
God says you have to do everything I tell you to!

Bishop Richard Williamson #fundie #wingnut #racist #conspiracy #homophobia #transphobia stmarcelinitiative.com


The collapse of France and of Europe as a whole is a catastrophic reality. It did not happen overnight. The undermining has been going on for a long time, as French nationalists most keenly saw[…]
After the collapse of France’s colonial empire and the betrayal of French Algeria the student uprising of 1968 in Paris demonstrated that the French people in general were ready to accept the overthrow of all common sense, Tradition, sane morals, of whatever used to make the greatness of our civilisation. Then came the legalising of abortion, a socialist government in 1981, anti-racism, engineered immigration, reshaping the family, LGBT, transgender, paedophilia, adrenochrome (a real horror), organ sales, “climate change,” chemtrails, etc[…]
“West,” which is no longer anything more than the puppet of satanic masters who are an oligarchy of materialistic and gnostic globalists, still behaves as though it has a calling to lead the world, somewhat like the Talmudic Jews pretending themselves to be the priesthood of mankind.

And ever since Covid, that monstrous lie designed to test just how far the manipulation of modern man can go, the peoples of the Europe of Charlemagne have fast been enslaving themselves to the banksters of London and New York[…]
By their proxy war in the Ukraine, killing half a million whites, the USA have achieved at least one thing – Europe’s economic power and Germany’s competition are broken – German companies are moving to America[…]
Our task in politics is to do whatever we can that may have an effect, but it is mainly to preserve for a better future the best fruits of France’s glorious past, just as, when in the sixth century the Roman empire was being swamped by the barbarians, the monks in the monasteries preserved the glories of antiquity. These glories, preserved, played a large part in the building up which followed, of 1500 years of European and Christian civilisation

Ray Comfort #fundie #crackpot #pratt livingwaters.com

This One Bible Verse Shuts Evolution Down

It’s a good feeling when something is finished. Whether it’s a construction job, the baking of a cake, or the writing of a book, finishing gives us a sense of accomplishment.

The Scriptures tell us, “Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them” (Genesis 2:1, KJV). The heavens and the earth were finished. Creation was complete. The horse was finished. It had been made by God with two eyes, two ears, one mouth, four legs, and a curve in its back to comfortably accommodate the curve of a human rider.

The dog was also finished. It had two ears, two eyes, four legs, one tail, and one bark. Both the horse and the dog also had all the necessary parts to breath air, digest food, see sights, hear sounds, and reproduce after their own kind. Plus, both had male and female. Everything was finished, complete, ready to go.

The theory of evolution says that nothing is finished. Nothing is complete. Nothing is ready to go. The horse is still evolving. So is the dog. To believe this, all you need is a big imagination, a small brain, millions of years, and the word “perhaps.”

Perhaps in millions of years, the horse will have five legs, another mouth, a bigger curve (people are getting bigger), and three ears. Perhaps it won’t. Same with the dog. Two barks? Three tails?

Evolution only evolves where it needs to evolve, and perhaps it will conclude that four legs, one mouth, a cool curve, and two ears are a perfect design for the horse. Same with the dog.

In reality, nothing evolved or is evolving. It was all created by the genius of God, and everything is complete. It is finished, just as the Scriptures say.
Then There Are Birds

“…and let birds fly above the earth across the face of the firmament of the heavens” (Genesis 1:20, NKJV).

According to the Smithsonian Magazine, an estimated 50 billion birds inhabit the earth, with around 9,700 different bird species. Of these 50 billion, approximately 1.6 billion are common house sparrows. All these birds are the distant descendants of those first created by God in the beginning. He created them male and female, and each continued to reproduce after its own kind, all the way to our modern day.

Houthi court in Ibb #homophobia #fundie #psycho today.lorientlejour.com

A Houthi-run court in Yemen has sentenced 13 people to public execution on homosexuality charges, a judicial source said Tuesday, as human rights groups decried a rise in abuses by the Iran-backed rebels

The sentences were handed down in Ibb, a province controlled by the Houthis whose attacks on Red Sea shipping since November have prompted retaliatory strikes by the United States and Britain.

Three others were jailed on similar charges, according to the judicial source, who spoke to AFP on condition of anonymity because he is not authorized to speak to the press

Another 35 people have been detained by Houthis in Ibb province on homosexuality charges, the source said

Videos shared with AFP, which could not be independently verified, showed a judge in a court reading out the death sentences on Sunday

It was not immediately clear when the executions were due to be carried out. The sentences are open to appeal.

Death sentences are not always carried out by the Houthis, who control Yemen's most populated areas and have been engaged in a long-running war with a Saudi-led coalition

A 2022 report by the Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor said the Houthis have sentenced 350 people to death since seizing the capital in 2014, and have executed 11 of them

NGOs say rights abuses have increased since the Houthis started their harassment of Red Sea shipping, avowedly in protest at the Israel-Hamas war[…]
The Houthis, from Yemen's mountainous north, belong to the Zaidi minority, an offshoot of Shiite Islam

The hardline force, founded with the aim of pushing for a theocracy, emerged in the 1990s, rising up over alleged neglect of their region

Christian Pundit #fundie #homophobia #transphobia christianpundit.wordpress.com

I don’t think the progressive morons posting in defense of Drag Queens under “Not a Drag Queen” tags, or writing impassioned pleas on blogs for the public to not conflate Drag Queens with Pedophiles are intelligent enough to comprehend (or maybe they just don’t care) that even if Drag Queens are themselves not molesting children at events,
that Drag Queens (or LGBT adult persons at “Pride parades”) exposing children to “adult” (sexual) themes and nudity is meant to accustom children to adult-child (sexual) contact, in order to make the child easier for a pedophile to molest – it’s a part of the Grooming process, as part of Queer Theory.

Pedophiles go to where children are, and it doesn’t matter if it’s a Democrat or Republican backed cause or group, doesn’t matter if it’s a church with children, “Pride” parades where children will be present, etc.

Ken Ham #forced-birth #fundie twitter.com

Through Charles Darwin’s work, he provided a supposed scientific justification for a very particular kind of racism.

He wrote some despicable things in his book, The Descent of Man, that led to all kinds of horrific atrocities.

For instance, Darwin considered the Australian Aboriginal people as basically the "missing links" in human evolution, as they were supposedly closer to the claimed ape-like ancestor. Hitler and Margaret Sanger adopted Darwins' ideas regard the supposed evolution of man which provided a foundation for the the murder of tens of millions of human beings through the Holocaust and abortion (eg: Planned Parenthood which Sanger founded).

Watch this short video clip by
speaker Avery as she quotes Darwin and shows the link to racism.


wallace321 #fundie #conspiracy #transphobia reddit.com

Parents don't have rights, but children have rights.

And apparently the children's rights involve being supported and "affirmed". "Affirmed" being a word that basically had no meaning 3 - 5 years ago. And now we all know what it means.

But parents don't have any rights. Boy when did that happen?

Gee. I don't know how well i see this going for the government who says parents have no rights except the responsibility to push the government agenda on their offspring. Whom the government has more right to than the parents.

Apparently there is also no plan to codify rights for parents either. Just morons like this rubbing it in your face that, no, actually, you have no rights. And we're all just offspring producers for the state whom you serve unquestioningly.

Don't worry, if you won't have kids, they already have a plan for that too.

Jesus this is getting really creepy up there in canada.

Malik Muhammad, Muhammad Aslam and unnamed Dhurnal village elders and Kohistan clerics #sexist #fundie scmp.com

Naeem Kausir says she would like to vote in Pakistan’s coming election – if only the men in her family would let her[…]
The 60-year-old former principal and her seven daughters – six already university educated – are forbidden from voting by their male elders

“Whether by her husband, father, son or brother, a woman is forced. She lacks the autonomy to make decisions independently”[…]
“These men lack the courage to grant women their rights,” the widow said

Although voting is a constitutional right for all adults in Pakistan, some rural areas in the socially conservative country are still ruled by a patriarchal system of male village elders who wield significant influence in their communities

In the village of Dhurnal in Punjab, spread across crop fields and home to several thousand people, men profess myriad reasons for the ban of more than 50 years

“Several years ago, during a period of low literacy rates, a council chairman decreed that if men went out to vote, and women followed suit, who would manage the household and childcare[…]?” said Malik Muhammad, a member of the village council[…]
Muhammad Aslam, a shopkeeper, claims it is to protect women from “local hostilities” about politics, including a distant occasion that few seem to remember in the village when an argument broke out[…]
Others said it was simply down to “tradition”

The Election Commission of Pakistan has stressed that it has the authority to declare the process null and void in any constituency where women are barred from taking part[…]
The elders in Dhurnal rely on neighbouring villages to fill a government-imposed quota, which maintains that 10 per cent of votes cast in every constituency must be by women

Those who are allowed to vote are often pressured to pick a candidate of a male relative’s choice

In the mountainous region of Kohistan in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province[…]religious clerics last month decreed it un-Islamic for women to take part in electoral campaigns

The Rev. Steven Roland #wingnut #fundie simplychristian.shoutwiki.com

Charles Joseph "Joe" Scarborough (born April 9, 1963) is a liberal commentator on far-left MSNBC. Formerly a RINO, Scarborough is an independent. Scarborough is known primarily for his feud with fellow liberal Donald Trump, and his adulterous ways as he has been divorced twice and is currently "engaged" to Mika Brzezinski.
Scarborough belongs to the liberal Southern Baptist Convention, and as this is the case, he ignores the teachings in the Bible about divorce. He has decided that people need to be controlled by the government, and therefore has been in favor of banning guns for self defense.

Andrew Wommack #wingnut #psycho #fundie newsweek.com

"I've actually had people say that if Trump was to be elected if we got a conservative Congress, that they fear that we would have another civil war," Wommack said during a Wednesday episode of his Truth & Liberty show. "And you know what? I don't want a civil war, I don't know anybody that does, but would it be worth it? To turn this nation back? I believe it would."

Wommack's remarks came in response to a call from a viewer who asked if it would be possible to have a "grace revolution" that would create a nation that would "use the Bible as the Constitution." In response, Wommack said there was nothing wrong with the U.S. Constitution, but rather the "problem" is that no one is following it.

"If they were still writing the Bible today, I believe that the American Constitution and the founding of this nation would be in scripture as one of the great things that God has done," he said.

Angel R #wingnut #fundie #conspiracy operationdisclosureofficial.com


As a Christian patriot who has been doing the research for almost eight years, there have been many voices and sources saying that we have been, and are being lied to. I agree with that. My question is, WHO is lying to us? The more I read and dive into the information being released to us, the more I wonder just how much we are being lied to, not only by the deep state cabal, but by the group that is supposedly fighting the cabal to eradicate them from the earth.

I understand that secrecy is imperative in clandestine operations, and that’s not really what I’m talking about. I’m talking about various “white hat” folks publishing print and video materials in which they use deep state cabal rhetoric, i.e. referring to the coming financial changes as the “Great Reset”, or comparing it to the “rise of the Phoenix”, a term Obama used to describe “order out of chaos’.

I’ve noticed this type of rhetoric is peppered throughout some of the material I’ve read or the videos I’ve watched. Are these mistaken references, or are we being deceived? Is the Cabal doing a bait and switch on us? Are they luring us into the Great Reset while we are thinking we’re entering the “golden age”? Is all this a Great Hoax to enslave us without resistance?

Yes, I’m suspicious. The Cabal has had many generations to plan this and has obtained unbelievable power over many nations and millions of people to accomplish their goals.

Make no mistake: What the Cabal plans for our world is prophesied in the Book of Revelation in the Bible. It is referred to as the ‘Beast System’.

But God….

The Serapeum #crackpot #fundie #magick #wingnut #conspiracy theserapeum.com

Our journey begins with a man named Richard E. Byrd or more commonly known as Admiral Byrd. He was a highly decorated service member achieving the Medal of Honor and had an unquenchable thirst for exploring the unknown. This drive sent him to Antarctica numerous times, but the one expedition of interest is “Operation HighJump” (1946–1947).
Here are a few quotes pulled from that interview, “Strangely enough, there is an area left in the world today an area as big as the United States that’s never been seen by a human being.” Byrd said he found this area as he moved further into Antarctica and even went on to say, “It’s an untouched reservoir of natural resources”. This isn’t the desolate wasteland of ice and snow that we typically think about when we imagine Antarctica, but according to the admiral if you travel far enough inland that is what you’ll see. Now unfortunately we cannot trust everything Byrd said as he was a Freemason, but it has been reported that he lost plane after plane due to some invisible barrier. Not too long after this started taking place did the expedition end, six months ahead of schedule mind you.

Trigger Warning: We’re going to debunk 90% of what the government taught you in high school science books. Please check your ego (and everything you thought you knew) at the door.

We Debunk:

Carbon Dating
Out of Africa Theory
Space (Therefore Aliens)
Commoner’s Core Education
All Maps (Except this one)
The Fake News

We Prove:

Biblical Earth (Young, Flat, Domed, Stationary, and Geocentric)
The Flood of Noah
Dinosaurs (Dragons) were with Man most of human history.
Nephilim Giants Rule the World, Seed of the Serpent.
The Deep State worships Satan – blatantly at times.
Vaccines are Intentional, Planned Genocide & Population Reduction
NASA is lying about Space.
Weaponized Food
Baby Parts in Food Supply.
How the Megalithic Structures were Built, and by whom.
The Occult Origins of CRT & Common Core.

MassResistance #homophobia #fundie massresistance.org

In Jamaica, the pro-family movement is serious! Since the Biden Administration began flying the LGBT “rainbow flag” outside the US Embassy there (as well as others around the world), local citizens have been outraged.

The Jamaican Coalition for a Healthy Society (JCHS), the nation’s largest pro-family group, has been regularly protesting outside the front of the embassy demanding that the flag be taken down.

The group says that the United States’ efforts to push the LGBT agenda in their country represent the worst kind of cultural imperialism. As one JCHS spokesman told the news media, the US Embassy publicly flying the LGBT flag is “a symbol of disrespect on Jamaican soil” and “an insult to our country.”

Stew Peters and Mark Collett #racist #conspiracy #fundie #transphobia angrywhitemen.org

On the Jan. 30, 2024 episode of his Rumble show, white nationalist and Holocaust denier Stew Peters went on a vile, racist rant about Somali immigrants. While interviewing British Neo-Nazi Mark Collett, Peters called Somalis “gross,” “low IQ” “parasites” and “filthy cockroaches”[…]

Peters: Now recently the state of Minnesota decided ‘Hey, we’re gonna change that flag[…]’It didn’t cater to the illegally imported by the tyrant[…]
These people are disgusting, they’re filthy, they’re gross, they’re low IQ, they contribute absolutely nothing to society, they’re parasites, they’re a drain on the taxpayer. They’re just a suck and a soak and they’re filthy cockroaches that’ve infested the city of Minneapolis. They wish not to assimilate, by the way. They hate Christians. They hate white people. They’re very, very violent. They burn things, they loot, they rape, they pillage, they rob — all of these things — they steal
So, here is the new flag of the state of Minnesota[…]Now put that up next to the flag for Somalia[…]They’re showing the dumb goyim who’ve laid down ‘[…]We’re replacing your heritage[…]’
Collett:[…]Here in the UK we’re seeing replacement from the bottom-up and also the top-down[…]‘We have a Indian prime minister, we have a Muslim head of state in Scotland, we have a Muslim mayor in London, and now they are talking about a migrant head of state in Wales also. And similar things are happening all over Europe. Just over the water in Ireland[…]
Peters: Yeah
Collett: We are being erased and our quality of our life is falling, because we’re not just becoming a minority, but we’re becoming a hated minority[…]
Peters:[…]They’re replacing us. And the first clue should’ve been Obama. Now they’re propping up the guy that’s pretending to be Michelle Obama — a woman, this tranny[…]They’re propping up Vivek Ramalama-Deep State. I mean this is an Indian — a Hindu — that literally brushes his teeth with cow poop

Oregon State Rep. E. Werner Reschke (R-55th district) #fundie rightwingwatch.org

In November, the National Association of Christian Lawmakers announced that Republican state Rep. E. Werner Reschke had been named the organization’s “state chair” in Oregon[…]
Reschke appeared on Wednesday’s episode of Rapert’s “Save The Nation” program and made it quite clear that he shares Rapert’s radical vision

When Rapert asked why it is important for Christians to be “involved in government and voting and be a part of the authority in our country,” Reschke pulled no punches

“What drew me to it was primarily looking at our history, and the men and women who were part of that history and building this nation,” Reschke said. “Whether it’s George Washington, whether it was [James] Madison, whether it was Abraham Lincoln, whether it was Ronald Reagan—who was the first president I got to vote for—you go back through history and you look at the men and the struggles that they faced and the faith that they had”

“Those are the type of people that you want in government making tough decisions during tough times,” Reschke continued. “You don’t want a materialist. You don’t want an atheist. You don’t want a Muslim. You want somebody who understands what truth is and understands the nature of man, the nature of government, and the nature of God”

“If you don’t understand those things, you’re gonna get things wrong,” he concluded. “In Oregon … we have a lot of people who are godless, unfortunately, leading the way and it’s the blind leading the blind”

Brian Niemeier #fundie #wingnut #mammon brianniemeier.com

Back in December, veteran, former congressional candidate, and ardent Christian Michael Cassidy made national news for destroying a Satanic statue installed in the Iowa state capitol. Now, two months after ridding Iowa’s legislature of the demonic idol, Cassidy faces a felony charge.


Left unexplained by prosecutors is how using rights endowed by their Creator to deny and revile that Creator doesn’t constitute an abuse on those individuals’ part. They have likewise been silent on the Satanic Temple’s brazen violation of God’s absolute right to universal praise and adoration.


As of this writing, Michael Cassidy’s earthly fate remains undecided. But considering that the felony he faces is for hating evil, his eternal reward is less ambiguous. As King David sang in Psalm 36: 5-6,

"Commit thy way to the Lord, and trust in him, and he will do it.
And he will bring forth thy justice as the light, and thy judgment as the noonday."

To get first access to an epic tale of divine servants battling demons in an acclaimed fantasy world, join my elite neopatrons. Margrave and higher level subscribers get exclusive monthly looks at my new writing. Sign up now to read the first draft of my dark fantasy novel-in-progress, The Burned Book.

Fritz Berggren #conspiracy #fundie #racist bloodandfaith.com

[From “A Candid Discussion on Genocide Against White Christian Races”]

In the latest episode of our podcast, our speaker Fritz Berggren unfolds a compelling narrative about what he outlines as an unaddressed crisis – a genocide against white Christian races. Through a vivid exploration of historical events, Berggren suggests a systematic plot to wipe out white Christians from their homeland, which he believes started with the Muslim and African invasions in Southern Europe around 700 AD

He delves into mob politics, demystifying what he identifies as a coterie of powerful bodies manipulating global systems while playing the victim card. Berger criticizes governments for their alleged role in supporting this inequity and labels significant political figures within America and Europe as ‘traitors’ to their nations

The Bible and history forms the bedrock of Berggren discourse. Drawing upon the Scriptures, he seeks to elucidate his interpretations about the modern Jews – a notion that they are impostors and part of an anti-Christian alliance supportive of an alleged genocidal agenda

By injecting strong emotions amid the charged racial tensions, Berggren administers a rallying cry to the White Christian community for vigilance and action. He dares to cross controversial lines, particularly involving his denunciation of Jewish Christians, whom he challenges to align with his scriptural perspectives

The final tone of the episode is a passionate call to arms. Berggren, foreseeing a state of civil war, insists on defending and repossessing the Christian heritage and values against what he believes is a massive onslaught against European Christians

(PS: The above was 99% written by AI after listening to the podcast. Very interesting!)

Oklahoma State Sen. Dusty Deevers (R-Elgin) #kinkshaming #fundie wfin.com

An Oklahoma state lawmaker is proposing a bill that not only prohibits the production or dissemination of “unlawful” pornography, but also punishes those who watch media depicting sexual intercourse with fines

State Sen. Dusty Deevers, R-Elgin, introduced an Act into the state legislature that, if approved, would prohibit Oklahomans from producing or disseminating “unlawful” pornographic materials lacking “serious” scientific, political, educational, literary or artistic value

“For far too long, civil society has conflated liberty for license,” FOX 25 in Oklahoma City quoted the lawmaker as saying. “These bills are aimed at strengthening the God-instituted bedrock of society, that is, the family. A strong, prosperous and flourishing society depends on strong families”

The Baptist preacher’s proposed legislation would also ban state residents from aiding or abetting in the creation and spread of pornography. It also bans sexting between non-married individuals[…]
According to the legislation, anyone who engages in media that depicts sexual intercourse, masturbation or stimulation could face up to a year in prison and a fine of at least $2,000

“Each of the items of unlawful pornography… are depictions of sexual conduct which are patently offensive under contemporary community standards in this state, and have as their dominant theme an appeal to prurient interest in sex under contemporary community standards of this state, and may not be produced or distributed within the state if they lack serious literary, artistic, educational, political, or scientific purposes or value,” the bill reads

Anyone caught acting, photographing, posing, modeling or selling “obscene” material could face punishments, as could anyone else who exhibits or publishes the media[…]
Civil suits can also be filed by complainants, in which they could receive $10,000 in statutory damages for each “depiction” in an effort to prevent violators from repeatedly breaking the law

Vox Day #fundie bitchute.com

Who says, "trust me"? Quite often, people who are trying to con you. When they're asking you to trust the science, when they're telling you to trust the science, they're telling you to trust the fraud. They're telling you to trust the psychological operation that has been created to distance you and separate you from God, because God is your protection and God is your salvation and they are trying to separate you from both. That's the purpose of the Darwin psyop. That's the purpose of the magic multiverse. It's the purpose of Freudian psychological nonsense and perversion. And so, the more that you focus on the good, the beautiful, and the true, the more you're going to be able to perceive the difference between that which is of God and that which is of the Devil. I don't have all the answers. I don't know that I even have any of the answers. But the one thing that I do know is that evil hates and fears God and that evil hates and fears Jesus Christ and they desperately, desperately want to prevent you from even having a worldview and a perspective that is capable of seeing them for what they are.

Vince LaRue #fundie larues2chile.com

(on why the Reina-Valera 1865 is the “True Word of God” in Spanish)

The most obvious and blatant error committed willfully and openly by the Gomez revisers is that they capitalized (selectively) pronouns referring to the godhead! This is a behavior that only exists in modern perversions, such as the aforementioned NKJV. In their haste to bow to modern language, orthography, and grammatical rules, they followed the same course as the NKJV, while missing key pronouns that also refer to God (Genesis 49:10 being key among them). Not even the RV1960, littered with egregious textual errors, made this serious of a blunder, in overlooking a prophecy of Jesus Christ by forgetting to capitalize His pronoun.

Matthew 1:23 in the Gomez Bible has the second person plural future tense “llamarás” (thou shalt call), which is a spurious reading found only in one manuscript that agrees with the Critical Text about 90% of the time. This reading also agrees with both the RV1909 and the RV1960, while disagreeing with both the King James (“they shall call”) and the RV1865 (“llamarán”). Of course this obvious textual error is based on modern textual criticism, and only a Critical Text “Bible” would contain such an error.


Based on these and many other reasons, for which a book would need to be written in order to properly catalogue them all, I completely reject the so-called “Reina-Valera” Gomez Bible and stick with the Bible that God provided in the Philadelphian church era, along with all of the other faithful Protestant Bibles. The true Reina-Valera line of Bibles, which ended with the edition of 1865, were all translated by Spaniards, men who were physically persecuted for their faith by the Roman harlot, and their honesty and sincerity in dealing with the text outshines any translation work since 1880. I wouldn’t trade my 1865 for a Gomez any sooner than I’d trade my KJB for a NKJV. God provided His words in English in 1611, and He spoke for the final time in Spanish in 1865.

Monica Cole #fundie #wingnut #kinkshaming #conspiracy onemillionmoms.com

Amazon Prime Video has taken a dangerous step into the darkness with its new animated series Hazbin Hotel, which was released on Friday. This wicked cartoon portrays Lucifer (Satan) and demons as the “heroes” and angels (elders) in heaven as the “bad guys.”

The show’s premise is that Charlie, Lucifer’s daughter with a she-demon, wants to save hell’s residents from extermination by the elders through rehabilitating them at her Hazbin Hotel, where they can learn to act better and hopefully move from hell to heaven. Her first resident is a former adult entertainer; he discusses p*rn numerous times and uses vulgar s*xual references.

Hell is a dark, miserable place, but Charlie, bubbly and optimistic like a Disney princess, sings and dances her way down the streets of hell during her song “Happy Day in Hell,” where we see (among other disgusting scenes) cannibalism on the sidewalk and briefly witness a s*xual encounter.
Foul language is pervasive throughout the show; the trailer alone includes the s-word and – even more shocking – the f-word … five times.

God is never mentioned, adding more misdirection for those who are spiritually confused. Angels are demonic-looking creatures with halos and horns. These “elders of heaven” (led by former-human-turned-angel, Adam) are not only vindictive and cruel, but they are even more foul-mouthed than the demons!

This series will attract children because of the animation, but it is far from kid friendly. It will confuse not only children but adults as well, as it distorts what the Bible teaches about the reality of hell and its finality. It will also mislead viewers to think that God does not give every soul the opportunity to repent from their sins, which is in opposition to 2 Peter 3:9, which tells us that God does not want any to perish but for all to come to repentance.

Geoffrey Grider #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy nowtheendbegins.com

Everywhere you look, 2024 seems to have been selected as the year for Disease X and the implementation of the New World Order, and what about Clade X? X marks the spot.

The World Economic Forum annual meeting may be over, but what was discussed there is continuing to reverberate across the internet. The two main takeaways being to prepare for Disease X, and to be ready to receive the New World Order. Tabletop exercises on how to map these things out have already begun just as they did in the end of 2019 with Event 201.

“Behold ye among the heathen, and regard, and wonder marvellously: for I will work a work in your days, which ye will not believe, though it be told you.” Habakkuk 1:5 (KJB)

On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, the shadowy figures that populate the New World Order are a relentless bunch, content to make small but steady gains over a period of decades. In every decade since the close of WWII in 1945, they’ve gotten closer and closer to achieving their goal of world domination. By all indicators, 2024 is the year they’ve selected, like 2020, for a major offensive. By now, everyone knows about Disease X, but what do you know about Clade X? We’ll tell you today, and you’re not going to like it. We will bring you startling updates on their progress, some of it sounding like far-fetched science fiction, but sadly all too real. In America, Donald Trump is a kitten’s whisker away from locking up the nomination in an election that just may be the last straw that breaks the proverbial camel’s back. We are watching momentous change, and all of it points us squarely to the ‘scripture of truth’ as found in your King James Bible. X marks the spot!

Robert Stacy McCain #fundie #homophobia theothermccain.com

Dana points out that, first of all, the Herald-Leader did not include a mugshot of Bradford, and furthermore, they omitted the original charges, which would have sent her to prison for at least 10 years, instead of the three-and-half she got in the plea deal. More importantly, however, they did not mention that the two students Bradford molested were female.

The Herald-Leader omitted this information despite the fact that the two victims were interviewed by local TV news

Years ago, I realized that the media deal with what we are now supposed to call “the LGBTQ community” not as reporters, but as public-relations agents. Their overriding concern is to ensure that the public receives only favorable information about gay people. Even when the news about gay people is very negative — and hey, the AIDS epidemic was kind of a bummer — the coverage is designed to encourage sympathy for gay people, who are portrayed as Just Like You and Me (Only Better).

So here you have a story about a lesbian teacher who molested two girls over a span of 10 years. In at least one case, the molestation began when the victim was just in middle school. This is rather heinous, and the LGBTQ Publicity Agents at the Lexington Herald-Leader therefore hit upon the clever idea of omitting the gender of the victims, so that readers would have no idea that the case involved homosexual behavior.

For the record, I have no idea whether gay people are more or less likely than heterosexuals to commit such crimes, and would be skeptical of any social science “research” on the question, whatever it showed. My point is that journalists ought not to be in the business of suppressing facts.

Eli Regalado #fundie #mammon theguardian.com

‘The Lord told us to’: US pastor says he stole $1m from Christians to remodel home

A Colorado pastor who is charged with stealing more than $1m from his Christian community in a cryptocurrency scheme has admitted to the fraud but argued that God instructed him to carry it out.

Eli Regalado and his wife, Kaitlyn, are charged with creating and selling their cryptocurrency, known as “INDXcoin”, to Christians based in their home town of Denver, Colorado, allegedly telling would-be investors that the Lord had told him people would become rich if they invested, the state’s division of securities announced in a press release on Thursday.

But INDXcoin was “practically worthless” in reality, prosecutors said in the statement. Investors lost millions of dollars while the Regalados used their investments for lavish living.

In a video statement about the charges, Eli admitted that the couple had squandered $1.3m that was raised through cryptocurrency.

“The charges are that me and Kaitlyn pocketed $1.3m,” Regalado said in the video published to INDXcoin’s website on Friday. “I just wanted to come out and say those charges are true.”

Regalado added: “A few hundred thousand dollars went to a home remodel the Lord told us to do.”

Eric Hovind #conspiracy #fundie twitter.com

True “Biology” confirms Life comes from Life.

True “Biology” confirms Kinds produce the same kinds.

True “Biology” confirms designed DNA comes from a Designer.

True “Biology” confirms adaptation to environments are pre-programmed in the genetic code.

True “Biology” is kryptonite to every view that comes against God as Creator.

“Bio” means Life

“Ology” means the study of.

The “study of life” leads you to the Creator of life!

The real issue is that many Churches have compromised the character of the Creator by incorporating the unconfirmed hypothesis of Evolution, (molecules to man / chemicals to consciousness / parameciums to people) into the narrative of the Bible. This distorts truth with a lie.


Neo #fundie #sexist #homophobia #conspiracy #dunning-kruger descentbb.net

spammy snopes and their "unbiased" fact checking?

I think the government-controlled news media are allowing some wiggle-room after they noticed that more people want to see if the Palestinians have a genuine concern instead of being straight up anti-Jewish anti-Hebrew Zionist or even antisemitic. Notice I said OR not AND.

Before the conspiracy realists grew in number, if you didn't like feminism you were a male chauvinist pig, if you didn't like homosexuality, you were a homophobe, if you were a Christian and don't like sin, you were from COINTELPRO's Westboro Baptist Church and you're a bigot and forcing your belief system on people.

Tunnelrat is apparently a lesbian who thinks she knows God's creation better than He does. Her sister, who may or may not even exist as a literal person, is a "Christian" who only thinks she knows who are the Lord's sheep and who are just crazy. Either that or Tunnelcat is a COINTELPRO personality bot. >_< You flamed me first so sometimes you have to fight fire with fire.

A.F. Branco #fundie #wingnut comicallyincorrect.com

A.F. Branco Cartoon – Something’s Missing
on January 21, 2024 at 5:00 am


Recent school violence in Minnesota has people asking why. Many folks fail to correlate the total removal of God and Christianity from our government-run early learning institutions to the mayhem happening today.

St. Louis Park High School cancels classes Friday after multiple fights break out

Ben Garrison #conspiracy #fundie #wingnut grrrgraphics.com

The IRS will not attack billionaires or even millionaires. They will target the MAGA-minded middle class. If you are one of them, expect to get audited. If you don’t obey, you risk prosecution. If you are Christian you may even get swatted! You must pay your ‘fair share’ because the Biden administration needs more of your money to send to other countries. That money will be used to fund abortion and encourage the growth of the LBGTQWTF movements as well as sex change surgery for children everywhere.

This year will most likely be quite unprecedented. We must strive for the best and prepare for the worst. God didn’t bring us this far to abandon us at the precipice.

Get ready to take a bumpy and perhaps jarring ride into history. Be aware, be prepared and stay frosty!

Christopher Calvin Reed #elitist #fundie twitter.com

That's not how Christianity works
.. we can't really condone religions that we know lead people into eternity apart from God.... it's cruel to not give them the truth because at least if we tell the truth of the gospel they may repent and be forgiven.... but if we say nothing to those we know headed down the wrong track.... is it because we care about them or because we care about ourselves? Being confrontational is uncomfortable but so is an eternity away from God. Always love people enough to share the truth with them.

various commenters #wingnut #racist #fundie gab.com

( @Trouble_Man )
Jew: “Jesus said do unto others as you would have them do unto you”

Also jew: *kills Christ*


( @LeFrog2300 )

Jews become the most evangelical Christians in America whenever they find a verse they think they can manipulate for their own gain.

( @Plainsight1 )
@Trouble_Man I'm pretty sure when Jesus said to do unto "others" he meant your racial kinsman. That verse is from the gospel and the gospel is only for the racial family of Jesus.

( @Lady_Liberty_2021 )
@Trouble_Man. Gotta love the way Jews invoke the words of God's Only Son they had crucified (while continuing to deny it) in an attempt to support their own self-promoting ideology.

( @white_powerade )
@Trouble_Man Makes one think: have jews been so obnoxious, rotten and meddlesome for the past 2000 years because they really WANT us to kill them? 🤔

( @Sonnesta )
@Trouble_Man Is he a Jew asking how Christians can do anything? LOL... it shows his hypocrisy. He'll cry Jesus wasn't the Messiah, but quote him when he thinks he's got something on anyone. Typical Jewish? Say one thing believe another... LOL. MEATHEAD that's what he is...still

( @Undomesticated )
@Trouble_Man for those without a cloak sell it and buy a sword. Jesus was pro 2a

David J. Stewart #sexist #fundie #conspiracy #kinkshaming stewart1611.blogspot.com

Over 90% of American women have little to no morals. They take off 95% of their clothes at the beach, or wherever there is water, causing ungodly men and lesbian women to lust. Ninety-nine percent of American men will commit fornication or adultery if given the chance. The Luciferian elite lurking behind the scenes to corrupt America's families have sexualized the United States. Read the prolific words of former retired Canadian Navy commander, William Guy Carr (1895-1959):

“Lust is sexual desire outside the Natural Law of God. Therefore Christ Himself seems to have confirmed that Satan was lustful and is father of the Synagogue of Satan as those who are Satanists teach and believe. Satanists have always used sex-bribery and the depravities and perversions of sex to obtain control of men and women they wished to use to further the secret plans of their diabolical conspiracy. Satanism makes a God of sex. They worship the human body because of its sexual abilities. When men and women prove they are unyielding to all other forms of devilish temptation, they often fall as the result of becoming involved in illicit relationships and perversions. Did not David commit abominable sexual crimes, including incest?” [emphasis added]

SOURCE: Satan: Prince Of This World, by Commander William Guy Carr, p. 22

I highly recommend that you read William Guy Carr's numerous books. Satanists teach that Satan had sex with Eve in the Garden of Eden (which claim I totally disagree with). Satanist's entire belief system is rooted in human debasing with sex-perversion. Thus, Satanism and sex are inseparable. With this disturbing truth in mind from Commander Carr, it will become obvious to you just how evil and dangerous the sensual, promiscuous and sexualizing music videos of Taylor Swift, Miley Cyrus, Carrie Underwood and thousands of other Satanic servants are! We are now living in Sodom and Gomorrha on earth in America!!! We truly have become The Great Satan.

Unknown/The Serapeum #fundie #ufo #magick #conspiracy theserapeum.com

The Book of the Prophet Enoch, 7th from Adam, and Noah’s grandfather – was censored from Christianity by the occult/ pagan elite “Deep State” of Rome & The Catholic “Controlled Opposition” Church because it tells the story of the Fallen Angels (The Watchers) and how they corrupted mankind, created monsters, and were punished for their transgressions against God.

They came from above, and taught mankind sciences, civilization, technology – and also Sin. Lots of Sin – so much Sin, that God chose to start anew with Noah using the Great Flood. They founded great globe spanning empires through their giant, evil man-eating Nephilim offspring, such as Atlantis founded by Atlas the Titan. They taught mankind other things, too – forbidden things, like sorcery, witchcraft, and human blood sacrifice – especially that of babies.

These fallen angels created the false pagan religions of the pre-flood world, which worshipped them as the “Civilization Heroes” for bringing these poisoned gifts to mankind, and considered their Nephilim giant offspring as Gods.
According to Psalm 90:10 a generation is 70-80 years.

70×70=4,900 years.

4,900 years from 3000 B.C. (500 years after Genesis 6, when the Watchers mated with human women – “Ancient Aliens” and other modern researchers have placed the date of humanities genetic contamination at around 3500 BC.)

4,900 years from 3000 B.C. = 1900 A.D. A time when technology, paganism, corruption began to explode. And “scientism” pretending to be science had a large part to play in the weakening of belief for billions of people who don’t understand that actual science reinforces the scriptures – not the other way around!)
About this time, 1Enoch, Jasher, and Jubilees and other texts were re-discovered in the Dead Sea Scrolls in the Caves of Qumran by some shepherd boys throwing rocks into the caves. Are we to believe this is merely coincidence? Or is this the fulfillment of prophecy?

Alina Habba #fundie #conspiracy rawstory.com

Alina Habba told a group of nearly 90,000 prayer warriors Sunday that the many court cases of Donald Trump were the work of Satan, new video shows.

Habba appeared on the Arc of Grace Ministries’ live broadcast to detail her battle to save America’s justice system from what she described as a nefarious foe.

“There’s God’s plan and then there’s the demonic plan,” Habba explained to Amanda Grace and 87,000 viewers of the online prophet’s YouTube show. “We need to fight these people that are obviously coordinated and are trying to have a crusade of election interference.”


“We have cases lined up intentionally during election time, intentionally trying to get negative attention,” Habba said Sunday. “Their demonic plan is so obvious.” […] “The more demonic, the more Trump derangement syndrome there is in this world,” said Habba, “the more support there is for the Trump family.”


The Ark of Grace founder praised Habba for doing the lord's work, then led a prayer calling upon God to battle wickedness in the U.S. courtrooms where Trump faces criminal charges, civil allegations, and 14th Amendment challenges to his candidacy.

Candace Owens #fundie joemygod.com

“What Dorothy did was manslaughter. She accidentally killed the witch, making her not that bad of a person. So, what I’m gonna do for this comment section is I’m going to take you very slowly through what really took place in this scene after, again, Dorothy murdered somebody’s sister and then stole her shoes, stole her red bottoms.

“Before the Wicked Witch, if that’s what we’re calling her, shows up, the Munchkins — Oompa Loompas, whatever you wanna call them — are throwing a party while there is a dead person under a house and they’re skipping with Dorothy singing, ding dong, the witch is dead while there’s a dead person at center. Right?

“There’s somebody that’s dead and they’re dancing and saying, witch oh witch, the wicked witch. Obviously, this is some sort of a satanic ritual. So I wanna make that clear that they’re having a satanic ritual.

“It’s the only reason you’d have a dead person and dance around them. And then the witch ends the party when she shows up and finds her dead sister.

Alliance of Patriots, Alt Info and Georgian Dream #fundie #wingnut politico.eu

Dozens of far-right protesters attempted to storm the house of a woman who allegedly defaced an icon featuring Georgian-born Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin at the main cathedral in Tbilisi

The appearance in Holy Trinity Cathedral of an icon that features Saint Matrona of Moscow, a Russian Orthodox saint, blessing Stalin sparked uproar when it was recently discovered

It was donated to the church by the Alliance of Patriots, a pro-Russian conservative political party

Civil society organizations called on the Georgian Orthodox Church to remove the icon from the cathedral

However, church spokesperson Andria Jagmaidze dismissed the uproar as an anti-church campaign, saying “this is not an icon of Stalin” but rather an icon featuring Stalin

“Villains can be featured on icons too, such as Diocletian. But this is a different case, Stalin is not featured here in negative context,” he said

For Nata Peradze, who allegedly splashed paint on the icon, showcasing Stalin in church is “a weapon of influence”[…]
Far-right group Alt Info, which burned EU flags after Georgia received EU membership candidate status in December, besieged her apartment on Wednesday and attempted to storm the building several times, but were held back by police. She later reported that her friends had been attacked

Sovlab, which studies Georgia’s Soviet past, said the icon depicts Stalin in a positive light, and that displaying it at the church was an insult to his victims[…]
Officials from Georgia’s ruling Georgian Dream party dubbed the icon’s defacement as an “anti-Christian, anti-church and provocative act”

Laura Sanger Ph.D. #wingnut #fundie #conspiracy amazon.com

By shedding light on what lies in the dark corners of history, this book reveals the spiritual landscape of the roots of the Federal Reserve. We embark on a journey through time where we trace deceptions across cultures and generations.

Our voyage takes us back to the Days of Noah when the Nephilim roamed the earth. (These beings are referred to in the Old Testament as “giants” or “fallen ones.”)

By following known history, archeology and symbolism, The Roots of the Federal Reserve will trace the Nephilim bloodline through the lineage of Ham and reveal the Nephilim agenda concealed for ages, operating insidiously, since the Seed war in Genesis 3.

Ultimately, our journey will lead to Jekyll Island, the birthplace of the Federal Reserve and the players who participated in its creation. .

This book excavates the bedrock of slavery that keeps us in bondage to debt, it reveals the domination of the “Titans,” and unmasks the destructive repercussions our monetary system has on the lives of everyday people.

A battle has been raging in the hidden recesses of our nation and the financial gate of our country has been defiled. This book unveils the spiritual forces that have been squeezing abundant life out of America. However, this is not just another sad narrative about our subjugation, rather it’s a call to freedom!

Together we can release the full measure of prosperity intended for our nation, reclaim our inheritance that has been stolen, and restore our nation to once again be, “the land of the free and the home of the brave.”

The Vishwa Hindu Parishad; Ramesh Solanki #fundie nbcnews.com

Netflix has removed an Indian language film from its platform after the movie faced a backlash on social media for depicting the daughter of a Hindu priest eating meat.

Hindus are India’s largest religious grouping and Hindu priests, as well as their families, are typically vegetarian.

“Annapoorani — The Goddess of Food,” a Tamil-language film that was released in theaters in December and aired on Netflix later the same month, was no longer available on the international streaming platform as of Thursday.

[…]On Wednesday, protesters from the Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP), a hardline Hindu organization with ties to Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Bharatiya Janata Party, shouted slogans against Netflix and the movie at the company’s Mumbai office, according to a post on X by VHP spokesperson Shriraj Nair.

The film depicts the daughter of a Hindu temple priest in the southern Indian state of Tamil Nadu eating meat and later entering a high-stakes cooking contest, where she cooks meat.

“This film ... is intentionally released to hurt Hindu sentiments,” Ramesh Solanki, who described himself as the head of an organisation called “Hindu IT Cell,” said on X, formerly known as Twitter.

Ray Comfort #dunning-kruger #fundie #kinkshaming christianpost.com

So, when I speak to an atheist, I ask this question: “Can you be brutally honest with me?” When he says that he can, I ask, “this has little to do with the existence of God and everything to do with you having sex with your gorgeous girlfriend. Am I right?” And, in almost every case, the reaction is an admission that his problem isn’t God’s existence but His moral demands. That’s the point of offense.

Rep. Beth Lear #fundie #transphobia #psycho ffrfaction.org

During her statement as sponsor of HB 183, which would ban trans people from accessing appropriate restroom and locker room facilities in all Ohio public educational institutions, including colleges and universities, she said: “In Luke 17, Jesus says that if you caused one of these little ones to stumble, it would be better for you to have a millstone hung around your neck, and thrown into the deepest sea.” She added as justification for the bill that in Genesis, God created people “male and female.”

Geoffrey Grider #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy nowtheendbegins.com

I voted for Donald Trump for president in 2016, again in 2020, and would like to vote for him a third time in 2024, but it’s getting harder and harder. Earlier today on his Truth Social site, Donald Trump shared a video called ‘So God Made Trump’, which borrows liberally from the Paul Harvey classic ‘So God Made A Farmer’, and injected this new creation with an extra-helping of messianic fervor. It’s not good, it’s really not good. Some are calling it ‘blasphemy’.
Politics in any nation, and especially in America, is a dirty and disgusting enterprise run by corrupt people with their own agenda looking to enrich themselves and grab power. If Jesus was walking amongst us now as in the New Testament, He wouldn’t be running for any office. The Bible says that at the Second Advent, He comes as KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS, and wipes out all the governments of the world. Christians are not called to ‘reclaim the governments of the world’ to create a kingdom here on Earth, we are called to preach the gospel. The ‘So God Made Trump’ video takes the Good Shepherd of John 10, Jesus, and applies those attributes to Donald Trump. Even going so far as to say that Trump will ‘never leave nor forsake’ the America people.
This video is very much inline with the beliefs of the New Apostolic Reformation, or NAR, and their ‘7 Mountain Mandate’, and just about everything that the corrupt Evangelical Movement believes about combining politics with the Bible. Something cannot and will not be done. This video was created by the Dilley Meme Team, and given Trump’s endorsement when he shared it earlier today.

Is this borderline blasphemy, or does it cross the line completely?

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