt just like the dalai lama and the pope trying to push their one world religion

( @CN32 )
@KeepNHGranite Never forget; blacks are the jews' foot soldiers against Whites. Even 'evil mustached' man last century knew it, too.

( @1GeorgiaPeach )
@KeepNHGranite Because of MLK agenda black folks STILL hollering about how oppressed they are! It's 2024 and they're too ignorant to realize they're oppressing themselves by believing the establishment when theyre told theyre oppressed! 😆

( @Aufwachen1933 )
@KeepNHGranite The "Civil Rights" movement is jewish. they've pushed pro black Civil Rights in Africa as well. Nelson Mandela was another Zionist stooge...

( @RussianTwitterbot )
@KeepNHGranite the only good thing is he was assinated

( @milesperowa )
@KeepNHGranite that was one ugly, retarded, degenerate nigger.

( @TheDanielShays )

He was also a homosexual, a serial adulterer, and plagiarized his thesis at Boston University School of Divinity, where his Doctorate was issued.

And his ordination was predicated upon his doctorate being valid.

Also his name was legally Michael King, which was never legally changed.

There you have it…

Michael King, not a doctor, not a Reverend.

( @Dancobra75 )
@KeepNHGranite Burn in HELL jews ✝️

( @GabTaylor )
@KeepNHGranite Happy Commie Nigger Day

( @SurvivorBro )
@KeepNHGranite Makes you wonder why is was murdered if he was on "their" side. Were they done with him?

Charlie Kirk #wingnut #racist threads.net

The deification of MLK and his proto-DEI ideology marks the exact moment that the progress of black America goes sideways. Their cities disintegrate. Their families collapse. Educational progress stagnates. They become enormously dependent on government support. Crime explodes and 25% of black men are incarcerated by age 25. You will know the tree by its fruit.


Lancelot Lamar #racist #conspiracy identitydixie.com

[From “Birds of a Feather”]

The non-stop mixed-race couples in advertising and entertainment is so over the top that even the most moderate of your neighbors not only recognizes the game but openly mocks it

But recognizing propaganda doesn’t mean it’s not working[…]Race mixing targeted at Whites has been a decades long effort[…]
The constitutionality of anti-miscegenation laws was challenged but upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court in the 1883 case Pace v. Alabama[…]
After the Second World War however, cases in multiple states tried to change the laws in spite of the will of the wide majority of the country[…]
The usual suspects agitating for these changes appealed less to emotional arguments but instead pried wider the gaps in the Constitution that the Framers would never have imagined[…]
Hannah Arendt, a Jewish refugee from WW2 Germany, wrote that the free choice of a spouse was, “An elementary human right[…]‘life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness’”[…]
With laws passed and public and private institutions firmly behind the new Enlightened understanding of the races, why the exaggerated push right now?[…]
The bad news is that overall interracial marriage has increased[…]
Data shows that mixed race people are the most open to marrying any other group as they don’t easily identify with a single race[…]Multiracial children still don’t fit into either parent’s race and are alone with often very low self-image. The commitment to the mixing in spite of the sad results betrays the cynical and wicked agenda of those pushing for this. It is similar to trans advocacy[…]
Depending on who is included[…]the percentage of what a reasonable person would recognize as a White person in the world is not the false and intended black pill number of 8% but closer to 20%. In spite of wars, experimental vaccines, and the enforcement and protection of all bizarre perversions, we’re not dying out[…]
Don’t be discouraged. Instruct your children well. This too shall pass

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