
The woman-haters, man-haters, and non-binary-haters

Flagellum_Dei #sexist #psycho #wingnut incels.is

Why foid genitals mutilation is necessary for civilization to function properly

By their roastbeefs not being mutilated comes unleashed barbaric foid nature which leads to hypergamy and other degenerations. As we can see today, giving foids any power results in decay of entire nations and downfall in every aspect. Their troglodytic attitude is destructive towards any form of greater community, since it's a obstacle to human progress. By mutilating their genitals, human race supervise that foid cattle won't have opportunity to sabotage existence of civilization. All of their power comes from having monopoly over 'their' bodies and when it's taken away, then all of their might used to oppress nonchads suddenly disappears. It's the only way to make sure that humanity is safe from decay caused by hypergamy.

jvsmine #sexist #transphobia ovarit.com

men are literally so awful and disgusting and depraved and honestly not even human that so many of them are pretending to women and tanking our fucking violent crime stats, making it look like women are getting more violent.

nah. just more freak degenerate males who are useless flesh bags calling themselves girls -eye roll-

BASSFZz #sexist youtube.com

Women's Feelings Vs Honor And Virtue

Why isn't Honor and Virtue the most important thing to women? It's because their feelings are more important to them than anything, and men aren't people unless they're attracted to them or their brother. XD

Hibatullah Akhundzada #fundie #god-complex #sexist theguardian.com

Taliban edict to resume stoning women to death met with horror

The Taliban’s announcement that it is resuming publicly stoning women to death has been enabled by the international community’s silence, human rights groups have said.

The Taliban’s supreme leader, Hibatullah Akhundzada, announced at the weekend that the group would begin enforcing its interpretation of sharia law in Afghanistan, including reintroducing the public flogging and stoning of women for adultery.

In an audio broadcast on the Taliban-controlled Radio Television Afghanistan last Saturday, Akhundzada said: “We will flog the women … we will stone them to death in public [for adultery].

“You may call it a violation of women’s rights when we publicly stone or flog them for committing adultery because they conflict with your democratic principles,” he said, adding: “[But] I represent Allah, and you represent Satan.”

He justified the move as a continuation of the Taliban’s struggle against western influences. “The Taliban’s work did not end with the takeover of Kabul, it has only just begun,” he said.

In the past year alone, Taliban-appointed judges ordered 417 public floggings and executions, according to Afghan Witness, a research group monitoring human rights in Afghanistan. Of these, 57 were women.

Most recently, in February, the Taliban executed people in public at stadiums in Jawzjan and Ghazni provinces. The militant group has urged people to attend executions and punishments as a “lesson” but banned filming or photography.

Frank Hester #racist #sexist #psycho theguardian.com

West Yorkshire police are investigating “racist comments which were allegedly made at a meeting” by the Conservative [biggest ever] donor Frank Hester in 2019.

The investigation was triggered after the Guardian reported that Hester, a businessman based in Leeds, told colleagues that looking at Diane Abbott made you “want to hate all black women” and said the MP “should be shot”.

Hester, who has given £10m to the Tories in the past year, said in the meeting that he did not hate all black women. But he did say that seeing Abbott, who is Britain’s longest-serving black MP, on TV meant “you just want to hate all black women because she’s there”.

After the publication of the remarks, a statement from TPP said Hester “accepts that he was rude about Diane Abbott in a private meeting several years ago but his criticism had nothing to do with her gender nor colour of skin”. The statement said Hester abhorred racism, “not least because he experienced it as the child of Irish immigrants in the 1970s”.

Elvis Dunderhoff #sexist #racist #dunning-kruger #psycho dailystormer.name

[From ““Psychopathy Far More Common Among Women Than Previously Thought””]

I don’t understand the concept of a “woman psychopath”

All basic female behavioral traits line up with the definitions of psychopathy. They don’t feel guilt or remorse of any kind, and they only act in self-interest, and will lie and manipulate to get what they want

That’s all women

The Guardian

When it comes to a typical psychopath, the suited and booted Patrick Bateman from the novel American Psycho might spring to mind, but, according to one expert, the number of women with the neuropsychiatric disorder could be far greater than previously thought[…]

It’s not just white liberal women, by the way[…]
Ask white conservative slut Boebert, who was jacking off her new boyfriend in the theater after abandoning her husband

Ask the South Korean whores

Women are just women

White women are the worst, except for obviously blacks, but women are all just natural “psychopaths,” if you have a yearning to use that term

I don’t think it’s a useful term

I also don’t want to hear about the “dark triad”

Mostly, I just want to talk about Jews, and how they can be completely exterminated, possibly with a bioweapon

Aimee Terese and Glypticfille #crackpot #dunning-kruger #homophobia #kinkshaming #quack #sexist #wingnut twitter.com

Aimee Terese:

“Men who eat pussy are spiritual lesbians”


“There is likely a direct correlation between men who do this (99% of leftist men) and modern leftism. It is my suspicion that there is something in the vaginal fluids that is capable of estrogenising the body, cuckolding the spirit, hence thousand year prohibition against it.”

Vox Day #wingnut #sexist #fundie voxday.net

[From “The End of Liberalism”]

The satanic seeds of the Enlightenment have finally blossomed to the point that they are killing entire nations. We’ve already learned, much to our surprise, that Communism is less fatal to a nation than the financial capitalism, neo-liberalism, and globalism of Clown World, now we’re discovering that even the insane ideology of the Juche, the state ideology of North Korea, is observably better for a nation than the best that the modern West has to offer

I think it’s so funny that Korean women are so done with Korean men that they’re literally just deciding to die out. Y’all heard of the 4B movement[…]

She says that Korean women are mad at Korean men, but they’re actually mad at God, and if you don’t like that word, just call it the universe[…]
What these women are saying is I want resources and money and power and everything, I just don’t want to provide men with what they need in order to continue creating them[…]
Korea has the lowest birthrates in the world but I just think that’s so funny… Korean as an ethnicity is about to go away. It works the same every time you fill your mind with entitlement, you blame somebody for what you don’t have, and then you use the government to take it away from them

Except Korea will not die. The Korea that will survive is Best Korea. Scientific, evolutionarily-superior Korea. It’s very unlikely that South Korean women will be permitted to simply die off and end Korean civilization, the odds significantly favor them instead being enslaved and utilized by the North Koreans to ensure national survival. And the great irony is that these women will apparently be happier as slaves than as free women allowed to pursue any path they wanted, because, when given complete freedom to become anything they imagined, they consciously chose rebellion against their Creator and suicide

Clown World is a satanic global fail

Jonna #sexist womenagainstfeminism.com

We are in a transition from a traditional society (let’s call it the patriarchy) to a liberal-minded society (let’s call it a matriarchy). Men suffer quite a lot in this transition, because the laws are essentially all very patriarchal and women still expect things like child-support (something which would normally only exist in a patriarchy)
Now the patriarchy is actually not a society that favors men over women, and the matriarchy is not a society which favors women over men. Both societies favor men and women equally. I know a lot of MRAs do not believe this and use the draft as evidence that the patriarchy favored women more, but that is not true. The patriarchy is actually a society that favors children, while the matriarchy favors the individual (or self).
The patriarchy is a child-centered society. It is interested in birth and survival rates of children, and that is why males were drafted. Male disposability led to more children. The patriarchy comes from difficult times, it was born in hard times, it is a very social system, an efficient system, and it’s a survival mechanism.
We know it leads to successful societies because many of the major cultures that dominate the world today have a patriarchal history. And we can see this most clearly through the fact that the world’s major religions like Christianity, Islam, Hinduism and Confucianism all come from cultures which support the patriarchy. All of these religions and the cultures that support them speak of female obedience to her husband and male responsibility and dominance over to his family.
What I do mean to imply is that many parts of the traditional way of structuring society are beneficial to the majority of society, and so I think we should hold on to them. The patriarchy has been successful for many reasons, and we have to be careful not to ignore some of these reasons. Male investment and access to their offspring both in the form of being a role model who would love, guide, and seek the best interests of their children and through their economic contributions benefited society enormously. Allowing women the freedom to focus on producing and caring for children also benefited society.

Tres Genco #sexist #psycho splcenter.org

Tres Genco was sentenced to six years and eight months in prison followed by five years on post-prison supervision for his 2020 plot to “slaughter” women at an Ohio university[…]
Genco wrote in his manifesto that his goal was, “the death of what I have been deprived of most, but also cherished and fantasize at the opportunity of having but has been neglected of; Women. I will slaughter out of hatred, jealousy, and revenge”[…]
Genco is the first misogynist incel to be charged under federal hate crime statutes[…]
Genco was active on the most popular misogynist incel forum[…]In one post he described how he replicated an assault Rodger described in his manifesto in which he filled a water gun with orange juice and drove around spraying women and couples. Genco wrote that he felt "spiritually connected" to Rodger, who he considered a "saint"[…]
Genco planned and prepared for his attack, which he intended to commit on the anniversary of Rodger’s[…]
Genco also joined the military to gain weapons training[…]Army Basic Training in Georgia in August 2019. He had already started his search for sororities in his area, and in a manifesto entitled "A Hideous Symphany," he explained his hope that his military training would make him a more effective killer. Genco was discharged several months later for “entry-level performance or conduct”[…]
Genco continued to work out logistics for his planned attack[…]He searched "planning a shooting crime" online and researched how to modify and assemble weapons[…]In one note he indicated that he hoped his experience at boot camp would help him kill up to 3,000 people

While Genco was on an ATF watch list, local police thwarted his plot for mass violence in March 2020. Law enforcement responded to a call after Genco barricaded himself in a room with a gun following a fight with his mother

C.T. #racist #crackpot #dunning-kruger #sexist westsdarkesthour.com

[From “On Sam Vaknin”]

He says that women will dominate the society of the future because male muscle power is obsolete. He also says that the future of the US will be brown in a hundred years because whites are on their way out[…](Following his perverse logic, I guess Negresses will be in charge of the US of the future!)

So this clinical psychologist is as crazy as the malignant narcissists he psychoanalyses: something very common in the so-called mental health professions[…](The racial right has been blind on this issue. What white nationalist knows that psychiatry, psychoanalysis and clinical psychology are pseudo-scientific?)[…]
Since the traitorous Western world empowered the Jews after WW2, the greatest findings in depth psychology were not made by Aryans[…]but by Jews. For example, as far as the abuse of children by their parents is concerned, the greatest breakthrough was to take the side of the child[…]And that step was taken by the Swiss-Jewish Alice Miller[…]
There is nothing wrong with appropriating the findings of Jews as long as we purge them of their subversive messages. However, someone unfamiliar with the JQ will be unable to do so. The work of Kevin MacDonald, for example, is useful for this kind of task. But as long as there is no purely Aryan state, and as Hitler wanted, a Lebensraum where Aryans can flourish unmolested by non-whites, those with the highest IQ, the Jews, will continue to serve as spearheads in various fields where high intellect is required

The mere fact that in recent centuries Jews have overtaken Whites in IQ should provoke hatred of Christianity since Christianity has for two millennia been dysgenic (unlike the eugenics practised by Ashkenazi Jews)[…]Good Aryan sperm ended up in the asses of convent novices, when it should have ended up in Aryan vaginas[…]
Jews would never have won the IQ race against the Greco-Romans in a hypothetical world where Constantine would have been defeated outside Rome

Janice Fiamengo #sexist #wingnut #conspiracy fiamengofile.substack.com

For International Women’s Day, let’s also consider feminism’s impact on women, and recognize that it’s been very bad there too.

Not just radical feminism. Not just the hateful or fringe variety. The whole thing, with its sob stories and sentimental celebrations, its exaggerations and cover-ups, its relentless focus on the demands and alleged needs of one half of humanity at the expense of the other, has been a monumental disaster.

For over 50 years, the movement has been mired in fraudulent claims, myopia, special pleading, double standards, abandonment of principles, manifold hypocrisies, and emotional incontinence.
Previous generations of women were taught that happiness related directly to virtue, and virtue consisted in living for others, being loyal, being a helpmeet to one’s husband, devoting oneself to one’s children, or in some other manner pursuing a good life—as a nun or a healer, a mystic or a scholar. Feminism deliberately turned such an idea on its head. Ideals of chastity, fidelity, self-sacrifice, self-control and loving kindness were, according to feminism, the imposed ideals by which men prevented women from pursuing their desires. Feminism was about self-fulfillment.

In the years since the 1970s, discussion of female goodness has essentially been ruled out of bounds. While men have always been measured (and measured themselves) against a standard of the good man—one who supports his family, including his wife, defends justice, achieves distinction in the public sphere, protects the weak, and defeats evil—the ideal of the good woman has become a pre-1960s relic. Ask a feminist what a good woman is, and she will either laugh scornfully and refuse to answer, or say that a good woman fights against patriarchy. In other words, she’ll give you an oppositional identity with little or no positive content. The real problem with feminism for women is that it destroyed the positive content of womanhood and replaced it with useless anger.

Blood Tribe and Christopher Alan Pohlhaus #wingnut #racist #psycho #transphobia #sexist splcenter.org

About two dozen neo-Nazis marched through downtown Nashville, Tennessee, on Saturday in an event the group billed as a celebration to “the great white South,” according to flyers the group’s leader Christopher Alan Pohlhaus posted to the social media app Telegram

Pohlhaus, who uses the moniker “The Hammer” in white power spaces online, heads the neo-Nazi group Blood Tribe and led the group in antisemitic and racist chants as they marched through downtown Nashville[…]
Pohlhaus shared a message from the Blood Tribe Upper Midwest Telegram channel on Jan. 19 that promoted the rally as “Coming soon to Dixie America.” In the Jan. 19 post, the author writes: “We are Nazis. We are white supremacists. We are white ethno nationalists. We despise Jews. We despise [n-word]s and all non-whites. And nobody is having more fun…Get involved”[…]
Pohlhaus founded Blood Tribe in fall 2021 as an organization that favors explicit appeals to white supremacy, Hitler worship and violence. In a Jan. 19 Telegram post, Pohlhaus wrote[…]“When I get to the point where I have a thousand guys marching under the swastika every quarter[…]it will cause brown immigrants to think twice about coming here”[…]
Speaking on a far-right podcast on May 6, 2023, about why Blood Tribe rallied outside two drag shows in Ohio, Pohlhaus said, “We go to the enemy, scream at them, give them PTSD and leave.” In 2023, Pohlhaus posted an audio message to Telegram where he advocated for assaulting and raping women. Pohlhaus said: “It’s still true that people will take war brides in the end of days, and it’s just gonna happen, okay. … Honestly, I don’t find that liberal white women have the right to decide about how their reproductive system is going to be used[…]”
Pohlhaus and the Blood Tribe fantasize about violence online and strategize the best ways to harm perceived enemies. Pohlhaus polled his Telegram followers in a private chat room on July 10, 2023, and asked which of two music festivals “to carpet bomb”

EchoChaos #fundie #sexist #psycho datasecretslox.com

I disagree with Maimonides that [Leviticus] allows battlefield rape (as opposed to forced marriage of captive women, which it clearly allows), but if I were convinced that it did, I would say battlefield rape was good, yes.

I agree with Maimonides that my intuitions may disagree with God's Law, but that puts my intuitions in the wrong, not God's Law.

Harmonica #sexist #racist #conspiracy identitydixie.com

[From “Was Feminism A Backlash Against Abuse?”]

One claim made by well-meaning rightwingers is that feminism, although a terrible idea that has done significant damage to society, must be understood in the context of backlash against the abuses women suffered by men. This view postulates that feminism is an overreaction against certain ills that women faced and, in order to both understand and properly combat feminism, it must be understood in this situation. While this idea may have (on the surface) some merit, and many early feminists cited abuse as the origin of their work, it as an oversimplification of what actually took place

Before I begin this essay, first let me state that I do not deny that women, at times, faced horrific abuses by men in the pre-feminist world. It was deplorable and there was no excuse for it. But, it is critical to remember that abusive men were, in fact, considered wicked in the West and, more importantly, measures were taken to combat their misbehavior. Yes, it was not a perfect system[…]The major civilization that treated women the best was also the one that birthed feminism[…]
To understand the real origins of feminism we must not look at “the West” for its origins, but a particular area of the West – Yankeedom. A map of the active feminist organizations during the 19th century will show one curious fact – they hit a hard stop at the Mason-Dixon line. Feminism was the interest of Yankee women, not Southern women[…]
I certainly do not deny that women have faced horrific abuses in the past, and while the West was certainly better than the other major civilizations, it was not entirely blameless. However, the rise of modern feminism, and especially its radicalization in the 1960s, cannot be understood as backlash against that abuse[…]Rather, it was (and is) another Yankee attempt to make everyone else like them, the same mentality Southerners have been fighting against for nearly two centuries

Bernard Lane #crackpot #dunning-kruger #elitist #homophobia #kinkshaming #sexist #transphobia twitter.com

Excerpts from a guy explaining why fan fiction turns girls Trans

“And ‘gay ships’ online, gay erotica, can provide a vector for the girl to explore relationships and sexuality with the male objects of her infatuation — without confronting all that resentment, insecurity, hatred and self-doubt that is triggered by female love interest and male-female relationships.

“When it's two men it can be very seductive, because these girls love men, and they don't want to see the women — and it's like this weird, perfect storm for them.”

“The fandom community is going to have that hierarchy — if you are a cis-het white person, you're evil, you're terrible, you're horrible, you're disgusting, you're an oppressor. But if you're trans, if you're gay, if you're not white, then you are amazing. And everybody needs to be super nice to you.

“The LGBT spectrum is really elevated in these fandom communities, partly because of that love of the male-male pairings where these girls are obsessed with the very idea of gay men. They almost think they're being pro-LGBT by sharing gay fan fiction.

“They're developing an aversion to male-female relationships. They can start to over-identify with the ‘gay ships’, in this [online 24/7] environment where there are no checks and balances on the fantasy. It's all these young girls identifying as trans together, ‘shipping the ships’ together. It's so easy to have your identity lines blurred, to start to over-identify with being a gay trans boy. And then gender ideology comes along and says, this is all a sign that deep down, you really want to be a boy.”

Vic Biorseth #fundie #wingnut #racist #homophobia #transphobia #sexist #conspiracy catholicamericanthinker.com

For the same reason that the DOJ/FBI/CIA and a lot of other US agencies play act at being aloof from and independent of the US government: they are part of the anti-American Marxocrat Party's so-called "Permanent Government", alternatively known as the Deep State.
Behind the scenes, they will put the brakes on any President or other official who tries to condemn diversity or fails to be inclusive of either anti-American Marxist "revolutionaries" or anti-American Islamic Jihadists. The Marxocrat Party is, after all, anti-American, pro-Marxist, and pro-Islam. More than that, they are pro-sodomy, pro-abortion, pro-climate change and they stand with every other fraudulent program that is anti-humanity, anti-nationhood, anti-American, anti-family, anti-male, anti-white people, anti-Christian and antisemitic.
Diversity, inclusion, multi-culturalism, etc., all attack identity.

It began with the blurring of the identity of God; it all ends with the blurring of the identity of human beings and humanity.

Look at diversity's blurring of holiness, and what it means to be holy.
It was this deceptive and deceitful all-inclusive, diversified identity thinking that brought the condemned heresies of Protestantism into the Catholic liturgy in Pope Paul VI's Novus Ordo mass. And it is this same evil diversification of Catholic identity that today seeks to suppress and eradicate from memory the Latin Mass.

The new mass is inclusive; the old one was exclusive. Can't have that.

Today, the Catholic Pope and his Vatican, the American Presidency and his administration and all professional teachers everywhere, join the globalist efforts of the Davos WEF, COMINTERN, the UN and the EU to bless, approve, protect and advance the causes of not only sodomy and licentiousness, but transsexualism and transgenderism. In open defiance of biology and human physiology they hopelessly and permanently blur the identities of male and female.

What does it even mean to be human any more?

DryRecognition_6671 #sexist #elitist #pratt reddit.com

It’s getting harder and harder to find a high quality woman in America. I’m leaving…

It seems their expectations and standards have only risen in the past few years. The 6/10 women (6s, 7s, 8s) who ALSO have a decent personality accumulate for less than 5% of the overall American female population. That’s millions of men competing for the top 5% of women. America lacks quality control and I’m not sure if things will ever change. Time to leave ✈️

James Lasher #fundie #wingnut #sexist #conspiracy charismanews.com

In a move that has left many in the state of Texas shocked, the golden abortion-goddess statue titled, "Witness," is scheduled to be on display at the University of Houston on Feb. 28 through Oct. 31, 2024.

The 18-foot-statue hails from New York City, designed by Shahzia Sikander, and now endangers Texas with the establishment of a spiritual stronghold.

Designing the pagan statue as an ode to the late-Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Sikander wrote in her artists statement that the work was to continue the fight in ensuring abortion does not leave America.

"The luminous figure is a nod to Ruth Bader Ginsburg, as seen in the detail adorning her collar. With Ginsburg's death and the reversal of Roe, there was a setback to women's constitutional progress," Sikander's statement reads.
While the fight for the unborn continues, what many are overlooking is the establishment of spiritual strongholds that will follow in the footsteps of the golden idol in Texas.

For too long, many in America have brushed aside the dangers of the spiritual-side of life. Even though it is written clearly for people by the apostle Paul in Ephesians 6:12 which says: "For our fight is not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, and against spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places."
Spiritual warfare is not some hokey nonsense that is a recently made up experience, the Bible written under the guidance of the Holy Spirit warns believers about it, and extols them to take part in it!
Yet fewer and fewer Christians in America are engaging in it. It is being relegated to the sidelines as nonsensical practice of the deranged, meanwhile American society continues to delve deeper into satanism.

C.T. #wingnut #conspiracy #racist #sexist westsdarkesthour.com

[From “Interview”]

I just watched the interview Tucker did with Putin, who gave a great Russian history lesson to the American (as our visitors know, history and biography are the most important subjects for my POV). The media will suffer a hysterical meltdown after this interview. We can already imagine Biden talking in the same depth, half an hour, about American history to a naïve Russian interviewer!

But there is one thing Putin got it wrong: Ukrainian neo-Nazis were, are and apparently will remain, pseudo-Nazis (and the same goes for neo-Nazis in other countries)

On this site we already know who is a real Hitlerist. Those Ukrainians who hold up as heroes other Ukrainians who fought on the side of Germany in WW2 have little, if anything, to do with real Hitlerism. These so-called neo-Nazis in Ukraine even subscribe to feminism, listen to degenerate music imported from the more Western countries, have a Jew as their president, etc

Henry Makow PhD #sexist #racist #homophobia #wingnut #conspiracy henrymakow.com

Remember Valentine's Day? It's Feb. 14.

After destroying Christmas, Masonic Jews moved on to destroy the annual celebration of heterosexuality, Valentine's Day.

The Vagina Monologues (1996) has been performed on Valentine's Day thousands of times in 77 countries to draw attention to "violence against women" . How perfectly romantic.

The "play" itself is porn designed to induct sex-starved women into lesbianism.

Women use hand-mirrors to inspect their genitals. Lesbian paedophilia is condoned.

Mankind has been inducted into the Illuminati (Cabalist) sex cult which is behind Judaism, Communism, Zionism, Liberalism, Socialism & Feminism. "Progressive" means progress to death.

Satanism is a sexual and material race-to-the-bottom. Feminism teaches women to reject family and serve the system instead.

First, Jews and Freemasons were initiated, and through them, humanity as a whole.

We are under relentless occult attack by Organized Judaism and Freemasonry. (Satanism)

(Disclaimer- Not all Jews are Communists, and unless they stand up soon, they may end up taking the blame for those who are.)
The irony of "The Vagina Monologues" is that feminists who regularly complain about sexual objectification embrace the play. There is no mention of love.

This tendency to view sex as recreation and physical release, rather than a celebration of a loving bond between a man and woman, reflects a self-destructive trend in society. Normally heterosexuals find sexual fulfillment in marriage and are able to turn their energies to more important things. Instead, we suffer from a collective arrested development manifested as a leering adolescent addiction to sex.

The "play" outrages and destroys the mystery, modesty and reserve that is the essence of mature femininity.

Like feminism itself, "The Vagina Monologues" masquerades as an affirmation of women. In fact, it is a sickening brutal assault on women.

MadameRedWitch #magick #sexist #mammon etsy.com

Extreme Gentleman Spell, Strongest Manhood Magic, Virility & Masculinity Transformation, Become The Irresistible Aura, Black Magic

The gentleman alpha male is a figure that radiates presence, casting a light upon the surroundings. He stands at the center of society as a confident and reassuring leader. His existence ripples through the air like a breeze that commands attention. In his eyes, there is a light that gleams with determination and wisdom, a glow not only emanating from the depths of his inner world but also guiding those who follow him.

The gentleman alpha male is not defined solely by physical strength but also by the powerful vision and emotional intelligence within his mind. This influential leader is someone who understands responsibilities, faces challenges with courage, and inspires others. At every step, he possesses a stance that narrates an epic, casting light upon his surroundings.
In the realm of a community, the alpha male mirrors a work of art, demonstrating the strong bonds, collaboration, and celebrations of success. Ultimately, he seeks balance and harmony not only in the external world but also within his own being. He is a true leader who has found his powerful roots, inspiring those around him and embodying the integrity of an artistic composition.

With this ancient and powerful spell, I will make your aura incredibly and irresistibly intriguing.

You don't need to do anything extra. Just sit back, have full faith that your desires will come true and watch with pleasure the changes in your life one by one.

I will perform this 2 days ritual for you and I will use various special materials for you. So please do not ask for a refund because I will not accept it. The spell cannot be broken or undone, keep that in mind and think twice before you buy. Remember, the effects start immediately, but it may take some time for you to see more clearly.


StrangerDirect6762 #sexist #wingnut reddit.com

Submitter’s note: this comment is from a post on a subreddit called “PassportBros”. While some of the posts on this sub are relatively benign travel stories or requests for suggestions on where to go, what to do, etc, quite a few of the posts and comments are from incel-types looking for submissive women from highly heteronormative, male-centered cultures because “the west” has been destroyed by feminism.

American women are trash. 80% of women chase the top 10-20% of men and sleep around. 80% of divorces are filed by women, 90% if they have a college degree.
American women choose one guy for his genetics while simultaneously simping up another guy for his finances. You are virtually guaranteed to be cheated on with no consequences from American law, even crimes involving child support fraud and false rape allegations go unpunished.

In America women can literally stab a man to death with 108 stabs and then say they're innocent because the marijuana weed was too strong.
Marrying an American women is a form of suicide in 2024.

Various Anonymous Cowards #sexist #homophobia #fundie #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

(Anonymous Coward #86853360)

*Unintelligent "equality" ideas
*Lack of chastity

These are just a few summed up reasons from the video below. If our fore-fathers saw the way the world was today, they would absolutely completely agree. I believe it is womens behavior and the tolerance for homosexuality/sexual perversity and tolerance of other religions that destroyed the USA.

(Anonymous Coward #84666181)
They don't. The homosexual Baal worshipping men's only freemasonry cult does.

(Anonymous Coward 86746335)
Hate to be the devils advocate here, but women only have rights when men allow them to.

If women have gained too much power and influence, it's because men allowed it to happen.

Who's at fault for the chickens getting eaten? The fox, or the guy that built the half-assed fence and coup?

When SHTF we will all revert back to our gender roles simply for survival.

There won't be any feminists when the world is on fire. You can bet on that.

(Anonymous Coward #84948458)
Why are the 144,000 in the Bible who are victorious over the Beast/Satan described as virgins who never slept with women?

When someone truly understands this, they will know why women are the root cause of all the evil we see in the world now.

And it goes all the way back to Genesis.

Women are only good for sex and sex is only good for procreation. Both are irrelevant in the very near future.

Women are just men who can bear children. A weaker, inferior version of men.

various commenters #transphobia #sexist ovarit.com

RE: Are heterosexual men lying about being repulsed by TIMs?

( IrishTheFrenchie )
I'd 100% believe pornhub was pushing TIM porn on men specifically to pervert them even further than they already are.

( mathlover )
Yes, they are very much repulsed. But men will fuck even that which repulses them; they just stick their dicks in objects. The real test of repulsion is the fact that men know that TIMs absolutely are men but think the TIMs should use womens bathrooms, changing rooms, etc - where they have to acknowledge that TIMs are the same sort of people as all other men. And that is what is repulsive.

( derbear )
I think men have a harder time discerning some TIMs apart from women. I’m convinced women have better ability to “clock”. This would partly explain the ability for trans porn to escalate as such and the general phenomenon of TIM prostitution. Part of what makes trans such a poison pill is that it cracks open these questions. It does suggest that men are vastly more bisexual than we assume… or that watching enough porn can affect sexuality.

( MagnificentMildew )
I personally don't think a legitimately straight man can be attracted to TIMs: no matter how well they pass, the penis should turn them off. I'd be willing to bet there's just a lot of closeted bisexual men out there who are into TIMs. It would explain why the bisexual community is so heavily skewed female: most bi men just never come out.

However, I've thought that it would sort of make sense that men like TIMs. TIMs are basically acting out men's fantasies of what they WANT women to be like, or what they THINK women are like, right? So awfully enough I think it actually tracks that men would be lusting over men acting out collective male fantasies.

( proudcatlady )
Yes, most of the time when men’s mouths are moving they are lying. Men are absolutely attracted to TIMs. I think most straight men are. I don’t think men’s sexuality works like women’s at all. I think straight genuinely does mean attracted to visible femininity for men rather than an attraction to a body type.

Men won’t admit this just like they won’t admit that most of them are pedos deep down or that most of them would like to skip the whole consent thing (or maybe even would get extra enjoyment from skipping it). They lie lie lie. But pornhub statistics don’t lie. And male behavior doesn’t lie.


Scott Gang #sexist #dunning-kruger msn.com

Stop telling men EVERYTHING they're doing is toxic or evil for a start... because not everything is. Then stop blaming them for "the sins of their forefathers" this is not the 1800's or 1950's anymore...... treat us as individuals and don't generalize... try this, dialogue will improve.

Linesnap99 #sexist #wingnut incels.is

[Serious] Not enough has been written on the disastrous effects of the bluepill.

For starters it makes men simp and think about their crush all the time while she is getting creampeed by chad.

It threatens their lives by trying to bring themself into dangerous situation to save muh inncoent kween.

Bluepill makes men spend their hard earned money and the savings on gifts and betabuxx.

Bluepill wraps the minds of males and takes them on a path of self destruction.
They would spend their time listening to romantic songs and daydreaming.

It tricks them into being a submissive cunt who gets taken advantage of by normies and foids.

Bluepill blurs the vision and makes the male unable to see whats happening behind his ass.

It wastes his time on self defeating endeavours, he ends up procastinating, feeling of guilt , and commit bodily harm on himself.

Stay away from bluepill.

Malik Muhammad, Muhammad Aslam and unnamed Dhurnal village elders and Kohistan clerics #sexist #fundie scmp.com

Naeem Kausir says she would like to vote in Pakistan’s coming election – if only the men in her family would let her[…]
The 60-year-old former principal and her seven daughters – six already university educated – are forbidden from voting by their male elders

“Whether by her husband, father, son or brother, a woman is forced. She lacks the autonomy to make decisions independently”[…]
“These men lack the courage to grant women their rights,” the widow said

Although voting is a constitutional right for all adults in Pakistan, some rural areas in the socially conservative country are still ruled by a patriarchal system of male village elders who wield significant influence in their communities

In the village of Dhurnal in Punjab, spread across crop fields and home to several thousand people, men profess myriad reasons for the ban of more than 50 years

“Several years ago, during a period of low literacy rates, a council chairman decreed that if men went out to vote, and women followed suit, who would manage the household and childcare[…]?” said Malik Muhammad, a member of the village council[…]
Muhammad Aslam, a shopkeeper, claims it is to protect women from “local hostilities” about politics, including a distant occasion that few seem to remember in the village when an argument broke out[…]
Others said it was simply down to “tradition”

The Election Commission of Pakistan has stressed that it has the authority to declare the process null and void in any constituency where women are barred from taking part[…]
The elders in Dhurnal rely on neighbouring villages to fill a government-imposed quota, which maintains that 10 per cent of votes cast in every constituency must be by women

Those who are allowed to vote are often pressured to pick a candidate of a male relative’s choice

In the mountainous region of Kohistan in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province[…]religious clerics last month decreed it un-Islamic for women to take part in electoral campaigns

DWDTOFAIFs #wingnut #sexist reddit.com

I've mentioned this around and I figure this deserves a post of its own as I think it's a worthy discussion topic. I think on some level, we self-sabotaged and allowed our entertainment to end up this way by not allowing the right people (especially conservative straight males) to enter creative centric careers.

This allowed the proliferation of women and other leftist minorities such as the LGBT etc to occur and why those in charge of our entertainment are predominantly of the mindset we are now contending with in terms of bad media that cater to our tastes.

I mean how many times have we seen boys ridicule performing arts etc calling them "g*y" etc over the years thus a lot of straight males tend to avert and avoid even thinking of going into such careers (plus also giving women and minorities a reason to act the way they do) and thus we now have a problem especially with how men are depicted in media.

I think if we want to change this, something like full-ride scholarships for conservative straight males to enter these professions would go a long way but something like that won't exist.

various commenters #transphobia #sexist ovarit.com

First of all, no you haven’t. Second, surely you’d be safer in the men’s room

( SparklingFem )
Until recently, my instinct was always to believe the victim. And if the victim is a woman, I do believe her. When the victim is a man, claiming to be a woman, my instinct now is not to believe him. I kind of hate myself for it, but I've just seen them fetishize rape and CSA so often, that I have to wonder if it's just a fantasy to help affirm them as women. I do not doubt that TIMs in sex work have been raped, but I don't believe the oft-cited statistic that TIMs experience rape at a higher rate than women. I think it's just another way to claim they are the most at-risk population that has ever existed in the entirety of human history. I think this dude claiming to have been raped by not one, not two, but SIX women is pure and utter fantasy.

( Spencer_Shayy )
There's no way in hell this man was raped by 6 women.

( DoomedSibyl )
Thank you. How exactly does a woman rape a man anyway? If it’s one on one the male will have the physical advantage 99% of the time.

Do women rape in groups? To lessen the physical advantages men have? Would rape be defined as penis in vagina sex unwanted by the male? Or anal rape with an object?

The reason these things aren’t really defined? Because they almost never happen and we don’t need law to cover them for the most part. Raped by six women my aunt Fanny.

( Megasaurus )
Men are >95% of sex offenders. TIMS are even more likely than other men to be sex offenders. This is all DARVO.

( MardyMcMare )
Oh love, only in your porniest dreams were you “raped by 6 different cis women”.

Women don't rape. It’s an entirely male thing, which is why we don’t want you in our single-sex spaces.

Men, on the other hand, are always telling me in real life and on the internet: “Oh, I neither notice nor care who else is in the men’s when I’m in there”.

There’s your answer.

( Spencer_Shayy )
How does a woman even rape a man? By forcing his dick into her? I mean, sure, that can be traumatic if it's not consensual, but come on. No way 6 women did this to him. It's got to be a porn fantasy.

( TheChaliceIsMightier )
The difference is that this pervert probably enjoyed whatever happened to him that he’s terming “rape” which it probably was NOT.

Andrew Anglin #homophobia #wingnut #conspiracy #sexist #racist #forced-birth dailystormer.name

[From “US Troops Do Spread Sodomy, Actually”]

In a recent clip from a Polish mall (which doesn’t have a lot of context), US soldiers are walking around in uniform, presumably trying to sniff out some pussy

They are confronted by a man who starts accurately accusing them of being in his country to “spread sodomy.”

He then asks: “Is it George Floyd culture, or sodomy?”

This is extremely heartening

As you know, I’m very critical of Poland for their anti-Russian agenda, which has led them to ally with the United States and promote the US war against Russia. However, the cost of this alliance is that the Americans are in their country, forcing the gay agenda down their throats

An alliance with the US government is not ever just a military alliance. It has all of these other dynamics, which include the US modifying your culture, and pushing so-called “Western values,” which relate to sodomy, George Floyd, and the empowerment of women

A lot of Poles appear to be waking up, and realizing that while they may have been treated unfairly by Russia nearly 100 years ago, things have changed a lot, and Russia is not the threat. Russia is not going to invade Poland. That is an insane claim. Russia is their neighbor, and they could have a good relationship

Russia has even been floating the idea of giving them parts of the former Ukraine to take over. This is one of very many olive branches that Putin has offered

The other option is total gay anal, round the clock, in public spaces in front of children, as well as a total invasion from Africa, and mass abortion and divorce

It’s not a hard decision

proudcatlady #sexist ovarit.com

RE: My university's gender-based sexual violence class is hosted by a TIM

Once you get that sexually abusing women is the entire purpose of college for men, you understand that these seminars are designed to promote this. The men learn useless highly specific definitions of consent (consent culture is bullshit and male serving) and women learn never to say no.

LordsOfLastLight #sexist #psycho reddit.com

Rapists are more worthy of respect than Prostitutes

Rape requires the rapist to either deceive his target or physically overpower her, a test of brain or brawn. All being a whore needs to do is find a bed and spread her legs to get pumped for a payday. Rapists are considered the worst scum by the public and Law system so it takes courage to commit rape. Whores know they hardly ever get prosecuted in most First World Countries, in some European ones prostitution is even legal, it takes little courage. Sure some whores and feminists will say they're scared a customer might get too aggressive but I think the sort of guy who would pay a whore is usually the sort of guy who hasn't got the spine to be violent. Plus whores can easily work with other whores or a pimp for protection.

Some of the bravest and most heroic men in history committed rape. The Red Army committed mass rape against the Nazi German Fräulein when they marched to Berlin, would anyone diminish those men who fought the Nazis in personal combat? Some people speculate that as many as 1% of the entire Chinese population have some genetic heritage to Genghis Khan the Conqueror because of his routine rape of those women he conquered. These are great men of history. When has a whore ever had a great impact on history? Cleopatra? Well she spread her legs for the Romans but I'd argue the fact they even were amiable to her whoring was prove they were on the decline anyway!

Rape represents masculine strength while whoring represents feminine wiles and treachery!

various commenters #homophobia #kinkshaming #sexist ovarit.com

RE: The number of gay men defending porn is disturbing.

( Artemis_Lives )
Being exploitative and predatory is a fixture of male sexuality, gay or straight. The sex industry only exists because men in general create the demand.

( Unicorn )
To be honest, I'm not surprised, gay men are still men. Males are the group of people who overwhelmingly watch and are addicted to porn. I'm sure gay porn is just as harmful to a healthy sexuality as the porn aimed at heterosexual males, so yeah, "my porn only objectifies and dehumanizes men" isn't the great argument they think it is.

( sanitycheck )
Men are who they are. And who they are is largely testosterone-driven great apes with terrible socialization that encourages them to be selfish and repress any emotions. I think its a straight womans fantasy that gay men will somehow understand or care about our oppression. Gay men are still men, they can be misogynistic and awful, and they can believe that women would think it is their biological destiny to be oversexed dolls for men to play with. Watch ru pauls drag race if you dont believe me.

Not all gay men are like this- but I think youd set yourself up to fail if you start off expecting them to be wonderful like Kurt from Glee or Mitch and Cam character from Modern Family.

( Philogynist )
Yes, they aren't all like this in my experience but they aren't all wonderful. I've spoken to many gay men who are now "identifying as asexual" simply because they don't fit in with the hypersexualized gay male culture and have normal, healthy boundaries. And there are many disconnected from mainstream gay male/"LGBT" culture who don't fit in with the focus on gay porn, the flamboyant misogyny disguised as jokes, or the stereotypes.

However, I can no longer stand to socialize with any gay or bisexual men who can be found around gay bars, gay events, or parties. And I've worked with many in jobs even outside of these places who are just terrible people and have regretted assuming they were more trustworthy than heterosexual men. I think how "plugged into" mainstream "LGBTQ" culture, drag, and the gay party scene they are makes a huge difference.

Greg Gutfeld #sexist mediamatters.org

Citation From the January 23, 2024, edition of Fox News' The Five:

GREG GUTFELD (CO-HOST): When AOC happily psychoanalyzes groups of people, then it's an invitation to return the favor, right? If she can do it. She's saying that people who support Trump are projecting their masculine insecurity. But isn't she saying that because of her own insecurities about her boyfriend's masculinity, right? She must realize how soft and buttery and feminine progressive males are, and it's hard to get horny with a snowflake. So it's why -- I think this is why she's so pro-illegal immigration. She's projecting her secret desires for young, virile men who are coming here in droves, and she's stuck with pajama boy and it's driving her crazy. All these Trump supporters, men, MMA fighters, drives her nuts

Jesse Lee Peterson #sexist #wingnut twitter.com

Nikki Haley is about Nikki Haley, a selfish female. She puts herself before the country, on an ego trip — she has no love. A decent person would get behind President Trump.

You see this spirit in homes too. It's the hell that made a home in them. Ladies, you can overcome!

Babylon Bee #wingnut #transphobia #sexist babylonbee.com

Trans Pro Golfer Outed As Man After He Flawlessly Parallel-Parks Golf Cart
ORLANDO, FL — After managing to hide his true gender while winning a women's golf tournament, local man Hailey Davidson was outed as a man after flawlessly parallel parking his golf cart as he was leaving the course.

"That's no woman! It's a man!" cried onlookers as the cart whipped into perfect position. "We've been had... no wonder he's six-foot-four and drives the ball three hundred yards!"

According to sources, Davidson had previously competed as a male golfer before one day realizing that golf was easier if you hit from the women's tees. "That's when it clicked," said Davidson in a rich baritone voice. "I shaved several strokes off my golf game instantly. It's an incredible golf hack -- I'm honestly surprised I was the first person to figure it out."

With a skirt thrown over his muscular legs, Davidson had passed himself off as a woman throughout the tournament despite towering over the competition and looking like a dude. "I had my suspicions when Davidson chugged a six-pack of Coors Light on the back nine and then peed in the rough on 17," said fellow competitor Lacy Armstrong. "Then he zipped that cart right into the perfect parallel parking space, and I knew."

At publishing time, Davidson had announced he was now a seventy-year-old woman after realizing playing from the senior's tees could shave another three strokes.

MenAreCowards #psycho #sexist eivindberge.blogspot.com

Sadly, the fact is that females are evil, and men are cowards as well as only being slightly less evil. Female and male are supposed to compliment each other, above all through the spiritual union of an adult man fucking a teenage girl. Marriage once upon a time provided security for the past it hag as she managed the house and looked after the children.

To be honest, these laws or whatever shan't change anything: any man who fucks a female 18 or above is by definition a cuck who is eating three day on the counter left over meat all the same. The best is 11-15 anyway.

I curse that I was born into this world of anti-male hatred. Why was I brought here? To be scum because I have a healthy sexuality?

https://saidit.net/user/MVP0 #sexist #psycho saidit.net

This isn't about heterosexuality.

Just think about the fact that women, who you have known nothing but cruelty from

Are you considering women's cruelty right now, while reading this thread, only on a shallow level? Think about their validation of monsters, their groupthink, how they discriminate more than nazis, how they worship their female friends as infallible gods who will get to abuse you through them, how they constantly put barriers between themselves and sex with the men they sexually harass but never do anything but effortlessly validate actual winners. What is a human if their free will is stomped to death by winner and loser categories?

Now think about these same demons... literally engaging in sexual acts. Literally sucking dick. Literally being penetrated.

NoLoveDeepWeb #sexist #transphobia kiwifarms.st

(Submitter’s note: This is about a YouTuber who has been exposed as a serial sexual harasser. A deadname has been removed.)

I cannot fathom what Emile must be going through right now as some of his closest friends are turning their backs on him over virtually fucking nothing. No proof from any of the rogue's gallery coming forward to speak up against him and the laughably shit proof from the troon, and yet they're treating him like he went out on a raping spree or something. Fuck Masae, fuck AntDude, fuck Jon and Lucah for being backstabbing cunts, and most of all fuck [Emily]. More than anything, I really hope Emile isn't letting all of this bullshit get to him. These kinds of overblown accusations are what lead to autists like him an heroing.

Neo #fundie #sexist #homophobia #conspiracy #dunning-kruger descentbb.net

spammy snopes and their "unbiased" fact checking?

I think the government-controlled news media are allowing some wiggle-room after they noticed that more people want to see if the Palestinians have a genuine concern instead of being straight up anti-Jewish anti-Hebrew Zionist or even antisemitic. Notice I said OR not AND.

Before the conspiracy realists grew in number, if you didn't like feminism you were a male chauvinist pig, if you didn't like homosexuality, you were a homophobe, if you were a Christian and don't like sin, you were from COINTELPRO's Westboro Baptist Church and you're a bigot and forcing your belief system on people.

Tunnelrat is apparently a lesbian who thinks she knows God's creation better than He does. Her sister, who may or may not even exist as a literal person, is a "Christian" who only thinks she knows who are the Lord's sheep and who are just crazy. Either that or Tunnelcat is a COINTELPRO personality bot. >_< You flamed me first so sometimes you have to fight fire with fire.

Fschmidt #sexist saidit.net

Could you seduce a hyena? Unless a man is the type of scum that appeals to depraved western women, he has as much chance with the women as with hyenas. Incels should use prostitutes and eventually marry abroad.

David J. Stewart #sexist #fundie #conspiracy #kinkshaming stewart1611.blogspot.com

Over 90% of American women have little to no morals. They take off 95% of their clothes at the beach, or wherever there is water, causing ungodly men and lesbian women to lust. Ninety-nine percent of American men will commit fornication or adultery if given the chance. The Luciferian elite lurking behind the scenes to corrupt America's families have sexualized the United States. Read the prolific words of former retired Canadian Navy commander, William Guy Carr (1895-1959):

“Lust is sexual desire outside the Natural Law of God. Therefore Christ Himself seems to have confirmed that Satan was lustful and is father of the Synagogue of Satan as those who are Satanists teach and believe. Satanists have always used sex-bribery and the depravities and perversions of sex to obtain control of men and women they wished to use to further the secret plans of their diabolical conspiracy. Satanism makes a God of sex. They worship the human body because of its sexual abilities. When men and women prove they are unyielding to all other forms of devilish temptation, they often fall as the result of becoming involved in illicit relationships and perversions. Did not David commit abominable sexual crimes, including incest?” [emphasis added]

SOURCE: Satan: Prince Of This World, by Commander William Guy Carr, p. 22

I highly recommend that you read William Guy Carr's numerous books. Satanists teach that Satan had sex with Eve in the Garden of Eden (which claim I totally disagree with). Satanist's entire belief system is rooted in human debasing with sex-perversion. Thus, Satanism and sex are inseparable. With this disturbing truth in mind from Commander Carr, it will become obvious to you just how evil and dangerous the sensual, promiscuous and sexualizing music videos of Taylor Swift, Miley Cyrus, Carrie Underwood and thousands of other Satanic servants are! We are now living in Sodom and Gomorrha on earth in America!!! We truly have become The Great Satan.

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