
The woman-haters, man-haters, and non-binary-haters

SlutLiberationFront & Various Mexican Commenters #psycho #sexist incels.is

RE: Feminists chimp out on Mexico, destroy public and private property, throw rocks at people, cartel gets pissed, trows grenades and kills three of them

Fuck around in Mexico and find out, I guess. Why do they chimp out about "violence on women/femicide" when about 83% of homicide victims on the planet are men, who are far more likely to die a violent death by crime than women? Their answer is "domestic abuse and abusive boyfriends/husbands". Yeah who would guess the personality detectors stop working when they find someone attractive? Maybe stop marrying and staying with abusers or is the personality only working around men they think is repulsive?

Nevermind, I got into it, read it and nothing about this case is clear. Might have been an attempted attack at the police since 2 of the people that got killed were part of the guards and 1 was part of the march. It is also said that the feminists were getting violent. It doesn't specifically say which cartel it was, nor if it was a cartel at all.

Ataque armado al Ayuntamiento de Guaymas durante marcha feminista deja tres muertos - En Punto

People got based in this comment section:

"finally feminists face reality instead of an imaginary enemy"
"let's see if they will now behave and stop disturbing and fucking up Mexico even more"
"finally, very good, thanks to whoever did it"
"already answering those who want to fuck them for supporting their marches"
"hahaha they thought it was like Mexico City, but they faced real enemies"
"they faced the real violence and not the police"
"hahaha feminists, what do you feel when they go for aggression on you and you don't do anything? a spoon of your own medicine"

An angry feminist is in the comments saying "no uterus, no talk, don't defend us, we can do it alone". I thought they were glad for male feminists putting up with them?

This fucking comment section is just too fucking good.

LOLIstice #sexist ncu.su

I’m Normalize rape (in gta V) , young men (from incel to chad) should be taught to rape and society has to accept it , imagine instead of staying home and masturbate you go outside and pick your fleshlight that you want to creampie (in need for speed)
Everytime there'd be a feminist rally , based men of culture raid it and start raping them left and right (in sims 3)

Henry Makow PhD #conspiracy #quack #wingnut #racist #sexist #transphobia henrymakow.com

Society reminds me of a man who tries to cash a sizable cheque upon which his future depends.

The bank returns the cheque - "This account has been closed."

The man keeps flipping over the bum cheque as if endless contemplation somehow would make it redeemable.
The cheque represents our Birthright. The bankers are foreclosing.

The "globalists" don't just want to dispossess us. They want to sicken, imprison and exterminate us.


Trusting? Naive? Innocent? Credulous?


Stupid? Cowardly?

How did he get this way?

He never learned real history. Real history is the story of how a satanic cult, Cabalism (Organized Jewry and Freemasonry) has sought to subvert civilization and enslave or exterminate humanity. This is behind all major wars, depressions and "pandemics."

People who know real history immediately recognized covid for what it is - a pretext to impose unpopular social and economic change (i.e. Communism) on humanity. The same is true of "climate change."

But those ignorant of real history bought the lies expounded by the Masonic mass media, medical profession, politicians and professors.
The Satanists are not even hiding their evil intent any more. Joe Biden boasts of having the most effective vote rigging organization in the world. He keep caressing children in public. Twitter now is allowing 85% of adverse reaction news. They are not hiding how they planned and rehearsed this in advance.
The Christian God of Life (Love) has been replaced by the Cabalist God of Death (Hate.)

The education system has taught unthinking obedience. The people have been dumbed down and addicted to porn. Sex has degraded all human relations.

They've been taught gender dysphoria and "inclusiveness" instead of truth.
They don't know how to research and think independently. Their lives have been mired in trivia.

They simply can't face the harsh reality. They and their children have been declared redundant.

Tory MP Nick Fletcher #sexist #conspiracy crooksandliars.com

A British member of Parliament claimed this week that men are being forced into committing crimes because fictional male characters like James Bond and Doctor Who are being replaced by women.

During prepared remarks on Thursday, Tory MP Nick Fletcher made the assertion that "men need to have their own identity."

"Everywhere, not least during the cultural sphere, there seems to be a call from a tiny yet very vocal minority that every male character or good role model must have a female replacement," he complained. "One only needs to look at the discussions surrounding the next James Bond."

"And it's not just James Bond," the MP continued. "In recent years, we have seen Doctor Who, Ghostbusters, Luke Skywalker, the Equalizer all replaced by women."

Fletcher went on to insist that most male role models are now villains.

"Is there any wonder we are seeing so many young men committing crime?" he asked. "These programs make crime look cool. Trust me, a lifetime in prison is not cool."

Actress Jodie Whittaker made history in 2017 as the first woman to play the iconic Doctor Who character.

Mayocide_Mozart #dunning-kruger #sexist reddit.com

RE: Q4All: What’s disgusting about male sexuality?

Men want unwanted sex with women. That disgusts me.

There are more women with rape fantasies than there are men with rape fantasies. A lot of this is just projecting: rape fantasies are one of the number one sex fantasies among females - and because they think and daydream about 50 Shades of Rape all the time, they end up believing that men also want to rape them all the time.

Various Anons #conspiracy #elitist #fundie #god-complex #magick #sexist #ufo boards.4channel.org

I'm not ever reincarnating on this planet again

Fuck Earth, fuck the stupid masses, fuck the sheeple, fuck the elites, fuck the illuminati, fuck the government, fuck the deepstate, and mostly, fuck the NPCs who tortured me into submission down there, I hope y'all are set ablaze by Armageddon to get the karmic retribution you deserve, worthless lousy normies.

I incarnated on this hellhole, experienced the tyranny, the idiocracy of society, I've seen the pathetically obedient dumb citizens and the power-hungry tyrannical governments, disguised as pseudo-democracy, and the brainwashing structures that naive souls are vulnerable to. Fortunately, I'll be freed once the body my soul resides in perish, and oh boy, from what I learned here, I sure as hell AIN'T coming back to assist whatever bull-fucking-crap happens on this rigged joke planet, fuck it all, I'm either staying in the spiritual world or reincarnating on another less dense world.

As always, fuck you too glowies and shills.


Same desu, fuck everyone on this trash world lol

I'm gonna incarnate on a pleiadian planet atleast so I can have an unlimited amount of gfs as I please unlike the needy whores of earth.


i feel you bro..
but this fuckin shits have trapped us
and they bs us to come back without remembering
and we will do this forever and ever
till finding the soul mate and merging to break free from this shit


I promised myself to NOT EVER reincarnate on this planet again, no matter what any entity tells me to do, he won't succeed in duping me to come back on this hellhole, the suffering is too vivid for me to not remember, I'll always say "fuck you!" to this motherfucking shit world.


Anon, we're at war with the spiritual forces of evil.
Look up. It'll only get better if you fight.
Look around. They're under the spell on the fast track to hell and we can see it. It's our responsibility, knowing the truth, to open their eyes.

stolenrange #moonbat #sexist reddit.com

And the government just lets it happen. These virgin creeps are just allowed to walk the streets freely. And it seems like every day one of them snaps and murders an innocent. Imho, any man over age 20 who is still a virgin should be rounded up by police, issued an ankle monitor, placed on a public list, and bared from owning knives and firearms. We can make the world a safer place for good people if we act now to crack down on these needledick freaks. But knowing law enforcement probably nothing will happen. 🤦‍♂️

Anons #fundie #homophobia #sexist #transphobia boards.4chan.org

(1st Anon)
The feminine force comes from The Holy Spirit. Marriage is a mirror of The Holy Spirits nature as both a male and female, Who is one flesh. The Holy Spirits nouns in scripture are He/Him, but thats to go with the flow of The Father and Son, Who are the masculine force and in itself is a feminine act of submission from The Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit appears as a Dove, meaning She is a shape shifter, whereas The God of the OT is always a humanoid or elements like fire or cloud. The Holy Spirit is the only One to become an entirely different living creature.

The only time a Dove's sex is mentioned is in Genesis during the flood, where it's a female Dove that Noah sends out. Spirit in Hebrew is feminine, and in Greek is gender neutral.

Satan imitates The Holy Spirit with the tranny movement and various hermaphrodite demons, angels, and gods which are imitations of The Holy Spirits true Holy masculine and feminine form that Satan knows. The only true Transcendent sexual is The Holy Spirit, who is both male and female and The Mother God.

The Father/Son punished Eve harsh because she disgraced her Mother, The Holy Spirit, Who subm

(2nd Anon)
ngl I enjoy some christian mythology but why is it so gay? there’s no women at all among the saints or idols of veneration with the exception of Mary, who no one even gives a shit about even tho she did something arguably more important than her son (no Mary = no Jesus)

it’s all just man loving man worshipping man-ness, so fucking lame. even this passage of bullshit apocrypha you’re quoting won’t even let ONE THIRD of the tetragrammaton be straight up female, it’s a fuckin tranny. YHWH is a fuckin incel


ItalianPolishCel #ableist #psycho #sexist incels.is

I got evicted from my apartment, I am not banned

After what hapenned this week which I wrote about in my thread here...


...I am getting evicted. I will move back to my parent's apartment for now but I'm looking for a new place. So basically I was blasting music, singing, knocked on some of my neighbours doors and asked if they wanted to join me at my party, was jumping on my floor and threw plates and a cup on it, destroying it, spat on one neighbours doors and puked on another's, when the police came I told the mI didn't remember my name and that I didn't have an ID but they found it anyways. I tried to take it from the cop's hand and told him to GTFO. When they knocked on the doors again to give me some papers, I only farted out loud and closed the doors (I will probably be called to a police station, I believe). Told my mother she is a whore and a bitch. Basically wanted to fuck up my life and I kinda did. This is what happens to a person who was bullied as a child, his mother beat and screamed at him if he didn;t do something perfectly or messed something up, who was never treated like a human being by others and who is sexually frustrated.

Video from the intervention: https://youtu.be/1mkGx6WY0yQ

Its in Polish though

Even though its in a different language I can feel the autism emanating from it. I'm also 90% sure you said chad in that video, do normalfag poles even know the chad and stacy meme?

Yeah autism must have been strong in my apartment. I literally had food, tea, and broken plates and cup on my floor

Would rape female cop. Cute but her eyes look dead and she evades eye contact most of the time. The male cop probably uses her as his toilet.

Are cops in Poland as violent as the US?

Dude. I slapped his hand. Mocked him. Farted when he was talking and closed the doors in his face. Try that in americuck.

bekkilyn #transphobia #sexist #conspiracy christianforums.com

Yes, the left won't let us say "pedophile" anymore when it comes to this perversion. We have to say "minor attracted person" now so that their feelings won't be hurt. Well what about the feelings of the children who are subjected to this abuse?

And the trans thing when it comes to children. Parents (usually woke mothers, father nowhere in sight) parading their male children dolled up in make-up and frilly dresses and showing him off and claiming he's a girl because he wanted to play with dolls a time or two or some other such thing for social media clicks and likes. Makes me sick. Don't say it's because the child wants it. No, that's all on the parents pushing it on their children. Children want to be unicorns and dinosaurs too.

WitchPlease #conspiracy #moonbat #sexist #transphobia ovarit.com

It suits many people.

It's a capitalist wet dream - being trans cost a lot of money over many years. This industry is worth trillions of dollars. Cross sex hormones and health issues caused by them lead to a lifelong dependency on medication. There's also plastic surgeries, and these SRS seem to always have complications and need follow up surgeries. Also the most basic consumerism in the shape of clothes, make up and other products.

It's a pedo paradise - queer ideology aims to erase all boundaries so predators (pedo or not) gain access to their targets. It removes safeguarding of children and women. Minors who take cross sex hormones and/or puberty blockers may have their brain and emotional development crippled, which means they'll become adults with the brain of a child, making them more vulnerable to predators.

It's the Mengelean/Frankensteinean doctors' heaven - it gives them the opportunity to make medical experiment on willing people.

It's the power-hungry men's perfect scenario - it's keeping people distracted and divided while they continue their dick measuring contest between them (it's how I describe politics), and keep popular uprise at bay.

It's the misogynists' triumph - fucking women over is what they live for.

Lain #conspiracy #racist #sexist neets.me

When I went to Mexico and slayed constantly it made me think about why I can't slay whatsoever here. The highest rates of interracial relationships are in the most liberal parts of the country. All of my sisters dated black men from 13-18 in that timeline, though in my old city there was like 50% of the population being black, I think another factor was that they viewed black people as oppressed - this is a huge thing that's pushed in liberal schools and I don't think this should be underestimated. The rest of my family called them niggers and pieces of shit but my whore sisters thought they were doing the right thing by giving Tyrone a chance, they'd talk about how God views everyone equally, all of this builds off a woman's natural sentimentality. It's a kind of moralfagging that certain women get a high off, until they figure out that Tyrone is a nigger and he beats the shit out of her. All of my sisters have been beaten to near death around niggers and have crawled back to white men on hands and knees and now when they're around their boyfriend/husband who's white, they call niggers as they are.

The second problem is white women especially are the cream of the crop. I can slay Asian, latinas, whatever but it's hard as fuck to get a white gf even as a white man.


Look at all these Asian, hispanic, black whores that are verified and constantly chatting with white men. It's like the reverse of it, like every woman is being taught to hate her own men. I heard it a lot in Mexico, literally, from several hispanic women, that they hate their own men. My sisters have said that same shit before until they got beaten one too many times. Looks like the elites really want everyone washed together in the blender, with such a huge shift to liberalism and the black victimization complex, I can actually see this growing. Women are just fucking retarded. I'm tired of slaying ethnic women, I need some white coochie in my life

Neetgod #conspiracy #pratt #racist #sexist #transphobia neets.me

Again there is no such thing as a black incel

The evidence is mounting and no I'm not a cuck advocating black supremacy. I'm simply pointing out that atleast in California there is a interracial phenomenon happening here. White men are in a state of disarray. Its different in some parts of the country but my city has the most interracial relationships in the fucking world. I need to move the fuck out of here. When I lived in the bay it was different. I was worshipped. But in the valley I'm human garbage.

1. Every user that is black here is not an incel. Let that sink in. Every white user here is an incel. I seen a picture of Lain And he is model tear looks. But he cant even get laid wtf is going on here
2. All the black men that live in my apartment complex have gf. Not one white man does.
3. I dont care what some stupid ass app stats say i know what I seeing is real there is a series problem for white men in California especially in the valley where I live
4. I see blacks with snow bunnys more then whites with whites I'm not making this up and its driving me insane. I hate snow bunnys for race trading so much.
5. Now I know what it's like to be a asian man it's a living hell. Your essentially being genetically weeded out in a cold silent war. It's over. Tranny max or bust for the white man in 2021.
6. If you disagree that's fine but you will not change my mind no matter how many stats you have cause i live in the real world I know what I see is very real.

Three South Carolina state representatives #transphobia #sexist #pratt wistv.com

Lawmakers are reintroducing a bill that will ban transgender women from playing women’s high school sports in SC.

A bill pre-filed by two Greenville representatives and one Aiken representative signed onto the bill that adds a section to the state code of laws that transgender women/girls may not participate in women’s secondary and post-secondary sports.

Also mentioned in the proposed bill, it is stated that transgender men/boys MAY participate in male sports.

The biological gender of the student will be confirmed using their birth certificates.

The bill has been filed in the past by Representative Ashley Trantham (R-Greenville) who has sponsored it again for this upcoming session.

The two other representatives are Rep. Melissa Lackey Oremus (R-Aiken) and Rep. James Mikell “Mike” Burns (R-Greenville).

When asked about the bill in February, Rep. Trantham said:

It’s not that I’m not compassionate about what they’re going through. But I would also point out, we have to think about how this is going to impact our girls. I mean they have to be able to have a level playing field and we just know based on the science that when we allow biological males to compete with our girls that we’re taking away that opportunity.

The bill has far to go and has to be signed by Governor Henry McMaster in order for it to become a part of state law.

C.T. #sexist #crackpot #racist chechar.wordpress.com

[From "Violating the first guideline"]

I published the first guideline I came up with for a ‘New Aryan code’, which can be summed up in these words ‘Thou shalt only speak to Aryan males’
Ever since my sister got very upset with me when I tried to defend Richard Wagner against the accusations she had been taught at school about Wagner’s attitude to Jews, an argument that ended when my sister not only walked out of the family room but told her teenage son to go with her so as not to listen to me, I had promised myself never to sit with them again

And I kept it: not even at Christmas did I sit with my family

But even the priest falters when he lives among little women. Not long ago[…]standing in the kitchen she advised me to go back to school. Since[…]I didn’t sit at the table, I made the mistake of telling her why that didn’t make sense (can you imagine me in a woke university?)
Because I didn’t give an inch to the grotesque advice to go back to college, she was so offended with me that she didn’t speak to me for the next few days!

But the fault was mine
I published ‘Best Russian film’ about Andrei Rublev

A masterful scene that perfectly portrays the psychology of women. I mean when a Russian girl, after the Tartars destroyed her village and horribly tortured some male villagers (one had liquid metal poured into his mouth with a funnel), still willingly gave herself up to one of the polygamous Tartars!
Her nature is simply to go with the strongest
Among the racialists only Andrew Anglin and Roger Devlin[…]know the nature of women. The problem with the conservative Devlin is that, as a typical American conservative, he is so feminised that he cannot see that only a revolution à la The Turner Diaries could save us

Neetgod #dunning-kruger #racist #sexist #wingnut neets.me

Black oppression is a meme

Blacks get way more advantage then any other race.

1. Jewstream entertainment push black interracial relationships in every commercial, movie, music video. And make white men look like fools. Making it much easier for black men to breed. It's like having your own pr team fetishizing your image.

2. Jewganda always pumping out subliminal messages. Like hes a strong black man, oh hes so oppressed but so brave.

3. Affirmative action gives negros college scholarships and jobs there are many more qualified men. But since there white there expelled. So who's really being oppressed.

4. Reparation scam: they were slaves 200 years go jfl. Most people were endangered servants who would never be relieved from bondage. Infact my relatives were indentured servants. So I come from slaves. Where is my representations. Will never even be considered cause I'm white.

5. The first slave owner in america was actually black his name was anthony johnson. Not to mention Africa sold there own men to the world as slaves.

6. Most women now prefer to be with black men. Cause of all the propaganda. So they easley get sex, love and wife's. All cause the media pushes them forward as aka black kings.

7. Black men have benefited from selective eugenic breading. The slaves would be paired with the best quality Gene's to reproduce. Hence nba and nfl athletes. Which has created more wealth then any other career for negros. But hey there suffering from slavery when in the long run they have benefited greatly.

8. BLM is a criminal organization that caused billions of dollars in property damage. Killed 100s of people. But are exonerated from there crimes.

9. Lighter criminal sentences: Infact recently a black school shooter shot 5 people at school. But was let out of jail and an hour later with a welcome home party. He claimed he did it cause he was being bullied because he comes from a wealthy family. Jfl

Any thing im.misssing let me know.

Various MRAs #sexist #wingnut reddit.com

”When a partner isolates their spouce from friends, assiciates, and public places , it’s called domestic abusen. When it’s done to an entire gender, it’s called feminism.”

This is a quote out of the book ”men on strike” what are your thoughts on this.

It's a hundred percent right. Feminism is about punishing men for the act of being a man. It's pure hatred and female supremacy yet our society refuses to wake up to that fact.

And funny how the "punishment" for being a man is always having to "sacrifice" so that any women in the vicinity doesn't need to do any work, or feel any bad feelings, or just give her your money shitlord, or just die, or whatever else benefits women that they abuse into men.

StarimusArt #sexist twitter.com

"No one or thing has any right to my body no matter what actions I do or do not take."

If you choose to be stupid with a sewing machine, that needle isn't responsible for being in your finger. God gave you brain cells. Find 'em and use 'em.

The only difference is that yes, you can and SHOULD go get that needle out of your finger. A needle does not belong in your finger. A baby belongs in your womb. That's the organ's ENTIRE purpose. Leave him/her alone 🙂

Blackpillapologist #crackpot #sexist #transphobia incels.is

Hitler was a tranny

I wonder if Hitler actually had pussy between his legs and he claimed to be a male because he was a troon, and wanted power.

That might explain her worldview of pure bred Nordic Aryans being the most superior of all and all ethnics, short and disabled men should be killed.

(I am using pronoun her for hitler)

She was probably one of the very few foids who got the political power needed to execute her worldview.

One might ask why didn't she (Hitler) rank curries as the lowest instead of Jews. Answer is: she killed gypsy people as well who are descendants of curries. And secondly, she was rejected by an Ashkenazi Jewish chad when she wanted to apply for art school. Ashkenazi Jews have a lot of white genes and many of them are blonde.

She also hated gay people because every gay male chad reduces inceldom problem by 2 points.

EDIT: The only mistake she did was to deceive our generation that she is a man. She didn't know much about feminism which would plague soyciety few decades later as she lived in a relatively patriarchal time. In our generation foid is never wrong, and if Hitler was seen as a foid Nazism wouldn't be censored at all. In fact it would be justified becus MuH WoHmEn cAn NevEr bE wrOnG

tbh, i wonder why that retard was so obsessed with race

That's what I am saying. Hitler was a foid

Neetgod & Neet Cel & WeebHunter3000 #pratt #racist #sexist #wingnut neets.me

The white man is the new jew

Funny thing is the white libtard is the one oppressing his own race. 70 percent of blm members are white.

1. There now denying medical infusions to whites so they can prioritize for ethnics
2. Oakland and la are now giving basic universal income to ethnics but excluding whites
3. Whites are excluded from college admissions because there white. Even though there more qualified.
4. Most white cunts prefer niggers now
5. ESPN announced they will only do internships for black only whites are excluded
6. The media constantly paints white men as white nationalists terrorist
7. These are only a few examples

(Neet Cel)
The (((poles))) are the tru Jews of Europe

It’s the Jews bro, always has been.

Elvis Dunderhoff #sexist dailystormer.name

[From "Afghan Metoo Slut Who LARPed as Police Officer Angry That Taliban Removed Dead Weight from Force"]

The Taliban are really cool guys. It’s so cool how they beat women and force them to do things.

The Observer

Fatima Ahmadi only stopped screaming when the Taliban held a knife to her child’s throat[…]

I hate to have to tell you this, but women lie about things more or less whenever they talk
The Taliban is family-oriented[…]Even if they were going to kill this woman for being a stupid fat bitch (which they obviously should have done, frankly), they would have the kid sent out of the house, or take the woman out to somewhere else to kill her

Threatening to kill a child is something out of the movies, which could happen in real life (blacks do it). But someone who is going to threaten to kill a kid is someone who is desperate and not in control of the situation. The Taliban are very masculine[…]and would not take such an action

A divorced single mother of two young children, Ahmadi had no idea who gave the Taliban her address
She was forced to marry an abusive, drug-addicted husband when she was just 12, and he beat her so badly she has been left with a permanent limp and memory problems[…]

That’s why you don’t send a woman to work. She gets a taste of power, and that’s that – you’re finished
The Observer did not contact her husband to get his side of the story
Her own family wants her dead, but we’re supposed to believe that everyone in the entire country of Afghanistan was unreasonable, and that she was the only reasonable one

This sounds like something out of Tales of the Holocaust

Ilysa17 & Despair #psycho #sexist thepinkpill.co

RE: Do you see men as people?


It's hard for me to even see them as the same species. Males are violent, self-centered, and often animalistic. Every woman I know has experienced physical and sexual abuse from a man. They are disgusting pedophilic subhuman creatures with no morals. I hate thinking this way, but it's rare to hear about a genuinely good man.

I hope someday in the future that the radical feminists win and that we can keep the men in cages for their cum

Very good question. No, I don't. All of them, no matter looks or money are monsters. They don't have blood but sperm in their veins and arteries. They are all simps for a stacy. Even if they're die-hard misogynists, they will end up wanting her. Even if they're castrated, they would still do anything for an attractive girl. Moids don't like honest women, but at the same time they complain when a woman is lying. They would prefer a pickme but deep down no woman is like this, and then it shows. Being a pickme is just coping with living with moids, it's very annoying coping. Moids are just bad, they destroy families and everything what's good in life. They're pedos, heterosexual standards towards women are based on pedophilia. Almost every straight moid said some bullshit that 40% of gays are pedophiles, but almost all of them masturbated to a teen or wanted to groom a minor. The same animals talk about how they have it bad because of their "depression", suicides "problem" and how women don't have empathy (like moids have it to fellow pedo friends) because a certain stacy didn't care about them.

No Fun Allowed Award

Dystopia justifies the means!

Prussian Society of America #wingnut #sexist #wingnut #crackpot prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "The Flabbiness of Christianity"]

Perhaps the most appalling trait of Christianity is the fact that when anyone who belongs to it speaks of their beliefs, they always exhibit the most effeminate and cowardly approach in their beliefs
The Christian speaks with a forked tongue, because he/she knows inwardly that they are a hypocrite and do not actually follow their Creed, but more importantly they pretend to follow the Creed on the basis of this delusion of “redemption”
When Christians talk about Love and Kindness, the most disgusting feelings emerge from the diseased essence of their words
Out of the 3 Mainstream Abrahamic Religions, the Christians are the ones who believe in “fighting with love” along with “loving their enemies” and that “love conquers all”

Ideas which we consider abominable and disgraceful
Christianity has been a pedestal for Women[…]as a coping agency for their guilt and bad judgment or choices in life
The only feeling we can have towards Christians every time they utter words about Love, Kindness, Peace and Tolerance is the feeling to hurl in their face
We want a Germany someday where Sarcasm and Entertainment is almost non-existent, and where all situations happen between the people[…]develop as natural and cleanly and orderly as possible, rather than living in a perpetual mode of suspicion and vouching for people through social circles
If it comes to the need to criminalize such behavior in the future with fines, sterilization or severely punishing people for this behavior in the future, I am indeed a fan of these measures
While the Scandinavian countries are not part of the Greater German Reich, the people of these countries need to have a hard and heavy hand come down on them and be in total obedience to the Reich, even with what autonomy we permit them

They need to be given the Prussian Sting

Various TERFs #psycho #transphobia #sexist ovarit.com

RE: Trans woman assaulted in cell with men. ( https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10201413/Transgender-woman-viciously-assaulted-jail-cell-three-men.html )

( notsofreshfeeling )
I'm going to sound really callous right now, but... pronouns are rohypnal...

How many men in jail cells with other men suffer similar injuries but these same assaults don't make it into the news?

In a prison of, say, 1000 men--how many men per week would you guess would end up in a clinical setting for an assault by a fellow inmate?

( notyourfetish )

How many men in jail cells with other men suffer similar injuries but these same assaults don't make it into the news?

This is exactly what I thought and it's not callous at all.

Thousands of men beat each other up all the time in jail, but I'm supposed to feel sorry for one because he has a gender delusion? What makes him so different from the other men who get beaten up? His preference for pink? Boo hoo.

TIMs are men. They belong in the MEN'S prison. The end.

( levitation )
Ideally, our prison system would be much less violent for everyone, but as it is everyone gets roughed up in American prisons. Why don't they express this kind of pearl clutching about the teenage boys who end up there and are forcibly "transed" into some other inmate's bitch? Because that's a hell of a lot more common than a TIM ending up in male prison, nowadays.

Neil Kumar #wingnut #sexist #racist #homophobia #transphobia #conspiracy neilforarkansas.com

[From "Neil for Arkansas 2022 Platform"]

Stop the Great Replacement
Americans are waking up to the fact that they’re being replaced by cheap labor from Latin America, Asia, and India. This must stop. America for Americans
End the War on the Working Class
As the Rust Belt has seen, there’s a war against good-paying jobs for traditional Americans. The war on America is moving to the South
•Restore freedom of association by repealing the Civil Rights Act and other “civil rights,” “discrimination,” “hate,” and affirmative action legislation
•Free all of the innocent patriots such as Kyle Rittenhouse and January 6th Trump supporters who have been railroaded by anti-American prosecutors

Make the Family Great Again
Democrats have used public schools to destroy our families by removing children from the home, driving down wages, and separating families by forcing the two-working parent model
Fight LGBTQ Perversion
Family is the most critical building block to civil society[…]America must flat-out reject the perversion of family life by the hateful, anti-Christian homosexual lobby
•Criminalize transgender pharmaceuticals and surgical procedures

Secure Our Elections
The November 2020 “election” of Joe Biden will go down in history as totally illegitimate, and will either be the turning point for the saving of our republic or the beginning of its demise
Preserve Our Heritage
Our history is under attack. Violent communists have begun their open revolution against America. If we let them erase our history, they will control our future[…]
•Protect American and Confederate flags, graves, and monuments
•Remove anti-American and anti-Southern materials from public lands and monuments
•Defund the anti-American education system. Deny federal funding to enemy institutions that teach anti-American values and tax their endowments

Despair #homophobia #psycho #sexist thepinkpill.co

Male testaments that prison wasnt "so bad" trigger the fuck out of me

sometimes youll read about a guy saying that people were largely cordial in prison instead of proving the stereotype that men get raped there

Call this dark, but that pisses me off. Rape in prisons is the only evidence of karma in the universe

Males deserve to get raped by other males, not only when they did something bad, they just do. When a scrote gets raped his whole sexuality is fucked, he's now focused more on trauma than on wanting to fuck female children. It's good especially if he experienced it in his childhood, from the very beginning he is then less dangerous. Women are stupid symmetrists who empathize with male rape survivors, to them something is either bad for everyone or good, they don't realize that the fag who did it is an actual hero and he saved them by giving this random straight monster PTSD. Why would you feel bad for a raped moid? It's just... a gay rapist raped a potential straight rapist, or... a gay pedo raped a straight underage pedo, LOL. We know what they are.

copecel2 #sexist incels.is

I catfished my so-called foid friend

I knew it was suspicious due to the circumstance that she had hoe behavior, I used to snap with her, sent video snaps and such. But nothing romantic happened because she never saw me like "the one."

Anyway, I decided one day to catfish her, and guess what? She started to be more receptive, opened up the convos quickly, rather than with my real account. She used to snap me all kinds of shit (which usually she didn't on my main acc), and found out somehow I was catfishing her.

I admitted that shit but because she was starting to treat me like one of her friends, like an emotional couch. She was angry a few weeks before and complained about that "catfish" which was me, and she said "well I'm gonna block him if he's not going to admit who he is."

A few weeks later and she still talked to me aka the catfish, she was snapping constantly and was curious and on the edge. Fuck off, bitch, I knew before that hoes will stay hoes, but at least admit you are a shallow cunt.

BTW, I blocked her because I got so angry at this bullshit. Stop justifying hoe behavior.

Maybe there's a man in her heart "the one" who she gets fucked by (in her heart), the bitch in heat.

Well, if there was a man, I would knew before. But hey, I know that she has a taste for muscular men with washboard abs, so I'm not surprised.

Anyway, in other words, water is wet.

Well I'm glad you wised up and came to the conclusion that countless amounts of men have come to for generations before us- that men and women cannot truly be friends. That there will always be one who wants more. Sucks that you had to figure it out in such a brutal way. All women are whores.

I knew it before, I just like to confirm my beliefs and remind myself everyday that blackpill will never change.

Unnamed Sanaa Houthi rebels #fundie #sexist #racist bbc.com

A Yemeni actress and model has been jailed for five years by rebel authorities after being convicted of "indecency"

Intisar al-Hammadi, 20, alleged that she was physically and verbally abused after being detained by Houthi forces in Sanaa in February, and that she had to sign documents while blindfolded

Three other women arrested alongside her were also handed prison terms

Human Rights Watch said the case was "marred with irregularities and abuse"
Houthi-run news agency Saba reported that a court in Sanaa found Ms Hammadi guilty of charges including committing an indecent act and possessing drugs

She and one of the other three women were given five-year prison terms, it said. The others were jailed for three years and one year respectively
Ms Hammadi, who has a Yemeni father and an Ethiopian mother, has worked as a model for several years and acted in two Yemeni TV series. She sometimes appeared in photographs posted online without a headscarf, defying strict societal norms in the conservative Muslim country
In March, Ms Hammadi was transferred to the Central Prison in Sanaa, where guards called her a "whore" and "slave", because of her dark skin and Ethiopian descent, her lawyer said

Dotrinfobe #dunning-kruger #elitist #racist #sexist incels.is

brazilphile-cel trait: you begin to fetishsizing southern european looking foids

im not talking about latinas, like the typical mestiza type of face and skin tone from mexico or colombia, but the "white" southern european type. often dark brown or almost black hair, but with light eyes, preferbly blue. their faces usually look uniquely southern european, i dont know how to describe it but you can just tell, such faces typically has a subtle difference to typical light eyed brunettes from Anglo countries (to uncultured eyes, they look the same "white", though, but im too high IQ to not notice the subtlety). blued eyed southern european stacies are gorgeous in their own way and i feel them mog most western european foids (english, german, dutch etc.)

especially in the context of brazilian foids, morenas can often mog loiras and ruivas, especially considering most brazilian loiras are fake blondes anyways and face look ugly. brazilian morenas love to dye their hair blonde, which is annoying and they love to tan, again, annoying tan lines are disgusting imo. morenas look best in their natural state, though sometimes dyed blonde hair with dark roots can look appealing too and add flavor, but tan lines are always bad.

and for some reason i gradually begin to feel english as vulgar or something and find portugues better sounding honestly cant stand fucking porn any more with those whores shouting "fuck me" "fuck me daddy" "oh yeah" "harder" "just like that" and all those trash ass low brow english bullshit and actually prefer to turn the sound off and pretend the foid is moaning in portugues or something and that shes a branca brasileira

maybe ive been binge watching some series de televisao from brazil too much in the past week. getting culturally assimilated probably the same process how some white foids develop taste for rice through watching kpop and how weebs develope fetish for jap foids through anime

Incels Wiki and Eurasian Tiger/Red Pill Comics #sexist incels.wiki

Migraine is a common excuse for women to evade sexual interactions with a man, usually to sugar-coat her lack of attraction towards him.[1] It is also common for women to use this excuse to purposefully exclude themselves from social gatherings they don't wish to attend, unwanted sexual advances, value-less meetings, and family events.

imageA woman bluepilling her lack of sexual desire, to avoid dropping the painful blackpill.

See also
* Rejection
* Betabuxx
* Deadbedroomer

ilieknothing #racist #sexist incels.is

[INCEL MUSIC] Song by me - Pajeet (Parody of Wildest Dreams by Taylor Swift)

He said, "Let's clean this dirty room
Detergent at the ready, away from the food"
I thought germs can't kill me now
Cleanliness lasts forever, he is going to mop this down

His personality is so charismatic as hell
He's so bald but he does it so well
I can see his shiny head gleam
My one condition is

Say you'll remember me standing in your closet
Staring at your broom set, babe
Red lips and rosy cheeks
Say you'll see me again
Because I'll remember you Pa-aa-jeet, ah-ha
Pa-aa-jeet, ah-ha

I said, "I love your job and what you do"
Janitorial professionalism, he's leaning on his broom
The wet sploshing is a beautiful sound
Cleanliness lasts forever, he is mopping the floor now

His personality is so charismatic as hell
He's so bald but he does it so well
As I admire his clean brown skin
My last request is

Say you'll remember me standing in your closet
Staring at your broom set, babe
Red lips and rosy cheeks
Say you'll see me again
Because I'll remember you Pa-aa-jeet, ah-ha
Pa-aa-jeet, ah-ha

You always treat me just right
No dark triad, you never fight
Cleanin' it down
I know you won't leave me
You won't need memories
You'll be around
You always treat me just right
No dark triad, you never fight
Cleanin' it down
I know you won't leave me
You won't need memories
You'll be around

Say you'll remember me standing in your closet
Staring at your broom set, babe
Red lips and rosy cheeks
Say you'll see me again
We don't have to pretend

Say you'll remember me standing in your closet
Staring at your broom set, babe
Red lips and rosy cheeks
Say you'll see me again
We don't have to (pretend, pretend)
I love you Pa-aa-jeet, ah-ha
(I love you)
Pa-aa-jeet, ah-ha

Pa-aa-jeet, ah-ha

The original is a suifuel ode to dark triad Chads by a super roastie Taylor Swift

Tay Tay needs to be cut open with a sharp knife and stomped on.

At least this roastie is telling the truth, all the other ones lie through their cum stained teeth

Bijou #moonbat #psycho #sexist thepinkpill.co

Bet you bitches think the same of actual lesbians. Like we're just '' worthless, genetic dead ends who shouldn’t exist '' and funny how homophobia gets way more likes here than any other arguments against straigh men. You all are just straight women who are pissed off with men but love to hate on all homosexuals pretending to care about lesbians

Oh and before the mod thinks of deleting my post : I'm a women and an actual lesbian and not one of the straight women on here who pretends to be one just because they hate men

No, I don’t think lesbians are worthless, genetic dead ends. In fact, I think it would be better if all women were either bi or lesbian, so women wouldn’t be massive simping pick-mes for men.

I don’t know why you took this post so personally. Gay men can be toxic, sexist assholes as much as straight men, and we’re allowed talking about it here.

Also, I bash gay men on here more because I can’t talk about this stuff with anyone in real life. The only men my friends will throw under the bus is straight white guys, while completely ignoring how terrible all the other men are.

Realize there is no such thing as solidarity with men. you aren’t fighting the same fight. you sound like the woc who choose race over sex.

Various Commenters #dunning-kruger #homophobia #pratt #psycho #sexist #transphobia #wingnut patriots.win

RE: We're reaching levels of tranny mental illness that shouldn't even be possible.



I take solice in knowing at least one of them will commit suicide in the near future.

If we're lucky, both.


how are there men out there that want to have sex with another man but to have their penis and balls cutoff first?

Gee when you put it like that it almost sounds like a mental illness 🤔

How dare you perceive reality correctly

Trans people don't exist, it's just extra kinky homosexuals. Change my mind.


I'm not sure what I just read. Trannies hate gays? I'm not even going to try and comprehend this shit.

homosexuality is more or less normalized (ugh)

trannies arent anywhere close to that level of acceptance (yet)

The insanely unrealistic expectations, the mood swings, the lack of disclosure until after the fact... are we sure this isn't a woman or is it just the hormone therapy?

I’m not sure if the never-stick-it-in-the-crazy rule applies here. Confused.

I’m pretty sure the toss-off-a-roof rules DOES apply, though.

Roof, parking garage, mountain top...whatever is handy.

That's a 41%er homophobe. 🤡

41% isn't high enough.

It's a good start...


The trans community is the most hateful, degenerate group of scumbags I've ever seen in my life.

Look at those horrid, beastly, things that trotted out front of Netflix protesting Dave Chappelle. Those nasty dudes are all sorts of messed up. It always starts with getting diddled at some point as a kid and then they go on to recruit and perpetuate the sickness.

Not all faggots are pedos, but all pedos are faggots.


I wish the earth was flat so we could throw them all off the edge.

The whole planet is an edge if you have a helicopter.

Andrea Widburg #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia #sexist lifesitenews.com

The Marines occupy an almost mythic place in many Americans’ minds as an invincible force that runs to the guns and fights no matter what. That’s why it was so shocking to learn that, during a joint training exercise in the Mojave Desert, Britain’s Royal Marines inflicted such a shellacking on the Americans that the latter had to surrender halfway through the exercise. This is a direct result of the Pentagon having gone woke under Obama — something that Trump failed to undo — followed by Biden doubling down on Obama’s policies.
Under their aegis, Navy ships went green (when they were just meant to be mean) and bore the names of well-known leftists (gay rights advocate and pederast Harvey Milk and socialist activist Cesar Chávez, who happened to hate illegal aliens).

Obama ended “don’t ask, don’t tell” in favor of openly homosexual military service and invited mentally ill so-called “transgender” people into the military to serve under their “identified” sexes. That policy, more than any, affected troop fitness and deployability.

At the military academies, the focus wasn’t on military history, tactics, and strategy; it was Critical Race Theory, gender theory, and anti-Americanism. The elite Rangers were forced to lower their physical standards so that women could be admitted.
That training loss transcends mere embarrassment. The leftist obsession with wokeism to the exclusion of battle readiness is bearing fruit. With the Chinese massively increasing their military technology (including that hypersonic missile); increasing the pressure for manly, aggressive men; and rattling the saber against Taiwan and Australia, the fact that our Marines couldn’t survive a paintball battle is just devastating news for America’s national security and for the free world generally.

Linda Harvey #fundie #homophobia #transphobia #sexist #wingnut missionamerica.com

Girls need protective dads. So do boys. God designed fathers with the instinct to defend and stand in the gap for their children, and those who would mischaracterize or dishonor that motive are not to be trusted.
Kids essentially have become human shields for progressive politics.
Never get in the way of the “LGBTQ” agenda, is one big message. Except that, in God’s eyes, this agenda is straight from the bowels of hell. Those who desecrate children are being fitted for a millstone necklace and I don’t think God will delay that judgment for much longer.

Satan’s plans for our offspring don’t have room for protective parents and caretakers. Predators and their education allies deceive children, or discard children, or use them for adult purposes. Some eventually harbor an intense desire to defile the young (think: drag queen story hours, homosexual school clubs, explicit condom lessons).

And this doesn’t even account for the foolishness of mask mandates for children, which are scientifically unsupportable and certainly little more than a rallying device for the left’s power obsession and its determination to “mask” the real goal: keep parents in line and some teachers from freaking out over irrational fears.

The school climate that celebrates open restrooms, sodomy promotion and porn in libraries legitimizes child defilement, and can only be sustained if those who would protect the young are restrained. Many tense interactions between parents and school officials illustrate these conflicting goals.
God’s beautiful gift of innocence and goodness, the blessing of new life in our children, is being systematically corrupted and destroyed, while the truth is put in chains.

May God help us. And parents, it’s still up to you to turn this around. Don’t give up.

Got Questions Ministries #fundie #pratt #sexist gotquestions.org

Roe vs. Wade legalized murder, because abortion is murder. The growing baby is not a part of its mother, so killing it means killing a separate entity. A distinct human being. God abhors murder, as seen in many places in Scripture (e.g., Genesis 9:5; Exodus 20:13; Revelation 22:15).

Christians should view the Roe vs. Wade decision with sadness and outrage. We should do everything within our legal power to overturn it. Ironically, Norma McCorvey (Jane Roe in the landmark decision) was befriended by a pro-life leader whose love and patience broke through her fear and anger. McCorvey eventually reversed her opinion on abortion and joined the movement to overthrow Roe vs. Wade.

We should all follow the example of the man who befriended McCorvey and realize that behind every abortion there is a hurting mother. God loves that mother as much as He loves her baby. While Roe vs. Wade was a savage blow to pre-born children in America, the women who’ve had abortions since that court decision need to know there is hope and healing in Jesus Christ. God can forgive all sin.

Lily Cade #psycho #sexist #transphobia newsweek.com

This was done by men who hate women more than any other men who have ever walked the Earth, the worst men that have ever existed, trans women, men so worthless they can't even admit the most obvious thing about themselves that is obvious to the dogs and rats who can smell their manhood and should be obvious to every mother on Earth.

Trans women are vile, weak, disgusting, whiny, fake-victim masturbators who should be ashamed of themselves.

No woman should ever pity a weak man. Tear your f***ing blinders off, b****, what the f*** is wrong with you? Your pity rewards weak men for their weakness. You have sacrificed your children's futures on the altar of that pity.

I have looked thousands of adult men in the eyes and have not met one man, not once, who believed that trans women are women. No one believes that trans women are women. Trans women know they are men. They are forcing you to pretend to believe that they are women to rape your minds and the minds of your children.

Trans women are men. Say it. Own it. Know it. Hold the f***ing line, b****. Michfest held the line. When Michfest fell, so fell Western Civilization!

This is a pedophile cult. It's been here the whole time.

Trans women are men.

Trans women are evil.

Trans women are rapists.

Trans women are predators.

I committed voter fraud for Joe Biden. Joe Biden put a pedophile monster in charge of Health and Human Services so that the process of trapping your children with that lifetime commitment to pharmaceuticals can be honed ever further into the path of least resistance. Joe Biden knows that's a man and he knows that's a pedophile and he knows that's the agenda.

I thought pedos got the wall?

I thought chomos got the rope?

Cancel this so hard that no man dare walk the path of the trans woman in public ever again! Enough is enough. Lynch Kaitlyn! Lynch the "Sisters" Wachowski! Lynch Laurel Hubbard! Lynch Fallon Fox! Make these men stand up as the men you all know they are and hold them accountable for their shame.

Various MRAs #dunning-kruger #sexist #wingnut reddit.com

RE: Girl Forces Boy To Have Sex With Dog, Judge’s Decision Creates Controversy

Yet more proof that it's better to be a women in today's society than it is to be a man. Imagine the world catering to your every need, simply because they want to fuck you. Heh. Fucking amazing.


Attempted murder, rape and filming of CP

Gets 4 years

Up to 4. She could be out much sooner and put on probation due to good behavior.

if that was a man it would be 10 years or 20 years.

double standards more like 10x standards

if overnight the men just quit any army or what not you would have leverage.

the government is a scam, and relies on the army for nefarious purposes. the framers of the constitution despised a standing army and any draft system, they did have a voluntary militia that was drawn up when needed for the war with uk.

Another day another pussy pass. Starting to become numb to them, they used to really upset me because they are ultimately unjust. Just have to accept women are treated with kid's gloves in this society.


This is every evil and messed up act in the freaking book. Forcing a boy to have sex with a dog and knifepoint whilst filming it. Let alone an Autistic boy!

truly horrifying oppression that is happening in the present day and all men have to see how little their lives matter and still no one cares. I really don't even know what to sa


" Judge Densford also “acknowledged evidence that Bush suffered trauma as a child and multiple concussions as a Chopticon cheerleader. And he concluded that it didn’t make sense to send her to an adult prison”

From now on I'm a transleader.

I see the Patriarchy strikes again /s

Judges are definitely idiots with a title. They are the greatest example, no matter that you go to college, you still can be more of an asshole than many uneducated people.

Lila Rose #fundie #sexist #wingnut twitter.com

Every day in the US, abortion kills 2363 children, taking more lives than heart disease, cancer, or COVID. That’s why I am thrilled to share that the 2363 Act was just introduced in Ohio—a law that abolishes all abortions, not just some. #FightForThe2363

Various Incels #dunning-kruger #racist #sexist incels.is

(Transcended Trucel)
Blackpill MLP PORN pill (brutal slavpill)

Countries that search for MLP porn more than the worldwide average.


What’s wrong with you niggas

Cultures close to horses and poneys ending up IN the poney
Horse milking has another meaning for Mongols I guess

Probably true

almost only subhuman countries

brutal af :blackpill:

I thought Canada would be #1 since they are animal fuckers.

Yes, we also had our own slavic ponycon hosted in Russia and own russian mlp forum called "tabun". It's actually still up.
For some reason there's just something beautiful for slavic low value men to escape into the fairytale of beautiful and loyal creatures. Even if they're fucking cartoon horses.
It's literally better to fap to ponies than try to talk to foids in Russia. All femoids from CIS region are massive golddigging bitches that start to whore themselves from late preteens.

To koniec, BummerDrummer & Notorious Inkler #racist #sexist incels.is

(To koniec)
It's amazing how non western world is racist

Sadly westerners, europeans can't anymore racist even here ethnics laugh at muhh muhh cucked white nat soc while they keep alive their racial interests
I seen on /int/ one tunesian user going on rant how berbers are superior to europeans and turks and arabs too
Japs even don't pretend to not think that they are superior to chinks and koreans and probably whites too

sadly jews cut our balls only meds and slavs are still somewhat racist but still not enough


Do you mind translating that gibberish?

Don’t mind the polish schizophrenic

one day he says racism is bad and huwyt soupremacists are evil and BASED ETHNIC BROCELS should take over Europe, the next day he says this.

One of the many EEfags who’s brains have melted from the Soviet Union tainting the water of his ancestors

(Notorious Inkler)
These "people" are the European equivalent of spics:

-Low IQ
-they spend money on useless shit
-most of them work minimum wage jobs
-obnoxious in public spaces
-their women age like milk

At least spics don't get cucked as much as slavs.

Landlords in my neighborhood refuse non-german tenants.

speculareffect #sexist #racist #wingnut speculareffect.org

As I’ve written before, boys and men will come to the realization and be constantly reminded that women are indeed stupid. It is a fact of life; a fact of reality and no amounts of lies, chicanery and pretending, is going to prevent these moments of clarity from happening.

That moment when a man is in a situation or encounters a woman/ women and it suddenly hits him, like the gurgling, griping onset of diarrhea; and he realizes that women are truly fucking stupid, is inevitable. There is no escaping it.

It happens to ALL men, several times throughout their lives, because the reality is unavoidable. It happens without fail, at the age of toddlers, when the little boy has to deal with little girls his age, and his mom and other female figures in his life reassures him that little girls are special. More special than he is.
Yet, we do live in a gynotopia and the machinations of the gynotopia are ever present to keep us second guessing.

Take for instance, men (white men) have built western civilization. They have achieved a superlative standard of living for all, yet these fucks in the video can’t think of ONE thing men are better at?

It is because of men, we have all this great stuff and have been given a platform to pursue whatever it is we are interested in. This includes the time wasting, inconsequential, monotonous, mind-numbing retarded shit women are into.
The Metroid series’, Samus Aran, is great as a female protagonist, because the female stupidity does not supercede and isn’t shoved in our faces. It is encumbered and held back. Again, femininity is only positive under the auspices of masculinity.

This is the reality that the gynotopia is hellbent on erasing from our psyche. It is why the Feminine dominated and run (by Female standards and values) governements and the media are trying so hard to push ineptitude and incompetence as acceptable. Female stupidity is run amok and treated as a virtue.

Prussian Society of America #wingnut #crackpot #sexist #racist prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "Old War Heroes teach a French Woman a Lesson in WWII History"]

Should this video ever be taken offline, as other links to it have in past years, please contact us personally so we can e-mail you the video file

[i]World War II justified by former German soldiers[/i]

If only more Modern Men, particularly our German Men could feel and exhibit the virility that is even still existent in these Brave Old Men, who still possess the wisdom that used to be unchallenged and unparelled in Germany, including all manners of German thought
Men with virility and masculinity in them do not “speak in code”, that is an effeminate traits. These Men would not even have the time of day for it. Calling people “Red-pilled” or a “Chad”, such ridiculous language!
I have an overdue Entry on that topic alone which, I hope to get around to this fall, relating to the Dangers of becoming consumed with “Success”. The obsession with chasing success leads to bad morals in a given population, and this is of course most notable with the Americans

We only can insist that Germans all around the world rediscover their roots and reconnect with this German Spirit that our Ancestors had never had a debate nor second thought over

Listen to and Watch these Men, compared to what we have today in Germany…

A time when Women were also much more dainty and were not Men in the bodies of a female
This video serves as a great example, in ways that need not to be said, in just how much has been lost for Germany and Europe, and how apathetic the majority have been at resurrecting the past
In the next few years, the last remnants of the Greatest Germans will have disappeared, and all the stories of what they witnessed will also long be forgotten

Various MRAs #sexist #transphobia #wingnut reddit.com

Netherlands: assaulting a minor boy results in a small fine and one day of prison

The two ladies forced themselves on the 17 year old pizza delivery boy. One filmed how the other groped and assaulted him.

I expect the feminists in the Netherlands to vocalise the absurdity and injustice of this sentencing any moment now. /s

Feminists in the Netherlands largely only worry about "lack of women in leadership positions" etc., while falseflagging about caring how men feel.


I can translate it for ya’ll, since I’m a Dutchie. 2 girls ordered pizza and opened the door for the guy while filming it. One of the girls was wearing bathrobes with nothing under it and another girl was wearing sm-clothing squeezed the guys balls/penis. The girls were laughing in the video and saying it was the ultimate dream for guys.

The guy later returned to the job while crying and hiss boss told him he should file charges.

Own opinion: it’s sad that the final charge is so low, especially since it had national coverage here and if it was the other way around it would’ve been much higher.

A 24 year old and a 25 year old are adult women, not girls. Did the article pass them off as girls?

Netherlands, where the sexual assault of a child is OK, when the perpetrator is a woman. These monsters, planned the assault, filmed the assault, bragged about the assault publically, but were given a rap over the knuckles for a heinous crime.

Sexist pigs in wigs running Netherlands, don't take your children there.

Ahh right, teach them young about their disposability and worthlessness in society. Shame them if they speak up.

Female Privilege: When the same thing happening with the genders reversed would cause far and wide outcries. Along with demand for heavy punishment for the aggressor.

*unless the perpetrator is a female transexual raping/sodomizing a female in a school bathroom... Then it wont be mentioned in schoolboard meetings.

hunther & Despair #dunning-kruger #homophobia #psycho #sexist thepinkpill.co

I know we hate androphillic women but I also hate lesbians who center men in their lives.

I used to be a religious viewer of a famous white lesbian couple (rose & rosie) but ever since they got a son I can't bear to watch it. The way they fawn and make him the center of attention. It disgusts me even more than androphillic women doing because my excuse for androphillic doing it is brain damage due to being coomed by testoids. But what excuse do these lesbians have? They are not fucking moids in anyway but still give their blood, sweat and energy on these pieces of shit exactly like androphillic women do.

Worst, now he has 2 women to feed on. He will grow up to be more depraved and entitled. Look at sons of boymom and how depraved and needy they are. We are truly fucking doomed if women who aren't fucking moids still are cucks for them.

Lesbians are only a porn category to moids, they shouldn't have children. It's one of the most fetishized groups of women, you shouldn't even admit to it if you're one. Their beloved little piece of shit son will sexualize them as well when he grows up and will find out what jerking off is. Even gays would be better to raise kids. If it's a girl, she'd have two father figures what wouldn't groom her to be a groomed emo teen, like in most straight relationships since scrotes don't care about their offspring. If it's a boy... heh, I don't care.

Bisexual women aren't real. They're straight women who grow up on a diet of woman fixated porn and movies. They're more straight than normal straight women - their perspective is so wrapped around what men want that they end up thinking they want it too.

Which means "Bisexual women" are just advanced cuckqueans. Pathetic how almost every woman nowadays thinks she's bisexual. Stacies think they're bisexual, average polyamory bitches think they're bisexual, stars think they're bisexual. I'm really starting to hate female body seeing that it arouses everyone.

Various Commenters #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #sexist reddit.com

NYPD officer accused of plotting to hire a hitman to kill her ex-husband and her boyfriend’s teenage daughter sentenced to 48 months for obstruction of justice. With time off for good behavior, she could be home in six months

Meanwhile my brother is serving 10 years for possession of drugs...

America, land of the...what do we stand for again?

If you are white, male, straight, then this ruling political elite despises you today.

"obstruction of justice" They had her dead to rights on solicitation of murder (including a staged murder of her ex)

Female privilege right here. Any man would be spending 20 to life in Prison.

Even if she got 20 to life. Womens prisons are a joke compared to mens

She's a cop and a woman, meaning she has both a pussy pass and the cops protecting her.


Pussy privilege

We need to start pushing against this how can I vote to get this dude off of a judge seat is there anything we can do or are we just fucked. Once they start losing their jobs they'll start caring

Of course if a man did this, he would get 20 years in prison. The pussy pass is real.

After some years these people called "federal judge" will confess that they took orders from top to release criminals with small penalties if they are woman.

Scott Yenor #wingnut #sexist #homophobia #transphobia #fundie firstthings.com

First, the institution of marriage is collapsing among those without college degrees, contributing to degeneracy and despair among our fellow citizens, which in turn erodes middle-class life. Our new sexual constitution actively dishonors marriage, accelerating this erosion. We must be forceful and unrelenting in our promotion of marriage and heterosexual responsibility. Legislators should propose laws that make divorce more difficult to obtain. Immediate measures, such as making fathers the default parents in custody battles, would encourage women into sobering second thoughts about filing for divorce. Perhaps legislators should impose a “sin tax” on divorce, just as we tax other socially harmful behaviors. The churches need to lead the way by reinvigorating taboos against divorce and cohabitation.

Second, the connections between sex, pro­creation, marriage, and parental responsibility need to be rebuilt. Prohibiting abortion is an important step in this direction. Renewing cultural stigmas concerning contraception is another step. As feminists recognize, abortion and contraception guarantee freedom for the independent woman because they sever the tie between sex and procreation. In social policy, we need to stop funding pre-K and other surrogates for family life. Parents must be encouraged to accept primary responsibility for their children. Financial support should be provided through government payments made directly to parents, not to programs that function as parental surrogates.

Third, we need a new gender ideology, one that restores a workable patriarchy. We cannot go back in time to the old constitution, but family life and marriage can be recovered on new grounds. Many sense the damage done by the new sexual constitution but are anxious not to seem judgmental. They shy away from enforcing the sexual taboos arising from the Old Wisdom. This needs to stop. We must wage an open counterrevolution, a way of life that dares to speak its name.

applewood #wingnut #sexist #psycho amazon.com

The thing about witches (and to a large extent modern feminists as well) is they were mostly old, barren, ugly, masculine and poor women – with bad attitudes! - all of which is indicative of bad (maladaptive) genes, and being bitter they could and did infect others (like how we all are influenced by friends in general and have to deal with enemies in particular). So what we saw with their apparently irrational persecution was in fact an intuitive, if unconscious, beneficial form of eugenics, to remove the most obvious spiteful mutants from the gene/psychic pool.

I find the concept of the "spiteful mutant" incredibly resonant and even paradigm shifting (undermining so much of what has become politically correct thinking in the past 130 years). It's embodied perfectly by people like Greta Thunberg, people whose genes would not have survived childhood in the harsh pre-industrial era, but whose influence now can affect and infect the healthier aspects of civilization - aspects which have survived for millennia and shown the test of time. Greta is an irritating and obnoxious example of this popular "anti-Life" trend in the modern era, but it's the spirit behind it (the demonic or Satanic in older symbolism) that's the real issue, and the one destined to lose in the evolutionary battle of Life and Death.

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