
Like homophobia, but for transgender people

Babylon Bee #wingnut #conspiracy #homophobia #transphobia #dunning-kruger babylonbee.com

Libraries are a beacon of knowledge and intellectual pursuit in a civilized society. Or at least they used to be — libraries have changed a lot.

Let's take a look at some of the biggest changes in libraries over the years...

Then: Sweet old lady librarian.

Now: Sweet old lady librarian with a beard named Jeff.

Then: Children checked out books.

Now: Groomer librarian checks out children.

Then: You could find any book with the Dewey Decimal System.

Now: Same but all the books are gay.

Then: Greek architecture supported by load-bearing pillars.

Now: Load-bearing stripper poles.

Then: Kids said, "Books are gay" because they hated reading.

Now: Kids say, "Books are gay" because the books are gay.

Then: Apple IIe with Oregon Trail. Oops! You have died of dysentery.

Now: Same Apple IIe, but with gay porn.

Then: There were 9 planets, as you could learn from any of the astronomy books.

Now: There are still 9 planets, but all the dumb books say there are only 8 for some dumb reason.

Then: Newspapers were stored on microfiche.

Now: Newspapers are stored online. Dang, microfiche was pretty cool too. It made you feel like a spy when researching old newspaper editions. And what are you supposed to do if you need to look up the history of your potentially haunted house now? Not search through hundreds of newspaper issues for the one relevant article detailing a murder that happened on your property a hundred years ago? That's dumb.

Then: Mark Twain was a recommended author.

Now: Mark Twain is a recommended author to burn in effigy.

Then: Large section of history books.

Now: There is no history, only an endless present in which the Party is always right.

This is by no means an exhaustive list. If one were to fully chronicle the changes in libraries it would fill volumes. Who has time for that?

Erik Carlson #wingnut #transphobia #racist #conspiracy badlands.substack.com

Recently, I saw a statistic that 3% of Chinese families don’t have a father in their homes. 4% of Indian families (India) don’t have a father in their homes. 23% of American families don’t have a father in their homes. 6-7 times more American families don’t have a father in their home than in China or India.

Why do I bring this up? I believe for many young Americans; Barack Obama is a father figure.

I believe Obama is a CIA-created character, and I don’t think it’s that big of a stretch to believe he was at least partially created to be a father figure for young Americans who were desperately in need of one. He may not physically be in their homes, but he was in their homes every night on the television. He was, in the eyes of many, the perfect dad—calm, cool and dare I say, caring.
If not for Obama’s presidency, we probably wouldn’t have men using women’s bathrooms, or children mutilating their own bodies because they believe they were born in the wrong body, or transvestite drag queens reading pornography to children in public libraries, or as much racial tension, or athletes taking a knee during the National Anthem. Actually, if Obama was never created by the CIA, what would we even be talking about today? Imagine someone going into a coma in 2007 and waking up today: would they even recognize the world they now live in?
When people say the Covid mandates and the Trans, LGBTQ+, and woke policies in general are straight out of Nazi Germany, they aren’t exaggerating. What we are currently experiencing was used 80 to 90 years ago to create the Nazi Party. There is very little difference between the two.

The purpose of the Hitler Youth and the indoctrination that is happening to the youth of America today is to steal a generation away from its parents and grandparents. The Deep State, through Obama, understands that children are more easily molded than older adults. Children can be effectively shaped through propaganda, fear and fear of being ostracized.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

( radfemdragon )
Politically Homeless and Worried
I was talking politics with my wife today, and we're both worried. We both feel politically homeless because we care about the climate crisis and renewable energy, but we also care about women and girls. With the utmost respect to all of my fellow Ovarites and their political persuasions, we're afraid that in countries where women and girls are losing their rights to TiMs, women will either not vote or vote for a government that doesn't care about the climate crisis and renewable energy. So in an indirect way, the colonization, cosplay, and fetishism of TiMs will contribute to a worsening of the climate crisis, because conservatives don't traditionally support Earth-friendly policies. Your thoughts?

( knitsandhooks )
I will vote for whichever party opposes gender ideology, because once women as a class are destroyed, everything is over. Women's rights can recover from everything else but that.

( pennygadget )
I'm leaning more towards this everyday. Why bother with other issues if we don't even have the basic right to define ourselves and have our own spaces? Why should I care about climate change when blue states like California are trying to turn poor women into cattle for the surrogacy industry?

( ivahian )
And California gets worse and worse every day, for a multitude of reasons :/

( Calidris )
That's where I'm at, I'm a complete single issue voter now. But let's not act like literally every single man wouldn't be a single issue voter if we tried to abolish men's human rights. Men have class consciousness. Sadly among women there's a lot who'd throw all of us under the bus without thinking for a crumb of penis approval.


( pennygadget )

We can’t recover from a destroyed earth. Human rights have come and gone through out history. Once the earth is gone that is it

But do you really trust left wing parties to keep their promises about the environment?. The mainstream left has already back-stabbed every group and value they once stood for (free speech, women, jews, the working class, LGBs, etc) in service to the woke/trans cult. Do you really think they won't backstab the environmentalists as well?

Calidris & RighteousIndignation #transphobia ovarit.com

Men still maintin their privileges, even when they pretend to be women

( Calidris )
The biggest slap in my face was that they left the draft the same. So you're saying they're "woman" enough to be actual women's and girl's problems, they have all the freedom to rape and harass us in the spaces we created for us? But males getting out of the draft, now that's too much!!!

Way to just go out and say, yes females are completely and utterly inferior! Males can destroy their spaces and prizes for penis titillation who cares it's just dumb women. But the draft that is actually serious business that affects real people.

( RighteousIndignation )
its less the humouring as no one really believes he's a woman, its the pandering because he wants you to pretend he is.

Got Questions Ministry #sexist #transphobia gotquestions.org

The phenomenon of gender reversals is escalating in our day with sex-change surgeries and demands that the “transgendered” be accommodated. People are abandoning their natural identities and mentally identifying as any gender they choose. Society is indulging this behavior, which leads to even more confusion. For those struggling with gender confusion, the answer lies not in altering their physical bodies, but in allowing the Holy Spirit to change their hearts (1 Peter 4:2). When we submit ourselves fully to the lordship of Jesus, we desire to follow His design for us, rather than choose our own design (Galatians 2:20).

For a man to despise his gender and identify as a woman, or for a woman to abandon her gender and present herself as a man, is wrong. It is a defiance of God’s design when He created male and female. Deuteronomy 22:5 says, “A woman must not wear men’s clothing, nor a man wear women’s clothing, for the LORD your God detests anyone who does this.” This command was not as much about clothing as it was about guarding the sanctity of what it means to be a man or a woman. Romans 1 shows that gender confusion is merely a symptom of a bigger problem. When people reject God’s authority and set themselves up as their own gods, chaos results. Verses 21 and 22 illustrate the problem: “For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools.”

Thinking that we know better than God is the doorway to becoming a fool. When a man defies his masculinity or a woman rejects her femininity, it is a symptom of grosser sin: rejection of God’s ultimate authority. The closer we grow to God, the more we can embrace our gender identity. Both genders display certain aspects of God’s character in a unique way. When we pervert His choice for us, we limit the opportunities He gives us to demonstrate the glory of being created in His image (Genesis 1:27).

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

( furyosa )
Richard Dawkins Q&A | Can a woman become a man and a man become a woman?
Richard Dawkins answers various questions in this video.

At 42:07 he answers the question "Can a woman become a man and a man become a woman?"

His answer: "No, of course not".

( Agrimonium )
I want to go back to talking about transgenderism like this tbh. No complex explanations, just "of course that's not a real thing" and then move on.

( TheKnitta )
The very basis of it all really is that simple, isn’t it? All the rest is just noise to obfuscate.

( OwnLyingEyes )
The entire bulk of the rest is men who refuse to take no for an answer trying to equivocate that 'no' into a 'yes' (and too many women supporting that attempt, for that matter).

( questioningtw )
IKR. I can't believe we are seriously debating in 2023 on what a man and a woman is.

( Moonflower )
This is great. It’s been incredibly disappointing how so many of the “new atheism” folks I used to look up to in the early/mid 2000’s (like PZ Myers and Hemant Mehta) are now throwing their support behind gender ideology without subjecting it to the same level of criticism or question they used to aim at religious belief. Dawkins was one of the clearest voices among them, and it’s refreshing to see how he just isn’t having any of it.

( sevenfatesforetold )
Gender ideology is the new religion and anyone who carries water for it are its priests

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

The TQ changes everything


spoilerLGB activism: Your kids are fine
just the way they are. You don't have
to be concerned if they're gender
activism: Your children
are defective & we're here to correct
their abnormalities with drugs,
clothing, accessories & multiple

( DurableBook )
LGB: "It gets better."

QT: "It will never get better unless you get hormones and surgery and convince literally everyone to see you as the opposite sex, forever, and a single person failing to comply will drive you to suicide."

( Bubsy3D )
LGB defining conversion therapy as: torture aimed to change the person

TQ defining conversion therapy as: absence of torture aimed to change the person

( BillyPilgrim )
I was so confused when I read about people being outraged at laws banning conversion therapy. I thought it was religious groups trying to pray the gay away.

( Unicorn )
What's messed up is when liberal states ban conversion therapy by merging in gay and gender identity as types of conversion therapy into one law. This happened in Washington state.

I fully support banning gay conversion therapy; leave gay people alone, there is nothing wrong with being gay.

However, "gender conversion therapy" is nonsense. Now therapists in Washington state can lose their license and get fined thousands if they do not "affirm" a patient's gender identity.

( MissBehaved )
LGB TQ: Your children are defective & we're here to correct their abnormalities with drugs, clothing, accessories & multiple surgeries.

( BorealForest )
If instead of telling children to accept their homosexuality, you tell them to reject it and embark on a pursuit for something that is physically impossible to achieve but results in permanent physical and psychological damage, in a disgusting attempt to supposedly fix themselves so that they won't be homosexual anymore, you're the bigot.

Candace Owens #transphobia #dunning-kruger #conspiracy #wingnut #racist lgbtqnation.com

At a speaking engagement, right-wing pundit Candace Owens went on a racist and anti-trans rant against Native Americans in response to an audience member’s question about Two-Spirit people.

The audience member asked Owens how she could believe trans identities are somehow a new trend fueled by the media when Two-Spirit Native Americans have existed for thousands of years.

Two-Spirit is an umbrella term used in Native American communities to describe those who do not conform to their sex assigned at birth and who are said to possess both a male and female spirit. Two-Spirit people were once considered healers and shamans, but colonization led to their marginalization. Many communities, however, are working to revive their sacred roles.

Owens had never heard of Two-Spirit people, and she responded to the question with a series of derogatory comments about Native Americans.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about with Two-Spirit people,” she said. “Is this like a Native American tribe, like high smoking and talking about your spirit? I’m asking you seriously, because when I think of Native American tribes talking about their spirits, I know that they used to smoke a lot, they used to do drugs, they also were cannibals who used to eat people, so I don’t know if we should be taking our cues from cannibals.”

Owens then denied the audience member’s claim that it is basic historical knowledge that there were trans native Americans.

“I don’t think that there were trans native Americans,” she said, before the audience member told her to educate herself.

Chad Felix Greene #homophobia #wingnut #transphobia #conspiracy msn.com

Drag is never appropriate for kids

…Drag queens went from a favorite gif to add to a particularly sassy tweet to the manifestation of everything conservative Americans fear about LGBTQ activism, especially toward children.

It might seem easy to dismiss these concerns as an overreaction or even as an expression of bigotry, but conservatives are right about this one…

Drag queens take on the most absurd sexualized elements of female stereotypes and gay culture… They strut out on stage and without a moment of hesitation or shame, unleash epic poems of intentionally offensive obscenity, all with a smile and a sense of style no audience can resist. Although many have argued this charisma can be redirected into child-appropriate entertainment, education and advocacy, the reality demonstrates otherwise. Drag queens can't turn it off. Whether in front of a cheering crowd in a gay bar or a room full of kids at a library, the performance doesn't change. They cannot translate the magic so many of us enjoy on stage to something children can understand. Worse, far too many have chosen to disregard the concept of appropriateness altogether, performing dance routines, wearing costumes and portraying the same bombastic, and overtly sexual characters in front of kids as they would in front of adults.

By its very nature, drag is already unsuitable for children, based on the culture it flourished in and the way the artform communicates to its audience. It barely translates outside of the LGBTQ cultural bubble. The more you remove these elements, the less it resembles drag and the more it looks like advocacy for something kids just shouldn't be exposed to. You take away the cursing, the sexual inuendo, the revealing clothes, the provocative dress and the sharp political commentary, and you are left with an adult man in a dress mocking women and trying to convince children he is an ambassador for an entire community.

mathlover , SummerGrl & RusticTroglodyte #transphobia #psycho ovarit.com

( mathlover )
They always claim the men's bathrooms aren't safe. What if the women's bathrooms became infinitely more dangerous than the men's? Can we make that happen?

( SummerGrl )
The most dangerous thing to them is referring to them as men. We need to keep telling them "sir, get your dick out of the ladies room."

( RusticTroglodyte )
I will not hesitate to pepper spray a tim in the bathroom. All women need to carry personal protection devices

various commenters #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia gab.com

( @SomeBitchIKnow )

( @StephenFlemmi )
@SomeBitchIKnow It's not rocket science guys. They're terrible people and I have a wood chipper in my garage.

( @RDF20 )

( @StormChaser126 )
@SomeBitchIKnow Need to add, "Just remove the kids' genitalia" to the list.

( @VotedPerot )
@SomeBitchIKnow And degrade the rainbow and take over the meaning of the word gay.

( @Gamerfanboy )
@VotedPerot @SomeBitchIKnow get over it.

( @Ilion )
@Gamerfanboy You faggots are so adorable -- you refuse to see that once they have total power, the leftists will be sending you all to the death-camps along with the Christians.

( @HauntedHighway216 )

Stew Peters #wingnut #transphobia #psycho #racist mediamatters.org

Rumble host and X influencer Stew Peters called for the murder of Catholic Charities workers[…]

STEW PETERS: These people cross into Mexico and coach illegals on how to get admitted here. They pay for their bus tickets to the cities that you and I live in[…]
A lot of people say that we need troops on the border who will shoot the people trying to sneak across. I agree. They're invading our country. The military's sole function is to protect its country from a physical invasion and to protect you and I and the people that I love and the people that you love from any harm that might come as a result of her invasion[…]We need troops on the border that will shoot people that are trying to invade our country

That'd be a good first step. But you know what a better second step would be? Shooting everyone involved with these fake charities

Peters later implored his audience to buy a gun and learn how to shoot[…]“If they come for your guns, you better be ready to die in a pile of spent shell casings”

Shortly after talking about buying guns and learning how to use them, Peters also turned his attention to public schools, stating: “I don’t think that we should just bail and go homeschool. No, we freaking fund these public schools. We go there and we fight them and we root them out and we restore our schools to teach what they're supposed to. Hundreds of thousands of kids are attending Christian schools — not fake ones like the ones that we have Pride flags in. Can you believe that?”

He then talked about killing doctors who provide gender-affirming care, stating:

STEW PETERS: We're really lucky because the Bible itself already tells us what the punishment should be. From the gospel of Matthew, quote: “But who so shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me. It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.” That sounds like a great idea. Isn't it?

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

"Cis" is misogyny

It is both a term of abuse and
a form of linguistic apartheid
It robs women of their unique sexual identity.
It Intimidates them into accepting the absurd
proposition that any man can become
a biological female just by announcing it.

( hard_headed_woman )
I simply refuse to be lumped into a subcategory of my own sex.

( chocolatefondant21 )
It’s a made up word for trans-identifying people to not feel like the freaks that they are.

( Jehane )
This. What annoys me about this term is that TIMs claim it's important to illustrate the difference between women and themselves. They claim it's for "clarity". As soon as you point out that using "women" versus "transwomen" is perfectly fine and that everybody will understand what you're talking about, they bristle and insist that no, you have to have a separate category of women, because they know they'll never be seen as real women. So they pretend that there's something like a general category of women that can be divided into cis and trans. These are the same people insisting on inclusion, yet they come up with bullshit like this and an ever-growing acronym to create more apartheid.

( Women1st )

It’s a slur meant to validate males

( SakuraBlossoms )
It's certainly not the most extreme form of misogyny. It is however the claim that we "identify" with the misogynistic social constructs used to oppress us.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

( Redmage )
Took my kid to a toy store, not a fetish store
But yet, tim behind us in line and my TODDLER is staring and confused.

I'm just stressed out and needed to complain.

( itsnotaboutewe )
I complained about TiMs being everywhere to a friend and she said it's only natural that trans people are waiting in line at the ATM, browsing the aisles at the chemist, in the women's toilets at the playground, etc, because trans people are normal people and do normal, everyday things. I replied that they are AGP men who have decided to take their fetish public. Every time they are standing behind you at the chemist in their stockings and short skirt they are using everyone around them for sexual gratification. I said it should never be normal for a man to use strangers, including children, as his personal sex toys in public. I also told her that every time she smiles at one of these men or calls him ma'am, she is tickling his balls.

( Redmage )
If I walked into a sex toy store, I would be perfectly ok with Tims being there. They're wearing fetish wear in a fetish store.

( pegasusknight )
I saw a TIM skipping around in a dress that barely covered his junk in the middle of the day. Like, a dude in his 40’s+ basically dancing around and obviously trying to call attention to himself. 🤦‍♀️

It’s really frustrating, especially in cases like this where it’s really obvious and we can all see what they’re doing, but if you tried to complain about this on social media everyone would say, “um, she’s just living her best life, sweaty 💅!”

I don’t really know what the solution is, but yes, it blows.

( Begbie )
I'm in Glasgow for a break and I watched a TIM in a short black dress get yelled at across the street by some drunks last night. "Transgender shite" was one of the things IIRC. I was with my trans teen at the time (she just looks like a girl with short hair).

It was an interesting experience. On the walk home I referred to him as a man in a dress. Interesting that Glaswegians are just ready to call them out in it, something that never happens in Nor Cal. I wonder if my kid will file this away as evidence of the trans genocide? Terf Island truly delivered on this one.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

( IrishTheFrenchie )
If you live somewhere where you can't have a female only event, leave the event open to all "women" and let the TIMs come. Then, because the group is "too large", divide everyone into two groups. The TIMs get to only speed date other TIMs. The women get to speed date other women.

If TIMs complain, it proves they don't see themselves as women. Because if they did, they'd be happy to date a transbian.

I know the best outcome is to be able to exclude these perverts from the get go, but if you can't...

( mathlover )
You have to expend a lot of time and effort to find and separate out lesbians who want to keep TIMS excluded. You go to "inclusive" spaces repeatedly to identify those lesbians - and verify that they are trustworthy - and set up private gatherings.

This takes time. And it is a lot of work. But eventually there is a growing group of lesbians the larping men will never have access to. This is what lesbians had to do so many years ago. We can do it again. We have to.

( Carrots90 )
I love this

When they complain, pretend not to know what they mean

“How do you know without a genital check”

( VestalVirgin )
For everything:

Get a photo of each participant, or better, have a video chat with them.

Rent two locations. The TIMs go to the location you announced beforehand. The actual women go to the other, which is told to them via e-mail.

Of course you'd have to ask women if they are there with someone, and if they are there with TIMs, allocate them to the TIM group.

(Also, it would be good to have a pool of handmaidens who can be recruited to keep the TIMs happy and prevent them from suspecting something. Of course without telling them that's what they're there for. Just invite them for free because they have "done so much for feminism" or some shit. From what I gather, many women on Ovarit are friends with handmaidens whom they haven't told they don't believe in gender religion. Might be hard with lesbian speed dating, but easier for women only music festivals and the like.)

Ok, if you mingle TIMs with handmaidens, that doesn't expose their hypocrisy, but I believe keeping them happy is the better way if you want a women only event.

They very much do not care about being exposed as hypocrites, they'd still have temper tantrums and demand to get to molest some actual lesbians.

Eva Kurilova #transphobia evakurilova.com

The Bad Theology of Gender Ideology

In relation to gender ideology itself, the ideologues champion exactly this kind of reversal—that the interior is real and the exterior is unreal. “Gender identity,” when its proponents deign to try to define it, is described as an inner knowing or a strongly held belief or feeling. This turns into not only a decreased focus on the physical (and hence absurdities like men on women’s sports teams) but often a downright hatred of it (via barbaric surgical procedures).

The “perfect realm of abstract ideals” in gender ideology is the realm of soul-like “gender identities” that supersede the sensual and the material. These gender identities are supposed to override people’s sexual orientations, our sense of fairness and safety, and even our very eyes. The actual physical bodies of others are not supposed to matter in any way whatsoever.

If you think that physical bodies do matter, then you are accused of hatred. It can be shocking the first time one encounters this histrionic accusation, but it makes perfect sense when you see it as projection. The people who ascribe reality only to their subjective internal reality have contempt, as Merton says, for the external world. Because you acknowledge and live in the external world, they hate you too.

Gender ideologues and the woke have no right to force this religious stance on us and act like we are bad people if we don’t accept it. No, I don’t accept it. The external, physical world matters, whether you want to look at it from a spiritual, realistic, or purely practical lens.

At its core, this elevation of the internal over the external is Gnosticism, whether the attitude is displayed by monks or trans activists. It is a rejection of reality and life in favor of an idealized world that isn’t actually real. It is a rejection of reality that has the potential to leave devastation in its wake.

At least with the wayward monk, this error stops on a personal level. The postmodern Gnostics, however, want to hasten the destruction of this world to make way for the new, perfect world created in their highly disordered internal image.

Newtownards councillor Colin Kennedy (DUP) #homophobia #transphobia #fundie #conspiracy #wingnut thepinknews.com

A Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) councillor has been slammed for ‘disgusting’ comments which made connections between the LGBTQ+ community and Palestinian organisation Hamas

Newtownards councillor Colin Kennedy made the remarks during a five-minute-long speech at a meeting of Ards and North Down Borough Council Wednesday (26 October)

In the speech, Kennedy said people who “enthusiastically endorse the LGBTQIA alphabet soup mafia” are now “seeking to defend Hamas”

He then alleged: “What binds these causes is a deep-seated hatred of the West”[…]
The DUP councillor’s anti-LGBTQ+ comments sparked immediate backlash at the meeting

Two members of the council – independent councillor Ray McKimm and Hannah Irwin, the council’s deputy mayor and an Alliance councillor – left the chamber at Bangor Castle in protest, Belfast Live reported

“As a member of the LGBTQ community, I feel pretty personally offended by it,” she said

DUP councillor Jennifer Gilmor, the mayor who was chairing the meeting, responded to say she didn’t feel the “comments were directed towards a personal individual in the room”

Kennedy refused to withdraw his remarks but would be open to talking to Irwin afterwards to “assuage any concerns she might have”[…]
In 2021, Kennedy baselessly claimed the campaign to ban conversion therapy as a “hoax” that was part of a push for a “neo-Marxist utopia”

He then alleged the concept of conversion therapy[…]was “manufactured”, and the effort to implement a ban was an “anti-religion dog whistle”

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: When lesbians are paired romantically with TiMs

( Opals )
It's just trying to normalise the rape of lesbians, same heteronormative bullshit as ever. 'Maybe one day you will meet the right man'. It makes me sick.

( tymps )
One of the most iconic lesbian characters on TV, Shane from The L Word, was paired with a TIM in the recent revival series. It was stomach-churning, and I quit watching the show as soon as I saw what they were setting up. His character was supposedly an actual woman and was never acknowledged as trans on the show (as far as I know anyway), but it was frankly impossible to buy that. It genuinely made me so fucking angry. It's "just" a TV show, sure, but it's still sickening, and it was just maddening to know that something like this was happening and they faced no real backlash for their disgusting lesbophobia.

( kirisheart )
It's always the lesbians. Have they been pairing straight men with trans women? I just really hope one day I'll see posts all over the internet talking about that time everyone became lesbophobic in the names of trans.

( Bubsy3D )
Why should you be open to rape with a deranged man who wears your skin? Gross. It doesn't even matter what media claims lesbians do, you know what you will not accept. Give yourself more credibility than whatever men and their handmaidens say and broadcast.

( befana )
The answer is simple: if you are attracted to a penis you are not lesbian. If a woman living a lesbian life suddenly pairs with a TIM she is clearly not lesbian but bisexual. And if she insists her TIM-partner is a lesbian and puts pressure on others in her lesbian community to accept this she is guilty of erasure of lesbians, lesbian culture, lesbian spaces etc. A woman claiming to be lesbian and partnering with a TIM clearly is my worst nightmare as a lesbian.

( mathlover )
The penis is definitely the worst part. But lesbians don't want anyone who was born with a penis, even if he has it made into a fauxgina. The whole rest of the body is male, no matter what drugs/surgeries do to it. A woman who is fine with a man with gynecomastia and a surgical front-hole is not a lesbian. Cos he is still, always, a man.

Jack James #transphobia #enbyphobia #dunning-kruger msn.com

Pseudo-progressive "transit" theory (censored word) is predicated on the falsehood that "it is not a choice" and (censored) "were born that way." It isn't true. The phenomenon is driven by psychological propensities. "I would rather be that than this." Call it desire. Call it covetousness. Call it envy of the opposite sex.** Call it dissatisfaction with what one has. But don't call it b-logical. That's a cop out.
In science, theories are challenged rigorously. Not so in the dystopian world of 21st century pseudo-progressivism. That's why conservatives call it indoctrination. Indoctrination tells children what to think, not how to think.
A child raised in a hypothetical situation in which they had never encountered a member of the opposite s ex would not grow up imitating the opposite s ex and wanting to add on, or remove, features to resemble something they had never seen.
The antidote to "transit"-ism is to teach children about the meaning of individualism. A child doesn’t become “who they really are,” an authentic, self-actualized individual, by mimicking an object of envy. They become less of an individual that way. Mimicry is the abnegation of individualism, a failure to individuate.
Don't fall for the "it is," or "it isn't," a choice trap. A compulsion or obsession can be overpowering. It doesn't mean they were born that way.
** Do a Google search for "gin deer envy" (spelled correctly) and you will find page after page of commentaries on the subject. "Envy" is not my word. It's their word.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

( Seether95 )
Do you think it's too late?
Passing sex-based laws and repealing self-id ones is the only way to restore sanity. But in the Western world, do you think it's too late to do it?

( DonnaMme )
Yes but only if we, in the US, have a president who will stand firmly against transgender ideology. The tentacles of TQ are in the mainstream media, the government, schools, and almost every civil rights agency. DeSantis has been relentlessly portrayed as a bigot, a tyrant and on and on. He's blunt and many of his positions are problematic for anyone on the left, but I don't see anyone else who would stop this insidious credo.

( wildclovr )
I think there is no such thing as "going back". The real way I see this going in the United States is there will be all kinds of religious exemptions. Sex based rights might get restored in a fashion, but it will be remodeled and not at all like we once had.

( Seether95 )
What about Women's bill of rights in Oklahoma? What about states restoring the definitions of woman and mother to their biologucal context? What about states banning men from women's spaces ? Can this be a nationwude thing instead?

( RighteousIndignation )
Of course not, you can't deny reality forever, all this transubstantiation of the flesh rubbish will melt away in time as it no longer is seen as fashionable.

( 324B21 )
NO! We’re all in the shit right now, but like all other fads, this too shall make everyone cringe eventually. I really don’t think this is permanent.

( rightnow )
Unfortunately, I think the only thing that will restore sanity is when the "trans" kids grow up and develop major health complications that make it undeniable how false this all really was.

( pennygadget )
I agree. This madness won't end until hordes of detransitioners start suing and kids like Jazz Jennings start dropping like flies in their 30s and 40s.

( rightnow )
If poor Jazz makes it to 30 I would be shocked. What was done to that child was stomach-turning and the fact that the whole country watched and did nothing is sickening.

( RusticTroglodyte )
If Jazz ever wakes up, he will likely kill himself

sex-matters.org #transphobia sex-matters.org

It’s time to ban modern conversion therapy


Today’s modern conversion therapy involves children and vulnerable people being told that if they don’t fit in as a girl or a boy, woman or man, there is something wrong with their body and they need to be fixed with hormones and surgery.

Those treatments can leave them sterile and without sexual function. And they will never fulfil the impossible promise of changing their sex.

The government is being urged to legislate to ban “conversion therapy”, but it is not talking therapy that should be banned: what should be banned is rushing children and vulnerable people into physical interventions.

Sex Matters is publishing a policy proposal for legislation on modern conversion therapy today.

What is modern conversion therapy?
Modern conversion therapy means treating someone with medication or surgery to modify their sexual characteristics, when they:

- are too young or vulnerable to make a fully informed decision
- have confounding mental-health issues that have not been not addressed
- are acting due to internalised homophobia or misogyny
- have unrealistic expectations that treatment can actually change their sex
- think other people can be forced to accept them as the opposite sex, based on a misrepresentation of the law
- have not been given full information about the effects of the treatment.
Our proposal includes model legislation that would outlaw all medical or surgical treatment of minors to modify their sexual characteristics, and treatment performed on anyone who has not had the full implications of the treatment explained to them. We want to make it a specific offence not to provide adequate information and ensure informed consent, or to take a child abroad to get around the prohibition of modern conversion therapy.

RighteousIndignation #transphobia #enbyphobia ovarit.com

Anyone got legal bills?

Thats nice can someone tell Elon to unsuspend my account for saying the "hate speech" that trans ideology is a cult and asking an NB why didn't they just identify as an individual.

I've disputed it twice since Elon took over and not had a single email response.

deeds not words. letting all the GCs back on the platform costs nothing.

Kaisar #wingnut #fundie #conspiracy #transphobia #psycho hiddendominion.com

[From "The Fall Of Christendom Leading To Enlightenment Lies"]

The problems that haunt us today are not modern[…]
In trying to answer these questions, the conservative often falls back on a modern answer to solve the modern problem. We’ll fight transgenders with free speech and activism, they yell! We’ll overcome rigged elections by getting an even greater vote margin that’s larger than the possible fraud, they proclaim![…]
The modern problem is not truly modern at all. It’s a centuries-old problem that has infested everything since then. Things like transgenderism and widespread voter fraud exist because of the foundational lies that have allowed them[…]
The average conservative’s framework is so totally removed from reality due to this disconnect that it should be no surprise that they continually fail to adequately “fix” or “conserve” literally anything of value[…]
That centuries-old problem is the Enlightenment itself. The very foundation of modernity

The obstacles we face today are a direct result from the civilizational outlook/mindset shift from Christendom to Modernity, which transpired because of the so-called “Enlightenment”[…]
Every political group in the modern age has a degeneration attached to it that was sowed from the Enlightenment Lie

Christendom was the last time we had something real[…]
What should we do? My belief is we must fully break free from the confines of the Enlightenment Lie

The mindset of Christendom is the only thing that can do that. We must return to the right road first[…]
I believe that if Voltaire, Denis Diderot, and Jean-Jacques Rousseau knew what they were creating—if only they could only see us now—they would have put down their pens and ran off to crusade-slaughter their own fellow Philosophes[…]
If we want Christ to remain in his position as the Left Hand[…]we must correct this lie. If we want our people to survive, as the nations that we are, we must correct this lie. There is no other option

eldopism #transphobia tumblr.com

“Misgendering” is just the new “emasculation.”

Males have long held the belief that women owe it to them to affirm their gendered beliefs about themselves, and now this same entitlement leads them to claim that if they identify as women, women owe it to them to make them feel feminine.


- women are expected to modify their behavior to make men feel masculine
- men believe that their manhood can be destroyed by women’s failure to affirm it
- men react with rage and indignation
- men characterize it as an attack on their rights and their core identity
- they often use or excuse violence in response, in the name of securing their manhood

- women are expected to modify their behavior to make trans women feel feminine
- trans women believe their womanhood can be destroyed by women’s failure to affirm it
- trans women react with rage and indignation
- trans women characterize it as an attack on their rights and their core identity
- they often use or excuse violence in response, in the name of securing their womanhood
#radfem#misogyny#terfs do interact#genderism#gender identity ideology

various commenters #wingnut #racist #transphobia gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
Every deviant, degenerate, and thus destructive movement in history can be traced back to Jews.

Prove me wrong.

I fucking dare you, PROVE ME WRONG.

--> https://www.jta.org/jewniverse/2016/the-small-town-jew-who-pioneered-sex-change-surgery

( @Otto_Kekmann )
@Nature_and_Race Do you notice how the jew is like a maggot -- it survives and thrives in the spiritual filth that sickens and kills its adversaries?

This wretched kike castrated 4,000 goyim, but had 7 kids of his own. They absolutely wallow in all this depravity, and yet it doesn't affect their ability to remain biologically successful, while the same situation obliterates the biological success of the non-jews immersed in it.

( @OCRedWave )
@Nature_and_Race why are you capitalizing? They’re “jews” in my book

( @Holiday15 )
@OCRedWave @Nature_and_Race Have same problem. My computer's autocorrect fails to recognize that they are a subhuman species not worthy of being capitalized.

( @844steamtrain )
@Nature_and_Race Based on my research, and looking at history from all angles, the source of nearly all the problems and rot in the world can be traced back to jews. You have to do something pretty bad to get kicked out of over 100 countries.

( @GingaPATRIOT )
@Nature_and_Race 110% truth every single evil in this world can be traced back to jews. THAT’S why Adolf Hitler wanted to get them out of Europe. They could have had Madagascar but the Rothschild’s has England go fight France for it NOW THEY WILL FACE THE WALL EVERY ONE NO KIKES FOR THE FOURTH RIECH DAY OF THE TROPE IS COMING SOON JEWS

hexagon-club #transphobia tumblr.com

I'm not joking when I say that transgender identity should be understood first and foremost as an addiction. There is a literal chemical element to this that I think is underdiscussed. Testosterone and estrogen are both mind-altering substances after all. But the real high is the feeling of disassociation, or what trans people euphemistically refer to as "gender euphoria." A lot of addiction is about disassociation, it's not just that the focus of the addiction makes you feel good, it's that it makes you forget about the things about yourself that make you feel bad.

This is why trans identified people get mad when you say things like "what's wrong with just being a non gender conforming woman?" or "what's wrong with just being an effeminate man?" They need to believe that they have become a different person because they need that hit of disassociation. It's also why they rely on sexist stereotypes so heavily, they need to believe that the opposite sex are basically a different species. If they admit that their sources of gender euphoria are just things that a person of their birth sex could do anyway without changing their identity, then they are admitting that they are still just themselves. It's also why they get so irrationally angry at "misgendering", no other marginalised group loses their cool this much at not having their identity recognised. No other group goes out of their way to police language the way the trans community does. But when you misgender a trans person, you are doing the equivalent of giving a shot of narcan to an opiod addict. You are bringing them back down to Earth and reminding them that they are still themselves. No wonder they fight so hard to not let people do this.

This also explains the escalating nature of trans identity. Addiction by its very nature tends to escalate. You get accustomed to your current state of addiction, and it no longer gives the same high it once did, so you need to intensify it. You might just start out cutting your hair short and wearing a binder and that might satisfy you in the short term. But sooner or later that's not enough, soon you will need hormones, then top surgery, then facial masculinization surgery and then eventually bottom surgery. Then the many revisions of those surgeries. But you're chasing a dragon, you're never going to catch it.[...]

shewolfoffrance , Persimmon64 & MissBehaved #transphobia ovarit.com

Me watching TRAs and 'GC ally' TIMs argue on social media

( shewolfoffrance )
Omg. I'm sick of "good" TiMs. They are 100% in it for themselves. Maybe they're HSTS who like currying favor with masculine, right-leaning, bisexual men. Maybe they're HSTS who are embarrassed to be associated with AGPs. Maybe they're AGPs who get their affirmation jollies by being the one TiM that self-described GCs find acceptable.

I don't care. They all need to go away. They're all bad to women and bad for women.

( Persimmon64 )
Absolutely. It's impossible to be a TIM and on women's side. The fact that they call themselves "trans women" and not feminine men shows they believe being a man or woman means ascribing to sexist stereotypes, they believe in magical gender souls, and/or they believe it's possible to "transition" sex somehow.

All TIMs are men pretending to be women. Both HSTS and AGPs are narcissistic misogynists and they need to leave women alone.

( MissBehaved )
I wouldn't even care that they call themselves women provided they stay out of our spaces. They never do though. They ALWAYS want to use the women's loo.

sapphsorrows & she-is-ovarit #transphobia tumblr.com

( sapphsorrows )
talking to certain trans people is so sad sometimes, it's almost like talking to an addict. all they care about is the next hrt shot, or the next surgery, or how they look or how they present, and they don't care at all how they're affecting other people in their life, and how they're hurting them.

i've heard multiple trans-identified females say that their parents told them "you killed my daughter." and it's heart-wrenching, and I used to really feel for this woman. but now, I can't help but feel for the parents. Imagine having a daughter who's perfectly normal until her life is overtaken by heroin. Imagine having a daughter who was fine until she joined a new religious group that turned out to be a cult, and now she's not the same anymore and has been completely brainwashed and there's nothing you can do or say to snap her out of it. Imagine begging her to get help but she's so deep in the addiction that she can't.

( she-is-ovarit )
There was a comment on Ovarit I wish I could find and screencap, but one user pointed out that considering AGP trans-identity under the framework of sexual addiction also makes a lot of sense.

It might start with watching sissy porn. Then wearing the clothes of a sister or girlfriend in private. Eventually, the thrill ("euphoria") of this wears off. Then it's going out in public in a skirt or something which gives a sense of excitement or thrill. This wears off. The high is chased by then maybe taking provocative pictures in feminine clothing in public until that doesn't have as much thrill behind it. Eventually this behavior escalates into going on HrT. Then that becomes routine after awhile—could be months or years. The "euphoria" is chased further. Attempting to pressure lesbians into sex or further invading women's spaces in new ways.

I think for trans-identifying female people, often getting testosterone shots also majorly increases libido, too.

"Euphoria" has been a word used in addiction culture for ages. Seeing trans-identifying people really take to the term "gender euphoria" has been eye opening to say the least.
#addiction#gender euphoria#sex addiction#drug addiction#transgender#gender ideology#mental health#feminism#gender critical#gender critical feminism

Eva Kurilova #transphobia evakurilova.com

The Far Left Only Tolerates Trans Because It is a Force for Destabilization

The same is true for opening up women’s private spaces, like washrooms and changing rooms, to these fetishistic men. It isn’t about securing a safe place to pee and change for a vulnerable population (or else radical leftists would actually care about keeping these spaces exclusively for women), it’s about toppling boundaries, breaking conventions, and tearing the social contract.

Trans-identified men are agents of subversion and chaos. Their presence in women’s spaces and, increasingly, in everyday public spaces, causes tension and often demands special accommodation. They are forcing society to rewrite rules that, prior to now, didn’t even need to be written down. As they like to point out, society did not generally have laws in place that actually prohibited men from entering women’s private spaces. Because we didn’t have to. In general, trust was high enough and we valued safety, privacy, decency, and common sense enough not to spell it out in law. It is a bad sign that we now have to.

I often get accused by queer and trans activists of aligning myself with the right and cryptically told that they will come for me next, but I am not the one they need to be worried about.

Dear trans and queer activists: the radical leftists are using you because your derangement is exactly what they need to undermine Western society. If they manage to achieve this goal, then you’ll be the first of the revolution’s children to be devoured.

Radicals of all stripes are not your friends, nor mine. A moderate society of small L liberals and small C conservatives who aren’t looking for revolution and who take a “live and let live attitude” is your best bet for actually being able to live your life in peace. But you fight these people. You accuse everyone who doesn’t take the most radically leftist position of being a far-right literal Nazi. You call free speech, open debate, and tolerance of different viewpoints bigotry. But societies that champion these values are the only ones that actually allow you to exist as you do.


NFRW & Peter LaBarbera #transphobia #wingnut lifesitenews.com

GOP women’s group bans gender-confused men from becoming voting members

Call it a triumph of “flyover America” over East Coast liberalism, of red-state conservatives over blue-state establishment Republicans cowed by the left.

A win for truth and common sense over lies and propaganda, by the grassroots over compromised and gun-shy elites.

Or perhaps, most importantly, a victory for real American women over fake, biologically male “trans women” invading their spaces.

The upstart NFRW women championed a successful resolution stating that only genuine women should be voting members in the 85-year-old women’s organization – overcoming a concerted effort by the outgoing leadership to block the measure from being voted on at the convention.

Transsexual activists are at war with that simple truth, maintaining that sex is merely “assigned at birth” – i.e., girls are not girls, and boys are not boys, based on their anatomy. The transgender movement claims that “gender,” separate from sex, is socially constructed and varies according to one’s self-perceived “gender identity,” with an ever-expanding array of available “genders” with which a person can self-identify. As one pro-transgender “teen” site puts it: “Gender identity is how a person feels and who they know them self to be when it comes to their gender.”

While transgender activists, relying on this LGBT ideology, defiantly chant, “Trans women are women,” conservatives and many feminists counter that there are just two “genders” (read: sexes): male and female, and that men cannot be (or become) real women, and vice versa.

Avoiding taking action
Years earlier, NFRW leaders had promised to tackle the issue of male “trans women” trying joining the group as supposed “women.” Deborah Tilden and Laura Carlson, two NFRW members who were active in supporting both the women-only-as-members resolution and the “4 on the floor” team of opposition candidates in Oklahoma City, pointed to the 2021 NFRW convention in Orlando, where a man identifying as the opposite sex from California tried to be seated as a voting member.

Marjorie Taylor Greene & various commenters #wingnut #transphobia gab.com

( Marjorie Taylor Greene )
Parents have to sign permission waivers for their children to take Tylenol or Advil at school, but the left wants teachers to talk to their kids about changing their gender without parents even knowing about it.

Leave kids alone and let them grow up!

( @jdesano )
@RealMarjorieGreene shame you cucked on Fuentes and support RINO McCarthy. Your reputation is tarnished forever.

( @14W )
@RealMarjorieGreene The left are antiwhites and they want to harm white children.

( @Rabbi_Spacelaser )
@14W @RealMarjorieGreene The Jews you mean. They are all pedophiles who rape babies every day. In America every 2 minutes a baby boy has his penis mutilated by Jewish pedophiles.

( @Paul47 )
@RealMarjorieGreene You forgot to mention homeschooling. Kids are not going to be left alone in the government indoctrination camps. We all understand this.

Get the kids out!


( @FucktheUniparty )
@RealMarjorieGreene Until you start talking about how to physically remove the degenerates from our society, and their Jew enablers, I don't want to hear a damn thing you have to say.

( @ConeyIslandJoe )
@RealMarjorieGreene You are a duplicitous rino Republican Ms.Green. Kevin McCarthy paid you off. I wonder how much it took. You're the enemy within our movement, but you have been exposed.

( @Dave_Gab )
@ConeyIslandJoe @RealMarjorieGreene Either that or maybe the Uniparty Globalist machine has footage of her doing something pretty embarrassing.

( @hecy666 )
@RealMarjorieGreene TEACHERS? These are GROOMERS! Not a single REAL teacher I knew would have done this.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

Translation: We don't want you to groom our toddler

( sojourner_truth_ )
It looks like this landlord knows about TIMs and their interest in children. By which I mean sexual interest in children. Thank god the child was spared from being exposed to this pervert!

( Unicorn )
A parent doesn't want an openly delusional, fetishistic, and narcissistic man living with their two-year-old child. Shocking!

( RusticTroglodyte )
Cannot blame them. I wouldn't rent to a tim either. I wouldn't rent to any men tbh but especially not a tim. Who wants to walk on eggshells around a pornsick pervert. Who wants a pervert around their baby

( VestalVirgin )
They still seem a bit naive.

I wouldn't have mentioned the baby, would have made it all about the parking. Safer that way.

Not only because he could sue them, but also because he might visit to, er ... "see" the child.

Most AGPs seem to be more into little girls, but you never know.

various commenters #wingnut #transphobia gab.com

( @Trouble_Man )
The same culture that tells me Hitler was bad also mutilates the genitals of children and calls it “gender affirming care”.

I don’t give a shit what these people think. If anything my inclination is to believe the opposite.

( @theroadtopower )

( @NovaMachina )
@theroadtopower @Trouble_Man

( @Cloud9rider )
@Trouble_Man Here's the funny part of your comment. "THEY'VE" convinced you that you HAVE ONLY "ONE" OF TWO CHOICES, you can EITHER be a "Zionist Jewish slave" OR a "Nazi Jewish slave", and you fell for it.

However, You COULD be just a plain old AMERICAN National (non-socialist, non-Jewish) OR any number of OTHER types of "WE the People". You DON'T have to choose from just "THEIR" religious/political store.

Yes, I "KNOW", "THEY" don't want you to understand that there ARE OTHER CHOICES, ... BUT THERE "ARE!

American White culture: Don't worry baby: Beach Boys: https://www.bitchute.com/video/uiGHClPbwvWh/

( @SKYior )
@Trouble_Man You have an excellent point TM.

Dear #Jesus, I hope clarity comes soon.
Those who harm children, deceive, mutilate, terrorize and kill others-->are on evils team and they are worldwide. How do #WeThePeople accomplish #Victory over this widespread evil? I humbly ask in your name #Jesus. 🙏 Thank you. I love you. 🌻

Eva Kurilova #wingnut #transphobia evakurilova.com

The Far Left Only Tolerates Trans Because It is a Force for Destabilization

How is it possible that the extreme left has come to support both fetishistic men in dresses who talk about their ladydicks and militant Islamists at the same time?

It might seem confusing at first, but only until you realize that the goal of these radicals is the destruction of Western society. Everything that they champion, including gender ideology, critical race theory, and decolonization, seeks to destabilize and deconstruct Western values. This is the main project of the radical left, and it will embrace anything that helps further its aims.

This explains why the radical left, despite claiming to be feminist, has absolutely zero problem with tossing women to the wolves—the wolves being fetishistic men who demand access to women’s spaces. It’s not because they believe these deranged and failed men are really women, it’s because these men are a highly effective force for disruption.

Consider the havoc caused by men in women’s sports. Not only are they destroying opportunities and the experience for the women involved, but they are also hurting public trust in sports governing bodies and the fairness of the game. “It’s just sports,” doesn’t cut it as an excuse, and accepting it harms society at all levels. It harms the importance of trust and fairness in society as a whole, which is exactly what radical leftists want. They may talk a lot about “equity,” but equity is not fairness, it is about the politics of power and the hierarchy of oppression. They were able to get away with it in sports by insisting that privileged “cis” female athletes had to shut up and make room for poor oppressed trans women, and this is reflective of the way these radicals operate throughout society.

Men in women’s prisons is another good example. Not only is it inhumane to house male prisoners with female ones, but trans-identified male prisoners are actually even more dangerous than other male inmates, with roughly half incarcerated for sex crimes. If you can get a radical leftist to admit that these men are indeed dangerous and aren’t just poor, misunderstood, vulnerable trans women who wouldn’t hurt a fly, they usually pivot to arguing that none of it matters because prisons should be abolished anyway. [...]

Steven Mosher #wingnut #transphobia lifesitenews.com

Trump is right: Democrats really are ‘Marxist lunatics’


The use of terror as a tool for political control is prototypically Marxist and has now been added to the Democrat playbook. The FBI—that the regime now runs as its own private Stasi—conducts pre-dawn raids on the regime’s political enemies. Their purpose is not only to sideline Trump and some of his key supporters but to create a climate of fear among the population at large.

The show trials of those the regime regards as enemies of the state are another sign of Communist praxis in action. Christian grandmothers in their sixties and seventies are arrested and given eleven-year prison sentences by Garland’s Department of Justice for protesting at abortion clinics. At the same time, left-wing district attorneys reward BLM rioters with hefty payouts for having “suffered police brutality” while they were burning down buildings.

In some respects, today’s Democrats are more radical than Karl Marx himself was, especially in their antagonism towards the family and their disdain for the value of human life.

All Communists, starting with Marx himself, have seen the family as an obstacle to their own plans to reorganize society. When in power, they invariably set out to weaken, if not entirely destroy, this basic building block of society to make way for their own restructuring of humanity into a giant collective.

Yet even Marx, Lenin, and Mao would be horrified by the Democrat Party’s unconditional embrace of the chemical and surgical mutilation of children in pursuit of the fantasy of an imagined “gender identity.” At least they would be until they came to see, as the Democrats have, its political utility.

Transgenderism, at its root, is an attack by radical Leftists on the family. It is promoted by the Democrat Party in order to divide children from their parents on matters sexual. But if it succeeds, it won’t stop there. There will be other “children’s rights” invented until all parental authority has been ceded to the state, thus achieving the perennial communist goal of making all children creatures of the state from infancy.


various commenters #wingnut #transphobia #homophobia gab.com

( @RealRedElephants )
Ye Says Disney is Deliberately Making Kids Question their Sexuality. Disney Admits He’s Right.


( @RightWingGuy )
@RealRedElephants Disney has indoctrinated so many children in deviant and perverse ways. Just look at the child stars they have produced. Most have mental issues follow immoral LGBT agenda. They want this for your children, as well.

( @Handlemywhats )
@RightWingGuy @RealRedElephants hollyweird is tranny crisis actwhores and a govt branch. This is where they did all their first trannying of kids. Right under everyone’s noses. And why they are now moving on to the general population to tranny the kids. Wake up everyone.

( @gbkthaddock )
#BoycottDisney #BoycottHollywood

( @RDB100 )
The Rainbow Defilers have OVERPLAYED Their Hand, and We Are Getting SICK of It.
VERY SICK OF IT. They Have Gone WAY Beyond 'Just Being Left Alone' to Shoving Their Filth Down Our Throats, and Now These Sickos Actually Believe Our Children Are Theirs For Their Debased Sex Grooming and Filth Indoctrination.


( @Srgrif )
@RealRedElephants The Disney we used to love and revere is DEAD. Now it represents the worst of LBGTQ ideology and is a grooming organization for gays. I will go to or buy anything Disney again.

( @RyanFletcher1589 )
@RealRedElephants Disney deserves to be hanged and disemboweled!

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

I will die on this hill

( RusticTroglodyte )
Half are incels, half are neo-nazis, all are pornsick

( RuneOwl )
Most TIMs are incel-ish because they’re terminally online creeps with weird fetishes who aren’t any normal person’s idea of a good potential partner. But some of them quite literally are coming from the incel ranks—transing themselves (“trannymaxxing”) is considered a strategy to escape inceldom. A few of them are so desperate for physical contact they’ll even accept sex from men despite not previously being gay.

Incels will try literally anything as long as it’s not putting genuine effort into becoming a healthy, well-adjusted person.

( VestalVirgin )
Why not just have sex with men without transing themselves beforehand, tho?

I'd assume there's loads more gay men who want to seduce a straight guy than there's trans chasers who are into mutilated genitals.

( DurableBook )
Counterpoint: If only.

It's an actual cliche the number of men who discover their "trans identity" while their wife is pregnant or shortly after she gives birth.

If you ever want to ruin your day, search "wife pregnant" on r/MTF for pages of examples.

( MissBehaved )
They get off on women's weakness, pain, and suffering, pregnancy and childbirth being chief among those. They secretly desire to hurt their wives during sex (but she'd leave over it) so they relish the idea of her being torn in her most sensitive of parts. Don't get me started on the breastfeeding fetish, which goes hand in hand. Then they trans themselves to imagine themselves being their wife, imagining her in pain, attempting to relive what they never lived, all for the boner it always gave them and the idea they are doing it to her somehow.

various commenters #wingnut #transphobia #racist gab.com

( @Halp )
I don’t mean to sound antisemitic but someone should put a stop to these “transition” procedures for children.

( @dwells9636 )
@Halp But if you don’t cut their dicks and tits off, they’ll catch climate change!

( @echoes )
@Halp Im against porn, usury and incest.

Antisemitic, guilty as charged.

( @jg437 )
@Halp #RecriminalizePerversity

Hold the 'doctors' who do this to children responsible both monetarily and criminally!

( @Shelton1 )
@Halp Antisemetic=Antisatanic

( @1sntallowed )
@Halp Does cutting off children's gentiles make them jewish?

( @Halp )
@1sntallowed multiple genders and transitioning is a tenet of the Talmud

( @n2185x )
@Halp It's not antisemitic to want to put a stop to those -- it's right to want to stop it.

Anyone who claims that opposition to these "transition" procedures is "antisemitic" is a lying moron who is misusing the term for his own political purposes. Twisting the language that way is plain wrong, and that's that.

How do you know that opposition to it isn't "antisemitic"? Simple: you don't see Jews scrambling to put their own kids up for these "transition" procedures, do you? There's no way they'd do that. It'd mean the death of their gene line if enough of them engaged in it.

( @Wolfshield_VII )
@n2185x @Halp Jews brought this perversion to the West. We were better off in Christian segregated schools.

( @n2185x )
@Wolfshield_VII @Halp Jews may have brought it, but it's been our decision as to whether or not engage in it.

Why are we willfully engaging in this kind of evil?

I totally agree -- we were definitely better off in Christian segregated schools.

( @n2185x )
@Wolfshield_VII @Halp Just in case you didn't follow my intended meaning (and my apologies if you did indeed follow it and I'm just being redundant here) -- what I meant is why do we (people in this country) willingly put their kids through this kind of evil in the first place? Jews may have brought it but non-Jews are willingly doing these evil things. The question is: why? It's not like they're forced to at gunpoint or anything.

I, too, am astonished at how easily led people are. If there's anything we need to fix more than anything else, it's that.

Larry Sand #wingnut #transphobia #conspiracy amgreatness.com

In the 1970s, we were warned about an oncoming ice age. In the ’80s, acid rain warnings were prevalent. In the ‘90s, we were told that the ozone layer was imperiled. In the aughts, the polar icecaps were said to be endangered.

None of the above happened, of course, but when you are a true believer, little things like reality are shoved aside.
In fact, schools are front and center for the climate crazies. Yes, in addition to teaching white six-year-olds that they are oppressors, that there are 87 genders, and that men can breastfeed, kids are being warned that the planet is going to become a living hell because of man-made global warming unleashed on us by evil corporations.
If you have any doubts that “climate alarmism” is a religion, the University of Helsinki confirmed this in March when it announced that it was bestowing 20-year-old climate evangelist Greta Thunberg with an honorary doctorate in theology.

Worth noting is that Thunberg admitted in a 2019 interview that what she knew about climate change she learned in school. But of course, her school never explained that climate change is anything but “settled science.” Her school didn’t teach her that before it was called climate change, it was known as global warming, and before that, global cooling. It is highly doubtful that her school taught her about other cases of apocalyptic prophecy like acid rain, the population bomb, and, notably, Chicken Little. Her school probably never taught her about the Salem witch trials, where mass hysteria took over a town in Massachusetts in 1692, and people were tragically imprisoned and hanged.
Climate change is strictly a religion of the left. The messaging is as heavy-handed as catechism in a religious school. And, at the same time, critical thinking is becoming a truly endangered species in our schools and throughout much of society. This is a truly apocalyptic problem.

Will Trebing #ableist #conspiracy #crackpot #dunning-kruger #fundie #magick #quack #transphobia #enbyphobia westonaprice.org

(submitter’s note: This is from an interview with an anti-vax chiropractor who wrote a book titled “Goodbye Germ Theory” and is just one sample of a massive avalanche of nonsense)

One of the things he was talking about is how they’re stealing people’s souls. These shots prevent you from connecting with the fourth and fifth dimensions and having the internal sense that there is something greater than this three-dimensional reality. We’re all born with this. That’s our connection to spirit and God.

All of that stuff is listed in my book but I’ll give you the main terrible ones. People say, “How can a shot disconnect you from your soul?” It’s because we are beings of awareness. We’re all born as children with an awareness of self and something greater than us. That is our awareness of God. That connects us all together. It’s what prevents us from committing atrocities on one another, the planet, and nature. It’s what connects us as a species through love, our children, and wanting to continue that process with our children.

Our love for animals, trees, and the environment all come from that connection and awareness that we have to something greater than a third-dimensional reality. It’s the inner God that we all feel and sense. The Christians will call it the Holy Spirit. It’s that power that you turn to when you have had enough of life. You close your eyes and say, “I need help.” You get help. That’s a kinesthetic connection.

These shots are acting to turn that off, block you, and put a veil over that connection. When you don’t have that connection to fourth, fifth, sixth, and eighth-dimensional reality, and God any more, you can be easily controlled. You are a manufactured slave or servant. That’s why they’re doing all the gender stuff as well.

One of the things that they did in the communist revolution in China was he dressed all of the attractive women in men’s clothing. There’s only one autonomistic gender. There are no differences and that’s easier to control as well. They’re trying to turn the human race into a bunch of hermaphroditic, self-serving, and self-pleasuring narcissists who have no connection to anything but the state and what the state can give them and tell them what to do.

@KevinaFaga #transphobia #conspiracy twitter.com

I have an idea for a state sponsored eugenics plan and wanted to hear everyone's thoughts.

Goals are as follows:

* Achieve an extremely gender conforming society. For example, little girls should have long hair and be into performative femininity and boys should have short hair and display an appropriate level of masculinity

* Achieve a heteronormative society, or at least the appearance of one, by treating gender non conformity and same sex attraction as an affliction that can be corrected

* Sterilize as many mentally unwell and same sex attracted children and adults as possible. Gender non conformity should be treated like a disease using catchy phrases like "born in the wrong body".

* Encourage the targeted demographic to volunteer for "treatment" (aka sterilization). And while the state won't force children afflicted with gender non conformity or mental illness to sign up for the program, the state reserves the right to forcibly remove children from homes where parents disagree with "treatment".

* Comprehensive marketing should be pushed to all government funded agencies, including schools, universities and hospitals, to encourage citizens to promote and defend the program. Care should be taken to use phrases that minimize what is actually occurring, such as "gender affirming care" rather than "elective double mastectomy".

* Ostracize, defame, de-platform and potentially detain those who oppose the state's plan.

* Find corporate sponsors that will help us sponsor and promote this program, it's fine if they benefit from it as well.

Does anyone think the general populace would fall for something like this?

various commenters #wingnut #conspiracy #racist #homophobia #transphobia gab.com

( @Trouble_Man )
I love the ideals of America, it’s founding documents, it’s great European men, it’s rich culture and heritage.

I hate what America is today. A den of vipers pillaging our land, enslaving our people to debt, defiling our ancestors and promoting degeneracy straight from the pit of hell.

( @wearefodder )
@Trouble_Man We'll be fine. The gay dog mask wearing military will save us. Along with the politicians. Nothing to worry about. Abortion laws are in place, while millions of illegals flood the border breeding natural born citizens. Voter fraud is rampant and no bats an eye. Billions were funneled offshore to Ukraine. WE ARE A-OK.

What are you talking about? America is fine. The politicians will save us. The Military will save us. Nothing to worry about brother.

( @Allan_Cruz )
@Trouble_Man Yes, the current enemies of this land deserve a fate so cruel and unforgiving that it will make others think twice before they kill, destroy, and loot the country's heritage and people again; in other words, let an example be made for all with eyes to see, mainly globalist Jews and other traitors.

( @shitkimchi )
@Allan_Cruz no, no. the jewnited prostitutes of israel, jewsa, is a collapsed finished shitland. totally controlled by israel. communist education. schools is just fag propaganda lgbt mafia, trans pedos and praise the african and joo God. anti white culture of mass media in Jewsa. just fag rednecks and trans pedos. a complete ethnical racial replacement of africans hispanos. a criminal land controlled by israel with all jew values of lying , ethnical replacement, holohoax lie, all sorts of lies. schools full of browns and faggots. a complete dead shitland of collapse and shit. fraud elections and communism. all working for the israeli master. violence poverty feces in the cities. with a growing majority of furious and violent africans. welcome to the Jewsa, the jewnited prostitutes of israel.

( @socalmike17 )
@Trouble_Man their called"jews".

( @Malignant )
You should conduct a poll.
“If rounding people up, deporting them and/or putting them in labor camps would fix this country would you support it?”
Yes no

woodchip #wingnut #transphobia descentbb.net

While you sit here and only worry if your pro-nouns are correct, evil has once again reared it's malevolent ugly head in the middle east.
Hamas with the backing of Iran, proceeded to slaughter Israeli citizens only because they are Jewish. I sincerely hope Flabby Chick escaped the carnage. I suspect some here applaud Hams and blame Israel. I can only pity you if you think killing the elderly and young simply because of their religion is ok. I do blame the Israeli intelligence for missing the organization and stocking of material by Hamas prior to the attacks launch, as I do blame the US military for not picking up on this. So now we have a 2nd war front while Biden is in charge. Hope you vote for this moron in 24 as then you deserve whatever happens.

@AthenasWrench #quack #transphobia gettr.com

Nude men and women are okay, but protesting the still remaining vax mandates is wrong and should be punished. There are two worlds now. The fake left - pro big corp, pro mandates, pro lockdowns, pro kink and pro transing children. Then the others. The sane and the rational. When giant mega corps are talking about inclusion and diversity they mean uniformity of thought and they won’t be doing a single thing to fix anything. Maybe a flag or two for theatre. The left has been hijacked by woke morons and self
serving corps.


various commenters #wingnut #transphobia gab.com

( @GolddiggerPatriot )

spoilerThe fact that Twitter had the
absolute nerve to ban the word
"groomer" while literally refusing to
take down child porn is not a

( @Chukidug )

Yeah, we're really winning when a tranny is the one saying this.

FFS, y'all are going to be referred to the cucked generation

( @flythefriendly )
@Chukidug @GolddiggerPatriot he's Israeli, bet 🤔

( @Unknownusername1988 )
@Chukidug @GolddiggerPatriot
Boomers: yer generation aint nuthin but a buncha whiny pussies!

Also boomers: look at what this based transgender broad said! we have the hotties trannies, dont we folks?

( @Jagdpanzer )
"Conservatives" getting their talking points from trannies as usual.

Do you really need to repost a tranny in order to make this point? You couldn't make this observation on your own? You need to be told? If you're worried about children then shouldn't you be concerned with transsexualism and genital mutilation as well?

Then there's all the crap that's gone on since Elon Musk bought Twitter, but all the fake "conservative" twats are still completely in the dark and (of course) singing his praises. Why? Because the magical "conservative" Tranny hasn't told them about it yet.

Meanwhile, Musk has increased censorship in order to appease jewish political pressure groups and advertisers.

( @Rob_7980 )
@GolddiggerPatriot Said the Tranny. Why are you quoting this dude with fake tits?

( @BethNev )
@Rob_7980 @GolddiggerPatriot
Because what that tranny said is true.

( @Dinduvius_Shekelstein )
@BethNev Who cares if it's true. There's men who don't have tits in women's clothes and aren't faggots that said the same thing. Amplifying the voices of "based trannies" is peak MAGA cuckery. No wonder they stay losing.

@Rob_7980 @GolddiggerPatriot

( @hateyouall )
@GolddiggerPatriot As a homosexual transvestite he knows all about groomers.

( @Mikemars )
Blair’e is a guy and a groomer with an age limit. @GolddiggerPatriot

Geoffrey Grider #fundie #transphobia #homophobia #wingnut #conspiracy nowtheendbegins.com

We are losing the battle to keep our children out of the hands of these Luciferian child groomers and recruiters like HiTOPS, and what you can do about it from a biblical perspective.

As I have said previously, I do not like to write articles on this topic and I don’t like doing Podcasts about it, as it’s both distressing and depressing. But as ‘watchmen on the wall’ we are called to blow the trumpet of warning when the enemy appears at the gate. The enemy is this case is the radical Left who, walking in the footsteps of the coming Antichrist, are literally kidnapping the hearts and minds of our children while we watch, and they’re doing it through the schools, courts and political systems of the world. They are very far along in their mission, so much so you might be unduly shocked.

“He beholdeth all high things: he is a king over all the children of pride.” Job 41:34 (KJB)

On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, the Left has a new rallying cry, it’s ‘Let The Kids Decide!’ and it’s spoken in the context of allowing children to decide their own gender identity and sexual orientation. How young are we talking? According to Stacy Roboustelli, the Director of Education for HiTOPS, a group that “fosters strong and healthy young people of all identities by providing inclusive and youth-informed sex education”, the most “critical time for us to be there is grades 5 through 8 because you want to catch kids when they’re starting puberty.” But she goes on to say that “early intervention is key”, and they are designing a new curriculum for kindergarten to second grade. Today we show you how we are losing the battle to keep our children out of the hands of these Luciferian child groomers and recruiters like the people at HiTOPS, and what you can do about it from a biblical perspective.

Lidl Drip #sexist #transphobia kiwifarms.st

RE: Official Kiwifarms Man-Hate Thread

This thread is a DMZ (De-Moidified Zone) and is strictly for women. Men and trannies (men) shitting up the thread will be removed from the entire Lolcow Salon for a month.

I tried to get ChatGPT to write a poem about men being annoying and having stinky butts and instead it gave me a long ass poem about not being bitter and setting our differences aside.


So men have apparently programmed this AI so it can't make fun of them. I guess we gotta do all the work ourselves.


More like pick-me-GPT

There's nothing gendered about comic books. It's like saying men are invading women's spaces if they show an interest in skincare, or fashion, etc (women welcome men into these interests).

When men say that women have invaded "Men's spaces" they unironically mean Schools, Universities, Jobs and really anything outside of the home. For this crime we are now punished by trannies. That's what they actually think.

Made the mistake of glancing at A&N to see them gleefully cackling at lesbians unable to prohibit troons from their groups, commiserating on how feminists cause this and we get what we deserve.
We are just a bimbo collective in their minds. Tiresome, emotionally stunted retards think punishing half the population via their more broken subspecies is deserved. How are we meant to like them? They realise this worldview punishes their mother's, daughters, sisters and girlfriends and they still think like this. It almost makes me think birthing a son would be an exercise in self loathing.

Yup, men are individuals and we are all a hivemind. So if a liberal woman supports troons on twitter that means all women support troons. They don't even know that there are different types of feminism other than liberal sex-positive feminism. They don't care to learn about it either because men's minds are very simple so they need to be able to fit women into very small narrow boxes.

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