
Unnamed pastor #crackpot #fundie #conspiracy #wingnut

There’s a new religion growing in our world.

A new Marxist faith.

A new Woke orthodoxy.

A new kind of Luciferian worship that is as old as sin and idolatry itself. 

Eight weeks ago I stood in the pulpit of this church and declared that the formal organization called Black Lives Matter was demonic in both origin and nature. That BLM isn’t, as it purports, an organization promoting racial justice – but, rather, is an organization that is actively working to undermine the knowledge and worship of the One True God.

Eight weeks ago I kicked off this sermon series aiming to help us understand the nature of our enemies by calling out this one organization, but BLM does not stand alone against God in this world.

Instead, what we have been seeing over the past six months, and what has become increasingly clear in the two months I’ve been preaching this series, is that this new Globalist religion has many apostles and adherents in the world – many individuals, groups, and organizations that have bowed the knee and are now demanding the same:

[*]Disney Corp.
[*]the Main Stream Media

along with Governors, Mayors, and other elected officials, at almost every level of government and in both political parties, who have pledged their allegiance to this new Globalist, Marxist, Anti-Christian religion.

And believe me when I call it a religion, because it literally has all the makings.

There are, for instance, blasphemy laws in this new religion.

Just try saying, “All Lives Matter” or “Blue Lives Matter” in public or on social media. Try to link to a video with medical professionals breaking ranks and speaking to the efficacy of Hydroxychloroquine and see how long it stays up. …

Ghostse #homophobia #pratt

"Yaoi Huntress Earth said:

I was talking about Thirsty Sword Lesbians on a FB page and someone shared this list of SJW-infected companies."

I haven't kept up with NG themselves, but Necrotic Gnome is a Euro so a degree of cuckism is expected.

However, NG's US distributor is Exalted Funeral who publish & advertise to their email list shit like this:

its not even an woke RPG, its just a bunch of sobbing about being a faggot (and I think tranny) and Antifa. Not even sobbing about how hard it is to be a faggot in games getting gatekept by these evil white males, just general sobbing about how you can't be a completely disgusting faggot or society rejects you, and how cruel it is you are expected to get a job that isn't just "being a faggot".

Also, damn, didn't realize Evil Hat was behind Fate and Blades in the Dark. Fate is no loss, but sort of sad to hear about BitD as I've heard some goods about that.

None #crackpot #psycho #racist #wingnut

Black people when they are annoyed, riot.

White people, when we are annoyed form sniper kill squads and make it clear no such thing as a "police officer" is allowed to exist and if they show up, they get pfft, pffft, and no one saw nothing.

If we are REALLY annoyed, trucks full of chemicals start blowing up.

Notice Antifa. No one of any merit in Antifa is other than White. These are the people locking police in their headquarters and then setting fire to it. They haven't quite perfected what they are doing, but I'd like to point out that this was not happening until White people got involved.

Biden better rethink what he is doing or he is likely to just take his medication and discover his White doctor is a patriot.

Notice how frantic they were to try and reframe some hijinks by a few pissed off Trump supporters as high treason and how this did not in any way work.

They were terrified. As well they should be.

White cannot be replaced by anyone, especially blacks. What happens when this reaches a critical threshold is collapse.

After it happens, all things will revert to local politics ONLY. No one will be allowed to move. Blacks will be shot on sight while anyone with high IQ or skills might be welcomed.

A post collapse America, is our near future, not a "democracy" run by non-whites to their benefit only.

Most cities are going to burn and be barricaded to prevent refugees. If you want to live there, like all opportunities, whites excel. Be a warlord. Show the local blacks you can lead them to slaughter and cannibalize their neighbors and you will be king of the trasheap. Understand, once upon a time, white people did do this occassionally....especially once non-whites got a taste for drugs.

Socrates & commentators #crackpot #wingnut

Fascism? Where? What Fascism?

The “antifas” (“anti-fascists”) and the Left moan about “fascism” daily, but here’s the funny part: there isn’t any fascism in the West. Nope. Zero. None. In fact, the last time fascism was in the West was in Chile pre-1990 (contrast that fact with communism, which still exists in a half-dozen countries today, and some of those countries have nukes, e.g., China) [1]. So, fascism has not even existed in the West for 27 years! And Donald Trump? He is in no way a fascist. He was elected by the people of America in November 2016. Yelling about fascism is like yelling about the Easter Bunny or Bigfoot: it’s only a fantasy.

[Video mentioning a “fascist America”].
[1] under Pinochet; here, for simplicity, we’ll call Chile a Western country, meaning “significantly Westernized”; Chile has a strong connection to Spain

[Erik du Fresne]
The irony (of all ironies) is that the (so called) “leftists” (who are {in actuality} rabidly antiWhite, intimale, open borders, unlimited welfare offering, multiracial communists {as most cancerously exemplified by: Moochelle O’bomber and: Bill Clinton }) are (actually) the most fascist (so called) “Americans” of us all, as evidenced by:

– Hitlery (through her husband: Bill)s vicious destruction of David Koreshs “Branch Davidian” compound (and disciples) in Waco, Texas

– her (and Bills) savage detonation of cruise missiles on to the heads, homes, families and lives of the people of Serbia (a.k.a: Bosnia/Herzigovenia {in the “former” Yugoslavia})

et. cetera…

[The Red Skull ]
The anti facists are going to be really sorry when the Real Facists show up and
Eat them for lunch.

Donald J. Trump #wingnut

(submitters note: Memo by Donald Trump towards The Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the U.S. Capitol)

Dear Chairman Thompson,


The same group of Radical Left Democrats who utilized their Majority position in Congress to create the fiction of Russia, Russia, Russia, Impeachment Hoax #1, Impeachment Hoax #2, the $48 Million Mueller Report (which ended in No Collusion!), Ukraine, Ukraine, Ukraine, the atrocious and illegal Spying on my Campaign, and so much more, are the people who created this Committee of highly partisan political Hacks and Thugs whose sole function is to destroy the lives of many hard-working American Patriots, whose records in life have been unblemished until this point of attempted ruination. The double standard of the Unselects between what has taken place on the “RIGHT,” and what has taken place with Radical Left, lawless groups such as Antifa, Black Lives Matter, and others, is startling and will never be acceptable, even to those who will be writing the history of what you have done to America.

This memo is being written to express our anger, disappointment, and complaint that with all of the hundreds of millions of dollars spent on what many consider to be a Charade and Witch Hunt, and despite strong and powerful requests, you have not spent even a short moment on examining the massive Election Fraud that took place during the 2020 Presidential Election, and have targeted only those who were, as concerned American Citizens, protesting the Fraud itself. Those who committed the Fraud, thereby having created the Crime of the Century, go unblemished and untouched, but those who fought the Crime have suffered a fate that was unthinkable just a short time ago. We have a two-tier system of Justice in the United States that cannot be allowed to continue. A Majority of people in our Country say that the Presidential Election of 2020 was determinatively dishonest, including the fact that many Legislatures were overridden by local and State politicians and judges on vital regulations and requirements, which is totally illegal and UNCONSTITUTIONAL. In February 2021, Time Magazine broke the story of the shadow campaign that was launched to rig the 2020 Presidential Election.
The authors write:

Rev. Michael P. Orsi #fundie #wingnut

In a recent Gospel reading, Jesus uses the occasion of dinner to make an important point about expectations and generosity. He observes that inviting wealthy guests to a banquet doesn’t really demonstrate true hospitality, because those guests are likely to return the favor, thus paying you back.

Better to invite people whose poverty or physical infirmities make it impossible for them to reciprocate. This shows you expect nothing in return. You get to be generous (a moral good), with no expectation of payback.

Jesus’ point highlights a principle that applies to many aspects of life: If you’re the one throwing the party, assume you’re the one paying the bill.
That lesson is especially relevant just now, as we debate Joe Biden’s proposal to “forgive” student loans.

It’s easy to reject Biden’s scheme as a transparent ploy to “buy” votes for Democrats from among the college educated.

I would also suggest that it’s a dandy way to pay back all those Antifa and BLM shock troops who spent their college years training to become street activists. After all, you want to make sure they remain loyal and ready to be mobilized in time for the next election.
First, and most obvious, it heightens the sense of entitlement that’s already rampant in our society. Welfare and social-assistance programs, originally intended to provide a “safety net” for the poor, have grown into the primary source of income for a large and growing portion of our population.
Second (and a consequence of the first), Biden’s scheme robs people of the satisfaction that comes with paying off a debt. “Burning the mortgage” was once a valued symbol of accomplishment, a milestone in the life of a family, something of which to be proud.
That’s called integrity. Biden’s scheme undermines it, along with undermining the integrity of our political system.

That’s detrimental to your individual soul, and to the soul of the nation.

Conservapedia #conspiracy #wingnut

An Independence Day parade in Highland Park, Illinois was attacked by a rooftop sniper who killed seven people and wounded at least 30 before fleeing the scene; the sniper was described as between 18 and 20 years old with long black hair and a thin build.[215] Robert Crimo III, who fits the description of the shooter and also sports neck tattoos and was identified as having fantasies of committing a school shooting in YouTube videos posted by Crimo that have since been taken down by YouTube to cover for him, was later identified as a person of interest by Highland Park police in the shooting.[216] Crimo was subsequently arrested and taken into custody after a brief police chase.[217] In addition to YouTube, other liberal social media platforms such as Twitter, Discord and Instagram covered for Crimo by scrubbing all of the content he uploaded and deleting his accounts, but they could not prevent users of Twitter and other platforms from downloading and saving Crimo's videos and photos to post to their own accounts to use as evidence against him. Crimo, who was discovered to have connections to Antifa, the Democratic Socialists of America and the occult,[218] was also captured on video surveillance footage attempting to evade police by dressing in drag,[219] and had also been dressed in drag at the time of the attack on the parade.[220] True to form, the liberal media downplayed his crossdressing habits and tried to smear Donald Trump supporters by falsely claiming him to be one of them based on dubious evidence claiming him to be a "Trump supporter",[221] but when the video and photographic evidence of Crimo's true anarchist and socialist political allegiances emerged and that Crimo was actually making fun of Trump and his supporters, the liberal media unsurprisingly went silent.

v9Yb7lO1 #mammon #psycho #racist #wingnut

why hasn't america produced any med or slav white nationalists? why is it always nordicists?

Because America is a White country in the truest sense. It's a fucking meatgrinder, dude, where the poor get poorer and the rich feed off them. It's cutthroat - Euro sensibilities don't work here. That's how the Jew is able to operate. The world is in for a big surprise when we reach our final form.

yes speaking as a med i don't think we really belong in america but we can't all just go back to europe that easily so what's to be done? either ally ourselves with whiteness and be considered second class citizens or be antiwhite? the meds aren't really white meme is not going to satisfy rabid BLM antifa types. italians created fascism after all.

Bleach. Find a blonde-haired blue-eyed woman and make babies... even if she's fat. Whatever you do, don't fall for Amerindian exceptions. Pussy and the means to properly chase it has been the bane of nearly every society. Adapt or die. Spics aren't going to lead the world - ever.

Vic Biorseth #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia #racist #conspiracy

We must admit that our own awakening was a slow progressive thing, and we too were fooled. We became aware of gigantic lies being told from on high back during the Vietnam war; but those lies were perhaps just the tip of the iceberg. The singer Bette Midler gave us another rude awakening.

We loved her voice and we bought her music. We saw her on Johnny Carson, and in our naivete we didn't know that where she got her start, in California bath-houses, had anything to do with homosexuality. So, when she came to Cincinnati to do a concert, we bought tickets and drove down there to see her perform.

To say we were astonished would be a radical understatement.

We had no idea that she had such a filthy mouth, that she played to such an overtly and wildly enthusiastic following of loud, acting-out homosexuals and dope-smokers. Men in drag, men in leotards, screaming queens and tattooed butches filled the stadium. Filthy words filled the air, from the stage and from the audience, along with the heavy smell of marijuana smoke.
What was even more shocking, to us, was the reaction from our fellow office workers when we went back to work the next day. Wry smiles and condescension were the most common responses. They all knew. We began to wonder how many people we knew who might be happy to change their clothes and their whole persona and join in the weirdness of a Bette Middler concert.

It snuck up on us. It surprised us.

If you've been with us for awhile you know that nothing surprises us any more. The Marxist cultural revolution has been taken over, steered and driven by the Global Cabal of Davos, and it now appears that they rode that horse into the ground.
And we're not suppose to believe our own eyes.

We're supposed to believe them.

With all their assumed gender-pronouns. While all of their paid Antifa and BLM terrorists loot our stores, burn our police cars, assault our citizenry and are let off the hook by all of their paid local authorities.

littleowl12 #transphobia #enbyphobia

Some armchair psychology about the "nonbinary" club shooter and why I had a feeling

Not to pretend I'm psychic and amazeballz, but when I saw this club shooting I had a feeling it wasn't some Proud Boy or Christian Conservative. For a few reasons. Let alone us. As awful as those guys are, as-of-yet other groups have, in recent years, committed a lot of homophobic violence. The Orlando nightclub shooter was an Afghan whose family was sympathetic to the Taliban. He grew up hearing violent rhetoric from his family and the people his family associated with. From the time he was little. Every day. It wasn't just bigotry. It's was the Taliban's fetishization of violence. Their collective addiction to it.

What would nonbinary/trans have in common with a Taliban extremist?


From what I can see, violent rhetoric is a big part of trans and non-binary culture. They now outnumber the "truscum" like Blaire White or Buck Angel. They watch tons of porn, violent media, and preferably violent porn. They are often fascinated with Antifas where they practice confrontation and violence. They take selfies with knives, guns, and bats. They write up grotesque fantasies of what violence they'd like to commit against others. (Especially against women). They share these fantasies and get praised. They give each other tips on what to do and how to do it.

As a result, most people don't like them. But we can't have THAT, now, can we? They believe they are entitled to a warm welcome wherever they go, because they are the Righteous Ones. They don't accept that rejection is part of life, and in many instances, reasonable. They believe they should be off-limits from accountability from outsiders. They only self-flagellate for each other. So even if they are told "you can't come here because of your scary behavior" they immediately believe they are being wronged. They are the righteous, beautiful group, others are the sinful, ugly group, so others need to obey.


Vijay Prozak #racist #wingnut

… while I agree with White Nationalists that the Indo-European race is under assault and will soon be bred out of existence by hordes of invading immigrants, I see this problem as a symptom of general degeneracy in modern society. We've come to trust our technology and believe that newer is better, and to follow centralized commands instead of our internal voices, and we're products of bureaucratic, cosmopolitan living who are steadily lapsing in the ability to have independent thought. On this front, Malcolm X and Adolf Hitler, Rabbi Meir Kahane and Cesar Chavez, Moses and Chuck D are all in agreement.

So if you're looking for a witch hunt, which is what the crusade against "racism" is, take your little hateful plans and bail out. I recognize you for the broken, low-self-esteem cowards that you are, and I don't see you as any "better" than the neo-Nazis you despise. If you've ever joined an Antifa group, you did it because you want to consider yourself better than other people because you believe in something that raises your self-esteem by making you feel like you're gifting the world with tolerance. Forget it. You're crazy and I'd have you shot.

SlavicPrideaccount97 #conspiracy #racist

RE: "A protest for the Roma person who died after a police intervention was supposed to happen in Prague. Nobody came"

They often fly in antifas from Germany or Sweden to go to protests in countries like Czechia and Poland. I guess the flights were cancelled because of COVID lol

James Howard Kunstler #wingnut #conspiracy

It is fair to say that the “Joe Biden” government dearly wanted a Russian invasion of Ukraine in order to divert attention from the “Joe Biden” government’s war on its own people in the United States. The table was nicely laid for it over many years, including, by the way, Mr. Trump’s vaunted gift of weaponry to Ukraine, which enabled and emboldened the Kiev regime to harass the Russian-speaking population of Donbas without relent. And the situation was aggravated by the deliberate negotiation-unworthiness (Russian term) of “Joe Biden” and Company, who refused to discuss the chief issue between the US and Russia, namely, the dishonest effort, in violation of written agreements dating from 1990, to enlist Ukraine in NATO, and thereby to place missiles on Russia’s border.
The Party of Chaos, “Joe Biden’s” Party, doesn’t want you to pay attention to any of that, or to a thousand other political insults they have inflicted on the country from BLM / Antifa riots to their dirty deals with social media, to their perversion of law enforcement, to their surveillance and persecution of loyal citizens as “domestic terrorists,” to the gender disorders in schools and sports… and on and on. And so, they invited with open arms the Russian operation against Ukraine to put an end to reckless provocations emanating from there. “Joe Biden” didn’t have to do anything, really, except pretend in bad faith to take part in a diplomatic solution, and then he stopped doing even that.

And now here is what I think is happening and will happen in Ukraine. The Russian aim is to neutralize Ukraine’s military capability — the means for harassing the eastern provinces known as the Donbas. That has been accomplished. Ukraine no longer has an air force, a navy, or a whole lot of weapons and munitions. It is surely in Russia’s interest to complete this operation in as few days as possible to minimize harm to civilian lives and property.

Gregory Hood #conspiracy #crackpot #racist #transphobia

Almost 70 percent of the people admitted to the Princeton class of 2025 identify as people of color. They will become a new non-white elite through assortative mating and will dominate American educational institutions. Whites who can’t “play the new game of race and gender fluidity” will be despised. Giving whiteness a purely negative identity convinces many whites that self-annihilation is good. Aaron Bady dreams about “a new world” in which his children will speak Spanish. However, is an antifa who identifies as “they/them” white? I’ve long thought that the countless new “genders” that progressives claim are attempts to escape from whiteness. Over 50 percent of liberal, white women under age 30 have been diagnosed with a mental health condition. I think some of them cultivate illness as an identity, a way of making yourself a victim so you can be spared the costs of whiteness. The rush to be “transgender” is part of this.

The article concludes by discussing “mass hysteria”. One sociologist suggested “collective stress responses.”. I think it may be more accurate. Young whites are under stress we older Americans don’t understand. Movies, television, YouTube, video games, political news are explicitly anti-white. Whites who identify as non-white or use invented identities to flee from “whiteness” will be pushed back into our arms by their own allies. No antifa, transgender, Communist, anarchist, or “ethnic studies” professor will be safe. He is biologically guilty. Even if we get an intelligent, multi-racial governing elite, it can’t hold the country together. The new ruling class will be united mainly by scorn for conservative whites. That is thin gruel compared to the genuine nationalism of real countries like Russia and China. In a fight, real nations beat fakes. In the meantime, we can join with others of like mind and strong will to pool resources and build communities. Let them wallow in victimhood. We will build a nation in which it’s not just OK to be white. It will be a universal privilege and joy.

Wulf Ingessunu #crackpot #racist #magick

It seems clear from recent events such as 'Black Lives Matter' (which I believe here in England has morphed into 'Black Liberation Movement') that the street-active Marxists have been allowed to get on with their subversive work whilst thousands of freedom-loving ordinary people have been subjected to police harassment whilst protesting against the 'lockdowns' and 'vaccine-passports'. It is usual to regard 'Antifa' as an anarchist group, but this arose first in Germany around 1936 from within the German Communist Party, so there is very little difference, both being subversive movements against the Folk-Nation, and both pushing a globalist agenda, just like the Global Bankers and Global Corporations, who fund them of course.

I thought that I'd start with this, but the main point of this post is that, as those with the eyes to see can see, in virtually every advert now the White Man has been replaced, and everywhere there are attacks upon the White Male. This is nothing new, but from what I can see this has (like everything else) accelerated to a huge degree. So, at this point I would like to go over the Sajaha Prophecies again, and also remind of what I have said before on this subject.


Don Miguel Serrano foretold that the Last Avatar will arise at the height of the catastrophe, and there is a certainty that the Gods will intervene in such a disaster, sending one of their own (Wid-Ar or the White Krist) to lead the Armies of Light in the destruction of the Dark Forces. This figure is the Third Sargon as prophesied by Sajaha. But it is not our role to sit and wait, nor to 'have faith', it is our role to take up this Eternal Struggle, as did Don Miguel Serrano and others who have dedicated their lives, and even given their lives, to the defeat of the Dark Powers.

What is clear from these ancient texts is that we are now at the point of the vicious attack upon the White Race, where other peoples are turned against us by the Forces of Evil and Darkness.

Mike Adams the Health Ranger #conspiracy #wingnut #quack #racist #fundie

Over the weekend, this author received intel chatter — unconfirmed but worth paying attention — about radical left-wing terrorists planning on carrying out acts of sabotage during the Christmas week deep freeze that’s about to hit much of North America. Acts of sabotage against domestic power infrastructure are multiplied in their chaos effects by sub-freezing weather which makes power loss extremely dangerous for a variety of reasons.
Many Antifa supporters are Luciferians / Satanists, and if they can take down the power grid on or around Christmas Day, they will literally achieve the snuffing out of lights on the day of Christ. This would be an “extra credit” type of terrorism activity for those who are also satanists and who therefore despise both Christ and a functioning human civilization.
I cover all this and more in today’s podcast:

– Antifa group in Georgia arrested with BOMBS and weapons
– Intel chatter about Antifa groups targeting electrical infrastructure
– Luciferians hope to take out the lights on the Day of Christ (Christmas)
– Nearly two-thirds of Americans are now living paycheck to paycheck
– America is at the tipping point of chaos and desperation: #Inflation , layoffs, etc.
– EU #climate cultists reach agreement to force all citizens to pay for carbon emissions
– EU climate goal specifies a “carbon zero” deadline of 2050
– CARBON ZERO means zero human beings, since breathing releases carbon
– Under the climate cult, Western Europe is committing civilization SUICIDE
– The planetary-scale ethnic cleansing operation has only accelerated since
– Vaccines, bioweapons, economic collapse, “carbon zero” all share same goal: Eliminating humans from Earth
– Why is Earth being prepared for a post-human future? #depopulation
– Humanity is a FAILED species on a cosmic scale. Failed basic tests of logic, stewardship and sanity.
– The entire human race has been targeted for termination by forces far more powerful than us

Mike Adams the Health Ranger #conspiracy #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia

The western world is breaking down with stunning speed as all the lies, delusions, corruption and fake fiat money printing has reached a tipping point of collapse. Nothing works anymore. The governments of the world are criminal cartels that are deliberately dismantling food and energy resources necessary to keep half the human population alive. This coming winter, Europeans are going to starve and freeze to death in record numbers that hearken back to the Dark Ages, pre-electricity and pre-fossil fuels.
The British Royal Navy just launched an aircraft carrier (the HMS Prince of Wales) that broke down just one day into a four-month mission. Apparently, one of the propellers (the “screws”) won’t work, and the multi-billion dollar vessel can only sail around in circles. Somehow, this is entirely fitting, given the insanity, corruption and incompetence of the not just the British Empire but the entire swath of Western European nations that now demonstrate pure incompetence and suicidal tendencies. No doubt there are plenty of transgenders, gays and lesbians on board the HMS Prince of Wales, but none of them can figure out how to make the propellers work. This is the perfect showcase of what western civilization has become: An incompetent, groomified Idiocracy of gender delusions and bureaucratic stupidity, pretending to still be a world power while their own people ready to be frozen and starved to death in a few months’ time
The total takedown of America has been the goal all along, of course, among Democrats who despise families, children and the rule of law. We now live in a nation where armed Antifa lunatics stand guard to protect trannies and child groomers — in the state of Texas, no less — while police are ordered to stand down and watch. If armed conservatives guarded a conservative speaker, that would be deemed an “insurrection” or an act of “extremism.”

refuse #psycho #racist #wingnut

RE: Antifa Is Removing People From Cars At Gunpoint In Portland

The powers that be really are pushing for a race war, you can feel it. Question is, when will the people reach their boiling point. Television shows, and gimmicks will only last for so long as a deterrent...

It be fine if they were pushing a race war on both sides, but they are not. They are just giving Blacks and other minoritysthe righr to commit violent crimes while under police protection and supervision.

If a White person fights back, there is a white cop supervising ready to arrest the white guy defending himself.

How has Portland not fallen yet? I know the national guard has been called there, but even before Trump lost the election, I dont understand why he didn't invade

I think the middle class and upper middle class there have more money then people in other states.

They seems to tolerate vandalism on their homes and cars better than people on the east coast.

Andy Ngo #wingnut

[Note: Andy neglected to mention the various Proud Boys who were brandishing firearms and pepper spray at this “protest” with the quiet blessing of the police, documented here: ]

At the violent antifa protest outside the Wi Spa in Los Angeles on Saturday, antifa surrounded & hit a woman with a skateboard. A small group had gathered to protest the spa over an incident where a person allegedly exposed their penis to women & girls.

Henry Makow PhD #conspiracy #racist #wingnut #quack

Connect the dots.

All the talk of "systemic racism" disguises a diabolical Cabalist Jewish race war against people of European origin.

1) In a sensational interview, Dr. Lee Merritt claims the "vaccines" are racial bio weapons. She says they do not harm Ashkenazi Jews. Are all these Israelis crisis actors? Is this site a Mossad psy op? Or more likely, are assimilated Israeli Jews also the target? Israel seems to engaging in the covid charade with the best.

2. CRT- Critical Race Theory is based on the assumption that people of European heritage have no right to be a majority anywhere. This is called "white supremacism." In fact, CRT is organized and funded by Organized Jewry. Jews have a homeland in Israel but whites are considered Jewish rivals, and are being displaced and dispossessed.

3 Diversity. Multiculturalism. Organized Jewry is replacing whites with racial minorities who will owe allegiance to them. Message: It's not OK to be white. This is real racism.

4. Black Lives Matter. The George Floyd psyop. Stoking Black - White racial conflict. "Bail reform." Making looting legal. Not enforcing the rule of law. Hiring Antifa thugs to intimidate patriots.

5. Illegal migration. It's possible that males will be drafted into the military and used against patriots.

6. Miscegenation is encouraged and normalized in commercials and entertainment. These ads do not appear in Israel.

7. Cancel culture. Whether it's statues or curriculum, European heritage is being erased. "Whites" are blamed for Western imperialism and the slave trade which are essentially Cabalist in nature.

8. Art, education and culture have been replaced by Jewish (Communist) agitprop. "Wokeness" is Communist Jewish political correctness and mind control. Academic freedom has been destroyed.

9. The "vaccines" interfere with menstruation and may render women sterile.

When you connect the dots, the picture that emerges is that of a vicious ongoing one-sided race war.

_Moon_ #crackpot #moonbat #sexist #transphobia

RE: I don't care if male children take estrogen because it'll lower the male fertility rate and make them weaker

Stole from PinkPillBeta 'I know the common argument is that it's gay children being prescribed (or obtaining illegally) hormones, and it's disgusting, but there's also tons of hetero, cumbrained, weeb teenagers that have been obtaining estrogen too. I've seen them all over twitter, reddit and discord, posting photos of the estrogen injections they've bought from Brazil. Honestly, let them take it."

I have often thought that the only issue with the male suicide rate is that it isn't high enough. Sadly, all these incel MRAs and tranny activists whining about how suicidal they and their fellow travelers are are all talk, no action. So while I totally support incels, trannies, wokeys, trad caths, /pol/acks, mgtows, etc. killing themselves, I don't really see any advantage in them taking estrogen.

I mean, it doesn't really weaken them up to a point where they are so helpless that any woman can simply beat them up. Consider ANTIFA: full of trannies, still violent and dangerous. I just don't see where trannies are better / less shitty than other men. It's a bit like the idea that rapists should be castrated. Not that I oppose rapists being castrated, but it's not like they are less dangerous once you cut off their dicks.

Then there are the various other issues already mentioned: normalizing transgenderism, medical experimentation on children, "transitioning" of girls(!), etc. It's all just a slippery slope.

I kinda agree with fckoffmale, though. RadFems always say that feminism is about female liberation from male oppression, and that the goal isn't to cuddle sadboi males ...... but then they often seem to make an exception for trannies. If you'd make a video entitled "How feminism would be good for men", many RadFems would call you out, but even RadFems sometimes make videos about how Radical Feminism would be good for trannies.

Andrew Anglin #racist #crackpot

We are on the brink of the point where these blacks just start killing white people at random.

We are inches away.

Sure, the cops got this guy and his family out of the home. But what is going to happen when mobs of these orcs are marching into the suburbs – or getting bussed in? What are cops going to do when there’s a thousand blacks on the street in your suburb, and everyone is a target? They’re going to do nothing. The blacks will rob, loot, rape, kill and burn, and the cops will stand there and watch.

But if you harm one little curly hair on a good boy’s burr-head, you’re getting swooped up, arrested, charged, blasted across the TV.

Look – I just know what the deal is. A lot of people are spreading disinformation, or they’re stupid, but I told you this was going to happen. This is happening exactly like I said it would. Antifa-BLM is not going to stop because Biden was elected, and if someone told you that, you need to think about the rest of what they’re telling you.

This is a society on rails. Everything is just steps in a plan, headed towards a destination. The only thing you can do is take care of you own self and your people. The single most important thing is to get out of the city.

Just look for a house or a rental now. Go do it.

This isn’t going to stop.

Louie Gohmert #wingnut #psycho

Representative Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) warned of property destruction and actual violence overtaking the country’s thoroughfares during a late Friday evening appearance on a conservative media channel.

Earlier on Friday, Texas-based U.S. District Judge Jeremy Kernodle–who was appointed by President Donald Trump in 2018–rejected a lawsuit filed by Gohmert and a slate of purported (read: unofficial or fake) pro-Trump electors against Vice President Mike Pence. That lawsuit, a long shot affair, asserted that Pence had the constitutional power to ignore the Electoral College system’s actual results and essentially gift the 45th president a second term despite the November 2020 election.

Judge Kernodle, in his 13-page decision, dismissed the would-be controversy in a relatively brief order “because neither Congressman Gohmert nor the Nominee-Electors have standing.”

Gohmert addressed the court’s decision during an interview with a Newsmax fill-in anchor on the program Rob Schmitt Tonight.

“This is an example of when the institutions that our constitution created to resolve disputes–so that you didn’t have to have to riots and violence in the streets–when they go wrong,” Gohmert said.

“Bottom line is, the court is saying: ‘we’re not gonna touch this; you have no remedy,’ Basically, in effect, the ruling would be that you’ve gotta go to the streets and be as violent as Antifa and BLM.”

Bradford C. Walker #wingnut #conspiracy

The Chauvin trial--the trial for the cop that's accused of killing George Floyd--began today. The prosecution has already demonstrated that they're fucking retards.

They're going to sandbag this prosecution, and Antifa--already present again in force in Minneapolis--is already planning to riot when (not if) the cop gets acquitted.

I say "when" because the riots will give the embattled Governor of Minnesota, Tim Walz, the political cover he will need to put down the threats to his power from within the state's institutions as well as clamp down on popular dissent against his rule-by-decree that the Wu Flu enabled heretofore.

The rioting this time will be targeted at the Governor's rivals within the Minnesota DFL as well as his party's enemies, which means it will not be confined to a narrow strip across the south side of Minneapolis with a few jabs into St. Paul. It will range further, specifically to exhaust an already depleated and demoralized Minneapolis Police Department and force those states on the adjacent suburbs as well as the Hennepin County Sheriff's Department and the Minnesota State Patrol.

This past week's warm-up, and attendent melt-off of the winter's snowpack and ice buildup, made this the earliest viable go time for rioting to go down. If the trial goes for the rest of March, and this weather holds, then by the time the acquital hits and the burnings start we'll be firmly into the Spring and fair-weather professional rioters will have no issue coming into town to do their thing.

The only uncertain thing is how fast they will spread their rioting into the surrounding suburbs, where they know the political support for Chauvin resides, because those same suburbs are full of the very shitlibs Antifa recruits from- they sure as shit don't recruit from working class neighborhoods or the ghettos. (The latter is a BLM preserve.)

Padraig Martin #wingnut #conspiracy #racist #homophobia #transphobia

[From “What’s the Solution?”]

I want you to consider the following questions a test regarding your personal political proclivities:
If you answered “Yes” to all or a majority of the questions I just posed, welcome to the National German Socialist Workers Party.[…]This article explores the possibility of a fascist United States and why they should not reject the ideology without exploring its potential.
The term socialism to the NSDAP referred to social welfare benefits[…]removing labor supply (i.e., women) from the workforce
It was not the brutal economic conditions that led the German people toward National Socialism.[…]It was the complete collapse of societal norms[…]
The Frankfurt School[…]introduced a platform upon which conservative German norms would be dismantled
The largely church-going, German middle-class, suddenly awoke to a fundamentally changed Germany at the hands of a few dedicated Judeo-Bolsheviks.
Transgenderism and homosexuality consumed as many as 25% of German men[…]Teaching young boys about homosexuality and gender fluidity[…]Illegal immigration into Germany septupled between 1918 and 1925, primarily from Slavic states
The AntiFa have always been Bolsheviks, largely led by Jews
Hitler did not create the [NSDAP]. Ordinary church-going, patriotic Germans with traditional values formed the nuclei of the NSDAP – and it succeeded by bringing order[…]to German society after years of insanity.
In human history, the only government system that has successfully defeated Communism, once it has taken root in a given country, is Fascism.
Some aspects of Fascism I believe would be great for the South – especially, its neo-mercantilist policies. But ultimately, the South would be better off to embrace a variant of clan-centric, quasi-monarchism.

Linda Harvey #conspiracy #fundie #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia #racist #sexist

Meanwhile, authentic risks stalk our children daily at school, in the media and elsewhere. How about a little perspective here? Can I get an Amen?
We are living in times of strong delusion. It’s probably not The Strong Delusion of 2 Thessalonians, but a veil of deception has apparently descended on much of America, and its name is “safety.”

Government warning labels on everyday life or low-risk activities are becoming tiresome. One young girl in Northern Kentucky spoke against masks at a school board meeting, invoking “my body - my choice,” and was backed by overwhelming audience applause.

But Scripture is unfolding before our eyes, where evil is good, and good is evil.
If they had been totally masked Antifa or Black Lives Matter activists setting fires and smashing windows, Kamala Harris would already be raising money for their defense. Destructive progressive protests are indulged because as we know (or are supposed to believe), white, heterosexual privilege is horribly damaging, it’s omnipresent along with the horrors of capitalism, probably even at this library. And it deserves random violence.

In this same library in recent weeks, prominently displayed books entice children into sexual behavior in all directions. They can and often should change genders (which usually brings lifelong medical disability and disfigurement). And our youth should consider being “gay” or “queer,” behaviors associated with high medical risks.
Incorrect pronouns are an existential threat, along with abstinence-until-marriage sex education. And questioning a confused student’s opposite sex identity is “gender violence,” according to the latest edition of the National Sex Education Standards.

Administering puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones to gender confused children constitutes no harm but “saves lives,” according to the latest “best-practices” in medicine. Hippocrates is rolling over in his grave.

Various Incels #sexist #wingnut

"Antifa" foid in work getting wet for policemen

As I thought it would go, she was stopped by police for a check, and she was talking one hour straight about the chad policeman's eyes (blue), blond hair, physique, and MOST IMPORTANTLY, about the ultimate aphrodisiac for every "antifa" girl. The baton.

At those George Floyd riots the antifa toilets were mocking the short cops who weren't even doing anything at that moment, but would say nothing if the cop is a chad or tyrone beating someone half to death.

They would actually run home to masturbate, if Chadtyrone cop was beating a lowly male.

Yeah.. really says a lot about their Eugenic nature. Spells it out in bright, big letters.

You do know it matters on the time of day when Antifa is against cops right? They support cops when it comes to something like the "horror" of the Capitol situation. Antifa aren't against cops.

They are Red Guards wanting their interpretation of the Law to be superior. They want to be the Judges, Juries and Executioners of the world. It is not so much that they despise authority, it is the fact that authority works for all sides of the political debate.. rather what they would prefer which is totalitarian and pro Left and anti Democratic. I mean who even cares.. Democracy sucks anyway when Foids get power. Feminism has caused politics to get rotten and corrupt to the core.

(Fancy Alcoholic)
Imagine being an antifa in a liberal society. I've been bullied by both white suprematist and antifas. They're both on the same face of the same coin, preaching low IQ intolerance, the exact same controled opposition chosen by liberalism to somehow look like the "clever choice", and keep power over the world.

Paul Craig Roberts #wingnut #racist #conspiracy #homophobia

The awake part of the population, the Americans with sufficient intelligence to be able to think independently of what CNN, NPR, NBC, the NYTimes and the rest of the presstitutes stick in their heads, are furious with Biden’s rampart anti-Americanisms. To name just a few: open borders flooding the country with immigrant-invaders and the associated welfare burdens, crime, and illegal voting; political prosecution of opponents; gratuitous conflict with Russia, China, and Iran; demonization of white Americans as racists; illegal lockdowns and vaccination mandates; the green light given to sexual perversion; the imposition of sensitivity training and Critical Race Theory on white kids in public schools and white members of the military and civil service and the imposition of quotas on their promotion. The corrupt Biden regime has done all it can to destroy equal treatment. In place of an opportunity society America now has a society of special privileges for “oppressed minorities.”
If the Democrats can be prevented from again stealing the November election, perhaps more Republicans with backbone can get into office, people like Devin Nunes, Jim Jordan, Marjorie Taylor Greene, South Dakota governor Kristi Noem, and Florida governor Ron DeSantis. Governor DeSantis has said outright that he will not permit woke prosecutors to defend criminals from justice as is the practice in many Democrat jurisdictions. DeSantis understands that the Democrats’ policy of normalizing crime, sexual perversion, and open borders means the death of America.

Although it took forever, finally many Americans have also come to this realization. If the sentient Americans who remain can reject being put in a defensive position by the Democrat and media enemies of America, people far more dangerous than Russians, Chinese, and Iranians, and turn aggressive like Antifa and BLM, the republic has a chance of being restored.

Otherwise, it is good-bye America.

Various Commenters #conspiracy #racist #wingnut


SEATTLE: ANTIFA harasses Post Millennial Reporter @KatieDaviscourt last night. “Rot in fucking hell you WHITE fucking bitch! You’re a fucking Colonizer bitch, go fuck yourself!”

Antifa dehumanize their political opponents to the point that they actually feel joy maiming, injuring or killing others.


A little confused as to why a white American would call another white American a coloniser....might be definitive proof of their own self loathing

Google White self-hatred Oslo syndrome.


Anyone identifying as Antifa needs to be branded as a terrorist. They reek havoc and terrorise countless innocent people. This is unacceptable that they can still brazenly identify as Antifa and walk away.


Interestingly high chances that a white woman is yelling this

99% positive it actually was


Funny how this kind of racism gets a pass. Wtf

They redefined 'racism' so they cannot be accused of it. It does no wash away the wrong, but it allows them to conceal it.

as they say, "you can't be racist toward white people"

The next step they will take for whites is internment camps. Note to Antifa: I'd like my camp to be in warm weather.


Sounds like something a public school teacher in CA might yell at one of their student’s parents.

James Rink #conspiracy #wingnut #quack #crackpot

Meanwhile the real elected president returns to the helm today for an Inaugural event that is scheduled to start tomorrow. (Thur March 4 through Sat March 6)

Starting tomorrow (Thur March 4) there could be FBI/ CIA enabled false flag violence in DC that would be blamed on Trump supporters and [Q]Anon followers. (same as they did with the Capital riots by Antifa & BLM false flag)

On Friday (late) the Military will take over the MSM. So be ready for some real news for a change.

If the Internet & TV goes down…expect to get info via your cell phone on the EBS.

Rumors say we may hear the restored republic announced and that Trump won the election by a land slide.

Also the return to the gold standard and a new currency…along with new banking under the QFS blockchain system.
Expect a period of a couple weeks of disclosure starting now.

The scamdemic is over now…no more bs.

Texas and Florida have ended the face diaper mandate and the public is open again. (other states will follow)

So if Trump is back at the WH…that means the swamp creatures have all been removed.

GITMO has been real busy lately.

Intel indicates expansion at GITMO went out of sight underground about 10 levels deep.
Many islands in the area are connected via underground tunnels from an old secret submarine base from WW2.

For a very long time they have been using these islands and tunnels to use children for their satanic rituals and unthinkable acts.

Children have been seen exiting the WH & Capital at night when the lights were out…escaping the tunnels under DC. (that run 200 miles and all directions)

Stock up on whatever you might need for the next 2 weeks…as there may be a lockdown and possible blackout?

Pbuckley #wingnut #racist

I am trying not to get too political over here, but I feel the need to share this statement on all of my social media.

Proof of widespread Racism in America, BLM and ANTIFA murder over 30 Blacks in the Summer of 2020, no one is charged. One biracial good Samaritan defends himself against 3 white assailants, the assailants are hailed as hero's while the biracial Samaritan is defamed as a murderer & a "White Supremacist" (despite being half Hispanic). A Pedophile, & Wife Beater are both more valuable than 5 children, and a retired police officer who was considered a pillar of his community. just 6 deaths among many. Why? Because the former where white leftists and the latter, where just a statistic. This is the true story of Kyle Rittenhouse, this is the story the legacy media wont tell you & mainstream Tech has memory holed as hard as it can. The verdict today was Justice, there was a time in our history where a Biracial youth would have been lynched for doing what Kyle did, but today his and every American's right to self defense was upheld in a court of law. That means everyone's regardless of Race, Creed, Sex, or Sexuality.

For those who read this, understand that this was justice, and anyone who tells you otherwise is just trying to keep us running scared from Vandals, Thieves, Murderers, & Rapists.

As for Kyle, let the young man alone, he has been thru enough. This trial was a sham that never should have taken place, as the case was open and shut self defense from the word go. It was only pushed because his assailants where leftist shock troopers. He deserves to live his life, hopefully significantly richer from the defamation law suits he has every right to press against almost every legacy media outlet and personality in the states. Hopefully he can even live out his dream of working as a firefighter (which is where he got his First Aid Training from).

Alexandra Bruce #conspiracy #ableist #wingnut #quack

When I look at a group of Antifa members, I often feel that I’m looking at a group of people with High-functioning autism or Aspberger syndrome.
In this video, commentator Bill Whittle cites Politico chief political columnist, Roger Simon, who in a recent opinion piece for the Epoch Times asked whether cancel culture Progressives are not malevolent fascists, but suffering from symptoms of autism?
While it may be true that Big Tech CEOs and many of their Antifa-affiliated content moderators – and indeed, many in the cohort of Americans born after the 1980s exhibit symptoms of Autism Spectrum Disorder, I believe that, rather than their neurological condition being the cause of Internet censorship, their condition has been weaponized by a military-grade psychological operation as part of the information war being waged by the Deep State against the human race.

I believe this is especially the case of the Antifa members who are content moderators and “fact-checkers”, who are not truly in positions of power – even if they do have the power to nuke your Twitter account or to publish a derogatory report about your website on Newsguard.

As for the CEOs, they may indeed be Aspies but I believe there is an additional level of control via blackmail and threats that is in operation.
The real questions may be whether a generation of Americans has already been neurologically damaged by an aggressive vaccine schedule – and whether the enemies of humanity are now coming after the rest of us in a genocidal campaign to vaccinate “the entire global population” with CRISPR gene-editing technology that has not been approved for use in humans.

George Brake #psycho #conspiracy

A Newfoundland man who allegedly told police he was going to “execute local politicians” after leading officers on a high-speed chase in a truck full of knives 'appears to have had a social media profile full of wild right-wing conspiracies. George Brake, 66, was on his way to “stop the election” when he was arrested, police said. (Newfoundland is currently in the midst of a provincial election campaign.) RCMP said that they first became aware of Brake when they received a call on January 26 regarding a man behaving “erratically,” making political statements, and talking about firearms. “At that time Mr. Brake threatened to execute local politicians,” said RCMP spokesperson Jolene Garlan at a Wednesday press conference. Inside his truck they found a bounty of knives, 36 in total—some even had blades over half a foot long. "They ranged in size, shape, style," Garland said. "They were certainly capable ... of carrying out any serious threats." A Facebook page associated with Brake shows a deep interest in right-wing conspiracies and anti-lockdown rhetoric. The posts included shares from from sites like Infowars and pro-Trump outlet One America News Network, Facebook videos from various pro-Trump influencers, or posts from fringe conspiracy accounts. Several posts indicate he believed that Trump didn’t step down but handed over the reins to the military—a theory popular in QAnon—and that the Capitol Hill riot was an Antifa false flag operation. He’s also shared numerous posts that call into question the legitimacy of the COVID-19 pandemic, the effectiveness of masks, and amplified messages by Canadian anti-lockdown groups. There were also several darker posts alleging a demonic New World Order. One of the YouTube videos he shared was called: “The Elite Torture Children & Drink Their Adrenalised Blood.” Another page he shared—“Stopping Satanic World Government.” RCMP said all local candidates in Deer Lake were a target, including Premier Andrew Furey.

David Chase Taylor #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut

EARTH, Undisclosed Location — Based on breaking news and events, it appears that CIA Headquarters located beneath CERN at Lake Geneva in Switzerland is plotting a wave of reactor meltdowns by March 31, 2022, as Nuclear Fallout cover for the activation of Area 51’s terminator drone program which is designed to exterminate humanity via a never-ending cloud of VX nerve gas.

In short, the CIA is plotting a global version of Fukushima Nuclear Disaster in Japan Back on March 11, 2011, and the Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster in Ukraine Back on April 26, 1986. Only this time around, the CIA plans to blow up to 49 nuclear reactors as foreshadowed in the new nuclear reactor terror propaganda film entitled ‘Fukushima 50’ which premiered in theaters back on March 6, 2020.

Exactly how the CIA plans to trigger the impeding wave of nuclear reactor meltdowns is obviously not known, but it will most likely be executed under the guise of one or more cyber-attacks, earthquakes and/or tsunamis. Said cyber-attack will likely be Anonymous, Chinese, Iranian, North Korean and/or Russian in nature.
Based on breaking news and events, it appears that CIA Headquarters located beneath CERN at Lake Geneva in Switzerland is plotting 9/11-style attacks targeting one or more nuclear reactors, possibly biological, chemical, nuclear and/or radiological in nature. The CIA will predictably frame the one or more of the following countries and/or terror groups for the impending 9/11-style attacks targeting nuclear reactors, including but not limited to: a) eco-terrorists (e.g., ANTIFA, ELF, etc.); b) an Islamic State (e.g., Iran, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Yemen, etc.); c) an Islamic Terror Group (e.g., Al Qaeda, Hamas, Hezbollah, ISIS, ISIS-K, Khost Protection Force (KPF), etc.); d) Russia and/or d) Terrorists and/or Soldiers from Predominantly Islamic-Russian State (e.g., Azerbaijan, Bosnia, Kazakhstan, Kosovo, Kyrgyzstan, Serbia, South Ossetia, Tajikistan Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, etc.)

Gary D. Barnett #wingnut #conspiracy

There are different types of protest, few of value, but in reality, when protesting authoritarian rule or government, the best and most legitimate response is one of negation of the State, negation of compliance; in other words, complete disobedience and ignoring all aspects of State rule and mandates at every opportunity possible. This approach in fact, is the only justifiable way to stop oppression and tyranny without becoming the same evil that is the enemy oppressor. Self-defense is another matter, as when confronted physically, or when great harm to self, family, or other innocents is active and present, equal or greater force may be required to stop the threat.

In today’s world, a world consumed by contradiction, indifference, immorality, and theatre, protest more often than not is about the show, not about actually putting down the threat of the State. Usually, the collective demonstrations in the streets are meant to gain, temporarily of course, notoriety, herd acceptance, and a day or two of a party-like event. Most would not even be there unless they were surrounded by the crowd, so as to obtain what they falsely perceive as a protective shield of bodies; bodies meant to hide their actual cowardice. As soon as the cameras leave, as soon as the crowd begins to disperse, as soon as their cover disappears, they all run away to their ‘normal (abnormal) existence.
Consider the insane staged Trump protests, where crowds of brainless dolts were running amuck, just as they were enticed and permitted to do. Once over, the State used its plan to arrest and jail protesters, and even kill one of them, while their hero Trump egged them on, just as he is doing again. Consider the horrendous garbage calling themselves the BLM or Antifa, all let loose on society by a governing cabal meant to purposely stoke hate and violence in order to divide.

Various Commenters #conspiracy #crackpot #quack #psycho

Various Commenters on a conspiracy video - “The Simpsons Election Day 2020 Predictive Programming”, Uploaded by EndTimesTV

Who’s here after the Capitol Riots

(Abeselsome Alene)
Does anyone ever have the feeling that these aren’t predictions but plans 🤔

It’s all written in the Bible

@Grey Alien this is the final decade. The age of grace aka church age is soon coming to an end.Jesus christ is coming back for the rapture(this decade) dont get left behind from rapture to face great tribulation coming to earth. America will be nuked and invaded by russia and china in near future to usher in new world order. Nwo beast system led by antichrist obama and false prophet pope francis ready to take over after rapture. Dont believe the coming massive deception of alien abduction explanation for rapture from obama. Fema concentration camps will be activated around the world post rapture. Refuse coming vaccine and rfid chip implant aka mark of beast at all costs.

Its easy, until january 20th TRUMP will expose that there was Voter froud. After that the deepstate and the democrats will start riots and looting again and try to take out trump. Thats why simpsond predicted trump to be dead. The show just startet guys.

*follow-up comment*

@Robbi Shiflett they will blame trump for the riots, the media and the left will blame it on him, just like they blame everything on him what they actually do. They will say : look what trump did, he is the reason for the riots cause he won the court with illegal proof and the people rioting cause they dont want to have him in the white house.
Even if joe biden gonna fall from the steps to the podium they will probibly say, look thats because of trump😂😂

(flc lp)
@25BUlleTs5 damn this was happened today the so called trump supporters(ANTIFA DRESSED UP USING TRUMP'S paraphernalia) stormed the capitol wtf

Various Editors #wingnut

During a largely peaceful protest at the United States Capitol on January 6, 2021 organized by Trump supporters in opposition to certifying the "official results" of the 2020 U.S. presidential election, a small mob broke into the Capitol Building violently, forcing the people inside to evacuate. Despite the MSM blaming the breaking and entering on President Trump, falsely accusing him of "inciting" the situation, evidence has suggested the militant storming to have been the result of infiltration by Antifa and paid protesters.[2][3][4]

CNN and NBC each paid BLM/Antifa terrorist John Sullivan $35,000 for his services inside the U.S. Capitol on Januuary 6, 2021.[5]

katt #conspiracy #wingnut

Just like January 6th was a planned I believe the 20th will be..I believe the Dems have planned for BLM and Antifa to dress as Trump Supporters and wreck havick just as they did last week..and of course Conservatives will get the blame..again..and then we will lose our right to own guns..which is what, among other things, a lot of this has been about...I really wish God would big time show up..I miss God..

Various Commenters #conspiracy #elitist #quack #racist #wingnut

Africa is only 6% vaccinated, and covid has practically disappeared... scientists "baffled"

Almost nobody in Africa is getting "vaccinated" for the Wuhan coronavirus, and as a result there is almost no covid anywhere to be found on the continent. In Zimbabwe, nobody wears a mask, nobody is vaccinated, and life goes on as normal. "Covid-19 is gone," stated a man named Nyasha Ndou, who joked with reporters about how he keeps a mask in his pants "to protect my pocket."

For all intents and purposes, the Fauci Flu is gone from Zimbabwe, even without the injections. The only areas of the world seeing mass disease and death are those pushing the "vaccines"

Continued at

(tow man)
Our IQ's are too high.

Africans are like, "I dont see it, where is it?"

We are like, "Its there, but we cant see it!!! We have no real evidence it exists!!! But its there because science says its there!!!"

Im starting to think Africans are smarter than Whites.


Not the people that (((they))) are targeting for extermination.

Not yet. I expect a massive Ebola outbreak

In other words, stupid is as stupid does.

Who wins this intelligence contest: Africans, or white pro vaccine Antifa leftists. I say Africans.
(I am not impressed with certain members of my own race, nor with the communist Semites, who might also claim to be white.)

Neither am I. We have to remember that most African countries don't do any tests.
SA is in the front because whites want to travel.

Traveling or not blacks don't want it.

Two groups refuse the vaccine at the highest levels.
Very high and very low iq people.
The very high iq people use their brains and the low iq people use their gut instincts.


various Blackpillers #transphobia #wingnut

RE: Can MtF trannies acquire female privilege? Do FtM trannies acquire male oppression?

MtFs regardless of quality get all sorts of attention and favors from desperate fools. Seen the sad phenomenon for myself. I don't know about FtMs, but "male oppression" is mocked wildly, men are supposed to take a nuclear apocalypse without wavering while women can complain about not getting the right clothes.

MtF trannies become women in order to escape inceldom and being treated like shit. this is why it's mostly ethnics or sub 5 white men who go down this path, if you talk to these trannies in SEA they will tell you that they became that way to escape poverty and receive positive attention everywhere they go.

FtM trannies are delusional women that ruin their lives to become men because they fell for the "women are oppressed" meme and they quickly realize that being a dickless manlet is a hellish existence.

In America MtF still have to serve in the draft whilst priviliged FtM are still considered foids.

This shows sjw and transphobia is an absolute joke, Biden is sending "foids" to their deaths but no one gives a shit.

If they look like a male then they might lose immediate privileges, but if their real sex is discovered they will retain a little bit of that automatic foid privilege.

Yeah, the wokecel and cuckcel to tranny pipeline has been well established and is pretty much known openly. Leftists openly mock and hate incel men because they want them to be trannies. If a wokecel hates being bullied and mocked by leftists they can convert to being trannies and then get higher on the leftist oppresion totem pole than a woman. So he can become a tranny and then tweet to JK Rowling that he wants to fuck her and then cut her throat and he'll still be allowed on twitter because he's a tranny and JK Rowling is a TERF and has less privilege than him on the leftist social totem pole. That is why being a tranny is often so appealing to leftwing incels and even women hating incels are accepted in the tranny community, as long as you frame it as hating on "TERF" (anti tranny) women. That's why I don't like/trust leftwing incels, they will inevitably become tranny freaks who end up stabbing the incel community in the back and become woke Antifa tranies.

Shawntheimmortal942 #conspiracy #racist #dunning-kruger

And the crazies got crazier! There was a new CHAZ

BLM and Biden supporters are fighting

This bitch threatening Trump supporters

ANTIFA wanting no presidents

AOC wants a list of trump supporters like a blacklist

The wanting to defund the police and even abolish the police.

Maxine “fish face” waters calling for Trump officials to be harassed

Now they’re tagging and left a pig”s head in front of crazy nancy’s house you also gotta love the gas lighting these crazies try to push by saying “Nancy Pelosi WANTS $2000 stimulus checks to happen” despite being against it I know attention spans have gotten shorter recently but damn!

These assholes trespassing a Senator Hawley’s home 29:45 I also love how they want Trump Supporters to “get over it” but these are the same crazies who’ve been bitching about “Muh Russia“ for 4 fucking years.

zuuluuz & Robert Kelly #conspiracy #racist #wingnut

RE: Migrants Chanting ‘Biden! Biden!’ Attempt to Rush Border


White patriots (in other words, true actual Americans) in Washington, DC right now, chanting "Trump Trump Trump". Meanwhile, nonwhite foreigners who are totally alien to the USA and all of its history, attempting to invade the USA at El Paso, chanting the name of their champion "Biden Biden Biden".

Is there any other country where noncitizens would do that? And on top of that, where they know that the leader of said country would welcome them as well? I doubt even the migrants to Europe do that.

I wish we could send all of those illegals to Israel.

I know a lot of people roll their eyes when this is mentioned(some Amreners don't agree even) but there's most likely Jewish involvement in it. Jews have been a privileged minority for years. Why couldn't they have just enjoyed that and stuck to making money and kept quiet? Why did they have to embark on this anti white agenda?

(Robert Kelly)
The Democrats were able to steal the election because they know that violence works. Had the election results been overturned, there would have been more murder, mayhem, arson and looting by BLM and Antifa. And the MSM would be supporting them every step of the way.

The MSM would paint them as fearless underdogs, fighting to preserve democracy and exercising their first amendment rights while the police and national guard are told to stand down. Any show of force against BLM and Antifa would be construed as racism and facism and Trump as a deranged, racist dictator.

They know that they have nothing to fear from the right. The right are always expected to tow the line. The right always have to be peaceful, law abiding and rule following while the left does whatever it wants when it suits their purpose.

Occidental Dissent #conspiracy #racist #wingnut

How many times were we told that Donald Trump was a “fascist”?

What did Donald Trump ever do compared to these people? The corporate media spent years spreading misinformation based on dubious intelligence about Trump in the Russia hoax. The Democratic Congress impeached him twice. Black Lives Matter and Antifa rioted for years and torched entire cities and got away with serial violence while openly being supported by Corporate America. Big Tech deplatformed Trump and millions of his supporters from the internet. “Journalists” hunt people down who express politically incorrect opinions online like old school commissars, dox them and get them fired from their jobs. Democrats built a razor wire fence around the U.S. Capitol and sent in the military to occupy Washington, DC. They weaponized the intelligence agencies against Trump and his supporters.

Has it occurred to anyone how far across the line the Left has traveled over the past few years? They’ve resorted to mob violence, censorship, illegal surveillance, doxxing, economic blackmail and intimidation, impeachment, demonizing White people as a racial group, labeling virtually the entire Populist Right as “domestic extremism” and a national security threat, imposing a political litmus test on the U.S. military and law enforcement agencies, etc. Merrick Garland’s Department of Social Justice was even poised to arrest Derek Chauvin on the spot in court on federal charges if a jury had found that he was innocent. The corporate media now holds communist show trials and convicts police officers of systematic racism in the court of public opinion for the purpose of fomenting racial division for political gain.

Shawntheimmortal942 #conspiracy #pratt #crackpot

So congrats on the win! You won by not only cheating but also threatening the lives of innocent people so thank you for showing the world your true colors as the true fascists. As I said before and I’ll say again, these crazies are commie nazis and unlike these crazies who use words like “Nazi, transphobic, homophobic, racist“ and every ist and ism(not to mention “reactionary“, yeah cause rioting totally isn’t reactionary) like they’re saying hello...we actually have evidence of their shit.

2024, people! I highly doubt Biden will last a year as President with Kamala “Fweedom” Harris breathing down his neck but what can I say? Now look, I don’t support storming the capital because that‘s what the crazies do not what Trump supporters should do because we should know better. Tho I gotta love how the media is now calling this a riot but when ANTIFA and BLM riot “PEACEFUL” they say! “Summer of love!” Says Jenny Durkan

as her city was being burnt to the ground. Remember, Trump has condemned white supremacy and neo nazis, Biden NEVER condemned BLM and ANTIFA for rioting. You can go on and on about how “ANTIFA is just an idea and isn’t real” (nice gaslighting btw) but we all know the truth, it’s rules for thee but not for me

VenandiArt #wingnut #dunning-kruger

Anybody who's caught the satire that appears from time to time in Syndicate Wars stuff, can probably guess that I am not the biggest fan of government or police. Violent enforcement against nonviolent, non-contractual behavior (the overwhelming majority of police action) is aggression—it is assault and kidnapping—and I oppose it outright.

But how can anyone go into public with the stated and/or executed intent to...

- destroy property;

- steal property;

- prevent people from moving freely;

- attack people for wrongthink;

- murder people (usually black people, and in far greater numbers than American police have ever committed);

- set fires (sometimes to buildings with people inside);

- topple historical landmarks;

- trash neighborhoods in ways that disproportionately affect minorities and the poor;

- and overthrow a constitutional republic...

...and then act surprised and indignant when they get their infantile asses thrown in jail?

Clown World.

This isn't #fascism, and #BlackLivesMatter (the organization) and #Antifa aren't fighting fascism. They are in fact, and ironically, fascistic themselves.

What this is, is cause and effect, the consequences of bad behavior.

Linda Harvey #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy #transphobia #homophobia #racist #sexist

Where is authentic justice? Authentic science? A trustworthy election? Why do even the courts frequently fail to enforce the law?

Our new rulers seem to be an alliance of fellow travelers representing radical sexual politics, hard-core feminism and race hucksterism, with Democrats at their back, Big Tech/media as their watchdogs and Antifa as their muscle.

What could possibly go wrong with a marriage like this?

When you strip away all the rhetoric, there’s one essential driver in the hearts of these subversives.

They hate God. They hate the followers of Jesus Christ, they hate Judeo -Christian Western civilization, and they will distort us, silence us and even come after us-- whatever it takes to eliminate our voice and influence.

And these mutineers are a clear and present threat to the safety and well-being of children, based on their own words and actions, even as they endlessly virtue signal.
But where these child corrupters are successful, impressionable youth will absorb the most destructive messages justifying racist, anti-business, anti-police, anti-Christian, anti-heterosexual street action.
If they were to be totally honest, here’s the real motive: “I hate heterosexuality, and male/female biology, because I hate my own parents, especially my father. I hate the innocence and purity of children and have an intense desire to sully them. I hate white people because I link them to Christianity. And I hate God the Father and His son, Jesus Christ, and I don’t want my sins saved. I love my sin and I will lie, cheat, distort and even commit violence to try to eliminate this voice from my world.”

This is what unchecked sin does to humans. We are all vulnerable. Our problem now is that we are, by government fiat, honoring proud sin and punishing virtue. This spells doom for America, unless we turn it around. But that must be done carefully, avoiding innocent casualties.

Conservapedia #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy

During the January 6, 2021 Joint Session of Congress to certify the Electoral College ballots, while tens of thousands peaceful protesters rallied in support of President Trump outside the capitol, chartered vans of Antifa were escorted by state police in black, unmarked SUVs into the midst of the crowd.[52][53][54] Capitol Police then removed barriers and waved the crowd in to the Capitol steps.[55][56] Antifa rioters proceeded to break windows on the U.S. Capitol building and storm the premises.[57][58][59] Facial recognition technology identified Antifa members,[60] who had used disguises to infiltrate a pro-Trump protest group, as storming the building.[61]

[note: the citation provided at [60] claims that the identification of Antifa members was an error and has corrected it.]

various commenters #wingnut #racist

( @KeepNHGranite )
"Why don't you post a video of a White guy walking up on a lady planting flowers and kicking her head off her shoulders?"

Find me the video and I'll post it.

But you can't. Because it doesn't exist.

"bAd PeOpLe Of aLL CoLoRs Do BaD tHiNgS!" is not a counter to the facts of who does what crimes at what rates - and who's most likely to attack you because you're White.

Stop lying to yourself with performative reality denial.

( @SuzanneDotGunsmoke )
@KeepNHGranite I hate them so much and they MADE me hate them so much------------

( @Morgul )
@KeepNHGranite Nothing but rage. blacks are a blight wherever they are.

( @HadriansChild )
@KeepNHGranite This is my words exactly to this new breed of Antifa Conservative boomer types

( @Based_Honkler )
@KeepNHGranite Fucking niggers.

( @FanaticalTexan )
@KeepNHGranite The one race cucks will huff and puff about "there are bad people of all colors" yet will never post the videos.
Then people will flood them with videos of blacks committing the overwhelming majority of crimes, and they just block those people.

They can't understand simple concepts like per capita rate and rage when confronted with that realization. It's scary people like that are even allowed to vote, to be honest.

( @GreatWhite96 )
@FanaticalTexan @KeepNHGranite nah, votes are worthless, not even counted.
Its scary that subhumans like that are even alive, when they really shouldnt be

( @Based_Gimli )
The only thing those animals understand is violence. They know whites are peaceful, and they smell weakness.

( @GSauce111 )
@Based_Gimli @KeepNHGranite Exactly....If White people are so violent and intolerant then why do they constantly provoke us?

( @49Pocahontas )
@KeepNHGranite Niggers are NOT like white people. PERIOD!!

( @Sticky25 )
@KeepNHGranite end jewish oppression immediately

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