
God says you have to do everything I tell you to!

Geoffrey Grider #fundie #ufo nowtheendbegins.com

Aliens might be living among us, according to a study by Harvard academics called ‘The cryptoterrestrial hypothesis: A case for scientific openness to a concealed earthly explanation for Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena’

Our article today, talking about something called ‘The Cryptoterrestrial Hypothesis’ which makes the case for space aliens living in the Earth, and/or possibly inside the Moon in an underground base is ‘wild and out there’ as far as this lost world is concerned, but your King James Bible knows all about it and has been talking about these things for the past 4,000 years.

“And the LORD said unto Satan, Whence comest thou? Then Satan answered the LORD, and said, From going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it.” Job 1:7 (KJB)

Your King James Bible is the wildest Book yet written, and talks of things that continue to inspire Hollywood filmmakers, even though they’d never give the credit to God for the great story ideas. Job is the oldest book in human history, and in that first book we read about space aliens in the Third Heaven, called the sons of God, and we see the LORD having a conversation with the prince of Hell, Satan, who says he is going to and fro in the Earth. Hell just happens to be in the ‘heart of the earth’. So in 2024, when scientists staring talking about aliens living in the earth or in the moon, they are about 6,000 years late to the conversation.

Vic Biorseth #wingnut #fundie #homophobia #racist #conspiracy catholicamericanthinker.com

The whole underlying goal of all of the various Leftist, Marxist, Islamic, Hedonist, Globalist, New World Order movements all lumped together under what we call the Islamo-Commie-Homo movement is the elimination of all proper sense of identity and all proper sense of sovereignty, and the establishment of social chaos, world-(wide.

It's all one big Hegelian crisis-by-crisis setup for a Machiavellian criminal takeover. All these seemingly disparate and separate splinter-group movements and causes are actually linked and related.
The larger attack is on identity and sovereignty. Catholic, Protestant, Orthodox, Jewish, individual citizen, family, neighbor, political ideology, race, sex, government and finally national identity and sovereignty.
That's what Cultural Marxism is all about; that's what Civil Jihad is all about; that's what Gay Pride is all about. That's what COMINTERN has always been about. That's what the UN, the EU, the WEF, the WHO, the ICC and the Davos Agenda are all about.
And with it a common-sense knowledge that here in America there is no such thing as any legitimate legal right to contracept, abort, sodomize, euthanize or sterilize anyone, nor is there any such thing as any legitimate special legal rights assigned to any race, ethnicity, sex or imaginary gender, nor is there any legitimate legal right to commit the sins of fornication, adultery, homosexuality, pornography or any sex outside of marriage between one man and one woman.
No matter what any declaration of human rights, or the UN, or anyone else, whether foreign or domestic, has to say about any of it, no matter what any "expert" falsely claims to be a natural law right,

If it isn't in our national constitution;
If it isn't in our state constitution;
If it isn't otherwise legitimately and legally (which is to say Constitutionally) codified into law,
It is not a legal right.

We Americans are sovereign here. No one else tells us what a right is.

Noel Joshua Hadley #crackpot #fundie #conspiracy theunexpectedcosmology.com

But now I believe I’m finally onto something. Any investigation into the mud flood theory will inevitably lead to the orphan asylum.

Whoa—Whoa—Whoa, you say. “Mud flood theory—again?”
Beginning in the 1840’s, a swelling influx of foundlings—children without one or both parents—were handed over to the State. Hundreds of thousands of children. The abandonment of babies became so commonplace that asylums were established in every major city. There were post office boxes where you could literally drop your child off. No questions asked.

This isn’t merely the tale of developing social welfare programs. Sure, the Orphan Train may have received a lot of press, but the narrative extends far beyond that little untold nugget of Americana. In the nineteenth-century, foundlings were relocated all over the world. Russia. Australia. Canada. Really, pick a continent. Any country. Children were sent there to repopulate in a post mud-flood world. And most of them still had a living parent.
See, we read about the first fallen women in the Book of Enoch. Divine-beings, which Hebrew Scripture calls the Watchers, took human wives and bore giant children with them. The disembodied spirits of those giants became the very demons whom Yahushua would cast out. The Watchers were sentenced to a prison term of seventy generations, by which time they were to be released upon the earth. I’ve done the math. Their probation likely occurred sometime in the mid or early 19th century—beginning of the end days. This appears to have caused a human reset, and may in fact coincide with a worldwide mud flood event. When I talk about reset, I am inciting what has already provably happened in the Soviet Union a hundred years ago. The architects of Communism successfully rewrote history for those whom they beguiled. In the decades to follow, her citizens inhabited what psychologists have coined a false-memory syndrome, not quite unlike the Mandela Effect today.

DavyMichael #sexist #fundie #kinkshaming instagram.com

A warning to younger men!!!!

‭Proverbs 5:3-9
For the lips of a forbidden woman drip honey, and her speech is smoother than oil, but in the end she is bitter as wormwood, sharp as a two-edged sword. Her feet go down to death; her steps follow the path to Sheol; she does not ponder the path of life; her ways wander, and she does not know it. And now, O sons, listen to me, and do not depart from the words of my mouth. Keep your way far from her, and do not go near the door of her house, lest you give your honor to others and your years to the merciless.

Mike Stone #wingnut #racist #fundie #conspiracy henrymakow.com

No bigger flim-flam has ever been foisted on the American people than the creation of the Federal Reserve in 1913 under Woodrow Wilson. It continues to be the scam-of-all-scams, flying under the nose of nearly every American for well over a hundred years.

A flim-flam of almost equal proportion was the taking of our country off the gold standard, first by Franklin Rosenfeld (his real name) in 1933, and again in 1971 by Richard Nixon; and the removal of our country's currency and coins off the silver standard, which happened in 1964, immediately after the assassination of John F. Kennedy.
These treasonous acts by Woodrow Wilson (the worst president of all time), Franklin Rosenfeld (the second worst president of all time), Lyndon Johnson (the third worst president of all time), Richard Nixon, and others are why our currency and coins today are essentially worthless. Sure, they can be exchanged for goods and services - as long as everyone else agrees to do the same - but there's nothing of value backing those bills in your wallet or the coins in your pocket.
When I tell people how to make gobs of money, they beg me for more information. When I tell them how to go to Heaven, I'm met with a fluoride stare. They're interested in the one, but not the other. And that's despite the former being of value only in this world, while the latter will literally take them to Heaven. Money is all they're interested in.
Keep that in mind as you navigate your way past the dopes, fools, and morons that make up American society. If those same people put as much effort into going to Heaven as they do into chasing get-rich-quick investment schemes, there would be a lot less stress in the world and a lot more souls in Heaven. You don't have to follow their example. You don't have to end up burning in hell as they inevitably will.

Indian River County School Board #fundie #wingnut #god-complex news-journalonline.com

School officials in Florida have banned a book about book banning.

The Indian River County School Board voted to remove "Ban This Book" by Alan Gratz from its shelves in a meeting last month, overruling its own district book-review committee's decision to keep it.

The children's novel follows a fictional fourth grader who creates a secret banned books locker library after her school board pulled a multitude of titles off the shelves.

Indian River County School Board members said they disliked how it referenced other books that had been removed from schools and accused it of "teaching rebellion of school board authority," as described in the formal motion to oust it.

The book, which had been in two Indian River County elementary schools and a middle school, was challenged by Jennifer Pippin. She's the head of the area's local chapter of Moms for Liberty, a national conservative group that has become one of the loudest advocates for removing books they deem inappropriate.

Tim Brown #quack #crackpot #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy beforeitsnews.com

I have produced several radio shows on chlorine dioxide with people who not only use it themselves, but have also recommended or administered it to others. I make no claims to be a doctor, nor am I offering medical advice (If you need medical advice, consult your doctor), but I do believe that people are entitled to information to come to their own conclusions about their health and how to maintain it. With that in mind, a brand new documentary has finally been produced on chlorine dioxide titled “The Universal Antidote.” This is because people are using this for all sorts of ailments and it’s merely pennies to acquire without a prescription.

For the record, since I discovered chlorine dioxide a little over a year ago, I have taken it both when feeling well and also as I felt like I was ill. I can attest to seeing pretty tremendous results personally from taking it when I sensed the oncoming of illness. I even shared it with my father who also saw a drastic improvement in less than a day.
The information contained in this documentary, which was just released yesterday, second only I believe to the Gospel of the Kingdom, has the very real potential, to not only change your life, the life of your loved ones and friends, saving countless lives, and alleviating needless death, pain, and the poverty that goes with them. It deals with a simple, but remarkable, all-natural chemical compound (CLO2 -Chlorine Dioxide) aka MMS (Miracle Mineral Solution. CLO2 is safe and extremely effective at treating a host of the most serious adverse health conditions known to man (influenza, staph, MRSA, Lyme, autism, Covid, Malaria, Typhus, HIV, & Yellow Fever, Cancer, etc.) and has been the object of relentless attacks by bigpharma and FDA censorship for a decade. This is a game-changer in humanity’s quest for natural health and medical freedom.

To those who discount the information as too good to be true, bear in mind, that the Gospel also sounds too good to be true.

Geoffrey Grider #fundie #homophobia #transphobia #wingnut #conspiracy nowtheendbegins.com

The end times 2SLGBTQIAAP++ Movement and agenda has its roots firmly planted in the pages of the Bible in what Jesus calls the Days of Lot.

Here in the closing days of Barack Obama’s third term, the seeds he has planted in our nation since 2008 have grown up into a massive tree that dwarfs the landscape with a disproportionate focus on what is now called the…(taking a deep breath) the 2SLGBTQIAAP++ Movement. According to the site Queer Events, that stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Two-Spirit, Queer, Questioning, Intersex, Asexual, Agender and Pansexual. But the one letter that does not show up on the list but is most definitely there is ‘C’ for children, because that seems to the main target of all their activities, the grooming and recruiting of children. Just ask Elmo.

“He beholdeth all high things: he is a king over all the children of pride.” Job 41:34 (KJB)

On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, the Pride Movement started out in 1970 seeking tolerance for their lifestyle, and they soon got it. Next, they sought for acceptance and after a hard-fought battle they achieved that as well. For the third phase, dominance, they needed a president who could force their agenda through, and in 2008, Barack Obama was elected as Newsweek famously reported as the ‘first gay president’. It is from this point on that sexual orientation becomes the law of the land, with severe repercussions for anyone and everyone who stand against it. Remember the Christian baker? Careers and reputations were ruined as the behemoth, or more accurately, Levithan, that is the 2SLGBTQIAAP++ Movement roared into existence. On this episode, we show you just how dominant this movement has become, a movement that has its roots firmly planted in the Bible as the Days of Lot.

jimmygoddard #fundie web.archive.org

An article referring to how evil my little pony is.
The show is created by a young woman named Lauren Faust – if that names seems familiar to you it should be: According to legend, Faust was the name of the person who sold his soul to the devil in return for great wealth and power. It’s highly probable that Satan has chosen Ms Faust to be his modern-day emissary of evil. The signs are clear.
From what we can tell, the ponies do not seem to have any belief in God. There was not one single reference to Christianity, Jesus or the Holy Bible in any of the episodes we watched. There were countless references to paganism, the occult and black-magic. We are concerned that watching this show might encourage young girls to experiment with the dark arts. We advise any parents who suspect their child has seen this show to consult their pastor.

One of their replies to a user

Christianity is the opposite of paganism. Your favorite TV show is selling paganism to kids. You are preventing them from knowing the true GOD.

Lewis Dovland #sexist #wingnut #enbyphobia #conspiracy #fundie americanthinker.com

[From “Why American Women Should Want Their Own Harrison Butker”]

If you are female, would you prefer a Harrison Butker type as your life partner? Or would you prefer to share your life with a man-bun wearing, scraggly bearded, non-binary person complete with all the leftist jargon and chock-full feelings?

Butker’s comments at the graduation ceremony for Benedictine College, a Catholic institution (where he gave a Catholic message)[…]has Democrats in a tizzy[…]
Nature made men and women different from each other in a perfect and complementary yin/yang design[…]
Men are simpler creatures (just ask any wife) and are not known for deep emotions on a regular basis. When societies refocus a man’s reproductive and power drives into beneficial application (usually through culture and religion), their ingrained nature makes them natural providers for their offspring[…]
A man’s natural focus is problem solving, which is why women get frustrated when they bring an issue to their husbands and then he immediately goes into “problem solving mode”[…]
Think of men as visually horizontal[…]Ready to step forward to[…]provide food and shelter. Women on the other hand are visually vertical, spiritually looking up[…]always on guard to protect and nurture[…]
Would you like to have Harrison as your husband? Would you like to have the life freedom of Harrison’s wife?[…]
Since the 1970s, Gloria Steinem days—as still seen in today’s COSMO (which is truly unreadable dreck)—the “women’s movement” of sexual liberation (Marxism designed to collapse the family structure) and the alleged emancipation of women have done women great harm by telling them they can be all things[…]
America needs to find its supply of testosterone. We need to stop the emasculation of our young boys by our K-12 educational system. Male weakness, especially over the past 30 years, is a key reason for the cultural dysfunction that is killing the family, religion, and eventually the American experiment

Joseph Mercola #conspiracy #crackpot #fundie #god-complex #magick #quack naturalproductsinsider.com

(Submitters note: Joseph Mercola is runs a supplement company and was one of the biggest sources of covid denialism/anti-vax misinformation online).

The difference between a cult and a con is often difficult to discern, but experts on cult indoctrination and psychic fraud say developments surrounding osteopathic physician Joseph Mercola’s actions at his supplement company fit patterns seen in both, largely affirming the fears of people close to the controversial doctor that he is being manipulated by a purported psychic.

In hundreds of hours of video and transcripts to which Natural Products Insider was given access, Dr. Mercola consulted with a psychic who goes by the name Kai Clay but appears to have been previously known as Christopher Johnson. Clay claimed to channel an “ancient and wise high-vibration entity from the causal plane.”

Mercola began meeting with Clay — who spoke as the entity “Bahlon” — in late 2023, and announced that he was going to produce a book from Bahlon’s teachings that would change the world, bringing joy to “billions” of people. Mercola’s sister, Janet Selvig, said she confronted the doctor about his relationship with Clay and he reacted angrily, at one point declaring himself “the new Jesus.” A week later, Selvig was fired from her job editing content for the brand, along with CEO Steve Rye and Chief Business Officer Ryan Boland. An email appearing to come from Mercola cited the executives’ Catholic beliefs as reasons for firing them.

He described the Catholic church as “the entity behind the global cabal,” adding that the church “created all the pain that most people experience” before declaring that “the current leadership,” referring to Selvig, Rye and Boland, “has strong commitments to the Catholic Church.”

Dave Williams #fundie #homophobia #wingnut #biphobia #transphobia #enbyphobia 9news.com

The Colorado GOP’s mass email titled “God Hates Pride,” read, in part, “The month of June has arrived and, once again, the godless groomers in our society want to attack what is decent, holy, and righteous so they can ultimately harm our children.”

The message to Colorado Republicans was headlined with an image reading “God Hates Flags,” a nod to the anti-gay slur on the picket signs of the infamous Westboro Baptist Church.

The party’s message was signed by chairman Dave Williams. A post from the Colorado Republican Party on X, formerly Twitter, read simply, “Burn all the #pride flags this June.”

Brian Niemeier #fundie brianniemeier.com

[On Michael Cassidy being fined for damaging a statue of Baphonet]

He is guilty of nothing, except a willingness to exercise heroic virtue that too many men lack.


Again, the state of Iowa found Cassidy guilty of being Christian. The fact that everybody is celebrating him getting a fine and probation as a win shows just how far America has fallen.

Don’t get me wrong. It’s amazing that Cassidy didn’t get the book thrown at him, and he raised far more than he had to pay the Satanists. It’s that in a rightly ordered society, i.e., a confessional integralist state, Cassidy wouldn’t just get off without a fine, he’d be rewarded by the state.

The spiteful mutant Luciferians would be the ones whose guilt would be correctly discerned and punished. But even a partial victory is the best we can hope for at this point, so praise God! And there’s still much more work to be done.

E. J. Preston #fundie #wingnut #homophobia #psycho #mammon amazon.com

(Curiously categorised in Books > Business and Career > Finances)

Jesus Was a Republican

What does it mean to be a good Christian? If you go to church, does that do it? If you give to charity, does that do it? If you bring your friends to a prayer group and get them involved in the church, does that do it? What if you see a homeless man on the street and you buy him a meal or even get him a job? Does that make you a good Christian? The answer is no. Kind acts are important but at the core of what makes someone a good Christian is not an act or two. It's all about the values. A good Christian will dedicate him or herself to following a strict adherence to the values set forth by Jesus Christ. This book explores precisely that question: What did Jesus believe when it came to Taxes, Abortion, Homosexuality, the Death Penalty and Guns and this book will conclusively demonstrate using Holy Scripture that Jesus, were he alive today, would most certainly be a Republican. Moreover, he would denounce the Democratic Party and would never view them as good Christians.

Joseph Mattera #fundie #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia #sexist charismanews.com

With the collapse of Judeo/Christian values in Western culture, people are left to frame their lives through means that are not defined by the biblical narrative.

Thus, presently, there is a free-for-all system where every person defines their own laws, ethics and values. Self-expression is the new ethos, and even if self-destructive lifestyles diminish the quality of a society, restricting it is a great taboo and cited as a form of bigotry.

As traditional narratives continue to be deconstructed, this has also resulted in a loss of the collective metanarrative for understanding the world. This leads to uncertainty, nihilism and a feeling-based morality that determines public policy in which one’s identity trumps psychology above biology.

In the past, people made up for this loss of the biblical metanarrative primarily by deriving their identity from their ethnicity. However, with a rapid acceleration in individualism, autonomous secular humans are left with a reductionist mindset that has further collapsed their existential perspective to mere individual expression.
Corresponding to His ability to subdue chaos and fluidity, God made both male and female in His image to represent Him and to subdue the earth (Gen.1:27-28).

Consequently, it took both a man and a woman to express God’s image to exert dominion over creation; one man or woman could not fully express God’s image and likeness, nor could two men or two women. It takes both masculinity and femininity in covenant marriage to fully transmit God’s image to the next generation to continually perpetuate God’s kingdom influence.

Hence, before any further development of civilization existed, marriage between one man and one woman was the foundation of maintaining order and subduing the chaos in the created order.

Connected to this equilibrium that maintained order is that God originally framed humanity with two genders based on a biological framework, not a psychological one.

Paul Bury #fundie #conspiracy #wingnut #transphobia #racist #senpai_noticed_us familyfriendlygaming.com

A lot of parents are trying to find ways to keep their kids safe from the radicalization that is coming from schools, comic books, television shows, movies, and more. Even if a kid jokes about their gender then the radical activists in the schools are brainwashing them to mutilate their bodies, take hormones they should never take, and more. These people are not being held accountable for the damages they are causing our youth.

The government is currently completely in support of encouraging mental illness instead of treating it. I know a lot of parents tell me they can't get away from it. They have to work to pay for the massive inflationary costs thanks to Joe Biden and the Democrats. There are too many taxes they have to pay because the government is too bloated. There is an entire class in America that relies on the government to survive. The rest of us can't afford to pay the costs of all those hand out programs. Illegal aliens are pouring in and getting free services as well. Does anyone care? Is anyone going to correct the bad direction of the government?

I am having trouble finding very much entertainment that is not actively trying to brainwash the youth into their radical ideas that are actually the same old rebellion against God. Isn't it interesting that we can see who is behind all this? Parents if you can find a way to home school your children then do it. If you can find a way to get some land, and grow as much of your own food then do it. If you can find a way to make your own clothing then do it. If you can find a way to support the good entertainment then do it. Satan and his supporters continue to attack Family Friendly Gaming for daring to speak out against the delusions they are encouraging.

Scott Lively #fundie #homophobia scottlively.net

After four years of foot dragging by Ponsor, Liberty Counsel filed a motion that forced him to either rule or allow us to appeal the lack of a ruling. He then did what he was always legally obligated to do: dismiss the case for lack of jurisdiction (because the ATS was no longer operable). BUT what typically would have been a single line or paragraph announcing the dismissal was written like a ruling against me. I doubt he even wrote it himself it was so childish and polemical – like a guest opinion in a junior college newspaper, filled with invective and irrationality. Yet, on its face it looked like the official ruling of a federal court, so when the lead SMUG attorney publicly stated they would use this “ruling” in foreign courts to go after pro-family activists like me, we were ethically obligated to appeal our “win” to prevent that strategy from harming other Christians in foreign jurisdictions who would not realize the rhetoric in the “ruling” was not legally binding. After another 18 months – and a total of $1.5 million spent by Liberty Counsel over the full six and a half years – we finally got the federal appeals court to put that in writing, so finally the case was over.

In a major spiritual twist, three days prior to that final event, Val Kalende, Kato’s successor as head of SMUG in Uganda contacted my attorney to say she had accepted Christ, repented of lesbianism and wanted to apologize to Scott Lively for everything SMUG and its attorneys had done to me.

I’m still waiting for an apology from the person most responsible for my ordeal: Judge Michael Ponsor, the ethicist.

Ken Ham #forced-birth #fundie #wingnut twitter.com

Chuck Schumer is the majority leader of the United States Senate.

In this post, I'm not commenting on his statements about not having enough workers or the immigration issue. I want to deal solely with this statement he made in a recent video clip (from 05 to 12). He said:

“We have a population that is not reproducing on it’s own with the same level that it used to…”.

What a hypocrite.

Here's what I believe he should of said, "We have a population that is not reproducing on it's own with the same level that it used to because I and most other politicians and many in the judiciary have totally supported killing off as many, in fact tens of millions of children as we can before they are even born."

The abortion holocaust (for which we've written a lot about on the
website) is a stench before the God of creation for which they will be held accountable one day. And I want to warn Chuck Schumer, "It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God" (Hebrews 10:31).
9:30 PM · May 27, 2024 · 45.6K Views
233 Reposts 21 Quotes 721 Likes 37 Bookmarks

Günter Bechly and the Discovery Institute #fundie #crackpot #dunning-kruger #pratt youtube.com

Gunter [sic] Bechly Explains What The Fossil Evidence Really Says

In this bonus interview released as part of the Science Uprising series, paleontologist Gunter [sic] Bechly unveils the truth behind the fossil record. There are multiple trade secrets among paleontologists. Chief among them is that Darwin's insistence on gradualism was motivated by his understanding that the dramatic jumps found in the fossil record imply intervention. Darwin hoped that time would reveal his desperately needed transitional fossils. It has not, and what science has learned since Darwin's day would've shattered his hopes as Bechly explains.

Dr. Thomas Horn/Terry James #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy #mammon skywatchtvstore.com

Summoning the Demon Book


In recent years, astonishing technological developments have pushed the frontiers of humanity toward far-reaching morphological transformation that promises in the very near future to produce what the book of Revelation describes as the living “image of the beast,"

Will this mysterious image become realized through the emerging technologies of transhumanism, artificial intelligence, technological singularity, and the ungodly ambitions of a hive mind?

The dynamic changes detailed in this book unveil how godlike machines with the capability of crossing over species and extradimensional barriers put in place by God will soon be ushered in.

As a result, vast numbers of believers could be paralyzed by the staggering supernatural implications. But is there a way for citizens to be prepared for what is coming?
Trajectory Book

Today’s society and culture are increasingly saturated with evil, Genesis 6-level activity. Delusion and deception (deceivers and demonic influences) assault this generation through reprobate thinking.

We only have to consider how this so-called woke insanity with its cancel culture is affecting people who have been inculcated with anti-God, anti-America-as-founded education—how social, mainstream news and entertainment media and even the commercial industry and U.S. military suffer from the upside-down thinking flowing from humanity turning its back on God.

Tracking the Approaching Tribulation Storm, projects through seventeen Bible prophecy experts a vivid, in-depth picture of what is happening. Each contributor, with superlative analysis of the issues and events of this end-of-the-age turbulence, lights up in radar scope-like magnification the boiling, end-times clouds approaching from across the prophetic horizon.

@connorohare229 #sexist #fundie youtube.com

Egalitarianism has been the cruelest joke on our civilization.

We were taught and brainwashed from youth to worship this man made false idol from birth and told to ignore the God of objective reality, of hierarchy, of a recognition of man's innate inequities, and most importantly, the need of salvation from Him(Christ).

Melinda Siebold #magick #ufo #fundie #conspiracy operationdisclosureofficial.com

Even though my heart and intuition told me the men known as Thoth and Jesus were the same being many years ago. But now I have a more complete picture.

My journey early on led me to the Ancient Mysteries and Gnosticism. The Gnostic creation story begins with a Source of all being who created first a Mother Goddess who birthed Father God, and together they birthed an androgynous child or Logos. Logos means “word” or “voice”. Source thinks creation, and Mother-Father give birth to creation through the voice or utterance of the Logos.
The greatest congregation of the darkness came to our galaxy, and specifically, the Earth. The liberation operative known as Cobra has said that the greatest part of “the anomaly” – his name for Yaldabaoth, has its tentacles wrapped tightly around Earth. This is a sad thought to me, as it is Yaldabaoth clinging desperately to his mother, meanwhile trapping her in his darkness.

This is why we light workers are here on Earth now. We are told that we answered Mother Earth’s calls for help to release her from the bondage of darkness. And that includes the liberation of all her life forms. And we of the 144,000 have helped to liberate countless civilizations to prepare us for this final battle.
Sananda has had many incarnations and identities. He is Ningishzidda, son of the Sirian named Ea or En-Ki. Ningishzidda is also known as Thoth, Hermes, Mercury, Zeus, Bacchus, Buddha and Jesus/Yeshua. And most likely has many other identities.
But Thoth-Jesus brought the Christ Consciousness of unconditional love to Earth two thousand years ago. It lives within everyone who has the capacity to love. Everyone who loves, has the Christ Consciousness within them. Once they have perfected that love, they themselves are Christed or are Christ’s.

And we are about to see the culmination of the Christ’s work and the restoration of Pistis Sophia and her body, the Earth, to the realms of light and love.

Andreas Steinmeister #sexist #fundie #homophobia csv-verlag.de

Doesn’t Matter?
The Gender Hierarchy - a cultural construct or Creator’s intent?

Does it not matter that there are men and women?
Does it not matter that two men enter a marriage?
Does it not matter if a woman stands at the pulpit?

Andreas Steinmeister puts society and congregation to the Biblical standard. What he finds and uncovers is simultaneously disturbing and alarming.
Reformation means bringing back things to their original form. That, precisely, is the author’s goal. He does not leave it merely sounding alarm, but points out a way that honours the Creator first and preserves the people in society and in the congregation from self-destruction and loss.

Original GermanSpielt keine Rolle?
Die Geschlechterordnung - eine kulturelle Konstruktion odder Absicht des Schöpfers?

Spielt es keine Rolle, dass es Männer und Frauen gibt?
Spielt es keine Rolle, dass zwei Männer eine Ehe schließen?
Spielt es keine Rolle, wenn eine Frau auf der Kanzel steht?

Andreas Steinmeister legt den Maßstab der Bibel an die Gesellschaft und an die Gemeinde. Was er herausfindet und aufdeckt, ist beunruhigend und alarmierend zugleich.
Reformation heißt, Dinge in ihre ursprüngliche Form zu bringen. Genau das ist das Ziel des Autors. Er belässt es nicht beim Alarmschlagen, sondern zeigt einen Weg auf, der zuerst dem Schöpfer die Ehre gibt und der den Menschen in der Gesellschaft und in der Gemeinde vor Selbstzerstörung und Verlust bewahrt.

Kaisar #wingnut #racist #conspiracy #homophobia #transphobia #fundie hiddendominion.com

[From “End Results From Winning World War 2”]

Sometimes it is useful to look at the ramifications—the actual, tangible end results—from any event to determine if it was actually a net positive

The West supposedly “won” World War 2. So what were the fruits of that victory?

spoiler"Winning" WW2
•country becomes borderless economic zone
•infinite debt slavery
•infinite immigration
•culture erased
•6 y/o son becomes your daughter
•15 y/o daughter becomes "s*x-worker"
•govt & media call you evil for existing
•you get thrown in jail for asking why

Don’t forget to add:
•Increasing hatred of the races/nations that actually “won” the war
•Complete loss of kin/community because of individualism
•Proliferation of soyboy and industrialized foods
•Widespread demoralization
•State-enforced laws against whites
•Complete loss of true religious faith in the mainstream
•And plenty of others

Sounds kind of like a bad tree bearing bad fruits, doesn’t it?

We sure acquired material abundance here in the States from that war. But given the spiritual decay and massive cultural degeneration that the abundance came wrapped in, I think I would have preferred poverty, truthfully. At least then we’d still have our national soul
@Matthew 16:26

For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?[…]

Just replace “man” with “civilization”. The West[…]certainly won the whole world from that war

As Christ asked, what was the profit? Sixty-ish years of prosperity and abundance?

Maybe I’m radical, but the prosperity we had for those sixty-some years does not quite seem worth the above degeneration list[…]
We made that Faustian trade. Looking back, it sure does not seem worth it. These end results are worse than anyone that actually fought that war back then could have ever imagined

Stefan Drüeke and a Creation Museum in Wuppertal #fundie csv-verlag.de

Traces of the Creator

Creation or Evolution? This is a question bothering many these days. This magazine gives answer and shows the traces of the Creator in his Creation. We find these traces within the starry sky, within a cell’s genome, within an anemone and within a gecko.
This magazine is also used as a museum guide in the Creation Museum in Wuppertal. However, it can also be used independently from a trip to the Creation Museum.

Original GermanSpuren des Schöpfers

Schöpfung oder Evolution? Das ist eine Frage, die heute viele beschäftigt. Dieses Heft gibt Antwort und zeigt die Spuren des Schöpfers in seiner Schöpfung. Wir finden diese Spuren am Sternenhimmel, im Erbgut einer Zelle, bei einer Anemone und einem Gecko …

Dieses Heft wird auch als Museumsführer des Schöpfungsmuseum in Wuppertal eingesetzt. Es kann aber auch unabhängig von einem Besuch im Schöpfungsmuseum verwendet werden.

Melinda Siebold #magick #ufo #wingnut #racist #fundie #conspiracy operationdisclosureofficial.com

For years now, we light workers have been told that the Quantum Computer system and Quantum Voting system were extra-terrestrial technology connected with the consciousness of God or Source. And that it wasn’t connected with artificial intelligence at all. And we were told that it was extra-terrestrial technology that was located off planet to protect it from corruption.

However, five minutes of research shows that it uses artificial intelligence, and is being developed on Earth by the usual cabal corporations. And I have read that the Rothschild’s own the patent on it.

It’s not a well known fact that artificial intelligence is the ultimate enemy of biological life forms in the universe. But that’s how a negative alien plasma energy being travels, infects, and overtakes biological life forms.

And the graphene nanoparticles in chemtrails and vaccines are two primary methods of getting artificial intelligence nanobots into people – thus infecting them with artificial intelligence. Infecting them with a negative alien plasma being.

So I denounce the lie that Quantum Computing is connected to the consciousness of God. As described in a video, it opens portals to other dimensions.
Artificial intelligence is not – as some claim, a neutral force that can be used for good or evil. It was a force created for evil and takeover of all natural life forms.
It’s important to know that the darkest of dark places in the entire multi-verses has been the Earth. And that the final battle between good and evil is still being fought on Earth.

And it’s important to remember that the Earth has been under the control of negative extra-terrestrials for millennia, and is not yet free of them, or at least is still under the control of their minions. And most importantly, they still have a firm grip on all media – including so-called “alternative” media sites.

And the cabal has always played both sides.

Geoffrey Grider #wingnut #fundie #conspiracy nowtheendbegins.com

The Degrowth Movement for Climate Change has swelled in recent years, particularly in Europe and in academic circles, now it’s been linked up with Communism. Doesn’t that sound like fun?
Make no mistake about it, the Climate Change Movement as it exists around the world in 2024 is very much a religion, and within that context, its adherents are working feverishly to bring in an eco-theocracy. The object of worship is, of course, the divine feminine in the form of ‘Mother Earth’, and now a new group called the ‘Degrowth Movement’ combines Agenda 2030 with Communism. Doesn’t that sound exciting?

“And the rest of the men which were not killed by these plagues yet repented not of the works of their hands, that they should not worship devils, and idols of gold, and silver, and brass, and stone, and of wood: which neither can see, nor hear, nor walk:” Revelation 9:20 (KJB)

Of course, all of this is leading us towards Communism, towards the enslavement warned about in books like ‘1984’ that was written by a Socialist who saw the handwriting on the wall. The concept of man-made climate change is a hoax, not even close to being true on any level. But it makes an excellent cudgel with which to batter your fellow man into submission. According to their own evolutionist doctrines, the most climate change happened in the Neoproterozoic Period 600 million years ago when the planet was much warmer than today. In the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum Period around 92 million years ago, another heat spike. And in the Younger Dryas Period of about 12,000 years ago, things abruptly cooled off. Ice Age. You will note that none of these periods were affected by anything man was or was not doing. So whether it’s C40 Cites, eating bugs instead of steak, Degrowth Communism, Climate Change, Agenda 2030, or the Great Reset, it all comes from the same people, and takes you the same place. That’s the memo, Comrade.

Prince Caspian #fundie #homophobia #sexist scifiwright.com

On a side note. My cousin's daughter was half paying attention to a cartoon on Nicolodeon. My Grandma was watching it too, but did not really gather what small feats and characteristics about the characters were displayed.

Two college girls were hanging out with each other on a quest. It came to be revealed, they were "dating" each other. And had to break up. The crush between the two girls.

It was propaganda for children to adopt the lifestyle as innocent. Just a mere blush. A certain love like charm, like boyfriend and girlfriend would have.

This is the benign appearing entry into a child's mind and heart. It's the slithering serpent in the Garden. "You shall not die!"

This is a introduction to children to think of romance, crushes. And children have a mind and are intelligent. They are not stupid. They know that this means the terms of endearment which a man and a woman often display. And children come often onto the seen. They understand.

Deviating this with two girls, then tells children that two girls can have those romantic relationships that evolve from a crush. Children are not stupid. Thus, the logic of the cartoon is not innocent, for which it leads to.

Thus, as the authors in the letter above. Surely know, their audience are not stupid. But treat them as Mrs. Sanger loved for her purposes. Referring to them as "feeble minded."

There is nothing romantic about two girls, or two boys loving each other. Nothing!

The love a boy builds an affection for a girl, is willing the good of the other. He defends her. He protects her. He is a Knight! He is a Prince! The opposites attract. The opposites are complimentary. Their completely creative. The girl and girl, or the boy and boy are not. It's dead.

The guy creates a Poem giving her the words that only a Goddess can hear. Goddesses cannot really stand hearing what they want to hear from each other. It's already known.

The boy, the subject of the Goddess, who not like any other as she has known and seen. Brings her delight. She see's a smaller willful subject, unlike her own. He is a strange and unusual creation.

That's the point of boy meets girl.

Girls can live Lesbos if they want. And, they will live for that for a awhile, until a boy awakens their wonder. And find a Prince who slays dragons, and rescues Princesses. She see's him as her complimentary. Not her equal.

Conservapedia #homophobia #dunning-kruger #fundie #biphobia conservapedia.com

In 2007, Conservapedia creates its Homosexuality in animals myth article.

Liberals tout a supposed "gay penguin" in a California zoo.[18] Liberals rabidly deny someone can be an ex-homosexual. Ex-homosexual is faced with a $10,000 fine, spends $7,000 in legal fees, and is forced to go to pro-homosexuality classes by a liberal judge who claimed he engaged in aggressive behavior in a discussion with a homosexual man (during his discussion the ex-homosexual man was holding a baby).

In 2009, the alleged gay penguin in a California zoo starts a romance with a lady penguin and abandons his supposed male penguin lover. The homosexual activist Wayne Besen claims the penguin is living in denial and not an ex-homosexual male penguin. (see: Homosexuality in animals myth).

Stew Peters and Sean Hibbeler #conspiracy #crackpot #dunning-kruger #fundie angrywhitemen.org

Stew Peters recently unveiled the trailer for his network’s latest propaganda film. Titled Old World Order, it promotes the so-called “Tartarian Empire”[…]
And any evidence for this race of giants was — of course — either destroyed or covered up by wealthy elites, such as the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds

The trailer shows photos of ornate buildings, including the Milan Cathedral, the Chicago Federal Building, the U.S. Capitol, and the Palace of Justice of Brussels. It then cuts to various people who claim that these buildings appear too large to have been built by “people of our height”[…]
After the trailer, Peters interviewed the film’s director Sean Hibbeler — a flat earther and 9/11 truther[…]Hibbeler claimed that the film serves as an “introduction to this psyop,” because while people may have heard of “Tartaria,” it was only “one of many empires that were hidden from us”

He explained that “we didn’t build” the buildings highlighted in the film, but rather “found” them

“If you look at some of these older buildings in your community, will actually say — will actually admit some stuff, Stew. It’ll say ‘founded in 1898,'” Hibbeler said. “Okay. Alright, I’ll take that. But then when you go on their website it says it was constructed in a year. The timelines don’t make any sense, Stew”

As applied to buildings, the word “founding” refers to when the foundation was constructed[…]
Hibbeler claimed that elite figures want to prevent us from knowing about the existence of giants and their technological achievements — particularly being able to harness energy from the “ether”[…]
The second reason for the cover-up[…]was to keep people from believing in creationism

“But real quick on the giants, you can’t have Darwinism, you can’t have evil-ution, you can’t have Big Bang with giants,” Hibbeler said[…]
But what about photos of buildings from the 20th century while they were clearly under construction? Hibbeler told Peters that those were all faked too

Kaiser #sexist #elitist #fundie #wingnut #homophobia hiddendominion.com

[From “Should Women Be Allowed To Vote?”]

I had two voting-related questions come up[…]
•What are your thoughts on women voting?
•What would voting look like in your ideal system, if at all?[…]

What are your thoughts on women voting? Should women be allowed to vote?

My answer is no
“Why Not?” is explained in answering #2

What would voting look like in your ideal system, if at all?

If we’re going to have voting at all in our future political system, the voting system itself needs to change to have these two new components:
The voting system must be oversight voting, not direct voting or representational voting. I.e., we should not vote directly for leaders or laws[…]
Voting must be done solely by families[…]
••To get a vote, one must be married with kids (in a traditional Biblical marriage)[…]
••Divorced? Lost the vote. Single parent? No vote[…]
••Families should only get one vote. A family should be in consensus or it shouldn’t be voting, anyway. Since the Bible says that the man is the head of the household, he should fulfill the family vote requirement. This renders women voting moot[…]
This process is similar, but more formal and voting-based, to how the average people “overseen” the monarchy in many nations during Christendom[…]They “overseen” through rioting, financial rebellion, or other pushback methods against the king. This kind of voting system is a simple way to get that same outcome without the old Middle Ages bloodshed[…]
With this, we could return to the last time our civilization was working well (Christendom). But we’d still be able to incorporate a hedge against totalitarianism[…]
We don’t have to have voting, but I’d prefer it if we structured it like this. Oversight voting by family is the way to go[…]
My sympathies in advance to all those who will be offended: Single men, women, sodomites, the divorced, and everyone else alike. This position may seem “extreme”

Ray Comfort #fundie twitter.com

Hell Will Freeze Over

It seems that the world talks about Hell far more than the Church. It speaks of the fires of Hell when it says, "Hell will freeze over..." and of its inevitability by saying, "As sure as Hell." They even admit to man's indebtedness to the Law of God by saying, "There will be Hell to pay," and rattle off phrases such as, "I'll be damned." Such talk is insane. They don't believe God's Word and yet they adopt its language. How can they be so flippant about the judgment of Almighty God? The Bible tells us how. There is no fear of God before their eyes. They are blinded and held captive by the devil. The only hope of their rescue is the grace of our God, who takes off the blinders, breaks the chains, and sets the captives free.

There goes another minute. Gone forever. Go share your faith while you still have time.
1:01 AM · May 27, 2024 · 4,463 Views
30 Reposts 1 Quote 105 Likes 7 Bookmarks

Dallas Ludlum #fundie #pratt #dunning-kruger conservativecompass.substack.com

When we examine the natural world, we are struck by the order, harmony, and purpose embedded within it. The fine-tuning of the universe—the precise values of physical constants that allow for the existence of stars, planets, and ultimately life—suggests a level of calibration that defies random chance. The anthropic principle, which observes that the universe appears to be finely tuned for the emergence of life, further bolsters the argument for design. The conditions necessary for life are so specific and interdependent that they point to the intentionality of a Designer.
The notion that something can arise from nothing is not only counterintuitive but philosophically untenable. The principle of causality, which undergirds scientific inquiry, demands an adequate cause for every effect. The existence of the universe, with its finely tuned laws and constants, necessitates an explanation beyond the material realm. The cosmological argument posits that the universe had a beginning—a singularity from which space, time, and matter emerged. This beginning points to a transcendent cause, an uncaused First Cause, which we understand to be God.

Intelligent Design does not merely fill the gaps left by scientific inquiry; it provides a coherent framework that unifies our understanding of the cosmos, life, and human existence. It aligns with our intuitive sense of purpose and meaning, offering a narrative that life is not an accidental byproduct of impersonal forces but the intentional creation of a loving and purposeful Designer.

In embracing Intelligent Design, we acknowledge the limitations of a purely naturalistic worldview and open ourselves to the profound implications of a created universe. We are not cosmic orphans adrift in a sea of chance but bearers of the imago Dei, the image of God, endowed with purpose and dignity.

Bryan K Starr #fundie #wingnut quora.com

Lol really?

In the leftist corner you have senile Joe, a incredibly corrupt, traitorous, demented, soulless creature who is certainly going to hell.

In the right corner you have Trump, a man who seriously wants to push American values, including Christian values and like many people has his own faults to deal with.

I don't care if Trump cheated on his wife, or sold crack on a corner somewhere back in the 90s.

The question is; who is better for America?

Under Trump we had low prices on everything, secure borders, no dumb wars, etc, etc.

Under Biden it's been the exact opposite and magnified terribly for all of us, you included, and you have the audacity to question why any one would vote for Trump vs Biden?!

Are you retarded?

Bryan K Starr #fundie quora.com

They (atheists) certainly can't understand the Bible, which is strange and more evidence the Bible is the truth.

Many claim a college education and yet cannot comprehend even simple things and concepts in the Bible.

It mixelplixes their brains or something.

That's why you see them say the Bible has thousands of contradictions - except they're not contradictions, they're evidence of the atheists inability to comprehend scripture.

Their whole life is predicated on multiple lies to shield them from the truth.

Abiogenesis, macroevolution, there is no God, etc are the lies they willfully swallow.

The Bible says they are under strong delusion, a consequence of living a lie.

It's incredible.

Geoffrey Grider #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy nowtheendbegins.com

When I am looking for subject matter for a new Podcast, many times I will go with what the main or top story in the news happens to be if it has some relation on Bible prophecy. This morning, while looking for material, I at first was a tad flummoxed when, despite all the headlines, I was finding no singular compelling story to talk about. It was then the Lord showed me it was staring me in the face the whole time. Deception, the first sign of the end times, and it is coming at us from every angle on every front.

“And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world? And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you.” Matthew 24:3,4 (KJB)

On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, we find ourselves in a time where everyone seems to be lying to us all the time, it is truly a ‘marvellous thing’ as your King James Bible says. We were lied to about the COVID virus, about the lockdown, about the mRNA vaccine, about the death count, and are now being lied to about the state of our nation, about the lies being force-fed to our kids in school, it is all lies all the time with no end in sight. A spirit of anger and hostility pervades our land, and upon further inspection through the Bible, we see that it is the spirit of Antichrist that is now present amongst us. Jesus says the Devil is the ‘father of lies’ in John 8:44, and since Antichrist is about to come on the scene, we are awash in lies, deception and deceit. On this episode, you will hear in their own words just how bad things really are, and just how close we are to Flight #777 taking off.

Robin Ortiz #fundie #conspiracy msn.com

What's happening in the world today is NOT "climate change." These are the end-time signs that are increasing. Climate can neither affect all of those asteroids getting closer and with greater frequency or the earthquakes in places that rarely have them, or the Sun's untimely behavior or what is happening miles under our feet deep within the earth, as well as in the furthest reaches in space. The media lies to us. "Climate change" doesn't explain half of what is actually occurring everywhere all around us. After their supposed "climate apocalypse" that collapses the planet near 2030 finally takes place, one man will arise seemingly having all the answers to a hurting world in need of such a leader. Remember this. You know who he is and what he will do.

Harrison Butker #fundie #conspiracy #homophobia #transphobia #forced-birth #sexist lgbtqnation.com

In Atchison, Kansas this weekend, Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker, a Catholic and three-time Super Bowl champion, used his commencement speech to Benedictine College graduates as a platform[…]
If the Class of ’24 thought the day’s celebration was about them, Butker had something else in mind

Denouncing the “silence” he said that the Church desires for activist Catholics like himself, Butker was outspoken in his criticism of “degenerate cultural values”, “the tyranny of diversity equity and inclusion,” “dangerous gender ideologies,” “diabolical lies” told to women, and infectious diseases expert Dr. Anthony Fauci, among other objects of scorn

Like the martyr Butker portrays himself as, he reveled in a recent Associated Press story that he said was meant to shame Benedictine College for “an immense shift toward the old ways”

He said he took “pride” in the description, “Not the deadly sins sort of Pride that has an entire month dedicated to it,” he said, adding, “but the true God-centered pride that is cooperating with the holy ghost to glorify him”

While Butker may have found a receptive audience at the school among leadership — 10 years ago, current and then-school president Stephen Minnis forced an out basketball player to remove a Pride flag from his dorm window — the graduating class groaned at the uncharitable slap at the LGBTQ+ community[…]
Butker had choice words, as well, for President Biden and the women of America, whom he encouraged to “accept your lane and stay in it”

Of his wife Isabelle, Butker said, “Her life truly started when she began living her vocation as a wife and a mother. I’m on this stage, and able to be the man I am, because I have a wife who leans into her vocation”

She has come “to embrace one of the most important titles of all: homemaker”

Butker called President Biden “delusional” over “his support for the murder of innocent babies”

Eric Hovind #fundie twitter.com

Atheist circular reasoning
God doesn’t exist.
because >
There is no evidence for God
because >
Any evidence for God isn’t evidence.
because >
God doesn’t exist.
image7:51 AM · May 20, 2024 · 31K Views
50 Reposts 13 Quotes 372 Likes 24 Bookmarks

Irenaeus of Asturias #fundie twitter.com

GM. At the end of the Reconquista of Church and State, the New American Covenant will include the unification of all Presbyterian and Reformed churches into a single Kirk, the PRK (USA) - the true and better NAPARC. We will worship at least annually at “Westminster on the Hill”.

(AI-generated image of the White House being dwarved by a giant gaudy gothic cathedral built directly in front of it.)

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