
Racism, including ethnic hatred, nationalism and equating religion to race

Roo #racist stormfront.org

RE: Black Americans in Africa: Why we left America to live in Africa

They are not Americans, Americans are White. They are citizens of the United States, they were granted citizenship in 1863, but they are not us. They are not ethnic Americans. They are ethnically west African, so they call themselves "African Americans", but they are not Americans.

Amerigo Vespucci was a White man. The Founding Fathers who created this country and named it after him were White men. This country was established by and for "free white men of good character" and it was built by White men. Not everybody can come here and call themselves "American", you have to be White/European. Only Europeans come without ideas of changing it and making it more like where they came from and constantly fighting other Europeans over old tribal differences and grievances. Only Europeans can come here and be brothers to each other and to us. Thats why only Europeans can be Americans if they want to.

The people in this article are not Americans and never have been. They know it, thats why they always hated America and want to go back to "Mommy Africa". No American calls Europe, "Mother Europe", even if it really is, because we are Americans and we know we belong in America. America is our home.

dirtydog #racist stormfront.org

Google openly promoting communism and black nationalism today

This is who they are promoting on their search page: Claudia Jones

So there it is. They claim to believe in equality so they will surely be promoting white nationalism too, for balance purposes, right?

What does it mean that this woman was a black nationalist, anyway. Blacks already have black nations to live in among their own people. She could have had a black nation any time she wanted, all she had to do was go back to the country of her birth.

So what her being a black nationalist means is that she came to a white country and wanted to change it. White nationalists do not have the option to go back to the country of their birth - we are already here! Our countries are not white any more, they are multiracial. White nationalists do not want to change a foreign country against the will of the natives, we just want to take our own countries back, to make them like they were until the immigration floodgates were opened, and hostile foreigners like herself poured through.

White nationalism is thus a benign act of self preservation, black nationalism (in the way in which she sought to practise it) is a hostile act which seeks to take over a foreign land and subjugate the indigenous people.

Pasco Cruz #crackpot #racist #conspiracy #dunning-kruger fringeculture.home.blog

<The crater earth theory is so very silly as to believe the earth inside a tiny crater on a giant super-earth, as seen in reflection of the moon. No really.>
I will look for any excuse in the world to talk about my beloved creator Earth theory and I couldn’t help but notice at the following verse from Genesis provides tremendous supporting evidence in the way it describes the types of light. The “Crater Earth” theory postulates that there is not just “light” but in fact 2 kinds of light. White light & black light and that our sun is a “black sun”.

I know, I know. The “black sun” is worshipped in certain occult(in this context, occult simply meaning “secret”, without a negative esoteric connotation) circles and was famously worshipped by the Nazis. There’s plenty of evidence that Nazi leaders were privy to all sorts of secret ancient knowledge. The existence of this “black sun” was likely just one of many secrets they kept close to them and withheld from the rest of the world. It’s an important part of the theory in that it explains how the reflection of our giant Earth is seen in the form of the moon. This Bible verse seems to cooberate this. So just because it has a history of being attached to nazi occultists does not make it inherently evil as a scientific hypothesis. It just happens that that was one of the pieces of secret knowledge that they kept close to them. Nothing more. In fact it actually helps to cooberate the theory since the nazis were known to possess quite the scientific accumen and may have even hinted at this theory in the past.

Anonymous #racist boards.4chan.org

How would the world look if the Nazis won?

we would have maglev -trains from Normandie to Vladivostok and from Spain to Norway , probably full employment ; the Reich would pay gorrilions in order to support gib das industries in the UK and elsewhere , Adolf died 1953 due to the permanent crack abuse , Dönitz and some Generals managed western Europe , Bolchewism died 1960 , since these days any land behind the Ural line is more or less under mafia or post Zar control . Japan became a high tech power and fought in Vietnam some commies , chinas communist gave up 1970 due to a japanese starvation campain ( only 40 mio chinese left ) .1976 : "Sternenkrieg" movie in all cinemas across Europe and the former us ( Neusachsen ) , Lord Schlomo ( he has a french helmet ) wants to rule the world , but he fukks it up as the white resistance bombs his death star Birkenau 33 .

state drive economy implose ( just like the soviets in the real history ) in 1989 , Fourth Reich now under strict fiscal control of Bavaria . settlement program in the east : any uk / french / swiss / dutch family willing to settle in the former soviet union get massive gibs ( VW Beatle /Ostfront edition + winter wheels ) , Stihl chainsaw , 1000 Goldmark + seed and equipment . Internetz being launched 1990 , BTX still in use , Minitel in France was upgraded ( 3615KIKE - send an corrier electronic to ze Reichsführer ) 1991 : the las jew on earth found in Amsterdam - gets a golden maglevtrainticket to Birkenau , CNN , FOX and Reichssender Nauen deliver exclusive footage .

1992 : war in middle east , Japan vs. Germany , it`s about the fuel.

1994 : without foreign influence Ghaddafi build an arab empire in north Africa . Reich sends money in order to hunt down the niggers in Africa . 1998 : Africa is niggerfrei .
2001 : Reichsfinanzzentrum hit by 2 planes , bolchewist underground is responsable - more war on terror in the far east , 90 % of the dutch population joins the german foreign legion in Kasachstan .

Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef #racist #sexist #fundie timesofisrael.com

Chief rabbi calls black people ‘monkeys’

The Sephardic chief rabbi of Israel called black people “monkeys” during his weekly sermon on Saturday evening. In footage aired by the Ynet news site, Yosef could be seen referring to black people by the word “kushi,” which in modern Hebrew has pejorative connotations, and then going on to term a black person a “monkey.” His office told Ynet that the comparison was a quote from the Talmud. Yosef has been known to court controversy in his sermons. In a sermon delivered in May last year, he appeared to suggest during his weekly sermon that secular woman behave like animals because they dress immodestly. In March 2016, Yosef was forced to retract a comment that non-Jews should not live in Israel, calling it “theoretical.” He said non-Jews could live in Israel only if they observe the seven Noahide Laws, which are prohibitions against idolatry, blaspheming God, murder, forbidden sexual relations, stealing, and eating limbs off a live animal, and which prescribe the establishment of a legal system. Non-Jews, Yosef said, are in Israel only to serve Jews. Israel has two chief rabbis. Yosef represents those with origins in the Iberian Peninsula, North Africa, and the Middle East, and David Lau represents Ashkenazic Jews, with origins in European lands of the Roman Empire.

ETS101K #racist #psycho amren.com

RE: Farmers with ‘Boer Lives Matter’ Banners Storm South African Court

The Afrikaner has a history of standing and fighting.

Yes and we are experts at counter insurgency tactics, we would have beaten the English a second time were it not for them placing woman and children into death camps, taken the whole of Africa at Cuito Cuanavale in Angola if the world did not ditch us I think the kill count was 32 of ours dead & this mostly due to helicopter crashes vs the thousands of theirs, even the Cubans and Soviets avoided us back during clashes there.

WW2 when the South Africans arrived at the battles of El Alamein & so on after they cleared East Africa they took names and kicked donkeys.

There's great land elsewhere, the Earth is enormous, just relocate the farms to the Northern hemisphere. The blacks will not stop killing, it's what they do. Sometimes you just have to admit you lost, pack up and leave.

Nope it's our land, we can still fight, we are now making examples of them day by day said it before they are a cowardly nation if you beat the living life out of one or two they will think twice before doing it again. More and more get their faces rearranged daily if I read the papers here & there seems to be more of them "found next to the road" in what appears to be hit and run's. More like faces batched in, see it this way we gave them their 27 years to be black now it's time to take back.

Their 72 thousand strong army a few years ago 200 of them got killed by untrained rebels in the Central African Republic back in my day we knocked 200 in one hour & the rest ran away.

Syrian Girl #racist twitter.com

(NOTE: This is about Gal Gadot being cast as Cleopatra)

Gal Gadot, or Gal Greenstein, will never be middle eastern.

She could live in greater Syria for a 100 years, she'd still be just a polish Ashkenazi.

You will never be us. You will never replace us.

Not with that masculine face and those beedy little eyes.

Bill #racist amren.com

RE: Protesters Tear Down Obelisk in Santa Fe Plaza

Indigenous woman from Chihuahua: "For all that it represents, this type of monument shouldn’t exist."

More people proving they can't create anything but they can tear stuff down.

Yes, this. You know if these people were so creative they could create art and other things to put Euro's to shame. That is one of the best ways to show one's culture.

I went to a nearby large art museum with family when I was a teenager. A local wealthy family had funded an African Art room among the more normal variety of art on display. Though each rather primitive piece had glowing commentary as to the artistic value my Mom was appalled at the low quality of it. Much of it was said to be of the highest quality and from the last 50 years.

The next room was the Oriental exhibition. The section from China included several items from 600-500 BC. I'll never forget my Mother's comment upon that. "Chinese art from 2000 years ago looks about 2000 years more advanced than contemporary African art."

Copexodius Maximus #sexist #racist incels.is

[Discussion] Racist Swedish government trying to stop men from marrying Thai women (Feminism's use of demographics to cuck nations)

In the last 10 years, the number of Thai women marrying Swedish men has tripled, and the numbers keeps growing.
The government of Sweden is looking into trying to limit the number of women that come from Thailand.
THEY ARE LITERALLY CALLING THIS A DIVISIVE AND POLITICAL ISSUE. Yet not a word when millions of Muslim men enter Sweden as fake refugees.
Women don't want an influx of women into the country because they know if there is more pussy to go around, a doubling of females in the market halves their SMV.
But when it come letting in millions of males from the Middle East, Swedish girls are cheering in the streets about "Refugees Welcome".
When there are way more men than women in a country (true in almost every country under for age < 40), they have to compete and simp for women who don't have to try.
This desperation for female attention due to artificial inflation of female SMV is how men become more and more cucked, and how more and more left wing cucked laws are able to be passed.

Response- Euro Feminists Are Mad That White Men Are Importing Asian Brides!!

Jack Ryanod #racist #sexist amren.com

Marine le Pen's niece


President Mr T 's daughter


We most always use this great strength of our people - the beauty of our women and children. Our women are the most beautiful in the world - our enemies that dominate our media know this. But our side is so often just terrible about visual advertising/propaganda - they usually choose old and ugly, boring men who just talk, talk talk about, well nothing that really matters. Propaganda is both a science and an art. There are basic rules - other successful nationalist parties in places like Switzerland and Hungary produce very hard hitting, effective propaganda street posters. Here in the USA - almost never. The last political operative who was any good at visual propaganda was George Bush Sr.'s political handler Lee Atwater - Lee Atwater erased a 20 point poll deficit George Bush Sr. had to Massachusetts Governor Mike Dukakis by just telling the truth about Black murderer Willie Horton, whom Gov Dukakis gave an unsupervised weekend furlough and Willie Horton then did a home invasion and raped a White woman. When pressed by Lee Atwater why he would do such a stupid thing, Dukakis always insisted he did nothing wrong and he was against the death penalty and then tried to shift the subject to things like No Fault Auto Insurance.

Robert Kelly #racist #sexist amren.com

RE: Barrett ‘Wept’ with Her Daughter After George Floyd Death


Nice pets.

When the black boy gets bigger and stronger in the coming years, they shouldn't leave him alone with his white "sisters". If he has a "sexual emergency" and there is a white female nearby who he can easily overpower, it's a rape waiting to happen.

That's not to mention the other violence he may wrought. And the criminal activity outside the home he may get into. Amy Barrett may be seeing the inside of court rooms all right. But not as a Supreme Court justice but as the mother of the defendant.

And if none of Amy's three girls are around when the grown negro gets the urge, Amy might then be in his sights. They have a remarkable tendency to rape old white women.

From an evolutionary standpoint, it's understandable how one would rape a young, fertile woman. But is there any explanation for why one would rape a woman well past child bearing years?

Nick Fuentes #racist twitter.com

Nick Fuentes: Media seething because they were hoping Trump would die or be significantly weakened/diminished by the coronavirus and instead he emerges looking stronger than ever before. MUSSOLINI MOMENT BITCH.

Ruth Ben-Ghiat: Hey @NickJFuentes Mussolini expert here. You do know how the Duce ended up?

Nick Fuentes: He ended up in heaven which won't be said about you bitch

Later, Nick retweeted this account

America First Investments: Oh, wow that’s crazy...

Jewish right wing political pundit, Ben Shapiro, retweeting Jewish left wing political pundit, Jake Tapper, to throw shade at a white Catholic, Nick Fuentes???

Could have never seen that coming

MartinYakuza #sexist #psycho #pratt #racist #dunning-kruger reddit.com

Submitter’s Note: I was unable to track down the original Facebook post, so the Reddit is all I’ve got.

1. Pedophilia is a sexuality whether you like it or not.

2. Rape is bad, but its a natural thing, so the punishments shouldnt be so harsh. It should be equivalent to beating someone up.

3. Covid is literally a flu, there were a lot of more dangerous diseases in the past and people werent panicking nearly as much as now.

4. Slavery is a perfectly normal thing to do. Better people/race are enslaving worser people/race to do the hard work for them. Its a natural world order. Since whites are far better than blacks, then blacks should be enslaved.

It takes only a bit of common sense to figure these things out, so if you disagree you are either brainwashed or just plainly stupid, I dont know which one is worse.

Marine Le Pen #racist #wingnut breitbart.com

French populist National Rally (RN) leader Marine Le Pen has launched a campaign against the new European Union migration and asylum pact, stating it will lead to the “suicide” of Europe.

The new proposal by the European Commission to radically reform the bloc’s asylum policies away from the previous Dublin agreement was put forward at the end of last month and, according to Le Pen, could see as many as 60 to 70 million migrants settling in the EU in the coming years.

“It is an organized plan for the submersion of Europe and the nations that make it up,” Le Pen said Friday at the RN headquarters in the city of Nanterre, broadcaster TV5Monde reports.

Le Pen went on to state that the new pact “will cause the ruin of our social systems, an increase in unemployment, a housing crisis, an increase in delinquency and communitarian conflicts, the advance of Islamism and terrorist risks and the questioning of the values of our civilization.”

She slammed the European Union, stating that it had “entrusted the keys to the Middle East gate to Turkey, which is now blackmailing us in submersion. Today, it is about to open the doors of the House Europe on the Third World. Let’s take back the keys to Europe and France!”

Brett Stevens #wingnut #racist #elitist amerika.org

We know that our society cannot go on; whatever once was has been replaced, mainly because it endorsed the ideology of those who would replace it, and what exists now works for no one. Likely this is the last Columbus Day for America.

However, for now, we should celebrate the meaning of Columbus Day, which is to celebrate the urge to explore and discover new places, creating in them the same greatness that Western Civilization has created everywhere.
I reject the idea that just because someone is failing, the rest of us must check our rise. The Amerinds got replaced for a reason, namely that their keystone civilization (Cahokia) had failed centuries prior.

Columbus was not the first Westerner to come here; in the Amerinds remaining, we discovered some traces of Indo-European blood from ancient times. Our last venturers here were absorbed.

Likely, Europeans learned from their encounters with Muslim invaders during the Crusades and the Golden Horde during the Mongol Invasions, namely that if we encounter a foreign group, we must conquer it because it will try to do the same to us, no matter how “nice” we are.

Currently, diversity has conquered us, and we are trying to be “nice” and hoping for mercy. This will not work, and is unfortunate because it will boomerang into an equal and opposite reaction of brutality.

Those like myself who speak against diversity would avoid both of these reactions, and instead look toward the pragmatic, which is that diverse societies fail, but homogeneous ones have a chance to gain control of themselves, suppress human weakness, and rise.

Various Commenters #racist amren.com

RE: In the US, Indian IT Workers from Dalit Caste Still Face Discrimination

(Silence Dogood)
So, these people blame America for the actions of their racial brethren. They're catching on to how the grievance industry works quite quickly!

Send them all home, revoke their citizenship, we don't need 'caste' protection laws. The 3rd world is a curse upon our nation.

(Frank Jones)
And we're supposed to care about Indians because? Send them all home. I don't care how many spelling bees they win. They have to go back.

When I was a computer programmer some years back, my field began to be flooded with cheap Indian programmers. Our politicians did nothing to stop this invasion of corporate cheap labor, and protect out livelihood and way of life. They could have been Brahmins or Dalits, makes no difference. They were all invading trash to me.

Indians combine the aggressiveness and hyper-ethnic consciousness of Jews with the unjustifiably high self esteem of blacks. Mix it all together with non-existent hygiene and condescension toward Whites and you have today's numerican. High caste or low caste, they are all brown. They've all taken the education and jobs belonging to White Americans. I don't give a f&*K if the Brahmins are mean to the Dalits; none of them belong in historically White nations.

ChinaCurry #racist #crackpot incels.is

[Blackpill] First noodlewhores, now Adriatic foids are becoming white supremacist!!

They alaways has been white supremacists

Balkans yes, cos they got ISSUES going back like 300 years, legit never seen a 100% normal Croat, Serb, Bosnian, or Montenegrin. However I disagree that white foids in the west are racist, in my experience (UK, USA, Australia ) they are not, and people who say this are confusing being biased against bad genes and low value, with being biased against a race

LMAO i fucking told you, curries believe in white supermacy more than nazis ever did. they hate themselves so much. This is so fucking sad.

Different kind, curries are polyethnic, so I think our self hate is a hatred against other kinds of curries, who further accentuate the inferiority (physical and cultural) to Meds and Nordics. I think no race, whether stormcuck, rice, or BBC can quite understand this predicament, because this extent of polyethnicity only really occurs in curryland and the jungles of Africa (but they don't count because they're all just black). Sure it's the same in Latin cultures, but they don't positively or negatively impact each other (ie a person will look at Adriana Lima and Giselle bundchen and say they are of equal genetic and breeding value) because the average 'dark sultry/swarthy' Latina/o is good looking, and so is the 'germanic lean, blond' one. If you saw the way the subhuman curries, since they started getting exported to write code and man the IT helpdesks, have decimated the PERCEPTION and value of high class, Aryan curries, you would see it's the biggest con job since the secret devaluation of USD since bretton woods.

Ruthless #racist stormfront.org

White countries for everyone. White culture for everyone.

She is culturally appropriating. Thousands of White girls post videos of themselves doing Irish step dancing. No one pays attention. The ONLY reason this negress gets attention for her half assed version of it is because she is a negress.

Various Commenters #racist stormfront.org

RE: WOMEN'S FORUM: The dynamic between White women and black women


Why do they hate us so much? I can count on one finger the black women I know (usually from work) that are even civil to me. Do you think they wanna be us or something?

They hate us cause they ain't us. We're prettier, we're softer/more feminine than them, their men want us, our hair and bodies are better, and we're more successful than them and smarter than them.

Black women are very aware that white women tend to be far more beautiful, and that even their own black men lust after white women. In this kind of situation it becomes very hard to get along, even if we're not interested in sleeping with their men.

Because we are women not apes they hate us I also had troubles at work with a female negro because of my skin color


As a white woman who has almost exclusively lived in black cities (believe me, NOT by choice!) I always feel they look down on me. They think they're better than us, and hold us in contempt just because we're white. They're catty & judgmental women, and I have had nothing but terrible experiences with 99% of them.

This has been my experience as well. I'm working hard on a career change and look forward to the day when I can pretty much avoid Black women (my new field does not tend to attract a lot of Blacks in general). As you might expect, I am not fond of Black men but I have had more trouble from Black women than from Black men. I will do just about anything to avoid interacting with any of them.

Jared van Niekerk #racist #sexist #wingnut amren.com

What whites are doing now is completely abnormal. What is the state of mind of a college admissions officer whose job is to practice discrimination against people who might as well be his own sons and daughters? Blacks who work in admissions behave normally; they advance the interests of people like themselves. Whites thwart the interests of people like themselves. This is an aberration of gigantic proportions but Prof. Farron almost seems not to notice.

The last few paragraphs are especially thought-provoking. The one thing that sets whites apart from all other races, is our limitless capacity for self-loathing. I could understand that unattractive white females or beta male whites would want to pull down other whites to their level by embracing feminism, Antifa or similar ideologies for losers. As Rush Limbaugh said: feminism was invented to give unattractive women access to the mainstream. I can also get that white loser beta males and bullied boys would embrace some leftist ideology that offered them the lie that everybody was equal in every way, but even attractive white women and successful white men seem to have been infected by this cancerous type of extreme altruism, the desire to see their own race annihilated.

Senator Lindsey Graham #racist #wingnut thehill.com

Senator Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) said in a forum Friday night that people of color “can go anywhere in this state,” as long as they are “conservative, not liberal.”
During the forum, one of the moderators asked Graham to discuss the civil unrest brought on by the police killing of George Floyd, and the resurgence of the Black Lives Matter movement. He said that he did not believe police forces are inherently racist, adding that he did not believe the Palmetto State was inherently racist.

"Let me tell you why," began the senator. "The one thing I can say without any doubt, you can be an African American and go to the Senate, you just have to share the values of our state."

The senator pointed to fellow Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.) — the only Black Republican senator — and the state's former Gov. Nikki Haley (R), who is of Indian descent, as examples of people of color who have been successful because of their “values.”
“I care about everybody, if you’re a young African American or an immigrant, you can go anywhere in this country,” Graham said. “You just need to be conservative, not liberal.”

Jim #wingnut #conspiracy #racist #elitist blog.reaction.la

[From "The real election platform"]

The 2016 Republican Platform consisted of what little red meat still remained within the Overton Window […]
In 2020, could not have a platform, because everything is outside the ever narrowing Overton Window.

So they dog whistled their platform.

The republican party platform is unpublishable, because it is leftism with all the unprincipled exceptions that make normal life, a normal market economy, normal jobs, a normal home, and a normal family, just barely possible.
But if we restore those unprincipled exceptions, the only way to restore stability is to make them not unprincipled exceptions, but honor rightly due to nation, Gnon, family, and ancestors:

At the Republican convention, the Republicans kept uttering the name of Jesus Christ, something that Democrats have great difficulty doing respectfully. And I have found on my blog, the name of Jesus Christ is a good shill detector.
The unmentionable and unspeakable Republican platform is:
•The wall. An end to extraordinary legal, educational and welfare privilege for illegal immigrants.
•The country is gripped by a surge of crime and lawlessness as a result of the Black Lives Matter movement and its criticism of police. Police misconduct, such as that in the George Floyd case, should be punished. But the priority now should be to stop crime by empowering police.
•Voting is a privilege. States should have wide latitude to regulate that privilege in such a way as to minimize voting fraud, which is rife among Black Americans and new immigrant communities. The federal government needs to prevent Democrats from abusing the U.S. Postal Service to enable fraud by their voters.
•Anti-Black racism has ceased to be an important problem in American life, if it ever was a problem. At this point, the people most likely to be targets of adverse discrimination are whites, Christians, and Asian university applicants.

Robert Kelly #racist #crackpot amren.com

RE: Justice Department Sues Yale over ‘Discrimination Against White and Asian American Applicants’

The left has a hard time explaining systemic and institutional racism in light of the success of Asians, especially East Asians, which a lot of time is greater than that of whites. The so called racist criminal justice system incarcerates more whites than Asians, even when you adjust for percentages. Why do Asians always tend to succeed in racist, white supremacist countries like the United States or Canada or Australia etc? What sets them apart from black and Hispanic people??

Bottom line - IQ comparable to whites, and an excellent competitive work ethic. Notice I said "comparable" - I don't buy into their superiority in this area. Competitive work ethic is probably the key. This is where some whites currently get lazy.

IQ isn't the end all, be all. I think it could be possible that East Asians have a slightly higher IQ, but they lack in other mental traits. The Asian brain is more like a specialist in one area, IQ, whereas the European brain is a jack of all trades. The human brain has a limited source of energy, so if it puts too much in one thing, it doesn't leave enough for the other.

So let's say that East Asians have a slightly higher IQ, they lack the creativity and innovative thinking of the European brain. That's why most innovations and new ideas come out of the West.

They haven't had a hard time. They just pull out the phrase "white adjacent." Remember, Asians are basically white people, until a white person makes a ching chong Covid joke, then they go back to being oppressed minorities again.

In this debate, Tariq Nasheed called Asians "honorary white people"

DA Desmond #racist amren.com

I’m sure much of that comes from his time serving in the South African Army during its long running border war. My father said that once black rule was established he knew there was no going back. He went on to explain that due to black tribal and chieftain culture, there would be widespread corruption from “our” elected officials. My father stated that eventually South Africa would eventually become like every other African nation. Soon after that talk, back in South Africa, infrastructure fell into disrepair and economic recession set in. Social trust in institutions such as police and hospital services disappeared. The nation’s wealth was pillaged as dirty politicians and bureaucrats embezzled each sector of the government.

My impression of Canada as a white South African was mixed. On the other hand, there was anti-white propaganda woven into almost every lesson plan in school. We learned the evils of colonialism and how Europeans disturbed the peaceful Indians that had apparently been living in perfect harmony with nature. Some of the teachers were openly hostile to me, aware of where I came from, and what my leaving said about me and my family. I had a teacher of mine approach me in private one time. He leaned in and said quietly to me that all of us South Africans and the Rhodesians deserved what happened to us. Most of the school’s staff at that time were aging hippies; either not racially aware or eagerly preaching multiculturalism.

As a white African in North America, I can tell you that cities like Baltimore and Detroit have more in common with Nairobi or Lagos rather than Salt Lake City or Burlington. Whatever the continent, blacks and whites cannot meaningfully and peacefully coexist within the same country. Our morals, our values, and the texture of our lifestyles are simply incompatible. One or the other race will come to lord over the other, and sooner rather than later.

Chuck Lowe #crackpot #wingnut #racist tonyskansascity.com

Their [sic] is no racial divide when it comes to policing. The faulty premise that blacks are targeted and shot dead is just as big a lie as the "Hands Up Don't Shoot" trope that is still, to this day, fostered onto ignorant folks who don't know better, but mostly onto folks who don't WANT to know better.

Willful impercipience is another cudgel that the media - DNC - BLM/AntiFa - Deep State insurrectionists know will help destabilize society so that these maleficent powers can attain total control by way of one party rule. The lubrication for the gears in this pernicious Progressive goat rodeo is the absolute existential hatred of the white male.

This is a generational conflict, because even your house pets, if they stop and think about it, know, that the inventions, medicines, advancements and ability to enjoy modern civilization, such as it is, is categorically with few exceptions due to the hated white male.


The destruction of our society, MUST begin with the destruction of the White Male, so the lies, legerdemain, deceit, agitprop conveyed incessantly by the Media, Hollywood, politicians, bureaucrats, plutocrats and kelptocrats who seek ever more power, must strike mortal blows at the foundation of all that is good and replace it with a new false history that elects idiots, followers of idiots and destroys the status quo in hopes of convincing those same idiots of a coming Utopia.

The truth is the truth and this has got very little to do with police brutality, you are being manipulated by evil forces who - sure - want whitey dead, but once whitey is dead, you will shut up and obey, or you will be just as fuckin dead.

Unnamed Marine #racist #psycho #wingnut reddit.com

(note: when he mentioned 556, he was likely referring to the 5.56x45mm NATO, which is a type of rifle round used by the U.S. military)

As the Honorable Trump said on Twitter today, it was China’s fault. China is going to pay for what they have done to this country and the world. I don’t give a FUCK! A chink-headed motherfucker comes up to me when I’m in the fleet...say 556, bitch. That’s all I gotta say. Say five five FUCKING six!

Benjamin Fulford #conspiracy #racist #wingnut #fundie benjaminfulford.net

The long-anticipated October offensive against the Satanic Cabal has gone into full swing, Pentagon sources report. This includes attacks on Deep Underground Military Bases in California, Switzerland, Portugal, Spain, New Zealand, Australia, and Germany, the sources say.

The biggest battle was an attack on the underground base complex near Palm Springs, California. This was where self-described Satanist leader Leo Zagami fled to avoid arrest in Italy. Zagami claimed he could summon demons and admitted to eating human fetuses, and has been leading a campaign against Pope Francis.

The attack on the underground base was reported in the news as a swarm of close to 600 earthquakes. However, these bore the telltale signs of being caused by explosives and not natural processes, according to U.S. Geological Survey sources.

Pentagon sources also say “over 1,600 Israelis may have received extra-judicial treatment as protests against Bibi [Crime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu] continue.” Furthermore, Israel has been exposed for trying to start World War III by fomenting a dispute between Azerbaijan and Armenia,” the sources say. Israel is being forced to sign the nuclear non-proliferation treaty and de-nuke as a condition for Middle East peace, they add.

“The attacks began after U.S. President Donald Trump declared a national emergency on the first day of the fiscal year 2021 [October 1, 2020] and then left the White House to man battle stations for Red October,” the sources say. It was also on this day that U.S. “doomsday planes” were sent airborne as a sign of preparedness for all-out nuclear war.

Michele Bachmann #fundie #racist youtube.com

(when asked why a lot of non-white people are moving to Minnesota)

…Many people have come to the Minnesota area that are not believers of the Book. They’re not Jewish or not Christian. That’s not to say that God doesn’t love all people. He does. But when people embrace false gods, that brings an element into your society. You know, 30 years ago we could say that there are false gods and that we shouldn’t worship them. Today, it seems like we’re not allowed to say that because that’s considered not inclusive or not diverse enough. But the fact is the word of God says that there’s only one God to whom we serve, and there are false gods now here in the state of Minnesota.

Tim Tony Stark Rifat #magick #crackpot #racist #mammon supernaturalspirit.org

To take full advantage of sequestering everything thats Jewish including their God the eighth King of Edom the Psi-Lord has enabled people of any persuasion to become the Kings and Queens of Edom.

These Edomic Vampires get all the good things in life as they control the tunnels of Amalek behind the qlippothic tree of evil and their entire existence is pure sublime good. The Abraham ritual and good shepherd ritual explained in video number 21 give them all the riches of the world and raise their spiritual frequency to that of God beings and consign their victims to become wicker deathgoat Jews tortured for all eternity to suffer for the Edomic vampire sins: the Rothschild rabbi Illuminati secrets sequestered by the new régime of the Kings and Queens of Edom.

Entrance to universe b of sublime good Amalek, the archetypal dragon, is only enabled by this service not any of the other vampire services: the Amalek service allows you to spread Amalek death and destruction in the qlippothic realm, universe b of the tunnels of set, and universe a the Kabbalistic Jewish universe of Zion.

This service though allows you to live in the tunnels of Amalek ruling all of the Jewish universe by becoming the Jewish monster of the id Amalek which as in the forbidden planet film kills off the Jews (Krell) and takes over everything as the only survivor. This is documented in the Rabbi´s Kabbalah, see A.E. Waite´s Holy Kabbalah. Join the winning team become an Edomic King or Queen of Edom and rule the Zionist world as it´s Lord or Mistress. Enjoy ! $10000 Limited Edition

Stonetoss #racist #wingnut stonetoss.com

Body Count


[Panel 1: Someone kneeling on a black man's neck. The black man as a fentanyl needle in his arm

Panel 2: Man in the background hildst a rifle while guy on skateboard appears to have a heart attack

Panel 3: judge Ruth Bader Ginsburg dies in a chair while sitting beside the other judges

Panel 4: Trump coughs with a mask on while an antifa member prays "please let us have this one"

Hunter Wallace #wingnut #sexist #racist occidentaldissent.com

[From "The Rise of Hollywood"]

When did our age begin?

What distinguishes Modern America from Victorian America?

The transition between the two began in the 1910s, World War I was the rupture and was complete by the Roaring Twenties. The Lost Generation was the first Modern generation.
On one side of this divide, American culture maintained hierarchies in race, sex and gender. Victorian culture divided the sexes into separate spheres and races into superior and inferior races. On the other side of this divide, American culture became antiracist, sexually liberated and ultimately gender fluid. Women started voting and became the equals of men in the workplace and in sexuality.
On one side of this divide, women dress modestly and it is scandalous to find respectable women alone and drinking at bars. Smoking is taboo for women. Women try to stay out of the sunlight because pale skin is considered beautiful. On the other side of the divide, Modern women are smoking, cutting their hair short, drinking and listening to jazz at speakeasies, dressing less modestly, going out to experience nightlife and having sex with men they have no intention of marrying. Tanning becomes fashionable.
On one side of this divide, Americans sharply divide the world into civilized and savage and privilege the former over the latter. On the other side of the divide, the primitive is exalted and the civilized is denigrated.
Arguably, the biggest and most impactful change was the rise of the entertainment industry in Hollywood, the mass media and Jewish dominance in the creation of 20th century mass culture.
War had been an ennobling experience for the older generations who thought it would reinvigorate their values. World War I though wasn’t the Civil War or the Spanish-American War.

Alboz11 #wingnut #racist #psycho moviechat.org

Christopher Columbus is a HERO!!!

People who hate him , are the typical dumb self-hating liberals . Without him the americas would have been barren lands inhabited by people using bronze age technology, look at the isolated tribes in brazil or peru who have no idea that europeans came , they still act like savages with arrow's in their hands and running naked and living in their huts .

Yukon Jack #racist #crackpot #conspiracy #psycho centralbankinginsanity.wordpress.com

I am not a hopeful person, nor am I a God apologist. I am Yukon Jack and I am calling it as I see it, as I have lived it, as I know it. Earth is hell, we are being tortured by a higher mind which people call God, and his plan is plain as day for anyone who can see the truth of our existence, we are being tortured plain and simple. What kind of sick mind does this to sentient beings? God is sick and twisted that is for sure, spin God anyway you like, God sucks.



In no way shape or form do I want to experience this evil on earth, I see no need for suffering at all. For instance I do not wear a coronamask as that is a form of suffering and I do not want to be kept out of a grocery store for not wearing one. I am not bothering anyone and I just want food I can buy with money I have earned, and I do not want to play along with some god damned virus hoax.



I do not want to be fodder in a Jew contrived war, and I do not want to comply to some building code some idiot came up with. Who are these people who think they have the right to tell me how I can build my own house? My god, these humans at city hall are arrogant mother fuckers. It is my house and my life, they can take their “code” and their “regulations” and stuff them up their commie asses!

ONE world order #racist #sexist amren.com

Hey at least the black man has the BBC 9+ incher and a high testosterone level going for him unlike the white man with the lower testosterone levels and lower sperm count. Black men are giga chad's by nature. White women are drawn to them for a reason because they ooze masculinity. White women always cheat on their husbands for that BBC quality meat once in a while. I'd gladly supply them too if I was a black gigachad. A lot of white husband's are becoming cuckold's for a reason my friend.

The white man simply cannot compete with these physical specimens from sub saharan Africa, they dominate sport for a reason too. I'd rather have been born as a black giga chad than white in this society, that's for sure. I'd have an endless supply of puss y. This is ancient law. IQ means jackshi t in the grand scheme of things. This is 100% animalistic.

Black Americans are fearless, White Americans are cowards and are virtue signalers.

Put South Africa First Members #racist #wingnut #conspiracy dw.com

South Africa: Hatred of migrants reaches new heights

South Africa often makes the headlines for violent attacks against immigrants. Xenophobia has now reached a new level with the creation of a group calling itself Put South Africa First.

One of the protest organizers, Nandisa Gschwari, warned that more demonstrations were to come. She told DW that she didn't care if the movement was called xenophobic. "Children are going missing every day, and our government is not doing anything about it. Nigerians are known to be at the top of the list," she said. Without presenting any evidence, the movement alleges that foreign nationals are mainly responsible for crimes ranging from robbery, sex slavery, kidnappings, and human trafficking to the peddling of drugs.

Some of its leaders, like Ike Khumalo, went as far as demanding that immigrants be denied their rights. Khumalo told DW that even those documented should no longer enjoy the same rights as South Africans. "Our constitution should also be amended because our constitution is a problem," he said, insisting that a constitution should be valid for South Africans only.

South Africa has a history of violence against foreigners. Xenophobic attacks left at least 62 people dead in 2008. Seven others were killed in 2015. Violence flared again in September last year when armed mobs attacked foreign-owned businesses in Johannesburg. The clashes left at least 12 people dead.

Various Commenters #racist amren.com

RE: South Africa: Hatred of Migrants Reaches New Heights

(Eldridge Davis)

The movement Put South Africa First is seen as a cause for alarm by human rights defenders and foreign nationals, especially after it mobilized dozens of people for a march to the Nigerian and Zimbabwean embassies in Pretoria last week. The protesters demanded that undocumented immigrants, or those involved in criminal activities, leave South Africa.

Hahahaha lol. Dindu's want dindu's to be deported back to their own crapholes lol. The irony. I wonder if this makes them wayciss? Nahhhh!

(America first)
Our constitution should also be amended because our constitution is a problem,” he said, insisting that a constitution should be valid for South Africans only.” But wait! To have a country’s constitution apply only to its citizens is xenophobic!

(Jason Lewis)
White Farmers = No problem there
Migrants = We need this to stop

So the blacks in SA are tired of all those white people crossing the border illegally in order to take advantage of the haven that blacks have created?

(Son of the 1st Revolution)
Must be all those darned racist whites still in charge who are trying to keep them out.

Various Commenters #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: World Grows Less Accepting of Migrants


Overall, the world is slightly less accepting of migrants today than it was three years ago, according to Gallup’s latest update of its Migrant Acceptance Index. Many of the countries leading the global downturn have been on the receiving end of the mass exodus of Venezuelans. Scores dropped more than two full points in Peru, Ecuador and Colombia, which have absorbed millions of Venezuelans since 2015. Scores also declined in India, where controversial laws went into effect in late 2019 that provided paths to citizenship for migrants — excluding Muslims.

Wow, what a shock. The nations that accept migrants the most are America, Australia and Western Europe. They've learned NOTHING these past years!

Poland is on the 'migrant acceptance list' because they've taken in about two million Ukrainians, not Somalis. Sanity prevails.

I've heard from Polish people that even this many Ukrainians--despite being white and Slavic--is causing some issues.

Ukrainians moving into a Poland that's moving up economically puts pressure on the poorest Poles. I think the Polish economy will be able to navigate through this- they work the EU for its economic benefits without surrendering their sovereignty.

(Fr. John+)
Hungary 1.64 Serbia 1.79 Croatia 1.81 Bosnia and Herzegovina* 1.85 Montenegro 1.87 Latvia 2.25

Thanks. All great countries for WHITE Christians, in other words.... The USA should get a clue.

(Ivan Dragić)
Proud to be Croat. Next year we'll win some medal boys!

These Balkan countries have had nothing but negative experiences with migrant invaders for 1,000 years. A millennium of invasions and unwelcome occupations. Other than the migrants already there, how can even ONE white Croat, Serb, Montenegrin, Slovene or whoever be in favor of any non-white?

Neggr #crackpot #fundie #magick #racist #sexist #wingnut incels.is

[Serious] Covid and Corprus are the same disease, a divine one. Hear me out.

Both start with a C. Coincidence? I think not, both are created in order to make us stronger and create a hivemind where Elliot Rodger (in TES 3 its the incel dagoth ur which gets cucked by azuras cuck nerevar). Corprus was created to drive out the mongrel races out of morrowind and to restore glory to resdayn, covid will be used to drive out the mongrel choids and foids to restore our holy earth and make it a place of no suffering and an utopia. Thats why normies and the governments are so afraid of it, thats why they desperately are trying to find a vaccine, but they wont, also as your vision clouds, as the darkness sets, fear not.

Know only our mercy and the radiance of our affection, which unbinds your bones to the earth before, and sets your final path to the music of your new eternity.
- Elliot Rodger

Lord Tinsdale #conspiracy #racist #wingnut stormfront.org

RE: Happy German-American Day! (Minnesota's governor issues official proclamation)

A political ploy by a Democrat to make whitey feel acknowledged after having everything destroyed by negro riots and Covid-1984 shutdown.

You're probably right as they think we're that stupid or something. Real Germans will see through their little ploy though.

Various Commenters #racist #conspiracy amren.com

RE: Governor Newsom Vetoes High School Ethnic Studies Bill

So Jewish groups that pushed for ethnic studies now call that anti-semitic? You can never please them.

Sounds like they are being cast as the oppressor rather than the oppressed, which was not what they had in mind.

Nice when their plans backfire.

(It's Boris)

There are some stunning confessions in this article, if you read closely, carefully and between the lines.

Yeah! Only non-whites and Jews can be proud of where they come from! Anti-Semitic gets the job done; anti-White is dismissed.

(Ambrose Kane)
Eric Striker in a recent article in The Unz Review provided the real reason: "Jewish groups protested AB 331 because, while they agreed with the anti-white message, they also resented the lack of an exemption for Jewish students. Under the law, Jews would be considered “white” and not allowed to choose Jewish Studies for their credit." Jews really don't want to be seen as White. They only want to be White if it serves their interests. In their hearts, though, they know they are not of us and never will be.

A Jew who wins the Nobel prize is Jewish. A Jew arrested for pedophilia is White. Yes, I know, I didn't come up with this myself. But it still needs to be said.

That is precisely how it is. Anything that's good is proudly Jewish. Anything that is not is White. The media doesn't often make the distinction, but Jews are certain and even obsessed to make it.

Slight addition-A Jew arrested for pedophilia is acquitted.

By a Jewish Jury and Judge.

Joeric #racist #fundie #dunning-kruger amren.com

RE: These Are the Countries with the Biggest Immigration Gains and Losses Under Trump

Drop in immigration from China and India. Increase in immigration from Congo, Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador. CONGRATULATIONS!!!

Not good news. We are stopping commies and curry eaters who ruin the US with their false Gods and pagan culture, but at the same time, we are allowing more murderers, thieves, rapists and pedophiles into our country. Everything needs to stop.

You didn't stop 'commies' and 'curry eaters', they stopped themselves. Anyhow. That's your reasoning to stop them? because they 'ruin the US with their false Gods and pagan culture'?

Yes, and they are incompatible with our western values. Those countries have progressed so much due to western technology.

How are they incompatible with 'western values'? did they stop you from eating 'sacred cow'? There would be no 'western technology' without Indian Math.

Indian math? Is that when you count how many dotheads are in a 711? Or how many rooms in a motel owned by Apu don't stink?

Sounds like good news if immigration from Asia is down considering how huge that area is. Would that be because of the plague?

This is the immigration data of the period between 2016 and 2019. Coronavirus came in 2020. Immigration from China and India is going down because they are developing at a tremendous rate. Whereas Congo, Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador have no future in sight.

Various Commenters #racist amren.com

RE: Honduran Migrant Caravan Disbands in Guatemala


They were all sent back to their country of origin? I thought "Borders don't exist" and "No human is illegal"?!

Tell that to white libs who live in gated communities and will be the first one to call the cops if an uninvited person sets foot on their property. I would thank Mexico for stopping this caravan by sending all of its citizens back to Mexico to make it great again.

(Cheri Rodriguez)
If Hispanics like Hondurans are so hard working and want a better life, why don’t they just stay where they are and build up their own country?


Because their elite are really powerful and pay the workers next to nothing. Drug gangs rule the neighborhoods and nobody can seem to raise themselves up. Going to the US is their best option, not ours.

But the sad state of the Honduran society is nothing new. Why the sudden exodus to the US? Is it because it has become common knowledge that crossing the border and getting benefits AND and an off-the-books job is easily done?


“Fortunately the caravan from Honduras isn’t continuing,” Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador said. Mr. López Obrador said that the timing of the caravan, one month before presidential elections in the U.S., appeared strange, “although we can’t be sure that was why it was organized.”

Why would Mexico help the U.S.? Our "ally" hates this country. We must be paying them off big time.

(Nicolas Bourbaki)
Wait how can they even do this? Certainly 4,000 well supported Guatemalans are enough to climb over any plastic barriers or resist signage imploring them not to continue? If the authorities are absolutely forbidden to use force or even loud noises I don't see how they can be diverted. Maybe clever road signs making them go in circles until they tire and wear out were used?

Michael Hart #racist amren.com

What sets Dr. Hart apart is his analysis of history in the light of racial differences in intelligence. Just as Richard Lynn and Tatu Vanhanen can solve problems that baffle development economists because they understand race and IQ, Dr. Hart finds patterns and offers explanations for what would otherwise seem random. Dr. Hart writes that “the overall evidence that there is a substantial genetic contribution to racial differences in average IQ is so great that no one would dispute the point if it were not an issue that aroused strong emotions on ideological grounds.”

There are also human populations distinguished by how little they have contributed. Reports of pre-contact sub-Saharan Africans are consistent: No tribe in that vast area had the wheel, writing, a calendar, or a mechanical device of any kind. Metal working had been introduced from the north, but in all of black Africa there were no two-story buildings and no monuments to compare even with the stone statues of Easter Island. Madagascar is 250 miles off the African coast, but Africans never settled it. It was populated from 3,000 miles away by Southeast Asians who arrived around 500 AD. Africans continue to be largely incapable of absorbing the science and technology of others, and have not added to it.

Australian aborigines were even more primitive than Africans when whites first found them. They were living in the old stone age, which is to say they did not work metal and had no domesticated crops. They had invented one thing: the boomerang, which they used as a weapon. The Tasmanians were more primitive still. When the ocean rose, the Tasmanians were unable to cross the Bass Strait. During their 10,000 years of separation, they became even more primitive than before: They forgot how to make sewing needles and fishhooks.

Copexodius Maximus #sexist #racist incels.is

[Discussion] Are white women made to destroy human progress? (Islam copers, they are coming for you next)

What do you think about this, that white women are nature's way of destroying human civilizations. I know some of you will say Jewish, but almost all of those Jewish women are white. White women themselves are also hugely disproportionally feminist.

If we look at the biggest organization, almost all feminist pushes were by white women. Achieving a traditional family is hardest for our white brothers today than almost any other group (other than blacks for reasons I might post about some other time) all due to feminism. We can never have a virgin wife that our lives our joined together with in a loving relationship and have a family with, especially if we are sub 4, meanwhile it was possible back then. It's over for us.

Feminism doesn't deal with facts or results of how it actually plays out, but instead to emotion points that sounds good when they are argued without anyone fact checking them. That's why anyone who goes against feminist talking points are censored, silenced, getting bombed (like back in the day), and even today MRA groups having their meeting disrupted by feminists pulling fire alarms and even threatening to set the area on fire.

Now for all the Islamcopers out there who think Islam will somehow save the west (cope), you are no match for white women's destructive power.
Their infestation has begun.

TransscriptPanel 1: Twitter post by A1 Jazeera English
"[We] reread the Quran with a focus on gender equality. Religious institutions are patriarchal, so we try and challenge the structure from within."
The Mariam Mosque in Copenhagen is one of the first in Europe to be led by women aje.io/gcaqt

Panel 2:
The Grim Reaper, labelled “white women”, is knocking on the door of “Islamic culture”, having already slain “[?]ome”, “western civilization” and “conservative America”.

Aloysius Fozdyke #wingnut #racist #conspiracy #elitist henrymakow.com

Events in Australia and elsewhere else are going so well. Compliant Australians just can't get enough and there's so much more in store for them. With businesses closed, suicide rates rising (especially of the young, but not reported in the media), food shortages looming, electronic surveillance, increased domestic violence, falling birth rates, and deaths from not seeking medical help, Aussies really have it all. Indeed, there's a whole Lockdown generation economically crippled for life. Then there's the increasing debt.
Already the Communist Party of China refers to Australians as "the white trash of Asian", although why they restrict it to Asia is beyond me. At least they know the caliber of those they'll be ruling. Let me tell you and your readers something: the descendants of the Chinese who are yet to be born hate the guts of the white trash who are yet to be born. But Australians are really into multiculturalism and you can't get more multicultural than gifting the wealthiest (or second wealthiest) country in the world to a people with a completely different culture and language, half a world away.

The Chinese intend to turn Australia into how modern Australia began; as a big, open-air prison using facial recognition system cameras and a social credit system. Already, Australian governments are getting ready for the handover by installing Chinese manufactured facial recognition system cameras, electronic public transport cards, drones enforcing the Lockdown, mobile phone tracking, and increased police violence. Aussie white trash just can't get enough! It's the same worldwide.

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