
The woman-haters, man-haters, and non-binary-haters

Vox Day #sexist voxday.net

[From “Hultgreen-Curie, Naval Edition”]

Joe Biden proposed, and the US Senate confirmed, the first woman to lead the US Navy

The US Senate has confirmed three high-ranking military nominations, including Admiral Lisa Franchetti, who becomes the first woman to lead the Navy. Senator Tommy Tuberville allowed the votes to go through after months of blocking all confirmations in an anti-abortion protest[…]

To say this bodes ill, particularly in the current circumstances, is probably the understatement of the year. But if the limits of imperial overstretch have indeed been reached, it would be absolutely appropriate to have that critical historical moment overseen by the first female Joint Chief of the Navy

BRAVE Books, Kirk Cameron and the Babylon Bee #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia #sexist babylonbee.com

NOT SATIRE: What if Growing Pains was shot in 2023? In Kirk Cameron's humorous remake "Grooming Pains," a father asks his son, "How was school?" Here is his response: "It was great! We practiced the "Pride of Allegiance," We learned about girl math and boy math, and we recited the black national anthem. Football ran long today because it was our first practice with Krystyna playing quarterback for the first time!"

Even as a joke, this isn't too far off from the crazy world we live in… It's a sad reality that so many forms of entertainment have been taken over by woke agendas. Now is the time to find alternatives for our children to grow up with and enjoy without being brainwashed.

Enter BRAVE Books! THE Christian children's book company that only publishes pro-God, pro-America content. BRAVE's latest release was authored by Kirk Cameron and is titled The Fox, the Fair, and the Invention Scare on the topic of loving your enemies. Get it for FREE when you subscribe to get a new book each month through the Freedom Island Book Club. BRAVE is THE alternative entertainment for parents wanting good, wholesome books for their kids!

Get a FREE copy of Kirk Cameron's book!

Got Questions Ministry #sexist #transphobia gotquestions.org

The phenomenon of gender reversals is escalating in our day with sex-change surgeries and demands that the “transgendered” be accommodated. People are abandoning their natural identities and mentally identifying as any gender they choose. Society is indulging this behavior, which leads to even more confusion. For those struggling with gender confusion, the answer lies not in altering their physical bodies, but in allowing the Holy Spirit to change their hearts (1 Peter 4:2). When we submit ourselves fully to the lordship of Jesus, we desire to follow His design for us, rather than choose our own design (Galatians 2:20).

For a man to despise his gender and identify as a woman, or for a woman to abandon her gender and present herself as a man, is wrong. It is a defiance of God’s design when He created male and female. Deuteronomy 22:5 says, “A woman must not wear men’s clothing, nor a man wear women’s clothing, for the LORD your God detests anyone who does this.” This command was not as much about clothing as it was about guarding the sanctity of what it means to be a man or a woman. Romans 1 shows that gender confusion is merely a symptom of a bigger problem. When people reject God’s authority and set themselves up as their own gods, chaos results. Verses 21 and 22 illustrate the problem: “For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools.”

Thinking that we know better than God is the doorway to becoming a fool. When a man defies his masculinity or a woman rejects her femininity, it is a symptom of grosser sin: rejection of God’s ultimate authority. The closer we grow to God, the more we can embrace our gender identity. Both genders display certain aspects of God’s character in a unique way. When we pervert His choice for us, we limit the opportunities He gives us to demonstrate the glory of being created in His image (Genesis 1:27).

Carrie Gress #fundie #wingnut #sexist #conspiracy amazon.com

From the spoiling of this relationship followed the decay of the entire family, and almost overnight, our once pro-life culture became pro-lifestyle, embracing everything that felt good. Sixty million abortions later, women aren’t showing signs of health, happiness, and fulfillment. Increased numbers of divorce, depression, anxiety, sexually transmitted disease, and drug abuse all point to the reality that women aren’t happier, just more medicated.

Huge cultural shifts led to a rethinking of womanhood, but could there be more behind it than just culture, politics, and rhetoric?

Building off the scriptural foundations of the anti-Christ, Carrie Gress makes an in-depth investigation into the idea of an anti-Mary—as a spirit, not an individual—that has plagued the West since the ’60s. Misleading generations of women, this anti-Marian spirit has led to the toxic femininity that has destroyed the lives of countless men, women, and children.

Also in The Anti-Mary Exposed:
How radical feminism is connected to the errors of Russia, spoken of by Our Lady of Fatima. The involvement and influence of the goddess movement and the occult.
The influence of “female” demons, such as Lilith and Jezebel.
A look at the matriarchy, a cabal of elite women committed to abortion, who control the thinking of most women through media, politics, Hollywood, fashion, and universities.

The antidote to the anti-Mary is, of course, Mary, the Mother of God, known widely as the most powerful woman in the world and the source of the belief that women ought to be treated with dignity. She is a beacon of all the virtues and qualities—purity, humility, kindness, beauty—that oppose this sinister force that has cast its spell upon so many women. Mary’s influence is unparalleled by any woman in history. She is the perfect model of Christian femininity, who desires to be a spiritual mother to us all, leading us to her Son, and to the fulfillment of our heart’s deepest desires.

OmegaKV #psycho #sexist mikraite.org

I remember watching a movie that dramatized a wedding in India between a 15 year old girl and an 80 year old man. In the movie it showed the girl crying and the intent was to make the audience feel bad for the girl. At the time I did feel bad, and I felt like it was barbaric that such things took place in parts of the world.

However my perspective has since changed. I do still understand why a 15 year old girl of any culture would be averse to marrying an 80 year old man. But if I were ever to find myself in the position of an 80 year old man being wed to a 15 year old girl, I would absolutely go through with the wedding, despite the girl's unwillingness. I would feel fully justified in doing so, even though I know it disgusts her. I would say "it's about time" and then proceed to have sex with her, consensual or nonconsensual, and then I would inseminate her with the intent of impregnating her, and propagating my genes.

I have suffered enough. If I ever get the opportunity to sexually ravage a prime teen without consequences, I would absolutely take advantage of it, without hesitating because of her feelings or her unwillingness to go through with it. I have suffered more than she has. I am better than she is. Consensual or not, I deserve to be able to sexually ravage and inseminate her.

Gary Ayers #wingnut #sexist #dunning-kruger quora.com

Gary Ayers
Then please offer examples and data that prove the existence of The Patriarchy.

I really tend to think that it is like God to the feminists: It is apparently eternal, omiscient, omnipresent, and omnipotent. It has been crushing the female sex under its boot for ALL of human history, and yet each generation of feminists believes that THEY will be the generation that will FINALLY destroy it. Even though feminists NEVER have made up more than 7% of the female population of any country at ANY time since their movement began.

Gary Ayers
Oh PLEASE tell me you're not a male feminist. Those are documentedlybthe worst type of men.

Set aside the feminist propaganda for a moment: did you ever consider that maybe there was good reason ancient cultures governed their women and girls in such a way? Maybe with a 60% divorce rate (80%of which initiated by women), a 76% single-parent rate, and a 70%-and-increasing hookup culture participation rate, maybe women are proving they're lousy at picking men? And the rest of your diatribe is about 50 years out of date, isn't it? And if corporations actually could get away with paying women less than a man for the same work, why wouldn't they hire only women? Think how much would be saved on labor costs alone. But that isn't true and you and every other feminist fucking well knows it. And what rights have been taken away from women? Abortion was merely returned to the states to decide as their populations wish. It was not outlawed or “stripped” from women.

Society bends over backwards catering to women now. Show me where men have gotten women thrown in jail on false accusations. Why do women get less prison time than men for the same offense? Why is the entire domestic violence infrastructure built on the feminist Duluth model of sexual power, where the woman is automatically presumed to be the victim in every case of domestic violence, even in cases where it is CLEAR that the man is the victim? Why is sexual behavior in women treated as less serious or explained away when such behavior would be considered reprehensible in men, such as sexual assault of school students?

So just spare us the women are so oppressed schtick. The facts of today's world render it invalid.

various commenters #wingnut #racist #homophobia #sexist #psycho gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
In an ideal world, race-mixing (including self-indulgent recreational sex) would be viewed as treason against your own people, and thus would result in the death penalty.

However, we don't live in an ideal world. Not even close.

@Nature_and_Race Wahmen are retarded and mudsharks get the rope.

( @Weiss_Drache )
@Nature_and_Race As far as I'm concerned you can have all the "recreational sex" you want as long as it's with a White person and your intention is to eventually have children.

( @WhiteMansBible )
@Nature_and_Race It's an act against nature.

( @ObersturmbannFuhrer88 )
@Nature_and_Race why are niggers so hyper violent and faggots so hyper sexual? Like what’s up with that? Mudsharks really are disgusting. There are hardly any men who fuck black chicks as they are little all disgusting. Niggers are hideous

( @Rabbi_Spacelaser )
@ObersturmbannFuhrer88 @Nature_and_Race All faggots are pedos. Niggers are just plain stupid, like wild animals.

( @Nemesistyx )
@Nature_and_Race This is where I will disagree with you.

Death for something like that is asinine, unless it was a "conspiracy" Intention.

Best case is to ostracize them completely from the people. If you choose to race mix (depending on your circumstance of mutt status) you willfully choose an alternative culture then you should be with that culture. You choose differently, you must LIVE with that choice literally.

50 states, You telling me between all the purist of whites, blacks, etc etc all segregated up and then sub segregated groups of mixed races (based on culture identity). If you are a white boy who mixes with the opposite race, you and that race now must live in a different community.

( @Rabbi_Spacelaser )
@Nature_and_Race In an ideal world there would be no niggers

Laura Wood and Paul Vitz #homophobia #sexist #quack #crackpot #fundie thinkinghousewife.com

[From ““Homosexuality and Hope””]

A SOCIETY that normalizes homosexuality is a cruel society

Imagine a society that celebrated alcoholism and encouraged alcoholics to embrace their addiction. Imagine the covering over of the resulting disasters with platitudes of love. Then magnify that a hundredfold. For the affliction of the artificially-created homosexual is far worse, alienated as he is from the most basic roles and bonds of society

The heartless modern world consigns him or her to an unhappy state — without exception. The more homosexuality is normalized, the more homosexuals convert their inner conflict into “pride.” The person who identifies as a homosexual will always be in deep conflict, and the acute awareness of this causes pain that no homosexual “community” can assuage

But there is hope

In the introduction to Dutch psychologist Gerard van den Aardweg’s 1985 book on this subject, Homosexuality and Hope: A Psychologist Talks about Treatment and Change, Paul Vitz writes:

Homosexuals are not condemned to a way of life that alienates, separates, and restricts[…]

There is no such thing as an innate homosexual[…]
In societies where sex roles and the differentiation between boys and girls are strong, there is almost no incidence of homosexual behavior. The homosexual condition is caused by confusion and a blurring of these roles. Feminism and the endless propaganda to make men and women the same has inevitably led to a plague of confusion. It is no wonder that many people are caught in a trap of unnatural desires[…]
Many a girl raised to be as competitive and aggressive as a boy understandably struggles to embrace her womanliness. Many a boy who can never be the rowdy, athletic star and is surrounded by the glorification of homosexual lust understandably struggles to embrace his inherent manliness[…]
Meditating on the mysteries of the Cross is, of course, the most effective means of escaping all psychological affliction

Charlie Kirk & various commenters #wingnut #sexist gettr.com

(submitters note: refering to the protests against the overturn of Roe v. Wade)
( Charlie Kirk )
Notice who is marching in the streets: single, unmarried, mostly white, college educated “women”

Frankly it’s foolish to call conservatives racist—who we actually can’t stand are angry, liberal, white women.

( @chuck724 )
And all of them are too ugly to be worried about getting pregnant

( @Ross55 )
And ugly as anything on top of that! All liberal women are didgusting, self hating garbage!

( @MimiM1 )
You should have put college educated in parentheses considering they don't seem educated enough to use birth control or cross their legs

( @TimetoAct )
I too noticed that. Have viewed coverage from Live Streamers who were in DC at the moment the ruling came down. On the Pro-Life side you saw a more diverse side.

( @Iaiamonius )
Some of them aren’t fit, look like slobs, or are kinda freaky. What self respecting man would touch them?

( @WinstonBlack )
Well all see them, know, and understand what they are.

Ill say it for you.

College SLUTS.

( @MimiM1 )
Exactly... But having a college degree now doesn't mean much... It usually just implies indoctrination

( @TheRealDarkVoid )
And then you have to actually question just how many of them are "women."

( @sunrays )
Most white college educated young people are liberals, their skin color means nothing they are the backbone of the BLM group, taught by liberals who hate this Country and they cannot reason out for themselves but mindlessly believe what they hear

( @Patriot1895 )
College education is a euphemism for indoctrinated .....and they suffer from hitting the ugly tree......repeatedly

( @Littleboy2020 )
You mean liberal Women that fell out of the ugly tree and hit every single branch on the way down before hitting the ground face down then became known as fugly liberal women

Sunsoft Bass #sexist #conspiracy knowyourmeme.com

When people who like playing videogames had to deal with those stereotypical church ladies, preachers and christian politicians that claim violent videogames are turning children into murderers and Pokémon is satanic, and wanted to censor or ban videogames, they were heroes for fighting against this moral panic, defending your hobby from puritans is an honor.

But when the moral guardians were replaced with those stereotypical feminists and social revenge warriors, claiming how videogames are sexist, racist and gamer culture is toxic, and also trying to censor or ban videogames, then you are supposed to shut up and accept it, if you fight back, you are soft, whiny, manbaby, neckbeard, chud, virgin, incel, and somehow they shifted the blame by saying it's you who are engaging in a moral panic, not them.

Lila Rose #sexist #wingnut twitter.com

“Abortion is wrong, with certain exceptions" is like saying:

"Abusing a child is wrong, with certain exceptions"

"Robbing a bank is wrong, with certain exceptions"

"Rape is wrong, with certain exceptions."

There is no justification for killing innocent people.


Supreme Islamic Council of Gambia, Imam Abdoulie Fatty and Sulayman Saho #sexist #fundie #psycho english.elpais.com

Political and religious leaders in The Gambia are actively campaigning to decriminalize female genital mutilation (FGM). Despite being banned in the West African country since 2015, this harmful practice continues to be practiced secretly. The recent arrest and imprisonment of three women for mutilating eight infants, the first conviction since the law took effect, has sparked a new initiative to repeal the law. Imam Abdoulie Fatty, a supporter of excision, and legislator Sulayman Saho, who has called for decriminalization in the country’s parliament, are the driving forces behind this controversial issue[…]
In late August, a judge in the Central River region convicted three women — one who performed the procedure and two mothers — for mutilating eight babies. The women faced a choice of paying a fine of 15,000 dalasis (about $243) or spending one year in prison. A few days later, Imam Abdoulie Fatty, the radical religious advisor to dictator Yahya Jammeh, known for his homophobia and defense of excision, paid the fine for the three women to secure their release from prison. He also encouraged Gambians to continue this practice. “If everyone agrees to do it openly, the government cannot imprison an entire town, let alone an entire country”[…]
These statements provoked a debate that quickly spilled onto the streets and even reached the nation’s parliament. In mid-September, Sulayman Saho, an opposition legislator from the Central Baddibu district, stood before the National Assembly and proposed repealing the law that prohibits FGM. Saho expressed concern about the arrests of “mothers and sisters,” and connected female genital mutilation to the right to preserve religious and traditional practices. “The ban infringes upon these rights and fosters violence in our country… We must get to work and review the law that criminalizes female circumcision”

Lidl Drip #sexist #transphobia kiwifarms.st

RE: Official Kiwifarms Man-Hate Thread

This thread is a DMZ (De-Moidified Zone) and is strictly for women. Men and trannies (men) shitting up the thread will be removed from the entire Lolcow Salon for a month.

I tried to get ChatGPT to write a poem about men being annoying and having stinky butts and instead it gave me a long ass poem about not being bitter and setting our differences aside.


So men have apparently programmed this AI so it can't make fun of them. I guess we gotta do all the work ourselves.


More like pick-me-GPT

There's nothing gendered about comic books. It's like saying men are invading women's spaces if they show an interest in skincare, or fashion, etc (women welcome men into these interests).

When men say that women have invaded "Men's spaces" they unironically mean Schools, Universities, Jobs and really anything outside of the home. For this crime we are now punished by trannies. That's what they actually think.

Made the mistake of glancing at A&N to see them gleefully cackling at lesbians unable to prohibit troons from their groups, commiserating on how feminists cause this and we get what we deserve.
We are just a bimbo collective in their minds. Tiresome, emotionally stunted retards think punishing half the population via their more broken subspecies is deserved. How are we meant to like them? They realise this worldview punishes their mother's, daughters, sisters and girlfriends and they still think like this. It almost makes me think birthing a son would be an exercise in self loathing.

Yup, men are individuals and we are all a hivemind. So if a liberal woman supports troons on twitter that means all women support troons. They don't even know that there are different types of feminism other than liberal sex-positive feminism. They don't care to learn about it either because men's minds are very simple so they need to be able to fit women into very small narrow boxes.

Alain Soral #sexist #homophobia apnews.com

The Lausanne court sentenced French-Swiss polemicist Alain Bonnet, who goes by Alain Soral, for the crimes of defamation, discrimination and incitement to hatred on Monday. He was ordered to pay legal fees and fines totaling thousands of Swiss francs (dollars) in addition to the time behind bars

Soral lashed out at Catherine Macherel, a journalist for Swiss newspapers Tribune de Geneve and 24 Heures, in a Facebook video two years ago. He called her a “fat lesbian” and said Macherel’s work as a “queer activist” meant she was “unhinged,” according to Swiss public broadcaster RTS

“This court decision is an important moment for justice and rights of LGBTQI people in Switzerland,” said Murial Waeger, co-director of the lesbian activist group LOS, in a statement[…]
In an email Tuesday to The Associated Press, Pascal Junod, a lawyer for Soral, mockingly blasted the conviction for a “crime of opinion” and said the case aimed to probe whether a person had “sinned against the dogmas of single thought”[…]
Waeger said the verdict represented a milestone in the application of a measure approved by Swiss voters in 2020 that made it illegal to discriminate against people on the basis of sexual orientation

Soral was convicted repeatedly in France and sentenced to jail time in 2019 for denying the Holocaust

Leopards Eating Faces Award

Jey Rence Quilario (aka "Senior Agila") and the Socorro Bayanihan Services Inc. (SBSI) #fundie #sexist #psycho manilatimes.net

BOYS as young as six years old were being trained to become part of the private army of a cult leader in Surigao del Norte which he called "Soldiers of God"

Witnesses on Thursday told senators that the cult leader, identified as certain Jey Rence Quilario, alias "Senior Agila," also conducted forced child marriages

Two Senate committees conducted a public hearing on the reported "systematic abuse, rape, forced marriage of children, trafficking, forced labor" in the context of "cult-like activities" among members of the the Socorro Bayanihan Services Inc. (SBSI) in Sitio Kapihan, Socorro, Surigao del Norte

SBSI, with over 3,000 members, including former policemen and teachers, has reportedly maltreated children

Upon the motion of Sen. Ana Theresia "Risa" Hontiveros, Sen. Ronald "Bato" dela Rosa has ordered the detention of Quilario and three other cult leaders -- Karren Sanico, Rosille Sanico, and Janeth Ajoc -- at the Senate premises after they were cited in contempt[…]
One the girls who escaped the cult, identified as a certain "Jane," testified that Quilario even "authorized" husbands to "rape" her if she refused to have sex with him

A witness invited by the Senate Committees on Public Order and Women and Children also said that Quilario had prevented about 200 children from attending school so that they would not be able to "disobey" him

h00n23 #sexist #racist reddit.com

(about diverse female character designs in the anime OP):
They want to sell merch. People prefer buying merch of attractive female character

Second muscles on men are considered attractive because muscles are masculine.

Is it big boobs? Because in most anime/manga women are skinny and have body type. Yet I only hear people complaining about one piece lol

It is not sexist lol Look how female influencer look like. That's what most people find physically attractive.
Vast majority of people don't fine masculine buff women or fat women attractive.

sexualized female character design don't look good to me because it's my preference but those design are profitable? Because many find it attractive

Women looking attractive is important because most people don't want to buy merch of ugly women.

There are people who think that non skinny women look good but they're minority. There are people who prefer hook nose but most people don't find hook nose attractive. Understanding this point is extremely easy

What make diverse female body type good thing lol I went touch Steven Universe

Why do you even think that it is sexist lol I can't see it literally. Oda probably does care about making attractive character because people like attractive character. Dude people who want ugly female character are in minority

Edward Menez #racist #wingnut #sexist #conspiracy henrymakow.com

If you have read the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, you'll know that over a century ago the overarching Jewish plan was to control society. The Protocols even boasted about how they promoted their agents, such as Charles Darwin (not Jewish) and Karl Marx.

What do these subverters have in common? They are almost always Jewish Satanists, or at least beholden to them. Think Sigmund Freud when it comes to Psychology and perverted sexuality. Or Betty Friedan when it comes to feminism.

With Philosophy, the man would be Ludwig Wittgenstein, founder of "post-modernism": the belief that everything is perception and truth is unknowable. This is Jewish Cabalism which is simply a pretext for Cabalist Jews to define reality according to their perversion.
Ludwig Wittgenstein is just another Jewish pawn put in place by the writers of history to override God's Creation. They tapped Einstein to be the face of "The Theory of Relativity" so we get confused whether we're moving or not. They forced Newton to be the face of "The Theory of Gravity," when the Laws of Density and Buoyancy were all that was needed. They made Copernicus come up with the ludicrous idea of Heliocentrism to take away the idea that God created the universe. And they installed Ludwig Wittgenstein and his post-modernism claptrap to make us question whether there is such a thing as Truth--God's Truth.

And it continues in the present with Bill Gates, Elon Musk, and Mark Zuckerberg, as the media puts another autistic Jewish puppet in front of us and asks us to worship him. Wittgenstein is clearly--even from his mainstream Wikipedia page--a joke that has been played before our hyper-believing eyes to make us believe he is a philosophy legend on the level of Plato.

Wittgenstein is another hagiographical Jew, one among a million, who suddenly springs from nowhere to make a splash on the public thanks to mainstream media.

Elijah Schaffer #racist #sexist #conspiracy angrywhitemen.org

During the Sept. 20, 2023 episode of his Rumble show, Nightly Offensive, ex-BlazeTV host Elijah Schaffer went on a rant[…]
During the last segment of his show, Elijah Schaffer played an out-of-context clip of then-Vice President Joe Biden in order to suggest that the white supremacist “Great Replacement” conspiracy is real[…]
After playing the clip, Schaffer complained about people who “don’t think America has a culture,” and said this phenomenon was “related to white guilt.” Schaffer said that America actually does have its own culture and that it “derives from European classicalism,” adding that “White society is amazing”

“And a lot of this is just anti-whiteism,” Schaffer said. “It’s extermination of white people. And that’s what this is about: to create a more subservient class. Well, a lot of white people are at the source of a lot of the world’s problems as well, right? There’s a lot of white people, a lot of Jewish people. There’s a lot of real disgusting liberals. I think there’s demons involved too”

Schaffer went on to say that, “they’re not going to exterminate all the white people, yet — or right now” but that “what they’re doing is essentially extermination of white people.” As for who “they” are in this scenario, he noted that “people will just blame the Jews” and said, “Maybe. I don’t know. I haven’t looked into it enough”

Schaffer then went on a tangent in which he denounced women’s suffrage and the existence of HR departments

“But also ‘I don’t get the problem with women voting. Women working, what’s wrong with that?’ Uh, HR departments?” Schaffer said. “HR departments were meant to ruin strong men who pioneered great paths through bogus accusations — even some of them true. But just to get men in trouble for being men and to create useless jobs for women”

lmw_blue #sexist reddit.com

You honestly should just become “misandrist”, because your male “friends” are probably waiting for the opportunity to take advantage for you. They don’t deserve any appreciation or empathy for anything. Do things for yourself and for women!

There’s no way to make any man have empathy for women, period. They’re not naturally that way. They are completely incapable of empathy, and yes I’m absolutely serious. That’s why we should focus on women and them alone.

There is no “high suicide rate”, there is no “body-shaming” against men, they don’t deserve to have their precious emotions taken seriously, and there is no problems that men don’t bring on themselves. They deserve it!

ChattyGremlin #sexist #elitist #psycho ovarit.com

In my silly utopia-dream, all men are castrated at birth! If they would like to have their testicles back, they have to have a minimum of a college degree, a six-figure job, no criminal background, a driver's license, a perfect grade on a year-long parenting course, and the consent of a psychotherapist who has seen them for at least two years, the consent of their mother, and the consent of a female partner who the man has been with consistently for at least four years. Paradise!

Elvis Dunderhoff #sexist dailystormer.name

[From "Watch: Female Officer Accurately Blames 11-Year-Old for Creating Porn of Herself"]

If she made the video, it’s her fault

I don’t understand who else’s fault it would be

New York Post

Two Ohio cops are being investigated for their response to a sexual misconduct case involving a child after a video of them appearing to blame the 11-year-old girl for creating “child porn” went viral

Two Columbus police officers, a female and male, were seen talking to the girl’s father on their front porch, six hours after he allegedly called to report that a man online had manipulated his daughter into sending him pictures of herself, doorbell camera footage shows

Oh, yes

An evil man was surely responsible for mind-controlling her[…]

The female officer is heard telling the dad his pre-teen daughter “could probably get charged with child porn” if she produced the images[…]


Your princess is committing a felony, old man

You should have covered it up rather than calling the cops on her

What were you thinking???

I hope the bitch gets charged

I’m so sick of this entire “everything is not her fault” thinking

She definitely lied to the man about her age, too. Guarantee that

And how are we supposed to believe the man found her? Obviously she found him

The cops should have kicked in the door and dragged the girl to jail

Human Race Survival Resistance (HRSR) Headquarters #crackpot #fundie #ufo #magick #sexist #homophobia #transphobia #conspiracy humanracesurvivalresistance.wordpress.com

Chuck Missler talks about how the lineage of the Savior would not have been possible, in order to save the woman, if Adam had not loved Eve enough to sacrifice his own life by deciding to join whatever fate she faced by eating the apple, too, because of his love for her. It is an imagery of Jesus’ love for his Bride who is the Church, and his giving his life for us on the cross, in order to save us. He talks about war between the “Genesis 3:15 seed of the serpent” reptilian hybrid nephilim pedophile cannibal Satanist LGBTPB witch feminists and the “seed of the woman” who is Jesus. The serpent in the Garden of Eden was Anu of the Anunnaki is the forefather of all the Draco reptilian chimera fake alien incarnate avatar black nobility families who run the world. He rules from the Draco Empire’s underground base under the Vatican Satanist headquarters. He used to walk on all fours, until he received a 4th dimensional snake and human hybrid body. He also uses a human nephilim giant avatar body. <...> When you see Western feminist nations’ Eve walking around with naked women’s heads and cross-dressing in men’s pants, dear brethren, then get out of that earth immediately, because that earth will get torched & scorched. 12 million of their children will get tortured & lesbian raped (pegged) & satanically sacrificed & eaten by these demon spirits in human-looking avatar satanically inverted gender bodies, and their human meat & bone ashes thrown into the supermarket groceries & church food & fast food, which these “naked women’s heads, men’s pants cross-dressers” fake Christians and fake pastors are hiding and covering up for Satan Lucifer, because they are afraid of assassination attempts and ridicule by church donators. <...> If they want the devil, then God will give these Western feminist nations’ women the devil, and all the devils’ nuclear wars & manufactured famines & fake pandemics & demon vampire cannibal pedophile armies, for that is their choice.

Andrew Anglin #sexist #racist #psycho dailystormer.name

[From "Woman in a Coma Since She was 3 Delivers Healthy Baby After Black Takes Advantage of Unused Womb"]

I’ve been talking for a long time about various ways to totally remove women from society while men maintain the ability to reproduce

Women – at least when they are conscious and capable of mobility and speech – create far too many problems for society to sustain their presence long-term[…]
If we could build these artificial wombs, then we could simply kill all women outright – potentially in fake shower rooms with electric floors[…]
It turns out there is a much easier solution: simply induce women into comas, then allow men to come in and do their business and come back and pick up the kid 9 months later

The blacks, once again, are on the forefront of technological solutions[…]
If I am elected to Congress next November, I will be introducing a law requiring all women to be put into comas
New York Post

The woman, 29, in a vegetative state for decades, had been unknowingly raped by a male nurse[…]

How much has it cost to keep her alive?[…]
Regardless, you’re looking at millions of dollars being paid by someone to keep this woman alive for literally no reason. It’s only logical that she would be pumping out babies. Even if you are some type of feminist radical and don’t agree with my plan to induce all women into comas, if you’ve got one just laying there, why not use it for reproduction? What is even the argument here?

Of course, it’s unfortunate that a black was the one to impregnate her, because we really don’t need any more black people[…]
If we do this on an industrial scale, and require all women to be put into comas, as my bill proposes, we will be able to keep the costs down, due to economy of scale[…]
I’m sure AOC will make claims like “this is a sexist policy from the patriarchy,” but no one takes her seriously

Padraig Martin #wingnut #racist #sexist #homophobia #transphobia #fundie #conspiracy identitydixie.com

[From "Devastating Military Recruitment in 2024"]

The military must continue to attract “consumers”: impressionable 18 – 24-year-old young adults, primarily males[…]
The U.S. military has become a social justice petri dish. That is not unique to Presidents Obama or Biden[…]The cumulative result will be sixteen years of a constant leftwing orbital shift that is way out of touch with ordinary Americans[…]
One of the key drivers of military recruitment was an appeal to patriotism[…]They joined to defend the Constitution and these United States[…]
Potential black recruits have been fed a steady diet of anti-American vitriol for the last five decades. It has gone into hyper-drive since the emergence of the Black Lives Matter[…]
More importantly[…]is the cumulative impact of anti-White and anti-Christian rhetoric[…]
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) push has effectively forced White males out of recruiting content[…]The messaging from the United States military has been crystal clear: we do not want White recruits[…]
Anti-White shift in advertising may have been justified if the military still had White veterans imploring their White children to join the military[…]White veterans are speaking openly about Critical Race Theory (CRT) and the politically weaponized Covid vaccine to their children[…]
Despite mountains of anecdotal assertions that Generation Z[…]are the most liberal demographic cohort in generations, polling data has shown something very different[…]
A case in point would be the horribly mocked cartoon commercial of a young female Army recruit with two lesbian mothers[…]The ridiculously leftist cultural mishmash was compared to Chinese and Russian recruitment videos featuring hardened men training constantly[…]
We simply need to focus our messaging like a laser beam on two groups: GenZ White Christian males and GenX veterans. Our strategy should hyper-inflate perceptions that the military is anti-Christian, anti-White, and homosexual

William Luther Pierce #racist #psycho #sexist #wingnut #dunning-kruger forums.spacebattles.com

Liberalism is an essentially feminine, submissive world view. Perhaps a better adjective than feminine is infantile. It is the world view of men who do not have the moral toughness, the spiritual strength to stand up and do single combat with life, who cannot adjust to the reality that the world is not a huge, pink-and-blue, padded nursery in which the lions lie down with the lambs and everyone lives happily ever after.

Nor should spiritually healthy men of our race even want the world to be like that, if it could be so. That is an alien, essentially Oriental approach to life, the world view of slaves rather than of free men of the West.

But it has permeated our whole society. Even those who do not consciously accept the liberal doctrines have been corrupted by them. Decade after decade the race problem in America has become worse. But the majority of those who wanted a solution, who

wanted to preserve a White America, were never able to screw up the courage to look the obvious solutions in the face.

All the liberals and the Jews had to do was begin screeching about "inhumanity" or "injustice" or "genocide," and most of our people who had been beating around the edges of a solution took to their heels like frightened rabbits. Because there was never a way to solve the race problem which would be "fair for everybody or which everyone concerned could be politely persuaded into accepting without any fuss or unpleasantness, they kept trying to evade it, hoping that it would go away by itself. And the same has been true of the Jewish problem and the immigration problem and the overpopulation problem and the eugenics problem and a thousand related problems.

SmhChan #sexist #psycho #racist incels.is

Blaming everything on kikes is taking the blame away from foids

At this point, I want more degeneracy in this society. So when these foids are ready to settle down after their hoe-phase, there'd be no escape from the degeneracy of their own creation. I don't care if it's some kike propaganda and what not. Foids are the ones who have directly harmed men. They are the true enemy. I don't care if the society devolves, rots, and dies if it means the foids get to experience a fraction of the pain that is the existence of men.

Cherie Shelor #wingnut #sexist #conspiracy newswithviews.com

Do you suspect a ‘trojan horse’ in our midst here in America? I most certainly do. We partake of its grip daily, totally unaware that it is our foe. It comes to us as a matter of convenience and appears to make our lives better, easier, and convenient.
As evidenced, that ‘strong beast’ has attacked the very foundation of our existence – the family. Men have left the land and placed themselves in factories, shops or some other box. They no longer provide the basic necessities from their own hand. Women have fallen for the lie as well and have entered the labor force to continue the counterfeit construct.
I believe there are two components. One, the people would cease to be virtuous. Two, the people would place their basic needs into the hands of others. Every American has either knowingly or unknowingly placed themselves in a position to be dependent on a system so cunningly designed to entrap them. Most people remain in a position where their basic needs could be taken away should they fail to live up to the financial burden that comes with the ‘system of things’. And should the time come for the people to disapprove of some behavior or unlawful act the system perpetuates, the people who are indebted to this artificial construct will probably not come against the very structure that sustains them. After all, how can you bite the hand that feeds you?

Our enemies knew that in order to achieve their goal, they must change how the people view life and how they arrange their lifestyles. This ‘new’ life must be totally foreign to that of our founding fathers. It must erode the principles that made this country what it was in its beginning. It must arrange things in such a manner to entice men and women to become dependent and indolent. Now I am not advocating returning to the ‘stone age’, but we must find that balance between the old and the new America – and quickly. The question is sadly asked then, are ‘We the People’ or are ‘We the Problem’?

Indracel #sexist #conspiracy #crackpot incels.is

Anyone notice foids want men to be both a traditional man and traditional woman so they can do nothing in the relationship anymore?

Foids are really milking off of men’s intense sexual attraction to them nowadays to the point where they aren’t expected to do anything in the relationship anymore. They don’t even guarantee sex anymore and they get furious when they’re asked to provide emotional support because they’re not a “free therapist” in the words of many foids. They basically want to feel zero pressure to do anything at all to the point where their only value is their vagina, but they get offended and call you a misogynist when you actually point that out.

All the proactive work done by traditional women are now shifted onto their boyfriends so that they are simultaneously required to be both the tradwife and the tradhusband, leaving themselves to be a voracious consumers. Not only do men initiate the relationship, pay for dinner, plan dates, open doors, purchase gifts, provide compliments, have cars, do all the work in sex but now they have to pay attention to their appearance and look handsome, be able to cook, be able to clean, do the laundry, be emotionally available. But if a man asks for any of this he is a misogynist.

R. Shaul Gold #sexist #fundie torahmusings.com

The Purim story discusses three women – Vashti, Zeresh and Esther. In the homiletic spirit, let us say that these three women symbolize three types of women, three models of female behavior.

Vashti represents Women’s Empowerment, women’s desire to be men’s equal, to even surpass males and out“man” men. The licentiousness of Vashti’s party surpassed Achashveirosh’s and, one could contend, was pushed by the need to be more depraved than the men. Her failure to obey the king’s command was an assertion of Female Emancipation in the spirit of “Anything men can do, women can do better.” Vashti is the prototypical misandrist.

Zeresh represents the classical harridan and Haman, the hen-pecked husband. He is forced to conspire to legally empower men because he has been psychologically emasculated by his spouse. She is unhappy with her life because she has tied her success to her husband’s. She is constantly plotting and scheming; her husband is the key to her success. A consummate termagant, she abandons her husband coldly, knocking him when he is down.

Esther represents the very best of womanhood. Her modesty and simplicity earn her the respect due her. She is steadfast in her ideology. She understands her position and carries it forth with grace. This position is Queen, and she fills it with poise, dignity, charm and humility. It is not as a subservient wife [contra Zersh] nor as a timid wallflower [contra Vashti]. Esther needs neither power nor public acknowledgement to validate her essence. She possesses inner contentment. Faced with a situation that is foreign to her upbringing and moral compass, she soldiers forth in the knowledge that her path is the correct one, as understood by Torah scholars.

John Wilder #wingnut #fundie #crackpot #sexist archive.md

When Wilder married and started his own family, he set out to ensure that his children were influenced by conservative ideals. He would often discuss current events and issues with them, explaining how the media had reported a slanted view of the issue, then patiently laying out the facts from his viewpoint. He says he was able to influence all three of his children with facts and logic instead of feelings.
“My son, when he was 16, thought he should be able to decide for himself whether or not he would go to church,” he recalls. “I explained to him that I agreed with him and when he moved out and was self-supporting, he could certainly make that decision for himself. Today as an adult he does not miss church.”
All three of Wilder’s children are conservative, have married conservatives, and are pro-life. He wishes more parents had followed his model.
“Children raised in a liberal home are often ruined for life,” Wilder says. “If we were to instill conservative values into our children we would stop rewarding young girls getting pregnant and going on the dole for the next 20 years and we would have a strong vibrant economy. We need to raise more conservatives in order to save the country.”

Henry Makow PhD #sexist #racist #wingnut #conspiracy henrymakow.com

Dr. Marie N. Robinson's 1958 book, The Power of Sexual Surrender, explains that women need to surrender to a loving man in order to have a satisfying orgasm. By encouraging women to become "strong", "independent" and wary of men, feminism is blocking their sexual fulfillment. As result, women become frustrated, angry, and compensate by becoming masculine.

In their crusade to destroy European Christian civilization, Cabalists (satanist Jews and Freemasons, i.e. Communists) exploit every division. When they couldn't foment class war, they turned woman against man.

Under the guise of women's, gay and tranny "rights," heterosexuals are victims of a vicious satanic attack on their human identity. They are being re-engineered and they don't even know it. A woman's love of husband and child is divine. Only demonically possessed people would destroy it.

The Illuminati's ultimate aim is to induct society into their satanic cult and to impose a veiled Communist police state.

Satanic cults are designed to exploit their members by corrupting and making them sick.

By coercing women to abandon their femininity and usurp the male role, feminism throws a spanner in the natural heterosexual mechanism of humanity. Women have been deprived of their natural biological and social roles and condemned to loneliness and frustration. Similarly, men are deprived of the role of protector and provider essential to their development and fulfillment.

The triumph of such a wrongheaded ideology, and the suppression of the truth, signifies that control in the world has passed to a malignant force.

Robinson confirms my view that heterosexual union is based on an exchange of female power for male power expressed as love. A woman who seeks power is neutering herself and her husband. She will not receive love from a man whose identity is based on power. She cannot love someone she competes with. He cannot love her. This is the dilemma of feminists today.

Andrew Anglin #sexist #transphobia dailystormer.name

[From "Chess League Bans Trannies from Women’s League, Proving That Women are Intellectually as Well as Physically Inferior"]

The fact that women suck at chess proves that they really are inferior to men

With the sports, you can say “oh well, of course they are physically weaker, but what does that matter in modern times???”

Being bad at chess means they are intellectually inferior[…]
We must start from the point of “women are inferior to men and therefore should be treated differently by society”

I mean, we treat people with Down syndrome differently, do we not?

Personally, I think women should be banned from making their own decisions. That is to say, they should be “disenfranchised.” But regardless of how you think this issue should be dealt with, the fact that they have to ban trannies from playing chess because otherwise women will be destroyed by vastly more intelligent men pretending to be women, proves that women are mentally inferior[…]

The world’s top chess federation has ruled that transgender women cannot compete in its official events for women until its officials make an assessment[…]

Good luck fighting the tranny lobby

The tranny lobby is superior to the vagina lobby for the same reason men win all these competitions – because men are superior to women

I support trannies being in everything designed for women, of course. Because it proves, over and over again, that women are inferior to men[…]
There is a reason there are no women geniuses in any field, and the women who were competent at certain things usually had a husband who was competent in those things (how much did Percy help Mary with Frankenstein?)

Furthermore, this whole concept of “women’s sports” and women’s chess or whatever else was retarded from the beginning

Women should stay at home and have kids


End of story

UNSCJohn-117 #wingnut #racist #sexist #conspiracy #psycho deviantart.com

The Soviet Union was more a nationalist country then a communist nation after WW2 because they focused more on tribalism and the family element in Russia just like the National Socialists in Germany as they believed in there own race and nation instead of this multiculturalism and egalitarianism shoved down our throats here in the White Western World which is why the United States and Western Europe are decaying and falling to this white genocide campaign by the Liberal Globalist Establishment. This man Kyle when it was said his people supported the Soviet Union it was more of a sense of pride and nationalism now that he become a Russian Women he is now apart of a homogeneous society to produce children for her country which is the most important job in any society as the preservation of one's race is what preserves there civilization. I mean today in the world the White Birth Rates have dropped so significantly because of this consumerist propaganda that focuses on self-indulgences and the burdens of producing children which makes most White people lazy to have children I'm glad this man is now finally has a purpose to produce children for her nation now I mean in the United States and Europe because of this Consumerist Propaganda its making us weaker and in most cases making the men more feminine as were losing our masculinity through this stifling of our men so that they don't become strong masculine white people but weak and frail feminine men so in general there turning the men into women and the women into men promoting masculinity in them so they won't adopt natural feminine traits or stay home and produce children but take on full time careers except the thing is Men don't bear children only women can and its impossible to do that when there at work instead of home. So In general I'm glad that this caption was made as finally this man has a purpose to produce children for our people and I wish this could happen to all the feminine males in the country so that could be doing the same thing this young lady is doing being a proud, patriot, and loyal wife to her husband producing children for her race and nation so that our own people can continue existing instead of being bred out of existence like what's happening in the West so our hope lies in the East and we as Western European must follow there example or else we perish.

Matthew Boose #wingnut #racist #sexist #conspiracy amgreatness.com

The phrase “our democracy” has become a pervasive cliche in American politics. But who is the subject in this presumptuous expression? Although never defined explicitly, the answer is implicit in what it does not include. To a greater and greater extent, American politics revolves around black people, women, and immigrant populations from the Third World, which together form the core of the Democratic party. The remnants of the old country are now facing obsolescence, with only a weak vessel, the Republican party, to defend them.

The right, whether out of denial, cowardice, or a lack of imagination, has failed to grapple with the deep roots of its demise. Republicans ostracized “nativists” and helped facilitate the demographic replacement of their own voters with the delusion that cheap Third World day laborers are “natural conservatives,” overlooking the most naturally conservative constituency of all: white men. The right failed to conserve gender roles, as women left the home and became angry foot soldiers of a socialist revolution.
The left isn’t wrong when they paint conservatives as natural enemies of “our democracy.” There is nothing conservative about the radically egalitarian system that governs the country, which turns politics into a race to the bottom, a game at which the left naturally excels. The left, in all times and places, has thrived on destruction and decay. The muddled, obese, foreign mass that is today called “the American people” has only a faint connection to the sturdy, adventurous Anglo-Saxons who founded the nation.
Those who find the present state of things tolerable, or even good, will never be shaken out of their delusions. One cannot feel too sorry for them when they come face to face with the creatures vomited out of the belly of their beloved “democracy.” If there is any hope of leaving this cesspool of mediocrity and disorder, it lies not with soft and flabby conservatism but a politics that is willing to raise the bar.

Elvis Dunderhoff #sexist #psycho dailystormer.name

[From "Bosnian Bodybuilder Livestreams Murder of Ex-Wife, Murder Spree While Being Chased by Cops"]

Bitches think it’s a game

Then shit gets real

New York Post

A Bosnian bodybuilder live-streamed the brutal murder of his ex-wife on Instagram Friday — before going on a shooting rampage that ended with his suicide

Nermin Sulejmanovic, 35, filmed at least three videos documenting the violent spree that left three innocent people dead and three more injured in the northeastern town of Gradacac[…]
He then turns the camera to his ex-wife, whose face is bloodied and disfigured from injuries, local outlet Telegraf reported


That’s the face you make when “shit just got real”[…]
At time of writing, 4chan has links to the video, if anyone wants to see it. I’m not gonna watch it, personally. But maybe I’m just getting old

For the record, the guy is both on steroids and a Moslem

I’m not going to blame any man for beating and murdering his wife who was a whore and presumably trying to steal his kids while she was going around having sex with other men. I don’t support it and I don’t endorse murder, but I really do understand why a man would do that

But killing random people on the street?


I mean, if you were seriously going to go out in this manner, you would think you would find her boyfriend/boyfriends and get them, rather than random people. But yeah, I mean. Bosniacs


At the very least, stories like this should be blasted all over the media, like “BITCH BETTER WATCH IT – SOME DUDES OUT THERE AIN’T PLAYING”

Somehow, the media is focusing on “violence against women,” despite the fact that the bitch clearly deserved it and the guy also killed randos on the street who definitely did not deserve it

uglyduckling #psycho #conspiracy #sexist #wingnut incels.is

No change until Rothschild family is killed

Nothing will change and hypergamy will
Continue until the feminist and their supporters are kidnapped and killed.

Going ER will not do anything unless it is done properly.

What do I mean by properly?

By kidnapping targets and killing them and than dissolving their body in acid.

The Rothschilds, Rockefellers are all responsible for hypergamy .

They financed the women’s liberation movements and the feminist movements.

You have to kill these people instead of doing random shooting on average people.

Kill billionaires and than you will see things change.

Incels need to turn into a organized crime group.

Going ER on average folks is ineffective and only backfires.

You need to kill those at the top pulling the strings.

Baylor University #fundie #sexist #homophobia #wingnut themessenger.com

Baylor University will not lose any federal funding if they neglect to respond to reports of sexual harassment on campus, thanks to a Title IX religious exemption granted by the U.S. Department of Education.

It seems to be the first time a university has requested a religious exemption protecting it from sexual harassment claims, and also the first time the Department of Education has granted such a request.

Baylor, located in Waco, was granted the exemption "to the extent that they are inconsistent with the University's religious tenets." If unaddressed harassment happens at Baylor, particularly harassment against LGBTQI+ individuals, the new exemption keeps their federal funding well protected.

Baylor first requested the exemption in a May 1 letter noting that four complaints which had been filed with the Office for Civil Rights "must be dismissed because the allegations directly implicate Baylor's religious exemption" from Title IX.

"The University does not discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity or expression per se, but it does regulate conduct that is inconsistent with the religious values and beliefs that are integral to its Christian faith and mission," reads the letter requesting the exemption, written by Baylor's president, Dr. Linda Livingstone.

Jim Nelles #wingnut #racist #sexist #conspiracy amgreatness.com

The left hates words, well specific words anyway. The left believes that words are hateful and that they cause fear. Per the left, using the wrong word should open you to ridicule, get you fired, or even put in jail.
The list of what we cannot say continues to grow daily. One publication has claimed that men cannot ask a female, say a hotel desk clerk, if he can speak to her manager, as it is disrespectful and implies a lack of trust in her abilities. And you certainly may never ask someone if they have lost weight, because you are saying that they used to be fat.

At the Los Angeles Times, reporters are discouraged from using the word “looters,” as it has a pejorative and racist connotation.
The Left is now also weaponizing words to prosecute those who offend them with speech. Per the National Institutes of Health, being misgendered can be an extremely hurtful and invalidating experience. The intentional refusal to use someone’s correct pronouns is equivalent to harassment and a violation of one’s civil rights. Continuing, EEOC guidance states that “intentionally and repeatedly using the wrong name and pronouns to refer to a transgender employee could contribute to an unlawful hostile work environment and is a violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
I believe in the right to free speech, no matter how hateful, ridiculous, or even obscene. The First Amendment is designed to protect the speech I hate, not the speech I embrace. That is why the best way to expose stupidity, hate, and racism is to give people who espouse such thoughts a platform to expose themselves. As former supreme court justice, Louis Brandeis once said, sunlight is the best disinfectant.

The Left should return to its roots as embracing free speech and uninhibited debate. If nothing else, the Left should remember what all of our mamas taught us as children, “sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.”

Once again, the wisdom of mom rings true.

Indracel #psycho #sexist incels.is

Western women reserve access to their meatholes for the exclusive usage of white men. Deathnics can’t compete since our ancestors could only reproduce through rape and encountered no sexual selection to enhance our appearance. It’s racist to enforce rape laws equally for both whites and nonwhites because nonwhites are inherently disadvantaged in consensual courtship. W*men who disagree are racist.

4Chan copypasta #racist #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #sexist #wingnut #psycho boards.4chan.org

Civilization cannot run without the blood, sweat and tears of young men. They are trying to replace (You) with migrants and eventually robots but migrants only work for one generation, second generation migrants have no connection to their homeland they all have a crisis of identity and the overwhelming majority cope with it by going along with the flow and adopting the stances of their peers. The west is now overflowing with 2nd and third generation migrants and they are with (You). Not to mention that the overwhelming majority of migrants are a net drain on the economy (see pic related).

The social contract has been broken and yet they still expect (You) a young man to contribute (You)r weight in blood, sweat and tears. (You) and many of your peers are choosing to opt out of this deal. After nearly a decade of this trend snowballing (You) and (You)r peers have become the biggest threat the regime has ever faced.

There is nothing they can do to stop it
There is no action they can take that does not reinforce and accelerate the trend
The last time something of this scale happened it was August of 1921. Nearly 20,000 coal miners fought 3000 lawmen and strikebreakers in the battle of Blair Mountain. It was the first time the US had ever been bombed by an aircraft and it was the US Military bombing its own citizens, they even used poison gas bombs. But this time there is nowhere to bomb, the group is largely faceless, instead of 20,000 its nearly 10,000,000. There is no headquarters to attack, there are no leaders, it is just millions of young men collectively coming to the conclusion that there is nothing in it for them.

They will call (You) a "loser", "low T", an "incel" while simultaneously demonizing "toxic masculinity" they have no answer and they are terrified.
Civilization cannot run without the sacrifices of young men it however CAN run without the contributions of women. Artificial wombs already exist, true robot workforces DO NOT.

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #sexist #homophobia #wingnut 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "Faggot loving pansy man unable to keep his wife satisfied like the pathetic piece of shit he is"]

The big news today is that Rat Bastard 2.0, as pretty much every conservative pundit has known for almost four years while the far-left media denied it at every turn, is now officially divorcing from the future Mrs. Idris Elba

The couple, who’ve been the faces of numerous glossy magazine covers, released a statement saying they made this decision “after much thought and careful consideration.” The statement seems in stark contrast to the confident image Trudeau has continuously cultivated both during his campaign and tenure as Prime Minister[…]

As many (including Beaxte) have pointed out, when Rat Bastard 2.0 doesn't give two shits about our desire for privacy or freedom from snooping government agents, then he and his slutty ex-wife and his genetically poisoned spawn don't get nor deserve the smallest ounce of privacy in return[…]
And with the final word, as always, the newspaper of record: At publishing time, the Canadian press was mourning what has been deemed a terrible setback for interracial marriage in Canada

Megha #wingnut #homophobia #sexist #elitist fxtwitter.com

(She’s responding to a whimsical finish to a man’s wedding announcement.)

“No take backsies!!” 😵‍💫

Many modern men are gay, even when they’re straight. This is a serious issue. If men cannot be serious, society cannot accomplish serious things. Proper standards of dignity must be enforced via judgement.

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